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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6998883 No.6998883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The earlier thread made me seriously think about this.

Do you think cosplay and lolita is just perceived as some kind of weird fetish for "normal" people? Like we're all dressing up for sexual reasons?
Do you enjoy hooking up at cons? Is it better or worse than hooking up at, say, a bar?
Do you think there's a big focus on getting laid and getting together in the cosplay community?

>> No.6998893
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I once had a guy at work ask me if I wore the costumes/outfits for sex. My response: do you have any idea how long those costumes take to make and/or how fragile they are. NO.

>> No.6999027

People definitely think it. A lot of people permanently have their minds fixed on anything sexual. When people see something they don't understand, they try to relate it to something they do understand, and for most people with primitive cognitive skills, that equals sex. People who have some level of rational thought will actually ask questions and try to figure it out.

I've not hooked up with random people at conventions, but I have met people that I've ended up dating (and my husband) via cons. Even if I wasn't married, I'm not comfortable enough with random strangers to just fuck and be on my way.

For some people there probably is. But I've not met or known anyone who, outside of some creepers, made hooking up/getting laid a focus for them with conventions.

>> No.6999046

>But I've not met or known anyone who, outside of some creepers, made hooking up/getting laid a focus for them with conventions.
That's because people don't usually declare this intention.

>> No.6999052

>When people see something they don't understand, they try to relate it to something they do understand
this this this this.

This is why people say "Little Bo Peep", "Is there a play?", "Are you dressed up for Halloween?", "Are you Harajuku?"

This Anon gets it.

>> No.6999056

>Do you think cosplay and lolita is just perceived as some kind of weird fetish for "normal" people?
But of course it is, but I think this happens more with Lolita than with cosplaying. After all, Lolita tends to be associated with that one novel and also with children because of the shape of the dresses and the like.
In reality to someone who is outside of the fashion, lolitas look like oversized children, and there's gonna be a lot of assumptions about it, just like there were assumptions with Goths worshiping Satan because of how they dressed.

>Like we're all dressing up for sexual reasons?
I suppose so.

>Do you enjoy hooking up at cons? Is it better or worse than hooking up at, say, a bar?
No, and there's no difference.
Both are social gatherings in which you meet friends and also potential partners.

>Do you think there's a big focus on getting laid and getting together in the cosplay community?
Not really, but some people might definitely have that kind of focus.

>> No.6999149

i often find myself explaining that cosplay isn't a sexual thing, though i myself have a thing for latex clad women so there's that hahaha

Hooking up at cons is great!if you happen to be at a con in between relationships it's fun to hook up with old sex partners and all that jazz. and it's way better than hooking up at a bar because you share common interests. also the 3 day drinking binges at anime boston are legendary for me lol

i don't think the community as a whole does it, but if you ask certain ladies and gents "you want to go drink with my group in our room?" usually it could lead to great hookups. the bathroom is fun to fuck in and when everyone is out during the day the room is a sex paradise.

>> No.6999159


>> No.6999192

I don't go on /cgl/ much but to be honest with so many girls who take pics (let alone going with a revealing cosplay) that pretty much emphasize what they want to deliver..
I guess that's how it is though, any decent cosplay looks miles better on a prettier girl.

>> No.6999532

Just because a woman is sexual doesn't mean she does it entirely for male attention.

>> No.6999540

>Do you think cosplay and lolita is just perceived as some kind of weird fetish for "normal" people? Like we're all dressing up for sexual reasons?
Normalfags seem to think everything they don't understand or personally do is a sexual thing. I don't get it.
>Do you enjoy hooking up at cons? Is it better or worse than hooking up at, say, a bar?
I don't hook up, so...
>Do you think there's a big focus on getting laid and getting together in the cosplay community?
Depends on who you're talking about. Some cosplayers want to get laid, some don't. Same as most social gatherings.

>> No.6999552

I will admit, I do in enjoy some cosplay sex.
but as >>6998893 pointed out, the costumes take forever and are fragile. So I tend to 'half-ass' it and wear just the fabric portions of my boyfriends waifu cosplay I have.

However, I don't like telling any of my coworkers about cosplay, and refused to let them be friends with me on facebook because I know they will look at me like a huge sexual deviant even though most of my costumes are showing less skin than my work uniform.

>> No.6999562

>I will admit, I do in enjoy some cosplay sex.
I have never tried it myself, but I have a costume fetish basically. Are there any precautions you can take?

>> No.6999572

That's why I have no problem doing. I think I have just a costume fetish in general.

For me, long wigs are a no. Short easily rebrushed wigs? Sure. Any styled wigs, no. Any form of armor can be worn in the beginning, but I have to be the one to take them off. He will just try to rip it off, and I don't want to have to repair it. (You can turn this in to a psudo strip tease)

Also, remember that lube and ejaculate can stain/discolor fabric. So tell him before hand to becareful and keep it clean.

>> No.6999576

Tie your bf up. Some people with a costume fetish like to tear it up. Just make it a striptease.

>> No.6999579

Stupidest question ever but do you wear wigs when you do it? if so how do you keep them on? I'm asking because I can never keep wigs on for the life of me and I've tried most methods out there. If a small breeze can blow my wig over there's really no hope of cosplaying my bf's waifu in bed.

>> No.6999584


Hey you answered my question. Sorry about that, should have refreshed at some point.

>> No.6999589

>Do you think cosplay and lolita is just perceived as some kind of weird fetish for "normal" people?
I'd say most people who aren't into cosplay or anime/vidya/comics would definitely think this.
>Do you enjoy hooking up at cons? Is it better or worse than hooking up at, say, a bar?
I have never hooked up ever. Sure, there might be someone really attractive cosplaying my favorite character or whatever, but my morals and sexual boundries don't go on vacation while I'm at a con.
>Do you think there's a big focus on getting laid and getting together in the cosplay community?
Way too much. I know way too many guys (occasionally a girl) who spends the week leading up to the con yelling on facebook about how they're going to get a gf at this con, they're going to e so angry if they don't get some numbers, that they're going to go to the speed dating panel. I tell them all the same thing, don't LOOK for a relationship, let it happen. Then I find them drunk on the con floor making out with fat raver girls who are smashed out of their mind and harassing cute cosplay girls walking the halls.

