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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 21 KB, 434x480, eugh dis bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6986471 No.6986471 [Reply] [Original]

>that one friend who tries to drag you into a group cosplay that you really don't want to do
>that one friend who would expect you to make all the costumes for a group cosplay
>that one friend that does both of these things

>> No.6986528
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>that one friend who wants to do a group cosplay then takes dibs on the character that fits your body type perfectly because it's their favorite

You're so nice, there is no way I could hate you. But please... I just wanted to cosplay Sasha...She's my favorite too. ;_;

>> No.6986719

>that one friend who always wants to do overly complicated couple cosplays even though she never has the energy to carry it out and gets mad when I'm not as excited as her about the idea
>that one two-faced person who badmouths cosplayers to the point you're thinking what she's talking about you behind YOUR back
>that one "friend" you hate for legit albeit personal reasons and everyone else seems to love and respect her as a cosplayer
>that one friend who wants to cosplay from every flavour of the month tumblr craze
>that one friend who makes plenty of complicated cosplay plans (like 3 for a convention) and talks big about making them and buys some of the materials and then cancels them and makes a basic school uniform+wig cosplay because she didn't have the time or inspiration. Bonus points if they didn't even know the characters.

>> No.6986856
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>That one friend who always reserves your favourite character in group cosplays even though they don't even like the series that much and don't have the skill to pull the character off
>And cancels their cosplay two days before the con so you don't even have the time to make the costume and take their part in the group
>That one god damn friend

>> No.6986907
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>that one friend who gets a group cosplay together with you and your friends
>they put you and that one girl you like to cosplay the MC + love interest

>> No.6986938
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>that one friend in your cosplay group who always wants to cosplay characters they don't even remotely resemble and you feel like an asshole telling him that he should be someone else
>that one friend who always has some excuse as to why she can't afford her portion of the hotel money, yet always spends a ton in the dealers room
>that one friend who makes you miss the last portion of the masquerade because she is bored and would rather go to the rave but refuses to walk there by herself even though she's 20 fucking years old. And she does this every year yet still goes to the masquerade anyway.
> That doesn't tell the rest of the group that someone wants a picture and ends up with a ton of photos of just them with the rest of the group awkwardly in the background or cut off on the side.

>> No.6986939
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>that one friend that always pays their part of the hotel room, even if you told them they don't have to

>> No.6986942

>That one friend who dost get the hint to kep their mouth shut
>Weird, clingy con creeper: Hey you guys mind if I follow you around?
>Me: Sorry man, we gotta photo shoot and gott head out.
>Oblivious friend: Anon you idiot, no we dont, we were just going to sit for a bi- Why did you hit me!?

Ever god damn time. The rest of us have that danger telepathy where all we need is a nod to each other, but this one is always trying to correct us. Fuck you R!

>> No.6986978

I have one of those too, except I think she's acting naive on purpose because she thinks it's cute or something.
>that one friend who seems to revel in creepy neckbeard attention and attracts them like flies to moe moe fecal matter
>that one friend who keeps us anchored to these creepy neckbears because we don't want to leave her alone with them, just to be safe
>that one friend who goes "Oh teehee I don't know what that means!" every time someone makes a dirty joke, even if that exact reference was explained to her the day before
>that one friend who is thinking about getting into 'lolita'
>that one friend who is friends with multiple experienced lolitas but refuses to listen to their advice, thinks Leg Avenue costumes are lolita
>that one friend who is probably going to end up in ita threads

I honestly would not be surprised if she had a Yukapon-esque ageplay YT channel hidden away under a pseudonym somewhere. She's a nice girl and I've known her for years, but lately she's been skeeving me out a little.

>> No.6987122

>That one friend who offers to carry your stuff around and help take photos

>That one friend who ditches out of the con at the last minute

>That one friend who wants to visit only one panel and ignores everything else

>That one friend who constantly tries to pick up chicks

Welp, I'm looking forward to this anime convention.

>> No.6987204

Ah, yes. I think I have a friend similar to this.

>That one friend who's a classless attention-seeking slut
>That one friend who goes "Teehee, I can't help it, I just don't have any touch barriers!'
>That one friend who nobody really likes but still somehow manages to make herself a central part of our circle of friends
>That one friend who has no sense of style and aesthetics
>That one friend who's always asking me where I get my lolita dresses from
>That one friend who I know would end up in an ita thread

I feel almost bad for posting this, she used to be such a nice girl but it seems almost as though as everyone else is growing up and gaining knowledge/experience, she just gets more and more immature and unreliable.

>> No.6987296
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>that one friend who gets upset when no one recognizes her casual cosplay of a character from a Tumblr AU

>those friends who are afraid of weebs, but dive head first into fandoms that are infested with them, and then are surprised when you dont follow them down

>that overweight friend who wants to cosplay shota characters and scantily clad women

>> No.6987338

> That one friend who wants to be a ~kawaii cosplaying lolita~!!!11!11
> Who won't do enough research to see she has to wear a blouse, or a wig cap. If you try to correct her ita ass; "but it's kawaii this way teehee".
> Who has no sense of aesthetics so, despite being gorgeous, uploads lots of photos of her photographers have taken from 'sexy' unflattering angles
> Who, is endearingly naive and sweet, but also doesn't think to censor her endless and often offensive fb statuses
> These statuses regularly bash 'weird ppl', 'gay boy poofters' or otherwise, while she claims she's only being silly if you try to correct her. Tee-fucking-hee.

Honestly, I love the girl, and I'm not even into that SJW bullshit but she's completely out of line. She's a young single mother with a mixed race baby, surely she herself should know that it's out of line to make big sweeping gestures against other stereotypes of people.

>> No.6987351

> That one friend who's obsessed with lolita and draws her OCs in lace monsters
> Who actually managed to buy a lolita dress and posted herself on tumblr wearing it, without anything but the dress
> Who I have a feeling isn't going to spend the money on tights, shoes, a good wig, a blouse, or any of that other stuff

>> No.6987357
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>that one friend who is fat

yeah, i said it.

>> No.6987360

haw haw haw

>> No.6987364
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>that one friend who is obsessed with 2 specific animes and has been this obsessed with these same 2 animes for as long as you've known them (11 years)
>who won't show interest in anything else and doesn't understand that you don't like these animes anymore because you're an adult and have better tastes now
>who refuses to mentally mature past the age of 14
>who still cosplays their favorite character from one of said animes even though they've been doing it for years
>and years
>and years

captcha: dreadfull owslthi

>> No.6987368

>That one friend that goes into the backstage when you're explaining your costume to the judges and starts interrupting you when they make questions as if she was the one making the costume

>> No.6988263

>that one 'friend' that thinks they're cosplay famous and sells prints of themselves
>same 'friend' claims she makes her costumes but we know she buys most of them

>> No.6988321

> that one friend who held the firework in their hand even though you told theme not to.

