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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 284 KB, 500x675, co1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7050040 No.7050040 [Reply] [Original]

last thread was >>7037156

>> No.7050043
File: 142 KB, 482x750, tumblr_mqcomdZdzP1qgwps9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting from tag and randoms i have.

>> No.7050045

>not tanned

>> No.7050049
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>> No.7050051
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>> No.7050052
File: 191 KB, 1024x1360, celestia_ludenberg_by_tracey32713-d6ilopb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this celes is amazing.

>> No.7050057
File: 382 KB, 1024x1365, chihiro_fujisaki_2_by_eridanamp0ra-d6ht7tj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also love this chihiro!

>> No.7050062
File: 1.04 MB, 960x720, computer_games_by_gingerwhittle-d6iu6yk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050065
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>> No.7050069
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>> No.7050073
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>> No.7050077
File: 97 KB, 960x598, super_danganronpa_2_by_uzumakisabina-d6hp8lb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050082

What are your guys's opinions on skin-painting? I want to cosplay Aoi, but I'm caucasian and pretty light/average. Should I bodypaint/spraytan a bit to look darker?

>> No.7050095

What i'd say to anyone wanting to tan up for a cosplay is just gradually self tan with fake tan you get in bottles and make sure you apply it evenly and smoothly and do it over time. It'll look the most natural.

>> No.7050101

is.. that like a week old carrot...?

>> No.7050113
File: 68 KB, 250x208, tumblr_mldym4OT301qbaysdo1_r1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

420 blaze it nanami

>> No.7050116

Seconding >>7050095, use a gradual tanning lotion or something similar -- I like Jergens Natural Glow.

Bodypaint is a bad idea, it'll get everywhere, be a pain to apply and look much less natural.

>> No.7050123
File: 20 KB, 280x291, nidai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7050142

Skin painting is all about your comfort level. If you artificially tan yourself for cosplay you'll probably get hate for black facing (I personally don't consider it black facing but some do), so prepare yourself for that. Also, be very careful with it because if it looks messily put on or streaky, you'll get called out both for bad make up and for being racists (once again, only some people consider it racist).
I think the best you can do is to go to a good non-special fx make up store, like Sephora, and get a high quality bronzer that tans you but isn't too obviously fake or far from your natural tone.

>> No.7050210

I'm gonna say right now, bronzer is super tricky because most of it is super orange and shimmery. If you do use brozer, you are at risk of looking like an oompa loompa disco ball.
I've heard some people use a spray by Sally Henson, I think? And it typically works pretty well.
Honestly, I think the best advice is go with either natural make-up or stage make-up, but don't go too orange, and don't go too far away from your skin tone.

>> No.7050229


did mahiru even try on her wig

>> No.7050235

she was in the last thread

>> No.7050238

what is wrong with you, this chihiro is terrible. Outfit is good, but face and wig are a no no

>> No.7050242

I will admit, this Asahina is kinda cute

>> No.7050386

I mean, they're certainly not amazing, but terrible is kind of out there? I'd say painfully mediocre, decent at best with a better wig and...it kind of looks like the cosplay itself is a tad bit too big?

>> No.7050511

asahina is very cute

>> No.7050598

may i request some toukos?

>> No.7050654
File: 285 KB, 254x686, pig disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you want to cosplay aoi because she's easy? if so don't we have too many shitty-ass white girl aois who are s-s-scared to tan, leave it to the 1000000 black girls who want to become ~tumblr famous~ and go do celes

besides if you do it: spraytans are shitty in real life, in photos, and to keep up. painting yourself will proably end up like pic related

>> No.7050859
File: 658 KB, 500x869, 529095_514340771937145_932670644_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely a bought cosplay ( They should tailor it since it does look a bit too big. ) However I do think they have a cute face and if they tried harder ( like style the wig, maybe better eye make up ) They'd be a great Chihiro.

>> No.7050890
File: 240 KB, 1280x1919, tumblr_mrsicsA22j1qbun5xo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050892
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>> No.7050896
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>> No.7050894
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>> No.7050925
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>> No.7050942

This is actually a really cute idea and it looks like they had a lot of fun.

>> No.7050955

No. Just no.

>> No.7050959
File: 481 KB, 1200x1800, tumblr_mrsifobrVa1qk8jkeo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7050961

that squat looks fucking terrible

>> No.7050980

This junko had a good start but the wig kinda threw the rest of the costume off.

>> No.7051017
File: 161 KB, 250x375, tumblr_mrsjntRR791qk8jkeo1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7051041

Can we please not name the DR general threads stupid tumblr shit like dangit grandpa? As someone who browses for threads through the catalog, it makes DR ones impossible to find. Please just call it by its proper name. Polite sage.

>> No.7051763
File: 97 KB, 480x280, souda (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Souda and Hinata aren't wearing matching camo thongs

... oh. Okay then :(

>> No.7051987
File: 18 KB, 400x272, tumblr_mrbcoy0yF91rckqxno1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I would love to have a monokuma suit

>> No.7052161
File: 95 KB, 1019x480, __dr___monokuma_test_by_littlemisssakura-d6glpu5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More people need to try to make mascot costumes (or at least decent gijinka) like this instead of those horrid monokuma facepaints.
This one is by far the best I've seen and it's still horribly un-aesthetically pleasing.
The human face isn't a perfect circle like monokuma is ffs. It's always going to look awkward.

