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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.7012749

>Persian kitties forever.

>> No.7012755

Re-asking, since I had no response last thread.

What term would I use for "border print"? I want some fabric for cute skirts. Not necessarily lolita, but I like border prints in general. I'm trying to get it using google translate, but I keep getting trims and lace (I guess I'm coming out with something with a meaning closer to "material for borders" instead?).

>> No.7012761

As someone who speaks Mandarin fluently, I'd say there is no direct term that gives "border print". If you use google translate and then narrow the search on Taobao's website (for instance they have different categories), and look for 布 (which means fabric), then click on that category and it should lead you to fabrics-only.

>> No.7012781

Going on 3 weeks now waiting for my galaxy fuku to arrive at taobaoring. ugh.

>> No.7012792
File: 46 KB, 600x400, tbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a new thread header i hope you like it

>> No.7012828

if im buying a bunch of animu stuff, but not any duplicates of any singe item will I run into truble w customz

>> No.7012836



this is perfect.

>> No.7012839

I like it.

>> No.7012844
File: 487 KB, 1198x1080, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so accurate it hurts. diggin the artifacts too anon.

>> No.7012850

>This baby has the shelf
marry me, anon

>> No.7012901

has anyone bought these before? how is the quality?


>> No.7013013

are their any stores for binders

>> No.7013059

Ok, thank you very much!

>> No.7013061

Chinese anon here, border print fabric in Chinese is 定位印花布.

Why would you buy those? They're obviously handpainted, and not even done well. The paint is going onto the sides of the soles, and it looks like acrylic which is going to crack so easily.

>> No.7013066

anon please explain these options if its not too much of a hassle for you.

>> No.7013093

So I've decided to get a wig from Taobao for the first time so can anyone recommend any good wig shops please?

>> No.7013098

Link to the leggings please!

>> No.7013097
File: 273 KB, 1203x729, 29150314eb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super pumped! can't wait for this stuff to come in

>> No.7013101

I'm almost 100% positive these stores have to have at least some or a variation of those storage boxes

I don't know if high-quality but still relatively cheap fake thigh-highs exist. most of the shops use the same sets of stock photos, so unless you find a fancy place that does their own photos, you're probably getting the same ones that everyone else is buying. you could always try searching the term for fake thigh highs and then sorting by price, and going by that (and customer reviews)

>> No.7013107

Does anyone know of taobao stores with good, preferably huge twin tail wigs like the ones in this >>7012644 photo?

It's okay if they're more expensive. (Alternatively, if you simply know where these wigs might be from, just tell me and I'll fork over my soul.)

>> No.7013117
File: 162 KB, 786x384, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy here we go.

Link to lavender lolita bag please!!

>> No.7013126

What's that guardian angel thing?

>> No.7013132

Not the anon that bought it, but it's a rape bell. You hang it on a bag or purse or something, and when you pull it it makes a screeching sound.

>> No.7013133

I want your whole order!
Links to both shoes and the socks would be greatly appreciated if you get a chance.

>> No.7013138

Yeeeees got my package in. If people need things fast, I suggest using budget express courier. Shipped 7/27 and arrived today (8/2/13).

>> No.7013140

Oh, thanks. Well that's the cutest rape bell I've ever seen. I assumed it was a mini flashlight or something.

>> No.7013150

Okay now I definitely want that. Can I have the link to it please?

>> No.7013154


Did you look at the spreadsheets? At all?
A wig, what kind of wig - natural, cosplay, kawaii, lace front...?

If any chinese anons knows how I'd be able to locate natural/copper red wigs, I'd be super grateful. Digging through pages of pages of wine red ones. I'd guess there aren't many though, so maybe I've already found the ones that exist.

>> No.7013190

I did, yes, but I'm looking for reviews and first hand experiences to shops that sell natural, everyday wigs.

>> No.7013197

Is this purse real or a knock off?


Also, any links to other purses like it in other shapes too? Or a search term for heart shaped, star shaped, etc purses?

>> No.7013206

knock-off, the lettering on the bag you'll receive will also say Vcastle instead of milk. Google translate the term for heart + bag, don't be lazy and ask for spoon feeding.

>> No.7013209

>using google translate
>not using the dictionary
>not even suggesting the dictionary

>> No.7013208


I have tried that, heart + bag does not give you heart shaped purses.

>> No.7013217


I tried the dictionary with "心形物包" but I get a bunch of dog treats or something. Is there something more specific I can use? I'm sorry, I do not know Chinese which is why I am asking.

>> No.7013221

My bad, google translate gives you heart as in the organ. Chinese, so don't use those often.

心包 is the term. star 星 or 星星。

>> No.7013223

Like I said, you do not get heart shaped purses with that, just regular purses. I tried the heart shaped term from the dictionary plus purse and didn't really get heart shaped purses either, there were like heart shaped boxes and dog treats for some reason. So I'm asking for a more specific search term possibly?

>> No.7013225

心形包包 works really well for me.

>> No.7013228


Thanks, that one is way better.

>> No.7013237


Can someone confirm the price of this dress for me? Is it really 300 YEN or am I seeing things?

>> No.7013239

reasking because it didn't get answered, best term to search for candy themed lolita prints? Also there was anon looking for cookies.

>> No.7013242


It is 300 yuan, they are similar looking. All prices in Taobao are usually in Yuan because China. If you have more questions like this, there is a FAQ at the top that answers stuff like this.

>> No.7013246

In a previous Taobao thread, I saw images (and possibly a link to an old thread) of /fa types being disappointed in Chinese-made ebay purchases. Lots of weird skinny jackets and such. Does this ring a bell? I can't find it in the archives.

>> No.7013249

Yuan and Yen use the same symbol, sort of how CAD and USD both use $.

>> No.7013253


I think only the lace is lavender. The rest of the bag should be white.

They're really cute. I think the color you get is random though.


>> No.7013254

You're thinking of that yesasia/milanoo korean-style jacket that looked like garbage.

>> No.7013255

Why are you ordering a rape bell? They don't usually work outside of asian(as in no one knows what the hell they mean as far as sound etc)

>> No.7013257

Thank you!

Was it all just one jacket? I remembered it as a few, and my boyfriend just linked me to some jacket on ebay that triggered the memory of it/them in an alarming way.