> that same friend that now has half of a finger.

> that other friend who you told not to sleep with that guy because he didn't like her and only wanted sex and was lying to her.

> that same friend that didn't listen and is now single and pregers.

> Those friends who never listened to your advice and ended up regretting it.

It sucks to suck.

>> No.6988338
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Is it bad that I love the word poofter? I know it's really derogatory and rude, but I always just imagine a drag queen with a powder puff getting upset and getting powder everywhere. I would never say it though.

>mfw I know what it really stands for, but can't get that image out of my head.

>> No.6988355

>That one friend who when you talk about a new series you like immediately asks "WHAT CHARACTER CAN I COSPLAY FROM THERE?!?!"
>That one friend who asks like a complete weeb but refuses to acknowledge it and you are embarrassed by.
>That one friend that laughs like a fucking idiot loudly in public and at panels and thinks it's cute
>That one friend who claims they have awesome sewing skills even though all they seem to produce is shit that is mediocre at best and can't sew a seam straight for her life
>That one friend that was the genderbend ever character especially the most generic dressed ones(gender bend Dean, gender bend Captain Jack Harkness, etc) and won't even get a wig for it. "Oh Anon! No one cares if I'll have long blonde hair as Dean!"
> That one friend that panders for compliments and OMG WHAT CHARACTER DOES MY HAIR MAKE ME LOOK LIKE
>That one friend who should never wear a catsuit but insists she should be Black Widow

>> No.6988451
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>that one friend who finds out you're cosplaying something and then says they wanted to cosplay it so you should be the side character instead
>then they buy you the wig and small props for that side character and basically does your entire costume so you have to cosplay them
>then they get less attention than you even though you're cosplaying a side character
>then they basically demand to swap cosplays with you and then you get more attention then they do again

it was still annoying at first but oh well

>> No.6988472

Do you mean Abipop?

>> No.6988478

I love it too, it's such a fun word. I would never say it either though.

>> No.6988484

>that one friend who never seems to be improving because they pull half-assed, unhemmed cosplays out of their ass every other week
>that one friend that backs out of cosplay groups they got you into last minute
>that one friend who always cosplays from series they aren't familiar with
>that one friend that always closet cosplays and complains when no one asks for their picture
>that one friend that always complains about and makes fun of black cosplayers when she herself is black
^I never know what to say when it comes up at cons. She doesn't cosplay yet is one of those people that believes you should cosplay of your race when I don't agree with that at all. And even with gijinkas she believes that black people should only cosplay gijinkas of "dark colored" characters.

>> No.6988485 [DELETED] 
File: 578 KB, 2500x3280, gf's tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one (girl)friend who makes you do a ridiculous couple cosplay for some series you've never read (in my case Homestuck) so she makes you read it in its entirety and you actually make a fucking good cosplay and she just kinda 'eh' about the whole thing and does a mediocre job even though you ordered custom yellow fucking contacts and ear prosthetics for this shit GOD DAMN IT

>> No.6988487
File: 578 KB, 2500x3280, gf's tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one (girl)friend who makes you do a ridiculous couple cosplay for some series you've never read (in my case Homestuck) >that one (girl)friend that makes you read it in its entirety and you actually make a fucking good cosplay
>that one (girl)friend who's just kinda 'eh' about the whole thing and does a mediocre job
>even though you ordered custom yellow fucking contacts and ear prosthetics for this shit GOD DAMN IT

>> No.6988489

I surely cant be the only one whos girlfriend sucked him into couple cosplay

>> No.6988597

Not the only one, to appease my girlfriend I went as some zombie pink maid crossdressing character with a chainsaw that she desperately wanted me to do, I forget where the character came from but suffice to say I was glad once the day was over and I could swap to a different costume.

>> No.6988666

Ayumu from Kore wa Zombie desu ka?

Okay, so:
>That friend who acts super weeb and embarrasses the fuck out of you i.e. clapping and stomping their feet like an asshole.
>That one friend you find out was responsible for a lot of insults and rumours made up about another friend (before getting to know them) and now you are worried they might make a whole 4chan thread about you one day
>that every friend who don't give any fucks about you, or what you are making and never invite you to do a group cosplay
>that one friend you try to hang out with and all they do is bitch about other cosplayers, or generally talk about all their other cosplay friends all day and continue to do so on their computer the entire time you hang out
>That feel you get when you honestly think the majority of your "friends" do not really like you very much

I have a lot of feels

>> No.6988668
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>that one friend who is fat and makes 6000 AUs on Tumblr where (thin/muscular) characters are fat
>who draws every fucking person as fat
>someone points it out to her that she has no body-diversity in her art

>> No.6988673

>that one friend who goes to the conventions and complains they are bored, then refuse to try to do anything
>no walking around
>no checking out anime they haven't seen (which is anything in the last 5 years)
>no panels
>no events
>no nothing
>just sit there with their phone games and say they are bored and this con is terrible

>> No.6988680

>That one friend who fucks you over to get what she wants.
>That one friend who thinks she's going to be teh uber famous cosplayer because she's got a booty.
>That one friend that's just chubby so of course she has a butt.
>That one friend who doesn't properly credit you or anyone for her cosplays in an attempt to make herself sound more impressive and cool even though she's a super n00b.
>That one friend that realizes the armor you're doing is getting a ton of attention so she tries to jump into it head first and beg other people to make ALL of her stuff for you.
>That one friend who fucked you over and you hate now who just joined your big fancy pre-planned cosplay group who's trying to bully you out of your group because she knows you're trying to avoid her drama and you don't have the authority to kick her out.

Seriously. Of ALL the groups you could attention whore in, get out of mine. I'm not backing down and I'm sick of your copycatting for attention kthx.

>> No.6988685

>Also that one friend ruining your group with drama who hasn't even played the fucking game she wants to cosplay from, but knows the giant prop she probably won't get done will get her attention.

So many feels on this shitty situation. Sage because ranting about the same topic twice.

>> No.6988697
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>that one friend who stirs up drama
>that one friend who stirred up drama so much, she's effected each person in the group at least once.
>that one friend who despite getting everyone to hate her at one point, still has the guys in the group like her.
>that one friend who couple cosplays with a guy so he likes her, so she can friendzone him later and hurt her feelings.
>that one friend who screws everyone over with hotel costs and steals everyone's money
>that one friend who excludes you from the group because apparently you were the one who caused the drama

This is a vendetta, but I don't care. I hate this bitch.

