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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 229 KB, 545x727, harleys-joker-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7019914 No.7019914[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do any of your guys have any sources showing ths guy being a douche? Or is it all just baseless rumours? What did he did anyway?

>> No.7019925
File: 113 KB, 171x271, revupharley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He tried to use his Joker "fame" to sell women's underwear.

>> No.7019932

>no drama allowed ;_________;

>> No.7019934

Read his various interviews.


>> No.7019939
File: 51 KB, 500x721, tumblr_mdclgjQiJi1rxgee9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /cgl/ is an empty husk of a board with no character anymore

>> No.7019941

Just look at that face.
That is the face of a douche.

>> No.7019947

I'm more just wanting to know because he has a lot of fanboys who won't accept any bad word said about him unless there's a source

Apparently though if he denies something his word is completely truthful, weird huh

>> No.7019948
File: 74 KB, 640x878, MV5BNzYxMjM1NDUwNl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjgzMTQxOA@@._V1._SX640_SY878_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but he's so handsome T_________T

>> No.7019956

not only is he not handsome, but he looks like the kind of guy who ogles your little sister when she is in her pajamas or swimsuit and tries to fuck your timid friend who he knows is too shy/scared to say anything to you. The worse part is that you'll hear about all of this and play it off until one day you end up in an unhappy marriage where he cheats on you regularly with that same timid friend who eventually became his whore because he was the only guy who showed her any affection.

Yea, he has one of those faces.

>> No.7019957

His eyes are creepy and too far apart. 2/10.

>> No.7019960

>those curtains

>> No.7019962
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>> No.7019970

He refused to have sex with a seagull once, that's where all the rumors come from.

>> No.7019992

Notice how he never voluntarily says that he didn't make his costume? And when asked directly, he qualifies his lack of actually doing anything by saying how much he researched the costume and found buttons for it. He also claims in one of the interviews that he is hard at work on a costume for his girlfriend.
And he still never said who actually made it.

Commissioning costume, or getting friends to make them is fine, but this is the shit that pisses me off. If you didn't make it, don't pretend you did, and give fucking credit where it's due. That alone makes him a massive douche.

>> No.7020000

Those don't look like any women's underwear I've ever seen, Anon-kun!~

>> No.7020004

How do I get that stubble? Girls find this ideal to shaved face and beard, no?

>> No.7020011

Wait so he definitely didn;t even make the costume?

>> No.7020012

It was me.

>Girls find this ideal to shaved face and beard, no?
Depends on the girl. Personally I prefer kawaii smooth faces.

>> No.7020016

Lol smooth face look like a children. Come back when you are a woman.

>> No.7020019


C4G: And did you make the entire costume yourself? 'Cause it looks amazing. The make-up is fantastic too. Was that also done by you?

Joker: I unfortunately cannot sew. I designed every inch of the costume in excruciating detail, found all the fabrics and materials

So he can't sew, and he designed the costume. The costume that Joker has worn for the past 60 years. He designed it.

>> No.7020022

> I suppose I'm a bit of a modern day renaissance man.
>Translation: I'm not good at any one thing

>> No.7020023
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>> No.7020025

Like fabric choice is a huge HUGE part of cosplay, don't get me wrong. You can be a great seamstress, but if you choose the wrong fabric your costume is going to look like shit. However, I honestly doubt that a guy who admits to knowing nothing about sewing, knows stuff about proper fabric choice.

>> No.7020030

Seems he essentially micro-managed a commission.

Not a bad thing mind you, but yeah, douchey not to say someone made it AND to make it seem like you did a great deal of work on it.

>> No.7020036
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>> No.7020044

>female cosplayers sell shit all the time
no 1 curr
>male cosplayer tries to sell shit

>> No.7020047

>female cosplayers sell shit all the time
>no 1 curr
>implying /cgl/ doesn't hate Yaya and Jnigga too

>> No.7020051

hes not the only person to do that though.
Im still not seeing why this guy is a douche other than "omg male cosplayer trying to market on his cosplays HRRWATADICK"
Come on guys- how old are you?

>> No.7020048

Female cosplayers never sell panties. How much of an ego do you need to have to think somebody wants your likeness near their vagina?

>> No.7020055

It was funny when he got mad at a DC Comic's artist for using his likeliness in a comic that features Harley Quin as one of the main characters

>> No.7020056

I want your likeness near my vagina.

Is it just me, or is he really hot?

>> No.7020059

you didn't read the thread at all
2/10 i replied

does anyone have any personal stories about interacting with him? what does he come off as?

>> No.7020058

>all that shit about not admitting he didn't make the costume
>this guy still isn't a douchebag

There was also the fact that he held a fanart contest where he asked people to draw him pictures of himself (i.e. Joker fanart) and the winning prize was an autographed picture of himself. Also, that time somebody in a DC comic dressed like the Joker and he was convinced it was an homage to him.

>> No.7020062

Not just that, I remember him being pretty angry at it too because he didn't give them permission or something, despite the fact that they don't need it.

