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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7004674 No.7004674 [Reply] [Original]

So, who else is going to this? Cosplay plans? Etc?

>> No.7005056

oh man a sabo thread

I'm looking forward to the loli tea party

My husband and I have a table

>> No.7005077

Not after the hotel had bed bugs in my room.

>> No.7005271

Sabo, like most AZ conventions fucking suck ass. The guys running it have no fucking clue how to fucking run a con. I mean they are acting like Evangelion is the epitome of popularity right now when it isn't even a blip on the radar of the weebs in our state.

Plus who the fuck wants to drive all the way out to glendale. There are plenty of hotels and expo centers that aren't in the middle of fucking nowhere.

>> No.7005571

I happen to live in Glendale, just a few minutes from the hotel, so it's absolutely no problem for me.
As for Evangelion, It got a recent major resurgence in popularity due to 3.33, but I can understand where you're coming from.

What is your guys' table name/what are you selling?

>> No.7005684

Ah, Saboten was my first con a couple years ago. Working on a Meguca this year. Like everyone else. But 4 months later. Oh well.
Unfortunately, I only go to Connichiwa and Saboten every year. I realized the comic and fandom scene weren't my thing after a day at PCC.
Are there any other nice cons around? Or maybe a little farther? I was thinking of AX next year, if I can get the cash together.
I know there's like Taiyou and other tiny shit, but I'm pretty sure those are Homestuck drama orgies.

>> No.7006032


I don't know why anyone short of local teenaged weebs go to AZ cons, they all suck. Hop over to SoCal.

>> No.7008715

I wish I could go to this, ;w; I may try.

>> No.7009758

>middle of nowhere

>> No.7009767

Not that anon from above, but it's not in the populated part of Glendale.

It's on the far side that's still like 20 minutes out from the part of it where people live.

The area isn't bad, but it's not centrally located for most of AZ and the shopping center nearby is on the pricier side.Or at least every store/restaurant I looked at was.

>> No.7009769

In AZ, there really isn't any.

Taiyou isn't awful, but it is pretty small. As for is Homestuck drama orgy, it usually seems to be a pretty chill con for everyone involved.
Though, I can't say I'm in the know as far as Homestuck drama goes.

>> No.7013713

Where are we meeting this time?

>> No.7013749

Going, excited for the lolita tea party. The people organizing it this year are very competent and know their shit, and I'm sure it'll be a good time. Also excited (for different reasons) for the trainwreck of a J-fash show. Haven't really looked at the other panels yet but I've got a full event pass so I'll figure it out as I go. I'd be down for a meetup.

>> No.7014937
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>> No.7014949

That's horrendous.
I was considering entering, but I'm not sure anymore.

>> No.7014985

can't handle competition nerd?
#get dunked on

>> No.7016980

>That's horrendous.
Maybe not by "Arizona standards." Even this picture gives them too much credit. It makes me sad to live in Arizona, honestly.

>> No.7017066

because it doesn't have a J-Fashion scene? lame

>> No.7017238

all this mad is fucking delicious.
Let me guess, at Connichiwa you were mad because Cowboy Bebop is old too.

>> No.7017255

Different person, but it's sort of understandable why they'd be irritated by the way the cons are being run in AZ.

The guy who runs Sabo, Connichiwa, Kikori Con, and I think it's Sabaku in New Mexico seems to be stretching himself a little thin.

I mean, he just seems sort of distracted trying to start stay on top of all of this, and I think the cons are really beginning to suffer from it.

Plus, while there's nothing wrong with liking the old stuff, he clearly doesn't have a very good understanding of what is super popular right now.
It's more like he just wants to get the guests he wants as opposed to the ones people actually want to see at a con over here.

It's still cool, but it feels like his personal interests are taking precedent over the interests of the attendees.

>> No.7017314

Well I can't think of anything "super popular" now that isn't absolute basic pleb shit (Naruto) or things the guy didn't know about when he booked these guests months ago. It's understandable that he got the Eva crew since the third movie will be starting to show here in the US... yesterday?
Sabo and Connichiwa are both anime/japanese culture conventions. The people they choose to get are to attract newcomers (who have money, aka older people) to go to the convention. All the teens and tweens are going to be at the convention anyway and they'll be having a blast just fucking around in gray paint, so why waste more time pleasing them instead of attracting more people?
Kikori seems less like his interests and more like taking cheap not-busy VAs who are at least somebody. I don't have a clue about who was at Sabaku or if anyone actually went to it

>> No.7020065 [DELETED] 

Pardon my language, but what fuckhead thought scheduling panels about the same shit at the same time was a good idea? The sabo programming will be straight up cannibalizing itself.

>> No.7020068
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Pardon my language, but what fuckhead thought scheduling panels about the same shit at the same time was a good idea? The sabo programming will be straight up cannibalizing itself.

>> No.7020667

The people running the programming at Sabo don't have a clue what they are doing.
If it's the same guy as last year, he's an okay dude, but he's just in waaaaay over his head.

