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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7048599 No.7048599 [Reply] [Original]

So my local con is in a couple of weeks and I plan on going, not cosplaying or anything but just walking around, maybe buying some merch.

Thing is my friends caught wind and they seem interested in going. These guys...are for lack of better words...assholes.

The type who think they're lolsonerdyXD for watching DBZ and Pokemon and still think Naruto is a good show, and probably haven't seen any staple shows like NGE or even Welcome to the NHK. And to top it off they're all ghetto fucks.

I know if I go with these people they're just going to make fools of themselves and try to hit on every chick they see, now I don't give a fuck what they do but I just don't want to be a part of it. They're going to this con for the wrong reason and not because they like the culture.

I've tried explaining to one friend in particular that he can go if he fucking wants to but I don't want him to "go with me" I mean if he goes and does his own thing I won't give a fuck, and he got all butthurt and said if I don't walk around with him he'll just fuck with me the entire time. I'm not even going to get into how my other friends act.

How do I deal with this bullshit and fake fans?

>> No.7048609

Get better friends

>> No.7048622

Go to the convention by yourself and don't tell your friends about it. Your friends are pretty much shit. You're better of making new friends at the con.

>> No.7048661

Time to make some better friends, luckily you're going to a place that's filled with potential replacements. If they're Hell bent on going just to bother the shit out of you, you could just like wear a mask or something so they don't see you if you pass by each other. I doubt wearing a Scout Trooper helmet is actual cosplaying.

>> No.7048667

It's not that they're going JUST to bother me. Part of me believes they want to go genuinely, but they mostly want to go just to see cute girls cosplaying.

One friend called it "Dressing up as anime"

Cons are a place where I don't feel weird/feel weird at the same time, it's MY thing to do, it doesn't come very often and I just like to enjoy myself and be under the radar, take some pics, play some vidya with people who have the same interests in me for once.

I have no interest in making anymore friends. I just don't want these ones invading my fucking life like this...It's my thing and I just want it to stay that way...

>> No.7048680

If they're truly your friends they should have no problem letting you keep your distance, they may be as you say Assholes but I'm sure even they could respect what you want to do. If they don't I don't know what to tell you but that's not very friend material of them if they don't at least respect that.

>just to see cute girls cosplaying.

Fuck now I feel bad, that's half the reason I go to cons.

>> No.7048690

Yes but when you do see these cute girls you know what series or game they're from.

They're not just "Some bitch in a costume" or "That ho with the blue pigtails" or "That bad bitch with the hat"

You know who they are and why they're cute.

>> No.7048697

>Some bitch in a costume
>That ho with the blue pigtails
>That bad bitch with the hat

And these are your FRIENDS?!

>> No.7048717

Ugh, I run how it would work in my head.

I would be walking around trying to enjoy myself and already feeling awkward for being such a fucking beta, then I hear loud rap music being played from a cellphone, and it's my friends acting like FUCKING TARDS.

One will ACT like he's gonna hit on some girls and then proceed to do nothing and stare. Another will probably shout "AYE GURL" every now and then and then do fucking nothing.

And any time I try to ask for a picture of a female cosplayer a friend will take that as me hitting on them and feel the need to one up me or belittle me to the point where no one actually attending the con will want to let me take pictures of them or admire their cosplay or merch they bought.

I can already feel the cosplayers judging me when I take their picture, I even got a legit camera so I feel like less of an ass and don't take pictures with my phone, but I can't imagine getting out of that situation when there's like a group of 5 loud assholes behind me shouting things like "AYE MOMMY YOU HELLA BAD" or "ANON HAS A LITTLE DICK"

>> No.7048731
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90% of people who go to cons don't catch up with seasonal anime (or anime thats been shown in the past year). Meh, I just try and avoid these people as much as possible.

>> No.7048733

Please tell me that they are really cool guys when it's just yous guys hanging out. If my friends tried any of that shit to me at a con I'd drop them like a rock.

>> No.7048741

That sounds hilarious. Not for you though, obviously.

>> No.7048752
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Naw when we're just hanging out a few of them are alright.

The one I want to go with watches enough anime to know not to be an ass because that's not how fans of anime are.

