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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 93 KB, 960x541, 995929_381642331957898_1916034554_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7000324 No.7000324 [Reply] [Original]

/cgl/, how do I tell people they suck? Or what do I do when they wont take criticism? There's this really popular girl around my really tiny con scene and she makes really not good stuff, but if anyone tries to give her helpful advice she gets all angsty and preachy on them. Just, UGH how do I try to make this person realize that they aren't the cosplay goddess they think they are? Pic related, it's their "perfect" buster sword they made.

Let's turn this into a painful cosplays/props from people you know who just wont take anyone's else's advice thread. Go ahead and post the pics up I guess.

Do you know anyone like this? How do you handle them? This girl is just at every single con and she makes me want to punch myself in the face.

>> No.7000335

" But it also became a thing where I needed to PROVE a point. You don't have to go out and buy things to make a nice looking prop.

All this is cardboard. painters tape, and duct tape with a PVC pipe for a handle. Is it flimsy? No. It's actually pretty durable really. I actually had someone tell me I needed to use foam and honestly, this better then foam.

See, I like criticism, really I do. I like learning and becoming better. But most messages I get aren't criticism. They are just plain rude. Like "Oh you did this? Well that's wrong. It needs to be this way," and frankly I am tired of it. I get it the most with my Link costume. If you want to give me advice. That's fine but don't insult my costume and my props. It's not always easy you know. "

This is from the person who made the buster sword and honestly this making me semi angry. How can people be this clueless?

>> No.7000351

OP, I actually feel bad for you. Is all of her shit this fucking terrible? You must have a shit community.

>> No.7000365

>/cgl/, how do I tell people they suck?
You don't have to, it's not your duty.
>Or what do I do when they wont take criticism?
Let their character speak for itself (and trust me, it will).
>how do I try to make this person realize that they aren't the cosplay goddess they think they are?
Again, you don't have to do this. If they're seriously this arrogant and this stubborn the rational people will drift away and all she'll have left are her braindead fans. There's nothing wrong with that.
>Do you know anyone like this?
Of course.
>How do you handle them?
I don't. It's easier for my peace of mind to ignore them and let them do their thing with people who can tolerate their shit.

>> No.7000377

It's all based on how well you know the person (vise versa) and their sensitivity level.

>> No.7000387

/cgl/ is smarter than people give them credit for. Thank you.

>> No.7000402

>Link costume
This peaked my interest. Pics?

>> No.7000407

A good way to give criticism is to give a similar example where you've improved a costume/prop.

>> No.7000409
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Per request

>> No.7000412
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>> No.7000416

It's sad because she actually gets invited to be a guest at cons around here, she's that "good".

>> No.7000419

You are the same anon from the other thread, aren't you?

> piqued

>> No.7000448

I doubt it; there's a lot of people who can't spell.

>> No.7000489

Gonna go with >>7000365
here. She sounds like the kind of person who, if you called her out on her shittiness, she would cause a massive bitchfit and send her minions. Unless you want to get involved in drama, just be content knowing you know better than her and soon people will get tired of her cardboard atrocities.

I know several people on my community who I would love to slap with a wet fish and tell them what I think of them, but I'd rather not have them start a personal tirade using their idiot fans.

>> No.7001100

I don't believe you.

>> No.7001119
File: 54 KB, 526x366, cosplay_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is perfectly believable, but you have to be from a smaller place/country to believe it.

>> No.7001291

I'm from a very tiny, con-starved area, so yes...

>> No.7001313

Those boots just make me so mad. She couldn't just go down to the local thrift store/Payless/Mills Fleet and buy a pair of plain brown/black boots? She looked at those boots, went "yes, these look exactly like the boots Link wears" and wore them without shame.

God. Damnit.

>> No.7001321

I feel you OP. There's a very outspoken girl in my community who has a total of 3 costumes. 1 being bought from ebay, 1 being 90% closet cosplay with a prop made by her dad and one a terrible nightmare inducing attempt at full body armour.
She has a habit of walking up to people and pointing out 'flaws' in their cosplay (what she perceives as a flaw and what might actually be an accurate detail she's that out of touch)
She constantly tries to give terrible advice and sees herself as a cosplay prodigy due to being only 15. People don't shit on her because she's asian and somewhat pretty.

