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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 95 KB, 600x800, IMG_2821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6991990 No.6991990 [Reply] [Original]

Post your own co-ords for critique, etc.!

(Pic is not me, I have barely completed my first co-ord)

>> No.6992005

Admit to self posting.

>> No.6992008

I'd post my latest, but I still need to fix up a few things. Especially before posting myself on cgl. I like threads like this though, hopefully it'll take off.

>> No.6992011

If you've barely completed your own first coord, why are you critiquing others?

>> No.6992012

I don't even have the balls.
Not now, not ever.

>> No.6992010

Where did you get them?

>> No.6992013

Is that a man?

>> No.6992037

I've only worn lolita once and still haven't found the picture that was taken of me

>> No.6992041

No, it is Duplica.

>> No.6992043

I'm sorry is that new term for homo?
I don't visit tumblr and those kind of places.

>> No.6992046

I would post if I could trust anons being civil and actually critiquing the coord and not some bs about my weight, face, or other bodily feature that's unrelated to how I'm dressed.

>> No.6992049

She's a semi-popular Austrian lolita.

>> No.6992054

Thanks for enlightening me anon.

>> No.6992060

In other words:
Never happening.

>> No.6992061

Haha nope.

>> No.6992064

Looks like she layered two pairs of tights to me, I have the top pair in cream. Got 'em in Forever 21 ages ago.

>> No.6992070


I don't think they intend to do the critiquing, I think they mean for it to be others in thread exchanging critique and posting themselves etc. Maybe they're hoping to learn something?

>> No.6992103
File: 744 KB, 805x900, yuetsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think I'm a beginner with lolita so I'm looking for help with this outfit/skirt. I really like the skirt but I don't know how to really make an interesting outfit around it. I'm thinking of wearing something like this to a con coming up but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to bring it to another level? The bag to the side is the clock one you see on rakuten a lot with the bunny with the red bow.

>> No.6992115

I'm a beginner too but, do you have any accessories on? I feel like you could at least use a bracelet.

>> No.6992123 [DELETED] 

You're fat, lose weight.

>> No.6992124

I have a necklace on, I guess it's hard to see. I just never really wear bracelets because I usually have long fancy sleeves but summer is ruining my usual gothic looks. I seriously don't know how some of you american lolitas do this.

>> No.6992125

Ignore this tit, it's a troll pretending to be Korean and pay for cosplay shit.

>> No.6992128

*claiming he will pay. Goddamn I can't English

>> No.6992135

its a cute cord but the color balance is meh to me, i wish she werent' all black on top and all blue on bottom
its a nitpick that doesn't detract from an otherwise good coord

>> No.6992134

Depending on where we live, you get used to the heat or cold. Of course right now it's too hot for me to wear long sleeves so I'm having to hunt around for short sleeve loliable blouses. I managed to find a cute blouse over at a savers, even had cute little star and heart buttons.

>> No.6992140

i'd wear a red cardi instead of a black vest
or if you like the vest, wear a red blouse under it
nix the tights in favor of something patterened
I can't see the shoes and they better not be flats
I like the hat though

>> No.6992162
File: 50 KB, 570x760, il_570xN.379822196_ihck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think some red or brown boots would spice it up. You could also pin a broach to the vest and/or find a pretty floral headdress like the one pictured. You might find you have better luck going in a more gothic direction.

>> No.6992167

Overall, I like it, but below are my opinions.

>seconding more patterned leg-wear.
I like the idea of a red cardi, maybe with a black pin.
I wouldn't put a red shirt under the vest, since I like the balance that the white shirt gives to the white underskirt. A read pin or broach would be nice on the black vest to pull more of the red color together.

Personally, I'm not a fan of the hat, but that could be the lighting, since the hat probably goes well with the more tan accents on the skirt that don't show up as well in this picture.

>> No.6992172
File: 503 KB, 600x551, mahfurst.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went ahead and threw on my first coord (though I had on a longer braided wig)
Lord mercy it is too hot for autumn coords right now! Sorry for poor lighting

>> No.6992173

she could sweeten it up a bit and go for pink accessories, i see some pink in that skirt right?

>> No.6992236
File: 208 KB, 500x491, 1373260810132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gurl, where's that blouse from? It suits your coord so well!

>> No.6992238

yeah, iirc, there is some pink, but I'd be careful when matching pinks and reds.

Pic!Anon, always look at them in different lights (ie natural, florescent, etc.) to make sure you're really getting the look that you think you are.

>> No.6992273

Seconding this!

This is pretty! I can tell you barely have any petti under there, and although I agree (from experience) that Rose Stained Glass is better with a less poofy petti, what I can see you have is not enough, and the holding it out is not doing the trick for you. Get some more petti under there.

I can't really see what's going on in this coord apart from your blouse and skirt though, so can't really say anything else... Can you give us a better picture of your head and leg/footwear?

(On another note HAH I knew it! The site I bought my skirt from said it was the bordeaux colorway but I knew it was way too red compared to the pinkish stock photos... So I do have the apricot one.)

>> No.6992386

Blouse is a Goodwill grab, believe it or not! I about peed when I found it

And my petti didn't make it into my packing when I moved. Waiting for it to be shipped from TX. I loved the apricot but felt I could coordinate the bordeaux better
Again, sorry for the poor lighting. I've already taken it off (too hot) but my footwear is just basic wine red flats and brown stockings. Hat is a dark green beret w/ no decoration (too bland I think)

>> No.6992410
File: 30 KB, 236x176, 1300218435281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, that wasn't totally unexpected, you made it look fabulous tho, congrats.

>> No.6992441
File: 499 KB, 480x640, help please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wore this out the other day, but I'd really like some help putting together something with a little more life. I was told not to wear yellow with this (if there are any anons here from that thread, thanks again for your help), but the all black looks so boring. Also, do you all have any suggestions for creating a defined waistline? My waist tie didn't really do the job and my waist disappeared. Do you think once I get a more suitable lolita shirt, it'll look better?

>> No.6992485
File: 244 KB, 627x304, stuff1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe a wide belt would help? Something like one of these.

