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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7029171 No.7029171 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most illegal thing you've done or witnessed at a con?

>> No.7029178

I was at a New Years convention-based party at a hotel that was double booked with this crazy 'Champagne Ball'. Nothing on our end, but due the the endless alcohol, things got way out of control way fast.
Knife fights all over and other crazy drunk shenanigans.
I was super glad to be safe in my room by that time. As the night went on, things just got worse.

But that wasn't our group. It was all the other event's, which we happened to get mixed up in.

>> No.7029181

I've raped several worthless whores by spiking their drinks with date rape drugs. Haven't been caught yet.

>> No.7029247

So pathetic

>> No.7029267

You need to get another troll detection device.

>> No.7029269

I've snuck in to conventions multiple times in various different ways, but I don't think that's illegal.

I also got $20 too much change from a vendor and didn't say anything. That's...pretty much it.

>> No.7029276

ITT Cosplayers show how white trash they are.

>> No.7029279

Smoke weed.

>> No.7029283

>Cosplaying Dan Hibiki
>Friend is in line, visit him
>Pretend to hit him with a gadoken
>He's cosplaying Ness, has a baseball bat hanging out of his backpack
>He flinches, backs up into a fire extinguisher case
>He breaks the glass on the case
>I freak out and run away because 16
>Friend's mom drags me back to deal with hotel staffer
>Nervously explain the situation to her
>Hotel staffer tells me to calm down and not worry, everything's ok
>Call in my dad, have both of us sign some papers
>They're annoyed that I broke something but think the worst that'll happen is that my parents might be billed $25 at the most to cover them replacing the window
>"We really should have put in Plexiglas for that instead"

That's literally the worst I've done. That and sneak into an 18+ event two weeks before my 18th birthday.

>> No.7029285
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1374172216246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>He breaks the glass on the case

>>They're annoyed that I broke something

>> No.7029286

lol what the fuck happened here?

>> No.7029287

They weren't livid with me or anything, but were surprisingly chill. I was expecting to be kicked out or something but they just told me I might get a bill after having to sign a few things. That's it.

>> No.7029301

>At a small con that took place inside a hotel.
>13 year olds got drunk on saturday
>con closes down 2 hours earlier on sunday

>> No.7029305


Got caught stealing in the dealer's room.

>> No.7029334

Sex with an underage girl.

...that was 8 years ago, and we're still together :)

>> No.7029341

OP, samefagging it up. If your thread is interesting it will get its posts in due time.

>> No.7029340

the anime boston rave a year or two ago. seriously put me off cons for a while.

fucking underage homestuck kid got drunk and punched a cop and an EMT.

>> No.7029343

Nope, not OP, but keep telling yourself that if it strokes your ego.

>> No.7029359

I put soap in a fountain. Didn't get that soapy though, kind of a shame.

>> No.7029367

Two years ago, a friend and I pretended to be 2-3 years younger than we actually were to get the child tickets (thus we saved 5 pounds). Back then I was one of those butthurt moralfag extremists and she was the exact oposite, so we ended up quietly arguing with eachother in the queue. We looked pretty stupid, haha!

Not really illegal, though I guess? Apart from that nothing exciting has happened.

>> No.7029368

>tfw you notice a grammar mistake right when you hit 'submit' and QR doesn't abort the message

>> No.7029369

I remember that I cut in line at registration during my first con. There was a line break for the hallway and it looked like that's where it started so my friends and I got in line there when it was a pretty big-ass line. Not exactly illegal but now I feel bad about myself

>> No.7029412

I've done the same thing before. I don't get why no one ever says, "Hey, this isn't the end of the line." I always feel like such an ass afterwards.

>> No.7029414

Friendly reminder that OP's pic is photoshopped.

>> No.7029416

Smoked weed...

>> No.7029418

Made a fake badge. Shit looked super real.

>> No.7029422

Worst thing I've ever done (and I regret the hell out of it) was stealing in the dealers room. When I was young I thought "oh, pffttttt they have a like- a thousand customers. They wont notice this one little thing and it looks like they're already making enough money"
How I wish I could go back and throat-punch myself and stop it...

One thing I witnesssed, and wasnt told til I left, was a friend of mine lost his badge. So I walked to a staffers table in the game room to ask if anyone found a badge.
I go back to my friend to tell them they didn't have it, just some guy named "Tobi" or some shit. Friend gets sad and his other friend walked away. I pat his shoulders and say "Well, maybe you can go to reg. line and explain what happened?" and from there I kinda let him handle it himself. At the end of the con I notice he has his badge, but its named "Tobi"
His friend went and asked the staffers from the game room if they found a "tobi" badge...

>> No.7029452

Gotten a fake badge. I don't think I had paid for a con badge for three years in a row. But then the guy who made them got caught and perma banned from everything so I don't go to cons anymore.

>> No.7029453

Awww your friend sounds really cute

>> No.7029454

A boyfriend I had used to steal from dealer's room. His friends would ask the vendor something and distract him while he sneaked stuff.
I used to drink on cons as well. Nothing big, I guess?

>> No.7029467

I know the neighbor kid used to follow me to cons and wear those fake ID badges in his pocket to trick staffers into thinking he has a badge

>> No.7029475

I sold some 15 year old girls cigarettes
Come to think of it, they didn't look the con going type

>> No.7029482

I was drunk at Youmacon, and I ended up getting invited back to someone's room party that I met earlier. They were just normal dudes, one said he was in college for Engineering, other was like an MRI technician or something.

End up going to their room, i am led to the stairwell, we smoke weed and drink and shit, they're all kinda trashed. Whatever man, this shit is cool.

Eventually, they're like LOL BACK TO THE ROOM FOR A PARTY

So we go, there's like this sickly looking skinny ass blonde bitch and her freaky Marilyn Manson knockoff boyfriend.

For some reason, we're herded in to the bathroom, me, blond ho, goth idiot, and MRI tech guy. He pulls out a little jewelry bag full of white powder.


Tells me nonchalantly that it's coke, and offers me a key bump (where you take out a little bit on a car key and snort that). I politely decline.

