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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 222 KB, 800x600, sg11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6983188 No.6983188 [Reply] [Original]

>>6962560 is on auto-sage

>> No.6983300

is that guy's car.. a titan itasha?
oh sweet jesus If I saw that on the road I would cry bitch tears

>> No.6983314


Ye. It's a Ferrari 458 to boot.

>> No.6983330

It's not someone's car. It's promotional.

>> No.6983409

... Is that a nipple on the suit?

>> No.6983410

Either that, or a piece of salami.

>> No.6984022
File: 217 KB, 850x1204, d0832cacd6971da176d18e8f95ff3c4a4a3c1175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this crossover. Anyone have an idea on how to get Youmu's jacket?

>> No.6984612



>> No.6984628
File: 8 KB, 259x173, 1350517224977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6984665

dear god.

>> No.6984671

I saw when Fantasy Sheep started the preorder for this pajama set and I thought it was silly. But now

>"We're onto batch 14!"

Man them Chinese be crazy

>> No.6984675

Is that supposed to be that abnormal titan that was running all weird?

>> No.6984694

Those would be a great gift for someone you really don't like.

>> No.6984726
File: 870 KB, 221x174, ahhahahhahahha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are hilarious! And the model trying to act all sexy in them is even funnier.

>> No.6984737

>Added to my cart
>No regrets!

>> No.6984745
File: 234 KB, 636x1000, 2013-07-19-15.35.20f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My basement key came in a pretty big box. I'll take a better photo later.

>> No.6984762

where did you get that?

>> No.6984764

You can order it online.

>> No.6984768

you don't fucking say

>> No.6984769

I tried the links in the last thread before it autosaged for boots, but none of them had large enough sizes. I'm looking for some that will fit a 10.5 mens size, and I feel like everywhere I look, they only go up to a 11 womens, which would be about a size and a half too small.

What are you male SNK cosplayers doing for boots? Are you all getting them without the flap, and trying to color match the flap to be added on yourself?

>> No.6984773
File: 16 KB, 189x500, help oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was looking at pants for my levi cosplay and I came across these. Before I buy them, can anyone give me some input or share what they used for their pants for the uniform, scouting legion or otherwise.

>> No.6984774

I ordered it directly from Movic (http://www.movic.jp/index.php?ctrl=sheet&code=24581).).

>> No.6984778
File: 5 KB, 249x203, I did a good job.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cosplay is ready for metrocon. Going as
Connie Springer.
I would post pics but I already did in the metrocon thread.
Links instead

>> No.6984780

was looking at white one btw.

>> No.6984782

You don't say.

Good luck dyeing it properly.

>> No.6984783

I would go with white

>> No.6984785

Please fellow floridian, how did you make the harness?

>> No.6984787

Meant as in are there any other better alternatives, or do riding pants seem to be the way to go.

>> No.6984789

Easy a shit actually. What city do you live in?

>> No.6984793

I meant white pants look closest to levi's to me.

>> No.6984791

Boca Raton

>> No.6984794

Last one came out a bit small when I thumbnailed it

>> No.6984795

Oh well yeah thats what i planned to go with. Thanks anyways

>> No.6984799

Im from St.Pete. We have a story here called
Jo-ann's. Its a a chain arts and crafts store. Search for one in your area or go to walmart and the sell belts and belt clips. My harness is just a series of belts clipped together. But I made the entire outfit from scratch

>> No.6984804

Yeah we have Jo-anns as well, I just didn't know if you had a pattern or something. Do you have to sew the belts together or anything?

>> No.6984808

They sell little belts that come with rings on each
end. Just pry the rings open and close them back
With one ring going through the other. My whole
cosplay only took 3 days ( 5-6 hours a day )
So you should have plenty of time

>> No.6984814

Oh man, how much did those cost? Sorry for the excessive questions.

>> No.6984817

I dont care. About 1.50 each. But I might be off

>> No.6984819

Awesome thanks!

>> No.6984877

To the SnK patch bro. How are the proofs coming along? Haven't received an e-mail with final images yet.

>> No.6984977

bumping for the lazy people that don't check the catalogue and make a bunch of snk threads.
please use this instead

>> No.6984989


>> No.6984990


>> No.6985015

Found the SnK Pajamas on Ebay for those of you who don't want to put up with Taobao and SSs


>> No.6985130

Woo! Thanks.

>> No.6985268
File: 93 KB, 473x350, HNI_0084_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Attack on Titan as much as the next guy, but the number of threads it has right now is ridiculous.

in other news, has anyone shooped christopher robin's head onto the colossal tiatan yet?

>> No.6985277

I need a scarf for a Mikasa cosplay guise. What do ya'll think of this?


>> No.6985488

Whoever's doing our renders is a complete moron and I sent back the proof again because they royally fucked up.

They upgraded our order to rush, but it'll still be a few days off the ETA. I kind of hate them right now.

>> No.6985531

Are you selling patches? Tell me more.

>> No.6985534
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Shingeki_no_Kyojin_-_04_[36EF8BD0].mkv_snapshot_05.05_[2013.07.20_13.33.45].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too big unless you're the anon doing the younger Mikasa. Also, keep in mind that her scarf is much more maroon than it is red no matter which version you're basing your cosplay off of and that only the anime version has the fringe detail.

This is the kind I got, since if you fold it over before wrapping it around your neck, it stays really well and holds the wrinkle details in place:

Not in too big of a rush to get mine, but I appreciate you keeping us updated, as I get really paranoid about everything.

>> No.6985888

Not too rushed for mine either, but it is just good to know where they are. Thanks.

>> No.6985999

I'm not rushed at all for mine. So just make sure they look good.
IMO canon > time
And thank you for being persistent with them.


>> No.6986005
File: 249 KB, 740x479, attack_on_titan___elen_jager_by_hathorank-d6701g3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986009
File: 201 KB, 450x675, tumblr_mme44fJdit1qbo448o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986010
File: 66 KB, 500x750, sasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986012
File: 114 KB, 600x900, mikasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986020
File: 185 KB, 500x750, asasha1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986023
File: 138 KB, 740x447, Attack-on-Titan-cosplay-group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986026
File: 145 KB, 1024x682, kimasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986028
File: 133 KB, 500x341, ttia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986038

If you're going to image dump, can you at least post decent cosplays that aren't shooped to hell? Very few of these are actually good.

>> No.6986039
File: 230 KB, 492x740, jean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986040
File: 151 KB, 493x740, Attack-on-Titan-Hanji-Zoe-Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986043
File: 47 KB, 284x425, sing-5_1_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986045
File: 241 KB, 493x740, tumblr_moidfnmunB1s7wghuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986048
File: 241 KB, 493x740, tumblr_mnx7ktfB661r31mp9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986050
File: 167 KB, 499x750, tumblr_mq0k5azRZT1suniweo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6986133
File: 397 KB, 600x600, mikasa wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be doing a Recon Squad Mikasa for next year and I was wondering, since you don't always seem them with their cloaks should I make one?
Also, thoughts on this wig?