Also definitely some different shoes. Some cute white and/or blue mary janes could help. I'm partialy to this style, but the black shoes you have just blend way to much with your stockings/tights.

>> No.6992506

One way to define your waist would be to get a poofier petticoat and a skirt that can handle it. The contrast with the poofiness of the skirt will help define your waist. That skirt looks like it doesn't have enough fabric to give you the proper silhouette.

If your blouse doesn't have a lot of details, I'd suggest going heavy on the accessories, a largish necklace in coordinating colors or a floral brooch or something.

>> No.6992531 [DELETED] 
File: 2.83 MB, 1326x1650, eehh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic

>> No.6992528 [DELETED] 

blllehhg i really wish /cgl/ had a spoiler option...


had some ahrdcore selfpost. ive even added some bonus fairy kei

all coords are kinda plain.... ive lost most of my motivation to lolita so these are all i have.

plus some of ym stuff got ruined my ex'es smoking habit, so... I need to find a way to demsell my stuff without melting the prints.

>> No.6992534

Thank you. I actually really like those shoes.

>That skirt looks like it doesn't have enough fabric to give you the proper silhouette.
I used the 3x waist measurement to make it so it has more than enough space for a decent petticoat. Funny story though. The petti I had on was so puffy, I looked set to fly away so I actually put a slip on over the top half to contain the poof and turn it into an A-line because I thought it was too much. So much for that. I still have beads left from the bow so I guess I can use the rest of those for bracelets or something. Thank you for your advice.

>> No.6992539 [DELETED] 

I'm more angry about the way you type than anything.

>> No.6992551 [DELETED] 

yeah i am too but i suck at typing on my phone. big thumbs little keys yueeep im a failure

-unsmellify idk my coords***

uhg typos for lyfe

>> No.6992555 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go back to tumblr, jesus christ.

>> No.6992561

So pretty!

>> No.6992564 [DELETED] 

as you command~~~

id say stop being cuunts buuuttt its /cgl/ and that would be like peeing in a sea of piss~

still gunna lurk~

>> No.6992575

This, also it appears your skirt is VERY low on your torso, that doesn't look like your natural waist, and it sitting on your hips is going to make it even harder to accentuate your waist.

Your wig and face are nice but your coords are boring as fuck.

>> No.6992580

yeah, Idk. I really want to add more to my gothic coord, but the problem is i die of heat in it. I was thinking of a floral crown or something like that but I'm really just not sure what.

>> No.6992590

>floral crown
like anon said, go back to tumblr. and don't be a cunt to people on 4chan when you've already posted your face, it can be found in the archives and people will hold it against you.

>> No.6992595 [DELETED] 

Did I miss something rich here?

>> No.6992606
File: 2.83 MB, 1326x1650, justthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing much anon.


>> No.6992616

>lost my motivation to lolita
It shows. They're fantastically uninspired.

>> No.6992623 [DELETED] 

Like most black women, you need to lose some weight.

>> No.6992672

I second what some people already said. The black isn't really adding much to the coord, a cute red cardigan and white/cream colored legwear would be cuter. Good job on keeping the red consistent through the hat, purse and shoes!

>> No.6992691

Yeah, it is a little low. It's about an inch/inch and a half under my natural waist.

I'm getting there, anon. Lost 60 lbs already. 20 lbs to go until I reach my goal. Just hit a plateau for the moment. Thank you for your concern.

>> No.6992766 [DELETED] 

I think you mean, like most western women?

>> No.6992842 [DELETED] 

..She looks fine to me? Doesn't even look overweight.

>> No.6992858 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 430x626, fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Nigger women are naturally fatter then everyone else.

>> No.6992865 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 1391x745, niggersows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be pretty fucking fat then.

>> No.6992875 [DELETED] 

You're hilariously stupid, or just a troll with nothing better to do than make random girls feel fat.
I'm underweight and I hate it. She looks perfectly healthy. Look at how retarded you are.

>> No.6992893 [DELETED] 

Could you not?

>> No.6992899 [DELETED] 

Did I seriously get the post I called her fat in deleted? What has happened to my /cgl/? Stupid tumblr cunts, get out. OMG IM BUTTIFULL NO MATTER HOW FAT AND GROSS I AM. ITS THE PATRIARCHYs FAULT I OVER EAT. The girl has a wide waist. Being offended by me pointing it out does now make it any less true, fatties.

>> No.6992905 [DELETED] 

Everyone who posts in /cgl/ is fat as shit. You are fat. I am fat. We just eat and bitch here.

>> No.6992919 [DELETED] 

And your concern for my weight has been duly noted. Could you not derail the thread though? If you'd like to call me fat some more, you can hunt down my tumblr where you can see my wide waist in all its glory. Just leave the thread be, please?

>> No.6992936
File: 183 KB, 317x693, loli coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this a few weeks ago, anyone know of some good sailor/nautical themed tights that could go with this?

>> No.6992939

It kind of looks more rockabilly than loli, I think because of the glove and the skirt shape. It doesn't quite have the loli poof.

>> No.6992941

Also I forgot to add, I'd work on your posing, right now you look so stiff, like a barbie doll (not in a good way).

>> No.6992956 [DELETED] 

>So many Europeans in the low-risk groups
Feels good to be the master race

>> No.6992959

The set is very cute but I agree with >>6992939 that it doesn't look like the skirt shape is quite right for lolita. I don't mind the accessorizing though. I'd also change the shoes to a heel.

Agreed with >>6992941 too, relax your arm for chrissakes, and put the weight on one leg with the other bent slightly.

>> No.6992962

Yes, I love this. Best post in thread.

>> No.6993262


I can't even see the shoes

>> No.6993537

No, I'd agree with this anon, considering how shitty, mismatched and incomplete the rest of the coords (and photos) posted so far are. It's still not amazing, but it's better by comparison.

>> No.6993607

I used to get self conscious and depressed because cgl called me fat, ugly, and couldn't understand why I was popular. Then I see self post threads like these and it all makes sense, and I don't feel bad anymore at all....