>> No.7052172

That's amazing omg

>> No.7052205

I want to cosplay Aoi but I really want to avoid looking shitty and inaccurate. I was planning on buying a track jacket and modifying it but finding a plain red jacket is impossible so I think I'm just going to make my own. What would be the best fabric to use? And if anyone has a good link to a wig that would also be greatly appreciated.

>> No.7052211
File: 24 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mrsk3uaaLI1rehdreo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure! I'm posting from the tag.

>> No.7052213
File: 499 KB, 1272x1920, tumblr_mrqtoduZcl1r3amu6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7052222

Well she's got the donut thing down pat.

>> No.7052223

Is she really black? I just thought she was a tanned white chick. She doesn't look that dark at all..

>> No.7052225
File: 67 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mrpsw4MSf91qdf7yyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7052229


she's not black or white, you retard. she's japanese, like the entire rest of the cast. didn't the name 'aoi asahina' tip you off?

>> No.7052239

pretty good and cute. just needs a black wig.

>> No.7052246
File: 61 KB, 480x280, tumblr_inline_mkv1sg3m3I1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7052248

Aoi's a really tan Japanese girl. She spends her time in 5 different sports clubs. Girl gets a LOT of sun.

>> No.7052251
File: 292 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mrt3f1pcaC1qh8xajo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7052256
File: 294 KB, 499x750, tumblr_mrsbffS8Fl1r2n0pmo7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7052261
File: 277 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mrt4f2e6to1r6qbbio6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7052266

she looks 40 years old

>> No.7052310
File: 38 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mruglpiRrG1qeh7lko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another good suit.

>> No.7052312
File: 82 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mrrff6Bapg1qkk0sco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7052336

That's not even accurate to the character though.

>> No.7052370

is that a man with shooped tits

>> No.7052376

Looks like it.

>> No.7052396

THANK YOU ANON. INACCURATE COLORING FOR FUKAWAS HAS BOTHERED ME SINCE I'VE SEEN COSPLAYS. I understand if you buy your costume it won't work out for fuck's sake it's a pleated skirt and a sailor top (which I bet you could find tutorials for), if you make it WHY WOULD YOU NOT GET THE RIGHT COLORS.

sage for rant

>> No.7052414

They were responding to the previous person saying that Fukawa's hair is black. I'm confused what you're ranting about, are you saying the uniform isn't black? Or?

>> No.7052425

That's actually a girl

>> No.7052436

Are you sure
If so that's the horribly unfortunate face and body

>> No.7052438

I thought that anon was saying "Uhm??" Because they were noting the fact that Fukawa's coloring isn't black. And I am saying the uniform isn't black. Unless my monitor is way off, it's a dark, dusty purpley color, not black. I think I've seen one Fukawa cosplay with a color that matches the game. If I interpreted anon's post wrong, then woops.

>> No.7052502


Fukawas hair is anywhere between dark brown to stylized black, the designers are incredibly inconsistent in what colour everyones hair is, Fukawa, Yamada, Junko, Togami and Kirigiri are the biggest cases for this.

I honestly don't care which shade Fukawas pick for their wigs, what bothers me is he amount of wigs that are either way too short of way too long.

>> No.7052518

i tried searching through past forums but couldn't find anything so: does anyone know a good place to find a kirigiri jacket? (even one needing some modification) I can make the rest of the costume easily so I don't just want to buy a cosplay,

>> No.7052524
File: 430 KB, 1280x1714, tumblr_mrso8qurkU1s0qjkto4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7052532

oh my goOODoododo sakura is supposed to be fit and in shape WHY ARE PLANETS "COSPLAYING" HER

>> No.7052534

her arms are making me laugh

>> No.7052539

best fukawa I've seen so far, just needs a longer wig.

>> No.7052563

I'm working on a Monobear kigu for my cosplay, and was planning on doing face paint as well. Do you think it's impossible to make the facepaint look decent?

I was tempted to just do a half black half white face with the red eye, and not paint on the mouth at all.

>> No.7052615

From all of the Monobear cosplays that I have seen, face paint just does not look well. Unless you really know what you are doing, the paint will smear and blend throughout the day and just look worst then what it originally was in the first place.

>> No.7052631

I understand that. I just don't see how it would be considered "blackfacing" or offensive to anyone. White people cosplay japanese anime characters all the time, she is not black - she is Japanese. So I don't see anything wrong with a white girl with a tan cosplaying her because Aoi is not dark at all.

>> No.7052639
File: 520 KB, 1280x1714, tumblr_mrrdbaMniF1qkxkuxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7052643
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>> No.7052644
File: 874 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_mru3zxjVOR1r1yfkgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really loving this Junko!

>> No.7052648

is she wearing a painted-on bathrobe as a kimono...

>> No.7052649
File: 748 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_mru3zxjVOR1r1yfkgo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another closer one

>> No.7052653

omg I actually like her too!

>> No.7052668

How come almost no Junko cosplayers put the tie on the outside of the colour and boobs? I know it's a small nitpicking thing, but I find it really essential to her design, and seems like such an easy thing. Has anyone else noticed this?

>> No.7052670

don't know how i typo'd that so bad.

>> No.7052688

I've actually tried to do it before, but the way that ties are made, they don't like to stay in the shape of the collar. Instead, they end up pulling the collar down/in. Gravity would let it stay spread out

>> No.7052692

the only time the collar stays is when it follows the actual gravity of the tie..I have no idea how to explain it better

>> No.7052863
File: 21 KB, 600x400, 560826_653702217981116_132054235_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7052886

Couldn't you pin it though so that it stays in place?