>> No.7020067

> he looks creepy
>he doesnt really say he made his costumes
> hes like jnig?
what did I miss?

>> No.7020069

Has he done any other cosplays or is he just riding the Joker rollercoaster?

>> No.7020074

No. He is a one hit wonder.

>baww DC didn't come to me when they decided to use the likeness of a character they own

What a turd.

>> No.7020076

Just Joker (I think)
And people keep eating it up over and over

>> No.7020079


>> No.7020085

His Kickstartor thing was pretty ridiculous too...

>> No.7020088

Deets? Links????

>> No.7020094

>Says he wouldn't do a Kickstarter
>Does a kickstarter

>> No.7020097

Lost the link, but basically, some people were trying to get money for a Batman webserie and their only selling point was that this guy was playing the Joker in it. The presentation video was him overacting in front of a black background with gloomy lighting.
I think it failed, which is not surprising since all they had to show was 2 minutes of footage on one guy that you could barely see going for the usual "Joker-speech-Hey-Batman-come-at-me-that-will-be-fun" and laughing like a lunatic. They gave some DVDs as rewards. Yeah. DVDs of a webserie you could watch for free.

>> No.7020099
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I did. I still don't see how anything in there makes him a douche. What? He didnt sew his outfit so that makes him a douche? he thinks hes a ren. man so that makes him a douche??

Maybe /cgl/ has raised my expectations but I always figured people who were rude to fans, conceited, and didnt put any work into their costumes were douchebags.
>inb4 im his gf? or tumblr follower...or what the fuck ever

>> No.7020104

Saw him at Big Wow. I thought he looked pretty cool, so despite what I've read on cgl, I tried being friendly and said "Hi, Joker--!" but he gave a quick hello without looking at me or smiling and just kept walking. This was during the beginning of the con and it was in the non-crowded area. Maybe he was rushing, but I thought it would've been nice to get a quick photo. Ah well.

>> No.7020105

>Yeah. DVDs of a webserie you could watch for free.
At least the reward wasn't more signed pictures of himself

>> No.7020103

You retard, if somebody else does all the work, and you don't credit them and you skirt the issue that somebody else did all the work and you make it out that picking out buttons is a massive thing, you are a douchebag.

He admits he can't sew, but never once does he credit the person who actually did all the work.

How is that not horrible?

>> No.7020106

>I always figured people who were rude to fans, conceited, and didnt put any work into their costumes were douchebags.

Yes. And all of those things apply to him. That and him lying about making his costume.

>> No.7020109

sounds like y'all are jelly because a male cosplayer finally made it in the sea of females

you guys are probably fat fedora wearing neckbeards

>> No.7020110

First off anon, calm the fuck down and re-read the interviews.

>someone else does all the work and you dont credit them
>made all the buttons, dyed several of the fabrics if I didn't feel the color was quite right, but the sewing was done by a seamstress I've known for years.
>he did his own make up

Because he did credit someone.

>> No.7020115

Who? Exactly who did he credit?

>> No.7020114

Lolita wearing, tyvm.

>> No.7020117

Some seamstress- you want details? why not get in contact and find out? Are you really pissed because he didnt name the seamtress? I don't think so.

>> No.7020118

He is trying to make it seem like he did most of the work and never says who this seamstress is. That is not credit. That is avoiding the issue.
And he doesn't do his own makeup. There are many pictures of him getting his makeup put on him by others.

>> No.7020127

It's rich that you think costume-wearing girls are any better than neckbearded fedora-wearers. You guys are basically just the girl version of those guys. Have fun being pathetic.

>> No.7020128

friends? other costumers? Mind providing some photos please?
Also- I will be the first to admit, I don't always do my own make up for my cosplays. Sometimes I will have friends do it for me because I believe their technique might be better and therefor I can learn from it. (not hat it matters- because Im not harleys joker)

>> No.7020129

He doesn't even mention who made his costume in the other interview.

>> No.7020134

Remember when he implied DC modeled the Joker impersonator after him...and not just after the Joker?

>> No.7020132

And that's fine. Nobody cares if you don't do your own makeup, but if anybody straight up asks you if you do, you should always be honest.

>> No.7020133

because Im googling and all I see is...him...

>> No.7020136

>you should always be honest

>> No.7020139
File: 13 KB, 150x150, 1369866432740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7020140

In the other interview he says

>I am working on another costume, too, actually — a Harley costume, for my girlfriend.

So, unless he is busying making more buttons for her, this is a lie.

>> No.7020147

or they might actually be working on it? she may be able to sew?
He might be helping her out with designs? It may be a group effort?

>> No.7020142


cause it's the right thing to do?

If if you need more motivation: Because someone always finds out if you lie about what you make/don't make

>> No.7020163

If it were, than he should say "We" or "my girlfriend and I" or "THE ONE WHO ACTUALLY MAKES MY SHIT" and not "I am working on it"

>> No.7020165

What makes him a douche is his attitude.
He's full of himself, thinks he's the ultimate Joker cosplayer and has convinced himself that DC Comics designed a character after him.

