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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 38 KB, 320x303, hoccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7052971 No.7052971 [Reply] [Original]

Is anybody going to be streaming tonight's episode of HoC? Watching it with /cgl/ would be fun, and I know some seagulls said they'd keep watching even after seeing how horrible the first episode was.

>> No.7052996

tonight's is going to be so dramu filled too, with the jnig vs yaya stuff, lol, delicious. Hope someone does stream it.

>> No.7052999

I thought jnig didn't want to be involved with the show?

>> No.7053004

apparently she's mentioned in this show and yaya swoops in to criticize her about 'over sexualizing' her cosplays, omg, omg... please, I'm dying right now, oh gawd

>> No.7053010

are you kidding me

>> No.7053012

PLEASE let this be streamed!

>> No.7053015

It'd be super nice if someone streamed it this time!

>> No.7053020


>> No.7053027

that's what this article says http://www.examiner.com/review/heroes-of-cosplay-episode-2-if-you-ve-got-nothing-nice-to-say

>It would seem that no one has ever told Yaya that if you don’t have something nice to say about someone, then they should remain silent. She then continues into an extended diatribe on how Nigri is “cheap” and “how she sexualizes cosplay is wrong.” It goes well beyond that, but I’ll leave it to you to watch it for yourself.

omg omg omg please someone stream it

>> No.7053029

If there's a stream; I'm all in.


Yaya's one to talk.

>> No.7053046

My friend said he would only watch it with me if I make a drinking game to it.
Quick! Give me Ideas So far all I got is

Take a drink everytime:
Yaya's name is mentioned
Applause track is added

Finish your drink if:


>> No.7053057

Finish your drink if one of the girls has a sincerely nice moment.

>> No.7053059

I only want to watch it to be able to pick out the bullshit

>> No.7053060

Finish your drink if they make something more dramatic than it should

>> No.7053063


Has anyone down-voted yet? The AMA is going on.

>> No.7053066

not bad, I'm also thinking
Finish your drink if there is a verbal catfight (could happen later, who knows)

so just down drinks the entire show.

>> No.7053080

Take a drink every time:
Victoria says/screams/snaps, "Jinyo!"
the term 'cosplay ambassador' is used
a girl chooses a non-sexy/revealing character/outfit

Finish your drink if:
Victoria does any of her own work without complaining about something
10 minutes pass without Yaya talking about herself

I feel kinda mean but this show is pretty much begging for hate

>> No.7053085

whoops, the 'girl chooses a non-sexy outfit' was supposed to be for 'finish your drink if'

>> No.7053088


>That was me. The Lulu costume I was making on the show was not the same one I wore to Katsucon last year. That costume does not exist anymore. If it did, I would have been wearing it!

>> No.7053091

Makes me wish someone streamed it even more. Sounds like it'll be fun to see if it actually gets "heated" or scripted.

>> No.7053098

K so far I got this. Seem pretty good?

Take a drink everytime:
-Yaya’s name is mentioned
-Applause track is added
-One cosplayer talks behind another’s back
-Someone is panicking over finishing a cosplay
-Costume that has previously been made is being crafted/worn
-Holly and Jessica mention Crabcat
-You recoil in pure embarrassment
-Victoria says/screams/snaps, "Jinyo!"
-The term 'cosplay ambassador' is used
Finish your drink if:
-Cat fight (verbal counts)
-A girl chooses a non-sexy/revealing character/outfit
-Victoria does any of her own work without complaining about
10 minutes pass without Yaya talking about herself

>> No.7053099

Funny, since the embroidery matches exactly.

>> No.7053107

>Is there drama in cosplay? Obviously, because your friends are participating/instigating some of that drama themselves by the sounds of it. And there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, they're just proving the show right.

Lol wow. Pointing out the flaws in the show means that their friends are drama instigators. What a dumbass.

>> No.7053108

Okay, I hate Yaya as much as the next person but there is a difference between her and Jessica nobody is pointing out.

-Yaya chooses skimpy costumes and slutty designs. That is all she cosplays.
-Jessica chooses whatever she wants and MAKES them slutty with "original designs"

There are a few exceptions for each but, Jessica made a furry chipmunk creature from LoL into a bikini cosplay. Her Marika was shortened and forced into inaccuracy just to show off her stomach and tits. That's not something Yaya would do.

Still liked Jessica better because she acknowledges people only follow her for her breasts.

>> No.7053123

Finish your drink if riddle has her battle angel alita costume on EVER

(i'm willing to bet its considered TOO OBSCURE for sci-fi to show)
(hell has she even worn it at all in recent memory? it was really good)

>> No.7053122
File: 167 KB, 896x1008, Heroes-of-Cosplay Drank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I'm set, thanks Velociraptor and anon.
Anyone else wanna play join in.

>> No.7053138

Welp, guess I'll have to wait for the Hulu unless someone streams the 10 PM PST showing. :/

>> No.7053142

lol that would make me laugh considering I am almost 100% sure Sci Fi used to show Battle Angel Alita during their Saturday Anime block like 10 years ago

>> No.7053143

Gonna check it out since I've heard only awful things ;V

>> No.7053149

Honestly, the Alita costume is really good but I think Jessy Sizemore did it better. The double wig trick is great, and Jessy's figure is a better fit.

>> No.7053158

>last week on Heroes of Cosplay!
> I am Yaya Han, I judge costumes! I get held to a higher standard! I'm a cosplay ambassador!