>> No.7052915

She has blue eyes, though. Most anime characters cannot actually be asian? I mean, I know ethnically white folks irl with asian names because they and their parents were all born in China, and they still live there and speak the language. Names don't mean anything. Though I agree that she isn't black, and that pale people cosplaying Aoi just looks like shit.

>> No.7052925


She's Japanese. It does not matter if she doesn't 'look' Japanese to you. She lives in Japan, was created by Japanese authors, has a Japanese name, speaks Japanese, and IS Japanese.

>> No.7052935
File: 213 KB, 728x400, Oscars-2013-Stylist-Explains-Jennifer-Aniston-s-Natural-Looking-Hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, pic related is what 40 year olds look like (and that's what they look like if they're a celebrity, most folks are a bit worse). She looks like she's in her late twenties. Dang, /cgl/, what up.

>> No.7052945

We get that she is Japanese, but what most people in this thread are saying is that we would prefer an aoi cosplayer with a little color to her skin instead of being really pale .

>> No.7052974
File: 56 KB, 500x500, monokuma face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage for obnoxious selfpost ugh sorry

anyway pic is what I did @ otakon, fwiw I sealed the hell out of it and it didn't budge so smearing wasn't a problem. should I completely throw out the idea of facepaint and switch to more human-style makeup? I feel like it's very polarizing.

>> No.7052997
File: 169 KB, 500x363, tumblr_minrc0Ragj1qkkp9ko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like what you did with the eye on the black side (the feathered eyelashes are a great interpretation of the slashed eye!), but I feel the one on the white side should still have some liner.
I can't stand the mouth though. I'd honestly have to see it without any kind of stylized teddy bear mouth before I could decide whether the full face paint could decide.

Also, unrelated, but I absolutely love the monobear prop in pic related.

>> No.7053003

to be honest, i really cant stand face painting for monokuma, it just looks weird and unsettling, but that's just my opinion.

>> No.7053030

yeah I felt sort of lost as to what to do re: mouth and just stayed close to the character design? it definitely ups the creep factor in a bad way though. I'm not sure what to do instead?

(and oh my goodness, I love that prop.)

totally fair. I think it's kind of unsettling too.

>> No.7053034
File: 259 KB, 1024x1365, otakon_2013___380_by_rjth-d6iyji8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7053047

so tired of seeing pictures of this girl. her face doesnt suit celes at all

>> No.7053049

That wig doesn't even look like hair anymore.

>> No.7053062
File: 128 KB, 451x286, airduct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see wigs with curls like this, that have so much product they don't look like air anymore.

All I can think of is air duct hosing.

>> No.7053067

At first glance I thought this was pixyteri.

>> No.7053105

is that a fat suit?

>> No.7053112

thats card, right? it doesnt look like wig

>> No.7053116

I've seen some decent drills, but they're inherently unnatural/impossible. I prefer when people make them look less like the anime/manga and more realistic.

>> No.7053127

Hell this would look better than what she did to that wig.

>> No.7053148
File: 63 KB, 211x320, 1376895631825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit like this makes me sad, but also motivation to get fit to cosplay her properly.

>> No.7053183

I am planning on making a full-body Monokuma suit like that, though I doubt I'm skilled enough to match that professionally-made suit.

Patterning the head is giving me the most trouble since the muzzle/mouth parts need to curve with the face. With some luck, I think I can debut the suit by spring 2014, like at Sakuracon or Fanime.

>> No.7053279

If you have it for Sakura Con, I would love to see you! Make sure you post some wips?

>> No.7053287

Huh, I actually never even noticed that's how the tie was supposed to go... I think calling that "essential to her design" is stretching it a little.

>> No.7053329

I'm not sure if I'd call it 'essential' but having a tie down the middle kind of ruins the low scoop-neckline look.

>> No.7053350

It would look better that way at least, yeah.

>> No.7053602

I guess essential just isn't really the right word. I just think the placement is important because of how it shows off the bra, and how she is as a SHSL Fashion Girl. I also think the bra is kinda important since [DR SPOILERS] Junko and Mukuro have different bras. That's pretty nitpicky though, I admit.

>> No.7053611
File: 172 KB, 444x600, tumblr_mrutk0Gec71soc2y6o1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7053614
File: 55 KB, 720x466, 1150965_521483054585035_1371538705_n_by_candustark-d6i3c7q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7053619
File: 88 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mrg28vigEh1rlzbq1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7053621

No, i think the fabric is just unfortunately shiny, plus it's not a great picture.

I like her wig better than Saionjis who go for the canon look, honestly.

>> No.7053625

I would not call that the best Fukawa....

>> No.7053627

eh it could be worse

>> No.7053631

i like the wig

>> No.7053634


why is this Celes posted so much? Something about her wig is just so ugly to me. It doesn't even look like hair and where the curls were placed on the head is way too low. Not to mention the way they're curled in and laying in front of her just look even more awkward. It also looks like she ran out of time and budget after making the wig, rushed her costume and used cheap as hell lace.

>> No.7053635

Does she not know how to do a fucking squat? 3/10 apply yo self

>> No.7053636

/fit/ comes to /cgl/

>> No.7053638

Okay I know nothing about this. Anyone care to tell me what Dangan Ronpa is and how I can watch/play/read it for free? Thanks seagulls

>> No.7053645

I think it's a game for PSP or something.

