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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6980465

Yes it is a shitty OP pic but I didn't care to make it any better.

>> No.6980474

reposting from other thread:
Question, if a listing says it's a couple's item, a pair, etc.
If I order with 2 Sizes will I get both?
This is what I want, but do I have to buy it twice? or will I get both in one order?

>> No.6980486

I'm going to take a guess and say the listing is for one ring. If it was a pair, the options in choosing the "color classification" would have been pairs rather than individual pieces even though the listing says pair.

>> No.6980489

It's okay, OP, you didn't disappoint

>> No.6980494
File: 54 KB, 800x800, 435915567_248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kind of a weird request.
What's the search term for safety eyes for teddy bears/stuffed toys?

It seems that every combination of plush doll bear safety eye, etc (in English) all bring up other things like makeup, bear phone cases, or stuffed animals. It'd be great to find some like pic related (note the back is curved instead of flat like the typical safety eye)

>> No.6980575

I searched 泰迪熊 眼 DIY and got a ton, though idk about ones with curved backs. I've found DIY is a good general term for all craft stuff.

>> No.6980581
File: 148 KB, 638x512, $(KGrHqJ,!lIFD)kbnB99BRqD+klk7!~~60_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I should be asking this here, but anyone knows where I could find this kind of K figures on tao bao?

>> No.6980644

first time ordering a wig from taobao. Just wondering about the quality of wigs from Kucos?

>> No.6980656

Those are Karakore (Colorful Collection/ColoColle) figure keychains made by Movic of Japan. Any that you find on Taobao will be badly made bootlegs and I wouldn't recommend supporting that industry.

>> No.6980658

I need some socks for my coord that aren't freakin' Secret Shop. Does anyone know of some good shops for socks suitable for lolita?

>> No.6980659

You can get loliable socks literally everywhere on taobao if you take 30 seconds to search

>> No.6980665

Muahahahah you will never knotw my secret code.

>> No.6980686
File: 56 KB, 380x288, 1244911803712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some terrible passwords...

>> No.6980827

>literally everywhere
"Literally" should not be used if you do not mean LITERALLY. It is not some random expression used to highlight something or add intensity, it has an actual meaning. And considering that not all stores carry socks, no, you can't find loliable socks LITERALLY everywhere on taobao.

>> No.6980831

You are literally the most buttmad poster I've seen on /cgl/


>> No.6980837


I laughed. Thanks for making my day.

>> No.6980839

It's funny because I am not mad at all. I just thought adding an explanation would be nice since quoted anon looks like they are literally - this time actually literally - dumb.

>> No.6980840

If I had the money I would buy the originals but yeah... Could you help me with a tag/term for the bootlegs?

>> No.6980856

Seller on Taobao aren't going to conveniently tell you that they're making bootlegs. Assume 99% of the stuff there is until proven otherwise.

Originals aren't that expensive, they're only about 500-550 yen each retail. Sites like AmiAmi easily sell a box set of 8 discounted for like 3300 yen.

>> No.6980879

No one gives a shit.

>> No.6980994

OP, I approve of this image.

Has anyone's Captain Mia reached their SS yet?

>> No.6980997

No I just asked for a term for these kind of figures.

>> No.6981045

the general term for figurines is 景品

idk how to search for that particular collection you're looking for, but they seem to be all chibi versions? in which case you could try searching 景品Q版

>> No.6981054


>> No.6981100

i do

>> No.6981342

Which is faster Hong King Air or EMS?

>> No.6981365

Last package I got from Hong Kong Air took about 3 weeks.

>> No.6981367

I think this is the same loser that screwed up the ita thread.
Fucking summer autists, why can't they learn to normal like the regular autists?

>> No.6981587

You're supposed to be teaching the Chinese English, not teaching us English.

>> No.6981599

>literally dumb

The literal meaning of 'dumb' is a person who is unable to speak due to being deaf, you sanctimonious fucking moron. You were lecturing us on how to use a word correctly, and then proved you don't understand how to use it correctly yourself. I hope every single Taobao order you make for the rest of your life gets misidentified by Customs as buckets of anthrax.

>> No.6981602


>> No.6981632

Reposting from previous thread since even ebay seems to hate me and doesn't have anything to offer:

What I'm looking is golden bias tape and all I keep getting is ribbon. Is there is any specific search term for bias tape? If anyone would happen to have shops they use for such things, I would be more than happy if I got any links.

I tried looking through the dictionaries, tried google translate and looking with similar search terms, but with no luck, wikipedia article about bias tape only translates to japanese.

>> No.6981777
File: 57 KB, 500x375, 1345236698432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hi, kind of off-topic for this thread in particular. I *really* want this dress, how much did it cost you altogether? Do you know if they're still selling it to those who didn't preorder? Sorry to dump all this questions on you.

>> No.6981886

I received my order from TaobaoFocus, but it hasn't stopped being an active order. Is it supposed to remain that way? I want to get the leftover money sent back to my card, but the page says they can't do that unless I have no active orders.

What should I do? Can I send them an email or something? Their online help hours are inconvenient.

>> No.6981998

I know this is the taobao thread but anyone knows another store like amiami? The item that I want is out of stock.

>> No.6982013
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x1600, buying things from japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6982105
File: 339 KB, 941x599, Screen Shot 2013-07-18 at 2.11.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else see this?

>> No.6982109

Yeah was posted here ages ago.

>> No.6982114

Missed that, sorry. Are people gonna use it?

>> No.6982126

That's old. I saw it was posted on tumblr recently but it's been there for quite a while.

I won't be using it because there is no Paypal option (I think. I never bothered reading it)

>> No.6982142

It cost me...165 yuan for the SK before SS fees and international shipping. They *might* have leftover stock after the preorder is shipped out, but it was pretty popular so they might not. If they do, it'll be more expensive.