>> No.6999591

Nah, its okay.
I tend to only use short (shoulder length or shorter) and don't bobby pin them on. If they fall off, off the bed they go so they don't get ruined.

I'm planning on experimenting with a longer one soon. I think I'll need to keep him on bottom as to not kink the hell out of the wig.

If anyone has any other questions, I'll hang around the thread for a while.

>> No.6999634


Yeah, was worried it'd link up pretty badly as well. Too bad my bf has a weird preference for long hair. In any case, thanks so much for the advice.

>> No.6999646

Usually because anytime you go to a big party or event there are always people who are out to see if they can score or find someone.

The same goes for cons more so since a popular media trope is the nerds who get turned on by the big titted warrior chick cause they never get sex.

>> No.6999648

I'd suggest keeping it braided. So it can't tangle and kink too much. Or just be prepared for an hour long brush session the next day.

>> No.6999652

Epic Cosplay wigs are really easy to detangle. The downside is that they don't look as natural as some other brands.

>> No.6999696

I still want to just do random hookups at cons because there's so much of "muh fetish" going on with costuming, but I still have no idea how to approach people about it.

>> No.6999802


Sure, she could be a lesbian.

Either way she is a whore

>> No.6999811

Oh yes, how dare women be sexually active.
Those sluts.

>> No.6999815
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You are never going to get married you worthless piece of shit whore, lol.

You are joking right?

You think women dress up as Yoko "for themselves", or wear clothes that purposefully show off cleavage "because they're comfortable"?

Rape a cosplayer.

>> No.6999822

Yes, how dare they bitch and moan about cosplay not being consent then dress up like they do.

And lolita is even worse, it's an entire fashion built around tempting men by making yourselves out to be hot 13/14 year olds.

>> No.6999829
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You should do stand-up comedy.

>> No.6999840
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>Do you think cosplay and lolita is just perceived as some kind of weird fetish for "normal" people? Like we're all dressing up for sexual reasons?

First time on /cgl/ here (so probably normal by your standards)
Some people might, cosplay I thought was just people dressing up as characters like a big costume party, lolita I always considered some frilly girly thing and so I never paid much attention to it. I do like it though, I think it makes girls look really pretty and feminine and I find it attractive (not in a fetish kind of way).

Never been to a con but I've worked as a bouncer in a bar before and it can't be that bad. Let's just say that from my experiences there I've resolved to never date a woman I meet at a bar or club.

>> No.6999847

>Hurr look at how cute and young I look
>Hurr having a 14 year old gf means you're a creepy pedo

MAke your minds up

>> No.6999866
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Look at this baby.

>> No.6999891


>entire fashion built around tempting men


>> No.6999910
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surely no such thing exists

>> No.6999922

Yeah, cheerleading is retarded. Please don't compare it to wearing poofy dresses and covering up 9/10 of your body with poofy child-like frills.

>> No.6999926


I wouldn't call a uniform a fashion, no one is football-kei, or baseball-kei.

>> No.6999930


was meant for


>> No.6999948

My 12-year-old sister absolutely loves Yoko, she's bad-ass and cute, so my sister cosplays her sometimes, and she barely even has cleavage. You're either absolutely disgusting, or an unfunny troll who hates women because he can't get laid. Probably both, actually.

>> No.6999953



You're just embarrassing yourself dude, stop

>> No.6999967
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>going to cons
>not trying to get laid

>> No.6999969

>12 years old
>Letting your 12 YEAR OLD sister cosplay as Yoko

Are you a troll or something? She shouldn't even be going to cons.

>> No.6999982

>Trying to argue with a majority feminist and mangina board

You'd have more luck getting a horse to drink.

>> No.6999993

>12yo at con as Yoko
>flat-chested loli Yoko
How many neckbeards have tried to molest her? Because that just sounds irresponsible

>> No.7000009

Amazing how incapable girls are of taking care of younger girls.

>> No.7000035


You sound bitter

>> No.7000042

I know a lot of elementary kids that attend.

>> No.7000055

A lot of lolita cosplayers are slutty like really slutty and low self esteem. Well every one that I've encountered anyways at cons.

>> No.7000075

that's not a woman, that's a little girl
suck a dick.

>> No.7000086

still looking out for that dude who posted in the last thread about hooking up at nycc.

>> No.7000823

Some people have significant others.

>> No.7000885

and most of those people tend to "forget" about the significant other when at a con, and go have some fun

it's nothing wrong, just natural behaviour and as long as the other doesn't find out there is no problem

>> No.7000925

>"cheating is natural therefore its ok if they dont find out it doesnt hurt anyone"

you just went full retard. cheating can really hurt people whether they find out or not. dont use your shitty faux evolutionary biology shit to justify behavior not everyone agrees with. there are problems from cheating and you can't just pretend that almost everyone cheats at cons. that's a stupid assumption to make.

>> No.7000936

just passing through

>> No.7000998

That is the most disgusting post I've read on /cgl/ and that's saying something. Do you people know what fidelity even means?

>> No.7001008

Yeah, because so many girls seem to love Yoko so much there is at least 5 of them each con.

Btw, a suggestion: >>>/pol/
How about you go posting your shitty agenda there. I bet you'll be welcome.

>> No.7001021

A buzzword invented by a predominantly white-led Catholic Church in the 1300's.

>> No.7001093

Wow, some of you guys are retarded and can't tell when a poster is being sarcastic. Anyway:

>Do you think cosplay and lolita is just perceived as some kind of weird fetish for "normal" people? Like we're all dressing up for sexual reasons?
Anyone would think this if the only cosplay they'd seen was "sexy" cosplay. However I think a lot of it would just be seen as dressing up in costume, which would just be seen as a bit strange, and I don't think lolita would be seen as something for sex unless you told them the name for the fashion (and even then, only some people would think that - most people with the wrong idea haven't even read Nabokov anyway). If the cosplay seems "like something out of a movie", I think they would feel awe that a single person made that, instead of immediately thinking it was for sex.

