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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7010134 No.7010134 [Reply] [Original]

So it's August. Are you in panic mode yet?

>> No.7010137

Nope. Buying my ticket for next year and going as Jack Frost.

>> No.7010151

I am in panic mode. Yes.

>> No.7010188

I still have pretty much everything to do for my costume, and then I'll be making one for my friend. At least we have all the parts that took time to get. I just need to sew and make the armor.

It'll be my first Dragon*Con and I'm extremely excited.

>> No.7010213

I'm in definitely in panic mode. I've still got a little less than half a costume to make, a wig to buy, detailing on one costume and finishing touches on another. Nothing I have is completed, only close to completion, which is better than last year, where I was sewing my costume in my room the night before the con.

Luckily I'm limiting myself to 3 cosplays and one lolita coord, so I'm sure I can get this all done in time

>> No.7010689

I'm kinda ready. I just need to fix some armor that got messed up over the summer and finish redoing a pair of pants. It's so nice to go to a con with only a couple of little casual shoots planned and no schedule so I can see what the con is all about.

It's my first official Dragoncon so I'm excited.

>> No.7010696

I am in full panic mode. This is also my first Dragon Con. I've got a lot planned and barley anything done. Will be posting in the progress thread soon.

>> No.7010845

Yes. Yes I am.

>> No.7010850

So since it's my first Dragon*Con, is there normally a seagull meetup of some sort, or is it really just too big to have one?

>> No.7011007

I'm still putting the finishing touches on my gadgets and sewing a few more things on my costume. My shits hard since there's no real how-to on how to make fun. I fear DC is gonna sneak up on me hard.

>> No.7011249

are you me?

I'm trying to schedule all my progress throughout the month, but I feel it wont work that well...

>> No.7011266

If I didn't work from home I'd be in a panic. I have 2 huge costumes I haven't even started and a third possible.

>> No.7011286

I'd be in a panic for D*c but I'm still in a panic for San Japan which is in two weeks.

Don't mind me, just dying here.

>> No.7011298

There's usually one on Friday and one on Saturday. They meet at the big ass fountain at the Marriott.

>> No.7011301

Alright, cool. I'll try to find my way around then. Is there usually a Facebook group or something similar? I'll be keeping up with the thread either way.

>> No.7011309

Panic and sadness. My friend is going and I need to finish his costume-so panic on that. Just learned the room I was to be staying in has been cancelled and there's no way I'll be able to afford travel and such on my own this year so incredible,horrible sadness.
Though probably for the better since recent events have been holding up my costume building so now I at least won't be having a month long heart attack.

>> No.7011312


>> No.7011343

I know I am probably going to get some hate for this post. I have never gone to a dragon con, actually any kind of con for that matter. What does dragon con consist of? Do I have to wear a costume to go? Can i not wear regular clothes? What happens!! I have no friends who do this sort of thing. I have always been interested though.

>> No.7011354


you don't have to wear a costume. dragoncon doesn't really have any dresscode as long as your nips and underwear are covered. try looking at the dragoncon lj community there's a lot of posts for first timers

>> No.7011361

Dragoncon lj community? Sorry if I am coming off as an idiot, but I have no clue what your talking about or where to go. Is there a website or special forum?

>> No.7011363

Dragon con is really just people dressing up as whatever they want. From cartoon characters to things from movies to sci fi tv shows and video games. There are animu themes as well, but it didn't seem as common when I went there. You don't have to dress up at all. I have friends that just go there to take pictures of all the cosplayers and grab stuff from the shops. It's a really cool con.

>> No.7011365

From what I am seeing, its in atlanta? Theres only one per year? That sucks. I thought they had dragon cons at different places and different times of the year. Kinda sad now.

>> No.7011367


>> No.7011369

There are other comic book/scifi/anime/etc conventions throughout the year, but they're under different names. Dragon*Con is held once a year in downtown Atlanta.

>> No.7011375

how do i find out about these other conventions?

>> No.7011378

I've used animecons.com in the past for just anime conventions. I'm not sure about others since I hear a lot about them from word of mouth. You can just google for ones in your area and you'll probably find something.

>> No.7011382


>> No.7011384


Dude, you guys have been awesome and patient. I really appreciate all the help.

>> No.7011435


pretty much. just found out that i scored a host hotel though today so pretty stoked about that.

otherwise i'm going to be freaking out until thursday night when i will just drink and go comatose until the morning

>> No.7011781

Slightly panicked. Almost done with my second cosplay, no idea where to start on the third because I can't find an appropriate pattern for it and I'm too new to draft my own.

Also have to make one of bf's cosplays, though should be easy.

Exam Saturday morning, but then nonstop cosplay focus for the next four weeks!

Captcha: remaked thecon (wtf?)

>> No.7011921

Super panic mode, here. I've got a pile of supplies that I keep willing to make itself into a costume, but it's just not working. On top of that I have a commission I need to finish so I have the money to go. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson about procrastination by now

>> No.7012317

You sound like me, four days ago.

I'm working steadily, but I'm not panicked. I'm worried about not finishing one costume, but once I get one finished I'll feel better about it. ( I'm working on 3 costumes for me,and one for my bf) I try not to panic, since I make sloppy mistakes.

>> No.7012659

Yes I am panicing. All of my clothes are done but my boyfriends aren't. Aaaaand since he has no drive and very little skill I've got to make him something approximating a pirate outfit. I need help.

>> No.7012831

considering that i JUST found out i can actually go, YES. stupid japanese resaearch cruise cancelling my shit at the last minute....