>> No.6993623

is it okay for me to selfpost a coord i have on my mannequin?

>> No.6993633

I wasn't popular but cgl called me fat and ugly a lot and accused me of being a ho to afford my brand. Thinking the same thing as you now. The seagulls who cried vendetta or jelly were right.

>> No.6993651

I know right? Or they'd be like "her coords are boring!!! The pinks slightly mismatch!!!! Why do other people like her coords I don't get get it!!!"
Cgls just get mad whenever some one has better clothing or more attention than themselves. They can deny it all they want but everyone knows its true.

>> No.6993662

One reason why I don't self-post here. I'm not skinny, despite losing weight, I will never have a skinny body type. I'm not ~beautiful~, but I'm confident enough about my appearance. I'm relatively new, and despite being able to put together decent enough coords, they aren't exciting (yet anyway). I just like the collecting aspect. But bitches gonna hate because I'm not pretty enough to deserve the stuff they should've gotten. It's like, bitch, you could've gotten it too if you were fast enough it's got nothing to do with looks and everything to do with luck.

>> No.6993851


>> No.6993867


>> No.6994013

This thread is completely useless *sigh*

>> No.6994247
File: 1.52 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok cgl ill bite. Sorry for the nasty bathroom shot, it's the only one I have on my phone of me wearing it.

I love this coord, but it feels really bland and stereotypical sweet lolita. What could I do to change it up a bit? I can post a picture of it lying flat as well to show socks/shoes.

>> No.6994254
File: 341 KB, 948x1014, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying flat

>> No.6994281

YOU ARE ADORABLE (Im sorry this isn't constructive at all)

>> No.6994306

My suggestion would be to change the shoes and the headbow. It looks like the dress is doing all the work and maybe a cuter pair of heels and a more detailed headbow as a statement piece might look a bit nicer.

P.S: you're a cutie patootie

>> No.6994318

I think you should consider repeating the dress's ivory color elsewhere, maybe some smaller hairclips or another small bow. I also agree with anon that maybe a change of shoes would be good as well.

>> No.6994321

Thank you for the suggestions! Tomorrow I will try and see about improving this outfit and maybe post results. I'm pretty sure I have a red cardigan somewhere.

You sound so surprised.

>> No.6994346

wow cute

>> No.6994366

>>6994306 >>6994318
Its hard to tell, but theyre actually wedges so they have some height to them. I just dont know what other types of shoes to wear with them.

no u :3

>> No.6994496

Sew-loli, I just wanted to let you know that you're still cute and still good at sewing

>> No.6994820

Maybe a fancier blouse would make it more interesting. You could try to make the dress look classy rather than sweet. Also, nix the flats. Flats are not okay for lolita. If you want to go in a fancier direction, a pair of mid-calf length boots with a heel would look nice (and replacing the shoelaces with a ribbon is a good touch for making boots more loliable, by the way);

>> No.6994827
File: 86 KB, 280x373, bk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and by "fancier" I mean something more like this, with a pretty tie around the neck and more delicate sleeves. Chiffon blouses are great for classing things up.

>> No.6995353
File: 24 KB, 530x800, 6BAFB302-8E00-4322-BEC1-F4626B6E2A6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that blouse is cute and a great idea!

Not sure if you saw my other comment, but theyre not flats, theyre wedges. Very similar to this style.

>> No.6995656
File: 398 KB, 361x734, noface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an old school loli 4life, hopefully I'm doing it right?
Is this blouse too severe?

>> No.6995670

It is a bit severe. The rest of the coordinate is very nice though.
I'd go for a blouse that's a lot slimmer at the arms, that one is way too baggy. Shorter cuffs would work as well, I don't mean shorter so that your wrist is showing, I mean the cuff as a whole should be shorter so it should start further down the sleeve.

>> No.6995687


I like it a lot.
looks like old school done right in my book.
Do agree with >>6995670 about the blouse, but it seems you were already aware of this otherwise you wouldn't ask.

>> No.6995702

Thank you anon, I have a cuter blouse heading on it's way to me soon, hopefully it's not too baggy on me

>> No.6995774

If you don't like the thread, why don't you stop posting in it, buttwad
I think this thread is a good idea, provided the anons actually give help and not just spew vendetta and jealousy. They've proven to be ok so far.

>> No.6998213
File: 107 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mqkhrePpJm1s5w20ko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time wearing lolita in public even if it's super casual but wanted to keep it toned down to just wear out and about. Waiting for my matching hat and longer petticoat to go with this to come in the mail.

No make-up on in this shot but oh well.

>> No.6998217

>c even if it's super casual but wanted to keep it toned down to just wear out and about. Waiting for my matching hat and longer petticoat to go with this to come in the mail.

needs a headpiece and a different blouse

>> No.6998223

What sort of headpiece? I tried flowers but it looked a bit weird.

>> No.6998226

But, she has a hat coming. Is a hat not a headpiece?

>> No.6998234

blouse looks incredibly out of place, but that's an interesting side braid thing you did with the wig there

>> No.6998235

Diff anon but
Headpieces don't have to be items! If you don't have any hair accessories, try using elaborate braids and hair styles. Or letting your ears show and wearing big, matching earrings. Anything that attracts attention to your head and face and balance out the size and extravagance of a the dress.

>> No.6998243

Have some elaborate braids in the wig (they don't show well in the picture though). The big braid is made up of about 4 other smaller braids but I do see what you mean that the hair does look a bit plain even with those. I'll try maybe an elaborate up-do for the next go round. Maybe that might show better and look better with the outfit. Next time I should have some more time and don't have to worry so much about the hair (going grocery shopping and it was really windy as it was about to rain) so I'll definitely try to incorporate your suggestion.

>> No.6998249

I see what you mean. I was trying to match the reds with the belt and wanted to use a more casual blouse to make the outfit appear more casual but think I might have missed the mark though I will say it does look at least a little better in person. What color/style would you recommend? I'm a bit of a beginner so I'm open to any sort of recommendation.

