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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 6 KB, 200x200, 1340_328846747248710_349619592_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7038291 No.7038291 [Reply] [Original]

I don't live in the US but I would really like to watch the "Heroes of Cosplay" show.
Am I just out of luck, or does anyone know where I can watch it? Online or Torrent?

>> No.7038298

UK lurker here, I too would like to watch this?

>> No.7038477

bump for interest

>> No.7038486


>> No.7038491

Holy shit, use the fucking catalog. We already have two of these fucking threads, and we do not need a third.


>> No.7038681

is it really that hard to provide your incredible and superior knowledge then?

>> No.7038694

Been googling all day
Can't find

>> No.7039789

Space Channel here is Canada,
not sure if it will work for you there.

heros of cosplay ep 1.


>> No.7039803

been there bro. all this fuckers dont tell you the real name , except this one>>7039789.
search HEROES OF COSPLAY , syfy channel

>> No.7039834

Check icefilms.info. I think it should work no matter where you are located.

>> No.7040039

torrent is up on pirate bay

>> No.7040131

. tn/torrent/8813911/Heroes.of.Cosplay.S01E01.HDTV.x264-SHO

>> No.7040137

I did this

>Goto Space.ca to find url with episode.
>Goto webproxy.ca
>make sure "remove scripts is unchecked

And watched it. the scripts thing is under options on the second link

>> No.7040172

I don't like the over dramatization of it all.
It just feels so fake is what I'm saying...really fake.

>> No.7040215


Well that didn't take long

>> No.7040218

God I hate the fucking cosplay community, it's not that fucking bad and I don't know anyone but cosplayers who watch it

>> No.7040267

I just watched it, I'm a cosplayer and I honestly think it could be worse.
To much focus on the competition side, they could show more of the costume's progress.
Also everybody talks about Yaya, but for me the one true drama queen bitch was the girl that was making her Lulu costume and i mean SERIOUS BITCH. Plus She has some crazy acne ugly face going on there, better hang on to that sweet boyfriend that seems to make and sweat everything for her LOL

Saw some great and different costumes have to love Totoro and Futurama.
I just wouldn't award Merida but hey, it COULD BE A LOT WORSE.

>> No.7040689

Why were they freaking out that Yaya was the judge?? This is so scripted it's fucking silly. All of these girls have cosplayed and are BFFs with Yaya.

I hate how this show over hypes Yaya. Yeah I understand Yaya was trying to introduce cosplay to the world but I'm now convinced that that's complete bullshit. Yaya was doing this show with SyFy for self promotion.

>> No.7040704

I couldn't even go through half of the video. It's just that everything's so fake and scripted, it made me sick to my stomach. I hope the girls in this show feel awful about their involvement, because I have utmost dislike for them after watching this.

Especially Yaya

>> No.7040710

tbh i though Yaya was more tolerable than pretty much all of the others.
Besides Jesse. And Victoria's boyfriend. They seemed like pretty cool dudes.

>> No.7040726

Her likes jumped 1k during the airing of the show and has be steadily climbing ever since.
The other "Heroes" results combine don't even match Yaya's.

>> No.7040730

Still nowhere near JNigs half a million.

>> No.7040736

for why everyone is hating on Yaya, see >>7040689.

>> No.7040737

The whole show was her idea and I think she's a producer, so of course it's going to hype her up.

I was laughing at the one cosplayer who was all "OH MY GOD IVE BEEN SUCH A HUGE FAN OF YOURS FOR YEARS YOU'RE LIKE AN INSPIRATION TO ME"

>> No.7040742

This whole show is a promotion to Yaya. Also since when does she get an official announcement when arriving to the con floor? That shit doesn't happen.

This whole TV show looks like a Mary Sue of what dream world Yaya lives in.

>> No.7040747

My mom watched it, but then again, she has memories of helping me out with cosplays when I was younger.

Even she thought it was stupid and hated "that Hun girl - she's so critical of everyone and she ain't perfect herself." Although she laughed at Jesse because she thought he was a dumb manchild for not wanting to "grow up"

>> No.7040749

>This whole TV show looks like a Mary Sue of what dream world Yaya lives in.

Congrats. You just summarized the entire show in 1 sentence.

>> No.7040755

Yup, basic summary.
Claims people call her the god of cosplay,
Tries to look humble by labeling herself the cosplay ambassador,
People fear her judgement at contests,
Is able to churn out a costume 7 days before a con yet have it completed a month before for another con,
Cast guys into the shadows but who cases about male cosplayers.
Shows she really doesn't do shit for her business and relies heavily on her finance to make her money for her.

>> No.7040762

The reality is there are people who do look up to Yaya, and these are a small SMALL group of people. The problem is... with the editing. It suggest that EVERYONE bows down to her

>> No.7040767

Next convention people need to applaud as soon as she arrives on the convention floor

>> No.7040779

There's also people who are just happy that they're on TV

>> No.7040785

Here is the show online, now could everyone stop asking about it.


>> No.7040790
File: 82 KB, 500x376, hatehatehate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly if I had to choose a role model from the cosplayers on that show, I would choose Yaya. She's good at sewing, has been doing this for more than a decade, and she knows how to sell herself so well that we can't shut the fuck up about her. She is pretty much doing all the same shit JNig is doing promotion wise, but unlike JNight she actually does some work. Even if he makes her armour pieces, I refuse to believe that her fiancee sews her fabric costumes.

Everyone else on that show is just pants on head retarded.

>> No.7040792

I agree with this 100%

>> No.7040822

Hi, Yaya. You can stop samefagging now.

>> No.7040827

>Honestly if I had to choose a role model from the cosplayers on that show,

Just an aside readers....don't choose your rolemodels from TV ever.

Choose them from your neighborhood, friends, books, hospitals, scientific community, volunteer groups, ect.

>> No.7040828

>anyone with a different opinion is samefagging

>> No.7040834

Fuck you. Jesse Pinkman is my role model always and forever.

>> No.7040835

What will it take for this show to be canceled?

>> No.7040840
File: 41 KB, 449x338, 1371687764247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't understand why people are so buttfurious over this show and demanding it be cancelled. Everybody who lives in Gerogia doesn't write to TLC everyday demanding Honey Boo Boo be cancelled because it's a horrible representation of the South.

The average con goer doesn't give a shit about this show, and you're not important enough as a cosplayer or a person to be associated with these lunatics in any way shape or form.

People are just mad jelly that these horrible bitches are whoring themselves out on TV while their own shitty cosplay facebook fanpage full of bought costumes only has 100 likes.

Quit being so anal-pained about this shit, and instead actually sit back and laugh at these tards while they humiliate themselves on television. You'll enjoy yourselves a lot more once you clear all that sand out of your vaginas.

>> No.7040847


It would be hilarious is everyone just stopped talking about it.
Ignoring it completely might cause all ratings to plummet and it being taken off the air before it even finishes half the episodes it has.

I would love it if they got yanked by episode 3 or 4. It's not likely but it would be great.

