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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 225 KB, 370x357, AA+Craft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7013352 No.7013352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread hit image limit. Post ideas/inspiration for Art Alley spaces, what crafts/arts you're selling, or related questions.

>> No.7014613

For those that do plushies, how many different patterns would you recommend before trying to get a table where you'll only be selling them? How about if you were selling prints as well? I know some alleys ask artists if they'll be doing prints OR crafts, so would both even be allowed?

>> No.7014641

Both would never be frowned upon, it's when they ask for "crafts" that they may ask you to buy a vendor's booth. It will depend on the AA's fineprint.

>> No.7016488

Image limit?

Aww clams, I was hoping to find some examples, but I think it's 404'd. I don't suppose you have any to get this thread going?

>> No.7016505

Depends on the con. At Anime North, print and non-print items are sold in separate areas, so you can't have both at your table.

>Absolutely no merchandise that is considered to be illustrated paper media is allowed for sale in the Crafters Corner. Examples include but are not limited to prints, magnets, buttons, and doujinshi.
>Craft, 3D merchandise and non-paper media are not allowed to be sold in the Comic Market. Laminated paper magnets and mylar/paper buttons are allowed as they are paper-based items.

>> No.7016589

Check the archive, there are tons of images.

>> No.7016593
File: 191 KB, 900x618, sakuracon2012_aa_table_by_bluepaws21-d4vwuu0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016592
File: 271 KB, 1024x768, otakon_aa_2012_by_cetriya-d59eq4i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting a few for now. Might be new for some.

>> No.7016595
File: 304 KB, 997x560, vendpic_fanime2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016600

Either they're underpricing, or I'm overpricing...
Feels bad, man.

>> No.7016601
File: 166 KB, 900x507, saboten_2012_by_chibi_kizumi-d5emlxq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7016630
File: 100 KB, 389x519, Redead small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sell handmade video game/anime themed masks. Leather goods like bracers,bracelets , cosplay accessories with leather, and fun leather things...

>> No.7016657

How much do you usually charge?

>> No.7016659

Various prices, some smaller things like bracelets can be 15, my hats are in the higher end of about 120-250. Masks run in the 40-90 range depending on material.

>> No.7016661
File: 2.78 MB, 4288x3216, Hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot another pic

>> No.7016927

...I love that. That's incredible. Have you made any other of the masks from OoT or MM?

>> No.7017027
File: 367 KB, 1037x778, DSC04546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made majora's mask a few years back but I hated the paint job and the mold broke before I made any more.

>> No.7020077

oh man i want one!

>> No.7022334

Bumping with question.

I just got my first AA, and I'm planning on making jewelry for AA and want to package them nicely (one of the biggest turnoffs I had at a con was getting a 4 euro pin dumped on me with no packaging whatsoever). Do you guys find it easier to pre package your things or leave them out until the customer buys it? I heard it looks really good if they see you packaging your item, but at the same time, it might be more time consuming. Thoughts?

>> No.7022338

it's pretty much up to you? you basically answered your own question. if you feel like you need to do it, it's a nicer touch, but it's more time consuming.

>> No.7022372

I make/sell jewelry, and I normally have them out so people can touch/look at them, but I have small kawaii shopping bags for them to put them in/don't loose them.

>> No.7022375
File: 89 KB, 480x319, 1365121604169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7022379
File: 40 KB, 600x450, China_Gift_boxes_packaging_Jewelry_boxes_cake_boxes_candy_box_paper_box20123281634321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think either way is fine, as long as there is SOME kind of packaging they will eventually go into.

>> No.7022393

You could set out one of each for customers to look at and keep the rest in packaging so you can easily just hand them a prepackaged one when they purchase. Also cuts down on theft because you don't have a bunch of each sitting out.

>> No.7022394

I think the easiest thing to do is have the samples out in the open, and the rest packaged away to save time(The exception being one of a kind pieces obviously)

I think the absolute minimum the artist should have at least some kind of bag for their items. Especially small things. Even just a basic ziploc bag is better then nothing.