Like another anon said unless you want to get caught up in a swirl of drama I'd avoid calling her out, it won't end well and I highly doubt she'll suddenly see the light and admit the error of her ways because you told her what's what.

>> No.7001336

Yeah I know. It wouldn't piss me off so much if she weren't like 23, though. Teens? Sure, that makes sense, you're stupid in your teens... But in your twenties? God dammit.

>> No.7001385

Surprisingly enough I've noticed a lot of people don't seem to start maturing until about 25.

Just sit back and enjoy the ride, if nothing else it's at least humorous right?

>> No.7001392 [DELETED] 

Well, Elffi gets invited to cons around the world even though his costumes are shit so it's really not that uncommon.

And OP, even though anonymous messages might seem the coward's way, they're helpful when you need to get your point across to someone who's both popular and crazy enough to send her minions after anyone who dares to give her the slightest edge of criticism. Just phrase your criticism in a constructive matter.

>> No.7001395

Well, Elffi gets invited to cons around the world even though his costumes are shit so it's really not that uncommon.

And OP, even though anonymous messages might seem the coward's way, they're helpful when you need to get your point across to someone who's both popular and crazy enough to send her minions after anyone who dares to give her the slightest edge of criticism. Just phrase your criticism in a constructive manner.

>> No.7001438

OP, I saw this picture pop up on my feed yesterday. I know exactly who you're talking about since we happen to have a mutual friend. Every time a new set comes out, I get a good laugh.

I read the comments on how people were trying to help her, quite nicely may I add, and she just told them they were rude. Some people just can't take any form of criticism even when they ask for it.

>> No.7001443

Can we get some screencaps of this stuff? Not asking for you to reveal any identities, but i could use a good laugh right about now.

>> No.7001473
File: 30 KB, 540x720, honey senpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I'm from this happens a lot and don't you dare tell them that their cosplays are bad or entirely inaccurate because they will send their mindless followers to tear you down!
Where I live there's a total of 13-14 conventions annually, the biggest being the PRCC with 17k attendants(Small place really) and there's this dude who thinks he's a cosplay god when they're entirely pathetic in every way along with his best friend who believes dressing in drag=cosplay.

Pic related
>His perfect Honey Senpai cosplay

>> No.7001491
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Mother of god, my first cosplay was better than this garbage lol

Get off of /cgl/ and never come back, please.

>> No.7001497
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This is her full speech on the picture.

"Alright heres the prop I have been working out. Thanks Chiithe Berry for coming over and helping out some. You are best Sword holder! Thank you also Cody Fields for the advice. It worked beautifully!

Now all that said and credit all given. Let me say something. I don't want any more of those messages or comments saying "You should've done this..." Or "Well that doesn't really work, you need to do this". Let me make this very clear. I don't NEED to do anything. This is only the second prop I made and I didn't want to spend a fortune. ALSO it was going to be big. I was going for actual size compared to me. It's actually taller then I am with handle. I also didn't want it to be flopping all around and flimsy. But it also became a thing where I needed to PROVE a point. You don't have to go out and buy things to make a nice looking prop.

All this is cardboard. painters tape, and duct tape with a PVC pipe for a handle. Is it flimsy? No. It's actually pretty durable really. I actually had someone tell me I needed to use foam and honestly, this better then foam.

See, I like criticism, really I do. I like learning and becoming better. But most messages I get aren't criticism. They are just plain rude. Like "Oh you did this? Well that's wrong. It needs to be this way," and frankly I am tired of it. I get it the most with my Link costume. If you want to give me advice. That's fine but don't insult my costume and my props. It's not always easy you know."

>> No.7001499

If you read the thread at all you would realize that that isn't me.

>> No.7001502

OP, Take a lesson from me. Or don't, just shut up and listen.

You really have 2 options, both are quite pleasant.
1) Shut the fuck up and watch the train wreck of a person eventually flounder and snap once her bloated ego gets big enough to actually think she's good enough to compete outside her little ecosystem. That shit is funny when it happens.
Effort required: Not one shit, 50 cents for a popcorn bag, and a microwave already owned.