>> No.7040857

If syfy is going to run stupid monster movies every week, there's no way ratings can take down Heroes of Cosplay

>> No.7040879

Yaya to realize her ego and/or get her implants removed

>> No.7040882

I think its because cosplay is already seen in a bad light and this show just proves with while at the same time we have no widespread movies or shows that show a counterpoint. With Honey Boo Boo, at least you can watch a bunch of other shows that make the South look good to balance things out. All cosplayers have are mini youtube docuemtaries and that's going to do little to change public opinion

>> No.7040896

If this show focused more on the actual contest and less on the Yaya Sisterhood it would have been a lot better.

There were a lot of great costumes there and they didn't even show everybody who got awards. Galactus took home the big prize and he didn't even get ten seconds of screen time before he accepted his award.

>> No.7040911

I wish they showed more of the actual convention and stop making it seem like The Masquerade is the main event of the con.

>> No.7040918


Yaya and the contest were a fucking footnote compared to Stan Lee, Bruce Campbell, the Boondock Saints cast, Brent Spinner...

>> No.7040919

Wow, they got all of those guests for their first year? Impressive!

>> No.7040922
File: 340 KB, 476x650, Yaya__Mitsuko_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, who could deny that wonderful applause?

>> No.7040923

Started watching, quit at the two minute mark.

Since when do contests give away tons of money?

>> No.7040926

It was a Wizard World con. They are a fucking machine when it comes to churning out these things and getting guests.

What applause? I was fucking there. There was no applause.

>> No.7040929

Galactus walked away with $1000 for best in show.

I got $200 for Best Male Villain.

>> No.7040927

>Cast guys into the shadows but who cases about male cosplayers.
>Shows she really doesn't do shit for her business and relies heavily on her finance to make her money for her.

I think that, after the overly dramatic fake drama, this is what I hated most about this entire show. There are guys doing a shit ton more work than the girls and they are treated as accessories to the vapid morons who work out a week before a con and get drunk while wearing rainbow wigs.
You want to see Heroes of Cosplay? Make the show about these guys and how much shit they put up with from these idiots.

>> No.7040930

>What applause? I was fucking there. There was no applause.

They added it in post.

>> No.7040931
File: 15 KB, 320x218, _DSC1252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was sarcasm, anon. Chill.

>> No.7040933

It just kind of sucks that these asinine bitches are the ones chosen to represent cosplay to the rest of the world, the alleged "heroes".
Personally, I'm watching for the lolz and because I like to see other people's costumes.
It would be nice if they'd focus a little more on the creative aspect and not so much on the drama.

>> No.7040934

Congrats, anon. Do your thang.

>> No.7040939

Some do. All I got was a couple of comics and autographs from actors I've never heard of. Granted, I won in the teen category at the time, but I remember no one winning money. Just prize packs or free admission to the next year's con.

>> No.7040936

Im watching it right now and its just... painful.

Its so horribly scripted and theyre acting like Yaya is a god or something. The fake reaction they all had when they said Yaya was judging was cringe worthy.

>> No.7040938

Seriously that Victoria chick was a major bitch, I can't believe her boyfriend puts up with her.

>> No.7040940
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>> No.7040941

I feel like they just went with the name "Heroes of Cosplay" because of Superheroes and stuff. Still vain as fuck for a title though.

>> No.7040945

Oh, forgot to mention that it was at a local comic con, not this one

>> No.7040944

Big cons like Anime Expo and Otakon do, but not your weekend down the street convention at the local Elk's Lodge
However, Wizard World can do it on a consistant basis because they rake in a ton of money and they're like the Wal-Mart of Comic Concs

>> No.7040946

I felt kind of bad winning something when two of the three criteria had to do with making it yourself and how hard it was to make. All of my pieces came straight from retail.

I'm sure the only reason I got anything was because the only other male villains competing were Galactus (Best in Show) and a shit load of Jokers.

After seeing how it all came together in the show, I'm quite a bit more upset that the D&D girls got Best Group when there was a better fucking group that did ALL their own shit standing no more than two feet from them on stage.

>> No.7040948


I figured that con did, but most do not seem to.

I've won everything from a fruits basket keychain and dealers coupons... to absolutely zilch because the cosplay comp said it was too expensive to print out certificates.

>> No.7040950

It's not even that big. I mean, yeah, I guess it is a lot for a costume but AX's prizes were supposed to be $3000, $2000, $1000. Considering the work you would have to put into a prize-winning costume, you're probably not looking at a good hourly wage.

>> No.7040964

They keep showing footage from cons that... aren't Wizard World, but keep saying it is.

AND They keep calling Yaya scary, intimidating and OMG LOOK WHO IT IS IM SO OVERWHELMED BY HER. I really hope this show gets cancelled or something.

>> No.7040965

>It would be nice if they'd focus a little more on the creative aspect and not so much on the drama.

I'd wish /cgl/ would do this as well, but it's not. You asshats basically have been given /cgl/ the show and you are complaining about it.

>> No.7040968

>I felt kind of bad winning something when two of the three criteria had to do with making it yourself and how hard it was to make. All of my pieces came straight from retail.

Then what the fuck were you doing entering at all? That shit is not cool. If you must enter for some reason, and you didn't make any of your shit, then enter out of competition.
Seriously, fuck you. You are worse than the vapid cunts in this show. While they may be overhyped fake drama sluts, at least they are show at some time to be making something. You should not have even been on stage.

>> No.7040972

>sharing an opinion

>> No.7040977

it's call b-roll
they decided to reuse AX footage

>> No.7040978

Victoria and Yaya don't make shit. Their man slaves do.

>> No.7040982

>I'd wish /cgl/ would do this as well, but it's not. You asshats basically have been given /cgl/ the show and you are complaining about it.

While this may be true, /cgl/ is not at any time trying to represent cosplay to a wide audience. And if there ever was a point where people from /cgl/ were given the chance to show what cosplay and cons are like to the public, I am fairly certain most would act more civil and dignified than they do online.

tl;dr: online is not real life

>> No.7040984

Calm down, they were probably just entering it for fun and then didn't realize that until after or got caught up in the moment. At least he's admitting this instead of pretending he made it

>> No.7040986

>they don't make shit
That's not entirely true.
Also, I don't feel like there is anything wrong with utilizing your partners skills if they are willing to help.
Victoria came off as a major bitch though. She basically acted like everything that went wrong was her boyfriend's fault.

>> No.7040987

So basically just want to lie to the public and pull the wool over their eyes by saying we aren't a bunch of drama whores?

>> No.7040988

Yaya wasn't a contestant
Victoria didn't win.

This fucker wears some value village closet cosplay shit, enters without saying "BTW, I didn't make anything" and wins. He should not have entered in the first place.

>> No.7040992

Not everyone who cosplays is a drama whore. The fact that you believe that just says you spend way too much time on /cgl/

>> No.7040995

At cons, we aren't. None of this shit that goes on here happens at cons. Suggesting how people act on 4chan is how people act all the time is fucking retarded.

>> No.7041000

>I only act like an asshole on line Anonymously, but I'm real nice to people's faces!

You guys are just as fake as this show.

>> No.7041005

They really make Yayas finace look like her bitch. Its ridiculous.

>> No.7041011

I entered because I thought it would be fun and I had never competed before. I didn't realize they'd be judging on craftsmanship nor did I realize that would be a factor. It's the first time I had done ANYTHING cosplay related.