But, with the director being who he is, he doesn't seem to think that there's a problem. So, Sabo will kinda just get a little worse each year without it really being noticed my the majority.

Just like the rest of Arizona's cons.

>> No.7021058

maybe they should just lose weight instead

>> No.7021098

I have a panel, so I will be there, but after seeing the line up of other panels, I was shocked and disappointed that really stupid things got in the line up when better panels, which I know some friends of mine submitted, got pushed by the wayside

>> No.7022356

naruto has been out and done for like 3-4 years where have you been

It's true I stopped submitting panels ages ago because zombie survival 101-505 and the same fucking panels like that at every con keep getting priority

like a couple years ago i tried submitting a para para dance tutorial panel, and it was beat out by steve nunez's panel where he ridicules it because he's a ~*~guest~*~

>> No.7022822
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i think you're just out of the loop there anon. attack on titan is popular as all hell and it's been airing since april.

on the subject of the rebuild movies, if that was really the case they would have gotten brianna palenicia too, because rei was the only major character who didn't reprise her role from eoe to rebuild. also wouldn't they use art from the third movie, or even 2.22 or 1.11 instead of the original series?

>> No.7023407

In the J-fashion show, kinda looking forward to it. Kinda..eh.
And going to check out AYS , only to support my friend in it. Other than that, I'm good..

>> No.7023411

You know I'm beginning to feel that the same designers do all the Az con shows right? I've only been in one other fashion show as a model..but I keep seeing the same designers, even beforehand

>> No.7023414

There are only like 4 or 5 actual designers that attend the shows. Sometimes you'll see some people doing a single outfit, and I think one year at PCC there was a group from a school, but otherwise it's usually the same few designers.

>> No.7023416

a whole lot of Lolita is what I see

>> No.7023426

Yeah. There's like two or three that basically just do some kinda sub par lolita inspired stuff.

It's kind of a mess. They keep trying to do stuff to bring in new people to participate, but it never seems to work. It's just stuff like contests or whatever, so it's not super surprising that it's not enough.

>> No.7023428

So Attack on Titan started airing in April and the main guests were confirmed in February. But I guess it is all their fault for not taking a blind guess months and months ago to make an Attack on Ti-con

>> No.7023432

I think maybe they were trying to give an example of what is big right now. There's been other stuff too that's been exploding on the night. I know Dangan Ronpa seemed to be gaining some decent popularity there, though admittedly with a somewhat younger audience.

The point being, is that even with the Rebuild movies, Eva isn't super popular. And, like the other anon mentioned, it's pretty clear they aren't doing Eva stuff with the new stuff in mind.

>> No.7023434

I know what they were doing. Titan is the series I had in mind when I posted "things the guy didn't know about"
So, would you say Attack on Titan is more popular than Eva?

>> No.7023440

Currently? Yeah, probably.
Overall, Eva probably had a bigger impact on anime as a whole. But, in recent years and even with the new movies, it seems to be less relevant.

>> No.7024631

cgl's,help me decide, do or don't with the jfashion show?

I have a classic MM coord but i hear the panel is gonna be a trainwreck

>> No.7024720


The panel is not associated with the show at all, the show itself is really fun though, so I would do it. I'll be doing dolly kei, the organizer is a really great person but I think upthread someone mentioned that the panels were all over the place

>> No.7024724

Didn't you say in the maid cafe thread that AYS was shit though?

>> No.7024829

Not the same anon actually, I was told Sabo cafes were more organized, so I'll be checking it out. Poor other anon might have had a rather bad experience though

>> No.7024859


I don't want to be that guy but your email is saved in the email field so we know what you post

>> No.7024926
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>> No.7024954
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Alright missjupitermoon@hotmail.com

>> No.7024967


congratulations on your 'it's my first day' award!

best laugh I've had all day so far

>> No.7024975

AYS is always shit, no matter what con.
Saboten cosplay cafes are okay.

>> No.7025231

Speaking of cosplay cafes? Is there any drama going on with the team kissu? They haven't done a cafe for a year.

>> No.7025414

from what I know its only Kara doing the café this year. Lacey and Shelia are not part of Kissu anymore...I don't think their is a Kissu anymore honestly.

>> No.7028366

So I skimmed the thread and there doesn't seem to be any talk about when everyone is going.
If you guys wouldn't mind posting then we could get a grasp on when we should meetup

>> No.7028567

Well, the last meetup was pretty pathetic. We didn't have a meetup for Taiyou or PCC either, so.

>> No.7028578

Sabo meets are the last thing we AZ folk have.
Plus there are no Taiyou meetups because no one wants people to know they actually went to taiyou con.

>> No.7028591

Taiyou is like stupid small still, but it has some promise at least. Assuming they can get smart and get out of that awful hotel.

I prefer it to Sabo at least. PCC has it sort of beat despite me not liking it a whole lot just due to size.

And, I think no one in AZ really cares enough to arrange a meetup anyway.

