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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6993938 No.6993938 [Reply] [Original]

When it comes to cosplaying, if the character obviously shows cleavage or has her chest hanging out, is it alright to portray that or does it just make you some try-hard and fake nrrd girl?

I ask only because there are characters that I do enjoy from series, but they show a lot of chest. I'm hoping to create a Mileena cosplay, as well as a Li Mei one.

Does cosplaying a "sexy" character, even if you genuinely like them, make you as bad as JNig and Yaya?

>> No.6993946
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Maybe if you were a STEM major, you would be interested in new things rather then just posting the same stupid shit over and over.

>> No.6993967


Uh, I have no idea who you are and this is the first thread that I've made in here. These would also be my very first "revealing" cosplays and I'm asking because I'm nervous of backlash, but I should still be able to cosplay characters that I've liked for a long time.

>> No.6993979

Just do what makes you happy and do it well.

If anyone says you're not a "real" fan... Well, they said it. It's not really that big of a deal, because you're enjoying yourself.

I myself enjoy seeing sexy cosplays, so I won't fault anyone who does one and does it well.

>> No.6993987

If you're accurate to the source material, then I doubt people will say anything. It's only when people deviate from the original design to make outfits more revealing that people call bullshit.

>> No.6993998


Oh, no. I wasn't looking to do anything like that. I wanted to try Mileena's standard outfit from Deception, as her alternate is just a little bit too much for me and I'd be paranoid of an accidental crotch shot. I also prefer Li Mei's standard outfit, because I'm not a fan of the headpiece that her alternate comes with. I have the body (I hope to god that that doesn't sound stuck up, I'm not trying to be) and I really like them both as characters and I wanted to give this a shot.

>> No.6994000

Don't worry sis, he's a mentally ill individual who wants to have sex with you.

>> No.6994016

I really hate this mentality, that if you show off cleavage or mid drift or whatever else that you are only in it for attention and you must have not put much effort into the costume.

I have a costume with a very low plunging neckline. It still doesn't plunge as low as it should but I pretty much hade to engineer my own bra to give me the proper support, lift, and security while in the costume. It was far from easy.

>> No.6994020

Go for it, then. Nobody can realistically stop you from doing whatever you want, but if you're worried about negative attention, I think you'll be fine. You might get one or two hardcore neckbeards who'll bitch about you just because they have nothing better to do, but that's about par for the course.

>> No.6994027

People will more likely label you as fake nrrd gurl if you put your own "twists" on existing character like putting Bane in a bustier or putting whore makeup on Fluttershy or Danerys Targaryen. Accuracy is key.

Most people won't call you a fake nerd gurl to your face though, but when they're invisible on the internet they're tear you apart for every stitch and fold out of place, any visible body fat or call you anorexic if you have none, question your purity and a bunch of other weird shit people only do under the veil of the internet.

>> No.6994033

STEM = Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics.
I have no fucking idea what this guy is harping on about though.

>> No.6994029


And, this is exactly why I asked. I really don't want to be seen as some "fake nerd" or on the level of Yaya/JNig, just because they've sort of.. well.. ruined certain aspects of cosplaying. There are characters that I've always really enjoyed, but never cosplayed them as a teenager because I didn't have the funds and because I didn't feel that I was developed enough.

Well, I'm 22 now and I feel that I've waited long enough. I've been busting my ass with tightlacing and I've been a ballerina since I was 9. Sure, I may not have huge, fake boobs like the aforementioned, but my B's make me happy and my boyfriend. I like the idea of these strong, female characters who can be beautiful whilst taking no shit from anyone.

Sorry if that came off weird or anything. Otakon is right around the corner and I'm stressing over last minute details.

>> No.6994034
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Accurate representation = good
Slutting up a character for no reason = bad

>> No.6994035


>> No.6994047

Some people think you're only allowed to like "nerdy things" if you got beat up/shunned through all of high school.

News flash men. You might have gotten punched and stuffed in lockers but girls got the joyous gauntlet of emotional torture that leave scars only women's sharp tongues can make.

>> No.6994051

Nice STEM major you got there Athens. You've been doing this for 10 years now, don't you ever get tired? I certainly don't.

>> No.6994058
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Who the fucking is athens
and I majored in engineering

>> No.6994064


Unfortunately, the group that harassed me in high school (consisting of four girls and two boys) vandalized my stepfather's car and threw pens at me in the cafeteria. And, nothing was done about the latter despite us having it on camera because the lead girl is black and I was told that this would all look racist and to just ignore them.

They didn't stop until I graduated and moved states away.

