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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7024163 No.7024163 [Reply] [Original]

Dragon*Con is coming up. Who will be there?

I moved into the city last year for university but didn't plan enough ahead in order to go to the con; but I managed to go to the parade and it was unlike anything I had ever experienced, so I'm now expecting this crazy, exciting, over the top, huge event.
However, I've never been to anything quite like D*con and would love some pointers (or maybe some friends? as I have no cosplay buddies here) for my first time. I've been to AX, but I feel like D*con is sort of apples to oranges in comparison, at least from what I've seen and heard.

What's it like in multiple hotels, down town especially? What's it like to cosplay there? (When I was at the parade, it was ridiculously crowded, is the rest of the convention as packed?) Any exciting parties going on that I should know about? Is there a /cgl/ meet up potentially happening? etc.

>> No.7024348

I'm having a hard time getting people together for my group. I know Soul Calibur and Guilty Gear are kinda old news, but I was really hoping to get a few random people together. I'm bringing my Talim (I promise it's not shit-tier) and my friend has an Aeon he's finishing for Saturday or Sunday, and we're missing Sol Badguy and Ky Kiske for our GG shoot on Friday. Both of them dropped for work reasons.

Can anyone direct SC or GG cosplayers my way? I have some people putting the word out but I feel like they're nostalgia type series now...

>> No.7024557
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It's awesome.

The con is split into numerous "tracks", for example Trek Track (Star Trek), Anime and Manga Track, Apocalypse Rising (mostly zombie and post apocalyptic stuff), etc. Each track is designated to a certain area in a certain hotel, so its easy to know where you'll need to go for whatever events you wish to attend. The four host hotels are close together, so you can easily get where you need to go. Some of the hotels are connected to each other by a skywalk, which also helps. I have probably the world's worst sense of direction and I even (usually) manage to figure out where I'm going, though my bf is also helpful since he's better about that kind of thing and tall enough to see over everyone else, haha.

Official con panels/contests/parties/workshops/concerts/whatever start around 10 am and run into the early hours of the morning, and tons of events are happening at any given time. It's pretty much impossible to attend all the things you'll want to go to, but at the same time there's always something to do. When the pocket program guide comes out every year I highlight all the panels I want to go to, but usually end up attending only a few since half the fun of the con is just wandering around the halls, whether or not you're cosplaying.

The Peachtree Center food court is connected to some of the hotels by a skywalk and close to the others (a walk across the street from the Westin). There are a lot of different choices for food there, and thankfully its large enough that not all of the lines are abysmal. There's also a CVS in there now, which is super helpful for all those little things a person might need.

>> No.7024560
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Yes, the entire convention is extremely crowded. I think last year there were over 50k people there. The con grows every year, though they mentioned they might cap attendance next year to help with the overcrowding. If you don't want your cosplay bumped, don't go near the Marriott. Of course, a lot of the cool events are in the Marriott, so its a trade off. The elevators are the stuff of nightmares, so take the stairs if you can.

I don't know about a cgl meet up, people usually get one together as the con draws closer. I've never been due to patalyzing fear of being mocked, but I've never heard anything bad about it.

I usually head to some of the dance parties, like Last Party on Alderaan. While I wouldn't be caught dead in a club, I actually think the dance parties at Dragon*Con are a lot of fun. I feel less self conscious there, and it probably helps that it's a more varied con age-wise, so at 26 I don't feel like a dinosaur.

I come in from out of state and usually get into a host hotel so I don't have to commute each day, but I have a feeling that may be difficult. If you know others who do so they may have pointers for that.

TL;DR this con is a blast, there's not really anything like it. I'm excited for you to go for the first time, and I hope this helped some. Enjoy!

>> No.7025229

speaking of parties I went to Disco Apocalypto Last year and was best party there, wish it would happen again this year but I think was made because of whole year ending in 2012 stuff.

>> No.7025238

As someone who has never been to Dragon Con, it looks like more of an adult version of SDCC.

>> No.7025277

Author of super long post here

I've never been to SDCC before so I can't say for sure, but in the sense that its huge and has multiple genres, it seems similar.

Dragon*Con is fan run, though, so there is very little industry presence. On the plus side, that means its less about trying to sell you stuff and more about celebrating fandom. On the downside, you're less likely to see the more conventionally famous celebs there, or view reveal trailers.

Though I'm quite content with having met Patrick Stewart and bumped into Timothy Zahn on an elevator, haha.

>> No.7025359

Are the dance tickets something you have to buy ahead of time, or are they included? I remember seeing fliers for tickets if you weren't part of the convention, but I don't remember otherwise.
(And if so, can they be purchased online, or do they need to be bought in person.)

That and the aquarium tickets?
Someone mentioned the aquarium thing to me once--could anyone shed more light on it?

>> No.7025361

If by dance you mean the con hosted parties then just need a badge. The Aquriam I believe does cost extra but free transportation from host hotels.

>> No.7025378 [DELETED] 

Does anyone have any spots in a room open?

>> No.7025383

Does anyone have any open spots in their room?

MARTA stops running at 1 and I have no way to get home--unless I can find someone to carpool with.

Any Tech students here?

>> No.7025403

Ahh, it'll be my first time too. I've been wanting to go for forever and it's my first out-of-state con. I'm finally make a dream cosplay of mine and I'm so excited.

>> No.7025429

I'll be your friend anon. I have been at least going to the parade since I was born, I think.
Anyways the con is great. I live close by so no hotel for me. ALSO for those who don't know and kinda like /sp/ there is a braves game going on the thursday before the con that is dedicated to Dragon con. Nosebleed seats are like 7$ and dragon con/turner field encourages you to come in cosplay. I may go if I can get away from school. If not I will be there friday-sunday.
I hope to see all of you there.

>> No.7025430

we should have a meet up. I would like to meet some of you in real life. Never have, so this may be a good time.

>> No.7025537

>When the pocket program guide comes out every year I highlight all the panels I want to go to,

If you have a smartphone download the DragonCon App. It tells you what all of the panels are, and you can tell the app you want to do and it will schedule it for you and let you know if it conflicts with anything else you wanted to do.

I haven't been to a panel in like 5 years but I have the app to tell me if there is something coming up. I'd only go to a panel if I got bored and DragonCon is never boring, even at 4 in the morning.

>> No.7025860

It won't let me post the links but if you need somewhere to crash do a search for
dragonconrooms on livejournal
also search facebook for the 'Dragon*Con 2013 Rooms' group.
Good luck!

>> No.7025906

I'm going and I am very excited about this year. I have some great costumes lined up and it'll be my first time marching in the parade.

>> No.7025907

There's usually one dance, I think it's a masquerade ball, that you have to buy tickets for. It's a charity event. The rest of the dance parties are free with your badge.
There is also a bulletin board at the con I believe for people seeking rooms. Hopefully you'll already have one by then, but just in case the info booths would know where it is.
Alas, no smartphone. The bf has one though so we use both.

