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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 487 KB, 534x800, candytreat-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7010005 No.7010005 [Reply] [Original]

The good, the bad, and the ugly

>> No.7010037

I love GOOD natural hair on Lolitas.

>> No.7010040


...Is OP's pic supposed to be good, or...?

>> No.7010047

I think she looks cute. I don't know about those shoes and ankle socks, though...

>> No.7010054

Looks good with the coord. Kinda dry, but eh, not like it's too fixable.

I just think lavender really isn't her color. Her skin is too warm and lavender is too cool.

>> No.7010060

Agreed. I love pastels but I have an olive complexion, so pastels just don't work on me.

>> No.7010062

I think it looks a little odd because there's no actual black in her outfit, and tried to match it in her accessories like the bag and I believe a hat. So she's got a big lavender center and this black floating around. I think a bit of black in the center like a belt would help.

>> No.7010126

I laughed at the comments section in OP's pic's post. Good for her for telling off someone for con crit that wasn't asked for.

I think the black looks fine. I am an old lolita and remember the days when people wore black shoes with everything, even if the entire outfit was white.

>> No.7010133

I went and looked and fucking lol'd

>If you do not wish for concrit then why post on the internet for people to do so? I was not being rude, just trying to be helpful. Please refrain from giving experienced lolitas such harsh attitude.

Because experienced means that you are a good lolita. Pfffft. Also, what is wrong with sharing? Posting pictures on the Internet does not equate to asking for criticism especially when you can just skip over it if you don't like it. I would never give constructive criticism unless someone asked.

>> No.7010147
File: 22 KB, 200x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved the headress

>> No.7010160

I liked her outfit but I am always annoyed by her visual kei-ish hair.

>> No.7010164

She would benefit from a nosejob. A pale skinned person looks silly with that weird nose.

>> No.7010172

Looks pretty cute to me.

>> No.7010176

Wtf are you talking about? No one needs a nose job in this thread.

>> No.7010178

Oh, I meant that I love her hair. Should have made that more clear.

>> No.7010183

b-but there is not some many post since the last one. 6/10 post top. you need to give it some time between threads, the only thing I occur to post here is the self harm chan but it's in another thread already.

>> No.7010304


I agree with both of you haha. But at the same time AFTER she commented about it, it made me think 'oh so... asspats or gtfo then' which I wouldn't have even really thought of until that happened.

looks like someone else is having a go at the concrit thing now too, lol, this should turn out fun

>> No.7010357
File: 512 KB, 683x1024, 9411563260_b5aac5c1ba_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same person

>> No.7010361

This is so much better. The first coord is just not pretty to me, but I just know better than to comment.

>> No.7010431
File: 130 KB, 400x559, tumblr_mplt7rG7dt1rqa6vao1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from looking really pissed off, the exposed bloomer effect is just too much. A little is fine if you're going for such a look, but it just doesn't really work here, it's just too bulky and throws the coord off. Apart from that it's quite cute.

>> No.7010442

If her pissed off face was regarding her bloomers, it would be understandable.

>> No.7010681
File: 762 KB, 300x170, 137123070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on

>> No.7010876

I like the peeking bloomers, but when they look like they're falling off your ass and/or the length of capris it's time to rethink your coord.

>> No.7010883
File: 61 KB, 277x515, kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost looks like a non-shooped Kooter lel

>> No.7010954


She looks so much cuter without the shoop.

>> No.7010992
File: 47 KB, 560x747, BO7WDUJCIAAArOg (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed, it looks likes she's turned into a loli caricature in her recent photos

>> No.7011283

this photo terrifies me

>> No.7011295

I agree with you. I love the look of peeking bloomers with some outfits but that length is too much and unflattering on her legs.

>> No.7011308

I thought the girl's original response was pretty fucking rude

The girl giving concrit wasn't even being bitchy about it. All she had to do was say, "thanks but I wasn't looking for concrit"

Really theyre both idiots

>> No.7011353

She needed to wear a black blouse with this, put some sort of black accessory on her dress, and not wear ankle socks.
And get rid of those shoes. I see those working better in a more punk outfit.

