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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 56 KB, 640x480, 312333_10151792330212697_764883921_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7029506 No.7029506 [Reply] [Original]

Attack on Titan, previous thread is in auto-sage

So a new thread!

Also, not a body suit.

>> No.7030243

might be a long shot, but is that anon from a couple of threads back who was taking commissions for Annie's ring still around?

>> No.7030246

I still don't know why that anon was so angry about this cosplay.

... that Jean though.

>> No.7030248

>not a body suit
I fucking knew it!

>> No.7030272

Not ring anon, but the email they gave was jill_cope@yahoo. You could probably try sending them an email.

>> No.7030344

Wait, is that a dude? What the fuck is wrong with his face? That's seriously the girliest jaw I've ever seen on a guy before.

>> No.7030354

I'm right there with you anon.

>> No.7030358


So because OP thinks it isn't a suit, does not automatically mean that's the truth. There's no way a tiny Asian would look like that without a suit.

>> No.7030360


>> No.7030363

>google reverse image
>it's on some Japanese girl's cosplay page

the plot thickens

>> No.7030364

skinny asian + does some lifting for some basic definition + paint

just look at some asian mma fighters

>> No.7030373

Dude what are you talking about? Asians can build lean muscle mass like no other. That shit is easily doable. I'm more weirded out by the dude's jaw.

>> No.7030374

Am I the only one more upset by the heels that the Armin is wearing?

>> No.7030377

it's this niggah

fb /pages/Rhys-cosplay/228445713970731

>> No.7030379

Pretty sure that dude isn't Asian.

>> No.7030380

>white piggu cosplaying in Nippon

>> No.7030383

Your link is broken.

>> No.7030384


>gay cosplayer
>actually really good

Huh, never thought I'd ever see that.

>> No.7030387

No it's not.

>> No.7030389

I'm pretty sure that's HK aka Hong Kong.

>> No.7030391


>> No.7030390

ph my gosh it's diavolo

>> No.7030396


>not being able to tell apart Chinese and Japanese
Fucking racists.

>> No.7030401

Please be a troll or just fucking blind. Dude, seriously, it's pretty obvious it's not a suit and just the shorts.

>> No.7030402

>not Asian
Well I was right then after all.

>> No.7030407
File: 80 KB, 960x641, 1010398_229103820571587_698456826_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His hands are fucking huge tho.

Captcha: convert cumming

>> No.7030412

Pretty sure he posts here too.

>> No.7030473
File: 478 KB, 536x802, IMGP5034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self posting again but I finally got around to cutting my Christa wig. Anything I can improve on? The straps are so hard to keep into place, would people be truly upset over safety pins holding stuff in place even if they are well hidden?

>> No.7030485

do what you have to do

>> No.7030488

Try using velcro or sew them in place.

>> No.7030493

Try fashion tape, fishing line or clear vinyl before resorting to safety pins.

>> No.7030538

has jacket anon made their patten avaliable for sale or download yet?

>> No.7031267

He was in here a few threads ago when his photos first started circulating.

See >>7028126. If the old thread gets deleted before you come back:

>Pattern Anon is struggling to get through, but she's been really fucking down the past month since AX due to personal shit, and I know she's been avoiding the SNK threads.

If you're down with making modifications to a commercial pattern, the person who did our jackets has been getting together basic instructions for how to mod one of the kwiksew patterns into something suitable for the jackets.

>> No.7031271
File: 1.28 MB, 800x1000, Jacketcollage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic; aforementioned jackets for our group.

>> No.7031274
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And the other. I'd give you a better front-back-side view but I don't want to edit unflattering faces out of pictures at this hour.

>> No.7031310

I really want to cosplay a wallist since everybody does the same handful of soldiers or titans

>> No.7031443

I need to make a mock-up of my jacket since I'm splicing patterns so I was thinking about doing a half black half tobacco twill jacket and running around as dead Marco on Friday of NDK. I still have some nice Ben Nye black cream make-up...

>> No.7031446

Friendly reminder that the show is popular because it is the first feminist Anime.

>> No.7031458
File: 299 KB, 324x474, 1369686983436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-patch-anon... Stop being so moe... you make my heart confused.

>> No.7031459

You're on the wrong board. Go to /a/ or something, please. The last thread went into autosage arguing plot points instead of progress.

>> No.7031462


>misogynerd thinks we're actually watching his stupid show

>> No.7031466
File: 75 KB, 979x700, 1374391184525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to make 3d maneuver gear that actually has working shooting hooks (Not so much on the actual retracting, but that has the ability to wrap around a roof beam for swinging around)
>Totally have the equipment and the skillset to make it
>If I brought it to a con I'd end up literally killing someone
Being a cosplayer with a degree in Engineering is suffering

>> No.7031470

i brought a colossal titan mask from mbok that is legit ahhh excited

>> No.7031731

>Sie sind das Essen [und wir sind die Jäger.]
Always cracks me up, no matter how many times I hear it.

They're literally saying "They/You (politely) are *THE* meal [and we are the hunters.]", so awkward.

It's even weirder because the rest of the German lines in the original song are perfectly fine and spoken by an obvious native speaker.

>> No.7031741

Why would you do that anyway? If it doesn't actually work (and it can't, due to the laws of physics - in real world, if you would shoot those grapply thingies towards a wall and then accelerate towards it you'd probably end up killing yourself after smashing into said wall) then what's the point in having it shoot stuff? Me thinks you want to kill people actually. Reported to the police.

>> No.7031896

? You could always have a phootshoot to show that off and you won't get in trouble with con staff.

>> No.7032001

It's not polite. They're saying 'they' as in the titans; it's only "polite" if it were meant to say 'you,' and even if it did, Sie would be a better choice than du, because they are not friends with titans.
German uses 'the' plenty, and it's not even weird to call a person 'the', like 'der Eren.' 'Das Essen' makes far more sense than just 'Essen.'
Beyond that, the food, while maybe it was meant to mean 'prey' is just them turning the tables on titans, so instead of the titans being the hunters and people being the food, the titans are the food and the people are the hunters.