>> No.6988707

>That one friend who has big boobs, but isn't exactly skinny and tries to cosplay sexy busty characters and makes everything that she can out of duct tape so it never looks quite right
>Almost all of your friends aren't very good cosplayers and you're scared you'll see them in a bad cosplay thread one day because of all the cardboard, bad/no wigs, bad/no makeup, and costumes that are hardly recognizable as the characters
>That one friend who's really nice and you go to cons with her, but we never go to any panels and literally all we do is shop, take pictures, and go home

>> No.6988714

I thought she was kind of famous though? I don't know much about her but her dances and outfits are pretty cute.
She looks really really British though.

>> No.6988721

>that one friend who agrees to cosplay with you
>that one friend who starts a few days before the con while you've started months ahead
>that one friend who won't listen when you said months ago that they should start
>that one friend who is now stressed making a cosplay in 24 hours
>that one friend who ends up looking like shit and is mad because you look 1000x better

>> No.6988722
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>that one friend who doesn't like Star Wars

Not the prequels. He thinks the original Star Wars movies are bad.

>> No.6988723

you guys are sweethearts for trying though. i tried to get my boyfriend to cosplay Lee Sin and he basically told me to fuck off lol

>> No.6988725

I'm the opposite. I started cosplaying before I met my boyfriend, we hooked up, we wen't two a few cons, and now this year my boyfriend sucked me into making him a cosplay.

I love him though, and we've be going out for almost four years, so I'm doing it.

>> No.6988726

>that one friend who STILL insists on using their own hair for cosplay

>that friend who's really happy and confident in their shitty cosplays and has much more fun than you because you worry too much

>> No.6988727

Not everyone cares about Star Wars anon.

>> No.6988733

>That one friend you you've been friends with forever
>That one friend you read your first manga together with
>That one friend who joins you in anything
>That one friend who makes their first cosplay with you mentoring
>That one friend who joins in any fandom you're in, and seems to enjoy it
>That one friend

>I love you E, no homo.

>> No.6988735

i think they're alright at best. i prefer hard sci-fi to space fantasy.

>> No.6988747

My story takes an alternate route.
>That one friend you've been friends with forever
>That one friend you got into your first fandoms together with
>That one friend who became a weeb
>That one friend you caught reading SasuNaru porn in class
>That one friend who laughed it off like it wasn't completely disgusting, and kept doing it
>That one friend that is now a legal adult and is obese and smells disgusting
>That one friend you have completely cut yourself off from for the better

Goddamn, if I stayed friends with her for longer and wasn't such an introvert, I'm sure I would have something to post on the Weeb horror story threads.

>> No.6988751

>That one friend who is new to cosplay and wants to enter every masq with you
>tfw you don't have the heart to say "No," even though you're entering in the master division
>tfw you lose.
>You sap.

>> No.6988757
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>that one friend who constantly bitches she doesn't have money
>that one friend who gets mad when you ask if they want to do a cosplay together because they don't have the money for it
>that one friend who goes out and buys their own cosplay after discussing the two things above

I don't understand why people just can't say no.

>> No.6988772

God so much of this sounds like familiar territory. Thankfully a lot of these people I know have either dropped contact with or grew up. The real step is learning to say no and that being assertive isn't a bad thing. A con is your weekend too, you deserve to have a good time.

>> No.6988805
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>That one friend who is pissed at you for not spending every waking moment with them

Even through we're not cosplaying the same things, are adults, and have significant others that are there with us both at the con. What the fuck do you want me to do?

>> No.6988822

Anon, your friend is not 'naive and sweet'. She's just acting that way to avoid getting her ass kicked for being a bigoted piece of shit. Why are you even friends with her?

>> No.6988834

>that one friend who suggests cosplays that are the complete opposite of your body type

she's super sweet and super supportive of me getting into cosplay but I'm terrified of seeing my fatass on /cgl/

>> No.6988844
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>the one friend who cosplays with you
that doesn't exist

>> No.6988848
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Man, reading this thread makes me so glad my group is cool with multiple people doing the same character. Also,

>that one friend that spams your Facebook news feed with cosplay they're going to do
>that one friend who is constantly planning on cosplaying characters that they know nothing about outside of trailers and promotional art
>that one friend that only does characters from live action shows that wear normal clothing and are completely unrecognizable when cosplayed

>> No.6988849

>>That one overweight friend who uses her boobs as an excuse for everything.

>> No.6988864

>that one friend who doesnt do shit on their costume
>doesnt even try to learn to sew

>That one friend who doesnt pay for the hotel room until DAY OF THE GOD DAMN CON
>that one friend who tells other people its okay to do the same
>that one friend who wont wear shorts under her too short skirt ((or even spandex)) even though you told her that if she bends at a wrong angle, people will see her panties

>> No.6989055
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>had a friend who did the first thing
>finally got her to wear a wig
>dumbass other "friend" (I hated her) rips it off and throws it in the hotel pool

>> No.6989217
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>that one friend who thinks being Asian means they'll look perfect in anything
>they are fat and ugly and Chinese, shut up

>> No.6989367

>that one friend who's a weeaboo loser in high school who's constantly drawing Bleach yaoi
>that one friend who goes to college and starts being a semi-functional adult
>that one friend who graduates college and goes back to being a weeaboo who draws transgendered Bleach hentai

>> No.6989418

>those people who complain about their "friends" on /cgl/ but apparently don't do anything about it in real life

Someone didn't pay for their portion of the hotel room? Their ass can sleep in the car. Ungrateful bitch asks you to make their entire cosplay again? Tell them to fuck off. Shrieking weaboo is being a nuisance in public? Shame them and don't go out with them again.

Learn to cut these people out of your life and trust me, you'll be much happier in the long run.

>> No.6989437

Nerd social dynamics are a pain in the ass. Due to a lot of people getting bullied beforehand, any sort of shaming, discipline or criticism gets treated very adversely. You're the bad guy if you try to correct any behaviour that would normally be seen as unwanted.

Fuck the hugbox.

>> No.6989474

Speaking for myself, I've chewed them out. They just don't care to learn/change/etc until ivve lost my patience. I thought this thread was to. Just bitch about shit they've done. Not "oh they made me mad about this, here's what I did to resolve it"

>> No.6989490

>tfw this was you for six years of your life
Too bad by the time I finally wised up and ditched these user assholes I was already out of high school and college, and now my window of opportunity to make new friends is limited because I live out in the middle of nowhere and have yet to be employed. It just sucks.