>> No.6986135

It's an optional part. If your entire group has the capelet, then you probably should make/get one as well or you'll look like the odd one out.

Keep in mind that the Wings of Freedom patch is even bigger on the capelet than on the jacket back, and it will be sweltering hot underneath if you live in a very warm climate.

>> No.6986154

If you're doing that specifically, it'd be a good idea. Also like anon said, if you're in a group and they all have them, you'd probably better pick one up.

>Going to cosplay as Ravioli next month
>Pretty much obligated to have one unless in cleaning gear
>Expect to die of heat stroke because Texas

>> No.6988398

where would you guys say is the best place to buy the jackets? i want one of decent quality that doesn't look awful. i'm eyeing fantasy sheep's but i've never bought from them before.

>> No.6988409
File: 167 KB, 1197x1187, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one I've been eyeing for a while, now.

>> No.6988431

Help I need a Levi wig and I cant style even with tutorials. Were can I get a good one?

>> No.6988442

Not same anon, but link doesn't seem to work!

>> No.6988763

This is the one I'm gonna end up getting sometime (stupid filters preventing me from the exact link): http://www.etsy.com/shop/RedstarCosplay?section_id=13712134

>> No.6989078

Yeah that's what I figured. Did anyone post some measurements for the patch on the cloak?
Shit man, stay hydrated.

>> No.6989125

Why is that all of the Eren, Armin, and Mikasa cosplayers that I've seen have the Survey Corps patch on their jackets when in the anime they're still wearing their Training patches on them? Just a question.

>> No.6989127

because they're in that division in the manga. the anime hasn't gotten there yet

>> No.6989128

guess where they all end up in the manga.

>> No.6989132

Oh, okay. Thank you. I'll have to get caught up in the manga, then.

>> No.6989138

That's odd, it works for me! Try refreshing it.

>> No.6989142


Gauges in his ears, ring on his finger.

Behold the hipster titan.

>> No.6989156
File: 1.30 MB, 360x480, tumblr_mqbbw547v91r3wd4to1_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6989158

She should have done historia. Too babyish for Mikasa. It bothers me when people do moe make up for 'cool beauty'/natural types. It doesn't work.

>> No.6989161

What is this huge obsession with caking on the 'kawaii' makeup you use for shit like lolita? They probably don't even wear any makeup. They're soldiers, they don't have the time to glue on fake eyelashes.
It looks really bad and out of character. That makeup is only cute for certain cosplays and fashions....

>> No.6989178
File: 50 KB, 500x386, aot-jacket-CGD2-53939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not too experienced in sewing things aside from the odd small thing and such... but I really want to make a jacket for my SnK cosplay. Do you think it'd just be better just to buy one from Taobao and save a shitload of time or go in head first and attempt to make one myself? I feel like it'd be really cheap just buying one but I don't want to mess things up.

Not too sure why I didn't see this thread earlier but oh well.

>> No.6989198

Need to get a Erwin Smith wig. Where?

>> No.6989202
File: 740 KB, 2104x1600, gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. I'm working on my 3D gear (manga version) and I'm curious if anyone else might have some tips. For the sheaths and the motor engine thing, how would I go about the strip that wraps around it (circled in red)

Reika used polypropylene plastic sheets and used heat to bend them to shape but where can I even buy this that's not online? Is there a different way to do this because I have no flipping clue. I plan on making the motor engine from a 2 liter bottle with Styrofoam fans.

>> No.6989224

I need fast easy cheap instructions for 3DMG and the Swords

>> No.6989305

You're all fags.

>> No.6989411

I can't find any of the boots in a 14 for my cosplay...

wat do

>> No.6989417

You can also use rubber as a building material. It would work well for the parts you circled especially the circulate bend.

As for where to buy polypropylene plastic sheets, I suggest looking around your local big hardware store, DIY shops, and even small business that specialize in importing these materials.

>> No.6989443

While I agree that some of those are way over the top, the "they're soldiers they don't need make up" type of reasons are always mind-numbing to me. Don't you know that cosplay is all about appearances and costume? Of fucking course you have to wear a bit of make up if you don't intend to look like shit.
The same way that in theater and in movies/television even males have layers and layers of make up worked in. Because it is all about presentation, especially in cosplay which is based on the Nippon culture that constantly seeks out perfection.
And some DO need fake eyelashes since they don't naturally have Mikasa's longass ones.
It would be the same as saying "Soldiers don't need wigs, then I shouldn't wear one even though my hair don't look even remotely close to Mikasa's."

Tired of hearing that dumb reasoning. It goes in the same category of people saying "But what happens if she has her period???? This is NOT REALISTIC!!111!!!!1!" over every single anime.

>> No.6989452

So if I'm cosplaying Erwin Smith, should I put on makeup?

>> No.6989457

Except if you were born with a flawless skin and the same exact facial features as him, yes you should.

>> No.6989459


what kind of rubber?

>> No.6989461

I agree with >>6989457
Just be careful about the makeup. Don't go overboard. You need touch ups, but don't do more than that.

>> No.6989472

I don't think you understood what I was saying.
I'm not saying 'OH MAKEUP'S BAD' I'm saying noticable makeup is bad. Natural would be good. Gluing on massive fake eyelashes and using a shitload of blush is out of character and stupid.

>> No.6989473

People do make the mistake that makeup = raccoon eyes. While I highly encourage the use of makeup in cosplay, I don't mean for people to throw a paint bucket at their face.

>> No.6989480

>They probably don't even wear any makeup. They're soldiers, they don't have the time to glue on fake eyelashes.
Either you're bad at explaining yourself, either you're backing up. Anyway, I don't really care anymore, I just highly dislike the use of the "not realistic" argument.

>> No.6989484

Well, I'm a guy. How exactly do I go about getting makeup? What do I buy? How do I feel not homosex?

>> No.6989501
File: 508 KB, 500x250, tumblr_mq9hbwasre1sos3x2o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say maybe use some concealer to make your skin look proper and after some powder on top just to seal it. Then maybe shape your brows, which is Erwin's trademark.
But, if you do not feel comfortable doing it, just don't. No need to make a mess, this is still no professional hobby. And as a guy people are less likely to expect you to do something with your face.

>> No.6989522

I suggest you buy a basic foundation and powder that fits your skin tone, an eyebrow pencil (dark brown is usually the way to go) and a matte brown eyeshadow for shading your face. Also, brown eyeliner, black is too harsh if you do not know how to use it correctly. And no liquid eyeliner, you don't want to go there, buy the pencil.

There are a lot of crossplay make up tutorials for girls, so you can check those out. I think they do well for guys too.

