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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 750 KB, 517x796, tw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7045236 No.7045236 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a thread dedicated to Tumblr related things we hate in cosplay or lolita?

Look at the tags in the pic. I actually don't hate Tumblr as a whole, but one of the biggest cancers in cosplay (and actually the internet in general) is all this unnecessary "Trigger Warning" crap it's responsible for. Yeah, it's good to have trigger warnings for certain things, but SJWs have taken it to such an extreme that I don't think most of them are actually capable of functioning in the world since they're "triggered" by every little thing.

>> No.7045260

I hate "character inspired" co-ords (looking at you Homestucks/ Sherlockians / Whovians). To me it just looks tacky and lazy.


>> No.7045278 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 500x369, tumblr_mrlynloRvq1r27wqjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked it out and it seems to be extremely hit or miss. A few of those coords were fantastic, like this Ouran one, but most were so eye bleach worthy I just can't even. That Star Trek dress was disgusting.

>> No.7045279

I just checked it out and it seems to be extremely hit or miss. A few of those coords were fantastic, like this Ouran one, but most were so eye bleach worthy I just can't even. That Star Trek dress was disgusting.

>> No.7045282

"nerdly lolitas" in general... by god.

>> No.7045283

a trigger warning for drinking pucker? ugh. tumblr is the worst.

>> No.7045286
File: 30 KB, 500x369, tumblr_mrlynloRvq1r27wqjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.7045302

... but most are nerds in some way or another over something other than lolita. I very rarely meet any who aren't. Or do you specifically mean the ones who are all special snowflake about it?

>> No.7045305

The special snowflakes piss me off.


>> No.7045309

its the attitude with kind of "nerdy lolitas" they feature i think

>> No.7045315

I lol'ed when I saw her stepping on eggshells with a follower over which pronouns they preferred her to use.

>> No.7045351

That bugs me too. When I tag trigger warnings it's for things like child death, sexual assault, rape.

>> No.7045350

Much as I like Hanyaan, her constant stepping on eggshells about this kind of SJW stuff is really pretty eyeroll worthy. There's a limit to appeasing people.

>> No.7045358

I'm more miffed by the

>> No.7045361

Somebody who I followed honest to God put a trigger warning foe blackface. Fucking blakcface.

The only reason I only still follow this cracker is because he has great taste in old school SNES/PSX jrpgs.

>> No.7045365
File: 287 KB, 640x966, ku-xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one I've ever seen and liked, because it could honestly work without the cosplay additions of the sleeve stripes and gun.

>> No.7045371

these people really have ruined the meaning of what a trigger is and they are all sick and disgusting.

>> No.7045376

What the fuck is even the point of trigger warning?
Any trigger warning?
Christ, tumblr is the stupidest website online.

>> No.7045382

To prevent people from being triggered? Sometimes people who have had something bad to them have these things called "flashbacks". I know it can be hard to understand, but sometimes people see things and they make them upset.

>> No.7045383

Sometimes people don't like to see or read things that cause them to have panic attacks.

>> No.7045397

They're going to have to see that shit in their lives. particularly if it's like "omg someone is drining fucking schnapps, Im being triggered!"

Fucking attention whore bullshit like everything else. I have extreme anxiety and I don't go around crying that alcohol is going to make me have a panic attack.

>> No.7045401
File: 77 KB, 620x388, ami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tw: huge ass bug

>> No.7045402


I was just on the bee/hornet side of youtube and saw that picture.

>> No.7045410

Surely seeing "Trigger warning" is enough to trigger the person anyway because they instantaneously think of what triggers them? It's self defeating.

>> No.7045416

It really annoys me that she posts girls in conventional coords for their race.

>> No.7045418

As a person who does have issues with certain things, seeing a trigger warning isn't nearly as bad as whatever the warning could be hiding. I had a really bad anxiety attack after talking with someone and he started saying some sexist stuff, and some victim blaming type stuff. It ended up making me think back to all the feelings I had been going through during a period of really bad sexual harassment at work. I ended up curling up in a ball for awhile, crying and feeling awful about myself and how I ended up leaving that job.

>> No.7045419
File: 448 KB, 580x435, Man-Up-Nancy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7045424
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>> No.7045425

you are a total fucking pussy

>> No.7045432

The point is that you can tumblr saviour things like that. They're supposed to be used for legitimately panic-inducing things like "tw: rape" and "tw: anorexia" or whatnot, but tumblr people just get ridiculous with them.

>> No.7045434

Yeah, I know I react too strongly. The incident with the repeated sexual harassment is actually what made me start going to therapy and then start on medication. It was an amazing difference after I started taking the Viibryd, but then some more stuff happened in my life and I couldn't afford my medication anymore. I've been back to being an anxious, depressed, mentally ill "pussy" for months now and I can hardly stand to live. Not really /cgl/ relevant, though.

>> No.7045436
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>> No.7045439
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>> No.7045438
File: 1.08 MB, 1995x2000, 299631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tw: art by kia asamiya

>> No.7045442

What was said? I'm curious.
Same here. I only tag pretty extreme things like that or gore and then there's people who trigger tag shit like food or pictures of thin people in bathing suits. I'm not even being hyperbolic with those examples, I've seen them on more than one occasion.
Blackface is a justified trigger warning, IMO. Well, as long as it actually IS blackface. There are SJWs who consider spray tanning or wearing body paint in a totally tactful manner to be closer to the character's skin color to be blackface.
I agree it's silly for things that are completely unavoidable in every day life like alcohol, but for some things, such as extreme violence, suicide, rape, child abuse, etc. it's totally reasonable. Tumblr is pretty PG13 over all and isn't the kind of site where one should expect to see those sorts of things normally like 4chan. So yeah, I think it's perfectly understandable for trigger warnings to exist as a concept.
Most regular Tumblr users have a thing called Tumblr Savior that blocks any unwanted tags. Most people download it to avoid shit they don't care about that clogs up their dashboard, but some use it to block out things that trigger them. So, they actually don't even know a post with whatever trigger warning(s) they have blocked was posted in the first place.

>> No.7045444

Wouldn't trigger warning black face mean someone goes into an anxiety attack from seeing black people? Because I dont think there are any documented cases of old timey racist jokes causing people to seize up and not come out of their rooms for two days.

>> No.7045445
File: 234 KB, 477x396, 1326732552881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>" wah wah feel bad for me and give me pity on the internet"

>> No.7045448


>> No.7045458

No. The word trigger doesn't only apply to things that can trigger anxiety attacks. It can apply if something just makes someone incredibly angry, which black face understandably does for lots of people.

>> No.7045464

Wrong, but tumblr would have you think that.

>> No.7045468

Yeah I think this is the root of the problem. It isn't just 'THAT MAKES ME MAD!' it's a severe and traumatic flashback that can be triggered and all the fear and anxiety that goes along with that. So maybe, if you were raped by a racist with some old fashioned humor it would be a trigger.

But yeah, black face shouldn't be fucking TW

>> No.7045486

Why does tw exist? If you're triggered by alcohol, weakest shit to be triggered by of all things, wouldn't you filter that tag anyway?

>> No.7045493

Actually, both of you are the wrong ones here. Every psychological professional I have ever heard use that word does so in reference for any extreme negative emotion, not just causing anxiety attacks, but I even looked it up for verification. Still think it only applies to anxiety attacks? Google.

>> No.7045514
File: 23 KB, 416x126, Screen Shot 2013-08-17 at 2.03.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how people on tumblr take any form of criticism as the other person not knowing how to have fun or just being a "hater" because their cosplay is "flawless"

Why can't you just take the criticism and say "okay, what was I doing wrong, how can I make this better?"

I hate the stupid "if you're having fun, your cosplay is good!" mentality, because it stunts growth and self improvement

Also the "flavor of the month" bullshit like Night Vale that get ten million cosplays when there's literally no actual "canon" designs for the characters. I genuinely resent people who drop their other interests to cosplay from flavor of the month bullshit like Night Vale

I cannot wait for the Night Vale fad to fucking die

>> No.7045538

I have legit ptsd and the tumblr trigger movement gives me some conflicted feelings. on the one hand people misuse "trigger" all the time and I feel like that makes people take things like what I've got a lot less seriously. on the other, it's one of the only places where I can ask people to tag something for me so I don't have to see it. (and for anyone who goes "lol not seeing it won't help you survive in ~*the real world*~", you know jack shit about how exposure therapy actually works.) my triggers are extremely offbeat, though, so I do have to ask people.
I don't know, I guess I feel like as long as people are polite in asking for tags, there's no harm in it? and the idea that it's mockable to stick a warning on something out of consideration is... well, dumb. no one's making you warn. if they are, they're jackasses. but warning itself is hardly a bad thing.

>> No.7045556

the fucking flavor of the month shit, where everyone's all OMG MY FEELS THIS IS THE GREATEST THING EVER and derail every fucking post to make it about that month's "fandom"
my interest was pretty obscure but the newest entry became a massive tumblrfad thing and pretty much killed the group around said interest. it's part of a series and there'd be "series" meets/groups/et al, but only things for the very newest would be let in. still a little bitter. eagerly awaiting the part where everyone moves onto pokemon or whatever.

>> No.7045574

These are just fandom and cosplay things that have been issues since the dawn of time, not new phenomena brought about or exasperated by Tumblr.

>> No.7045609

The fact that tags bother you so much is a problem. You don't need trigger warnings? Cool. If someone wants to tag a trigger warning, what's the issue? It's not like it affects you in any way. You're just looking for something to be angry about.

>> No.7045620
File: 96 KB, 500x509, really? This is cosplay?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get trigger warnings for some things like I was in a really bad car wreck about a year and a half ago and there are some assholes who post pictures of car crashs from the cameras police cars have on their hoods. I wish people tagged those more because the few times Ive seen them reblogged I cant help but feel my pulse rise and freak out at first. And while I appreciate it when shit is tagged and I dont see it, I dont expect it because I dont dictate what people do, but it's nice when its done. But putting a trigger warning for almost literally anything is insane, and worse so when people feel that people owe it to them and their phobias to put a warning on everything. Like dayum folks youre going to have a hell of a hard time in the real world.

And tumblr things I hate that are cosplay related, the you cant criticize anything mentality. Mother of god folks I'm allowed to say that those seams are not straight with out being a bully.

And pic related, really your going to call this a John cosplay?