>> No.6989516

I was bullied really badly as a kid so I tend to be the type of person that makes friends with everyone and then can't break it off with them when they start acting like assholes.
I haven't posted anything about my friends in this thread but FUCK they make me mad sometimes. Doesn't mean I'm going to cut them out of my life for being irritating, particularly if they're just a con/cosplay buddy that I see a couple times a year.

Sometimes you can still be pissed off at dumb shit your friends have done and yet still be friends with them, you know?

>> No.6989533
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I read these threads and think "hey, I don't do any of that, maybe I'm actually a good person?"

And then I have trouble making friends in the first place. Or maybe there actually is something wrong with me? Fuck. I don't know.

>> No.6989538

>that friend who 'plays favorites' in order to get what they want
>that friend that shit-talks people who were their BFFs a few days ago to people they were shit-talking about previously

>> No.6989565
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I'm in the same boat except I have a job. None of the people there share my interests and the culture they've developed for themselves is like a fucking stereotypical high school prom movie except everyone is a fucking adult, usually with at least one kid. My only opportunity for friend-making is the internet, and I am okay with lack of physical meetings. I keep thinking I'll join some kind of community online but I always chicken out. I don't even have a facebook.

>that one internet friend you had when you were like 13 who was an extremely invasive and childish older lesbian who either freaked out if you didn't talk to her for a day or constantly tried to sexually roleplay you with asterisks and who was probably actually a man

>> No.6989719

God you sound like my ex-friend who said I was manipulative because I just flat out told her I didn't like her controlling psycho buddy.
Manipulative. Because I have an opinion about the assholes you are too scared to bail on. You know what they say, keep the hell you are used to rather than the one you don't know.

>> No.6989793 [DELETED] 

>that one friend that believes she's invincible and ~*everybody is sweet and kind desu ne!*~
>that one friend you take to the con and tries to command all the photo attention, gets jealous when cute shy friend gets more photos, also gets jealous when other friend borrows a costume from her and gets more att'n than she did in it
>that one friend that finds some shady 20's-30's "photographer" she met once b4 at a con or some shit (and she is 15/16)
>that one friend that tells your group she's leaving for a *~private photoshoot~* this guy offered her
>that one friend that walks so fast you're separated from her and the guy when fucking KH and FF weebs jump in front of you saying stupid fan shit
>that one friend that you then can't find in a huge con center with fucking thousands of people b/c she and the guy went off to some ~*exclusive location*~
>that one friend who doesn't have a fucking cellphone so you have to tell your parents you lost her after checking literally every fucking corner of the con, your mom goes nuts bc you're all underage, AND this isn't the first time this has happened, AND you all had to wait for her for 4 hours to get ready before you could even go there in the first place
>that one friend whose description you have to give to security so they can help find her
>that one motherfucking friend who later appears coming in from OUTSIDE, hugs the guy, and bounces over to you and says "Teehee! Sorry I took so long~ ^^"
>that one friend you want to strangle and don't talk to for five hours after that, and after a brief apology never invite to a con again
>that one friend that now lies about her natural hair color, her eye size (circle lenses??? they're natural, how rude~!), what college she attends (she doesn't), what job she has (none), and how she's the "unluckiest girl in the world ;~;" (has rich foreign bf that flies her constantly back and forth all over USA and Europe & parents that buy her new clothes every 5min)

fuck that one friend, srsly

>> No.6989808

I don't even understand why you're mad. Sounds like you just have some personal hang-up.

I forgive my friends after they do annoying stuff, unheard of on /cgl/, I'm sure.

>> No.6989850

Just mad that they pushed all their problems on me instead of realizing they have shit friends.
I just got the impression that your 'annoying stuff' was way more than annoying but hey trauma bonding gets you to downplay anything negative that your friends may do. I.e.
>oh he accidentally hit me he didn't mean it
>she just told me I was fat to encourage me!
Which is different than being simply annoying in my book. A lot of my buds are annoying as well but that's a different ball game than this girl is in with her psychotic 'bestie'. Just sounded similar in my head to what she said.

>> No.6989859

I'm kinda in the same boat as you anon. I'm friendly with my coworkers, but none of them I'd get real close to. Everyone is 10-20 years older then I am, and none of them really know about this sort of stuff. We get along well enough at work but they're not anyone I;d share my hobbies with.

>> No.6989887

You sound jelly as fuck of her. You also were being a huge cockblocker. Your friend wanted the D pretty bad it seems and she was trying to get away from you.

>> No.6989914

i agree with the other anon that replied to this... it seems that she really doesn't care much for you.

>> No.6989938

>that one friend that tries to fuck you as soon as any alcohol is imbibed by either of you

>that one friend who leaves old food in the bathroom sink in the hotel room

>> No.6990650

>That one friend who refuses to do anything by themselves
>"Oh hey, I wanna go do (thing)."
>"Go ahead. I wanna stay here for a bit. We can meet up afterwards."
>"Oh... never mind. I'll stay with you."
>Follows you around the entire day and even goes with you to things that they don't want to do
>Later complains that they didn't get to do anything they wanted

You paid to be at this convention and so did I. Don't let me stop you from enjoying something you shelled out $50+ for and don't make me feel guilty for wanting to do things you're not interested in. We can meet up again in thirty minutes. Christ.

>> No.6990672

>that one friend who wants to start her own LOLITA BURANDO but can't coordinate, sew or draw to save her life
>that one friend wants you to do all the work for her LOLITA BURANDO for free because it's what you're going to school for and it'll be "good for your portfolio"

>> No.6990677

>that one 'friend' who acts like a total bitch towards you all year long until that one weekend you attend a con together
>that same 'friend' who tries to best friend it up with you all con even though you know she secretly hates you
what the actual fuck. Only reason I haven't bitch slapped this girl is because we share a group of friends and i don't want to stir up old drama.

>> No.6990681

>that one friend who always has some excuse as to why she can't afford her portion of the hotel money, yet always spends a ton in the dealers room
Fuck that person

>> No.6990682

Love that friend

>> No.6990813
File: 2.36 MB, 600x244, ifwvEDneQOjTM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend
>people having friends
>while I've moved away from everyone I know and no longer have friends
>I don't even have any money to hop on the bus for 4 hours each way to go visit them
>instead I've been replaced in the group that used to be my friends by someone who backstabbed me and it still hurts

>> No.6990827

>that one friend who does skimpy costumes and provides perfect fap material

>> No.6990844

I'll be your friend!

>> No.6990853
File: 10 KB, 485x317, myfeels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have friends like this

>tfw you will never be hot enough to be considered "fap worthy", or even "passing glance" worthy
>tfw pretty much all your cosplay friends are attractive
>tfw your friends encourage you to do something "sexy" and you just know you will look awful
>tfw you want to do some of the costumes a friend has done, but they are so attractive as that character (or provide that "perfect fap material") that it discourages you from trying

>> No.6990855 [DELETED] 

>tfw when your cosplay partner is fat and ugly, so you look better in comparison

>> No.6990856

>that one faggot in your friend group who's too beta to refuse things she dislikes
>that one faggot in your friend group who agrees to everything and promises to make costumes but decides to finally stand up for herself two days before the con and goes "fuk u i havent even started i never liked this show im out" without warning
>that one faggot in your friend group who doesn't get abandoned after doing this several times

>> No.6990858

Just to remind you, someone out there has fapped to you before.
That's something, right?

>> No.6990864

Thanks, but you might not like me if you got to know me.

I'm not sure if most of my "friends" really even liked me to begin with, or if they just put up with me and pretended to be friends because I was one of the people who originally organized the group. Maybe they're happier without me around.

It's sad that anime convention people were the last group of friends I had left after I torpedoed all of my other friendships one way or another, and they're gone now too and I can't help wondering if they ever cared at all.

>> No.6990866
File: 497 KB, 150x193, 1313526527707.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend that makes great cosplays, but doesn't quite wear her wig caps properly so her natural hair shows
>those two friends that cosplay shipping bait and are constantly making out online and in real life

I think they're actually going out now, but everyone in our group is really uncomfortable with them constantly going at it like the rest of us aren't around.

>> No.6991316

>That one friend who pulls an elaborate attention pose in a group photo, blocking half of someone out of the photo.

>> No.6992190 [DELETED] 

>That one friend that always wants to do sexy cosplays of non-sexual characters that are currently popular, and questions (sometimes to the point of ridiculing you) why you never do anything "sexy" like her
>Wants to do stuff like a bra/skirt cosplay of Fluttershy
>Try to explain to her nicely why I don't really like half-assed gijinka or cosplaying for the sole purpose of attention
>Still tries to push me and convince me her ideas are really awesome

>That one friend that cosplays what's popular, buys everything, but then tells people who don't know any better that he made everything
>Acts nice in front of people who adore him, but the minute he turns around, he starts poking fun at them and complains about how he only gets unattractive fan girls (he gay)

They are good friends, but when it comes to cosplay, they suck the fun and creativity out of everything.

>> No.6994439

Dean? Like, Dean Venture?

>> No.6994460

Eh, it's not for everyone. As long as he isn't obsessively and vocally hating it, I don't see the problem.

>> No.6994467

i'm assuming dean winchester from that show about two sexually-frustrated brothers and an unattended man with schizophrenia believing he's an angel cop.

>> No.6994534
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1369574916210s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend who always forces a cosplay one you
>that one friend who always gives you the side characters because she thinks she has more of a figure than you, even though she's a pimple covered rodent who eats pizza all day.
>that one friend who takes the character you like because "ur not kawaii enuff 4 it"
>that one friend who makes you feel ugly in your cosplay
>that one friend who wonders why you aren't paying for her winter con tickets/ taking her

>> No.6994542

>that friend who snaps at people who wear the same costume they do
>that friend who tries to guilt-trip you to not make costumes you like because she wants to do the same character
>that friend who gets huffy and takes it personally when you have the same dream costume
The rest of the time she seems like a sweetheart, but when she gets so uppity and selfish she's just unbearable and it makes me think she's just being fake the rest of the time.

>> No.6994547

ITT: people who don't know the definition of "friend".

>> No.6994608
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, 1374365659992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one else in your group even cosplays so you're the only one getting stopped for pictures and you feel like a faglord because you hold the whole group up
why, friends

>> No.6994642


link her tumblr. I know she has one.

>> No.6994647


>> No.6994651


link tumblr pls

>> No.6994679


>> No.6994757


pls get a new buddy, friend. She sounds poisonous and evil.

>> No.6994925
File: 57 KB, 356x316, 1354584442358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're kindred spirits, you and I...

Let's not be friends, together!

>> No.6995017

You're not a snowflake, you're just a fag that fears people

>> No.6995082

>that one friend that indirectly brings down your cosplays to make them feel better
>that one friend that only talks about their cosplay the entire 2 months before a con
>that one friend that always brings drama with them to every con

>> No.6995112

>that one group of friends who all have "health problems" and feel the need to talk about them all the time like it's some sort of competition
>that one group of friends who always have to have a serious chat, re-hash drama, or find new drama at a convention
>that one girl who always has to cry in the hotel room

Seriously, guys. I'm too old for this.

>> No.6995126

>That one friend who occupies the bathroom for a long ass time for no good reason, preventing the rest of the group from having access to their makeup and toiletries.
>That one friend who expects everyone to do everything for them for free and doesn't even bother to learn how to sew or how to make things or do things to themselves. And then criticizes everyone's work when they finally do get around to doing things for them.

>> No.6995200

>that one friend that indirectly brings down your cosplays to make them feel better

Wait, what? How do they "indirectly" do it?

>> No.6995365 [DELETED] 

>That one friend who tells another friend "At least YOUR cosplay isn't a FULL suit of armor!"
>That one friend who's just doing the horrible Lightning 13-2 that I wouldn't count as a full suit of armor
>That one friend who she's insulted who's too nice to say stfu because she's doing Five from the new Drakengard and it's ten times more elaborate and intricate than Lightning and has 5x the propwork to do.
>That one friend who's constantly taking away everyone's joy with her victim complex and claiming how tough her upper-middle class lifestyle is.
>That one friend whose life is 10x better than mine was at her same age, and neither of her parents are even dying.

One more "waaaaaaa I'm such a victim!" whine and I swear I'm going to call your ass out so hard you'll get carpet burn.

>> No.6995386
File: 453 KB, 431x634, r0392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(not the person quoted) I'm assuming they're passive-aggressive about it.
Like.. posting a status about "Cosplayers who do [x] look terrible" and it's something Anon does.
Or telling them "[x] would've looked a lot better, it's what I did" and so on.

Me and my best friend have an agreement that we'll be blunt about critiquing each other, with no jelly. I guess the rest of this thread has immature friends..?

>> No.6995391

Same, Anon. Making friends when you're no longer a student is kind of difficult. I moved 1000 miles from home for work, and now I end up flying back home for conventions because all of my closest friends still live there. :\

>> No.6995420

>That one friend who doesn't speak to you for months, then only speaks to you to ask for a favour
>That one friend who then proceeds to talk shit about you behind your back because you didn't complete their favour in less than 24hrs, even though they never specified a deadline and you've stayed up the past 4 nights in a row despite having to go to work just to sort their favour out
>That one friend who still insists that everything is your fault and never accepts responsibility for their own actions

Well, no longer a friend anymore. After today, I'm done with them.

>> No.6995490

This. This every year. I am so happy I opted to just stay with my man from now on. I mean, you can only blame this shit on being drunk so many times before they realize they just want to make the con bitch and sob fest 3000

>that one friend who you took to her first convention but has since then left you.

At least that one friend is still a shit tier cosplayer even though she isn't 13 anymore.

>> No.6995512

Ugh, I have this friend. She's lovely in every other way, but she always has everything SO BAD, even though she's much better off than most of us in the friend circle. Every cosplay she has is omg so hard, and I just want to say, "Then pick something easier if it's giving you that much trouble." Christ.

>> No.6995657

your cosplay doesnt have to look nice, you're not competing. shit like that

>> No.6995660

>that one friend who always has some excuse as to why she can't afford her portion of the hotel money, yet always spends a ton in the dealers room.
There's a girl in my local comm who does this and has been doing it for a while.She blames it on her asthma medicine saying she has to pay for that so she can't afford the room and everytime she comes back to the room she has like a $60 wig and a $120 figure.

>> No.6995673
File: 2.00 MB, 214x273, 1362698424100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend you met but didn't know you met
>that friend you meet later at a meetup that was shit, but you guys just click and have an amazing time.
>That one friend you just KNOW and can help her pick out cosplays she'd be good for and she takes your advice and vice versa.
>That one friend you sit in front of a laptop and cry over Akibaranger 5 together.

>> No.6995685
File: 230 KB, 695x578, 1338918027807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend who wants to go with you to the con and cant go because broke as fuck
>that one friend gets funding from birthday present and other friend being generally awesome
>that one friend gets to the con, expecting to have a whole lot of fun and make new friends because they dont make friends well but wanted to try hard
>that one friend literally only complains to you the entire time about the rooming situation and people in the room
>that one friend calls another friend crying in the morning begging for help
>also forces other friend to go to rave to "cheer up" but other friend was sick
>that one friend is offered to room with us but is stupid and goes back to room with the "bad" rooming situation that isnt actually that bad.
>that one friend ends up ruining the weekend for 10+ people and denies doing it because of a few "good moments."
>that one friend is barely a friend now because of it.


>> No.6995689

I don't get it. When I host a room, I always make paying me first priority, and you won't even be considered part of the room until I have your money in hand, and I'm a major pushover by anyone's standards. Why are you even letting these people stay in your room if they aren't paying? Hotels are expensive and if they don't wanna pay they can sleep in the fuckin' lobby.

>> No.6995963

> that one friend who organizes the hotel room
> that one friend who neglects to tell you she's cramming 10 people into a small single room
> that one friend who collects £30 from each person for a £120 bill

Thank god I'm moving within traveling distance to the con. I never want to sleep in an overstuffed room again.

>> No.6996026

>>That one friend who doesn't speak to you for months, then only speaks to you to ask for a favour
Man i know how that feels. Fuck those guys.

>> No.6996087

>that one friend who copies cosplays others in the group want to do/have done

Normally I wouldn't give a fuck about whether or not my friend (actually, this particular girl isn't really a friend. We try to avoid her and the only time we bring her along to cons is if we want to save money on the hotel room or she inserts herself in the group and we feel too bad saying no) "copied" a cosplay of mine but the way this chick does it is just...odd? I remember at a con I mentioned I might want to cosplay Mami Tomoe next, then this girl starts talking about her wanting to cosplay Mami but it was like she started a completely new conversation (not saying "me too!" or anything). I don't know, it was just strange to me since it seemed like we both wanted to cosplay her for the same con and I've always believed two friends cosplaying the same character at the same time is just not a good idea. Too much dramu in my experience. Recently another friend of ours did a Soul Calibur character and right after that friend was done with the cosplay, the same girl said she also wanted to do that character, same costume and everything. I can't tell if we're being uppity bitches or not but the way she goes about this sort of thing just rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.6996137

>that one friend who wants to cosplay a character that needs a lot of skill and he just lacks.
>that one friend who says he/she will start his/her cosplay soon.
>that one friend who does nothing and ends up dissapointing everyone in a cosplay group

>> No.6996241

oh my god. i have this one friend who does the exact same thing in conversations. someone will say something relevant to the conversation, and then she'll immediately loudly repeat what they said word-for-word as though it was her own thought. it's confusing and weird and we've all just sort of adapted to talking over her all the time, and never really talking TO her. god, i can't wait for her to break up with our friend and finally LEAVE.

sage for not being cosplay related.

>> No.6996430 [DELETED] 

>that friend who gives you shit for bailing on an event when you are literally stressed out of your mind by everyone and everything going wrong in your life
>that same friend who bails on the only time you'll get to spend with them because lol no money despite them having an incredibly lucrative job/several room and ride offers.

>> No.6996820

>that one friend who constantly hates on trains or fandoms, then turns around and suddenly its HER new thing like she fucking discovered it.

Pisses me off, shes done this lolita and now, after constantly ragging on the Steampunk community, hopped on that train. She talks shit about people who thrift their outfits but deems things okay because "she handmakes all her steampunk outfits." She did this with lolita - talked shit for months, suddenly shes obsessed with it, then drops it and moves onto a new target. Fucking. Dumb. Yes i mad.

>> No.6996844
File: 28 KB, 505x428, 72157630136654636_model_huge_ab034a30fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend you always take nice pictures of making sure you get 20 different angles, a few exposure changes and close ups.
>you hand them the camera and you'll be lucky if they take 5 pictures. 3 of them look exactly the same.1 looks horrid and the last one is over exposed.

>> No.6997047

>that one friend you've known for forever
>that one friend that's slowly becoming more distant...
>that one friend you constantly want to make happy, and proud.
>that one friend you cosplay for... at your first con ever.
>that one friend that has a billion con-friends you don't know now, and ignored you all weekend... so you did your own thing with some strangers.
>that one friend who still only sees you as you used to be, (young, hyper, temperamental) and you can't change things.
>that one friend that you truly want to keep, but can't seem to.
>that one friend that legitimately doesn't notice you, but you can't be mad because you know they don't mean it.
>that one friend that once chucked heavy objects at someone for trash-talking you.
and even though you have no shortage of friends, it still kills you to see them drifting...
>that one friend...
the one you're too stupid to let go of.

>> No.6997117

On the subject of picture taking,
>That one friend who takes about 50 pictures of you on their nice camera but you're lucky if you get to see one of the pictures.
>That one friend who promises to send you pictures but never does.

>> No.6997122
File: 70 KB, 297x390, 4839028506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one friend who hits on your boyfriend at every con
>That same friend who will completely ignore you when your boyfriend isn't around
>Only time that friend will acknowledge you is when they need something from you
>That one friend who will keep insisting that you're best friends forever

Not really friends with her anymore, but I can't believe I fell for this shit for as long as I did

>> No.6997145

lol you sound terrifying

>> No.6997151

Oh yes, this. All of THIS.

>> No.6997161

>That one friend that hears shit being said about you and won't have any of it.
>That one friend who rips the shit-talker a new one and gloriously defends you knight in shining armor style.
>That one friend that was also your cosplay inspiration for years before you ever got to hang out, and you have to ask yourself if this is real life every time you hang out with her.
>That one friend who won't let anyone say shit about anyone else because she's too lovely and knows what's up, and stops all the drama with her.

Thank you for turning a shitty day awesome by standing up for me. There needs to be more people like this in the world, and especially the cosplay community.

>> No.6997174
File: 105 KB, 422x275, HNI_0014_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend that always has your back
>that one friend who can pick up that a crazy real-life vendetta chan has been stalking you the entire con
>that one friend who backs you up when said vendetta-chan marches up to you out of the blue to insult you.
oh man, I don't know what I'd do without you. TN cons are hard with that crazy bitch around.

>> No.6997188

What's with the Southern community and so many crazy vendettas? I bust my butt and go out of my way to try super hard to be nice to everyone and work things out, but now I'm finding out I'm getting hate from a fucking FB status from months ago that had NOTHING to do with cosplay.

At least I've found enough crazy amazing friends in the south to balance out the shitty people.

>That one friend who always lets you vent so you're less compelled to post shit in public that will get you in trouble later.

Sage because hardly contributing.

>> No.6997218
File: 22 KB, 600x337, drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one friend who brings one suitcase for their costumes and one suitcase full of alcohol
>That one friend who becomes a traveling bar all con

I love you.

>> No.6997336

>that one friend who 'really wants to do a shoot' with me
>that one friend who takes all day to actually get round to getting someone to take a couple of pictures of us
>that one friend who then refuses to post any of the pictures on their blog, even though they know they'll get a shitton of ass-kissing notes no matter what they post

>> No.6997355

>that one friend who pays their part of the hotel room even if at the last minute they cant go to the con because thats what fucking adults do
love this person to the ends of the earth

>> No.6997380

>That one friend that refuses to learn to sew so that others will do it for them.
>That one friend that expect others to constantly help them with their costumes.
>That one friend that claims your a bad friend if you can't drop everything and help them.
>That one friend that leaves everything to the last min and then tries to make you feel sorry for them even though they brought this on themselves.
>That one friend at doesn't realize they aren't skilled enough to whip up a costume in one night like their other friends who have been sewing for a while.

>> No.6997402

>that one friend who is super stingy about her own money but when she owes you money she gets mad about you reminding her
>that one friend that panders to fandoms by cosplaying them and gets mad when her pandering doesn't always garner her massive attention
>that friend who brags about being efamous due to her pandering and shitty costumes
>that one friend whos costumes are so ghetto and awfully made (literally strips of fabric) but brags about "how creative she is" and "how awesome the costume came out"
>that one friend who posts "cosplay test pixs" but its all selfies with the same expression/instagram filter that done even show the costume
>that friend you take pity on because without you all her cosplays would look awful
>that friend who is RIDICULOUSLY defensive about EVERYTHING even when she's being "ironic"
>that one friend that goes along with your crazy grandeur plans for costumes and actually follows through with it by staying up working until 3am with you
>that friend that you always want to go to cons with/hang out with because shes so much fun and a genuinly funny and smart person
>that one friend that gets you stupidly excited for a cosplay
>that one friend who is willing to let you dress them up so you can have a complete group for the obscure shit you're into
>that friend you've been cosplaying with for years and they're still one of you're best friends
They're all the same person for me and fuck they make my heart bleed but I love them so.
I haven't seen them for a year and I miss them like fuck.

>> No.6998068
File: 177 KB, 600x350, disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that one friend who creates a cosplay group, then invites an extremely underage kid into the group and then recruited them as the tallest and most manliest character of the show.

MFW... Everything was ruined.. and my cute girly character is shipped with that character.. Nope.. can't do it.

>> No.6998177

>that one friend who buys a shitty Halloween nurse costume to be 'Nurse version of x character' instead of just wearing their fucking cosplay of the character
>she's asking me for my opinions on it
>gently try to give her suggestions to alter the shitty halloween costume shit she wasted her money on to make it more appropriate to the character or in the very least less tacky
>she is obviously getting butthurt about it, so eventually just give up, do whatever you want

>that friend also has the bright idea to do one of those 'Sailor other-series-character' cosplays

I'm not even going to this con with her but I'm getting so much secondhand embarrassment just hearing her talk about these plans. I guess as long as she has fun then whatever, but I just have this impending feeling she's going to be posted in the next shitty cosplay threads after the con and/or have drama about the reactions to it, especially since I know she wants to go to all the series photoshoots in these costumes.

>> No.6998185

>that old friend who got mad that you made friends through cosplay and stopped talking to you during high school
>that same friend that you run into seven years later at a convention, where she is wearing a vinyl nurse dress from Hot Topic and you're wearing a detailed costume you made yourself
>that friend who gets on Facebook and sees aforementioned person crying about how 'cosplay is now ruined'

>> No.6998269

>that one close friend who goes to a convention with you that falls on your birthday so you plan a party for the night of it.
>that said friend who decides to get smashed with strangers they met at a homestuck photoshoot instead of hang with you during the night.
>Never hangs with you during the whole con.
>Paid for ticket and room.
Never again, I felt extremely used though on the upside I made new friends and they came to the party in my hotel room and played Mario Party.

>> No.6998308
File: 49 KB, 444x287, tumblr_mdd0i5EjYI1rvgn38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm reading through these, and all I can think is "why the hell are you guys still FRIENDS with these toxic pieces of shit? are you all so passive aggressive that you cannot be anything but an abuse welcome mat for these losers?"


you'd be a lot better off without them. they're not friends and you're giving yourselves unnecessary drama [unless you like being a punching bag] and unnecessary stress in a hobby that breeds this shit.

>> No.6998504

And people say I am too picky when I don't want toxic friends.
Stay fresh man.
You keep on complaining about things you could fix cgl.

>> No.6998619

I had a similar situation
>wanteed friend to come with me to a con
>they couldnt afford it so I paid for half of their room and badge
>hang with them 80% of the weekend
>decide on second night to go hang with some other friends that friend doesn't know nor would they like
>but I haven't seen them in forever so I wanted to hang for a few hours
>I didn't leave her alone, she had pleanty of people to hang out with
>friend gets mad and drunkenly storms off when I explain this to her
did I do something wrong?

>> No.6999282
File: 1006 KB, 1920x1280, wazgoinonhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I gathered from this: Women and cosplayers are cruel.

>> No.6999296


>transgendered Bleach hentai

Just say dickgirl. Political correctness is for reddit.

>> No.6999433
File: 76 KB, 224x173, tumblr_me4t1mtSH71qzvua4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all nerds do this and then play the victim like
"This bitch told me to give her my costume because mine was better than hers and (even though I could have said 'no' if I was a decent human being) I gave it to her WAH WHY IS LIFE SO HARD ON MY LITTLE FRAIL NERD ATTITUDE"

and then they post it on 4chan and start vendettas over something that could have been changed drastically by either saying 'no', 'fuck you', or walking away.

guys, you put yourselves in these situations 9/10. you really have nothing to complain about other than your lack of backbone.

>> No.6999460

>that one friend that makes you take all their pictures
I was looking through my friend's solo shots of her cosplay at cons before I realized I've taken roughly 40-50 % of them. At a recent con she made me leave friends to go to a photoshoot of something I wasn't interested in to take an hour's worth of photos of her and the people there.

>> No.6999527

>that one friend who is very prone to cosplayer worship
>that one friend who misinterprets friendliness as creepiness and thinks everyone wants a piece of her
>that one friend who has an asston of tumblr friends and is going to try and meet up with them at the con

>Otakon is going to be her first con

I'm definitely going to try and talk to her about being firm and leaving conversations she feels uncomfortable in, and not going to meet anyone all by herself/outside of meet ups (she's pretty irresponsible). I know I'm not her keepers, but I don't want her doing stupid things and then complaining about it.

If all else fails, I'll just have a good time with my other friends

>> No.6999535

holy shit, is your friend going as "nurse minako"?

>> No.7001979
File: 129 KB, 500x333, tumblrlug1pnucxj1r6q0ny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> That one friend who helps you finish all your details the night before the con
> That one friend who helps carry your backpack when you're wearing a big costume
> That one friend who offers to buy the wig you need using their paypal when you don't have enough moolah in your own, for the cash equivlant.
> That one friend who stays up most nights to skype animu shows and procrastinate with.

> mfw all the same friend. Jo, I'll rent out a stripper or make a costume for you one of these days yo.

>> No.7002086
File: 67 KB, 428x371, 1367361886453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend who thinks they have a claim on 80% of your backpack space and stuffs it full with her con schedules, wallet, phone, and Dealer's Room purchases.
>the same friend who gets mad when you say the bag is too full/heavy and won't carry anything else for her.

>> No.7002979

>That one friend who takes a billion photographs but never shows you them because "they didn't turn out so good"
>Then insists on photoshopping them themselves even though they don't know the character and what colour scheme fits them and what parts should be fixed
>they give you 2 photos and in the other one the costume looks terrible and in the other one you have a terrible double chin and a derpface
>Why the fuck did you not give me all of the fucking photos and let me look through them myself FUCK

>> No.7003625

i'm willing to bet if she did SUCK she wouldn't be pregnant, if you know what i mean ;D

>> No.7003646

is he a buff asian man who can pull of a Bruce Lee, muy thai, or monk look?

>> No.7003720

Nah, it's actually more embarrassing than that... guess it could always be worse. what's this one?

(Isn't nurse Minako an actual canon/alternate outfit?)

>> No.7003727

Do tell how the situation would be so different by shifting the backlash to these kinds of stories to sooner (during a con, often) rather than later, oh mighty thread alpha.

>> No.7003815

In addition:
>That one friend who is fat and doesn't realise it then cosplays scantily clad characters whilst people look on in horror.

>> No.7005031

>those friends that constantly brag about how they know/partied with famous people in the cosplay scene
>both are suddenly wanting to get cosplay famous
>those friends who ditches you constantly to hang out with famous cosplayers/photographers
>those same friends who make up excuses to not make it to your bday b/c they're so busy and broke
>they show up anyways bitching how they miss their famous friends
>those same friends then fly out of state later on in the month because it's a famous cosplayer's birthday
>tried to talk to those said friends and they don't get why you're upset
>those friends get defensive and think you're just butthurt
>those same friends who you've considered to be family for the past 5 years


>> No.7005238

>That one friend who is short and kawaii ugu and tries to cosplay all the tall manry characters even though you're a perfectly tall manry person. And they get upset if you mention a cute short character they could do.
>That one friend who just won't stop gaining weight.
>That one friend who can't apply her own makeup.

>> No.7008629

Bumping from page 9, but I need to vent.

>that one friend who waits until the last minute to start a super elaborate costume
>that one friend who spends more time bitching and making sure that you can't possibly understand how hard their cosplay is than actually working on it
>that one friend who treats their mother like shit when she is only trying to help, blames all mistakes on her, and then never gives her credit for helping, even when entering contests
>that one friend who is in their late twenties but throws a tantrum like a fucking three year old

I love this person every day that does not fall within the two weeks before a convention. Damn.

>> No.7008932

>those friends who want to hang out all the time
>those friends who you're afraid will find out you're a huge loser and NEET if you hang out with them all the time
>those friends who's respect you don't want to lose

>> No.7009167


It sounds like you take advantage of your friend, anon. Why are you such a fucking dick-hole?

>> No.7009361
File: 45 KB, 280x200, tumblr_m0kg2hg4eT1qipc51.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend who you repeatedly remind to buy con tickets ahead of time because they had expressed interest in going, but then they never follow through
>that same friend then gets all huffy when they find out you went to the con anyways.

Girl, I reminded you countless times, don't blame me for going and having a good time.

>> No.7009400


>> No.7009424

Honestly thought this was one of my friends posting, I have a "friend" who does EVERYTHING you just posted about

>> No.7009443
File: 180 KB, 500x375, i578769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one friend who got you excited to go to a con
>buy your ticket, get some cosplays together, etc.
>have a great time at the con, excited to tell friend about it
>"I didn't go, I didn't have the money."
>that one friend that you're not allowed to talk to about a good con because she's being a huffy jealous bitch

This was a year or so ago, and I've dropped her since for similar reasons.

>> No.7009457

friends like this aren't worth it, they should be happy you had fun and can go cry about not going

>> No.7009856

Naw man, they offer to do all that out of the kindness of their heart. Maybe I should feed them more, or let them out of that cage I keep them in once in a while, I hear sunlight's good for people right?

That, or we just treat each other mutually like shit and share a rad bromance.