Feel not homosex my brotha, think about all the fanigrls.

>> No.6989604

Just man the fuck up and walk into a makeup store like sephora and ask them to help you to pick out subtle but effective products. Explain to them that it's for a costume, but you don't want it to be over the top or anything, show them reference pictures if necessary. Also, if you really have no idea what you're doing, let them put stuff on you and watch what they do. If you're really uncomfortable about it, ask a female friend to come and help do the talking or something.

You shouldn't feel embarrassed though, since you're already planning on dressing in a costume for your hobby. Might as well go that extra length to look good doing so. Well known male cosplayers wear makeup, even if it's subtle.

You got this shit, anon. Remember that anyone who shits on you for it is probably just someone who sits around and bitches about everything for their hobby.

>> No.6989639

Anything will do really. Just whatever is in your price range and usage.

>> No.6989755
File: 914 KB, 3507x2480, d0832cacd6971da176d18e8f95ff3c4a4a3c1175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I had a group for this

>> No.6989915

I wish I knew how to use taobao/paypal so I could buy these in a heartbeat

>> No.6989970

Will group with you if you're that Youmu from the self post thread.

>> No.6990182

How would I go about making an Annie wig? Short blonde wig + ponytail clip and style into a bun-like shape? Could I use a Saber-ish wig with a permanent ponytail and shape it into a bun?

Are there any good Annie wigs just worth buying or should I put one together myself? I'm not particularly skilled at styling wigs.

>> No.6990222
File: 173 KB, 1920x1080, 1372537154956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much anything with a base+clip would be the most ideal. Or you can get a specialty type like Arda's Jasmine and just style the clip in that comes with it. It might be less of a headache to manage if you used a foam core and wrapped the hair around it though.

Personally, I'd go with something like this if I didn't want to style one:

>> No.6990252

thanks, anon!
looking at that screencap now that I've caught up with the manga makes my heart hurt a little.

>> No.6990286


>> No.6990287




>> No.6990299

do you think I could use a medium/long blonde wig and do something like this to make her bun?

>> No.6990303

I was going to link it as well but read
>don't know how to use paypal

>> No.6990403

Emails went out about patches today so please check your emails!

Decided to go with a darker grey and forgo the inner border. Fingers crossed.

Marry me immediately

>> No.6990409
File: 48 KB, 618x677, marco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh also I murdered my Levi wig out of frustration (the fibers are awful) so I Marco'd for fun.

His hair is so dumb I swear

>> No.6990441
File: 73 KB, 540x900, 1370217240257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will you be styling your Levi wig? Mine is frustratingly retarded... as in not actually as retarded looking as his hair. I think I have the general bangs down but I'm at a loss for what to do to the rest of it.

Also, you're making me have Marco feels again... C-can you just be Marco?

>> No.6990541

Where did Pattern Anon go? Last I saw was a mention of putting the file into AutoCAD or whatever and then nothing.

>> No.6990575

The wig is giving me no end of headache.
I'm giving a lace front another try for the top half and wefting the hell out of the bottom, then cutting it as short as possible. I legitimately considered an undercut since the rest of my hair would cover it, but I'm... not that brave.

This series is undercuts. Undercuts everywhere.

I would definitely be Marco... if I weren't 1 cm under Levi's height. I'm really freaking tiny. Maybe if I find an equally tiny Jean buddy...?

She actually posted on Tumblr today. She's apparently having some trouble with the files and said she's hoping for early next month, I believe. At this point I might go play with that Kwiksew pattern.

>> No.6990590


Was that the KwikSew 2895? I may have to just go ahead and do that too.

>> No.6990598

I'm personally using the 3534 and I think it was the one mentioned in previous threads, but they're pretty similar anyway.

I would've like to use Pattern Anon's pattern too, but the con I'll be cosplaying SnK is at the end of August, I'd really like to get started soon.

>> No.6990636

At this point, I'm about to just either cleaning Levi the entire day or I'm going to dishonor my family and friends and just get his stupid fucking haircut. The only thing that's stopping me is that I'm not really sure I can pull him off.

What general area are you in?

>> No.6990639
File: 1.05 MB, 1252x1000, levicollage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Out of curiosity, have either of you considered frankenwigging a longer wig (for his front and/or part) to a shorter one (for the undercut)?

Pic related, crown from a skin top wig and sides/back from a super short, super thick wig combined for a Levi wig. Took maybe 5 1/2 hours total, and most of that was in thinning and trimming the top since I severely underestimated how thick the longer wig I was working with was (it still needs to be thinned and shaped in areas since it's still chunkier than I'd like it).

>> No.6990649

I'm considering this, it's just I'm pretty retarded with wigs... I may try it if a few of the wigs I'm not using actually match enough in color...

>> No.6990656

wow this is awesome! where did you get the wig you used for the top half?

>> No.6990657

Okay, so I'm planning on crossplaying as either Connie or Eren. I have relatively smallish eyes and a low eyelid crease. Connie and Eren both have pretty big eyes (inb4 all anime characters have big eyes) so I was wondering if anyone had any makeup tips to enlarge my eyes while staying passable? I am a decently passable crossplayer (I am a female), I just have eyes that sort of need a bit of makeup as I mentioned above or else they look really small, and I have a feminine jaw (meaning that I have a somewhat rounded/weakish jaw. I am not overweight in the slightest, just genes). Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated! I have been checking out tutorials on google, but I was wondering if you guys could offer me anything more specific to what I need.

>> No.6990661

If it helps at all, I'd rate this kind of frankenwigging work to be pretty easy, since you're just combining half of one wig to half of the other; nothing fancy.

Dumping links for the tutorials I used as references:

The cutting is the tricky part, but as long as you don't start with something TOO thick as your top piece and it's close to the right length to begin with (not past-the-chin like mine), it shouldn't take you too long, either.

All in all, I'd recommend this as a good kind of gateway project into more complicated wig work; not too complex in itself, but it helps you build some good foundation skills.

>> No.6990663

It's kiiiind of what I'm doing, starting with a longer wig with the correct part and adding all the cut bits to the bottom to thicken it out. I have one too many dissected wigs already.

Middle of Colorado

>> No.6990666

It's an Arda Pippin in 080 Natural Black; the shorter one is their Rocky in the same color.

>> No.6990708

can i fucking commission you for a levi wig inthe future?

>> No.6990885

would any of you guys be interested in a group order of uniforms from taobao? Shipping would be to Germany, but I can send stuff from here to anywhere in the EU.

>> No.6991028
File: 842 KB, 1280x960, TITANATTACKINGINCREASES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My uniform and boots have arrived at my SS so they should arrive here soon! I will be hoping to do a review, the price was good and it seems like it was custom measurements or at least they asked for those at least. It's the full uniform plus Mikasa's scarf which I didn't exactly need but was in the option I picked. For the boots and uniform together it was about £39.