You poor drinking game participators.

>> No.7053159

she didn't even make most of it. Had the bodysuit commissioned.

>> No.7053160

What's the general consensus on this show? Does it have /cgl/'s stamp of approval?

>> No.7053157

dont remind me how far that channel has fallen.

did you know the same executive that got MST3K canned ALSO is responsible for G4 being a heap of crap?

>> No.7053165

"scruffyrebelHeroes of Cosplay 3 points 1 hour ago
That was me. The Lulu costume I was making on the show was not the same one I wore to Katsucon last year. That costume does not exist anymore. If it did, I would have been wearing it!
Right now the cosplay community is being its own worst enemy against some of its own.
I do not think the show is a lie or being inaccurate. BUT, it is also, clearly, only showing ONE small tiny window of the cosplay world. There is a massive variety of cosplayers, why/how they cosplay, what's important to them, etc.
Is there drama in cosplay? Obviously, because your friends are participating/instigating some of that drama themselves by the sounds of it. And there's nothing wrong with that. In fact, they're just proving the show right."

>> No.7053169

>I do not think the show is a lie or being inaccurate.

>pretending like they don't know Yaya
>clearly using the old costume
>Yaya acting like her costume wasn't done

no lies here

>> No.7053171

it's fucking terrible. But also hilarious in a reality tv show way. it's a show with cosplayers, not for cosplayers (considering if it were actually for cosplayers to watch, I would be extremely insulted by how stupid they believe us to be)

>> No.7053177

In all the time I knew her, Riki never read a single comic. She was a total weebo, reading tons of manga.

*cough* Bullshit *cough*

>> No.7053179

>the troubling turn her cosplay has taken
>"I'm concerned about how Jessica is influencing her cosplay"





>> No.7053187
File: 501 KB, 604x472, 133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yaya saying someone else produces cosplay in the wrong light


>> No.7053185

is anyone else getting a "Cosplay wives of beverly hills" sort of feeling?

>> No.7053193

This. I just stared at my television.

>> No.7053190

where does it say that, in the ama?

seriously, at this point

Jnig is fucking sky high above all these idiots participating in this fucking show. All my respect for Jnig over these retards.

>> No.7053192

Why is everyone on this show so unlikeable?

>> No.7053197

Man, they must be ragging on Jnig for not choosing to be on the show.

>> No.7053198

Laughing hysterically and just ten minutes in.

>> No.7053196

"Jessica might be seducing Monika with her 'sexy' cosplays"


>> No.7053200

No one is streaming?

>> No.7053204

Also I love that it said Yaya took a protege in a 13 year old girl.... who spent her summer making cat ears for Yaya to sell. Bet she was an unpaid intern.

>> No.7053213
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>not a female hellboy, but like a hellgirl

>> No.7053216

So that's the infamous 'Chris'.
Didn't realize Riki was a chubby chaser, but it makes sense in hindsight.

>> No.7053214

"She has Jinyo hard at work making a costume to restore her reputation after her humiliation at Portland."

>> No.7053218
File: 489 KB, 497x373, ride never ends.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yaya calling Jnig's cosplays too sexy

oh jesus christ the ironing

>> No.7053221

Could they pick more random conventions to attend? Or are those the only ones Yaya is judging at?

>> No.7053225

It has now been establish that Victoria is passing off a costume that was finished years ago as a new costume.

>> No.7053226

>Haters gonna hate

>> No.7053227

>code ge-ass

>> No.7053230

So it Riki. The Hellgrrl outfit is a couple of years old.

>> No.7053232

Anyone got the link to the deviant art?

>> No.7053235

People should post links to the already finished costumes to the Heroes of Cosplay facebook

>> No.7053239

Sounds like it's only the ones she's judging at.

>> No.7053240

Hellgirl that she paired up with jenny (who did the abe sapian chick version) at dragoncon like 5 years ago? or was that a different girl

>> No.7053237
File: 78 KB, 500x349, Drunk_03e117_327781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already done with my first.

>> No.7053238

Forgot about this being on until coming here and seeing this post.

>> No.7053242



>> No.7053245

Yeah, I think that's right. It was a while ago.

>> No.7053248

How does the tron dress girl compete if someone else made the dress for her??

>> No.7053249



>> No.7053250

Wow... I saw this shit in person, I probably still have pictures somewhere

>> No.7053254

Is now she claiming to be premiering that C2 ballgown at EC Comiccon? Wasn't worn at Katsucon, which was 2-3 weeks prior??

I don't mind the fake drama but the blatant lying is just dumb, doesn't even add anything since they're showing so little construction.

>> No.7053255
File: 64 KB, 480x640, 5979336782_ba92df5645_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew that dress looked familiar

>> No.7053258

the tron dress has been posted twice but no one seems to notice or give a shit

>> No.7053260
File: 2.47 MB, 294x300, feminism pls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7053261

Anon if you're still here, you mind if I post this on Tumblr?

>> No.7053264

>/cgl/ not thinking this series has been filmed and in the can for a few years now

>my sides

>> No.7053269

Riki: you ain't gonna be discovered if Chris does all the work.

>> No.7053272
File: 1.93 MB, 2400x3600, 8970756591_5d919f28fd_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7053276

>oh my cthulu

>> No.7053277

It hasn't, actually.

>> No.7053278

I think I'll have to sacrifice my PAX booze to play this tonight.