This thread is getting me hyped! 3 weeks!

Oh shit, better go workon the cosplays..

>> No.7026383

I'll be going, hopefully work approves my days off to fly out and attend, I already have airline tickets too. I'm currently making my Serana Cosplay from Skyrim. Trying to get bf to do something related but not the stereo typical Dovahkiin..I'll be going for 3 days then the last day of the con I have to fly back QQ.

>> No.7026888

Any of you guys ever participated in the cosplay contest for the anime track? Or have photos of participants from prior year?

I've been working pretty hard on a costume to show off at AWA, but wanted to give it a test run at D*Con. I've finished seams and everything! I'm usually terribly shy, but this looks like being on stage is optional.

>> No.7026950

Anyone participating in the parade?

>> No.7026959

I and my friend will be in the parade as Lantern Corps characters (sort of). Our first D*c so hopefully we don't fuck up.

>> No.7027854

It'll be my first Dragon*Con but I plan on entering the cosplay contest with a friend. I don't know how the judging goes or anything but I'm hoping that it's just a "go on stage and do a couple of poses" contest since it's mostly for craftsmanship.

>> No.7027876

Any pics of costumes from previous years anyone wants to share? I always look forward to the thread before the con for any photos people have of past years.

>> No.7029041
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I've got a few. I had to sift through the millions of Dr. whos and adventure time cosplays to get the good vidya related ones.

>> No.7029049
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>> No.7029052

3rd year attending! i come all the way from CA for it...some of the best fantasy and historical costuming in the US imo. best parts are the myriad bars, awesome guests (barrowman groped me last year), and super high level costuming. it's getting a bit TOO crowded in the marriott on saturday....not sure how that'll be this year. if you have a big costume, don't plan on being able to walk around a ton.

>> No.7029064
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After seeing the winners of last years I gave up on the idea. I can't remember if it was the predator or the Dark Crystal one that won but both were really amazing looking. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get a picture but the guy looked straight up like David Bowie. It was awesome.

>> No.7029094

Ah, I'll have to see what it looks like at the con then. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.7029095

volpin won last year for... master craftsmanship or something?

with his skyrim cosplay

>> No.7029108
File: 1.08 MB, 2100x1575, IMG_1164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh someone else ended up winning? Guess I heard wrong. Regardless tons of really amazing cosplays last year. Was my first time going and thought it was awesome to see so much variety. Hoping to see Sho Nuff again this year.

>> No.7029142

FYI there are a bunch of costume contests at dcon. the big friday night one is craftsmanship only and is really high level. volpin has won in this one several times. it uses worldcon rules, if you're into that...but be forewarned that you have to BRING IT to win anything in this one. for example, have seen an EXQUISITE "breathe" gown from ever after that a gal beaded for a year (and honestly could've been the screen used piece for how accurate it was) not place.

there's also the masq, which is performance-based, and long as fuck (not worth it, imo). and a lot of tracks have their own internal contest for costumes just from their subject area. i think the anime track does a contest, and i'd encourage you to enter it!

>> No.7029573
File: 219 KB, 480x640, ignoreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pan-Galactic Inquisitor from Venture Bros (I think that's what he was called)

>> No.7029575

There's also a hallway costume contest. I'm probably going to enter just so I can get a nice looking picture of my costume, haha.

>> No.7029593

There's a new cosplay contest this year that sounds more along the lines of a "normal" (as in, you don't have to be volpin to win) contest.

But of course that's just me speculating. I'm worried about entering it and looking like a jackass if people like that do enter.

>> No.7029742

I was planning on entering that as well, I think.
But that's a popularity contest so it's all about if your character is well known I guess.

But coming from some conventions with crappy contest judging, I'm exciting to hear that the main ones are done based on craftsmanship. There's no hope for me, but glad to hear those who worked their butts off now have a chance at being rewarded.

Do you have a pic of this beaded gown? I'd love to see it.

Last year I saw fliers around town for a big huge rave dance event thing hosted by D*Con, inviting non-convention-goers to buy tickets just to the event. Is there one big big dance party? Or was that last year only due to being 2012, like someone said.

>> No.7030994

I have never heard of anything needing to buy a ticket that is con hosted so unless its a charity event or something you should be able to get into if if you have a con approved badge. Be wary of fakes

>> No.7031036

i was so, so happy until i saw what looks like Brock Sampson's gruncle standing next to him

>> No.7031183

You know, this is my picture that I've had for two years and I did not even notice that.

Now I'm sad.

>> No.7032337

Oh wow, I didn't even notice the guy at first. Sad cosplay is sad.

>> No.7032976

i don't think that's necessarily new....it's basically the anime track's genre-specific contest, they've just added in the animation track as another sponsor. that being said, looks like they're doing both performance and walk-on? can't tell from the wording.

you can see if a track has its own contest by checking the track page directly. they're not all posted on the main site. offhand, i know steampunk does one, as does LotR/Tolkien.

i don't have a photo sadly, but this was in 2011 and i know one of the big photo guys takes pics of the friday night contest.

>> No.7032994

Oh, when I read "bring back" here, that reads to me like they got rid of it for a while.
>No skits during judging or catwalk.


>> No.7033815

Cool, this is like my second I guess, first time really going, cosplaying and in the parade. I'm going to be a NCR Ranger. And don't worry about fucking up, pretty hard to do and everyone tends to be very nice.

>> No.7033926
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this will be my 4th year in a row

>> No.7033928
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>> No.7033930
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>> No.7038390

bump! 2 weeks from tomorrow! who's scrambling already???

>> No.7038557

I'm dying.

>> No.7038769

this is my first Dragon*Con

had to lose 20 pounds for my costume, so i couldn't start until last week. it's hectic as hell. That also pushed back my AWA Costume, so my free time is nonexistent

>> No.7039484

Almost done with my first costume but the second is way behind.

>> No.7039566

>groped by Barrowman
You lucky bastard. Did you see his SDCC updates? He was molesting actors in every shot, that quirky guy. His husband must be the most tolerant person in the world.

>> No.7039571

I've considered doing the comic-specific cosplay contest but it's during the aquarium event which I already bought a ticket for. Decisions decisions.

>> No.7039575

I'm currently scrambling for San Japan then I have THREE costumes to finish for D*c in two weeks after that. Leaving me with one weekend and a super-full time job to get it done during.

>> No.7039752

I'm trying to spray paint stuff but it keeps raining and nothing is drying!!

>> No.7039848
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Costume as it was at the last D*C I went to, 2010. Generic stempunk. I'm going again this year, and I'm trying to make additions/changes (as I can afford and have time. Thus far, this has amounted to a new pair of weapons (picture in a moment) for more of an "airship pirate" feel.