>> No.7053646

For Aoi's who want to do a squat for pictures, make sure your knees don't go in front of your toes and try your best to get your booty parallel to the ground so you have a right angle at your knees. That way you don't look like you've never worked out in your life.

>> No.7053652

Mostly because there's a lot of pictures of her floating around on tumblr currently. Obviously not every picture posted in the thread is meant to be good/noteworthy.

>> No.7053656

It's a series of PSP game that haven't be released out in America, the anime recently came out so you can just download or find sites that stream it. I know animeflavor has the series.

>> No.7053657

That's a really cute photo.

>> No.7053666
File: 59 KB, 881x768, BSIudk3CUAA7lXi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7053673

Oh god, those pigtails look like they're made out of construction paper.

>> No.7053686

I definitely will if 2 things happen:

1) There is some sort of Danganronpa event at the con, like official promotion or large fan gathering
2) The mock-up pattern actually looks decent enough that I don't feel embarrassed about it

If both happen, I'll most likely start work two months before the con.

>> No.7053687

What a fucking waste of trips

>> No.7053688

I'm pretty sure she's posing like she's about to jump in the pool, not like she's doing squats. Just saying... regardless of wearing a swimsuit or not, I guess.

>> No.7053690

PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT WATCH THE ANIME FIRST. It's one of the worst adaptations I've ever seen. Play the game instead, it's pretty good. Or read the LP, that's how most early fans got into it.

>> No.7053695

> They aren't?

>> No.7053701

don't get offended just make better pigtails next time

>> No.7053721

> Implying I'm the cosplayer in pic

I was just agreeing, calm yo tits anon.

>> No.7053756

Really? All right, if you're comparing it against the game, perhaps it's awful, but it's a great show on its own. The quality of the series is pretty bad, but I am extremely entertained by the anime as an anime-only viewer and reading bits of game info here and there only supplements and makes the experience better. The point of the anime is to promote the series ahead of the 1 & 2 Reload game remake, so it has achieved its goals of reaching out to the broader audience, marketing, and being enjoyable.

>> No.7053773

>those trips.

>> No.7053907

It definitely promoted the series, but I personally feel like it cuts out a lot of important character development, which is the part that I find makes Dangan Ronpa so great. It's also fairly low budget, which you can see in how exact it is in copying things from the game. It's a nice promotional device, but nothing more.

>> No.7054135
File: 424 KB, 1280x1714, tumblr_mrrdwidsNO1splmuoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this Teruteru in a tag on tumblr. Not too bad, but the wig and makeup could be better. According to the cosplayer, they're getting a new wig.

>> No.7054281

I'd like to see the symbol on the apron redone or touched up too, the painting looks a little uneven and sloppy. They have a good look for him though (which I don't mean in an insulting way...) so I'd love to see what they end up with after a few improvements.

>> No.7054437
File: 1006 KB, 254x336, tumblr_mrt8yf8HLv1qgq91so1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



but I still watch it for that sweet monokuma action

>> No.7054514

Agreed, I like watching the anime as a supplement to the game (mostly for the sake of screencaps...), but I feel like you're really missing out on a lot of characterization and atmosphere/suspense if you watch it first since everything is so rushed.

>> No.7054660
File: 439 KB, 1728x2304, b925e7c002a53bbd0572acc136468e0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad. she seems to at least have some muscle definition.

>> No.7054780

Still havent seen a properly crazy looking genocider cosplay

>> No.7054858

She's been notorious for self posting throughout cgl

>> No.7055025

yeah but she looks ridiculous and not like she's gonna jump in the pool either.

>> No.7055048

ok, that's your opinion

>> No.7055058


Best Fukawa? Are we even looking at the same photo? Can you try for a second to look past the fact that she's pretty and recognize how atrociously made that cosplay is? It literally looks like she just bought a black long-sleeve t-shirt and attached things to it. She has no understanding whatsoever about how sailor collars actually work, judging by the way it's attached in the front. The trims are puckered, the bias tape is translucent, the 'pocket' is about to fall off, and nothing is the right color.

On an uglier girl, everyone would be ripping into this cosplay. This is very, very far from being the 'best Fukawa'.

>> No.7055082

Where is the grandpa cosplay?

>> No.7055089

I too want grandpa cosplay.

>> No.7055096


Seriously, i came here looking for badass or hilarious old dude cosplays who may or may not be old dudes themselves.

>> No.7055281

So has anyone got any pictures of Mondo done well?

>> No.7055322

Seeing these makes me afraid to even attempt Celestia

sage for whining

>> No.7055360
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>> No.7055383

That poor wig, and missing hairclips.

>> No.7055632

why is this girl posted in every god damn DR thread

>> No.7055672
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>> No.7055770 [DELETED] 
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Seagulls, I need some help. I really want to cosplay Fukawa, but I'm scared to do it improperly. I have pretty decent sewing experience, but I don't know if I should sew the costume or buy it. Also, any recommendations for wigs? And I'm a bit bustier than most Fukawa cosplayers, but would that be a problem? Advice would be very appreciated, thank you.

>> No.7055808

I dont know man, it was their opinion. There are mistakes with this cosplay, yes, but you dont have to go on a full out rant. Calm down. ONE person said they thought she was the best. You dont have to jump on them like that. I'm guessing vandetta on this one, but honestly she's one of the better fukawa cosplayers in the fandom. Would you rather the girl posted above her?