>> No.7053283

>Oh my Cthulhu

>> No.7053286

Major props for Monika.
>I think yaya has some beef with Jessica. Jessica puts her boobs out there and gets popularity for it but so does Yaya and that's all I'm going to say about that

>> No.7053285


>> No.7053288

Yes because they could totally film cons that hadn't happened yet years ago right?

>being this retarded
>my sides

>> No.7053293

fat acceptence

>> No.7053290

oh god this show just wants people to rage

>> No.7053291

>oh my cthulu
I like this girl

>> No.7053292


>> No.7053296

>cosplay is serious business

>> No.7053297

/cgl/ is the 'grand cosplay lord'

>> No.7053299

'cosplay royalty' - in their minds!

>> No.7053305

Even /cgl/ isn't as bad as them. For the most part we say cosplay whatever the fuck you want as long as you don't half-ass it

>> No.7053303

The more this Chloe girl talks the more I like her. The show should follow her and her path through a sea of bitches

>> No.7053304

how did they even get to that topic? I heard the fat superman comment but where did it start?

>> No.7053307

She's now the protagonist of the show.

>> No.7053308

i like chloe too she's also pretty

>> No.7053310

Chloe and Monika are the most realistic ones.

>> No.7053314
File: 66 KB, 334x737, little finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bitch with the blonde hair could be a great Cersei

>> No.7053317

Yaya's CC cosstume was worn at EC:CC in 2013. All pictures/dates reveal that. Not even sure if she attended in 2012 or prior. She DID wear that dress at Katsu before it was being made "last minute" for this show.

>> No.7053316

You're getting worked.

>> No.7053325

>Code Geeus
>C 2

>> No.7053321

What I don't understand is the whole thing someone kept posting about Monica 'winning' thie show? It doesn't even seem like a contest? No one is being eliminated, they are just following people around. No prizes have been stated either (someone said whoever 'won' got a job at blizzard... not sure why blizzard would need to hire a full time costumer or cosplayer though, more like maybe a commission or on retainer)

>> No.7053322

She seems nicest out of everyone on the show but her costumes are the worst (and usually store bought)

>> No.7053324

I just remember they started talking about cosplay pet peeves, and it came from that. Might have been something about people copslaying things that don't fit them.

>> No.7053331

Hm, strap-on tail.

>> No.7053333

"i hope she took to heart what i told her and makes it about craftsmanship, not the sexy aspect of it."

says the woman who wore a costume with her tit out

>> No.7053334

That Hellgirl just looks ridiculous.

>> No.7053335

I wonder if this is the episode that someone on Tumblr mentioned. They said that producers asked them to tell a cosplayer they had camel toe and hand them a menstrual pad--they didn't, but their friend did.

>> No.7053338

Chloe it's the one I mean, couldnt remember her name.

Her cosplay is cute and I want a sandworm

>> No.7053339

we should probably add "craftsmanship" to the list of words that cause us to take a drink

>> No.7053341

What is the girl in the red wig and green corset supposed to be anyway?

>> No.7053342

Hellgirl chick said she was distracted by Monica's cameltoe

>> No.7053343


That was Shannon. She trips here sometimes, I believe.
They asked her if she would and she thought the girl knew it was scripted, so she did it. But the girl didn't know it was scripted. Luckily, she was cool about it.

>> No.7053345

a prostitute

>> No.7053346

Poison Ivy

>> No.7053347

Poison Ivy

>> No.7053344

poison ivy

>> No.7053348


Burlesque Poison Ivy.

>> No.7053352

Yaya's wig doesn't look very accurate.

>> No.7053356

hah of course Monika Lee went with sex appeal over craftsmanship.

>> No.7053353

>That Arkham Asylum Scarecrow

>> No.7053354

best answer

>> No.7053359

>I have to show my craftsmanship!
What craftsmanship? It's a school skirt and a body suit.

>> No.7053358


>> No.7053361

Things falling apart last minute, ain't that the way shit happens.

>> No.7053365


>> No.7053366

"My dress that you made won't light up you so I won't be a great cosplayer and it's all YOUR fault!

>> No.7053367

Basically the catchphrase of this show at this point.

Also, >fangasm

>> No.7053374


>> No.7053368

Is the Asian guy Victoria's bf or just some random servant guy?

>> No.7053370

SteamPunk Poison Ivy.

>> No.7053373

It's not even that sexy. Her chest is covered and decorations cover her ass. The only thing showing is the front of her under short things and that's like she's wearing a bathing suit. It matched the art she based it on so I don't see the problem.

>> No.7053377

Wait wait, why would Monika's mom give any SHITS about her sexy cosplay if she already has fucking implants? like wtf, Monika does = Riddle right?!

>> No.7053379 [DELETED] 

One of them did one of those rddit interview things.


>> No.7053380


He's both. Boyfriend and servant.

>> No.7053382

Do these girls all have implants?

>> No.7053384

I laughed out loud when she said "We worked so hard on this!"

>> No.7053385

that's that chick in a nutshell. why is she so fucking neurotic? why her boyfriend hasn't dumped her, i'll never know. it's like i'm watching jon and kate plus 8 or something

>> No.7053387

I guess Victoria's vagina is more impressive than her cosplays? Not really sure why he sticks around.

>> No.7053386

So why does this girl have a show about cosplay if she's never cosplayed?

>> No.7053390

What? Some of them are pretty flat chested.

>> No.7053395

Does Victoria's dress actually have anything to do with Tron?