I sort of want to figure out something for the gasmask lenses, but I'm not sure what or how.

>> No.7039854
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The funniest thing about this to me is that with my face covered up, I look a hell of a lot younger.

>> No.7039985

What do all the gears/that cover on your goggles do?

>> No.7040005

Not seriously expecting people doing steam punk to make outfits that make sense do you? They just throw gears all over everything and wear Victorian clothing. Can't say I've ever seen it done right.

>> No.7040007

Theoretically, adjust the lens underneath for magnification. Also, were a bitch to lever out of an alarm clock.

And yes, I know, elastic band. But I know nothing of leatherworking and was working on a budget. I may someday replace them, but as the first pair I made, I have sentimental attachment.

>> No.7040027

lol yeah, i was pretty surprised...the photo of us has him making a hilariously shocked face and his hand up my skirt (his idea, not mine), which he actually ripped when lifting up my leg to dip me. and this was AFTER he played my boobs/arc reactor like bongos.

best $$ i have EVER spent.

>> No.7042919
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I will be there, as it is my home con. I am not really a huge multi costume kinda person, I am usually in my jawa, which folks seem to enjoy seeing.
There is usually a meet up on Fri I belive, a tek to Gladdis Knight's for chicken and waffles, I think Coffee oginaized it, but not too sure on that, someone should post that pic with the meet up info soon.

Oh and this year, instead of the "free candy jawa", I have another secret schitck theme, one I have been working on for months now, so if ya run into me, and are lucky, you may get super secret ( but awesome I do asure you) jawa gift...while supplies last. Oh, also may do jawa swap meet idea at random places, so if you see "super secret jawa gift" and must have, may do trades for interesting things.

pic related

>> No.7042988

Hey where did you get those two leather flatter pouches? I've been looking for something like that for my ranger armor.

>> No.7044734


>> No.7045091

Made em, they are repos of WWII mouser pouches. But you can buy them on ebay or military surplus sights. Catch me at the con if you want to inspect them, glad to show ya sir or ma'am.
Sorry for the delay on replying back to ya.

>> No.7045096

Oh yeah, and they are leather too, sturdy as hell, will prolly be in good condition 60 years from now, so no cheap prop.
I'll show you, and anyone, my ion rifle as well, it's a beast, it's metal and wood,weight is about 8 lbs due to the fact that is made from a non firing Infield rifle ( a common rifle issued to troops who fought in WWII) Looks great, but it can be daunting to carry it for 8 or 9 hours at D*C, I have and will have bruses on my shoulder from doing it, even with it in my holster.
Sometimes ones has to suffer for their art, amiright?

Oh and more super secret jawa items are ready to go!

>> No.7045189

got a room in the marriot

>apple pies
>some good challengers

>> No.7046854

This will be my first year attending, and it will also be my first time ever attending a con in a different country. Add to that that while I do know OF people who are going, they are mostly friends of friends and I don't know them too well myself. Somewhat worried that I may be wandering around all by myself for the entire weekend.

I am also slightly unsure of my accommodations. I'm staying at the Glenn-Marriott Autograph Collection, and the pictures of the outside of the hotel make it look kind of sketchy.

>> No.7047059

While everything is more fun with friends, I will say that this is a con where there's a fuckton of fun to be had even when wandering alone.

>> No.7047342

It's a bit far from the venue but doesn't look too bad, it's a little close to 5 points but as long as you don't stray to far too the south of there at night it should be fine.

>> No.7049305

I spent most of the day finally fixing up my bodice. Now that I have that and the skirt almost finished, the timing is looking a bit better. Though I still need to buy more fabric for the sleeves and then finish the other 80% of armor I need to make. I'm starting to get pretty giddy.

>> No.7050520

grid schedule is out

>> No.7050545
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Three costumes left to finish. Working 60-70 hours each week.

>> No.7050578

I actually just quit my job, so I could have the time to finish. Though I'm moving to a different city right after the con, so I was planning to anyway.

>> No.7053256

This will be my fifth consecutive year at D*C, and I'll be rather busy unlike what I have been in the past.

I'll be pre-war!Simon Petrikov both Saturday and Sunday, too.

>> No.7053355

I'm going with two of my friends and we'll be in Star trek cosplay for atleast one day. I think on the other days they'll be in something from Welcome to Night Vale, while I kind of threw together a closet Misty cosplay in a few days.

It's my first time ever going to a con and my first time cosplaying, so I'm just going to try have fun and experience the huge con atmosphere.

>> No.7053563

I'll be there. I'll be in my Bad Touch monkey suit.

>> No.7053571

Still working on stuff for Dcon, but will be there as a NCR Veteran Ranger

>> No.7053576
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I was going to have this costume be a surprise, but I doubt there's that many Venture Bros. people reading this thread.

Just standing around silently will be too much fun.

>> No.7053577


If I see you I'll say hi. Thank you your thread all those years ago I got better bras. My back and boobs thank you and Penny.

>> No.7053584

hahaha, you're so very welcome. Please do come say hi, I love meeting new people.

>> No.7053836

should go to the venture party in that

>> No.7055225

Pretty much a week away. Are there any meetup plans or same as last year so far?

>> No.7055247

What were last year's plans? This will be my first Dragon*Con, but I've gone to meetups before, at Megacon.

>> No.7057189

I have a morning interview in Atlanta on the 30th.

Should I bring a costume and hang out around D*C without a pass in the afternoon?

>> No.7057207

sure, we'll meet again at the fountains at the marriot marquis.

Friday or Saturday anyone? Preferred date?

Preferred time? 10:00? or Later?

And of course, BYOB

>> No.7057508

So much hype, one week left.

>> No.7057558


>> No.7057600

...About 40-50% of which he didn't even make himself lol
That's probably true for a ton of high-level costumes these days though. I'm just kind of jelly because I honestly didn't think it was that amazingly impressive. He's too weedy to pull off dovahkiin imo.

>> No.7057610

Ughhh I'm so jealous of you all! I hope I can start making enough money to get out to D*C some year!

>> No.7057613

So what didn't he make?

>> No.7057625

All of the fabric parts. Source: Crafting a Secret Identity documentary + he himself on his own website.

>> No.7057663

ok cool, good to know

>> No.7058130

That sounds good. The only thing I have in mind to go to is a concert midnight Friday night/Saturday morning, so it shouldn't interfere with any of that.

>> No.7058376

Next year I am enforcing the rule in my group that if your shit is not done a week before the con, you are on your own. I just lost an entire day of working on my own stuff, helping someone else finish their cosplay because otherwise I would have to deal with them bitching the whole con about not having a costume. WELL THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE STARTED LIKE A MONTH AGO WHEN I ASKED IF YOU WANTED HELP!