When I asked after it had wrapped up two of the three judges flat out told me that my presentation/showmanship carried me. JDF just told me he loved it and voted for me but then he's a tool like that.

So calm your shit, nigga. My trophy has a typo anyway.

>> No.7041014

>She basically acted like everything that went wrong was her boyfriend's fault.

That's how she is in real life. I've known Victoria for 9 years.

>> No.7041019
File: 784 KB, 1200x1600, 2013-02-23 22.31.37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Value Village

Hold the fuck up. I didn't just buy some shitty costume off a Party City shelf. Everything I used was retail but only one item could have been originally considered a costume piece by itself.

>> No.7041027


Tbh I come on /cgl/ because I appreciate the harsh (usually exaggerated) criticism.
It's a far cry better than the circle jerk that is DA, Tumblr and Reddit.
I also enjoy being able to give that criticism somewhat freely without being called mean.
There is a certain level of honesty on this board that stems directly from the anonymity.
But would I walk up to someone at a con and start picking their cosplay apart in front of everyone? Absolutely not.
Because that's not an appropriate place for that.
If I see a cosplay I don't really like or that looks crappy, I just move on and don't take a picture.

It's not about being fake, it's about being polite in a public setting.
But anyone who posts their cosplay here should know full well what they are subjecting themselves to.
For me, that is the difference.
Of course people act like bigger assholes on the internet and especially on 4chan.

>> No.7041045

Value Village is a retail store, you dumb fuck.

>> No.7041049

Oh my god the scene of her walking down the stairs to everyone clapping and cheering and taking her photo.. I cringed. How did they convince so many people to go and do that?

Watching Becky get squeezed into her corset was painful. Her little "A WEEK AND A HALF BEFORE THE CON??? BETTER DO LIGHT CARDIO!!" was so dumb too.

>> No.7041053

And? I never said it wasn't.

It's not like I went through a bunch of discount stores and thrift shops for my outfit.

>> No.7041060

Don't listen to them, they're just upset because they seem to think that you walked out with your trophy shouting "those fools thought I made this... MUHUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOW WRONG THEY ARE!"

>> No.7041062

the applause was added in afterwards

>> No.7041064


Hmm, thanks for proving a theory I had recently about how it's mostly about entertaining people more so than actual craftsmanship.

It isn't a bad thing but I think some people...tend to not realize this....

>> No.7041066

Tbh, this is kind of shit. What the fuck are you even supposed to be?

>> No.7041069

Nothing in particular. It was something I had put together as a Halloween costume last year that I thought would look nice on the con floor.

Some con staffers told me I should enter the competition, I thought it would be fun so I made up a name for it and I did.

I don't see why everybody is so mad, it's not like they highlighted me in the actual show or anything. I didn't even know there would be a show until I got there.

>> No.7041076

>enter a contest that judges workmanship
>didn't do any actual work

Fuck yeah, I'm upset. Should have been out of competition at the least, or disqualified for not meeting the criteria. And that fucking "lol my first time, idk!!" excuse is bullshit. I kind of want to run you over with my car, and claim that I didn't know the rules to see if I can get away with it.

>> No.7041077

And, there's a blatant difference between utilizing someone's skills and becoming engaged to them in order to have them constantly do every single thing in their power to make you famous-- Oh, wait. That's what she does. She's never shown making shit. We see finished or half finished products, but never her doing any work.

I love how some people are so far into denial about this bitch despite us now having it on television.

>> No.7041081

>Victoria crying like a bitch to her boyfriend because she didn't get her Lulu cosplay done
>she had it done last year at Katsucon

>> No.7041084

It wasn't a rule, it was a judging criteria.

There were three of them:

1. Quality of craftsmanship
2. Difficulty of work
3. Showmanship/performance

I didn't expect to win anything but the only other Male Villains there were Galactus who took home the big prize and a shit ton of Jokers give or take a few other half assed batman rogues.

I didn't enter to win, I entered to have fun.

>> No.7041083

I'm totally going to play devil advocate but why are we not blaming the judges for this?

Yeah I get that he entered something he shouldn't have but....he didn't exactly gave a reward to HIMSELF here and at the end of the day the guy who have the better costume DID win over him....

>> No.7041085

he didn't win for workmanship. It was presentation which is another category for the judges. Calm down son, did you really expect quality judging anyways?

>> No.7041089

Holy vendetta,
I'm honestly not trying to defend her, I don't know anything about her other than what I saw on HoC. But within that episode you do actually see her doing some hand stitching with the embroidery and the fur on Lulu's top piece.

To be fair, that is the only actual work we see her engaging in, but it's work nonetheless.

She was my least favorite person in the episode and I'm not in denial about anything, so just calm down.

>> No.7041092

Not Victoria, Yaya.

>> No.7041114

Well that's just silly then because Yaya sews her own shit, even if her fiance does the armor.
But even in HoC we see her working with the worbla, patterning the pieces, etc...

>> No.7041122

For the costume that had already been finished.

We see her touching shit. We don't see her doing any hard work. We see her do none of what the others were doing. And, surprise, we never see any of that shit on her Facebook, either.

She has him do the work and she commissions costumes from others and gives no credit.

>> No.7041137

>yaya works on something
>uses the wrong paint

Yup, expert craftswoman here

>> No.7041140

I love the baulb flashes that were added it. That shit was great and made me laugh every single time. Also the way that they tired to over hype everything, like never have I been to a con where anyone besides like two people gave a flying fuck about people entering. Syfy could have over scripted that or something way better it just comes off as a half assed try to make things dramatic.

>> No.7041143

>comissions costumes and gives no credit
I hear that claim about Yaya a lot, but is that actually true? Seems like it would be pretty stupid to go on national television claiming to make your own costumes when really, you paid someone else to do it.
Has anyone actually come forward and said they made a costume for her?
Not trying to whiteknight, I just really want to know where this idea came from.

lol anyone can make a mistake, she did kind of freak out about it though
>God I HATE painting
Like chill out bitch, at least you can enslave your fiance to fix it for you.

>> No.7041158

I'm not saying people can't make mistakes, but that just seems like a really dumb mistake for someone of her supposed caliber to make.

>> No.7041166

Quite a good point, anon. Not trying to whiteknight either but after ALL of these years has no one come out complaining that they made something for Yaya and never got credit?

>> No.7041168

god damit that looked like shit. granted better then what I could do but I know better then to try and do Lulu. Why do so many Lulu cosplaying just toss on a sad sack? Like make the back half like a hoop shirt to give it shape and do something similar with the front half too, and bam instantly make a better costume then 99% of them out there.

sage for double posting.

>> No.7041173

It's pretty obvious that she didn't make her Jessica Rabbit costume herself and that she commissioned it from DaintyRascal on Etsy. The dress looks exactly the same with the exact same cut and Swarvoski crystal usage.

>> No.7041178

Hey /co/mrade here, just finish watching the show and I have to say that I agree, with you guys. The show is dumb. Yaya is an obnoxious bitch (is she always like that?), and the only one that I cared about was the dude cosplayer. None of the females are likable. And that fake drama was cringe worthy. Plus why was Yaya considered a cosplay goddess when all of her glossies were mostly shots of her breast? Isn't there more to cosplay than shoving your breast into the camera?

