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6998838 No.6998838 [Reply] [Original]

So, right now I am at 27in on my waist and 34in on my bust, I was wondering of these types of measurements will look good/fit into brand dresses.
I also wanna lose two inches off my waist, what are some good exercises I can do to focus on that area?

>> No.6998847

Wouldn't this belong more in /fit/?

>> No.6998848

I suppose, but I still want to know if my current measurements would be alright for brand dresses.

>> No.6998852

we have to say this pretty much every time:

Give us the underbust too AND height. No way to tell how anything is going to fit without your true cup size.

>> No.6998858
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>34 bust, 27 waist
No, you'll look like a big disgusting hamplanet. I don't even know how you people even manage to step outside your front doors when you have such grotesque measurements.
Brb, going to go vomit now. And don't come back until you're at least a 20inch waist you fucking horrible fatass. Stretch my brand...

>> No.6998860

Huh, I didn't think the underbust size was important since it's not listed in the dress sizes, it's always just the bust and waist.
Anyway, underbust is 30in and height is about 5'1-5'2 (I am never sure about that one)

>> No.6998863

I have the same measurements, OP, I fit into IW with room the spare

Also, spot treatment is a myth

>> No.6998874

i laughed

>> No.6998882
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You're funny anon, I like you.

>> No.6998892

It's important because the default cup size that princess seamed bodices are made for in lolita is about a B cup (it's a default, which is why it's not listed). So if you're much bigger it's going to pull up the bodice to sit higher than your natural waist and sit much differently on your torso than it does on the models/dummies.

4 inches isn't terrible, (it is bigger than the default by about 2) so you should be ok, but the bodice will probably ride just a bit over your natural waist. But I'd say you'll be ok.

>> No.6998898

I'm 34 bust, 27 waist, and 5'7 and 120lbs

I just ordered 2 mary magdalene dresses, and I have a baby dress. both fit just fine.

>> No.6998904

Oh, alright; I get it now.
I don't want it to ride up at all, so I think I'm gonna get a binder to take care of that in the mean time.

>> No.6998906

I thought you were serious for like 1 whole second

OP your measurements are absolutely average, don't worry about it

>> No.6998992

>I also wanna lose two inches off my waist, what are some good exercises I can do to focus on that area?

You can't spot reduce. You can only tone muscle in an area, but that won't do much at all for losing inches off your waist. The only real benefit is that toned muscles burn fat more efficiently, and it can help with overall fit of clothing, (muscle takes up less space than fat). But it's better when it's all over rather than just in one area. Also worth mentioning, each person is different but on average an inch lost equals about 5-7lbs of fat lost. So for two inches, you'll be looking at anywhere from 10-14lbs.

34-27 btw, is pretty common and you can fit into most anything. You might run into issues with things being too big when it comes to full-back shirring, but otherwise you're golden.

>> No.6998997

Alright, awesome; I'll just continue with my regular routine then. Thanks.

>> No.6999014

There is no such thing as targeted slimming down. Focusing on one area will build muscle there, but has no more potency in removing fat in the area than simple cardio. So nothing else to do than hitting the treadmill.

>> No.6999015

Great, somebody had already made a much more elaborate response. Gots to do the f5'ing.

>> No.6999018

How would smaller busy sizes (about 30") fit into brand? Is it really roomy?

>> No.6999033

I guess I wouldn't recommend like, Baby or AatP blouses, because I have a few of their blouses, and I'm a 34" and they're just roomy enough to be comfortable. I have an IW blouse that's smaller than them, so go for classic brands, I guess. Or Taobao.

>> No.6999066

I've got a 30" bust.
Yes, brand is roomy at that size. Back lacing is your BEST FRIEND. I pretty much won't buy anything without it - I do have one jsk and one blouse without it, they're noticeably big, but they work alright. I find AP is best at making their items fit a wide range, from small to large.
I'm really small in general (super tiny shoulders, wrists, etc.), so I have more problems with fit than just my bust, but I've figured out what works and doesn't for the most part through trial and error.

>> No.6999068

I read the first few words and was thinking
>what a bitch
then I saw
>don't come back until you're at least a 20inch waist

and laughed

>> No.6999140

These are the measurements AP requests for their models:

Natural Height: 5’2″ to 5’7″ tall
Bust: 28″ to 36″
Waist: 26″ to 29″

>> No.6999150

Brands like Moi Meme Moitie, Mary Magdelene and Victorian Maiden have much smaller bust sizes without being roomy. If there is no shirring. Older brand prints are good options too, and Innocent World is another that caters to smaller bust sizes.