>> No.7058382

This will be my 10th year at the con and my 5th on staff. Come to the ConSuite for free food and drink!

>> No.7058403

Isn't it a week before and you sound like you haven't finished either if you need to still work on your stuff.

>> No.7058435


I love you ConSuite. I am always in you at least twice a day.

>> No.7058443

Wh-what is this ConSuite you speak of?

>> No.7058457

ikr, I was thinking the same thing reading their post lol

>> No.7058482


In the Hyatt on the second floor in the corner is the ConSuite. One of the best kept secrets that is not a secret. Ask any of the Info booths and they will tell you how to get there.

They are open all day, have soda and tea, and they serve up con foods 3 times a day. If you just randomly go in there you might find fajitas, PB&J, or a birthday cake.
Fucking random and fucking awesome. They also have a couple TVs in there so you can watch something geeky while you refuel a little.

>> No.7058495

That sounds amazing. I'll definitely have to stop by [without getting lost of course].

>> No.7058670

oh neat, what concert?

>> No.7058687

Ghost of the Robot, the band with James Marsters as the lead singer. They're not amazing but I kind of have a weakness for them soooo yeah.

>> No.7058762

Hey Coffe, you and your GF wanna hit the KISS tribute concert? Sat night I think

>> No.7059096

Anyone storing booze in their props? In my Guilty Gear group, Ino is bringing a hollow guitar filled with 100oz of sweet, sweet drunk nectar. My Bridget is going to have Roger the Booze Bear, and I'm converting him to be a teddy backpack to carry my snacks and liquor.

First Dragoncon, but all my veteran friends are preparing me.

Also if you see dick in a box Bridget on Friday or dick in a box Samus, come ask to see my "boner."

>> No.7059249

Dragon Con is pretty lax with the drinking. I see people with flasks out all the time

>> No.7059749

is it accessible by stairs or do I have to take an elevator to get to it?

>> No.7059907

>drunk I-no
this can only end in tears
also excellent taste in cosplay choices

>> No.7059934

I need a room to stay in for friday and saturday. If anyone got an open spot, shoot me an e-mail.

>> No.7060224

Yeah, you can get there by stairs, just take the ones nearby the main elevator., you can usually see people eating near the balcony, just head towards them!

>> No.7060234


>> No.7060269

That countdown is freaking me out, man.

>> No.7060423
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Going to D*C for my 2nd year. I will be wearing my power armor in the parade on Saturday, and probably most of the weekend.

>> No.7060772

Good god that is badass, I'll see you at the parade as the NCR Ranger.

>> No.7061821

Post is old as fuck but I'm in the process of finishing an sc2 kilik for this con. its my first time making a costume so its def not perfect but its not looking awful either. def down to meet up or whatever if you're interesting

>> No.7061834

man that typo made it sound way bitchier

>> No.7061870

I wish you included the shoes. Otherwise, not bad.

>> No.7063067
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Local Atlantan here.

Dragon Con was a fucking MESS last year with the absolutely immense number of guests. This year it's going to be crazy, I hope they can actually manage the number of people.

Are you prepared for the fucking immense number of Homestuck cosplayers this year? I sure as fuck am not.

My fucking MOM is cosplaying Vriska this year. I thought I felt out of place being 18 in the crowd of Homestucks last year.

>> No.7063157

I guess I was fortunate to only running into one medium size group of Homestucks.

>> No.7063176


the homestuck group last year was extremely small compared to pretty much any con of the same size since atlstucks are all poor ass children, and the fandom's been shrinking since so I really don't think it's going to be all that bad. and the barstuck last year was awesome, hope this year's is as good

>> No.7063192
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>tfw first big con
>tfw no costume

Oh well. At least I'm going with friends. I really wish I could go as Jade.

Can't wait to wait in line for 4 hours to get my badge.

>> No.7063540
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Hataraku Maou-sama! - 03 [485027D8].mkv_snapshot_12.39_[2013.07.08_19.50.03].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interview anon here. I'm interviewing eight blocks from the con and have two hours free in the afternoon to bum around Atlanta after business is done, so I'm going to hang out in the lobby and hopefully get some great pictures of all of you.

(Pic related in that this is basically my interview attire, unrelated in that I do not own a red wig and therefore can't closet cosplay in my downtime.)

>> No.7063861

4 hours in line? What line are you waiting in? Ever since they went to scanning barcodes, there isn't a line to pick up your badge. The only time there is a line is if you decide to line up hours early or if there's tech problems.

>> No.7063901

The line was only separated by pre-reg (with the barcode) and walk in inside the hotel, so the line was a mixture of both and wrapped around the building. The had to send staff through the lines telling people who had the pre-reg to skip the line because it was empty inside.

>> No.7063918

I got my badge in less than 20 minutes on Thursday last year.

>> No.7064063

If you can't get in you can always go to Peachtree center food court a lot of foot traffic for cosplayers there too.

>> No.7064075

Crap, do you need a badge just to get into the hotels? I figured it would be like Katsu where there's vast areas where you can dick around without a badge, or that people would be wandering between the hotels.

>> No.7064082

They are supposed to be ramping up security this year, and not allowing anyone in without a badge. We will see if this is actually the case or not come con time. I would be willing to bet the only day they up security is Saturday.

>> No.7064106

People do wander around between the hotels but I do remember them ramping up security last year.

>> No.7064127

hope you have a badge or a room key, last year was stricter on letting people into hotels

>> No.7064159

Last year, they started enforcing the key card or badge check for all entrances (except the parking garage) around 6pm.

From the official Dragon Con website for what's new in 2013,
"Looking back on at the last two years, the hotel badge checks continue to offer many great benefits with the reduction of crowding, allowing our members to interact with members in a “protected” environment and truly enjoy all of the wonders of Dragon*Con each evening. In 2013, we will continue to expand the badge check program to including the parade hours as well as other times, in an effort to thin out the crowds of non-badged individuals that have a serious impact on flow for our members, impeding our ability to get to the much cherished programming, beverages, and other places and things throughout the show."

>> No.7064377

I LOVE this plan. For how much we have to pay for DragonCon's registration, I really hate not being able to walk in after being in the parade and just get to where I'm going. Also, the parade route is different this year, so we'll see how that goes I guess.

I generally love cons that are strict on badge policies more than those that are lax.

Just wait until DragonCon starts having an attendance cap, hoo boy

>> No.7064505

Well the parade route change is only because of the rail car project.

>> No.7064603

The drunken shoot is on Friday evening I think near the Hyatt or Hilton, but we'll be boozing it up in cosplay all weekend. Unfortunately we're still looking for our Sol Bad Guy, our Potemkin dropped out, and a few other key characters that had to drop for financial reasons. Smallish group, but we're stoked.

And thanks! I'm really excited for my first Dcon.