>> No.7055829


It's not a vendetta, I have no idea who the fuck she is. I'm just pointing out that it's a shitty cosplay on an attractive girl, and if you covered her face literally no one would be calling her the 'best Fukawa'.

>> No.7055837

moar junko plox

>> No.7055851

imo neither cosplays are very good. the 2nd one's face isn't even that pretty (it's a terrible angle since her face is so long)

i wouldn't say it's absolutely horrible but there's nothing too special there. sailor collar isn't right, and i don't like the wig's styling and prefer darker ones.

>> No.7055871
File: 257 KB, 497x750, tumblr_mrt41crYmN1s5fai3o5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this junko around with long-face touko at the convention these were taken at, both of them obviously put no effort in and rely on their 'good looks'. i think theyre sisters.

>> No.7055893
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That's a really cute monomi concept!

>> No.7055932

jesus christ she's adorable

>> No.7055969
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>> No.7055971
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>> No.7055974
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>> No.7056149

I just can't get over the fact that the pink side and the white side are swapped...

>> No.7056202

literally just a bodyline maid dress...

>> No.7056245

That celes didn't even attempt to make drills

>> No.7057015
File: 103 KB, 480x280, ibuks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear DR General:
If you were to style an Ibuki wig how would you do it? My cones are already good but I'm having trouble achieving that pulled back bunch of hair she has, seemingly coming from the cones.

>> No.7057049
File: 175 KB, 600x399, tumblr_moydg2kpzT1r7hrmoo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really adore this Komaeda cosplayer. They're a great Junko too.

>> No.7057123
File: 414 KB, 1280x721, tumblr_mrw9lzg9nJ1roi7n5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7057129

Chiaki is laughable. Rest of the group looks really good, though. I'm impressed with the Saionji and Gundam wigs.

>> No.7057193


I like the Hiyoko and Sonia. Everyone else either looks like their costume is going to fall apart or like they bought it at a thrift store.

>> No.7057316

jesus christ why do people do their bottom lashes like that it looks weird as hell

>> No.7057339

I think the lower lashes are too far down but just a bit higher and it would look pretty good, especially from far away / photos

>> No.7057392
File: 281 KB, 500x745, tumblr_mqqnm9Cfog1rrep1ro2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a tutorial that should help you

>> No.7057396
File: 279 KB, 500x731, tumblr_mqqnm9Cfog1rrep1ro3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one too.

>> No.7057414

Not that anon, but thanks for these. What are they using for the horns/cones in this tutorial? It looks like colored foam, but would a cardboard cone be fine?

>> No.7057421
File: 166 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mrxaafYzV01r7cn9co2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have advice on how to make a Gundam wig? I assume I'll have to combine a grey wig with a black one, but I've never done it before.
Completely unrelated pic for contribution

>> No.7057461

It's a really weird fad going around Japan and some parts of NA right now. Basically you totally muck up where you put your false lashes and put light colours between them and your actual eyes so you eyes look bigger. (And more anime I guess).

>> No.7057466

is that a boy? (no disrespect if so, they just have very strong features and i'm curious)

>> No.7057488

Did cifera ever cosplay mukuro junko? Does anyone have pics?

>> No.7057499
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>> No.7057548
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Makes you eyes even bigger. Here's a better example

>> No.7057582

no, the issue isn't the tie, but it's the fact that the collar itself will fall and slide towards the neck is what i'm saying. What are you saying, to pin it to the skin, pfft

>> No.7057592

yes thirding this. Motherfucking anime missed out on A LOT!

>> No.7057636

be more obvious in your self posts

>> No.7057653

except that cifera usually trips when she posts or at least identifies herself. try harder

>> No.7057654

someone asked for it...

>> No.7057674

I'm the gundam in >>7057123 and I made my wig out of 1 grey wig and 1 black wig. I seam ripped the top area of the grey wig and glued on wefts from the black wig. For the swirly thing I made a base out of this stiff felt stuff and then glued hair onto that. I used this tutorial for the hairline: http://malindachan.deviantart.com/art/Wig-Hairline-Tutorial-216211961 and applied that method for sideburns as well. The only problem is that because of how wigs are constructed, when the hair in the back is as short as gundam's, the wefts show through a little bit but I think you could probably use the extra wefts from the top of the grey wig to fill out the back area a bit more. I didn't have time to do that, but I left the hair just long enough that it wasn't really a problem.

I hope that helps! I can explain stuff in more detail if anything is confusing

>> No.7057743

is that the saionji that was posting her progress in the thread? either way she's severely lacking in makeup

>> No.7057757

her eyes kind of look droopy like a dog's eyes?

>> No.7057758

It's just a shitty photo. She posted a picture of what her make up looked like a thread ago or so.

>> No.7057772

i met them. thats a dude.

>> No.7057781

ugh bet shes ugly because shes hiding her fucking face

>> No.7057785

Ugly face and even uglier personality

>> No.7057786


That's cifera. She's got the looks.

>> No.7057797


Try harder, anon.


.....And? What does that have to do with her cosplay...? It's not as if she can remove and replace her eyes? This thread complains about the stupidest shit sometimes.

>> No.7057836

dude cifera looks great. and it's just a really common thing for cosplayers posting wips to do. get off 4chan and actually look at your local cosplay community instead of being a little shit.

>> No.7057852


The vendetta is really obvious, just ignore them and carry on. I'm quite looking forward to more of her Sonia, it looks pretty nice so far.