>Do you enjoy hooking up at cons? Is it better or worse than hooking up at, say, a bar?
I don't hook up at cons, but from what I've heard it's no better or worse. There are people at cons who spend the whole time drunk, or on drugs, and there are people who don't care about waiting until others are out of the room to have sex, and so on. A lot of people who do that kind of thing have some kind of problem, no matter if they're trying to hook up at a bar or elsewhere. I think people who'd hook up at bars are just a different type of strange than people who'd hook up at cons.

>Do you think there's a big focus on getting laid and getting together in the cosplay community?
Absolutely not, I think the big focus is actually on cosplay, BUT there's always people who cosplay or go to cons with the hopes of getting laid. I think those people aren't so active in the online communities though. Although places like /cgl/ are getting even stupider than they used to be, so I'm not so sure anymore.

>> No.7001097
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The only people who cosplay are fetishists to begin with.

Cosplay is no different from furrydom. In fact, the exact same kinds of people who cosplay are the same ones who yiff.

Every personality you see at an anime con is found at a furry con.


>> No.7001110

Yes, yes, no, no, and probably.

Personally, my mother asked me if cosplay was some sort of sexual thing. It was the first thing her mind jumped too. Que awkward staring. Didn't help that at the time, I was a virgin 15 year old that didn't even know what a penis looked like.

>> No.7001241

>fidelity:(1) Faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support. (2) Sexual faithfulness to a spouse or partner.

>> No.7001279

But what if it's a pyro cosplay? Furries are utterly afraid of fire.

>> No.7003158

I'd love to put my twocents into this.

Of course it seems fetishistic to normal people. I oftren see the sexual aspects being marketed to potential new convention attendees by other people that frequent and cosplay. "Hey, you should try it. there are hot chicks/guys wearing cute and sexy costumes"
^^^This needs to stop. I don't use this as a way to bring in new people to the fandom. and i'm sick of the fact it encourages the "reason" that these people go to continue being the "reason."

Yes, I would enjoy hooking up at conventions, however, I always try to have a good attitude about it and carry protection, if not exercise proper sexual etiquette. I don't personally go to bars, so I can't say if it's better or worse. I'd assume better than a bar, because most of the people that go to bars in my town are to watch sports games and generally avoid going alone.

Of course there's a huge focus on getting laid and shit at cons. I've been cosplaying for ten years, and there was a time when this wasn't necessarily the case. The fandom has just been slowly succumbing to its primal instincts as it gets more popular, more people go, more costumes are there, more drama, more sex, blah blah blah. This sad reason is probably the main one there actually is so much drama in the first place.

Women go to tease and play the guys, and the guys go to hook up. Both genders are guilty of some moral crime, and it's actually been making me snap a lot lately. I have the patience of a saint, but my own fandoms have really been putting me off so much, I'm starting to adopt a "if you can't beat em, join em" mentality. We're so caught up in it, we just can't stop.

>> No.7003498

>Do you think cosplay and lolita is just perceived as some kind of weird fetish for "normal" people? Like we're all dressing up for sexual reasons?
I've noticed that people tend to assume that anything unusual - especially involving clothing - is of a sexual nature. Part of it is because everything gets related back to sex some how and another part is the whole idea that anyone who's different from you must be some sort of weirdo pervert.

>Do you enjoy hooking up at cons? Is it better or worse than hooking up at, say, a bar?
I've never hooked up at a con. I'm not exactly a lady's man (although lots of girls find me cute apparently) and the one time I wanted to, I came off as kind of desperate. And in fact, I'm kind of scared of hooking up with girls who go to cons ever since one girl I met at a con was obsessed with getting me to read homestuck (and kept sending me homestuck gay porn) to the point where she offered me sex to read it... despite her being a minor.

>Do you think there's a big focus on getting laid and getting together in the cosplay community?
I don't know, but a lot of the people I know who go to cons and want to get laid are usually socially inept people who're trying to get laid anyways and find the atmosphere of conventions a lot less intimidating.

>> No.7003504

There have been a few times I've wanted to hook up at a con, but I don't want to be that asshole who's fucking on the bed they have to share with people the whole weekend.

>> No.7003548

This is why you rent a motel room for a night.

>> No.7003579
File: 76 KB, 800x450, maes-hughes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Normal" people definitely think of cosplayers as sexual deviants. There's no argument there.

I find that cons are a decent place to meet people, but usually more to network and make friends/meet people than for just hooking up. I personally don't really go to cons to hook up with people, but if I decide to, it usually has nothing to do with the costume It's more about their personality. "Hey, you seem really chill and open to things, would you like to go to my room for a drink/ for something more private" deal, and not a "Hey baby, that outfit's hot, let's fuck" deal. It's just like meeting someone at a bar or chatting up a girl in a coffee shop, it's a social gathering, like anything else.

If the mood is right, it can happen, yeah, but you shouldn't be there just for that. Just having fun is my outlook on it all, and you should do that while being respectful about it, too. Hooking up at cons is definitely not a community focus, overall.

>cosplaying as Maes Hughes, married man extraordinaire at Otakon
>likely hooking up with no one at all
>don't care

>> No.7003592

The troll isn't going to stop being ridiculous.

>> No.7003598
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Before you engage in cosplay sex, always remember girls:


>> No.7003610

Oh hey it's the bartending dude

>> No.7003618


Honestly I think the costume does kinda describe their personality a bit along with showing what their interests are.

>> No.7003622

I know some people who have an easier time hooking up at cons because approaching people is less difficult when they're literally wearing their interests on their sleeves

>> No.7003632

>Do you think cosplay and lolita is just perceived as some kind of weird fetish for "normal" people? Like we're all dressing up for sexual reasons?
A lot of people perceive it that way. If people claim they didn't know the majority of people perceive it this way, they're either incredibly naive or in denial.

>Do you enjoy hooking up at cons? Is it better or worse than hooking up at, say, a bar?
I usually just either cosplay and/or buy figs/merch and leave. As for the second part of the question, I don't see how an interest overlap (anime etc.) would be that helpful in the case of a hookup.