>> No.7064623

I just saw this. I'm still here! I only have a few SC cosplayers. It's going to be myself as Talim and my friend as Aeon. We'll be in SC cosplay for the first half of Saturday. My email is in the field if you want info, but this is my first year and I have no clue where to meet. I think I have one confirmed photographer and two interested photographers wanting to shoot.

>> No.7065243


>> No.7065480

anyone planning on wearing some touhou cosplay?

>> No.7065487

Was gonna bring Flandre but couldn't finish the wings in time. I can either finish the rest of the costume and go wingless, or procrastinate. I'm thinking of just putting it off. I don't want to rush it--saving it for AWA with ZUN.
(If I'm REALLY ambitious I'll make a Cirno for AWA, too, since I have a wig, but whatever.)

Decided to go costumeless to my first D*Con due to this. But I think it will be better in the long run, hearing about the massive crowds and my having a decently large wingspan. Don't want to ruin my costume or get in the way of others.

Can anyone explain Thursday badge pick up? I won't be able to hit the con until Friday night, but would like to get my badge ahead of time if it will save me time and hassle.

>> No.7065490

Friends are cosplaying original stuff and based off cartoons

>> No.7065512

>tfw realizing you'll be on your period during the convention

>> No.7065523

Badge pickup is in the Sheraton. It's on the side of the building (not up the driveway and through the front doors). Follow the crowds and the tape on the floor. Make sure you have your Postcard and Photo ID.

Unless there is some kind of computer crash or if you get there before/right when it opens, you shouldn't have to wait at all.

>> No.7065554

Oh god, I don't know how I'm going to finish everything. We leave on Thursday morning and I've still got two costumes to make plus fixing up all my other shit.

>> No.7065601

Doing yukari, yuyuko, and maybe mokou.
I'm still working on the Yukari.

>> No.7065825

Did you get your Postcard yet? I still haven't gotten anything in the mail.

>> No.7065840

same here. fucking sucks.

>> No.7065907

When did you register? I got mine ages ago, but I pre-reg'ed last Sept.

Do you have a confirmation email or something from when you paid for your badge? You should be able to get your badge from just your photo ID, but the confirmation email wouldn't hurt. The postcard just speeds up the process.

>> No.7065922

Sup Jesse.

>> No.7065945

I was slow to the party, was originally was planning only preordering a saturday badge but splurged and got the 4 day on the 16th. I got the confirmation email and a detailed invoice also.

>> No.7066032

mah nigga

literally haven't talked to you in a year

i got a new number, yours still 4618??

>> No.7066077

ya brew just send me a text an shit so i know yo're alive.

>> No.7066264
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will do

>> No.7066272


does anyone know if you can bring sewing needles on airplanes? i fly a ton, but have never tried to do any hand sewing while flying, and it may be very fucking necessary this year ARGH.

>> No.7066327


Sewing needles should be A-OK to fly with :)

>> No.7066330
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Avi's twitter says she's going to be at Dragon*con, but I only want to actually meet her and get pictures if she'll be doing Silent Hill..

>> No.7066331


Fucking lol, GOD this guy is such a douche

>> No.7066358 [DELETED] 

Her FB page doesn't have SH in the lineup

>> No.7066359
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Her FB page doesn't have SH in the line up

>> No.7066371


just finish up the ones you have pretty much done. Stressing out to finish 2 more in as many days is not worth it.

There are other cons...

>> No.7066372

>tfw realizing you'll be on your period during the convention

I just finished mine a couple days ago. I was so frikin glad it came before the con. There is so much walking I didn't want to be tired and on advil all day.

But I just caught a cold yesterday so I didn't get off scott free. Hopefully it will be gone by Friday.

>> No.7066580

awesome, thanks. i may be slipstitching and making hair accessories on the plane.

i never want to gather anything EVER AGAIN after doing this effie trinket skirt.

>> No.7066699
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My first D*C was last year and I had a BLAST. Would love to go back but I had a meeting that I need to be at on Friday (and I'm broke and have no new costumes anyway).
Wore this on Saturday, got mistaken as Yaya twice, I wonder why...

>> No.7066721


Why waste time on this goofy animu bullshit when you're KNOWN FOR SILENT HILL

>> No.7066775

I saw you a few times last year, and was a beautiful costume, great work!

There it is folks, the reason for this years con crud, she will start it all!!! JK

>> No.7067266


Some things you can't unsee...
Cosplay deviants makes the rest of us look like total sluts and whores

>> No.7067327

I don't get why some people get so mad about a fetish site. It's a friggin' niche fetish site, not some statement about cosplayers.

>> No.7067401


>> No.7067404

Secret Cosplay is Scrooge McDuck

>> No.7067458
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captcha: drezz unfitted

>> No.7067673

It's gonna be the BOMB this year

>> No.7067714

>tfw i got a yeast infection and the convention is this weekend

>> No.7067739

It's only Tuesday, it may be better by con time. If not, I'm sorry. That sucks.

>> No.7067785

>yeast infection

fuck it

>> No.7067803
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>> No.7067810

Not a big deal. Just go to an immediate care facility and get a prescription cream now, it should feel better in about four days. You take a gamble with the OTC stuff, so a doctor is the way to go.

>> No.7067819

monistat one day. walmart gogogo do it before you sleep tonight

>> No.7068590

cgl meet up is Friday at 10:00 by the fountains of the Marriot Marquis

When facing the entrance it is the right of the fountains

>> No.7068844

Isn't Avi the one who never shuts up about how she doesn't do slutty t&a cosplay and isn't Queen's Blade nothing but slutty t&a? lol

>> No.7068854

Last minute cosplay, I'm doing Wilfred. I probably will be drinking the whole time. Wish me luck.

>> No.7068857

my sides

>> No.7069438

Will someone be holding up a sign like last time?

>> No.7069484

Happened to me last year. The bloating made me look/feel soooo uncomfortable.

Midol is your friend. Also there's a CVS in the Peachtree center now for various needs.

Good luck, brave anon.

>> No.7069490

Honestly, I've never heard her say anything about t&a costumes until she talked about doing this one.

I think you're being over dramatic

>> No.7069535


Avi please go

>> No.7069581

>Friday at 10:00

Nope fuck that. I'm going to be drunk as hell with a squeaky toy penis wreaking havoc on my friends. I'd prefer if CGL's first impression of me wasn't drunk me.

>> No.7069680

>post ends in lol
>too much drama

>> No.7069726

she's never said anything about not doing t&a costumes

and she's done a couple costumes that are all ASS ASS ASS (lady gaga, bee girl)

>> No.7069749

>I'm going to be drunk as hell

lol thats the point!
don't be an aspie and just meet some people from the internet. past two years have been super chill

>> No.7069801

I'm not an aspie and socialization isn't normally an issue for me, I just don't know how well everyone would take a Bridget with a squeaky penis drunk as hell squeaking at everyone.