>> No.6999151

I feel like IW caters to busts of plenty of sizes. There are actually some blouses on their site that i can fit!

>> No.6999162

Op your measurements are pretty much spot on for lolita clothing although as others have mentioned sometimes brand dresses are tight in other places etc. Cup size can also be an issue with blouses( or dresses that you are close to the max measurements.). My measurements are similar, 27inch waist 36inch bust and own/fit BTSSB, Meta, Innocent World, AP, Putumayo, H.Naoto :) I'm quite a bit taller at 5'8, am a little busty and have broad shoulders. Dresses, cutsews and skirts have been fine but I've had a bit of difficulty with IW size M blouses (despite the measurements suggesting they should fit), so if you do have a larger cup you may want to try a sweet brand/different brand for blouses. If you are into gothic or classic you may have difficulty in fitting into some brands as there sizes are generally smaller but there are items with shirring, some of moitie's long versions of skirts have larger waist measurements.

>> No.6999163

MM is crazy big on my 31" bust....I would not recommend them simply because of the lack of back lacing / adjustability in the bust

>> No.6999169

Ap is much more generous than I thought.
28" bust is tiny though. I'mm 33" and I might as well be flat.

>> No.6999179

IW's blouses are godsend but their dresses look like shit on my 88 cm bust and I become the prime example of boobloafing. I have had better luck with their non-shirred stuff but that is also hit or miss. I find AP's blouses to be unforgiving in the bust area as well. What I would do to have an 84 cm bust. I lost weight and my waist is trimming down nicely but my boobs are refusing to budge. I WANT TO WEAR MARY MAGDALENE DAMMIT.

>> No.6999181

It might be because of bone structure. I am slim by western standards but I still stretch out the shirring a bit on half shirred dresses. When I saw Japanese girls wear their dresses, I see the lacing done on shirred dresses tightened almost all the way or you only see an inch of the shirring panel. I am assuming it is these girls with those small bust measurements.

>> No.6999200

88 cm bust with boob loaf?

Ok what's your underbust??? You realize boob loafing is when your cup size is too big for the bodice and they either pull the fabric out to the sides causing strain across the front, or the fabric pulls the breast tissue into a huge lump in the center where there is no definition between left and right breast

>> No.6999213


sorry I mean I know girls with 4-6 inch differences at 88 cm, but being 88cm already gives you more room to work with than 92 and up, though I guess still not much.

>> No.6999234


I think you'll be just dandy.

>> No.6999244

Spot reduction is a lie, you need to lower your overall body fat %

>> No.6999262


>default is about a B cup
>that feel when just started birth control and my boobs did in fact go up a cup size, and I was a small B cup to start with

Lighter periods and safer sex...or better fitting burando...

>> No.6999266

I don;t understand this reasoning. If you run you'll lose weight but you won't magically get say, a six pack and strong arms. For those you'd have to do crunches and press ups. But crunches and press ups won't make your legs stronger so you'll have to run or do squats or something. People who say spot training is a myth doesn't understand how exercise works.

>> No.6999269

yeah, it's kind of weird when you consider the min. waist being 26", i think most girls with a 28" bust are a little smaller around the waist than that.

>> No.6999271

abs don't come from crunches lol

>> No.6999272

I think they just mean you won't magically lose 2 inches off your waist without losing it elsewhere (unless you corset train obviously), which means you have to change your diet and do more than just crunches.

>> No.6999273

yeah... you're the one who sounds like you don't know how it works, go over to /fit/

they will teach you

>abs show with low body fat % not from sit ups

>> No.6999275

Well since this thread is here I guess I'll just ask this.
Has anyone done any breast reduction exercises that actually work?
I don't need to lose weight. I have been active and into sports since I was little but I still got stuck with a large cup size even though the ladies in my family all have small ones. Am I just cursed with no hope?

>> No.6999276

No thanks, tiny minds that no nothing but OATZ N SQUATZ....

>> No.6999277

... you think abs come from crunches...

>> No.6999279

...You seem to think you get abs by exercising your legs...

>> No.6999284

I'm not the anon you were responding to but technically, since abs visibility comes from low body fat %, any exercise that moves towards a leaner body fat % will work towards abs... that's just common knowledge, lol

you really should go to /fit/ to learn

>> No.6999285

There is nothing else that matters other than well fitting burando, anon!

