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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7057991 No.7057991 [Reply] [Original]

Previous - >>7048037

>> No.7057998

Any cons you guys are attending? Any cosplays you guys are working on?

>> No.7058000

Anyone going to be at Matsuricon?

>> No.7058001
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>> No.7058003
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>> No.7058004
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Nothing but the face covering bit is sewn, and I'm trying to design a head wrapping that looks "realistic", in that it would have been able to be made with just fabric. At the same time however, I'm trying to not ruing the style of the headwrap. What can I improve here, and how? Or is it currently just a mess?

>> No.7058008
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>> No.7058005

Thank you. I've known she was a cunt since the first time I met her. Maybe now she'll stop using people, lying, being fake, and selfish once everybody knows just how "sweet" she really is.

>> No.7058038
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>> No.7058046

ugh. first time making a cosplay and I was making a john god tier hood for my little cousin. someone told me to use jo-ann's silky solid fabrics but they're AWFUL like, they just screamed shitty. and so i was forced to find another fabric really fast and it's like, way too stiff i think. almost a tarp. does anyone have any reccommendation for god tier fabric?

also do acrylic paints work to make the designs on like beta kid shirts?

>> No.7058048

i don't mean to be a dick but
have you considered google
these are really basic questions, dude

>> No.7058058

Just get a type of thickish cotton material for hoods, and line it. And no, not acrylic. Use fabric paint, or a much nicer easier option: iron-on transfers.

>> No.7058061

Tatum will eventually get what's coming to her, probably. She's like the new Heaven.

>> No.7058064


do most people use iron-on transfers? I'll google it! I just saw a lot of the tutorials used paints and shit and I had a feeling that it looked shitty.

also yes thank you captain smart ass i have used google and looked at suggestion after suggestion but all of them suggested very different things that i didn't think were correct. such as cotton broadcloth, felt, and fuzzy pajama material? so i figured I'd ask people on /cgl/ who somewhat know their shit about cosplay.

also i had a feeling that acrylic or fabric paint would look shitty and if i hadn't of asked on /cgl/ i would not find this out for certain

>> No.7058066

Wait what happened to Heaven?
I'm kinda new to this whole drama in homestuck stuff. It's really quite silly so I never caught up with it but now it's REALLY interesting

>> No.7058092

whoa hold on anon got any stories to share on her?

>> No.7058098

I'm finishing up meenah for afest next week! her wig gave me way more trouble than I anticipated and I'm probably going to redo it before I cosplay her again but I'm satisfied with it for the time being

>> No.7058109

would it even matter? even if she changed, would it reach anyone, or would everyone just regurgitate the same bullshit over and over again

>> No.7058112
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I don't want to actually set down anything in stone and waste what little material I have left before I get some form of feedback

>> No.7058116

not close to the story at all, but from what i've heard, she took a bunch of commissions, never started/finished them, spent the $$ on other shit for herself and then refused to refund people because she had "cut into the fabric" (ie spent the money on other stuff).

>> No.7058117

it's kind of hard to compare tatum to heaven imho

>> No.7058129

there was one i read where she took the money that had been a cash payment/paypal that somehow couldn't have been tracked back

i also heard cifera made her stocking cosplay which she claimed as her own

>> No.7058147
File: 134 KB, 500x464, 1373826930209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this gossip
>People have literally stopped ever posting themselves for any reason ever
>It's just bitching
>All the time

>> No.7058151

have you ever been to /cgl
it's like this always

>> No.7058168

Different anon but don't come on CGL and expect everyone to hold your hand through baby's first cosplay. That anon was pretty polite as far as responses on here go to the same basic questions we see over and over again so you're just acting needy at this point. There are a fuckton of how to paint symbol tutorials on homestuckcosplayhelp.tumblr.com, pick your favorite, and go. Stenciling fabric paint is fine considering it's what 90% of the fandom uses on their shirts.

>> No.7058172

I want to get a jake cosplay together, but I'm having a hard time deciding what outfit to do. I think a godtier outfit would be awesome but I don't think I have the cast iron gonads to go to a con in briefs.

>> No.7058174

Other generals actually have people posting cosplays
Other threads do
Even if it's not everyone, you have people posting their own cosplays. The SnK treads are riddled with progress pics
but not here

>> No.7058179
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>> No.7058183
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>> No.7058195
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>> No.7058199
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>> No.7058205
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>> No.7058211
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>> No.7058214
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>> No.7058221
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>> No.7058225
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>> No.7058234
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>> No.7058250
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canonically correct condy horns always look so stupid

I wish more people would do them smaller. I liked deisandwich's a lot for size.

>> No.7058252
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I didn't notice that she was wearing armsocks until I saw the seams on her hand. nice job!

>> No.7058257
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>> No.7058262
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>> No.7058266

So in this case canon = wrong? Or just REALLY hard to pull off correctly?

>> No.7058268
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>> No.7058277
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>> No.7058279

>asking for a simple fabric suggestion
>hand holding

>> No.7058281

nah, it's just that anon.

>> No.7058282

when there are not only other resources
but plenty of other resources
uh yeah
it looks an awful lot like hand holding

most people just use google

>> No.7058283

probably the latter, closer to impossible

>> No.7058284

dude have you even been reading the snk threads
it's like three progress pictures, a whole bunch of bitching over whether the people are too ugly to cosplay the characters, and then the argument dissolves into "well the manga says this"

>> No.7058287

Bless you for existing, popcorn. Do you have any good Otakon stuff?

>> No.7058295
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Aw thankyou dear! Ah, most of what I see are group photoshoot pictures. I'll see what I can find from what's been posted tho!

>> No.7058305
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>> No.7058310
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>> No.7058311
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I can't bring myself to hate this jade and I don't know why

>> No.7058313
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>> No.7058315

You should. For one, they're not even in any of her outfits. For all I know this could have just been some girl with black hair and round glasses.

>> No.7058317

I know I should
I just don't know why I can't

>> No.7058318

You poor soul.

>> No.7058319

Not too fond of the lace, but this is really cute.

>> No.7058320

...Maybe you're just a self poster? Or she's a friend of yours?

>> No.7058321

But those gloves. And what is even going on with her mouth?

>> No.7058322

You're misunderstanding my point
I'm saying that I know I should hate it
but I don't for some reason
how long do I have

>> No.7058324

I suppose the picture captures a lot of personality?

>> No.7058325

Ten hours
I'm sorry, it's terminal

>> No.7058330

this looks like a shoddy knock-off of cowbuttcrunchie's derse ballgown rose

>> No.7058343
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>> No.7058353
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Wow now that you mention it.....

>> No.7058354

Dei is damn tall already, so she probably couldn't make them much bigger.

