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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 99 KB, 960x621, 993945_699854034886_1672158092_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6991492 No.6991492 [Reply] [Original]

Can we stop with this shit now?

Internet "burlesque" gijinkas at SDCC

>> No.6991501
File: 637 KB, 480x637, 1370238213823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy in the background
>mfw I saw this

>> No.6991507

It wouldn't bother me so much if they were actually well thought out well constructed designs. But it's just shitty cheap lingerie with shit hot glued to it. and of course because chloe's involved it'll be everywhere

>> No.6991510

Pinterest girl is pretty cute

>> No.6991515

It took me a second to figure out what the girl in white was supposed to be.

And no. It'll never stop. We couldn't stop the Yokos, the Homestuck, the Naruto, the Hetalia, the yaoi hambeasts, and so on. You have to wait for them to fade out of popularity.

>> No.6991526

You forgot Attack on Titan
The first legit anime fanbase to almost outnumber the Homestucks since Hetalia

>> No.6991535

If they've got a good ass on them, male or female, I'm not mad.

>> No.6991540

im still not sure who she is.

>> No.6991548

I'm going to assume...


kill me now

>> No.6991556

Who is she? I can't figure it out.

>> No.6991559

Reddit look at the little alien thing in her hair, took me awhile.

>> No.6991565

Oh I didn't even see that.
Good thing there wasn't a 4chan around or shit would've gotten real amirite?

>> No.6991566

It took me ages to figure out what the girl in b/w was. Then I realised that that tiny writing on her hat said wiki.

>> No.6991582

Can you stop women form being whores?


Then fuck off.

>> No.6991578

Oh... I dont go on Reddit...but thank you anon. It was really starting to bother me.

>> No.6991586

Their costumes are kind of silly and obviously just sort of thrown together but that doesn't make them whores, for fucks sake anon calm down.

>> No.6991614

eww, the google.

>> No.6991623

the second from the right is a MAN, BABY!

>> No.6991645

At east they're not obnoxious LOL SO FUNNY XDDD faggots

I don't really mind them imo

>> No.6991651

Sorry, my brother hacked my Internet Explorer so every time I write "strong independent woman" it changes to "whore". :/

>> No.6991656
File: 114 KB, 216x235, smug bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6991706


So fucking glad someone else said something about this. I can't stand knowing that the anorexic chick in white ( who is suppose to be god damn reddit ) is going to be representing the cosplay community on the scifi channel with that cosplay heros show.

I'm fucking ashamed. The only reason she is getting her own show is because she is on Chris Hardwick's dick.

Fuck her, google Chole Dystrake on tumblr for her nudes.

>> No.6991755

She's one of the people on the show that hasn't made any of her costumes. She commissions everything or half asses like this with a corset+accessory.

>> No.6991763

google and facebook are both pretty busted bitches

>> No.6991769

I wish there was a fat harry man as tumblr and every time anyone addressed him as he he would go into a fit of rage about pronouns and assumptions and how zhe is a beautiful proud transethnic German chiwawa asexual queer androgen and also a troll from homestuck.

>> No.6991774

>the REAL internet
top lel that would be fucking amazing.

>> No.6991788


Why the fuck does anything think they look good that skinny ?

The nerdist must like pounding little boys.

>> No.6991794

i'm glad you put burlesque in quotes because god damn this is no where near what burlesque costumes look like. this is like, hallowe'en slut burlesque.

>> No.6991839
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That delicious eating disorder thigh gap

>> No.6991847

Wiki is cute

>> No.6991857
File: 109 KB, 315x599, Wikipe-tan_full_length.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat Wikipedia
Jesus christ, they're all low-effort, but that one makes me extra mad since Wikipedia actually has a canon personification who looks absolutely nothing like that.

>> No.6991861

>Google's deflated tits

>> No.6991866
File: 32 KB, 218x265, pffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughing so hard.

>> No.6991875

.... I actually think this is cute.
Especially Wiki

>> No.6991878

holy shit that's scary
ED alley between her legs

>> No.6991893

I agree, but it would have been nice if they'd put a little more effort forth, like this anon said >>6991507

>> No.6991896

Meh. Why is is a big deal if two days before a con someone just put something together to wear with their friends.

Sometimes I just don't understand the logic on this board...

>> No.6991904

>Meh. Why is is a big deal if two days before a con someone just put something together to wear with their friends.
But that's not why they did it, they obvously did it for attention which they don't deserve because their outfits are badly-designed and badly-constructed. I'm not even mad, but using the excuse that they're just trying to have fun is silly.

>> No.6991907

I'm evaluating them specifically on the costumes.
Obviously it's okay to dress up for fun with your friends.
Cute idea, poorly exectued imo.

>> No.6991913

What is the correct way to pronounce gijinkas?

>> No.6991919


>> No.6991925

(at least that's the way I say it in my head... never had to say it out loud now that I think about it. )

>> No.6991926

People who cosplay any character that is not from an anime/visual novel/manga/light novel could all die in a fire for all I care.

>> No.6991949
File: 24 KB, 600x465, smugjaime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6991950

Seriously? How do you know what they were thinking? Everyone on /cgl/ automatically assumes that if a costume shows off boobs that the cosplayer did it for attention. It just makes you sound petty and like you jump to conclusions.

But if you don't care, then you don't care. I didn't assume you were mad either.

>> No.6991953

It's sad how the Reddit girl has the best "design."

>> No.6991958

I've considered making a gijinka design of a animal character I love before. I even wanted to make it a burlesque theme so I could have a reason to rhinestone parts and actually wear a girly, form fitting, costume (I don't normally wear many)... but threads like this really make me not want too.

This is why.

>> No.6991970

It's the only one that isn't ten tons of tacky.

>> No.6991972

Everyone except for Wiki and Pinterest girl look like awful trannies. That Le Rebbit girl is horrifying.

>> No.6992016

Needs more Tumblr girl.

>> No.6992034


it would be pretty hard to fuck that up.

>> No.6992065

I think Twitter wins the creativity award. Cooky like a costume should be and looks like a joke I can actually get. Everyone else tried to be too sexy... Except FB, that's just god awful.

>> No.6992101

>mfw kind of want Twitter's hat

>> No.6992154
File: 609 KB, 550x837, Screen Shot 2013-07-22 at 9.30.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they all look like your older, alcoholic ex-stripper cousins...

>> No.6992163

*barfs from all the plastic boning*
I really hope they break a rib from this shit.

>> No.6992253
File: 14 KB, 72x98, Screen shot 2013-07-23 at 9.02.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no brakes on the rape train

>> No.6992254

oh man I'm digging reddit's thigh gap

>> No.6992258
File: 137 KB, 293x282, stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6992259

10/10 would cosplay

>> No.6992293

Well I don't know, these girls look fit, sexy and cosplay something that most people are aware of.
As a layman, I must say they look better than someone who cosplays anime that nobody watches.

>> No.6992303
File: 665 KB, 1280x964, 1372279198080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look better
>shitty thrown together outfits

>> No.6992311

Sometimes less means more.

>> No.6992315

Aka: My dick is happy so get that sand out of your vag

>> No.6992324

That looks like fucking tinfoil.

>> No.6992328

Those horrible fucking lingerie pieces don't flatter anyone no matter how skinny you are.

>> No.6992341
File: 3 KB, 100x100, DanBackslide-405224_100_100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they gaev me a boner so they r gud cosplayerz

>> No.6992348
File: 71 KB, 448x473, tumblr_mkdrsfDynf1qcisquo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also what's with all the vendetta threads? Can the janitor not keep up anymore?

>> No.6992630

This isn't a vendetta against the specific people, just critique of the horrible horrible designs and the idea of 'cosplaying' stupid stuff in general

I'm curious CGL, does this count as cosplay to you?

>> No.6992650

Fuck no

>> No.6992659

I'm sorry, who is the chick in blue? Are those fish on her head?

>> No.6992662

This is the new Bunny suit

>> No.6992666

I think somebody said earlier that it's twitter.

From left to right I think it's

Facebook, Pinterest, Google, Reddit, Wikipedia, and Twitter.

>> No.6992682

But...why is there fish? Wouldn't some sort of small bird work? I just..

>> No.6992694

They are birds? Zoom in, they are most definitely birds.

>> No.6992697

I think they're suppose to be birds. Very, weird looking birds.

>> No.6992703

i would have no problem with this shit if people would do it right, meaning like, well styled hair/wigs, elaborate and well-made costumes. that google actually just looks like the definition of a cheap hooker with that floppy bikini bra and flat hair.

Reddit girl looks okay if a little bland, but all the others are just... failing

>> No.6992713
File: 111 KB, 960x960, twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl doing Twitter is on my friends list.

They're derpy looking orange birds.

>> No.6992716

Mm yes, zooming in to like 1000000% I see they are birds with really odd wings (the base looks thin?) So my mistake.

...I kinda want them to be fish now, they're cuter that way.

>> No.6992720

Maybe she should have used more feathers for the wings but meh. Its her outfit, if she's pleased, that's that.

>> No.6992722
File: 59 KB, 400x600, 400px-Shitbrooch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does wikipedia canon even come from

>> No.6992725

Oh come on
You can't honestly mean that everything is to be compared to things of that tier, that's ridiculous. That woman is practically a fabric sculpture instead of a cosplayer

>> No.6992730
File: 514 KB, 500x180, RUfuckingme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6992736

I'm taking a guess it's some kind of contrasting color accent since the rest of her outfit is blue and white. But yeah, I kind of agree the birds should be blue instead of orange. Mostly because they kind of stick out to much with no orange in her outfit.

>> No.6992737

When something is widely accepted enough it becomes canon. The wiki-tan us used on wikipedia for whatever reasons. There are a bunch of OS tans too that have been around for probably 10 years now.

>> No.6992734

At least they're complimentary colors, I guess

>> No.6992738

>When something is widely accepted enough it becomes canon
No, that's called headcanon

>> No.6992739

Yeah, I guess, but come on.

>> No.6992741

I'm not defending it, I'm just saying it could have been worse.
The birds should have definitely been blue, maybe an orange accent somewhere else on the outfit would have looked good... but the blue bird is literally the symbol of twitter so it's a bit silly

>> No.6992746

No it's called fanon, headcanon is different.

>> No.6992759

My bad, you're right
A headcanon is something in fiction that has been neither proven nor disproven, and is what a certain person thinks that characters do (I.E, X character does Y in his spare time)

>> No.6992762

That body is crazy hot

>> No.6992780


Holy Nicole Kidman, Batman.

>> No.6992814
File: 56 KB, 769x595, twitter-over-capacity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With regards to the orange birds, I'm pretty sure her hat is a reference to Twitter's overload page, since the base has a whale tail.

>> No.6992829

That's actually pretty brilliant

>> No.6992832

Depends on the source. Wikipedia is all user contributed stuff so user made things can become canon. Fan shit made up about anime and comics don't work that way though.

>> No.6992900

Of course not. Just pointing out how ridiculous it is that cosplay is being reduced to SIMPLY how fappable a person is. Regardless of whether or not their shitty lingerie fits a horrible personification or not, it looks like crap.

>> No.6993224