Watch them all do coke, they go fucking ballistic. The MRI dude starts beating on his chest, breathing super heavily like he's about to fight someone. The blond girl starts sobbing and getting livid with me saying that she's 'A GOOD FUCKING MOM TO MY KIDS OK?? IM A GREAT FUCKIN MOM' the goth dude has his eyes open really wide and he's twitching and swatting at nothing.

Texted my friend saying that she should call me and tell me i need to come back to the room because I was in an potentially dangerous situation. I would have just been like UMMM BYE FAGGOTS but i was really fucked up, was kinda paranoid, and i was never put in a situation like that before. Plus, I thought that if I just ran out, they may think I was going to get security/cops up there, and i didn't want them trying to hunt me down to murder me.

So she called, said I needed to get back right away, so I parted with them saying that "Uhhm, m-my friend's uhh..dad had a..heart attack? I gotta go..." They were like "oh okay, i'm so sorry, seeya, had fun!"

It's cold in the D.

>> No.7029484

Sweet Jesus. What year was this?

>> No.7029486

Let's see, well, it was the year before they did that fucked up wristband-elevator debacle, so I believe 2011.

To be honest, I probably wasn't in any real danger, but who knows what could have happened. The guy just politely offered, and I declined with a thank you, and he said no problem. They weren't trying to pressure me in to it or anything. It was just a bizarre situation I had never been in, and I thought getting the fuck outta there was the best choice.

I remember thinking as I punched the elevator button repeatedly to get the fuck back to my room "what the fuck man, this is a fucking anime convention, kids and nerds come here to buy gundams and play fucking DDR, not have fucking coke parties, what the fuck." But I guess no matter what, Detroit is still Detroit. It's always crazy there.

>> No.7029488

Jesus christ

>> No.7029490

I've drank at cons since I was 17. But it's not really a big deal.

>> No.7029494


I remember this story from another thread :-)

>> No.7029515

Did the ol' double badge switcheroo.

Two friends enter with two badges.

One friend leaves with two badges.

Third friend enters wearing one of the two badges.

Proceed to browse, attend, and enjoy the convention without paying shit.

>> No.7029517

I said the same thing.

Yep, I was wondering if anyone would remember it!

>> No.7029526

I smoke weed at cons. That's about as daring as I go.

Though I mentioned it in one con thread once and a bunch of anons started freaking out, wishing that I had gotten arrested and shit. Damn.

>> No.7029540

Those anons must be like 14. I don't know anyone over the age of 20 who gives a shit if someone smokes weed.

>> No.7029553

This is a shot in the dark, but did you go to Bravocon a month ago?

>> No.7029558

Sounds like their first time doing coke because it doesn't make you act that fucking retarded. But good job on leaving because it could have been cut with anything and doing that at an anime con in a bathroom with losers sounds like a fucking nightmare.

>> No.7029561

a friend and I went to a con on a college campus, they used the dorm-apartments for guests. We snuck in one and pretended to be guests, even went so far as to go out to dinner with the guests free-of-charge because we just said we were guests and no one there was smart enough to realize we weren't.

>> No.7029563

>because it doesn't make you act that fucking retarded.
I have a couple friends who do coke sometimes, and they act crazy. I can't be around them when they do it. Doesn't mean everyone reacts that way, but some people do.

>> No.7029578

Your friends are retarded. I know plenty of people who do or have done blow, albeit not regularly, and honestly all it does is give you a lot of good energy, from what I've seen and heard.

>> No.7029591

>Everyone reacts the same to everything

>> No.7029694

just a lot of drinking and drugs, but I think thats pretty standard for atomic lollipop

>> No.7029701

My friend and I robbed this dude during the after hours of the convention. To be fair, the guy who we robbed had punched my friend's girlfriend the day before.

>> No.7029743

Story go

>> No.7029746

Forcible rape of a lolita in the registration line while her parents took pictures claiming to not know what the whole anime thing was about.

>> No.7029748

One of my friends was trying to sell drugs to people in the registration line.

>> No.7029759

I was sort of starting a fight with someone who kept challenging me to a fight in the middle of the artist's alley at a con. I realized this was a dumb idea when people started staring and stopped. The jackass went around claiming he "won" the fight and wouldn't stop bragging about it even though I managed to smack him across the face.

>> No.7030028

One of my roommates stole stuff from the dealer's room at Otakon. Security must've been really slow if they didn't catch the guy with a huge garbage bag of stuff.

>> No.7030054

I've been under 21 and drank, and snuck into an 18+ panel. That's about it.

>> No.7030113

Besides underage drinking and smoking pot in the hotel bathroom? Like, nothing. But then again, I don't go to cons very much.

>> No.7030142

Well, it wasn't a robbery but more so we jumped the dude and I kinda went full nigga mode and stole his wallet during the attack but here's the story (warning, it's pretty TL:DR)

So the guy who punched my friend's girlfriend in her face was her ex. Dude was stalking her and harassing us despite telling him we're either gonna get con-ops on him or take things into our own hands and beat his ass, whichever came first and/or how level-head we are to think in civil matter.

Nutcase of an ex kept at it. I was about read to say screw it and deck him in the jaw until somebody on staff we knew saw what was going on and came to our aid along with a convention center security guard (who is bros with the staff member). While trying to figure out what was wrong with us and trying to resolve shit, the ex spat on us and punch my friend's girlfriend in the face and ran off.

We started running after him but our staff member friend grabbed us and was like "Naw, naw, don't do anything ya going to regret over that douchebag! Let security handle it and we'll call the cops and let you guys press charges if you want!" We settle with filing a report with the police and the convention ending the usual "If we see him, we'll arrest him and ban him from the convention blah blah blah" typical police/con incident bullshit.

So later on that night, after staying in our hotel for a bit trying to mellow out, friend and I decided to hang outside the convention center during the after-hours to chill and smoke and drink with a few of our old friends and other people we've met. We went to the parking lot to grab some stuff outta my friend's car and as fate would have it, the asshole pyscho ex-boyfriend was just a few cars down from us. I think he saw us first because all I heard from his mouth before my friend and I decided to chase him down was "AW SHIT!".

