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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 495 KB, 1024x1534, dynastystuck_feferi_and_sollux_by_miwafwakes-d6e786p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6988392 No.6988392 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is >>6982210

So what costumes are you working on currently?

>> No.6988395
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>> No.6988394
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>> No.6988396
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>> No.6988416
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i'm doing repairs on my roxy, i had issues with my materials choices the first time through.

the first times i wore this, i wore violet-pink contacts because they're what i had on hand. i need new ones, but i'm not a fan of the look of pastel pink eyes nor iris-enlarging circle lenses. should i keep hunting for the right pink ones or would it be a sin against cosplay to get the violet ones that i think look more natural? do those pink lenses that look so pale on pinkycolor show up more in real life?

>> No.6988418
File: 225 KB, 1084x814, newnew 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makeup update from previous thread. A bit worn now, but there all the same. Now I'm looking at possibly doing Kanaya.

>> No.6988421

If that is you I saw you at Sakuracon and I was in love with your cosplay.

>> No.6988423
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>> No.6988429

Trying to figure out how to make a Mituna helmet. Might end up doing the whole 3d model papercraft and fiberglass thing for the first time, because I have no clue what to do.

>> No.6988486

whatever you do do not glue the horns onto the helmet! it makes your head looks massive and deformed

>> No.6988578

Interesting concept, very poor execution.

>> No.6988610

How much mileage can I get out of a 9 ounce bottle of kryolan barrier spray?

>> No.6988620

Touching up my Darkleer for Metrocon. Fixing the stuff you guys brought up after ACen.

>> No.6988629

Looking good. Make sure to powder and seal it and you should do just fine.

>> No.6988633

Fuck I'm dumb. *mehron

>> No.6988657
File: 131 KB, 500x677, tumblr_mn2su9kOVJ1r6nzsco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd make a nice Nepeta too actually.

9 oz should last you a while. I use the 2 oz and only have to replace it every few cons with multiple roommates using it.

>> No.6988661
File: 123 KB, 1200x800, tumblr_mocmuqK9oa1s7ycc9o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon!

I don't know if any HSGers live near colonie center but there's a costume shop there that's having a 75% off sale on their mehron products.

>> No.6988875

Looks good. Have you considered highlighting the area around your tear ducts? I don't know how to explain it, but I think it would brighten your eyes a bit. And I agree with what the other anon said, you'd make a great Nepeta.

>> No.6988926

I don't understand Aradias who wear flat as fuck wigs. That Vriska is super hot, though, just wish her headband wasn't showing.

>> No.6988957

If I see one more sexy/burlesque homestuck cosplay I will flip my shit. the majority of the characters are 13-15 years old.

>> No.6989117

Make sure you seal your Mehron.

There was a post going around tumblr that you don't have to seal your Mehron, and I could not believe the amount of stupidity of people actually believe that.

Just because it's water based and doesn't come off as easily as Ben Nye, doesn't mean you can get away with not sealing.

>> No.6989134

Same. At this point it's just tacky and boring.

>> No.6989136
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>not sealing paint is a good idea!
holy shit, that's dumb. can we counteract that by dumping some instructions or tutorials?

>> No.6989170

goddammit, is it really that hard to get the correct shape for feferi horns? jesus.

>> No.6989192
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On that note, what cosplays are you sick of seeing HSG? Bonus if it isn't Dave Strider.

>> No.6989206

Females cosplaying as male characters.

>> No.6989208

Some of my favorites:





>> No.6989231
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>> No.6989233
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>> No.6989234
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same girl

>> No.6989236

Don't worry about your eyes. They're such a tiny detail and no-one should complain about them since some people can't even wear contacts with their physiology. Dolly Eye Gothic 3tone Violet is a natural diameter and doesn't have a thick black ring, btw.

>> No.6989238

ugh that's such a good wig and looks like clean makeup
just... why the "cheekbone definition" oh why

you know that isn't a HS phenomenon, yeah? it's called "crossplay," butthurt-anon. and some women are really good at it.

>> No.6989251


Cry harder. I know Homestuck hasn't necessarily had the best track record, but it's possible to pull of well. However if at any point you question "could I really pull this off" stop and pick another character to cosplay.

>> No.6989260

Make sure to wear contacts. Brown eyes I'd say only work for Nitrams and possibly Megidos.

>> No.6989284

plenty of people can't wear contacts, and it's not really possible to get accurate troll eyes anyway. don't worry about this detail if you don't want to, very few people will hold it against you.

>> No.6989289

it's actually quite easy, i got my yellow scleras for only 100$

>> No.6989292



>> No.6989299

She doesn't have them listed on her main site but she can order them for you. Also what a lot of people don't know is that you can put other colored contacts ontop of the scleras if you want the whole "blood color iris, yellow sclera" look. I wouldnt advise stacking though unless you're use to scleras and know what you're doing.

>> No.6989311

except troll eyes are more gold and not pee yellow so that still isn't perfect. not worth $100 imo.

>> No.6989313

Wow what an amazing amount of bad advice. If by "a lot of people don't know" you mean "a lot of people don't do it because it's fucking dangerous" then yes, you are correct. Piggybacking contacts of any kind reduces the amount of oxygen getting to your eyes, and wearing them for any long period of time can cause serious damage.

Another thing that can cause serious eye damage is wearing scleras that aren't sized to your eye's base curve and dimensions, like the ones you linked there. Personally I would never risk putting scleras in my eyes that I don't know fit properly. Cheapo $100 lenses are half the price of properly-fitted scleras, but why risk permanent eye damage for a cosplay?