>Do you think there's a big focus on getting laid and getting together in the cosplay community?
Looks like it considering the large amount of after-con events. This is just an impression, though.

>> No.7003649

Man, I like your style.

>> No.7003652

>You are never going to get married you worthless piece of shit whore, lol.

you puddi jelly fags?

>> No.7003674


It's a very small part of them, though, which in my opinion isn't enough for a friendship, a relationship, or even a one-night stand. As for their interests, it's only the initial common one that brings us together. It's like looking through a window into a house and not seeing past the pattern on the drapes.

>> No.7003713

A girl found out I was a cosplayer and invited me to a fetish party. I was like, "Wow, I'm not sure I can think of anything I would enjoy doing less than talking about sex with a bunch of awkward strangers."

>> No.7003722

Well, my local con is sort of infamous for having orgies, even to the point where a friend of mine who been going longer said "What do you mean, 'the' orgy? I wasn't aware there was only one. Man, I AM getting old"

>> No.7003729


A reasonable person on my /cgl/?!?!

>> No.7003737


You are a lucky man. I want to be on the orgy committee.

>> No.7003747

Oh no you don't. I've heard stories about it on here on /cgl/ and apparently they let anyone in, are ok with cutting and scat in the same room, and usually end with gray paint everywhere

>> No.7003774
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Well then I guess I rescind my offer.

>> No.7004074
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>> No.7004159

It’s strange… when I started Lolita I just liked the clothing. My boyfriend is perfectly well adjusted as well. But I guess we developed a ‘fetish’ for the clothing? It just seems so natural. And we have worked our way into dressing up for sexual purposes. He asks me to dress in Lolita specifically to have sex occasionally and we have plans to start having sex after meetups because… why not? It’s just funny to me because I was reading BtB before we developed this ‘fetish’ and I feel guilty whenever we do it because I know there are women out there who would find it strange?

Long story short: I didn't start wearing lolita for fetish reasons. It progressed naturally. Now me and my boyfriend like doing kawaii shit together before making out.

>> No.7004162

what a slut i can see her elbows

>> No.7004188
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>are ok with cutting and scat in the same room

>> No.7004439

I know right, I bet she's not even wearing bloomers.

>> No.7004465
File: 66 KB, 395x400, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't argue with you, some women dress like hookers, but see, hookers are at least payed before they're had sex with.

We should at least do skimpy cosplayers the courtesy of asking.

>> No.7004474

It's actually kinda funny: my sex drive always seems to go down at cons. Maybe it's being too distracted by doing stuff or maybe it's the hambeasts and neckbeards killing my libido but something happens and I stop caring about trying to get laid.

>> No.7004476

putting my two cents in on the "do people think you are a sexual deviant" ...no, not really, in my experiences. I don't go advertising it, but when I mention I can sew, I say I make costumes as a hobby. Most people are impressed and ask me if i can hem their pants or fix a button or make their kid's halloween costume.

I've had sex in long wig. They do get tangly, so if this is an issue for you I don't recommend it - OR you could tie it back in a braid, that can be cute too. but yeah none of my wigs have ever gotten any more tangled than they would have running around a con for a day I also don't wear anything delicate, or if I do, it comes off quickly.

question for you all - are any of you in a monogamous relationship and have cosplay sex to help spice things up? My sex drive is very fickle and sometimes it helps get me in the mood. but then there is a part of me that feels silly and/or guilty, like I'm some kind of freak for liking it. A friend I confided in about it later threw the issue back in my face in a nasty way, which has made me feel worse. anyone else feel this way/deal with this issue?

>> No.7004533

There is nothing wrong with having sex in cosplay. Its no worse than any other sexual fetishes. My advice is to make sure that you choose who you confide in more carefully. Not everyone will get it. I've been lucky that I knew another couple who did it so we shared our stories.

>> No.7004539

>but then there is a part of me that feels silly and/or guilty, like I'm some kind of freak for liking it

I felt like this with my last boyfriend. I wanted to have/enjoy cosplay sex but I always felt dirty about it for some reason which is odd because I am naturally a very sexual person. I realized much later it's because he was a very traditional Korean and had a lot of hangups about sex and projected them on to me. I was scared to be myself around him because I was subconsciously afraid he'd judge me.

Could your guy be your issue? I'm with someone new now who loves doing fun sex things with me (like cosplay sex) and I haven't felt guilty or silly about it since.

>> No.7004553

Redditor Nerdgin spotted.

>> No.7004563

You're a fucking shit brother/sister if you let her dress up like that knowing fully well what kind of people (pervs) are at these shitty cons.

>> No.7004565

god you sound like a fucking faggot

>> No.7004569

>question for you all - are any of you in a monogamous relationship and have cosplay sex to help spice things up?
My bf and I are both cosplayers and he honestly prefers my old school uniform or a maid's outfit. I don't care much either way, I like dressing up but I also like being nude.

>> No.7004788

Yes, I'm most likely never going to bring it up again unless I'm extremely certain.
Glad to hear you're having a better time with your new sig other. My SO is honestly VERY supportive. We've been together for many years and he is encouraging and sometimes even suggests cosplay sex. I think I'm just stupid sometimes and need to remind myself it's nothing terrible.
I think for me it's not so much the outfits but the characters if that makes sense.

>> No.7004829

My bf and I won't have sex while I'm IN cosplay but he just likes to see me in the outfit beforehand and enjoys taking the outfit off of me. Probably because most of my cosplays have multiple parts and layers so it increases the anticipation.

It works out pretty nicely for the both of us because even though I enjoy dressing up for him I don't want to have to worry about getting stains or something on my cosplays. But for him it gives him the opportunity to see me in a skirt that's shorter than what I would normally wear. As well as thigh high socks which I don't wear in normal clothes because they never stay in place and it annoys me too much to be constantly fixing them.

>> No.7007627

Anyone else have a mask fetish.
Just curious.

>> No.7008395
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>mfw I was too busy making friends
I-I got a hug from a guy even though I'm not gay...

In my defense, first con ever. People loved my cosplay but I was getting so many pictures taken and walking around getting stopped so much that I was told afterwards by two different girls that I became unapproachable- women at cons seem way too shy to hook up with.

