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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7000641 No.7000641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Continue here, friends.

>> No.7000660


>> No.7000673

What would you guys say are the most frequently cosplayed characters from this series?

>> No.7000674

Aoi, Fukawa and Ishimaru from the first game, and Sonia, Mahiru, Komaeda and Pekoyama from sdr2.

>> No.7000677


Mahiru? Seriously? I barely see any. How could you mention Mahiru but not Junko.

>> No.7000679

Herp derp how could I forget Junko. Definitely Junko. And I just know a lot of poeple who have done or planned Mahiru because her outfit is easy to make.

>> No.7000683


I've been thinking about what makes these characters so popular to cosplay, especially when they're frequently done so badly.

With Aoi, I think it's because fat girls just look at her boobs and her simple design and figure that it's perfect for them. I think it's similar for Fukawa and Pekoyama, but I usually see a lot of homely-looking people go for them- I think it's probably because they both wear glasses and people automatically equate glasses with being ugly? Either way, I've only seen a few Fukawas and Pekoyamas that are pretty, just like there are only a few Aois that are hot. And then Komaeda and Ishimaru have that yaoi factor that makes fangirls go crazy. And Junko is Junko. Everyone wants to be a cute gyaru, but not everyone can pull it off.

>> No.7000684

i dont think Ishimaru is any more frequently cosplayed than some others like Junko, Naegi, or maybe Togami or Chihiro

>> No.7000691
File: 74 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mqmm4uGjNX1r6z5syo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7000692

>I think it's probably because they both wear glasses and people automatically equate glasses with being ugly?

>> No.7000694


No, really. Fukawa is constantly berated for her appearance/hygiene. She's 'nerdy' and wears glasses. Of course ugly people are going to think she's the one they should cosplay.

>> No.7000699
File: 40 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mqmp2c1dGD1r8az79o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at a 3000 people con and i've seen at least five Junkos.

This not related, but nabbed from the tumblr tag. I think the closest Junko's wig is the most accurate i've seen on a western cosplayer, but that's not really saying much.

>> No.7000713
File: 229 KB, 700x467, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, does this plaid look okay to you for Junko's skirt? It's actually a little darker irl, the lighting is just weird in the room I took it in.

The button is for scale- it's 1.2 inches wide.

>> No.7000715

It looks good simply because it has no huge blocky black squares.

Congratulations, you're already a step above 80% of Junkos. Make us proud, anon.

>> No.7000730
File: 358 KB, 600x400, tumblr_mkblj2x2Xz1qkkp9ko1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>random self post?

not bad i guess but their nose looks huge

>> No.7000740
File: 329 KB, 1280x853, 1373754486089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a similar problem with my nose, what should i do? Also posting good cosplay cause thread is lacking

>> No.7000771
File: 163 KB, 1097x729, junko_enoshima_by_garivel-d6cfi5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anymore Junkos with heavy gyaru like makeup? most of the people who cosplay her need more eye make up.

>> No.7000772
File: 690 KB, 1024x683, enoshima_junko_by_inushio-d61kj5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7000857

is that bow made out of craft foam

>> No.7000934

this might be wishful thinking, but does anybody have a scan of Saionji's character design? I've been painting her kimono and now that I've gotten to the detailing, the colours and the painting and the mixing is kicking my ass.

>> No.7000974
File: 208 KB, 500x500, tumblr_inline_mlheuncZSb1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry it's so tiny but this is all I could find... Is it perhaps what you're looking for?

>> No.7000981

That's the best picture I"ve seen so far that's not from my PSP, thanks!

It frustrates me that the SDR2 fanbook isn't available for public viewing online yet, though I can understand the people who bough them for not wanting to distribute the pages.

>> No.7001001

oh god you're right. didn't catch that

>> No.7001028

you forgot the part where fukawa and aoi are one of the easiest to cosplay.

>> No.7001048
File: 55 KB, 541x960, 969782_10151481693662371_1106825698_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my kimono so far; Thanks for the critique last time;; I fixed the colours of the petals, and put in shading and details on the orange and star flowers.

I decided to keep the beige colour too dark for the flower as I'll be using it as the shaded part of the flower. I'll highlight it with a lighter colour. I won't be re-colouring the chick until the last stages, when I"m working on all the other chicks at the same time.

critique and suggestions would be nice, but it would especially be appreciated if it were about something I could still change, haha.

>> No.7001168

i know exactly who you are, and you're going to look amazing! im so excited.

>> No.7001624

Having seen your post on the previous thread, your progress looks great! Keep up the good work!

>> No.7001852


The beige looks kind of gross, so it's good to hear that you're going to be covering it up. You still need to change the stem color, though. Also, whatever you're using to outline the petals of the yellow flowers seems to blend perfectly in with your kimono fabric and makes the petals looks strangely streaky?

>> No.7001933
File: 82 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mb0kp29wsa1qkkp9ko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi. im going to be cosplaying yamada hifumi at otakon in a few weeks. it should be fun.

i was wondering if i could get a quick opinion on yamada cosplays: would you recommend drawing the lines for the mouth? ive honestly seen some people do it (pic related) and some not do it. what do you guys think? it would help a lot.

>> No.7001944

If you're going to do the mouth, go for realistic and do a good job of drawing the lines/shading so it doesn't look like a 10-second Sharpie job. If you don't have the skills, then feel free to omit it.

>> No.7001973

Wigs you would suggest to use for Fukawa? I can't decide if it would be easier to style a really long wig or buy a short one and long twintails. Wouldn't the clip-on twintails braided be heavy?

>> No.7001982

If you're going for thick and long braids, then yeah, they'll be heavy and you'll be better off if the weight is evenly distributed across the wig net. However, longer wigs tend to be thinner to start with.

>> No.7001983

I actually managed to find the book a few weeks ago through a random tumblr link, would anyone like some scans posted? I have both the DR and SDR2 book scans.