>> No.6994067

>Not buying laxitaves and or rat poison or the like and hiding it in their food
Wow it's like you didn't even want revenge

>> No.6994074


I.. don't really understand how I was supposed to slip those sort of things into their food unless I was a part of the kitchen staff..

>> No.6994093

Athens please.

>> No.6994118

Oh come on, that was a really reasonable and not even anti-woman post. I seriously can't believe you would compare that post to the most degenerate anti-woman poster on 4chan.

>> No.6994121

No, really
Who is athens

>> No.6994124

Why do people ask questions to which they already know the answer?

>> No.6994134

Who the fuck cares? If you like them, then cosplay them. The only people hating are jealous fatties. You'll get far more people appreciate your cosplay than those who hate it. Granted, you've got the body for it of course, otherwise you're just gonna get laughed at.

>> No.6994138

you know i had the realization that someone is going to end up making a genderbent version of the guys from Free! and have them in bikinis... and I don't think that I will have the self control not to go apeshit.

>> No.6994140


because even people who are actually into stuff get shit from the holier than thous? i got called a fake nerd just because i wear hollister because a group of weeaboos at my community college associate a clothing brand with attention whores. so fucking sorry that only certain stores carry clothing that fits me. i have to buy my shoes in the goddamned kid's section.

>> No.6994156
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>> No.6994163

go back to tumblr

>> No.6994168

I don't have a Tumblr. I couldn't find a still freak out image in my folder, so I just Googled.

>> No.6994173
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You see, there is a difference between a person who is cosplaying a sexy character and a person who takes any type of character and adds tits in the costume to get attention.

Since you want to cosplay a reviling character, it shouldn't be a big problem. Just as long as you stick to official designs and know the source material.

>> No.6994178


d-do you wear saddle shoes?

>> No.6994214


no but my ugg boots are childrens sized.

>> No.6994233
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>Wearing uggs at all

>> No.6994251


oh, shame.
but at least you can find a pair to go with your hollister top, huh?
And your skinnyjeans?

>> No.6994264

yeah god forbid i have shoes to quickly slip on when im heading out to work in the winter. treading snow in flats or sneakers is a bitch.

once again, god forbid i shop somewhere that fits me. im 4'8 and jersey is all about catering to fat bitches.

since when was there some sort of code that we all needed to dress a certain way in order to enjoy something? and then we bitch and complain about being judged.

>> No.6994271
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Uggs are not 'snow' shoes, but nice try.
They have no traction, and snow soaks through those fuckers in the matter of minutes.

Only dumb bitches who care about staying 'fashionable' bother to wear them in the snow. They aren't practical.

>> No.6994275

i wasnt trying anything. i live in new jersey and on the days that we get snow in the winter, thats what i typically throw on because its the easiest option. they keep my feet warmer than flats or sneakers would and thats all that i care about. again, why the cattiness? did people who used to bully you throw uggs at you or some shit? its a fucking shoe, calm down.

>> No.6994280


It's just fun giving you shit.

>> No.6994289
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>did people who used to bully you throw uggs at you or some shit?

>> No.6994303
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It isn't much better up in Massachusetts. I'm probably going to resort to making my own clothes, simply because stores either don't carry things that fit me or what they carry is hideous. Case in point; Forever 21, H&M, Wet Seal, Pac Sun, Tilly's, Love Culture. I've stopped giving a shit long ago about what brand makes me look like whatever clique someone wants to shove me into. I'm an adult. You wanna group me into x? Whatever. I just want clothes that fit me and look nice and don't fall apart after just one wash.

But, god damn. All of this hostility over what someone chooses to put on their feet. The people that I know who wear Uggs (some are even dudes) use them as knock-arounds, not fashion statements. The girls at my school where them with messy hair and sweatpants to class, because they aren't coming to class to impress anyone. They show up looking ratchet because they're there to learn and then leave, not to undergo some sort of fashionista competition.

>> No.6994304


I wish
I want this to be my tragic backstory

>> No.6994327
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I'm not exactly siding with you since I find uggs hideous, but I'm sure as shit getting tired of people being so loud about their hate for them. It's one thing to wear them in fashion, it's another thing to wear them casually because they're comfortable and an easy option.

Also lol@ the bully thing. So true.
>have annoying attention whore on my fb
>constantly whining about slut shaming, people bullying her, getting mad at people for saying she dresses like a ho
>makes statuses completely trashing uggs and other things that people wear

>> No.6994341

exactly. theyre easy. sneakers can get snow in them and provide no warmth and i have to wear khakis to work which are long and they get caught under flats. i wind up stepping on them and ruining the legs of my pants. i slip them on with khakis and a polo for work and i look tacky, sure, but im going to work as a cashier at a grocery store. im not there to be miss universe.