Pyscho Ex got only about 20-25 feet before we caught up to him. -cont-

>> No.7030157

I tackeled him to the ground (but not before getting a few elbows in my face, in which i was responded with "Oh NOW you want to hit a guy this time!") Once we were on the ground, i sat on his lower back and punch and knee him at his side like I was some wananbe UFC fighter or some shit while my friend was kicking his head..

I decide to get off of him because I ran outta breath from all that running and screaming at him but not before I reached into his back pocket, took his out his wallet and copped about maybe $13-$17 from it as well as a dimebag he had in his side pocket. My friend then told the guy if he tell anyone what had happen that he'll grab his gun from his car and blast his head off (he was bluffing. He doesnt own any guns as far as I know)

Ever since then, the nutcase of an ex haven't been harassing us and when he see us at otehr cons, he just walk away or don't even make eye contact with us.

>> No.7030164


i hate kids, you're supposed to shoot it up snorting it does nothing

>> No.7030168

Shit. I wish someone would hook me up in the reg line.

>> No.7030177

Me? I have seen my share of lawbreaking congoers from sex offenders getting the hi and bye from police, to classic cases of underage drinking and ravers. But one standout case was when I had nearly start shit with a local cosplay cafe manager who had been giving me shit over what he feels was supposedly harassment of his girls (Granted though, he is overzealous, no photos without his consent). If he wasn't on good terms with my friend and handles his problems politically I would had challenged him to a fight and taught him how savage I can get.

>> No.7030181


You are really lucky you are not dealing with political types who are close friends with the anime club. They will decide it would be worth it to sic cops on you just to see you squirm.

>> No.7030185

Not a personal story but: I witnessed some chick whip out a taser at ACen a couple years ago.

>> No.7030188

Did she roll on motherfuckers?

>> No.7030226
File: 40 KB, 343x450, P200904270858294927256371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a con a few years ago I remember being in the dealers hall at some local con with my keys jangling out. It's small but fun, and since the dealers room is small the place is packed. I always carry mace on my person (and its legal to in my jurisdiction). I had a pokemon keychain on my keys and it was dangling out of my back pocket.

About half way through the day I feel something in my back pocket and then suddenly feel nothing. I whip around and see some little kid scampering off into the crowd with my keys. I freak the fuck up and try to follow the little brat, but he was too fast and darted under some tables to get away from me. Looked for a bit and decided just to report what I saw of him to the people working to the con and ask them to look for my keys if they see the little piece of shit.

It's about 10 minutes later and I hear a huge screech coming from one of the hallways outside of the dealers room. I mean it was incredibly loud. Lots of sobbing, I move towards it and exit the dealers room because I want to know whats going on. I suddenly feel that sort of tingly feeling and I fucking know what happened.

On the ground sobbing and clawing his eyes was the snot nosed brat who took my keys and had accidentally sprayed mace into his eyes.
>my fucking face when

I grabbed my keys off the floor as people started to open windows but before I could make my daring escape out of the room the kids mom grabs my arm, yanks me back, and starts screaming at me. She was in a bunny costume and corseted up, she was shorter than me (I'm 5'6") and looked to be over 200lbs.

I sort of just looked at her while she screamed and shouted about her poor baby. I managed to sneak off after the people working the con flooded the scene.

>> No.7030239

I've drank while underaged (19) but I never go out on the con floor while under the influence, I stay in my friend's room until I'm not feeling it anymore because I don't want to be that asshole who gets caught

>> No.7030242

You would be suprised, I just smoked all weekend at Otakon and got some dirty looks/heard some remarks

>> No.7030247

I would slap that fucking bitch so hard. I hope she'll lose that child somehow, in car accident or something.

>> No.7030261

Wound up bringing in outside alcohol to a beer garden area at the con. I knew it was a licensed area but thought 'fuck it' and didn't point it out to my friends and just made sure we kept the booze out of the way. Of course as I got drunker I got careless and the venue security noticed.
We said sorry and went back to the room to finish it off. When we came back we went to the guys to apologize for it again and the security were really cool about the whole thing. The older guy kept showing off his fake eyeball and telling weird stories, he was pretty awesome.

>> No.7030267

Hahahaha. Well we can see where the brat learned his behavior. Anyway I hope the mace was traumatic enough that he'll never steal again. If I heard that bitch screaming at me I would've been tempted to bring up how the brat stole my keys, but then again she sounds really entitled and probably would have blamed you for having the mace on your keys that her precious angel stole. I mean how could you put such little angels in jeopardy like that anon? Have sense...

>> No.7030280


little fucker got what he deserved

>> No.7030306 [DELETED] 

Smoked weed, pretty much. Also had some drinks and, considering I'm not twenty one until next month, I guess that's still illegal. Anyone have tips for getting weed at a con? I would normally have a friend who has but it's out of state and I'm flying in.

>> No.7030309

Smoked weed, pretty much. Also had some drinks and, considering I'm not twenty one until next month, I guess that's still illegal.

Anyone have tips for getting weed at a con? I would normally have a friend who has but it's out of state and I'm flying in. Polite sage for off-topic.

>> No.7030316

All's well that ends well.
Although it would have been great if someone had berated the mom for raising a little shit. Fairytale ending if she'd actually felt bad for it, instead of doing that thing where parents think that because the child came from their wondrous loins, he/she must be perfect and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

>> No.7030318

I've only drank when i was underaged and smoked weed while at a con.
but i've seen some illegal things. like a 20-something year old batshit girl stick her hand up my friend's dress. my friend was 14 and crying "no please don't do that i don't like it". my friend is also very mormon.
and all that crazy old bitch had to say was "awww look how cute she is when she cries ohmygod i didn't think she would actually say those words. i need to hear that one more time~" and does it again. when we tried to tell security all we got was "uhh...well...shes like..friends with the people who run it...and...uhh..like...shes the artist...soo like...yeah..."

>> No.7030331
File: 1.75 MB, 228x128, t67bRSb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here. I always go as whatever shirtless character is popular that week just to rake in that desperate NEET girl pussy. It's not exactly illegal, but I can't even count the number of virginities I've taken.

>seven out ten say they have a boyfriend
>mfw I still bone them while their bf is downstairs waiting in the lobby

On a side note, what is it about cosplay that makes these beta girls complete sluts?

>> No.7030353

His friend went into the game room and took someones lost badge instead of going to the registration table.

