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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 688 KB, 996x754, RUpn8q4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7031237 No.7031237 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get another one of these? What grinds your gears seagulls?

>> No.7031245

Vandalism of any kind at a con venue.
Just because you're high on con-funk and trying to "have a good time lol #yoloswag" doesn't give you any right to damage other people's property.

>> No.7031260

Brand measurements that are incorrect!

>> No.7031272

This, seriously I saw grey stains on the seat cushions of the sitting room in the washroom where people were putting on their cosplays. Even though it wasn't "on-purpose", I would think people would know better not to ruin property.

>> No.7031276

Someone who thinks because they love a character so much that they are the best person who is cosplaying as that character and that others shouldn't do that character.

>> No.7031284

Damnit Hussie. What was he thinking when he decided to make HS characters grey?

On the other hand, he upped the demand for grey body paint and helped the industry.

>> No.7031290

Ugh, that and when people litter all over an outdoor con area. Especially when there ARE garbage bins around.
I hate that people think that it's fine during a con to leave their garbage/half eaten food behind on the grass while they run off to do something else. It's disgusting, attracts bugs and inconsiderate to the con staff who have to pick up after you and people who may want to chill there.

>> No.7031291

fat cosplayers

>> No.7031294

not so much fat cosplayers themselves, but fat cosplayers/lolitas who then try to sell their costumes/dresses and neglect to inform you they're all stretched to hell and back

>> No.7031311

I want to punch people who throw paper or confetti or something akin to that and making a mess for the custodial staff has to pick up. SuperCon was flooded with fake dollar bills because some shit lord thought it'd be funny to throw fake money around because "It was in character". Fuck that noise.

>> No.7031320

I actually had a conversation with him in his downtime at a con.
Turns out he fucking hates Homestuck and all of the fans and stuff that it has caused.
He's only continuing because he is making so much money off the merch.

>> No.7031324

i stopped reading like a year and a half ago but that's pretty sad.
tumblr ruins everything.

>> No.7031328

I'm gonna bounce off this; people who think that "being in character" excuses everything.

>> No.7031329

Pretentious cosplayers.
I recently saw someone on my fb make a status like "no wonder there are no good cosplayers of <cosplay I'm making>, they don't do this, etc." I'm sorry, but it just sounds really rude and offensive especially when there actually have been alot great ones. Keep thoughts like that to yourself.

>> No.7031331

In that vein: someone who get super uppity when someone else cosplays a character they've done.

>> No.7031355

People who bitch about cosplay drama non-stop, but completely surround themselves with venomous people.

There's this girl in my community who constantly has problems with nearly every cosplayer and all she does is post Facebook statuses about how much she hates it, how 'beneath her' it is, etc.
If you hate all the bullshit, just remove yourself from it. Christ.

>> No.7031360

People that groan and sigh when you ask for a photo. It doesn't really grind my gears, just makes me feel like an asshole for no real reason.

>> No.7031387

People asking questions on the community page which could very easily be answered with a simple search on google.

Asking "where can I buy lolita?"

Asking "what are your favourite stores/brands?" slightly less so, because it's opinion based, but still sort of annoying since it's often a veiled way of asking the first question anyway.

>> No.7031392


>> No.7031431

When dealers at cons keep telling me to come look. I feel so awkward.

>> No.7031453

half ass costumes. not the homemade half ass ones. I meant the Purchased half ass costumes and thinking that's it already i'm already the character!!

like people who do that shouldn't even costume out. Go back and finish that costume you weak sauce! Atleast have a gunblade to match with that squall suit you bought!

>> No.7031454
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oh and Jessica nigri

you only pick costumes that show your rack? get the fuck out you whore. Conner from Assassins creed did not have boobs!

>> No.7031468

Holy fuck this. I remember accidentally breaking stuff at a con when I was 16 and trying to excuse it with "I WAS IN CHARACTER" when people gave me shit. I eventually came to my senses when my uncle got all "'In character'? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? DO YOU NOT KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG?" on me

>> No.7031469

And in a similar vein; people who take photos when you're not ready, i.e without asking - I don't mean when you're already posing as that's expected for photographers to suddenly gather, but I mean when you're in half the costume as a break and are having a lunch break and people just randomly take your photo with a baguette in your mouth (so they can shoop a dick in later or something?)

>> No.7031474

>People who come to cons thinking that cosplay is mandatory and wear shitty halloween costumes
>People who DON'T come to conventions because they think cosplay is mandatory
>The local news always picking out the weirdest and most neckbearded/hambeast person there and basically making it be "LOL LOOK AT THESE NERDS"
>Teenagers who beg for money/badges/food
>Parents who demand free badges because they refuse to let their child out of their sight
>Tumblr-ific cosplays. I'm talking about the flower crowns and shit.
>People who freak the fuck out over the slightest inconvenience and make a spectacle over how they won't ever come back, but do anyways
>Kids who come to conventions solely to play Call of Duty for whole hours on end
>People who come to cons and do literally nothing but wander around in the hallways showing off their costume and try to get people to take pictures
>People who wear overdone cosplays and get upset when no one pays much attention to them
>Deadpool cosplayers being some scrawny teenager who uses it as an excuse to be a jackass in public
>All the spinoff cons that are founded by a pissed-off staffer/vendor/attendee basically doing this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5tZMDBXTRQ
>Cosplays that are done deliberately because someone is trying really hard to get recognized on the internet

And lastly:
>meme cosplays

>> No.7031482

>Teenagers who beg for money/badges/food
>Tumblr-ific cosplays. I'm talking about the flower crowns and shit.
>Deadpool cosplayers being some scrawny teenager who uses it as an excuse to be a jackass in public
>Cosplays that are done deliberately because someone is trying really hard to get recognized on the internet

Covered near everything for me. Thank you very much, anon.

And as a merchant, that one person who hangs around tables for hours looking and moving things around, blocking actual potential buyers off, yet never buys anything. Bonus points for the shameless "ohh, I wish I had the moneyyyy but I dooon't, hinthint" like we'll take that as a cue for "OH, well, for YOU.. FREE!"

>> No.7031483


>> No.7031484

Well it's her thing and she's admittedly good at it.

All this actually irks me a bit. She gets ridiculous amounts of attention here, mostly negative, and it all sound very, very catty. Most of it is just like "Ugh, I can't stand her. Why does everyone like her she's not even pretty! She even got implants that slut!".

Why do you guys care so much? You complain that she's everywhere, yet only a fraction of the posts concerning her are in any way positive. If all the hateposters would just stop posting her all over the board, we'd be all better off. Less Nigri, less dramu.

>> No.7031485

>spinoff cons founded by a pissed-off staffer/vendor/attendee
Basically every new con in the Toronto area.

>> No.7031487

It's always amusing to see people try and complain about prices. I remember some kid was trying to buy pocky and this following conversation happened:
>"How much is the pocky?"
>"$2.50 for one box, two for 3.50"
>"What? I can get pocky for $2 at Meijer's" (local supermarket chain)
>"Well then you can go leave the con, drive all the way to the nearest Meijer's and save $.50"

Mind you, the prices were high because it was a fundraiser for the tabletop gaming room. But damn, that kid got told.

>> No.7031495

I agree. To be honest, I've never heard of her until I started going /cgl/. For the most part, no one in my community nor my cosplay friends talk/know about her and oddly when I visit her fb page, the majority of my friends that are fans of her are the ones that have never cosplayed or gone to a con in their lives.

I really don't understand why so many people on here care about her.

>> No.7031496

>People who come to cons thinking that cosplay is mandatory and wear shitty halloween costumes
Gonna bounce off of this one.

>People who think cosplay is mandatory for a con and make a last-minute cosplay from scratch without any experience or help of friends/internet tutorials...then complain the entire con about how nobody is taking their picture and how all of their hard work/money was wasted on their crappy costume

>> No.7031498

I saw a picture recently of some SnK cosplayers wearing flower crowns posing while holding Starbucks. Stupidest shit ever.

>> No.7031502

I saw the same thing except with Pacific Rim characters. Goddamn do I hate that it's becoming a fandom. Is it even possible to like something now without seeing people do stupid shit like that, or constantly saying stuff like "OMG AN AU WHERE EVERYONE'S HAIR IS SLIGHTLY LIGHTER" or "AN AU WHERE THE CAST OF THE HOBBIT PILOT JAEGERS"

>> No.7031504

No, you're just wearing a purple shirt and glasses.

>> No.7031508
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I feel somewhat sexist with this but damn have I noticed this:
>Guy does average cosplay of something
>Reaction is largely "meh" with the occasional happy person here and there
>Girl does pretty mediocre cosplay of something

>> No.7031511
File: 384 KB, 1280x960, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually did this with this lady here
The flash went off and right after she just kind of looked at me
And I felt really bad about it, so I'll try not to do that next time ...

>> No.7031513

I've usually seen the reverse, huh.

>> No.7031514

Oh boy. I've always wanted to just carry around glitter or party poppers and throw them/shoot them off and run away whenever someone's talking my ear off and won't leave me alone, but I always would feel guilty about making a mess.