>sage because this was supposed to be a part of my last post

>> No.6998287

I actually like the blouse a lot, but I agree some kind of headpiece is necessary. I think you also need more petticoat if you want to call it lolita, even if you're trying to keep it toned down; the skirt looks totally flat here.

I can't see your leg or footwear so can't comment on that. Overall it's a nice outfit but I wouldn't call it lolita.

>> No.6998324 [DELETED] 

Yeah, the petticoat I'm wearing with it was a lot more dead than I thought. I've had it for like 2 years at least so it shouldn't have been too surprising. That's why I'm ordering another petticoat currently, just didn't arrive yet but I'll definitely be switching it out before I wear this again and adding the hat I also ordered.

But thank you very much

>> No.6998328

Yeah, the petticoat I'm wearing with it was a lot more dead than I thought. I've had it for like 2 years at least so it shouldn't have been too surprising. That's why I'm ordering another petticoat currently, just didn't arrive yet but I'll definitely be switching it out before I wear this again and adding the hat I also ordered.

But thank you very much

>> No.6998366

I never understood how creating a first coord is difficult if you've done your basic research. My first try after learning what actually constituted as lolita wasn't particularly original, but it was flawless. It's really not that hard to not fuck it up if you have an elementary idea of what you're doing.

>> No.6998371

Post it then if it was so flawless. Your argument seems rather full of holes if you're so proud yet won't post it for critique.

>> No.6998376
File: 35 KB, 180x200, 1292686091193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look how flawless I was!
>I did everything right and everyone else sucks!
>I'm the best!
>Doesn't post a coord

>> No.6998388

I have no pictures of it, this was years upon years ago. I never said I was proud of it, I just said it was flawless. Because it was. There was absolutely nothing even remotely ita about it because I knew what to stay away from. If you read about the fashion and know what is actually lolita, it shouldn't be difficult to manage.

>> No.6998389

Most itas don't think they're itas you know.

>> No.6998392

>I did everything right and everyone else sucks!
>I'm the best!
Nothing in my post implies either. You're projecting.

>> No.6998395

>so proud
>saying it wasn't outstanding but was still not ita and fucked up
She doesn't sound ~so proud~.

My first coord was rather ok, too, if somewhat plain. It's not hard to not fuck up ikf you're not aiming for supah original creative OTT coord.

>> No.6998398

>Still doesn't post a coord, at all, but keeps asserting that they're flawless in a thread COMPLETELY for posting coords

Why are you even posting in this thread? Just to declare your superiority? Your post was completely unrelated to the whole thread. That was my point.

>> No.6998401

That's because most itas deny the guidelines of the fashion, which I do not. Not sure why people are butthurt. I'm simply saying that putting together a decent outfit if you've read up on the fashion should not be a challenge.

>> No.6998402

But the point is she posted in a thread about posting coords just to brag about a coord she couldn't post. And "flawless" is a bit different from "not fucked up".

Sage for wasting my time on people that have no idea what this thread is for apparently.

>> No.6998403

yeah, looking at pictures of other people doesn't mean your outfit was flawless, sorry. You can't even 100% copy another lolita with an awesome outfit and say it's flawless, because you have no idea what colors/styles flatter YOU. So yeah, maybe it wasn't ita, but I'm sure it wasn't flawless

>inb4 'you're just bitter you were an ita mess your first coord!'

Yeah my first coord was terrible, no lie. It was all taobao (dear celine) and solids with a lightly patterned skirt, but it was still a hit and a miss, but god damn did I think it looked great. lol

>> No.6998404

But what does that have to do with this thread? No itas in this thread are denying the guidelines of the fashion. At least not right now.

>> No.6998408


>decent now instead of 'flawless'

keep back pedaling

>> No.6998411

You can stick to the guidelines and still be ita. Keep rationalizing your ita anon.

>> No.6998415

All I said was that I don't get why it's hard to fuck up a coord if you've done the research. For any competent human being, this should not be difficult. I did not say my coords were superior, I simply said I never made any ita mistakes after reading about what to do and what to avoid. How is this concept so hard to understand? It's clothing, not fucking brain surgery. It was relevant to the thread because the subject was being slightly discussed at the top.

Besides, no one else is posting coords, so why single me out for making a valid point?

>> No.6998421

Make your own thread then. Why post off topic shit in this one just to brag about yourself?

And I'm saying that if you didn't make a mistake, post a coord. I'd bet you brand that it isn't quite as "flawless" as you think.

>> No.6998424

Flawless=no flaws
Decent=no flaws
Never have I put together a coord with flaws. Not difficult. At all.
>You can stick to the guidelines and still be ita. Keep rationalizing your ita anon.
Only if you stick to the most basic guidelines (poofy skirt+something on your head)

>> No.6998425

They're not "singling you out", special-snowflake-victim-chan. They're asking you not to shit up threads.

>> No.6998427

The quality of your first coord has a lot to do with your budget. Even if someone can afford a brand dress, they may try to skimp in other areas like the blouse/legwear/shoes and they don't yet know what kind of offbrand finds suit the look.

>> No.6998431

Hardly means flawless. There are several outfits in this thread that are decent but they still have places that need to be improved or changed and thus are not flawless. If it is plain it is not flawless. Boring is a flaw.

But oh wise, lolita-sage, we obviously don't know as much about lolita as you.

>> No.6998439

Again, it was being discussed at the top of the thread, so it isn't that off-topic.

Obviously I'm not going to post a picture just to get insulted anonymously by some butthurt anon who can't grasp the idea that if you put enough time into researching lolita, it shouldn't be hard to not mess up at all.

Seriously, it's so fucking simple:
>get nice quality skirt or dress following lolita guidelines
>get nice quality complimenting blouse if not wearing an OP following lolita guidelines
>get matching socks or tights
>get matching shoes
>get matching accessories
>get matching head piece
>stick to good materials
>stick to colors and patterns that compliment each other and don't hideously clash
>make sure it fits you
>make your hair pretty
Bam, you're done.

>> No.6998445

>Never have I put together a coord with flaws. Not difficult. At all.

oh so every coord of yours is flawless, excellent, please give us pictures now.