>> No.7022451

I recently got pens made from Vista print and they came out really nice,but I have no idea how to price them , they cost me 1.50 a pen to make . Help? I can't post the design becouse it would out who I am and I don't want to reveal myself to members of my comm that I also go on cgl. I'm just looking for a ballpark number or what you would charge since I never see these kind of things sold in aa.

>> No.7022469

That includes shipping, right? I would say $3~$5. $4~$5 if you include some nice packaging, otherwise $3

>> No.7022982
File: 84 KB, 570x952, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning to sell these at the next con in my area.

>> No.7023441

these are pretty cute. I think having different colored straps would add to the cutness of the stars.

>> No.7024996
File: 242 KB, 1280x956, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the suggestion! I actually do have colored straps. I actually just put up different colored stars.

>> No.7026799
File: 7 KB, 235x214, felt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to be making cute coin purses and wallets out of felt. Long story short, I have a good idea for what the base item is going to look like and can make a ton of derivatives by varying certain material colors. It also won't be that expensive for me to make but I'm going to charge $10 and $20 per item.

I'm in the middle of moving so I haven't gotten any materials yet though. I'm planning on getting:

- felt sheets
- interfacing that's compatible with felt
- embroidery thread/floss
- embroidery needles
- zippers
- ribbon

In the mean time, I'm sketching out designs and adding materials to my Amazon wishlist so I can check out when I'm all settled in. I'm also working on packaging ideas.

I guess the theme is technically Classic Lolita or Otome, but the way I've worked it out, I can make stuff for any subfashion, I just won't be doing cosplay prop stuff though.

>> No.7027969

So I'm looking to start selling little amigurumi things. Working on some 2-3inch octopi at the moment, photos to follow when I finish sewing on the eyes. How popular do these kind of small plush things tend to be?

>> No.7028201
File: 100 KB, 1030x239, Penguins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people do well with amigurumi, others don't sell well at all. It depends on the design, is it a popular character or particularly cute? And the quality, are all your stitches the same size? Did you use decent yarn or dollar store acrylic?
Play with eye size and distance, see what looks most appealing. These penguins are all made from the same pattern, but some are cuter than others.

>> No.7028748

Octopi are very overdone. They're good for practice but popular characters draw more people in.

>> No.7031822

What the hell, people sell amigurumi? I'm really good at crochet, maybe I should try it out.

>> No.7031875

People who are GOOD at it sell amigurumi. No offense. I haven't seen your work, but I know a lot of people who think that just because they can crochet some knots they are fantastic at it.

Learning to crochet is relatively easy. Mastering it is a lot more difficult than people expect.

>> No.7032043
File: 51 KB, 446x540, lavender wristcuffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made these wristcuffs for myself recently. I'd love to get some feedback. Unfortunately my cell phone camera doesn't really pick up the color well. The top picture shows the lavender color the best, but you can't really see the mint sparkles that are woven into the thread. Cuter IRL than on camera, I guess.

If I were to do these again (which I might in a different color) I would tie the bows neater and make the stitches around the top of the mesh more uniform. I'm working on a matching collar at the moment.

Also, I know my nails look terrible.

>> No.7032057

They're cute.

>> No.7032062

I think they're cute but maybe a bit too chunky? I don't know if that was what you were going for, though.

>> No.7032073

Thank you!

It kind of was, but I definitely see what you are saying. If I were to remake them, I think I would space the two layers of shells a little further apart. Thanks for the critique!

>> No.7032076
File: 184 KB, 900x602, a_sea_of_amigurumi_by_hiro_chan28-d4nk18m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, I've seen amigurumi at the cons around here and some have ranged from good to... too holey where the stuffing is showing. Or they are direct copies from crochet books (ie. Cthulhu from Creepy Cute Crochet).

I'll say I'm great at amigurumi, stopped relying on patterns long ago and made my own (it's fun experimenting), but I'm afraid of selling them because they'd come off too high of price compared to their size. Some customers don't understand how long it takes to produce, and I try my best to crochet as fast as possible without cramping my hands. Oh well, I think I'll give it a try one day, do mostly small items that are inexpensive ($8-15) and then a variety of mid-priced ($15-30) to a few high-priced ones ($30+). I'm just tossing numbers from my experience with plushies.

