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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 246 KB, 900x1317, brolita_6_by_hikari_hart-d4rve6i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7003488 No.7003488 [Reply] [Original]

Brolita thread general?
>pic somewhat related

>> No.7003591
File: 192 KB, 720x960, 267854_425578030858681_1407277031_n (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Brolita's are bigger bitch's then girl lolitas

pic related

>> No.7003595

What the fuck is that thing?

>> No.7003603
File: 67 KB, 540x720, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its a brolita

>> No.7003612
File: 271 KB, 640x494, SCARY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brolita's that scare me.

>> No.7003658
File: 264 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mp5qbdinkf1qj1wzpo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. There's this brolita called David who liked being a bitch and enjoyed drama all the time. He's p cool and wears some sweet coords. He lives in Japan living the kawaii draem and teaching English now.

Pic related, it's David.

>> No.7003665

Oh my gods he's adorable.

I know two really nice Brolitas, always well-dressed and basically "one of the girls" in attitude. One of them is really active in our comm, and I love him. He's great.

>> No.7003675

To be fair, as big of a cunt he is he still looks better than most bro-lolitas round the uk.

>> No.7003691

What's your issue, vendetta-chan?

>> No.7003707

last I heard he quit sweet and went on a total attitude re-vamp...
hopefully he/she (transgendered I assume) has learned and can keep it together.

>> No.7003714
File: 67 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mmstjdvY7f1qj1wzpo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another photo of him wearing DDC

>> No.7003717

I've met him at 2 cons and he's come across as friendly but quiet, I don't get all the hate tbh.

>> No.7003731

why is he carrying a cane and wearing an oversize sweater
is he actually disabled or is he just trying to look like my grandma

>> No.7003738

I'm pretty sure that's a parasol.

>> No.7003740 [DELETED] 

I saw him that day, that's a parasol you dunce.
and he was just a bit hot so I just took his arms out the sleeves. I see nothing wrong with his coord, cunt as he might be he can at least dress.

>> No.7003743

whats the matter with the cardi......

>> No.7003751

oh you're right hahahahah

too long oversized for lolita style, won't look flattering with a full skirt at all. lolita cardigans should be fitted and end where the dress bodice ends.

>> No.7003756

he's worn the same cardi for a few coords, it doesn't look that bad. probs just an unflattering pic

>> No.7003759

still kinda shit though

>> No.7003767
File: 208 KB, 1185x889, bgdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory, especially after his meltdown the other night.

>> No.7003769


>> No.7003811

Does anyone know what was actually said to him for him to have a such a shitfit?

>> No.7003830 [DELETED] 

It wasn't really a shitfit, if anything it was more like "hey guys, giving sweet a miss for a while, and after seeing and hearing things from some people close to me I'm going to sort myself out, im not a bad person, I think I just had some bad role models" sort of thing.

"bad role models" that sound familiar.....

>> No.7003841

When did BrolitaJenny say this?

>> No.7003846

he probably got caught trying to feel a chick up.

>> No.7003856

Another girl probably blocked him

>> No.7003907

What happened?

>> No.7003909

>>tfw no cute brolita slave to sexually abuse

>> No.7003991
File: 30 KB, 316x317, 1370637269225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this a thing?

>> No.7004010


>I’m not a fucking predator. I am disabled, so how the Hell am i gonna hurt anyone? Well, fuck you!


>I hate the Lolita community. I hate them.

>I was so in love with the fashion, but now I can see that the majority of the people that wear it or are enthusiastic about it are very hostile to people like me. Where will it end? After i’m dead? Will my death or termination of my accounts appease the community?

>I’m sick of being seen as the bad guy. Do I have to keep paying for my past?

>I want you to know that you really hurt me, and I hope you can live with yourselves, if and when I’m gone.

Raise your hand if you'll miss him

>> No.7004020


>I’m not going to vent. I’m not going to vent.

>A message to the Lolita community

>I get people telling me to “move on." Where the fuck do you want me to “move on" to? I don’t have a fucking life. If you want to pass judgment and say it’s my own fault, fuck you! You don’t know shit about me. What I’ve been through this past year. You people think you’re the big shit, right? You’re just a bunch of hipsters. Fuck you! You obviously don’t understand that all I wanted from you was nothing more than your opinion on “brolitas," But no,you always think that I’m some sick ass pedo, trying to pick up girls. the only thing I’m interested from any of you was nothing more than your dress sense and your opinions on “brolitas." Let me make one thing clear right now. I would not want to date any of you hipsters, especially if you’re so God-damned shallow and judgmental. Even if you’re over 18. Fuck you, EGL! FUCK YOU!