Not a problem, and this thread is for everything Taobao related so you're perfectly on topic.

>> No.6982147

God bless your soul.

>> No.6982169
File: 93 KB, 1024x683, 2O9aUvAbkGZm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I search for bat bags? And/Or replicas of the Moitie one?

>> No.6982171

Really? I paid 219yuan in total after they asked for the rest of the deposit... This is before shipping, SS fees, and intl shipping too. Either my SS is ripping me off for a whopping $13 or you haven't finished paying for your skirt.

>> No.6982172
File: 320 KB, 440x587, tumblr_mfb4u369Um1r67csqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I get (from the dictonary) that 学院风 is school style and 学院风, 洛丽塔 and 羅麗塔 is lolita but do any of those combine to make finding uniformed themed lolita?

>> No.6982179

Just look up loris (unless you're looking for different sellers making it?)

>> No.6982194

Got it!
Apparently the term you're looking for is something like "piping tape" or edging: 滚边带 seems to work

>> No.6982196

Oh ok thanks!

Seconding this, I can never find the school themed lolita without it getting sexy and creepy

>> No.6982197

Oh hell you're right. I just realizes that originally TBS made a mistake and I never corrected it on the spreadsheet, even though I paid the full amount. My apologies, I'm an idiot.

>> No.6982201

Uhh... what happened to the store directory? In OPs post at the post before, all 3 "store spreadsheets" lead to the dictionary.

>> No.6982209

Or if anyone wants to help save me some time and link me to good maid dress stores that would be awesome.

the "可爱女仆" search brings me crappy lingerie ones, im looking for cute con friendly ones

>> No.6982232

It's a bug with certain addons. Try disabling different ones to find the culprit.

>> No.6982238

Overseas buyers:
Your welcome.

>> No.6982243


>> No.6982253

... damn.
anyone else super glad though?

>> No.6982270

...See >>6982126

>> No.6982289

But shes not glad. . .. .. . . .. .. .

>> No.6982442


Thanks ladies! I suppose I'll try my hand at Taobao then.

>> No.6982486

Not to mention that the sellers don't suddenly start to ship worldwide because of this.

>> No.6982606

Hey dudes trying to figure out the characters for a twin size head board. Or just a head board in general. I can't seem to do it right.

>> No.6982721

What would you use for an eye mask (for covering your eyes while you sleep)? I've tried eye mask, sleeping mask, and eye cover and keep getting beauty products.

>> No.6982736

床头靠板 is headboard


>> No.6982748

Don't you hate it when you've seen something a million time and then when you're gonna order it, you can't find a listing anywhere?

>> No.6982769

Thanks so much!! Found exactly what I was looking for. What's the literal translation of that in case I want to look again?

>> No.6982774


Thank you. I kept looking at a thesaurus for other phrases for the damn thing. Thanks!

>> No.6982780
File: 127 KB, 690x920, 6b167b96jw1e67kgn7d6ij20lc0sgjuw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Krad Lanrete doesn't release the jellyfish print soon,I will loose my last dollars on DC..

>> No.6982781

Woooah holy shit this is beautiful. Do you know when it's being released?

>> No.6982792


>> No.6982793

Anyone know of any stores that sell tea related things? Specifically I'm looking for cute spoons, but any accessories really.

>> No.6982794

first I searched "sleep" and "mask," and then that new term popped up in the title, which was the actual name for those eye masks. apparently it means goggles according to google translate? idk how that works...

I just put headboard into nciku, put that into taobao, translated the search results page to english, and then clicked one of their suggestions ("did you mean headboard?" type of thing). good luck with the shipping on that thing

>> No.6982800


I know,I know!
I'm not sure about that,but according to the comments it seems to be released in the end of July or in August.

Sources are here:

>> No.6982811
File: 71 KB, 750x556, T2SCuyXhdaXXXXXXXX_!!850476747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these your style, anon? they look pretty neat but I'm pretty leery with that price...

also I found this other shop that sells nice tea sets, not much in the way of spoons though. but just look at how cute and dainty that shit is

>> No.6982819


Thanks! The spoons are really cute.
Hng, I have so many teapots and cups with saucers, I want these too.

>> No.6982842

more spoons along those lines if you search 咖啡勺 创意, too

>> No.6982891


Thank you again, anon!

>> No.6982911

Possibly a weird/stupid question, but does anyone ever seem to get temporarily IP blocked from their SS at random intervals? (Specifically TBN, in this case)
On several occasions I have been unable to access their website, but it will work just fine if I use a proxy. Any idea as to why this happens?

>> No.6983024

They blocked your IP. They may have blacklisted you. I'm blacklisted by Taobaonow for opening a Paypal dispute with them and my IP is blocked as well.

>> No.6983086

just arrived at my SS

>> No.6983153

>blacklisted for opening a paypal dispute
that's pretty shady, what's the story behind it?

>> No.6983195

To be fair, I would do the same. There are many people out there to scam.

>> No.6983208

Hey anon that's finding search terms not in the dictionary, are you emailing petrovna them? You should if you haven't. For future add-ons since she doesn't check the threads that often anymore.

Sage because not that important.

>> No.6983270

Oh that's pretty. I think I may go for that instead of Chess Story's latest release or KL's print.

>> No.6983299

These are so cute! Too bad they'd never survive shipping.

>> No.6983391

I love you

>> No.6983465

Any store recommendations for nice backpacks/shoulder bags?

>> No.6983513

Quick question. FedEx is $30 cheaper than EMS but I hear you have a high chance of getting hit by customs in the US. Any experience with this?

>> No.6983518

Does Bhiner offer a refund on products if it's at their warehouse? They just showed me a picture of a dress I bought, and it looks nothing like the pictures in the shop.