Plus my BF will have to be my babysitter, and I know he hates 4chan. I'll try to convince him if I get out of the Guilty Gear shoot early enough. How long do the meets last? I've never been to one since I'm still fairly new and usually just lurk.

>> No.7069873
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6th year going.
Last year was crazy awesome, best con you can go to if you don't mind crowds and lots of drunks at night.
Always awesome:
Fellow Con-goers: some of the coolest people you'll meet in fandom. Never had a bad interaction. Gotten and given free booze, gropes, make-out sessions, ect.
They will drink and party with you.

Things that have changed for the better:
Heavy handed on the badges
Moved the dealers room off-site (F'YES)
For the worse:
Attendance size: it's a f-ton of people. Saturday, till about 8pm is almost a bust. If your not in line for a big panel an hour or so before the start you won't make it in. Oh and the Marriott upper floor is a parking lot

I hope the meetup happens, sounds cool as fuck.

>> No.7069907

come drunk as fuck cause i am.

we're gonna go to Gladys Knights Chicken And Waffles and whoever wants to stick around can stick around.

>> No.7069914

Shit, I am so down! I went back in March when I was at Final Round and was planning on going during the con with another group so I guess I'm going twice if it doesn't mesh with the concert. I will never turn that place down.

>> No.7070219

Is the artist alley and comic thing the equivalent of the exhibitor's hall? Or is there an exhibitor/vendor hall I'm not seeing on the website.

Curious mainly due to this being a 4 day convention like AX, do vendors slash their prices in a mad rush to get rid of everything on Monday?

Excited for my first year, but nervous as I'm going alone. Hope to see you all there.

>> No.7070280 [DELETED] 

>Post made obviously to cause a dramatic response
>End is 'lol' because hey, that makes it a joke right?

>> No.7070344

is that you?

>> No.7070467


No, just a random from my Cosplay folder.

Awesome story from last year.
>Standing in Marriott Sunday night dressed as a Pirate, empty Red Solo cup in hand.
>Bud says we need to go back to the room to refill.
>Three people in Carnival masks and full body cloaks step up to us.
>Girl says she can help, pulls out a bottle of the Captain and tops us off.
>We say 'thanks' and they wander away.

That's only one example of the cool things that happen at the con.

>> No.7070760

Artist Alley = where artists/comic book artists sit and do autographs, sell their wares, maybe do custom art. There is also an Art Gallery full of fan-made stuff that can be bid on.

If you're talking about someplace to buy Merchandise in general, you're talking about the Dealer's Room. That has been moved out of the hotels and into AmericasMart. That building falls between the Westin and the Hyatt. (Look it up on Google Maps, it's there.)

I haven't noticed anyone slashing prices on the last day but I guess you can always ask. I do know that if you're looking for something in particular, get to the Dealers Room early on because stuff sells out early.

Have fun, don't worry about being alone.

>> No.7070823

Nope. You must have her confused for someone else

>> No.7070948

Avi, if you're gonna post just use your trip

>> No.7071061

Great idea for Dc, keep up the dedicated drinking.

>> No.7071412

hee hee

>> No.7071420

btw we will be hosting flying lessons and get some sky miles

>> No.7071460

Avi hasn't posted here in forever. Wouldn't be surprised if she forgot her trip

>> No.7071523

Definitely feeling the defeat. My costume won't look amazing at all but I can pretend. orz

>> No.7071730

Don't worry so much, just go have fun. More then likely people there will still love it.

>> No.7071785

I cant wait!

>> No.7071887

Yeah, the thing keeping me going is that I won't get shit for it or anything. I'm pretty excited to finally be wearing it more than anything.

>> No.7071911

Get your badges yet?

>> No.7071925

I'm stuck at work so I'll have to pick mine up tomorrow morning. Hopefully the lines aren't too bad.

>> No.7071941

If anyone is down to hang and drink tonight, post it here. My party got into town earlier than expected.

Only took about 5min to get my badge.

>> No.7071947

Packing now! We'll be heading out in a few hours. Oh man, still not finished with everything, but I am too excited to care anymore.

Question though, as I was packing, I noticed some pretty bad blue dye stains on my tights. Do any of you guys know if bleach pens will work on dance tights to take most of the dye out? Or will it ruin the tights?

>> No.7071978

bleach pen should lighten it up at least, good luck!

>> No.7072042

Anyone meeting up tomorrow? All my friends bought saturday passes so I'm left wandering the shops.

>> No.7072090
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Yeah 10pm marriot marquis fountain by where those 2 guys are on the right

>> No.7072139

Oh okay cool. I'll keep an eye out around that time.

>> No.7072170

Oh I forgot to mention it is on Friday

>> No.7072321

What do the badges look like this year? Got any pics?

>> No.7072355

I'm going all 4 days but the rest of my group isn't coming till Saturday morning so I'm going to have to spend Friday by myself which I'm not too psyched for.

>> No.7072621


Camera isn't working but it's a seamonster chasing some half-naked chick.

>> No.7072631

Anyone going on Saturday? My friends hate anime so I'm gonna end up going alone. Anyone interested in a meet-up?

>> No.7072632

I hope you told them that d*con mostly focuses on sci-fi and fantasy WAAAAY over anime. It is Not an anime convention.

>> No.7072664

I can't believe it's finally here.


>> No.7073081

Sooo I didn't finish Saber Alter. Packing everything up right now for a flight at 7:30. I may try to work on it in the hotel room tonight but I'm not really looking forward to it. Oh well.

>> No.7073841

Is there still going to be a meet up tonite at the fountain?

>> No.7073847

Damn I cant make it due to work. I guess I'll be going next year.

When does hotel reservations usually open up for Dragon*Con anyway?

>> No.7073892

God I am so jealous of you guys. Anyone have suggestions as to the absolute cheapest way I could get to D*C next year from WA state? Don't even care if I'm sleeping with roaches. I am a super poorfag but I want to fucking go to this con.

>> No.7073994


10 PM !!!

>> No.7074084

Oh shiiiiit sounds like somebody be drank as fuck. Me and some of the bros will def scope this shit out

>> No.7074228

I'm at the meetup spot with two others. Look for the Riddler and Tom Servo

>> No.7074247

Lmfao nice meetup

>> No.7074578

hello another meet up noob asking what the fuck is going on

>> No.7075232
File: 324 KB, 500x208, tumblr_m6lefulCBu1qh7d0do1_r2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to go to D*C for a few years now but due to work it's been difficult. I'm considering saying screw work and just go. I've got a few questions. I skimmed the thread and didn't have them answered.