>> No.7032017

About how much fabric are people using for their jackets? I've never made a jacket before, so I really don't want to underestimate.

>> No.7032031

I bought two yards to make my and my husband's jackets but the bolt was the doubled over kind, yet still thick enough to not need it to be doubled over. I'm hoping I'll have enough leftover to make my younger sister a jacket as well, she wants to cosplay Annie or Hanji.

>> No.7032041
File: 1.97 MB, 426x240, 1328394738372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be the easiest thing to organize groups for ever
>Make single outfit
>By swapping wigs, you can change characters

>> No.7032064


You need to tell the person you responded to how many inches or cm wide the fabric was.

Bolts in the US come in a standard 45" or 60" usually with the occasional 47 or 58 thrown in there.

2yds on a 45" bolt is very different than on a 60" bolt

>> No.7032084

source on that gif?

>> No.7032082

It's far more common to see a 45" bolt, so it's pretty safe to assume that's the size.

>> No.7032098


>> No.7032101

Wigs and shirts, but essentially yeah. I didn't have Levi's specific items (wig and cravat) finished until day 3 of AX, but by borrowing a shirt and wig from a friend I was able to pull off Krista for day 1. With the same shirt, borrowing a friend's scarf, and buying a wig and straightening it in a friend's hotel room same day, I was able to do Mikasa for day 2.

I honestly think part of the reason you don't see more people with the jackets for the other two branches is that the Training and Scouts jackets will give you the most versatility if you want to cosplay multiple characters from the series.

>> No.7032302

According to the Linked Horizon lyrics books it's Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!
(Are you the food? No, we are the hunters) which makes a lot more sense to me.

>> No.7032345

The only time I've ever heard someone say it's those lyrics is some aspie on tumblr saying that's the only one that makes sense.
The song has a clear 'und,' not a 'nein.'

>> No.7032363
File: 5 KB, 356x226, trfyguiopihgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and friends are buying some costumes off taobao, and we're having trouble deciphering some of these characters.
It's this page: http://meal.taobao.com/mealDetail.htm?spm=2013.1.1000371.d9.c3RdzS&meal_id=39592774&item_num_id=25746829000&seller_id=292373892
The characters in the red boxes, does anyone know what they mean?

>> No.7032469

I quite like the fact that I could swap around the wig/shirt for certain characters too. Shame that I want to cosplay Annie next and I have a scouting legion jacket so I don't get to be lazy.

>> No.7032474

I believe it's the option for a custom size.

>> No.7032480

Attack on Titan was the least rewarding anime i have ever seen

>> No.7032490

No one cares.

>> No.7032512
File: 60 KB, 720x960, 995791_189729851198450_1859295381_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else tried making the harness from Leather/ synthetic leather belts?
i'm having an issue making the leg stirrups and still actually be able to get in and out of the damn thing and have the straps fit into the boots.
Going to a con in a couple of days so i'm a bit like FUCK ACCURACY at this point and just going with what i have. I want to improve it for the next thing i'll be at in a couple of months so any advice would be appreciated

>> No.7032519
File: 56 KB, 484x960, 644261_189381971233238_1646088281_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worn picture, sorry for the instagram filter

>> No.7032568

nice butt there, heichou

On a more related note, a friend of mine from a different SnK cosplay group did her straps like that, and had trouble crouching and sitting in certain positions.

>> No.7032583

Thank you anon! That really helps.

>> No.7032591

haha thank you

I tried wearing it and moving around a bit and it seems flexible enough, within reason anyway. It takes a good 10 minutes to get in and out of it however.

>> No.7032664


>misogynerd thinks we're actually watching his stupid show

>> No.7032675

Should have made the bottom half that would be hidden by the boot elastic and have it snap/velcro open at the knee and the hips.

>> No.7032695

Wouldn't elastic look jarring against the belts if i made the whole bottom section that way?
I guess i could make the stirrup half from belt and half from elastic, like the bit that is covered would be elastic and the bit that shows would be belt?

>> No.7032699

He is using makeup to outline the muscles. Stop being retarded.

>> No.7032814

That would be actually even more hilariously stupid. If I remember correctly though, the lyrics on the wiki page of the song start like that.

Thank you for explaining to me why it's perfectly fine and completely makes sense to say it like that in my own language. I know it makes sense to English people when they translate it to "food" and think "oh yeah, that's like prey n shit! so cool!". But "Essen" really isn't that kind of food. Certainly not something you'd use to diss someone. "Futter" would be the best word to use instead.

>> No.7032850
File: 89 KB, 960x417, harness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-not so much if you can get a close color/width and it's hidden by the boots... I basically mean start below the knee, where it should cross over in front until it goes under the foot, because the leather won't feel too great under your foot once you start walking around.

If you have the means to add them in a way that won't be noticeable, allowing the dotted areas to open/close makes putting on the harness system pretty easy if you keep the leg belts separate.

>> No.7032925

Ahh ok I understand what you mean now. i might make up a second version and see how that would look. Regardless i'll probably use elastic for the stirrup as I really don't fancy walking about on leather straps all day.
I have a bit of an obsession with making it look 'rugged' or some shit, hence why i used belts as they have the heavier weight but as a lot of the sections you highlighted are concealed anyway it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

>> No.7032940

Yeah, I want to eventually make some the thickness you have going on there, but I got overly frustrated and ended up buying some to modify for the time being.

Will I be seeing another ally of cleanliness at San Japan?

>> No.7032960
File: 65 KB, 649x900, 164457_180308768807225_1633084755_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britfag here so i'll be at Ayacon over the weekend.

If it's anything i used a heavy duty domestic machine using leather needles with the tension on the lowest setting and it worked pretty well. It only got tricky as the thing got bigger and wouldn't fit in the machine anymore so i had to stop and start a lot. If I had thought to make it in two pieces it would have been similar but hey trial and error!
This is more of a test run as i'm planning to have the jacket, cape and 3Dmg ready for the next con.
this is about as far as i got with the 3Dmg. I want it to be 'functional' so to speak so this is the only part i've been able to make so far as it doesn't need to house any sort of mechanism. I went with the anime version over the manga as it looked more fun to make.

