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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 143 KB, 662x590, tumblr_mh29mkejca1rqzwuoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7029496 No.7029496 [Reply] [Original]

its that time again, here's the rules:
>other jfashions are allowed as long as you fuck them up as much as you can
>sounding like a giant weeb is optional
>you don't need any Lolita clothing articles to play
>dress up and pose like the biggest Ita weeaboo you can
>you can block out your face
>please tell me if its ok to put your post in the official ita dressup tumblr, or submit to it yourself

Here's some suggestions to get the ball rolling
>cat ears and accessories
>lingerie as accessories
>actual maxipad as a headress
>shooping yourself horribly with MS paint or meitu xiuxiu
>self insert character
>cosplay wigs
if anyone else has any suggestions, feel free to add!

here's an excellent time to get out that ita monstrosity that's been in the back of your closet collecting dust and put it on for shits and giggles

>> No.7029511

to keep this thread alive, who plans on participating?
I wont be participating this month.

>> No.7029656

might dress up later, bump for interest

>> No.7030218

just saw this and I'm excited. on vacation so can't contribute.
but I have some suggestions!
>PT it up
>sexy it up
>asherbee it up
>kotakoti it up
or a lovely, beautiful, hideous lovechild of all of them

>> No.7030240

I've been tempted. I will be posting.

>> No.7030284
File: 53 KB, 600x800, 20130811192018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(excuse the shitty quality, my camera is shit)

Ohio, minna-san! Atashi wa is going to Nihon soon, so atashi thought it would be supa kawaii to wear wa rorita to Tokyo desu! ^w^
This cord was inspired by the akai and shiro on the Nihonnese flag! Atashi don't want the Nihons to think I am mocking them, so atashi is using their colours as a sign of honour desu! (atashi is actually nihonnese too! >w<)

>> No.7030422

God dammit, I'm not sure I can fuck it up enough. But I'll give it a shot when I get home.

>> No.7030432

This seems fun, on it right now.

>> No.7030443

Ahh if I wasn't in the middle of packing for moving, I would definitely be into this.

Question for you, Nia, the Tumblr, are all of those submitted to you or permission given? Or are some of those reblogs from people who were potentially being serious? You guys do such a good job of mocking itas I can't tell what's real or not.

>> No.7030516

everything was either submitted, or I have been given permission to posts.
some girls that I reblog have put their Ita dressup coords on tumblr, so I reblog from there.
other girls, that aren't seagulls have posted Ita coords just for fun as well. so everyone on my blog is joking.
if anyone is afraid of being posted in Ita threads, fon't worry, we all know its a joke-and anons usually say so, making the original poster look like a newfag.
one time this girl got made into a secret and the girl involved thought it was pretty damn funny and we all donned our alter-ita egos to whitenight her, then said it was a joke.

I've been considering making this into a bigger thing and handing out prizes.

>> No.7030541

Might participate. I made a Deadpool inspired dress some years ago. It wasn't meant to be lolita, but it hits so many ita points, might as well.

>> No.7030556

what if one day weeaboo culture goes entirely mainstream like "nerd culture" did?
>otaku cred
>forever21 cat ears and bell collars
I feel like trendweebs would be twice as insufferable though.

>> No.7030589

>you should be flattered I stole your photo~

>> No.7030600
File: 366 KB, 1200x1600, 2013-08-12 04.05.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hii minna~ I thought I'd contrib00t wwwwwwwww. I couldn't choose which pair of animal ears to wear so I just put on two! usagi-mimi and neko-mimi~~~^-^ double kawaii!

I couldn't be bothered to put on shoes so there's that. Also, the only lolita items I used are a pair of Baby socks so I hope that's okay. Please don't put me on Tumblr and excuse the sorry state of the room the pictures were taken in. It's not mine.

>> No.7030603
File: 103 KB, 889x572, catear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forever 21 cat ears
Boy, have I got a surprise for you..

>> No.7030610
File: 1.49 MB, 3504x2336, 9856345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already getting there, anon.

>> No.7030616
File: 285 KB, 700x1050, 1298852461358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That actually looks pretty cute. Reminds me of this.