>> No.7002027


Why would you buy clip ons for fukawa? Her braids start at the bottom of her hair, not the top. Clip ons would look weird.

>> No.7002038
File: 20 KB, 169x140, 1338780889205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes please.

>> No.7002070

Any characters in specific?

>> No.7002081

yamada, but if you have download links for the entire book, can you post em?

>> No.7002259

Do you think that the vines should be darker ? In her reference picture, the front view shows it really dark whereas the back view shows it quite bright, so I was a bit unsure..

>> No.7002273

Don't suppose I could see some Ibuki scans, for reference, please?

>> No.7002394

Sorry about that, had a few things to take care of. Don't have links for the whole book but I'll upload em in a sec

>> No.7002396
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>> No.7002398
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>> No.7002400


yes please. Requesting the Komaeda page, if possible.

>> No.7002401

agreed. i track the dr cosplay tag and i saw this wig and i was like FINALLY VOLUME IN JUNKO'S HAIR

>> No.7002408
File: 490 KB, 1200x1651, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7002420


I dont even know where one finds a skull keychain with the chain-part on the bottom of the skull.

>> No.7002492

Thank you so much!

>> No.7002497

it's probably just in your best interest to sculpt the skull, attach it to the keychain and add a chain.

>> No.7002535
File: 297 KB, 353x458, dfgfggf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, someone posted this before but, opinions on this for Junko's wig?


>> No.7002578

It looks pretty good in some of the stock photos, I think you'd have to do some relayering and styling yourself but it's a pretty good base wig, and the colour's alright. Keep in mind the bases of the ponytails look really ratted, probably to keep them in shape, and that depending on your head they could end up drooping. If you do get it, maybe reinforce them with some clips.

>> No.7002589

Good advice anon, thanks! I'm really anal about the colours of Junko wigs myself, so I'm personally hoping the stock photos aren't too shopped.

>> No.7002595

UGH NO PLEASE. junko's hair is not a rat's nest. i really like the color but it's such a fucking mess.

>> No.7002604

also on an addendum actually i feel like if you tamed it it would be fine.

>> No.7002624

Yeah, the whole THIS IS A BLATANTLY TEASED WIG AND NOT IN THE GOOD WAY kind of gets to me, but it's not beyond fixing. And it's a better base wig than I've see a lot of other people use, like those ringlet ones or, god forbid, the pin-straight clip on ones.

>> No.7002668

there's a dogcat one that isn't too bad, but people don't tease it and it looks droopy and sad. i just wish this one wasn't awkwardly separated?? but you can fix it.

>> No.7002681
File: 10 KB, 250x300, new-pretty-black-white-long-curly-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have advice for where to get a split wig for Monobear? Preferably short or a short with pigtail clip ins that I can just leave out, but I can cut a long wig if I need to.

My normal wig stores don't carry split wigs, sadly, and I'm always a bit uncomfortable buying from new places.

I'm afraid the most difficult part will be finding one with the black on the correct side, since most wigs I've seen it have it on the left. Pic related.

>> No.7002682
File: 47 KB, 170x328, soniarip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also i wish sonia cosplayers would realize it's a long ponytail with a braid wrapped around it.

>> No.7002691

Like this?

>> No.7002697

Yeah, that or something similar.
I was hoping someone might have a store or seller they've bought from that they can attest for the quality. I've had some bad wig buys in the past.

Thank you very much for the link, though!

>> No.7002699
File: 637 KB, 1280x952, 91875098243709823476092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7002706

In pretty much every DR thread people have been complaining about Junko wigs without giving advice/alternatives, does anyone know where to actually find a good one?
My group is thinking of one of these for our Junko (with styling of course):

Or should we just dye and style a white wig/ponytail set?

>> No.7002715

The problem is that every single Junko base wig isn't right and will require a fuckton of styling to even come close to accurate, which most cosplayers don't seem to bother with, for some reason. Or they think kind of teasing straight clip-ons is enough styling, which it's not. Or people use bright fucking blonde or bright-ass pink wigs, rather than some pinkish peachish colour.

The best wig seems to be the third one, colour wise, and volume wise. Good luck.

>> No.7002718

These colors are actually pretty good, I think. As for styling, tease the SHIT out of the ponytails. Get a fine-toothed comb, get to the lowest wefts, and just tease away at the base. Then go up each layer of wefts except the top ones to cover the messiness but keep the volume. I'd also cut in some layers so that's fuller up top and less so towards the bottom. Finally, if they're heat-resistant wigs, I'd get a flat iron and try to get some of the ends to stick out and... sort of crimp them. Not to the extent of that one fugly crimped Junko wig. Idk it's hard to explain. But her hair isn't nice and neat and straight, as much as I commend that one Junko above for having the volume. It's everywhere and messy and layered.

>> No.7002738

Sonia cosplayer here! I am guilty of not having the ponytail due to my inexperience with making a wig into a proper ponytail....Sorry! I'm actually thinking of using two wigs(one for the base/braid and another for the ponytail) in order to achieve the thick ponytail effect, would this work or should I just get a clip on ponytail?

>> No.7002757

i think that would work well! at claire's, pink ice, or wherever really that sells girl's stuff has hair bands that look like braids that you could use too! her hair is really thick too so i think that would work. cifera posted a tutorial on how she did her asuka wig and how she made it so thick. go back into the wip/tutorial tag and check it out!

>> No.7002799

Hi! I recently became enthralled with some art work of Dangan Ronpa. And I know some of you anon will tell me to google Dangan Ronpa to find out more and shit. I just don't know where to start! There's a fuckin anime, manga, and video games of this. Are the games any good? How do I get into this D:? Please and Thank you.

>> No.7002814

what is with the fucking emoticons lately, holy shit

>> No.7002831
File: 113 KB, 635x960, 945612_483382451734977_1897452129_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a link to the first game's book.