>> No.6991038

Looks good! I'd like to see a review when you get your stuff.

>> No.6991042

For people ordering boots off taobao, how much is the international shipping? I'm especially curious if you've ordered boots for a group.

>> No.6991217


>> No.6991301

£39? Where did you get it from?
Looking forward to a review too.

>> No.6991822


>> No.6992055

These were the boots I picked http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=21012891088 and this was the uniform listing I picked http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18605385781

I'm picking SAL because I don't need it until October but I'll try and remember to review it once I get the uniform in my hands.

>> No.6992548

Don't order anything SnK related from Cosplaywho. I know some of you have gotten some nice looking props from them in the past, but I ordered my SnK boots from them a little over a month ago and my order is still "processing".
Before I ordered them, they were very quick to answer any questions I had.
However, after I placed the order they dropped out of contact. I have sent them multiple messages recently asking if they are even making my boots or if I should be expecting a refund.
To make things better, I sent them messages from another email and received replies from the SAME EXACT GUY I was talking to before.
I'll give them 2 more weeks before I file for a refund on paypal, because the latest date (that they gave me) for my boots to arrive was yesterday.

>> No.6993404

>mfw no motivation to finish my harnesses because you bought it

>> No.6993406

>mfw everyone is buying instead of doing their own thing

>> No.6993407

any place to buy the colossal titan mask/zentai suit on TB?

>> No.6993458

I don't have a problem with people buying costumes but I feel a bit down about the fact that people will probably not notice any of the effort I put into making harnesses/other tricky parts and getting them accurate since most people seem to be buying theirs.

Obviously, if you're paying attention it's clear who bought their costume from taobao/ebay/whoever, but I'm in a SNK cosplay group on facebook and no one in there seems to care about anything like that, they just blindly praise everything anyone posts regardless of whether it's made or bought, whether it looks good or awful. I hope I can get a good photoshoot of my costume so I won't feel like all my hard work is just wasted.

>> No.6993471

... if you're in the one I'm thinking of I'm going to laugh, but also pat you on the back in sympathy.

Is it SoCal-based, by any chance?

>> No.6993475

Haha... actually, I'm from Europe.

Apparently this is a world-wide issue...

>> No.6993481

Reminds me when I do check out SnK cosplay in person, there's this group that I assume bought theirs or something. At the front looks fine, especially the straps aren't too tight or loose, but when they walk away, the back of the straps are cut and safety pinned. It's... barely taken care of and it's not even hidden. I'd get it if it was a rush job to wear it for the con, but on two different occasions, there's no difference.

>> No.6993536 [DELETED] 
File: 1.76 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rivaille reporting in. still have to get my scouting legion jacket fitted (bought from military/navy shop) and get the cloak as well.
Harnesses are today and tomorrow's goal. I already kind of had an undercut so that wasn't an issue

>> No.6993539 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6993741

how do I make my white jeans look more grey? should I wash them with black clothes? should I just not care and leave them plain white? I think intentionally dyeing it would make them too dark.

>> No.6994141

Where did you find those pants?

>> No.6994196

Oh, damn that's far. Well, nevermind.

>mfw guilty of just buying and modding everything for this cosplay except 3dmg and cloak

This is what I'll be doing, but it really depends on your blacks. Don't bother dying them, everyone who's tried so far has gotten shit results.

>> No.6994215

How does one even do the body harness, usually? I'm going to be making a uniform for a con in the spring (gonna buy a premade jacket since my friends and I are doing a group so we won't look tacky when we all have different jacket makes) and the harness is the one thing that's really boggling me. Do you use elastic, or buy secondhand belts and cannibalize them, or what?

>> No.6994225


I'm doing Annie and I'm using generic white jodhpurs.

>> No.6994349
File: 715 KB, 600x902, 988636_564072350295072_1983316443_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the most popular method for people actually making theirs is a combination of belts and a little bit of matching elastic. I haven't seen much in ways of actually good looking results in terms of using vinyl strips yet.

Pretty sure Reika's white pieces are made from craft foam, but you'd be better off doubling up on some thicker upholstery fabric if you can snag some from remnants or something.

Also I'm personally thinking of getting some smaller shoulder pads and sewing them into my shirt or something so that I can look more masculine... would this be a bad idea?

>> No.6994504
File: 239 KB, 521x786, Eren-Supports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using nylon webbing (The stuff used on backpack straps and in scuba diving). It's strong, looks nice and clean, and its inexpensive.


That's what I purchased. If you want, I can get you a picture of the one I'm currently working on. I just set it up according to this diagram. Fits well, and actually kinda works like it's supposed to.

>> No.6994584

What if I used really diluted rit dye? it would still be shit, wouldn't it? I'll try washing it with some black clothes in hot water to see how it does.

different anon but could I seal the edges of the craft foam with hot glue or just regular glue to help prevent tearing? should I cover the foam pieces that are supposed to be silver with duct tape or something to strengthen them?

holy shit, anon, I was just looking at this. I'll be using this, some belt buckles for accuracy and elastic to keep the harness from sagging when I walk around/sit down. I don't want to cut off circulation in my legs just for the sake of accuracy, so the elastic is probably a good solution.

please post pics of what you've been doing! i'd love to see it!

>> No.6994601
File: 1.30 MB, 1840x3264, 2013-06-12_20-28-30_224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about circulation! You make it form fitted, not too tight. You'll also find that when you sit down the little triangle in the knee area comes up around your thigh, then resets when you stand back up.

I'm remaking it ATM (The previous webbing wasn't as tightly woven as the stuff from ebay, so it frayed super easilly), but aesthetics aside, it felt wonderful to wear

>> No.6994617
File: 487 KB, 1200x1600, 20130724_190111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost finished the canister belt for my cosplay (doing the manga version). Can't wait to wear this to Fan Expo :)

>> No.6994684

where's the thigh garters, anon?

>> No.6994694
File: 150 KB, 640x436, DSC03666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Wings of Freedom patches are here. Super nice-looking and in 4 sizes.

>> No.6994704

>wash with black clothes
You can try but chances are the effect will be minimal. If the black can come out of a piece of clothing, nothing guarantees that it'll stay in another piece.

>plain white
Unless you absolutely have to, their pants aren't stark white...

>intentionally dye
Agreeing with >>6994196, unless you have TRUE gray/black dye on hand, it'll come out tainted in a non-black color. RIT dye is actually a dark purple or bluish-green, for example.

>> No.6994716

For dyeing, don't use RIT's Black or Pearl Grey unless you're adding in another color; both are purple-toned, so you'll need to add in another color to neutralize it.

Speaking from experience here; I don't think it's too noticeable in pictures, at least not the ones that I've seen, but if you hold our group's pants up to something white they're deeeeefinitely purple toned, and it bugs the shit out of me.