>> No.6983718
File: 17 KB, 500x591, il_570xN.299914557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, i have been looking for capes/cloak coats for a while and found this from a seller on etsy... i am pretty sure it's a reseller but haven't had luck finding a more inexpensive place to buy it anyone know of taobao stores related? i'm looking with 披风外套 right now.
also if i could ask, terms that would help me search for stuff that looks like the other clothes from the etsy? store is etsy /shop/MaLieb. they are kind of.. long? thanks guys! i will post if i find it.

>> No.6983729

Yay me for getting over my taobao/shopping addiction!!! I haven't even found anything I -need- since like, May. I think I should quit Lolita too, but my wardrobe is so small nowadays, I only have three blouses, three skirts and a JSK. Might sell my CP petti and get a smaller one, how much do you think I could get for it?
It feels great having money let me tell you. Next order will NOT be over 150 USD and it wont be until September or so.

>> No.6983804

You, sir or madam are my goddamn hero. Thank you so much.

>> No.6983874
File: 10 KB, 430x430, BA0026F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know how to find hairties like this on taobao? I really like Q pot hair ties but not enough to spend 20+ on them

>> No.6983900

I hear you!

A big part of me getting over mine was staying out of these threads and blocking the taobao tag on tumblr

>> No.6984155

I think a few people in the BST thread are looking for CP pettis so you could try posting it there.

>> No.6984164

I reverse image searched it and I got aliexpress links so I'd say you're right about them being a reseller. It's still really expensive, though (~$112).

>> No.6984209

search term anon here, I saw that someone had added at least a few of my suggestions to Petrovna's dictionary, but I was thinking of just getting editing permission anyway just so it's as up to date as possible. thanks for the reminder!

these are some of my personal bookmarks for more everyday, mainstream styles. also try out the site mogujie, it does price/style comparisons. I've found a ton of cute stuff on there

my taobao reseller senses are tingling with this one too, especially after seeing their kinda stilted wording in their shop description on etsy. I'll give it a whirl, anon

try 发圈可愛 for starters? though a good number of results turn up if you also search 发圈qpot, though I'm not sure if having qpot in there actually changes anything...

>> No.6984221
File: 153 KB, 500x667, 567890987654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What search term would I use for peignoirs? I've searched nightgown/night shirt/ pajamas and I end up with lingerie. I'm expecting the quality to be shitty since they're so thin but I wanted to try cult party but I want to see if it suits me or not.

>> No.6984248 [DELETED] 


>> No.6984253

why would you buy that on taobao? they're harder to find now than a year ago because of tumblr but just look on ebay and etsy and shit.

>> No.6984257


come to think of it, I'm pretty sure I came across some of ma lieb's other wool coats elsewhere on my search for this one...

>> No.6984263

Because, as I wrote, I want to try cult party kei and I'd rather spend $10 for a cheap one I might only use once than spend $30.

>> No.6984266
File: 83 KB, 290x370, image3xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've skimmed through the database, but I can't seem to find a search term for clothing that has photographic print (like JetJ's skirts and dresses).
Heck, I don't even know how to describe it in English, let alone Chinese.

>> No.6984268

Also, use of classical paintings in the fabric etc

>> No.6984306

Are there any good stores for home/dorm decor?

>> No.6984309

if you search 油画or 油画风 (oil painting/style), then choose the women's category, a good number of stuff turns up, though it seems like there are a lot of repeats

>> No.6984311

seconding this request, gearing up to move into my first house and have a lot more space than I had in my apartment. Not just super kawaii stuff either (although I wouldn't mind decking my sewing room out with it) as I have a fiance who doesn't want all pastel everything

>> No.6984319


Thanks a lot! I'll try a combination of terms and see if I get anywhere!

>> No.6984337

透明长款罩衫 add the characters for harajuku too.
I found this but it is around $30...

>> No.6984370

I managed to snag this one on ebay for like $14 a few days ago

Just look around

>> No.6984376
File: 1.18 MB, 1151x501, nightgown purchase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derp, dropped my pic

also it was more like a few weeks ago I think

>> No.6984510

Has anyone else seen this shop?

>> No.6984549


I have, honestly I think a lot of their stuff is cute as hell, but I'm not sure if I'd dish out the cash.

I know people have asked this before, but how would I search for sallopettes? Whenever I try to find some, the cut doesn't seem to be right.

>> No.6984602
File: 190 KB, 750x764, T24F7sXlxaXXXXXXXX_!!72386535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you guys have seen this but it needs to be brought to everyone's attention


>> No.6984611
File: 75 KB, 750x525, wear for sexy times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you anon

Captcha: satisfaction Sir

>> No.6984613

I'm pretty sure there's a thong too

>> No.6984631


I need this. Holy fuck.

>> No.6984632

This just got even better then. I'm turning blue just from laughing so hard thinking of the expression my boyfriend would have seeing me in them. Haha oh my goodness
But I don't see the thong in the pictures? I glanced at the options and saw "happy edition briefs" and "flavors edition briefs"

>> No.6984635

I think I did, but I was laughing too hard. Fuck, I'm still laughing.

>> No.6984639

Do they ship to the US? Also, where is the "buy fucking NAO" button?

>> No.6984641

Read the FAQ.

>> No.6984642

Go to value village or a thrift store. You'll be suprised.

>> No.6984648

The FAQ didnt answer if this shop shipped to the US. Nor did it tell me where the buy fucking NAO button is.
It only told me that I needed to contact a SS if it didn't ship to the US.

>> No.6984649

How much aprox in shipping fees do you think 2 or 3 short wigs would be in SAL to canada?
My boyfriend's old tiny chinese mom wants me to get her a wig.