>> No.6994352

Same. NY here and my campus has a lot of ugg wearers as well. Nobody does it to be fashionable, but like you said they tuck in their pants legs so they won't get snowy and wet. I buy suede black boots and I do the same thing because if I wear sneakers or ankle boots then my pants get wet. Then I have to deal with wet feet and wet legs for the rest of the day.

>> No.6994364


I fucking used "where" instead of "wear". Oh my god. Alright, I'm going to sleep now.

>> No.6994421

Preach. Wtf is wrong with a "nerd" wearing trendy clothes? I do the same thing and con kids look at me like I'm a bitch.

>> No.6994448
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Because if you don't run around with badly dyed hair, trip pants, or shirts that showcase a series that you enjoy 24/7, you are somehow not a "true nerd".

"True nerds", according to those kinds of bitchy people, can't want to take care of themselves. We can't go to the gym. We can't buy facial products to keep oily skin or acne under control. You've had sex? GASP! You are NOT a real nerd! REAL NERDS don't get laid! We're too soshully awkwarddd to be near ppl!1!1!!!

You can't be attractive and enjoy anime, comic books, video games, etc because the only types who do that are attention whores like Jessica Nigri.

Honestly, both sides are guilty. The attention whores who only do this for attention and nothing more need to fuck off and the people who don't bother to get to know someone prior to making any sort of character assassination need to also fuck off. There is no written law anywhere that says that someone needs to meet certain physical requirements in order to enjoy something. And, god for fucking bid some of us take care of our faces and bodies.

>> No.6994578

Athens stop pretending to not know that you're Athens.

>> No.6994676

Just to mention, the letters of bras do not mean much when it comes to size. They only represent the ratio between the bust and underbust.

Get yourself a proper fitting. Don't go to Victoria's Secret. Their employees don't know shit on how to fit a bra (and they will always, always say you're a size that they carry because they only care about sales).

You can get a proper fitting either at a boutique, or even better, do it yourself with a tailor's measuring tape. Use the MyWifesBusty guide for how to do this:


>> No.6994689


I wore a 42DD for three years with extreme back pain before I went and got professionally fitted at a boutique and realized I was a 32H...
I'm now a happy 30G <: Trust me. Being "developed" is not a prerequisite for being a good cosplayer. I hadn't started cosplaying until last year because I hated my disgusting cowtits. Still do, but I'm planning on a reduction so I can reach DFC mode.

>> No.6994692
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like this
if the character dresses in a revealing way in canon you're good

>> No.6994701

Cosplaying as a sexy character is just dandy.
Doing a lolsexyfemversion of a character is frowned upon..

It shuts be beside there are SO MANY scantily clad character designs if you really want to show skin. Yet people insist on slutting up regular characters.

>> No.6994709


I've heard the same thing from friends of mine who have larger breasts. They want reductions like you do and they say that outside of a bra, their breasts look awful. They hate the staring, even when their cleavage isn't showing. They hate having to buy tops larger than what they are solely because of their breasts. I'm self conscious due to an altercation that I had with someone on another website. I was told that my cosplay would "probably be okay", but that Yaya's was the best.

I'm not trying to turn this into a hate thread, I'm really not, but I'm really fucking tired of the goddamned comparisons. I refuse to mar my body with a cosmetic surgery, because there is nothing wrong with me and a fucking bombshell bra and some silicons will work just fine.

Not to mention that Jessica Rabbit isn't all tits.

>> No.6994734
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>Not wearing Sorels

>> No.6994741

These look awesome.

>> No.6994743

This anon knows where it is at.

>> No.6994752


People are going to compare us regardless. Just know that you're so lucky you have cute boobs :( I just wanted hips and an ass. I have no ass and all this nasty cowtits, complete with stretch marks, and $9k down the hole to get a reduction (and I've only saved up $2k so far, from what I haven't used for school and cosplay, ugh).

Your cosplay is gonna rock, OP. Fuck the haters. You're probably a babe :)

>> No.6994962

And, now I'm going to cry because this was a sweet post and that's something that you don't see everyday. Thank you so much, Anon. You have what so many want and yet you're not a bitch about it.

>> No.6995329

god you people are horrible. requesting that pic of the female comedian saying girls wouldn't fuck a systems engineer. you are just stupid normalfags, just because you got bullied doesn't make you a nerd. you have to actually take school seriously and devote time into a scientific or musical field, not watch the big band theory.