>> No.7013261

I think it was a few of them from yesstyle specifically. They were boxy and unfit even though the photos showed them to be very fitted. But I wouldn't order from ebay in any case. Stick to good taobao sellers for something similar, they are out there.

>> No.7013273
File: 1.22 MB, 1226x567, next order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on ordering all this stuff when I get my next paycheck. Can't wait.

>> No.7013280

/fa/ here, they were indeed yesstyle jackets. Would post a pic, but I'm on a different computer.

>> No.7013282

I was just about to put my order in a few days ago but then I started watching Attack on Titan. I added a hoodie, that pin, the key necklace, and the Recon Corps jacket. Now I have to wait for my next paycheck, too.

>> No.7013310
File: 216 KB, 580x986, IMG_8774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently writing a review for my Taobao order but I know some anons from a previous thread were worried how unaccommodating the Captain Mia JSK was on moderate sized boobs.

It doesn't look too bad I think (ignore the lace that folded down. Didn't notice when taking pic). I wear a 34C (my largest bust measurement is 35").

>> No.7013334

I started with the cosplay stuff then the blog I follow on tumblr showed me the winged jacket that lead me to the galaxy shirts, and the watches...

>> No.7013342
File: 1005 KB, 1011x654, smallorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commence shitty small order

>> No.7013343

link to bear tights and socks on far left?

>> No.7013345

Awesome, someone else got their Mia! I reviewed mine in the last thread, so I'm eager to read yours.

Just a friendly note though, bra size isn't very informative because so many people wear ill fitting bras. Underbust and full bust are more useful.

>> No.7013347

>Bear Tights
>Striped Socks

They're both from the same shop, which is nice and convenient. I'm honestly more excited about all these socks I'm gonna get than I should be.

>> No.7013351

Yeah I am including my measurements in my review because of that. I don't really want to buy specialty bras because they are bloody expensive hahaha...

Sage for getting off topic.

>> No.7013389
File: 1.87 MB, 1425x950, 1st taobao order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My very first taobao order! I'll be using TabaoTrends.

>> No.7013393

sweater linkage please!

>> No.7013397

Oh wow, that is a lot of cute stuff!

Link to cat tights, and black suspender skirt please?

Also, is that a wig above that pink dress thing? Link to it please?

>> No.7013398

brown shoes and overall strap dress links please? so cute!

>> No.7013399


Can you share what taobao store you got them from?

>> No.7013407

link to the cat tights- http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-2016071273.44.u4kAGM&id=24277444608

suspender skirt- http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-1157234418.2.QEu0Ot&id=16757075637

and no, those are only bangs, it's the same thing as the image to the left of it, if you're still interested here- http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w3.24.EvdDcQ&id=9472450628

>> No.7013411


Ah I see, well thanks Anon, your order is very cute and good luck with it!

>> No.7013413

oops supposed to be for >>7013397
and here's the shoes >>7013398

>> No.7013433
File: 8 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know the term for puffy sleeves? I don't see it in the dictionary. I'm sorry if this is asked a lot. Thank you in advance!

>> No.7013439

Any terms I can use to search for decorative tape? Please and thank you.

>> No.7013469

They're cute gifts for my friends who are going away to college and will be on their own. Everyone might not know what it means automatically, but an alarm's still an alarm.

>> No.7013482
File: 1.03 MB, 931x1680, celestial delinquent order copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7013310 here.

Finished my review with hella pics:

>> No.7013494


Link to shirt? :)

>> No.7013495


ohmygodohmygod. Do you know if they're still selling it? Taobao virgin here, will learn for this dress.

>> No.7013499

Has anyone purchased from yakama11? What was your experience and how is the quality?

>> No.7013503

Yep they are still selling this dress.
Link to the shop is in my review (I'm too lazy to copy/paste): >>7013482
Ignore the listing to the item since that was the preorder link.

>> No.7013504

Link to hat please?

>> No.7013507

They are, here http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4002-1352205472.37.x9ZEaX&id=19325674195

Red is only in XL though, and Ivory is sold out.

>> No.7013528

泡泡袖短袖, and then sort for whatever you want (t-shirts, regular blouses, etc)


>> No.7013532


Thank you ladies!!
If I may, one more (hopefully not painfully obvious) question - Would an indie brand like this restock sold out colorways? Or is it basically what's there is there and once it's gone you're out of luck?

Again, thank you guys :)

>> No.7013539

Taobao shops don't usually restock unless the demand is overwhelming. The only one I can think of that's done second runs is Krad.

>> No.7013543

Sure! Here you go: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=19912756336

>> No.7013573

what were the heaviest items in your order/

>> No.7013576

whats a good estimate on how much 10 tshirts would weigh.

>> No.7013581
File: 197 KB, 380x253, 2nhnepl.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post links to kiddie/age-play/"imouto-kei"/fairy kei(not pastelgoth) stuff.

Pic related<3

>> No.7013587

I'm too lazy to individually weigh them but I think the green wig is the heaviest item out of the order.

I guess the next one would be the JSK.

>> No.7013588

Check the fucking archives that shit's been asked already how many times.


>> No.7013594

It's the same person every time.

>> No.7013597


Aw drat, thank you anyway!

>> No.7013616

If you come across a pic later I'd appreciate it.

Because as >>7013261 is saying, I am trying to steer him away from ebay and towards better options and pictorial evidence would help!

Thanks for the additional info either way.

>> No.7013642
File: 193 KB, 266x357, 2qi49wj.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept new suggestions

>> No.7013646


I suggest you check the archives.

>> No.7013663

>pic related
no, no it's not.

>> No.7013679
File: 50 KB, 500x375, tumblr_luz12svZyv1qd0n4ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly do I search there? I don't even know a term for this kind of stuff, If i try to find fairy kei most of the stuff are pastelgoth, skulls, creepycute etc

>> No.7013682
File: 589 KB, 600x800, 2013_05_02_12.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is like raver/scene pool party orgy wear, it literally does not fit any category you picked

so... do you want the pictured crap, or do you want what you actually listed, because they look nothing alike.

>> No.7013685


>do you want YOUR pictured crap

my picture fits imouto-kei, obviously you can see it's nothing like your pictures.