Isn't it largely common sense that if someone is sitting down or something, that they're probably busy? I do get that a lot of the people who don't ask to take pictures are usually like that because they're parents, it's their first con or they're shy/awkward teenagers who are afraid of talking to people. It does always make me feel warm and fuzzy inside when an awkward kid comes up, nervously asks for a picture, I act polite and friendly, then they leave with a smile.

>> No.7031530
File: 122 KB, 192x267, 1369785022925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I meet people who seem to be under the impression that anything and everything even mildly annoying over the weekend is directly the fault of the convention, I just wanna smack a bitch

>> No.7031541

>Teenagers who beg for money/badges/food

>Cosplaying Deadpool, be in the dealer room
>Kid walks up to me, starts talking to me in a really monotone voice
>"Hey Mr Deadpool I really like your costume"
>"Oh thanks, I appreciate it"
>"Yeah im a huge fan"
>"Haha well I'm just a guy in a suit yaknow?"
>"So uhm... could I borrow $20?"
>Stan there for a bit just trying to take in and process the stupid

>> No.7031554

fat people in general and i hate fat people even more that try cosplaying

>> No.7031557

isn't that kind of what happens to everyone who produces something popular? The fans ruin everything.

>> No.7031558

you just jelly that she is hot

>> No.7031559

someone else in general or a friend who is going to cosplay the same thing?

>> No.7031564

Never make eye contact

>> No.7031568

>Best cosplays
>All just showing crotch and tits
Kay...But where's the costume?

>> No.7031577

Only a spineless male or beta would abide by this. Make eye contact. And continue walking by.

>> No.7031583

Someone else in general

>> No.7031611

I really fucking hate all the people who go to conventions just for the raves since they generally seem to be the ones who start the most shit at cons

>> No.7031668

Do you have a pic? I haven't seen any Pacific Rim cosplays, let alone flower crown ones.

>> No.7031684
File: 343 KB, 1280x956, Flower Crowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a worse one the other day but I can't find it, so there's just this one. But damn, all these Newt cosplays just end up looking like really butch lesbians

>> No.7031688

Oh that's disappointing. I thought they were gonna be cute Maki cosplayers and wearing the suits they wore in the Jaegars.
Newt's probably the new Tony Stark.

>> No.7031689

*fuck i meant mako

>> No.7031694

If it makes you feel better, I'm working on a Cherno Alpha cosplay. And I don't mean "humanized" or anything like that, I mean an actual suit. Sure it's probably just going to amount to me with a trashcan on my head but at least I'm trying.

>> No.7031722

>unsealed paint
>Not using a wig
>When you talk to someone at a con and they try to go the extra mile and do the character's "canon" voice.
>Flower crowns and that Faun shit
>Using Party-fucking-city costumes
>When girls draw facial hair and make it just lines

usual shit

>> No.7031745

>When girls draw facial hair and make it just lines
Or it's just grey/black smears all over their face that ends up making them look more like a homeless person than anything.

>> No.7031771

...This or "lol I don't to stand for two seconds". Seriously, next time this happens I'm walking away.

>> No.7031772
File: 305 KB, 500x405, 1346828502259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When girls complain about showing skin.
>Slut shames.
>Then proceeds to share a picture of themselves wearing a bra and shorts.
>Is aggressive towards anyone who comments on said picture.
>and continues to say bullshit like 'I'd never wear this out in public.'
But sharing it on fb is fine? Attention whore's like this is the cancer of cosplay.

>same person complains all the time as to why she's not popular.

>> No.7031778

When people wear an already skimpy costume and make it smaller, inaccurate and stupid looking.


People who can't cosplay Moxxi properly..

>> No.7031794
File: 26 KB, 563x563, owo Shibu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I actually like flower crowns

My pet peeve is probably those people who block the way in the AAs. The passages are so narrow, like can't you take this outside where there is tons of space? No? You're just going to do a dynamic pose here with your giant-ass prop and block the way for dozens of people? Okay.

>> No.7031812

I really don't hate homestucks, or at least the ones that don't pull shit. I just find it weird how every con seems to have at least 10 all huddled in a corner and doing nothing but talking about homestuck for the entire convention. I mean, I don't plan on spending over $60 on my ticket alone for the sole purpose of circlejerking with people about comics.

>> No.7031817

I don't got to a lot of cons, but that seems to happen more at anime cons. Why can't it be Deadpools who take all those "ew why are they here they're not anime" posts to heart?

>> No.7031819

Don't forget that ONE jackass who always feels the need to start showing off their dance moves in the middle of the dealer room

>> No.7031828

People who complain about fat people cosplaying. Especially when they are cosplaying a fat character.

>> No.7031829

I've seen it at my local comic con. Not as many as my local anime con, but still.

I didn't really mean to be all "ew they're not anime gross go away", I just meant that I may like American Comics but I'm not paying a lot of money just to talk to people about them.

The Deadpools at cons are annoying largely because they're not the kind of people who actually read comics and instead just played the game or saw him on memebase and thought "LOL DEADPOOL IS SOOOOOOOO ME!"

>> No.7031858

Yeah, I didn't mean you came off that way, I'm just guessing they're afraid of rogue hornsnatchers or what have you.

>> No.7031915

Fat landwhales that have high standards for asian males. Just because Im a guy doesn't mean you can touch my ass you fat fucks.

>> No.7031922
File: 100 KB, 335x318, sensitive-towels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hotels running out of towels.

First of all you know who is coming to your hotel DAYS in advance. If a family reunion and a con are coming do some prep.

Second if you see you are running low, impose a two towels per day rule until you are caught up with the laundry.

This is not rocket science.

>> No.7031923

People not smiling in their photos when I take them.
They're almost always stoic. Jesus christ people where is your expression?

>> No.7031927

Or when you're cosplaying a character, and people try to get you to buy things relating to that character.

>> No.7031933
File: 14 KB, 407x286, 1307319330727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Tumblr-ific cosplays. I'm talking about the flower crowns and shit.
So that's why I've been seeing those, I kept thinking they were some book art or something...

>> No.7031934

You have obviously never worked in a hotel so I will clear up a few of your misconceptions.

You cannot impose a two towels per day rule. If a room wants 12 towels, you must give them to that room. Why? Because they can fill out a survey about your hotel and their experience. So you give them the damn towels unless you don't have them to give.

Towels are not magically restoring. We get them when house keeping goes to clean a room and drops them down the laundry chute. When a hotel is full, there is likely only a few housekeepers in the laundry room to do the laundry as the others are cleaning rooms. Therefore, laundry is done as quickly as possible (A wash taking about an hour, dry about 45 minutes, and then folding)

All those cosplayers afraid of letting housekeeping in their room hoarding towels? Yeah, we can't wash them so they get taken out of rotation. And then they call the desk and demand more without swapping out the used ones. Most hotels have enough towels for 1.5 of the rooms. Every room that asks for 6 extra towels because they have more people in the room than they should deplete our reserves. People stealing towels deplete those reserves.

Tl;dr: you have no fucking idea what you're talking about

>> No.7031940

I personally want cons to just stop doing raves completely, since they're not exactly related, but I'm pretty sure they won't because it draws in money.....

>> No.7031941

Haha especially if it's some yaoi fanmerch

>> No.7031946

If my character is the stoic type, I won't smile.
So that makes it really awkward when people ask me to....

>> No.7031953

>y have more people in the room than they should deplete our reserves. People stealing towels deplete those reserves.

Question...is it rude to dump the towels on the cart of the house keeping service who is currently cleaning a room and they didnt notice? Because that's what I've been doing ...

>> No.7031958

AUSA is having DJ sisen come in to play. Is that related?

>> No.7031962

I just bring my own towels in case the hotel ones are shit, or for when dealing with stuff that could potentially ruin towels like makeup. I remember once trying to take off my facepaint for Naked Snake and freaking out that I fucked up the pure white hotel towels when the makeup wouldn't come off.

>> No.7031966

I just avoid raves at cons because they're usually just hot, sweaty grindfests and I don't like being groped.

>> No.7031967

If thats your character, thats fine. I don't ever ask stern characters to smile. But characters from tsubasa, FMA, sword art online (maybe not kirito) they don't smile and same goes for most group photoshoots. Hardly anyone is smiling and it looks like a class photo instead of a fun shoot.

>> No.7031970

I suppose?

>> No.7032025

You should look up "slut shaming"

She is gorgeous and looks fantastic in her costumes

>> No.7032060

PR fandom is pretty awful, yeah

Same here, girls get shat on for stuff guys get away with easily.

>> No.7032109


Thank you for taking the time to respond.

>Because they can fill out a survey about your hotel and their experience. So you give them the damn towels unless you don't have them to give.

I have a little story about that. I was at a nice Mariott a couple months ago. I was in a 2 person room and it was only me and my husband. When we left for the day and came back the room had been cleaned but there was only one towel left when there had been 2. In the morning my husband used it thinking that he would just go down to the desk and request another. The desk said sorry, all our towels had been used up by a family reunion and a pageant that was there. All they had were little hand towels.
We figured while we were out they had taken one of our towels to fix their running out and then didn't replace it.
Guess what, I wrote a little note on their survey saying they had taken our towels and then still ran out leaving us with little ones. They got a poorer score from me because they did that.