>> No.7053391

No stream? No posted anywhere. Awww.

>> No.7053392


>> No.7053393

Ha ha "How much did you make?"

>> No.7053394

Aw shit, Yaya's asking if she made it all herself. That bullshit answer.

>> No.7053398
File: 4 KB, 271x186, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Yaya chooses skimpy costumes and slutty designs. That is all she cosplays.
-Jessica chooses whatever she wants and MAKES them slutty with "original designs"

I was thinking the same thing. That's the difference.

>> No.7053399

>did you make it yourself or did you have help...?

>> No.7053403

>all this steampunk
>oh shit it's JNig
>oh shit Yaya thinks she's better than JNig

>> No.7053401

Yaya calling bitches out on their shit.

>> No.7053406

>I wish she would follow my footsteps more

You mean get gigantic breast implants and put an emphasis on your tits in just about every cosplay?

>> No.7053408

What did that blonde judge say? My screen isn't showing all the subs.

>> No.7053409

Don't boo that judge erect weeaboos, that old woman's my favorite

>> No.7053410

she said she didn't see the sex appeal in her Poison Ivy

>> No.7053411

She basically said she didn't see any of that sexy Poison Ivy appeal. The crowd booed her for it.

>> No.7053413

>I like his moustache.

>> No.7053416

it's tron inspired

>> No.7053417

She asked her if she felt that she was poison ivy when she walked on stage, then asked her what poison ivy was to her and said that she didn't feel like she was in character and acting like poison ivy.

>> No.7053418

Jinyo isn't even offended by Victoria giving him no credit, wow.

>> No.7053420

am i thinking of someone else or was it yaya who was rumored, strongly rumored, to have been biased and made sure her friends won every contest she judged?

>> No.7053421

Because Victoria has him whipped. She probably wouldn't even be dating him if he wasn't skilled at making her costumes.

>> No.7053422

>Dat emasculation because he thinks he can't do better

>> No.7053423

That pussy game better be ridiculous to put up with that shit.

>> No.7053426

They keep commenting on how young Monika is. Does anyone know how old she is?

>> No.7053427
File: 43 B, 1x1, qm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, go for it, namefagging now bc forgot to earlier, already put it on my facebook.
Ignore photo for some reason it wont let me delete my drank game file and now post without one?

>> No.7053429

In the first episode three of her friends won awards.

>> No.7053430

Thanks, guys! All I heard was the crowd booing.

>> No.7053432


>> No.7053433

This is true at least before her tit job. Teasing dick for free anime dvds and manga was her life

>> No.7053434

Like.. 21?

>> No.7053436

>Victoria really thought she was better than that Batman

>> No.7053438

Seriously. It's just a simple dress with some light strips on it, and she didn't even make it.

>> No.7053439
File: 61 KB, 208x208, 1365028219632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ain't it a damn shame.

I'm really, really only hoping she's so absolutely bitchy for the sake of the show itself but I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't the case at all.

>> No.7053440

she has cosplayed, she's just never competed.

>> No.7053441

because she's a nurd gurl

>> No.7053444

She has. The show thinks the word "cosplay" is only used for competitions. They even used "floor costumes" for the costumes not used in the contest.

>> No.7053446

Okay. It's posted here

>> No.7053447

She seems like the one most genuinely interested in nerd things on this show

>> No.7053448

Can't wait for the next episode. I hope Victoria rage quits and her boyfriend just gets fed up.

>> No.7053449

Well I was sorta bothered that his cape was an off-color. I did laugh when Victoria made it sound like she was a shoe-in because Batman got third

>> No.7053450
File: 230 KB, 1000x787, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7053452

What did you guys think of the Face Off episode before this?

>> No.7053453

>> Chloe Dykstra from Syfy's Heroes of Cosplay here! (not Simon Pegg) Go ahead and AMA.
>> (not Simon Pegg)

and you will never be anywhere as awesome as him, dear.

>> No.7053454

Off-color based on what? In some comic renditions, batman does have a brown cape.
If he were claiming to be BRUCE NOLAN'S MOVIE BATMAN you'd be right.

>> No.7053458

yeah i think jessie did it better overall (actually managed to get the GIANT HAIR translated to real life which is impressive) but i still like riddle's

(really i'm happy to see alita get cosplayed at all)

>> No.7053459
File: 66 KB, 960x640, vanessa-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I saw Kamui comment on how bad the show was.
A few post down Holly Conrad showed up and said she hoped that the show didn't cause them to lose respect for her.
Kamui said it didn't and I was like "Haha, yeah right"

How can anyone participate in this hilarious misrepresentation of this hobby with fake applause, lies, and fake drama and NOT lose respect for those involved.

>> No.7053460

Did they mispronounce "Code Geass" on the show?

>> No.7053461

And you will never understand humor.

>> No.7053464

GTFO, Dykstra

>> No.7053465

It's usually black. I'm not saying it's terrible or anything. It does look heavily Nolan-inspired what with it being all-black and not black and grey or blue and grey. It just looked sorta weird to me, but it could have also been the stage lighting making it look weird.

>> No.7053468
File: 422 KB, 396x468, bestfriends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like this is the 2013 romney moment of cosplay.

>> No.7053469

this. This and yaya calling out bitches on heir shit. Also
>chin chin the girlfriend

>> No.7053472

No, it's Chris.

>> No.7053473

>ghost shark
Man, the charm of shitty movies is knowing that someone actually tried their hardest while working on them. The appeal is lost when it's terrible on purpose.

