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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 181 KB, 400x434, metro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6969313 No.6969313 [Reply] [Original]


What cosplays are you finishing up last minute? Any panels you're looking forward to?
Have any meetups you want to advertise or find? Post it here!

>> No.6969330

Prepping things for my AA table at the speed of slowpoke :C

>> No.6969346

>Any panels you're looking forward to?
Lol looking forward to Metrocon panels.

>> No.6969361

Might go to those lolita panels...

I feel like my first coord is too simple, I'm worried about going out in it

>> No.6969389

Let me just tell you the Central Florida Lolita Society is one of the most accepting communities in the world. Believe me you'll have fun at the panel and meet some cool girls. Don't worry about being under-dressed, some members won't even be in lolita.

>> No.6969477

some of the smaller run ones are actually really fun..

>> No.6974736

Mainly going to be staying at my AA table. Only costume I have planned at the moment is Matsu from Sekirei (Disciplinary Squad Uniform). Not really sure what else I plan on bringing with me since I have been so focused on making stuff.

>> No.6974801


What table# are you at? :>

>> No.6974894

Only going Saturday, it's going to be my second time wearing lolita. I'm really excited!


>> No.6979047


D5! Yourself?

>> No.6979066

B22 ~ Also, your FB page is liked by a mutual friend of mine (Blair). Small world :0

>> No.6979079


Oh wow, it is a small world! I'm stoked to be going to MetroCon. Besides D*C now, it's really my fun/relaxing con.

>> No.6979123

Oddly I had D7 snagged but gave it to UCF friends haha. Oh well! I'm also looking forward to it, never been there before, or what to expect of the traffic/parking prices.

>> No.6979174


Traffic is eh and parking sucks balls $$$ wise. There are a few places that only charge $10 a day.

I like that the alley is OUTSIDE the dealers room so even people who don't buy badges can still shop there as well as there is no real limit on your hours. You get to stay open later and thus, hopefully, make more money. =)

I found it pretty fun last year and this year I am staying in the main hotel which will cut down on the hassle of a long walk back and forth.

>> No.6979653

Does anyone remember the salt vendor last year?

>> No.6980067

haha YES
good times

>> No.6983137

Anyone know what the parking at the Embassy that's right nearby is like? First time actually parking my car at a hotel and on Friday evening I've got to swing out to pick up a friend for the weekend so I have no idea what to expect.

>> No.6983192
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prepare yourselves

>> No.6983198
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>> No.6983249
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>> No.6983357

I'm finishing up a Tryndamere cosplay like.. a day before the convention because I'm smart. This'll be my first con and my first cosplay, so it's going to be quite the experience.
I'm already going to the TF2 meetup as BLU Heavy. Is there a League meetup?

>> No.6983429

So. . .? Who cares if some kids are going to be there?

>> No.6983721

Influx of normalfags

>> No.6983741

Doing a last minute Bastion cosplay, just started on it a couple of days ago. I'll be in the AA as well so I have a loooot to get finished by next weekend, haha.

>> No.6983774

Finishing up my Ocarina of Time Sheik cosplay! Just have to finish the shoes and harp, then trim the wig up.
I've done Megacon for years but this is my first Metrocon. I've heard mostly good things. How is the parking if you're not staying in a hotel? It's generally more cost effective for my group to drive back and forth, so we haven't decided if we will get a hotel room for convenience's sake or not.

>> No.6984238

Awww I won't be dressed up on Sunday ;_;

I love taking pictures with kids, they get so excited even if they don't know the character. I'll have to bring some of the stuff I have left over from my teaching internship. Or maybe just candy.

>> No.6984242

I've never stayed at the embassy, but at some hotels it's valet only or they have a separate garage for you to park at. It should be no problem to park, you should just worry about traffic and the fucking nightmare that is driving in downtown Tampa.

>> No.6984271

i'll be going to metrocon this year also with a few friends, will there be a /cgl/ meetup? i've been lurking for a while and this board has the best attitude in my opinion. love seeing the work you all do.

>> No.6984343
File: 101 KB, 543x392, 1374069198034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seagull meet for lunch Friday
>meet up 2pm at the top of escalators
>we walk to the publix behind con center
>all pitch in for a few rotisserie chicken and sides
>classy as fuck picnic


>> No.6984374
File: 32 KB, 206x187, 1362448618395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no god

>> No.6984388

If you go early you'll usually find a spot

>> No.6984478
File: 76 KB, 646x225, fuck this gay earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6984504

It's been raining for the past week and a half, it will never stop

>> No.6984505

Looks like typical MetroCon weather. I can't remember a Metro that didn't involve a crazy thunderstorm, usually during check-in or checkout. Love it.