>> No.6989318


>> No.6989333

Never said it was safe, even advised against it, have you even worn a pair? The only difference between the ones linked and $300+ pairs is the customization of lens power. Either way, this is HS, someone is going to do it.

>> No.6989338

That's gotta hurt your eyes

>> No.6989345
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>> No.6989348



>> No.6989357

I know it's a normal thing that people do, but Homestuck has a LOT of it, and a lot of them are REALLY FUCKING BAD.

>> No.6989363

i think the problem is less crossplay and more 'people just don't fucking stop to think if they can actually pull off their favorite character, etc'
because let's face it
there are plenty of guys AND girls that just
look really unfortunate due to a combined lack of knowledge and the inability to accept critique

>> No.6989365

I always wonder how much this bugs people. I physically cannot wear contacts and I always feel bad because my stuff will never look as good because I can't.
Shit sucks.

>> No.6989370


>> No.6989371

Really not sure where you're getting your information, but fitted scleras vary the prescription, base curve, and/or diameter in order to actually fit your eye. It's not a one-size-fits-all.

Most cosplayers are girls. Shitty crossplay is going to be a thing that happens, no matter what the fandom.

>> No.6989372

they're extra details, imo. unless you get a really nice pair of contacts, nothing much is lost from a costume that was simple to begin with, like beta/alpha kids
i mean i can't speak for everyone, but there was a jane posted a few threads ago who had the most vile looking flat, bright blue contacts
frankly i'd rather see a natural eye color than that shit

>> No.6989377

source on this karkat? that expression seems actually perfect, i'd like to see them at a normal angle though.

>> No.6989379


>> No.6989400
File: 189 KB, 900x900, tumblr_mozfv3I0wJ1s9ny64o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

canon dirk branches out with their make up skills

>> No.6989404

did they take classes from that one bitch at every county fair that paints faces really poorly

>> No.6989407

It bugs me a lot, depending on the character. But, it's really mostly just photoshoots. Even if you cannot wear contacts, you can at least photoshop or get someone else to photoshop your eye color. Say, for the HS kids, eye color is really important. A Dave with blue eyes or a Roxy with hazel eyes is going to ruin a lot of the photos for me. Photoshop/editting eye color only takes a second. Cons though don't matter to me. I understand how some people can't, and how sometimes it's just not comfortable for the whole day, etc.

>> No.6989419
File: 90 KB, 612x612, 410e8696e20411e29ad122000aa8027e_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet she brags about her make up skills

>> No.6989540
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Such a good Eridan

>> No.6989560

i want to know where he got his wand that is spot on

>> No.6989562
File: 892 KB, 250x188, tumblr_mqcvl97f6W1s3u0h4o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a gifset of this shit just came up on my dash...ugh

>> No.6989566

The canon shoes really make it

>> No.6989658

Reminds me of whatshisface out of Gorillaz

>> No.6989671

why is every homestuck a lesbian girl and also why do they always need to make annoying gif sets of dumb shit

>> No.6989683


>> No.6989694

>shitty obscure and pointless AU's
>some 'sexy' cosplay (bondage stuck)
>people who wear casual clothes (because the character would totally wear this!11!)
>crossover cosplays (drwho stuck, madokastuck)
>roxy cosplayers sprawled out trying to be 'drunk' but they don't understand they just look stupid as hell
>people pinning rose as some hottopic mall goth and jade as a elementary school girl and dave as some gay douche and john as some shota idiot

>> No.6989697

The only thing I can think of is for people to stop using 3D glasses.

I fucking HATE that last bit, just throws their characterizations straight out the window.

>> No.6989701

Got a source on the Vriska? She's a cutie.

>> No.6989724
File: 515 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_meuayfanm61qe4fcso2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self posting for some crit, I'm wearing Aranea again to ConBravo this weekend. Is there anything I can do for some last minute touch ups?

>> No.6989734

Ahh you're really cute! I would maybe try to relax the curls a bit, though that may just be a personal interpretation of Aranea's hair, but I see it as less ringlet-curly like you have here. Also, don't forget to paint your nails! And if possible, try to find some red mary janes? Or improvise with red ribbon. Otherwise, though, I really love your cosplay!

>> No.6989744

Maybe it's the lighting, but the orange is a bit hard to see in your horns. They look mostly yellow to me.

>> No.6989758

You look really cute, but do you have any other photos? I can't really tell if I like your petticoat. Other than that, I agree that painting your nails would be a good idea. Perhaps a red that would match your shoes?
Also, mary janes would be nice, but if you can't find any, the shoes you have will be fine. I don't think I would recommend going with the ribbon.

>> No.6989799

There's a big difference between your face/hands and your thighs. It could be mostly lighting, but I suggest getting lighter, thicker tights closer to your make up.

Also, your make up looks too light and is running off quite a bit. I'm not sure what you're using. If you're using grey Snazaroo, then it's DEFINITELY too light, and needs to be applied way thicker.

>> No.6989800 [DELETED] 
File: 844 KB, 3779x2848, IMG_2382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay! Thank you to you both, I'll try and see if I can brush out the curls a little more and hopefully it'll be more relaxed. I'll be getting my horns back from a friend so I'll touch up the paint job before I wear her.

Ahhh thank you! Yeah, I do. I'll post them along with this response. I'll see if I have a red that matches my shoes, I should but if not it's not expensive to grab some red nail polish before the con.

>> No.6989809

Oh yeah the Ben Nye wasn't sitting right the day I wore it, but this was way back in December and I haven't worn her since. But now I do have lighter tights that matches my makeup so everything should be good now.

