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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7009934 No.7009934[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm not in Lolita yet, but I'm curious to know how strangers have reacted to your fashion. Do any of you have stories of weird/funny/offensive/nice reactions from strangers?

>> No.7010003
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>at meet in park
>summer so lots of kids everywhere
>kids baffled by herd of lolis
>little girl has been staring me up and down for a good 10 minutes now
>comes up to me shyly
>"ummmm miss...... Can I ask you something....?"
>expect princess/bo peep/goldilocks/candyland etc
>"umm....why are you wearing boots in July....?"
>out of all the kids in the park I get the jr fashion police

>> No.7010023

That is goddamn adorable.

>> No.7010024

a little old lady hobbled up to me and said "you look so beautiful!" and i thanked her profusely. She then sheepishly got in line at the checkout.
Kind old people are the best people

>> No.7010028

This made me chuckle

>> No.7010042

I mostly get compliments. Every once in a while, though, I get a herd of twelve-year-olds giggling and/or taking pictures.

>> No.7010049 [DELETED] 

What did you tell them?

>> No.7010050

They probably think they're so edgy and lol randumb.

>> No.7010052

Obviously future Lollies.

>> No.7010053
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That's precious

I agree

>> No.7010078

Relevant to the story: I can't see very well.

Usually, the reactions are common. Some compliments here, some insults there; nothing special.
But there this one time when my friend and I were walking back to the train station. Out of nowhere, I heard 'OMG A LOLITA!' and right away, I was startled and began to look around for whomever shouted already scared that the person was somehow closer and I just didn't see them or something.
All I saw was some person (I assume girl by the voice) jumping up and down and squeeing and just calling out more attention than I could in an already crowded sidewalk. Right away, I thought that they were going to run at me, it looked that way to me with the way they were moving.
Normally, I would have stopped, smile and wave but this time, I just felt so uncomfortable that I lowered my head and kept walking. My friend even put him self between me and them and when I asked him why he did, he said that she did look like she was going to run at me, I just assumed it was me being skeptical. Even a little bit after I passed her, I could still hear her spazzing and the person she was with sounded like they were trying to get her to calm down. I think they might have noticed that she startled me/made me uncomfortable.
I thought that kinda stuff only happened at cons, man.

When it was over, I did feel bad that I didn't wave or anything, I really did feel rude. Oh well, what cha gon do.

>> No.7010194

Most of the time I get compliments but I can tell people don't know what to make of it, so they just say something polite, still nice of them. Weirdest story? my friend and I walking, some guy in a parking lot sees us and smiles and we're thinking he's going to say we look cute or something. But then he says out of nowhere that we look so sweet like candy that he just wanted to suck on us. Me and my friend looked at each other like "are you fucking kidding me?" and walked away as fast as we could.

>> No.7010216

Aw. I wish that had happened to me. Lolitas are so far and few where I'm at.

I remember a few years ago, I went to Barnes and Noble with a friend, of course, in lolita, and some guy was on his phone telling us that there were some "anime chicks" at the store. I don't really care that he was ignorant and I didn't bother correcting him; I'm just glad that he asked us if we could take a photo for his friend as proof.

>> No.7010218

Yesterday I was walking about in loli and using a parasol against the hot hot sun. Ms. Clever shouts: oh my god. It isn't raining.
Zero fucks were given.

>> No.7010222

Oh! That reminded me of something that happened:

>be at NY book store with a friend
>guy approaches me 'I know this is weird, but I saw you at another store and told my wife about you, she wears dresses just like you'
>he then shows me a text convo between he and his wife to show me how excited she was to hear about another lolita

That was pretty nice.

>> No.7010224

I get the comment "I like your dress" a lot and from every age range. I have come to translate it as "I am staring at you and feel compelled to say something polite and unthreatening so as to excuse the rudeness of my staring and to make it known that I am a nice person who is not judging you negatively"
I much prefer that to "are you in a play" which has and will forever baffle me.

>> No.7010226

I just pictured some girl with a bleach blond hair and a bad carrot tan shouting that.

>> No.7010230

I went to a meet last week in a mall. Got a lot of compliments, but also got your usual insults and people yelled things at us.

After getting tired of people asking "omg are you guys supposed to be Alice in Wonderland hurr hurr" or whatever I started telling people, with a straight face, we were in a gang and that I was packing heat in my strawberry purse. One woman got it was a joke and we laughed with her, but one woman I said that too looked absolutely horrified and took me seriously. We all realized she thought I was serious and we started laughing and explained to her what the fashion was.