>> No.7057889

She's a chubbychan and looks awful without loads of photoshop

>> No.7057946


I never understood how her hair works... I don't have a reference on hand but I seem to remember that it literally looks pigtail-parted in the back? I don't understand how that can be done with so much hair also hanging out, and I've never seen it done like that, only like in the tutorial anon linked.

>> No.7057953

not when her photos are shooped to hell

>> No.7057959

uh he can use some\make up. some guys think that they don't need to use any make up because they're cosplaying guys and it's infuriating. Not that that's what this person did, just a pet peeve of mine.

>> No.7057962

guys or not a particularly pretty girl*

>> No.7057964

I've seen her irl and she hardly photoshops at all, only make up touches if that. Not to mention that she's also super popular from her cmvs, where obviously you can't photoshop.

>> No.7057969


Why the fuck bother if you aren't going to do the drills???

>> No.7057973


This, I've never seen anyone call her ugly before. 'Only pretty with ahoop' seems like a really weird thing to say about someone who's candid photos and videos are really easy to find. And now that I've written it out like that it seems even weirder.

>> No.7057981


i agree but i think the anon meant more about the sagging quality of the under eye skin, which is something that can't really be fixed.

>> No.7058036

stfu samefag, you aren't fooling anyone

>> No.7058043
File: 439 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mq24w0o3bS1soc2y6o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah okay

>> No.7058057

hi thunderthighs

>> No.7058059


Oh wow

>> No.7058065


shes not even chubby

>> No.7058067


>implying there's something wrong with delicious thunder thighs
>implying you aren't the sameanon vendettafag from above

>> No.7058077

Hi Cifera

>> No.7058079

I don't even know why vendettafags come around anymore with complaints about cifera. She's nice from what I can tell, has good cosplays, and hating on stupid shit like her legs (which I agree, are delicious) has no real impact. Every thread has some faggot being completely unfair to her and I find it a bit amusing how they keep on coming.

>> No.7058082

sorry but in real life people arent normally stick thin animu girls

>> No.7058084


This, holy crap just let it die. It's slopping up the thread with pointless shit about a cosplayer who contributes decent stuff to this fandom. I come to these threads for cosplay photos and good content, not some faggot whining and trying to pretend they're more than one anon.

>> No.7058086

She has my ideal figure. So jelly..

>> No.7058087

but she really isn't nice and i don't understand why she has a fanbase that comes running to her defense when someone says anything negative about her.

>> No.7058094

god damn this bitch has a lot of white knights though "some faggot whining and trying to pretend they're more than one anon" applies to whiteknights too.

>> No.7058099


I follow her and have since she was damaramegido, and it seems like half of all she ever blogs is helping out other cosplayers. She's alright in my book. I don't care about what she did to piss one anon off.

Can we get back on topic now? We're about 2/3rds through the thread, you guys need to stop feeding the troll.

>> No.7058103

I personally think that she's nice, but again, from what I've seen as I don't know her too personally. I can understand actual critique but saying stuff like how she has 'thunder thighs; really doesn't make sense because it's not good critique at all. I think that the more popular a cosplayer is, the more hate they get for small things, and this really applies to cifera.

I liked it when people were critiquing her make up, instead of talking about how she's too fat. Where's that asshole OP when we need them.

>> No.7058106
File: 10 KB, 135x142, 071A13B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is that white tissue looking paper coming from her bra???

dear god the thunderthighs is stuffing her bra along with the immense shoop and all of you fuckin whiteknights defend her

>> No.7058113


Anon, I think that's light and shadow.

>> No.7058114


now now..... dude. no one is saying she's "too fat", it's just she over photoshops her images and like... why does she photoshop her body instead of her face?

>> No.7058119

except there were people saying that

>> No.7058121

Fucking hell this is turning into a massive vendetta jelly fest.

>> No.7058125

Stop feeding the troll, people. Come on. We know better than this.

>> No.7058126
File: 401 KB, 402x600, tumblr_mjdigdJm531qkkp9ko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus, with what goes on in this thread, I wouldn't blame anybody for photoshopping anything of their body or face.

you guys are assholes, and this is getting boring. Could I request some cute Hanamura's so I can have good ideas for his makeup and such?

>> No.7058128


>> No.7058133
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>> No.7058135
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>> No.7058136


The hairline looks wonderfully natural. Why so pale on the eyebrows though?

>> No.7058144

gundam doesnt have eyebrows

>> No.7058145

that hiyoko looks terrible why isn't she wearing makeup

>> No.7058146


Yes he does? I just googled him and he has eyebrows in every piece of game art...

>> No.7058149
File: 173 KB, 511x363, Gundam_design_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his reference sheet literally says no eyebrows

>> No.7058152

if i remember correctly she posted that she had to shoop her left arm because she had a bunch of silly temp tattoos.

>> No.7058156


Then what are those eyebrow looking things above his eyes supposed to be? Flesh folds?


>> No.7058157

hey there, I am wearing make up. I don't really know what makes it look like I'm not or if my make up is that bad, but yeah. Just for the record.

>> No.7058158

its probably just to show his brow bones or something everyone has those

>> No.7058159
File: 219 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mf4zj8kLtV1qatksso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yeah i'm pretty sure they are. he just has a perma-frown

>> No.7058170


Huh, it actually looks pretty decent on that cosplayer. I guess contouring and grey shadow right above the eyes would probably work. Though I am reconsidering cosplaying Gundam now because I don't want to shave mine off. Thanks for letting us know, though I might have to pick a different character now.