Pic isn't my work but according to them it's about 3 months of work.

>> No.7032095

Does anyone have any experience with shirt printing? I'm looking to print out a few shirts with a simple one color design but I don't know where to order/how to price.

>> No.7032135

What's a few? Why don't you just screen print them yourself if they're one color?

>> No.7032143

Throw it away.

>> No.7032151

They are nice, I think these would look good for mori in neutral earthy colors and minus the bows.

>> No.7032170

I've been playing around with the idea of getting a button maker. I don't really sell at artist alleys, but I've been helpin out with some local events and having a button maker at my disposal would be convienent.

For those who do buttons, what size do you find sells the best? I've heard 1 inch buttons are popular, but that seems so small to me.

>> No.7032172

I think they're cute. With some gloves and a matching hat, they'd make really cute winter accessories

>> No.7032181

Those are some wonky ass bows.

>> No.7032314


My friend started crocheting. Around two months in she started making her own patterns and making her own stuff.

Like I bead and I only managed to start doing my own (semi) thing after two years.

It's too bad that we don't live near each other anymore. I'd totally drag her to con as a table buddy.

>> No.7032390


They're cute. I agree with the others - a bit thick, but I can see them working really well with mori. Maybe also add some pearls to give more details and such (I'm not sure how you add pearls or charms in crochet, but a charm/button on the bow would really finish it well imo).

Also eh, I've seen wonkier bows. I think this type of bow suits the style quite well.

Do you plan on crocheting other things?

>> No.7032544

What size thread did you use? Maybe a finer thread would make these look a little more delicate?

As a crocheter I love them though, and have thought of making wristcuffs as well.

>> No.7032810

Oh, I love mori. That is definitely something I will try.

I never thought to wear them with gloves! I wish it would get cold enough where I live to wear gloves...

Yes, the ribbon I used had some metallic shine to it (I picked it because it matched the yarn) and it was more difficult to tie than I expected. I need to practice more!

Thank you. I know in theory how to add pearls, but I've never tried it before. I'm always up for learning new things, though! I think a charm on the bows is a really good idea, I'll have to hunt around to see if I can find some nice ones.
>Do you plan on crocheting other things?
I crochet all the time. It's very relaxing for me. I've never sold anything I made, though. Usually just make things for myself or as gifts.

The thread is size 3 and I used a D hook (US). I've tried crocheting with smaller thread before and it was very difficult! I definitely need more practice!

Maybe I crocheted too loose? Maybe if my stitches were tighter it would look more delicate.

Thanks for the feedback everybody! I really appreciate it!

>> No.7032928

Yeah, perhaps if you used the smallest possible hook for the thread it would look more delicate. I've used a US E hook to crochet worsted weight yarn before (apparently I crochet really loose), so something much smaller should give a more delicate look.

Since we're talking about needlecrafts, how many lolitas knit and/or crochet? I'm curious as to how much of a market there might be for original (or brand inspired) sock patterns. Sock patterns (even color work patterns) could be easily customized to fit taller girls, so you could get true knee socks or otks.

>> No.7033039

I did use the smallest hook recommended for the thread. I have a smaller hook that I tried using, but it wouldn't hook around the thread. The yarn is about the size of embroidery thread before you separate the threads. I'm about to start a matching collar, so I'll work around with crocheting tighter and smaller hooks and see if I get better results.

Here's a link to a Chocochip Cookie headband pattern for anyone interested:

I've also thought it would be super easy to spruce up a pair of knee socks with a crochet lace sock topper.

>> No.7034994
File: 79 KB, 570x428, cupcake keychain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else cross stitch? I want to start work on some pieces, but I'm wondering about how to finish them.

I could frame them and put them on the wall, or make keychains (pic related). I don't really intend on selling them, just trying to think of the cutest way to display them.

>> No.7035016

Maybe on a board such as in >>7016595

>> No.7036167

No more than 50 or so and I don't really have the proper materials to do it myself.

>> No.7036172

1 inch buttons were popular in the past more so than now I think. 1.25" is what I've been seeing lately.