>> No.7032987

Damn, not many other Levi cosplayers here, I got too excited, heh. I'm afraid of my machine exploding, since it wanted to die when I was sewing ~4 layers of plush/fleece, so I'll end up having to find out if any of my friends have a strong machine or hand sew it.

I'm about to give up on having my 3DMG done by my con in a few days as well, honestly.

>> No.7033031

Fleece destroyed my last machine. i got a Singer Heavy duty which wasn't too pricey and it seems to hold up quite well. Maybe change the needle every few hours? I find that helps too.

I wasn't going to bother taking this one along as it's so unfinished right now. I'm doing a bit of a cop out and cosplaying 'cleaning Levi' but should be fun and i can take some silly photos.

>> No.7033044

I guess I may not be as retarded with a machine as I thought I was, then.

I dunno, I was planning on doing cleaning Levi even if I got my 3DMG done, just seems pretty hilarious/fun. I'm literally going to run around with a feather duster and scrub brush and I may get a bucket to just carry my wallet and shit in. It also gives me an excuse to hide the lower half of my face, which is overly girly and where I'm most self conscious about.

>> No.7033754

Hi Patch Anon, I posted in the last thread but I'm not a frequent /cgl/ visitor so I didn't know it was auto-saging.
My last post was just really asking if it was possible to add a thing where you can see the remaining stock of patches on your store?
Another thing I was confused about is that when I went through to the page before paying, the shipping estimate for international is $0, so I'm confused whether the 4 set includes international shipping already, or is it separate? If it's separate, do you know roughly how much it'll cost to ship to NZ?
Many thanks.

>> No.7034050

What does 'misogynerd' mean anyway?

>> No.7034113

misogynistic nerd
seemed pretty basic to me but hey

>> No.7034166


There's a stock bar, but for some reason it doesn't show the actual number, just the percentage. I might be missing something, though. I'll give it another look.

Also, I have no idea why int shipping is doing that! I spent so long calculating for various areas and it's not showing up. I officially suck at Storenvy. Shipping for one set (6 oz) is $12.15 first class, which I personally think is insane (I billed Australian orders $6-7 for shipping, bit of a surprise when they turned out to be $15-18 each because they count as a package, not an envelope).

If you're still interested, drop me an email at the linked address and we'll handle it that way. Thanks!

>> No.7034167

Also, half my stock's been wiped out in the past 3 days, so I'll probably run another order maybe next month? Same deal; pre-order price will be much cheaper (at-cost) and dependent upon the number ordered. I'll probably buy some to resell after.

As much as I hate them with burning fury, I might use the same company if I can just tell them "Don't change anything, make the exact same thing" and they actually do it. It'd be faster than a new company and then they'd be sure to match my current stock.

Basically, if you don't need patches until maybe late October at the very earliest, you might consider that an option. This time around the smallest one would also be up for pre-order. It might be a little more expensive since the medium patch orders would be split by a third, but we're talking the difference of less than a dollar per patch.

>> No.7034374

thanks for letting me know. i hope she manages to recover.

>> No.7034633

How large do preorders have to be? I don't think I'll be able to grab any of the round of patches in your Storenvy right now, so preordering might be good. I'm probably going to want 6 large, 3 small and 6 mediums. Would I need to order more...?

>> No.7034938

Nah, any amount is fine down to a single patch. We just need at least 50 big patches total which shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.7035208

Probably a stupid question, but do we email for pre order?

>> No.7037613

Did anyone here make their own boots? Was there some sort of pattern you followed? If not, can someone help me out with the general process? Thanks in advanced to anyone with any answers.

>> No.7037622

Anyone got a link to patches on Taobao? I'm just making a jacket for myself and need the big one for the back and the three smaller ones.

>> No.7037626


I wasn't around for the last round of preorders and I'm just wondering what the prices would look like?

>> No.7037666

It'll be something like $13.50 for the larges if we hit 50, around $3ish for the smaller ones.

Whenever I get around to doing it, I'll make a google order form that you can fill in. I'll leave it up for about 2 weeks so no worries. I'm thinking of opening around Sept 5 maybe, closing around the 20th or until we hit another insane amount. Depends on how quickly the current order sells out.

For reference, I started with something like 25 sets of 4 patches. I now have 8 left.

>> No.7037669

I can see his cock bulge

This is so awkward

>> No.7037671

Is it a good idea to buy taobao reposts (or whatever they're called) on ebay?
specifically, these two:

>> No.7037672

Really? I can't see it at all. As a matter of fact, it seems so perfectly hidden that I find it almost unbelievable that it's possible to hide cock like that.

>> No.7037675
File: 85 KB, 660x544, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it this thing bulging here? Sorry about the crappy zoom and all

>> No.7037678

Wow. You really think he has such tiny penis?

>> No.7037679
File: 171 KB, 1382x1037, leviwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also progress. Finally cutting Levi's wig... The Adra Pippin is so top heavy and oddly wefted I'm having a time of it. For some reason, the fiber is trained forward so there's this huge heavy sheet of bangs. Retraining it's been a pain since it's so damn thick. The front fibers are also tied to the edge of the skintop, which would normally be fine, but they were tied awkwardly so there's a gap between the front and the first fibers on the skin cap. Hm.

On the bright side, there's plenty of fiber to re-weft into the undercut. Not picture, but I've sewn some wefts out of the cut hair and stuck them in with some water soluble basting glue to check the placement before sewing them down.

All of this because I wanted the goddamn skin part ahaha...ha.

>> No.7037692

It's flaccid, of course it's tiny. Doesn't look too tiny either, a penis that size can go up to about 15cm when hard.

>> No.7037706


You'd think he'd wear a cup or something to achieve the whole creepy perfectly flat groin look of the titans. Or maybe he thought it looked ok in front of the mirror when he wasn't doing kicks and shit and the picture here is the anomaly.

>> No.7037711

What size should it be when he's not got an erection?