>> No.7053475

How long until they get a cease and desist?

>> No.7053476 [DELETED] 

[spoilers] Kevin Conroy is the best Batman [/spoiler]

>> No.7053478

>Chin chin
Glad I'm not the only one who giggled immaturely at that

>> No.7053480

Kevin Conroy is the best Batman

>> No.7053481

I would've docked points.

>> No.7053487

Spoiler tags don't work on /cgl/.

>> No.7053497
File: 13 KB, 220x252, walken on sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to use spoilers
>randomly starting a "___ IS THE BEST BATMAN" argument because Batman was mentioned.

>> No.7053498

I-I'm new on this board friend, I'm sorry

>> No.7053504

seriously she's not even Asian. Did she NAME herself chin chin? But why would she want to be called "chin"?

>> No.7053506

Lol Fb post. After normal fb dot com stuff:

>> No.7053508

can't see it, SS it

>> No.7053512

I got a "page not found" page

>> No.7053516

ditto, what was the link to?

>> No.7053521

Can't on phone and doesn't work. I forgot to add a part:
Fb com/yayacosplay/posts/10151592523136608

>> No.7053525
File: 163 KB, 396x317, yaya_romney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon, your post inspired this shoop on facebook it seems

>> No.7053528
File: 9 KB, 181x186, 1362700659279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell

>> No.7053531

So much backpeddling

>> No.7053532

damage controllllllllll

just waiting for jnig to comment on her page

>> No.7053535

>"I don't like titles"
>calls herself the cosplay ambassador
She's just full of stupid tonight

>> No.7053537

>If you want to dress as a character that looks nothing like you, go for it! There is so much judgement on race, gender, weight, size, height and other things that CAN NOT BE CHANGED in cosplay - it has never made sense to me.

Uhh okay Yaya.

>> No.7053541

>saying this
>having gotten a boob job
>wears corsets and padded bras

>> No.7053554

also tours as a cosplay judge picking on every little detail and belittling them for it

>> No.7053555

Yeah, but despite that and a few annoying quotes, she's been one of the only likable people on this show so far (in my opinion).

>> No.7053561

It was pretty good. I like that show even though at least 50% of the make-ups come out not so good. I was expecting that group tow in the challenge.

>> No.7053566

old enough to be acting like a fucking adult

>> No.7053568
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>> No.7053581

I know, I was mostly joking around with that. I honestly did think that about her at first, but I kinda loved her by the end when she was basically saying "Oh well, I didn't win. BUT DAMN THAT WAS FUN! I WANNA DO IT AGAIN!" while everyone else was mopey as fuck.

>> No.7053589

Oh god, I just saw someone posting "YOU ARE LITERALLY JUST A PAIR OF TITS ON LEGS AND NOTHING ELSE" on JNig's facebook.

>> No.7053595

Yaya's bullshit facebook post is desperate backpeddling. She said what she said, now she's trying to say the opposite without addressing at all what she said on the show

>> No.7053600

Now someone also post it on Yaya's and Riki's fb pages.

>> No.7053612
File: 160 KB, 400x300, 1355272911634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the con chair of a local comic con and I are making fun of this show over facebook

Welp, good to know these people won't be coming to that con.

>> No.7053616

You wouldn't want your cash cows migrating away.

>> No.7053624

Her tits are migrating away?

>> No.7053628

considering how she was born around the time they invented the steamboat, I'm surprised half her costume isn't a 9th wonder of the world of engineering to keep those things from taking a plunge for the equator.

>> No.7053629

They're migrating down south for the winter.

>> No.7053632

watching it on TV now, jesus Yaya looks late 40s

>> No.7053637

Riki looks old as fuck too

>> No.7053641
File: 28 KB, 404x267, 1299999933220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaya baby sweetie darling

are you really trying to low-blow jnig because she's all about showing off her body


>> No.7053642

"I have binders full of women- I mean references"

>> No.7053643
File: 75 KB, 460x344, 1338539976024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching tonight's re-run and it's introducing all the contestants, are any of them going to try and do cosplays that are actually creative and interesting, or all they all just going to go with cute/sexy girl in a costume?

>That steampunk faggot
>Yaya insulting JNig for sexual cosplay while wearing extremely low-cut top and a push-up bra
>mfw "I'm from a higher standard of cosplay"
>mfw everytime someone says 'cosplay career'

>> No.7053647


I just checked her FB page, she has this ENORMOUS post of rambling bullshit. She also says "Lastly" twice.

>> No.7053654

Chloe is the worst one

>> No.7053662

>Worse than JNIG and Yaya

Bitch please. Chloe is as sincere as they come.

>> No.7053665

The amount of backlash she's getting is beautiful.

>> No.7053668

you're crazy, she's such a try hard

>> No.7053670


>> No.7053671

>try hard
Ok now I know you're just trolling. She was born a geek girl.

>> No.7053674

it's weird because some of this show is real

>> No.7053679
File: 420 KB, 599x770, todolist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THATS AMAZING!!! can you do one more? itll be obvious from the materials provided

>> No.7053691

If Chloe is the one saying cosplay should be fun and shouldn't matter what you look like, then yeah, I like that one.

>> No.7053694
File: 82 KB, 720x960, 970991_594243927262521_1140605770_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yaya's candor that appears in the final cut which includes her talking about how she's aware that she does it herself. Those few changes at least soften the general slam on Nigri to being more of advice to not sell herself [Monika] short and going the sexy route just because it's the quick and easy way to get fans and followers.