Him not recognizing he didn't make his costume is only the tip of the iceberg.

C'mon nigga read the thread and re-read it again if you still not get it.

>> No.7020176

Re-read OPs post. Then read through the thread and see all the not sourced butthurt.

>> No.7020180

He is apart of the group that's making it, he could be very well the person who modified the outfit. We don't really know. But Ive had friends, as well as my own fiance say that very line and its really not that big of a deal.
He could have been scavenging for fabric, or gathering items, etc.
>we want it to be great

>> No.7020181
File: 31 KB, 423x359, han.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it just me, or is he really hot?
Just you.

>> No.7020183

Ive read it. It just seems like a bunch of nit picking. The only real argument Ive seen that he could be a jerk is
> has convinced himself that DC Comics designed a character after him

But Ive not seen that anywhere besides he-said-she-said. Did he say it on a blog? If so, please link me because my googlefu is weak today apparently.

>> No.7020189

But he is not part of a group. He never says who made his costume, and when asked point blank, the first thing he says is how much he did do, before saying the actual costume was made by a friend.
That shit is not okay. If you didn't make your costume, fine, but say who did, and don't preface it by saying "OH but I did this and this and this, and the actual work was done by a friend, and then I did this and this!"

>> No.7020192

he said the seamtress did (I dont remember a friend doing it?) and of course he would want to say how much he did for his costume. Imagine if he didn't (remember when jnig didnt?)
Its not okay that he didn't say the place where he got it done but I assume its because he didn't ask the seamtress before hand if it was okay to mention it. But I don't think it was bad of him to try and say what he DID do because he all he talked about was the work others did people would wonder if he did anything at all.

>> No.7020202

How old are you? Are you this guy? Are you a troll?

You are literally the only person in this thread defending this.

>> No.7020201
File: 838 KB, 1236x555, Screen shot 2013-08-06 at 2.40.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in case people wanted to see his response to the joker comic thing

>> No.7020208
File: 453 KB, 924x587, Screen shot 2013-08-06 at 2.44.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this too

>> No.7020205

Found another interview where he has a clear opportunity to give credit to his costume maker, and instead...


>Even now I still have a short list of things I’d like to fine tune, new garments and props I’d like to construct, etcetera.

>J: How was it? It was fine. Long. Tedious. Daunting but in an enjoyable way because of course it was an art project, something I could sink my teeth into. Even when the whole project stressed me out I was enjoying it. That’s the beauty of working on something you enjoy, you’ll work harder on it than anything else, pour more of yourself into it, stress yourself out beyond belief, but at the end of the day you’re so happy you did and would much rather have done that than almost anything else.

So not only does he not say who did make it, he heavily implies that he did it all himself.

>> No.7020212

link found
http://www.indiegogo dot com slash projects/the-batman-chronicles-web-series
Apparently, they did it.

>> No.7020222

Im not a guy, Im not a troll, Im not his girlfriend, Im not on tumblr, Im not the seamtress, Im not his neighbor, I'm not his friend..Im ... Im just trying to see what you guys see. Im asking questions and legitimately, I want to be proven that he is as big of a jerk as you all say he is. Thats all.
If you're annoyed, Im sorry- but so far I still see no real reason to hate him. Most of whats been said is really pathetic as far as evidence. The only thing that is off putting is

And even that Im not annoyed about.

>> No.7020225
File: 38 KB, 500x477, calm-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, guys...

HJ is a douchebag, whether you whiteknights like it or not. He's full of himself, and not entirely friendly either. He doesn't make his own shit and is hesitant to admit it, coming up with quick excuses about him picking out fabric or whatever to make himself look good.

However, on the douchiness scale, he could be much worse. And we'll leave it at that.

>> No.7020231

y-you're cute in that thumbnail

>> No.7020229

How can you not see why people hate this smug arrogant douche who lies about the only thing that people know him for, treats all other cosplayers like crap, especially other Joker cosplayers, tries to sell Joker merchandise as his own, holds fanart contests for himself, and thinks DC made a character based off of him.
And every one of those things has been sourced in this thread, so please don't claim this is all hearsay or some shit. It's all right there.

>> No.7020250

Maan so much for being anon

>> No.7020251

Because as far as the costume goes- it seems he has a lot of weak spots that he doesnt want to advertise (Can you blame him? Remember when Jnig didn't talk about her costumes or any work that she did?). He wants to tell you about the work he did.

I think thats passable or in the very least its not as big of a deal as people make it out to be (ok. he didnt make it, but he says a seamtress did) . if I really wanted to know who did it Id try to contact him in some fashion (letter in a bottle, facebook, tumblr, etc)
Selling merch is fine, a lot of people do that. Its not like hes selling his old underwear...or is he?
Thinking artists drew a character as him? Thats odd...
Fanart contests are whatever, I really don't see whats so bad about that actually. Cray-cray fangirls get a photo of him so they can wail on their clits with that later (or not I dont know), Ive not seen him treat other cosplayers like crap (not been posted in this thread. If it has, Im fucking blind.)