>> No.6984657

Make an account and message the seller and ask them if they ship here.

>> No.6984660

Did anyone else had trouble ordering Sailor Kitty? I had it reserved, but my SS screwed up and the shop owner rejected the order. ;_;
I went to contact the owner, (who's an absolute sweetheart), and they told me that my SS didn't give them the reserve ID... Now I'm panicking because I'm scared that they'll lose the ID and I won't get the dress...
(BTW, if I do get it, does anyone want to trade their blue JSK for a beige JSK?)

>> No.6984661

Most shops don't ship direct to the US. (Though that IS changing, I think? but whatever they're doing is new and I'm unfamiliar with it...I saw a link about it somewhere. I'll see if I can find it.)

Do you have google chrome? It will auto-translate and you may be able to hunt down the individual site's shipping information page.

Check out bhiner. It's a tad more expensive than some shopping services but it's SO INCREDIBLY EASY OMG (it's my go-to ss). I've made some big taobao orders with them and they've been great.

No messy emails, easy copy/paste item URL style cart, and their english is good.

>> No.6984705


I'm feel like I'm playing russia--- Chinese roulette with this..
I'm trying to buy the PJ pants, and I have to choose between 3 items that are translated as
>Happy Pants
>Heavy Taste Trousers
>Joy's Briefs.

I have a feeling it's not the 3rd.

>> No.6984711

You obviously didn't read the fucking FAQ or you'd have figured out how taobao works and that your questions are stupid.

>> No.6984717

the ~happy~ and the ~heavy taste~ versions are similar, but different prints
长裤 is the word you're looking for, for long PJ pants... 四角短裤 is like, boxers/short pants.

>> No.6984718

What are those drapey things called? I really like them

>> No.6984721

I think Heavy taste trousers are your best bet
Happy pants could be the underwear
Joy's briefs could be the shorts/boxers

>> No.6984722

Anyone know any fashionable (Japanese fashion) clothing for scrawny men over the height of 6 foot? Thanks.

>> No.6984724

Thank you!
I'm using a SS that auto-translates everything for me, so I'll have to double translate it back.

Which version is pictured in the cover photo?

>> No.6984729

peignoirs, it says in the original comment

>> No.6984730

Can you be more specific? What kind of style are you looking for?

>> No.6984734

With yoybuy's 5% fee sale, have they slowed down in service / become unreliable at all? I'm thinking of placing my first TB order with them.

Also... How do tee shirt sizes compare between Chinese and US sizes? I'm between a men's small/medium. Can fit small, but medium is more comfortable.

>> No.6984755
File: 279 KB, 410x615, T2HhZBXX4aXXXXXXXX_!!11942814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy Infanta's new kitty print salopette thing, but I'm unsure of which size would be an ideal fit for me. How important is the fit of the bust in this type of garment?


On a somewhat related note, what do you think of the pink x blue? I wanted something fun, but is it too much?

>> No.6984758

the one in the cover picture is the happy shirt, so I'm going to assume the pants will be of the happy set.
The heavy taste set's shirt has sort of a polo collar.

>> No.6984767

Imo salopettes don't look good on busty girls, as long as you're relatively flat, you should be okay. But that's just my opinion, if you like it, go for it! The shoulder straps are slightly adjustable, so if you have a larger bust you can always adjust the way the bodice sit.

>> No.6984770

Gothic, punk, visual kei or anything extremely formal.

>> No.6984775

Salopettes look best on stick thin girls... Well lolita in general, but salopettes especially. Also, short. I think of sweet lolita as little girlish. It's fine for shorter girls (under 5 foot 3) but for anyone taller it looks like some fetish ageplay thing.

>> No.6984843

You both bring up good points and I honestly have to say I agree. I'm just under 5'1" and thin, but I do have a moderately sized chest.
Thank you, I'll definitely take what you've said into consideration.

>> No.6984915

not helping, but it does say on the etsy profile that they are from china. you could try and message them asking if they have a taobao shop.

there is leFlacon and Miss-point which do cult party shit...but if you're in the europe/america, just go to a vintage/thrift store man.


don't be sad, you could always go for the JSK instead! id=19151741699&

>> No.6984922
File: 228 KB, 375x500, 2vm8shs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where i can get a sukumizu with sizes on the bigger end? Preferably the ones with the little skirts

>> No.6984943

It's not Taobao, but Rakuten has some for about $30 plus shipping from Japan. They're a bit small, so buy one size up from what it says on the chart.


>> No.6984945


Also, if you just need LL or smaller:

>> No.6984962


How big do you need exactly?

>> No.6984973

I really hate asking this, but I'm looking for super loli clothing, as in, yukapon shit. What would be a good taobao store for that stuff?

>> No.6984982

Go burn in hell.

>> No.6985023


I found the SnK pants on ebay if you don't feel like dealing with Taobao and SS.

>> No.6985025


Pants = Pajamas

>> No.6985060

thanks guys!!
i've been looking through pages of chiffon stuff..ugh.

>> No.6985086

SAL normally takes me around 2-3 weeks, although if you're only getting wigs don't bother with taobao, shipping from china to canada will end up killing you. Just stick to ebay.

>> No.6985095

Thank you!

>> No.6985133

Someone help me out I'm looking for a black wig with small curly/ringlet twin tails

>> No.6985189
File: 218 KB, 450x653, NxcmE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone please help me try and find the shoes in the photo? I've gone through so many tags with 'platform shoes' 'creepers' etc and I've had nothing similar.

>> No.6985273

Isn't the shipping consolidated?

>> No.6985282


Not that anon, but I wear an American size M, usually. I'm a size 6 in pants, if that helps, but a bit top heavy.

>> No.6985440

I want to buy these knives so bad-- how would that even be recieved by customs, though?