>Host Hotels
I have friends/family that are staying farther away from the con, but I'd like to try to book one the host hotels.. 1)When do rates go up for hotels generally (or do you guys ignore that and book a year in advance)? 2)Which host hotel is the best?

People say the best costumes go, but with the crowds how is that possible? Are was talking Otakon crowds w/ miss management of flow of traffic where there's no room to walk or it's just crowded but movement? Or is it just easier to do comfortable costumes and safe the big stuff for later?

random pic for thanks

>> No.7075815

So I know I'll finally be able to go for the first time next year. I just have no idea where to start planning. Is one hotel better to stay in than another? Should I try and book for next year now?

>> No.7076172

Any of you meeting up tomorrow? I'm not cosplaying this year but i'd like to see some of yours.

>> No.7076923

Interview anon reporting in. I had a great time just wandering around taking pictures from 1:30 to 3:00 on Friday afternoon. I've only been to anime cons before, and I was blown away by the quality of the costumes. I'm definitely considering coming back for the whole con next year.

>> No.7076949
File: 10 KB, 143x143, tumblr_mosct5jP6F1r0o3f2o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i went last year dressed as an anime maid and some black girl said she recognized me and asked if i was a seagull

the crowds and normals are too much at dcon now, going to awa this year instead

btw i never got to see any pictures of me postyed so if anyone has images of a hairy white dude in a miad outfit feel free to post them

>> No.7076963

the crowds are fucking no joke. I went with a few friends last year and the only panel we were able to get into that we wanted to was Lavaar Burton's panel (which was so large we couldnt actually see him) ((he was also a pretty huge tool and just tried to hock his shitty iphone app))

even gay awful shit we wanted to go to to make fun of (like the invader zim panel) we waitied 1.5 hours for, and then it filled up before our section of the line got anywhere near the door.

There's also little to no anime cosplay, and the anime/manga vendors were hocking the same tired shit from the last two years

>> No.7077234

Due to illness I have returned home early from my first DragonCon.

Anime cosplayers were few, but that did not diminish the convention at all for me. I loved seeing all the variety of costumes. Many were absolutely amazing.
Nice to see you guys (all 2 of you) at the meet up. Or well I guess a 3rd showed up (making 4 total of us who found each other) but then quickly darted away.

I'm not really a panel person or a guest person, so just went to enjoy the party aspect of the con and the crowds. It was definitely worth it to me. DragonCon TV was also really nice and made for a decent time even for someone such as myself who spent too much time sick in the hotel bed.

I was really underwhelmed by the Artist Alley area. I guess at anime conventions you just see so much... more. Arts and crafts and prints and posters and shirts, etc. I feel like there wasn't much variety in what was there.
Vendor's room was great (and massive). Didn't see too much that I really liked, but it was neat nonetheless. I think I was hoping for a few more anime-Japanese things vendors, but I likely wouldn't have bought anything anyways.

I missed all the dances and stuff, unfortunately, but the aquarium was great, despite the shit that was the shuttle. No one knew where it was picking up and it took 45ish minutes to come around once we actually found the stop. Wish I had gotten there earlier to enjoy it more.

Glad I didn't bring any costumes since it was my first year and felt sick the whole time. But seeing all the cool things and costumes really makes me want to do cool things, too. I'm not sure how much my anime costumes would have been appreciated at the convention, anyways, since I saw very few. I'd rather wear things around at AWA than get them all sweaty and dirty at D*Con where no one is too interested. Better for casual or comfy costumes or joke costumes, I think.

>> No.7077685
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Who let Padme into the quarter pounders?

>> No.7077704

i'm bout to head back down for Cruxshadows and the all night dance party

nothing really big sci/fantasy came out this past year so there hasnt been one costume dominating

only thing i've really noticed is the large uptick in cross players

sorry i missed the meet up, too busy with the ridiculous wrestling match and the 80s homecoming dance party, will post pics tomorrow

>> No.7077713

Are there gonna be any sales tomorrow in the dealer's room? Or is monday pretty much dead all around.

>> No.7077722

I'm pretty sure Sunday is the last day for everything.

>> No.7077726
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fuc u m8

>> No.7077729

Generally it's the slowest day, not a lot of cosplay, most people heading home, but they do keep selling things, so the lines shouldn't be too terrible.

>> No.7077762

Because there are no normal and crowds at AWA

>> No.7077990

This just in: vic mignona announces (twice) in front of entire masquerade that he wants to fuck ten year old girls.

>> No.7078014

Yeah but this isn't NEW news.

What did he say?

>> No.7078029

A ten year old wonder woman competed and he asked her what she was doing after the show.

He asked a twelve year old ms martian, essentially, if she wanted to be a sex slave.

>> No.7078132

oh, c'mon now, that is not a bad costume.

>> No.7078242

Who said it was a bad costume? I think they were talking about the one in red looking like a bloated marshmallow with a chip on its shoulder

>> No.7078369
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I'd dump some of mine but I'm still sorting through all the ones that came out kinda blurry. Till then have some Artie and Pete.

>> No.7078580

Just got back, so damn tired.
The most of the costumes were fantastic,. Will post pictures later, took way too many.
It's gotten to big for what it is and has now become the Labor Day Atlanta Costume Party. Saturday is a total bust till about 11pm, unless you like waiting 2hrs prior to the start of a Main Event panel and Sunday is not much better. However, Thursday and Friday night were great.
DragonCon TV is still utter shit, 2013 and no HD, no live broadcast of the Parade or other main events, but they show the same Dr. Who fan movie over and over.
While a blast, don't know if I'm going next year. Badges and Hotel prices are set to go up again.

>> No.7078910

Anyone notice how Yaya was working hard for good PR. I've never seen her be so nice to people she didn't care about, especially photographers.

>> No.7079347

When we gonna see some pics up fellow attendees?

>> No.7079378
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This Ryoko was AWESOME!

>> No.7079388
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This happened in the Saturday night drum circle

>> No.7079390

I took about 900 including the parade and masquerade. Probably won't have them all up until Thursday though. Most people are just getting home and unpacking today. Wouldn't expect much until later tomorrow.

>> No.7079465


Holy Sheet, that's the best Ryoko I've ever seen.

>Dat Hair

>> No.7079472
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>> No.7079473
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>> No.7079476
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>> No.7079484
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>> No.7079486

So many hot women, dear God....
The Marriott at night was better than a strip club.

>> No.7079487
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>> No.7079492
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>> No.7079497
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>> No.7079503
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Half of my photos seem to be too large even though I took them all on the same camera with the same settings.

>> No.7079504
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>> No.7079507
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This guy's hoodie, though.

>> No.7079510

cant tell if any good because so god damn blurry

>> No.7079514
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>> No.7079520
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IS that who I think it is?

>> No.7079524
File: 3.00 MB, 4288x3216, P1010193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My camera was unfortunately acting up and isn't the best. Sorry :\

>> No.7079570

Previous years I've seen people selling/transferring their badges via LiveJournal groups and stuff.

