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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6988842 No.6988842 [Reply] [Original]

Old school thread?
Old school thread.

>> No.6988843
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>> No.6988847
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>> No.6988859
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>> No.6989031
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Very old school lolita!

>> No.6989034
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>> No.6989038
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>> No.6989050
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>> No.6989051
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>> No.6989057
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>> No.6989060
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>> No.6989061
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>> No.6989075

are the only full outfits that could still work now and maybe the red one >>6988843

>> No.6989434

These are so beautiful.
>tfw oldschool takes a lot mopre practice and research and yet if you dress like that people will definitely call you ita.

>> No.6989450


Would love to wear this.

>> No.6989487

That's adorable.

>> No.6989489

Oldschool does have similar points to ita, sadly.

>> No.6989494

omg look at all these knees!

>> No.6989507

It's just a different style, like seriously.
A coord isn't "wrong' because it's oldschool.
I get so much asspain when people say this, I'm afraid to admit.

>> No.6990213

Chunky ugly shoes, BxW, long skirts, simple or dyed hair... I miss this so much. I love this style.

>> No.6990228
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>> No.6990567

It is interesting that many people wore ETC to achieve the lolita look back then.

>> No.6990591


>> No.6990602

emily temple cute...

>> No.6990637

Oh my god, though. An old-school themed meet would be so fun. Cluncky shoes and maxi pads for everyone!

>> No.6990644

Is it me or does oldschool look like more of a fashion and less like a costume like modern lolita does now?

>> No.6990662

I kind of agree its so simple compared to lolita now and it doesn't require a super huge petti, huge ass wig and 13482 different accessories

>> No.6990692

It still kind of looks like a costume to me, but so much less than modern lolita does. Though I don't see much of the rococo/victorian influence in old school than I do in modern classic.

>> No.6990696

Dat feel when the first photo of the lolita in red is my dashboard in my Filofax
Awww yiss

>> No.6990703

I feel like it was so much less fake in the old days. Look at these girls, all distinct looks and with minimal makeup. Not saying makeup makes it fake but these days it's all about the shoop, wigs, lenses and fake eyelashes.

>> No.6990727

Need some choco nyan in here!

>> No.6990729
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>> No.6990732
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>> No.6990734
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>> No.6990743

God Choconyan was such a good fashion influence on Jun

>> No.6990773
File: 83 KB, 800x600, wardrobepost144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the gingham bolero/jsk set in the middle, it's adorable and reminds me of little house on the prairie. does anyone know what year this came out or have any pics of it? was thinking of wearing a straw hat with a black ribbon and a small straw bag for a coord.

>> No.6990816
File: 16 KB, 300x400, 142828660_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these old school lolita photos are fantastic :)

I own the black OP from this Meta series and I love it. Has anyone ever been lucky enough to finding matching hair accessories to their older brand pieces?

>> No.6990823

there was an old school black and white headdress from IW with the same rose lace as the jsk I owned (also IW) but it was sold before I got ahold of it.

a girl in my comm has not only the original Hawase Doll OP but the matching headdress to go with it.

>> No.6990877

He at least had cool outfits back in the day.

>> No.6990889


I agree.
Especially sweet looks too much like a costume.
That's why I only wear Gothic and Classic.

>> No.6990902

wow it is first now i realized it was jun now!
how did he become such a hot mess ?

>> No.6991155

I love this picture! Haven't seen it before.

>> No.6991180
File: 129 KB, 670x500, got a badass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will always love oldschool lolita. Lace monsters, chunky heels, maxipad headdresses and all.

*~fuck da haterz~*

>> No.6991183

the only haters are new lolitas on tumblr

>> No.6991186
File: 115 KB, 600x599, meta_blouse_nursearmband_worn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though I know it looks costumey as fuck, I dream of one day owning this set in navy.

>> No.6991191

I don't really understand Jun.
He's part of all the scenes and knows all the right people but he never looks in to it, just like he's playing a part.

>> No.6991201

This set is my dream set. Meta nurse shit makes me hot.

>> No.6991202

>Chunky ugly shoes

oh heck nah, chunky shoes are adorable

>> No.6991215

Wait who is Jun?

And what happened to Choconyan? She was everywhere and then now I don't see her anywhere.

>> No.6991248

Never mind. I found out that he is the old dude who is in almost every Tokyo Fashion snap.

>> No.6991274

That's because he only dresses (or gets dressed) to match whatever girl he's fucking at the moment. Though I really have to wonder why any girl fucks the guy with a face like that...

>> No.6991379

Haha, it's alright. I've seen Jun in so many Tokyo snaps, but I have the same sentiment as you do. He always looks bored and out of place, so for a good while, I thought that he wasn't into alt fashion.

>> No.6991625

Come to think of it, how old is that guy? He hangs around with tons of young girls but he's been around for ages.

>> No.6991649


>> No.6991661

Is there anywhere I could look at Jun's street snaps?

>> No.6991697

He's on tumblr. http://junnyan69.tumblr.com/

>> No.6991713

I don't know about that old, but I'd definitely believe early to mid 30's.

>> No.6991732

favorite thing about "Barbie" is that the point of this outfit was looking like a waitress.

considering that he was at least in his late teens to early 20s in the late 90s/early 2000s, i would say anywhere between 30 and 40 is a good guess.

sorry for lack of contribution to actual photos. i still want to scan my old fruits, although they're probably already on the internet somewhere.

>> No.6992036
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>> No.6992045

Oh hey, it's my comm!

>> No.6992050

Hey gurl!

>> No.6992182
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>> No.6992185
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>> No.6992187
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>> No.6992263
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>> No.6992265
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>> No.6992270
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>> No.6992279
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>> No.6992282
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>> No.6992283
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>> No.6992286
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>> No.6992284
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>> No.6992288
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>> No.6992290
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>> No.6992291
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>> No.6992297

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.

I found an old school AP skirt a few years ago at a shop. I couldn't leave it. Cream and floral patterns weren't my thing back then, but I still had to have it. This was before they had pockets and elastic in the waist.

>> No.6992334

I got into lolita while things were just starting to look less like this and more like more modern lolita. Tbh, I like modern stuff way better. I feel like most people think only of AP and OTT sweet when they say they don't like modern loli/preffer oldschool.

I mean, have you seen our current gothic and classical stuff? They are fucking beautiful and way prettier and more detailed than most of these detailless lace monsters.

>> No.6992425

This is total perfection

>> No.6992427

wait, what?
>detailess lacemonsters
door's that way.

>> No.6992432

girl, you in the wrong thread.

>> No.6993427

>that feel when you recognize about 50% of the pictures in this thread and haven't seen them for about 10 years.

>> No.6993445

That VM ad cracks me up. The hairrrrr

>> No.6993451


Same here.
These pics make me feel old.
By this boards standard I AM old though, at 29.
Don't wear sweet so I don't worry about it.

>> No.6994371


Whaaat I have that dress as the girl standing up but it is old school?

>> No.6994822

I agree with this completely. Just came in here to see what all the fuss about oldschool was. You all must be pretty old, plain and ugly.

>> No.6994951

>detailless lace monsters
there's usually a lot more detail on old school stuff than most new pieces put out today. AP's older stuff had lots of pintucks, carefully placed lace, gathering, and small details because prints weren't the focus, the garment construction was. a lot of older stuff is actually fairly detailed and super gorgeous. I had an OP from Meta that had a bustle back, it was attached to the lining and was extremely full, gathered meticulously, and the lace trim around the hem and the bows were all just beautiful. An old school Innocent World jsk I have is black and white with big rose lace in the shape of an apron. The back has a small bustle trimmed with white lace on either side, and the bow on the bodice is perfectly shaped and very stiff so it won't lose its shape. The ladder lace with ribbons running through it is durable and not floppy or too wide, the ribbon running inside each row of lace is sewed at just the right length so it doesn't stick out.

I think you need to look at more old school stuff, anon. You'd be surprised at just how detailed many old school pieces are construction-wise because there weren't any (or not nearly as many) prints to showcase.

>> No.6994955
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>implying taste in fashion has anything to do with physical appearance

>> No.6995048

As I said, I was talking about gothic and classical, which just look a lot more detailed and well put together nowadays. There sure are a lot of nice old school stuff, but, I mean, look at:

All I see in most of them is shapelessness, little detail, bad lace, no inspiration beyond the "look, a new style being developed" (which is understandable for the time but just look plain and undefined), no accessories and terrible hair and make-up.

There really is no arguing over AP's non print stuff, though. Even nowadays' (not sure ACTUAL nowadays, stopped catching up with AP a couple years ago) nonprint stuff still have a lot of detail and thought put into them.

>> No.6995317

It doesn't come in navy?

>> No.6995338 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 500x750, c1359420703005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old school girls video


>> No.6995350

>Title of video is Dog Drops a Deuce


>> No.6995441

There's only four people in your comm?

>> No.6995444

Well, it's not the ENTIRE comm, obviously.

>> No.6995729

She's wearing it in an old-school way.
The dress itself is relatively modern, but since she put it in a monotone outfit with natural hair and minimal accessories, it has an oldschool feeling to it