>> No.7045625

Well, to be fair, I know someone who really is triggered by alcohol. Their family has a real history of alcoholics, their sister died from alcohol poisoning just recently, and their dad is an alcoholic who is abusive and nasty when intoxicated. Trigger warnings for drugs and alcohol I can understand.

>> No.7045632

I actually like Night Vale, wouldnt cosplay it but I like to listen to it when I'm on a late night drive some where. Though it is developing a questionable fandom and I'm almost impressed folks are cosplaying from a series thats just a radio show with no pictures. Fan art cosplay is the only way to cosplay, so folks are even less likely to be recognized.

>> No.7045638

>spoiler screencap of a death
>about 12 different death/gore/violence trigger warning tags
>no spoiler tag

Fucking idiots.

>> No.7045642

Blackface is racist and racism can invoke mental distress. A trigger warning for that is understandable. Here's an interesting article on racism and mental distress, anxiety, PTSD, etc. http://apt.rcpsych.org/content/7/5/343.full

Spray tans are fine but if the person is literally making themselves brown or black, that is a problem.

I hope you guys know >>7045458 and >>7045493 are correct. I have only heard professionals use trigger to refer to something that invokes mental distress (not just getting your feelings hurt). Most people don't have panic attacks when they're triggered. That's a misconception.

>> No.7045646

would wear/10

>> No.7045674 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 505x153, sdfds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's completely understandable that people put trigger warnings on gore, posts that talk about rape etc, but some tags are plain ridiculous. tw: self esteem? Really?

>> No.7045677
File: 8 KB, 505x153, sdfds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's completely understandable that people put trigger warnings on gore, posts that talk about rape etc, but some tags are plain ridiculous. tw: self esteem? Really?

>> No.7045683

I know you guys think you know everything about psych because some pansy feel good therapist with a masters told you that when you have anxiety you should just ignore the things that cause it, but that's right bullshit and not how you treat anxiety disorders.
You have to face your fears, slowly or quickly, based on the individual, but shutting them out completely only intensifies the anxiety-inducing reactions.

And for the most part, there is no anxiety disorder here, it's just people being hyper sensitive because the millenial generation has never been taught to take criticism or even vaguely learn to deal with the real world.

You can't all live on wellfare and hide in your houses all day and pretend like shit doesn't exist. First of all, because that's repugnant and secondly because if you really do an an anxiety disorder, that type of complete exclusion only makes it worse.

You have to change your cognition and often you change cognition by changing behavior. Self perception is how we often times form our own psychological understandings of the world. You CAN overcome anxiety disorders, often with the help of medication, by facing your anxieties.

The first thing we do with people who have, lets say social anxiety, after a lot of talking and exposing the deeper roots, is have them go to a public place with the therapist.

You expose, you change behavior, you change cognition.

Hiding away is the worst possible thing you can do.

>> No.7045688

Just let me say that while exposure therapy is often very effective, it doesn't work for everyone. I agree that it's something everyone with any form of anxiety should at least try, though.

>> No.7045704

I have a phobia of dogs (cue infux of dog pictures) but I don't expect anyone to TW:DOG for me. It's my dumb problem. TW everything or TW nothing. I'd prefer TW nothing.

>> No.7045707

Some things, you really should ignore. IRL, there are things you can't ignore and we all know that. But it's very easy to customize your Tumblr and avoid unpleasant things on the internet. Trigger warnings and tumblrsavior can help you do that. Personally, I don't need some sort of intervention. I go on Tumblr to look at pretty pictures, that's all. TWs help me ignore bigotry and racism. I have a very bad reaction to those things and instead of exposing myself to them to try to "change my behavior," it's much easier to just block the tags.
No, why would you go to a therapist for psychological disorders or mental distress?

>> No.7045706

this times a thousand.
tumblr especially seems to breed the mindset of "i will avoid anything that i don't like it or that stirs any sort of ill feelings in me" as if that's going to help with the real problem at all. it's like slapping a bandaid on bleeding sore.

i think that avoiding some things at certain times can be beneficial, but that doesn't mean that you should just shut yourself off from the world and live in some fantasy land where you get brownie points for blogging about the problems that you aren't working to fix or improve.

my biggest pet peeve about tumblr is the way people tag shit just for attention. if you are wearing a white and pink cpk-esque outfit, tag it as "cpk" and maybe "pastel" or "fashion" or something, but don't tag it as "shironuri," "mori girl," "mori kei," "lolita," etc.

>> No.7045713

Also, triggers do not always apply to anxiety.

No, I don't "expect" anyone to tag my triggers for me but it doesn't hurt to ask. For things that aren't typically considered triggers (like dogs), you could use tumblrsavior to filter out dog posts.

>> No.7045720

go back 2 tumblr, faggette.

>> No.7045722


>> No.7045725
File: 104 KB, 475x356, cnZcMbgEykx7xmvvkst8sOUdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tw: cotton balls

>> No.7045728
File: 94 KB, 480x360, 4fed4541a554a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tw: chicken

>> No.7045737 [DELETED] 

So, it's ridiculous for one to try to limit there exposure to things related to murder, abuse, rape, incest, torture, etc.? Or are you guys just talking about the ridiculous ones?

>> No.7045736
File: 2 KB, 200x144, adsfj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tw: spider

>> No.7045739

So, it's ridiculous for one to try to limit their exposure to things related to murder, abuse, rape, incest, torture, war crimes, etc.? Or are you guys just talking about the ridiculous ones?

>> No.7045743

I fucking loved this shit so much.

>> No.7045747
File: 45 KB, 300x100, 152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relevant banner.

>> No.7045750
File: 67 KB, 500x188, 1375402088164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7045752

so cute, seriously..

>> No.7045753


Holy shit I love it

>> No.7045754

I wonder if they were serious. With tumblr you never know.

>> No.7045757

Probably a bad idea to be in any form of social media nowadays if you're terribly afraid of alcohol.

>> No.7045770

I (poster you're replying to) was mostly talking about ridiculous ones. However, you're going to have to deal with murder, abuse, rape, etc irl, so while I think it might be best to avoid it for some period during a rough patch, I do think you need to work to overcome it during the long haul. Also, try not following blogs that post that stuff? Chances are there are ten thousand other blogs posting or reblogging whatever you're on tumblr for; some of them must just be pretty pictures instead of SJW and personal posts about awful things.

I'm a recovering anorexic, and while my psychologist recommended that I take a break from media for a while right at the beginning of treatment, she also made it clear that I would have to see such things in my everyday life. Seeing thin models used to make me hate myself, and to be honest, sometimes it still does. However, I can't just be like "Oh, I'm never going to deal with food or skinny people or any sort of diet-related media ever again." I don't expect people to tag thigh gaps as triggers, I just don't follow pro-ana or thinspo blogs.

sage for personal rant/ramble

>> No.7045772

>Trigger Warning
Good God. The way tumblr acts about things, one could assume that everyone on that site is afraid of their own goddamn shadow

>> No.7045776

Well the problem is that tumblr has taken a valid thing and just totally mangled the concept into a completely unrecognizable form

Like a while back there was a gif of someone being pelted with hotdogs and some dumbshit vegan was complaining that it didn't have a trigger warning.

Fortunately people made fun of them for that.
Pretty much ANYTHING can be a trigger, that doesn't mean you should fucking put a warning on everything ever

>> No.7045781

The idea is to prevent people from remembering/reliving painful and emotional scenes from their lives, like someone with PSTD. The problem is that idiots on tumblr have taken it to mean "we have to warn people about anything that could make them even remotely uncomfortable"

I remember hearing someone rant about how the book, Blankets by Craig Thompson, should have a trigger warning on it because she didn't like the scenes where Craig got bullied as a kid - not realizing that you're not supposed to enjoy them.

>> No.7045789

I have a terrible panic disorder and general anxiety disorder. The really bad attacks have caused me to faint. I lived I'm a state of panic and depersonalization for a year. I had agoraphobia and slept about 2 - 3 hours 3-4 days a week. My triggers included and still include heart attacks, strokes, General premature death, nuclear warfare, talking about existence, I'm claustrophobic, etc. But I realized these were things I had to deal with and get the fuck over. I exposed took an amazing class to deal with my fear of bodily malfunctions and never asked anyone to cater to my disorders and after a few years I'm almost 100% better. While I know not everyone is the same as me blsh blah blah. I can't fucking stand when people exaggerate their anxieties or when they milk their disorder for all its worth. Only you can help yourself and exposer therapy works. Thank fuck someone else seems to realize that

>> No.7045786

How to have fun on tumblr
>post spiders, and have the only tag be "cute"

>> No.7045799
File: 343 KB, 1280x956, Flower Crowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some movie/show/game becomes popular
>It develops a fandom on tumblr
>Cons filled with a shittload of teenage girls with poorly drawn-on beards
>Motherfucking flower crowns

Goddamnit, why Pacific Rim?

>> No.7045805

The general problem with tumblr is the amount of pedantic idiots on it that hear some term somewhere, misunderstand it, and use it constantly until it becomes something completely different.

>> No.7045804


I had to read the comment after I looked at the picture because I had no fucking idea what those people were doing.

Holy shit I hate teenagers

>> No.7045808


Because omg black and asian protags revolutionary breaking from stereotypes. The SJW's flocked to it immediately.

>> No.7045811

I'm absolutely surprised that no one is throwing a gigantic fit over it not passing the Bechdel Test or something.

I just want to enjoy a movie without it becoming a thing teenagers attempt to cosplay from but end up looking like butch lesbians.

>> No.7045814
File: 244 KB, 519x360, 1346208963647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing a trigger warning
>Only being bothered by Craig being bullied
Holy fuck did they even read that book? There's even more emotional shit going on in it!

>> No.7045819


>Bechdel Test

I've seen a few posts about that, but the large majority don't seem to care too much, have some dumb rebuttal so everything can go in their favor regardless. But it's Tumblr we're talking about so, whatever.

>> No.7045823

Don't forget dressing up as their otps and making out at cons because ITS CANON UGU

>> No.7045837

Well it passed the sexy lamp test at least.
Which is "if you can replace the lead female with a sexy lamp without harming the plot, you might have a sexist film"

the bechdel test isn't the one thing that determines if something has lady problems, its only a good rule of thumb

>> No.7045842

But by that logic, The Room wouldn't be sexist, just the tale of a hilariously delusional man with the best lamp a man could buy

>> No.7045851

I would watch that movie man, but it's sexist in the sense the girlfriend doesnt do shit and is there just to be an object of desire for our delusional main character. If she was a lamp I can just imagine that the other guy stole the lamp and erotically turned it on and off all night. Yeah I would watch that movie if they turned her into a lamp.