>> No.7010234

Seriously, a lolita gang would be terrifying on so many levels.

>> No.7010237


A girl did that to me when I was having a bad day and got a parasol spoke jammed into her eye for her trouble.
Yes, because I haven't heard this comment a billion times before.

>> No.7010241

forget not knowing lolita, these people are just down right dumbasses.

>> No.7010256

pink brass knuckles with cute teddy bear lace. Initiation is who can beat the shit out of somebody with them. The ones that get the least amount of blood on their brando are in.

>> No.7010259
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Would gangs be separated by brands or styles?

>> No.7010268

If by brands then I would most fear the Meta girls. They are unpredictable and prone to bouts of insanity just like their burando.

>> No.7010269

It has to be by styles, just in case some lollies mix brands.

>> No.7010274

I usually get positive reactions, I always have my earphones in and pretty oblivious/zoned out so I don't really notice any mean looks.
This weekend however a middle aged woman stopped me to ask if I have different characters for each costume or if I only play one character. She must have seen the utter look of confusion on my face and brushed it off with a compliment and rushed away while I was trying to ask her what she meant.

Maybe she thought I was cosplaying? Iunno...

>> No.7010275
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and if a loli gang member gets sent to prison. They're forced to sew for and wear Milanoo.

>> No.7010276

Nah man, that should be like initiation. They have to proudly parade through town in those shitty dresses, cat ears and all.

>> No.7010277

There's a girl with anger management issues in my comm and every time we have a meet, part of me desperately wants somebody to piss her off so I can see a loli beat somebody up.

>> No.7010279


I dunno, the AP girls would have strength in numbers.

>> No.7010286

I think a Moitie gang would be run more like a mob.

>> No.7010295

This thread reminds me of a story I started writing about a lolita criminal who blinded her entire comm by selling replica circle lenses to them and was sent to a lolita prison, where the girls smuggled shanks in their panniers and sniffed coke off each other's RHSes to establish dominance.

>> No.7010330

it's barely rudeness to stare at something you've never seen before.
not so bad considering a fair few lolita dresses have been inspired by Alice in Wonderland.

that's something that comes with all costumes, to make sense of the unusual clothes someone is wearing and why they're wearing it. it's certainly a possibility.

while it certainly feels vindicating to get mad at people that make you feel bad, but you might end up feeling a little better not getting mad at all. also, since when did other people matter, you're better off looking out for those staring with a jealous longing to wear the same silky clothes you and I do.

>> No.7010331

*silly not silky.

>> No.7010362
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>> No.7010409

A guy told me I looked cute and tried to sell me cocaine yesterday in lolita. I had to ignore him until he went away
I think that was one of the strangest encounters for me..

>> No.7010416

I think you should finish this and you should publish it and I should buy it

and you can include >>7010409

>> No.7010659 [DELETED] 
File: 427 KB, 900x845, tumblr_mn3ejuuGtE1rt05vro1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a mixed girl, I don't really find many characters with the same skintone to cosplay.
and I would rather go with accuracy.
can we get a thread for darker skinned characters, and series that have a lot of them?

>> No.7010748

They would run a racket on Chocomint stars and place hits on prominent AP girls.

>> No.7010766

They do sell baby pink handguns and mace, my bf's family's store carries them and I even got the mace for my mom to keep in her purse.

>> No.7010866


>> No.7010902

I get mostly postiive reactions and then stares. I think the worst of it was at a really tiny convention. We got bored and there was absolutely nothing to do, so we went over to the mall. There were other cosplayers there. I had two homestuck cosplayers and another cosplayer with me. These Avon ladies who had a booth were just so excited and enthusiastic about us. But then everyone else was trying to take pictures with their phone, until I brought mine out and did the same. I've also had people run up to me and just be super-excited. Then some ghetto teenagers being loud and dramatically overreacting at a friend and I who were both wearing toned down sweet, not my usual huge wig, lashes, a million bows... I don't know what they would've done had I gone out in OTT.

>> No.7010933

I went to F21 once and there was a herd of lolitas there. They didn't look bad, but they were just standing in a pack and talking.
Some strangers were asking for pictures occasionally, but nothing too bad.

Saw them again in GameStop. I swear they were following me. It's a small store though, so walking past them without touching their pettis was hard.

>> No.7010951

Get out.

>> No.7010993

That's hilarious!

I've posted many stories on here, so I'll just post my most recent.

I was out in loli with my nephew and a friend yesterday. We went midget golfing. While there, nothing really happened, some kids liked my clothes but that's it.