>> No.7008502

Tell us more about it anon.

>> No.7008548



>> No.7008738
File: 20 KB, 250x309, 1364364734332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, what's more to say?

I was taken back. People were so sweet at the con and I mean nice to everyone, even those not in cosplay. I felt a mutual sense of respect and admiration towards and from everyone.

People would spot me across a hallway and yell out some quote from what I was cosplaying to call me over and just to talk. Someone even stopped me in middle of a conversation I was having just to seriously say, "Dude, you're so badass." and that's the guy who kept hugging me lol he seemed liked a good kid so I let him.

Also, form all the shit I've heard on /cgl/ about female cosplayers, from all the ones I got to meet in con, I never got the sense that they were particularly slutty or hardcore attention whores. Everyone was just very nice and respectful and even the cosplay girls that were dressed more provocatively were just hanging out with their friends and they'd call some of us out for random group pics or we'd ask the DJ the convention hired in the exhibition hall to play something and everyone would join into the middle for a dance off.

All in all, I had an amazing time and I can't wait to go again and maybe even get more hugs.

>> No.7009955

What did you cosplay?

>> No.7009971

>not hardcore attention whores

>> No.7009980

Anon. If there is one thing you have to learn, is to always take everything on /cgl/ (and 4chan as a whole) with a grain of salt. Or a bag of it. A really big bag.

>> No.7010043

Of course, this kind of threads would have perverts and sexual deviants blogging about their stories here. These are bad influence.
All of you who wish to practice sexual abstinence for the greater good of a relationship, stay strong and use your virgin powers to the fullest!

>> No.7010055

Nigga don't even.

>> No.7010073

>are any of you in a monogamous relationship and have cosplay sex to help spice things up?

I have built cosplays JUST for this reason with my boyfriend.
I'll be making him one for my fantasys too.

>> No.7010265
File: 106 KB, 480x480, nagi-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many anons talking about having cosplay sex with their bf. /cgl/ sure has a lot of girls huh?

>> No.7010343


It's full of gays, like fit.

There are no girls on the internet.

>> No.7010345
File: 221 KB, 800x1019, 1344817258442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cute gf to cosplay dota 2 waifus to have sex with
>tfw no gf

>> No.7010349

My husband and I have had cosplay sex once, and it was more we were in the mood for sex and in costume(at con, in our hotel room, etc....), then dressing up in costume specifically for sex.

>> No.7010367


hey, i don't just eat one flavor man. i get a sample of everything so i know what i want.

>> No.7010372
File: 578 KB, 2592x1944, 1359731480490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that cosplay is just another facet of furrydom

>> No.7010375


thanks brah!

>> No.7010385


I've actually never been on reddit before! Unfortunately i'm not as eloqent in type as i am in person.

>> No.7010413

>yfw you almost managed to schedule a hook up via a /cgl/ thread but the thread got baleeteed

god fucking damn it cgl dont be such a cockblock.

>> No.7010493

There once was a photo of me and a cosplay friend uploaded on facebook and everybody thought I was banging her...

>> No.7010513

MGS3's Big Boss, I've posted pics of myself here on /cgl/'s help thread before it got pruned. It was expensive to get real, vintage vietnam gear but so worth it.

Normally anon, I'd agree with you but I swear everyone was surprisingly well behaved- I was sincerely impressed, everyone seemed to just be there to have a really good time.

Yeah I know, I know...

>> No.7010517

Social threads are frowned on here apparently, also considdering every kind of lowlife is also here because lol grils, makes hooking up as painfull as going to /soc/, and not just hooking up either, starting pleasant conversation here is sometimes a bit difficult

>> No.7010589

>Do you think cosplay and lolita is just perceived as some kind of weird fetish for "normal" people? Like we're all dressing up for sexual reasons?
As someone who dosnt dress lolita (and is male) when I explain it as a part of cons and explain that I frequent a cosplay and lolita image board (exact words, I know some 9fags that would come in and shit up everything), I specifically have to explain the word "lolita" extensively, as I get odd looks of varying degrees.

>Do you enjoy hooking up at cons? Is it better or worse than hooking up at, say, a bar?
Its the same lotto as at a bar, only instead of talking over normalfag stuff its mostly weeb stuff. Both scenes have a chance of finding crazy and diseased skanks/creepers, but I believe theres a better chance (better, not high), of finding someone decent at a con if your into relationships.

>Do you think there's a big focus on getting laid and getting together in the cosplay community?
Theres always going to be more immature people then there will be people with a level head. There are probably a fair chunk of con goers of all ages saying "aw man lets pick up some CHICKS bro. SO easy to get laid!...whats anime bro?", as well as the "daddy didnt love me enough, I NEED ATTENTION, even if its with my vagina!". BUT! thankfully those are easy to spot and the ones there for con first, sex second, are usually a blast to hang around with.

Everyone has reasons for everything, not always good. Some lolitas do dress for the fetish, and some creepy, lonely guys at a con are not going to take upskirt shots. Normals or not, who gives a shit. Just relax and have fun.

>> No.7010638

I wish there was a /cgl/ social club for people to get together and talk about stuff, and con meet ups.

>> No.7010660

I think the problem is compounded because even though there's more females than males in the /cgl/ network, just like most other places there's going to be 3-5 single males for every single female, and out of those 3-5, 2-4 will be creepers or man-sluts. That's how it goes.

>> No.7010667

I wonder if theres a mechanical system we can use to filter that out, I mean we already know super special treehouses become hard to manage due to elitism, but some sort of "i'm superior to you" is always needed to weed out the wierdo's.

I mean theres no system for it besides taste, and you just add people and leave the ones in you find tolerable, or somebody manages all the people and pairs them up by analysis.

Beside sounding super dysfunctional myself right now, I'd rather just set up a chatroom or Skype group call instead and manage it for better or worse.

>> No.7010682

I'll agree that cliquiness is a terrible thing and should be avoided. No, what I meant was merely that what tends to happen is:
* For females: The odds are good, but the goods are odd. You'll probably have bad experiences most or all of the time, and this will turn you off of dating within the community, meaning that the number of females will shrink even further.
* For males: The competition is going to be cutthroat and vicious, and will tend to favor those who are best at deception and lying and pretending to be who they're not, rather than those who actually have good qualities.
These two situations reinforce each other and combine to create a toxic environment where the only acceptable moves are to either go gay or go home.