>> No.7045853

No, it's sexist in the sense that the girlfriend is the villain and they even outright say that women are evil.

Though I feel like the movie was fueled less by sexism as much as Tommy Wiseau trying to get over an ex.

>> No.7045854

I have ocd and while I definitely think exposure therapy could help me overcome it, I also deal with social anxiety and avoidant personality disorder. Having tried exposure for the latter problems before (and not just once), it just made everything way worse for me. Honestly, I know it often works but it can be frustrating to keep hearing "you just have to face your problems and you'll get over it" as if there's a 100% guarantee it will work.

Sage for no contribution and nagging about personal life.

>> No.7045890

>as if there's a 100% guarantee it will work.
I think it's more that it's basically the only option available to you if you ever want to function in society.

>> No.7045895

Point valid, its been a while since I watched it. And yeah I dont think it was fueled by a hatred for woman either and more a vanity project and some anger towards his ex.

>> No.7045948

You know, technically speaking, The Room passes both the Bechdel Test and the Sexy Lamp Test and still manages to be sexist, since Lisa actually does stuff (seducing Mark and holding a party)

Granted, I personally think that the Sexy Lamp Test is more satirical/hyperbole than anything

>> No.7045968

I'm aware exposure is necessary for recovery, it's just that some people need a lot of time and different kinds of therapy to prepare for it.

>> No.7045970

That Mako behind the girl in the bowtie is super cute though.

>> No.7046016

I disagree. Fandoms have always existed, and so have their crazies, but I feel like Tumblr has absolutely exacerbated it, partly by mass exposure (even the cesspool that is/was deviantart still catered to a certain dweeby demographic, whereas people from an entirely different group of interests are given the opportunity on Tumblr to get sucked into fandom hell), and partly by the utter normalization, encouragement, and glorification of laziness and unproductivity, whereas places like deviantart still promoted active creation of art, fanfiction, and cosplay/craft. Tumblr is also a haven almost designed around circlejerking (both positive and negative) and their "call-out culture" brings fandom wars to a new level.

>> No.7046019

It cheapens the message of trigger warnings for people who do have real problems.

>> No.7046024

>glorification of laziness and unproductivity
Imo the most disgusting trait of tumblr users. It has always been a thing, especially among teenagers, but it's never been this prominent before.

>> No.7046028
File: 370 KB, 390x382, 1372612190658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PR "cosplay"
>No Drivesuits
>No Jaeger gijinka
>No Kaiju Gijinka
>Only horrible Newts

>> No.7046031

And it's always the ones who ship Newt and Hermann.

What the hell is with tumblr and shipping everything? Apparently people are projecting that shit onto real people, what with there being people who genuinely believe that the actors from Supernatural are "openly bi" and just the other day someone claimed to ship me and one of my friends despite knowing that I have a girlfriend

>> No.7046107

are you shitting me

>> No.7046121

a fucking dean and cas cosplayer started making out on the floor of one of the superwholock photoshoots at otakon

i have seen pictures while scrolling the tag, it was most foul

>> No.7046137
File: 153 KB, 500x747, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7046151

Watching your "thing" become a tumblr fad sucks. I remember for a few months tumblr was into Eva for some reason and they didn't give a shit about anything in the series besides Kawoshin.

>> No.7046156

Black people shouldn't cosplay!

>> No.7046159

Fandom coords are only good when they're more recognizable as Lolita than fandom. It has to be done in a subtle way to work.

>> No.7046175

and this is why I sorta dread the day James Cameron finally gets around to making the Battle Angel Alita movie.
>most anime fans seem to not acknowledge it even existing
>movie comes out
>terrible cosplays everywhere
>i die a little inside

at least Dorohedoro and Universal Century gundam arent gonna have fandom cancer in the foreseeable future

>> No.7046177

Obviously it depends who you're following on tumblr.
Eva has been popular on my dash for a long time and is still popular.
I still laff at all the kawoshin fangirls who admit never watching any of the series, but hey, I really don't care, and you shouldn't either.

>> No.7046185

I have a tumblr, bur I hate when the entire community obsesses over "fandoms." Like, people are constantly asking, "what fandom are you in?" or "which fandom do you hate the most?" Bitch listen, I just like shit, and I am not overly obsessed with anything to the point where I feel like I need to place myself in "fandom." Bah, I'm too old for this..

>> No.7046203

My only hate relating to tumblr is checking the con tag after the con looking for pictures. Scroll scroll scroll nothing but fucking homestuck.

>> No.7046208

Just everything wrong in the Korra fandom.
I don't even watch that show.
Just the people.
I don't understand what it is with that show and SJWs.

>> No.7046210
File: 105 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mfocqyBBxo1qcuvxyo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is pretty specific but why the fuck not.

I managed to ignore the FILI FEELS and OH MY GOD PLEASE DONT KILL KILI PETER JACKSON posts just fine until gingerhaze scribbled up this nonsense.

>> No.7046222


Tumblr is the worst. I mean granted back then we had our fair share of uke Legolas and Cloud basically being a girl with a peen, along with all those hilarious Mary Sue stories, but the levels that fandom goes to nowadays to make everything memetastic is disgusting.

Don't even get me started on how we went from bashing females for it to being a sin to say one bad thing about any female character nowadays. I wasn't terribly fond of the former, but now it's like we must elevate every mediocre female character who can have a backbone for two seconds to "GURL EMPOWERMENT." Same with fandom projecting trans fantasies onto every character and making everything into something for their personal movement. And that's pretty much what I hate about Tumblr.

Oh, and I can't forget the fucking GIF festivals with random AUs and story ideas that are JUST GIF PICTURES. Why don't you go make a fanfic about it? No? Too lazy? Yeah, too lazy.

Fandom is just really fucking horrible nowadays.

>> No.7046224

I never understood the tumblr hate but it's probably because I don't have a tumblr. Why people willingly subject themselves to things they dislike I will never understand.

>> No.7046228


I know a girl who has never read any of the books, hasn't even seen the previous movies (just The Hobbit) and she actually thinks Thranduil is like this and plans to cosplay this 'version' of him with the shuttershades, iPhone and party booze.

>> No.7046235


I go for the pretty pictures. I also follow my friends. I feel it would be really rude to unfollow them - most of my feed is just pretty lolita stuff and the occasional science post, but my friends keep spamming the gif stuff.

Well, one friend. It's amazing how much she finds.

As for the other part, it's always been a part of fandom, but lately it seems to be getting a lot worse than it used to be.

>> No.7046240

Get tumblr saviour or XKit, and blacklist homestuck.

>> No.7046244

>we must elevate every mediocre female character who can have a backbone for two seconds to "GURL EMPOWERMENT."


>> No.7046252

fucking this.


>> No.7046261

I just can't stand the one friend who found me on Tumblr that constantly reblogs gifspam or rambles about Fallout Boy, Madoka, YA books, anti-cis/white male/hurrmisogynist/pro-fat and her newly discovered bisexuality~

>> No.7046265

Am I the only one whos disappointed at the lack of a pink Usakumya.

>> No.7046267

Nah, I feel you. And you can't just casually talk to someone about something you like because people are only willing to give the time of day to others who identify with their fandom.

>> No.7046286
File: 101 KB, 402x437, 1295918023249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try getting angry messages about not tagging Hobbit spoilers

>> No.7046297
File: 203 KB, 1280x960, star wars yoda picture 1280X960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, Cosplay them you should not.
Failing you would be.

>> No.7046303

It's still like that.

>> No.7046314

Just unfollow her. There used to be a glitch in the security features that would cause 'suspicious' (constantly posting) blogs to be unfollowed automatically, just claim that's what happened.

>> No.7046315

>hating fandoms
What's with you people? You guys are just a bunch of cis-scum haters who are mad that my OTP is more canon than yours.


>> No.7046417

>cheapens the message
There is no message. TWs are just there so we can filter out posts, my god!

>> No.7046419

My main beef with tumblr is that it sometimes seems to encourage people to act suicidal or be very vocal about how they hate themselves or something, because then people pay attention to them. Like the people who will just post about how they think they're ugly and BAM get a bunch of people complimenting them.

>> No.7046422

Stop with this shit.

>> No.7046427

It's because suffering is 'beautiful' right?
Ugh I fucking HATE that, as someone with PTSD myself I can't stand seeing other people glorified for sitting in their problems.

>> No.7046434

I really hate the "If I get 10,000 notes, I won't kill myself" posts.

>> No.7046438

I've vented on mine from time to time, but every time I put a "read more" tag and respond to everyone privately. I only really do it when something's got me really down in the dumps and I just need to ramble on about it.

I used to follow a guy who'd post cool comic photosets but had to unfollow him because he'd randomly post about how he thinks he's a terrible person, have lots of people tell him how great he is, tell them they're wrong and just keep bitching about himself while also basically throwing a fit if someone didn't like the things he liked. If someone compliments me - even if I don't agree with it - I just shut up and take the compliment.

>> No.7046442
File: 286 KB, 844x534, 1293224710184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking beat me to it. those are the worst and I used to send lengthy messages to those fuckers who posted those until I just gave up. none of them are going to kill themselves anyway because of the potential 'notes' they could get for the next time they feel like no one's paying attention to them.

>> No.7046505

Ah I loved the manga to that, wait theyre making a movie?

That and the Akira movie are a thing that need to never be, though from what I heard the American version of Akira got shut down for good finally.

>> No.7046515

I think my favorite is the essays about how these 5 gives subtly prove their ship or head canon, but then I'll see the same person reblog something about how the curtains are blue because their blue and they have over analyzing shit in english class. But that seems to go along with elevating characters based off of one single moment.

>> No.7046540

well, it keeps getting pushed back (HURF BLURF GOTTA FINISH THE AVATAR TRILOGY) but technically yes.

>> No.7046864

*gifs I mean, auto corrected that one on accident and only just now realized it.