>> No.7030627

she didn't steal anything though??
and if you're trying to shit up the thread, please don't. save your hate for another time. make a secret if you can't contain yourself.

>> No.7030662
File: 847 KB, 1500x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my ultra kawaii pikachu-meets-Morpheus-sama Lolita outfit! Gomen for the phone quality image *.*

(Finally I can use the skirt I got for Halloween one year)

>> No.7030702
File: 39 KB, 498x321, 1333940931881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that fucking wig with the force of 1000 burning suns. Fuck.
>tfw I will never have a nice wig like this

>> No.7030745
File: 247 KB, 891x747, my webcam is a potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings All, pleased to make your acquaintance. I have been wearing Gothic Aristocrat Lolita for nigh on six months now; many would call me an expert, and I am well-versed in all that is recherché and elegant. What pleases me most about the fashion is how quickly I may differentiate myself from the SLUTS and PUERILE SKANKS our modern society has been plagued with in recent years;; the intelligent conversation (so lacking at my high school, I am afraid) and affinity for tea are of course of no small consequence. I hope I shall find other like-minded individuals with whom I may correspond.

>> No.7030755
File: 1.02 MB, 1608x3522, roridesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Konichiwa cgl des!!!! here is my gothic loli cosplay!! todays coord features
a dress from bodyline (yeah that's right i wear bodyline!!! brand is soooo overrated XD XD XD)
a miku wig cuz she is so rori ~~~
and a kawaii neko bag NYA~!!
no petticoat cuz it's just a guideline not a rule (like the pirates code) jeeeeezz tee hee UwU

(You can put this up on tumblr if you want.)

>> No.7030761

Oh gosh, I wish I hadn't left my old Hot Topic clothes from my gawfic phase at my parent's house when I moved, this seems fun as shit.

>> No.7030810
File: 1.09 MB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2013-08-11-21-57-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes i wear decora. no i don't give a fucking kawaii what you think of me. i wear what i want and i master my clothes. the clothing i wear is a physical manifestation of my true being. fuck the haters. fuck those bakas.

>> No.7030832

oh op, you can put this on tumblr if you want

>> No.7030849
File: 485 KB, 640x480, shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

konbanwa~ it's night here <3
gomen ne demo my english its not good... BUT I'LL TRY MY BEST!! >w<!
i just stole my sister's pantsu fufufu~ >///< sumimasen but my room is messy ^v^U

>> No.7030847
File: 158 KB, 600x800, the kawaiiest kirin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not a Lolita, but you gals always seems to have so much fun in these threads that I thought I would give it a try ;w;

Here's the break down
>white blouse with a blue plaid button-up over that, and a black vest over that
>white skirt with no petti, fake dollar store flowers pinned on it with safety pins
>black thigh highs with zipper design
>shoes from my France cosplay
>Accessories: blue gazelle mask (totes a Kirin), blue ring, blue scarf for my tail

Picture taken in the weebiest corner of my room. French flag because f yeah. I dont know if I should be put on the Tumblr since Im not really a Lolita...?

>> No.7030851

holy shit this is beautiful
A++ for effort
it was fun seeing how much shit you could put on, wasn't it? haha this is great

>> No.7030881

I love your description it made me laugh so much omfg

No one ever really plays that sort of ita stereotype (everyone tends to only mock the weeby ones haha)

>> No.7030915
File: 206 KB, 640x854, strawberry_ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

konbanwa minna! today I had sooo much fun putting together my first coord~! it's a sugoi combination of sweet lolita, nekomimi, and of course strawberries!!! kawaii desu ne? I also had so much fun playing around with my new purikura app! it totally ups the kawaii factor of ever picture!!! how did I ever live without it?

(you can post to tumblr)

>> No.7030926
File: 16 KB, 150x117, m3243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Shinku though..

>> No.7030931

I think the way too serious lifestylers are far more hilarious than your run-of-the-mill weebs.

>> No.7030944
File: 119 KB, 1026x957, MORIRAVENYAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohaiyo, watasha moonlight desu! I really love wolves and I've been dressing in japanse fashion since I was five years old.