Impose a towel limit in a shortage and people will know to use what they have rather than just tossing them and you also won't have to shortchange the guest that aren't even causing the shortage.
Take the limit off when towels are in large supply again.

I understand the rest of what you are saying though. I wasn't at a hotel with an anime con. It was a family reunion and a beauty pageant.
I know they have to wash them and that takes time. I do all the laundry in my household. That's why when large groups are in attendance and the towels are getting eaten up, impose the 2 a day thing and problem solved.

>> No.7032235

>Fat out of shape dude has a portfolio filled with bad to mediocre cosplays
>Decides to cosplay as my husbando after playing the game he's from for a couple of hours
>Starts shittalking other people who have cosplayed the same character almost instantly because "LAWL their shirts aren't stripey enough / the wigs are a little too dark / etc etc etc, I'm gonna be SO much better than all of these idiots!!"

And then I never spoke to him again.
In short, people with massive egos (for no apparent reason) who think they're the best around and will openly hate on other cosplayers who have done the same thing as them. Fuck those kinds of people.

>> No.7032243
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>> No.7032263
File: 494 KB, 500x203, i-feel-like-im-taking-crazy-pills.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awful EVA foam builds of Kamen Rider characters.

I totally understand that if it's your first time building something so the quality of the costume will not be there. That's just simply the reality of the situation.

When it's your 5th costume now and it looks about the same quality as the first one with no notifiable improvements I call foul. What really floors me is when people start praising the costume 'as good as the show!'

Pic related

>> No.7032292

Dumping them on the cart is rude, they should have a bin behind for where they dump dirty laundry. Their carts are organized with supplies to replenish - clean towels, shampoos, etc.

Look for the yellow laundry bin they'll have nearby and drop it there. Or just offer them up politely.

>> No.7032295

Except you can't because those rooms probably have more than two towels and, like you did, they will bitch on the surveys. A larger group can get EVERY ROOM in that group to bitch. Your one survey doesn't match up to that.

>> No.7032373

This. And when they constantly try calling out to you by your character's name and saying things like "You HAVE to buy this or how are you <character name>?" "I'm sure you're a big fan look at this!" Sorry, I have no interest in buying your over-priced wallscrolls and figures.

>> No.7032394

Yea, I put them in the bin- sorry I didn't mean ontop. I just assume they don't want to be bothered.

>> No.7032401

What grinds my gears?

When people think they cosplay a character so well they make a tumblr so they can act like said character with answering questions but in reality it's just some outlet for their fetish, especially when it's a bunch of girls dressing as boys. (i.e supernatural)

>> No.7032409

The yaoi dealers.
If one more screams at me to buy their 'sexy doujin' while I'm dressed as a minor I'm reporting them for cp

>> No.7032410


As somebody who COSPLAYS anime and homestuck both, I've had people who were perfectly nice while in animu turn around and snub me when I'm grey and they don't recognize me. Homestucks all stick together because a lot of the other congoers obviously don't want us around.

>> No.7032422

Best response ever

>> No.7032431
File: 41 KB, 377x238, zy5uw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so they can shoop a dick in later or something?

>> No.7032434

Cosplayers who think after they have completed one cosplay they are automatically 'experts'.

>> No.7032442

I don't have a huge problem with well behaved Homestucks either, but am I allowed to just not like something? There are some nice outfit designs in Homestuck (though the best seem to be fanmade) but for the most part they just look




I was at Katsucon this year waiting in line for hte WCS prelims and was watching people walk by. There was so much Homestuck I started counting. About 6 out of every 10 people that walked by were cosplaying HS. I was relieved to finally see someone in a nice default Vocaloid costume.

>> No.7032445

Would help if you weren't cosplaying from a western webcomic at an anime convention.

>> No.7032455

Hahahahaha yeah. Got kids who have been on the scene for 1 year scoffing at my advice after 8 years of cosplay. I just let them go make mistakes on their own and try my best to restrain an "I told you so."

>> No.7032462

>a lot of the other congoers obviously don't want us around.
Because the homestuck fanbase is notoriously childish and does nothing but remind everyone of their weeaboo phase

>> No.7032478

Oh God, I love them too.
>"I'm gonna cosplay as ____!"
>"Oh cool!"
>try to help, give advice, offer to lend tools, ect

Had a friend in high school who wanted to cosplay the Engineer from TF2 but came out basically wearing overalls, a red polo shirt, goggles, a dinky little combination wrench and a hardhat (worn the wrong way). I offer to lend him my tool belt, some gloves, a roll of extension cord and a monkey wrench. All he does is get offended and bitches at me for "nitpicking" his cosplay.

>> No.7032487
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Inexperienced cosplayers who make tutorials.

>> No.7032499

Someone actually got me to buy a thing with my cosplay on it, mostly because I wasn't aware things with Nadia still existed.

>> No.7032503

Cosplayers who don't post credit on their page, or try to take all the credit for a cosplay you know they didn't do more than cut shit out for. Pisses me off when I know the people who busted their ass AT the convention making their shit and they don't get enough credit.

This one girl I know cut out the fabric my friend traced the pattern on for a cute little cosplay, and my two friends made the whole thing except cutting it out for her. She created a page for her borrowed, Ebayed, two commissioned, and one Steampunk "cosplays" and didn't properly credit anyone. She said she got "help" from the two of them, when I know for a fact she didn't do anything but handle (poorly) a pair of scissors.

Shit gets my jimmies real rustled, let me tell you.

>> No.7032510

To go along with the Homestuck faggots at anime cons.

I have been two at least five conventions in different states in which the Homestuck cosplayers are running around and harrassing other people because, "LOL ANIME IS GAY."
Why the fuck did you spend $60 to come here then?

>> No.7032511


What was the cute costume, out of curiosity?

>> No.7032518

That I'm such a socially anxious doofus that i have trouble complementing others online.

Seriously if i post "you look fantastic" i feel like I've actually written "I'd like to pull you into my unmarked white van and have my way with you"

>> No.7032530

You and me both, man. I have no idea how to compliment people, even ones I've known for years.

>> No.7032538

It was more of a maid costume than a specific character, but the lack of credit is rampant on her little attention whoring page.

I would call her out on it, but the community has enough drama, and I'd just be starting more. I'd rather just anonymously vent about it and get it out of my system than confront her about it. She's good at making herself out to be a victim in every situation ever, so I'd be the bad guy even if I extremely politely asked her to properly credit the people who made her stuff.

>> No.7032577

These people do not help Homestuck's image.

>> No.7032587
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>Homestuck cosplayers are running around and harrassing other people because, "LOL ANIME IS GAY."

>> No.7032607
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Cosplayers who overdo their make-up when trying to look like boys and afterwards brag about how goooood their cosplay look and how the convention should be paying them for showing up. (this bitch is one of those people.)

>> No.7032615

Thank fuck for "like" buttons right?

>> No.7032670

I can't stand people who are against the LGBTPI alliance.

>> No.7032690

fuck you initializations

>> No.7032692

>don't want us around
Geez I wonder why

>> No.7032697

then why the hell would he decide to make a homestuck video game
he could have just finished homestuck and be free of it, and made an adventure game with some other kind of theme. his fanbase wouldn't give a shit either way

>> No.7032702

Because even more money, credibility within the games industry

>> No.7032717

The brownfacing argument. Get the fuck over yourselves, Tumblr.

>> No.7032715

Profit? Could be he loves the attention as well. Homestucks- at least what I've seen on Tumblr- worship him. No doubt he looks down on them, they've got such a bad rep, and pair that with the fact that they treat him like a god. Why the Hell would he want that to end?
He did put the comic on hiatus, though. Probably because he's sick of that shit, but wants to keep the Homestucks dangling.

>> No.7032718

Money. He got a whole lot more than he intended in the Kickstarter (but he's probably keeping that for himself).
I imagine the only reason he hasn't dropped it is because the fans worship his every move. It's actually pretty hilarious if you think about all the times he's shown he doesn't give a fuck yet they still hold him as a god.

I'm pretty sure the game will be absolute shit. He just doesn't care anymore.

>> No.7032785

on the hotel topic, i don't really "room share," the most I've had in my room were 5 (including me) and I lived with 3 of them. So usually there;s only 2-3 of us in a room, so we just re-use our towels. We hang them to dry and keep up with which belongs to who.

As for what grinds my gears? As a con runner, when people ask me stupid questions. I get really excited when someone messages me or whatever, just to be let down when I open it and it's:
>What are the con's dates?
>What day is the cosplay contest on?
>What guests do you have?
>Where is it?
I'm sorry, look at our website, or google us. And the only reason this annoys me so much is because it's not 1-2 people every year. It's closer to 20+ every year.
And the people that whine and complain about age limits on panel or events.
>"Why is there an age limit? I'm not old enough but I wanna goooo."
The age limit is there to protect YOU and US. I'm not going to break the rules for you, better luck next year.