I like this junko's choice of wig colour.

>> No.7002832

holy shit, there are more serious issues in the world than emoticons (this thread only has 2, i think), never mind I asked. Sorry my emoticon derailed the thread's topic. Continue helping each other on your Dangan Ronpa cosplays!

>> No.7002842
File: 16 KB, 66x67, Untitled1_0002_hinata (4).png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you should start with the Let'splay.. you can download it , since the paywall is up for the forums that they're originally on. I can go snooping around if you can't find it.

The anime is decent but really skips over a lot of important stuff like character development and other stuff, so my top vote would be the let'splay of Dangan ronpa.

>> No.7002849

Could you people leave the tumblr shit on tumblr, please?

Anyway, we need more decent Junko wigs, or just more decent Junkos in general. Still holding out to see if any great Western Junkos surface any time soon.

>> No.7002852


>> No.7002859
File: 119 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mqo6l2a9v71rghcwbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7002865

The colour and volume is pretty nice but it's just. Wrong. Junko's hair does not look like that. She doesn't have short puffballs at the top of her head like someone glued a mangled hair pompom up there. Her shortest layer is mid-pony and is exactly that, a single layer. This cutting job is totally shoddy and I think it ruins everything else 2/10 would not recommend.

>> No.7002873
File: 611 KB, 761x658, toukoprogress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Fukawa wigs, the progress shots on this one look pretty promising.

she bought two wigs, and weaved the fiber from the second wig into the first to get the length/thickness she wanted in the braids.

>> No.7002884

The braids look a little loose and the wig looks messy and unkept, which is not exactly the look Fukawa has going for her, in my opinion.

The glasses pop out quite a lot, with her skin tone, I feel as though she should've gotten some glasses leaning more towards dark brown since she's so pale. They're too big as well.

to be honest, I don't think Fukawa's hair is hard enough that this pops out as a really good wig. It does look decent, though.

>> No.7002947


>> No.7002974

It's not, see>>7002699. There's just some hair pulled back behind her braid.

Definitely the third. CC Kids wig photos are always really off, I'd bet the first two look closer to brown in real life. I'm also pretty sure the last (raincos) one was once reviewed in the taobao or mail thread as being a good colour and thickness.

>> No.7002977

>the wig looks messy and unkept, which is not exactly the look Fukawa has going for her, in my opinion.

Really? The game makes it pretty clear that Fukawa doesn't bother to wash, let alone brush her hair.

>> No.7002994
File: 85 KB, 243x400, tumblr_mqjnwyPBQB1rrep1ro2_r1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome Pekoyama on tumblr.

>> No.7003007
File: 611 KB, 2256x3461, 42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry what I meant was that her braids are tight so there shouldn't be any hair hanging where the braid starts. on top of that, the the hair from the front view looks pretty 'patted down'. If it\s more agreeable if I say that it's probably because of all the grease in her hair, that's fine too

>> No.7003008

Nooooooo... but I guess it's just a WIP. Pleated skirt looks pretty neat.

>> No.7003011
File: 482 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_mq9zcwwPmm1ro93t6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really great Koizumi on the tag too

>> No.7003013

it's also important to note that her hair is french braided to give that taut look.

>> No.7003016


Dem sloppy as fuck and uneven trims, inaccurate skirt, and bowl cut wig.

>> No.7003018
File: 65 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mqoerzlbHb1qzjz68o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7003017
File: 45 KB, 311x720, tumblr_mqoiftBeNx1qluwl8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7003021
File: 527 KB, 500x733, tumblr_mqody94miv1qerjifo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despair-inducing wig

>> No.7003027
File: 66 KB, 480x280, koizumi (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a great sewing job but her hair looks nothing like her. I dont know if this counts as knitpicking but I think that this girl's wig has a very messy non-chalant look to it whereas koizumi's hair is very neat. The wig looks very boyish but koizumi's hair is actually longer in the back. Not to mention that the colour is off, but that may just be the lighting.

It's really important to get these little details right because a lot of the hair styles in DR serve as an indication to their personality. We also only see the top halves of their body for most of the game, with the head/face part being the centre of attention.

>> No.7003029


Meh. I'm really not liking the fit ratio of the top to the skirt. Looks bizarre, or maybe she just has a noodly body? Plus the other issues anon mentioned. On a less cute girl this costume wouldn't be noteworthy at all.


She needs a wig that isn't bright-ass orange. Also, why are so many Koizumi cosplayers going for forest green when her jumper skirt is more of a khaki green color? The socks are also awfully sheer in this picture.

>> No.7003032
File: 790 KB, 2256x3480, 50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what kind of font this person used, because this is the worst thing I have ever seen and it makes me cry on the inside just staring at it. It's really not hard to find a standard japanese font that's not this.

>> No.7003033

who shat in your cereal

>> No.7003034


>bowl cut wig

Oh god, please don't let coconut head happen in this fandom too. I don't get what's so hard about cutting bangs for so many cosplayers.


Her wig is marvellously thick and she definitely deserves credit for that. I just wish the ponytails weren't so sleek and smooth.

>> No.7003038


All very valid criticisms of that costume. The trims are terrible. They aren't even the same width in some areas. And Pekoyama's skirt is supposed to be pleated like a sailor scout's, with a box pleat in the centre and knife pleats from the sides, not huge knife pleats. Plus the aforementioned coconut head wig.

>> No.7003039


the skirt thing drives me crazy in this fandom. the majority of the female characters seem to have their skirts drawn that way, but i rarely see people actually sew them like that.

>> No.7003045
File: 284 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_movga9Gpm51qf94rlo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same... except then I saw someone actually do it.

>> No.7003044


as someone who doesn't know Japanese, your comment is really interesting to me. can you elaborate on why their font choice is so bad? it looks fine to me, but is it actually the Japanese equivalent of comic sans or something?