>> No.6989817

And hide the headband your horns are on.

>> No.6989826
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Thank you! I'm going to be touching up the horns when I get them back from a friend, and I'm going to be trying to brush out the curls before I go to the con.

Yup, I'll be posting them along with this response (I didn't realize how large the pictures were so I've re-sized them.) I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to go and find new shoes, only because I have to spend the rest of this week working on some last minute cosplay things with friends, but if I do have a chance I'll try and get a pair. As for the nail polish it isn't hard to get a red that would match my shoes.

Yup I'm going to be hiding the horns under the wig this time haha.

>> No.6989842
File: 482 KB, 1280x1907, tumblr_mp2td4tjkN1s3u0h4o2_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the dumb AUs I probably understand demonstuck the least.

>> No.6989862
File: 129 KB, 500x389, 584958036924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leash and collar
why is everyone incorporating dumb kinkshit into their already shitty AU's

>> No.6989867

Just an excuse for kiddies to try and be "kinky" with their favourite characters.

I mean, if you want to do it, by all means, whatever floats your boat, but they're putting it up in public for everyone to see.

>> No.6989874

Because they're all 2edgy4 sexually frustrated teenagers?

>> No.6989875


>> No.6989880

i mean the kink isn't the issue.
it's the fact that they apply it to characters to be edgy and lolsohot to the fapcraving sex-starved tumblrites.
...all while slopping it ontop of bullshit AU's that nobody cares about but a select few

basically this.

>> No.6989885

But seriously why are all underaged cosplayers like this? It's gross and from what I've seen I swear all younger cosplayers are indecent (or trying to be) like this.

>> No.6989894

I read in a previous thread that people tend to do this (and usually to the Striders, which is a shame, I really like the Striders) because they feel like it gives them a sense of... anonymity? Since they're doing sexual things but not as themselves.

>> No.6989940

Well, at least their wig and makeup are decent.

>> No.6989944

Don't even try to defend it, it's just that awful.

>> No.6989957

Can someone give me some tips on making Aradia horns? What clay would be the best or bases like foam or aluminum foil?
I've made mine too big and ugly.

>> No.6989988

The pink insulation foam you can get at Menards works well for horns making horns light, then covering them in spackling and paperclay, but for Aradia's you'll have to basically tape two pieces together to get the curve.

>> No.6989998

I just made my Megido horns from Delight paperclay. It's extremely lightweight even without a hollow base/tinfoil base/foam base (of course, if you don't make them too monstrously huge).

>> No.6990004

Thanks, I don't know what I was thinking when I made them so big. They curve in the most awkward way too.
So paperclay instead of any other clay and would floral foam work? The stores that have foam only sell sheets not blocks.

>> No.6990031

Yeaaah the do only sell the huge sheets at Menards, but if you go to a ReStore, they sell used pieces of foam you can use. Styrofoam also works, but it's a bitch to work with because it sheds everywhere. I don't know if floral foam would work since it's so squishy, but it might after a layer of something keeps it ridged.

Alternatively there is always model magic, but I have personally found it very unenjoyable to use because it's quick to crack and squish and doesn't like to hold the curve that you would need for Aradia, but I know some people who swear by it.

>> No.6990051

I live in central Florida and I've never heard of Menards. I'll go check around tomorrow at more hard wear stores for the foam.
And yeah model magic is shit for big horns, I used it for my big ugly ones I have now. But I saw one girl said she used a really thin layer of it and it didn't crack at all. I called bullshit but she swore it was an amazing product for horns.

>> No.6990098

I don't think you're aware that they're meant to be Dirk, anon.

>> No.6990147

If you get expanding foam that'd be pretty nice and light for larger horns like Megido's.

>> No.6990148

Ah, I see. Well, I live in the Midwest, so it's either Menards or Lowes for those kind of supplies, or the ReStore for scraps of things.

I also tried to make Aradia horns out of model magic, and no amount of spackling or paper clay or pray could get them salvageable. I know some people are good with model magic, but I'm not one of those people. You also run the risk of getting them squished after all that pain and suffering to get them to work.

Model magic does save you a lot of sanding though, I suppose.

>> No.6990173

I'll check lowes, every isle twice.

Ugh model magic has become hated in my house because of how easy it gets swashed and cracks. I used to be good with it but the biggest horns I could make with no cracks or base was Kanaya horns.
Another question, splackle? Why and when would I use that on the horns? I've never heard of using it on horns, props though yeah.

>> No.6990185

to smooth out the horn or to fill cracks

>> No.6990218

Oh dhu, thank you for your help though!

>> No.6990224

Yeah, as the other anon said, you use it to smooth out horns and fill in the cracks. Or when you're using foam, you coat the foam with it to make the base shape that you will then cover in paperclay.

It's easier to get paperclay to make things like points, but easier to spread paperclay onto something that already has a smooth base, so spackling is good for making that smooth base. You can get it usually near the paint isles in whatever store you go to, since it's used to mostly fill in cracks in drywall.

>> No.6990226

Not the anon youre replying to, but if it was meant to be Dirk, why are the contacts red?

>> No.6990243
File: 153 KB, 250x373, tumblr_mp2td4tjkN1s3u0h4o3_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not dirk. its dave. this is the dirk

>> No.6990249

If you think that's decent I'd hate to say what you think is bad.

>> No.6990253

Thanks, it sounds really useful for horns. I wouldn't have thought putting it on the foam before the paperclay.

>> No.6990268

this is all so upsetting

>> No.6990316

>that wig
So flat...so boring...so little effort...