>> No.6985457
File: 1.34 MB, 1000x847, for heavens sake catch me before i buy more i cannot control myself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is my order and i am freaking out wondering what the weight could be. i've been thinking somewhere around 4-6 kg, any help?

in return, a cute hip-hop style store

>> No.6985465

Heads up on the pink mix wig on top left, the one I got was super cute, nice fibres from the front but you can see the wefting from the back. the hair is styled in such a way that you can't bring any back to cover it also which is annoying.

>> No.6985468

Oh thank you! I just keep having a problem with the size of my hips.Mine goes almost to max into 3L but the other measurements go into LL .

>> No.6985501
File: 86 KB, 960x717, BAvq_0hCcAExOII.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I second this!

>> No.6985503


link to the monster hat with teeth?

>> No.6985506


Stars Rainbow
Romantic Shop
Its Harsh Spirit

Hope that helps

>> No.6985514

Has anyone ever ordered from http://nekocos.taobao.com/?

>> No.6985522


that sucks! it's a shame cause it's SUPER PRETTY and i really wanted it for daily wear

>> No.6985537
File: 66 KB, 720x960, 250013_462917007063434_484839734_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6985543

Yeah I wantedm ine for daily wear too. Most I could do was try and style it back with heat and put it in braids. Yours might turn out better though, so good luck.

>> No.6985549

wigs are each around 400 - 600 g (the longer the heavier), shoes are easily 1 kg each, especially the ones with the laces. Jacket might weigh around, dunno, 500-600 g? That's one heavy order though.

>> No.6985574
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 935338_664997943525955_669173510_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Links to cute hime or fairy kei stuff, that is not super exagerated please?
And kawaii stuff you can wear daily without people staring at you like you're crazy?

>> No.6985613


fuuuck i'd been hoping around the ~6000 g range because I'd been using TBR's weight lists and some wig estimation stuff from other cosplay sites.i've requested like...everything unnecessary removed so no boxes, no nuthin

i'm hoping for the best!

what's the heaviest order you guys have had?

>> No.6985625
File: 31 KB, 290x387, hatex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know the style or name of this particular looking hat , anyone know? any reputable taobao stores sell the same style?

>> No.6985826

have you looked at the google docs? there are plenty of store listings for those styles

>> No.6985984


I totally bought a hello kitty knife recently, I had no issue with customs. I'm in Canada as well.

>> No.6985986


Link to the jumper skirt?

>> No.6985993

how long is normal for an order to stay in customs? i paid for ems hoping my stuff would show up in a timely manner and now my stuff has been stuck in customs for 7 days...

>> No.6986024

The pink / black / etc ones:

Denim one:

>> No.6986063


Thank you! I'd love to see a review on these when you get them if you could.

>> No.6986087

Can I get link to the devil horn hat and blonde wig? Thanks

>> No.6986138

no problem! I'll see!!
Wig (gosh, it's pretty): http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16241749454
Hat: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16241749454

>> No.6986169

Has anyone bought sex toys from TB?

>> No.6986170

Could you review those JumpFromPaper-esque bags too, if possible?

>> No.6986206

Very dependent on your items in the package if it is that long. Maybe it looks suspicious.

Also depends what country you are in.

>> No.6986211


>> No.6986226

I'm pretty tall and top heavy and I got the L and it fits like a dream.

>> No.6986232

i dont think anything would look suspicious...its just two hair pieces and a ton of socks and tights
and im in the US

>> No.6986236

>im in the US

that's more laziness than anything honestly

>> No.6986252

One of my friends got the blue one and it's really awesome.

>> No.6986251

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22291684976 !

yeah, of course! i'm getting the pink messenger-bag style one.

>> No.6986280

Sorry if this is something that gets asked a lot, but does anyone know a store that sells clothing with a deer/fawn print? I've tried the different taobao dictionary search terms but I'm not really getting what I want from them. What I'm after is basically a top or cardigan or something that's printed to look like deer fur, and all I'm getting is leopard printed stuff and tshirts with pictures of deers (and giraffes for some reason) on them.

>> No.6986294

That's because the literal translation for "giraffe" from Chinese to English is "long-necked deer."

>> No.6986316

so I take it you don't want the expensive rabbit hair sweaters that are made to look like deer fur, then

>> No.6986339

it says on victorian maiden that it's a wool canotier, but I think you could get away with calling it a boater hat

>> No.6986374
File: 1.31 MB, 1143x671, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My next order, though not sure if I can afford the wigs so I might take those out till next time. I can't wait to get it though, I usually only order wigs and small accessories so this will be different. I hope it works out.

>> No.6986390

Huh. Now that I think about it, that name actually kind of makes sense. They are kind of similar.

I'm not sure if I know which ones you're talking about or not. I did find some jackets(?) that looked like deer fur which were pretty expensive, but actual fur tends to make things too bulky in my opinion. I just like the look of the pattern. Fawn print on like a sweater or something would be the best thing ever.

>> No.6986399

link to pink shoes on the top right, please?

>> No.6986429
File: 182 KB, 500x500, hahahahhahahahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anon but I know the store! Or at least a store that uses the same photos.

http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17180973091 !
By the way, is TaobaoRing being suuper slow (way slower than usual, I guess) when it comes to confirmation for anyone else? (yeah I know it's Saturday)

I'd been wondering about this too. From what I've searched:
threads waaay back had some people who'd bought dildos and vibes and if I remember right, no one really recommended it-- there were a lot of issues like mold lines and strange ... some kind of a slimy (??) substance on some? Also the vibrators were weak and kind of sketchy if I remember right.

I think the bondage cuff sets are fine tho.