>> No.7028607

Con-nichiwa moved from a hotel to a convention center this year, iirc, so maybe Taiyou can follow in it's footsteps.
Taiyou is far better than con-nichiwa anyhow.
And I like all three of those better than PCC, tbh. There's nothing at PCC that interests me anymore, and nearly everyone I knew this year had left for Fanime.

>> No.7028610

Well, the people who run Taiyou are different from the people who run Con-Ni, Sabo, Kikori, and Sabaku.

So, assuming Taiyou can manage to find someplace else, I'm sure they will. It'd help a lot.

I guess I'm just used to hearing alot of shit from behind the scenes that makes me dislike Sabo and the related cons a bit more. PCC, while I'm not a fan, was apparently really good this last year, so I can't really say.

>> No.7028616

>taiyou far better than con-nichiwa

ahhahah. good to see humor in these threads.

Pixel has arranged meetups for almost every con in the past year or so. Whether or not she cares about them or if people show up is a whole different story

>> No.7028619

Wait, I have?
I ran the one last year for Saboten, and that was it.

>> No.7028622

I will go if work doesn't come first.

Thinking about entering the JFASHION show as decora.

>> No.7028624
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Ill be going.

>> No.7028627

I guess it was some other trip then.

>> No.7028641

It's really not saying much. Con-Nichiwa is like one of the worst cons ever. I really don't see what there is redeeming about it besides it maybe being really not stressful.

I mean, there was that one year that basically half the panelists didn't even show. It's bad.

>> No.7028651

connich and sabo always have panelist problems.
really the cons would be good if they just reworked the people who handle the internal stuff.

>> No.7028661

>Panelist problems
Not to defend them, but wouldn't that be a fault of the attendees that claim the panels, and not the staff? Unless they accept repeat offenders.

>> No.7028671

You'd think that right? That it's just that we have shit panelists, but it's not that.

After going to cons in this state for like 5 or 6 years now, a lot of the problems are with the staff.
Hell, the guy who does panels for Sabo now clearly has no idea what he's doing.

And, yeah, they do allow repeat offenders, as well as basically running the same panels at every con.

>> No.7028678

Good question! This may or may not be a surprise, but a majority of the people who make up the convention staff are all panelists. They make sure all of their panels and their friends' panels get chosen first and that they get the best slots, then they choose random "filler" programming that they couldn't care less about.

>> No.7028685

I wouldn't really know, since I really don't attend panels, pretty much ever. I did notice a lot of the same panels at practically every convention run by the team, though.
That's interesting to know, though. Thanks.

>> No.7028689

Some of them are popular or can be updated, so they get run again. But, there are a lot that are just repeats of the same stuff over and over.

>> No.7028712

Sooo... no meet up then? I've never been to Sabo or I'd suggest a time/spot, but I'd really love to make some new seagull buddies.

>> No.7028719 [DELETED] 

Well, if there is interest, and no one else is willing to, I'll arrange it, though as seen from last year, I'm not any good at it.
I'd probably choose a location inside the hotel this time, though.

>> No.7028723

Well, if there is interest for one, and no one else is willing to, I'll arrange it. Though, as seen from last year, I'm not any good at it.
I'd probably choose a location inside the hotel this time, though.

>> No.7028727

Meant to quote >>7028712
I need to get some sleep tonight.

>> No.7028740

I'll go ahead and add in my 2 cents.
I will be there all day Sunday and am willing to meet at the hotel, but it is pretty crowded every day but monday.

>> No.7028757

I'll be there all weekend and I don't think I have any plans for Sunday. None of the panels that day look interesting either so it'd be great to tool around with you guys for a bit. Not sure what I'll be wearing Sunday but I'll figure it out if we're gonna meet up.

>> No.7028764

So Sunday it is, then, for now. Do you guys have any preferred time of day? I'm still waiting for the guest panels to be announced, but I should be good to find someone to stand-in for me at any point during the day.

>> No.7028769

I hope you bring that cosplay. I saw you at PCC and I still regret not getting your picture.

>> No.7028779

My preferred time would be before 4. But since I'm only going for the guests I'll have to wait until their schedules are up to give a more accurate timeframe

>> No.7028783
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As for location, I think a pretty good place would be the Outdoor Courtyard, unless you guys think of somewhere that would be better. It's a very easy to find location, generally not (from what I remember, and when I hung out there) constantly filled with people, and had shade and misters, so it's not too hot.

Okay, I'll keep that in mind.
And yeah, so I guess we've just got to wait and see. The only guests I'm really interested in are Yuko Miyamura and Frances Delgado, though.

>> No.7030738

I thought the spot we met last time was fine

>> No.7030809

If you guys would think so, then that'd be fine.

>> No.7030834

Neverbeenanon again, where did you meet last time?

>> No.7030889
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Have you been to westgate before? we met here by the water fountains

>> No.7030892

We met up around the fountains in a shopping district within a short walking distance of the hotel, seen in the image >>7030834.