But on another thing that annoys me is the rest of tumblrs hate for fitblrs. Like bro fitblrs are fucking awesome and are my major motivation for keeping in shape for cosplay, not to mention have taught me a lot about healthy routines and eating habits. But the SJW and Fandom blogs see them as filthy body shammers, like bro the fit community is mostly body positive, they aint about getting skinny and buff so much as healthy which I think any one can support. Nor are they there to make folks feel bad, like I dont like Super who lock blogs, so I dont follow super who lock blogs, and fitblrs are their own little community to, I dont usually stand by the "If you dont like it dont look at it" thing since I find that a bit stupid, but tumblrs one of the few places you can, if fit tumblrs make you feel bad about yourself dont fucking follow them. Oh also this twitter makes me so very happy


>> No.7046884


You just reminded me of the war on Tumblr about the pronunciation of "gif."
I get at a lot of people mean it as a joke, but they don't realize that some people just don't.
I mentioned a gif around some of my cousins Tumblr teeny bopper friends, and they raged like crazy because it's pronounced "GIFF, NOT JIFF, OMFG!!!!"
Like whoa, okay. It was even more strange, because one of them claimed that inventor of the file said the pronunciation was 'jiff' but then continued to say that it's still wrong because 'giff' sounds better and 'jiff' is peanut butter. Can't argue with Tumblr logic.

>> No.7046900

eh I pronounce it gif but to each their own. The original guy who made the format said it like jiff, but gif is how it looks in my head so it's how I say it, and honestly it doesnt matter any damn bit, at least in my opinion.

>> No.7046903

If you're posting something like that on Tumblr, appearing to be selling your life for notes, then post shitty pseudo depressed status after eating 6 whole advil!!!!!! you are actually the worst person ever.

>> No.7046908

yeah this whole thing made me laugh so damn hard

>Fuck, the creator says it's pronounced 'jif'? Fuck that guy lol, I don't give a shit if he made it, I fucking it use it, it's mine, GIF FOR LIFE

And yes, the creator of 'gif' did say it is pronounced like the peanut butter, officially.

>> No.7046916

Used to be people only did that on Facebook, so that at least you'd have to face embarrassment from your irl friends and family when your bullshitting is done with.

>> No.7047170

People on tumblr seem to lose their shit if you pronounce things differently and are not foreign. Like I've always pronounced "anon" as "an-on" just because that's how it always sounded to me. I say that to a friend and she immediately gets all uppity and lecturing me on why it hast to be pronounced "a-non"

I'm also not a fan of how many Anglophiles (or "teaboos") are on tumblr. Many of them basically have the logic of "English stuff is better because it's English and therefore better" and constantly talk about how they want to be English. Many of them seem to not know what the hell a chav is, think there's only one accent there and usually try to poorly imitate what they think is an "English accent." A friend of mine from Birmingham occasionally gets idiots messaging her being all "OMG UR BRITISH THATS SO COOL CAN YOU TEACH ME HOW TO BE BRITISH?" The hilarious part is that her family is from Ireland.

>> No.7047176


Sorry, I just woke up

>> No.7047195

I've been into Eva for more than a decade and Kaworu was my favorite, always thought he was underanalyzed, if I had to pair up Shinji it'd be with him. (I'd rather not pair up Shinji though, please no.) I cannot describe how frustrating I find tumblr and its "omg KAWOSHIN this time i'll make you happy!! shinji-kun!!!" on the one hand I remember old school eva fandom being frustratingly obsessed with which hot waifu shinji was gonna bone, but this isn't really better than that.

>> No.7047208

I hate the people who identify themselves by their fandom. Nowhere near as bad as those whose descriptions are composed entirely of their various diseases/disorders, or worse, their privilege checklists.

>> No.7047214

This, also

>am I kicked out of this fandom yet? XD

Yes you are, you're not allowed to talk about the show in question ever again.

>> No.7047232

But the problem with SJW standpoints in particular is that they clutter up otherwise "good" blogs. Non-fitblr blogs don't often post fitblr stuff, and fandom leaks a bit more, but so many users with great aesthetics post SJW stuff so it's just really hard to get away from evn if you aren't following a raging SJW

>> No.7047239

Anglophilia in general kind of bothers me. I was a bit of a teaboo in middle school, likely because of the books/movies I was into, but as soon as I started paying attention to the world I realized how stupid it was.

My boyfriend is English-American (dual citizen, moved here about 10 years ago), and I can't even count the number of shitty girls who've come up to him at cons or even just like restaurants and concerts and hit on him WHILE I'M STANDING THERE. It usually goes:
"OMG, you're British, aren't you? Are you from London? Do you like Doctor Who? Why are you in America??"

I realize English accents are like a fucking fetish in this country, but god damn is it annoying.

Sage for unrelated to dumblr.

>> No.7047259

I'm just waiting for when I finally travel somewhere and have someone ask me if I'm a cowboy or if I know any cowboys.

>> No.7047294

Northern Ireland is in Britain though. Southern Ireland is still part of the British Isles too. It's a term for four different countries, it's not interchangeable with England as everyone seems to think.

>> No.7047301

I'm talking about regular Ireland. She just lives in Birmingham.

That still doesn't change the stupidity of people talking to her with infantile amazement due stereotypes

>> No.7047330

Ahhh anglophiles. I'm an american that goes to school in England so I tend to reblog relevant shit, like say if the rest of the British people I follow are blogging about the shitty weather I problem am to, the winter is hell on wheels over there. But it makes me extra annoyed when I see all the "England's the best omg I just want to like live in London it feels like all my dreams would come true!" When nope, no, living in a cool place does not make your life magical and perfect. You get used to the accents and they no longer sound cool and special (Well for me thats just most of the accents I find in England, I still do love the sound of Scottish and Irish but I dont hear it as often) and the first ten times you walk over Westminster bridge to get to your tube stop it's great, by the eleventh time its just the bridge you cross to get to the tube stop where you catch the train to go home. I love the city but it doesn't make me special or ooooh so amazing to live there. And any one who says everything in England is better clearly hasn't had to listen to Cherr Lloyed.

yeah I was talking mostly just fitblrs, its almost impossible to not find SJW on tumblr, and of course no one tags their shit because omg if you arent an activist of every single one of my causes I dont want you following me.

>> No.7047402

Good news! "Anon" as short for "anonymous" is pronounced "an-on". "A-non" is the pronunciation for the Middle English "anon" which basically means "soon".

the more y'know kids

Teaboos are pretty goddamn awful but occasionally make for good blood sport.

>> No.7047410

Except it's not? It's a-non-y-mous. A-non.

>> No.7047442

I've been on 4chan every day since 2007 and Tumblr since 2010 and I have to be honest, I like Tumblr so much better. Yeah, there's a lot of annoying shit on there, but most of it is just teenagers being dumbasses and honestly it's more amusing than anything. My daily visits to 4chan (not just this board, I go on six regularly) without fail leave me reassured that omnicide isn't really that bad of an idea. In general, my visits to Tumblr at worst will have me rolling my eyes at SJWs and somewhat irritated at how obnoxious the fangirling often gets. Very rarely do I literally want to kill people on Tumblr. On here, I always find at least three or four people a day saying shit so ridiculously stupid that I genuinely could kill them and not feel any sense of remorse.

>> No.7047445

I've got PTSD, OCD, body dysmorphia, constantly have fits of depersonalization, and just anxiety in general. I have eating issues that are related to my OCD.
I fucking hate this trigger warning, people's feelings matter more than anything else movement. It's more detrimental to people than not. Oh and on top of it
I don't talk to people about my issues, and people don't know I have issues. Because I am not to be a massive pussy. Conversion therapy is proven and effective. It makes me so angry that people act this way. For fucks sake I had an anxiety attack 15 minutes ago. I've had 30 anxiety attacks in a day before. I don't just get stressed either. I throw up, I have racing thoughts, my heart beats fast, my body gets sore.
The thing I have the biggest issue with and am working through right now is my obsession with being up to date. I have a million hobbies because I crave to be busy, and interested 24/7 to the point where I get anxiety watching re runs.
I don't go to a therapist or anything like that, I don't take medicine (anymore), and I'm doing better than ever. I just keep working on improving.
People just need to understand how good they have it, how being a depressed pussy doesn't fix anything, being a whiny bitch just alienates your friends. Niggers got to grow up.
I'm fucking 'triggered' by wendy's mascot, and I don't tell people to tag their shit. The only reason I tag shit is because I don't want to lose followers.

>> No.7047449

It is pronounced gif you fucking twat

>> No.7047450

Oh god I had a roomate like that.
She was always on a rant about how everything in the UK is superior to everything else.
If you like it so much, just move there so I don't have to listen to your shit anymore.

>> No.7047451

>everybody has to be the same as me
>so tough

>> No.7047458
File: 194 KB, 500x478, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This type of shit. Hanji is not fucking black... well, at least not full black. I could believe she was mixed, but for Christ sake is she is nowhere near this dark.

>> No.7047459

Blah blah blah my prolems are the worst problems ever and therefore I am the authority on how everyone ever should handle their problems.

You do realize this is not a valid argument, right? There will always be someone who has it worse than you, and what then? Does their opinion matter more? Should we just find the single most miserable person on earth and ask them how everyone should deal with their shit? Jesus christ. For someone who doesn't "like to talk about their problems", you sure are flaunting them to make a point.

>> No.7047461

>Spray tans are fine but if the person is literally making themselves brown or black, that is a problem.

I'm going to say what I've said more times than I can count.

There is a difference between portraying a race and portraying a character.

>> No.7047462

>look at how ill i am
>i can manage without therapy and meds so everyone can
>if you ever complain about uncomfortable things you're a fucking pussy

typical tumblr wench here

>> No.7047476
File: 276 KB, 600x423, shigeki no kyojin fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white privileged neckbeard detected

>> No.7047478

>You do realize this is not a valid argument, right? There will always be someone who has it worse than you, and what then?
THIS. There is ALWAYS someone who has it worse, 99% of the times people compare problems it is so fucking unnecessary. I use to have a friend who would shrug off everyone's problems regardless of what was going on as not being serious because her dad was abusive and her mom died. I can think of limitless things that have happened to people in history and even now that are so much worse to go through than that.

>> No.7047477

Lol don't forget

>I don't talk about my problems!
>lists out every single problem they have
>I hate fucking trigger warning shit!
>oh but I totally trigger warning stuff because strangers validating my interests and opinions on the internet are really important and I don't want to lose them!