>> No.7036535

>My friend started crocheting. Around two months in she started making her own patterns and making her own stuff.
Awesome to hear, it's really easy once one gets the hang of it.

I, on the other hand, need to practice more doing hair. It'll open more options to do a variety of characters!

>> No.7036687

Have you tried using felt to make unique hair shapes? You make a trial pattern, similar to how you use muslin to mock up a pattern, then you use felt for the final project. I made a lovely Howl's Moving Castle amigurumi that way.

>> No.7038430
File: 55 KB, 350x332, eggs,-lg,-bowl-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would you buy one of these for?

They're super labor intensive/time consuming, like I've seen them at other arts and crafts functions being sold for $8-10 (which is fair for how long they take to make) but I think people at cons are generally too cheap to shell out that much for just one.

>> No.7038445

Not only are con people cheap but they'll have no use for colorful egges
unless they have anime pictures on them and a way to stand them up/display them

>> No.7038503

I see a ton of stuff in artist alley that gets sold and doesn't need an anime face/motif slapped on it (amigurumi, cell phone charms, lolita accesories, etc)

>> No.7038504

but those are all useful/cute.

>> No.7038617

I might buy them around Easter.

>> No.7038622

What is a good, cheap way of making phone straps, keychains, buttons, etc, with custom illustrations?
I saw on ebay a machine to make buttons and it was fucking expensive. I wanna go a la cheap

>> No.7038671

I have my first artist alley table in October for a very small local con. Should I stick with just art prints for my first time? I'd like to get into making buttons or keychains but I'm afraid of not being able to make a profit. I even have ideas for handkerchiefs but I'm worried about not even being able to break even.

>> No.7038677
File: 12 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to agree with >>7038445 here. Personally, I wouldn't buy those.

My thought process is thus: "Oh, eggs with origami paper on them. What am I going to do with them? I have nowhere to put these and they break easy. And $8-$10 for this? No way." The only way this'd appeal to the anime crowd is because of that origami paper. You're better off making origami crane earrings or something, man.

I would only buy them if, I dunno, I had a fancy bowl from Hobby Lobby in my lovely asian-themed living room and I ran out of those wooden balls made of sticks. Picture related.

>> No.7038682 [DELETED] 


Get a laminating machine from walmart with laminating sheets.


>> No.7038686
File: 76 KB, 700x467, 78198692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Get a laminating machine from walmart with laminating sheets.


>> No.7039265

Button/magnet presses shouldn't be that expensive, I had one a few years back. You could also look into Shrinkydink type plastic printouts.

>> No.7039271

Btw you can use some packaging as shrinkydink, just google "home made shrinkydinks" or something.

>> No.7040026

I wouldn't buy them even if they had anime stuff on them, they break easy and at a con you usually beat stuff up via packing and travel.

>> No.7040033


Sell them at an Easter con (Easter is always on Sundays) like MTAC or something

>> No.7040043

I've seen pictures, seems like an interesting technique to use, would suit a lot of characters. I was thinking of especially the idea of making a wig, combing the yarn into fluff and styling that, but I'm not sure how to preserve the hair style.

>> No.7040361


You might could use that as a base and work more elaborate styles off of that?

>> No.7040391
File: 58 KB, 500x500, tumblr_m4egfsyW2l1rnrg62o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if I were to go sell at an AA again, I would sell pillow stuffed animals exclusively. I had made flat bunnies pillows and even though they were one of the more expensive items I had, they sold the fastest.

>> No.7040897

Sweet christ I didn't even know I needed one of these. I wonder if they'd also be nice U-shaped airplane pillows..

>> No.7043757


>> No.7043819

Oh sweet jesus how did I not come across that tutorial? Thanks for the share!

I remember you! Glad your bunny pillows turned out really popular. I think it comes off as a pillow and a big cute plushie, so win-win!

>> No.7044493
File: 56 KB, 960x720, daedricsword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping to get an artist alley spot for sometime next summer, and I was thinking about making various weapons props like these to sell. What do you think would be a fair pricing range?

>> No.7044952

Do you have anything finished that we can see?