>> No.6984508

>that feel when its hotter here than in florida
wisconsin can go eat a giant bag of dicks

>> No.6984520

If you calculate in our humidty, it's 101F +

>> No.6984521
File: 106 KB, 446x337, AintEvenMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HA HA HA! Not even worried. Not going on Sunday.

>> No.6984531
File: 46 KB, 200x200, 1359375138751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be going again.
I look forward to it.



No but probably I'll end up walking around like a retard, seeing people from /cgl/, then being way too nervous to say anything.

Great job me.

>> No.6984543

I know that feel. I'm quite shy myself yet have to hold an art table frequently.

(• ◡•) After 3 days of it i'm dead inside

>> No.6984550
File: 126 KB, 960x720, Cosplay1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My for MetroCon. Made it all from scratch. Cant wait! Im going as Connie from Attack on Titan

>> No.6984552
File: 61 KB, 446x960, cosplay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6984553

and its been like this the whole fucking week
seriously i consoled myself that at least it's better than florida was but now i see the truth and the truth hurts

>> No.6984554
File: 62 KB, 529x960, cosplay3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6984558

hot would bang/10

>> No.6984560

I'm trying to finish my 3dmg in time, but figuring out how to attach is becoming frustrating. I might just do without it and make a titan history book instead.

>> No.6984563
File: 2.10 MB, 2736x3648, IMG_3041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im think we have about the same facial features. I just need a hair cut

>> No.6984565
File: 116 KB, 400x535, Im a genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6984572

maybe...maybe i try to say hi to u :>

I'll be the 6'3 fit dude who spills spaghetti all over your table and says "Y-you too!" because he's too retarded to think of anything else to say.

Keep an eye out for me, because I will be shitting myself with nervousness.

>> No.6984583

REALLY excited to go! First time, since I'm new to Florida.

Gonna be attending Saturday only though, definitely going to the lolita panel and the one with Dante Basco afterwards. No time to put a cosplay together, but I have a coordinate I'm gonna wear~~

>> No.6984585
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, 1364749755259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd talk to you but then again I would probably be to shy too

>> No.6984595

Last year Embassy was valet only, but it was only $20 and you can get your car whenever you need it.

>> No.6984596

Youll all probably see me now that you know what Im
wearing and what I look like. But Im very outgoing
So just yell /Cgl/ or /b/ and Ill wave hello!!! :P

>> No.6984617

I'll be wearing a pink/brown/white sweet (not OTT) coord. Usachan backpack, long brown wig.

Oh, and leg tattoos, so that's a marker...my badge will probably say my name and "Bunny" on it, too.

I'm a bit too shy to yell anything LOL but if you see me say hi! :D Aside from the two panels, I'm now sure where I'll be in the con.

>> No.6984630

Okkie :3

>> No.6984636

For saturday, whats the best parking option?
I want to be there early anyway, but I havent even BEEN to downtown tampa and just...


>> No.6984644

Iunno Im from st.pete so I dont know tampa too
well. Im staying in a hotel two blocks away from
the con

>> No.6984752
File: 113 KB, 960x720, 1001005_10151567254002252_357226073_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be at B22 table, with my derp banner :v

Maybe I should give out /cgl/ pins free for seagulls hmm

>> No.6984763

Free stuff. I like this guys

>> No.6984790

Anyone who comes to your table and makes seagull sounds gets a pin

>> No.6984800
File: 359 KB, 640x480, lol-pft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just imagining a scene where MyFebronia leaves the table for a moment, and their friend who mans the table in the meantime get squawked at by strangers.

>> No.6984823

He would 100% go full retard and start cawwing back at you guys like a turkey, completely unaware of the inside joke.

>> No.6984891
File: 134 KB, 400x400, 1316126884650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So if we don't do a picnic, do you guys want to order a pizza like usual? Or do you want to walk to a restaurant?

>> No.6984910

I-I dunno, Kiwi, are you gonna run off and have sushi with your cool friends?


>> No.6984960
File: 71 KB, 900x506, 3425435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6984975

Y-yea... i'll just be at my table eating chips ;v;

>> No.6985336
File: 637 KB, 781x923, coobiemartini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't even started on my Saturday costume (my Friday one was all just clothes with no sewing required) but if you guys see a Naoto Shirogane (in blue shirt/yellow tie outfit) on Friday or a [half-assed] Kyubey gijinka traveling with a Madoka and Kyoko on Saturday, feel free to say hi.

Staying all weekend but not cosplaying on Sunday, just throwing on all my Metal Gear-related clothes and calling it a day.

>> No.6985587

this is my first time back at metro since '09 lmao. Kind of excited! Im also entering the costume contest. Im not expecting anything but I am so bad at describing my cosplay Im so nervous

>> No.6985594

dude pizza sounds good

>> No.6985629

Cute art is cute. I will def look for your table!

-pink/brown/white sweet lolita person

>> No.6985661

This is my first time attending, please fill me in on the pizza

>> No.6986499

someone say pizza?