>> No.6998446
File: 40 KB, 300x451, 1356622727294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Afraid of having her coord insulted
>Asserted that it was flawless


No one is arguing with you on guidelines. We like the guidelines. It's just you.

>> No.6998454
File: 10 KB, 445x431, 1293031202678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I'm not posting them in a thread about posting them because YOU GUYS ARE MEAN!

>> No.6998457

Oh holy shit, are you that chick who was Namefagging with your full name but refused to trip and we ran you off a couple weeks ago? Because you have the same typing style and high opinion of yourself. What a fucking laugh. At least it looks like you learned to post on anon.

oh and if it is you petite_berri your coords are hardly flawless.

>> No.6998462

Not anon, but you people are getting butthurt over a simple fact.
Flawless = Nothing remotely ita, according to anon.
After doing research, you have to be fucking stupid to fuck up dressing yourself unless you just suck at that in general. Quit going apeshit over nothing.

>> No.6998467
File: 13 KB, 306x204, 888000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by some butthurt anon

Oh you poor thing, you think it's only one person calling you out? Bless your heart.

>> No.6998471

This is 4chan. People will insult you over absolutely anything even if it's not actually true. You're obviously a newfag if you haven't seen people's pictures get thrashed on here over practically nothing to literally nothing just for the sake of doing it. That's the entire reason /cgl/ has such a bad reputation in the cosplay and lolita communities.

>> No.6998474

That's not the part that I think most people are annoyed with. It's more that she's bragging about her coords but won't post one even though the main topic of this thread is self-posting coords. And then continues to shit up threads even when people ask her to get on topic. I don't think anyone is arguing that it's hard to put together at least a decent coord. Her post was useless and she's trying to make it about her. That's the issue.

>> No.6998475

No, you said flawless = no flaws, aka PERFECTION. Stop back pedaling, though it is funny.

>> No.6998481

hahaha, you're such an idiot. I know you're not going to post a picture. herp derp congratulations on your 'it's my first day!' award

>> No.6998482

Every critique in this thread has been completely founded from what I've seen. There was no reason to shy away to begin with as almost everything has been con-crit which is the whole point of this thread.

>Sage because my coords aren't nearly good enough to get involved.

>> No.6998489

Again, not anon. Or she was just making a valid point with her own choice of words. Her definition of flawless wasn't that she was the best as she stated, she just meant it wasn't remotely ita from what I understand. You guys just love to shit up threads with your unneeded drama though.

>> No.6998497

>Complains about people shitting up thread by complaining that other people are shitting up threads
>Doesn't even sage or post a coord

And suuuure you're not, anon.

>> No.6998498

>you guys

>but I'm not one of you!1
>she says as she posts on cgl just like the rest of us

>> No.6998499

No. Not even aware of that drama.
Thank you. Refreshing to see some common sense finally.

I miss the good old days when pretty much every lolita seagull understood and preached this fact. God damn you, Tumblr, for overrunning the board with such ita mentality.

>> No.6998500


>you guys love to shit up threads!
>shits up thread defending self


>> No.6998508
File: 6 KB, 196x254, 1296298950909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not defending itas. We're just calling you a self-entitled cunt that doesn't know how to stay on thread topic.

Goodness anon.

>> No.6998511


>so weird, all my coords have been flawless
>wat.jpg post picture?
>no you guys are mean and i'm on topic!

Ok how aspie are you? yeah, talking about how tumblr shit up the board TOTES dates you, lol

>> No.6998521
File: 22 KB, 445x431, flawless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6998519

I'd bet all the brand in my closet that you either don't even wear lolita or you're actually poorly dressed as fuck. No one actually thinks this much of their style but is also too afraid to post a picture without actually being terrible.

>> No.6998527

Hey, I'm just saying that it seems like you guys are upset over something extremely stupid. Someone calls their coord flawless and says that lolita isn't a difficult hobby? How dare someone sound conceded in lolita of all hobbies, dressing myself in children's clothing is clearly a difficult and time-consuming hobby. You guys must've been a group of shitty landwhales when you started out if you think this is difficult.

>> No.6998529

You people really are reading way too much into her posts to the point of coming off as retarded. She already clarified what she meant.

>> No.6998533


>> No.6998536
File: 21 KB, 245x300, 61651321_2153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

herp derp I'm responding to you aooooobloooooooowaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.6998537
File: 371 KB, 500x236, 6s9zid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit itas say

But still hasn't gotten on topic.

>> No.6998540

>implying every coord ITT has been flamed
>implying we only give tons of shit to people who baww like fucking noobs

nice samefag btw

>> No.6998543
File: 88 KB, 500x375, 3015062728_6b27f9a6ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you said

>I've never put together a flawless coord (flawless = without flaw = perfect)

in a self post coord thread and never posted a picture. I'm not too surprised you got called out on being a special snowflake ita bomb, lol.

You really should just drop it.

>> No.6998546


>I've never put together a coord that WASN'T flawless

must be my fat whale fingers, lol

>> No.6998551

>thinks this much of their style
Once more, as stated all I said is that I don't make ita mistakes, not that I'm some inspirational amazing super duper original example of the bestest lolita ever.

Also as previously stated, this is 4chan. People are flipping out over a simple, totally logical statement I made. Obviously I'm not going to post a picture on an already hostile website when people are already being absolutely ridiculous over nothing legitimate. Again, simple common sense I fail to understand how you don't get.

Whatever, I'm out. It's like arguing with a child.

>> No.6998556
File: 4 KB, 192x192, jdsaklfasndfannaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess you could say that your post wasn't...flawless

>> No.6998557

Stay mad itaflake and next time shut your fat mouth and just post a picture on a fucking self post thread, moron

>> No.6998560

>I don't THINK I make ita mistakes

At least sage your fucking posts if you're going to keep shitting up this thread.

>> No.6998561

>defending a different opinion from mine
>must be samefag
They're actually not me, but okay.