>> No.7037712

Are you wanting straight up boot patterns, boot covers or boot toppers?

Why not just buy them from patch-anon...?

L-looking good so far.

>> No.7037718

>15cm when hard.
thats what I said, tiny.

>> No.7037775

You've got a tiny dick, it's nothing to get defensive about,

>> No.7037785

>It's flaccid
Flaccid dick don't make a bulge nigga. That's the point of flaccid, it's a total bitch to the elasticity of the underwear. You need at least a slight hardon to make it bulge.

>> No.7037788

serious question - are you a girl? because that's not true at all.

>> No.7037793
File: 149 KB, 660x544, fixed dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's where his dick @ (green). He would need a stiff dick for it to point upwards like you've drawn it (red). And if it were stiff there, his dick would be incredibly tiny and thin. So it is obviously flaccid and resting like that.

>> No.7037796

>this thread

I am literally speechless. Literally Homestuck tier fandom. And I was barely managing to hide those threads fast enough.

>> No.7037805

>o-omg r u a grill?!

>> No.7038253

This thread really got derailed.
Are we really discussing cosplayers' dicks?

>> No.7038257

Looking good so far! And yeah, excess fiber is one thing you will not be short on for the wig.

>> No.7038303

Well most of this crap's fanbase are women, and women always think about the dick, so, it's not their fault.

>> No.7038405


>Anything I can improve on

That gigantic pig nose, for one.

>> No.7038428

>Anything I can improve on?
Yes. Get plastic surgery to make you look cute instead of very uncute.

You should've cosplayed that blonde haired dyke that turns into titans instead. You have a perfectly uncute face for that.

>> No.7038443

That's not tiny, what? Or are you a guy?

I don't have a penis, though.

Oh, I see. It's still the bulge I saw, then, but in a different direction. I didn't think it was weird because I've seen flaccid penises "point" up inside tight(ish) briefs before.

>> No.7038471

Just browsing this thread and I don't come here often.

Worst board in the world, fuck these people.

>> No.7038490


as a penis owner, and specifically a grower. both bulges are possible, but i think it's the red one. makes less of a bulge when pointed up like that.

also mine looks about that size when flaccid and grows to 7.5 inches.

>> No.7038693

What the fuck just happened to this thread

>> No.7038763
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1373113077145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew...

Wondering what everyone's preferences were for the closure of the legion cloaks? Anything particularly fancy or just straight up button?

>> No.7038845

I need them before October. Patch-anon said the earliest they'd get them is early october >>7034167

>> No.7038855

A big button. Maybe a little hook and eye to keep things in place better as well.

>> No.7038858

Do you just not have money right now or what? She still has extras that she's selling off...

>> No.7038903

I'm going with a button supported by an invisible snap at the farthest corner so the button hole doesn't distort.

I grabbed some surplus army dress uniform wool so mine might be on the heavier side... If you're doing a flannel or a cotton, just a button might suffice.

It'd be cool to get some buttons with the Scouting crest imprinted into them but... *stares at box of casting supplies* Oh.

>> No.7039159
File: 221 KB, 1280x720, 1318542121230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta try harder than that.

>> No.7039311


>> No.7039314
File: 2.01 MB, 1936x2592, 1376527920286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.7039326

This is honestly the dumbest, most blatantly attention-whoring fucking thing I've ever seen. What a stupid bitch.

>> No.7039327
File: 8 KB, 259x172, ohgodyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would say something about the inaccuracy of showing so much skin but gat dayum.

>> No.7039364

get lost, prude

>> No.7039367 [DELETED] 

>"one of the SnK characters have blatantly big chests to show off!
>I-I know! I just won't wear a shirt!
Only thing that makes me mad is that there are plenty of characters you can cosplay canonically and show off your tits, so why even bother doing this type of shit.

>> No.7039373

>"None of the SnK characters have blatantly big chests to show off!
>I-I know! I just won't wear a shirt!
Only thing that makes me mad is that there are plenty of characters you can cosplay canonically and show off your tits, so why even bother doing this type of shit.

>> No.7039411
File: 48 KB, 700x479, 544502_10151600451844541_874841572_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But can they let you show off your tits and be the anime flavor of the month?

This says to me: Stick your dick in it and don't call the next day. I'm clearly not the type you want to talk to or treat as an actual person when clearly I don't want that for myself.

If that's what she was going for, perfect.

>> No.7039414

Because they see the straps and think 'OH I'LL BE EVEN HOTTER IN BONDAGE, ALL THE GUYS WILL LOVE ME.'

>> No.7039652

Wait a sec.. you actually think you're cute enough for her?

Wow. That's some fucking unwarranted self-entitlement.

>> No.7039665

Man, you're mad over somebody brushing off people being mean to them. Somebody here has self-esteem issues and I don't think it's that Christa cosplayer.

>> No.7039719

> = "being mean"

Congratulations, you're Yaya Han tier.

>> No.7039763
File: 105 KB, 353x346, eshingeki_no_kyojin_ch034_018-eng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you know what criticism is, anon.

>> No.7039783

Exactly but i'll have money next week. I just need options in case patch anon sells out.

>> No.7039784

>offending someone
>counting as actual criticism

>> No.7039809

My evaluation of this is the same as it was for the other Attack on TITans girls: if the rest of the elements of her cosplay were solid (accurate straps, boots with the right tops even if they still went for stripper heels, GETTING THE FUCKING SALUTE RIGHT) I would probably find this enjoyable.

As it stands... at least her boobs aren't as unfortunately unevenly supported as the Mikasa from AX?

>> No.7039823

guy here, I agree that she's not attractive enough for a qt 3.14pie like Historia

u dont heff to be mad it's only cosplay

>> No.7039826

now THIS is podracing

word on that

>> No.7039972

I'm the person who you're responding to and I'm a lesbian. I'm not sure how you being a guy has anything to do with anything, you attention whore.

>look at me i am boi

>> No.7039998
File: 498 KB, 500x250, 1309485876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with all the butterface Historias? I have yet to see one good one.