>> No.7010694

So, the thinking breaks down to:
*Male view: It's a zero-sum game and the odds are against me, so I've gotta be a lying, backstabbing sleazy piece of shit in order to win.
*Female view: All the men are lying, backstabbing, sleazy pieces of shit, I don't want to play any more.

>> No.7010701

I think you're underestimating the strength of mankind, unlike what most dateless populists would argue is that rarely is somebody any good at being minipulative, or out to get you in the first place, and your suggested competition would mean the social club would be more akin to a dating site instead of somewhere to enjoy and practice your hobby with others. I'm also fully aware of the irony of saying this in a cosplay sex thread.

So I'd pull up the schematic for cliques and liken them to kingdoms and dictatorships, is that they work really well if managed properly, and are downright awful if done by the wrong person.

I mean I managed to make a con group on /v/ of all places using our better judgement and suspicion so I'd like to think I'm qualified for the job of managing affairs, and preventing toxic shitholes from festering up.

And if it's not any one person it'd have to be a group of people who at least recognize each others strong points beside their diversity/adversity, so the load of judging is divided but ran through a circle of individuals instead of an end all decider.

management by the people doesn't seem all to bad if we just stick to tried and true tenants like, not being a caricature and letting your personality and love for it carry yourself in a discussion.

>> No.7010708

Yeah shit, with thinking like that nobody would get anywhere here. But those are the popular opinions for a reason mind you, but for things to work I'd ask people to be invested into creating something better instead of exclusive, which also involves admitting you're in the wrong if such a case is factually apparent.

>> No.7010714

Honesty and cooperative strategies only work when people are stuck being around each other on a regular basis, and thus actually have to deal with the consequences of their behaviour. Convention people aren't going to be subject to this because they'll only physically meet each other a few times a year, under normal circumstances. Additionally, when almost all the interaction is online, it becomes trivially easy to manipulate one's presented image into something completely different from the person's reality. There just aren't any lasting negative consequences to being a dickwad.

>> No.7010719

Fixing the problem has to begin with acknowledging it, right? So how do we address this?

>> No.7010847

Managing it with responsible individuals, basically our ideal image of a person is the one that regulates to community/social club. If we lack an ideal type of being to strive for we cannot compare it to what we don't want in a person. I mean we know the problem is there which is inherent to the person, and while we can't change people, we can change our community.

So I say, benevolent democratic fascism. You can only work with the people you appreciate, who encompass your vision of moral and responsible ideals, which in my head involves plenty of introspection and idea trading with people. I don't think you can manipulate a system based on cooperation, because you'd risk shaking the system apart and thus ruining why you're cooperating in the first place.

>> No.7010955

How do you propose to run something like this? How would you prevent it from becoming yet another elitist clique? What are the ground rules that it would operate by? How would someone join?

I'll just put forward that I've essentially dropped out of the dating pool myself, since I can't make any meaningful connections with strangers, and there are no single, attractive members of the opposite sex in my social circles.

>> No.7011000

Being open and friendly would be a good start.

>> No.7011037

It's probably about the same as hooking up at a bar. I would think so because I have about the same amount of courage to hook up with someone at a con that I do at a bar, which is none.

>> No.7011049
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>But I've not met or known anyone who, outside of some creepers, made hooking up/getting laid a focus for them with conventions.

This has been my experience and this is what I tell normalfags: The people who are hooking up at cons are the ones you don't want to think about having sex.

I don't count the hot girls who show up with their boyfriend, or anything like that, because that's just hotel sex. That's not hooking up with a random stranger.

Nearly everyone else I've ever met who talks about banging random chicks at a con has been some horrendous, 30-40 year old neckbeard or some horrendous landwhale fag-hag sort of girl.. Like.. The type who buys a ren faire corset and wears it all the time, even though she's got a tit waterfall thing going on.

Last C2E2 I sat down with a couple of strangers to cool off and rest my feet, and they started talking about some of the hot girls in costume and how you need to be careful because some are underaged. I just sort of made small talk, not really weighing in on their topic of choice.. Then they started talking about all the times they almost hooked up with someone. Like, how this one time, he spent all weekend chatting up a girl, then some other guy talked to her and ditched him. The other guy just kind of talked about how he was led on a few times or how he got too drunk at a room party and missed his chance.

Both of these guys, despite being in their mid-thirties, fat, poorly shaven, covered in nerdy shit, like jackets covered in stupid buttons and shirts all distorted and stretched because they bought a size too small, just going ON AND ON about all of their not-conquests. Despite going to cons for years, I think only one of them had a story where he actually banged someone.

Those are the sort of people who think cons exist so they can hook up with all the hot cosplay chicks.

>> No.7011062

That's because there are no attractive singles left, except for a tiny handful scattered all over the planet who will never meet each other.

>> No.7011073


This again fits the bill.

I've never hooked up at a con or went to one to get some casual sex. I would be lying however if I said I didn't go to conventions hoping to meet cute guys I might want to get to know better later during times when I was single. A man who knows how to run a sewing machine is a sexy man indeed. Conventions are a way to meet people into similar hobbies, I doubt I'd meet many men who were into sewing or costume making at a bar. Then again I've met some cool men at conventions who weren't into cosplay that much.

Also agreeing with this poster. Too many people I know as regulars to local conventions go there to get piss drunk all weekend so I can't really judge if two consenting adults agree to hooking up at a convention though I think it brings more dramu then it's worth. Also hotels are not a sex paradise like some posters said above. I can barely go five minutes in peace before someone comes in to drop stuff off or change into costume. I've had girls in my room who spend hours on their makeup and prepping their costume before even stepping out on the floor and then come back 30mins later forgetting something. I'd rather hook up somewhere where I don't have to worry about it. Cosplay lyfe.