>> No.7041189

>it's pretty obvious
But did DaintyRascal ever come forward and say she made it? Because personally, if I made someone like Yaya a costume and they turned around and claimed they made it, I'd be pretty pissed.
I'm looking for an actual source, not more anonymous seagulls claiming they know something.

>> No.7041194

Given the corseting and the boobage, commissioning something with those wonky measurements would be a lot harder than making it yourself.

>> No.7041201


I wish everyone would boo her instead.
The look on her face would be great.

>> No.7041224

Anon, thank you. I laughed really hard.

>> No.7041255




>> No.7041271

Didn't she use scythes?

>Cosplay Goddess

>> No.7041276


Yeah, I think she used a sickle.
And an assortment of other weapons, but I don't think anyone had rapiers.

>> No.7041279


I wonder how badly she'd take it if she realized this show could possibly be really bad publicity for her.

>> No.7041285
File: 315 KB, 476x650, Yaya__Bubblegum_Angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like it's already not?

>> No.7041316

Her original Mitsuko (before fancy photoshoots just convention hallways) had a sickle.

>> No.7041330

Since when does Otakon give away money? Heck they've been so cheap they don't even give panelists comped badges anymore.

>> No.7041350

Any links to her wearing it, not just a video?

>> No.7041365 [DELETED] 


She's wearing it at KatsuCon in that video. How is that not good enough?

>> No.7041428

>wide audience
niche show on niche network
>wide audience

>> No.7041432 [DELETED] 

>I wish everyone would boo her instead.

I am ALL for this.
I'm sure she'll be at DragonCon.
Since she doesn't seem to have any self censure the public should offer some.

Boo her at DragonCon?

>> No.7041439
File: 293 KB, 479x450, timthumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish everyone would boo her instead.

I am ALL for this.
I'm sure she'll be at DragonCon.
Since she doesn't seem to have any self censure the public should offer some.

Boo her at DragonCon?
Boo her at AWA?

>> No.7041462

both! Boo her where ever she appears

>> No.7041479

She's going to DragonCon as a Moulin Rouge version of Snow White. She and some girls are doing an entire group.

This lady just screams, "I WISH I WAS WHIITEEEEEEE!11!1!!!!!" with all the white people she tries to cosplay.

>> No.7041493

can she not just kill herself. JFC

>> No.7041554
File: 526 KB, 320x240, 1305306146298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And with that realization the community of cosplayers across the lands were met with a grand realization, a solution that would unite all who craft under a single banner with a single creed.

>Boo her where ever she appears

And from these words came the unifying force that brought those together under a single desire; to make a vapid cunt realize that the world does not in fact like her.

They will sing songs of this day Seagulls...

>> No.7041559

She did unite all cosplayers against herself, just like Jacen Solo

>> No.7041562

You know the show is filmed in advance, right?

>> No.7041564
File: 43 KB, 250x277, 1345234632350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that hit

>> No.7041603

But not to the point of last year, unless they started filming back in 2011-2012

>> No.7041608

They started filming back of march of 2012 at Mega

>> No.7041615

We will fight against the hypocrisy and embarrassment these fame-mongers embody.

They will hear our discontent towards them, and they will learn to fear us.

And no matter what their white knights throw at us, We will persevere.


>> No.7041638

time to bring the 'queen' down!

>> No.7041640

I can't believe that I'm saying this, but I love you 4chan.

>> No.7041646

The episode was about Wizard World 2013. She can't be crying because her Lulu costume isn't done for the WW 2013 contest... if it was finished in 2012.

Same as Yaya can't be like OMG ONLY DAYS AWAY AND I'M JUST NOW PICKING OUT MY COSTUME!! when it was completed and finished for Katsucon 2013, which was days before WW.

>> No.7041687

why stop at yaya? boo Victoria too! The way she treated her boyfriend, she deserve to be booed just as much as yaya.

>> No.7041730

Unless the show had her making another one just for the sake of doing something

>> No.7041757
File: 17 KB, 409x635, 1365987983765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because then we're just attacking based on some shitty relationship that a man feels too inferior to walk away from.

Someone should print up a bunch of her shots with the cleavage blurred out, and then throw them at her when she comes out before breaking into a heart felt rendition of The Real Folk Blues


>> No.7041771

>that picture

Dude... what the fuck :(

>> No.7041781
File: 981 KB, 1600x900, Dangerous-Liaisons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I visualize this booing I see the end of Dangerous Liasons / Cruel Intentions.

Shifty morals, a queen bee, tooting her own horn, trying to appear innocent, questionable past, using their power for evil instead of good.

Fits rather nicely

>> No.7041793

Oh cool, we're John Malkovich

>> No.7041816

Victoria quotes:


"Our relationship works because we both like to have perfect costumes :)".

Lol when you base a relationship on making fucking SERIOUS BZNS COSTUMES, it's time to go see a shrink.

>> No.7041841

Here you go. Its large like 4GB because its 1080 but here it is.

>> No.7041870
File: 164 KB, 348x500, 517-++KpoOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, he pays homage with Yaya like we did. He fools around with the average cosplayer, toying with them. But then Yaya crosses /cgl/ and then there is hell to pay.

And for those unfamiliar with Dangerous Liaisons, have the teen remake.

>> No.7041889

Oddly enough, I got to watch Dangerous Liaisons in high school in an English class after the AP Exams. I don't remember a whole lot other than horny french nobles screwing around due to the fact that I was really mopey at the time.

>> No.7041978

that bitch needs major slap across the face.

>> No.7042074

all the "contestants" already knew each other (well maybe not the guy tho) so it was unfair that the people yaya knew would have won some prizes.

The show was probably scripted, the bickering between the friends or the couples...seemed so fake.

That Becky girl was annoying, boobs boobs boobs.

They need to put real people on the show, not famous people who are either sponsored or run their own shop. The only one who I thought was more real was the guy.

>> No.7042075

wtf is that? Leprosy?

>> No.7042079

it's just lamprey mouth's shooped onto fingers. And it's old as fucking hell

>> No.7042078

It's the mouth of two lampreys (or something like that) photoshopped onto fingers

>> No.7042081

Well pardon me, I don't spend all my time looking at weird pictures on the internet.


>> No.7042087

It's ok, I forgive you.

>> No.7042137


I'll audition next time and pull an Egoraptor where my sole goal is to make it awkward for everyone involved...

>> No.7042307

you do know that this show's executive producer is same douchebag that worked on Flavor of Love, right?

>> No.7043298


Are you fucking serious?

>> No.7043303
File: 94 KB, 709x778, 554991_525280854209302_1964722406_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated because a contestant finally said something. From scruffy rebel's fanpage:

>> I am a mixture of miffed, annoyed, and disappointed that anyone would be taking issue with the title of a television show. Television. Show. TV! I would laugh if the bickering in the community wasn't so downright upsetting and hurtful. Heroes of Cosplay - it's just a name, folks...and last time I checked, many of us dress up as superHEROES and HEROIC characters. That's it, nothing more, nothing less. It would be nice to see the community that has been the center of my entire life for over a decade stop attacking its own and focus on what's important - making/wearing cool creations, having a good time with friends, making kids smile, etc.! From one spandex-clad dork to another, can't we all just get along?

captcha: forced griyadmi

>> No.7043305

I just realized how much yaya reminds me of Tila Tequilla

>> No.7043306


>focus on what's important
>acting like elitist cunts, namedropping Yaya like she's Jesus Christ and putting ourselves on public television for attention

>> No.7043308


Mark Cronin

>> No.7043309

I hope New York makes an appearance.