>> No.7003046

yes, basically. The rounded stroked are horrible and it's definitely not very close to anything shown in the reference picture.

I can't explain it very well, but it kind of looks more like font for when a character says something really dumb / funny in a manga, rather than a font used for a biker gang's jacket.

>> No.7003049

Diff anon here, it's not quite comic sans but... Arial maybe? When it should be Times New Roman.

>> No.7003050

yeah japanese comic sans is the perfect way to describe it actually

>> No.7003052

yes. first anon here but the font should be the equivalent of font used when talking about a gory battle that happened in history x00 years ago back in feudal times, or something.

Sorry for giving so many references that're probably not helpful. Sage for no contribution.

>> No.7003054


that other peko from AX that was going around for a while did it too, i think. props to them.

i know for sure that chiaki, sayaka, and mahiru all have the same type of pleating on their skirt with the middle box pleat, and i'm sure some of the other female characters do too. i actually didn't realize this until i was already sewing my sayaka skirt. i'm thinking of redoing it now. it just looks more accurate than pleats going all in the same direction do.

>> No.7003055


can someone photoshop that mondo jacket to have comic sans on it. please. it would make my day.

>> No.7003057

on it

>> No.7003059


thank you. you're a hero anon

>> No.7003060


Is it just me or ate a lot of the Japanese cosplayers for this series kind of bad? I haven't really seen one that I love quite yet, or maybe I'm just disillusioned by Japanese cosplayers not seeming as good to me as they did when I was just starting out and idolized them.

>> No.7003061


This wig looks like the ears of a papillon dog. I'm not sure if that's a good thing. Also, it's... streaky? The fibers aren't blended that well.

>> No.7003065
File: 69 KB, 500x736, tumblr_mqmsbgDExr1s66b01o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ibuki on the tumblr tag. They did the pleat in the middle but the shirt fabric looks atrocious.

>> No.7003067

Japanese cosplayers are just as varied as western ones. Of course you'd be disillusioned if you used to idolise them The other thing is that you were probably exposed mostly to idol cosplayers, and haven't been poking around japanese cosplay websites - it's pretty much like cosplay.com where some are magnificent and others are terrible. Also, Cosmode magazines are the most mixed of bags.

That said a lot of japanese DR cosplayers I've seen tend not to pay as much attention to detail on the outfits in general, and some are just as lazy as western ones e.g. store-bought leather jackets for Kirigiri, not to mention their penchant for platform shoes. But a lot of their focus seems to be on photoshoots rather than conventions, and I usually enjoy seeing their entire group cosplays.

>> No.7003069


Oh dear. Construction is fairly good and props for getting the pleats right, but that cotton they used is horribly thin- you can see the dress form through it. Maybe they intend to line it...? I also think it would just look better with a good ironing.

>> No.7003075

That's what I was thinking. Not bad but I really wish they used a better white. Let's just hope they wear a top underneith.

>> No.7003077


The wig is 4-5 inches longer than it should be. Nice color choice for her, though. Rest of it is... Not great.


This is astoundingly neat painting. It's really a shame to hear that the font choice is so poor. I feel bad for them- this must have taken forever.

>> No.7003079
File: 161 KB, 500x500, askldjas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7003081


A+++++. Saved for future use.

>> No.7003082

with some stencils and a foam brush, I'd say it probably only took them about a night's worth of work. IT almost looks like it's printed on there, which might be why the colour is so off.

>> No.7003086


i looked at their blog. apparently they did it all by hand with carbon transfer paper and screen printing ink.

>> No.7003092


damn it cgl, you ruin me. now i'm going to be looking for the pleats thing on every DR pleated skirt i see and i really want to remake my nanami one now...

>> No.7003093

wow I'd love to know how to use that method..

It's even weirder then, because they got some parts of the writing wrong. I wonder what possessed them to re-write the thing instead of making a vector of some sort with the image given.

>> No.7003094

Oh gosh, obvious vertical darts shaped like that on a thin fabric look horrendous, and the trim is puckered everywhere. Or it might just need an iron.

Really obvious lighter-colored thread everywhere, trim on the socks is wrinkly. But at least the did the socks.

I want to love this skirt, but I just... can't. Maybe it's the ribbon trim? Does anyone have more worn photos?

I just want to tug the the wig forward and then attack it with a comb soooo bad. Neglected fringe, let me sweep you to the side. Pity about the knife pleats, that is wasted neatness.

They could probably fix the font thing a little bit if they added some bulk to the characters in the right places. Perhaps another night of painting could do it.

However with all those things said I feel like I would still enjoy seeing all these cosplays actually at a convention.

>> No.7003095

>They could probably fix the font thing a little bit
probably not. They'd have to fix the spacing of the characters which they can't anymore unless they were to replace the whole back which would mean to start over.

not to mention adding bulk would destroy the strokes of the characters. in most parts, they need to be thinner than what they are anyway. layering paint with a transfer would also mean some bumpiness as well.

>> No.7003096
File: 46 KB, 478x750, tumblr_mqbuiqSAJG1s66b01o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same blog, construction is seemingly nicer. If only she chose better fabric for Ibuki.
Why do people always skimp out on the fabric?

>> No.7003100


not bad, but apparently this cosplayer desperately needs access to an iron. i don't see why they wouldn't smooth things out before taking photos, it makes everything look so much nicer.

>> No.7003102

the detail on the tie and the jacket shirt look awful. should've painted it rather than use fabric. the nice dressform is wasted on bad sewing.

>> No.7003103
File: 34 KB, 300x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, quick question. I'm working on Mukuro-Junko and I'm scratching my head over references. She's sometimes drawn without the white lines and buttons that mastermind Junko has on her sweater, but there are also references that include them... What should I go with? I'm thinking of leaving them out just to make the costume more 'different' from Junko, plus they seem to be left out in the anime too. I don't know, what do you fine people think?