>> No.7013687

man I love pinkly ever after.
It's so hard to find my weird age play clothing. Most of it caters towards the sissys and more fetishy people.
not the mentally unstable people who just want to pretend their 4 like me.

>> No.7013689

Thank you for the sleeves term! So happy haha

>> No.7013695

can you just fucking stop.
Your shit is hot topic scene.
Go to your local fabric store get some balloons, elastic, and a yard of tulle. Put it all together and you have the shit fuck of a tutu that girl with the candy bra was wearing.
you legit sound autistic.
you'd have to be semi autistic to want to dress like a scene kid in the first place though.

>> No.7013699


>thinking you're some kind of special snowflake age player


>> No.7013700


uh, you're replying to the wrong person, I was the one who originally posted the Pinkly picture and I didn't want them confused when I said 'do you want the pictured crap' in regards to Pinkly Ever After.

>> No.7013705

4000g according to Taobaonow

> http://www.taobaoring.com/weight-estimation.php

>> No.7013708



>> No.7013715
File: 63 KB, 720x960, 304542_462909730397495_1204440818_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want that too.
What I want is kawaii shit that looks like for a kid, but made for adults, I don't like the rave stuff but I like the pink ponies and fairywands etc.

>> No.7013718

the estimator i looked at said 200g per shirt

>> No.7013719
File: 140 KB, 400x275, tumblr_l0qf8nZVER1qb14aao1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only find ageplay stuff things for sissy/men :( Like super shiny huge dresses

>> No.7013725
File: 248 KB, 608x525, r series - to my lovely glutton mistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you ordered the cutlery JSK from r-series, they announced that there was a mistake with the measurements, here are the correct measurements:

>Bust 84-100cm, best fits busts 80-94cm,
>Waist 66-96cm, best fits 62-80cm.


>> No.7013727

those satin messes are the reason people have miscarriages

>> No.7013731

on yoybuy, can i add items to my order if say I bought stuff, and then found another item?

>> No.7013735

yeah! that's part of why i miss them. whenever shit arrives just tick all of 'em to ship in one shipment.

>> No.7013736

Which estimator did you look at?

Incidentally, I think it also depends on what kind of T-shit it is. So we both could be right with 400 and 200g.

>> No.7013740
File: 33 KB, 547x322, eita0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on pruany, can i add items to my order if say I bought stuff, and then found another item? I already paid my items are arriving

>> No.7013741

I was looking at bhinders.
they look to be made out of really light cotton - http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18867218559&spm=2014.12317209.0.0

>> No.7013742

miss them?

>> No.7013747

It looks heavier then some other T-shirts but not that heavy, so it's about average i guess. So 300g

>> No.7013751

I can't use them anymore because alipay hates all of my cards and refuses the verify any of them anymore, and my bank says it's not an issue on their side. my last orders had to be shipped with a friend's card. but they have been the fastest/prompt/easy to communicate with and use when I did use them.

>> No.7013760

Thank you for your review! I got the skirt in ivory and I was also pretty pleased with it, especially for the price. It's a very nice summer skirt and my only gripe is that I wish they had done pre-orders earlier in the year so that I'd have more of the summer to wear it.

No pics because I'm terrible at taking pictures but I'm sure I'm not the only seagull who bought the ivory ver if anyone's looking for that one. Blue ver anon's review was absolutely accurate to mine.

>> No.7013763

have you exhausted all your brand search terms
spank, 日本spank, galaxxxy, milklim, etc

spank turns up mostly tights, but there are a ton of milklim replicas if you search the brand, and those stores probably sell similar things that may or may not be knockoffs

>> No.7013766

Do you know where that dress comes from?

>> No.7013776

im gearing up for krad's new print even before it is released thank you for the linkage

>> No.7013781

Does anyone know if they're planning to re-release KL?

>> No.7013790

I can't wait for that print. I'm hoping so so hard that they release a nice skirt or JSK. The OP (if the preview sketch was the OP) would look all kinds of silly on me.

>> No.7013794

>preview sketch was the OP
where is this

>> No.7013797
File: 26 KB, 496x640, Jellyfiiiish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go!

>> No.7013805

thank you kind anon
oh fucking hell it's empire waist...boo

>> No.7013810

Not a problem! That was my reaction too, I look horrible in that sort of thing, Thus I hope that the other versions have more flattering cuts.

>> No.7013811

I've ordered that one. It does say milk on it. Just not the right font/logo style as the originals.

>> No.7013813

Thank you anon, you're a doll

>> No.7013816

You're welcome! I really liked the ivory after seeing the new pics in the item page of the second payment page.

...all the colorways look cute.

>> No.7013824

(I'm ivory anon)
Yeah I very nearly bought the OP in blue or red after they put another pre-order up, but I was talked out of it because why get two of the same print? I love the bright saturation of the blue and red though... that's not to say I'm regretting the ivory as I love it pieces, just that I'm really enjoying all the colorways. If the blue or red in any style ever come up on the sales comms I'll probably try and snap them up.

>> No.7013841

Blue version Anon here, just wondering if the waistband portion of yours is constructed the same way I described.

I also found a square of the waistband that isn't interfaced at all, and that bugs me pretty badly.

>> No.7013845

link for the bag, please?

>> No.7013940

Man, the way you replied to your own post was pretty confusing.

>> No.7013966

Hey, taobaotrends anons! I was looking at their website linked via the SS spreadsheet, and their website looks sketchy? Everything else worked out okay, right? I mean, at least Bhiner and Taobaoring don't look sad in the website layout and appearance department.

>> No.7013982

sorry about that, I was correcting it, heh, it is kind of late here, my bad

>> No.7014077

Ok is it just me or are all these links the same? I refreshed the page a couple of times and they still all link to the jellyfish leggings. Rerequesting the lavender lolita bag link, or possible fix please?

>> No.7014086

Overall, TBT is a reliable SS. It's faster than most others. I did have a bad experience with them though when they accidentally sent two orders to me instead of one order so I was expected to pay more shipping than I wanted. Excluding this, I've used TBR and TBF and TBT is the best of the three.

>> No.7014090

It's you and everybody who use 4chanX.