>> No.7047480

By everyone you mean Americans lmao. I'm Scottish and so many people came up and were all oh you are sooooo cute!! Where in England is scotland?!
Personally I have on my faceybee a girl who exclusively copy-pastes text posts from tumblr written by other people and takes pictures of her chin.
As for the night vale thing, yeah it's overrated but what mostly annoys me is how the whole fandoms is based on how the main characters r gay. Like this is 2006 and we are all pubescent and using ff.net.

>> No.7047481

U forgot to mention the monarchy and the shifty BBC and David Cameron bb.

Neetsdj and

>> No.7047505

I hate the fat pride.
I hate the nerdy girls who are nerdy because they watch Dr. Who.
I hate the animal gifs where the animal is actually suffering, even though it's funny
I hate when I follow someone because it's interesting at first and the rest of the posts are just porn.

I hate a lot of things about tumblr, it's so hard to find interesting stuff...

>> No.7047511

What the fuck is a "trigger warning"? Do all of you fuckers have PTSD? Does the word "'Nam" give you the shakes?

>> No.7047514

>rest of the posts are just porn.
But that is the entire reason Tumblr exists. The free porn.

>> No.7047516

please fuck off. you're shitting up that other thread, too.

>> No.7047519

>Wonder why /cgl/ is so retarded
>notice all the females ITT are psych majors, the retard major of choice

Explains so much

>> No.7047521

Trigger warning means that some words can cause ("trigger") bad memories to reappear. A lot of girls on tumblr or /cgl/ have been raped, so the word "rape" should usually be preceded by *TRIGGER WARNING* or *TRIGGER WARNING [R]*.

>> No.7047527

>A lot of girls on tumblr or /cgl/ have been raped
you really can't make such an intense claim and have nothing to back it up

>> No.7047533

You must be new as fuck. It's almost impossible not to get raped if you're a good looking girl in the cosplay community.

>> No.7047536

>A lot of girls on tumblr or /cgl/ have been raped, so the word "rape" should usually be preceded by

>Blackface is racist and racism can invoke mental distress. A trigger warning for that is understandable. Here's an interesting article on racism and mental distress, anxiety, PTSD, etc. http://apt.rcpsych.org/content/7/5/343.full

Some bar chick can't hear the word rape with out getting upset and they cry, runaway and chimp out if they hear it.

>> No.7047546
File: 96 KB, 400x400, 1359914628425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man, those chinless skinnyfats and fedoras are actualy roving bands of rapist fratbros in disguise.

No one wants to rape you. You remind me of the asswipe mothers who think everyone wants to fuck their kids.
Must be nice being full of yourself.

>> No.7047551

You are obviously some pleb who's never used 4chan before let alone has been on /cgl/.
Go the fuck away.

>> No.7047558

They molest cosplayers all the time. That's a FACT. If you want to deny that, go join the MRAs on /r9k/ where you belong.

>> No.7047561
File: 30 KB, 492x341, men-women-laugh-out-loud-01-af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's almost impossible not to get raped if you're a good looking girl in the cosplay community.

>> No.7047562

>if you disagree with me and my outrageous, factless claims, you must be some MRA or butthurt virgin

>> No.7047572

Calm down. Some trigger warnings are actually helpful/ Like the epilepsy warnings and such.

>> No.7047573

Dear diary,

Today /cgl/ taught me that the cosplay community endures more rape than the average male in military boot camp.
I also learned that if you don't have facts to back up your claim, just call people names and no one will question you.

>> No.7047574

People on tumblr are great at taking an idea they'd like to see, and then going way out of their way to try and argue that it's canon. Because apparently it's impossible to enjoy something that isn't canon.

>> No.7047585

...what the fuck?
There's been plenty of pretty women who've been raped but they certainly don't turn into neurotic control freaks who take things personally because someone mentioned 'rape.' How self-centered do you have to be to think anyone who mentions the word or talks about rape is doing so as a personal spite against someone else?

That said: Plenty of good looking women don't get raped around here and they certainly are not the ones making the word 'rape' a 'trigger' issue on the internet.
It's called having a backbone and setting strong boundaries instead of being scared that you'll lose your precious beta orbiters over their hurt wittle feelings...o-o-or they might call you a bitch ;_____;

There comes a time when one has to mature and stop being a pathetic attention seeking doormat that expects the world to change for their fears and wants. Maybe that's the cue to learn how to diffuse unwanted sexual situations instead of waiting for them to happen so they can angrily blog about it on tumblr later.

>> No.7047586

But MRAs are butthurt virgins.

>> No.7047599

Come one guys, lets just ignore this shit.

>> No.7047601


>> No.7047605

I do enjoy using tumblr though, I mostly only follow blogs that I have interests in and friends. I stay away from all the crazies.

I'm not getting Night Vale. I know it's supose to be uber special because it's breaking rules and stereotypes and all but there are other series and stories that do that as well with hardly any attention.

>> No.7047608

... when did anyone say they were a psych major? Also, anyone who thinks Psychology is a silly thing to study is an automatic idiot.

>> No.7047616

Are you getting triggered?

>> No.7047622

Yes, your faggotry is giving me flashbacks of /b/.

>> No.7047624

god my sides hurt

>> No.7047627
File: 315 KB, 400x226, ohhhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7047628
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 05958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>romanticizing pain, bruises, disorders,self harm, etc.
>watering down rounded characters to one fandom joke or ooc (sasha from snk)
>fake bois
>fat "pride" while shaming thin girls
>asspatting shitty cosplayers because they're poc, trans, or whatever
>fucking this post and video: http://the-art-student-in-221c.tumblr.com/post/57613755346/attention-please
>homestuck AUs
>fetish-sizing gay men
>tyler oakley

also my favorite:
>refer to chihiro as a boy
>no!!! she identifies as girl!!! stop being cissexist!!
>trans headcanons
>states in canon he was bullied for being feminine, so he crossdresses but wants to be more masculine, nothing about his gender but more about bullying

>> No.7047632

I love how transethnic started out as a joke and trying to satirize transgender people, but is not a thing on tumblr

>> No.7047633


>> No.7047636

>just got burned

>> No.7047637

Agree with pretty much all of that. (Again I try to avoid or not follow anyone who does this crap.)

Except: http://the-art-student-in-221c.tumblr.com/post/57613755346/attention-please

I was really fucking mad when that happened. I mean showing you love something and enjoying it is fine but doing shit like this crosses the line in crazy.

>> No.7047638


>> No.7047646
File: 211 KB, 1280x1024, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7047647

What was it? It says the video was deleted.

>> No.7047651
File: 84 KB, 250x267, tumblr_mkk0twUPxr1qiowf9o4_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares

>> No.7047665

The Chihiro thing reminds me of the Hanji drama that's been going around. Some fan told the author that they couldn't tell if Hanji was a boy or girl, so the author got offended and decided not to clarify and suddenly everyone is acting like Hanji is confirmed non-binary in canon and if you ever call Hanji a girl, you're misgendering and a piece of shit.

>> No.7047677

Did you c+p that from your tumblr sidebar?

>> No.7047684

i'm dead

>> No.7047700

>I've got PTSD
No you don't, cunt.
This is what PTSD looks like, you fucking cunt.

Hell, even the majority of modern day PTSDers are faking. You do not have PTSD. You just crave attention and will do anything to get it.

>> No.7047704

Also, even having it worse circumstantially doesn't mean you're having a worse experience. For instance, I studied abroad in India and in some areas people don't have jack shit and they're struggling to eat and might not even have a fucking toilet but they're generous and grateful and their family ties and faith are so strong that they're happier than most Westerners.

>> No.7047716

fuunny, cause they're faking it too

>> No.7047721

Reminds me of a former friend of mine that got diagnosed with PTSD because she lost her mother to suicide. She never even had a single flashback or panic attack. She disagreed with the diagnosis too, but nothing changed. These nonsense diagnoses are ridiculing all those people out there who do have a real case of PTSD.

>> No.7047724


I've just joined this thread so I haven't posted yet, but this is kind of a bullshit reply. Not everybody who has PTSD gets intense shakes when they have an attack. I don't have it thank god, but my fiance does and it's a horrible thing to witness when he gets a panic attack. Trying to invalidate somebody's illness just because they don't fit your criteria is so foolish.

>> No.7047725

but it's media that dares to have a canonically queer relationship where one member is canonically PoC! progressive!! and it made fun of johnny depp once!!

>> No.7047726

I kill myself inside whenever I make photosets of her, and at least one person always has to say "wait, they don't identify as a woman!"
Go fuck yourself, man.

>> No.7047731

It was just the video of this dumb girl going out and writing superwholock or some shit in spraypaint on someone's property. She said she'd do it after hitting some notes and then she got proof of it and everyone thought it was cool except the side of tumblr that called her out on being stupid.

She deleted first because of being afraid of being caught or something but then everyone told her she was an asshole so yeah.

>> No.7047737

Bullshit PTSD claimers are great because they end up fucking themselves over in the long run. Good job assholes.

>> No.7047742


Funny because the opposite happens for me.

Not to mention some of these 'teenage SJWs' are actually full grown adults in their 20s and 30s.

>> No.7047750


Oh God, this shit is just ridiculous.
My friend used to roleplay as Grell from Kuroshitsuji. She actually had to stop playing him because people started attacking her for not using 'genderqueer pronouns' when writing for him.

>> No.7047751


And just recently, the author of SnK has come forward and said he changed Hanji's gender to female for the English translation of the anime and manga.
Cue everyone crying.

>> No.7047752

>but my fiance does
Top LEL. Anything to get those VA claims, huh? Your fiance doesn't have shit. All your fiance has is a dependency on government dollars, just like you.

>> No.7047755

Oh look, more bait.

I fail to understand why people would even care.

>> No.7047759

I got so paranoid about that when I started roleplaying Hange. I just threw a 'roleplayed as a woman' in the description in case. So if anyone gets on my case, I can just tell them it's a headcanon/AU/whatever the fuck.

>> No.7047761

I thought armin was a girl for a while because the art in the earlier chapters was pretty rough.

also there's a section of tumblr that is convinced that Naoto from persona 4 is Trans, which is just plain wrong (DRESSES AS MAN BECAUSE JAPANESE CULTURE WOULDN'T TAKE A FEMALE DETECTIVE SERIOUSLY)

>> No.7047762
File: 25 KB, 201x253, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ ,don't I know that feeling. It's such bullshit. He's a fucking fictional character, you aren't going to offend him or cause him disillusion by using different pronouns.