>> No.7003109
File: 651 KB, 2264x3471, 70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you should have buttons because it's a general thing that jackets have. It would look strange if you went without.

I''m not sure about the white lines and stuff though, I'd say it's up to you, and I'd even go as far to say don't paint it on until you're sure. you can always paint it on but you can't make it disappear after.

>> No.7003108

Wow, I kinda want to know who is posting my costumes here.

Just a little explanation, my iron is broken. That's about it unfortunately. As for the white fabric on Ibuki, I'll take a moment to line it then.

Thanks for the critique, i'll go buy an iron?

>> No.7003111
File: 788 KB, 2304x3471, 72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one however, shows the white line. I think the point is that they look the same, so I don't think looking "different" should be the basis of your judgement?

>> No.7003112


Oh no, not the middle buttons, I meant the pins on her right hip.

>> No.7003113

oh! I'd say go without? It shows on the talksprites but nothing else.

>> No.7003115


Point taken, thank you for the opinions! I think I'll make the jacket first and figure out if I want to add the lines later.

>> No.7003119
File: 560 KB, 1280x897, tumblr_mpluorN2Cq1qkjhyyo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7003120


what the heck is going on with her tie

>> No.7003131

the only decent cosplay there is the hagakure and the yamada. Sakura is pretty good as well, and so is the kirigiri.

It's a bad picture though, so I wouldn't mind seeing a good full-body picture.

>> No.7003208


Really? I think the Kirigiri's the only good one of the bunch.

>> No.7003271


No one there is outright awful, at least, though that Celes looks concerningly frumpy. I agree with >>7003131's evaluation, pretty much.

>> No.7003659

No. Fukawa's hair is not French braided.

>> No.7003678

Do you even know what a french braid is? The fact that it starts at the bottom of her head and just goes down shows that it's literally impossible to french braid her hair.

>> No.7003709

Nice colour? Her wig is practically silver with Nanami has blonde/pink hair. Needs to be a much warmer hue.

>> No.7003762

It's not terribly difficult to sew two wig halves together. Just try to buy 2 wigs that are the exact same style so you know that the caps will fit together.

>> No.7003835

Instead of sewing two halves of a wig together, it can be much easier and less scary to color half of the wig with Sharpie pens or other permanent markers. It takes a while, but it looks really good, and stays put.

>> No.7003842

True, though I've heard that black sharpies can give you a weird bluish-greenish tint? Never tried it, though.

>> No.7003843


Much easier? Less scary?? What are you even talking about? It isn't hard to sew two wigs together. Sharpieing takes forever and is messy as fuck and rubs off on everything.

>> No.7003928

Could please upload Chiaki and Peko if possible?

>> No.7003941

sewing 2 halves of wigs together would be a good learning experience (and relatively safe/easy) for those who are still afraid of doing stuff to their wigs. sharpies may work but i've also heard about sharpies sometimes not being true black. doing the sharpie method on a short wig may not be too bad

>> No.7004015
File: 228 KB, 507x900, IMG_3572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post my progress here since its related but I'm almost finished Koizumi for Otakon. Still need the socks, trim the bangs on my wig and change out the laces on my shoes. Anyone else going to Ota?

>> No.7004067

It makes me think that the sharpie method could also bleed quite a bit, while sewing them would make a really sharp line which would be very good.

Glad to hear you're going to trim the bangs. I also think you need to add a few more subtle layers and just make it more natural in general, and brush it out cleaner more. I'm not too sure what's happening with your skirt.. are you pleats sewn together for the top few inches? Why would you do that? Roll up your sleeves a bit for that little cuff. Everything else looks pretty good! Some fabrics could be better but I understand how finding the right fabric colour and type can be very difficult.

>> No.7004094
File: 138 KB, 382x800, IMG_3303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not uncommon with most pleated skirts you sew down the top around the waist band to get a more crisp pleat. I haven't ironed the jumper so many it doesn't look as crisp? Here's a slightly older photo of the same outfit. Just out of curiousity which fabrics do you think I should have changed? Otherwise thanks for the crit!

>> No.7004097

contouring is really the only thing

>> No.7004112

can I get a list of characters that are easy to cosplay as in this series? Would Sayaka be one of the more simple ones?

>> No.7004367

Is the white shirt part and the green part one layer ? I don't know how to explain it, but your top half looks very thin fabric-wise.

>> No.7004388
File: 46 KB, 185x261, 2d15378dd5f84eab8095480b128bd469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What fabric do you guys use for your white sailor tops? (sayaka, ibuki) I feel like all the fabric I like is almost always too transparent and I don't want to flat line a sailor top.

>> No.7004413

It's a jumper and a blouse. It's two different layers, both are a basic cotton. The blouse I bought and modified.

Poplin is always a safe bet. If you line it you shouldn't have that see through problem.

>> No.7004419

in the first dangan ronpa itd be
>Fukawa, Sayaka, Aoi, and Togami
for sdr2
>Mahiru, Hinata, and Pekoyama

>> No.7004434


I disagree with Fukawa, Sayaka, and Pekoyama as 'easy' when half this fandom doesn't seem to know what the fuck to do when it comes to making a school uniform.

I'd say Tsumiki, Akane, Mukuro, and Naegi are all easier than those three.

>> No.7004446

chihiro, akane, and tsumiki are on the easier side as well

>> No.7004453

Yeah, I'd say Akane is the easiest from SDR2 if you have the right look for her.

>> No.7004545
File: 32 KB, 315x468, 2380545-2380543-mahi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I just don't like the look and it doesn't look consistent all the way down.

The tie is too bright and not the right kind of plaid, and the dress is too light. But that's being like, REALLY nitpicky because obviously fabric stores don't have every shade available ever in the right fabric types.

This was the image I was using as reference.