As for Homestuck, most of the ones that talk to us to run an event or panel, etc are super nice and thank us for letting them have a panel because "it means a lot that [we're] nice to [them] and let [them] have something." I'm assuming other cons in the area aren't nice to them? So far we haven't had any damage from, but I'll go to other cons a hear homestucks whine and my reaction is to say "The reason is because there are hotels telling cons that their con-goers cant wear body paint, or are saying that they have to pay out pf pocket for paint damages or are saying the con might not get to come back because some of the people that cosplay from Homestuck are immature. There is always a fandom that pisses everyone else off. Before it was Naruto. Homestuck is just more damaging because now the immature kids are running around in paint."

>> No.7032788

Tumblr is just hilariously sensitive to certain things such as this while basically becoming bizarroworld where even calling a woman attractive is considered offensive but projecting fantasies onto real people is fine

>> No.7032837

fucking this.

"wahh, but I need less ID to do so and so, please make an acception for me"
"This con i was allowed to do this"
"can i bring my cat"
"can I do blah blah blah"
"I didnt read the FAQ or look at the website"
and then the week before the con
Five messages a day about ID
The feedback is just as bad. As someone stated above

All things the con runners have no power over like the weather, the number of wasps, the food, cash machines running out, all sorts. And they know many others who feel the same!

>> No.7032879 [DELETED] 


**too, not two
fuck my spelling man

>> No.7032893

As someone said earlier, it's always hilarious to see parents get upset when they find out they have to pay for a badge for themselves.

But on the attendee end: it's always REALLY annoying when you're trying to run a panel, the person you're contacting barely skims through your proposal, gets confused by everything and then never gets back to you. This happened to me with the Motor City Comic Con when I approached them with a proposal for a gameshow panel, they said they were interested and would email me back "before March." Halfway through April and no word from them, and the con is the first weekend of May.

On an unrelated note, I might have to start a thread sometime since I've never run a panel and could probably use some advice.

>> No.7032979

>People spouting out memes
>Incredibly obnoxious behavior in general
>People who do over five costumes for a three day con (srsly why do this?)
>Low quality AA (I will never understand why it's first come first serve for a booth instead of based on quality)
>Random Japanese

>> No.7032983
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Back when I started cosplaying I had a friend who cosplayed Itachi from Naruto (nono, this is not the bad part.)
Her coat was too long, her wig looked horrible and she couldn't even get those simple lines on his face right. It was her first cosplay and I'm sure she's ashamed of it to this day, but even back then I thought it looked horrible.
I politely told her that I was able to fix her coat to make it match her height (she was basically dragging it along the ground as she walked.) and asked her if she wanted to find a date for me to fix her coat.
She suddenly became really defensive and asked me
>"Why the hell do you want to "fix" my coat? Nothing is wrong with it!"
I just sat there for a few minutes and asked myself how she could not accept her horrible failure, but eventually I didn't want to get into that argument and I let her look horrible at her next convention.

>> No.7032984

People always asking me for exceptions on their props. First off, that's not something I'm in charge of because I run the contest, it's a security issue. Secondly the prop rules have to follow the law and beyond that are often dictated by the venue. No matter how much you whine I cannot change the rules and when I go to another con I have to put up with their rules (and have been told to get rid of my prop)

>> No.7033003

I guess looking back on it, my friend and your friend could have just been defensive and felt like they were being talked down to, like an adult coming up and adjusting a little kid's outfit or something

>> No.7033012

I used to be like that and that was what it was for me more than anything at first. That and an inflated ego.

>> No.7033015

In my opinion people should be able to take critique. If they can't accept their failures, how will they ever be able to improve on their costumes?

>> No.7033094

>didn't know about brownfacing
>go to the tag on tumblr
Jesus, is there even any reason to be offended by it other than the resemblance to blackfacing? All I've seen as far as arguments go is that it's reminiscent of blackfacing if you take it out of context. Tumblr is dumb.

>> No.7033106

I'll never understand why there's been such a push for Western stuff for anime/Japanese conventions, when the reverse is non-existent.

>> No.7033197
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This is so petty, but it really gets my panties in a bunch.
>Cosplay same character and outfit as friend
>We're both of average looks, average height
>Work ages on mine, turns out well
>Friend waits until last minute to make her costume, doesn't iron or hem it, loose threads everywhere, places obviously held together with hot glue
>She gets all the photos
I don't cosplay to get photographed, I cosplay because I like to cosplay, but I'm just so jealous when this happens, and I don't understand. If her costume were really good, I wouldn't mind. But it's always when it's a hot mess that it seems like photographers are pushing each other out of the way to get her photo/give her their card.

>Meet up with other friend, walk to panel together
>She's in this AMAZING ball gown, it's complicated and she did an A+ job on it
>I'm wearing some simple and obscure costume… like a modified polo shirt and wig with some small prop
>She leans over as we walk and says, "Let's see who'll get more photos between now when we get to the panel, heeheehee!"
HONESTLY? Girl, that ain't no competition, let's save us the trouble of counting and declare you the winner here and now.

>> No.7033201


Yeah to clarify I wasn't claiming it was a bad thing but anon was wondering why the HS cosplayers are so insular - we're trying to stay out of your way

>> No.7033207


Is she Asian? She'll win by default because of the average con weeb.

>> No.7033212


Both the science fiction cons I go to have a small selection of anime programming and anime characters are welcome in the masq, actually.

>> No.7033243

I think the worst part of the raves is the people who go to cons JUST for the raves. You can spot 'em a mile away by their tripp pants and jarring neon/black attire. I always see 'em scowling at cosplayers, it's ridiculous.

>> No.7033275
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I've always assumed the trolls were supposed to look like the dude from Little Monsters, since a poster was on his bedroom wall from the very beginning

>> No.7033280

>All the hilariously desperate people at conventions, looking for love.
>They're always going in with really superficial standards, but really will just settle for someone average (or less) who likes the same stuff as them

>> No.7033301

That face you see on every other "fantastic" Japanese cosplay. You know the one. The vacant stare and blank closed-lip smile.

>> No.7033312

>seeing dumbshits on tumblr spouting about their fancy gender/special pronouns as if they know shit about gender/sexuality
>them also deciding at 12 that they are asexual and coming out
>coming out as asexual as a concept

>> No.7033325

when homestucks just make out with one another during the group photoshoots
why why why

>> No.7033335

get xdq

>> No.7033332

>Girls who dress up as guys to have "gay" makeout sessions
>Doing it to celebrate their ship

>> No.7033348


Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transgender-Pedosexual-Incestsexual alliance.


>> No.7033351

I really get my jimmies rustled when people hate things simply because it's extremely popular.

My best friend is a shining example of this - one time, we were walking past a kuroko no basket gathering, and she said as loudly as she could "fucking basketball fucks." She didn't know anything about kuroko no basket. She literally saw a gathering of people and started hating on it solely because a lot of people were interested in it. I'm pretty sure she "accidentally" pushed one away when walking by, too. I have way too many examples of her doing shit like this at cons. She has anger problems.

>> No.7033363

It works for some characters, but for a lot of them, it doesn't go with their personality at all.

>> No.7033364

I sort of miss the hilariously half-assed L cosplays...

>> No.7033369

I saw quite a few at Otakon, surprisingly.

>> No.7033370

Kind of to go along with this, I hate when people hate things because they're ~supposed~ to hate them.

I was with my boyfriend at a con and we walked past a couple of furries minding their own business and he felt the need to say "Yiff in hell furfags.". Tbh I was really embarrassed. He's never had any bad experiences with furries and they didn't even go near him or bother him. He just felt the need to say that because furries are notoriously awful or whatever. There's no reason to be a dick like that, especially if they didn't even look in your direction. It was just really rude and immature to me.

>> No.7033385
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I'm getting tired of the really poorly done "Poison Ivy" cosplays that just amount to some bitch in a green dress

>> No.7033391

What grind my gears? Hmm

When my friend think he doesn't need a wig for cosplay.

Autistic adults thinking that because they're at a convention, they don't need to act like they have common sense or have respect for the venue and other people.

People who won't take "no" as an answer or as a hint. No nigga, I don't wanna hug your smelling ass. No nigga, I ain't giving you money becuase your ass is too broke to afford a badge. No nigga, I ian't giving you my drug/alcohol connections.

>> No.7033410
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>That ONE jackass who has to be blasting his shitty music for everyone
>All the idiots who have an impromptu dance party to said shitty music

>> No.7033418
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And then they clog up the hall way.

>> No.7033419

>That guy walking around with his shitty music blasting
>The swarm of idiots who follow him around singing along and blocking half the hallway

>> No.7033429

>That one person who hangs around tables for hours looking and moving things around, blocking actual potential buyers off, yet never buys anything.

I feel so bad because I do this but I actually do buy stuff. I just take a really long time to think about what I want.

>> No.7033434

>that one person who's keeping the dealer busy by asking the clueless elderly asian vendor very specific questions that require an intimate knowledge of the source material to understand
A girl I took to a con with me did this, but at least she had the excuse of it being her first con. I see people I've seen years prior still doing that stuff.