>> No.7014097

Thank you! I disabled it and the links were normal again. Too bad the bag is actually white and not lavender though, dang lighting.

>> No.7014173
File: 587 KB, 500x670, T2saD5XnVaXXXXXXXX_!!279417772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, dem eyes and the words in the motorcycle exhaust


>> No.7014193
File: 52 KB, 450x600, tumblr_mku5qetLXb1s5vlmvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked through the store spreadsheets but didn't see any for general school-girl type clothing, so can anyone recommend some shops? I've seen a few really good ones in taobao threads before, but I don't seem to have book marked them.

>> No.7014201

>I looked through the store spreadsheets but didn't see any for general school-girl type clothing

There are like five shops with "school" in their description. Don't lie when it's so obvious, okay?

>> No.7014265
File: 129 KB, 792x532, 9876543567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a salopette from Pinkly Ever After They're currently not making it anymore, though.

>> No.7014267

does chinese chustoms check INSIDE of larger jumpers/jackets etc? has anyone tried? I'm thinking of hiding some fakes in one

>> No.7014278

There are two shops that offer clothing that isn't for cosplay, and pink seifuku's selection sucks right now. Don't get your knickers in a knot.

>> No.7014289

here you go http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w5018613-2094862896.19.H5hv5W&id=16575240872

>> No.7014300

The girl on the right is so unfortunate looking. I cringe every time I see pictures of her.

>> No.7014320

link to the sailor esquie.. op? Or is a top and bottom?

>> No.7014351

for the sailor dress (http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15120395804)) how accurate is the sizing? been wanting to get one, but dayum my fats.

>> No.7014365

link to the blue watch please!

>> No.7014388

I'll be putting in an order at the end of august with what I estimate to be about 10kg worth of stuff. I was originally going to go through CD, but now that my order has evolved into a slightly less small shitty order, I figured it would be better to go through either Pruany, TBS, or TBR in order to get discounted EMS shipping.

So, which do you prefer?

>> No.7014392


>> No.7014394
File: 152 KB, 679x551, T2kTPJXklaXXXXXXXX_!!384996746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this? Does it have something to do with the navy version?

>> No.7014415

I'm looking for princess tutu stuff and wondered what the Chinese translation for it would be?

>> No.7014433

Check the language selection on the Wikipedia article.

>> No.7014435

Also if you're looking for other one like it, try the tag 平顶礼帽. It's not in the dictionary but it should be.

>> No.7014487

it's just the seller boasting about how popular the item is, how many people have bought it, how they're the entire shop in taobao that produces this dress in the most colourways

>> No.7014621

I had the same thought process. I almost bought something else in ivory or blue but I find it weird to have the same print.

We can't know for sure.

The link is in my review. It is a dress.

I think the sizing was fine. I'm going out of town for the weekend (leaving after this post) but I can give you the measurements of the one I received after I get back home. If this thread is in autosage, I'll post in another taobao thread about it.

>> No.7014623

Sauce on the top left white peter pan collar shirt please
Cute order btw anon

>> No.7014646

>Also if you're looking for other one like it, try the tag 平顶礼帽. It's not in the dictionary but it should be.
taobao search term anon here, what would be the most common name for that style of hat? boater? flat-top fedora?

I've emailed petrovna twice in the past few weeks or so and no response or dictionary update, so idk if she's even checking her gmail nowadays. I'll def include that in the next batch of terms I send her though

>> No.7014648
File: 18 KB, 500x344, reinforced-id-zinger-retractable-card-holder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the term for retractable badge holders? I've tried every term I can think of in a translator, but I keep getting card sleeves and plumping equipment. I want to get a couple for my con badge because it will be easier to unclip for pictures than to fight with taking a lanyard off.

>> No.7014653


>> No.7014657
File: 57 KB, 440x621, 51091694gw1e79w2sep6uj20ex0l3jtd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krad Lanrete's future plans.
Jellyfish dress will be released by the end of next week.

>> No.7014666


I'd like that as a skirt and I'm not even a loli

>> No.7014671

....Fuck me. Whelp, time to tap into my backup money for the Jellyfish, and start saving up for this dress. And save up for the AatP rereleases.

...I don't need to eat anyway.

>> No.7014690


>> No.7014691

like these
they were on the first page of results for lanyards

>> No.7014693

Could you review the guardian angel alarm?

>> No.7014694

sad when I can spot the Taobao-Finds items.

>> No.7014814

I think the style is called "boater" hat. I know it translates to "flat-top hat", so that could be another name?
I emailed her a few weeks ago with an addition to the dictionary and it hasn't been added... so who knows.

>> No.7014962
File: 169 KB, 800x600, taobaoorder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What my order is looking like so far. I've been sitting on half of these items for a while, but I don't want to actually order anything until the end of the month, as I'm moving house.

I'm also planning on buying tights, socks, and eyelashes and perhaps a jsk or sk, depending on when certain things are released.

>> No.7014979

your items are really cute, i'm in love with those pins and the purple skirt!

>> No.7015008

Does anyone know what a good search term for studded chokers would be?

>> No.7015009

sauce on the bag please? thanks in advance!
lovely purchase btw

>> No.7015022

Here it is, anon! http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0d.1.1000638.286.mrpU2D&id=26201856429

>> No.7015030

try 尖钉项圈 (make sure to sort to necklaces/accessories, otherwise there will be pet collars included), or some other combination of 尖钉 (spike), 庞克 (rivet), 颈圈/项圈 (collar)

>> No.7015031

Yup, I was just hoping to find some nice fancy, or fun ones. Though I guess those are more business orientated than the lanyards, everything was pretty boring and plain.

>> No.7015036

thank you so much! I didnt know that shop, it`s lovely

>> No.7015053

this store is really cheap too http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4492046-2307147873.28.cKVBDt&id=16626332557

>> No.7015072

Great, thank you!

>> No.7015114

Link to the short sleeve blouse in your unsure section? Thank you!9

>> No.7015138 [DELETED] 

link to the brooch/pins please?