>> No.6986447
File: 84 KB, 600x900, T27ppCXmdNXXXXXXXX_!!13251811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I meant jackets more than I meant sweaters, like pic related

this one isn't super bulky, but it's 500 yuan and it'll also probably make you a target of PETA. I haven't seen any normal thin cardigans with deer print but I'll post if I come across anything, anon

>> No.6986458
File: 54 KB, 500x333, T21ytKXdldXXXXXXXX_!!121860645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the chances that those shoes were being made only by/for that shop? I've found a couple that were pretty similar


>> No.6986464

It's not exactly what you're looking for... but these are cute felt hair ties


>> No.6986482

Dumping some cute purses I've found

>> No.6986503

You've linked the wig twice btw.

>> No.6986533

>mushroom purse

oh god i need it

>> No.6986535
File: 943 KB, 2000x2000, small shitty order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My childhood hate of making collages has come back to haunt me.

>> No.6986553

I don't know, I've seen pretty similar so I assumed that they were knock offs? I mean they have American Apparel knock offs on that taobao so..

>> No.6986667
File: 186 KB, 1003x1179, printscreen1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved to China this March, setup a local bank account a month later.... oh god thanks to these threads the mailman knows me by name (or at least by "the foreign girl in apartment XXX")

Aside from purchasing fashion and accessories, I've also started purchasing weird shit like soil for gardening.
Not only am I becoming addicted to Taobao, but there are several "malls" (Qipu Lu) that sell the clothing you'd find on Taobao that I'm frequenting too often.

tomorrow, I'll put together a quick collage of items I've purchased that might seem relevant.
For now, here's a screenshot of a few of the items I've purchased today

>> No.6986713

omg link to the top right hand corner Top and Shorts/skirt thing please! <3

>> No.6986716


>> No.6986758

So it's been a while since I have heard anything about customs taking items from packages. I am curious, has it happen to anyone recently?

>> No.6986783
File: 163 KB, 554x716, Screen Shot 2013-07-21 at 8.21.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /cgl/,

does anyone know the tag for 'hi-low dresses'?

>> No.6986805

I was convinced customs would crack into my package (I'm the person who got two bottles of illegal-to-ship epoxy resin with a silicone mould, to the UK, which steals items all the time), but they didn't. They leaked in the box, though, and now the rest of my order reeks of petrochemicals. I wish they had.

>> No.6986886

Anyone know where else I can find these (or similar)?
I want them in more colours but they're out of stock in most of the colours they show

>> No.6986910

the second bag, hnnng

>> No.6986951

Making bias tape looks 100x better than buying it. Maybe try that.

>> No.6986959

I have most of these spoons, and they're pretty1 great and adorable.

>> No.6986989
File: 2.69 MB, 1127x1283, Taobao haul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting on the sailor dress to be completed and send to my SS. I wanted to have my clothes before my trip to glasgow/birthday, but I am afraid that isn't gonna happen now....

>> No.6987036

Does anyone know if TBS includes extras (Notes, little gifts) automatically?

>> No.6987045

I think the extras might be given to you by the shops you buy things from and not the SS?
I only buy through TBR and have only received extra things in 2 out of 6 orders. One order consisted of 2 tiny items and another one was pretty massive. So I don't think it's from the SS (unless they just hand them out super randomly maybe), but rather the individual shops.

Does happen automatically though, that's all I can say for sure.

>> No.6987053

Can anyone recommend a reputable shop with good false eyelashes?

>> No.6987080

I knew that the shops are the ones that include extras in your order, what I was asking was if TBS included them when they shipped or just tossed that sort of thing to cut down on packaging. Sorry I was unclear.

>> No.6987101

this, dolly winks are getting too expensive to repurchase

>> No.6987110

Whelp there goes all my money. Thanks for posting the shop though! So much cute accessories and jewelry, so cheap...

>> No.6987123


Bought a bunch of lashes from this seller, really cheap and nice quality.

>> No.6987194

For me TBR is just as fast as usual but then again I always buy from the same shops where I know that they get fast responses.

>> No.6987247

Flower crown links and the scarf below them? Please and thank you!

>> No.6987268

Are any of Loris' bags NOT replicas? I'm not familiar with all of the brand bags, and I don't want to purchase something that is pretty iconic.

>> No.6987269


Thanks! Will give these a try!!

>> No.6987279
File: 326 KB, 500x708, T1CQ6jXgBcXXa9jBQ._083312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Elpress L dress finally arrived at yoybuy! I only had one other dress and a skirt for my order, so I went with Airmail as my shipping method. My package weighed in at 1.18kg and shipping was $30

>> No.6987332 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 188x483, T2UZ9yXjlbXXXXXXXX_!!405312179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatomically correct male cat phone jacks anyone?

>> No.6987334
File: 20 KB, 188x483, T2UZ9yXjlbXXXXXXXX_!!405312179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatomically correct male cat headphone jack charms anyone?

>> No.6987347

I am the anon who bought the bondage set from the last thread. TBR have finally responded to my emails regarding the missing set, asking me why I hadn't told them when I saw the photos (I had left a message on the order form!!) and why it took me so long to ask them (well, it took them over a week to respond so I don't think it's so bad).

Between this service and them taking over two weeks to start enquiring about my order in the first place (I had to email them to tell them to start the process in the first place) I think I will go back to a different shopping service. Taobaoring is cheap but they've not been worth the bother.

I used to use Taobaonow, are they still good? I am looking for a service that will send through DHL or SAL as EMS sucks as soon as it reaches the UK. I'd read the recommendation spreadsheet but that's where I got the recc for TBR from!