>> No.7033518

Every time I go to my local convention, the same fucking guy in an Akatsuki cloak is there, wondering around with an ocarina of time, playing theme songs from different anime on it, trying to impress girls cosplaying from the anime. A few years ago I was with some friends, he went for the prettiest first, then through the line until he got to me. I was dressed as an Adult Mammon from KHR!, so he couldn't really see my face, he didn't know the fandom, but he still tried to impress me with his shitty ocarina skills

>> No.7033530

I love and hate the con musicians. On one hand, they're entertaining and help give the convention a fun atmosphere while providing free music.

On the otheeeeer hand, they often are douchey and doing it to impress girls, if not just get money from people.

>> No.7033536
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>tfw Im going to be blasting shitty rap music for my PaRappa cosplay

Im only going to be playing it outside in wide open spaces, and since im going to be carrying the radio next to my ear, I doubt I can stand the music being too loud. Some of PaRappa's songs will be on the mix tapes, too.

I didnt know it annoyed that many people. Should I reconsider? Or are you talking about the people who blast dubstep and stuff on their huge boom boxes? There was a Mario doing that at Sakuracon earlier this year, even though it was Mario themed remixes.

>> No.7033541

Or they've got an inflated sense of their skill and are actually terrible musicians. I've seen that happen more often than not.

A couple of years on violin, years ago when you were a kid, doesn't mean that you should dress up as Quatre Raberba Winner and try to play Gundam themes in the hotel lobby. Save our ears the suffering.

>> No.7033554

There was a small Jazz band playing in the dealers room at AM. They were good, didn't accept tips.

>> No.7033561
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Personally, I only get annoyed when the music is especially obnoxious and loud (ie: playing Nyan Cat or something at insane volumes). If it's just loud enough to hear/enjoy but not enough to grate on the nerves, then by all means, go for it. Just be considerate. I'd also personally be a lot more forgiving in your case considering you're, well, PaRappa. That guy's all about sweet jams. It's a prop.

When it comes to crowds, I guess I could say is try herding them to a more open space in which you can properly get your groove on.

>> No.7033569

Most people just hate the shit you can hear from the other side of the convention center, and it's typically overplayed stuff like Gangnam Style or Deadmau5

>> No.7033586
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I was thinking about testing the volume every once in a while. Like, I would have a friend walk a considerable distance and if she could still hear the music then I would definitely need to turn it down.

If I do get a following, I'll keep them in the park area where there's a lot of open space.

Thanks for the advice!

>> No.7033599
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Local conventions. I go for escapism. Not to see 40 random people I interact with outside of conventions and very close friends.
No, 20 ex's, and no 50 old friends.
I don't want to see you, lets not make amends.
I go out of town, I road trip til dawn.
I go to meet people that are there for the con.

>> No.7033603

It bugs me when people in general have makeout sessions at cons. Especially in public/crowded spaces. Go back to your fucking hotel room, no one wants to see you (in my case it was bunch of fat Homestucks) making out and touching each other outside a major doorway.

>> No.7033685

You better blast that shit son! You're fucking PaRappa. Also you Boombox better look like the one from PaRappa 2.

>> No.7033729
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When TX threads won't let go of what i've done, even when i've apologized a trillion times. Look, i'm sorry Miss Jackson, but I am for real. I'm only wanting to discuss conventions with new people and make new friends, not discuss stupid shitty drama that affects no one's life. God damn, I haven't even done anything note worthy yet.
>inb4 "yet"

>> No.7033731
File: 12 KB, 307x231, you-know-what-really-grinds-my-gears_1263556030_inline_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what really GRINDS MY GEARS!
YOU /cgl/, FUCK YOU!

>> No.7033750

dat rhyme

Im sorry to say that my radio doesnt. I looked at vintage boom boxes and even modern boom boxes and I was too much of a penny pincher to shell out for one. Ive got a plain, black boom box at home that I can use free of charge, so im going to be taking that with me. It sure takes some of the biggest batteries ive ever seen though.

>> No.7033768

Fuck you too bitch

>> No.7033789

A good start would probably be for you to stop doing stupid shit. I mean, it's not like you're a different person or that you've "grown" since those things happened, even now you still try to cover your ass and make shitty excuses for your childish behavior.

And to stay on topic, you know what grinds my gears? Weebs who still live with their parents and end up taking over a whole extra room of the house just for their weeby shit instead of keeping it confined to their bedroom. Really, it's like you're just waiting for them to die so you can take over the rest of the house.

>> No.7033793


I haven't done anything since San Japan last year. And it's not called hiding my ass, it's called sincerely apologizing. It's not my fault if...
>actually read second part of the post
Forget it. You're one of the shitty trolls who keeps bringing it up to cause more shit. You're no better than me.

>> No.7033823

Oh honey look, you dropped your trip. Better hold on to that, you never know what might happen.

Also no, you literally just tried to cover your ass in the A-Fest thread:
It's unnecessary, immature shit like this that makes people hate you.

>> No.7033862
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Telling the truth makes people hate me? I would've never guessed. Guess I should lie then since most people do that around here.

>> No.7033895

I just don't like how she makes a living doing this, and is now seen as a 'celebrity.' People were actually upset she wasn't going to fanexpo this year.

>> No.7033903

Unsealed fake blood and body paint in crowded spaces.
At NYCC a few years ago, there were two 'zombies' walking around handing out flyers practically leaving a trail of smeared blood on the people they were pushing past in the crowd.
They were coming my way, and I gave them a genuinely terrified look and did my best to push through in the other direction in a "you are not getting that shit on my dream dress" kind of way.
They saw this, and thought it would be fucking funny to fallow after me until I stopped to push there fucking fliers in my hands.

>> No.7033911

Again, you genuinely don't see anything wrong with your behavior and this is why nobody will ever take you seriously.

>> No.7033934
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Anime Matsuri 2013, man.
That asshole that set up his base right at the top of the escalators and just DJ'd for the whole con.
>what in the fuck are you doing here
>you're causing massive congestion in an already-crowded type of area
>walking past it hurt my ears
>people dancing right in front of the goddamn escalator

>> No.7033948

You basically described most average people at geek speed dating.

>> No.7033981

shut the fuck up, stupid goodytwoshoes bitch. how about you mind your own fucking business?

>> No.7033985

really surprised that you found a guy who displayed that kind of behavior. usually its your typical fat seagull that does it. hell look at this very thread, you see assholes hating on jessica nigri for instance.

>> No.7033990

what did that jebus asshole do?

>> No.7034018
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>> No.7034021

u wot m8

>> No.7034023

I was there for that...amg it was crazy..

>> No.7034026
File: 969 KB, 500x307, bullshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are still fucking circles of weebs at every con doing the "Caramelldansen". IT'S 20-FUCKING-13 AND THAT'S NOT EVEN THE REAL DANCE.

>> No.7034038

Good job being a massive dickhead, dickhead.

>> No.7034082
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This is "thesparkofrevolution".

She thinks she's a "photographer" too and she's caused some Homestuck drama in the past. She's had a few good looking, quality cosplays, but most are average at best. I think part of the issue is she's trying to do as many cosplays as possible or something.

Her cosplays are often pretty shitty.

What I hate about her cosplays:

- they're often made of stuff she has in her closet instead of stuff that'll work for a cosplay. I'm not even in this fandom but I know that the wig is off (it's supposed to be more teenage heart throb, a la Zac Efron, not anime shit)
- because of that, the colors and cuts are often off
- she tries to genderbend while using women's clothes. Just because something falls under a category both genders wear (pants, jeans, sweatshitrs) doesn't mean the item itself isn't gendered. There are male pants and female pants with different cuts, and a genderbend that uses the wrong gender's clothes looks stupid, most of the time.
- she thinks posing with friends legitimizes it but it's just her same friends over and over

I guess it's more of a vendetta post, I just think the fawning over her as if she's a cosplay queen gets really annoying.

>> No.7034091
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When it's really late at night and the entire board moves REALLY FUCKING SLOWLY.

>> No.7034093

>hairdresser gives me hime cut
>I have curly as fuck hair
>no bangs
>my inner weeaboo self always wanted a hime cut but not like this

>> No.7034105
File: 22 KB, 226x267, angry nia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg that description sounds horrible.

can you draw us what it looks like? Because I'm picturing pic related.

>> No.7034126
File: 104 KB, 960x540, enjoy your hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that you drew it made me crack up so much, but that's pretty much what It looks like.
let me counter your shitty MS paint drawing, with mine!

>> No.7034138

We should find out the addresses of all the bad hairdressers so we can come into their house while they're sleeping and cut off all their hair.

And if they're bald, we can draw dicks on their walls.

>> No.7034139

my issue is that I always go to supercuts.
they're new hairdressers and highly underpaid, so I like to support them, and give them tips

but then shit like this happens.

fuck you supercuuuuutsss

>> No.7034143

Well then find out where your hairdresser lives and write them a formal complaint

in permanent red marker

on their bedroom walls.

>> No.7034142
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That's gonna blow a fuse.

>> No.7034145

>meme cosplays
I saw at least 3 people dressed as rage faces at Otakon.

>> No.7034147

I'm crying real tears because of this image
thank you based anon

sage because my gears are not grinding

>> No.7034153

>>People who come to cons and do literally nothing but wander around in the hallways showing off their costume and try to get people to take pictures

Be honest though, I'm sure most of /cgl/ has done this at some point. Maybe not for the whole con, but while waiting for something to start, or before meeting up with friends.