>> No.7015146

Here you go! http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0d.1.1000638.319.mrpU2D&id=5205471990

>> No.7015169
File: 368 KB, 713x456, taobaoorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only really been lurking since yesterday but I'm pretty confident that I know the basics. I just wanted to show off what I want to order so far

>> No.7015180

I always said I'd never end up like small shitty order anon, and then I realized that my current order was sitting at 5000 yuan.

>> No.7015210

Does anyone have any idea how much the Jellyfish dress is gonna cost?

>> No.7015268

Link to the ghost bag? Or the term you used to find it?

>> No.7015276

It's going to be more than MC, so... $100+ for the skirt, ~$150 for the JSK/OP? That's what I'm guessing at least. Maybe have $200 set aside to be safe.

Who wants to bet Krad will cost brand prices within the next couple of years? Mind you, if they keep up the quality I'm cool with that.

>> No.7015277

Here's a link http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=2013.1.0.0.Xuobzz&scm=1007.77.0.0&id=18028635469&pvid=9e949f43-df30-4955-837e-b1461a17b649&ad_id=&am_id=&cm_id=&pm_id=

Not sure if it'll work, I tried to shorten it but it won't let me

>> No.7015279

diff anon but here it is http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w17-18442295911.40.JyGI05&id=20206391259

>> No.7015301

Does anyone know what happens to your items when customs takes them? I haven't really seen an answer to this

>> No.7015302

I assume they dispose of it / throws it out.

>> No.7015304

They probably get binned.

>> No.7015321
File: 164 KB, 600x600, $T2eC16Z,!)8E9s4l8!d(BRY-ns74Nw~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at kigus but I found the same ones from Chinese sellers on ebay, which would be cheaper/safer if they end up a dud.
51coloryou has a really cute owl hoodie (pic related), how is their quality and are do they match the photos(not a copy)?
Is this seller good?

>> No.7015323

GFD, KL. GFD. Any idea when they may release this? I haven't heard back from TBS yet so I may delay my order by some weeks as it's just stuff that can wait.

>> No.7015330

Probably September at the earliest, later if they have problems with the Jellyfish dress. They tend to do only one print series at a time.

>> No.7015334

check them out using toolhaus.org
I would tell you my findings except my connection is shitty so the search using their seller ID + kigurumi as a keyword is taking forever to load

>> No.7015338

Long shot, but has anyone bought pikmin plushies/goods from taobao? If so, could you recommend stores?

>> No.7015343
File: 37 KB, 306x306, gladnews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to find these boots/sandals/whatever or shoes similar to these. The girl says these are by Glad News if that helps, though searching that hasn't gotten me these at all.

>> No.7015346

I don't know either,but I guess >>7015276 is right.I believe even someone on weibo said it will be more expensive than MC.
In the comments KL says "800",but I don't know if she means the SK,JSK or the OP.

Google translate says something about summer but I don't know...maybe some chinese anon could help?
The description:

It also seems to appear in 4 colors, "morning", "noon","sunset" and "starry sky".

>> No.7015354

Sunset sounds beautiful and unique. But if the one they're showing is morning it'll be a tough decision.

>> No.7015357

They take them home and wear them.

>> No.7015359

Fuuuuck with names like that I'll be hard pressed to choose a color. Hopefully they put up samples of every colorway. I'm glad I skipped the Phantom release and resisted buying a second MC skirt now.

Thanks for the info Scotch!

>> No.7015374

I really want those winged creepers and that bag... The originals were by Candy Stripper I believe?? There's replicas on taobao which can be easily found but which taobao shop are the most reputable for them? I know some generic creepers on taobao have fallen apart on the soles for some people.

>> No.7015375
File: 434 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mdal4wL54z1qh4n1p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotta have those.

>> No.7015376

I think you're SOL. I'm seeing other styles of shoes on there, but not those particular ones.

>> No.7015379

That was my exact reaction when I first saw them.

Yeah. I found similar wedges, but the tallest ones only go above the ankle and not to the calf area. Oh well.

>> No.7015391

Yeah, the highest I've found is maybe two inches above the ankle. Three max? And it was a flat platform, not a wedge. Looks like those shoes are also sold out on the original site. Maybe check second hand auction sites like mbok?

>> No.7015394

Failing that, an*tai*na takes orders for custom made shoes. If you can find enough photos of those, you might be able to get them to replicate them.

>> No.7015396

Seconding this. I have a pair in my cart, but I'd like to know if anyone has had experience with a specific shop (for the winged cross creepers).

>> No.7015397

link? I want to replicate a couple of shoes since I have size 9.5/10 feet the ones I find won't fit.

Are they expensive?

>> No.7015401

Is just displays ebay's feedback?
There's more "I just realized shipping from China takes a while" neutral/negs than "looks like a knockoff/cheap" but it also doesn't help that they have the feedback listings as private.

>> No.7015402

Antaina makes them and they have pretty good reviews and quality from what I've read. I heard that this is where Storenvy resellers buy them from.


>> No.7015411


They have info on their first page in English as to how they go about custom orders. They're not TOO expensive, especially for custom shoes, but they're on the higher end of the scale for TaoBao shoes.

>> No.7015434

September or later is perfectly fine with me. I'll probably do some early Christmas shopping then.
Summer huh? And ugh, those those color choices. I'm already in love with the preview. Who knows how those other options are going to look.
I need those.

>> No.7015479
File: 222 KB, 500x375, T2BpEvXkJaXXXXXXXX_!!279417772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It says that these are eyelash curlers, any idea on if these would be shitty or not? I've never seen an eyelash curler that looks like this.

>> No.7015485

It's not an eyelash curler but a clip to hold your lashes when you put them on. I find those are a pain to use, though.

>> No.7015495

Thanks, it was just super cute so I was hoping it was something worth using, haha.

>> No.7015500

Ghost purse anon here, I'm having some trouble looking for stuff to add to my spreadsheet and I was wondering if anyone wants to help out? I'm mostly interested in goth or spooky stuff

>> No.7015505
File: 47 KB, 500x418, 1375422328638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm struggling with an excuse for you to buy it, sorry!

>> No.7015549

Anyone know the term for Letterman Jacket? I need one for Makoto from Free!

