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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 129 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mrj5xudbEg1qc0h42o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7038211 No.7038211 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a 'WTF Lolita/Accessory' thread?

Just, I love the rest of their coords, but why would you have that sticking up on the top of your head. They look like deco'd lighting rods.

>> No.7038306
File: 78 KB, 331x400, fairytale06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7038313
File: 75 KB, 250x333, ap_bonnet_nakayoshi_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7038340

reminds me of the cones you put on your pet if they get stitches

>> No.7038551

Maybe it would look better if their hair had more volume

>> No.7038564
File: 340 KB, 639x613, 1363067301389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7038594

I think this is unbearably cute. It's unfortunate because it would probably look like shit worn.

>> No.7038599
File: 125 KB, 720x960, herewego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7038602

Someone please shoop lighting into this

>> No.7038662

i think the lighting is just fine. maybe you need to adjust your monitor?

>> No.7038670


>> No.7038755

I think it's creative and cute. I do agree it might look better with bigger, fuller wigs though.

I don't get it. Someone does the same old headbow and it's boring and uncreative. Someone makes something creative to go with their coord and suddenly it's "WTF GURL Y U PUT THAT ON UR HED U BITCH" You ladies are cray cray.

>> No.7038771
File: 821 KB, 245x138, 18763654375437.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's being creative, and then there's sticking a carousel pole on your head.

>> No.7038776

I agree with this >>7038755 and disagree with >>7038771

We did not start dressing like weird Japanese dolls so that we could all be uncreative.

>> No.7038831

just remember that green is not a creative color

>> No.7038907

I've seen this guy before. He's like dolldelight's poster boy.

>> No.7039435

haha, what is this supposed to be? a book?

say what you want, I'm fucking in love. the weird OTT whimsical accessory design was half the reason I fell in love with lolita in the first place. I mean, come on. just think about how weird wristcuffs or katyusha look to the outside world.

>> No.7039710
File: 8 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this.

This makes me want some advice though. Are all bonnets viewed as ugly, or only certain ones? I bought pic related, but I'm a little scared to wear it out. Any tips on wearing bonnets?

>> No.7039748

Make sure there is ample hair showing in front of the bonnet. If you have a rounder face, I find pinning it in place and tying it behind the head is much more flattering. But just don't tie it on top of your head and call it a day, because then it looks like a cone of shame.

Floppy bonnets look better with things pinned under them, like roses and bows. I own two floppy bonnets and I keep them less floppy and a little more mature looking this way. But then again they are plain colored and not sweet print bonnets. Those scream baby to me. They look cute on young Asian girls. But even if you can pull off sweet, I think sweet printed bonnets can look really silly as is on anyone with more defined western facial structures.

>> No.7039829
File: 385 KB, 473x468, 9999973737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The veil isnt AWFUL but wtf is that thing that sits on the head?

>> No.7039837

i like it.

>> No.7039944
File: 449 KB, 560x357, maxipad, now with sad bunny ears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this and would wear the heck out of it

anything etsy-made is bound to be awful

>> No.7039961

Thanks so much for the advice! My hair is kind of short right now (past my shoulders, but not much further), so I have no idea how to style it with a bonnet. I will definitely style it so that I have bangs plus a little more hair framing my face.

>But just don't tie it on top of your head and call it a day, because then it looks like a cone of shame.
Does this mean that I shouldn't tuck my hair up into it? I think it looks really stupid with my hair left down right now, but I also don't want to have a ponytail just hangin' out there, because that seems lazy too.

> Floppy bonnets look better with things pinned under them, like roses and bows.
I don't think this one is too floppy, but some flowers would probably help define my face better, since the bonnet is ivory and my hair platinum blonde. The trouble is that I rarely find anything that matches the accent colors of the skirt, but I'll figure something out!