>> No.7034160

>People who come to cons and do literally nothing but wander around in the hallways showing off their costume and try to get people to take pictures
I actually wandered around 90% of my first con because most events either required me to talk to someone (my social skills are lacking) or required money, and I had neither. A Lot of people thought I were following them, and it was just a spaghetti mess. It took me some social rehab and a lot of time before I felt ready to go to another con (much better result that time).

Oh and what grinds my gears is cosplayers trying to be "in character" and doing that squeaky voice shit when they have deep voices.

>> No.7034161

I'm going to vouch for those people because whenever (some) Asians open-mouth smile, their eyes get super squinty and their face looks mad derp. It happens to me all the time.

Also, teeth.

>> No.7034163

Do what you guys want. Nobody actually gives a shit if you wander around the con, and who the fuck is constantly monitoring you to know for a fact that that's what your doing? Anon just sounds butthurt there was a better costume in all of the halls that they were in.

>> No.7034169

And when they spam the character tag. Ugh.

>> No.7034170

After the assault at Colossal this year, the guy's girlfriend posted in the FB group basically saying "My boyfriend got arrested at the con and I lost my cellphone! I'm not coming back!"

On this note, a popular gear-grinder: girls who wear heals for characters that don't, and would never, wear them. Chun Li and Cammy are the most common violators.

Bring your own towels- especially if you know the con hotel will be packed. Its not too much extra luggage space

>Impose a towel limit in a shortage and people will know to use what they have rather than just tossing them
I don't think you know how con attendees work, lol. They'll raise hell and claim they weren't notified beforehand, or find some other reason. Plus they often go over maximum room capacity so you'd have some rooms with more people than towels.

I'm honestly in agreement with you, but unfortunately raves are a staple of conventions so that will never happen.

>People spouting out memes
Fucking this. "You lost the game lololol"
No, go break glass and roll in it.

Worse than this, the people who go to cons just for room parties. They're often incredibly rude and problematic, and usually are just taking up space...

...and... towels...

>All the hilariously desperate people at conventions, looking for love.
I've gotten hit on a significant amount at conventions. I tolerate it because it's not like I can really do anything about it short of maybe rolling around in a tub of vomit and razor blades, but it does bug me, moreso when I befriend them and they start getting clingy and desperate after the convention when I can't easily just walk away from them without feeling like a bitch.

Better than coming out as a Brony.

Fucking Asian sizes in general, they run so small and will never, ever, ever have my shoe size.

>> No.7034190


Ugh, this. I understand if someone's only experiences with a certain subculture are terrifyingly negative they may be a bit wary of the people from that culture (like how people tend to dislike Homestucks), but going around shouting obscenities at strangers is tactless. You never know when that person might be an exception to the stereotypes.

On that note, any half-assed original design cosplay. I don't mind original designs in general, but it helps when they A. actually put effort into it and B. don't make it completely out of character.

I worked at a booth with an elderly Chinese woman who knew very little English. People would ask if she had [character] from [series], and she would just give me the cutest little old lady "help meeee" look.

You say you want people to get over your drama, but dragging it into another thread doesn't really reflect that desire. :/

I lost faith in cheaper chain salons years ago when one of their hairdressers stabbed me in the back of the neck with her scissors and didn't tell my mom about it until she noticed a bloody spot on the top of my shirt after we walked out of the store. I was maybe 8 at the time, and too scared shitless to say anything.

I started reading it before the trolls were even a thing, but there was just too much to catch up on and I couldn't stay hooked. I'll admit, I do kind of like some of the trolls, but I'd never, ever, ever cosplay one.

>> No.7034193

Maybe this isn't the place to ask, but is it really so bad to buy a cosplay if it would be my first cosplay? It's a relatively simple costume, but I'd like to improve my sewing skills before I actually wear anything I make.

>> No.7034199

No way. Nothing wrong with that. Not everyone can sew. I've tried and I just find it easier to buy my cosplays

>> No.7034200

There is absolutely nothing wrong with buying a cosplay. Just make sure it fits you well, compliments your body type, and don't cheap out on wigs or accessories. And don't ever say that you made it yourself, or that it was made for you, but you "did so many alterations that it is basically like I did it all!". That shit is not cool.

>> No.7034244

>whatre the dates
fucking THIS

>> No.7034247

post a photo and block your faces please, I'd like to see this. Maybe we can offer an explaination?

>> No.7034250
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how about those none asian people who try to look asian but end up looking like a cream cake instead because of all the overdone make-up?

>> No.7034280

people who get mad at me for not coming to a con in costume.

>> No.7034286


Glad you admit this is vendetta, considering this girl's barely known in her local scene let alone some kind of "cosplay queen"

>> No.7034299

This never happens. No one gives a fuck if you don't wear a costume. The only time I can ever see anyone even caring in the slightest is if you agreed to be part of a group, then dropped out at the last minute. And even then, only your friends would care, and no one else would have any fucks to give.

>> No.7034300
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I have a few.

>that creepy dude who always runs around with an Ouran High School puppet on his hand and just comes up to you without saying a word, expecting you to pet his goddamn puppet. I see him at every convention and he has been doing this shit for ages.
>that annoying dude who stalks everyone and don't understand why people don't want to be around him. Met him on a train once and he just stood by my seat staring at me without saying a word.
>that guy who tries to get into every girl's panties. Sure, a lot of insecure convention girls are easy, but not everyone likes to have their boobs groped by a smelly stranger!
>that guy who never wears a shirt, smell like sweat and always wants to give you a hug when he sees you and you polity have to tell him to bugger off.
>those people who lie about their life to seem more interesting. "I had cancer 5 times, but no no, I never went into treatment. Why am I carrying this cane? Oh, I have cancer again." or "I could have my rich uncle pick me up in a helicopter at this convention if I wanted to, but naahhh, I just don't feel like it."
>those annoying people who block your way when you're walking down the hallways at a convention with a "free hugs" sign around their neck, expecting you to give them a hug. Dude, I don't want to hug smelly strangers, go away.
>those people who thinks it's okay to touch you and your cosplay without asking.
>that group of girls who always get into drama with each other at every goddamn convention to gain attention from people who doesn't give a shit. Get-the-fuck-over-yourself.
>those cosplay "queens" who know they're good and doesn't want to talk with anyone else than people who are just as good as them and even block others events/paths because some photographer is given them attention. Anyone else is clearly now allowed to be at the convention because of their UHMAZING cosplays.

>> No.7034308


Meet her in real life and you'll get what I mean. I'm definitely aware that she's not at all famous. Half the time, she acts like she is and as if her costumes are better than they are. That's what annoys me.

>> No.7034310

dude maybe you're going to different cons then me because whenever i go to one and i don't have a custom some one has to bring it up in that annoying asshole way only people you've just met can

>> No.7034316

Not that guy but, what the fuck even?
Ive been going to cons for 12 years. I have never seen this happen. My friends usually do not cosplay, have not cosplayed for 12 years, never heard it. I go to cons all over the US.

I dont wear costumes a lot at night too. No one's ever walked up to me and been "Oh why are you in normal clothes like 60% of other con goers?"
Even today when theres this perception you haaaave to cosplay, Ive never even seen a con where cosplayers outnumbered people in normal clothes.

Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.7034328
File: 483 KB, 490x380, anime-blonde-crying-sailor-moon-tsukino-usagi-Favim.com-232821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spends months building/pouring soul into costume.
>The only good local photographer schedules a shoot with me.
>Meets up at convention.
>Cosplay 'queenbee' shows up in 'handmade bikini'.
>Photographer drops everything to spend rest of the day taking pictures of her.
>Leaves with her while I help his partners pack up his equipment in silence.
>Watch as she whines about how many disgusting weebs are gawking at her.
>She later sells the prints of herself like a celebrity 'nerd'.
>Builds her entire internet efame off of said photographer.
>My armor broke while waiting for him to never take a picture me.
>Along with my heart.

>> No.7034330

Southern ohio, most of our cons are small so i don't feel like wasting money, and then these people are just assholes.

>> No.7034336

Don't forget
>that guy who cosplays whatever anime is popular with girls right just try to and get closer to them, even though he has no idea what he's even wearing

>> No.7034338

Okay what? >>7034316
Here and I lived in Southern Ohio and went to every single small ass con there, and big one, for 5 years.
If someone was just a cock to you once about it then they were probably drunk. That shit don't happen normally.

>> No.7034341

>Girls who think that corsets = cosplay

Are corsets becoming the new fedora?

>> No.7034342

Dont you mean

>that girl who cosplays the most revealing costume from the anime/game/series that's most popular just for attention, even though she has no idea what she's wearing.

I think that one's incredibly more common.

>> No.7034344

What the fuck? I have gonna to all the cons the last 2 or 3 years, and it ain't everyone one, but there is always atleast on douche bag

>> No.7034351
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I don't think this ever happened. If you actually cosplay the Betas from weeaboo anime for fujoshis, then you're only getting fat fujoshi attention. No one wants that.

If you want pussy, you just drop your shirt and show off your abs. If you wanna try real hard, just pick up a hat and say you're Ace. That gets you all the prime time pussy.