Sexy cosplayers telling others not to sex it up cause it's quick and easy way to get people to like you.

Alright then actually. Maybe it's a "don't be like me" speech where the person tells you from their experience. Maybe Yaya is actually trying to warn her that she'll get attention she doesn't like and will forever be painted as a sexpot rather than a creative person.

>> No.7053697

Yes, that's Chloe Dykstra. Daughter of legendary special effects man John "made everything you love in the original Star Wars trilogy" Dykstra.

>> No.7053704

She's also pretty damn gorgeous, seriously, she has a beautiful face, way more than the other girls.

Plus her Lydia cosplay was cute.

>> No.7053708

Yeah. It really makes me jealous of her boyfriend. Stupid Chris Hardwick...why do you get all the luck?

>> No.7053710

Yaya's wig isn't how CC's hair is supposed to look

>> No.7053717

That Poison Ivy cosplay was so lazy.

Most of these are so lazy, girl Hellboy, Tron dress, steampunk Poison Ivy, either in idea or execution.

At least the Lydia one was a cute one.

>> No.7053724


>> No.7053723

sup Chloe

>> No.7053733

I don't think she said was creating a new costume she said she was revisiting it and redoing some pieces. Did they need to make new costumes?

>> No.7053740

I can pretty much guarantee he aint gettin that mediocre pussy very often, he's just beta as fuck.

>> No.7053749


Monika was an intern (paid), not an employee.

>> No.7053760

Yaya is so ridiculously full of herself in this show, goddamn.

>> No.7053769

I haven't seen an "ambassador" get hammered like this since Benghazi

>> No.7053772
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>> No.7053776
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>> No.7053777

The only thing I learned from watching this show is that "professional" cosplayers are way too fucking full of themselves and I'm glad I don't cosplay competitively.

>> No.7053786
File: 179 KB, 936x398, hellboy lion 9625645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was scratching my head on that too. I remember how awesome that was. She even met Mignola in it.

So the Tron outfit was old one too, people are saying?

A scripted reality show on Syfy?!? Next thing you are gonna tell me is that there aren't actual ghosts on every ep of Ghost Hunters!!

>> No.7053787


There's no such thing as professional cosplayers.
They also make competitions look way more serious then they actually are.

>> No.7053790

I don't get this at all, I thought it would be a competition show like Face/Off or something, they don't have a theme to work with, there's no elimination, and apparently they don't even win the panels of the competitions they go to, so what's the point? Half the time it's just Yaya being like 'look how much better I am than everyone else and the Queen of cosplay, blahblahblah criticizing girls for doing exactly what I do'

>> No.7053789

Hence why I put professional in big ole sarcastic quotes.

>> No.7053793
File: 279 KB, 629x453, professional_cosplayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't tell these people then

>> No.7053794

I've got friends who compete in masquerade who think this show is full of shit. Yaya is at the end of her days as being top of the cosplay pile. She''s threatened by all the new people who are gaining popularity. Three years to create this garbage of a show. She'd been better off spending those three years actually doing something constructive with her life and putting her talents to use instead. You can tell how damn full of bullshit and how much she flip flops by her posts on her facebook. I can't take anything she says or does seriously anymore.

>> No.7053800

Boobjobs are just added cosplay props.
Not a fan myself, but I don't see body modifacation as a problem in cosplay. It seems like an extention of cosplay.

>> No.7053802

>professional cosplayer
>15+ years
>safe career choice

What the fuck?

>> No.7053805

And says this after the show filmed her saying the complete opposite.

>> No.7053810

Somehow, I'm having a lot of trouble believing a pro gamer earns 120k a year.

>> No.7053813

Well, technically if they win a big tournament, then that could be considered making 120k in a year.

>> No.7053815

Maybe if you live in Korea and Play Starcraft.

>> No.7053819

It's not that she had her boobs done, it's the hypocrisy in what she is saying.

>> No.7053820

Anyone has a link to the new episode?

>> No.7053821

Okay so I just need to get it out there that in reality Victoria is whipped by Jin Yo, not the other way around. He has her wrapped around his little finger because he makes all of her stuff. He gets to ride along and go to all of the parties even without being a hot girl. The show is showing it all backwards lol. They both actually pretty great people, perhaps a little obsessed.

>> No.7053823

sup victoria

>> No.7053826

He gets to go to parties with his girlfriend? WOW, sure signs that SHE'S the whipped one.
I hope you can tell how sarcastic I'm being.

>> No.7053832

why would victoria give a shit about what people on cgl are saying about her

>> No.7053834

Hey I only know them personally, what do I know?

>> No.7053839

Yes, but opinions are subjective and the reasoning you stated for your opinion is flawed.

>> No.7053842

I used to see Victoria around cons with Jinyo years back and didn't get the bitch vibe off from them.

However sometimes before this entire show came about, Victoria mentioned that she was unemployed and looking for a job, and suddenly poof! All this happens. She followed the money. What else is new about humanity?

>> No.7053843

not to mention, jinyo's circle knows that he failed bar exam.

>> No.7053846

I never got the impression that Victoria was the one cracking the whip, she's very dependent on him emotionally and without his so-so costume-making skills she can't(won't?) even participate in her beloved hobby.
It's really sad to watch, actually.