>> No.7004546

Who's the hardest character to cosplay (well) from this series? Gundam? Mondo? Nidai?

>> No.7004554

Gingham is the word you're looking for re: the tie pattern.

>> No.7004557

sewing down pleats is par the course for skirts. Most patterns will recommend you to the same.

Also her tie is a gingham pattern, if we're nit picking~ haha.

>> No.7004562

I haven't even seen anyone do Nidai... I want to say Mondo, since the coat is so fucking time consuming if you want to do it right, and no one can seem to quite figure out the hair. Also pretty much all the ones I've seen have been especially unconvincing crossplays.

>> No.7004570

Different anon, but I would have liked for the fabric to have been less green and more khaki-green. I know it's a really specific color that's kind of hard to find, but since it's presumably just cotton, it wouldn't have been hard to add some green dye to khaki fabric to get the right color.

The tie and pleats look good to me though, so no complaints there.

>> No.7004597
File: 50 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mpr3zxaPuM1rr3ae0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has nearly 1000 notes on tumblr, the guy bought everything from a thrift store.

>> No.7004606


Isn't that the creepy guy from Homestuck fandom who had a rape rumor going around about him? He didn't turn out to be a rapist, but he had a pretty big reputation for creeping on girls anyway.

>> No.7004617


>> No.7004624

to be fair, the fact that there's a restroom sign in the background does make it a pretty great picture regardless of the actual cosplay quality.

not 1000 notes great, but.

>> No.7004671

I'd say Nidai because even though his outfit is simple you have to have a very specific body type to pull him off. Not many cosplayers are super buff bodybuilders but you have to be pretty built to pull him off. And Mondo just because of the jacket detail.

>> No.7004935

I think the ultimate problem with this game/series and subsequently the cosplays from this game/series, is that people underestimate how simple some of the cosplays actually are. And, yes, some are simpler than others, but even the ones being listed as "simple" not a lot of people bother to take the time to get the details correct, so they end up looking mediocre.

>> No.7004939
File: 373 KB, 900x603, koizumi_mahiru_preview_by_r_lowen-d5yazhk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7004942
File: 1.34 MB, 1024x768, his_dark_lady_by_sadie_kun-d6dscih.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7004943
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>> No.7004945
File: 1.71 MB, 900x1200, komaeda_nagito_by_r_lowen-d61rxax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7004947
File: 148 KB, 1024x768, sdr2__let_me_help_you_with_that__by_anijess3-d6f40f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7004955
File: 1.20 MB, 1024x768, ____cute__by_sadie_kun-d6dxf75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7004957
File: 259 KB, 500x353, tumblr_mf68veHzXK1r47vroo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my Mahiru cosplay off of ebay because I can't sew but I could only find cosplays that are the forest green that you mentioned. Do you think trying to dye the outfit using a yellow dye would make the forest green turn into a more so accurate olive green?

>> No.7004968


Maybe, but most ebay costumes are made of cheap polyester or poly blends, which won't dye well.

>> No.7004972

I dunno, due to some failed experiments, I ended up having to do both to my wig. I didn't use sharpie, and instead used some off brand marker, and it worked beautifully, doesn't run anywhere, and is a true black. It's a little time consuming and messy to do, but I would much prefer it to having to buy two wigs and deal with the wig fiber everwhere that messing with wefts inevitably entails. Besides, I think just doing the marker would look a lot cleaner rather than having a seam down the entire wig.

>> No.7004992

Check for the fabric label/tag on the garments first and use the right dyes for the job.

>> No.7005001

awful wig and shirt paint job
are the seams on the shoulder on the outside?

>> No.7005021

It's a store bought jacket, and that's just the way some manufacturers serge their jackets. So the part on the shoulder that may look like a raw edge is actually just some fancy and useless stitch work.

Unless you mean the shirt. In which case, I think so. And I agree the wig and paint are absolutely terrible.

>> No.7005023

Shouldn't her kimono have a white lining? That bugs me a bit.

>> No.7005028


Look at the reference. >>7000974 The only white is on the inside collar, which that cosplayer has.

>> No.7005194

Saionji seems difficult, too.

>> No.7005196

except the seam wouldnt be visible because its under the wig hair??

>> No.7005204
File: 110 KB, 709x548, New-Arrival-Danganronpa-Dangan-Ronpa-Hiyoko-Saionji-Kimono-Cosplay-Costume-Anime-High-Quality (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of Saionji's kimono, I found this online.

>> No.7005327
File: 77 KB, 541x960, 547371_10151485208422371_1331304701_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After changing the vine, lily, and chicks, and adding some minor detail lines to this, I'm done. You guys are probably getting tired of seeing me around, but I'd like some critique.

Again, it would be nice if it were something I could still change.

>> No.7005342
File: 493 KB, 1200x1651, 65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry 'bout that, only check here occasionally

>> No.7005343
File: 507 KB, 1200x1651, 101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7005351

Can you upload Teruteru please?

>> No.7005363

saionji too, if you don't mind.

>> No.7005379
File: 480 KB, 1200x1651, 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7005380
File: 497 KB, 1200x1651, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7005381
File: 49 KB, 446x700, 1358394364897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7005674

Except the deam stll ends up pretty clear anyway? Like I said, I had to do that for my wig, I'm not just talking out my ass. It just seems like it woukd be so much cleaner tk work with the wig rather than essentially create a whole new one.

>> No.7005689

i think you did it wrong my friend

>> No.7005756

The Junko with the monobear on the ground is really adorable but her wig is bad

>> No.7005763

I just want to cosplay Junko so I can get her damn gyaru makeup right unlike most people

>> No.7005782

The Kirigiri reminds me of PT a little bit, like their facial/nose structure

>> No.7005834

Looks fine to me.

>> No.7005846

So are her skirt and tie... there's not a lot good going on there besides a cute smile.