>> No.7030399

Ugh. I know this is 4chan but blech.

>> No.7030400


Because it's the only chance they have to get some d

>> No.7030932


Boner, why

>> No.7030979

My friends just looked around for the hoodest niggas they could find at Oni con and just asked them.
Sure enough they hooked them up with weed. I do believe dro too! My advice is make friends and ask around if they're cool. People have connections!

>> No.7031003

I've smoked weed at cons. No biggie. Just walked back into the hotel smelling like weed.
Another story.. My friend asked me to watch his backpack while we were watching a concert. Eventually I got really tired and walked to the back to sit down.
Not long after that my friend comes over saying how the dude behind him tried to swipe his computer. He just told him firmly, "No." and walked away. Totally killed his mood after that. Fucking nigger, every time I see him now I want to beat his ass.

>> No.7031041
File: 121 KB, 640x421, rave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There seems to be a lot of ravers at the convention raves I go to
>People OBVIOUSLY rolling in rave.
>One looks like they arn't having a good time.
>"Hey, do you need an ambulance or a light show?"
>The guy snapped out of it, laughed a bit, thanked me for the laugh, then handed me a bag with 3 pills in it
>Pocket them, but give them to another raver for $15.

>> No.7031048

Ran from security, underage drinking, walked around the con while really drunk, did ecstasy.

That's about it.

>> No.7031182

Hmm, okay. I'm really shy so I'm not sure about the best way to do that but I'll see if my friend can do it for me.

>> No.7031257

Jesus christ

is it really this easy to get E at a con? Becuase it's like impossible to find in the area I live (sorta rural)

>> No.7031279

lmao i did this quite recently, but i was one of the badgeholders. is your name Varla

>> No.7031283

try harder

>> No.7031295

put a camera in the girl's bathroom

>> No.7031303

People doing lines of coke off the top of the toilet container. The ones that me feel the most uncomfortable are clearly under aged girls being so intoxicated then some guy in his mid-twenties takes them off somewhere. I've tried stopping this multiple times but they'll intimate me and give me a shitty attitude.

>> No.7031305

underage sex

>> No.7031308

Oh jeez brain fart


>> No.7031358

oh my god, i even hate somewhat well behaved children but if a kid did this to me i don't even know what i'd do. also you should have smacked the shit out of the mother for touching you, some people are unbelievable

>> No.7031359

ah god, this is hilarious. i mean i'm sorry, that must have been stressful as fuck when you didn't know if you'd get them back, but that ending...magical.

>> No.7031365

Photoshopped how? This is the first I've heard of this.

>> No.7031381


Wow you only got $15 out of it? You're fucking derp

>> No.7031384

It's a shame he didn't accidentally mace his stupid mama, too.

>> No.7031386

I think the symbol on the back is photoshopped on?

>> No.7031389

I've got a few, I suppose.

>Friend's ex-gf stole at least 3 $200 worth corsets from a vendor and walked right out w/ them, bragging to us loudly about how easy it was

>was about to enter rave at AB 2012
> kid is convulsing on the floor, cop/EMT gets punched, screaming and people are gathering everywhere
> welp guess we're not raving then (thanks for ruining this year's rave, twat)

>accidentally cut into masq lines thinking they were the end of the line (not realizing it because no one told us until we saw another part of the line come up behind us and by that time we'd already been waiting a bit)

>> No.7031391

It's not photoshopped, is it? I thought this was the guy that was caught stealing at Fanime.

>> No.7031396
File: 190 KB, 720x540, sasuke-arrested.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That it is. I remember reading about it just after it happened too. The only Photoshopping I see is that the resolution is smaller than the (apparently) original picture.

>> No.7031399

Oh man, honestly, I started laughing my ass off at the heart-attack part. I just have this mental picture of a bunch of losers losing their minds and then poor you being like UHH GOTTA GO, BYE. That's pretty wild, though. Glad you got out of the situation safe.

I think the worst thing was I witness my friend steal an $8 bottle of Ramune in the dealers room at Connecticon. I was like 14 or something when it happened and I remember being all OH NO BIG BROTHER'S GONNA GET US but nothing happened. At Anime Boston 2011 I went to the rave with some friends, left them to go say hello to another friend who was there with his buddies. Turns out one of his friends did shrooms and he was just trippin balls. It was pretty great, actually. Personally the closest I've ever been to doing something illegal at a con is my friends and I were gonna bring weed to this past AB, mainly to use it before the rave, but then that got cancelled and my friend said NOTHING to our other friend who was gonna stay in the hotel room with us and we didn't wanna make her uncomfortable or anything, plus I don't think we were even in a smoking room so we ended up just...not bringing it.

I dunno, nothing really very exciting. I'm not a very daring person with things like this.

>> No.7031408

not really illegal but a faux pas: my friend and I once got drunk and wandered onto club level and into guest green room party, where everyone was baffled how we managed to get in there. I'm still not sure. We also got locked outside on that club level. Aaaah good times

>> No.7031432
File: 112 KB, 229x300, BLYAAAAAARGHL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slapped a teenager. She deserved it.
>work at a mangoo selling booth in a small con
>maybe an hour after the con starts, we mention that one of the book we had on a display is missing
>and we didn't sell it
>some meters away, a teenage girl in cheap milanoo is reading said book
>get to her and ask the book back
>she starts to argue that she just bought it and that I even gave her the spare cash
>Fine, if you bought it, then show me the receipt
>she admits she tried to take it and gives it back
>an hour after, she comes back. I keep an eye on her.
>customers happen
>wheI come back our shit is gone
>the 70 bucks worth of Kuro-shit-suje DVD boxset
>same teenager is furether in the alley, starting to get rid of the plastic blister
>catch her up and asks the DVDs back
>she starts to whine about how her parents told her it was okay to take it because they would come to the booth and pay for her
>You parents are not the law. I am the law
>take the DVDs bck and tell her I don't want her near my booth anymore
>tantrum mode engaged
>I come back to the booth
>I see her arround during the lunch break (basically, a sandwich while sitting near our stock items in their boxes)
>see the teen not so far away with a big thing in her arms
>catch up to her, grab her shoulder, slap and retrieve my bag
>tell her politely but a bit firmly that I will get the security this time
>she goes apeshit and leaves the building
>we don't see her again

captcha : but asswut

>> No.7031437

Pfft, weed is gross, you're wasting your time and your money.