>> No.6987348

Here you go:

>> No.6987350

I use Taobaonow, they are very friendly and helpful and quick to respond. They always inform me when something is off and sometimes take pictures. The only time they had a little screw up it was in my advantage. The package came with some weird earings I didn't order (So i gave them to my boyfriends mom, who is into hippie fashion and loved them very much) and instead of the starry night angel skirt they send me the JSK (even though i paid for the skirt), so yeah I like them as a shopping service.

>> No.6987356

obviously send them an email. give us an update since taobaofocus is one of the lesser known ss.

>> No.6987361


Au contraire I've been able to get dishes through just fine. Though it adds weight to the shipping prices.

>> No.6987371


are you going to become an /ss/?

but for like items that can be shipped internationally so you don't have to bother with storage?

>> No.6987378

I just put in my refund request to see if it would go through, and it ended up working just fine.

I'd reccomend taobao focus for sure, ordering was a snap even though there were a few minor hiccups.

>> No.6987381 [DELETED] 

gdi petrovna answer my email so I can add these to the dictionary


could I request a review of the lingerie once you get it? particularly the bras. all those lingerie shops have such cute bras but just because they're adorable and decked out in chiffon and rhinestones doesn't always mean they're functional...

>> No.6987385

gdi petrovna answer my email so I can add these to the dictionary


could I request a review of the lingerie once you get it? particularly the bras. all those lingerie shops have such cute bras but just because they're adorable and decked out in chiffon and rhinestones doesn't always mean they're functional...

>> No.6987397

Sure anon, if my brain full of holes remembers when they arrive, i will review them. I am quite curious myself, tbh

>> No.6987399

Could anyone recommend some loliable blouses that could fit 110 bust size? I'd prefer to buy something readily made than get something commissioned.

>> No.6987406


Thank you so much, anon. My boyfriend and I will sing your praises to the highest of lands.

>> No.6987413


link to makeup things and the mascara thing?

>> No.6987424


I just want to know how much they charge because each time someone posts posts about them the rates are different.

>> No.6987434

Can anyone recommend any of those fur collars - preferably fake fur and fawn-patterned? Whenever I search for deer I either get zebra print or gruesome images of deer guts/killings.

>> No.6987456

Hey gulls, can you guys share your favorite stores that you've ordered from and gotten pretty good quality?

inb4 noob, read the faq, I'm just looking for some of your guys's favorites.

>> No.6987552
File: 662 KB, 2000x1297, Fotor0721235246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty small order, but somehow I've still managed to hit £140.

>> No.6987564

Anon would you link to the cat pens, fawn thing, and bag? I love your order

>> No.6987563

With the Chess Story jewelry, watch out, because both I and someone else (who did a review) ended up with broken pieces. :c

I've read reviews for CD but never used her (I've only made two small orders through TBS) and was wondering if there was anything I should know about her. Does the Yuan to SGD to USD conversion tack anything extra on? I know she offers a few shipping methods and her commission seems fair.

>> No.6987568

Is that a bunny pillow? Link to bunny pillow too please?

>> No.6987570

Cat pens: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=8225635701
Fawn necklace: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=12987655735
Bag: http://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=17703214625
It's a purse (well, wallet really)! I wish it were a pillow!
Oh boo! Thanks for the heads up. I'll see if the shipping service can send it inside the bag that I'm ordering.

>> No.6987586

There is a trap in that link.

>> No.6987661

>Thee only thing violet about these Tinh magic wand are the intensely amazing orgasms you'll experience.

I want it.

>> No.6987697

Link to the little coord wrap angel wings things?

>> No.6987701

Link to the bunny hood?

>> No.6987836

假衣领皮草 is fur collar, though some of them are probably real (you'd have to look at the price and translate the page to be sure)

are you looking for something in particular? I know that the author of one of the google docs makes note of places they've personally bought from and comments on the quality next to the shop link

>> No.6987871

Oh, shit! My apologies,>>6986087 -- here's the horn hat!


>> No.6988009

The thing about the conversion is that it's dependent on paypal's conversion so it can be a tad more expensive sometimes.

There isn't anything to note that's any different from the SS spreadsheet.

>> No.6988079

can i have a link for the white knitted sweater please? top left hand corner.

>> No.6988151

can you link the dress in the top right corner? and the stockings on the far right side?

>> No.6988376

Thanks so much for the link, anon! Just what I needed

I'm not 100% on this, but I have this bag from them:
As far as I know it's not a replica, I haven't seen it on any brand sites or lolibrary or otherwise, so if it is it's far from iconic. I believe a few more of their bags of this shape may also be generic designs.

>> No.6988380

Ohh that Chess Story blouse is pretty, I think I might have to get one myself!
I have the Starry Night Angel ring and it was glued on quite well, hopefully it turns out alright for you, I love mine.

>> No.6988389

link to sailor dress please?

>> No.6988413

Here ya go!
Bunny hood: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4910855111

>> No.6988426


Thank you so much, anon! Will you be reviewing it when it gets there?

>> No.6988477
File: 37 KB, 483x431, image_original_20(1)_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to get bags like this?

>> No.6988502

Here you go:

Beware though, this is the item i've been waiting on for a long time... because they are made to order

>> No.6988530

Oh, god, I can't believe I was looking for the thread and the title misguided me!

I'm looking for a recommended store to purchase Lita Boots, or boots similar to Litas. It's for a costume, I do plan on spending less than $50, unless they turn out really nice. Anyone can help?

>> No.6988738
File: 329 KB, 430x650, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I really hate surface spell.
Their new (beautiful) dress was only buyable for one hour and of course it was on a time where no SS was online.
I hope someone on taobao sells it second hand..

>> No.6988749

just search Jeffrey Campbell and go to boots

>> No.6988760

I'm disappointed at how they have a light blue dress in the product picture, but it's not a selectable color option.

>> No.6988808

Shall do! Waiting for payday next week before I place this though, I don't want to be too reckless.