>> No.6994721

I literally can't find a single pair of light grey jeans that don't look ridiculous on me. I found a white pair that fits me well, though. I know their pants aren't stark white, these are very slightly grey tinted but not far enough from white to my taste.

Rit Pearl Grey looks pretty close to the right color, worth a shot?

>> No.6994723

Damn, posted >>6994721 before I saw your post. I'll hold off on the grey dye. I can probably just use them as-is without much hassle.

>> No.6994727

how did you put the belts together? did you sew them?

>> No.6994772

You really are better off not using craft foam if you can really avoid it. If you really want to, Layer up on craft foam and seal it with a couple layers of wood glue, then spray paint it. The foam will melt if you don't seal it enough before painting/use too much hot glue though.

My whites dulled to a gray because I washed them with my darks. I assume it will do the same with my pants.

>> No.6994811

I forgot to mention that I wasn't quite finished with it yet. They're still in the works, as I figure out how to attach my sword holsters to them. Any ideas? Also, I could use ideas on attaching the 3DMG to my back.

Yeah, sewn on. You get thread the same color and you can't see it at all. If you have a sewing machine that can, use a /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ pattern for the strongest hold. a few lines of that per intersection and it doesnt move.

>> No.6994905

My sewing machine is unfortunately shitty so I might have to hand stitch it with some seriously strong thread. Or borrow my friend's. Probably the latter.

Also, just washed my white jeans in some darks, they're definitely getting greyer. Perfect.

>> No.6994926
File: 84 KB, 707x356, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the colour shade cocoa bean too dark for the jacket? I've got some material left over that I want to use up but I'm wondering if it's too dark since in the anime it's more of a orange brown. Any opinions would be appreciated.

>> No.6994985

Who will you be cosplaying at FE? My boyfriend and I are doing a manga version Hanji and Levi then!

>> No.6995049
File: 328 KB, 1600x1200, $(KGrHqR,!pQFD8qB!CEcBRIqc5tgeg~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would probably be fine. The manga colors are weird because they're so warm. Going with a realistic military-ish brown would work fine. I'm using this jacket and it's a more subdued tan than the anime.

Maybe I'm biased because I think it's up to interpretation but if you can make a good, accurate jacket from it, the color will probably be ok.

>> No.6995069

Yep, I lose motivation whenever I see this thread because 75% of the people here bought/are buying their cosplays.. Nothing wrong with it, but I really love seeing sewing progress and the like and now I'm starting to think if our group should've just ordered out cosplays too. :c

>> No.6995070

*our not out oops

>> No.6995073


I don't really care much for the sewing/uniform part, and considering a lot of people are doing these in groups, it's understandable they'd group-order a uniform for uniformity's sake. What I'm more curious about is how (if much at all) people are making their 3d gears. I've made my own already, but I'm still looking to improve and learn more for my next one.

>> No.6995083

Okay first off woah we live in the same county what a small world this is.

Also, what do you guys think of this fabric for the jackets? Would it a bit too light or something like that?

>> No.6995084

Aah, whoops I forgot to add the link.

>> No.6995087

A few anons have already made them out of this fabric.

>> No.6995108

Not same anon, but are there examples anywhere? I'd like to see what this looks like IRL cause the sample looks more yellow compared to a tan/brown, or at least on my monitor.

>> No.6995120

I bought that fabric. It's a warm light tan brown, not yellow.

>> No.6995121
File: 1.28 MB, 800x1000, 1372380377008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't part of their group or anything, but this is what they posted that I have saved. Maybe they could post more pictures if they still stop by the threads.

>> No.6995154
File: 77 KB, 500x571, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think in going to do this fan art with friends for Japn Expo coming up. I love the whole Yankee/lady sub culture and this art always made me giggle. I think I would make christa's uniform white and khaki instead of blue.

>> No.6995174


I was about to use this one too since the color is great. But it just felt too thin to me. More like heavy shirting than a fabric I would want to make a jacket out of. I thought about doubling it up, but I'm not sure hoe well that would turn out.

>> No.6995233
File: 479 KB, 600x800, adventuresoferenjagermeister2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you rang?

>>6995120 is also correct about color, the first pics are of outdoor lighting, slightly cloudy, and what I posted is indoor lighting, those weird incandescent-toned fluorescent bulbs.

Our jacket person used the Kwiksew pattern as a base for them, which includes facing pieces, so the back and parts of the front have a double layer to them (this also encloses the satin stitching from the applique).

>> No.6995522

It's not too thin if you line the jacket (which you should do if you don't have access/ability to do neat serging on the inside). You'd want the fabric to be about this 'thin' to let the detail work where the fabric doubles or triples up on itself be smooth and painless, such as the armpits, hems, and pockets.

>> No.6995962

You could do Ymir really well

>> No.6996001

your face looks as if it was computer generated, artificial.

>> No.6996085

I'm in the same boat, anon.

I want to cosplay Historia, but I can't find any reasonably priced boots that are in size 4.5... tried looking for kids' boots too, but none of them look remotely good for this particular cosplay. I think I might have to resort to making boot covers, look on taobao, or getting size 5 boots and using insoles.

>> No.6996106
File: 172 KB, 960x960, 1079631_10153058085495591_1928130137_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my patches in the mail today guys. I really like the quality.
I got these off ebay. Search # Attack on Titan # Recon Corps & Training Corps # = Badge, patchs - embroidery

>> No.6996109


I agree. Unless if you're the right height, don't be Levi! You'd look a lot better as Ymir.

>> No.6996274

Mostly you guys are buying your pants right? Is the light grey vs white thing a big issue? I was trying to go for light grey but they have been hard to find and I think my group really doesn't care for super accuracy and are just thinking of going for white. We have to be cohesive so I'm probably going to end up with white pants as well ):

>> No.6996283

I would go white light gray if I found them just for accuracy but every cosplay I see, they are wearing white so I don't see an issue with it , also like you said, it easier to acquire and I personally prefer white, I think it looks better.

>> No.6996448
File: 484 KB, 968x1296, Key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this key from Aliexpress. It's 1:1 to the key in the series, but it has some markings on it that I'm not too excited about...
(ruler is in inches)

>> No.6996460

I think white looks better, imo.

>> No.6996516

you don't need paypal, just an ebay account

>> No.6996521

Why has there been no Reiner or Bert cosplay love yet?

>> No.6996551

I want to know this too. When I cosplay Annie, I better run into some Bert and Reiner cosplayers or I'll be sad.

>> No.6996563

I had thought about doing Bert in the future and just carrying around a spray bottle for perpetual sweating.

>> No.6996566

haha! that's perfect. how tall are you?

>> No.6996568

6'1" and super average German genetics so I think I fit the profile pretty well. I might be closer to Reiner body comp-wise though...

>> No.6996583

I'm pretty sure there was at least one Reiner at AX? I remember seeing him at the Funi rally.