>> No.6999305

It's spot *reduction* that is the myth. Of course you can increase the size of certain muscle groups by training them specifically (see: curlbro) but you aren't going to really be able to see certain muscle groups as well if your body fat % is high (e.g. thighs/abs)

Yeah you're stuck with them unless you want to try losing a bit of weight. No guarantee it'll come off the boobs though.

Yes. Don't ever buy a brand blouse, stick to cutsews or just buy from taobao. Also don't ever buy anything that won't go smaller - so fixed size dresses with waist ties etc. Back shirring and corset lacing is pretty good. As for brands - older dresses from Baby, Moitie, AP, and Meta; more recent releases are huge but sometimes the back lacing lets you get away with it, IW dresses with lacing are pretty good, ETC and Shirley Temple especially their size 150 if you're short as well, back-shirred Atelier Pierrot (but not the corset dresses, those will fall down)

If max/min is listed by a brand, usually no more than 8cm under minimum works for me (otherwise there's too much of a lump where the fabric gets gathered by the shirring and corset lacing)

Also you are probably SOL with most VM/MM as they don't do shirred items as much.

>> No.6999327

Yeah I don't have any extra weight to lose.
I guess I'll just have to wait until they start sagging and then spend the money on a reduction and lift.
Forever wanting a natural C cup.

>> No.6999468

>mfw 95 cm bust
>no brand blouses for me

You have it good anon, never take it for granted.

>> No.6999473

I have a 30-inch bust and while a lot of things are big on me (IW in particular seems to be mad baggy at the armpits, for some reason), I honestly don't have such a terrible time with brand. IW's blouses in S are okay (a little big, but I'm not drowning, it looks fine under a dress), although AP/BTSSB are a complete no-go for blouses, and a lot of AP's popular releases have no chance of fitting right, but their plain pieces can be okay, which is fine because I prefer them anyway.
I get a lot of stuff that doesn't have back-lacing altered and it works out fine. I don't get why people are so afraid of altering brand. No point in having a beautiful dress if it doesn't look good on you.

>> No.6999474

What brands are boob friendly? I've got a 33 inch bust or so, but my underbust is 28 inches so my cup size is kinda big.

>> No.6999476

Is there ever a definition of right and left boob in lolita?

>> No.6999486


Some brands, like aatp, baby, meta and ap are quite generous, especially when the full back is shirred.

>> No.6999882

Also spot reduction.
Your breasts will only become smaller if you lower your bf AND you still have a considerable amount of fat tissue in them

You can do 1k crunches per day, but if there is a layer of fat on top of them you won't be able to see them.
You can train individual muscles, but can't remove fat from individual areas

>> No.7000223 [DELETED] 


So much for wearing all the classic lolita in the world. Maybe some day I'll have a bigger bust without the dresses feeling baggy. Thanks!

>> No.7000230
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>tfw when 11" difference between bust and waist and waist and hips

I've given up at this point. Not even losing weight made my boobs and hips lose enough inches.

>> No.7000236

How do I get rid of fat? I don't want to create muscle, I just want the fat gone.

I'm 5'1" and I weigh 110lbs. I don't know my measurements, so there's not really much I can suggest there, but I don't want to spot reduce. I want to be about 20lbs lighter.

I eat about 1200 calories a day.

>> No.7000238

Juice fasting and just do cardio

>> No.7000243

Calorie deficit. Plug in your numbers on My Fitness Pal or Lose It and it'll tell you how many calories you can eat to lose the weight.

You'll likely have a bit of pudge somewhere though unless you do exercise to tone up the muscles at least a little.

Also, 20lbs is really too much for you to lose if you want to stay healthy. The LOWEST recommended weight in the healthy range for that height is 101lbs.

>> No.7000250


I'll look up those, thank you! The exercise I do right now is light jogging (I've got a problem with my knees and hips which can make exercise difficult.) and bouncing around on the trampoline in my backyard. I generally do active stuff on the trampoline, not just stationary bouncing.


I just got MyFitnessPal today! It says I should be eating the amount of calories I'm eating, but I feel like that's more of a maintenance number than anything else.

Like I said above, I do do some light exercise, but I'm going to look into other things I can do to try and tone up so the weightloss doesn't make me flabby.

I tend to carry weight weirdly and look a lot heavier than I am. I looked my absolute best at 95lbs, but I put on weight after being put on new medication and I've been looking a little chubby ever since.

>> No.7000254

Keep in mind, if you go under 1200 calories, you body will probably go into starvation mode and start storing everything you eat oddly.