>> No.6995330
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>> No.6995355

It's big BANG theory.

>> No.6995356


look how nerdy i am i corrected your spelling hurrr

fuck off m8

>> No.6995368
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>> No.6995373


look at this neeerdy cosplay its so accurate! teehee my bewbs are showing ew gross that guy asked for a pic he is totaly creeping on me!

>> No.6995380
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>> No.6995382
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this may be shoop

>> No.6995383


day off from the call center ;)

>> No.6995388

That's Adrianne Curry and her trainer as Mortal Combat chars. Not sure about the Rabbit though. But what's the point of celebrities walking around SDCC if they're covering their face? Sort of a "Tee Hee, I fooled the Peasants?"

>> No.6995418 [DELETED] 


wow a real celebrity nerd they're just like us i bet she plays the world of warcraft!

>> No.6995422


you can see the pain from being bullied and ignored by boys in her eyes, yet that never stopped her love of science.

>> No.6995427


america's next top model wow sooo succesful quit wasting your time STEM majors you could of just modeled and made soo much money

>> No.6995435

No, more like, "Yay I get to walk around without retarded people constantly bugging me"

>> No.6995442
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>I hadn't started cosplaying until last year because I hated my disgusting cowtits. Still do, but I'm planning on a reduction so I can reach DFC mode.

>> No.6995593


yea i'm sure america's next top model has more important things to do than to make small talk. retard.

>> No.6995637

Fuck off music is not even considered nerdy where I live because of all the arts schools in my city, and from what I see with the younger kids Glee made that a cool a popular thing. And when it comes to playing an instrument only the truly diehard lovers of it are any good because of all the time hey spend practicing and working hard at being good. Science is still frowned upon and I have no idea why. But as a book worm who spent all of her time hiding in the library from bullies who would throw shit at me in the lunch room or beat me up and steal my shit I think anything pertaining to the arts in general should be included in there since people are jealous little bitches. I love sketching and working hard at getting better at drawing and I am sick and tired of people claiming that I traced something or that I am only doing it for attention. Fuck you who told you to go through my things and open my sketch book without even asking. If I were doing it for attention I would have been shoving my drawings into everyone's face without asking. Since I don't do that why would someone assume I traced a picture than quietly kept it to myself. I just hate that people feel the need to tear each other down over every little thing. You do not have to be into science or play a musical instrument to be bullied. My only friend before I graduated high school was a girl with alopecia. She got tortured for being bald. Some people are just targets for being different.

>> No.6995651


going from G to flat will fuck your tits up

>> No.6995674

I don't think she wants them at all. So a flat chest whit a nipple can't really look that bad can it?

>> No.6995675

You're thinking of geeks. You can have nerdy interests like comic books and games while also being dumb. To be interested in academics is being a geek.
Although, big band theory sounds quite fun. Like Big Bang Theory but about brass/concert bands. Witty observations about band culture and camp until about 3 seasons down the line it becomes about laughing at the names of composers and making fun of someone just for playing an instrument...

>> No.6995680

I read this >>6995651 after I read this >>6995637. Going from a g flat at the lower end of your instrument's register to a g flat at the higher end of your instrument's register could fuck your lips up... But boobs? Maybe a viola or a french horn, something you could suddenly pull close to your chest...

>> No.6995692

Good fucking luck. Plastic surgeons will only take out as much breast tissue as they feel is safe. I seriously doubt you'll end up with a flat chest at all.

>> No.6995696

Who cares because boobs.

>> No.6995697

> So a flat chest whit a nipple can't really look that bad can it?

If its covered in permanent scars, yes

True, heres an example, this is NSFW
(yes we are allowed to link to NSFW on a SFW board as long as its marked)

>> No.6995700

I've got big boobs too anon (32J) and my boobs have stretch marks and sag from the weight but I say fuck it. They don't give me problems except when I want a cute dress, and I've got a chest size that a lot of women pay out the ass for. I don't give a shit what people want to say about them or compare me to because I like them.

I just hope Old Navy never goes out of business because their shirts are a godsend for my body.

>> No.6995707

Oh my god her bra was such a bad fit! No wonder she had back pain, that gore was sitting on top of the tissue and it didn't even look like the underwire was on her ribcage at all.

>> No.6995709

So if someone has a tumour then they shouldn't get it taken out because then they'll have ugly scarred boobs....

>> No.6995712

>You're thinking of geeks. You can have nerdy interests like comic books and games while also being dumb. To be interested in academics is being a geek.
That's literally the opposite of how it works.