>> No.7005932


Dude, that's cifera. She's gorgeous. What are you smoking?

>> No.7005952
File: 115 KB, 480x280, tumblr_inline_mklgs2tbws1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true. If you look at her sprite, her sleeves are lined with white.

>> No.7005961


If references conflict, then people should be able to do it either way.

>> No.7005967

It's not lining it's an juban, which you wear under a kimono. It can still be seen on the collar and much time the sleeves.

>> No.7005981

What it really looks like is that she's wearing another layer underneath (which is common with kimono).

>> No.7006026

I think it only shows there because her hands are thrown up,thus pushing the sleeves down and showing it.

>> No.7006031
File: 49 KB, 220x220, random (45).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And it's not showing here, so, again, cosplayers can do it either way. Both are correct.

>> No.7006040

Ah, I've never seen any images where it wasn't showing before, so I digress. Personally though, I think it looks better with the white.

>> No.7006043
File: 298 KB, 666x1000, tumblr_mlguionNN61qatksso2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7006083

If it were white lining, it would look horrible. If it were a separate piece underneath that sometimes showed, it would look fine.

>> No.7006116

wow i love this peko. any more pics of her?
(and lol at grudge anon hating on her.)

>> No.7006131


>grudge anon
>several people making valid criticisms about a mediocre costume

it's amazing how much people in this thread will lower their standards just because the person is attractive.

>> No.7006141

It's not this thread - it's everyone ever. And not just cosplaying, it applies to almost any other job/hobby/relationship.

>> No.7006140


Seriously. What a joke.


Remind me why everyone cares so much about something that won't show 99% of the time anyway?

>> No.7006146

Because it's an important part of tradition kimonos and it can be seen in a lot of poses for cosplaying.

>> No.7006147


Yep, basically. That's why I always disregard a cosplayer's personal appearance and gauge their work solely on quality. Keeps things honest.

>> No.7006154


My main concern would be that the extra layer would be really hot. If I were making the costume I'd want to cheat and just line the collar and sleeves only.

>> No.7006214
File: 87 KB, 612x612, ea933f84f85911e29dfb22000a9e5ac6_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really great wig, but god that costume and guitar prop is terrible. It's a shame, I really love this wig.

>> No.7006221

ugh... yeah, that's a waste of a nice wig.

>> No.7006239

Out of curiosity how many of you were/are homestucks? You guys actually like this or are you hopping on the latest craze?

>> No.7006261

I was/still am a homestuck, I got into DR a couple months after everyone else because I didn't like the craze, but I really like the story-line not the fandom.

>> No.7006287

Still am a homestuck but I'm in the stage of not having a main fandom anymore, and I got into it months after the craze because I never found the appeal until someone on a HSG thread described it as Phoenix Wright meets Battle Royale, and I was sold.

polite sage for off-topic

>> No.7006292

I'm still Homestuck. I never really "leave" a fandom, and I don't like the idea of "leaving" a fandom, but I'm still cosplaying from it and making Homestuck panels so I'm still fairly active. I started reading DR back in May, am still working on SDR2, and plan to cosplay it starting next spring.

I don't understand the point of craze. For me it doesn't matter how many people are in the fandom, whether it's "following the craze" or "having a better shot at being a good cosplayer with a smaller fandom". I enjoy DR because I enjoy it, it's as simple as that.

>> No.7006309

Sonia please?

>> No.7006311

They make fake collars for that reason.

>> No.7006349

Yeah, I don't think it's unreasonable to do the same kind of thing with kimonos or whatever else for cosplay. It's miserable enough walking around outside in costume at a summer con without the extra layer, so if you can fake it and make it still look convincing, go for it.

>> No.7006360

That wig is horrifying.

>> No.7006362

there's a mirror of 2?
i was just waiting for it to finish and get put on the LP archive site so i dont have to deal with random SA paywalls (because like fuck i'm paying ten bux for one thread)

>> No.7006364

Who is this? They look so familiar but I can't seem to place it.

>> No.7006367
File: 485 KB, 1200x1651, 71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7006371

I am, though I'm not into HS nearly as much as I used to be. I got into DR around February, I think. The Tumblr fandom is pretty horrific for the most part, but I genuinely like the games.

>> No.7006388

Thank you so much!

>> No.7006400

Yeah I'm reading it on kuzuhiko right now, on tumblr. When I start chpt 4 I'll move onto birdconspiracy's, also on tumblr. I still check in on orenronen's when he updates, his are definitely the best by far (and I have an SA account).

>> No.7006496

kairouzakira on instagram.

>> No.7006632

all of them that's why the cosplays are shitty and the dr fandom on tumblr is shit. and its always been like that. i don't know why the fuck people complain about homestucks getting into their precious fandom because if i remember correctly it was originally homestucks that sort of introduced it to tumblr. Its like being born with aids and inbreeding. the offspring is a retarded aids baby with 3 legs and an anus for a face. it started bad n got worse.

so to be honest i don't expect much quality shit from this fandom. i just nitpick the cosplays because the character designs are not terribly hard. most of them are pretty easy if you're willing to put some effort (but homestucks lol) and also a bit of money for a good wig and decent fabrics. next thing is make up you can put on some eyeliner,mascara lipsticks, the works but it all goes to shit if its not applied correctly in a way that fits the character. Wig... every dr thread whole bunch of wig advice. alot cosplayers wigs still coming out shitty though, idonteven fuckingnow. lastly body type. mhmm.

>> No.7006637


I agree that the guitar is pretty bad, but the costume looks fine to me?

>> No.7006908

Acknowledging that they're almost all Homestuck fans just kind of emphasizes how dumb it is to say "lol homestuck" every time another shitty DR cosplay happens, though, since most of the best DR cosplayers outside of Asia have cosplayed from Homestuck at one point or another too.