>> No.7047766

I am sure that will end well.

>> No.7047764

Woah, what the fuck crawled up your snatch, Anon?

>> No.7047770

Because tumblr is huge on trans* things and since there aren't very many actual trans* characters it loves to declare characters with weird gender presentations to be 100% canon trans* and it gets very mad when you tell them that that probably isn't the case. Actually, they sometimes do that with characters that show no signs at all of being trans*. Seen it with Armin from SnK and Shinji Ikari. Ironically, deciding that unmanly guys must've been born with vaginas is pretty damn sexist.

>> No.7047779

Have you guys seen that The Problem With Tumblr video? It's ridiculous.


>> No.7047780

its kind of shitty to assume that crossdressing characters are always trans too

>> No.7047784

Yeah, most of these characters that they assume are trans in Japanese media they actually don't have the proper culture lens to look at in a way that doesn't betray their own biases. It's a very etic way of doing things and they don't particularly care.

>that feel when I know an anthro/archaeology major on there
>that feel when they coo about how amazing and perfect indigenous tribes are but calls any white characters in media "aryan"
>that feel when they are gonna be the worst anthropologist ever

>> No.7047786
File: 389 KB, 731x546, tumblr_m66jx7XRvb1qaw3xto1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monarchy is interesting but pretty pointless, I've had to answer the question "Is BBC the only broadcasting station in England" Multiple times (though to be fair there are at least 6 different BBC channels) and David Cameron wants the English to return to the prudish days of old and stop fapping.

Also lol'ing at Anglophiles "I hate americas government brb moven to england" good luck getting a visa it was hard enough for me to get my student one. And no gov is perfect, again the attempt to ban porn and some other things, and ah health care, its great being covered but its a bitch trying to get an appointment for shit unless its a dire emergency.

I do get asked weird as fuck questions though liked "Does every one really drink tea!" which no not really "Are all the boys dreamy" and no an accent does not cover up bad looks or personality and on and on.

I saw Cumberbatch once in central, didnt bother him though since he seemed busy and when I told a tumblr friend she freaked out and called me a disgrace for not trying to get the amazing mans autograph.

Of course I answer stupid english questions too like do all americans own guns and why do we always talk so excitedly on the tube so that must mean we must always talk to each other like that on the bus in the states (no you dingbats tourists on the tube talk excitedly because they are excited tourists)

>> No.7047791

Welcome to NZ. I just chased a baby one of those off my back porch with a shoe.

>> No.7047804
File: 67 KB, 500x636, tumblr_mqfdhn4Cpw1s4qjvjo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could believe she was mixed...
Oh, man, do I love mixed headcanons. I figure it's the deal with Ymir, because she's got to be partially European with her name, but could easily have the looks of those beautiful half-black half-white models. And it canonically works, too, with the men who killed Mikasa's parents saying 'everyone used to be different races...', so either they're all white(which might not make too much sense with the variations in skin and hair color), or they're all mixed.
Too bad everyone on tumblr assumes you're a racist if they're not complete PoCs.
Pic related, the artist was saying that she likes to think Levi is partially Korean.

>> No.7047807

Yeah I know that, I just fail to undestand why they have to make a problem out of such small things. Same goes for everything on tumblr that has to do with feminism. When a stranger approaches you in a friendly way because they think you're cute/interesting that is not fucking rape culture, they're just being nice. Feminism means equality not EVERY GUY WHO LOOKS AT ME IS A MISOGYNIST AND RAPIST.

That being said, tumblr can be lots of fun if you don't follow any shitty people.

>> No.7047810

What is that anyway? They're kind of fun looking.

>> No.7047815

Its a Weta. They are big and harmless.

>> No.7047819
File: 34 KB, 682x425, Weta-Cricket2_1416306a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7047816
File: 697 KB, 1024x768, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tw: Weta dump

>> No.7047817

>complete PoCs
Mixed PoCs+non-PoCs are still PoCs

>> No.7047821
File: 113 KB, 940x626, 077_giantweta-940x626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7047827
File: 94 KB, 800x532, 1_Weta__3___Medium_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Weta
Its not bait if its true. The bar for what qualifies as PTSD is low enough where anyone could fake it and get paid for it. And in the end it fucks over the taxpayer. But I don't expect you or your second husband to give a shit about that. Most welfare queens are guilt free.

>> No.7047825
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>> No.7047828
File: 41 KB, 540x360, giant-weta_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7047833

They are lazy and everything eats them. I feel kind of bad for them. They are too big for their own good and thus make easy and slow targets.

>> No.7047832
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>> No.7047836

>welfare queens
You're retarded.

>> No.7047838

If they got white in them, they're 'unclean.'
I know a girl on tumblr that's half Chinese and half White, and people always try to tell her she's 'not really a PoC' because she has White in her, despite being closer to her Chinese heritage.

>> No.7047841

I've never heard this shit and I'm a closet sjw.

>> No.7047843

Wait I'm not the one with a husband here?
And while I'm sure there's plenty of people out there taking advantage of the mental health system there's no way to know who is faking and who is sick for real, so it's kind of lame to just assume that everyone you meet belongs to the first group.

>> No.7047845
File: 53 KB, 700x355, 2010-08-06-Strip_56_Dependapotamus_web.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there another word for these people?

>> No.7047847

by that reasoning guess our President isnt really a POC after all.

>> No.7047848

Ever hear of Abhortion? She's sort of tumblr famous. Sort of. She's who I'm talking about. Constantly gets harassed about the fact she has a white father.

>> No.7047849

People love pretending Obama is 100% black, though.

>> No.7047851

I'm honestly not sure who gets feminism more wrong sometimes, the nutjob SJWs or the goddamn MRAs

>> No.7047857

How did this come up?

>> No.7047863

Things I hate in tumblr:
>the fat pride
Pig disgusting
>actually, the whole social justice side of it
Especially when they bring that bullshit into fandoms I like, like the trans headcanons for Dangan Ronpa or the ~PoC~ headcanons for SnK (like the black Ymir/Marco/Connie thing, that's just fucking retarded) and so on. Can't they just accept that since Nips really don't give a shit about affirmative action, maybe all of the characters really are white/cis/etc and that there's nothing wrong with that?

>> No.7047875

lol, a while ago on the radio an old lady called in to argue "but I don't understand all this talk about Obama being black, he's obviously white" and the hosts couldn't get her to understand that he's black. I suppose because we have mostly black-as-the-night people here.

>> No.7047882
File: 20 KB, 400x371, The Political Circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Both are taking equally crazy sides to the issue. Like any ideology, the more reactionary you get, the closer you end up looking like the other side. Pic sort of related.

>> No.7047884

Yes, I don't like her blog. But I think most people talk about her white privilege rather than her not being a PoC. She definitely doesn't seem to give a shit about most PoC, though, other than her Chinese family. But that's just my opinion and it's irrelevant. I don't even visit her blog much so I wouldn't know.

>> No.7047886

...Your closet SJW-ness is showing.

>> No.7047888


Her arguments are wonky sometimes. That's the reason why I unfollowed her. She has some good arguments, but it looks like she has some learning/growing up to do, and honestly I couldn't take her after a while. Some of the people she likes to circlejerk with are also really fucking annoying. Like the guy who won't get off people who are just in fandom for fun and he has to rub it into every fandom participant's face how much of a loser they are for making fanfic.

Yeah, he annoys me. Can't remember his name now, but I know he's a he. It's too bad too because I also liked some of his rebuttals, but his general fandom bashing was getting to be a bit much.

>> No.7047890

What I hate the most is the term poc.

>> No.7047900

'thin' and attractive privilege mother fucking god, I see it a lot on the tumblr cosplay comm like your more privileged because you watch your weight and looks, when dude that dont come naturally I work my ass off to look good partially because I want to look good in cosplay, this is a privilege most of ya'll can achieve. Though some are just nutter butters about it

I got baited into replying with some one when they posted its 'thin' and 'attractive' privilege to get into an abusive relationship. Mofo any one can get into an abusive relationship and I can tell you somethen that aint no privilege.

>> No.7047897


>> No.7047915

Didn't they have those in South Africa? I heard they acted like black people too

>> No.7047924

The Japanese actually care so little about affirmative action to the point that a lot of stuff have hilariously contrived reasons for everything to be filled with Japanese characters when it probably wouldn't.

>> No.7047928

I do too since shorter way of saying "anyone who isn't white" and often use it in senses to make it seem like they're all united in their non-whiteness.

>> No.7047933

I fucking hate all the people who seem to think that not finding someone/something attractive =/= hating it. For example, I don't really find septum piercings (or whatever they call those nose rings) all that attractive and yet people act like I'm bigoted for finding it a turnoff.

But in general, all the people mistaking apathy for outright hatred is depressing.

>> No.7047941

Are you sad because you can't be in the poc club?

>> No.7047951
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1337769004317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seem like they're all united
But 'people who aren't white' are technically, a group of not white people.

>> No.7047963

SJWs don't really do that bad. They raise hell over microaggressions, but they do usually have valid points.

>> No.7047968

SJWIDF detected
Seriously though, both MRAs and SJW are retarded as hell and I can't believe there are people actually defending either of them

>> No.7047974

No, no they do not. I've seen SJW basically arguing that women have no obligation to be polite to men because men are misogynists by nature, not realizing that all they're doing is playing into the Man-Hating Feminist stereotype.

>> No.7047978

Are you proud because you're whiteknighitng people who couldn't care less about you to jerk your own ego?

>> No.7047982

MRAs > Feminists. This is a logical conclusion since the scales are heavily in favor of women right now.

>> No.7047986

>butthurt whitebread detected

>> No.7047989

Not everyone's the same, love.
>MRAs > Feminists
/r9k/ pls go

>> No.7047992

>scales are heavily in favor of women right now

>> No.7047995

Uh, but my post had nothing to do with race...? Anyway,
>butthurt nigger detected

>> No.7048002

>replying to a post about PoC
>"not about race"
>using JDIF derivative
You're obvs a raging wonderbread cunt

>> No.7048009

Different poster, you retard.

>> No.7048020

I addressed both >>7047968 and >>7047978, retard.