>> No.7031441

~So edgy~

>> No.7031442

I hate to be that guy. But uh, also from /fit/ here. He's got a point.

>> No.7031447

>can't count to zero

>> No.7031799

Why didn't you report her the first, or even the second time? dumbass

>> No.7031929 [DELETED] 

I killed a nigger. Then again, that ain't illegal in my world.

>> No.7031972

I also stole something once from a dealer's room and really regret it even though that was like, ten years ago. I was a dumb kid.

>> No.7031982

As someone who has tried coke on multiple occasions with both people who do it frequently and first timers, I'll have to agree with this. I hear these stories about kids losing their fucking minds on the stuff, but I've never seen that happen to anyone. I'm not saying it doesn't, I just kind of think you have to be in a really immature "hurr gon get fuqd up" mindset to go that over the top with it. It's a fun drug, and it's sad that some assholes can't keep their shit together while using it.

>> No.7031989

I admitted to a group of my 25+ year old con-going friends that I've smoked weed a couple times, and I got all the judgement and "we're disappointed" comments in the world. Were I to say that to any of my non-con friends, they wouldn't blink.

>> No.7031997

I stole a lot though. Plushies, keychains, and posters, and mangas. I had long sleeves on my costume so it wasn't hard to just drop the items into the "pocket" of my ita lolita outfit.

>> No.7032032

There's weed ALL over Galveston to be fair

>> No.7032034

I stole a $15 banana.

This was one of my first conventions, and it was at a rather upscale hotel. I was cosplaying Kenshin Himura. I blew all my money simply getting to the convention and pitching in for the room, so I was pretty hungry by Saturday morning. I thought the breakfast buffet downstairs was free (continental breakfasts are usually thrown in at Red Roof / Motel 6 type places, so why not here?). Nobody was manning the front...podium...thing where people walk in so i figured, great, free food. I grabbed a banana and started eating it when a hotel employee asked if that was all I was going to have. I thought he was just being friendly / snarky and I said yes. He came back with a bill for $15. When he wasn't looking, I bailed. As I was going up the glass elevator back to my room, I saw him looking around and talking on a radio. I came back out to the convention and after a few minutes, a friend of mine working security said I should probably change or leave since the hotel called the cops on me. I changed and came back downstairs to hear hotel employees scrambling to find "a samurai with red hair" had dine and dashed.

Perfect Kenshin moment.


>> No.7032036

>>Friend's mom drags me back to deal with hotel staffer
Going to cons with your mom
cool kids

>> No.7032059

The hotel called the cops on you because of a banana?

What hotel was it?

>> No.7032066

Holy shit, thats funny. I thought I lost it when I saw 15.00 mini cereal boxes on the room service menu (the kind in grocery stores)

>> No.7032078

said the 14 year old

>> No.7032102

I used my badge from last years Otakon to get in to this years, worked all of Fri/Sat until a friend gave me theirs on Sun, got into everything.

I wouldn't say it was 'illegal', it should be illegal to charge $80

>> No.7032125

I bought and dropped acid at a con. It was a pretty crazy experience.

Though I'm never doing acid again because my second time dropping it I had the worst trip ever that still makes me question what is and isn't real.

>> No.7032129

They could charge less if people didnt sneak in and badge swap.

>> No.7032158

Because I was alone running the booth at this time, and by the time I got to the security (there was next to no security. which is excusable for a small con), all the merch would have been stolen...

>> No.7032160

Once someone dropped their badge on the floor in a bathroom. Instead of giving it back to them, I kept it and gave it to my friend.

I also accidentally stole something from a booth... I found this weird locket-type thing on the floor and picked it up; thinking it was just part of someone's cosplay. I found out, months later, when checking the seller's website that the piece of jewelry that I found was part of something they were selling and it just like, fell off the table (I remember picking it up a few feet from their booth) or something. I still feel like an idiot over that...

Also I sneaked booze into my water bottle and drank it when I was on the floor.

Damn I'm really an asshole... :(

>> No.7032162


>> No.7032164


I remember that. They cancelled the rave this year for that reason.

>> No.7032174

not canceled, they were legit not allowed to. the con center lost the license they needed for it after the incident for the year from what I heard.

>> No.7032193

I'm 24, and I kind of agree with them. I get the appeal, I guess, but I personally hate the feeling of being high.

On topic, I've snuck in with fake badges, stolen from a dealer's room, and walked around with alcohol, so nothing new or exciting.

>> No.7032236

Watch people use a 12 year old boy sneak a backpack of drugs into the computer room that some hotels have. They went in and out of the room smelling like weed. And have somebody offer me vodka in a water bottle. Pretty tame compared to some of you.

>> No.7032411

Enjoying my time and money well spent. Nigga, please~

>> No.7032417

The Renaissance in Austin. TBH I don't know if they actually called the cops, but that's what the con security bro told me.

>> No.7032425

Dude, why is this so true? Huge stoner here and I just know I can't tell any of my anime friends. ;-; Come on, man, I just want to smoke one before the con starts..

>> No.7032429

Hell yea, so true. That's also why I mentioned that it was at Onicon! Texas.. gotta love being by the border!

>> No.7032477

Probably that time I had sex with a 15-year-old Konata cosplayer and got her Kagami friend in on it too. Shit was cash.

That I witnessed, no, but my friend once tried to have a huge underage drinking party in a small-ass hotel room and got super busted because of it.

>> No.7032501


Wait. 15 dollars for a banana? Im no american, but that seems like... 15 times what id expect a banana to cost.

Fuck me, at that price id steal one too.

>> No.7032926

It was probably a buffet style breakfast, so I imagine they were charging the cost of eating at the buffet as opposed to actually charging 15 for just a banana

>> No.7032946

>Calling the police over a fucking $15 banana
Most places I know of would rather just take the loss and ban people instead of dealing with court costs and everything.

>> No.7032951

Pak n save (owned by Safeway) near my house sells bananas 59 cents per pound.