Pic related, dis me cosplaying.

>> No.7034356
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How is a corset a cosplay in the slightest..?
Only a relative-handful of characters wear them, waaaaat

Uuuggggh, this thread is making me hate people even more, man.

>> No.7034360

Our local community has as wishlist page and a selling page where you can post photos. This is wonderful idea but not one deletes the item after it's sold of if they found their wishlist item. Hell there's still photos of "wishlist" items up that girls bought and have send sold! Or someone will ask about said item that's been there for months to the told it's sold and the photo still stays. How hard is it to delete a photos girls!

>> No.7034363

\when guys like that strike up a conversation, I point out that their nipples are hard and ask if they're aroused by all the kawaii cosplayers.

>> No.7034366

It's too common here as well. Their excuses are usually, it's based off an original design or fan art.
Aka: Special snowflake who's too fat to wear anything more slutty without being an eyesore.

>> No.7034372
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>the deflowerer of Voldemort.jpg

Oh god my sides.

>> No.7034380

The larger the convention is, the more likely you'll run into some asshole following you around and trying to get you to check out his youtube/facebook page that "HAS ALL SORTS OF COOL NERDY STUFF!"

It's always sad to see people showing up to conventions literally just to promote themselves. I remember seeing a surprisingly large amount of "youtube personalities" and porn stars in party city costumes showing up to the Nico Nico stream of comic con to just promote their stuff.

>> No.7034383

I spend a ton of time wandering because I can never fucking find anyone. Shit, if you say to meet by the DR entrance, I expect you to be there. Not in a place where the DR entrance is vaguely visible if you squint and tilt your head.

>> No.7034390

People who go to cons to take photos/hang out/etc, DON'T buy a badge, and then bitch about how shitty the con was afterwards in their personal experience.

If you didn't buy a fucking badge, don't fucking complain about the convention shutting you out of private areas and access to cosplayers who did buy a badge.

>> No.7034393

to add that the hallways were trashed with litter and it just infuriated me.

>> No.7034397

I hate how conventions end up being gigantic echo chambers for bullshit rumors:
>"OH MY GOD, (insert famous person not on guest list) WAS AT THE CON THE WHOLE TIME! I SWORE I SAW THEM!"

>> No.7034407

>Girls who think lingerie/swimwear (usually not even a wig) with cat ears is cosplay and omg they're so cool they need a page so they can share their (meh) bodies with the worrrrrrrrld
>People who decide who their "signature" cosplay is and decide they're pretty much the face character... even if the cosplay is really poor and they don't have an iron, so it looks even worse than it probably is.
>People who see your fancy elaborate cosplay that you spent hundreds of hours on and try to stop you in the halls while you're overheating to tell you about how they look just like said character and totally thrifted said cosplay and they're so resourceful and they should be in the costume contest because of it.
>People who think they can go to cons and spend a ton of time with well-known cosplayers (not "famous", but cosplayers that know EVERYONE at said small con. It's like trying to steal a host away from a party for the whole night. It's not happening.)
>When someone adds heels to a cosplay that doesn't require heels then complains about said heels ALL DAY.
>That butthurt guy in the cosplay contest that decides the contest should have a "crowd favorite" award because he and his awful wig were obviously the most fabulous and loved character (the five people after him got 2x the applause).
>That cosplay related FB page that has 50-200 likes that runs itself promoting other people's stuff like they have 50k likes.

>> No.7034414

There's a lot of people on /cgl/ that do this and it pisses me off every time.

>"Oh, I don't buy passes for that con anyway, it's too shitty. Not worth it. lol"
Maybe you're the reason it's so shit. They need badge sales to fund the convention for the next year.

>> No.7034433

when people wear neon fucking red x black and call it "gothic lolita"

and people in general that don't seem to understand that gothic lolita isn't western goth plus a bell-shaped skirt

>> No.7034436
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>might ban homestuck
One can only hope.

>> No.7034459

>People who play Gangnam Style/Caramelldansen/Never Gonna Give You Up
>People who still shout "LOL I JUST LOST THE GAME"

It was great to see Team Four Star mock the person who did that at their panel.

>> No.7034462

>People who decide who their "signature" cosplay is and decide they're pretty much the face character... even if the cosplay is really poor and they don't have an iron, so it looks even worse than it probably is.

>You really like cosplaying a character and don't have the budget to make 3 new costumes every con? NO FUN ALLOWED.

As long as they wash the costume and aren't one of those cunts who thinks they own the character, I really don't care, and neither should you.

>Cosplay competitions
>People who go out of their way to be rude or annoying
>People who have no concept of personal boundaries.

>> No.7034461

Fucking ghosting.
"I can't afford it!" Yeah I can't afford a vacation in the Bahamas, you don't see me trying to sneak onto a plane. Also wat is volunteer work.
"They charge so much!" Most cons that are worth going to aren't charging 50$ for 5$ worth of attractions just to line the chairman's pockets. The prices are what they are because that's how much the convention needs to pay for the venue, guests, etc, and be able to have enough for the next year.
"Oh but I only want to go for one day!" So.... buy a one day pass? Not going the whole weekend doesn't mean you're magically exempt from having to pay.
"But people want to see my cosplay/mad photog skills/beautiful face." Please go slit your wrists and jump off and overpass, you entitled shit.

>It's always sad to see people showing up to conventions literally just to promote themselves.
Ooo, reminds me of another one: People who feel the need to either beg to be a con guest, or pretend they are one.

And a few of mine own:
>People who call you a slut if you cosplay 1 or more characters in moderately to heavily revealing outfits
>People who bitch nonstop about how the cosplay scene used to be, and how Yayakatznigrirochadoomkitty is ruining the scene by being an attention whore. Yes, its awful, no, talking about it at every opportunity isn't going to make it better.
>People who think ranting on Youtube will magically eliminate "bullying", and don't realize that its pathetically easy to avoid if you really don't like seeing it
>People who whine about how western things are ruining anime conventions, specifically target Dr Who, Homestuck, and MLP, but fully embrace western video game cosplays.

And lastly
>Fucking elevator ravers

>> No.7034463
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>2 days before the con
>"anon lets hang out!"
>sorry, I have a bunch of sewing and prep left to do
>"yeah I do too"

>other anon has all store bought costumes... what sewing?!
>mfw youre that annoying friend no one likes at conventions.

>> No.7034465

People that call themselvs "nerds" and "otaku" and "geeks" because they like Dr. Who. Or Harry Potter.

And then keep posting things about said stuff always with the note "sorry you do not understand teehee"

>> No.7034467

>>People who whine about how western things are ruining anime conventions, specifically target Dr Who, Homestuck, and MLP, but fully embrace western video game cosplays.

The vidya isn't on the Tumblr train.


>> No.7034471

starting your period the day before the convention.

Without fail. Every time.

>> No.7034473
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Breaking out the day before the convention.

>> No.7034478

It sounded much more critical typed out than in my head. It's the people that think "lol I'm the face of this character!" and act like the author endorsed them and act high and mighty for it, but their stuff really would only be average if they knew how to work a simple clothing iron.

There's nothing wrong with having a "signature" cosplay and I know a lot of people who are mostly known for one or two, and I'm guilty of this. I'm more referring to the people that think they're "omg the best at this evar and the only one ever known for this super popular cosplay"

Bitch there's more than one average/above average cosplayer for everything, especially if you're doing something like Goku/Link/Ash/Mario/Marth.

I haven't seen anyone else in my area cosplaying a few of the characters I've done, but I don't go around claiming I'm "THE so and so" cosplayer, especially since I'm incredibly aware of other people doing better jobs than me, and I've used other cosplayers as inspiration.

Really grinds my gears when people think they're the only/best of a character.

>> No.7034479

>Person you know from the previous year bugs you to hang out with them at the con
>At the con they're too "busy"

>> No.7034481

Girls who fucking cosplay Free!.

>> No.7034484

ugh yes. normally I can get them somewhat under control, but the combo of period/pimples right before just makes me hate everything.

already bitchy because of pms, have to change cosplay, run to the bathroom periodically. yay womanhood

>> No.7034485
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>> No.7034490


>not drying your towels with a hairdryer

Plebes. You don't wash your towels after every use at home, do you? As long as each person only uses their one towel you're fine.

>> No.7034497

I usual don't get it during but one year I was helping with some funimation thing when out of nowhere it happened. Whilst on camera. Fun times.

My gears are grinded when fandoms end up acting like stereotypes of themselves. Like, I want to have faith in people but then some fucktard pinkie pie throws confetti during an indoor shot and it's back to square one.

>> No.7034502

>That idiot who thinks having a panel go well more than one year makes them a "convention legend"

>> No.7034510

>You don't wash your towels after every use at home, do you?

Yes. Yes I do.

>> No.7034521

I don't have any of us in the same costumes, unfortunately. (though I could probably find some of us not in costume?) And to be honest, it's been a while since we did and we're both better cosplayers now. But oh man did it grind my gears.

>> No.7034533

>get stopped every couple of minutes for pictures
>see none anywhere
>become paranoid that they're for fap material

>> No.7034537

Im still baffled by this. I maybe find 1 or 2 searching through albums, but other than that theyre gone forever.