I'm actually disappointed more pics of that haven't surfaced yet; there were a ton of people there for the George Wada autograph session, so most of them were taking photographs while all the cosplayers were in formation...

>> No.6996615

6'1" is actually Reiner's canon height. Not that anyone will have a measuring tape at a con. It's worth a shot to cosplay either!

Btw does anyone know a good brand of circle lenses or just colored contacts that will make my dark brown eyes look light blue line Annie's? I can probably ask my friends for help when it comes to using them because I haven't worn contacts before.

>> No.6996696
File: 159 KB, 597x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rivaille reporting in

Accurate height. Already had an undercut hairstyle, so that's convenient. Almost done with the harness. Everything else is compete. No weapons. Fuck that man

>> No.6996723
File: 298 KB, 847x1000, 2013-07-19-15.35.06b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a bootleg. Chinese workers stole the mold for the official key and they even copied the copyright info, which the markings are (and they messed up on the (C) symbol, turning it into a ◯ instead). How funny that they copied almost everything but then decided to add another loop on top for the string when the string actually goes through the huge hole on the key...

>> No.6996816


Where did you get that many identical belts? I know that's a stupid question, but I've been trying to figure out how to make my harness but not spend a shit load of money on leather and belts. I heard stretch faux leather vinyl is the way to go, but I'm not quite sold on it.
I just don't want to have to buy a premade harness.

>> No.6996848

I'm 160cm, so doing my waifu is a no go. I'm a foot too short.

I had a real life Bert wait on me at a restaurant but I couldn't bring myself to ask him if he liked anime and would be interested in a cosplay group... much less talk to him coherently.

So tempted to get his haircut even more...

I'd like to know if anyone who's actually doing the belt method knows where to get decent quality belts that look good where I won't be paying $10+ a pop. I have stretch vinyl and upholstery vinyl but I honestly do not like the way the fabric would sit.

>> No.6996862

The Chinese bootleg you bought was of low quality? Oh my god, that's shocking!

Seriously though, what the fuck were you expecting?

>> No.6996936

that's really cute, anon

>> No.6996978

Refer to >>6994504

Inexpensive way to make good looking harnesses. You just need a sewing machine

>> No.6996982
File: 434 KB, 2048x1186, 1374829637311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, someone posted this in a buyfag thread over on /a/. It was AMAZINGLY helpful to me (I'm making all my 3DMG out of wood, so I have to find ways to shape them all and have them stay together).

I figured it would be to you guys as well

>> No.6996989

Wood might turn out rather heavy to carry.

>> No.6997002


Inexpensive = looks like shit


I'll go the stretch leather-look vinyl route.

>> No.6997065
File: 1.23 MB, 1364x600, howtotakepictureswut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually really creepy of me and I feel bad. Friend was laughing at me the entire time because I literally couldn't form sentences, especially when I noticed he was sweating...

I'm going to have to agree, I don't think using webbing looks very good.

Anyway, shit lighting anon here again. Not sure if anyone is interested, but this is the harness set from redstar_cosplay on ebay. I'd say they're about a 7/10 in general. Somewhat worth the price tag, considering how pricey decent to nice vinyl gets and the fact that they offer free shipping.

The vinyl is doubled up and top stitched with finished edges. The buckles feel pretty cheap but don't look too horrible. Relatively accurate, minus the fact that the X and the 3DMG ports on the back are not gray, although there is technically official artwork that has that area brown.

The W shape on the butt area is a little wonky, I can only assume more so if you're me and don't have an ass. It puckers and lumps even through my waist sash(and I used a pretty thick upholstery material for it), so I'll have to go back and take in that area...

Tl;dr they still seem like one of the better sets available for purchase if you can't sew or if your machine will explode from trying to sew a set up yourself.

>> No.6997149
File: 72 KB, 625x960, 9351_317657601698184_929892758_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Anons, trying to make the 3d gear and I need a tutorial, a good one. Also it needs to be light weight... I'll be going to my con by plane.

>> No.6997158

Where did you get these? My patch commissioner on Etsy probably isn't going to pull through in time since her embroidery machine broke down and she's behind on orders.

>> No.6997203

I bought them from here:

I got a total of 7Ss, 14Ms, 7Ls, and 5LLs for $100 even.

>> No.6997900
File: 627 KB, 1769x1342, lolwrinkles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my usual haircut a couple of hours ago, and I got a few pictures from different angles. Most turned out shitty, but these are good enough and I wondered what /cgl/ thinks.

It's slightly longer on top than on the sides, and I'm debating whether I can get away with that as Connie, or if I have to go with the full cancer patient look. I'll get it cut again a few days before the con, so it would probably grow out a little bit compared to what's in the picture.

Also, I already have a laundry list of issues that need correcting on the costume itself, so I'm not really looking for feedback on it, but if you have anything to say I'd be glad to hear it.

>> No.6997919

Yeah, I've used nylon webbing to attach parts underneath an armored cosplay before and I don't think it would look that good as the harness.. Could be me cause I used an in-expensive brand, but you can definitely see the texture of it in anything higher than a cell phone camera (which I think makes it look odd).

>> No.6997988

I think your hair/looks are fine for Connie. My main issues is that your harness looks really ill-fitting, if you can tighten it in some way it would make the whole thing way better.

>> No.6997995

The non-elastic harness needs that give in the back so that he can bend over without pulling up the belt as well.

>> No.6998003

I actually meant the ones on the legs more. They're just sort of hanging down a bit sadly.

>> No.6998036

You look like a badass.

IMO, all someone can add to Connie are circle lenses, but I don't know how that would look on you. I like it either way.

>> No.6998072

Hmm, now that you mention it the thigh straps do hang a bit loose, but like the other anon said it's non-elastic and they're already too tight for me to bend my legs without putting a worrying amount of stress on the buckles. Any suggestions on how to correct that?

I bought the costume because I don't have the time/expertise to make something like this myself, so getting the harness to fit snugly is a bit of a problem overall. I should be able to touch some things up with pins and the like, hiding my work underneath the boots, jacket, and waistcloth, but there's only so much I can do.

Thanks. I can neither confirm nor deny being a badass, but I can say that the circle lenses are a no-go because I'm getting some eye surgery done before the con.

>> No.6998076

Are you in the Army? That desert undershirt

>> No.6998079

can i request hooker mikasa from the last thread? i miss her.

>> No.6998086

Yeah, it's pretty obvious for anyone in the military but I'll be damned if it isn't the closest thing I could find to Connie's shirt. Plus I already have tons of them.

>> No.6998236

I'm a Marine, I think our shirts are closer to that color. But the collar is something else to deal with, might have to cut it or something

>> No.6998294
File: 399 KB, 640x645, connie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like yours are too green, but to be fair his shirt can never seem to decide whether it wants to be green or tan. It's kind of annoying.