This outfit is called Mori Wolfie. It's a sub style of Mori but its also the offspring of my OC (Shadow Paw). So, I had a lot of fun with this I fused Rave style with Mori.
It's a really fun casual style but please don't steal it!

>> No.7031131
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>> No.7031327

Sorry if this sounds incredibly creepy, I think you have the most perfect lips ever.

>> No.7031393
File: 73 KB, 807x960, 528227_181511725330284_168616256_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My turn, I'll do my best ! (sorry, English's not my first language)

"Bonjour everyone. I am Lady Serena Kazuko dela Rose, and I'm a true descendent of Marie-Antoinette, that's why you can see my lovely cameo on my hand, which is the portrait of my great-great-great-great-great grand-mother, former queen of France. I like to drink tea with Mr.Gloomy-chan, my gloomy bear. I love to embroid, paint and listen music, but I can be a little more "spicy", because you know, as my dear great...grand-mother, I have a true rebellious life. Nobody seems to get it at my high school, but I don't care, because they are just idiots. They love normal things, I'm much better because I read alternative mangas and Marquis de Sade. I know true french and japanese. By the way, did I mention that my mother was japanese ? That's why I'm so pretty and my hair is so dark. I'm definitly superior from you poor caucasian. I'm here to make friend with other aristocrat azn, drink Lipton tea and make a visual band with TRUE ladies. Don't even try to talk to me if your are not either asian or a véritable aristocrate. Enchantée too meet you~"

>> No.7031500
File: 79 KB, 640x480, shittywebcampic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Not a lolita but I thought I'd try anyway, you can post it on tumblr if you want.)

konichiwa my kawaii nekos!!~ i'm yuki-chan, a half japanese descendant of the uchiha clan <3, and i'm reeaaally into lolita as you can see by my outfit!! ^^ i'm only a beginner >.> but i'd say that i'm already a bit of an expert! <3

>> No.7031538 [DELETED] 
File: 311 KB, 1946x708, weeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohayo minna-san! Panda-kun is here to show you her new kawaii and sugoi hairucuttu/makiuppu and outufittu! Panda-kun wanted a hairucuttu that none of those usuratonkachi's could have! So Panda-kun cut it herself! Outufittu number 1 is for girl's who want to make boi's kokoros go dokidoki! Outufittu number 2 is for those who like ero/burlisque/sexy/kawaii/kanpai!/banzai!/nekonekokun outufittus! Enjoy! <3 (oh god what have I done I'm actually showing my face. Totally okay to put on the thing since my face is completely unrecognizable underneath these layers of hat/wig/makeup.

>> No.7031550

I'm questioning my sanity because I actually don't think it's too bad. I can actually see it being a ~Tokyo streetsnap.

>> No.7031569

You made me miss my kigurumi... Won't be able to get it back for another couple of months.
>Come back to freezing home country after a year in the south
>tfw no onsie to wear during the cold evening like a fluffy teddy bear hug all over your body.

>> No.7031573

Damn it! Just moved to a new apartment so I literally only have my favorite, nice lolita stuff here with me.
Sounds like a challenge.

>> No.7031601

Any lolita can be ita if you try hard enough!

>> No.7031604
File: 131 KB, 540x720, shiningblueray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Yay! Found some old stuff in some of the boxes)

Konischiwa Everyone! My name is Shining Blue Ray and I've been in lolita for 4 years!!!! :3
I'm also in to ganguro, cosplay, mory, decura and more! I guess you could say I'm a Japanese fashion expert!! XD My favorite is lolita because it really fits in with my style because in my past life I was a wolf princess (that's where my name came from lol!) so I try to act elegant in every way! I love costumizing my outfits to make them really unique so I only buy lolita clothes that I can wear in unique ways!!!
I also love brand! My favorites are Angel pretty and bodyline! in the picture I'm wearing angel pretty shirt. it's costumizable to two sleeve lengths so I made one long and one short! The skirt is from bodyline (loooooove!) Because I had a short sleeve on one side I decided to tuck in the skirt on the same side so I can show my dark side (in my past life as a wolf princess I was put under a spell so my dark side is very important to me!!) I also took the pieces that are meant to be tied on the back of the skirt and decided to throw them over my arms to symbolize my wolf wings.