>> No.7040083
File: 135 KB, 450x365, laughing jocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this explains sooo much

>> No.7040094

Got all the stuff (minus patches) that I need to make my jacket for Christa today. Tomorrow I'll cut out my pattern pieces and get started on cutting my washed fabric. This is going to be the first thing I've worked on in a long time.

>> No.7040095

Better submit a few clear shots of your face to the thread so a bunch of lesbians and guys can judge whether or not you're attractive enough to be in the cosplay. Uglies aren't allowed.

>> No.7040096

i feel like their thought process goes like this:
>historia is cute
>those who cosplay historia must be cute
>if i cosplay historia then i am cute

>> No.7040109
File: 39 KB, 250x250, 1371107007588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7040168

As a penis owner of 27 years I'd say its the red, red is more likely.

I fail to see why the last sentience is was needed, but clearly you are saying "have a larger penis, so don't liken me to him when I respond to that"

Calm down no one can accurately judge you here.

>> No.7040170

Pretty much this. Attention whores gonna attention whore.

>> No.7040176
File: 155 KB, 640x960, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's sexy and gets attention?
You are just being a dumb bitch. I bet you probably saw this and didn't care. Fucking cunt. Let people cosplay alternate outfits if they want. It's none of your bitchass business.

>> No.7040180

Not the person you're replying to, but I actually wanted to throw up the first time I saw this. I also hate the female attention whore versions.

>> No.7040183

I just don't understand why we're discussing a photo that was posted 7 days ago in terms of butterfaces when the suggestion threads usually have a large amount. You could always go harass those threads. People just want to talk about patches here.

>> No.7040185

No shut the fuck up. I'm fucking sick of seeing the word "patch" come up in these threads over and over and over again.

Can't you use some synonym you flabbergasted philistines?

>> No.7040186

But the guys are doing it canon. The girl has a bigger chest than in canon.

>> No.7040188


>> No.7040192

Looks like one anon hates the Historia/Christa cosplayer and writes all the posts that she looks like shit himself. Nah. Come one. It can't be more obvious.

>> No.7040196

Anyone catch that one AoT cosplayer during Heroes of Cosplay?

>> No.7040203


The guy's not asian, he's australian or british or something. He has a deviantart.

>> No.7040220

>"everyone who dislikes *MUH COSPLAY* is the same person"
Congratulations, you reached the last level.

>> No.7040273

Is it just me, or is pretty much everything about the show massively retarded?

Why do they live in medieval towns and use backwards technology when they also have that "Maneuver Gear"?

If it's based on our modern world (seeing the Japanese exist as a race in there), what happened to all the modern technology? Like why the fuck are fucking swords the most effective thing against them when you can safely eliminate any number of titans from a single helicopter? (What are they gonna do? Shout at it?)

And if they didn't have helicopters then, how come they have such modern stylish jackets?

And most importantly, why the FUCK are the bad guys who change into titans so DENSE? I cannot even fancy any logical, reasonable or good explanation for what they're doing.

Okay, so they want to eliminate the fucking mankind, cool, then, like, why the fuck is that fucking Colossal prick such a pussy about it?

>pop in
>break wall
>pop out, go to the next wall
>break it

Why does he just make a tiny (in comparison) hole and then pussy out? Hell, even at the start, what does he even need the Armored faggot for? Just keep breaking shit.

I'm calling it now - this show - this is the anime version of Lost.

There's just no way they can come up with an explanation that would satisfy anyone that isn't a completely blind fanboy.


>> No.7040279

Well, for a start, the only way to kill a Titan is to cut into the back of its neck. They have regenerative abilities, so you could shoot them from a helicopter but it would do nothing, since they would just heal up.

Mankind has also been driven to almost complete extinction, so I think that in doing so, they've lost a lot of their original technology. Since they're in the midst of war with the Titans, they would focus their remaining resources on tech to fight, not waste it on luxuries for comfortable living. So the gear for fighting will be more advanced than the other stuff you see.

>> No.7040281

isn't it hinted that the colossal titan and armoured titan are working for someone?

>> No.7040283

who is patch
r u talking about patch anon?
does she make patterns or something?
or r u talking about a patch you put on a jacket....
make urself clear....faggot..

>> No.7040286
File: 180 KB, 625x626, 1369535308717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7040289

i think ur the massive retard
by posting your hate on an snk board
i mean come on u massive retard, who does that?
oh yeah massive retards like u.. this show saved my life
after all they show you how even when people die you can press on and be a better misaki and maybe some day you'll have your own titan 2, u know?
so stfu!!!!

>> No.7040292

What happened to this thread?

>> No.7040303


>it's not based on our world

>OMDs are just ropes, hooks, metal and a bit of imagination, not Star Trek computers, and besides there is no evidence that 'modern tech' doesn't exist; only that not everyone has it. I really doubt they built the enormous walls with mortar and shovels

>jackets do not a helicopter make

>Colossal, Armored and Female Titans do not want to destroy mankind but are part of a larger plan related to the outside world (knowledge of which the government and religious authorities have kept secret for suspicious reasons), allowing the pleb-tier titans into human area is just a distraction and to cause chaos. this is why they don't need to stick around. Also, being in Titan form causes great stress on their human bodies.

>show is too good for you, enjoy missing out

>> No.7040330

Where else should I ask?

Bullshit, I read on the wikia itself where it says that "their goal is to destroy humanity".

>> No.7040333

I see you in almost every single thread on /cgl/ posting some sort of fish image. Go away.

>> No.7040334

have u even been paying attention?? Eoten themselfs have built the walls and then they also walled themselfs inside because its cool

>> No.7040423

4chan is probably the only place on the interweb where people would take a perfectly ordinary picture, argue about the guy's penis, then start zooming in and drawing circles and arrows around it as part of the arguement.

....Sorry. I'm new to 4chan. And I love you all.

>> No.7040451


>> No.7040468

Lol, they actually made a figurine for that small random titan that ate that girl who looked like Mikasa but wasn't Mikasa, with oddly huge kawaii eyes (compared to the rest) and an awkward hairstyle?