2) Tell them exactly how you feel about them, and cause that little princess to have a hard reality check as she bounces off the walls in incoherent rage. Block each of her followers that try and defend her/attack you. This will let you know what certain people really think about you, and lets you do some much needed facebook cleaning.
Effort required: Ten minutes and half a day in spring cleaning.

Might want to add in the popcorn for the second option as well.... you know, for good measure.

Personally, I've done both depending on the situation. Shit is cathartic bro.

>> No.7001511

I'll take your advice and stick with the first option. I'm sure someone will call her out on her bullshit eventually, so thanks for your input. I see her around cons wearing rave panty cosplay with cat ears at times. I guess it is pretty fucking hilarious.

>> No.7001513

See, there you go. Let the hilarity ensue!

>> No.7001518

How do people like this get so popular or whatever? They have to actively seek out attention, I guess?
I've been cosplaying for a very long time and make some pretty cool shit but I don't think anyone even knows I exist. That doesn't bother me, in fact I probably prefer it but I guess I just don'y get how people like this get "fans" or whatever when their quality of work is so damn poor.

Anyway, there's a girl like this kinda in my area. She's a very hyper kind of person and so her personality is intolerable but the thing that's just kinda sad is that she has now been doing it for years and has all these really, really shitty cardboard costumes. She has this huge fan following and it just baffles me. She at least has the excuse of still being a teenager (I think) though.

I wouldn't say shit to her because it's not really my place and I want to avoid pissing people off. The only people I give real concrit to is my friends because they're the only ones I know who won't completely lose their shit.

>> No.7001520

Question, do you see her around at cons too or do you live within a different area to make that impossible? Not trying to get info, just curious as to if you've seen her face to face.

>> No.7001527
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>> No.7001529

I'm learning quickly now that it's alot about whoring yourself out. I've made or making some really cool stuff lately, but not many people have seen it outside of people I know. So I'm starting to pay for photoshoots, and starting to spend about one day a week or so doing updates on facebook and DA. Shit helps, and I'm noticing that people are starting to come to me.

I actually have no idea who any of you people are, definitely not in my area or friends list at least. I just know the type, and have delt with several of the kind.

>> No.7001530
File: 121 KB, 720x960, 47766_284090545046411_1040426188_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget about her Yoko cosplay, OP.

>> No.7001531

Never give advice unless someone asks for it. If your opinion were wanted, they'd let you know. When someone does ask, give it honestly and constructively. The rest of your time, concentrate on developing your own work.

>> No.7001533

You're lucky.
god help me I'm stuck in this shitty community and I have to pretend to be nice to this girl face to face.

>> No.7001540

It could be worse, you could be stuck in the Miami cosplay scene like me. You can't take two steps before dropping yourself into drama.

>> No.7001547

Well that's a highlight at least. You have a good point.

>> No.7001553
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Maximum asspats.

>> No.7001554

you're all beatiful

>> No.7001557

fuck you

>> No.7001560

Does the government put something in the water in Florida to make a high concentration of stupid and catty? The number of dumb things that happen in Florida both in the real world and cosplay community is ridiculous.

I'm currently trying to convince a friend of mine to not move to Florida. Because even shitty ass Kansas with their small community is better then fucking Florida.

>> No.7001559

Hey Alice

>> No.7001562

oh dear god. not everyone should attempt something so daring if they dont have the figure for it

>> No.7001563

Is it 1970?

>> No.7001564

Kill it before it lays eggs.

>> No.7001569

Thats a good question, I sure as shit don't drink the water here though. I pretty much live off of a constant stream of cigs and diet coke.

>> No.7001604

Florida native here - I think your post actually touches on the reason we're so full of crazy, albeit indirectly. This state has a HUGE number of transplants, so the crazy from other places tends to get concentrated here. You always hear stories about already-messed up people becoming unhappy with their lives and saying, "Fuck it! I'll move to Florida and start all over again!" and doing so with zero knowledge or preparation... six months later they're doing drugs on the side of the road or being batshit insane even louder than before. Add this to an ever-growing number of immigrants (cultural clashes tend to bring out the drama), and you've got a petri dish of stupid growing.