Another one only gets like that with girls around, even then he's still an idiot imo.

The other two or three Im worried about are fucking assholes who think making a fool of yourself in public = cool and funny.

And there's this other who probably watches about as much anime as I do but is just all around weird and girl crazy at the same time.

I mean shit I like girls too, I'm mostly going to take pictures of cosplayers and maybe buy a nice fig now that I have a job and some cash. But I can keep it my fucking pants for more than 5 minutes unlike these fucks. Ugh

>> No.7048754

Yeah I'm just expecting a lot of Miku, PSG, and probably some hipsters doing SnK cosplays

>> No.7048755

I can't believe I didn't realize until now, you guys are like 15.

>> No.7048759

Do they all want to go or just the real douche bags?

>> No.7048763
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>> No.7048770

I'm...20...Our youngest friend is probably 19...Which is why this is so sad.

I WANT to think they want to go for the anime. Like I've said they've probably only seen the big 3 and maybe Samurai Champloo and some other shitty shounens, not saying SC is bad just saying it's all they've seen.

>Implying SnK isn't babby's first shounen.

entry level doesn't mean bad, just means entry level.

>> No.7048794
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...Do you even know what a hipster is?

>> No.7048814

People who get into things to earn the respect and validation of others. People who try to be hip.

>> No.7048815

not quite.

>> No.7048816

you are being a little bitch. there is not some kind of degree of enthusiasm gauge that states how much of a fan you are. stop giving a fuck. This is only acceptable in some occasions.

>> No.7048817

>Been cosplaying and attending cons for eight years
>Just watched NGE this year
Hey man, we can't all watch all the anime...

Your friends sound like real dicks that never developed proper social skills. Honestly, I just wouldn't mention the con to them again. Chances are, they'll forget by the time it rolls around

>> No.7048832

How would you feel if a bunch of idiots showed up to something you liked and did nothing but be asses and ask dumb questions only to not listen to the answer. I've tried showing them other shows but all they do is play music over it or not pay attention.

If you're a girl that's not really surprising considering most girls go to cons for the same reasons my friends are going.

>> No.7048842

>the same reasons
What? To belittle other attendees and act like douches? Have you ever actually interacted with a female?

>> No.7048904

SnK isn't even shounen, are you ok, anon?
I can't even tell if you're a troll or just really stupid, this is mind-boggling.

>> No.7048912

Err, I mean, snk is definitley shounen (sorry, my I'm tired as hell), but the tumblrfags or "hipsters" or whhatever you want to call them, definitley aren't into snk as their first shounen.

>> No.7049470

>entry level doesn't mean bad
>implying SNK isn't both
>implying hipsters watch something so mainstream
Are you okay?

>> No.7049498

No anon, hipsters watch mainstream things, they just watched them before they were cool, popular and mainstream. Being able to claim that is the hipster holy grail.

>> No.7049505
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>watch mainstream things, they just watched them before they were cool
Then they're not mainstream. That's not how it works. You can't say they watch popular shows if they aren't popular yet.

Besides the fact that SNK is shounen shit and lacks the pretentious depth that hipsters crave in anime (Haibane Renmei, Angel's Egg, Psycho-Pass)

>> No.7049512

Pretentious depth? While you go and post a k on pic? Fuck off.

>> No.7049514

is this an anime con or a pop culture con op

>> No.7051379
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Regardless of your character, I get where you're coming from OP. Even beyond their interest, just being douchebags/loudmouths in public makes me go insane. I've dealt with weebs acquaintances who are like this too.
Wear a helmet/mask/whatever and go super fucking early. So if your friends try to come when you do, 'Oh, I'm leaving at 5am.' Only works if they're the type hate mornings. Or just say something like, 'Don't worry about it, guys. I'll see you there.' Turn off your phone, pretend it died.
Zentai hoods are pretty fun. Wear something really simple so they don't recognize your clothes, like a plain black shirt. Bring a different bag than you normally do.
Have your hood in the bag until you're near the convention, but not in it, to eliminate the risk that they'd see you leaving the house in it.

If they're as loud as you say, they shouldn't be too hard to avoid if they don't recognize you.