>> No.7015597

>I've only really been lurking since yesterday
> pretty confident that I know the basics
> just wanted to show off what I want to order so far
> somehow hasn't managed to compulsively build a $500+ order the weight of a small child like everyone else

are you SURE you got the basics down, anon? if you searched either of those general terms you'd be heading down a crazy rabbit hole you won't be coming back out of that easily

>> No.7015601

you never gave the ghost purse link, you only linked the galaxy skirt fyi

where did you get your ghost purse?

>> No.7015609

see >>7015279

>> No.7015610


Click below (another anon)


>> No.7015624
File: 229 KB, 625x410, T2DNFFXiJNXXXXXXXX_!!222905562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me find a beanie like this one http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17825931824 in dark blue? Or even a beanie with cat/bunny/bear ears, I don't care, I just don't want one like the one in the pic.

>> No.7015626

and if you search棒球衫free, cosplays pop up too

>> No.7015627

And yes I tried the term for cat hats from the spreadsheet.

>> No.7015629

I know how to find those~

>> No.7015630

I guess i just want to order interesting things if theyre going to rack up to 500 dollars and I;m still trying to get the hang of everything so I'm sorry for mistakes

I feel like a big dummy, sorry! Wasn't paying attention but thanks who gave the right link

>> No.7015632

cat ear hat

they shouldn't be hard to find

>> No.7015638


>> No.7015643

all the search terms you need are in the product name, google translate that shit and pull "rabbit ears" and "hat." I see the navy version on the first page of the results

looool I wasn't attacking you or anything, anon. it's just most people here are like "well fuck my order is $800, what do I cut out?" not "huh I only have like $50 in my order, what should I add?" you're a rarity among us

I don't actually order from taobao that often, I just like finding stuff for people, so I can't rec you much in the way of stores unless you got a really specific style within goth/spooky that you're looking for, then maybe

>> No.7015646

mm yes I saw that one, I was hoping the other anon had a different link is why I asked

>> No.7015654

Hmm I tried that and it didn't went so well. Care to share the link for the one that you found?

>> No.7015657

Does anyone know what the fuck is going on with taobaoring? Besides them taking ages to answer e-mails, now they tell me that several items that I want are out of stock, ok I tried asking taobaotrends if those itens were really out of stock and guess what? They aren't.

>> No.7015665

I'm just going to put more of an effort and hope the pages feel like translating, I think just finding some cool things every so often will be better since I have no money now

>> No.7015666

cat ear knit hat links to a billion of them.

>> No.7015670

兔耳帽子, 猫耳帽子, 熊耳帽子
I checked the navy listing and apparently there isn't a navy available, oops
but that should give you enough options to work with

>> No.7015690

Thanks a lot, you are life savers.

>> No.7015711
File: 74 KB, 546x349, 98703485602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay time for the stupidest help question. I've been looking for this blazer set and this T-shirt, both replicas from One Spo, for a few days now. Problem with the sailor set is that I can only find it in navy and I'm looking for white. And I can only find the T-shirt for like 250yuan. I know some shops replicate items without knowing what original brand they're from so they don't add it in the title so I've searched other terms and only come up with sailor uniforms and wallets, oddly enough.

>> No.7015719

sailor dress - please do! will be grateful <3

>> No.7015722

I would love to have that skirt the girl is wearing,it's beautiful

>> No.7015725

Thank you!~

>> No.7015727

Here you go, friend.
I was so happy to find the skirt since I thought it would be harder to get than the shirt. Guess not.

>> No.7015735

Thank you anon!

>> No.7015746

it says that it's a shopping service for japan. that means you pay for triple the shipping...
>shipping from japan to china
>shipping from shop to your SS
>shipping from SS to you

it says they hope to make it before summer ends, and the end of summer in shanghai is supposedly mid-sept. the design is confirmed but they are still working on the print.

>> No.7015752

I'm so jealous of everyone who got in on the Captain Mia presales!

I desperately wanted a suspender skirt in red, but those were gone SO fast.

>> No.7015754

could I get a link for the blazer set in navy that you did manage to find? maybe I could figure out something by stringing together random search terms from its description or something

as for the shirt, right now I'm just going through a generic search for "black harajuku alphabet tshirt." seeing as every page has something new, even if there are a lot of repeats, it's possible something might turn up eventually....

>> No.7015759


Yeah uh wow, why the hell have they been doing this a lot lately? Another anon made the exact same complaint. They're getting a little bizarre.

As for my story, I just emailed them about the galaxy dress and this is what they told me:

Dear Anon,
The seller said it has not been finished making yet. Please be patient.

Shit. Has anyone else ordered this dress?

>> No.7015764

Here are a few, thank you:
Some have the blazer in white but I'd prefer the whole set from the same shop so the fabric and colors will be similar. I'm honestly surprised such a basic shirt would be such a bitch to find.

>> No.7015771

thanks for the links, I'll try my hand

as for the shirt, this is all I've found, and I'm not totally sure if this is an auction page or something?? it's 100 yuan cheaper, but still kinda pricey given that it's a basic item

>> No.7015775

Here's the ghost bag directly from Japan for anyone interested. It's cheaper than Taobao.


>> No.7015784

nice. Yeah wow, even with SS fees and shipping the taobao one is like 10-15 usd more expensive.

Too bad the original link doesn't have white in stock anymore

>> No.7015786

Ooo, link for the purple skirt?

>> No.7015794

I'm almost ordering with another SS but ring IS the cheapest one. Jesus fuck, they are being so sassy too.

>> No.7015812

If you mean the Dark Box one, yes. I messaged Bhiner about it and was told they'll ship on the 7th or 8th. They also invoiced me for final payment.

It may depend on colourway, though. I ordered the white with a long-sleeve white chiffon overdress.

>> No.7015827

dug up info about the jelly dress

>will cost around 800, deposit will be around 300
>reservations open mid-august for two weeks
>expected to complete production in september
>only JSK and OP. Unlikely that there will be a skirt.

>will limit the amount of bespoke orders
>will introduce XL size
>size S will fit girls bust 80/waist64 and under
>OP will have sleeve length somewhere shorter than elbow-length; waist 1.5cm higher than natural waist
>JSK empire waisted, will lie on your underbust but slightly lower than Phantom of Opera

>gonna use a chiffon thicker than Phantom
>matching stuffs include blouse, wristcuffs and headbow, but those will be released later than the dresses

>> No.7015831

Sweet. Thank you, kind detective.