>> No.6990328

My bad, but can you blame me? There's essentially no difference but the contacts.

>> No.6990387
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>> No.6990439

what's wrong with those fangs

>> No.6990454

Just ordered Arda's Lulu in titanium blonde for both Dave and Rose
>never doing ebay for blonde wigs again
>just no

>> No.6990455
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>> No.6990470

That sash makes me want to puke

>> No.6990467

> bashes ebay wigs but uses the same wig for Dave and Rose

>> No.6990497

I sort of like the curly look for Kanaya though, but it just seems hard to have a curly wig and maintain flyways.

>> No.6990558

>can't find good wigs on eBay
>comes here to tell everyone about how they ordered from Arda

>> No.6990580

Never had a problem with ebay wigs. What was the problem?

>> No.6990597

...two wigs. They'll be styled differently. And I only mentioned a problem with blonde eBay wigs.
I've done a lot with eBay wigs over the past five years, and unless it's a specific character wig (I got a great France wig for ~$35 a few years back, for instance) the blonde "natural cut" wigs are nearly always too thin or too coarse. Especially for Strilondes, who I imagine having really fine silky hair, I really didn't like the texture of the two different wigs I got that were only slightly cheaper than what I finally dished on an Arda wig.

Seriously, people, I didn't come in here wailing FUCK EBAY ALL HAIL ARDA. Calm your tits.

>> No.6990622

I'm not entirely sure if the Lulu would work well for both characters. I own one and it has a really weird skintop that gives the wig a bit of a bump/volume that I think might look a bit odd for Dave, but it'll work well for Rose though.

>> No.6990624

For my dead Aradia cosplay should I put holes into the collar along with the sleeves and bottom?

>> No.6990643

Well I mean, Rose is pretty gothy. She wears a skull on her shirt and most of her alt. outfits are mostly black. She is not hottopic mall-gothy even in the least, but I hate seeing her portrayed as girly or "cutesy".

>> No.6990665

That's unfortunate. :/ I specifically got it for both because of this picture: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ardawigs/7094409105/in/set-72157626271966769

Luckily, I need a lulu in titanium blonde for a different cosplay, so if I don't think it works I'll just order a different one.

>> No.6990668

Not same anon, but it says in the description that the Dave wig isn't an Arda one.

>> No.6990678

Oh my god I am the biggest fucking idiot. Gonna just... go now. Yup.

>> No.6990711
File: 50 KB, 632x831, How emberassing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to post progress but the gif came out to like 14 mb
Guess I'll have to just make it work faster
Have this instead

>> No.6990719

Holy shit that is literally perfect

>> No.6990736

why does every cosplay seem to employ the use of converse

>> No.6990742

Because a lot of the kids would probably be wearing them

>> No.6990790

Vriska, sure
Dave, why not
Gamzee, maybe
I'm not really seeing it for a lot of the others

>> No.6990972

Dave and Vriska are the only ones who actually do, I believe

Maybe Terezi?

>> No.6991001
File: 968 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mq2bryT8rg1s3u0h4o2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6991004


Terezi has some kinda weird red slipper dealie going on.

>> No.6991019

Terezi wears crocs

>> No.6991148

I think Jade does with the 3AM dress, maybe John with his Vriska outfit?

Seconding Terezi and crocs.

>> No.6991196

Nah, John wears something different in the outfit Vriska made for him. They do look similar, and I unfortunately don't know my shoes very well aside from Converse, although they're not that.

>> No.6991206

Well I've only really seen it on those ones regardless

>> No.6991214
File: 64 KB, 940x175, room68.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Jade wears green flats with the 3AM dress.

>> No.6991417

She in fact does, with her regular outfit.

>> No.6991433

I got the feeling that they were those normal converse shoes, not the high tops for Terezi

>> No.6991448
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>> No.6991530


Trolls. Just the basic troll setup- Grey face and arms, horns, shirt, and nothing special in between.

>> No.6991554
File: 13 KB, 185x185, 185px-04104_3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jade wears two different shoes with the dress depending on the occasion-

>> No.6991567
File: 119 KB, 650x450, 03972.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah sorry that is true, but her Squiddlesneaks aren't Converse anyway.

>> No.6991725

Help. I was trying to style a Kanaya wig. I've never styled a wig before, and this just became terrifying, exausting, and mindblowing. Can anyone give me any tips on how to make a styled wig not look like crap, how to do that cowlick ect?

>> No.6991983
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>> No.6991994
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>> No.6991997

keep trying until it goes the way you want it.
we can't magically teach you how to style. you need to learn. that said, youre only allowed to use spray. no glue, no gel, no wax.

just keep washing it out and retrying.

>> No.6992029

>no wax
Huh? I use wax and it looks just fine.

>> No.6992039

i think it's a matter of preference
i'd personally use a mix of hairspray, wax, and heat if i were styling a kanaya wig in particular, but i'm not a huge fan of wax for most styles
it can get stiff and sort of plastic-y if you're not careful, and hairspray/heat really does 90% of the work

>> No.6992052

Yeah, I usually use hairspray and wax, but I tend to lay off the hair spray because that's what usually leaves my wigs looking plastic...

>> No.6992063

they got the pajama part down

>> No.6992082

From the pics I've seen, they have a lot a promise. It's not perfect, the hood and makeupe could be better, but it's definitely one of the better Aradia's out there.

>> No.6992093

And on top of that, she's absolutely adorable.