For full accuracy I'd need to make it long-sleeved and probably a larger size, but I feel like the jacket makes the sleeves a bit of a moot point. The collar was one of the things on the laundry list of things I saw wrong, and I'll probably cut it off. Not sure if I want to try to get the proper v-neck style or just cut it out normally.

>> No.6998309

I'd say just get a v-neck, but yeah it varies from tan to green

>> No.6998338

Still upset at people buying the harness

>> No.6998343


>> No.6998350

Why do you need to bump the thread? It's still pretty active.

>> No.6998465

Not everyone knows how to make it.

>> No.6998577
File: 244 KB, 1219x846, 1369120855431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thigh ones not being elastic shouldn't be a problem, tighten them up and just be mindful when you move. You may want to invest in some tighter pants as well.

If you plan on keeping your jacket on, I say fuck it when it comes to bothering with sleeve length- you're probably better off being more comfortable than accurate in areas that no one will see.

On a side note, if I did do a miniature Bert of Ymir, would I cause too much butthurt?

>> No.6998597

Just though I'd share. This person has a tutorial and all the patterns he drafted (you can download them) to make his gear.


>> No.6998741
File: 59 KB, 500x547, pat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 159cm (~5'2.5). Otherwise I'd be alllll over Marco or Ymir.

In other news, I've already emailed this to people (and am working through a sea of replies) but here's the small patch, necessary edits in orange. Order upgraded to rush, I'm paying for overnight shipping.

>> No.6998754
File: 96 KB, 875x656, boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And continuing the note on boots, just got mine in. Here's a quick review.
1. They're awful
2. They'll work.
The color's correct minus the heel, the straps are easy to cut off, the heel's not too-too big, and they're tall enough on me at least.

The back needs to be cut a bit along with adding the cord, and the lining needs to go. And probably be burned.

>> No.6998758
File: 235 KB, 1306x979, boots5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahaha wow my legs. I guess I can say I'm down to 117 from 122. That's progress in my book... Still 7 to go.

But here are some problem spots with the boots. I should also mention, I wear 7.5 and the 7 fit just fine. The pleather is SUPER thin so if you have small calves, the shaft will slouch.

Also the inside looks like this.

>> No.6998760

do you think I could use stretch vinyl and add elastic sections on the backs of the thigh belts, back leg harness, and the back shoulder harness so I can bend over without any issues?

>> No.6998762

And flat. For $24 shipped I'm not complaining too much. Just don't plan to wear them much. I was in them for 5 minutes and I can see the beginnings of a toe crease.

Oh right: These are from Befdimall on eBay, item BE06. Took 11 days to receive.

>> No.6998765
File: 865 KB, 885x783, boots3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. Picture. Right.

>> No.6998821
File: 20 KB, 242x364, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending how much your vinyl stretches, you may not need it. I don't even feel like I need elastic in the thigh area and mine doesn't stretch.

If you really, really want to use elastic, putting it in the part that will be covered/cut off (so slightly less noticeable) by the square on the thigh sides and where the back area is covered by the 3DMG attachment squares will probably be your best bet without making it look shitty. The top X bit I really, really don't think you'll need elastic.

Highlighted what I think may work and look okay for what you're wanting.

>> No.6998920


My group just ordered those yesterday.

That explains the $24 price tag. Fantastic.

>> No.6998927

Should have dished out that extra $5~10 for the other ones that people have been buying.

>> No.6998947

If you mean the ones on Overstock/Amazon, they've been out of stock for at least a week now.

I'm quite critical of them to be sure since I've got a thing for actual leather boots, but they're not that bad, overall. They're pretty much what I expected and I would honestly recommend them versus most anything else I've seen. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer.

>> No.6998953

Oh damn I guess Marco is out... Wow you're tiny. I mean, from your face you look like you should be a lot taller, no offence.

>> No.6998981

I haven't received an e-mail yet with the picture of the small patch.

>> No.6999039
File: 285 KB, 1278x852, 2013-07-06 at 15-02-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where all my titan bros at?

>> No.6999045

What sort of titan is far left supposed to be? I don't think Bert was ever that cool

>> No.6999058

Ah. I might've sent it to one part of the list by mistake. There's no important info in it, just the patch picture and me being angry. Thanks for letting me know, though, I'll check back up on that to see what went wrong.

>> No.6999073

yeah, those areas were where I was thinking. thanks for the diagram. I just don't want to be in a situation where like I bent over and suddenly my garter straps cut off my circulation or snap or something, which is unlikely, but you can never be too careful right?

Do you have pictures of your harness or have you already posted them in the thread? More examples of self-made harnesses would be awesome. My body's a weird shape (short and pear-shaped as fuck, perfect for Annie but I don't fit any premade cosplay at all) so making the harness is pretty much my best option.

>> No.6999079


Not sure, possibly a classy colossal titan. He was absolutely dripping with sweat when I met him so I guess he stayed in character.

>> No.6999085

those of you who have made a harness out of vinyl, what kind did you use and how many yards did it take? also how tall are you? trying to gauge how much I'll need.

>> No.6999096
File: 76 KB, 960x417, 3dmg straps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this buyfag, so I can't really help you with crafting from scratch experience... even when I remake my harness system, I'll honestly probably be using it as a general pattern.

I can tell you that unless you're some sort of landwhale or plan on using really flimsy material, I don't think you'll snap your harness, especially if it has at least a semi stretch to it.

>> No.6999098
File: 56 KB, 768x512, davenelson ball2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None taken. My face has super awkward proportions (high forehead, long chin) so it's ill fitting to my height. But yes. ~5'2.
For reference, my friend is 6'1 and I'm in 3 inch heels iirc. Sage for awkward selfpost and Kuroshit. I realized that I kneel in almost every group shot I'm in so my height's not so obvious... Ahaha...hah.

I'll definitely do a private shoot as Marco if I can find an equally short Jean...

>> No.6999214

If I recall correctly: Psy Colossal Titan.

ColoPsy Titan?

Colossal Psytan?

>> No.6999242

I just facepalmed so hard I may have broken my hand

>> No.6999255

You're welcome.

>> No.6999329

Anyone know where people get the Colossal Titan mask?

>> No.6999362


>> No.6999381


Thanks, I really did google before I asked but they were all god awful looking. The ones people seem to get tend to look really accurate (in pictures at least)

>> No.6999439

good god she's ugly and shopped

>> No.6999471
File: 82 KB, 400x355, item19251_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6999362 is a bootleg of the official one. Official one is like $58 and actually sold on AmiAmi last year, though not too many people bought it.

>> No.6999854

A lot of the ones I've been finding are knock offs from China at the price of the official ones, which has skyrocketed.

>> No.7000331
File: 456 KB, 866x526, 3dmgscreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh I was hoping this'd happen in this episode. Two caps of the back side.