>> No.7058173

you could always get brow wax

>> No.7058178


My eyebrows are awkwardly ragged looking, I'm sure you've seen the type. I think that the wax would just make my forehead lumpy.

>> No.7058181

There is a tutorial out there for covering your eyebrows with makeup. I can't see to find it right now

>> No.7058182

quit ur jelly, gabby is a sweet, sweet goddess

>> No.7058185

how has she ever been "not nice"

>> No.7058188

Why are people still whiteknighting her stop oh my god.

>> No.7058189


She hasn't but we were doing a great job moving on from this, let's not continue taking troll bait.

>> No.7058192
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>> No.7058194

......how do you know who it even is unless you follow them/stalk their tumblr. y u so obsessed with her

>> No.7058197

i feel like that hiyoko spent all the effort on the wig and gave up with the furisode

>> No.7058202


I just want to take this Kuzu and lovingly tailor their suit to fit properly.

>> No.7058201

I agree it's so poorly constructed just everything about the obi and the way it's folded looks horrible.

>> No.7058204

>limp wig
>red converse


>> No.7058207
File: 295 KB, 500x340, tumblr_mrx69bC6q31qkkp9ko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one fucking cares. Stop bringing the subject up.

>> No.7058208

cifera is overrated. can we talk about/post pictures of some DR cosplayers who are actually memorable and not just tumblrshit?

>> No.7058213


Sure. How about you start, since you seem to know of some secret treasure trove of amazing cosplayers.

>> No.7058217
File: 73 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mry8o9Wlww1qlald4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's stop nitpicking over Cifera and post some cosplays. JFC

>> No.7058218

>implying cifera is the one and only amazing cosplayer in the fandom
She's not that great people need to stop treating her like god it's getting old.

>> No.7058220


lmao gb2tumblr where mediocre is considered the best

>> No.7058228
File: 841 KB, 1152x1728, tumblr_mrl1cyF5f41qgu2jso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pumps
how is it possible to mess up this bad

>> No.7058224


I wasn't implying anything like that. I'm just sincerely wondering where else you would find 'memorable' DR cosplayers outside of cure or tumblr since tumblr is where all the non Japanese ones are.

>> No.7058244

Does anyone have any more pictures of the robot Nidai from Otakon? Hi res ones? Or at least his tumblr?

>> No.7058246
File: 269 KB, 740x492, tumblr_moydg2kpzT1r7hrmoo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really cute group shop.
Though I still laugh about how Kirigiri wears her gloves to gym, even though I've read it and know why. I just think it's really adorable.

I'm pretty interested in that tattoo. Any close ups? Hard to tell quality at this angle/size.
Rest of the cosplay looks store bought so nothing special there.

The Cifera topic is dead; have some Komaeda.

>> No.7058248

ok but it is pretty bad if it's impossible to tell you're wearing it it's wrong
it just looks sloppy and lazy imo

>> No.7058251


Yeah I'm trying to figure out the tattoo too... Liquid eyeliner maybe? How would one do that without it smearing all day at con?

>> No.7058255

You can probably seal it with powder and a setting spray

>> No.7058263

I feel as though one of the points of wearing make up especially for a character like Saionji is to do it subtly so it doesn't look like the person is visibly wearing make up.

Although if you mean that my make up looks bad in some places, critique is appreciated unless it's something like "it just looks sloppy and lazy imo" . the lighting is pretty bright that it's hard to see the make up anyway, so I'll be surprised if you do come up with a critique that's actually valid.

>> No.7058264
File: 52 KB, 720x540, tumblr_mrn3d7EFeT1rlzbq1o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His tumblr is http://mangycarface.tumblr.com

>> No.7058269


>all dogs go to heaven username reference

oh god please be single

>> No.7058275

Well the eye makeup looks wrong because the lashes seem to be totally missing and it looks like the only thing you applied was white eyeliner and black eyeliner on the top lid
the lack of gold contacts further adds to the lazy not wearing makeup look
Hiyoko has pink blush that is no where to be seen on you
and at least put lipgloss on or something so it looks like makeup is on instead of appearing as if you only put a little foundation and eyeliner on and called it a day

>> No.7058291

I did have the contacts, I didn't apply white eyeliner, I also had eyelashes as well... the reason why I said that I would be surprised if a valid critique was made, was because the pictures that were uploaded are very bright and blocks out a lot of detail. you do have a good point on the pink blush, so I'll try that next time as well.

>> No.7058294

She is thick/chubby. It may be proportioned correctly, but it doesn't change the fact that she is not a thin person.

>> No.7058306 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7058309

different anon, but even though the makeup should be subtle, it shouldn't be to the point where people are going, "why the hell isn't she wearing makeup?" i'd say you have to go a bit heavier, add blush and false lashes. use some eyeshadow, but keep it in natural tones (shades of brown)

>> No.7058327

The DR cosplay tag on tumblr is nothing but terrible Junkos right now. Someone make it stop.

>> No.7058331

Can you stop replying to everything someone says about you? You're getting really fucking annoying. Stop making up excuses for your shitty makeup.

>> No.7058341

tumblr savoir junko?

>> No.7058358

just stop making excuses. no matter how bright, we can tell how crappy it is. just improve your make up and stop whining.

>> No.7058405


I don't see how she's making excuses.