>> No.6992109

I wouldn't say "definitely" one of the better Aradias out there. Her symbol looks messy and while she does have the pajama look down... actual pajama dreamers and god tiers often aren't executed well in real life. It especially looks kinda bulky around her waist with the elastic showing. Her wig is kind of a mess and not in an IC way just an unappealing way. She's cute and has promise, definitely not one of the worst. But mediocre.

>> No.6992129
File: 136 KB, 717x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6992138
File: 850 KB, 320x240, tumblr_mqdc4lo7ze1su604so1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6992164
File: 13 KB, 300x400, 1374530285522-jpg--Murdoc-is-a-Poor-Emo-Child-murdoc-niccals-23509710-1366-768-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6992234
File: 433 KB, 940x624, tumblr_mqf2cs80Lf1r0b3lno6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd ask how they get around, but it's probably detachable and just put on for photos. Very impressive regardless.

>> No.6992266

The may also have a zipper in the back. Just zip it up for photos and walk around the rest of the time.

>> No.6992281


This went slightly better than expected.

>> No.6992289

No it fucking didn't

It's still ridiculous and idiotic, these kids need to stop with this shit

>> No.6992310

Everything about this costume is amazing, especially those wings.

>> No.6992309

Same exact thing I noticed when a set of this girl's photos showed up on my dashboard. She's got this great costume and then Halloween Express vampire fangs

>> No.6992332

That's fair.

I think maybe I've just been seeing a lot of bad Aradias lately.
Plus, the fact that she didn't use those stupid Halloween demon horns puts her above a lot of them for me.

>> No.6992369
File: 253 KB, 1440x2560, IMAG0286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6992405


Damn, anon, calm down.
I'm as tired of the shoehorned sexual bullshit as you are. I just find that obviously in jest .gif funny.

Cosplays be mad busted though.

>> No.6992775

This is why I hate sprites who wear pants.

>> No.6992782

And her hood isn't even hemmed. Cmon cgl, just because someone is attractive...

>> No.6992791

The horns kind of ruin it though. They're too on the top of her head and blocky-painted. Gradient is always better.

>> No.6992794

>no middle part
>thin, poorly applied makeup
>ratty, tangled wig
>messy, low symbol
>unhemmed (felt??) hood
Really, guys?

>> No.6992802

It would be a nice detail touch, I say go for it.

>> No.6992815

They have two zippers I think? One near the feet for just walking and one near the top to take it off.

>> No.6992854
File: 1.52 MB, 400x300, tumblr_mqeix5BLdW1rrwu8ko1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6992873

This.... doesn't even look like a real reaction? Just like she's trying to join the bandwagon of "lol oops i was trying to be cool but then something scared me!!!! omg lol"

>> No.6992895

Gotta love how the dice conveniently don't even fall out of her hands, either. What the fuck.

>> No.6992904

ugh, that one rose cosplayer that got thousands of notes on her gif of her reacting to seeing a spider in a book really bothers me. her wig is so horribly cut and looks fried and her makeup is really sloppy.

>> No.6992968

I just found nudestuck
what the fuck

>> No.6993117

She might have them glued onto rings, http://homestuckcosplayhelp.tumblr.com/post/49030662213/dicekind-rings

>> No.6993139


why the fuck would anyone even do this.

>> No.6993147
File: 74 KB, 640x960, 1001539_10151590424833878_1070089074_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she mentioned on her blog she couldn't walk and had her bf carry her around

>> No.6993166

combined with her personality, she's more classic than mall goth. Think classic literature and victorian rather than thick eye makeup and fishnet gloves.

>> No.6993167

My favorite thing is when a Homestuck update comes out and everyone takes a side and argues with one another over race or gender or something fucking pointless and ridiculous.
Like the caucasian thing a while ago. Who cares? It's not like half of you can even pull off a decent cosplay anyway, even if your skin is technically 'canon' not.
Also can I say I am so tired of these god awful flower crowns and bloody/bruise makeup trends.

>> No.6993168

is he yawning?

>> No.6993179
File: 129 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mqfvdgE0LS1r52jxko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6993225

I wish the legs had a little more armor and that they actually painted themselves, but otherwise I really like this!

>> No.6993261

So close... they could have at least shopped in the grey or something. This is pretty awesome regardless, I haven't seen this done before.

>> No.6993329


It's a progress picture, so hopefully they'll be grey at con. It's really well done, I'm impressed

>> No.6993839

I think she was the first to do a fake reaction gif.

>> No.6993904

I thought the first was the Dave, and that's the only one I know was real

>> No.6994081

the dave was real, i was with him when he was making that gif. i don't know about the others, but i can agree that the rose gif looked very faked. if i saw a dead spider in a book i would drop that shit and run away.

>> No.6994095
File: 83 KB, 266x288, f805cf9d2e845448b3ed72a4e8b669f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's everyone's opinions on the textured vs smooth horns debate? Segmented vs gradient?

I prefer texture myself, since pretty much nothing that grows naturally is completely smooth, so I put bumps near the base of my Aradia horns (like deer horns have). For myself, I really like how it looks, but I had one friend comment that it looked like the texture of a sex toy. (??) I don't really have any idea of how to respond to that, or what to do about it, though. Any suggestions? Thoughts? Opinions?

Pic is the best I have of the detail, sorry. I have another one that's better (in terms of image quality and not being cropped from one corner of it) but it's taken from the front, so you can't see my horns completely.

>> No.6994107

The texture is fine, your friend needs to get laid and see a cigar for a cigar.

>> No.6994146

Bonus points for not connecting the tip to the top like some sort of lost ouroboros.

>> No.6994414

what gif was this? I'm curious.