When I walked outside, two black dudes on a scooter drove by and yelled: "EY LIL RED"

I stuck up my thumb and smiled at them, they did the same back. I thought it was pretty funny, original too! I can see why they'd link it with her considering I had my hair in pigtails, I was wearing pink though.

>> No.7011174
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Lolita gangs...heh.

No weird encounters with strangers but definitely with family members. usually get weird looks from relatives who don't even bother to say anything polite.

>> No.7011192

Hell, I use my parasol even when I'm not wearing the frills. I don't want skin cancer.

>> No.7011196

Why is incorrect fairy tale characters always a thing, though?
>Bo Peep!
When you're in pink
>Alice in Wonderland!
When you're in black and white

>> No.7011208

Midget... golfing...?

>> No.7011219

A guy that was redder than a lobster and wearing a wife beater snicker on the his phone (hahaha dis girl gots un umbrella in da sun)

Which is weird because I live in an area with a lot of Asians and it's not uncommon to see them with an umbrella in the sun.

>> No.7011221

When Asians do it it's exotic.

>> No.7011265

I tell people that we're part of a religious sect and if they want to hear about our High and Mighty Lord's word. It's pretty effective, they immediately walk away.

>> No.7011311

love you anon.

>> No.7011314


>> No.7011318

I used to work the local streetfair for my museum and got asked if I was amish a lot. When wearing a full Victorian taffeta and velvet bustle dress.

>> No.7011333

>Bo Peep!
When you're in green and brown.

>> No.7011372

I've got a pink stun gun. i'm aching to test it on somebody, haha.

My dad has volunteered. Self defense in STYLE.

>> No.7011391

I'm going to assume both of you had bonnets.

>> No.7011419

It doesn't even take a bonnet for people to call you that,
I've been called that with just a head bow.
I think they just focus on the shape of the dress... Ah, normies.

>> No.7011470

Not sure if troll, but the problem with "are you in a play" is not that it suggests a costume. Not the anon that mentioned it, but that question bugs me too. "Why are you wearing a costume" would be one thing - I'm not offended if they don't know what I'm wearing. When have you ever in your life seen actors from a play walking around in the costumes out in the world? At the supermarket, or in a store? Not how plays work.

>> No.7011723

I am the anon who posted the Are you in a play" comment earlier. It dumbfounds me but doesn't offend me. I figure that in the brains of the people who see me there is no logical reason why any sane person would choose to dress like this way- so Occam's Razor tells them that I must be involved in some sort of performance. Their logic is coming from the flawed premise that no one would want to dress oddly and be perceived as an oddity/ freak.

>> No.7011889

i just learned something new today, Anon.

>> No.7011929
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So THAT'S what their legs look like...

I like this version better

>> No.7012246

I heard "are you in a play" comment only once. Wasn't a very weird encounter though...

>we're strolling in a small group
>a foreign woman stops us and asks if she can take a picture
>"are you from a theather?"
> "no"
>"is this the usual then?"
>woman gives us thumbs up

>> No.7012531

>woman gives us thumbs up


>> No.7012539

I guess people don't know the Amish these days... or historical fashion. And working in a museum sounds pretty awesome Anon.

Aww. That sounds pretty nice!

>> No.7012548
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>Not in lolita but in normal clothes
>work at booth all con
>Creepy guy dressed as waldo constantly walks past booth
>on break, out and about the convention center
>waldo finds me and asks for a picture
>"but im not cosplaying,,,,"
>Still begs for a picture with him
>give in and take it
>dont see waldo for the rest of the con....

>> No.7012580
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>> No.7012603

>in black/white classic outfit
>at restaurant with other people not in lolita
>stopped by waitress when leaving
>"oh i love your outfit! are you going for like a victorian look?"
>"uh, oh, well I..."
>"oh definitely! it's totally victorian!"
>okay whatever makes you happy

Other than the overload of "are you in a play/an entertainer/going to a party" comments, the only other weird encounter for me is some guy wanted a picture at a con and he came up and put his arm around me for the picture. I think he hoverhanded it though.

>> No.7012672

Well thats what really gets me. I'm not that far from Amish country and we actually have an Amish run farmers market in town (my town is famous for it in the area)

>> No.7012702

Oh wow that just makes it worse. I guess they were trying to liken lolita to something familiar.

I live in an area with plenty of Amish too, there's actually an Amish tourist trap near my hometown.

>> No.7012720 [DELETED] 

How do I bang a lolita

do i just walk up to them at a con and ask them about their gook dress or what

also i don't cosplay or anything, only time I've been to cons when i was dating this weeaboo and she dragged me there

i don't even like anime that much

>> No.7012746
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they don't know shit about historical fashion.