>> No.7043324

>New York
Oh sheet, she cray cray

>> No.7043355

>> does not understand title implication

Hey bitch, your fake-ass is showing up!

>> No.7043563

You know what I watched New York's show and loved how bitchy and drag queeny she was. I would love for her to show up, do the black version of every cosplay yaya does. But with twice the pushed up boobs, fake hair, and ten times the make up. Then have her get more attention than yaya because more normal fag's know who New York is. The drama would be glorious. And then just watch yaya try that passive aggressive backstabbing shit she has tried in the past. New York would wreak her fucking shit.

>> No.7043579


>> No.7043615

Yaya is going to have a group of 5 bouncers around her at DragonCon good luck getting close

>> No.7043623

Victoria and Jinyo get fake engaged for the show. It will happen before the end. Jinyo doesnt want to get married but they did it as a publicity stunt

>> No.7043627

Wow what a fucking missing-the-point retard

>> No.7043633


Bouncers aren't gonna do shit about people booing her.

>> No.7043634


lmao publicity stunt
implying anyone actually gives a fuck

>> No.7043639
File: 73 KB, 559x653, 305830895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on Tumblr today.

>> No.7043684

Haha I liked the part where Holly was freaking out about the plaster head lifecast...I'VE DONE THAT SHIT BY MYSELF, BITCH. And got it right the very first time I ever did it. So stupidly dramatized. "I DON'T WANNA HAVE TO CALL AN AMBULANCE!"
I hate reality television.

>> No.7043749
File: 67 KB, 649x496, tumblr_mrjy6iDB2Q1qgh0xuo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a quick internet research I could find pictures of the bunch (the girls) all together wich means that they all knew eachother before the show. It's like a friend party cosplay show?
Plus, nothing against or in favour but aside yaya none of the others have pretty much more than one decent costume
Plus found this on Tumblr

>> No.7043758


Wow, you are really late to this party.
This is YAYA'S SHOW. She fucking came up with it. All the people in the show are her personal group of friends.

>> No.7043756

Don't forget that they're professionals at this. They got paid by Guillermo del Toro to make costumes for a Pacific Rim video with the Game Grumps in it.

It's just sad how many times this show kept trying to drum up drama at every turn in the first episode alone. I'm somewhat expecting there to be a scene next episode that goes something like this:
>"Wait, where's the keys to my car?"
>Dramatic music
>Frantically searching pockets
>turned out to be on the table

>> No.7043798

so where did the dude come from? Somebody's vagina?
Oh yes

>> No.7043813

You're not missing anything. It's 400% drama and useless bullshit. Also makes Yayahan look like a bitch and she doesn't sound Asian. Here I thought she might have been Japanese but she's from Georgia. Oh god my illusion has been killed.

I will delete all my saved Yayahan pics and weep one at a time.

>Also first episode some stupid guy with a shitty "costume" wins and he wasn't the best one

>> No.7043816

Jesse should have won.
His power armor + gattling gun were totally awesome.

>> No.7043815


>all the people in the show are her personal group of friends

>> No.7043820

You should have seen all the FUCKING DRAMA on Facebook over them -- get this --- Using Photos Without Giving Proper Credit.

Such horrible personalities surfaced.

>> No.7043863
File: 2.66 MB, 800x2000, Makoto - Da fuck you say.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His stuff was nice but for a Vault dweller, for fallout 3 actually, he was really clean and could have used some weathering and wear. Also that Galactus was fucking amazing. He always looks awesome and it really sells well as a costume.

>That galactus
Nigga what are you talking about?

>> No.7043869 [DELETED] 

Silver painted football shoulder pads and a modded Nerf Swarmfire aren't anything big.

>> No.7043873
File: 97 KB, 1440x900, totspraw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver painted football shoulder pads and a modded Nerf Swarmfire aren't anything big.

>> No.7043890

Lets me honest, Yaya just wants to be the next Honey Boo Boo

>> No.7043892

Yeah using repainted storm trooper armor and football gear is pretty shitty for a fallout armor. Maybe if he was doing a fallout thug you could get away with the football armor but no

Captcha: leuney boat

>> No.7043912

Now you're making me think of a version of Duck Dynasty except with redneck cosplayers
>"I'm cos-playin' one of them Nay-ru-toes from them there Japanese Cartoons"

>> No.7043923

>Holly Conrad


>> No.7043954

They make a living making stuff, therefore are a professional. Nowhere did I say they were amazing because of that.

A frycook at McDonalds is by definition a professional cook but that doesn't mean they're fucking Wolfgang Puck

>> No.7043966

Please tell me you are joking because that is gross.

>> No.7043978

Yaya lives in Georgia but she isnot from there. She is Chinese but grew up in Germany IIRC.

>> No.7043990

Was anyone else upset with the fact that Holly and Jessica admitted that they weren't able to complete something for their project? That's the last thing you ever tell any judge, that you could not complete or finish a piece. She could have totally owned the weathering and modifications of those horns and it probably would have saved her a lot of points in judging.


This. Jesus... I've worked on full body casting people who complained less than that. Also how they were power lobbing that alginate onto her head. What in gods name? "Let's just try and knock people out with alginate!"

>> No.7044005
File: 112 KB, 500x758, samara1-rana-mcnear-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holly and Jessica not being able to complete stuff.

What else is new?

>> No.7044019

I wouldn't be surprised. They've been together and cosplaying together within their circle of friends for a long time.

>> No.7044026

but getting married just to generate buzz for their show? fuck that noise!

>> No.7044030

Yeah I get what you mean. Not unheard of in the cosplay world to pull that one though.

>look up Supanova Syndey fake engagement drama with 20% Cooler cosplay
Not TV but still within the cosplay world, and they confirmed that a fake ring was involved

>> No.7044079
File: 133 KB, 593x864, 1373558279067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to force my money through the computer screen but nothing is happening ;_;

>Honestly if this happened this would be the greatest reality show of all time.

>> No.7044080


Er...what's the story behind this?

I do remember Holly throwing a minor twitter fit that she couldn't get a panel at PAX when Volpin had one.

>> No.7044150



>> No.7044157

Oh, but I like SMG in that movie!

"I wanna FUCK!" :P

>> No.7044164

>she doesn't sound Asian
God forbid people not speak like a stereotype...

>> No.7044165

Costume contests are different in different places. That contest didn't look like craftsmanship was an actual focus. There was no showing of judging sessions or anything and people talked about their work on stage.

Most masquerades who do craftsmanship judging of any kind ACTUALLY get down to the nitty gritty of looking at how you worked on your project.

When you're on stage, yes, entertain the crowd, but if you're actually entering for craftsmanship, there is separate judging for just that and it is taken into consideration well before the show starts.

>> No.7044213
File: 209 KB, 900x1601, yaya_han_cosplay_by_finalsoraiii-d4vr9ke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, that makes sense. I guess the new issue would be the show NOT displaying this.