>> No.6994438
File: 157 KB, 1024x678, look at those BOOOOOBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This aradia
this fuckin aradia

>> No.6994441

the longer i look at this the less i like it

>> No.6994444
File: 1.02 MB, 260x173, tumblr_mq5g1ns3c31rcjt6po1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6994449

Just a /co/ hsg injoke

>> No.6994463

She's been posted before, yes. Her outfit needs some work, but it's okay. She is very adorable, however. Absolutely so.

>> No.6994523

Her horns are a bit ridculous looking with their disproportionateness, she could probably tone down the silly faces, and maybe work on her makeup a bit? (A bit darker on her face so it matches her hands better, using contouring, exaggerating a bit so it doesn't get lost in a sea of grey), but I wouldn't say she's TERRIBLE. And you can only get better, right? I physically cringe when confronted with my own early cosplays.

>> No.6994532

That was meant to sound encouraging but then it just sort of........

In which I am mediocre at more than just cosplay.

>> No.6994563

>tone down the silly faces

>> No.6994573

Well, Aradia mostly just does the unnerving smile, not a lot of contorting of her face. Unless I'm forgetting something.

I don't really think it's meant to be an in character thing though. A lot of cosplayers just like to make really goofy faces for fun when they take pictures. Even when it's a serious shoot, it's like a sort of blooper reel.

>> No.6994600

It's so pointless. They shouldn't be doing that shit.

>> No.6994615

Yeah, God forbid someone want to take silly and harmless pictures. Obviously they need to take only professional pictures to please everyone else.

>> No.6994624

>Stop having fun

>> No.6994696

It's a nice way to ease off the stress of an hour longer shoot, and remember how fun the con was, so I would say it's far from pointless.

>> No.6994703

Let me guess. Not a cosplayer yourself?

Even the most stoic and professional of BNF have blooper shots sometimes. If not the energy of a con that gets you crazy, you get pretty weird after a couple of three hour nights.

Also being silly is just really fun.

>> No.6994715

I feel like this calls for good-cosplay-weird-face dump

>> No.6994720

Why do people do it

Why do people even post it publicly anyway

It's just fucking stupid, I mean if you want to do that privately then whatever but why put it up for everyone else to see?

>> No.6994728

Because if people put it on their tumblr, they're probably putting it up for their friends, or to remember something funny that happened at the con, or just because it made them happy.

You don't have to like it, but it doesn't make it pointless or dumb. It's not like nudestuck or weird sexual gifs, it's just pictures of a cosplayer having fun, so I don't understand how you can be so offended that someone would put something personal on their personal blog. If it gets reblogged by other people who find it funny, that's their prerogative.

>> No.6994735

Because life isn't your personal entertainment show

>> No.6994739

the pointless butthurt is strong with this one

>> No.6994746

I don't even have enough palm to facepalm appropriately for this.

>> No.6994748
File: 90 KB, 250x374, tumblr_mqh4e0Pw011qiaukxo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6994753

This is both terrifying and awesome. more terrifying, but nice colors....why the watermelon..?
Is this a trickster form for dolorosa? What?

>> No.6994761


>> No.6994764
File: 99 KB, 870x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trickster Dolorosa

>> No.6994768

You can't say it isn't decently executed, at very least. The cosplay itself is well made and put together. It just...................


>> No.6994781
File: 41 KB, 500x333, 5435463545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh, this guy is dating one of my old best friends that i've known for years, and he is a scumbag asshole who mooches off everyone. i really wish he'd go the hell away and stop acting like he's such hot shit.

>> No.6994789

Esthetically, what'd be better for an exiles cosplay: "Canon" cleanness, or actual raggyness? There was a pretty great PM at AX that went for the ratty look, but I wanted to get ya'll's opinions

>> No.6994793
File: 457 KB, 640x961, tumblr_mqh4e0Pw011qiaukxo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god I just saw this too


>> No.6994795

it is none of those things.

>> No.6994799

I was gonna say "eeeh maybe, the horns are iffy but it's a tiny ass photo so I can't say much until I see a bigger one" and then >>6994793 turns up

>> No.6994805

I think actual post-apocalyptic ratty ragged exiles would be the actual best? I LOVE when people actually account for storyline events for their cosplays, and add in little details, even if they're not 100% canon. I saw one A+ god tier Jade that had a pretty realistic looking tail in addition to her ears. Not canon, but it looked really rad.

>> No.6994813

I was too quick to judge. I take it back.

I've seen worse but that's not saying much.

>> No.6995118

Personally I like the ones with tears and dirty on it. It's more realistic.

I've yet to see a WV that actually made a faint outline of John's bedsheets on their fabric, which would be really cool.

>> No.6995139
File: 320 KB, 342x606, wv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not exactly what you're looking for, but my favorite wv cosplayer

>> No.6995191

That's an extremely mediocre at best WV.

>> No.6995199 [DELETED] 



>> No.6995272
File: 517 KB, 1280x1707, whoever you are wv you look good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of black tights underneath, grey tights/leggings detailed to look like armour pieces would have better contributed to the effect of a continuous span of robotics.
Aside from that, I'm really happy someone is doing the through-the-chest stab effect proper. Also the armour detailing is lovely.

I've yet to see well-executed raggedness. I've only ever found two good WVs - one was luno-vulpes, who had clean lines and hems, and the other is pic attached. They could have done more colour weathering, but they did an okay job at fraying the fabric edges and making the "MAYOr" sign look like an actual mayonnaise label with addendum.