I work in a 1950s themed dress shop and I hear 1920s, 1970s, 1980s and once I heard someone call it "Titanic clothes."

this shit infuriates me on a near daily basis

I like that I can wear lolita to work, though, because none of these mofos know the difference

>> No.7012748

Act interested, tell them they're pretty, something like that?
They're just girls in expensive dresses, dude.

>> No.7012759

cool beans

thats all i needed to hear thanks

>> No.7012787

>I work in a 1950s themed dress shop and I hear 1920s, 1970s, 1980s and once I heard someone call it "Titanic clothes."
As someone whose main interest in historical costuming is the 1900s-1910s, that really rustles my jimmies.

>> No.7012838


trust me, it takes every ounce of strength I have to not groan aloud and correct them angrily. My coworkers all look at me now when someone goes "THIS IS LIKE FLAPPER CLOTHES" just to see my reaction.

>> No.7012849


The silhouettes are completely different! I'd flip tables constantly if people said that to me. Anon, I commend your patience.

>> No.7012854



Sometimes I have to go to the back room, but thank you! I like the job a lot so it helps!

>> No.7012873

Alice in wonderland wore a bow not a bonnet.

>> No.7012875

I was referring to the Bo Peep thing.

>> No.7012918

Little kids always have the best reactions and comments. my most recent ones-

>be in packed mall, standing in food court
>adorable little girl no older than 5 walks up to us
>are ya'll clowns?

>still in food court, group of 3 alpha looking guys yell HEY from across the room and head towards us
>about to nope the fuck out of there
>guys run up, HEY! I wanted to know if we could take a picture with you ladies
>"awesome! I love that anime shit"

We also had people stop us to ask if we were famous since we had so many people come up and want pictures with us. I wanted to just be like YUP SURE AM. haha

>> No.7012923

forgot one more

>last months meet up, be at ice cream shop
>woman and her younger son walk in, she immediately stares all of us down
>she orders their food and is headed out the door
>looks at us and spits out "so what, is this a wizard of oz convention?" laughs at her own joke and walks out
>we had a giggle m8

>> No.7013079
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Caramelization is a painful process for a human to undergo.

>> No.7013096

Oh boy, I've got an idea for a lolita serial killer!

>> No.7013118

>Waiting for a lift with a friend after seeing The Cure.
>Not really in lolita but still frilly in a Gramm dress with lolita blouse and friend is rocking another gothic brand with rhs.
>Guy walks up to us and asked if we were here for the concert and we nodded.
>He tells us, "Good job!" and leaves.
>Friend looks at me and deadpans, "We did do a good job."

Also earlier that night, a guy with a green Mohawk saw us taking outfit shots for each other and offered to take a photo for us so we can both be in the photo. All without saying a word. Thank you silent Mohawk guy.

>> No.7013127
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dudes with mohawks are some of the nicest fucking people
my mother went to a concert with my sister (when we begged her not to) and the stupid rich college kids kept moshing
a very tall man with safety pin piercings and a mohawk (yes like arashi) protected my mom by holding her and taking the full brunt of the blows and helping her move to a location where she wouldn't get punched. thanks mohawk guy.

>> No.7013128

I've been thinking of doing little lolita 4 panel comics and now I have so many ideas after reading this!

>> No.7013129

To be fair, isn't many lolita fashion inspired by victorian dress?

>> No.7013145

>Bo Peep!
Wearing bonnet-less gothic
>Little Red Riding Hood!
Wearing all black
Black black blacketty black black
>Mary Poppins!
All black and no hat or large headpiece whatsoever


>> No.7013149

Yeah this is what I thought. The look is really supposed to emulate victorian clothing.

>> No.7013152

yes, i don't see why anon thought that was strange

>> No.7013166

Please don't, unless you want the image of your strong dad bent over his knees crying in pain, either scream/swearing or sobbing for you to stop to be seared into your brain
Maybe yours is less powerful than a police issued stun gun, but still. Please don't.

>> No.7013185


Perhaps Anon was wearing a very modern Sweet outfit?
While the style undoubtedly has roots in Victorian style, brands like Angelic Pretty are a far cry from that look.

>> No.7013187

>in a black and white classic outfit

honestly it just sounds like anon was mad they didn't get to explain.

>> No.7013195

My outfit was really black and white (all bodyline, haha) - I didn't think Victorian dresses would have such stark contrast of black and white - cream maybe? Maybe it was my hair - it was a half updo with curled ends.

