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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7061828 No.7061828 [Reply] [Original]

>Be a Brolita.
>Feelin' hella courageous.
>Go to a meet in a town you've never been to.
>Arrive half an hour before anyone else does in the park.
>Random biker looking guy asks what I'm doing wandering around the park dressed like that.
>try desperately to explain that I'm there for a lolita fashion meetup.
>He comes closer.
>I'm about to die aren't I?
>"More boys dressed as little girls? Kids have pretty wierd hobbies these days..."
>I'm frozen.
>He walks off toward the exit.
>Enter Lolitas.

My previous confidence had been completely shot, but I had a really awesome time that day with those Lolies, I felt a lot better when we were in a group~

>> No.7061833

So are you actually a brolita or are you genuinely a girl that seriously got dissed by some biker bastard? Because, damn.

>> No.7061837

And apparently I'm too drunk to read the first greentext. Sorry that happened to you bro.

>> No.7061842

I'm actually a brolita,
but I don't think he was really listening to my explanation, haha~
It was a couple months ago now, but I definately felt a lot better when I was with other lolies.

I feel bad sometimes because I'm not very good at fixing my voice, and sometimes it causes some stranger than the already strange reactions from people.

>> No.7061845

Is pic in OP you? If so, cute hair! Boys with long hair are the best, but it works great for brolita as well!

>> No.7061852

It's me from the day it happened!
^.^ Thank you~
Yeah man, Brolitas should grow their hair out, it's nice to be able to do things with it.

>> No.7061872

You're pretty!

>> No.7061880

Do you have a tumblr or anything of that nature? I wanna follow you, you're honestly one of the best brolitas I've seen!

>> No.7061943

Well, it sounds like he was just curious to know what was going on. He didn't sound like he was trying to intimidate you, even though the situation probably felt like it.

As a young woman growing up in a racist town, I learnt pretty quick that if I was with someone else then the likelihood of any negative encounters would be far less. People are more reluctant to approach if you are with someone, but if you are alone they think it's OK to come up and say shit.

Maybe next time you could organise to meet at another person's place/they come to yours and car pool in together? Just explain that you don't like being on your own while waiting for everyone. That way someone will always be with you and you can avoid uncomfortable situations.

>> No.7061948

You in the picture?

>> No.7061982

read the thread

>> No.7061996

Thank you! I'm starting a tumblr today I 'spose. I've been a bit shy to do it since I don't think I'm very good yet, but here I go!
Yes, it's always a good idea to travel with a friend, especially if you're going to be in Lolita, or some other situation where you'll stand out. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.7061997

Well, he's right. From an outsider's POV it is pretty weird. But I really don't see what the problem is. He just said your hobby was weird.

>> No.7062030


Just a few tips. 1) Wig cap. 2) Get on a daily skin care regimen. I suggest Shiseido's new IBUKI line since it's quick and hassle free. 3) Make up. If you don't want a lot that's fine just go with something light and natural looking. If you need help visit a make up counter. If you're embarrassed just tell them you're trying to even out your skin tone they won't judge you at all. Everyone wants nice even skin.

>> No.7062045

Thank you~!
I've been practicing a little with makeup, but it's been taking me a long time. I'll make sure to keep it up!
I do generally have a wig cap on, when I'm wearing a wig, but in this picture, it's entirely my real hair ^.^' I suppose it was a bit wierd that day though.

>> No.7062095


I'm another brolita who's starting out, but are bb creams worth using? I already have a good skin care regimen going on, and I have to admit getting facials is a lot of fun.

>> No.7062113

This is the gayest thread I've seen all day.

>> No.7062133


BB creams are worth it if you want a very light effect. They won't cover blemishes or anything. I generally prefer foundation because I need to cover more.

>> No.7062137
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Makeup, yes.

>> No.7062138
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>> No.7062148

I always have to fix my eyebrows. If I leave them unchecked, they explode into a big fuzzy mess.

>> No.7062157

Hah, you just reminded me, I should really take care of mine. They're quite the mess right now.

>> No.7062175
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I really like the lolita aesthetic - like the lace and the fussiness and the prints - but I don't want to crossdress. Basically how do I hang out with lolitas and remain my masculinity is there some kind of masculine male lolita style thing?

To be honest I just want a qt lolita gf that I can watch get dressed and get stressed out about co-ords and stuff. She can show me her dream dress folder and I can pretend like I don't care but I actually do. Actually nevermind I'm just grieving because a girl I dated that was big into the lolita scene just broke up with me and she got me really interested in it but now I'm just really sad

Oops sorry for the blog post

>> No.7062196
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>Is there some kind of masculine male lolita style thing?