>> No.7053855


>> No.7053860

Now Yaya has made a twitter and FB post about how "the other girls were saying it too!"

Looks like she doesn't want to suffer alone

>> No.7053871

Anyone else think that Jessica Nigri asked Yaya to give her a shout out to increase her fanbase?

>> No.7053872

It's more like "Someone else said all the bad things. It wasn't me!" But she didn't even mention what she said about sexy cosplay.

>> No.7053877

Lol at her comment here:

" I care about what my fellow cosplayers say because I care about them and this community. Our community needs to rally together, not rip each other apart."

Is that why you were shitting on Jessica?

>> No.7053878

Sorry, I'm not the best with words. I don't have any "evidence" or anything prepared. I think the show is garbage even though quite a few of my friends are on it. It makes them look horrible, both the real stuff and the faked stuff. Also >>7053846's perception of them is pretty in line with minre.

That said. Victoria and Jin Yo are cool in my book as is Chloe Dykstra. Becky Young actually got off easy on the show, she's a whole lot crazier irl.

>> No.7053880

pic please?

>> No.7053884

So like, is there a streaming of this or somewhere where I can watch it online?

I said to myself I wouldn't watch the show anymore but this is just too hilarious to let it pass.

>> No.7053886

she seemed super crazy on the show as it was

>> No.7053891
File: 971 KB, 500x300, 1373481590339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it turns out yaya and jessica are pulling what Mike Ross and Jago pulled in the FGC

>> No.7053899

She's moving back home to sleep with a married man. She likes to tell people about it in long, fanfiction esque detail about how they do it and she hates his wife. It's all good though because she lost her job. Her company sent her to a con to report on it and she took it as a paid cosplay vacation. She's also been obsessed with having a more popular disney princess group that Christy Marie because she got kicked out of the original group for causing too much drama.

That's about as much as I can say without stirring up a bunch of crap and I don't feel like dealing with that tonight.

>> No.7053904

Doubtful. There's a screen capture where Jessica stated that the show's dramaville. The post was deleted or reworded later.

>> No.7053919

Ugh, I can't believe that foam shaman from 2009 blizzcon won (how many damn competitions have they entered and won since then? Hm, gives me ideas...)
Anyway I think that either the Amidala or Batman should've gotten first, and Lydia should've at least placed just because her costume was creative, in character, and well done overall. I hate seeing the same shit ("WOW TEH COSTUME LIGHTS UP WITH EL WIRE AND HAS BIG FANCY UNPRIMED FOAM ARMOR, WINNAR")

Seriously though I mad. I hate how these fuckers talk about craftsmanship and showmanship and then throw it out the window when actually awarding prizes.

>> No.7053924
File: 210 KB, 754x462, gfsdfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaya accuses fans of misunderstanding

>> No.7053925

yeah, because saying

>don't cosplay something if you're fat because you'll get made fun of on the internetz!

is SOOOO body positive

>> No.7053937

Oh come on, /cgl/. It's not like you've never tried to explain to people that they can do what they want, just as long as they can take the unsavory consequences.

>> No.7053938


Because she and the other retards had an AMA on Reddit. Lurking on /cgl/ doesn't seem to far from something they'd do.

>> No.7053943

Uh, yes, but I also don't proclaim to my thousands of fans that I am 100% open to anyone cosplaying, then go on a show and shit on people of different sizes. THEN go back to facebook and say I didn't mean it like that!! :cccc

>> No.7053968

You'll have to forgive me for not jumping on the Chloe bandwagon; she knowingly slept with a taken man and ruined their relationship.

>> No.7053969

proof? deetS?

>> No.7053974


It's funny when she claims she didn't get them done for cosplay.

I'll believe that when I see evidence that she has any life, activity, or personal agency as a human being outside of fucking playing dress-up.

>> No.7053976
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>> No.7053977


Ask anyone in the LA cosplay scene.

>> No.7053979

Chloe god played too, anon. C'mon, we both know where the real blame lies.

>> No.7053980

ok that doesn't really give me any proof or details considering I don't know anyone there... why don't you just share

>> No.7053983


I have an anecdote: a few years back, around the time that Yaya's dramu about cat ears and handing out C&D letters was floating around I mentioned it in a cosplay.com forum as a reason for why some people didn't want her as a "cosplay guest" for some cons. I'm in a small community that is isolated from all major American shitstorms where virtually nobody is that well known, but she managed to find my post, cry to the admin to get it deleted, and then send me some overly weepy private message about how the cat ears debacle wasn't true and I was being judgmental.

So based on my experiences, I DEFINITELY wouldn't put it past anyone on the show to be lurking here.

I want to see some receipts.

>> No.7053987


Well I did wonder how long it would be until reputation repair would start for the people in this show.

Question is, will it work or have they damaged themselves well beyond repair.

>> No.7053988

Do you have caps?

>> No.7053992

Apparently all the proof you need is held by the entire LA cosplay community.

>> No.7053999

It is kind of gorg though, I have to say. I know she sews all her own dresses/fabric costumes, but does her s.o. make all her props/armor? I got that impression but I'd like confirmation.

>> No.7054001

story time please

>> No.7054002


It literally showed him making her armor in the last episode while she cried about the paint job being wrong.

>> No.7054003

This. I really started liking her a lot, especially when she was like the only one who piped up and said that cosplay -SHOULD- (contrary to what reality may be, admittedly) be fun and inclusive.