>> No.7048025

Tumblr giveaways. The sheer amount of people willing to kiss your ass on a daily basis over a couple of pairs of tights, a wall scroll, and two of those knockoff Spirit Hoods is astounding. A day after posting my giveaway, I get flooded with asks from complements over my one photo of myself hidden away in my about me section to questions about my life.

I actually do intend to send this stuff out, but the ass kissing is going to have zero effect on it, or more likely a negative effect. Honestly, if the generator happens to fall on one of them, there's a good chance I'll roll it again.

Half the time I wonder if these people actually will go through with their giveaways. The cynic in me says a good majority are fishing bullshit.

>> No.7048032

I fucking hate how they complain about people violating their freedom of speech or whatever, but also try to dictate what others can and can't joke about. Also their gross misuse of the word "appropriate" my favorite was the post about how lady gaga was appropriating the burqa but the person in the post who was talking about reclaiming it was wearing a niqab... I just scrolled by because I have better things to do with my time.

My favorite is the person who told me to put "tw" before my tags that could trigger people. As is I am already tagging stuff but I have to add tw before hand. Specifically it was an anorexic girl who told me I should put "tw food" instead of just "food" when posting fatty foods because only food that was bad for you triggered her.

>> No.7048034

>Half the time I wonder if these people actually will go through with their giveaways.
I wonder that all the time. A lot of the stuff being given away seem to be WAAAAY too good for any sane person to give away and usually I never hear of anyone winning anything.

I've been meaning to do a giveaway since I know someone who does an indie comic and keeps sending me extra issues and posters, but I'm afraid of just getting spammed by idiots wanting free shit.

>> No.7048043

>told me I should put "tw food" instead of just "food"
This. Anyone can easily just filter out "food" w/o the "tw."

>> No.7048044

How can you appropriate a burqa anyway? It's offensive to Muslim people to see women NOT wearing burqas. Is it literally a case of


Or something? There are so many cultures where not participating is the wrong and offensive thing to do. I don't even.

>> No.7048050

Am I not allowed to be annoyed by dumb Chinese tourists walking around in a cowboy hat?

>> No.7048062

No fucking idea. I'm an atheist and I own a burqa because of reasons. I also regularly wear scarves to cover up my hair because I'm not in the mood to do my hair and will just wrap it up in stead. I've also posted a photo of me in a sari as well as a yukata and some traditional Wolof clothes as well and no one gave a fuck... it's probably because I'm not white.

But I feel like it's only really white people who get wound up about that sort of thing though. No Hindu person I know has ever raged over non Hindu people doing Holi or a Japanese person over someone wearing a Yukata.

I think most of it is just dumb white girls feeling guilty over being white and so they have to play white savior and be overly sensitive about everything. And to me that's way more offensive.

>> No.7048065

>How can you appropriate a burqa anyway?
Lady Gaga is how.
>Am I not allowed to be annoyed by dumb Chinese tourists walking around in a cowboy hat?
Nope, majority culture.

>> No.7048067

>How can you appropriate a burqa anyway?
Because a burqa is a religious garment it's not meant to be worn just for the hell of it. Though I wonder how many of those SJW wear crosses for fashion.

>> No.7048074

Personally, I've had Christianity shoved down my throat since birth so I wear the shit even though I'm an atheist. I don't consider it appropriation since I'm part of that culture.

>> No.7048081

No. All women are supposed to wear burqas according to the Islamic faith. As I said in my post, it would be more offensive for you to be around a Muslim whilst not wearing one, or at least covering your hair. You can't appropriate something when the proper conduct according to that religion is for everyone, regardless of their own faith, to wear one.

>> No.7048087

I've actually accidentally riled some girls we went to school with. My high school had the highest muslim population in our city and we had a lot of girls that wore hijabs/burkas to school. For one of the plays we did in high school all the girls in it had to wear pincurls that needed to last until the late evening so they all just showed up to school with the curls in and wore scarfs over their hair to protect them/prevent the firzz and it was like this for oh about three weeks.

One of the girls who wore a hijab tore the scarf right off one of the girls heads all the while yelling about how we were all horrible people for forming a mass effort to make fun of their scarves. When she realized the girls were just wearing them to cover the curls she promptly apologized and admitted she should have asked first what it was all about.

But yeah I do mostly see white girls/ people who are not the ones the issue is about getting the most mad and I have no idea why.

>> No.7048092

Yes you can if you don't actually believe in that faith.

>> No.7048094

I don't personally agree with it, it's just what tumblr thinks.

>> No.7048098

This isn't about you personally.

>> No.7048102

Why do I have to keep explaining this? EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT A MUSLIM YOU HAVE TO WEAR A HEADSCARF ACCORDING TO THEM. It's the law in Islamic countries. If you want to enter a Mosque you have to cover your head. Some Muslims wont let you enter their home if you don't. Not covering your hair as a woman around a Muslim is forcing them to be around sinful behaviour. It's more respectful, more polite and the proper thing to do to cover your head. Not wearing one is the insulting behaviour.

>> No.7048100

Oh my favorite is when people get mad over white people speaking in Spanish... because apparently only non white people can speak Spanish. Also when they say that Hispanic/Latino is a race.

Only if you are a non Muslim woman and end up going to say Saudi Arabia because of I don't know why you'd go there but whatever you went there you would have to wear a burqa or well at least a niqab, because it's the law. Hell like I stated I'm an atheist but I've had to wear a hijab before when my sister had her naming ceremony (which is great because my mom's white and my oldest half sister has a Muslim name but is technically a Jew).

Idk though, I'm one of those people that's in the line of thinking "if it's ok to wear a cross just for fashion reasons" then it's ok to wear anything that may have religious significance just for fashion reasons. I believe in equality like that.

No because you're white you're only allowed to get angry at white people because White people are the scum of the earth. You can get mad at them though if you are Black though since there were Black Cowboys IRL. IDK I should post a photo of me and my cousin at Oktoberfest in drindl and see what would happen. Since neither one of us look German.

>> No.7048107

.... as some one was sent to a spanish immersion school and is all white/ my parents are not spanish in the least bit I raise my eyebrow.

Like bro I'm fluent in the language (well its been a few years I'm still fluent but I need to practice more I'll admit) and I feel no qualms speaking it with my friends who speak spanish too.

I did get yelled at once by some one on tumblr (no surprise there) for celebrating the day of the dead with sugar skulls and the special cakes and what not, but I grew up with that shit every year of school we celebrated it, and it's fun as hell.

>> No.7048108

Good. I misunderstood then.

>> No.7048114

What I hate is people treating ignorance the same as bigotry. For instance, bash someone who is openly and knowingly racist all you want, but the same collective onslaught on some poor soul who didn't know the word "gypsy" could be used as a racial slur just isn't appropriate.

>> No.7048117

was the girl who did that by any chance Black? And uh by that I mean African American and not African? Because I've found that I can't stand Black Muslims... mostly the ones who converted "to get closer to their African roots". This is probably me just profiling do to my own predigest against them.

>> No.7048122

Yeah but she didnt do it to get closer to her roots, most of the girls in our school that were muslim (and by that I mean to say I dont know any one who wasnt) moved to the states in their life time or their parents did, they were part of the faith because their family was. They were honestly really nice guys and girls, and I remember our school tried to be accommodating and made sure they never missed prayer/ the teachers wouldnt give them shit for stepping out for a few minutes to pray

>> No.7048128
File: 44 KB, 300x317, 1363308011164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing about tumblr? I'll fucking tell you the worst thing about tumblr SJWs. I need to share this with you because the hypocrisy and pure ignorance of this person and her asspatters makes me fucking cringe.


Essentially it's just a SJW going
>My opinions are the fucking unquestionable truth and I treat them as facts to support my point

People like this actually ruined gaming for me with their double standards and constant, pointless whining and shaming.

>> No.7048127

It's a matter of dialect, not pronunciation.

>> No.7048134

I don't think I'll ever understand the SJW logic behind this...
>However, these so-called POC are still allowed to do white people things, wear white people clothing and use everything that white people ever invented, that's totally okay

Also, lol at how SJW threw a huge fit over Lady Gaga wearing a burqa, but apparently her making out with Jesus, having crosses over her crotch and generally using Christian imagery isn't that big of a deal.

>> No.7048135

Yeah, the term POC is pretty dumb. And I feel like minority groups are treated like hive minds by SJW groups, so when you disagree with them and you're said minority, they get really butthurt.

What would you call an Asian girl who plays "White Savior"?

>> No.7048142

Yes, IN THOSE SITUATIONS. But if you're not in an Islamic country and you're just at the corner store or in your house taking trendy pictures, fuck off.

>> No.7048149

>A lot of girls on tumblr or /cgl/ wish the had been raped so they can justify their masturbatory victim complex

You people trivialise real rape victims.

>> No.7048161

Those posts aren't even extreme. They actually make sense. I have reason to believe you're just butthurt because your precious vidya has flaws.

>> No.7048169

Lady Gaga is a Christian so she can do whatever she likes with Christian shit.
PoC are immersed in majority (white) culture whether we like it or not.

>> No.7048172

It's not the cause, it's how it's brought up. Treating opinions and personal feelings as legit facts and basing your arguments on them makes you look like a self-centered idiot and takes a lot off your credibility.

>> No.7048173

No. IN ALL SITUATIONS. The goal of Islam is to have everyone follow the rules, the customs and the practices. Which is why it's the law in Islamic countries, so that EVERYONE has to do it. A woman with her hair showing in ANY situation is more offensive to a Muslim than a woman wearing a burqa. They're not sacred, they're just an article of clothing that ALL WOMEN are supposed to wear AT ALL TIMES.

>> No.7048178

The term isn't dumb. A lot of us have shared experiences and face the same institutionalized and social obstacles so it's much easier to say "PoC" rather than "black, indian, korean, laotion, hispanic, etc."

>> No.7048179

Yeah but Hispanic people come in every freaking color. Two doors down from me is a woman from PR and she's super pale and has red hair. Her husband is Cuban and he's really dark. Shoot I worked with a girl who was full Mexican and she was really light with light brown/blonde hair.

Tumblr wants to pretend that they're all super enlightened or whatever when they assume that they can tell someone's cultural origin by just looking at them.

Ah ok. I've just had too many run ins with people like that and they drive me up the wall.

>> No.7048180

If she actually did play vidya, she'd know all of the characters mentioned in the ask were protagonists and not side characters. Nullifying the strong female characters as "just the measly 3%" instead of supporting them is pretty sexist in itself.