>> No.7058359
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>> No.7058360
File: 1.12 MB, 600x800, homestuck___sollux_captor__hey_there_aa_by_transparentparadox-d5l2tc7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Solluxs?

>> No.7058369

Go back to the last thread or click the links that >>7058005 replied to. Not to be rude, but god, how lazy can you be?

>> No.7058372

This is not one of them.

>> No.7058373

Didn't Tatum pressure people into buying her circle lenses because she "could barely afford" her meds? Even though I'm pretty sure she still lives with her mom.

>> No.7058388
File: 152 KB, 724x1102, wayward_vagabond_by_truealaso-d4wi17d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly in my honest opinion, I don't like the shaggy/unhemmed/natural look. I like it to be neat and stuff like pic related. So the only advice I can give you from my point of view on what looks good is to make it look more neat. It almost looks like you didn't purposely make it look messy.

>> No.7058393
File: 168 KB, 717x478, homestuck__vagabond_by_ht_rin-d50aa26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to add onto my post, if making it look more natural/shaggy is kind of your set-in-stone goal, pic related should be maybe an idea of what yours should look like a bit.

>> No.7058401

But Calliope dressed up as Callie canonically wears grey gloves? Also, cherubs canonically have green teeth.

>> No.7058419

>all dat oversaturation
And yeah, it looks shaggier than it's going to due to it not being completely done yet. That awful looking sharp turn near the ear isn't going to be there when it's done, I just was getting the basic design down.
Also, I'm making it a lot less cartoony than those two, my actual face will be shown from behind the hood, not a prop head

>> No.7058438

>that pose

>> No.7058441

For a hood like John I think fleece is the best.

Either get fabric paint, canvas paint, or mix acrylic with textile medium. Never use just acrylic paint it will crack the fuck up.

>> No.7058536

Don't do a creepy humanstuck, just wear a ski mask with eyes painted on.

>> No.7058556
File: 276 KB, 1024x1365, 8901432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I never said humanstuck

>> No.7058560

i really doubt that

>> No.7058640

i actually know that PM

kind of a super bitch
although i didnt know she did paint/sleeves
she usually doesnt

>> No.7058644
File: 110 KB, 960x495, 1176111_167406586777009_363309380_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's play spot the Dave who's actually trying to look nice. It's the one on the right end

>> No.7058782

this would be nearly perfect if the swirlies at her hip were satin-stitched down properly...i can't stand how they're ruffling at the edges

>> No.7058841

I love ballgown!Rose in the front, it's like she's just realized that she's in a picture with all those hideous shits,

any more pics of her? I like what I can see of her wig

>> No.7058861

Really? I don't see anything special about her?

>> No.7058872
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>No trigger discipline

>> No.7058925

So that one Dave's you, anon? All the cosplays in this are terrible to some degree, but I suppose Hammy on the far right there's the least of all evils.

>> No.7058928

I think anon was probably being sarcastic, since there's not a single Dave there who's trying to look nice.

>> No.7058930

Wow hsg stay serious

>> No.7058936

It physically hurts me to know that I'm part of a homestuck panel for an upcoming con, and I just know that the audience are going to be fucking terrible and full of hambeasts.
What do, /hsg/?

>> No.7058972

Deodorant at least
Also if you're not a troll prepare to sit back because shitfans shit tastes shit questions

>> No.7059005

why would she choose that angle

>> No.7059026

you mean I take some with me in case some kind of hambeast comes too close and use it as protection against their unholy stench?
I'm going to be the john, so there's likely going to be some goddamn 'yaoi' questions about him and Dave and probably Karkat.

>> No.7059065


Play it super serious. "I am not a homosexual". Then the fanbrats push, be an asshole right back. Nothing ruins their day like OMG NOT MY HEADCANON!!!!!!

Alternatively get buzzed before the panel, I find that helps.

>> No.7059067

Most of us were planning on doing that before we go up, so it should be amusing at best, or something I'm going to be going to therapy for at worst

>> No.7059159

I agree with this. John in canon is a pretty big asshole, so if you get shit questions, just be an in character jerk.

>> No.7059175

None of those dresses really qualify as ballgowns. Which one are you referring to? The only two disgusted girls I see are a "female" Dave wearing no wig and the weird soft grunge Miss Frizzle.

Are you going to a FL con? I thought most ask panels were on the way out

>> No.7059199
File: 35 KB, 720x540, 1373419359296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demand more stories of overly physical homestuck teacher who cosplays to school.

>> No.7059224

Holy shit, who cares?

>> No.7059248

I want to see the wig, I like the shade of blonde and it's rare to see a rose wig that's not a coconut

the one who's wearing orange. At least it's the right color for Rose's date dress. Maybe ballgown was the wrong word, sorry, it's just what my friends called Rose's date outfit and it stuck. Anyway, the Rose in orange

>> No.7059261

I'm doing Alcon in the uk. It's shit, but I'm there as a favour to a friend. Also alcohol.

>> No.7059265
File: 30 KB, 600x300, simon-amstell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me you dumb nigger or I wouldn't have asked!

>> No.7059282

nothing to follow up with but i admit i like this sollux they actually put effort in to the costume compared to some other slouches on this board

>> No.7059283


>> No.7059284

stop this shit

>> No.7059289

Actually no, But they're a somewhat friend of mine

>> No.7059295
File: 289 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mq1zgzamcy1r35os0o3_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awful lot of self posting going on in this thread.

>> No.7059437


>> No.7059448

Does anyone know the best way to seal snazaroo and will it last through a whole day at the con without being that one person who gets paint everywhere?

>> No.7059472


Snazz is craft store shit tier, get Kyrolan or Mehron

>> No.7059475

Mix with Liquiset instead of water. Allow to dry fully between coats. Powder the shit out of it. Finish with 1-3 light spritzes of Final Seal, allowing to dry between each spray. Do not touch anything that is remotely wet (cold beverages, etc). If you do this, you should be fine. If you're going to touch a lot of stuff, just paint the backs of your hands because some of it will inevitably rub off of your fingers.

>> No.7059481

Yeah that too. Kryolan is worth the price.

>> No.7059478

I've found that babypowder works well with snazz.

>> No.7059622
File: 82 KB, 900x596, aradia__look_for_adventure_by_ladysockmonkey-d4ywucg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit son, I've used Snazz the last 3 cons and I've looked alright. Then again, I used a method similar to >>7059475, using a different primer than water.

FL cons have gone to shit, man. Mega super and Metro are meh and Chibi-pa...Well, is Chibi-pa. Been a while since I've enjoyed myself at a con down here.