>> No.7015834


Ah thanks so much! I was getting a little stressed out there but good to know they're not just making up crap.


Yeah, kinda peeved they didn't even tell me the date. I hope ordering goes better for you soon.

>> No.7015847


Aw dang, no skirt? I was really looking forward to a skirt.

I guess I'll be sitting this one out. Between the price and the lack of skirt, I guess I'll just wait for the cat-with-sky one to come out later on....

>> No.7015868

Available in white here:

>> No.7015930

what krad lanrete said was, "it is unlikely there will be a skirt" - they did not give a definite "yes" or "no"...

no prob, i'm pretty determined to obtain this one myself too. kind of irritating that the information was scattered all over in the weibo comments, as opposed to having them all in one post.

>> No.7015938

tbr is real weird

i ordered two sets of stickers for stationary I'm getting but they said there was only one left in stock. my friend uses TBS and, a few days later, her SS got her 4 sets.

they also haven't refunded me for shit that wasn't in stock

>> No.7016073

It's better than what I was finding. Thanks so much!

>> No.7016093

I'm going to use taobaotrends as my first taobao ss and im still looking for things to add to my list, but I just have a few questions for those who use taobaotrends:

Theres a total fee at the bottom of each order and an agent fee within that total fee, this does NOT cover the international shipping fee, right? So is there extra I need to pay after the price listed there? (just need this clarified)

For details with the order itself(as in how to package it, weight etc), do I need to use the Contact Us form for that, or is there a given form after I submit the order?

>> No.7016215

You are spot on in all your questions anon.

Though for weight, that will be calculated after all items arrive unless you mean you'll contact them about removing all excess weigh or something.

>> No.7016229

Sorry this is a little late, anon! http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z0d.1.1000638.266.mrpU2D&id=25561308236

>> No.7016280

I've read reviews about both TBS and TBT, and they seem about the same. Do any anons prefer one to the other? I would actually prefer the spreadsheet of TBS, but TBT doesn't charge paypal fees.

>> No.7016374 [DELETED] 

Hey, update on KL! I preordered thru Clobba in April for Phantom of the Opera and they finally got my custom sized skirt at their office. Apparently, they got over 500 orders+ for this series alone.

From Martin last week:
>This series is very much delayed. All Krad Lanrete reservations had been rather popular and they have over 500 orders+ for this series alone. The latest series got delayed because of this series too.
>And the first print went a little wrong, as the gold print was too light. And those fabric were still used on the dresses and those dresses were sent off to some domestic customers who doesn't mind the colour difference last month.
>According to Krad Lanrete, the OP of this series is the most complicated dresses(not the print is complicated) they've ever made so far which they didn't realize until the production begins and the production went rather slow.
>Part of the standard sizes have been finished earlier this month and had been sent off, while all the rest standard sizes and custom made ones were under production. They have been completed recently EXCEPT the JSK version. Krad Lanrete is preparing shipping recently which is going to take a bit of time due to the number of orders for them(I'd like to think they should be ready by some time next week except the JSK version of this series). :)

>> No.7016377

Hey, update on KL! I preordered thru Clobba in April for Phantom of the Opera and they finally got my custom sized skirt at their office. Apparently, they got over 500 orders+ for this series alone.

From Martin last week:
>This series is very much delayed. All Krad Lanrete reservations had been rather popular and they have over 500 orders+ for this series alone. The latest series got delayed because of this series too.
>And the first print went a little wrong, as the gold print was too light. And those fabric were still used on the dresses and those dresses were sent off to some domestic customers who doesn't mind the colour difference last month.
>According to Krad Lanrete, the OP of this series is the most complicated dresses(not the print is complicated) they've ever made so far which they didn't realize until the production begins and the production went rather slow.
>Part of the standard sizes have been finished earlier this month and had been sent off, while all the rest standard sizes and custom made ones were under production. They have been completed recently EXCEPT the JSK version. Krad Lanrete is preparing shipping recently which is going to take a bit of time due to the number of orders for them(I'd like to think they should be ready by some time next week except the JSK version of this series). :)

>> No.7016597
File: 521 KB, 1120x1500, sticker flakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, decorative tape anon here, is there any term I can use to search for sticker flakes like the ones in pic related? I can only find nail stickers and such.

>> No.7016662

Probably a dumb question, but I just wanted to check...
When TaobaoNow says, "We are responsible to make sure it leaves Chinese customs or your money back (If your package weight is over 5kg and with branded items and/or electronics, this does not apply anymore as China customs are getting stricter now)"...would "branded items" also pertain to DoL replicas?

If I was considering getting a replica from them, would it be better to do it in a separate order?

>> No.7016673

Thank you very much, anon!

>> No.7016802

as another yeti chan I'd love to know how it goes, those shoes are drool worthy

>> No.7016894

I want to know, too.

>> No.7016946

can someone suggest stores that have a wide variety of loliable/ lolita blouses?
i'm specifically looking for short sleeved classic blouses in cream or pink

i've been through all three spreadsheets and most of the stores seem to have really tiny selections.
just doing a general search yields a lot of ordinary blouses, so any help would be appreciated

>yes i am this helpless

>> No.7016997
File: 312 KB, 683x1024, MermaidCapSleevebodysuit_06_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the black milk body suit and skirt in the mermaid scales available on taobao? I've tried black milk 美人鱼 (mermaid) and black milk 鱼鳞 (scales) but didn't find anything

>> No.7016999

Not taobao-related, but maybe this will help you finding them on taobao:

Sorry for long link, can't shorten it.

>> No.7017032

whyyyy the fuck is this so hard to find
贴纸独立 is the best I got, and it's really hit-or-miss unfortunately. if I find something a bit more precise I'll post (probably in the new thread, whenever it gets made)

uhh have you tried searching stuff like "lolita衬衫"?

>> No.7017052

I have to say, these threads have totally put me off taobaoring.