Plus I get the feeling the way it's being produced they wouldn't show any actual judging or people talking about their work on stage to begin with because I don't think that was the intended focus on the show...

Pic related of intended focus of show

>> No.7044224


>mfw her face looks like a generic asian aunty's....

That combined with the boobs is really fuckin scary. It's like my parent's friend's homely face shopped onto a porn model and that's just scarring.

>> No.7044239

Entirely. The judging process is interesting if sewing and craftsmanship is your jam. I love listening to contestants talk about how they put their works together and what inspired them to take the routes they did. When it comes to Heroes of Cosplay and the Wizard World Portland contest, it comes down to how it looks and what you can ascertain from what you see. And in regards to that method of judging, it's hard to make those decisions when you wanna talk about craftsmanship. Really hard...

For this show, it's gonna be a complete case of "Does it look good on stage? Tell us what you did." And that's it. I hope there are some actual judging instances in this show because in some trailers and promos on TV it looks like some other cons will have a totally different judging team that ISN'T Yaya.

>> No.7044249

As if she was remotely qualified ...

This kind of competition has been going on for 50 years or so, long before the term 'cosplay' was invented. The scifi masquerade people with their ranking and judging systems make cosplay look bush-league in comparison,

>> No.7044250


My favorite part about that whole bullshit was how the cast turned out like shit and there was really no reason they would have needed one for that bullshit in the first place.

>> No.7044269


I really do just wanna audition next time to troll Yaya.

>'Ever heard of Yaya Han?'
>me 'Who?'

>> No.7044280
File: 299 KB, 528x765, scruffyliar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the lying continues. Honestly, I would say this is something like pro-wrestlers trying to keep up with kayfabe, but this is just ridiculous.

>> No.7044283

Yes, but they wouldn't say it like that. It would be more like, "How would you handle the pressure of being judged by the great Yaya Han?"

THEN you could say, "Who?"

>> No.7044294

I was expecting that costume to look a lot better than that... it looks awful.

>> No.7044304

I don't like Victoria... she seems like a huge brat. I find it funny that the show introduces her ala "Victoria is well-known in cosplay because of her accurate costumes and attention to detail." Bitch, you commission a ton of your shit.

>> No.7044341

I didn't really care for the show. But the most insulting thing was... if this is a show for cosplayers by cosplayers, why are they treating us like we're idiots?

>makes complicated, multicolored and sized embroidery design in a couple mins on the machine

Like... really? No, that's now how that shit works. If you don't have the pattern pre made online to upload to your machine, it would take hoursssssss upon hours to make lulu's stuff considering all the colors and shapes and curves. Like, we're not retarded, we can tell the pattern had already been made on the machine beforehand.

>I'm going to make an entire head cast to sculpt two horns that will sit ON A WIG SO IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER IF THE BOTTOMS ARE FLUSH WITH HER HEAD OR NOT

Do they really think we're that stupid? That's what really irritated me.

>> No.7044351

Not to mention her boyfriend does most of the work for her, or at least that's how the show made it seem.
Girl acted like a huge, codependent wreck the entire episode.

>> No.7044423

Yeah those things irked me too. I liked that they showed the lifecasting in general, but it was for silly and excessive what they were making it for. (And then they didn't even end up using them lol!)

Overall, though, for actually displaying artistry and techniques, Face off was way better. That's what I was hoping this show would be, but alas, it is as I most feared.

>> No.7044424

it was silly and excessive* derp

>> No.7044439

God speed. Unless Yaya isn't a part of a season 2 or whatever, odds are it will only be people she knows and some person no one knows about at all. I know many people who were asked to turn in information on the show, if they'd be willing to participate, and I know people who were consulted to find participants. All useless labor and efforts for Yaya to turn around and say "I want my friends on this show."

>> No.7044451

Yeah, people tend to get mad when people steal copyrighted photography, edit it to remove watermarks, and (to top it all off) repost it for advertising.

>> No.7044455

Who are you? Her pinterest has been filling up with wedding stuff for months now, I was hoping they were about to get real engaged.

>> No.7044470

The funny thing is that in real life Becky Young is the most crazy of the whole group.

>> No.7044484

I heard there was only going to be 6 episodes... I'm hoping it gets pulled before that.

>> No.7044506

We'll see what happens. I hope the other episodes with the other participants are worth while.

>> No.7044525


>> No.7044535

>All that butthurt from Becky
I'm fucking crying

>> No.7044657

I wanted to believe that the girls in this show were all forced to act like it. But after reading Becky's comment, nope. They are who they are in this show: Wannabe Mean Girls.

I wish them nothing but failures in their life.

>> No.7044690

I actually have to give Becky some cred, as much as I don't like this show.
The article directly attacks her, but she still responds in a fairly level headed way.

>> No.7044745 [DELETED] 

Finally watched this with my boyfriend.

During the scenes with Victoria and Jinyo, he said, "I don't know how he can stand her. I would have left her a long time ago."

>> No.7044890

Yeah...it was a pretty level-headed response. But the point is not attacking/defending their (the cast members') individual personalities and activities; it's about the REPRESENTATION. -That- is what people have a problem with. Yaya admittedly had little if anything to do with the terrible editing that ups the drama, but did she really have NO say? She makes it sound like her vision for this show was markedly different from what it turned out to be. I'm not sure who to believe. But the point is, objectively, that thus far this show makes cosplayers on the whole look pretty petty and out-there (not to mention a bit nutty...)

Which sucks, for an up-and-coming "niche" hobby that many are working to have recognized (and thus respected) as a form of costume art.

>> No.7044906

I dunno, sir/madam. Considering Yaya's fb post about 'Fun is just the surface', I'd say this show is exactly what she had in mind.

>> No.7044978

Hmmm, well that was interesting. As someone who is kinda a child of both worlds, one being a rookie ass cosplayer, and the other being a lurker of /cgl/ so that I know how you seagulls get, I have to say I'll keep watching it.
I have a bunch of questions ABOUT the costumes themselves rather than the actual show.

1- Why did that Merida girl color her wig with a sharpie? Is that a trick to get the 100% color? I don't believe there wasn't a big orange color wig that she could have pieced together.

2- Why did they need a cast of the D&D girls head? Why couldn't they just sculpt the horns and then "glue" them onto her forehead like they do with movie costumes?

3- If Yaya was so crazy about getting the details correct for her cosplay, isn't that character a slight blue skinned color? And on that note whaaaaaaaat the heeeeeeeeell was she thinking with her Carmella costumes and running that fishing line across her boobs so tightly that it looks like baked bread with tinsel wrapped around it. Like....what? I'm not the only one that noticed that right?

And just a comment on the Merida girl, LOL. I love how she said she was going to be in character and I was actually excited to see her talk to the little girl when...Oh. No accent. Just "Hi little girl." I was disappoint.

Also, that contest room had like...10000 people in it. Do the cosplay contest get filled up like that, or was that editing?

Oh well. Can't wait for more. It's silly, but dang it, it'll be a guilty pleasure to put on the background when I sow my own junk. My cosplayer friend who has never heard of any of these girls thinks it's just super campy and fun. "OMG GUYS WE NEED TO FINISH THIS SLEEVE OR WE'RE NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!" Haha.