>> No.6995436


As long as the horns don't look super shitty it really doesn't matter. If you're going to texture, make sure it's doesn't look like mashed up newspaper pulp, string, or deformed. If you're going for smooth, sand those bitches like crazy.

Personally, I love gradient horns the best but it's subjective. Whatever paint job you're doing, make sure it looks even and both horns look as identical as possible.

>> No.6995449

Okay! I forgot they were her Squiddlesneaks. That's my fault.

>> No.6995458

meant to sage, i'm a dickwad. Sorry.

>> No.6995563
File: 525 KB, 960x720, tumblr_mklwjvC1QZ1rcvejjo5_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could this be what you are looking for, Anon?

>> No.6995643

Close (not dark enough) but that is the idea, and very cool execution! Thanks.

>> No.6995668
File: 3 KB, 190x302, wv_past.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is supposed to be the Wizardly Vassal outfit, rather than the Wayward Vagabond outfit, which is why it's so light?

>> No.6995711

What website would you have a Feferi shirt printed on? I don't want to paint a shirt, having one printed would look a lot nicer. But I don't know what website to use. She also has a tank top, so that makes it even more difficult.

What website do you use to print shirts for Feferi/Equius (since his is similar)

>> No.6995718

i'm pretty sure we just paint them
what is the big deal

>> No.6995724

Painting really isn't that bad I don't see why you can't just paint it

>> No.6995727

They don't look as nice and solid as printed shirts. Also I'm frankly just worried about my hand moving and then painting outside of the line and fucking up and ruining it.

>> No.6995733

They look fine though. Have you considered using iron ons? They're pretty shitty, but they're another alternative to painting.

>> No.6995740

No, because they're pretty shitty.

I just want it to look as clean as possible, and printing would be the best bet for that.

Also, how would you use armsocks with Feferi? Since she has a low scooped shirt, cutting out the crotch of the tights wouldn't work since it'd show under the shirt. So would you sew each leg of the armsocks onto the shirt itself?

>> No.6995743

Or you could use freezer paper as a stencil and just paint it

>> No.6995747

you could also just get iron on paper.it like $7 at walmart. you just print the design and iron it on. pretty good as long as your printer doesnt suck and you never EVER put it through the dryer

>> No.6995749

with the armsocks, you can cut out more than the crotch if you're really careful and you hem it/ use nail polish or some other fabric sealer. thats pretty difficult though...

>> No.6995776

Do most people just cut off the legs/arms and sew them to the armhole of the shirt though? Sorry for all the stupid questions but I thought you guys would know best.

>> No.6995778

These are pretty stupid questions. If you can't even paint a shirt, I don't know if you want to bother trying with armsocks.

>> No.6995783

I've already made armsocks twice and they turned out very nicely. And it's not that I think I /can't/ paint the shirt, I just don't like room for error and think printed shirts look better.

>> No.6995795

I think you can, but if theres too much tension, then it might pull on the sleeves/straps of your tanktop. But yeah, i agree with the iron on paper. if you use an x-acto knife or something theres not much room for error there, and it looks great...

>> No.6995846

aahahaha that make up

>> No.6995849
File: 62 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mqh1nsDNnZ1r79np8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6995854

Not true, I've seen some paint jobs done amazingly well, and some stores can seriously fuck shit up (like having unnecessary outlines or peel).

>> No.6995857

I think cancerously uses armsocks for her Feferi, and she just made the hole really wide and has it sits under her boobs. Maybe she pinned the hem of the socks to her shirt too?

>> No.6995861

Nie make up, but what's up with their pants...? It looks like jeans with some chiffon strips draped over it..

>> No.6995863

Fabric paint is shiny like that?

>> No.6995892

speaking of fabric paint, what's the best brand to use?

>> No.6995897

Then why are the black parts way shinier than the blue?

>> No.6995909

probably because they painted black on blue pants

>> No.6995911

Because the blue is actual color of their pants. It's not fabric paint.

>> No.6995944

has any of you ever seen a Condesce cosplay with a convincing wig? I'm going to cosplay her and I want to do justice ot that unholy mass of hair, and most cosplays I've seen of her have wigs that look too flat to me

>> No.6995946
File: 353 KB, 493x740, tumblr_m9hj9lI8RP1r67bibo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this Davesprite.

>> No.6995949

That's The Firey from Card Captor Sakura you moron.

>> No.6995951


No, it's Davesprite.

>> No.6995954

m-muh headcanons

>> No.6995959

My first impression would be a Moltres gijinka.

>> No.6995961


No, it's Davesprite.

>> No.6995964

10/10, great Davesprite. Take notes, everybody.

>> No.6995971


>> No.6995973


It's Davesprite.

>> No.6995974

No, this is Patrick!

>> No.6995975

Can you not shit up the thread like this.

>> No.6995978


It's Davesprite.

>> No.6995982

So! /cgl/, what do you guys think on Kanaya horns? i was thinking that they would be rather smaller(thinner) and more dainty as opposed to tall... thoughts?

>> No.6995993

I prefer Kanayas with shorter horns.

>> No.6995999
File: 54 KB, 640x960, 960032_10151688097370452_883750678_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this?

>> No.6996002
File: 44 KB, 500x375, ironlass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started Iron lass a bit ago, still trying to figure out how to do the skirt so it matches up nicely with what the top will look like

>> No.6996014
File: 119 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m2ynzdEVyO1qim796o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>convincing wig

>> No.6996042

>wimpy trident
>bad paint job on bodysuit
>weird wig
>horns leaning forward

so close but so far

>> No.6996045

they should be small. kanaya has pretty small horns.