>> No.7017063


>> No.7017065
File: 122 KB, 670x566, http_imgload.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so thanks to the anon who found the originals, I found pic related. they're still like 500 yuan and I think the buckles are gold/bronze, not silver, but better than paying for the real deal...I guess? I only found one other pair (they might have been "genuine" iirc, but they were like 2000+ yuan or something)

I know some people had already made pretty thorough searches for them, but if anybody else wants to have a go, 镂空搭扣靴 seems to be a pretty good search term for the style

>> No.7017069

Because many anons have been having problems with TBR recently. It's sad; they used to be my favorite SS.

>> No.7017081

this shop has it in navy and was on the first page of my "bunny ears hat" search.

>> No.7017156

If anyone wants a half-violin bag, this place is doing preorders. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=21356543500

>> No.7017216
File: 160 KB, 425x604, T2tljlXgFXXXXXXXXX_!!60819810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ordered this blouse in wine from pumpkin cat? I haven't been able to find a review or photo of it, but if the color of the photograph is true, I need it!

>> No.7017225
File: 862 KB, 300x224, 98779034246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay this isn't really order related, more like a rant. But I'm really tired of people treating me like a shopping service. At work I've gotten like six customers asking me to buy them something from Taobao. It usually goes like this:
>Oh wow I love your clothes/phone case/purse/other item! Where did you get it?
>Thanks! It's from an Asian online shop.
>Must have been expensive for so far away!
>No it was about like "cheapamount"
No, no, no bitch. I will write down the website for you and you will purchase it on your own. How rude. I don't even know your name, how are you going to ask me to buy you something? I've just avoided mentioning Taobao at all but I work in a Spanish neighborhood and those people are nosy as fuck. Word of mouth travels a mile a second over there so now a shit load of people know about this magical place wear shoes are $6 but only that fucking weird dressing girl knows how to buy shit. I have no problem with people buying from Taobao, that's why I told them. I save so much money on clothes now it's insane. But just do it yourself.

>> No.7017236

What are you waiting for? Charge them exorbitant SS fees and make huge profits.

>> No.7017233

Maybe start charging them? Hell, I'd be happy to shop online for people if I could make a little profit off of it.

>> No.7017234

If people ask me where I get my clothes from I don't get into specifics for this exact reason

>> No.7017241


I say ebay to make things easier on me. It's really hard to explain the reasons why I put in so much effort into shopping online.

>>7017233 and >>7017236 have the right ideas though.

>> No.7017249

I am the laziest person in this entire thread. I could not be bothered to take Consuela's shitty little order consisting of knockoff designer bags. Customs would seize all their shit in a heartbeat since they'd just want Michael Kors and Louis Vuitton shit. That and they're extremely cheap. I work at a supermarket and 90% of the customers are on foods tamps. If I even mention for a second that I want them to pay me, they'll fucking riot. They're so used to getting everything for free. I tried explaining the concept of a SS to a woman and she just looked at me like I had told her I was the reincarnation of Hitler.

I've already started saying eBay. People don't question that.

>> No.7017254

I know this feel.
People on my Facebook ask me to buy them stuff all the time whenever they get wind that I/My mom is going to China.

I don't mind getting people a few small things, especially if they're fragile and you don't want to ship it. But I hate it when people I barely know (Con friends) ask me to get them $500 worth of clothes, whine until I actually order it for them, then get pissy at me for charging them the luggage overweight fees I warned them about when they ordered, and then makes me lug all of that to a con because they don't have a car and cannot get to my house to pick up the items.

At least now I have enough sense to ask people to pay for the items BEFORE I place the order.

>> No.7017316

Thank you, guys!

>> No.7017342

I want to add that I love several of the shoes in that blog post but cannot find them in stock anywhere either. Booo.

>> No.7017343
File: 312 KB, 800x735, 1369685542543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say no. Or charge 3x the item's price. Don't be so goddamn spineless.

>> No.7017376

>I could not be bothered to take Consuela's shitty little order
>I am the laziest person in this entire thread
If I can barely put together an order for myself. what makes you think I agreed to do so for another person I don't even know?

>> No.7017384

If it helps, I got the XL and it fits me wonderfully. I'm a busty US size 10/12.

>> No.7017485

>If I even mention for a second that I want them to pay me, they'll fucking riot. They're so used to getting everything for free.



>> No.7017488
File: 217 KB, 387x555, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ordered this hoodie from Stars Rainbow? Just wondering how nice it is and if it runs big/small. I have pretty long arms so I was wondering which size I should get

>> No.7017495

Oh daaarn I just realized it was out of stock. Does this shop normally restock these kinds of things?

>> No.7017620

I'm sooooo pissed right now! I missed r-series new print cos taobao spree never answered my email, and yoybuy refunded me cos the seller wasn't replying and when I asked them to try again I got the message that the item is out of stock. How hard can it be to do what I pay you for???

>> No.7017674

it's not exactly what you are looking for, but perhaps the title will give you more search terms

>> No.7017946

Any stores that sell full boxes of lashes? I ordered some from a store but received only a pair, I had no idea they cut up the boxes and sell 'em separately. Is this a common thing?

>> No.7018175
File: 173 KB, 500x750, cutte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know what stores are good for buying "trinkets" like this seashell jewelry box?

>> No.7018185

similar question, but I'm looking to buy lashes in bulk? any stores that do that?

>> No.7018343

I bought a couple boxes of lashes here: http://jmpf888.taobao.com/
I think they sell pairs seperately, too, but they have a lot of boxes.

>> No.7018353

Thank you, you help is very much apreciated!

>> No.7018388

Just go to ebay it's cheaper and easier. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_sacat=0&_from=R40&_nkw=eyelashes+10&LH_BIN=1

>> No.7018408

Good to know! I have enough for now, but that's good for other people to know.

>> No.7018570
File: 143 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mh2vcw85hS1qee7k6o1_500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how to search for 'plain hats' like the one pictured (obviously without the flowers etc.)

I can't seem to the find the appropriate name for that style of hat! please help!

>> No.7018587


try >>7014646?

>> No.7018613

This thread is autosaging. New thread in a second.

>> No.7018618


>> No.7021929
File: 98 KB, 850x850, sheer-elegance-light-pink-quilted-leather-iphone-5-wallet-wristlet-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are these wallets called in english and chinese?

I've always called them patent leather or quilted leather
BUT idk if that's the actual term?

im looking for a pink/kawaii one. :(