I knew he stood out.

>> No.7040501


>> No.7040543
File: 237 KB, 500x375, Nanami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7040556

go back to tumblr and/or daycare.

>> No.7040557


>> No.7040563

I have a problem with the terrible fansub you watch.

>> No.7040585 [DELETED] 

just you fucking wait

one day we will be the ONLY ONES doing fansubs, and then you will COME BEGGING for some, you ungrateful fuck

>> No.7040650

just you fucking wait

one day they will be the ONLY ONES doing fansubs, and then you will COME BEGGING for some, you ungrateful fuck

>> No.7040682

I actually think Female Titan chose to go along with Ape Titan's plan, unlike Colossal and Armored Titan. I think the goal IS to destroy humanity, but in a way that maximizes the amount turned into Titans.

>> No.7040714

Wow, samefag harder. Free threads are funner to troll, go there instead.

Fucking you again? Stop watching commie's subs.

>not liking Mina
Sorry, what?

>> No.7040909
File: 44 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130815_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cosplay Armin...I got this jacket a while ago just because, but what do you think? Could I pull it off?

>> No.7040914

I think you could be a cute Armin

>> No.7040916


dawww little face.
Yeah, just wear a wig

>> No.7040917

Oh god you are going to make a great Armin with the right wig. Or at least what I can tell by your face.

>> No.7040954

Does this seem like a good buy? I feel like you guys would be the best to ask.

>> No.7040985


>> No.7041009

I wouldn't get them, but they aren't terrible.

>> No.7041016

Go for it! You'll look adorable. Agreeing with >>7040916 on wigs, and be careful not to make the bangs too blunt if you're trimming them

>> No.7041024

What do you recommend?

>> No.7041029



I was like "who the fuck is posting this on /a/" and it's actually from here.


(the post it's quoting, deleted)

>> No.7041035

>>not liking Mina
I never said that?

I was talking about the titan that ate her.

>> No.7041038

Anyone know where I can find the military patches on taobao? I keep finding the others but never these.

>> No.7041041

No luck on taobao, but ebay relinquished a myriad of results.

>> No.7041073

There are a few good ones on ebay, but I'm having a hard time choosing one...I'm not a cosplay expert, so I'm not really sure what is "good" and "bad" (we all know what terrible is though)

>> No.7041096

If you live in Florida there's an anime store here that carries them, or so I've heard. It's called either Anime Orlando or Orlando Anime.

>> No.7041099

Found their website. http://www.animeorlando.com/

>> No.7041110



>> No.7041120

What do you want us to call them, embroidered fusibles?

>> No.7041134


>> No.7041154

I don't get it when people criticise the jackets for being modern or whatever.

They're actually a logical design. It's just a standard jacket, but cropped so that it doesn't get in the way of the 3D gear.

>> No.7041177

Because it makes no sense to have them at all? They're purely for fashion reasons.

>> No.7041191

They're part of the uniform and show which branch you're part of.

>> No.7041265
File: 516 KB, 761x617, snk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this handy 9000hoursinmspaint.png graphic when I was discussing this issue with a friend a few days ago. The only parts of the jacket that aren't plausible (if we say that SnK is based on the time period from ~1600 to ~1900) are the breast pockets since they're more of a 20th century thing but hey, who actually gives a fuck.

>> No.7041280

do it

>> No.7042508

So is there a decent pattern for the jackets around yet?

>> No.7042513

I always thought SnK was built around the premise that future humans became secluded in the walls so limited resources and people/knowledge lead to inconsistent technology and design

There's a reason he left it ambiguous

>> No.7042528

I thought so as well.
There's an awkward clash between the setting and what the characters wear as well as the level of technology they posses.

It almost seems like they were trapped and regressed for the most part due to larger issues than preserving technology.

>> No.7042538

I also subscribe to these ideas.
I may post my pattern if I like how it looks after I sew things up.

>> No.7042756

I've been lurking in the threads for a while and everyone keeps suggesting I do Annie so
I have no clue where I would get a skin suit for her titan form. Would I be best off having a friend help me airbrush a fleshtone one?

>> No.7042783

They *definitely* didn have no helicopters tho.

>> No.7042802

what in the fuck am I looking at here?
Is this just one of those weird ones where it is so photoshopped you can barely tell if it is CGI or not?

>> No.7042829


Australian saddles are so weird. Though they should have attached the stirrup correctly so it's handing over the flap. Granted I have a lot more issues with the tack.

>y u use back cinch?
>nylon bridle??

Which also raises the question, I would get nylon for a bridle (though this one looks really tight) if the saddle was also an alternate material. In the show they didn't seem to think of that though.

>> No.7042837

>horse people

>> No.7042843

sorry i guess it's like those people who tear their hair out when they see someone carting around an instrument for a prop and using it incorrectly heh.

>> No.7042845

Ah it's fine, just sort of humorous to me. My best friends are 4H people lol

>> No.7042860

I'd call myself "Fusible Embroidery Anon" but that's harder to sign on shipping notes. Sorry, you'll have to deal with Patch for now.

So... I sold out. Of large patches at least, but the point is I've sold out of full sets. Therefore, pre-orders are going back up tomorrow or the day after through my storenvy. You have to pay when you order, but it'll be up until September 5th, so there's plenty of time. As of right now there's no order cap, but that could change. Extras will be for sale after, ETA is Sept 20.

I'll post a link whenever it goes live, assuming I don't get my ass banned again.

Luckily this gives my some time to actually work on my 3DMG... I spent two awkward hours making a plaster cast of my lower body to sculpt all of the anchor pieces (thighs, belt waist, back) onto so I can cast them.

I've also got some 18lb pull neodiyum/rare earth magnets in the mail to play with the sword attachment. Chances are it won't work, but it's worth a try.

>> No.7042862

The horse is so unhappy in every photo. I could understand. Ears back in one or two photos I get, because it might be listening to something, but it's every photo this happens and it's tossing its head a lot too.