Things like pilates and cardio build lean muscle

>> No.7000264

MFP can be a little weird with giving proper numbers out for shorter people despite you guys actually needing to eat less than 1200 to lose or maintain most times. I know a girl that's really tiny (like 4'10") and she gains if she eats 1200 calories a day. So I guess just cut out 300 calories or so from the 1200 and you should start losing, just slowly. Because you'll have a low allowance, try to eat a lot of protein so you don't get hungry as easily. You should be fine with that, but if you start feeling weak or dizzy you'll need to up your calories and try something else to lose.

>> No.7000269


Ah, I see. My diet is pretty good, I have quite a bit too much sugar, but I don't really consume much fat or carbs. I assume if I eat a nice diet of brown carbs (I love brown rice.) and lean meats and lots of vegetables, then I won't get too sick.

Cool, I'll read up on those! I forgot to mention, I'm starting yoga soon too, so there's that too.

>> No.7000273

Shorter people don't actually always need to stay at 1200 calories. That's not a set number for each and every person that automatically means starvation mode if you go below it. Most people, yeah they shouldn't go under that but with her being as small as she is she's not going to lose weight if she doesn't. Exercise only gets you so far, weight loss is mostly dependent on diet.

>> No.7000703

>42" bust 33" underbust and 31'' waist
I'll never have enough motavtion to loose enough weight to fit in brand dresses.

>> No.7001159

Anon, I think the reason for that is due to your body shape. A difference of 9"+ between bust and waist & waist and hips (and the same measurement for hip& bust give or take 2" inches) is an hourglass shape. Hourglass shapes are quite rare nowadays.

I do understand how it can be irritating in Lolita fashion.

>> No.7001165

Trying to get down to a 27 waist, bouncing between 30 and 29.
5' 8" 39" bust 29.5" waist 35 inch underbust, nothing ever fits. Feels pretty bad in lolita fashion.
Also my coords will never look as good as if I could wear a brand blouse or a really well made one, which is hard to find for a plus size chest. Size 12 blouses size 10 pants, I feel disgusting. You can see my bones though so idk how much more I can lose.

>> No.7001170

I'd suggest doing some body weight exercises and calisthenics as well - you do want to create muscle (as you've suggested by your desire to be toned) but I'm guessing you just don't want bulky muscle. 95lb is too light even if you think you look good at that weight - and you may find that with more muscle that you look better 5-10lb heavier than that. Pop Pilates has great resources for not just pilates exercises but also body weight and cardio you can do at home and the instructions are really good.

>> No.7001175

Good luck anon! It's nice to see another tall lolita :)

It's a real shame that nothing ever fits :( Some lolita skirts (depending on your style) should fit as your waist isn't too much bigger than mine (27inch), and I see a lot of people post on the comm sales with 29/30" waists. I'm not sure what to do about blouses though :( I struggle with a 36" bust.

My ribs and hip bones stickout a little too, even though I'm not skinny. It's a little strange. Maybe it has to do with our body shapes?

>> No.7001389

Yeah I know, I usually really like my shape just because it is something you don't see a lot now, especially in my area where it's fatty and pear shaped lady city, but once I started really wanting to get into Lolita it became a kind of love/hate. I'm awful at altering things so it's like I'm fighting myself constantly to be able to find anything that comes close to working without looking really baggy or squashing down my boobs.

Maybe one day.

>> No.7001597 [DELETED] 

28E bust here.I own mostly AatP, their low waisted dresses fit me amazingly well.

>> No.7001611

Back shirred meta blouses tend to fit me okay. I have a 100cm bust and meta is usually my go to. I've only encountered a few blouses that won't fit me in the shoulders. I have a 35" underbust as well and probably only a small amount of back fat left to lose. But I'm also an apple shape so extra fat accumulates around my waist area. I'd have to go far below my weight loss goal (my goal is 20lbs under the max normal weight range for me) to actually get below a 30" waist. I'm at a 34" waist at the moment. I'll probably end up with a 31-32" waist once I'm done and probably about 38" bust. I'm not tall either, 5'4" but I've got a stocky sort of build, wide shoulders, wide ribcage, DD cup which has remained the same despite losing 60lbs. The inches came off evenly. Pretty much sucks. I wear size 8-10 pants (but only because I have no ass to fill out pants so I have to go smaller, but hey, AP tights fit me!)

>> No.7001658

Hourglass shapes are one of the few that look good in full shirring imo, since it fits to your curves rather than looking boxy like it does on anyone with a smaller bust to waist ratio