Do it and don't feel guilty. Some get off to rubbing balloons all over them or stepping on bugs so I think cosplay sex isn't that weird. I'm cosplaying a tokyo mew mew character in the future not just because I like her but also because my boyfriend likes her if you know what I mean. >>7004533 has good points as well. Also do it in cheap costumes or old costumes you don't care about because hot damn am I ruining a 200$+ costumes to get laid.

>> No.7011110

I wouldn't be surprised if the book Lolita made people assume that lolita fashion is linked to pedophilia

>> No.7011123

Most people haven't even read the book.

>> No.7011146

Yeah I know, but a lot of people just know it as "that book about pedophilia"

>> No.7012160

What nīggâ?
Basketball-core is Absolutely a thing and it's based on a sport uniform.

>> No.7012194
File: 60 KB, 600x600, furries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay is just a variant of furrydom. Of course behavior within the sects will be similar.

>> No.7012201

Isn't it the other way around? Furry is a variant of cosplay? The first furry convention happened around 1987, and the first anime convention happened in 1975 js

>> No.7012203
File: 54 KB, 480x368, aubrey plaza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think cosplay and lolita is just perceived as some kind of weird fetish for "normal" people? Like we're all dressing up for sexual reasons?

The last few normal people I talked to about it thought so, so yes.

>Do you enjoy hooking up at cons? Is it better or worse than hooking up at, say, a bar?

At a con, you have the added benefit of knowing that you're both into the same thing, and it's fulfilling a mutual fantasy. Downside is cosplay community is small, and doesn't stay buried. One night bar stands are just that. Might never see em again.

>Do you think there's a big focus on getting laid and getting together in the cosplay community?

Not as much as you'd think. There really isn't as much "hooking up" as you'd believe. More like, conventions are a hotbed of people having affairs and cheating on people. So it seems like "hook ups", but a lot of it is actually pre-planned and not an actual "on the spot" hook up.

But I don't normally think cosplay is done for the sake of hooking up. I think it's more of an added bonus that it's easier to attract someone when you're basically WEARING a conversation opener. But it's not (usually) most cosplayers main concern.

>> No.7012221

Do you guys have any particular cosplays you'd like to do for sexual encounters? Any fantasies you wanna play out with cosplay?

>> No.7012223

Pics plz.

>> No.7012237

Would anybody be thrilled for a skype group convo moderated by me? And we just expand on that as the /cgl/ social club.

>> No.7012243

I'm in.

>> No.7012257

I'll post my secondary adres in a moment, It's hot as hell today and I can still do some reps before getting a cold shower.

>> No.7012283

I'll be adding people to a group convo in Skype now, lets get this ball rolling.

>> No.7012329


im down.

skype: eatdispie

though im at work and may only be text based until later.

>> No.7012364

ITT a 40 year old man samefags

>> No.7012390

Yep, I'm an infamous male cosplayer everyone hates because I offend everything there is to offend, too. Go figure lol

>> No.7012634

We've already started quite the party, anybody else interested in joining?

>> No.7012911

I was, but apparently I'm not enthusiastic enough to be allowed into your party.

>> No.7014584

I recently cosplayed Naked Snake and although It hadn't occurred to me until I read your post...I would have liked to fight someone cosplaying The Boss in a jungle, hand to hand, and lost somehow. Then comes the rape fantasy...

>> No.7014749 [DELETED] 

there's a 14 year old in my comm and she doesn't do it because "omg older men how hot must fuck" she just likes the cute clothes.

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.7014764 [DELETED] 

personally i don't think lolita is about looking younger tbh
it's just a really cute fashion with clothes that a large age group likes.

>unless you're wearing really ugly cradle and baby shaker prints
>nobody in their right fashion sense would find that cute

>> No.7014803

I came into this thread back when it was only 75 replies and saw almost nothing and now I come back and people are trying to have Skype convos.

What the fuck?

>> No.7015028

shut up vinny

>> No.7015102

I feel like people who want The Boss and Naked Snake to fuck are the worst kind of people who have no comprehension of the relationship they had at all. Disgusting.

>> No.7015137

It's called a fantasy for a reason jack ass

I'm well aware their relationship was more mother to son and non-sexual. You should be aware that anyone who can pull off a The Boss cosplay would likely be attractive as fuck, hence the fantasy.

>> No.7016051

I wish I had a sexlife... ;_;

>> No.7016105

Are you attractive?

>> No.7017034

Sooo this hooking up at cons thing, thats not just some myth then? Considering going to my first con after not having really looked at anime since i was a student, but this weekend the city centre was full of cute cosplayers handing out leaflets for one next month...

>> No.7017103

It seems like every time I go into a cosplay sex thread, there's always a Big Boss cosplayer who has a Big Boss/The Boss sexual fantasy. Is this really a common thing, or is it all just the same person?

>> No.7017397
File: 99 KB, 712x615, malefemaleshy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look not bad and also girls and friends said to me often I look attractive. BUT I am a big social failure! I am shy and introvert = no chance to get a girlfriend. Good looking is useless as a guy if you are shy, introvert and a social failure.

>> No.7017401

I think introverts are cute. They're not in your face and I appreciate that. This applies for both genders. I think girls get more slack for being extroverts though, because it's bitchy/bossy/naggy/etc.

>> No.7017413

so that's a no

>> No.7017415

HAHAHA! "introvert guys are cute!", yes yes... as just a good friend in their friendzone! The truth is, girls don't want a shy beta-guy as a boyfriend. All girls want a alpha-boyfriend! This is the truth! Women are liars.

>> No.7017417

Are you okay? You sound a little butthurt there.

>> No.7017424

This is just the truth.
I never seen a "cute introvert" guy with a girlfriend. This kind of men are mostly friendzoned and the girls has a alpha as boyfriend. This is so often and really true.

>> No.7017438

>I have never personally seen _______
>Thus _______ must not exist

Just stop. If you're not trolling I sincerely feel really bad for your inevitably awful life of trusting no one and being unhappy while blaming others.

>> No.7017496

if lolita fashion is looked at as a fetish, it's the fault of sweet prints! Classic, country and even hime don't look weird like children's underwear with cartoons.

cartoon sweet prints with rocking horses can have the lolita title, while the more mature styles to start going under neo-victorian or something. Let us have our own frilly renaissance!