>> No.6996077

they arent super small. bigger than sollux's but slightly smaller than vriskas. i personally think vriskas and kanayas horns are roughly the same size. definitely not like >>6990455

>> No.6996082

10/10 I lol'd

>> No.6996112

a-anybody? i really don't want to screw up and get a bad type of paint.

>> No.6996133

tulip is good

>> No.6996149

I found something called textile medium at Michael's and mixing it with acrylic paint turns it into a more fabric friendly paint. I find it helpful when I want a specific color and can't find it available as a fabric paint.

>> No.6996178

anon, that's davesprite.

>> No.6996195

Shut the fuck up with this, it wasn't funny before, it's still not funny. Leave that shit on tumblr.

>> No.6996205

god, dont even put it there!

>> No.6996211



>> No.6996270

Okay, this one made me laugh.

>> No.6996280

congrats on your mental retardation.

>> No.6996293



>> No.6996323

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6996328



>> No.6996360
File: 30 KB, 1679x791, troll horn comparison chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6996362

How are you even this mad over the word "Davesprite"?

>> No.6996365

Damn. This is exceptionally helpful! Thankyou, anon!

>> No.6996401

It's not wrinkling the same, though. It doesn't look like it's attached to the actual pants.

>> No.6996408

This is what I use. It's really great imo. Especially since you're not left over with a bunch of expensive fabric paint if you only need to use a little bit of a certain colour.

>> No.6996419

I'm thinking of doing a Wayward Vagabond cosplay, but I have no idea how to do the black skin. Painting feels weird and wearing a black layer feels stuffy.

Any ideas?

>> No.6996433


Asked yonejiro and they said they used spray fabric paint.

>> No.6996434

zentai suit...basically a skin tight body suit....or theres also just masks made out of the same stuff...

>> No.6996472

>Dave is/was a textbook case for Social Services, and suffering badly from Stockholm Syndrome.

Is this what the majority of the fandom believes?

>> No.6996479

What? Wtf is this about.

>> No.6996490

Was reading TV tropes and this was listed under the confirmed list.

>> No.6996496

What does this have to do with cosplay?

>> No.6996497

According to TV Tropes Dave is also bi and half-black. Don't believe everything you read.

>> No.6996506

was wondering if this is true->would explain why a lot of dave cosplayers do questionable things
duly noted

>> No.6996513

I have a firm belief that everyone who believes this has never had an older brother, because Dave and Bro acted just like that- fucking brothers.

>> No.6996518

I can't wait anon. I wish you luck!

>> No.6996541

Might want to improve on your vulgarity placement there, half the fandom actually likes to think they're fucking brothers, if you know what I mean.

>> No.6996552

let's face it, the real travesty is that stridercest is considered HOT and lalondecest is WRONG
(sage because this discussion isn't even about cosplay)

>> No.6996559

thats because bro is a "brother" and mom is a "mother" hm wow

>> No.6996564

according to ectobiology though, they're exactly the same and i'd argue that a 30-something brother is equally skeevy yo
though i was more referring to dave and dirk and rose and roxy
age differences with young teenagers are gross as shit

>> No.6996567

except no one will pay attention to that.

>> No.6996667

Because weeby teenage girls/fakeguys like yaoi much more than yuri.

>> No.6996669

But Egbertcest is totally chill. Your ships are totally valid as long as they both have a penis.

Sage because why are we still talking about this?

>> No.6996728

egbertcest is disgusting.

>> No.6996751
File: 284 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mqj0yzbwqg1qhe6qvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate incestual ships as much as the next person, but can we talk more about cosplay?

>> No.6996757
File: 279 KB, 600x675, tumblr_mqirwmTLmc1saam5ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting random stuff from the tag.

>> No.6996759
File: 104 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mqiq26bd7H1rtd8hoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you should never wear black lipstick as a male troll, eugh.

>> No.6996761

Oh man I love Kumashiros' cosplay but they're always so whiny it's really annoying.

>> No.6996764

whose horns are those on the front left part of the table? A fantroll? But that is a pretty fantastic collection.

>> No.6996767


>> No.6996774

Looking through their shit they're all right...Handmaid horns are definitely impressive. But their costumes look so ill-fitting and their expression is just :| for almost every photo.

>> No.6997012

their horns are literally the size of candy corns

>> No.6997048

I agree that this looks pretty bad, but I also don't like it when they just cover their lips in the same flat light gray as the rest of their skin, especially since canon says troll lips are naturally black. I think using a darker gray or blending black lipstick in with the foundation to get a medium to dark gray color is the best way to go.

>> No.6997102

Are pointed ears a requirement for trolls?

>> No.6997104

no its just a dumb headcanon

>> No.6997112


I could have sworn it was canon somewhere...

>> No.6997129

I like it, but I'm pretty sure it's not canon.

>> No.6997305


There's a sketch Hussie did at some con before the fanbase exploded showing Karkat and Terezi with pointed ears. So it's dubious - certainly not comic-canon but not strictly without basis

>> No.6997314
File: 65 KB, 600x710, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was wrong, it's just Terezi. Definitely elongated enough to make an argument but the tips are more rounded so who knows. That said I wish kids who don't know jack shit about prothetics would stop doing them so poorly already

>> No.6997377

PSA that we're autosaging but I don't want to start a new thread.

That's beautiful. I especially love the mesh-like black fabric between the armour plates.

Went a few pages back in the thread and couldn't find the original in the sea of selfie gifs. Source?

>> No.6997476


>> No.6998152

New thread >>6998151

>> No.6998183

sometimes I just want to grab Hussie by the shirt and tell him that's not how hair works...