>> No.7034542

Why? All it's touched is your clean body.

>> No.7034543

Some people just never get around to uploading them, some just share them with friends, and some do upload them on fb or something, but without knowing your real name, they can't tag you, so the pics go unnoticed.

And then some are just used for fap material.

>> No.7034547

I really don't get it either anon, and it's not like I don't recognize the people posting their albums to con pages afterwards.
>girl takes some cool photos of me at a meet
>nice poses and everything
>ask her if she'll edit them and she says yes
>"I'll finally have some nice pics~"
>asks me if they're okay to put on a DA
>gave me a fake DA name
>they're gone forever

>> No.7034560

A few months before that:
>be at a bigger con
>meet a self-described ex 'bridal photographer'
>wants to do a photoshoot with me for free
>walk around for hours taking upwards of 50 photos a set
>some we have to redo because he's a perfectionist
>some specific pics I have taken and remember that I want
>all done
>says he'll contact me with pics soon since he's not busy
>a month goes by
>"hey where's my pics...?"
>says he's almost done editing
>another month and a half goes by
>text him more annoyed
>sends me an email
>only five photos out of the 70+ we took
>the photos are unflattering and hideous and I know we took better pics
>"what did you do with the rest of the photos?"
>"oh I deleted them, sorry, they weren't good enough for my liking"
>bitch him out and never hear from him again
>contact him on fb and everything seems cool

>> No.7034563

>contact him on fb and everything seems cool
This last part should be up more at the top, but yeah. It's pretty shitty how people build you up like that only to disappoint you.

>> No.7034570

Tumblr cosplays in a nutshell:
>Someone does something that goes viral on tumblr
>dozens of people are doing the same thing at other cons to copy that

>pudgy teen girls dressing as men from fandoms and draw on beards

>> No.7034573
File: 20 KB, 350x270, polls_ap_travolta_snf_071211_ssh_5800_302594_answer_5_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ran a con, I'd get rid of the rave and replace it with a Disco. Attendees would be encourage to make disco versions of their characters (Persona 4 chaged to Funksona 4) and there would be a Soul Train line toward the end of the night

>> No.7034577

>pimp versions of cosplays everywhere

>> No.7034580

This is infinitely better than any rave could ever be.

>> No.7034579
File: 421 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mhrjh9n9wC1s399glo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most popular wintertime con becomes 18+
>Twitter full of weebs whining about all their cosplay plans being ruined and "Now there's no winter con for us!"
>Point out that there are several other winter cons all over the country
>"But they're not popular, they can't be good"
>mfw other cons not being popular isn't due to them being bad but due to the one aforementioned con being overly popular

Also, I hate cosplayers who make cosplays for the sole purpose of showing them off at cons. Where's the joy of creation and accomplishment?

>> No.7034583

finally, somewhere else I can wear my sgt. frog afro to.

>> No.7034592

I would love to have a Silly Parappa rap battle with you. We can rap about hardcore Parappa topics like having sweet candy, waiting in line for badges or how good it feels to give high-fives

>> No.7034593

You make that sound like its a bad thing.

Let's see for names....

Funkmetal Alchamist
Boogie Piece
Attack on the Dance Floor (Grovey Manuver gear is two DJ turn tables and the guys fight with microphone stands)
Super Funky Brothers
Avatar the Last Dirty Dancer

>> No.7034641

Ahh yes! Desucon Frostbite... So much butthurt!

>> No.7034649
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>> No.7034657

What brave con would take this idea and would you REALLY go to a Con Disco if they had one?

>> No.7034658


Fellow finn? And the amount of underage butthurt is delicious.

>> No.7034659

Will people do cocaine instead of e?

>> No.7034661

Yes! Fellow finnfag...I sure love dem tears!

>> No.7034665

I would in fact. Afro sgt. in all. I would watch soul train, break 2, and groove all night long (or until I get sleepy around 1.) The cons I go to though have a masquerade and the rave. I would be okay if either got replaced with a disco.

>> No.7034668
File: 303 KB, 700x439, 1375198496796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck.

>> No.7034675

I demand someone to do the dance routine of the second ending of Yakitate Japan


>> No.7034677

Little Disco Academia

>> No.7034680
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>> No.7034692

Dance Fight Vanguard
Dancing Ultimate
Funky Stars

>> No.7034695

Hey, last time I listened to the radio, it sounded like disco was making a comeback, mainly because of the new Daft Punk song, so you never know...

>> No.7034696

>shitty fandom cosplay but pics taken with a DSLR
>OTP making out/underage kink OTP photos

>> No.7034698
File: 579 KB, 1141x1920, tumblr_mr5vtuDtrc1qlu4pao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw on beards

Its getting much worse

>> No.7034700

Jojo's Boogielicious Adventure

>> No.7034708 [DELETED] 

Tengen Toppa Boogie Lagann

>> No.7034712

Tengen Toppa Groovie Lagann

>> No.7034715

That retard that won't stop posting about the penguin skirt everywhere.

>> No.7034720


Maybe it's because I don't recognize the cosplayers in the picture, but I don't see what's wrong.

>> No.7034723
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>> No.7034730

Jojo inspired 70s fashion.

My body can not handle all the spandex, glitter and vinel.

Stand Names would be easy as cake to think of

>Magicians Red changed to Disco Inferno
>Stand that heals others: Staing Alive

>> No.7034737


This has to happen.

>> No.7034744

Ironically, that would be you at this point. I've seen more posts complaining about anon looking for that set than posts she's made herself.

Boohoo someone posted in a buy and sell and a dream dress thread. As if that isn't exactly what both of those threads are for.

>> No.7034833

there is no relationship or possible relationship between Thranduil and Thorin. and they should feel bad. also that fake beard is atrocious.

>> No.7034842


>> No.7034867

how the hell is it canon?

>> No.7034880

I think they were mocking the typical Tumblr person reaction to someone saying that

honestly the just pull random ships out of their asses, I could never in the whole movie or book see a hint as to why someone would ship it yet some people just do it

>> No.7034891

Exactly, I get washing it after a few uses to prevent the growth of mildew or bacterial (particularly if you're line drying wet towels), but otherwise you're just indicating how inept you are at bathing.

>> No.7034936

I don't know if this counts as a peeve or more of a hope but I wish plugsuits weren't automatically skintight latex (usually without the raised details).

I'm pretty sure there's a scene in the second Rebuild film that shows at least Mari's suit as armor-like. Injured/sleeveless!Rei has some breastplate thickness to it as well.

Oh and flat / boyishly-figured voluptuous characters. If you expect crossplayers to bind and pad, you should do the same.

I also hate when the captcha changes as I'm typing it but whatever.

>> No.7035133

>When there's one person in your cosplay group who ALWAYS has to finish their cosplay last minute and whines about it. It's your fault you waited until 30 min before the con to style your wig.
>Horrible quality wigs. If you're already spending a lot of money on the rest of your cosplay, invest on a good wig please.
>Fucking meme cosplays.

>> No.7035375

I know it's been said so many times before, but people who cosplay from a series that they aren't familiar with. You spend money making a costume for a character you don't even know and look stupid as fuck when people try and talk to you about it.

>> No.7035400

It's hilarious how far some people on tumblr will go in order to try and legitimize their ship. I've heard people claim that Misha Collins is "openly bisexual" when there's no real evidence to prove that other than him making a joke or two at a panel.

>> No.7035732

Why do girls keep seeming to think that a busty character = a fat character

>> No.7035806

Aww man thats what I said but here I am now planning a troll cosplay

also people who although they are having fun complain that cons are to corporate these days gosh man when I was seven I could go and smoke weed with stan lee now its just about money like I get it you have seen it change but stop that just have fun

and people who wont take a no for pics we were from the same game but I was in the train station the con was over and I didnt have my mask on and didnt want my face in the photo so I blocked it out with my prop

>> No.7035934

A scifi con doing that makes sense considering where anime cons started off from in the first place, but part of me wonders if those are the few exceptions.

>> No.7036010

>>People who whine about how western things are ruining anime conventions, specifically target Dr Who, Homestuck, and MLP, but fully embrace western video game cosplays.
I give no shits what people dress up as, but get that stuff off the schedule.

>> No.7036094

this photographer doesn't start with an R, does it?

>> No.7036162


Considering the average age / demographic of sci fi & genre fans and how chill every single one I've ever run into was about my costumes, pretty sure that's the usual. 50 year old costuming ladies don't care what you're wearing, they're just happy to see interesting costumes. Anime Fans being hyperdefensive is one-sided

>> No.7037093

Because boobs are fat. Typically its more common to find a girl with head-sized boobs who is on the larger side than it is to find a rail-thin girl with a giant (natural) chest.

>> No.7037450

>Too much of a pussy to express my opinion IRL.
>I can finally go to sleep knowing that I've proven myself to be the alpha male, online.

>> No.7037460

>Asian males
>High standards

Oh you.jpg

>> No.7040062

Panty & Stocking duo's where they have extremely similar body types. Especially if they dress in the police outfits, which makes the only difference the hair.