>> No.7033047

Shot a man at PAX EAST. Was a pin trade gone bad.
Can still see the look on his face, shock when the gun went off.

Sort of feel bad but least I have my cardboard ninja Gabe pin now.

>> No.7033329

oh god
I loled

>> No.7033368

As a nigga myself, this is correct. Dudes who're usually in fighting game tournaments tend to have good connections. Also any nigga that nerdy but isn't the sterotypical straight lace weeaboo "Drugs are for losers" type tend to carry or have a connect.

>> No.7033372

And I forgot what I've done illegally, despite it's not anything major:

-Serve to minors
-Smoke pot
-Snuck alcohol around
-Shouted racial slurs to everyone while drunk (not illegall but yeah...)

>> No.7033387

Took LSD. Sold LSD.

Hell of a Saturday night.

>> No.7033502

Oh, you have a point. My boyfriend's part of the local fighting game community here. I'll look for similar people.

>> No.7033573

Besides the gay blowjob helium elevator party.

>> No.7033614
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A group of cosplayers were selling their tickets right outside the con at sakura-con two years ago than going back in and claiming they lost it and getting a new one for $5. Cops got involved and they took away a few of them

>> No.7033613

knowing you, you probably drugged some underage girls with roofies and then raped them

>> No.7033672

How would that stroke anyone's ego are you retarded

>> No.7033686

Fake and gay. I've seen this posted before but the ending was different.

>> No.7033693

ur retarded lol

>> No.7033772

$5/ea is pretty standard where I live. I've never done it, but I've been offered it literally hundreds of times over the many years I've played e-tards muh music.
Mind me asking how much is it where you are?

>> No.7033779

I raped a girl in the basement of Otakon

>> No.7033833

tied up a slightly underaged homestuck cosplayer for playful roleplay and then raped her for 4 hours, left her to be found by her friends in the room

>> No.7033839

put your trip back on, smoker

>> No.7033841

i'm not smoker

>> No.7033849

get a load of this edgy faggot

>> No.7033899

I sold a bottle of painkillers I had left over from surgery for $80 at Dragon*con last year.

>> No.7033925

those weird Viet bros that you see nowadays.
anyways, saw them snorting coke in the middle of the con rave.
fucking stupid.

>> No.7033973

As someone who sold one pill for $20 (and it wasn't even a good one at that), con kids will pay quite a bit to have a good time.

>> No.7033984

Shit nigga, you didn't rape no one. Claudie got paid for it. :DD

>> No.7034003

what? i don't know this story.

>> No.7034158

Hope they don't put in plexiglass because of that and then during some fire some panicked person isn't able to break it open.

>> No.7034221

the point is that you didn't break the thing, your friend did.

>> No.7034254

That isn't too bad.
I knew someone who was wearing a fuckton of actual body armor, ran into and body slammed a wall and put a large dent in it. Con Center was rather pissed.

>> No.7034264

I skipped out of a Saturday at a con with some con friends and smoked weed for the first time. Our hotels were non smoking so I had to drive us around while smoking it. I didn't think driving while high would be too bad, but damn, never again. Surprised I came out of that unscathed.

Besides that just the occasional underage drinking, nothing major.

>> No.7034265

I found a digital camera on the floor of a hallway in a smallish con. I kept it instead of giving it to the lost and found. I don't know why I did it. I have never stolen before that and I have never stolen again after that. It ended up being so crappy and outdated though that I just threw it away.

>> No.7034268
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This one time, this bitch was annoying the fuck out of me all weekend, so on Sunday, i punched her and she fell down some stairs. long story short she hit her head and i got off becuase she forgot who did it

>> No.7034271
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>> No.7034274 [DELETED] 

>that ain't illegal in my world.


>> No.7034282

Dude, the standard protocol for finding a lost camera is to stuff it down your pants, take a picture AND THEN return it to lost property.

>> No.7034297 [DELETED] 

Butthurt libertard mangina detected.

>> No.7034301

Or it could have been a joke.

>> No.7034304
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One year at the biggest convention here, they stopped the cosplay show because some staffer had broken into the lockers backstage and stolen a lot of valuables.

>> No.7034305

OP it was probably a buffet, $15 - eat what you like.

>> No.7034387 [DELETED] 

fuck you, stupid filthy piece of shit republican scum

>> No.7034409 [DELETED] 

Zim Zam was a fucking hero who saved a black family in a car accident.

Trayvon was just a nigger who got what he deserved.

>> No.7034411 [DELETED] 

>saved a black family in a car accident.

Nope. All the witnesses say he did no such thing. I showed up well after the danger had passed. They also found out one of the cops on the scene called him to suggest he come down to the scene so he could look like a good guy.

>> No.7034428 [DELETED] 
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Wow anon, you personally showed up, after danger had passed? That's amazing, not to mention very interesting- what'd you do?

>> No.7034437 [DELETED] 

I hope you get gunned down

>> No.7034438 [DELETED] 

He probably meant to say "He" instead of "I".

>> No.7034466 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7034486
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>> No.7034506 [DELETED] 
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JIDF please go. I find it utterly disgusting that there's people on 4chan who actually think Zim Zam wasn't a hero and buy the media popamole story about him being a racist white man.

Mad libturd maginas tears = nourishment.

>> No.7034507 [DELETED] 

she's white so she should have checked her privilege and gave them her bike

>> No.7034651

...I assume the photo is illegal?

>> No.7034780

Nothing illegal. One embarassing thing though:

>earlier in the day order hotdog from hotel food area inside dealers room
>walk around a bit, not much
>time passes
>sit down with friends
>all of a sudden feel really nauseous
>dump out bag you get w/badge
>vomit right there in group of friends
>a few nonfriends have noticed
>friends ask if i'm okay
>i feel better but go to bathroom
>come out, friends are there and say they got my stuff and walk me back to the room
>Hey you guys threw away the bag of vomit right?
>They look at each other, nope I'm not touching that
They left the bag of vomit there at one of the general tables.

>> No.7034955

Really long story as to why this guy deserved it, but I ended up supplying the spray paint and standing on lookout duty while my friend tagged this other guy's car in the hotel parking lot during a con. My friend put a giant penis and a smiley face on the hood of his oh so precious shitty 90's automatic Mustang (it really wasn't as nice as this guy made it out to be) and blacked out his headlights. The idiot drove to the con from the hotel and back two times then went home before he even noticed it on his precious baby.