>> No.7006916

The fit of the shirt and the placement of the stripes are awful. Look how the neckline is laying. It doesn't seem bad at first glance (probably because your eyes immediately go to the wig), but if you look at it for a few seconds, you start to see a lot of problems.

>> No.7006985

It's amazing how much people nitpicking about the smallest little insignificant details of other costumes (which, most of the time, ya'll don't even fucking know what the shit you're talking about). Stitching is my fucking career, and I don't even see some of the shit you're trying to complain about.
Stop grasping at straws trying to insult people just to make your pasty little 14 year old ass feel like you're worth something.

>> No.7006997

Can anybody read enough Japanese to tell me what the heck the thing that says INUTEROHS on the detail closeups is? I don't recognize either of those kanji, and I'm pretty sure the other thing is the design on the top of her jsk near the bow.

>> No.7007000



>> No.7007009


Okay, but nothing about the complaints on that costume were insignificant. Insignificant is shit like 'there's no hint of white showing on the inside of the sleeve'. If you're actually a tailor by career, then you should recognize that getting the skirt completely wrong is not a good thing and that wobbly-ass trim looks awful.

Or maybe you're just whiteknighting yourself/your friend. Grow up.

>> No.7007013
File: 424 KB, 1019x897, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunnno if people need this since its more DR2 atm.

>> No.7007020
File: 165 KB, 486x800, tumblr_mqjnwyPBQB1rrep1ro2_r1_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looking at it in higher res, the trim does look like shit. idgi with the thumbnail, but i see it now.

>> No.7007029
File: 198 KB, 512x512, char_tanaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would anons describe his hair color? The streaks, not the obviously black part. Are they grey or some weird taupe shade?

>> No.7007034
File: 129 KB, 512x512, char_tanaka (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A reference for his hamsters since people are posting refs anyway

>> No.7007039
File: 155 KB, 512x512, char_sonia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the INUTEROHS thing is the crest on her chest, and the shield is what's on her socks. Look at them- they have a tiny symbol there. But someone who actually knows Japanese would have to confirm.

>> No.7007042


Whoops, that was a reply for >>7006997.

>> No.7007048
File: 228 KB, 450x530, random elements (192).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wait, never mind. I just remembered this. It's the other way around, then.

>> No.7007061

a question: a while ago one of my costumes received some criticism here (i didn't really mind since they were things i know needed fixing). i've been working to correct it since then. would anons here want to see the improvements, or would i just get bitched at?

>> No.7007084
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x1827, tumblr_mqqnxsRnVH1rrep1ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7007088
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x1849, tumblr_mqqnxsRnVH1rrep1ro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think the end result of the sample wig looks very good (it just seems too big for the person's head), but references are references.

>> No.7007089

hey, >>7006997 here, thank you! I'm trying to make my Sonia as accurate as possible; I might have come from Homestuck once upon a time but I promise I'm not a terrible cosplayer; I know about fabric weight and makeup and pattern drafting and how to make bows that don't suck and I'm good enough at wig styling that I think I'll be able to do a somewhat passable job of her braids.

The only other things I'm still trying to decide are small things like whether or not the lines on her socks go on both sides of the leg, what is on the bottom of her bow tails on the right-hand side, whether the shirt is actually white or cream, and whether or not I'm out of line for wanting to use velvet for the hair bow base.

Anybody got any input on that? I really want to do it well.

>> No.7007091
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x1906, tumblr_mqqnm9Cfog1rrep1ro2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7007093
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x1873, tumblr_mqqnm9Cfog1rrep1ro3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7007096

I would love to see the improvements and critique it. I'm sure you've done good.

>> No.7007097
File: 1.46 MB, 1277x1920, tumblr_mqqnm9Cfog1rrep1ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7007144

What color do you think Sonia's eyes are? Grey/green?

>> No.7007147

I think grey is more likely to look good with the costume. There aren't any green contacts that light that I've ever seen, whereas grey there's plenty.

I bought Super Pinky Grey after seeing how they looked on light eyes; I already have blue-green eyes so with the grey lenses on they look pretty great. I'd recommend them to any other Sonias.

>> No.7007158

oh man what circle lenses are these?

>> No.7007183

Maybe puffy 3-tone pinks? (with photoshop?) I think the luxury babe brand might have some similar ones.

>> No.7007188

Qualite Basic Raspberry.

4chan keeps thinking the URL is spam but go to airily dot jp and then search for クオリテ ベーシック ラズベリー and you'll find them.

>> No.7007194


i know >>7007188 already answered, but to give you another option, i have these and they're really bright pink irl, even on my brown eyes.


>> No.7007197
File: 57 KB, 600x600, basic raspberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't actually think these were the lenses until I saw the part on the picture that says カラーコンタクト:ベーシックラズベリー (Color Contact: Basic Raspberry) because the Basic Raspberry stock photos are PHOTOSHOPPED TO FUCK.

They actually look better in the Cosmode tutorial. Pic related, what the fuck is this.

>> No.7007210

The costume looks pretty good to me. What don't you like about it?

>> No.7007213

sauce pls

>> No.7007236

I guess it's how ill fitting the shirt looks (the shoulder seams are so low and hanging off her shoulders) and the sleeves. The sailor collar also irks me a lot. Besides that and the guitar it's good, but the shirt is throwing me off so much.

>> No.7007300


see >>7006916

>> No.7007310

Hopefully she'll fix it up a little! She looks like a perfect Peko otherwise.

>> No.7007316
File: 170 KB, 426x640, tumblr_mlc8vbbLy01r2c7rxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7007320

not the peko that's been posted about in this thread, but i just remade my skirt for her with the right kind of pleating, so thank you to everyone who pointed out how it should be done! i'm really terrible at visualizing how folds work for some reason so i'm always a dumbass with pleated skirts on my own.

>> No.7007324


I'm the anon who raised that point (>>7003038) and you're welcome.