>> No.7011358

if she goes through that much trouble to shop herself that much, why can't she make her eyes not crooked?

>> No.7011393

Very cute. Even though I'm not into wigs, this one looks nice. and the colors look great on her.

>> No.7011516
File: 755 KB, 1625x2848, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is stunning!

>> No.7011524

Agreed. She has sort of a witchy look and pulls it off well. I usually hate it when people mess around with colors because I want to see the outfit in natural lighting but I like what she did.

>> No.7011527

Loving that style.

>> No.7011535
File: 174 KB, 800x1330, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks ethereal, I loved everything!

>> No.7011543

She's absolutely one of my favorite lolitas these days. Has a really cohesive closet and my favorite style, that dark classic-gothic look.

>> No.7011605

Who is she? I really love that she kinda the plays the grim attitude straight without veering into camp.

>> No.7011622

siriusc on LJ and tumblr

>> No.7011632
File: 55 KB, 500x332, Ajuku+Girls+Ajuku++Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry if this is old news but has anyone ever heard of this band Ajuku Girls? I remember seeing them a couple of years ago at an anime con and thought they were wearing the ugliest shit. I didn't know what they were supposed to be because their music wasn't in any way related to J-Pop. It was typical dance music. I guess there whole theme was Harajuku fashion, but for the life of me I couldn't tell what the fuck fashion they were getting at.

>> No.7012169


Ahh, yes this girl.
I always enjoy her posts, she has lovely co-ords and the pictures look so beautiful.

>> No.7015682

But this girl looks much more pissed off than
Or is it only okay because she's wearing Gothic?

>> No.7015704

There's a difference between 'neutral' and 'bitchface', anon...

>> No.7015710

When people respond to concrit like she did, they end up looking bad, like they took it way too personally than they should have. The concrit was legit, so much less rude that simply saying it wasn't the best, she really did need work. If someone's offering you help, either take it or don't. Sorry the internet isn't a 24 hour asspats kind of place.

>> No.7015739

Both of them look relatively neutral though. If anything, the girl in gothic has the corners of her mouth turned down in more of a frown than the old school girl.
I agree that the bloomers look off, but why comment about how she looks pissed, then go post another girl who looks just as angry and praise her for her grim attitude and how great she looks in photos.

>> No.7015783
File: 230 KB, 488x750, tumblr_mqzhghsCVW1rdishdo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this

>> No.7015793

I wasn't a fan, it felt like it was a forced color combo. But points for trying imo.

>> No.7015805

I think it's more a problem that the various shades of purple don't match one another than anything. They're all just sliiiightly off from one another. Maybe if it all matched up, and with another purple accent near the waist (a cute belt? some kind of pochette?) it would work better.

>> No.7015838

The only thing that bugs me about this is I don't think the bare legs suit her (especially with what look like bruised knees, suck it up and wear OTK's or tights), but otherwise it's really cute.

>> No.7016046

i adoooooore siriusc

>> No.7016049


That is really cute!

>> No.7016866


>> No.7016873


I thought it was a little laughable she thought this outfit was in any way classic

>> No.7016871

I dislike those socks with it. The vertical vs horizontal stripe is killing me.

>> No.7016943

Wait wat, she labeled this as classic? Yeah, no...

>> No.7016950


>> No.7016967

not EXACTLY... her cut text read "Sweet? Classic? A little of both I guess <3"
And no, there were no other outfits under the cut, so she could have only been referring to that one

>> No.7017557

I think that if she covered her legs up to the dress it would make her look very short and stumpy whereas with what she has now, she looks pretty tall and "lean" even though she's plus sized. Her knees don't look bruised at all either, anon, I think you're seeing things.

I don't know, I just really liked it. Looks neat and clean, well put together etc. The pink on the socks isn't too good and they could be ankle length instead of "awkward 1/3 of the calf long" but it works.

>> No.7017578

Um, I remember maybe two years ago I was looking at Craigslist and there was a listing looking for a fashion designer/stylist for them? And then I saw the pictures and was eeeh... That's all I know, sorry.