It's not like being unhappy with someone for using a prop incorrectly (such as no trigger discipline). It's mishandling an animal.

>> No.7042875

omg anon (I'm >>7042829) I didn't even SEE the other pictures of him fucking tearing into that poor horses' mouth.

yes, you are right, that horse is pissed (probably not in pain, since it looks like a fat eggbutt bit, but most def uncomfortable due to the tight bridle and the tight back cinch) at him. Granted, I'm surprise his leg looks even half decent, but his hands are atrocious.

sigh, that poor animal

>> No.7043020

>There's a reason he left it ambiguous
Yes, the reason being - he didn't think about that at all.

The author never expected it to become so massively famous. He just drew some random idea he had, to pay the bills, but he also accidentally created the first manga that pleases the LGBT/PoC/Feminism agenda.

>> No.7043400

Sorry to interrupt your nice argument but does NOBODY know if it is possible to get a female titan body suit? I am fine with the makeup till my middle/lower chest

>> No.7043497
File: 58 KB, 234x304, zoessquadmaybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without the wig you already look like one of Hange's squad members.

>> No.7043765

Is there a guide somewhere on where to buy attack on titan cosplay? A friend wants one an I have too much on my plate to make it for them. Particularly a plain jacket, those belts, and mens boots.

>> No.7043858

i-i think your cute e-enough

>> No.7043926

Cool, it's good to have some self esteem but you should listen to other people's opinions too.

>> No.7043934
File: 31 KB, 356x374, 1372630450341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7043956

make your eyebrows match your wig color

>> No.7043961

This was posted on /a/ too and (quite surprisingly actually, I thought they would appreciate it at least) no one liked it either.

One comment in particular killed me though:
>"Why is Christa squatting like a fucking Slav"

>> No.7043981
File: 457 KB, 700x1010, Best_Dye_For_Blonde_Hair_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone do that? Brown eyebrows with blonde hair looks better, and more natural. Lightening eyebrows any way except with dye would just look retarded.

>> No.7043996


because anime characters just be like that, don't they? that's why it also looks better if you keep your brown hair when cosplaying a blue haired character, cuz no one IRL has blue hair naturally

>> No.7044025

Brown eyebrows with blonde hair is VERY different from brown eyebrows and blue hair.
Regardless, you shouldn't even match your eyebrows to your hair if it's a blue wig. Make it darker, or else you look fucking retarded.

>> No.7044097

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much in the way of female anatomy suits out there... Not only that, her coloration is pretty weird in places. If you can wrangle a friend in to airbrush/paint, it'd probably be your best bet.

>> No.7044099
File: 57 KB, 720x480, it can't be helped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the person who posted me on /a/ complaining about me not accepting that people didn't like my cosplay, I haven't actually posted in this thread beyond the original picture and the Un-Go reaction face. I just would like to make that clear. I cosplayed Christa because my friend is being Ymir and I thought it would be fun, that is really the thought process behind it. I don't really mind your insults because in the end I'm going to have fun cosplaying Christa with some friends. Infact to the person who is clearly butthurt over me cosplaying Christa you seem a little obsessed to bitch about me not only here but on /a/ too and a week after that I actually posted the picture. I'm sorry if she is your waifu and I am clearly not amazing 2D but maybe you need to just calm down a little.

>> No.7044114

saw this on tumblr: http://cricketeercosplay.tumblr.com/post/58450660943
i didnt check any of the suggestions so ill leave that up to you guys.

>> No.7044142

Damn, I figured as much. :<
Well at the very least I have a good face for Annie if I can't get my hands on airbrushing materials. I'm not quite sure how expensive that would get in comparison to how much I would end up using it.

>> No.7044186

Chill out butterface.

>> No.7044274

But it wasn't yet revealed in the anime that Ymir and Christa are lesbians.

>iblying grills read the monga
:D::D:D:D sburdo

>> No.7044305

Holy shyet, looks like the butthurt train arrived.

a) I know this might be a shock to you, but there is a possibility that all the responses to your pic mite not b the same person. Of course, it's hard to accept since *no one* could possibly say something negative about a *diva* like you.

b) You seem upset. Is this your first time on /cgl/? Selfpost are rarely uncriticized, especially when it's not a hot guy like OP.

c) I'm not the person who posted you on /a/. Actually it might not even have been anyone from /cgl/. What I did was post >>7040273 on /a/ because I thought it would be funny and it might have rustled some jimmies (I also included a backlink to it here). It is likely that some of them came into this thread and reposted some of the images here. The guy who posted >>7040909 on /a/ actually got banned, I think, because everyone thought he was underage.

d) Implying you're even gonna read any of this and not just get butthurt more. W/e it's good popcorn material, so keep the anal ravage flowing.

>> No.7044319

dont worry about the haters i think ur cute and i would deflower you:)

>> No.7044324

In a pinch you could go for one of the male anatomy suits and add some depth/detail to it. At least the basic lines would be there already and you wouldn't have to paint it head to toe.

You put way too much thought into that.

>> No.7044325

you're just a jealous fatty

>> No.7044332
File: 10 KB, 120x76, 1293031695308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7044347

Guy here, leave here alone or I will fuck you up.

>> No.7044357
File: 490 KB, 220x166, badass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shyeeeeeeet, 2scary3me.

>> No.7044371


>> No.7044374

b-but i only said she's cute and that i wanted to take her purity...


i.... will fight you for her!

*bites his finger*
*blood comes out*
*transforms into his titan form*
*grabs him by the neck*

>> No.7044377

what the fuck happened to this thread

>> No.7044389

Friendly reminder that I FUCKING called it first:

I hope you guys like being the new Hetalian Narutos that are stuck at home. The worst fandom on /cgl/ right now.

>> No.7044400
File: 628 KB, 491x814, Photo on 2013-08-13 at 8.23 #1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just try me, faggot.

This is what I look like.

(By the way do you guys think I would make a good Eren? He is the one who the blond hair girl likes in the anime, right?)

>> No.7044402

If you are there OP, please delete this thread.

>> No.7044405

why the gloom face?

>> No.7044408

at least they're not talking about the guy's penis anymore

>> No.7044412

Con lull. The only ones actually working on costumes at the moment are >>7043400 >>7042860 >>7042538

Everyone else is basically /a/.

>> No.7044414

>Everyone else is basically /a/.
Real /a/nons don't participate in cosplay, much less browse /cgl/. This kind of shit is the definition of casual anime fans and summer.

>> No.7044418

Yes, Annie is tsundere for Eren.

But if you were talking about this girl >>7030473 then that's Christa, she's either lesbian for Ymir (definitely works the other way) or straight for Reiner (who then again might be gay for Bertie). It's complicated.

Every SNK fangirl loves Levi though, so you should cosplay him. Just take of your shirt like >>7040176.

>> No.7044422

So, basically, Hong Kong is where all the real models/celebrities of cosplay earn their money?

>> No.7044431

Do you honestly think you're any better than these fags?

>> No.7044429

i swear to god i have never seen a thread as immature as this one. i thought the homestuck thread was bad. all this thread is are people calling one another faggots and retard and just bad insults. and what the fuck is this? >>7044374

>> No.7044479
File: 440 KB, 480x640, IMG_15082013_225317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I was worried about the boobs looking weird in that case is all. I am planning to do it next year so no worries. Any critique for my makeup test though? (my weak attempt at getting the thread back on topic.) I was considering using latex to the cheek holes and raising the puffy eyes but I'm not sure that would translate well.

>> No.7044483


>> No.7044488

why that completely out of character face

>> No.7044491

Tsk. You should be glad she isn't doing a duckface.

>> No.7044496

Like that one that's been floating around?

>> No.7044503

She's *yan*dere, not *tsun*dere.

>> No.7044558

With a bit of *kuu*dere too.

>> No.7044587

Oh, man, I love what you did with the neck.
I've seen better versions of the eyes and slits near the mouth, but that neck. Wow.
I think you should take a look at other people's makeup tests of her, though. I've seen quite a few. Get some ideas from others.

>> No.7044612

I've seen some but most of them were too, girly? Not gruesome enough but thank you

>> No.7044649

>doesn't even lift
>face looks like a 13 year old fatty
>back the fuck off???!?

>> No.7044652


Making /cgl/ more terrible by the thread.

>> No.7044654
File: 643 KB, 1669x2225, A4oQ8iU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7044668

holy fuck i think i know her
any names?

>> No.7044948

>I know her!!
. . .

>> No.7044951

Butterface is strong in this one too.

Must be a hard life to be born with a jaw like that.

>> No.7044963

Wat? Her jaw is fine? Vendetta?

>> No.7044983

Not that anon but I think they mean her jawbone/cheekbones are just really, really low.

>> No.7044994

I think she is incredibly adorable... I guess it's a taste thing.

>> No.7045064

What >>7044983 said. I don't actually have Nazi beauty standards but if there is one thing I can't stand it's the jaw mutants.

>> No.7045082

It's funny how the show is supposed to be in a Western setting (people have Germanic names and shit) but the characters still have the measurements of tiny ass Nippons.

Eren and Jean are complete DYEL tier (63 and 65 kg respectively).
Reiner is literally the only one who's ripped.
Mikasa is actually fatter than 80% of the other trainees (only Marco, Reiner and Bert have more weight).
#the more you know

>> No.7045083

Maybe it's because 100 years behind the wall has stunted their growth because of lack of resources?

>> No.7045084

Why are BR so big in comparison then? Do they get a pack of chocolate from their Uncle Monkey Trouble every month? I think people always grew bigger and bigger as history progressed.

>> No.7045092

Because target audience is japanese so they can relate better.

>> No.7045093

Yeah, but that's with technological advances. I guess they're just mutants, I dunno.

>> No.7045098

This is the best explanation actually.

>> No.7045104
File: 6 KB, 157x153, oh u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uncle Monkey Trouble

>> No.7045122
File: 83 KB, 1124x720, kirei anguish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7045126
File: 6 KB, 365x276, blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hello, I was just linked here from >>>/a/91617564 and I just want to say that I'm sorry people are hating on you and you're very cute a-a-and you're cosplaying my waifu so - p-please, will you be my g-girlfriend?!

>> No.7045128

go away, Reiner

>> No.7045129
File: 439 KB, 645x509, goddamnchairs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK YOU and stay out of /a/. You are a fucking eyesore.

>> No.7045132
File: 178 KB, 424x470, raging bert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reiner stop.

>> No.7045146
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, awww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as this guy:
Your cosplay looks really, really cute.

>> No.7045288
File: 166 KB, 493x740, ymir funny pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl gets the best cosplay.

Deal with it, losers.

>> No.7045336

>character has huge nose
>bitch about cosplayer with huge nose


>> No.7045375


>> No.7045408
File: 70 KB, 480x720, sasha eating bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the girl in pic! She's actually cosplaying Sasha. Pic related, that's another shot of the same session

>> No.7045420

Except she's not cosplaying Annie.

You were comically deceived.

>> No.7045433

It's a mixture of them all still being young and malnutrition that has stunted their growth(and in extreme cases like Sasha, lead to them being exceptionally thin).

>> No.7045440

The Church and possibly the King know what's up and consistently bitch about the Scouting Legion, so whatever BR's goal was, they might have been involved and gave them the resources they needed as soon as they managed to get in, while the others had little to no food and were at the edge of starvation.

>> No.7045507

I got my patches today
My first reaction was "what did I order from CO?"
My second reaction was "why is it in a Hello Kitty envelope?"

They will join the wall of patches, at least after I slap some velcro on it

>> No.7045816

it's funny because no one here understands the maymay

>> No.7045821

why would /a/ appreciate a 3D girl

>> No.7045935

ask these two creepers

>> No.7046147

I don't think anyone realizes that this was a joke? They didn't actually walk around like this, it was taken as a joke.

>> No.7046165


>> No.7046587

sorry you've had this horrible response. unfortunately snk threads aren't the best environment to post in. I hope you weren't too upset over this.