I like Holly too, though; she has some definite propmaking cred. And she's kinda funny and cute in an abrasive way.

>> No.7054012


Excellent, time to be a 300-lb sailor moon.

>> No.7054019
File: 12 KB, 518x97, jn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No hard feelings?

>> No.7054028

Am I the only one who thought she looked like she had a (dick) bulge? It was -not flattering-, that's for damn sure.

>> No.7054030

the fist and the tail

>> No.7054036

to her, this was all a name-drop publicity stunt. So why not.

>> No.7054060

Is it wrong that I find peoples reaction to the show a lot more entertaining than the show itself?

>> No.7054067

The show isn't entertaining, so no.

>> No.7054087

i like how before this show /cgl/ held j-nig in the shit side of opinions with pretty much white knights who wanted to fuck her defending her tits

then this show comes out and /cgl/ is on her side, when nothing was said that wasn't true or said by others on this board before

also come the fuck on i see all these post about how you guys don't take things so seriously as this show and how stupid it is.

yeah the show is over the top but every time i come here it's people cutting down others and cat fights over the latest gossip on who fucked who.
the oh we're nothing like that bullshit is hilarious to see

>> No.7054147
File: 122 KB, 993x823, heroesofcosplay quorradress2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It's pretty much a certainty that most of all of that drama was manufactured as this dress was made two years ago. Well, unless Syfy filmed this back in 2011 and it has been in post production ever since, which is odd for a quick reality show, or sitting on a shelf somewhere. That's not impossible.

As I said, a scripted reality show on Syfy?!? Next thing you are gonna tell me is that there aren't actual ghosts on every ep of Ghost Hunters!!

>> No.7054149

link to stream plz?

>> No.7054150
File: 153 KB, 640x360, WWE Smackdown sd_6.21_01_137210154990___CC___640x360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thing you're gonna tell me the feuds on WWE wrestling are fake too!

>> No.7054159

Code Gay-ass.

>> No.7054209

i think it's a bit of everything, i think some of it is scripted and some of it is old footage. and some of it is a bit real.

>> No.7054211

I cut Chloe slack just because she's so damn new to cosplaying.

I'm glad no one on the show one at ECCC, considering none of them compared to many of the other costumes.

>> No.7054252

Well, like I've said, I have no idea how they informed the people about the goal of the show. You can do really with the right cutting and especially in Yaya's case I noticed that they did this a lot. Yes, it's pure crap that you need a head cast to sculpt some horns at buy the at the end in a costume shop, but I imagine that they also really did a lot with the right video cutting. That's why I always ask my interview partners a lot of stuff before I do an TV show with them and I would cancel everything if they were any doubts. So... no idea what they told them.

>> No.7054285

>wimmin can never be blamed for anything ever

>> No.7054293

Victoria's skin is just so disgusting

>> No.7054296

When she came on, I was basically expecting her to be like Olivia Munn. Eventually I ended up liking her the best because she seems to understand cosplay a LOT better than any of the "pros" on this show.

>> No.7054305

That's Vaterland, fool.

But huh, Yaya actually is from Germany. I never thought she was, but I did hear a tiny, tiny, tiny bit of an accent last night.

>> No.7054378

I don't either, but when she says shit like she did last night, both on the show and on the backpedaling FB post she made, I don't think she gets to talk about other people's bodies, regardless of what they are and what they may or may not do to them in order to cosplay.

>> No.7054466
File: 86 KB, 361x578, Screen Shot 2013-08-21 at 10.51.39 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latest post from Yaya. Honestly I'd rather see her address the shit she said about JNig, that was far more targeted and hypocritical.

>> No.7054490

This is why I like Jnigs

>> No.7054554

reasonable, except one thing which gets me sometimes... there are waaay too much editing to be done by per logic. They would've had to edit not just yaya, but also every other contestants. For something like this, that started filming not that long ago, I would assume precision editing is not that favored.

>> No.7054596
File: 48 KB, 400x481, 1355256930477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone I know on facebook is trying to defend Yaya bitching about sexy cosplays and Jnig
>I can't make any argument without it being called slut-shaming

>> No.7054731

don't be too fooled...she is a spoiled little rich girl...google her up and see some pics from her "wild phase"(yes that means nudes). She is sort of ok now but while I think she is a "real geek girl" she is also a bit of a "nerd StarFucker". this post needs more "quotation marks".

>> No.7054992

links please

>> No.7055886

has anyone read syfys recaps of the episodes?
all while I read them all I could think of was a voice going "yes yes look at the drama we have created for you - its nice yes?"


>> No.7056107

so saw the show for the first time and was like mk this is diffrent cant see why she hating on jnig, met her at some hole in the wall commic con in texas and since no one was really their had time to talk to her for a while with my bro, n buddy.we found out she passed up pax for this con since she was asked to go to this first. she is a down to earth person and has alot of respect for her fans she knows her tits sell but thats ok since they make other people happy and she loves her gig. was scared to meet her thought she mite be some pretentious ass hat but damn she was one cool cat. so i really dont dig the ya ya comments twords her. n to all the jnig fans keep on digging

>> No.7056712


you need to work on sentence structure, sir.

>> No.7057074

so did she copy someone else with that dress or is that the same girl? because that photo has been around for a while

>> No.7057114

when i originally saw this dress it was being touted as a dress someone made to wear to her prom, is this true or was that picked up somewhere along the way? or was that someone else who also did the dress?

>> No.7057292

it's the same girl