Polite sage for wheels on the bus go around and round.

>> No.7020255
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But, I'll leave the thread since Im no doubt just pissing people off by not thinking hes a douche canoe.
Ill read replies, but I think Im done here.
>pic related. when I came into this thread

>> No.7020264

Like another anon has said, at least one of those things has been sourced and you can see the screenshots above. Despite all of this, all you're doing by now is basically saying "I don't like the sources you're giving me so I need others to get convinced". People have been telling you over and over again why he's not liked yet you choose to keep asking the same questions over and over again because you're not convinced enough by it.

>> No.7020270

No wonder famous male cosplayers dont exist. when they do, girls bitch about them. when its just women, girls bitch about them.

fucking A /cgl/, I wonder how you all feel about d.piddy

>> No.7020274

I doubt people hating him has anything to do with his gender. He is an egotistical liar. I think that is worthy of hate no matter what gender he is.

>> No.7020278

may I have a go at your vagina?

>> No.7020285
File: 25 KB, 400x300, 1333945195198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women like X, right?
>Actually we like Y

>> No.7020287

>What is banter?

>> No.7020291

>What is banter?

It's not that.

>> No.7020296

Not that, I know that much

>> No.7020293

You found me out so I guess you deserve it

>> No.7020297

I don't follow him anymore, but back right after he became a thing, he would make posts like I'LL BE AT SUCH-AND-SUCH con, that's RIGHT, you can see ME, JOKER, IN PERSON!!!

Just very odd him treating himself as an attraction or professional when really he's just a dude going to a con in a costume.

Then he made a cafepress store where he sloppily slapped his picture on some mugs and THONGS and then whined when no one bought them. "Surely one of the TWENTY THOUSAND fans I have could throw me a bone and buy my merchandise?!" - that's when I unfollowed him.

I've interacted with him in person and it's very clear he considers himself an actual celebrity. It's just gross. I don't really get how anyone could defend this guy lol he's like everything we regularly bitch about on /cgl/ concerning the cosplay community.

>> No.7020301

This guy makes an amazing suit, and actually makes it, doesn't try to whore himself out with underwear and fanart, is a decent person, and spends his time entertaining kids. Where is his e-fame?

>> No.7020300

8/10, my jimmies are rustled
'some seamstress did it but GUYZ I PICKED OUT THE BUTTONS' is not credit, it's him taking as much credit as he can while not actually stating that he made it.
He was likely a huge pain in the ass while comissioning the costume, then when he got 'famous' he minimized the actual maker's role as much as he could and prevented them from receiving any extra business from his fanbase.
Unless they gave up comissions forever and retreated from society forever afterwards, that's a pretty shitty thing for him to do.

>> No.7020303

All cosplayers get bitched about: famous, notfamous, man or woman.

That being said, this guys just strikes me as pathetic, but that's because the only time I payed attention was when he tried using his first taste of attention to sell as much cafepress shit as he could and then publicly whines when no one bought any of the ugly shit with his face on it. Apparently he's still awful, he like, tried to crash the panel for a cosplay skillbuilding panel despite only having one cosplay, that he didn't even make himself, and not knowing how to answer anyone's questions about anything.

>> No.7020306

You are so wrong it's not even funny. /sp/ is my main board. I spend all day socializing with bros from many exotic European countries such as Sweden and Ireland. I know what banter is better than you could ever possibly know. Now shut up.

>> No.7020309

banter is usually a playful back and forth conversation. Saying "no like smooth faces" is not banter.
Also, what the fuck does /sp/, or other countries have to do with banter at all?

>> No.7020310

Certified mad.
>exotic European countries
>Sweden and Ireland

>> No.7020312

My buddy told me about this guy the other day.

Why does he keep cosplaying the joker? Because he likes it? Or because of the attention.

Doesn't he get bored? Or is he just trying to get notoriety for his acting career.

I dunno meng, just seems like one costume all the time would get boring.

>> No.7020324

You're like that one guy who tells really rude jokes because so edgy guiz, and who is oblivious to the fact that no one is laughing.

>> No.7020327

Clearly you don't agree and that's fine, it really is. You've asked questions as to why people think he's an asshole and you were provided various links to interviews and pictures and various opinions from anon to support it.

Now you can take that information and either agree with it or disagree with it and leave it at that. Constantly asking for more proof and more links is really annoying and that's why you're coming off as some weird whiteknight/troll

>> No.7020337

This sounds like the voice of personal experience, anon.

>> No.7020339


I feel as though you're not a cosplayer (or have never made your own cosplay). Because when hours go into your work, you DO want to be credited. It's especially rude when you make something for someone else and they don't seem to appreciate it at all. And if you were paid to do it, then you WANT your name out there, for advertisement purposes. Cosplay is such a niche hobby, just word of mouth promotion could do your business good.