He still thinks it was the wrong person who did it, but he can't press charges without solid evidence.

Every now and then I'll grab a random person's phone and send him a picture of a penis and smiley face to torture him a little more because he still can't pin down who actually did it, and it drives him insane.

>> No.7034960

haha, what. why did your friend do this? i feel like it'd be a good story.

>> No.7034995

Unless that guy date raped, that's pretty fucked up

>> No.7035015

I'll tell the story, but I'm at work so gimme a few to type it up.

And he pretty much ruined everyone's con, and the spraypaint was so shitty and his car was so dirty he apparently got it off with window cleaner from what I heard, so he spent maybe $3 fixing it.

>> No.7035053

Names to be concerned with: Dick, Pussy, and Brobro.

>Big group planned, we all get two rooms, five per room, ten minutes from the con. Sweet.
>Almost all of us underage except “Kitty” who booked both rooms for us.
>Nobody but Kitty had stayed at a hotel before, some were new to cons, put five people per room.

Dawn of the first day:

>Dick manipulates Pussy into finishing his shitty Sasuke cosplay. He just wants to bang her, but she’s a huge manipulative cocktease and he isn’t getting any.
>Pussy’s parents flip out, knowing Dick isn’t a good guy. “Oh, he’s driving Pussy to the convention? She can’t go now.”
>Everyone gets pissed, she’s making the rooms affordable, we can’t find a replacement the day of. Dick manipulates overly protective parents for 3 hours and dinner time on Friday, he finally arrives with her, everyone pissed off that he’d pull shit though.
>Everyone really, really hates Dick except for Pussy, so we all avoid her, and she realizes it after a while.
>Kitty INSISTS that nobody smokes in the hotel. It’s not a hotel used to cons, so they’re really strict.
>Dick smokes weed in the bathroom multiple times. No ventilation. She gets charged extra. He never pays her back.
>Dick realizes Pussy won’t put out so he wanders around, but she’s oblivious he wants sex and follows him like a puppy since everyone else is avoiding Dick.
>Everyone goes back, everyone has a few drinks in my room #1 (except Dick and Pussy) and then disperse for bed.


>> No.7035056

Dawn of the second day:
>Find out that Dick got tiny, underage Pussy shitfaced drunk, and then left her. Kitty walked in on her on her back half-suffocated from her own puke and had to resuscitate her. Cool, he almost killed her with alcohol poisoning, then disappeared.
>Everyone is still avoiding him, not a bad time. Fun is had by all but Dick and Pussy, who are being basically shunned since nobody could really be in room #2 because the weed he smoked was so bad and he’s the only stoner.
>Dick ends up flirting around and making out with some random blonde slut, whatever, Pussy hangs out with us for a while.
>I buy a cheap sword since I’m a noob at this time, but decide it needs to be black. Bought spraypaint and painted it behind the hotel, no big deal, nobody around.
>Rave time comes and everyone wants to go.
>Find out that Dick is smoking weed AGAIN in the hotel and has locked himself in with random ass friends who suddenly appeared to party with him.
>Brobro, who is close to Pussy (and had a crush on Pussy right now if I remember) has had enough of how shitty Pussy is being treated when she busted her butt making Dick’s cosplay.
>Brobro gets my paint and tells us to keep watch.
>Double check, no cameras. GIANT penis and smiley face on the hood, headlights blacked out with black paint, not too noticeable since the car is dark green and it’s late.
>Dick drives to and from the con to the rave, then to the con and home the next day before he notices.

There's way more that happened on Sunday, but it's kind of off topic. Almost kicked Dick's ass, and to this day he's terrified of a small white chick.

>> No.7035067


>> No.7035113


He sounds a lot like my friend's ex-girlfriend.

>"Hey, will you pleaase help me make my costumes?"
>friend does two really detailed costumes for free
>girlfriend shows up at the convention with another girl
>"lol I'm dumping you for someone else. Thanks for the costumes, though."

>> No.7035120

>ITT: Disgusting degenerates with no morals or class

This is why I don't do anime conventions.

>> No.7035123

The best part? Sunday he tried to go home with blonde slut and not take Pussy back (everyone's car was past capacity with monstrous cosplays) and my ex literally had to hold me back from kicking his ass, because it was Sunday and I didn't care about getting kicked out.

The look of fear in his eyes every time I see him is priceless.

>> No.7035152
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>> No.7035151
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>jacob javits center
>anime con
>smoke weed outside center
>cop comes by
>weed stashed in between ass cheeks
>got away
>am I illegal enough yet

>> No.7035165

>Everyone in the thread posts about either petty crimes or things that weren't even illegal, they just felt bad about it

I don't even think the Amish are as strict as whoever you are you weirdo.

>> No.7035264

Public urination all around a passed out homeless woman since I recognized her as the overly aggressive pan handler from the previous night.

Oh NYCC '11, I miss you

>> No.7035284

Similar-ish thing happened to me. I carry mace in my bag (schoolbag thing instead of purse so I can fit sketchbook), and to avoid digging around for it I hooked it to a lanyard which dangles out the front pocket. The lanyard is from a Volks doll event so its pretty cute and has doll pins on it along with the company name.

>at con with boyfriend
>cosplayin but carry bag so I can keep prints or whatever I buy from getting bent
>boyfriend doesn't cosplay but brought a customized Squid Girl dollfie (we did it together, he modified and painted it and I made the costume)
>after a while carrying her gets annoying so Squiddie goes in his backpack, peeking out and waving
>while walking he feels something jostle his bag
>whip around and some dude is trying to pull doll out
>gets pissy because he thinks we're lying about making her
>eventually leaves us alone
>as he turns away he looks at my bag, sees lanyard
>grabs it and tries to run off
>mace catches on bag and falls to ground
>dude spazzes the fuck out
>security comes over, gets hotel staff involved, eventually end up proving he tried to steal it (and that I was legally concealing it) with the security cameras.

>> No.7035359

what a thieving piece of shit.