>> No.7044986

In a sick, twist way, it's like watching The Room.

>> No.7044988


I feel like that too. I want to get my cosplay buddies together for a drinking game for this show and have fun with it.

>> No.7044999

1. One method of wig dying is by using sharpie. The method I know involves taking the cartridge out and putting multiples of them in a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol.

2. They just wanted to make a headcast to have one in the end. And it was unnecessary.

3. Yaya is just crazy. I don't know why she used obvious fishing wire when she could have taped herself into that costume or something, but it's yaya and again, she cray.

Hope that helps

As for the contest room. Most Masquerades and costume contests are ALWAYS packed. And yeah, that number would be fairly accurate and is proportionate to other cons and their attendee count vs those who go to the contest. Always a good turn out for this event.

>> No.7045010

I think the only honest person on this episode was the Fallout guy. I think he really has no idea what cosplay is and that buy doing this, he'll get a leg up in making connections so that he can just make props. Theeeeen again. his armor did kinda suck. I could totally tell his chest piece was a football under armor padding, his shin guards were also some sports things from soccer that was spray painted and that a bunch of other pieces where from a Storm Trooper he made before, just painted silver this time around. The Ironman guy should have gotten something based off the fact his looked better and it was made out of YOGA MATTS. Come on now.

....what does it take to be a judge at these things? Sign me up, I'll judge the hell out of the costumes.

>> No.7045014

I'm just curious who he knew to get on the show?

>> No.7045015

That fucking Iron Man. Blew my mind.

As for judging? Ever won an award in a masquerade or costume contest before? Keep pushing that when you ask, there ya go

>> No.7045022

Yeah... the football player armor wasn't exactly impressive when you inspected it. It was quite awful and the only thing that was actually impressive was his prop.

>> No.7045026


Could I lie about that? Would they actually look it up? Why yes, I did win a few awards in uhh...1999 around some cons. Yes.

And just on the topic of lying, how the heeeeell does Yaya make a living of this? She can't have THAT many followers who buy her stuff. Unless she sells one print at 50 bucks a pop and gross internet people buy them in bundles I just don't see the numbers adding up. Even if she does make little ears and wings for sale either. She does this for a living and she probably really does spend thousands of dollars on her things.

>> No.7045029

well she has about 150k fans on facebook, and she does a huge con tour where she sets up shop in the dealers room and sells stupid little weeb shit like MLP wings and cat ears. I think she probably makes the most money off those things (she also has a web shop for them) and the calenders and prints? maybe not so much there. And who knows what her Fiance might actually do aside from help her?

>> No.7045033

I think I saw a post made by that girl on Tumblr and it was apparently legit fangirling. The one that got her prop signed, right?

>> No.7045036


That's what I was thinking. He must have a really good job OR Yaya had a millionaire grandmother that died and gave everything to her.

>> No.7045035

...Seriously? Call me a no-fun-girl but I just don't get how people fangirl over cosplayers. I have several cosplayers that I really admire and look up to but I could never see myself fangirling over them. They're just people that make awesome costumes and play dress-up.

>> No.7045043

even then, you'd have to deduct travel expenses, table/booth price, food, rent, etc etc. I doubt her fiance does anything, what with making her merchandises and such (in which case, she has to feed him too).

>> No.7045041


You mean like the actual person right? Like... Jenny Notreal? And be like OMG JENNIE! I have huge fangasims on the costumes themselves. I have legit gave my room number to guys who have amazing armor on and told them to meet me later and keep the armor on. *eyebrow wiggle*

>> No.7045042

They'd look it up. Any self respecting masquerade staff would want to make sure that their judges were qualified to judge.

>> No.7045045

Yes, that's what I mean.

>> No.7045052

Not only that, but AFAIK her booth goes to cons without her. Her booth was at Otakon this year but she was elsewhere.

>> No.7045054

actually simply because of the things you've said, I'd be extremely surprised if her fiance DIDN'T have a job on the side.

>> No.7045062
File: 591 KB, 901x905, elephants-never-forget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Provided this show only gets worse I wonder how long it will take for all the cosplayers involved to go into damage control mode.

I also wonder if it will work or if their reputations will be so badly damaged they'll regret ever seeking out notoriety.
I mean /cgl/ and cosplay in general never ever forgets. It's why CosplayCloset lost all their status and will never get it back, KimTheCheater can't judge now, no matter how many name changes Anaaesthetic does people remember the problems she caused.

>> No.7045067

friend of mine's at San Japan right now. He said everyone he talked to at that con HATES Heroes of Cosplay and people involved in it.

And if >>7044280 and >>7044525 is their idea of 'damage control', I have no high hopes for any of them.

>> No.7045070

>1. One method of wig dying is by using sharpie. The method I know involves taking the cartridge out and putting multiples of them in a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol.

Not >>7044978, but yeah, the thing is she was doing it BY HAND, not with a spray bottle. Also Arda already has a blended orange wig that could work for Merida, if one wanted variation of color they just need to darken some areas and weft in lighter areas. Easier than hand sharpieing it. I dunno some of the techniques these people used are questionable for people that are supposed to be the "heroes" of cosplay.

>> No.7045075
File: 255 KB, 474x519, 2exrlne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its kind of sad because I know Monika personally and she's really not that bad at all, but I know the atmosphere of the show and the writing and editing will inevitably make her look like a bitch.

Such is the way of reality TV.

>> No.7045364

I forget if it was this thread or a different one, but someone was pointing out how it's kinda like The Room with how everyone is always talking about Yaya even when she's not around

>> No.7045369

Yeah, that was strange, didn't quite understand why straight sharpie was being used... whatevs!

>> No.7045406


She's also the only person in the US that supplies Worbla, which she shamelessly plugs in the show.

>> No.7045415


She is often called a "convention guest" so I bet she gets compensated for her travel fee and booth. She sells all her weeb junk at a 200% mark up (those cat ears can't cost more then $2 and are sold for $20+ same deal for the wings), if she sells 100 of them over the course of the weekend that's around $2500. She attends at least one convention a month, so i'm sure it adds up.

I'd guess she sells maybe 50 prints a month? That's around $250 right there. Now she has her $25 calender, but who really knows what she is making off of that. Fan pages on facebook get paid as well, right?

So I would bet she makes over 30k, maybe 35k a year. If her fiance works as well then that is pretty believable.

But still she doesn't make a living off of cosplay. That's like an amateur model who only makes money off of selling makeup saying she lives off of her modeling career.

>> No.7045417

Uh no? Unless she owns cosplaysupplies.com

>> No.7045421

I'm guessing she's getting paid by SyFy for doing the show too

>> No.7045422

cosplaysupplies.com is located in Canada. I don't know if anyone else supplies Worbla in US though, since google didn't help me much on that.

>> No.7045430

They are the US suppliers, kamui plugs them for US buyers constantly. You can even see the little US flag on the site.

>> No.7045437

Well considering how you won a prize alongside the Futurama trio, I think it's safe to say that the judges' taste is shit. My lurking family member said your costume was OK, but know that your judges were hacks.