>> No.7020352
File: 160 KB, 666x666, 1375694140362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell does ANY of that have to do with banter

>> No.7020392

sorry but that isn't necessarily true. maybe she doesn't want her name mentioned. if she's a busy person she probably doesn't want her shit flooded with annoying weeaboos who want to underpay her for hours of work. he didn't say she's a professional or that she does commissions all the time, it could be his fucking mom for all we know. i'm with OP on this one, seems like you guys are desperately grabbing for straws on reasons to hate this guy. he looks creepy and i wouldn't be a fan, but saying he's a mega-douche seems unfounded.

>> No.7020401

he isn't even outright saying what you guys said he did, either. his fans are taking it that way, but he's only really hinting at it. and he certainly never "got mad".

>> No.7020484
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I can tell you right now he sure as shit doesn't do his own make up.

He's said all his make up came from a TARGET.

As a professional make up artist, that's a fucking crock of shit right there.

>> No.7020503

he tried to sell panties to further his non-existant acting career and then threw a bitch fit when nobody bought them, and said how maybe he shouldn't do anything for his fans anymore.


Went looking for the post again, but of course, it was deleted.

>> No.7020515
File: 255 KB, 250x188, tumblr_mea8tj38se1r2vtc0o4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are serious about this and don't see the problem in crediting someone who did all the work, I have a feeling you're not a cosplayer at all.

>> No.7020519

>doesn't want her shit flooded with annoying weeaboos who want to underpay her for hours of work.

Jesus christ, how long does it take to look through an email and realize hey are doing to underpay you? No one is that busy that two minutes of deleting shit emails derails their entire schedule. Jesus christ, you could do it on the toilet with your phone.

>> No.7020523
File: 105 KB, 500x352, tumblr_mqgxgxZlGI1sydi0ko2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just gonna leave a picture of the most humble The Joker cosplayer around. One who's been doing it the longest as well, might I add.

Plus, his girlfriend doesn't look like a fucking college lesbian.

>> No.7020555

She looks exactly like the Harley Quinn from the Batman cartoon. Pretty great.

>> No.7020573

Ok yeah this guy's Joker is vastly superior to Harley's Joker.

>> No.7020603 [DELETED] 

>>I just want to clear this one up -- while he did have a cafepress store with shitty ugly thongs with his face on them, the underwear pictured are NOT the ones he was selling. In the pic he's just posing at a booth that sells those, they have lots of other cute sayings on panties too, and they're definitely not associated with that guy

>> No.7020612

She lost her virginity then she's a woman. No questions.

>> No.7020616

just want to clear this one up -- while he did have a cafepress store with shitty ugly thongs with his face on them, the underwear pictured are NOT the ones he was selling. In the pic he's just posing at a booth that sells those, they have lots of other cute sayings on panties too, and they're definitely not associated with that guy

>> No.7020622

Thank you, I was having the same feels

>> No.7020631
File: 1.99 MB, 318x241, dont hate me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this deserved a response because...because, feel free to ignore me though I just wanted to explain my actions, Im not here to piss people off. Im not repeating myself over and over for the sake of myself.

The only time I asked for specific evidence was because people said some pretty outlandish things and claimed there was proof for it (like someone said images existed of people doing his makeup for him. or that he made fun of other joker cosplayers/cosplayers in general ((?)) If it could be posted I dont see why it would be considered annoying. If anything, it would just be more proof to prove your point- right?

Everything else I said, I believed there was a logical explanation for it, and apparently it came off as "no I dont like what you said" when thats far from it. I do think there was a reason why he would say "Im working on it" or why I disagree with the statement "he didn't give credit"

I just didn't agree. I didn't keep asking for new evidence, just when people said it was posted when it wasn't.

>weird white knight
augh- for once Id like to have a debate/argument without people boiling it down to "oh youre annoying because you dont agree with everyone else how dare you feel different." because now Im just waiting for the "shut the fuck up retard samefag whiteknight fancunt" to just start getting tossed around like its going out of style.

But I took the information given (which the only thing that was believable was the one where he thought the comic artist drew HIM) and I argued it. I dont see why thats an issue but, okay. I guess when your in the minority you have to stfu and accept rumors without questioning every aspect of it (which, people will always do. Much like the Vic Mcnopenope rumors)

>> No.7020650

You can find on etsy. They were in etsy before he was famous they're not by him.

>> No.7020669

I can't even be mad at just him. He,and ex of mine,and in general almost every man I've ever met who cosplays as the Joker regularly seems to have some form of mental issue.
It's like the suit comes with a pile of self-importance,ego and shitty attitude. If he goes the way of my ex,Joker's Harley won't be around too long when dude starts getting way too into the character.

>> No.7020691

Hi Harley's Joker. You may as well just tripfag.

>> No.7020694
File: 650 KB, 300x168, OHYOU.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that too- shoulda' saw that coming. but I didn't. Im a fool..

>> No.7020724

He's kind of an asshole for giving his girlfriend such a restricting mask.
It's like... The thing making her a shitty harley.
They had such good and open mask shapes before, but they went with the one that makes it so she is completely unable to make proper Harley faces.

He needs to fix that shitty mask.
Though I feel he did it to purposely make her kind of shitty so he could keep the attention on him.