>> No.6988886

does anyone have any advice for a first time buyer? I'm very nervous that I'll mess up or end up over spending haha

>> No.6988958

what SS are you using? http://youtu.be/fl-lsLbVZgo
is a good video about taobao in general and how to order. It's specific for taobao spree, but the general information is helpful.

>> No.6988987

thank you! I was thinking of using Taobaoring because they seemed very friendly and helpful

>> No.6989097

I just ordered a mug. My friend ordered the same one, and hers was fine while the handle on mine was shattered. If something like a mug broke, I wouldn't buy anything that seemed fragile, especially if it wasn't cheap.

>> No.6989154

When did you send your order for your sailor dress? Just curious because I added it to my order too and it's taking a while...

>> No.6989171


I wanted this dress so bad too. Why the hell did they make it only one hour? I believe that's what they did last time for another set? I wanted a necklace out of all things from them, but then that apparently sold out and the dress is now only available in L and XL.

>> No.6989184


I just ordered a bunch of mugs and plates and they all arrived fine. I did have pillows and things for cushion however. Was the mug in a box by chance? Nearly everything of mine was, and they padded it with newspaper as well.

>> No.6989215
File: 344 KB, 529x835, madeline_hatter_by_jackie_pumpkin-d67de47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me find tights that would work for a Maddie Hatter cosplay? I swear I've found polka dot tights in every colour combination possible BUT white/blue.

>> No.6989589

I think I just had bad luck. It was in a cardboard tube type thing, and wrapped in a couple layers of plastic. I ordered a couple t-shirts and like 7 pairs of socks, but I have no idea what my friend ordered, so I don't know how padded it was.
I'm not pissed because it was like $3, but the other ones are pretty expensive. I'm sure you could tell the shopping service to pack things more carefully if it was something more expensive.

>> No.6989599
File: 151 KB, 660x648, randsel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen people here ask for kiddie/age-play/"imouto-kei" stuff. I think this would work for that. Maybe fairy-kei, too?

>> No.6989606

Sure, if it is the right color, why not.

>> No.6989618

What's the website for translating pictures again? I thought they were going to include it with the other links too now.

>> No.6989638


>> No.6989645


Thank you, anon.

>> No.6989891

Mine arrived today! Hoping that pruany gets the weight so I can pay to have it send off asap, I feel like I've been waiting years.

>> No.6990044
File: 34 KB, 500x753, T2AG3aXdRXXXXXXXXX_!!199340297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any idea if this Chess Story petticoat is nice at all? Any experiences with it or reviews?

>> No.6990151
File: 42 KB, 350x467, 5280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations for search terms or shops for lolita jewelry (especially chokers) in sort of in the Schwarz Schmetterling style, pic related? Most of the chokers I can find in the usual shops are more gothic, or just very simple strips of lace...

>> No.6990153

couldn't find any on taobao, but I did find these. the blue is a shade off, but considering nothing else has turned up so far.... gl anon

>> No.6990186

both of these stores sell that purse and similar cutesy things, but there are plenty others if you search under the shoulder bags section and categorize by japanese/korean style, cute, bows, etc


if you'd like to know the process by which I found those shops, I can tell you so you can search stuff like this without the trouble of waiting and hoping someone helps you

>> No.6990196



Oh man, Taobao!

>> No.6990296
File: 60 KB, 280x373, T1CZhTFcteXXapWUU9_728x728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know ive seen it on taobao but i dont remember the shop

>> No.6990300

I found some nice stuff searching for洛可可 "rococo" and "victorian" 维多利亚
You might like this? http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=12651910306
That store has a bunch of chokers that you could probably modify, if they're not quite what you're looking for.

>> No.6990304

Ah, thank you! This kind of thing is just what I'm looking for!

>> No.6990309
File: 44 KB, 400x763, T2yJNaXhtcXXXXXXXX_!!45187453[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, here's an unrelated (customizable?) cat rug.

>> No.6990311


>> No.6990312

derp, forgot link

>> No.6990380

Just buy it from TUK. I did and those shits are worth it.

>> No.6990384

did you look in the old cgl threads at all
it's in >>6937351 on rebeccablacktech

now I wish I had a cat just so I could buy it one of these

>> No.6990426

If it says '30 - day sale: 0 items', does it mean its no longer in stock?

> Item in question: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=18478770413

>> No.6990488

http://xdmz.taobao.com/?spm=2013.1.0.0.rY2Kjj The shop i brought most of the makeup from is all sold out for some reason. ( the brushes and shadows ect in the blue box on the left)
Mascara thing from here. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17856512585

>> No.6990502

Thank you!

>> No.6990512


if an item is no longer in stock it says this baby shelves

>> No.6990519

That refers to how many orders they've had in the last 30 days.

>> No.6990586

Hey guys, would it be safe to order 4 or 5 Sanrio phone cases at once? I wanted to give them to my friends and this style actually isn't sold on eBay (somehow). I'm afraid customs will flag me down, but I live in the US and will be using EMS if that helps any.

>> No.6990747

I'm thinking of getting burando on taobao. What are the chances that it will get taken away by customs? I would hate it if they thought it was a replica, or they will just take it anyway and claim it's replica.

>> No.6990766

>>6990519 >>6990512
Oh, great! Thank you. I'm going to go put in my order now then.

I was so sad when they sold out on amiami and animate...along with most other sites.

>> No.6990883

I have no clue.
They also did that in the past? Oh boy,there goes my last hope for a restock..
Out of sheer curiosity,which dress did you mean?

>> No.6991015

Has anyone bought from Rococo Cage before?
How's the quality?


>> No.6991113

We are in autosage. Making new thread in a second.

>> No.6991119

New thread: