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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 91 KB, 640x513, kakapo-2301996a43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6988475 No.6988475 [Reply] [Original]

Three months to go.

>> No.6988499

Is that you Greg?

>> No.6988514

you shut your whore mouth

>> No.6988538

What are you guys planning for auckland?
Any progress so far?

>> No.6988543

Progress-wise, I just finished my first costume for the weekend. 2 more to make and one I'm buying (:

>> No.6988548

I've styled 1 of my wigs, just begun my other one that requires heavy styling.
Costume wise though I've hardly begun. Got my overload and 5 geddon costumes to make but I'm setting up a calendar leaving myself a realistic amount of time to do each costume. I should be good though, 3 months is about 11 weeks or so.

>> No.6988562

Wowsers, you're wearing 5 to auck?

>> No.6988570

Hopefully 7 if I can plan my doubling up right. 2 costumes are re-wears.

>> No.6989256

Sounds like more stress than it's worth.

>> No.6989985

Cosplay stress is most enjoyable. Not even kidding.

>> No.6990066

Started on two costumes, haven't got anything else planned at this stage, probably going to just end up rewearing other stuff instead of trying to come up with something new.

>> No.6990343

Spent hours on costume today, realised I never really got anywhere with it. Still have months to go it's sweet.

>> No.6990576

Did anyone go to the R18 cosplay ball?

>> No.6990690

making one, rewearing one and buying one. I feel a bit lazy but it's less stress and means I can really focus on my competition piece. Oh also need to make one for Overload. Who's going to that this year?

>> No.6990744

I've moved to Wellington for university and won't be able to go.
...Even after Wellygeddon got me all inspired to start cosplaying again. Sigh.

>> No.6990759

Whatcha studying?

>> No.6990761

eh. The subjects that are sure to give me a life of unemployment: Japanese and History.

Keeping on topic, what do people think will be the 'popular' characters this year?

>> No.6990762

Anything Shingeki

>> No.6990781

yeah SnK, Free!, Dangan Ronpa, Lightning, Homestuck as usual, LoL and maybe Kingdom Hearts. At least that's what I've seen people talking about a lot

>> No.6990783

SnK, SnK, Homestuck and SnK. I expect Dangan Ronpa and Free will be pretty big as well.

>> No.6990793

Speaking of Dangan Ronpa, is anyone cosplaying it to Auckland Armageddon? And if so, which day? I'm pretty new to the scene here and haven't really had the time to network with local cosplayers (you guys) yet.

Also, how would you describe the Armageddon cosplay competition here? I read through the rules and I think the structure sounds really good, but was wondering if anyone had particular opinions about it. (Sorry for being super new)

>> No.6990808

There'll definitely be some at geddon but from my twitter feed I've not picked up any one I know as definitely doing it there yet. I know there's a going to be at least a couple at Overload.

The competition is well structured in my opinion. Competition is really tough at the larger geddons, especially in solo open. Some seriously impressive stuff gets entered. Skits aren't all that common but most of them are pretty good.

Don't apologize for being new. We were all new once and everyone's super friendly so we're nothing to be scared of.

>> No.6990836

Urgh, that's not going to end well. Chubby teenage girls cosplaying ripped teenage boys...

>> No.6990847

As long as they do the school uniforms or the bar clothes from Splash Free it's fine. I guess that's what girls cosplaying from it will do anyway, there's not much else they can do.
It's not like the Free cast is any more ripped than SnK's anyway.

>> No.6990848

I might be cosplaying one of the DR2 characters to Auckgeddon, not sure which day though. What character were you planning on doing?

I'll be entering solo open this year. Even though I've won prizes before I can safely say I'm only entering for fun and not expecting to win anything, the competition is intense.

Speaking of, anyone looking forward to particular entries? I'm not sure what people are entering outside of my friend group

>> No.6990859

>or the bar clothes from Splash Free
You mean the gay S&M nightclub under the Taj Mahal pool clothes? I guess that'd be fine.

I'm worried about seeing lots of open jackets and boob tape though. I've seen enough of it from Japanese cosplayers.

>> No.6990871

Boob tape? Do you mean that open shirt thing PI and Tails have done?

>> No.6990880

I guess so? All I know is I've seen quite a few Free! cosplayers who were obviously female with either an open shirt or no shirt (usually in the water). I assumed boob tape was involved.

>> No.6990909

I've never really seen people do it here so I'm crossing my fingers we're safe from it happening.

>> No.6991899

Yup (: me and my friend are both doing the two version of junko together and I hear there's gonna be quite a few other.

>> No.6992715

You could always start a thread on cnz to gauge interest/find out what other people are doing. Assuming there isn't one there already.

>> No.6992885

>THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE is why I don’t trust White People. At any goddamn second one of you could pop right up out of nowhere with some nonsense like this, and I can’t tell which of you think like this and which of you aren’t complete wastes of jizz.

>So don’t be mad at me if I side-eye you a little at first.

I thought you were against people being racist?

>> No.6992971

Aye. What's this about?

>> No.6992986
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>> No.6992987

Is anyone here a fan or at least familiar with Yuru Yuri? It's the cutest god damn thing but the uniform would probably look ridiculous on tall people which sucks for me...

>> No.6993000

I'm not familiar with it as far as having watched it but I know the uniforms you're talking about and they are adorable. I can't help but think they'd be unflattering on any body type in real life if gotten even slightly wrong (and looking at cosplays I seem to be right on that).

>> No.6993028

Really not understanding why you care.

>> No.6993082

Because its hypocritical. Replace white with black and everyone would be grabbing their pitchforks.

>> No.6993097

What does this have to do with cosplay?

>> No.6993116


Lu Xun and Zhong Hui from Dynasty Warriors 8, as well as maybe Kingdom Hearts 2 Sora. Been putting it off for a long time. Gotta really crack down soon.

>> No.6993868


Oh my god, seriously? Get out. Your asks were racist as hell- you went into it framing Maori people as: dumb, violent and ungrateful. PS: the people of the Chatam Islands are MAORI you idiot. They're a tribe that moved over there like seven hundred years ago from the South Island. They are not a separate race.

Hah, I knew you were a CNZer. You are pathetic C:

If you have issues with this, feel free to come talk to me next Armageddon (it's Kendra, btw, not Pookie, and if any one tries to hate-stalk Pookie irl I will be super mad and so will a lot of other people), you might actually learn something.

>> No.6993873

I haven't even started oh my god, i only ordered one of my wigs last night. I'm planning, (Key word, planning) Poison Ivy and Kasumi Goto.
Adara Butt wants to cosplay Lili From Tekken.

>> No.6993877

I went for the like button. Presses imaginary like button.

>> No.6993885

I'm just sitting here, looking at all the work I have left to do on my cosplay and crying silently.

>> No.6993892

I have one costume pretty much done for Geddon and thinking I'll re-wear one and just make another simple one. I don't have time/money for comp this year which sucks because I was really looking forward to it.

>> No.6993931

Currently staring at the fabric I have for my comp cosplay.
Yeah no I'm not happy with the weight of it. I can afford new fabric but I can't justify the expenditure.
Also first time working on a prop. Eh.

>> No.6994038

... Pookie doesn't cosplay??? Why is that even here?

>> No.6994045

Who is Pookie? Pix.

>> No.6994136

No pix but they're this really rude person who is always saying one thing or another to start drama, essentially.
They don't cosplay though so I don't know why they're relevant.

>> No.6994154

uh. That's legitimately their viewpoint ... It's not to start drama?

>> No.6994167


>> No.6994171

Not the same person and I always get the same feeling from any comments made. Screams DRAMA. Doesn't mean that's the intent but that's the way it comes across.

>> No.6994175

Oh no, I mean they've caused shit in the past by offending people rather than just saying their viewpoint.

Thread needs more cosplay.

>> No.6994183

I've seen them intentionally called people ugly before and not in a joking way because they want to start drama. I don't like their attitude in the slightest.

>> No.6994292

yo guys what the fuck does this have to do with cosplay? any excuse to bitch, honestly....

as for cosplay i haven't even STARTED because uni's just dumped so much work onto me and gone "ha you other hobbies? NOT ANYMORE"

>> No.6994298

Everyone is getting so much better at sewing. ka pai (:

>> No.6994300

yeah this is me too... as soon as uni started it's like all my WIPs are gathering dust in a corner of my room :s sucks because i have yet to start my overload stuff either

>> No.6994314


>> No.6994315

Okay, seriously, where is all this drama about Pookie coming from? Sure, they're not a ~perfect little angel~, but I've never seen them be intentionally rude to someone who wasn't being an ass in the first place. If you find them so offensive, maybe you should take a look at yourself and think about what you've done to piss them off?

Also, pics of pretty cosplayers, plz

>> No.6994525

Did anyone see Casey in Lolita on her tumblr? Not sure if I like it.

>> No.6994552

That's not really racism, that's just being rude. You can't actually be racist to white people, sorry.

>> No.6994554

Is this the same drama monger? Get over yourself please.

>> No.6994556

Go back to tumblr. And then kill yourself.

>> No.6994575

Oh god, don't bring me into this.

>> No.6994590

Why do you have to like it?

>> No.6994616

they're so fucking thirsty though

someone please nourish them

>> No.6994638

This is actually getting pretty sick.

But don't worry, you still look edgy. Pushing the boundaries and all that.

>> No.6994740

Can we bitch about Kyle instead? At least everyone agrees on that.

>> No.6994771

I heard his iron man suit is an original take on it as if Loki had one. AND he still wants to enter it in comp and he's pissed that you can't do that.

>> No.6994945
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>> No.6994990

I thought her coord was really nice?? Especially for a first attempt, far better than some of the other stuff I see around.

>> No.6995042

I will never get over his 'assassin's creed' photos where he's just perching on some ledge in a hoodie?

>> No.6995092
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>> No.6995098

Thats it, no more pics, nothing can top this

>> No.6995111
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>> No.6995114

He is such a special snowflake

>> No.6995115


>> No.6995119



>> No.6995129

Very excited to see the Dangan Ronpa cosplays! I really enjoy the series and would cosplay from it myself, but school is the only thing that matters to me right now.

Also looking forward to the makeup * v *

>> No.6995128

i like how the green of the eyes match the green on her costume

>> No.6995145

I really want to finish my cosplay for this years geddon, but I'm so busy I dunno if I will. Hardly started either. THIS WEEKEND FOR SURE.

>> No.6995155

Post photos buttholes. I want to see your pretty faces in costume.

>> No.6995160

What's that Pip you want us to post photos of you?

>> No.6995161

Hear hear!

>> No.6995162

NO DON'T (I haven't even worn cosplay since last year???)

>> No.6995163

Not entirely sure what my Auckland plans are, I have an outfit I need to finish that I wanted to do for Welly... but outside of that, it's all sort of uni-workload-dependent.

Right now, if I do make a new outfit, it's looking like it'll probably be something from Metal Gear, though.

>> No.6995164

Metal. Gear.

My favourite game series and the least appropriate for my 5'1" butt to cosplay :(

>> No.6995165

Booo cosplay more come to auck/welly (you're cool)

>> No.6995170

Too broke, too much IB work, too much lack of skill/taste. One day!

>> No.6995198

Currently plotting to get a desk in my room at my flat so I can sew some stuff - otherwise I'll never get anything done for Auckgeddon. Assuming desk plans come to fruition, I'm gunna make me a 'Mobile Costume Repair Unit' costume/outfit, complete with kickass toolbelt.

I really want a more snappy name for it (gunna embroider it on the back), but I'm coming up short on ideas! Anyone got any? I'm thinking something snappy but it still needs to have a clear 'HEY I HAVE A HOT GLUE GUN/SUPER GLUE/DUCT TAPE/HAIR SPRAY AND I CAN HELP YOU' meaning behind it... Tricky!

>> No.6995205

you're gonna be so awesome

>> No.6995213

To keep this going, what does everyone think of the newer members on the CNZ website? I know there was a bit of discussion on Twitter re. the meet up that Kuro & Shiro organised in Christchurch, especially since Highlander intended to go.

>> No.6995220

I'm looking forward to trying gyaru make up for Junko, it'll probably take me a few tries to get it right though.

Could we plan meet ups for the big series or is geddon too small for that?

>> No.6995226

Ahh, that sounds awesome! There are a ton of Japanese magazine scans online (e.g. POPTEEN) which have makeup tutorials for gyaru style looks! Not too mention Youtube is nearly drowning in makeup videos.

I wish I could join you guys for the meet up, but as previously said - Too broke, and too busy :( You're going to look gorgeous though!

>> No.6995231
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Photos you say?

>> No.6995232
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>> No.6995234
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>> No.6995236
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>> No.6995238
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>> No.6995239

Yusss, we need this! Especially for people that enter comp, I totally space out on the day when it comes to repair stuff. And I know others do too! Stress, mang.

No ideas for the name, but yay!

>> No.6995240
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>> No.6995241
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>> No.6995242
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>> No.6995243
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>> No.6995244
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>> No.6995245
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>> No.6995247
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>> No.6995248
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>> No.6995254
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>> No.6995256
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>> No.6995269
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>> No.6995291

3 titan cosplays in this thread and the nz community has barely started with it. We'll all be sick to death with cosplay from it by time geddon is over.

>> No.6995294

>3 titan cosplays already
Do you really think that's a whole lot, even by New Zealand standards? Have you been living under a rock? Sure, there's a pretty sizeable group for Auckgeddon but it's not like the number of people is overwhelming.

>> No.6995303


>> No.6995308

How about you go fart on your own face and get over it people can cosplay whatever they damn well please

>> No.6995346

I'm a New Zealander that's stuck living in Australia. I'm from Te Awamutu. Next time I visit home I want to meet some local lolitas and go to a con. By the looks of things you guys are so much nicer than Australia.

>> No.6995349
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>> No.6995939

Oh cool who took this? Thanks!

>> No.6995988


>> No.6996718

fuck you OP i have so much chainmail to make. and to top it all off i STILL have NO IDEA WHAT TO WEAR

>> No.6996944

is that a candle on her head? she is so cute

>> No.6997049

Thank you I now have the uncontrollable giggles

>> No.6997077

you're very welcome anon

>> No.6997788

I fucking love keas. Cheeky little shits!

>> No.6997898

What are people looking forward to at Auck?

>> No.6997982

Motherfucking Evanna Lynch. Also seeing you all, of course.

>> No.6998108

What kind of foundation do you guys use? I need to get a new one for everyday wear/cosplay but am having trouble deciding what kind I want. I mean liquid/powder/cream etc. not brand.

>> No.6998143

Liquid and powder for cosplay. Liquid foundation first before I go ahead with everything else and then powder over the top.

>> No.6998744

Revlon photo ready, I don't use power too much because I am old and it catches in skin creases.

>> No.6999386

Are there any shops in nz that sell spirit gum and remover?

>> No.6999938


Minifies and BodyFX do. Not sure if BodyFX have an online store but Minifies does. You can also use Isopropyl Alcohol which you can buy from a pharmacy.

>> No.7000070

Gordon harris for snazaroo spirit gum, but its a bit average.

>> No.7000113

If you're in Wellington the pharmacy at the corner of Manners (in the building with Shoe Connection an Rebel Sports etc) stocks some minifies stuff, and they also have 10% student discount I think.

>> No.7000186

Herf derf I meant you can use Isopro as a remover.

>leaving out half the sentence because you're half awake

>> No.7000348

Oops didn't read not brand, I use liquid and a brush to apply

>> No.7000367
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Hey guys, it's Anita and while this is up I thought I might as well take the chance and ask for a bit of a critique on my photography.
Everyone's pretty open on here so just go forth and rip through me, anything you guys don't like or think I should change, cause I really want to get better.

>> No.7000386
File: 67 KB, 640x960, 969617_369457473155596_1893902450_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've definitely been getting better! I like seeing your shoots (come to welly weh). I feel like this particular photo could have had more light reflected onto Tash?

Also this is probably just personal preference but I quite like in shots like this where the item out front it the part in focus. Idk maybe that looks tacky when actually done (i'm sorry i'm bad at critiquing I'M TRYING SOB)

>> No.7000420
File: 74 KB, 960x634, 945399_380256758742334_1889083700_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no expert photographer, but looking through some of the photos on C-01 page on facebook the one thing that stands out to me is the spacing between the cosplayer and background. If you're shooting in a large, open environment like cityscape or forest, be mindful of how much of a shot is taken up by the background. If you want to have a lot of the environment in the shot, try placing the cosplayer in or near a distinctive point, or in lighting that makes them stand out, otherwise the setting can be disctracting in a bad way.

Personally I would have liked to see more of the costume, or had this shot at an angle that shows the other gun and the pose better, but there might be other photos that do that better that I haven't seen.

Otherwise, I really enjoy seeing your photography! Dumping some of the pics I really liked, I hope you don't mind.

>> No.7000422
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>> No.7000426
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>> No.7000429
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>> No.7000430
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>> No.7000431
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>> No.7000439

I'm happy to hear any and all responses, so thank you! And I do want to head down to Welly some time to do some shoots, so we'll see

Ah, good point. I really do need to focus more on the models and costumes themselves, thank you! (and I don't mind them being posted, sorry to the models hope you guys don't mind)

>> No.7000640

I made a thread on cnz people should reply (I wanna talk cosplay with cool people)

>> No.7000776

So this Auckgeddon will be the last time the Poples compete! Not the last time they cosplay of course, which is good to hear. I bet they'll be going hard out with their Trinity Blood costumes; gonna have to make sure my cosplay is made extra well this year, last chance to try and beat them :P

>> No.7000836

you're not going to beat them, Michaela loves them

>> No.7000864

Because they're really good. It's not like they always win, anyway.

>> No.7000975

What groups are being done at Auckalnd?

>> No.7000987

You mean other than SnK? Not really sure tbh, DR, and there seem to be quite a few people planning on cosplaying from Madoka.

>> No.7000991

There's Magi as well.

>> No.7000992

Any particular cosplays you guys are looking forward to seeing?

>> No.7000996


Western cartoon and comic book characters. Two years ago there were a few Kim Possible character cosplays, as well as Anastasia at Auckgeddon. I love seeing them.

>> No.7002930


>> No.7002943



>> No.7002945

Nothing in particular that I can think of but I am really really looking forward to the competition and seeing everyones entries.

>> No.7002988

tash and anita's hero suits. whatever static/mischa/PI do. seeing the poples last entry (out with a bang?) cathryn as daenerys. I have no idea what anyone is doing really...

>> No.7002989

wow you really contributed to this thread

>> No.7003020

cafryn but no annie? i'm freakin keen to see her cersei!! she's gonna get her bitchface on. GO MY GIRLS

>> No.7003098

Seconding Tash/Anita Hero Suits, keen to see how they end up looking.

>> No.7003144

sorry I forget people's plans. Excited for hers too! Gah what are people doing? post your plans more people!

>> No.7003145

Madoka and Kobato! Other than that I have no idea.

>> No.7003178 [DELETED] 

Kent, Alibaba, Hanji, Jolyne and Mariandale. Double costumes on one day (at least). Planning/deciding things is hard.
I feel flattered but don't look forward to my costumes.

>> No.7003181

Kent, Alibaba, Hanji, Jolyne and Mariandale. Double costumes on one day (at least). Planning/deciding things is hard.

>> No.7003187

Fucking embroidering, lolololololol

>> No.7004366

bitter laughing over embroidering seconded

>> No.7004542

liara! (maybe) and a star wars character or two maybe ;D (wow could it BE any more obvious who i am)

>> No.7004724

where you think you're going pretty fast and finish a bit and it's like 4 hours later.

>> No.7005108

who r u idk lol

>> No.7005115

Princess bubblegum, Toshino kyouko, and Jak/Dark Jak from Jak 2 (all my sewing is so terrible dont look too close) :'D

>> No.7005284

I wish people would stop complaining about losing followers all the time.

>> No.7005291

you're so obvious it hurts

>> No.7005292

any reason to bitch!

>> No.7005299

are you the same person as last time? Fuck you're a creep

>> No.7005326

Hey, hey guy
Shut up

>> No.7005333

Oh man, excited to see a Jak 2 cosplay! One of my all-time favourite games. I have part of an Erol cosplay lying around, actually... I should try finishing it sometime.

>> No.7005348

I'll be excited to see my own cosplay because it means I would have actually gotten off my arse and sewn something

>> No.7006063

I still haven't gotten off my butt to buy fabric, or lose weight. I'm screwed. xD

>> No.7006407

it's a kakapo, lol, but close!

>> No.7006437
File: 183 KB, 664x441, tumblr_mqdytbfr6E1rowdixo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Static here! I think your photos are great - contrary to whoever said you need to focus on the model/costume more, I think you have a really good balance already. Your sets have a nice variation in close-ups and wider shots, and overall you're pretty technically proficient.

It sort of depends on what you're aiming for? Getting a few costume-centric shots is a good idea, for your model's benefit if nothing else, but it's really nice seeing you come out with new stuff. One critique on your shoot with Shinrii's Haydee - lighting has SUPER potential! Coloured lght is so much fun to play with! Only thing with that one is that the background was pretty boring, but that's pretty minor.

NOW DO ME, DAMMIT. >:( (not just you, everyone :9 Photo from tumblr because I'm at work)

>> No.7006670

Ahhhhh Thank you so much! It really means a lot coming from you, I was actually thinking about sending you pm for a critique because you have all the amazing skill and experience on this field.

I definitely want to play with the coloured lighting more later on (it was just a $15 light from the hardware store with tinted perplex panels haha) butyeah, I'll aim for a better location next time, thank you!

I can't say much about your work cause I've loved it to bits since I joined the community. But to me your shots have seemed more cinematic lately and I think that's awesome!

>> No.7007092

I love that you said 'cinematic' because that's what I aim for but I worry it just looks a bit boring! Thanks babe :)

However - if anyone has any critique, or anything in particular they DON'T like about my style, I would really like to hear it.

>> No.7007276

The only thing I haven't liked from your work is that the photos seem a little out of focus? Like the cosplayers are a bit blurry and should be more sharp and stuff like that. I got photos from you a while ago and thought they were perfect other than that. I don't know a lot about photography so I'm going to call it blurriness or low res?

>> No.7007295

Whoops! Yeah, that could well be a focus issue - I did have a few issues with that with one of my old lenses, but I didn't think I'd let any through recently! The jpgs I release myself are good quality, but look at the logo if you're not sure. If that's fuzzy, then it's an image quality thing, if it's sharp, then it's a focus thing.

>> No.7007329

The other thing you can do is get me to check and give you a concrete answer - let me know which shoot it was (message me at littlenoisephotography on tumblr if you don't want to post it here) and I can take a look :)

>> No.7008522


>> No.7010296
File: 154 KB, 882x664, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really like how your lighting has been turning out. Especially in these two photos, I just love how soft it looks.

>> No.7010324

I love your new logo, it's so professional looking.

Does anyone have photos of some of the newer kiwi cosplayers? I see so many new faces at Armageddon but never have a camera on me

>> No.7011485

WHO HAS PROGRESS PHOTOS. I ordered fabric last week and have a mock-up ready to go once it arrives. Who else is well underway?

ALSO. Cosplay room! Who's excited? Who's doing stuff for it?

>> No.7011504

You definitely have a lot of skill and know all the 'rules' and what-dos for photography well but I feel like that's what is limiting the potential in your shots. Maybe getting more wreckless when doing shoots could change things up and not being afraid to be overly dynamic. You're an awesome photographer already but that's just my 2 cents on what you could do

>> No.7011545

Thank you! What do you mean by 'more dynamic' - more movement, more energy?

>> No.7011580
File: 146 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mhjefhCCaK1rowdixo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been getting more movement in your recent shoots and you're good with portraying ambiance, so it's more on extreme angles in shots?
Like this one, it's different from the others, it doesn't show the costume very well but the shot itself is a lot more dramatic and interesting.

>> No.7011631

Awesome - thanks :) Yeah, that one came out really beautifully, I love it. Thank you so much for the feedback!

>> No.7013210


>> No.7013372

Apparently Overload is having a cosplay competition this year, details yet to be announced. Anyone have expectations or inside info?

>> No.7013545

Huh where'd you hear that? Wonder how the artists going will take that, I heard a lot were disappointed when they had that cosplay judge, that the focus was being shifted from the art?

>> No.7013555

It's under 'Events' on the Overload website. I'm also wondering how artists will respond- I know that in past years there were crowding/loitering issues with cosplayers but that might not be a problem with the new venue.

>> No.7013900

oh Rachel haha

>> No.7013915


>> No.7013924

she always types haha so you know it's her on cgl

>> No.7013929 [DELETED] 

The only people that have said haha in this thread are you and Anita?

>> No.7013935

wow. Please go sit in the corner and think about how boring you are for pointing out such drivel.

>> No.7014113


>> No.7014157

Can I just saw how damned exciting the line up for Aucks is this year?? First time I've considered actually buying one of the super passes..
Flipped my shit about Claudia Black. Oh god yes.

>> No.7014194

i want to marry that lineup it's so good

>> No.7014323

This is a cute parrot. I've been thinking about getting a pet parrot for a while and I want one of these. Does anyone know what the species is?

>> No.7014336

I am genuinely amused that someone would think I started this thread. As if I ever go to cgl unless I'm tipped off about an NZ thread. Who the hell do you think I am?

>> No.7014343

Unsure if troll. It is a Kakapo - NZ native, critically endangered, probably illegal to keep as a pet.

>> No.7014864

Anita and Shannon are so cute.

>> No.7014957

99% sure they were a troll. If they knew it was a parrot then they must have realized it was the Kakapo (who else would realize that's a parrot? NZ parrots have quite a distinctive look. I could understand mistaking a Kea as a parrot in the pet trade, but a Kakapo looks so different imo)

If not a troll, holy shit anon don't get a bird. Please...birds require a lot of research. It is so irresponsible when people get birds and don't know what they're in for.

>> No.7014986

Not everyone in NZ threads is from NZ.
But yeah, don't get a bird without researching first anon. Especially parrots, they live for a super long time.

>> No.7014990

I'm an American (I'm the anon you replied to). But you're right, it isn't an everyday thing, and I only know because I have/love parrots. I guess my point was, if they recognized it as a parrot I assumed they were trolling which is probably silly of me to assume.

>> No.7015522


>> No.7015726

What happened with Alex and Saf?

>> No.7015728

nothing dramatic

>> No.7015737

That's good I guess.

>> No.7015753

This makes me sad.

>> No.7015906

nah long distance would have been bullshit anyway

>> No.7015910 [DELETED] 

Yeah :(

>> No.7015913

They'd done it before though hadn't they?

>> No.7015946

why don't you ask them? Don't you think asking on cgl about their relationship is rude? Have some respect.

>> No.7015947

How is it bullshit?

>> No.7015991

eeeeyyyy fuckers if it ain't your business how about u shut your mouth (not aimed at yall bein sweeties!) but cmon, respect privacy for one day in your life

>> No.7016587

here here

>> No.7016720

Oh god I have no motivation to sew but leaving it last minute is always bullshit.

We should start tinychat times or something.

>> No.7016735

I agreee with this a million times.

>> No.7016891

I can't sew til i have fabric and i cant get fabric til work pays me, AND get rid of ALL this bloody cat fur that my cat has just shed EVERYWHERE /sob

>> No.7017119

so mad that i missed spotlight sale :(

>> No.7017185

I feel so sorry for you, getting 5 costumes of fabric for $150 made my week.

>> No.7017338

Cheap! Wish I knew about the sale.

>> No.7017428

Fabric Warehouse are still having a sale, same with the fabric store (previously Global)...if you're in welly that is.

>> No.7017466

Nice big hot glue burns mm yeah feels like cosplay progress

>> No.7017533

I'm going to try and have tinychats in the evenings to motivate me to sew! Started one now at the usual url (:

>> No.7018263

Why do so many people seem to have a problem with Greg? He seems like a pretty nice guy.

>> No.7018274

People have issues with Greg?

>> No.7018303

I always hear that people dislike him.

>> No.7018318

He's actually a cunt and treats people like shit.

>> No.7018346

um no? He's not and he doesn't?

>> No.7018500

Not previous anon, but he called me ugly once out of the blue. Unprovoked. Can't say I'm a fan.

>> No.7018553

Oh my god, can you guys fuckin' not? Keep the gossip to people who actually fucking cosplay

>> No.7018877

dang stop bein such babies about everything dear god let's talk about real cosplay HUH keep your bitchin to yourself

anyways what's one material you guys really WANT to use but don't have an excuse to/don't feel ready to? if yall have one
like for me DANG i'd love to use scalemale or w/e it's called for something but i have literally nothing i want to do that involves it )':

>> No.7018898

TULLE. Maybe i should cosplay a fairy

>> No.7018908

I have never made a costume for myself that involved the colour pink. One day imma do a big poofy pink dress and frighten everyone.

>> No.7018919

TULLE IS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE THINGS TO USE if you give me a lot of tulle i'll just roll around in it

>> No.7018927


>> No.7018932

hahaha yesssss

>> No.7018935

I've always wanted to try and use really terrible fabrics like crushed velvet and dance satin and find a way to make them look good. Probably impossible, but it'd be really funny.

>> No.7019264

Activator hologram lycra. One day peacock king Sugata, one day.

>> No.7019348

>crushed velvet
Is that you, Shannon? -.- I FORBID YOU :P

>> No.7019352

Pleather, suede, someone on /cgl/ in another thread said they saw Belle's yellow dress having the bodice made out of velvet and now I think that'd look really cool. I also want to use worbla/wonderflex/fosshape sometime.

>> No.7019388

Silk. I've actually got purple silk chiffon, cream silk dupion and red silk dupion in my fabric boxes but I can't bring myself to use it because 1) I don't make fancy/dressy outfits that'd suit it and 2) I feel like the moment I cut any of it, I'll stuff up and send $60+ of fabric down the drain.

Then again, I did fine with leather (which is even more expensive) so maybe I'll take the dive sometime soon...

>> No.7019407

There are only 124 Kakapo alive today?

On the subject of cosplay ew progress

>> No.7019432

holy shit I knew they were endangered but jesus

>> No.7019438


>> No.7019472

Bunch of my stuff arrived in the maillllll yay. Soon as I am not disgustingly sick, I'm going to sew the shit out of this dress

>> No.7019477

Have I been spotted, oops. BUT IT COULD BE SO MUCH FUN

>> No.7019491

Why are you suddenly pointing me out? I'm confused? I didn't even know this thread was a thing until Becky mentioned it on Twitter a few mins ago. There are HEAPS of people who type haha, so it's not just me?

As for cosplay ... I'm so lazy. I have ideas of what I'm going to cosplay, HELLO SNK. I decided I'm going to cosplay from it relatively soon so that I've cosplayed it before I've got sick of seeing cosplays, haha (oh, whoops, it is obvious it's me)

>> No.7019500


>> No.7019505

Wait. Is other Shannon the one who is DTF for crushed velvet? I thought it was Rowan bitching me out cause I ALWAYS WANT TO BUY IT AND MAKE SOMETHING GLORIOUS/HIDEOUS/HILARIOUS. Come be with me lovely. Let us make the things.

>> No.7019509

Yes, this is other Shannon! I am totally down for crushed velvet. We should start a crushed velvet revolution and make all the things. IT'LL BE GLORIOUS OR HIDEOUSLY FUNNY AND TOTALLY WORTH IT EITHER WAY.

>> No.7019518

No it was me bitching you out, I was joking, I didn't realise it was actually A Shannon saying that ahahaha

Also I disapprove of both of your life choices (I know I can't really say much when it comes to fabric choice though whoops)

>> No.7019519

it's like witnessing some kinda velvet love story come true before our very eyes

>> No.7019558

I hope our relationship moves to the next level.

>> No.7019615

We should have a matching school uniform group ... made of crushed velvet

>> No.7019614

PI do it please PLEASE i have been waiting for you to make this for years.

>> No.7019708

But then I'll have to throw myself off of a cliff, IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?

>> No.7021211


>> No.7021240
File: 398 KB, 300x169, AHHHHHH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7021381


>> No.7021426

seems like a lot

>> No.7021462

I haven't done a THING yet *SOB*

>> No.7021742

Thank god I'm making progress! Currently making a bulletproof vest. My choice of costumes is strange. Hoping to have it done by the end of the month and my comp one made next month ...hopefully.

>> No.7021744

It's plenty of time!! But then I have five days off a week, so I'm set.

>> No.7022254

Five days?

>> No.7023052

Gross sobbing

>> No.7023386


>> No.7023886

Yes five days? I just finished my full time course so now I just work part time.

>> No.7024538

With five days a week to work on costume stuff, if you're not finished everything by the end of the month YOU LOSE

>> No.7024875

where do you guys get worbla?

>> No.7025191

NO. Go back to Facebook/Google 'New Zealand worbla'

>> No.7025722

(I missed out the part where I'm starting full time work in September). I'm also doing extra shifts. So really I only have two weeks of five days off, so I'm definitely going to try and make the most of it.

>> No.7025724

A simple visit to CNZ's market place will give you the answer.

>> No.7025729

Not the person asking the question, but I was curious what google would tell me and wow ... people really do need to google before asking. First link was the shop that is advertised on CNZ than I bought from.