>> No.7045474

I want those! Please make a cat version.

>> No.7045618
File: 127 KB, 720x960, ShieldImadeforafriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite, I'm working on repainting the daedric sword since I didn't like the way I painted it. However I was also planning on making some shields as well.

>> No.7045668

oh my god why did I think laminating machines were so much more expensive than that....?

>> No.7047864


Where can a fella get some keychain straps like that?

>> No.7048018

I've been making charms out of shrink plastic, but a few have broken in the mail to their destinations. I use embossing powder as a glaze. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make them stronger? I don't sell enough of them to make having a bunch of acrylic ones made worth it.

>> No.7048076

i'd like to know as well

>> No.7048138


>> No.7048154

How are you packing them? I've sent mine in a cardboard mailer and have yet to encounter a problem. Also you might want to consider designing the charms in a way that they don't have too many thin, protruding edges to prevent damage.

>> No.7048265
File: 14 KB, 400x400, $T2eC16h,!ysE9sy0kzGKBRwkVWg9ww~~60_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These for items less than 1/4in thickness can go under the first class letter rate stamped. If you're looking for cheap, this is it.

Otherwise, if your charms are too fragile, consider buying 4x8 padded poly envelopes.

>> No.7048613

I've been sending them in paper envelopes, but in a small ziplock bag with a piece of cardboard as a backing. I guess it's not enough though. I'll look into getting some bubble mailers.

>> No.7051081
File: 70 KB, 583x363, whiterabbitprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a recent project for my cousin's "Alice in Wonderland" birthday party. I was asked by my other cousin, who was organizing the party, to make 21 themed keychains on short notice, so I decided to design and to sew simple white rabbits.

I started with the left design, and I had the craziest idea to add a little more in the profile with the middle. Both did not work out and sewing in the ears was hard because the orientation changed sometimes, till I realized I should just include the pattern of the ear with the body pattern. It worked out and I quickly started cutting out all the parts and sewed like mad, right down to the party. They include a pompom tail in the back, and clock buttons, which only one store in the city had. I'm not really satisfied with the arms since it was my first time making them like that instead something similar to the ears, but I think I'll remake the pattern with better limbs.

Although it was a rushed job, I'm happy to have made these for my cousins and the party.

>> No.7054496
File: 309 KB, 1126x845, d45yiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7054509
File: 712 KB, 1440x1080, 20130820_030952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish people sell more of these.
I'm sure there's a market of people who would pay $60+ for these based on hisoutensoku sprites.

>> No.7054603
File: 1.30 MB, 2048x1536, Painted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is a bit more finished, I'm going to make a few more so hopefully practice improves my painting skills

>> No.7054605
File: 1.76 MB, 2048x1536, painted2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7054612

1.5" seem to be the standard, it's also what I have.

>> No.7057293

I wish there were less of these. Every booth seems to sell them, and frankly, I don't feel they have much of a function. You just kind of keep them lying flat. If there was an effective way to hang them up on a wall or a fridge magnet maybe, but nobody thinks that through.

>> No.7057660

People like them, but they're almost as over done as cat ears anymore. Also while this one is amazing and very detailed, the side makes it a risk for transport and storage.

>> No.7057686

One of my friends makes them into earrings and necklaces. Granted they have to be small.

I'm also seem some people online make grand images out of them and have them sold in frames. Seems no different than fanart prints that make up 90% of artist alley.

>> No.7058078

A print doesn't require a frame, is thin and can be rolled up to protect it. A large one of those could easily get bent and snap from a simple travel through the hall or the trip home. Unless you were to make special cardboard folders for each one

>> No.7058150
File: 128 KB, 1024x768, kh_nobody_perler_kandi_necklace_by_namichan13-d5xfl1h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. And prints can be duplicated cheaply. Perler art is usually priced out of the range of the kids who are given $50 to blow by their parents at a con. I've yet to see awesome functional perler art that didnt look like autism worn.

Pic related. I'm sorry ahead of time if this is you.

>> No.7058780

Ahaha, I hope she never wears that in public. I'm glad pearler beads never got that popular at my local cons.