>I just lost another user’s favour. She had her guy friend threaten me. If any of you have any idea how to report someone on tumblr, let me know, because the last time I checked, it is a felony to threaten a disabled person.

>There must be something else the matter with me for people to be scared of me. There just has to be.

>> No.7004061

>I would not want to date any of you hipsters, especially if you’re so God-damned shallow and judgmental. Even if you’re over 18

> Even if you’re over 18

>> No.7004072

some girls boyfriend bitched him out or something

>> No.7004104
File: 48 KB, 560x560, 1070110_10153043866695094_1463411886_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no is is still a sweet lolita. and still a asshole.

>> No.7004117

What's BrolitaJenny's tumblr now?

>> No.7004119


>> No.7004126

those socks don't match

>> No.7004150

do you have any proof? iv met him like 3 times at the MCM and he's a real sweetheart.

>> No.7004158

I agree I keep hearing new info on this guy but know very little on what is true about him. I've had a few of my friends saying they met him and that he was a bit of an elitist but other than that he seemed like a nice guy who was just an average cosplayer/lolita who didn't really know when to hold his tongue.

>> No.7004161

Are you done stalking yet?

>> No.7004166

Is that his boyfriend? Because I've seen bonbon in that coordinate before and they look so cute together.

No offense but won't commenting saying you are being stalked just get you stalked more?

>> No.7004167

I'm not the person in question.

>> No.7004168


It's not illegal to threaten someone just because they are disabled, it's just an asshole thing to do. And he's only disabled in the head.

>> No.7004172

that's one of his friends he made over,

>> No.7004178

>it's a felony to threaten a disabled person
My sides
I really want him to go to the police some day and try to get some girls in trouble with the law.
>officer I was just innocently harassing underaged girls about their sexual preferences when they ATTACKED ME! DISCRIMINATION!

>> No.7004180
File: 64 KB, 960x720, 946284_10151508036911260_486170614_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the happy couple.
Apparently they got engaged too!

>> No.7004211


>> No.7004219

that's harsh man

>> No.7004222

Oh it's fine just the resemblance to Gabriel nothing negative

>> No.7004224

ohh...I thought you meant that Dr.who thing.

>> No.7004618

Speaking of brolitas, I saw SF's favourite brolita Melissa freak the fuck out at J-pop summit

>> No.7004645
File: 30 KB, 992x558, Yohio-yohio-33504141-992-5581474619440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would fuck Yohio to the moon and back
i don't even care

>> No.7004661

pick one

>> No.7004676

convincing brolitas count too, right?
and he's legal now

>> No.7004681

Elaborate anon, don't just leave us hanging!

>> No.7004723

He's visual kei.

>> No.7004783

Do tell more.

>> No.7004796


I've heard this name be thrown around /cgl/ before. I'm a brolita in the Bay Area who's planning on joining the comm once I get my first brand dress would I have anything to worry about being lumped into the same group as him? I actually want to take this somewhat seriously and look good.

I'd love to hear the details of him at the Jpop Summit. I only went for the film festival stuff (I really don't know on what to say after seeing my first Takashi Miike film) and didn't have time for the Jpop summit.

>> No.7004804

good brolitas are hnng tier
though you're gonna have to post the rest of this if its a comic

>> No.7004816
File: 35 KB, 600x448, Ak9fh0nCEAAcOwU1474619440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but
he still dresses in lolita. It's right there on his wiki.
A man in lolita is a man in lolita.
to me it doesn't really make a difference whether he's a ~true lolita at heart~ as long as he follows the fashion guidelines.

>> No.7004823
File: 20 KB, 300x400, YOHIO_6201293037580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7004834

SF lolita here. There's a few other brolitas who are perfectly fine and very nice and fun to talk to. You won't be lumped in the same group. I don't know what happened at Jpop summit though!

>> No.7004850

I'd still peg that sweet ass.