>> No.7013192
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pop pop muther fluffers

[art courtesy of our lovely missus-ruin]

>> No.7013202

Oh my mistake, I apologize. I wasn't reading carefully.

I can understand the frustration though, even if the woman wasn't being offensive, having someone project their assumption onto you is no fun. At least it wasn't "creepy ageplay fetishist" or anything like that.

>> No.7013214

I think they meant the style more than the colors...which dress was it exactly, some of them look way more victorian than you think to the common person.

>> No.7013231

I wasn't mad; it was just that the waitress seemed so happy and I didn't want to dissect her compliment.

sage for no real contribution; more stories!

>> No.7013251

Given that you've titled it with the name, and then credited it.... I'm assuming you're 'missus_ruin'.

I hate people that try to 'go viral' by promoting themselves as anon. Just be honest and use a trip.

>> No.7013260
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>wear shiro
>black wig
>red lip tint
>hear Snow White comments 8x that day
>mfw I'm half black

>> No.7013263

>being this new

>> No.7013265


>> No.7013270

>not knowing how to sage
>not knowing missus-ruin has been posting for over a year now and drawfagging cute ass commissions.

>> No.7013277

Oh shut up, it was a mistake, I can fucking sage.
> cute ass
Crawl back up your own arse some more

>> No.7013286

Ladies! Let's not fight. Unless, of course, you've been recognized by an official Lolita gang.

>> No.7013291

A hamplanet called me strawberry shortcake.

>> No.7013309

fatties obviously would go to food first(i know they meant the character but it's just ironic)

>> No.7013311

do it then, i'm not even the same anon you were talking to, i just think rustling jimmies is funny

>> No.7013368

Hi, poster here. I titled it like that so that I would remember her name properly. Felt I should source it in case other people who don't know her want to see her stuff. That lolita girl is a part of a girl gang set- this punky fairy kei girl with a club, and a sweet mori girl who fucks things up with a flamethrower

I post a lot of stuff without knowing the source and feel kind of bad about it. It was nice being able to actually credit the artist

Dang, that's awesome! I'm terrified of mosh pits. I'm glad I've only been to outdoor venues where they're pretty easy to avoid. Love the .gif, by the way

Go for it! I remember reading a lolita webcomic once, but it was discontinued and I've forgotten the name. Bummer, since it was amazing, but stuff comes up and people have lives. Post it in the draw thread when you're done!

>> No.7013385

I wore lolita out for the first time more than just an hour or so, I went to Six Flags. A lot of people were really cool. One of the ride attendants flipped her shit and was talking about how rare it is to see lolitas to her friends. Another lady said her children wanted to know what I was dressing as and they thought it was pretty. I had a lot of little girls compliment my shoes and dress and I had a guy tell his kids I was a Disney princess. Nothing negative at all, it was really nice to hear all that positive feedback :]

>> No.7015273

Miseum/amish anon. The woman in charge of the museum can not tell time period by clothes at all. We were prepping for a fashion show and she would constantly mix shit up, literally can't tell colonial from Edwardian. Shes the reason we have a ton of Gunne Sax dresses in the collection because she thinks theyre Victorian (once I was put in charge of the fashions display they went straight in the closet and are not coming out)

>> No.7015282

Black and white were actually pretty popular. Not so much as straight black (not mourning, black was considered pretty classy just like today) but theres plenty of examples of black and white dresses still.

>> No.7015299

>have seen a refro-styled but obviously 80s dress described as 40s, flapper, and "totally Mad Men", all by the same person

>wear Victorian visiting dress for Halloween event in town
>black and red, ruffled the fuck out, bigass bustle, high collared jacket, cravat, smallish hat perched in front of updo, tiny snap on fangs in cuz Halloween
>looking one Depp short of a Tim Burton wet dream
>bustlin down sidewalk, sexy kitty #17 stops me for a pic
>"Omg I LOVE those Jane Austen movies! You look just like Keira Knightley!"
>also get called Mary Poppins, Queen of Hearts, saloon girl and pirate

>> No.7015606

>seeing The Cure
I like you, anon.

>> No.7015742

Thanks anon. Rock on.

>> No.7015776

>pink stun gun
>"i'm aching to test it on somebody, haha."
>testing it on your father

Wow... It's people like you that shouldn't own something like that even if it's just a stun gun.
Regardless, just make sure your father doesn't have a weakened heart if you're still going to shock him. But still, just don't.

>> No.7016588


my head exploded reading that first sentence

>> No.7016605

pretty sure it was a joke, sandy clam.

>> No.7016613

this should be the egl banner forever