>> No.7020735
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>> No.7020738

Is his name Harley?

>> No.7020743

No, its Joker. Stupid.

>> No.7020750

Why "Harley's Joker" then?

>> No.7020752

Fixing it would be very difficult for him to do as he didn't make any of his stuff, or his girlfriend's costume.

>> No.7020763
File: 90 KB, 864x864, niggapls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad.
It looks awful.

I actually rather like the costume itself, it looks nice, but shit she makes a bad Harley.

>> No.7020776

>I do think there was a reason why he would say "Im working on it" or why I disagree with the statement "he didn't give credit"

Yes, that reason is that he is a douche and doesn't want to give credit. He wants to perpetuate the lie that he is some god-tier cosplayer when he can't make a single fucking thing. That is his reason. And that is reason enough for people to dislike him.

And you can compound that reason with him getting pissed that people don't want to buy his merchandise >>7020735

Or him thinking DC has become such huge fans of his that they wanted to put him in their books >>7020201 >>7020208

Or how he tries to come off as the be-all and end all of cosplayers in his interviews, where he again doesn't give credit for his outfit, and avoids talking about it when asked directly >>7020205

Any ONE of those things should be enough, but for some reason you are determined to think we are all horrible people for thinking the guy is a dick. Which leads me to think that you are the same kind of lying, self-absorbed ass that he is, and have lied, or omitted facts about purchased costume, have tried to make a "fanpage" or have tried to market yourself and failed and see him as some kind of idol you yourself aspire to one day be.

>> No.7020783

No one is forcing you to agree with us, and no one is giving you shit for disagreeing.

They're giving you shit because you deem any reason people tell you as to why he's hated as simply not enough for him to be hated. You've justified every single one of his actions with a "logical explanation" and kept asking for more and more shit to the point where you only look like you're defending him and yes, a white knight. Saying that you're not a white knight or his girlfriend won't prevent others from calling you that.

There is proof all over the thread, it's been posted above and below your posts, and you're still asking the same shit over and over again because to you that's simply not enough reason to hate him. No one in here is asking you to hate him, but to simply stop going on and on about it as if you needed a very strong reason to hate him.

>> No.7020784

Most of that I already talked about, the only one I thought was cray was when he thought the artist drew him.
I dont think he was pissed about the merch, moreso disappointed. But that's just me.
> you think were all horrible for thinking so
No, I don't. If I did Id just leave cgl because "baww not everyone is nice to eachouderrr" I thought it was annoying that I was seen as stupid/retard/whatever for asking questions which should have only bolstered the "hes a douche!" argument. There's really no harm in that, at least I don't think so but apparently its rustling jammies (which was unintended).

>which leads me to think that you are
I don't mind what you think of me, well never meet. If we do, youll never know. But nothing Ive said came off as rude (did it?). I dont have a fanpage, Im not an aideruru or whatever. Thats a lot of crazy assumptions there anon. Just...cray.
>tfw no aideru to look up to

>> No.7020790

Because he's saying he's Harley Quinn's. Would think it's pretty obvious.

>> No.7020798

Im not asking for the same shit. People just kept referring to it. Ive read the whole thread.
If I reply to this comment, I'll just be repeating myself- same as every other anon. This is wheels on the bus.

>I dont agree
>no one sais you dont read the thread
>I did I just dont see it
>how could you not read the thread
>I did, I just dont see it
>how could
>go round and round

saging for why are we having this conversation again?

>> No.7020797

He does his own makeup and that's all I really care about.

>> No.7020806

>i don't think he was pissed about the merch, moreso disappointed
that's not the point

he's very obviously trying to guilt people into buying his bullshit. It's seriously cringe worthy. if he wants to complain that no one's buying his merch, he can do it with his girlfriend, that's fine. but he's whining like a child at the target audience FOR his merchandise. the bit at the end is what really riles me up, "you'd think one out of 20,000 maybe - alas" he could at least try to be SUBTLE about pressuring these people into giving him money.

that's douchey

>> No.7020813

Although interestingly, Joker wouldn't allow himself to belong to anybody. Harley would belong to him.

>> No.7020809


Handsome?! Mm... I dunno, his head looks weird, like... an upside down pear or something.

>> No.7020818

I completely agree. He acts like he thinks of Harley as just a plaything as it is.

>> No.7020820

Okay dokey.
I seriously can't tell if I should even argue my opinion anymore.

>> No.7020824

It is like DC is telling him that they hate him enough that they'd draw him in their comic getting shot by Harley.

>> No.7020835 [DELETED] 

I don't think that's totally true. they dyed the fabric and cut the mask out of leather, posted prgress pictures/video of them doing that and sculpting her hammer out of foam. I don't think either of them do the sewing though.

>> No.7020845

I don't think that's totally true. they dyed the fabric and cut the mask out of leather, posted prgress pictures/video of them doing that and sculpting her hammer out of foam. I don't think either of them do the sewing though.