>> No.7058410

different anon but probably the
>surprised if valid critique was made
>pictures are very bright
>blocks out a lot of detail
picture isn't bright enough by a long shot to make your makeup look like that. if you're photoshooting, you should know that the camera will make your makeup look like nothing, so you have to go heavy.

>> No.7058423

I think if you baby powder the shit out of the eyeliner it stays.

I'm more curious about their actual execution and stuff more than the technique.

>> No.7058429

Asking her to stop making excuses is totally valid, but tbh the reason why we put critique here is for everyone to collectively improve, including the cosplayer we're critique. I'm actually really impressed that she is reading everyone's message on here, and from a few threads back with her kimono, actually improving.

I thought you were over exaggerating until I looked. wow.

>> No.7058552

This. I actually REALLY love her cosplays, but I've personally seen her twist stories and shit and I'm getting sick of her "I tell people how it is" attitude when sometimes it comes off as harassment (such as influencing people to send anon hate to someone, watching it happen, and doing nothing when the person is harassed because of her. This has happened twice to the same person, I thought it was brutal regardless)
It gets sickening to see people cry about how great she is when they haven't even witnessed her in real life.
A lot of talent, great cosplays, shitty person.

>> No.7058571

are you talking about janecrocker

>> No.7058579
File: 42 KB, 480x722, kirigirii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious lack of best girl in here

>> No.7058589

It's like no one remembers mu_empire.

>> No.7058594


janecrocker is a terribly shitty person but I'm pretty sure she never 'sent' anyone after her. janecrocker invites that crap on herself by existing.

>> No.7058605

This thread is a festering shit pile of vendetta and nitpicking. How hasn't OP nuked it yet?

>> No.7058612

hi cifera
youre a fake bitch and people know about it

>> No.7058615


Uh, no. Sorry for wanting quality threads instead of this juvenile mess.

>> No.7058623
File: 235 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mrz4mect491s41p7vo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less Vendetta-chan's, more cosplays please.

>> No.7058625
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>> No.7058638

in your opinion the perfect touko cosplay would have what color hair and what color uniform? i have been looking at bordeaux shades for her wig but i can't decide if her clothes should be purple too? i saw a brown uniform for her that i loved but it didn't seem quite accurate. it doesn't look black to me either.

>> No.7058676

No. Hair: very dark brown, cool-toned (purple-tinted as opposed to red). Uniform: extremely dark purple or navy, perhaps? It could swing either way from the game, anime and figure, but I really like seeing off-black tinged with one of them.

>> No.7058779

those hems make me so sad

>> No.7058805
File: 642 KB, 720x1280, 1376060667002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the people who really have beef with cifera, why don't you just make a club and send her anon hate all day or something and stop shittin up the threads with this dumb drama. I'm not defending her. I don't care about her but she's a pretty good cosplayer and that's all we should care about if she gets posted here. not petty shit from middle school. this happens every damn thread and its just so fucking tiresome to see it instead of actual cosplays. just stop.

and ill actually contribute too.

>> No.7058813
File: 183 KB, 1275x1920, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2F1aa120907c25e8e0424bf4f649fc4ed6%2Ftumblr_mrwcjzRw9t1rkw32ro1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7059025

it looks like he put his makeup on after he put on the helmet. and it looks like he didn't seal it. otherwise great costume

>> No.7059137

use foam so the core is more secure and you can attach it to the wig more easily. get some foam at your local craft store and cut it to shape. for stuff like this styrofoam is fine.

>> No.7059143

his make up looks like it may have been sealed but he's been sweating to me and it's rubbed where the costume is. He should have probably used an oil reducing primer before putting it on, I see both problems a lot with homestuck make up too.

>> No.7059154

A slight purple tint if you can manage it, but trying to go for purple tints tend to go super wrong. You'd probably be better aiming for dark brown hair, and brown-almost-black fabric.

>> No.7059208
File: 150 KB, 850x478, blown up a bit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some of Sonia's sprites/artwork it looks as though her "braid" is actually two going outwards from her hair part to me. Any opinions? Does anyone see what I mean?
I'm cosplaying her soon and I want to be as accurate as I possibly can.

>> No.7059311

maybe snazaroo would be better for his costume? ben nye is oil based while snazaroo is dryer?

>> No.7059381

Those legs are like huge stumps of fat.

>> No.7059386

Yeah really. And not only that but the construction of the costume isn't even that great? It's so obvious where it's all gathered and attached to the top portion I feel like the belt should cover that but she thinks it's cute and makes her look skinny to have it so high up.

>> No.7059399


But that's exactly what it looks like. >>7059208 it's supposed to be at the waist and gathered. Why are you complaining about something being sewn properly. Wow is your vendetta ever burning hard.

>> No.7059417


just shut the fuck up already you whiny cunts. we get it, you don't like her, but no one cares except you. you are contributing nothing to this thread and when your previous whining didn't work you've turned to complaining about shit that isn't even done incorrectly. you aren't fooling anyone.


i can also see purple, but it does look like it has red tones too. it's a very warm shade of brown in general. i just don't want to get something that would be better off as a mikan wig. touko's hair looks a lot more red than that to me.

>> No.7059420

I've been wondering about that for a while too. In other shots it looks like the braid starts at the bottom of her head and crosses over part without splitting. I think either way would work, but you'd probably need a skin top side part if you wanted to incorporate the part properly.

>> No.7059429

New thread. Don't fuck this one up.