>> No.7000332
File: 419 KB, 958x536, 3DMGscreen2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And two.

>> No.7000729

I have yet to recieve an email as well, but I know these things take time.

>> No.7000950

Hey Patch Anon,
A friend of mine sent you an email a while back. He was dealing with a bunch of shit, and completely forgot to pay by the deadline. I already paid, so I'm not to worried about myself, but we're wondering if you're going to have extras to sell on Etsy at the end or something. We need ours by August 25th, so I just need to know if I should send him to another site to get his patches.

If you want to email me about it instead of posting here, feel free to do so

>> No.7000954

Also, I may not have used Vinyl, but mine took a little less than 20 yards of material. Maybe 17 or 18. I'm 6ft, 160~ lbs.

>> No.7001337

I ordered the same pair, but mine were fine. No glue or torn foam lining. Maybe you just got a dud? But yeah, for $24 they're not bad. And what can you expect from knock off asian fashion stores?

>> No.7001574

Newcomer to these threads; decided on making the outfits and just buying premade 3DMG. Two questions,

So is Patch Anon making patches for order or something, or what's the deal? I'd like to just buy some premade patches since the little wings are a bit complicated.

And people who've bought their 3D Maneuver Gear, where would you recommend?

>> No.7001913

Not patch anon, but she did a group order of patches from a us company. The order is closed but she will have extras she'll be selling in a few weeks.

>> No.7002015

Why do I doubt that Mikasa weighs 150 pounds.

>> No.7002048

They're actually all pretty decent for anime-standards.
In between only being fed rations and needing to have lots of muscle, the height/weight ratios seem pretty alright. Especially Mikasa, who canonically has a six-pack.
They're all a mixture of being underfed(especially Sasha, because of childhood malnutrition), and being muscular enough to pull them into a healthy weight range.

>> No.7002050


Mikasa is ripped as fuck.

>> No.7002464

Anyone who's bought the RedStar Cosplay patches off Etsy, does it come with two patches or just one? I can't understand the description, it just said 'includes 1 pc of Embroidery patch'

>> No.7002481

You should see her muscles

>> No.7002504
File: 513 KB, 841x1200, Shingeki_no_Kyojin_ch32_00-eng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.

I don't know if anyone in the thread bought their props.

I can only assume you don't keep up with the series much at this point.

>> No.7002531

nice cosplay

>> No.7002818


As far as I know, it's per patch and you have to request more along with the larger one.
Also, they're kinda shitty. I got my Stationary Troops set in the other day and they're kinda sad. Like, embroidered fabric/satin and not FULL embroidered like what Patch Anon is doing. I was mighty disappoint.

>> No.7003126
File: 62 KB, 642x960, titan form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i debut my Eren titan form yesterday at ACG HK and although I was late to the con i was pretty happy with how it came out

>> No.7003150

Let's see some lower body..

>> No.7003247

i haven't got that meany pics yet, I did the cos yesterday now i am just keeping an eye out for other pics

>> No.7003943
File: 337 KB, 586x709, PAT8705B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent out more emails. People going to Ota: if I get them by Thursday, I'm paying to overnight them to you. Please start looking into a back-up plan. I'm really fucking sorry about this, but I don't trust their time estimate anymore.

Images are final except I asked them to straighten out the bottom feathers. Fingers crossed.

Waitlist is closed, I just got a 20 patch order on the list and, unexpectedly, no one canceled after the last email. Any extras will be up on Etsy or something afterwards.

I'm very okay with this.

>> No.7003944
File: 105 KB, 531x677, Pat8705CV2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And large.

>> No.7003962


>> No.7004022

Looking for boots that can work with an outfit for this, where did you guys get your shoes if you got them online?

>> No.7004044

Browse the archive. Seriously.

>> No.7004049
File: 99 KB, 480x480, 1367555841384.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look impeccable.

>> No.7004223

I like this Connie in this picture

>> No.7004241
File: 67 KB, 704x960, Metrocon 2013 AOT5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry forgot to post pic

>> No.7004250

that's really bad.

>> No.7004252


>> No.7004256

Not in my opinion.

>> No.7004284
File: 114 KB, 642x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus i cant even...how?!?

But i honestly just love this.

>> No.7004327

Found him in another thread

>> No.7004339
File: 219 KB, 780x498, 1369869445806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-post Connie-kun plz.

I didn't say anything the last hundred times you posted your costume, but I will now: we know you're proud of your costume but you don't have to be an ass to others, especially when modest Connie looks way better.

>> No.7004402

Damn dude. That's perfect.

>tfw I'm built about the same but couldn't possibly do all that makeup

>> No.7004632
File: 203 KB, 400x799, 1359106738273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take me now.

>> No.7004971

Has anyone bought Redstar's boots?
I am considering.

>> No.7005164
File: 658 KB, 951x600, still sucks at taking pictures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to buy some new pants today. I was a little unsure about the off-white ones because the tint is more teal than gray, but they only had one white pair left in my size so I kind of just grabbed them because the store was about to close...

I know we've been kind of stumped on pants color collectively lately so... What do you guys think works better?

>> No.7005218

I think you should stick with the white. the blueish tint throws me off.

>> No.7005289

White. The other one makes it seem like you cheaped out on your cosplay and grabbed the lightest colored pair of jeans in your closet.

>> No.7005317


Just wondering, do you have a price estimate on how much you are planning to sell the extras for?

>> No.7006918

Do you guys prefer the gray Rivaille shirt or the white one? It's hard to tell which color is canonically correct at times...perhaps a light gray?

Anyone who has made the cloak: which material did you use? I am debating between wool and a cotton blend. I feel like the wool will add a lot to the militaristic look, but a cotton blend would be so much cooler/easier to work with.


>> No.7006951

I personally prefer a really light gray or white but I've been having a shitty time looking for any gray shirt that fits me properly and doesn't look like shit...

I'm using a cotton blend, but I'm really stuck on where the neckline actually falls on the cloak. Sometimes it looks like it has a really wide neck and sometimes it looks like it has a smaller neck hole...

>> No.7007580

Anime color is definitely light grey, manga could be either going by the references.

If you're on the smallish size, try the boy's dress clothing section at Macy's; they've had shirts in the correct shade of grey in stock, but I think they're slowly ceasing to restock those to bring in the next season's colors. They go on sale 25% off pretty regularly, and sometimes go down to 40% off

>> No.7007643

Yeah, I've been trying to find boys sizes, I've just haven't found any in the right color that isn't crap material yet hah. Will check them out though, thanks anon.

>> No.7007770

It's awful, a boy's size 12-14 shirt body fits fine but the sleeves are always *just* too short. Maybe no one else would notice, but...

>> No.7008567

Levi is my personal fave. He is the shit.

>> No.7008651
File: 9 KB, 200x213, 999388_511753942229535_928758282_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]