>> No.7017562

The fundamental problem that you have is understanding that "cute introvert" means something else to men and women. To men, it's the oddball from his circle of virgins who play computer games all the time who actually looks good. To women, it's a maybe good-looking (becomes gradually less important as the other two qualities rise) who's "Alpha" despite doing the stupid shit they like (cosplays, plays casual turd games girls like, is into their fandoms - Homeshit, etc...) or has status (this doesn't have to be money or real fame, can be also something as a "famous" tripfag on /cgl/ - it's literally impossible not to whore your tripname out on /cgl/ and not get laid with *some* seagull, no matter how disgusting you are - proof: Roko, Nicknacks, Blue...).

Basically, you're doing it wrong.

You have to either give up your "nerd integrity" and start to actually bend down to the newest trends/popular shit and to the whims of women (and become an "Alpha" of the 21st century) or accept reality and realize there is no "perfect girlfriend" who would be a hot like-minded br--sis that you can fuck (that old joke about how the perfect girlfriend after sex turns into a pizza, a Playstation and a bro to play with you).

Either way, I'll still be disgusted with you, so don't let the choice affect you too deeply.

>> No.7017707

That isn't true, my boyfriend is a shy introvert and I love him for who he is. I've always liked that quiet/shy type. There are definitely others like me. Also girls who are introverts themselves would perhaps be more comfortale with males who are introverted/shy too.

Goodluck Anon!

>> No.7017745
File: 942 KB, 495x280, 1373770489069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cute introvert bf
He's genuinely nice too. Not one of those guys that claim to be "nice" and then wonder why they get friendzoned. Girls can smell crazy you know...

>> No.7017747
File: 14 KB, 407x286, 390394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound fucking psychotic. Maybe that's why tfw no gf.

>> No.7017760

this this this this this.
i'm a 7/10 in a three year relationship with a 5/10 and he didn't win me over by fucking whining all the time.

>> No.7017786

Your girlfriend will be someone who talks a lot and doesn't mind that you're an introvert etc. That's how it is with me and my wife anyway, she's doesn't like talking to people and has no friends except me and I became her friend by talking to her constantly and not minding if she hardly said anything, not judging her, and so on. I've made a lot of friends who are shy/introverts that way... The very fact that you're even posting on 4chan means you're not as introverted and shy as my friends/wife, since they all strictly lurk.

>> No.7017911

He don't sound psychotic. Your boyfriend thinks exactly like that the only diff. is that he don't show none of it. He gonna trastalk you like that to all his guyfriends when you done dumped him too.

>> No.7017943

this is what feminism does to men

they actually start believing it's ok for men to be pussies....

se here's the thing-- men are supposed to be ALPHA= confident and dominant and either have huge muscles or lot of money to make up for it

women on the other hand are always BETA = subservient, looking for someone to dominate them, treat them "special" (=like inferiors) and protect them because they are biologically incapable of facing the consequences of their own decision or being independent from men (that's why in the past women is considered property of man)

so if a woman is shy she is less likely to cause problems / rebel against your male dominance by finding another dick to suck and instead she stays in the kitchen like a good woman should

if a man is shy, well, he is a FUCKING LOSER - there's just nothing that justifies it; muscles are useless if you're still a Beta loser mindset, and you must have twice or thrice as much money as if when you were Alpha

that's why in Asia (the *country of BETAS* where you have literally like 1 Alpha in 10 million) you have arranged marriages to fix the problem for their societies

>> No.7017953

Wow fuck off.

>> No.7017964

I dunno, I live in Sweden and it seems pretty normal to be a "beta" male here. Then again it's also not exactly taboo for men to bake or do childcare, or women to do upholstery and woodworking. We're just not as far back into the stone age as you apparently.

>> No.7017963

Men are not supposed to be anything, they can be what ever the fuck they want

>> No.7017969

I don't really understand what muscles are supposed to achieve in modern society and why they are seen as great. You get paid a lot more when programming hardware compared to when being a mover, right?

>> No.7017978

>upholstery and woodworking
If you know what I mean ;D

>> No.7017981

Because fat is gross and traditionally associated with hedonism for some people. Not saying those people are right, just that it's what a lot of people associate with it.

>> No.7018015

i'm sorry, i don't speak jive

>> No.7018021

Norwege here. Don't mind this man, remember that the US is like 1700 something years behind Europe when it comes to evolving as a society. It's not his fault he's still in retard stage.

>> No.7018049

>Men are not supposed to be anything, they can be what ever the fuck they want
ahahahhahaha, tell me that when we come your country, kill your pussy men rape your women and take your oil reserves

more like Swedistan
your country is literally dead

this is the stupidest thing I read this month

>> No.7018052

>he thinks I'm American
how stupid can you be, America is also a country of feminism (though not as much as your dead country)

>> No.7018053 [DELETED] 

do u have pics of said sister

>> No.7018057

u buttmad

>> No.7018061


but you will be butt*ravaged* ;)

(not by me tho I'm not faggot)

>> No.7018063

no u

>> No.7018071

сука блять

>> No.7018075

But you can be thin, not having fat, and yet not having muscles either. That's what I meant.

So how much cosplay sex do Norwegians have?

"Dead country"....? What does that even mean? I know that English isn't your first language, but you could try a little harder to make sense.

>> No.7018088

любить тебя 2

>> No.7018092

Stop projecting. It's nobodies fault but yours that you can't get a girlfriend. No one owes you anything.

>> No.7018128

That's my preference for men because I'm a domme. Betas make great submissives. I revel in their awkward, shy attitudes.

>> No.7018153

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

>> No.7018164

>So how much cosplay sex do Norwegians have?

None from what I can tell. Norwegians are already socially awkward and terrible at interacting. Most of the cosplay teen is below 16 and most of them are weebs.

>> No.7018171
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>> No.7018187
File: 107 KB, 789x521, parking-tickets-issued-on-wrecks-while-stockholm-burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Dead country"....? What does that even mean?

it means that your police gives out parking fines to white people owned cars that were burned down by rioting sandfriends