>> No.7020855

Actually a more accurate summation of this thread would be

>Why do you hate him?
>here are our reasons
>I don't like those reasons. More plz
>here are more reasons
>I want sources on those reasons
>here are sources
>I don't like those reasons
>go round and round

>> No.7020866

Just give up, it probably is him posting or some idiot fantard.
I dont personally hate the guy or anything but he's undeniably an egotistical prick.
Then again, there aren't many ~famous~ cosplayers who aren't.

>> No.7020864

>why do you hate him?
>here are our reasons
>well here are my thoughts on that
>here is my rebuttal
>here is mine
>here is my rebuttal
>here is mine
>here is my rebuttal
>omg youre asking the same things!!!
>so are you?
>here are our reasons
>oh god why

fixed that. you may want to polite sage for our bullshittery.

>> No.7020875

fucking- really? really anon?

>> No.7020884

No see, you asked why we hate him. We told you why we hate him. You asked for sources. We gave you sources. You keep coming back saying our reasons aren't good enough for you.
We don't care if you hate him or not, but most of us do, and we gave you reasons as to why. Now please, go the fuck away.

>> No.7020894

I've sort of come to hate Joker cosplays lately due to how overdone they've become - especially by 2edgy kids who think being insane is cool and deep

>> No.7020898

I never said your reasons weren't good enough to hate him, I just said I wasn't convinced because the so called "evidence" was shit or could be explained. I only ever asked for sources on two things.
>go the fuck away
no, 4chan is an 18+ site, if you don't want people in your secret club house go out side. or bitch about this on your facebook. OR, even better, don't reply to my comments (that just might work- holy hell!)
I never said you couldn't hate him or whatever.

Also, the hypocrisy here is hilarious.
>youre saying the same shit over and over anon go' way!

>> No.7020901

I usually hate them because theyre done like shit.
>I bought this white make up in halloween store. its for vampires but itll work
>look at me Im heath ledger jerker lol

>> No.7020922

So what is your point then?


And I really don't understand you. Is there a point you're trying to make? Can you please very clearly state what that is? You seem very determined to disagree with anon and while it's wonderful to have some diversity on this board other than 'that guys a dick' 'yeah I know right?' I'm not really sure what you're trying to prove.

You're getting angrier and angrier in your responses and this really isn't worth getting angry over. Anon, including myself, were irritated that you seemed to be asking the same questions and then trying to argue with every reason anon put forward but just not very well. That's why this is a merry go round right now, no one knows what it is you're trying for.

>> No.7020941

>what point are you trying to make
At this point? Apparently my argument patterns of the thread according to this anon
>>7020884. Im not determined to disagree, Ive made that clear multiple times (right?) I just disagreed because I'm attempting to put myself in this guys shoes and thinking "well no one is that bad."
Im not angry. I've not been angry this entire time, the only time I've ever cursed was when I was cursed at or what ever

At the start of this debate/argument I was looking ques/evidence that pointed out this guy was a dick, I could only agree with one thing that was...a little odd.

I didnt ask the same questions over- anons just repeated them back to me (different anons?) which made it seem like I was repeating myself (which apparently happens all the time when I debate in any thread.) At this point it seems rather moot. I give up.

>> No.7020949

You know what, I'm not even that anon and I am sick and tired of people saying they hate this random dude and bringing him up on /cgl/ every fucking time.

>he tried to sell womens' panties!
Cafepress lets you put the image on any blank clothing item offered on site, including thongs.

>he lies about making his costumes!
Well he doesn't, and he also doesn't enter them in contests where craftsmanship is a judging point - in fact he hasn't entered them in any contests at all.

>he probably hypothetically creeps on people and he just looks creepy and he sounds douchey!
The best part? Nobody here has actually interacted with him. They go off on the premise that he must be a big douche, and then read out various transcripts of what he says and does in the douchiest interpretation possible and then point to it and say "ayup he's douchey!". The tautology is palpable.

>he makes himself out to be a bigshot and begs his fangirls for donations to go to cons and stuff!
So does every other semi-famous cosplayer. You fuckwits just wish you had fans to milk.

What really pissed me off was a thread we had in which people claimed:
>His eyes are hazel and he shouldn't call them green!
Oh my god get a life.

At the end of the fucking day, you fuckwits are giving him all the attention he wants. Why bother sitting around collecting "proof" that this guy must be a douche? He's a fucking nobody no-one will ever even meet at a con.

>> No.7020956

There you go then. You don't agree with all the reasons why anon hates him but you do agree that one instance with the comic likeness is odd.

There is literally nothing more to add. You disagree on most, agree on one thing. So you don't agree with anon that he's a douche but you agree that the comic issue is weird.

That's it. It's done. Congratulations I hope you found some closure on the issue.

>> No.7020964

I did not anon. Only thing that I re-learned was arguing against the majority on /cgl/ is, as always, a fruitless venture and its like talking to a brick wall with frills.

>> No.7020962

Why are you quoting me? I don't give two shits about Harley's Joker, I'm just pointing out what a retarded argument this is.