>> No.6998562
File: 31 KB, 251x251, 1367718546448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god I'm dying

>> No.6998563

Heading out with you anon. They'll obviously say that this is you samefagging, but know that not everyone is fucking stupid on this site at least.
surprise surprise

>> No.6998571

God, good riddance. You weren't contributing anything anyway.

>> No.6998582

>people thinking putting together an outfit is difficult after doing the appropriate research
>people thinking this to the point of flaming a girl for claiming she can because it is oh so impossible
I fear for the future of the fashion

>> No.6998584

What? Who even said that? They just thought she was shitting up the thread. Kind of like you're doing now by bring this up just as it ended.

>> No.6998585

Because your bitching about it was totally contributing.

>> No.6998586

>Says she's leaving
>Continues to bitch

At least I sage, butthurt-chan

>> No.6998591

They're jumping on her, calling her out to prove she has accomplished this. That implies they think it's hard enough that photographic evidence is necessary.

>> No.6998593

Just having read this I thought the same thing. She sounds so much like petite_berri, assuming that she isn't.


>> No.6998595

I thought you were leaving? if not, again, we fucking ask you to stay on topic and self post. Again. We plead for you to stop being an aspie shit poster.

>> No.6998604
File: 139 KB, 430x600, 1370672671457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus. You can't actually be this stupid. Like actually.

>> No.6998606

No, they are jumping on her because she is posting in a SELF POST thread without SELF POSTING and simply saying 'oh all my coords are always flawless, that's so weird that people would need concrit if they look at enough pictures. I am aghast at how hard this is for people! Did I mention I am flawless and never made a single mistake? How could I possibly post a picture when I already know I am perfect. Why are people getting mad I'm not posting pictures? how strange, I thought this was a special snowflake perfection anon never post pictures thread, ahoo hoo my mistake! (Still flawless though)'

>> No.6998618
File: 29 KB, 396x575, 1319677346838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd

>> No.6998627

Yeah, pretty sure it's her. Remember when she said she was going to make a video on the 'right' way to be a lifestyle lolita? loling to the bank

>> No.6998634

If she actually makes that I will never be sad again.

>> No.6998698

dat wig, wheres it from anon??

>> No.6998697

>tfw all I wanted to do is look at other lolitas to get ideas for when my first dress comes


>> No.6998779
File: 265 KB, 768x1024, SDC12681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I flawless yet? I did everything the handbook said...

>> No.6998784

Change the black shoes for pink ones, get some strawberry themed accessories to match your socks. Otherwise, not bad, just a bit plain.

>> No.6998786

Oh, forgot to add- and get a petticoat, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.6998789

spoiler: this is not me, just an example of how a "flawless coord" can go wrong

>> No.6998793

I wouldn't really call that a flawless coord gone wrong as there's no petticoat.

>> No.6998800

It's not "flawless", not even by satirical means because YOU FORGOT THE PETTI.

>> No.6998851
File: 98 KB, 439x816, 20130617_152655-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The umbrella isn't part of it, it was just raining and that was the best thing I could find. My first coord, I had a pretty slim budget so I couldn't afford many accesories.

>> No.6998866

yeah I think you missed the part where she said flawless meant 'without flaw/perfect' so miss matching shoes, not wearing a petti, and the socks would be considered flaws.

I remember you posting about this dress? I've never been a fan of F+F designs (what's up with the neck mesh? ugh) but I would not use that shawl. The reds don't match. You could go with a black shawl I guess? Or maybe throw some gold accessories in, and get tights with gold markings. I would really do away with the black and go white/ivory but you can't get away from the stupid black collar part... Looks decent for a first coord. Just think about switching the shawl out to a different color. Try some gold accessories/accents. And even try going for white/ivory socks/tights and blouse/bolero.

>> No.6998867

Wow, I remember you posting about getting that dress. I was very happy for you, Anon.

I would say save up for a blouse of some sort, and a wig as well. Maybe a black blouse, and you could use that shawl as a veil. I don't know, but I think that'd look pretty cool.

Also, don't be afraid to pose a little. Dance around, don't close up. You're really pretty and should let yourself shine.

>> No.6998886
File: 374 KB, 735x980, 20130617_202240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The back for hair reference.

>> No.6998895

I'll get a black one in case it's nipply out, since I tried to get a blouse under there but holee shit that wasn't happening without making me look lumpy and weird. I just really hate exposed arms so I did my best.

I'm going to be getting some wigs soon (fingers crossed!) so I can spruce my look up a little. Also thanks that's very kind of you to say.

>> No.6998924

I actually don't mind the shawl, but I do think you need a lot more black in the coord to balance out all the red, right now it's too much, too saturated. I agree with a black shawl, and also add some jewelry.

>> No.6999076

Maybe add a black belt to balance it out. I agree that the shawl doesn't match. Otherwise, you look very cute! That's an admirable first coord.

>> No.6999209

The co-ord is really nice and simple and I think you did a good job. I'm not keen on the hair, however, looks kind of limp and unkempt. How did you style it? Did you have a specific look you were going for?

>> No.6999212

It just does that naturally.

>> No.6999274

I need some advice on what I can do to make my Melty Chocolate co-ordinate more interesting. Sorry the pictures aren't very good, it's from the last time I wore it. It was super hot that day, so I didn't wear a lot of make up because it just didn't stay very well.

>> No.6999278
File: 683 KB, 709x436, Melty Chocolate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and captcha ate my pic

>> No.6999281

What's your legwear? You are really cute.

>> No.6999283

That dress does not look like it fits you.

>> No.6999286

With this anon. Looks a little big.

>> No.6999290

The color and size of the wristcuffs camouflaged too easily with the dress, making your arm and hand area look uninteresting and naked. Maybe aim for more bold bracelets and rings with charms? :) Otherwise, its a very pretty coord and I like your wig choice!

>> No.6999295
File: 411 KB, 395x444, shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I admit, on this day it was terrible because I didn't wear socks and I wore my comfy brown boots since we had to run to catch the boat. But normally I wear these socks and brown heels.

Yeah, it doesn't fit me that well sadly. I've not got the boobs to fill it out.