The FAQ about the badges says that they're "nontransferable." Is this new this past year? Can badges no longer be transferred?

>> No.7079575


I saw you. You were waving your knife at people when they waved at you. I thought it was hilarious.

>> No.7079590


hit up the Dcon roomates page on Fb. You can probably find a cheap room with someone.

Also Jetblue has good sales so take a look there for airfares. If that fails see expedia type sites to compare rates.

That will keep your cost down but save like $350 to get to this con at least. Just sock it away your you'll never make it.

>> No.7079588

After I get my stuff organized I'll post some of my photos

>> No.7079608

Shit I'm damn sure going next year.

When do hotel reservations open up and which would be the best hotel to stay at to experience the con?

>> No.7079620
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Host hotels go up for grabs 2-5 months after the con.
They usually sell out within 2 hours. Don't worry though cause there are PLENTY of cancellations, roomies situation changes, overbooking, and such so people are looking for roomates clear up until the week before the con.
There is a group on Fb called DragonCon rooms 2013 that you want to join.

All the hotels are good but if you want to avoid shitty 15 min waits for an elevator avoid the Marriot and Hyatt. But if you have strong legs and can walk up 8-15 floors ok then go for it.

Take your best costumes. There is room generally but it is crowded. Comfy is only observed on Monday.

>> No.7079629


badges as of 2013 are no longer transferable. surprised they allowed transfers as long as they did considering most other cons don't

>> No.7079626

>I was really underwhelmed by the Artist Alley area

The art room is where you want to go. That shit is impressive as fuck in there.

>> No.7079647

Shame. I was planning on buying a handful of badges and selling them off later.

But also disappointing to see memberships don't carry over from year to year if you have to skip out last minute.

>> No.7079667
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I'll post a few now that they're sorted a bit a better now.

>> No.7079671
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>> No.7079676
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>> No.7079678
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>> No.7079690

NOOKIE MONSTER! I was the only one who guessed his name, Sunday night.

>> No.7079782

Oh my goddd
God this makes me want to finally cosplay her, after wanting to for years. I just don't have a cute face. Feels bad man.
Dat wig doh. Do want.

>> No.7079784

moar, please moar! (any pics of contest [especially craftsmanship] winners?)

>> No.7079808
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>Goes to DragonCon
>Expects Anime cosplays
>Was disappoint
>Never again

>> No.7079821

I feel like I'm one of like 10 people who actually had a good time. This was the first year I got into every panel I wanted to. Yes I spent a lot of time in lines but it is what it is. It was worth it to me because I had a great time.

Saturday was very crowded, it always is. Personally I think it was a lot of sports fans in town because Saturday late-night, Sunday, and Monday were not as crowded.

The only regret I have is that I did not set foot in the Dealer's Room at all this year. Every time I went by it was overcrowded or had a line going out the door. The only other thing is the clusterfuck of finding a room for 2014. Again, it is what it is...

>> No.7079819

>scrub doing it wrong detected

>> No.7079937
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I didn't actually make it to any of the contest unfortunately.

>> No.7079940
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>> No.7079943
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>> No.7079952
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>> No.7079954
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>> No.7079956
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>> No.7079958
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>> No.7079962
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Apologies as this one came out kinda dark. The person dressed as Jane kept the uninterested look after I said thanks for the photo then proceeded to roll her eyes. She was really good about staying in character. It was awesome.

>> No.7079965
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>> No.7079969
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>> No.7079972

Dang, well, thanks for posting all the pics anyway m8!

>> No.7079980
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This was my 2nd year and I can say it seemed like there was a lot more anime than there was last year. Oddly enough I saw a lot of Soul Eater and Sailor moon related cosplays. And I mean there's always the mandatory dragon ball stuff floating around.

Well I'm just glad someone out there is enjoying my awful photos.

>> No.7079991
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So I felt dumb going up to this guy since I half thought he was working for the hotel considering the way he was dressed. I flat out asked him "dude are you doing the harry potter thing on purpose or am I being stupid?". I couldn't remember what the characters name was since I'm not super huge into the books/movies. Also I totally didn't see the wand at the time either. He just let out a joking "naaaaaaaaaaaaaah". Cool guy.

>> No.7079992
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>> No.7079996

>not knowing who Ron Weasley is

I can understand not being into the series, but come on.

>> No.7080000
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My experience with harry potter is like the first movie and that's it. And even then I wasn't paying all that much attention. I mean the quidditch part was cool. And I had vague ideas of what the main 3 characters looked like.

>> No.7080003
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>> No.7080009
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>> No.7080010
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>> No.7080013
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>> No.7080015
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>> No.7080017
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>> No.7080018
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>> No.7080032
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Felt inclined to get her picture since oddly enough I saw no Korras. I saw a dozen Aangs and a few Tenzin, but she was the only korra I could find.

>> No.7080036
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>> No.7080039
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>> No.7080040


On the contrary, I saw no less than 6 Korras.
Made me ok with the fact that I didn't do one too. Would rather do someone else from the story I like than be one of a handful of the same one.

>> No.7080045
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Oh yeah I totally agree. People over there seem to value originality over everything. I just thought it was super weird considering how popular the series is. It's like, imagine going to D*C and only seeing one Dr. Who or Deadpool.

>> No.7080047
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>> No.7080050


this dude played "Careless Whisper" all sat night.
Or was it some Kenny G?

Either way, it was funny

>> No.7080051


why do ALL tuxedo mask have questionable mask proportions and bad top hats?

>> No.7080066
File: 254 KB, 2048x1536, 1265140_10101044784176157_1178158656_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it was Careless Whisper. Fucking loved that guy.

Yeah I dunno. I thought it weird in general to see so many running around. This was the 1st one I saw accompanied with a sailor scout so I figured what the hell. I wanna say the goofy proportions in that show prevent any character from transferring well to a cosplay but I thought that Sailor moon was pretty good.

Okay its like 3am here. I don't have anything super cool to end on so here's one my friend of me posing with Mr. T. Bonus points if you can tell me who the guy on the right is. I honestly don't know and none of my friends can pin him either. Anyway night guys.

>> No.7080264

Harley Quinn and Deadpool was the cosplay of the year.
They were everywhere.

>> No.7080418


>> No.7080529
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>When you see it

>> No.7081786

Where the hell is the Horse Jesus? I can't seem to find any of my pic of him.

>> No.7082266
File: 850 KB, 1200x795, 9670545464_b206a7f895_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parade pics are up. Masquerade and hall photos coming tomorrow night.


>> No.7084207

hung out with that xerxes for a bit and helped fix his costume friday while i was reinforcing dome of my own handiwork.

>> No.7084289
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Masquerade pics are done