(Too much?)

>> No.7031643
File: 244 KB, 720x960, IMG_0785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gomen~ the photo isn't great ;_;

I'm a kawaii punk/goth loli-chan!
All the girls in comm are jelly bakas who don't know what real lolita is...

(this wig reminds me of the terrible choices of my 15 year old self)

>> No.7031884

>dela Rose
I pissed my pants, I was waiting for someone to pull a Kai. bravo.

>> No.7032027

Kai is actually from my family, but we don't like her because she is noy a kawaii asian nor a true demoiselle, her soul is as dark as her skin. I've tried to make her more asian by bathing her in Lipton Yellow so she can be one of us but...it didn't actually work.

>> No.7032063
File: 400 KB, 842x2047, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good day, I am Baroness Captain Victoire Alois Ravencrown, captain of the illustrious and infamous pirate airship, 'The Black Swan'. I traverse the world dealing with the corrupt airships of the sovereign crown as well as waging war against the dark and evil spirits of the supernatural world. Despite my dark, unyielding past and my supernatural powers, I like to portray myself with a girly and feminine aire, decking myself in the beautiful fashion of ero lolita! Frills and delicate lace really get the cogs in my brain turning!!! However, don't ever let it be forgotten that I am a deadly and sensual woman of power. You don't want to know what happened to the last person who forgot...

>> No.7032087
File: 685 KB, 500x281, 1374664497722.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 Would take to Oktoberfest. (Sorry, it just reminded me of a Dirndl.)

Why is everyone so cute and thin? Always thought it was the other way around with Lolitas. Thank you for sharing and the amazing self introductions.

>> No.7033126

see the really dreadful terrible thing is that you would show up to a steampunk meetup with this outfit on and they would all applaud you and go "yeah! good job! dat creativity ~*u*~"

>> No.7034650

i am inspired

>> No.7035341


>> No.7035417
File: 1.15 MB, 640x854, Photo Aug 13, 6 07 45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(not a loli)
my name ish kimiko chan!!! as yuu can see, I daisuki sweet rori!!! especially misako as she ish the angeric pretty designer!!! mr yan designs for btssb and those dresses are cheap n baka!!! >_______>

outfit rundown!! (^o^)
wig: angelic pretty
cheap ass flowers: angelic pretty
rilakkuma: angelic pretty
ugly halloween cat ears: angelic pretty!!!!
blouse: special edition angelic pretty!!!!!!
dress: misako design dis angelic pretty espECIALLY for me chan n___n

>> No.7035435
File: 40 KB, 366x550, 1375342070957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have those same cat ears
I am the intersection fortune telling schoolgirl and you are the intersection pretty boy.

>> No.7035516

Damn, those boots are baller.

>> No.7038010

Yes! I mean weebs are always funny but people who take the "lifestyle" far too seriously are hilarious.
There was this girl I used to have on facebook who used to post ~deep quotes~ from like Jane Austen books, be like "ooh having some tea" and the like and alright you can read and like books and all but don't pretend to be superior because of it.

>> No.7038021

I have those zebra flats

>> No.7038183
File: 231 KB, 457x609, ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Herro minna! This year for watashi no 13th birthday my dad was bein a dumb fuck and wanted to get me an ipod or some shit but i was likke lol dad no taek me to nihon or else i dont love u no moar
So he took watashi to harajuku??? and i went to dis epic kawaii store called bodyline n i bot some ad0obrs shitz! it was like a real loluta store wow why arent ther any in north carolina fuck amarica
i got dis kawawii dres with these adorb squirls eaten cake like idgaf n he bot it for watashi i love it

Somewhat true story. I'm not a lolita. I went into a Bodyline accidentally and bought this dress because it was cheap and cute and I had no idea what to do with it.
I was pretty much going to wear to a con like that, minus the Peacockfeather-tier wig, but luckily, I showed it to one of my friends, and she loaned me some shoes and helped me put together a not as shitty off-brand coord with some of the stuff I already had and a petticoat from Goodwill.
This post is dedicated to you, my friend. Thank you for saving me from serious embarrassment.