Thank you. I have the matching Melty Chocolate plastic bracelet, although that's more mint/brown again. What sort of bracelets would you suggest? Like brown/chocolate theme over minty/white colours?

>> No.6999300

where's that wig from?

>> No.6999302

If you plan to have the dress for a while, have a tailor bring it in for you. I can't imagine it would cost much, but having it fit properly will really help!

As far as footwear, I assume the shoes are brown? They're cute. If youre looking for more detail though, see if you can find or make shoe clips that go with the dress and/or head accessories! It doesnt have to just be bows either.

Not a fan of the striped socks with the dress. Would suggest patterned tights. (Not striped!) If you can find it, tights with the light color (s) as the base and the brown details mixed in. Am on my phone so i cant look through bookmarks for links right now.!

>> No.6999304

Lockshop. It's the mermaid beachy one.

I love the idea of shoe clips! I've been searching for some tights to go with this since the socks were just part of the full Melty Chocolate set. Going to hunt for some now.

>> No.6999308

The matching bracelet is good! It has size, and it fits with the theme of the coord. In all honesty, I can't really suggest what specific colors or products. It all really depends on the ensemble as a whole. But if it were me, and with that print, I'd look for chocolate/candy charms, chess charms, or chocolate pearls. Not enough girls wear good quality chocolate pearls!

>> No.6999324

thank you so much anon, you've been really helpful.

>> No.6999557

I bought it off of ebay, the sellers name is jewelry-shop2009 They dont have the color any more, but similar styles!

>> No.6999560

you are a cutie 3.14

>> No.6999824

You could get one of those double pushup bras. I never wear mine because it makes my boobs not fit into shirts, lel

>> No.6999832

god, you need to take it easy with the blush. whats up with girls going hard on the blush lately?
it looks like shit

>> No.6999834

wear a fucking petticoat you ita peice of shit. those black shoes don't go. you need a lot of work

>> No.6999838

that shawl-no.
that blouse is also as ugly as shit
2/10 would not want to rape my eyes by looking at again

>> No.6999844

that coord is cute as hell but those shoes?
no-no get yourself some black teaparties.

>> No.6999872

In that case I could try some pincurls! Since your hair already has natural bounce, pincurls will work really well. Or rag curls.

>> No.6999881

It doesn't even look like she's wearing blush...?

>> No.6999886
File: 32 KB, 312x247, 1356943497877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt lolita gf

>> No.6999927

Aww, thank you

Oh that's an idea! I'll give it a try and see how it looks.

I wasn't wearing any blush that day. Only mascara and eyeliner. Maybe I look a bit flushed from the heat?

>> No.6999939
File: 403 KB, 665x1455, tumblr_mq50ur0xIX1qfc6g2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably regret this but whatever. I know this dress is overworn and a typical bodyline ita piece but it's so cute and I love it.

>> No.6999964

The type of shoe really doesn't go, fix the bow or take it off(especially if you're wearing the cardigan, it makes it look too clunky)

Ideally you would have frames that match or contacts.

Style your hair a bit more instead of leaving it flat. Or at least brush it all over your shoulder.

>> No.6999984

I think a heel would look better than flat shoes, as well as a patterned or textured tights/socks rather than just plain socks. I agree with >>6999964 about the glasses. The glasses would suit a classic look rather than sweet, but I know glasses can be expensive so it's not a huge issue. The dress and cardigan look very cute on you, and you're so pretty! Your hair looks great, and I think if you did some styling (maybe loose curls? Or even a cute up do) it would look amazing.

>> No.7000041
File: 109 KB, 724x844, born to feel - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've felt that feel for a long time

>> No.7000049
File: 353 KB, 1217x1200, tumblr_mqe6i3gu121qfc6g2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys. I'll keep in mind about the shoes, although I'm curious as to what kind of heel you think would work. I have stumpy little legs so heels are always good for me.

As for the glasses, I think I have a pair that might go better. They're black rimmed Lipsy glasses with a little pink bow on the side.

Finally on the hair matter, it's no longer like that. I can't deal with long hair, as you can see I never know what to do with it. So I recently got it cut to this.

>> No.7000052


nah man I think anon's outfit looks good with the striped tights.
They're pastel and not clunky, so I dig it.

>> No.7000072

I think you'd look really cute with a volumised bob then. Little bit of backcombing the underneath layers, hair spray and curl the ends in towards your face a little.

>> No.7000292

your face looks really fat in that first pic. whats up with that?

>> No.7000301

>brand dress too big for her
never change /cgl/

>> No.7000307
File: 35 KB, 540x289, akaishi-face-roller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people have naturally round faces and chubby cheeks. Why do you think these things were invented?

>> No.7000318
File: 366 KB, 906x480, cccoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I need a little help.

I'm trying to be a little braver with this JSK, it's my dream dress and I feel like I don't put it to good use. I only ever wear it with brown.

I tried throwing together some pink-themed coords. I'd like to request some concrit! Which do you guys prefer and how can I improve them?

>> No.7000327

The blouse looks fine, but those socks don't really go. I can't quite place why. I think something more elegant to match the chiffon of the blouse.

>> No.7000328

I think it would look amazing with jewel tones. Green, purple, royal blue, deep orange.

>> No.7000333


Which ones? Or both? I have the Royal Queen OTKs in ivory too to replace the Drink Me ones. Oddly enough, I don't have another (plain) pink pair of OTKs. I do have pink ankle socks with ivory lace, do you think they'd work in place of the pink ones? And I have the DDC tights, but they're pink and lavender and there's no other lavender in the outfit.

>> No.7000341


I don't have many jewel tones in my wardrobe unfortunately. I do like to pair it with wine or lavender on occasion, though.

>> No.7000347

jesus christ girl, having a bad day?

>> No.7000355

yes. and I'm not afraid to admit it.

>> No.7000368

Ah sorry, I meant the pink ones on the left pic. Do you have a pic of the ankle socks? It depends on what sort of look you're going for. If you want something a bit more casual, ankle socks are great. If you want to look a bit more dressy, go for tights or OTKs.

>> No.7000411
File: 269 KB, 1020x1530, socks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can't find a picture of the colour I have, but mine are these except much paler pink.

>> No.7000551 [DELETED] 


I like the general idea you have, it's really elegant and pretty.

I agree with the other anon, the pink OTKs don't look right, but the ankle socks sounds really cute. The other is nice, but there's just something off. Do you have headwear?

>> No.7000570
File: 449 KB, 638x359, 13523487893114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7000604
File: 29 KB, 208x633, yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, here goes...This is my first coord. My crummy bag and con pass aren't very flattering. It was super windy outside, thus the strangely shaped petti, also, I had last minute difficulties with an underskirt for my gigantic self, so the one I was wearing was completely destroying and squishing my petti, that problem is thankfully solved. I'm now working on getting way nicer shoes and accessorizing better.

>> No.7000969
File: 1.23 MB, 368x207, 2bmnh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are we supposed to critique you if you've already made excuses for everything wrong with your outfit? Looks like you're already aware that it was a pretty mediocre attempt.

>> No.7000977

This was my thought exactly...

>> No.7000994

The hat is too big and dramatic given that the rest of your outfit is pretty toned down. I also find it kind of weird that you have a hat that large tipped back like a bonnet rather than actually on top of your head.

It's difficult to see, but something about the blouse looks off to me, I think the lack of a cuff seems weird coupled with what look like fitted sleeves.

Also, slightly more interesting legwear would help, even if it's just a subtle lace pattern.

>> No.7001004

I feel like your accessories are a bit... hackneyed. The chocomint stars and matching headbow are pretty, but not very interesting. Maybe try wearing some less common stuff. For example, I think a beret would like nice with that, or maybe some kind of hat.

>> No.7001007

I agree that the shoes are the wrong colour. Some white or pink mary janes would look nicer. You could use a hair accessory are well. You're hair looks lackluster compared to the eye-catching frilliness of the rest of your outfit.

>> No.7001009

I think tights would look better than OTK socks for this coord. I would stick with the pink shoes unless the tights are pink. Otherwise, I like what you're doing with that dress.

>> No.7001017

Your skirt is yanked up way too high. Yes, it is high waisted, but where you have the flare going out is giving you the wrong proportions. The top of it shouldn't be sitting right underneath your boobs. Don't know why anyone hasn't said this already...

>> No.7001839

I'm pretty sure it's a JSK not a skirt

>> No.7001907

like an underbust JSK?

>> No.7002066

It is a shorter jsk with a lace bib top she could stand to lengthen the straps though.

>> No.7002508
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 12S09304_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I just didn't want criticism on things I already know look bad, that's pointless.
It was the wind making the brim of the hat tip like that, but it being too big was noted. Maybe next time I'll try a simple updo with some flowers? This is what I was wearing for tights..but I wouldn't mind something that stood out more, you can't tell in photos at all that there was a texture to them.
Thank you for the concrit anon.
Straps lengthening noted.

>> No.7002515


You remind me of my RA a couple years ago

>> No.7002615

fuck I love old school
I'm a pastel vomit sweet lolita, why is this so cute?
black and white old school is awesome.
sage for no contribution

>> No.7002871
File: 357 KB, 640x480, confused-sae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck?

>> No.7003468

I think youre cute! But I agree, different shoes.

>> No.7003490


>> No.7007423

Okay, just don't take it out on the girls in this thread.

>> No.7007690
File: 318 KB, 599x717, imsorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey cutie, glad to see you're back!
I had a few ideas for you since you didn't give up on coming to cgl for advice, you're clearly a trooper and I want to try and help you out!
First of all I want to apologize for the shit quality of the collage though, lol. I was trying my best to keep your tight budget in mind and not get too crazy. I also had to lighten/desaturate the stock image quite a bit because the dress looks much lighter in your photo than the royal red they suggested. No matter the case, just mind your reds and you'll be fine because I think you'll be safest going with black or white accessories anyway (and maybe some silver for jewelry).

>> No.7007692

Some other thoughts, too.
The collar of your dress is so problematic because, while I agree that you need *something* there to cover your shoulders, I can't see you comfortably fitting a typical lolita blouse under it without it bulging or looking lumpy in places. The only solution I could think of was maybe to go with a caplet instead, though I think it would be even better if you found one that had a straight hem all the way across the bottom and covered the mesh area of the dress completely. Of course this leaves the problem of having your arms look very bare, so I thought you could try some long black gloves (not fingerless gloves though, so help me god), and you could dress them up with maybe a red rose cameo bracelet or ring or something (again, just mind your reds). Just make sure to avoid "costume" quality gloves, they never fit nicely and people can always tell they're shit.
Since you've got a great opportunity for it, I would do like another anon suggested and try pincurls in your hair (if you reeeally don't want to wear a wig), along with either a nice black beret or maybe a red/black fascinator with roses in it. The clutch is pretty straightforward, though if you found one you like that looks a bit more plain than this one maybe dress it up with a red silk rose too? I'd try a more elegant style of shoe too, though I'm not ballsy enough to try matching red shoes with this dress lol.
I'm pretty bad with tights too, to be perfectly honest with you. I'm not very adventurous and I tend to fall back on very simple legwear so someone else may have better recommendations for you in that department.
I hope I at least gave you some new ideas though, this dress is really tough because the collar/mesh area looks almost fetishy compared to the rest of it. I'd almost recomment having a skilled seamstress remove it, but it looks kinda structural (I'll bet you'd have a hard time keeping the shoulders from slipping down without it). Good luck anon!

>> No.7007695

And now that I look at it, the dress itself doesn't really have a vintage look to it and I may have gone too 20's with the rest of the coord. You could probably loli it a bit harder if you had a long black wig and a different bag though. I don't know, I'm thinking too much about it now, lol.

>> No.7007696

This is cute.

>> No.7007697
File: 355 KB, 723x679, 1361248132036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, are you the one collageanon put this coord together for?

>> No.7007747

Awwwwww shit

>> No.7008633
File: 1021 KB, 500x281, sasha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]