An obsession with a useful, academic subject is being a nerd. An obsession with useless, trivial bullshit (like, say, comic books) is being a geek.

>> No.6995714

People who like revealing and poorly made costume
>Virgin neckbeards

People who dislike revealing and poorly made costumes
>Everyone else

It's not worth getting your pants in a knot or sand in your vag. If you want casuals, then do you shitty "sexy" cosplays.

>> No.6995721
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>> No.6995736

I've always wanted to be the girl with the brown hair. I've only seen a few comics from that artist and she seems like a cool person.

>> No.6995771

Sounds like a personal problem.

>> No.6995769


being bullied doesn't make you a nerd. and don't tell me about the music scene, god punk rockers are so the most judgemental and close minded fucks ever, i had this one kid tell me "oh i don't know notes LIKE A TRUE PUNK ROCKER" they don't like noise music however, funny.

and don't get mad just because i wasn't broad enough, maybe i should of said "arts" instead of music but still, i'm very annoyed by people that act like "oh i'm such a nerd but i party so hard haha i'm so awesome"

>> No.6995802

Artist is a dude.

>> No.6996000

B-but, anon, my bf is a systems engineer. And I'm an engineer too. Because I worked my ass off studying in college. Also, /mu/ plz go. Music's not needy.

>> No.6996011


>> No.6996013

being an engi isn't nerdy either
knowing how to into differential equations and shit doesn't imply that you can't have normalfag interests

>> No.6996015
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yes it is. it just doesn't seem that way anymore because cool people have raped it. and being nerdy is about going the extra mile to perfect something, anyone can get all A's in class if they actually work at it, but will they keep reading after the homework is done and really invest themselves in it and try to learn more? this is what a true nerd is, someone who doesn't just get from point A to point B, but really explores their interest.

>> No.6996025

Merzbow. Heck yeah.

>> No.6996033


>attempting to say that nerdiness is solely reserved for those who pursue obscure fields of study or technology

You are just as bad.


>my bf
>btw im a grill

>> No.6996040
File: 40 KB, 600x449, aunt&#039;s analoug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nerds can't make music, they said.

>> No.6996053

what was the purpose of her thong showing
>checks out artist
oh i see

>> No.6996099

The being bullied thing a big part of why so many people here are but hurt over casuals invading "MUH SECRET CLUB" And really being a nerd is about going out of your way to study and perfect something that you are interested in and love regardless of it being popular or not. I got bullied for being obsessed with literature, and art and for the time I spent on trying to gain as much knowledge and skill as I could in those interest. Hell I still do that. But also for my hobbies in Manga and Anime. And I know what you mean about those people, the ones who say "herp derp i'm such a nerd becuz I get A,and have glasses look at how drunk I am right nao! party hard every night. YOLO!" that shit needs to stop. I think I just misunderstood what you were trying to say in that other post.

>> No.6996118


yea i kind of had a feeling i was misunderstanding you as well, its hard to be honest and straightfoward about yourself especially nowadays with the whole social media contest thing but sometimes you meet nice people and that's what really makes life worth it. its easy to get caught up with trying to defend yourself all the time and it does catch me off guard whenever i met a nice cashier or someone tries to start a conversation with me, i guess i just need to remember to mellow out a bit and try to enjoy the few nice people in the world.

the truth is, life is hard at first for a nerd, because you don't really have much going for you in reality. i know using myself as an example, i don't do much except study or make music while the cool kids are partying and getting laid, but when i get older, they will still be working at fast food, fucking the same neighborhood skanks, while i will have a career and enjoy my hobby and hopefully have a wife.

>> No.6996150

>using that >btw im a girl shit here

The majority of this board is female, are you new or retarded?

>> No.6996243

People aren't really going to be upset if you're not doing "sexy ___" which is basically lingerie themed around something or your cosplay amounts to you flaunting your boobs and then bitching about getting attention for that. Or if it's not half-assed.

>> No.6996752

jesus christ just get some real boots, i have some cheap ass asian boots i got off taobao for like half the price or less than uggs and they keep water/snow out probably better. i do not know why you would claim they are for "comfort" at that point.

>> No.6998941

So, basically... Jessica Nigiri is a bench test?

>> No.6998983


>> No.6999421

I think a lot of the time, hot girls are only called fake girl nerds if they proudly proclaim that they're nerds when they're clearly not. That's one of the reasons why JNig gets so much hate. She might be a FAN per se, but she ain't a nerd by any means.

Your biggest problem here will be the amount of neckbeards and beta nerds fapping to your pictures.

>> No.6999490

ugly people should cosplay ugly characters

>> No.7003730