Depends on how girly you want to get.

>> No.7062203

There's a boy in my local community who wears vintage, dandy type stuff and he's really cool! Think like... Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler.
Crappy to hear about your relationship though man. That sucks.

>> No.7062232
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What if I just got really into Napoleonic era military uniforms. Actually I'm surprised this isn't a thing yet to be honest.

>> No.7062238

Go for it.

>> No.7062240
File: 53 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mg9z7uLMxl1qbiiceo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though Ouji is basically the male equivalent, it's still mostly worn and designed for women. I don't necessarily encourage the metallic/mechanical aspects of steampunk as helpful with lolita (unless you're specifically going for a fusion), but if you're looking for something more masculine/mature than Ouji, that would probably be a good place to get silhouette ideas, but instead also keeping in mind common colors and themes in lolita.

Also, if ouji is new to you, this is helpful.

>> No.7062243

You could try aristocrat if you want a more masculine look.

>> No.7062246

I'm sure you could attend a meetup while dressed that way as long as you have a legitimate interest in lolita fashion or can contribute to the group. Is there a community nearby already?

>> No.7062252


Thanks. Aristocrat looks interesting I'm going to look into it.

and yeah I would assume there is a comm here I don't know I'm going to lurk for a bit. Gonna memorize the names of all the best prints and brands. Practice calling girls ita I don't know.

>> No.7062254


I've always wondered... Is there a male equivalent for sweet? Or would it fall under fairy kei or something.

>> No.7062258

Studying up on the fashion would probably be a good idea. Try HelloLace.

>> No.7062259

Wouldn't you just do boystyle with lighter colors and sweet/cute motifs?

>> No.7062273
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I've seen it done maybe a couple times, but never anything I felt really impressed by and it was all leaning further towards classic than the ott sweet style. Even classic-looking ouji is pretty uncommon, but usually better than most "sweet ouji" attempts.

Pic is the sweetest ouji I've seen that I don't dislike. I'm still on the fence even with this, though. Something about it is just not quite there, but I'm not into sweet, so it could just be my taste.

>> No.7062295

oh god damnit, i miss you and everyone in the london comm. all your pictures from your latest meets are adorable. curse my part time job. you were so sweet when we met up this spring for our picnic, and you rocked fairy cake. i hope i can come up to see you guys sometime after the holidays, because this semester is going to suck.

don't let anyone get you down, you're super kawaii. best brolita i know.

>> No.7062301

You can still do sweet without being OTT sweet. White/gold, gray/white, non-obnoxious pastels. It does kind of drift towards classic in that way, though.

>> No.7062328
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What's wrong with you people

>> No.7062337
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Oh, you look really good! I think the dress fit is very flattering.

Most people instantly think of a girl with the smooth complexion an all over foundation will give. You should next time try a lightweight foundation such as Palladio's powder finish liquid foundation or that Maybelline's dream matte. Most guys I know have wonderful full eyelashes, a little mascara will further accent them. (Practice applying it before you go out with it on and always remove the makeup and THEN wash your face well before bed.) Try a curling iron for some spiral curls, your hair looks nice and shiny.

>> No.7062340

>Most guys I know have wonderful full eyelashes
I've always been so fucking jealous of men's eyelashes.

>> No.7062342

The main reason I brought up pastel/OTT sweet is because it's basically uncharted territory in ouji, despite being so super popular in lolita. I've seen a couple people attempt it and it was... not good. I really love classic ouji coords, including ones that are very sweet.

>> No.7062344

We should have an OTT ouji thread to see if /cgl/ can make it work.

>> No.7062347

I was gonna say, didn't seem like the guy insulted you. If he was being a jerk or feeling up or whatever I'd understand but that seems like a pretty regular interaction to me...

>> No.7062349

I'd be interested to see if anyone had any coords I haven't seen before or if anyone would attempt a coord because of the thread, but my participation would be limited to polyvore style outfit posts. Most of my clothes, lolita or not, are black, gray, or navy.

>> No.7062351

I mean, lolita is seen as a weird hobby, regardless if you're a boy or a girl.

You're cute, but besides make-up, you should probably work on your posture? You don't want to look slouched over.

>> No.7062352
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>this thread

>> No.7062360

It's really easy to feel vulnerable when you're alone and already feeling self conscious, so it's also easier to feel embarrassed about something silly like indirectly being called weird. I'm not a brolita, but I do get self conscious and nervous in lolita if I'm by myself. I hate being the first person at a meetup and I've always tried to carpool. I feel like I'm "on display" or something when I'm just standing around alone somewhere in public while dressed like that.

>> No.7062620

You look really cute in that picture.