>> No.7020966

are you >>7020229
as well?

>> No.7020970

Look, I read through the thread and I'm telling you you didnt argue your points very well. Shrug it off and move on, taking on the mob that is /cgl/ is a headache waiting to happen.

>> No.7020972

I'm not. I'm

>> No.7020974

There is no good argument against the mob anon.
There never is.

>> No.7020977

Thats really the only post you have here? Good god anon, why even bother to stay?

>> No.7020983

Well, in that respect you're definitely right.

When /cgl/ hates someone there is no changing their mind.

If you're going to go against the norm then be prepared to face a LOT of flak and know that you arn't going to change anybody's mind.

>> No.7020988

she's the most boring Harley Quinn cosplayer I've ever seen.

She might as well have gotten a lobotomy.

>> No.7020989

Because I was following this thread. I've been reading the thread and wanted to say something to the anon that's been disagreeing, that's all.

>> No.7020999
File: 49 KB, 500x281, 1371844415647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the fact that he keeps referring to Joker's Harley as his "Puddin'" means he's never read a fucking Harley Quinn x Joker comic book in his life.

But he said early on, before he started to get a swelled head and started deleting posts and comments left/right/center, that he hadn't read anything more than The Killing Joke and was only dressing as The Joker because he noticed in the mirror that he *kinda* looked like him.

Can you IMAGINE if a female cosplayer pulled this shit? She'd be hated more than JNigger and Yaya BalloonTits put together.

>> No.7021002

what videos? also, the progress pictures only had them in them at the very END. They were not in any of the 'during' photos. Actually, nobody was.

Funny, that.

>> No.7021005

>hey I kinda look like this character
>didnt read shit
>Ill cosplay them
you're saying no one does this? silly, silly anon.
or are you being sarcastic? I cant...I cant tell.

>> No.7021013

This asshat and/or his girlfriend is known to whiteknight themselves on here. I'm pretty certain the only whiteknight is them, again.

>> No.7021015

read the bottom line

it's done quite a lot, but women get fucking crucified for it, while this cracker gets away with a 'meh'.

>> No.7021019

Oh, you forgot

> maybe if I read a little bit of the wiki on this character, people will think I actually know shit!

>> No.7021020

not that I can prove it, I'm not. Did his gf come on here or were we assuming? I wonder if thats archived...

>> No.7021021

Shit man, Anthony's gone off about /cgl/ and /co/ on both his personal and Harley's Joker pages before.

Dude is a sensitive flower.

>> No.7021029

I thought the term was snowflake

>> No.7021034

naw, he's a flower
snowflakes go away after a minute
he sticks around until you get the slugs out.

>> No.7021170

Oh my god please do share what he has said

>> No.7021185
File: 125 KB, 1084x367, ohok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, back in 2010...

This probably explains why he is so very obsessed with his 'fame'.
And now he has a huge head.

>> No.7021189

More like all the negative comments ITT are the same samefag vendettachan who's still mad he refused to have sex with her.

Janitors, delete this thread please. It's disrespectful to Tony and it's "singling out" which is against the rules.

>> No.7021194
File: 651 KB, 1028x4636, 1366532187982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sounds like an older version of this guy

>> No.7021196

Go back to bed, Anthony.

>> No.7021204

Nobody calls him Tony.
And that only counts for big-tittied women.

>> No.7021206

a fake troll account?

>> No.7021208

My mom does.

I mean. His mom.

>> No.7021209

Dying, anon. Dying.

>> No.7021223

>the internet

You must be new here

>> No.7021236

You know what I am saying

>> No.7021245

LOL college lesbian

>> No.7021373


But that lady also kind of looks like a lesbian.

>> No.7021376

i'm gonna have to ask you to describe a lesbian

>> No.7021382


That. Right there.

>> No.7021385

> anon describes what a lesbian looks like

>> No.7021394
File: 6 KB, 191x136, images-1016710847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sir that is not an appropriate response

>> No.7021399
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>> No.7021425
File: 69 KB, 500x700, Patrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is one of the ugliest lesbians I have ever set my eyes on.

>> No.7021600

You never said it had to be a pretty lesbian

>> No.7021624

He's an awful person, inside and out.

He got fired from Trader Joe's for sexual harassment. There's a little tidbit for you.

>> No.7021631

Tony is really too dumb to figure out CGL, I promise.

>> No.7021641

He did it because he had no real idea about these characters other than basic aesthetics. He was not a fan based on absorbing hours of material, so I don't think he had the insight to see the mask should be flexible. Really dumb.

>> No.7021642

I really wish I could give better sources but I'd rather not reveal who I am. Just trust, he's got an ego the size of Jupiter and zero concept of social skills.

>> No.7021643


>> No.7021647


>> No.7021722

as far as singling a cosplayer out- it seems janitors dont care anymore...
but I bet if this was a PT/ashely thread itd be deleted and reported to hell.

>> No.7021887

Why do assholes always part their bangs like that? Annoys the hell outta me.

>> No.7022003

he looks like a 90's douchebag