>> No.7059842
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>kind of a super bitch
How do you figure?
When I saw her on days 3 and 4 at AX, she was as cute and nice as a button and super nice, but then again she didn't really say anything and communicated exclusively through sign/body language
She was also pretty helpful when I asked her for tips/how she managed to weather her cloth the way she did

>> No.7059844

>Nice as a button and super nice
I haven't slept in three days please pardon my inability to type

>> No.7059880
File: 240 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_mrre2fZIed1rs2t3mo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I never have as much fun at cons as these people

>> No.7059897 [DELETED] 

i heard tatum is a big dumb who isn't afraid of anything. one time she took on THREE WHOLE /CGL/S and escaped COMPLETELY unscathed,

tatum pressed her hand against /cgl/'s clavicle
"we need to stop, this is wrong" /cgl/ said

"then i don't wanna be right" tatum replied, huskily into the anons' ears.

>> No.7059899
File: 533 KB, 497x378, didyuokno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone see flan's new homestuck cosplay? a bit iffy on the makeup, but I actually think she can pull it off! props to her

>> No.7059904
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>> No.7059911

Get a cosplay group that you feel comfortable around. It always goes uphill from there. I've been with mine for almost a year now and every con i've been to so far with them has always created the fondest of memories!

>> No.7059915
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>> No.7059917
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>> No.7059919


>> No.7059921

Even if she did, you get like 10% back from the profit, but I know she plays the "I'm poor" card when she gets people to buy/make her shit and flies to out of state cons.

>> No.7059923
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>> No.7059927
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>> No.7059939

Who even is that one on the right

>> No.7059944
File: 655 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mrwjzzesXJ1rk5djdo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fem!Droog I think.

>> No.7059947

>Wrong clothing
>No tie
Zero out of fucking ten

>> No.7059994

Are people starting to drift away from cosplaying Homestuck? Are there people who ONLY cosplay Homestuck?

I find myself wanting to just do a few more Homestuck cosplays for a while, then start doing cosplays from other fandoms I enjoy. I did hear that Homestuck is great for cosplayers of all levels (from simple kids outfits to more complex outfits like the Ancestors), and it's good as a sort of introductory cosplay field. I'm guessing that's true?

>> No.7060006

>Drift away from HS cosplay
Yes, it's a sad cruel fate for homestuck.

>cosplay only homestuck
Yep. So far all of my cosplays have been homestuck but I'm working on other animes and stuff. I have about 3 more homestuck cosplays I want to finish before moving on though.

>Homestuck good introductory
Im gonna go with yes on this because generally if you start with a kid it becomes baby's first wig
then baby's first make-up for trolls
then you may move onto harder stuff and work with props and eventually AUs or something.

>> No.7060163

Different anon, but how would I acquire a cosplay group? Like, this probably sounds kind of pathetic, but I don't have any friends. I mean, I have a couple friends who think cosplay is for freaks, and that's it.
How do cosplay friend get

>> No.7060169

Not going to lie, I'm also curious, and also seek enlightenment.

>> No.7060167

Back in the day I met my first cosplay friend on cosplay.com. We went to a con together, along with my sister and another weeb friend of ours. The girl from cosplay.com was bringing one of her friends that was also cosplaying, and we all went to Megacon together. All of us were cosplaying for the next con that rolled around, JACON, and we went together and met the final addition to what would be our main cosplay group for years. She was just a fellow cosplayer we met at the con and hit it off with.

>> No.7060171

And she doesn't just fly to cons though, she takes planes to visit friends out of state often as well.

>> No.7060176

I for one still am into HS quite a bit, and am planning to do a few more cosplays also. Honestly, I think the only people who are drifting away from it were only in the fandom in the first place because it was popular. Those are fandom-hoppers, and I don't know if they really count seeing as they're mostly just tumblrfags and weebs.

>> No.7060174

That's yaexrae. Whenever she opened her jacket at least ten knives fell out of it. It was kind of great watching her scramble to try and stuff them back in at the meetup.

>> No.7060179

So, should I kind of search for cosplayers online who live near me and make friends with them or something? I'm pretty shy I guess with people I don't know, so this is difficult.

>> No.7060187

Well... you can't make any friends if you don't talk to people, ya know?

>> No.7060203

I don't think they don't like HS anymore? Most of the BNFs still gush about HS on a regular basis.

I think a lot of them are just burnt out from doing HS-only cosplay for a while, especially ones that involve body makeup.

Also, have you BEEN to major-convention Homestuck meets? I think I'd bail on that alone. Then again I'm watching the same herd go over to SNK now. Run, titans, run!

>> No.7060221

Yeah, totally. I guess it's up to me now, haha. Not sure if you're the anon who gave me advice, so I'm just gonna say, thanks to whoever that anon was.

>> No.7060286

Is there a homestuck group page in your area that you can use? That might be a good starting point.

>> No.7060344
File: 47 KB, 480x640, P082313_1928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So instead of going as Karkar I went as Dirku. Unfortunately I didn't have time to style my wig, but I think I look somewhat decent, met a lot of cute cosplayers.

Eridan rejected my advances sadly. Also a FemDave was checking me out.

>> No.7060348

Everything about this is just


>> No.7060358

I saw a Dirk in a schoolgirl outfit at AFO. I really wanted a picture because 1. He was hot and 2. That is my fetish so friggin' hard. I didn't have a camera on me, though... If I were single I would have been allll over that, even if he was a little underage (I don't think he was, though).

>> No.7060377

i need these pics

>> No.7060383

I wish I had some, Anon. I really, really wish I did. He was at a Homestuck photoshoot that I was watching on Friday, so they have to be out there somewhere.
>exit creeper mode

>> No.7060431

dude she doesn't even have to pay for flights since she brags about how her mom is a flight attendant so she gets all her flights for like really cheap anyway, idk why she always has to con people into giving her free stuff and "paying" for her medication. If her medication is such a big deal why doesn't she give up some of the money she puts towards cosplaying for it? Like you have to know when your supply of medication is going to run out she can fucking plan ahead she doesn't have to ask people to make her shit for free and have them buy through her commission link. She's just a spoiled fucking brat.

>> No.7060476

If you're shy it is going to take longer. Basically just look for cosplay conventions, meets, etc in your area and attend them, and try to talk to people and exchange info with people.

Eventually you'll have made some friends who will want to do group cosplays with you (like all 4 beta kids or a bunch of trolls or whatever). A cosplay group is basically a group of people who may have a name for their group who actively try to make group cosplays together.

>> No.7060477

since when has she conned people into free shit

>> No.7060497
File: 307 KB, 960x1280, 1373853821807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kind of a super bitch
She seemed nice at AX, what makes you say that?
Anyone else had any interaction with this PM?

>> No.7060703

I met a lot of my best friends by just going to conventions in cosplay and striking up conversations with other cosplayers from my fandom.

>> No.7060705

I overheard someone saying that she had other friends pay for most of her cosplay expenses/making her cosplays for her for free during a meetup.

>> No.7060729

I'd say start by getting into your local community. Go to smaller meetups, ask to be added to the skype group, follow people on tumblr and converse with them. Once you've got a few people you know briefly you will get more contacts by just hanging out with them at conventions and speaking with THEIR friends. It is all about getting to know a lot of people briefly and then find a group you can hang with. It's about things like sharing hotel rooms or attending con activities with them. Talk to them about cosplay and plan your cosplays and cosplay schedules together. (for example if your friend is cosplaying Jade and you cosplay Karkat you can coordinate so you are cosplaying those two on the same day, meanin you'll form a natural connection.)

Good groups just kind of happens, you know?

>> No.7060741

Not the anon you're replying to but what if your local community isn't really that friendly? Just means you have to work harder to get to know people or that it's just gonna be harder to find friendly people?

>> No.7060846

If that's the case then try socializing at con meetups where there's a bigger variety. If you really want someone local though you'll just have to work harder. Good locals are out there - every community has at least one or two (even Bostonstuck and south FL)

>> No.7060866

There will always be chill people in even the shittiest comms. Took me two cons and about four local meets to get settled with my comm. There will be some who attend every meet and some who only attend every now and then, when you are new to a comm you'll want to attend a lot of meets just to get a good image of who the people are and what sorts of meetups they attend etc.

People attract people who are like them. That's why some communities are drama ridden. There are bound to be nice people in your comm, but if there are a lot o obnoxious people they might not attend as many meets.
Either way, if you get hold of them they will likely know people in other comms who you can befriend.

>> No.7060942

Holy fuck same here, and to top it off the thing is going to be run by this horrible girl in my school who gets mad and starts screaming at the smallest things. It's at a really small con though so there probably won't be much blowback but why did I agree to this. Why.

>> No.7060977

>South fl
iirc, the better groups are in St Lucie, Palm Beach and north Broward. Most of the autism is in South broward/miami.
Isn't it that the 21+ crowd is the best group to be around? Then again, that's a good rule thumb for most HS comms.

>> No.7061002
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>> No.7061010
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>> No.7061006
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>> No.7061011
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>> No.7061012
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>> No.7061018

Goddamnit my last story didnt post and I spent like 5 minutes writing that.
Being the guy who said to get a cosplay group I'll give you the story. Except shorter so it'll fucking post.

>Brother's Homestuck friends invite him to go to a con in which he drags me along.
>I go as John and he goes as Dave.
>Dick around with friends for a while and then they go upstairs where we met a Gamzee and Meulin.
>Really shy so I didn't speak much to them but eventually overcame that.
>Next Day (now saturday) Meet up with them and a Jake cosplayer. I ditch them cause I brought my own friend with me and he and I wanted to get autographs. (first con and cosplay by the way)
>Find brother in Pocky Game with 2 daves (one of which we become bros with shortly after.)
>join in pocky game but have no idea what the fuck is going on.
>Game disbands. Later Saturday night after photoshoot one of the daves meet up with us and asks for a picture.
>Shit bitch, this dave smells amazing.
>Sunday comes around and he meets up with us again.
>Do karaoke and shit with them. Get their numbers and FaceBooks.
>Next day meulin makes a FB page for us and we all join and post when we wanna meet up.
>2 weeks later we're hanging out a mall and fortunately we all lived generally close together.

Our cosplay group continuously and we do group cosplays and hangout every 2 weeks and we hangout and go to Events and meet-ups, share hotel rooms, group parties and stuff.
Fuck yeah. Never had a bad time with em either.

>> No.7061026

this is not decent, i assure you.

>> No.7061031

i wouldnt doubt it honestly
im really nice to people, but im actually a really big bitch behind their backs.

>> No.7061079

What is up with the weird obsession over this PM? It's been off and on in threads since AX, I don't get it.
My kingdom for a well done John wig, jfc.

>> No.7061146 [DELETED] 

progress shots? progress shots.

excited about this even if it's taking forever to get the spaces for the electronics routered out. hopefully I'm not a complete fucktard and can wire it all the way up into the tip as planned.

what's HSG working on? anything for AUSA?

>> No.7061151
File: 126 KB, 640x480, crosshairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's HSG working on now? anyone have progress shots?

>> No.7061164
File: 44 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ms1rl1u4bI1qccf43o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making Roxy's knit dress. My friend makes props as a side job and made her huge red gun and really needs some cosplay photos with it, so I volunteered to help~

>> No.7061237

The "official" 21+ bostonstuck group is run by a batshit crazy mod who's scared a lot of the quality crowd away. I think the only people who attend that comm's events are her friends. There's a few cool 21+ homestucks in Boston though.

>> No.7061263

Haha, all the time. If you were close to her, you'd know what I mean. She's so fake.

>> No.7061283
File: 369 KB, 1024x1598, homestuck__derse_by_rainespelled-d6jbewk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

darn, that's a cute story. it just seems like you have to be incredibly lucky or outgoing to acquire a cosplay group, or even really friends. i live on vancouver island and the communities around van and stuff seem really clique-y. it's hard for me to talk to anyone so i never really make friends no matter how many meetups or cons i go to. i rarely even speak to anyone except my sister. i know people whom i'd love to become friends with, but i can't even approach them, i'm too shy. i really don't know how to overcome this, i feel so pathetic for it.
pic unrelated

>> No.7061316

I would say incredibly lucky. I am REALLY SHY it's almost hard to make eye contact at times. I kind of try to overlook it by thinking "Im in cosplay nobody knows who I am and if I screw up with someone I'll just make a new cosplay and only tell my friends so they know who I am and stuff.
Try to keep that mindset and it'll come easier after a while but it wont be gone.
Also once you get friends with you, you may feel so open you barely recognize yourself.
Another quick story is that once at a promstuck thing I saw a lonely Dave leaning against the wall and I walked up to him and asked him if he wanted to join my friends and I. Sure enough he did and I spent an entire day with him. He lives about 3 hours from me so we'll skype or do stuff on steam.

Mainly just try to think that: 1.Everyone has almost the same interests you do. Many homestuckers like anime if you're into that.
2.Everyone is probably just as awkward feeling.
If you ever wanna group up with someone just ask em a few things like: Hey, how're you enjoying the con? How long have you been cosplaying? Do you watch ____? What games do you play? And eventually ask em "Mind if I hang out with you guys for a bit?"
It's just about as easy as that.

>> No.7061597

>overhearing someone else
>a refutable source

and i'm assuming you're close to her? who are you, exactly?

>> No.7061601
File: 644 KB, 664x1000, tumblr_ms1w64G2f41r8q261o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not cosplay exactly but I really like these. Anyone have any other "inspired by" Homestuck outfits?

>> No.7061629

please say this is very far from finished, because wow that looks like shit.