>> No.7026838

That's why I get so fucked off with people in the facebook group. There are good questions there too, though - sorry to bring you onto cgl again Casey but your taobao wig question was actually a pretty good example of something google can't always tell you, and what you need to ask of an actual person with experience.

AND LOL. The guy with the bear suit wanting to set himself on fire! Darwin award in 3, 2, 1...

>> No.7027037

It's okay. I still feel bad for asking a 'where to buy wig' question but damn it's hard to find a green base and ponytail combo..

>> No.7027191

You already looked though, so GOOD ON YOU.

>> No.7027205

Why on earth would anyone think setting themselves on fire during a large, people-filled event would be a-ok?

>> No.7027299

Not much but still progress.

>> No.7027334


>> No.7027336

Good work anon!
I made some progress too just now for the first time since April. Feels good!

>> No.7028528

I TOO HAVE MADE... SOME FORM OF PROGRESS. PURCHASES etc. But I may end up dropping to one costume because lazy

>> No.7029244

Hours and hours of worked just scrapped like that! All part of the process...kind of.

>> No.7029262

I feel you man. I've been trying to style my wig for hours and nothing is staying. Learn from mistakes?

>> No.7029278

Oh my god guys, if there's one thing I can't fucking do it's styling wigs.

>> No.7029810

Same here. It makes sense since I can't style actual hair either... but I SWEAR I follow the tutorials perfectly - STEP BY STEP, DAY BY DAY - but it still always ends up looking like a birdsnest.

>> No.7029890

That's the only thing I feel really confident about. It's good if you've got some wigs you have no use for to have a play with and find out what works and what doesn't. Heat really is your best friend with them.

>> No.7033163


>> No.7037255

hey guys there are only x weeks left until geddon, where x isn't enough weeks.

>> No.7037276

Na there are more than enough weeks. Plenty of weeks. More weens than we can handle.

>> No.7037687

i blame telivision.


>> No.7040081
File: 107 KB, 500x200, boopbooop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you guys working on for Auck?

>> No.7040244
File: 131 KB, 1280x800, commandant-steele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Commandant Steele, from Borderlands.

>> No.7040308
File: 90 KB, 250x329, 250px-Das_Fantzipantzen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fantzipantzen Medic, for now, but might do one other depending on when I finish this guy.

>> No.7041171

Haha! Me and a friend are doing TF2 ladies, and she's doing the medic. We should hang out!

>> No.7042466
File: 533 KB, 770x382, Plans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey gurl.
These, but I'm only going on sat, sun, mon so I might leave one at home. I've made Junko and Rebecca, bought rise (she just needs her thermal top) and Kyoko is ...getting there.

>> No.7042498

Do you know what day you guys're doing them? I haven't decided when to wear Medic yet so I'd be happy to wear it same day as whenever you're doing TF2 stuff.

>> No.7042727

I need serious motivation to work on cosplay, so if anyone wants to tinychat while sewing I'm hanging out at the usual URL.

>> No.7042835
File: 727 KB, 1024x768, Jace,_The_Mind_Sculptor_Wallpaper__yvt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not working on this per se, but whatever :D

>> No.7043769

it's SATURDAYYY WOOO who else is gonna get a shitload of cosplay progress done today? I KNOW I AM. Challenge - post your progress throughout the day to prove you're doing something productive and not being lazy!

>> No.7043805

Oh hell yeah. I'm going to see if I can get Madoka's petticoat finished today (: though that might involve a trip to spotlight.

>> No.7043919

your Kyoko is looking great!

>> No.7043950

TODAY IS MY DAY OF PROGRESS. Actually going to get this skirt done. Photos when I have something to show.

>> No.7044041

how do you helmet

>> No.7044179

First fish and chips after drinking last night, then cosplay!

>> No.7044192

Tfw you don't trust your own measurements so add some ease then find your measurements were perfect and now it's too big.
Goddamn it me.

>> No.7044235

Just got back from mitre 10 with fixings for painting my sewing desk! They didn't have any pegboards or pegboard fittings though - anyone know who does sell them?

>> No.7044263

....give me a few hours I'll post what my eldar helmet looks like at the moment. I've just started!

ANYWAY I bought a shitload of fabric this morning and am mocking up my Steele vest now, once I've got all the khaki fabrics cut I'm going to start on dye tests unfffff

>> No.7044291

Make big, tailor small. As mistakes go, that's a pretty good one!

>> No.7045106

my apartment is trashed from the earthquake, I just wanna shove everything to the side to cut fabric and sew. Or I could clean up. (just for everything to fall down again with all these aftershocks yay)

>> No.7045733
File: 1.51 MB, 1800x800, steele-tiedye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROGRESS. All khaki pieces for Steele have been cut and textured - these will be distressed later on as well, but the tie-dying has given it a really nice background texture so it isn't too flat. All initial patterning was done yesterday as well, so today I'm going to be assembling the vest and pants. Which is going to be a bastard of a job - I got creative with patterning the inner legs so now there's no inner leg seam.