>> No.7045473

Cosplayers on the whole, or at least the vocal ones, are pretty petty and a bit nutty. Have you seen the community?

>> No.7045492
File: 35 KB, 603x603, 1174518_341443792655672_800940104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever wanted to smash a brick to somebody's face for no reason?

Well I hadn't until I saw these two.

>> No.7045500

Cosplaysupplies has warehouses in the us and canada, so if you order from each country you dont need to worry about custom fees and stuff.

I dislike that yaya overcharges for shipping, and ive also had problems with her lying about when something was shipped. I only order from cosplaysupplies now, I really dont want to support yaya at all after the last time.

>> No.7045513

You mean you didn't when you saw Yaya Han?

>> No.7045522

in most cases cosplayers are rejects of society. cool hobby, yes, but let's be honest about the people. there's usually something wrong with them.

>> No.7045540
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>> No.7045560

It made me cringe when the wig didn't even turn out the right color. In the wrong light, it looked so dark it looked like a curly Ariel. In good, it looked dark, dark orange; way darker than Merida's.

>> No.7045568

I would very mildly fangirl over certain cosplayers I really respect and admire. I have met Kamui for ex. and I was kind of tongue tied! She's my personal cosplay hero because like her I concentrate on costumes and props from Blizzard IPs.

>> No.7045570


>> No.7045576


I found it hilarious that accuracy is a selling point rather than a general expectation.

This is like RWBY for me. Went in with low hopes and found myself enjoying it for purely guilty reasons.

>> No.7045622

how are three of these girls even famous? the lesbian couple seemed like amatuer status from the start. the rainbow dash girl has horrible acne scarring and obviously now talent as her beta boyfiend did most of the work. the trap keeps pushing her wares and brand, but appears to be mostly ignored aside from the sound effect applause and editing. the creepy guy looks like a larp steampunk fan that everyone ignores because he slapped gears on clothing. i can't even remember the other girls, were they even in the show?

>> No.7045633

>lesbian couple

They are?????? Oh. I was just going to say I like how one is totally mean and crabby and her friend tries to cheer her up all the time. Like a real sitcom.
"I hate everything and everyone."
"But we won!!! Look! A trophy! We rock."
"I hate you most of all."
"Aaaawwww turn that frown upside down!"

>> No.7045682

don't forget the soda can. Yoga mats and a soda can.

>> No.7045755
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I don't get why she feels she has to lie about it? Theres plenty of evidence on ACP from Katsu2012

>> No.7045764


They're both married. Their husbands help out with the superfluous casting.


Damn that's a sad sight to behold.

>> No.7045773

Feels a bit bright.

>> No.7045788


They're best friends, no lesbos.

Tired of Jessica Merizan quoting herself and what she said on the show on her twitter tho

>> No.7045791

Oh my god her Lulu is TERRIBLE what the fuck that is so ugly.

>> No.7045807

those belts look fucking awful

>> No.7045809


that's definitely Jinyo's embroidery on it too, right?

>> No.7045830
File: 116 KB, 725x960, DemB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


.....................Are you fucking KIDDING ME?! THAT'S the costume she wanted to be 100% crazy detailed and accurate to "empress" Yaya and win a cosplay contest? I can't put my finger on it, but why does it look so wrong on her?

I mean....her fabric isn't even black. (unless the photo is so overexposed it turned the black to a ...weird ugly brown.) Granted this pic of Lulu is also not 100% accurate, and yet it looks way better. Maybe it's the cleavage? Or the hair? It's SOMETHING.

>> No.7045831


I would love to see someone post this photo on Tumblr in the Heroes of Cosplay tag.
Everyone is freaking out about 'HOW COULD SHE NOT FINISH IT????'
There are so many people on there that believe it isn't scripted.

>> No.7045833


This girl got the wrong color of fur, but the rest of it looks pretty good.
Scruffy Rebel's Lulu seems way too bright. That, and the fabric looks so stiff and shitty.

>> No.7045841

But yoga mats are just eva foam. Smart, yes, but that special, really.

>> No.7045850
File: 78 KB, 370x650, Lulu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a certain, shall I call it, "art" when making cosplay poses that can really, reaaaaaally sell a shot. I think that is very true here. And this the MOST nitpicking I have ever done, but take a look at Scruffy. Have you ever seen Lulu stand like that? With her mouth open in sexy surprise? Nope. You see her like the other one. Small smirk/smile with a tired board eye and her arms are always down until she, like this chick, is holding one of her toys. So so so so subtle, and yet I think it's what brings the package together.
Also, yeah, it helps to have a D size when playing a D sized character, so this girls UMPF is like the perfect shape without sagging. Scruffy has like a B cup?
It's also the way the belts lay. I've seen tons of Lulu's where the weigh of the belts cave in and it looks like they are just hanging for dear life onto the dress sides. It needs to actually look like the front of her belts is still part of the bell shape of the gown. Once you lose that round shape it's like "meh. You tired. Good for you for gathering 50 belts and hot gluing them on."

Well whateves. Those are my two cents on it.

>> No.7045858


A lot of Lulus don't weave the belts together, like the second girl did. Scruffy Rebel didn't do that at all and I think that's why they hang so limply.

>> No.7045864

That's so fucking ridiculous, she's not the queen of England, she's not cute, she's old and dried up and crusty.

I saw her from far away at Acen and I could see her huge ass eye bags and she looked awful.

People clap and announcing her and shit is ridiculous. I even like J-Nig better. I hope people do boo her because she ain't shit. Anyone can be a good seamstress and buy fake boobs for fucks sake.

>> No.7045866

I love New York, yes yes yes yes.

>> No.7045869

Also, nobody was even at her booth at Acen, who honestly cares about her? I have cosplay friends who don't even know who the fuck she is.

>> No.7045872


That would be the greatest show ever. Someone call New York, I bet she's not doing anything.
"What da fuck is a cosplay?"

>> No.7045899


Hahahahahaha. Oh man. And what was up with her face during the show? Did she have an awful acne breakout AT the con or something? I was like, eesh.

>> No.7046037

part of me feels like theres a killer drinking game to be had from this at cons.

>> No.7046041


1. Drink anytime Yaya mentions Worbla
2. Drink whenever Holly/Jessica plug Crabcat
3. Drink when someone cries
4. Chug your entire drink when someone does something that causes you to recoil in embarrassment

>> No.7046055



>> No.7046106

She has some serious man jaw going on there.

>> No.7046135

so did anyone actually post this on tumblr?

>> No.7046144



>> No.7046172

why not?

>> No.7046179


Hell if I know. The other anon should have done it themselves.

>> No.7046271


Because unlike /cgl/ you can't post anon. Need to have a name...Cowards!!

>> No.7046283
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>> No.7046380

then multiple people should post it

>> No.7046578


Thank you, Tenleid. Glad someone has balls.

>> No.7046826

already reblogged

>> No.7047917

the fur and embroidery are good, but that's about it. And she didn't even do the embroidery.

>> No.7049390
File: 99 KB, 247x248, 1327496710629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little girl appears
>"When I grow up I'm gonna shoot arrows just like you Merida!"

Oh god that was so scripted it hurts.

>> No.7049641

This show could have been redeemable if it had AnimeWeedLord420 in there

>> No.7050558