>> No.7061651
File: 156 KB, 900x601, already_dead_by_teawisp-d59t4qs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem pretty hard up to whiteknight here. A friend, I presume?

>> No.7061654

Not that guy (not that you'd believe me or anything) but he does have a point.


>where are you getting these details from
C'mon now.

>> No.7061658

It's not that anon doesn't have a point, just that they're jumping pretty hard to defend someone against baseless rumors. If they know there's no truth to them, why make a fuss about it?

>> No.7061726
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>> No.7061739
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>> No.7061741
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>> No.7061750


goldmine of bad cosplays
i wish ask blogs would stop

>> No.7061752
File: 482 KB, 531x800, tumblr_mpy7cjTBR91r4x5xjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do any of you know this cosplayer? his name's george (aka http://saturdaithe14th.tumblr.com/)) and he frequents cons on the east coast. he's an elitist cosplayer who treats everyone around him, cosplayer or friend, like shit. rip him apart, cgl, i want to know what you think of him.

>> No.7061755

It IS interesting that someone would claim "if you were close to her, you would know."
Then how exactly do you know?

>> No.7061759

wrong thread?
but 4chan isnt your own personal army you shit

>> No.7061779
File: 102 KB, 500x697, tumblr_mf7kt7PLrG1rmf0l9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though I think /some/ wouldn't mind doing that, I don't know how many really will. 4chan isn't your personal army.
Why do you want this kid to get ripped apart? He mess with you or your friends before?
And if you really do want to go down this path of ripping people a new one, at least post a Homestuck cosplay of his if it's relevant.

>pic related you should do this

>> No.7061781
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>> No.7061785
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>> No.7061811

I'm a super introvert and I've found not one, not two, but three separate cosplay groups just by being friendly and agreeable

>> No.7061815
File: 169 KB, 700x800, 1368769901268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they know there's no truth to them, why make a fuss about it?
Because that's how rumors get started? You're literally going "Why won't you let me shittalk this person for no reason"
I don't know who you're talking about- nor do I care. This is just childish either way, though

>> No.7061824
File: 116 KB, 489x700, stares into the distance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7061840

Does anyone else find it really self-absorbed that she called her convention vlogs a JJ-log?

>> No.7061843


>> No.7061848
File: 557 KB, 1280x861, elevator sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no because shes jj and its her vlog and she can do what she wants, including what to title her videos.
i feel like youre missing something here anon

>pic unrelated

>> No.7061847
File: 198 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mrreqcyGLm1rs2t3mo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But... Her name is JJ and they're about her and her friends at conventions? Why wouldn't she call her own con logs JJ-logs?

>> No.7061853
File: 268 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m6gjwl4LjX1r5o3n7o2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reeses box
>oh it has betty crocker spoon on it
>guess ill use it
>even though reeses has nothing to do with homestuck

>> No.7061857

but the JJ-logs are really cute so as far as I'm concerned, she can call them whatever she wants.

>> No.7061861

Well it's only like 5inches of a whole outfit with a lot of parts. I still need to add all the dark purple and pink ribbon. It's a really awkward design so this is the method I choice. What do you think I could do better?

>> No.7061864
File: 509 KB, 1202x1800, tumblr_ms2cb8RlGB1r0xdkgo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the tips! at the
>"Mind if I hang out with you guys for a bit?"
i just feel like they'll either make up an excuse as to not allow me to join because they don't want me there, or they'll let me hangout for a bit but only out of kindess, like, they won't like me being with them. i know this is kind of a bad mindset, but it's hard not to think that way, ya know?
has anyone here ever had somebody ask if they could hangout with your group and you either declined (for whatever reason) or you accepted but did not want them there? it makes me really nervous.
again, pic unrelated.

>> No.7061866

If they were a friend, they'd know her better. (I mean, unless they're Emily/Melissa or something.) I think they're just one of her "fans".

>> No.7061867

I've met him, I don't know him well, but I like his cosplay if I'm remembering theright person. And I know my interactions online have been pleasant. So no drama here that I know of, personally or in quality.

>> No.7061884


Same vendetta-fag is same.
Please stop shittying up the thread.

>> No.7061899
File: 50 KB, 640x720, tumblr_ms0i05WSfn1ri3ja3o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're already talking about meeting new people at meetups and the thread is slow, anyone have any good/bad experiences hanging out with BNFs? Any juicy gossip to share?

>> No.7061913

I'd think you were trolling or new, because your samefag radar is just that busted. I mean I agree with you: Tatum is a bitch, get over it and stop shitting up the thread, but spouting "samefag" doesn't really do anything. Let's all just leave it in the last thread.

>> No.7061921

I think Cifera's pretty shy but tries to be nice, and drunkroxy and Lindzar kind of actively avoid everyone.

>> No.7061941

Being the guy who gave you the tips...
I've had people join me and my group out of the blue because they couldn't find their friend and just wanted to hang out with us. Present yourself nicely as a decent person and they won't reject you. One of the tricks is, don't really try to act creepy and don't talk too-too much and don't talk too little. Think about what you would consider creepy/annoying/enjoyable and put yourself into their shoes. Don't try to butt-in too much either if there's a large group. If I was say in the situation you're in... I would find a sort of lone cosplayer, then ask for a picture (just an ignition kind of thing) say thanks and ask em a few questions. If you get that kind of unconscious signal that they're alright with you just say "You seem pretty cool, mind if I hang out with you for a bit? I dont have much to do." They will probably say yeah because since you were nice and "noticed" them they'll be alright with your company. Almost everyone has a friend at a con too so you can be introduced and start from scratch. Besides most people in homestuck are really nice and shy and lonely too.
And yeah dude, I know it's hard. Most of us have been there too but you'll never be happier and you'll almost always have a room at cons.

And yes, I have had people I've said yes to people out of kindness but didnt want them there but out of the six or seven other times I've been alright with it. Also I said no because they were a really big cunt to a friend of mine and was a 400lb hambeast who smelled like a rotting egg salad.
Appear clean and try to smell nice and have an alright cosplay and you're good.

>> No.7061952

its the other way for me. i was at a con once and i didnt know anyone. i was just walking around checking the hotel out and a small group of homestucks saw me and asked me if i wanted to hang with them a bit. i ended up becoming good friends with them and some other people at the end of the con.

>> No.7061953

I met and hung out with Tatum, godtier-rose and another one of their friends once. I hung out with them for an entire day at a con. Not much gossip here, except they were pretty fun to chill with and were actually pretty nice to me and my friend I met the day before.

>> No.7061961

This too happens. I've done this before.
I remember meeting people from cons before at photoshoots and just saying stuff like "Hey I remember you, you were the ____!" and they'd remember me and we'd just talk for a while and chill.

>> No.7061989

I want to like this, I want to think she's cute but

What's with the eyes

>> No.7062001

I won't be as good as one of the BNFs in terms of how much attention they get and how great their outfits can be. Do I just need to be satisfied with not being good enough?

>> No.7062004

Or you know you could learn sewing and posing and make up and wig styling and invest making friends with good photographers. It'd still take a couple years and a lot of self promoting but it's not impossible.

Or you could just be satisfied where you are right now. But you're not going to get better with that shitty attitude.

>> No.7062008

Getting attention on tumblr shouldn't be your goal. You should be cosplaying for yourself - to have fun and to do the best job you can with your cosplays and to always shoot for constant improvement.

>> No.7062015

What about here, then? Let's say I want to be a good Karkat, good enough so that when people request good Karkat cosplays, I get posted. Is that something to aim for?

>> No.7062016

So anyone can be as good as a BNF? With enough time and investment of course?

>> No.7062017


That landing must have hurt

>> No.7062019

Looks like pretty clear shoop to me.

>> No.7062026
File: 516 KB, 943x1280, 1374383715632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When going for tattered clothing (Ghost aradia's dress, ripped off sleeves, exile rags, etc) and you want it to look tattered as fuck without looking like poor craftsmanship
How do

>> No.7062029

If you're a good Karkat, you're a good Karkat. The thing about /cgl/ is that it's fickle and its opinion does not actually rule all, despite what some anons may think. You could be excellent and not be posted, or be excellent and be posted and then nitpicked ridiculously six ways from Sunday and get the impression that no one is happy with you or your cosplay. At the end of the day, you have to do it to satisfy yourself because if you look for validation elsewhere, you might not find it, and then you'll be disappointed and your interest in doing it again will start to wane.
Absolutely. BNFs weren't always as skilled as they are now. Everybody has to start somewhere and learn as they go to get better and add new skills to their sewing repertoire. You have to climb the ladder one rung at a time.

>> No.7062036

>You could be excellent and not be posted, or be excellent and be posted and then nitpicked ridiculously six ways from Sunday
This. You might also be excellent, posted and entirely ignored. Karkat is a pretty simple cosplay anyway.

>> No.7062040

Pretty much. There's two types of BNFdom in cosplay: easy mode and hard mode. Easy mode is getting popular through drama and gossip even if your costumes are shit. Hard mode is popularity through great craftsmanship, photos, and tutorials. In theory anyone can get to hard mode with enough time and practice.

>> No.7062046

Yeah. Not every picture posted generates discussion or feedback.

>> No.7062051

Makes sense. I've only been cosplaying for several months, and even in the local scene I see so many better cosplayers. Basically I just have to set these goals for my own self because if I try to adhere to anyone else's I might end up being disappointed since of course everyone's got different tastes and opinions, and thus validation would be harder to accept.

I guess it's just, it'd probably be nice getting the attention, appreciation, and admiration, right? But... I shouldn't really be aiming for that, I should be doing stuff for my own satisfaction first, and then any attention, appreciation, and attention that comes after is just a nice bonus?

Yeah, just said Karkat as an example. Simple as it may be though, I've not really seen any great ones posted recently, or at all.

>> No.7062078

You're at the level you are right now because you just started. Give it some time and experience, and you'll see the gap between you and those better cosplayers start to close. Attention is nice when you get it, but yeah, it's a bonus.

>> No.7062087

Eridan Cosplayer here. Halloween is coming up and i just cant think of a scary/funny adaption of an eridan cosplay.
Can you guys think of something for me?
And please keep it swaggy because im tryin to rake in mad jumbo bars ya feel me?

>> No.7062094

Rake in... mad... jumbo bars?

>> No.7062097

Maybe a dead or bloody!Eridan? If you can somehow make it look like you've been chainsawed in half then stitched back together.

>> No.7062104

How about a medieval/fantasy wizard?

>> No.7062105

what language are you speaking

>> No.7062109

Actually, I think that it's also a matter of lottery and getting noticed by already Tumblr famous users and having them reblog your photos. That really contributes to gaining followers and attention.

>> No.7062118

I was thinking about that! Im a little pudgy so i guess ill start doing P90X just in case i do decide to do a stitched eridan.
That would be fun too.

>> No.7062119

But at the same time, why would a BNF cosplayer reblog someone whose cosplay wasn't already great to begin with?

>> No.7062151

By mad jumbo bars he means halloween candy I think. By rake in he probably means receive.
If you're gonna be doing P90X doesnt that defeat the point if you're gonna lose the fat just so you look good to get fat again?

>> No.7062169

In theory anyone can with easy mode too. The whole "any attention is good attention" mindset.

>> No.7062179


somebody can have a great costume and not be well known or famous already. that's where getting bnf's to reblog your stuff can be a big boost.


most bnfs have been cosplaying for years. expecting to be immediately perfect is only going to hurt your growth long term.

>> No.7062181

I agree with this. Getting known is a mix of decent skill (sewing, make up, posing, etc), promoting yourself (proper shoots, posting lots of photos, tagging everything), and making connections. Someone's more likely to reblog a less than amazing cosplay if it's someone they know. That's a good way to get your foot in the door.

Doing something unique and hard is a good way to jump up too. Good example are dersedreamer's Davesprite, Cifera's robot Aradia, and the cmv S Kids.

>> No.7062193

The lottery part is having someone who a BNF follows reblog your shit and have the BNF reblog it. That's how I got most of my followers at least.

That and tagging a lot of shit hahhahah

>> No.7062200

Most BNFs have a breakout "difficult" costume I think, or at least a favorite that most people remember them by. Yaexrae's Dolorosa is another that comes to mind. Any others?

>> No.7062199

>most bnfs have been cosplaying for years. expecting to be immediately perfect is only going to hurt your growth long term.
Definitely. Most of my favortie BNFs were cosplayers way before homestuck. Maturity and time seem to contribute to progress a lot.

>> No.7062202


>> No.7062281

I want to cosplay Dave, but I don't want to do his regualr outfit, nor his godteir. Which other outfit should I conciser doing?

>> No.7062322
File: 160 KB, 666x666, 1375694140362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working on doc scratch cosplay
>Finish everything but procuring the globe itself
>The bigger the neck opening, the higher the price
>Cheapest one is 42 dollars plus 30 shipping
But for what purpose

>> No.7062362

Tattered clothing should affect your craftsmanship. Essentially, make the entire costume properly. Hem the edges, make it fit you, etc. Then burn, tear, dye, and cut the crap out of it. You can do both.

>> No.7062364

Get a large hamster ball from a local pet store as a base then paper mache the fuck out of it

>> No.7062365

Suits can be hard; look into dreamer or intro.

>> No.7062367

Dreamer? Pick some random fan outfit off tumblr?

Heinousstuck or something.

>> No.7062368

shouldn't** oops that's a big difference

>> No.7062393
File: 25 KB, 570x371, il_570xN.462288048_rgx7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought these? They're also from Akujinscos, seems to be an alternative for Dirk's glasses, but I've never seen anyone with these glasses.

>> No.7062400

This is the first time I've seen them but it makes sense. The bit on the old Dirk/Bro glasses have a tendency to fall off, and the bit there hurts a shitton. They're probably just added it recently enough that no one's bought it (especially with the fandom winding down).

>> No.7062412
File: 194 KB, 800x1111, tumblr_mnflheVJEX1s793lao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. that wouldn't be smooth and round
2. They don't make hamster balls that big
3. That would completely invalidate hours of work I had put into this previously
Quality es muy importante

>> No.7062418

If you say so. I just know that my friend who makes deadmau5 heads uses hamster balls as a base. Maybe she just has a tiny head.

>> No.7062421

Doc scratch's head is about as wide as his shoulders, deadmau5's head is much tinier

>> No.7062432

Not the same anon but your cutting is really uneven and gross, even that shit out

>> No.7062461

Noted, thanks!

>> No.7062508

I have some overall troll cosplay questions I was hoping to get answered?How do most people color their nails when cosplaying trolls? And any nails polish recommendations? Also, obligatory paint questions: What is the preferred color when it comes to troll grey, more specifically what shade of Ben Nye? Should you use cake color or creme liner or what? And for arms and neck, can you just use fabric paint as a PAX substitute? I have been googling stuff, I just can't seem to find any sort of consensus anywhere.

>> No.7062511

Oh, and palms, is there anything that won't rub off? Like, for trolls who only need hand paint, so no arm socks.

>> No.7062528


As for nails, just get some not overly expensive yellow nail polish like Depend or something. I use a bottle that was like five dollars or something from H&M.

Palms? Nope.
Fabric paint vs PAX? If you desperately need a PAX substitute and do not have the time to get your hands on some prosaide, then yes. But if you plan on doing it more than once or as a make up standard then invest in real PAX.

>> No.7062778



pick 1

>> No.7062793

Ew the girl in that tutorial

She kind of looks like peacockfeather when she closes her mouth with the black lipstick on

>> No.7062894

Any idea what to make LEs pants out of? I don't even know what it's supposed to be. Is it the ripped pants from Scratch's white suit? Or LE busting out of him, wearing Scratch's felty body like a pair of pants. Ideas?

>> No.7062947

I'm not saying cheap
It's just that the wider the neck, it should cost LESS due to less material, no?
And it can't cost them more than three dollars to spin one of these globes, and the shipping almost doubles the price

>> No.7062990

...White shorts? Then cut them up at the bottom and rough it up.

>> No.7063005

Tips on contouring with white bodypaint? I bought a bunch on a whim but now I realize I have no idea what to do with it.

>> No.7063025

Just use regular nailpolish. I prefer some yellow stuff from Shoppers because it's "quick dry" which you become really thankful for when rushing for a con.

Ben Nye most people use cadaver grey or mix their own between grey and white. What you'll want to get is called "creme colours" and it comes in cakes.

Fabric paint DOES work but it peels off more so than PAX. I'm not sure what the health implications are of fabric paint, but PAX is extremely safe, since any possible toxins left in your non-toxic paint is suspended in the Pros-Aide and won't seep into your skin.

The only thing that won't rub off your hands is PAX, and even then it will probably peel a bit if you're carrying something. Even if you powder the shit out of Ben Nye/Snazaroo/Kyolan, it will always rub off a bit. It's just how make up works.

>> No.7063028

You'll either want to contouring with a really really really really light grey, or not at all. Personally I think not contouring white is fine, since the Maryams literally glow, and if you paint it all flat white it seems to glow a bit imo.

>> No.7063033

i contour with light gray

>> No.7063088
File: 298 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_ms38eaXHNb1rgkzf2o8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never before have I been so confused by skirt construction

>> No.7063116
File: 215 KB, 820x700, Hitmanstuckdave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HitmanStuck Dave has always looked pretty cool to me.

>> No.7063127
File: 71 KB, 900x639, 1354153443764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anons. /r/ing kanayas with good wigs

are those fucking hulahoops

>> No.7063141
File: 405 KB, 1128x1482, 1368863987710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good wigs
>posts flat one
i mean she still looks gorg but.

>> No.7063152
File: 95 KB, 551x800, IMG_6358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's hard to see on a thumbnail man

>> No.7063161
File: 132 KB, 725x1102, 1364235948195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got you bro.
the only thing i actually like about win8 is preview.

>> No.7063334

Can I /r/ some 3 AM Jades?

>> No.7063551
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>> No.7063554
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>> No.7063557
File: 218 KB, 1200x800, 474629b9a8317d1dec2fd6e0bb6399c4-d5skmck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7063560
File: 199 KB, 1024x1365, jade_3am_dress_by_xxinsanimexx-d67by6o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7063563
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>> No.7063572
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>> No.7063575
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>> No.7063595
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>> No.7063602
File: 256 KB, 600x900, jade_harley_14_by_insane_pencil-d65ltla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7063677
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>Hem the edges

>> No.7063679
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>> No.7063751
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>> No.7063754
File: 232 KB, 900x1350, _wasabicon__kanaya_maryam_2_by_king_can-d5jijh5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7063770
File: 614 KB, 1280x1920, wow good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7063910

I'd say they're the same pants Doc scratch wore, but ripped, stretched and tattered.

>> No.7063959

Is there any 80's stuck?

>> No.7063973
File: 813 KB, 800x1200, 1367797189152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you propose that one make something look tattered while hemming it
Those two things are literally mutually exclusive

>> No.7063988

this is my favourite picture goddamn

>> No.7064074

Well for something like Aradia, making it tattered just means putting a bunch of wear and tear into it. It doesn't mean the entire bottom of the skirt and top are totally ruined. Parts of it would be, but a lot of the edges will still be intact and should be hemmed.

Something like an accurate PM would be somewhat different, and it'd have to be a personal decision whether to weather the entire bottom and not hem it, or hem it and tatter and age some other parts.

>> No.7064079
File: 171 KB, 500x750, tshirt1thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Same anon; random picture).

Clothing that is worn was once in tact. The most accurate way to make it is to make it properly and then make it distressed. Distressing won't be solely on the edges, but mostly on the body part, so hemming and tattering are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.7064083
File: 143 KB, 640x960, _homestuck__dead_aradia___bad_ch0ices_by_yumenosekaipro-d6ejrsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it depends on if you want the bottom of your Aradia skirt completely destroyed or not.

>> No.7064173
File: 65 KB, 573x432, 1368745264626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Striders in dresses
I hate Striders in dresses
I hate Striders in dresses
I hate Striders in dresses
Goddamn I hate Striders in dresses. It always looks so fucking bad! This pair look especially awful

>> No.7064180

See I didn't even get it until I showed it to my roommate who, agreeing that the dresses themselves are fucking terrible, pointed out that the concept is "ironic Southern belles."

Which I think, if executed well, could be *brilliant.* But only if executed extremely well with to-the-nines period attire.

>> No.7064181
File: 161 KB, 498x750, tumblr_inline_mkgbuk523S1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im way late to the tatum party and the last thread is gone but im really curious, can someone sum up the stories/experiences/drama that happened??

>> No.7064188
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>> No.7064191
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>> No.7064195


>> No.7064207
File: 101 KB, 1032x774, homestuck_cosplay_megacon_2013_by_badterrierproduction-d660t6x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, right. thanks!

>> No.7064291
File: 652 KB, 1000x1000, 1375050716911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just the bottom
PM's entire figure is covered with literally rags worn for hundreds of years in the DESERT, it'd be way more than just the bottom that'd be tattered

>> No.7064318
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Several days later, but here is a shot.

Is there any kind of semi-organized Homestuck group in Orlando or Central Florida in general? Can't seem to track anything specific down.

I do know our cup runneth over with homestuck fans, but can't find where they meet up outside of conventions.

>> No.7064458
File: 254 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_mrwqbpKqhf1ro93t6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7064508

I have no idea but I always thought condesce in 80s workout gear would be hilarious.

sage for no contribution

>> No.7064534

That Karkat is precious.

>> No.7064568

I'd like them more if they had some definition around their eyes, but they aren't bad by a longshot.

>> No.7064828
File: 299 KB, 500x667, doc bg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7065203

You could try the floridastuck tumblr, they usually reblog stuff about meet ups.

>> No.7065204
File: 474 KB, 500x667, tumblr_m7ix5ruOIQ1qjndsho1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for circle lenses for a Calliope cosplay? I'm pretty new to buying lenses, and I don't want to look like a fish.

>> No.7065508

i.fairy Hanabi, dolly+, eos new adult/blytheye greens come to mind for me. To suit the enlargement you should do heavy eye makeup/lashes.

>> No.7066289
File: 10 KB, 377x377, 1377586769595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a carapace cosplay, would making joint plates over the elbows and knees only be okay? I want to make it detailed without overdetailing it.

>> No.7066480
File: 421 KB, 500x714, tumblr_mgl9s68npf1r35os0o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be fine as long as it's clean. I've seen some really great work where people have inked joint lines onto armsocks.

>> No.7066484

I was talking about chitinous plates that would actually poke out should the joint be bent

>> No.7066507

I don't think they'd poke out though, if carapaces were real I mean. Anatomically it'd make more sense for the joint part to be a dip between the chitin covering the arm and forearm.

Wearing sticky out elbow patches would just look kind of stupid imo.

>> No.7066514
File: 2 KB, 205x111, joints2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just in case my explanation was unclear, here's what I meant. That's a cockroach leg, and the joint is exposed when the leg is bent and covered when straight.

>> No.7066575
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>> No.7067022
File: 479 KB, 800x533, tumblr_mfj1bbb2sM1r149j7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing good Grimdark and God Tier Roses that aren't DM

>> No.7067277
File: 461 KB, 480x770, 88356814238e150b7b468f9e0dc763f1-d5u2xao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7067280
File: 2.80 MB, 1280x1920, 1368062096122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7067284
File: 423 KB, 720x480, rose__play_a_haunting_refrain_by_athena_sazuki-d6bt7nz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7067287
File: 281 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mkmnvutv881qc9lmvo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7067290
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>> No.7067302
File: 60 KB, 600x800, grimdark_by_gypsystar-d3kq2hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good grimdark Rose's are harder to find...this is the only picture I have saved of one apparently.

>> No.7067308
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1500, tumblr_mkk1iiogpE1ro93t6o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7067315

>blue hairband

>> No.7067323

Is it supposed to be blue or yellow? The past few Roses have either color.

>> No.7067410

God Tier should have a golden yellow headband.

>> No.7067419

I started making the Knight of Time cape and now it looks like that thing is looking at me.

>> No.7067445
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>> No.7067454


Well this is new.

>> No.7067456

All that shoop.

>> No.7067466

These two are the only ones so far that are actually good out of the rest of them. It's pretty sad to consider the rest good considering how poorly fitted most of them are.

Also, can any Roses actually do the hood right? (so it covers the eyes)

>> No.7067472
File: 317 KB, 1024x1611, god_tier_rose_by_stubbledgrapes-d5zbdh6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7067475
File: 235 KB, 475x713, seer_of_light_by_felixize-d4gwp3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7067476
File: 1.48 MB, 700x1050, jade_harley_and_rose_lalonde_by_a_c_photography-d6dnevl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7067479
File: 790 KB, 657x985, Katsucon 19 - Saturday 537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7067485
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>> No.7067487
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>> No.7067491
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And ending dump with this one because man this dress design is cute.

>> No.7067546

>40 minutes long
is it good or bad and what the fuck is this about

>> No.7067584

It's actually incredibly mediocre, but I like that it's a fresh take on HS panels. Hopefully, more panels are like this in the future.

>> No.7067630

> http://mostflogged.tumblr.com/post/59508352952/commenting-on-cosplay-etiquette-how-not-to-be-a
Oh boy

>> No.7067681

To be honest though, she makes some good points? It's one thing to critique other cosplayers via the anonymity of the internet, but these are pretty rude things to say to someone in person! And, given that I've been on the receiving end of a couple of these comments myself, I think it's fairly reasonable to say that there's an understanding gap between cosplayers and noncosplayers. Especially given the general social awareness levels of your average congoer.

So, good job, MF, if this sticks at all then that'd be great.

>> No.7067698

It's rude to critique a person's cosplays in person?

>> No.7067717

Did you even read the post? Most of the examples she gives are not critique at all, just rude remarks that noncosplayers have a tendency to make.

>> No.7067729


The silver tones in this are all balanced completely wrong.

>> No.7067753
File: 20 KB, 279x164, 1273006307101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a con? Yes, they can't fix it then and they'll just feel dumb
Before one? No

>> No.7067848
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>> No.7067853
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>> No.7067858

it looks awesome to me

>> No.7067884

Holy shit

>> No.7067921

i don't know about the silver tones, but the wig is wrong, horns are crap, and is all over unsatisfying tbh.

(also wtf is up with her shoulder balls they look p crap and are pulling on her shirt really awkwardly)

>> No.7068124
File: 88 KB, 500x669, tumblr_ms3iccL5pC1r2t5upo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]