>> No.7035418

saw a girl steal one of those alpaca plushes at otakon, but she was too far away for me to say anything at the moment so i guess she got away with it. it was one of the big ones too, so god knows how.

>> No.7035420
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Actual legality of it varies from state to state (whether or not certain signs on the walls carry force-of-law) but every con I go to, I bring my concealed pistol and a few spare magazines.

It amuses me tremendously that in most places I've done that, the loaded weapon would get me in far, far less trouble then the drugs everyone else in this thread are talking about.

>> No.7035479


Things are only illegal if you get caught

>> No.7035569
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>Partying on Saturday's rave during Otakon 2013 in my Rave Box
>Spin around and fall to the ground and bump my head really hard
>I am a trained medical professional and realized that I had a concussion and I was going to pass out very soon
>Felt myself losing consciousness but managed to get out of the rave and onto the third floor
>Blacked out
>Woke up 25 minutes later in the indoor fountains with a staffer holding my neck and questioning me before going to the emergency room
>Later, I found out I apparently took out all the illegal stuff in my pocket: multitool, OC spray, and kubotan and calmly told my brother and friend to take this stuff to the hotel. Then I went up to a staff member and calmly told them I had a severe head injury. The scary thing is that I remember absolutely none of this.

>> No.7035771

Dollymace anon here... Under bf's doll in his backpack was his Glock. "Just in case the zombies come" he claims.

>> No.7035775

>Thought it was strange a close friend has been avoiding me at cons.
>Find out friend just wanted to hang with a 15 year old.
>Friend is 27.
>See incriminating things on their social networking sites which confirm any suspicions.


>> No.7035972

Report it.

>> No.7036037

Ignore it, don't be a faggot. 15 is legal in pretty much every other country except America.

>> No.7036072

He's almost twice her age. She's a kid and he's a pathetic sack of shit.

>> No.7036147

>Close friend
>Sack of shit
Why do you associate with sacks of shit? Better yet, why do you so rapidly change your opinion on someone?

>> No.7036151

Sorry, I was just over on /a/.

>> No.7041176


>> No.7041421

>be underage b8 having 3 way with two 22 year old girls (not illegal on my end)
>smoke weed, eat spiked hi-chew
> drinking at the con
All still underage

>> No.7041597

who cares? stop being a dick.

>> No.7041619

this is genius omg i need to try this

>> No.7041691
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>spiked hi-chew

>> No.7041693

That moment when it all makes sense...

>> No.7041696

15 is illegal in most of Europe.

>> No.7041704
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He's probably just trying to get with Japanese culture since consent age there is 13

>> No.7041713

So you were okay with snorting Xanax or Vicodin...... But not if it was coke? Fuckin idiot.
I'd rather snort come than that shit any day.

>> No.7041749

Agreed, both pills have binders mixed in that are terrible for your health if you smoke or snort the shit.

Don't be a classless degenerate, abused your pills with whiskey like a Gentleman

>> No.7042085
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lol we're degenerates, over some petty little crimes?


>> No.7042097

I've seen underage drinking alcohol, but that's not unusual at all.
And a vendor I knew (not closely) told me at the con on a busy day that he had a Chinese guy make fake badges for his employees. He had literally no shame.

>> No.7042106

no you didnt.

>> No.7042420
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this is as real as it gets, might as well as enjoy the ride;
i've never tried acid, or anything past top shelf sativa hybrids (and just a bit of 30x extract salvia) my friends that know my habits tell me that weed isn't supposed to do what it does to me; it's like my drugs are on a sliding scale that shifted, as enough caffeine gets me wired the way coke users describe it, alcohol does what weed is supposed to, etc...
on topic, last ALA i got crossfaded and took energy pills and libido enhancers, and i'm still hearing about the shit i did and how all over the place i was (literally, and figuratively)

control issues? one of my friends has that...

i feel like we need to start speaking code again to get ppl to get it, like maybe talk about mystery inc (the latest scooby doo iteration that's very self-aware, yet still manages to be deep and legit) or something not too obtuse...

the above response is an idea for you guys?

"he who lives by the sword, will die by the sword"
that goes double if sword is actually dick
though mainly, it's not a classy girl you'll get this way...

gave your thoughts on synchronicity to the wrong person which ended up spiraling out of control in the vein of American Psycho?

you need to learn how run covert ops...
look up tricks, like you can make a "silencer" with a few fabric softener sheets, a hair tie or ubber band, and an empty roll of toilet paper, and it's all disposable, and will kill all any smoke smell you can put thru it;
you can also make a 1-hitter quitter bubbler bong with two zebra 301 pens, a standard size pill bottle...

you trusted yourself with the task of being prepared enough to be your own babysitter;
having that kind of presence of mind even in dangerous situations is what distinguishes you from the plebs, ei, gg, you'll go far, bro!

>> No.7042437

One of my roomies drank out of an abandoned cup in another room. It was drugged. He was all kinds of fucked up until 6pm the next day. We considered calling 911 on his ass but the room leader said to let him sleep it off.

>> No.7042582

I assume he means coating it with molly. I've done that shit with jolly ranchers.

>> No.7042981

This sounds really familiar . Is your friend into homestuck?

>> No.7042994 [DELETED] 

At the first con I ever went to, my friends convinced me to go to the rave.
So I'm sitting with my friends by some chairs next to the wall, and this dude nearby is leaning out of his chair. He calls me over, and I scoot over because naive 15 year old me is worried he might be freaking out.
I don't remember most of what he says, some shit about new world order or something, but I remember one line. "Your friends won't believe you." And then he grabs my face and tries to kiss me I think. So I manage to pull away and beg my friends to leave and go back to the room with me. So we all start walking out, and apparently the guy followed us and tried to grab my tiny friend and yank her back into the dark rave room, apparently yelling, "She's a liar!"
We got con security. Apparently that guy was crazy drunk and on drugs. He got arrested and banned.

>> No.7043286


God no. This happened maybe 2009 or so. I've never told the story on here before.

>> No.7044797
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It was spiked with ex or pcp or Molly
I'm not really familiar with any of them but I think it was ex or Molly since they're the most common and almost the same thing

>> No.7045687

Almost every year I see child molestation. People 20+ hitting on and hooking up (to some extent) with minors (14-16)