>> No.7004863

the most famous brolita of all

>> No.7004869
File: 122 KB, 718x1100, 060jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.7004876
File: 72 KB, 960x509, tumblr_mp9zd1WsH41s0jc3no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most famous e-brolita

>> No.7004879

awww yisss, broli thread, anyone know if there was any brolita stuff at frill?

>> No.7004887

After the fashion show, he attempted to high-five some of the participating girls as they left, and they ignored him. Another girl, who was walking right behind, accidentally bumped into him, and he yelled, "Fuck off, you whore!" at her. So yeah, he was on my creepy meter before, but now I have a good reason to definitely avoid him.

Don't worry about it! We have other brolitas who are much loved in the community (one of them dressed in boystyle for the fashion contest and won in the overall category!) so you'll definitely be welcome. Melissa is just a special case who doesn't try to look good at all and apparently yells obscenities at random bystanders.

>> No.7004998


That poor bastard has no idea what he's in for. He was just happy a woman was giving him attention. Even if it was an ugly woman.

>> No.7005011

i feel bad for the lonely guy on the right

but tell me they were doing it as a joke...

>> No.7005019

That's crazy. I was in the crowd and saw him hovering around the penned off area. As girls were leaving the area, I saw him suddenly yelling and cussing. WTF, I always thought he was really creepy since he never spoke to anyone but was at EVERY meetup. Also, his FB account is full of conspiracy theories... What a creep.

>> No.7005038

Yes, it was very sudden. I don't know what he did to make the other girls snub him, since they're very open minded, but obviously he deserves it. The girl he yelled at is such a sweetie, too.

>> No.7005251
File: 660 KB, 781x524, Screen shot 2013-07-30 at 2.47.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolitas laughing while melissa storms angrily away- priceless

>> No.7005262

Wow, you actually got a picture of it!

>> No.7005264

not me sadly, it was from a photographers flickr account. I'm glad such a beautiful memory can be immortalized.

>> No.7005297

but Mana has been ugly since 2001

>> No.7005300

yohio is an asshole who doesn't know shit about lolita. someone in his management just thought it'd be good publicity to stick him in a Baby dress.

>> No.7005303

Does anyone have the picture of Melissa strutting in sunglasses to go with this?

>> No.7005315

Wow, Melissa looks like such a mess. I thought that she/he was improving but I guess not.

Also that dress makes me really sad. Why is that petti so weird looking?

>> No.7005323

so he was pretty before that?

>> No.7005337

Tips on larger shoulders with brand?
like in the 18in range, should I just stick with custom offbrand?

>> No.7005399

ugh tartan-chan didn't even button his dress all the way
why does that piss me off so much

>> No.7005459

Wow he looks like an ita bitch in the pic. His coords are just awful. It reminds more of a Snorlax gijinka than an actual lolita outfit.

>> No.7005660
File: 452 KB, 631x413, abatmanvillainisborn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7005722

Don't get blouses with puffy sleeves or stiff fabric. Chiffon is preferable. I'm not sure how well brand would fit, so you might want to go with custom-sized blouses.

>> No.7005769
File: 1009 KB, 400x225, tumblr_mopqfjRk8Y1rvs9wso2_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god no. I followed BrolitaJenny on tumblr for two hours last night just to see one of lose fits he has since I always miss them. Nothing happened so I unfollowed and went to bed. I just checked tumblr and now he's following me.

>> No.7005776

You could try to piss him off into unfollowing you

>> No.7005781

I'm hoping he'll piss off when he sees I don't reblog lolita all that much and none of his favorite motivational crap. I just don't want him to message me after seeing how bad it is.

>> No.7005966

He followed me after reblogging one of my posts but he's never messaged me.

>> No.7006010

Tumblr username? (brolitajenny's?)

>> No.7006051


>> No.7006381

I feel like for every 1 polite, well-dressed, non-creepy brolita in every community there are at least 2 or 3 gross weirdoes (who could potentially be child predators) that post online about how they loooooooooove girly dresses then and show up to meets in normal clothes and creep everyone out. I wish that this hobby didn't attract so many social rejects.

>> No.7006434

send it the link from >>7004010
and tell him handicapped ppl can be predators

>> No.7008098

BrolitaJenny is now following my Tumblr.

I don't know whether to be scared for my life or be excited as fuck.
It's like a frilly adrenaline rush.

>> No.7008430