>> No.7048185

I think it's being treated as common sense rather than "legit facts." Many things are subjective but are widely regarded as truth.

>> No.7048192

I think she's trying to say that we need more than just 3%.

>> No.7048193

Sometimes I wish there was a war going on so all these white suburban SJWs would get some real problems instead of working hard all day to make themselves the victim. You have white privilege, why not make use of it and get a job, improve your skills and make things that matter instead of whining on tumblr about cosplayers tanning their skin for a photo shoot.

>> No.7048197

Please read this http://www.30-days.net/islam/culture/veils/

Many Muslims don't think hijabs are required. It's just another form of modesty (which is more or less required).

>> No.7048199

>Many Muslims

Yeah. No. That's not a valid source. Religious leaders and religious texts say that it's required. Anyone else who says otherwise is the Muslim equivalent of an Easter Christian.

>> No.7048206

>religion isn't flexible
>Muslims don't know how to follow their own religion
Oh, you!

>> No.7048209

No. You can't treat your personal opinions as facts and the assumptions of a small crowd as "widely regarded truths". That's like if enough teens wrote "your" as "you're", it'd become the correct form of the word because it's so "widely regarded as a fact".

But on the other hand, this is a very opinion-heavy problem and because people play games from different genres they have different perceptions on it. But if you're allowed to your opinion that video games are indeed sexist and have only a few good female characters, you're also required to allow other people to their opposite opinion and respect them enough not to resort to the immature ad hominem shit. That's what tolerance is about.

>> No.7048211

Maybe not all Muslims agree with everything the Quran dictates.

>> No.7048220

3% is not an opinion. It's a fact. Really you could ignore everything in that post except 3% and still not be able to say there isn't sexism in vidya.

Also, if enough people started using "your" instead of "you're" for enough time, it would become correct because language is fluid and dynamic.

>> No.7048226

It's not. You either are something or you aren't. If you don't meet every requirement then you're not whatever you're claiming to be.

Maybe they're not actually Muslims then, that's just what they (Wrongly) call themselves.

>> No.7048229

I love how tumblr SJWs claim to hate religion and piss all over Christianity but still demand people to respect Muslim traditions and customs. Even at the same time when they want to stop animal cruelty they allow things like halal slaughtering which is essentially just cutting the animal's throat open and letting it bleed to death without tranquilizers or any humane methods.

Then they claim that most Christians hate homosexuals while I can't name a single Christian country that actually gives death penalties for being gay, but I can think of plenty of Muslim countries. And don't get me started on female genital mutilation or honor killings. Compared to them, the veiling is the least of their problems. And yes, I'm aware that not all Muslims are like this, but you have to take to account that most of non-fundamental, modern Muslims live in the western countries.

>> No.7048231

No religion is practiced exactly the same way it was 100 years ago. Really, you could replace 100 with almost any number depending on how long the religion's been around. Religions aren't static! Not everyone's a fundamentalist.

>> No.7048233

Let's see some source on this then, shall we?

>> No.7048235

They do bite pretty hard if they are of a mind... but its just a nip: no venom or anything like that.

>> No.7048240

Just Google "Electronic Entertainment Design and Research + 3%" or "EEDAR + 4%."

>> No.7048243

I knew those things couldn't be harmless. Look at how creepy they are.
>captcha: stingsfe paratus

>> No.7048249

Actually more religions are than aren't.You have to remember that the west is a global minority. The rest of the world still practices their religions as they were first written down. The aspects we consider fundamentalist are still very widely practised by the rest of the world. Islam is actually a perfect example of a religion that hasn't changed since it's invention, because it's one of the few that the founder actually directly wrote the rules for. It's not like Christianity where you can justify not following it to the letter by saying "Jesus didn't write all of it, it was written by multiple authors after Jesus died. The general message is the important part" The Qur'an was written by one man, who as a prophet of God, and everything he wrote in it was a direct command from the Lord and has to be obeyed to the letter.

No, religions aren't static. But when they evolve they tend to get a new name, or splinter off into a new sect. You can't go around just deciding the definitions of things in your head and expect everyone to humour you.

>> No.7048251

>In a sample of 669 action, shooter, and role-playing games selected by EEDAR in 2012, only 24 (4%) had an exclusively female protagonist, and 300 (45%) provided the option of selecting one. Examining the sales data and review scores of these games, EEDAR found that the games that included the option of selecting a female hero obtained better scores, but the ones with male-only protagonists sold better than the others.

So you can play as a woman in 50% (45 + 4) of the games and that's not enough? This study also does nothing but prove that the customers want male characters. The publishers are not running a charity but a business so of course they want to make money by selling artifacts that the audience wants to buy.

>> No.7048253

Ok, gotta ask, whta exactly PoC means??

>> No.7048258

Person of Color.

Of course, it's interesting how they count Middle Easterns as PoC when they're part of the "Caucasian" race, but apparently Irish people need to check their privilege.

>> No.7048272

No, it's not enough. The number of male-only and female-only protagonists should be as equal as possible. If 50% of gender-exclusive games had female protagonists, that wouldn't hurt sales. The fact that males are disproportionately protagonists in gender-exclusive games is sexist, regardless of sales or your feelings.

>I don't know how to use Google.

>> No.7048273

>The rest of the world still practices their religions as they were first written down.
Buddhism is actual very liberal and I'm pretty damn sure it's not the only religion that is.

>> No.7048274


>> No.7048277

Caucasian ≠ white.
Not all arabs are white, either.

>> No.7048281

How about people actually from the Caucasus?

>> No.7048288

It's not sexist. It's just sensible business planning. You can't blame a business for wanting to make money. If the games with female protagonists sold better, they'd make more games with female protagonists. The industry doesn't care about the gender of the protagonist, they care about making a profit. Games, along with marketing and publishing, aren't cheap to make so they need to cater to the demands of the audience to make ends meet and make a goddamn profit with their business.

>> No.7048297

Have you considered that society wants women to be a lot more polite to men than it wants men to be to women and that yes, this is a problem? They go too far in their arguments, but there's still a valid point behind them.

>> No.7048300

This - a white male protagonist will usually sell better than a fat/gay/black/female protagonist. No matter how much tumblr might whine about it, the game (as well as TV, movie etc.) companies are still mostly interested in making money, and they don't like taking risks if it could mean lower sales.

>> No.7048305

It is sexist. And if 50% of them were women, I'm pretty sure those numbers in sales would even out. As long as very few games have strictly female protagonists, the chances of them selling better will be low.

>> No.7048309
File: 91 KB, 699x411, caucasus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about them?

>> No.7048319

It would be sexist if the games with female protagonists sold well compared to male characters but the industry refused to make games because they think women don't make good characters. But because the audience is male-dominated and they want to buy games with male protagonists, they keep making games that meet the demands, i.e. have male protagonists. That's not sexist. Outside of your tumblr nerd crowd that might seem like the whole world, the majority of women don't play games and have no interest in them other than simple facebook flash games. They enjoy other things like reading and TV series. You can stomp your feet all you want and call out the industry for being sexist, but the statistics don't lie - the games targeted towards male gamers sell better. Even female gamers buy games with male protagonists. If you wanted to make a difference, stop buying games with male prots and only buy those with female leads.

>> No.7048321
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>> No.7048324

I don't think you get it. If there were more games with female protagonists (giving consumers more options), more people would buy them. It really is that simple.

>> No.7048328

You can't just force a polarity shift when the industry has historically been male dominated. It'll sell what the market wants and so far that's been male protagonists.

>> No.7048333

Yes, if majority of games had female protagonists, people would buy them. Because then the market would most likely be dominated by women. But because it isn't like that, the industry targets the main crowd. If people wanted healthy food, McDonalds would go out of business instead of being one of the largest restaurant chains in the world. That's how business works. It has nothing to do with humanistic ideologies. It really is that simple.

>> No.7048335

I would have if not for the fact that they were encouraging women to not be nice to men specifically. Besides, society expects women to be polite to everyone - that's why women being catty is such a huge deal.

>> No.7048336

If the majority of games have male protags, the majority of consumers will buy them. Make more games with female protags and more people will buy those. The reason why people are "whining" about it is so we can convey that we actually do want female protagonists. If we stay silent, nothing will change.

>> No.7048337

>Because then the market would most likely be dominated by women.

>> No.7048352

You might as well and that's what you should do, but calling the industry sexist because they want to make money guided by the statistics and consumer audience is where you're sinking really low. They're not targeting the male audience out of misogyny but because they're the most potential customers. Support the female characters you have by buying their games and spreading the word instead of acting like a victim.

>> No.7048386

Reblogging a long fucking giveaway is an insta-unfollow for me unless you're one of my close friends, and reblogging the same one more than once is an insta-unfollow regardless of who you are. They are ugly on blogs and spam on dashboards and don't ever seem to come to fruition.

>> No.7048404

Mostly herbivores though, they also eat other bugs incl spiders and thats pretty nice of them.

>> No.7048405

Sexism and what's best for business aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.7048408

I actually really like Night Vale, but the 'fandom' is driving me insane. I wish people would focus more on the actual show and all the surreal/horror themes but it's just cecil/carlos fucking everywhere and people complaining about other people's headcanons

>> No.7048833
File: 150 KB, 1250x1250, shibapls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just happen to coincide with one another in this instance. You gals swarm a hobby long ingratiated as a male hobby and suddenly expect the masses to appeal to your sensibilities.

>> No.7049311
File: 64 KB, 682x400, so_drunk_LOL2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trivialise real rape victims
"Real rape victims" are just drunk pieces of trash. Rape victims trivialize themselves.

>> No.7049372

The main problem with SJW is that they're like weeaboos: almost no one ever wants to admit to being one and those that do are always the most batshit insane. I've seen tons of people who talk about how much they hate SJW yet pretty much are ones themselves.

>> No.7049389

I think it's because "SJW" has a connotation of attacking and bullying others for their own personal gain, under the guise of social justice. A lot of people on Tumblr are into social justice and are complete fucking idiots about it, but don't consider themselves SJWs because they're not mean about it. That said, most of them ARE resentful and passive aggressive.

>> No.7051681


boo hoo. it was all mine. I used to be so original and hipster but now that people discover and like what I like doesn't make me original and edgy anymore. me loss my identity