>> No.6986636
File: 216 KB, 643x483, 1370316879829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some florida congoer was doing a ryoma nagare.
Praytell, will you be at metro? I want to find you

>> No.6987302

Who else is staying at the hilton down the street? im going to bring my xbox and some fighting games (TTT2, DOA5, etc..) maybe we could all hang out. im going with about 10 of my friends.

>> No.6987314

you had me at DOA.

>> No.6987322

alright when i get checked in at the hotel and get my room number ill organize something for all of us to hang and virtually beat the shit out of each other.

>> No.6987330
File: 760 KB, 2048x1536, DSCF1542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill be stuck at a table in artists alley with a friend selling dolls n whatnot like so just find me whenevs :3

>> No.6987358

which table? i'll stop by and say hi,we'll probably be playing late at night anyways.

>> No.6987393
File: 101 KB, 500x507, excited.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute! How much are they going to be? I'll have to get one.

>> No.6987402

I'll be wearing a strawberry-themed country coord. <': I'll keep an eye out for you!

Oh goodness these are adorable. I'll stop by and say hi!

>> No.6987465

I can't wait to fuck this weekend. If any of you are cute and looking lolita, it's open season.

>> No.6987594
File: 111 KB, 960x720, 303680_125505887587996_1818733214_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what I'm most excited for, probably browsing the dealers room. Gonna Magikarp it up, say hey if you see me!

>> No.6987973
File: 2.84 MB, 4800x2760, 1333803306461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuine question, do you ever get a good looking lolita? Or do you get tweeny ravers and milanoo disasters?

Usually well-dressed lolis have a little more self-respect, or a significant other.

>> No.6987987


6984617 here;
yay plz say hi if you see me~

I will need to find you
and get pics
assuming you're there saturday

>> No.6988002

I'll be wearing a classic coord, blue dress and off white accessories.

Brown hair and freckles.
I might be to shy to say hi to anyone though

>> No.6988014

if i see you (bunny girl here again) i'll say hi but if i make you uncomfortable plz tell me

tbh im actually kind of nervous because ive only been to a con once before (anime boston), and didnt wear lolita...nor have i ever been to an actual large meet or anything idk

pre-con jitters

>> No.6988018

I know that feel as well. I'm worried about meeting other lolitas, because I haven't been to a meet from the local comm yet...

>> No.6988027

if you're the central fl comm, you're not alone
i havent either!

been posting in their fb group though and everyone seems pretty nice (and normal, normal is important) so far

are you stuck going to metrocon alone? i am, personally

>> No.6988039

I'm trying to get my friends to come along, but I'm coming up short.

I haven't even joined the facebook group yet.

>> No.6988047

hopefully they join you its really awkward to go alone
(i just moved to fl 5 weeks ago)

and ok yeah they're pretty friendly from what i can tell!

>> No.6988051

Haha, I'm usually too scared to go to meets because I have one real lolita coord, however everyone there has been so nice to me. I got to meet everyone at the Megacon meet up and it was a ton of fun. We did a jumping picture and got a picture with this little girl. I'm really looking forward to the panel, you guys should go. The girls I've met have never been snobby, they're accepting of offbrand, different styles, etc.

>> No.6988382
File: 186 KB, 600x3400, 1373895337758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited you guys

>> No.6988635
File: 997 KB, 500x277, tumblr_m5ea1xQN871qdk2qn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'll be there all weekend

>> No.6988645
File: 648 KB, 1280x720, feedingthembitches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I will be running into any of you guys at metro, but I'll be Karasawa. I was thinking of carrying around some single bills to hand out to people as well as box candy. I might even be going solo this year since my best friend has gone out of state for 3 years for a job offer ;_;

>> No.6989160
File: 463 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20130406_121857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>6987302 here
If you all see me say hi
Also need cosplay ideas for future reference could you all suggest something? I'm in the center btw.

>> No.6989177
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>> No.6989203
File: 43 KB, 502x462, Tuckerandnina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus points if you bring a Nina/Alexander.

Alternatively you could do Kimblee or maybe Hughes if you want somebody more sympathetic. Seriously, you look like an Arakawa character.

>> No.6989210

I was thinking katsuragi keima from twgok too

>> No.6989354

Can someone give me some quick advice?
I have no idea how to imitate the dark area around his eyes like in the show. Should I worry about this at all?
I have a really basic cosplay starting already- which consists of a white long-sleeve shirt, white hat, red+blue tie, blue dress pants, and brown shoes.
I kinda feel like it was a little TOO easy to gather the materials.
Am I just being autistic about these details?

>> No.6989571
File: 35 KB, 195x142, coobie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked in a help thread a few hours ago but gonna ask here anyway; I've got some shoes that are nice and comfy but they rub against my heel in a way that'll surely give me blisters. Should I cut the back of the shoe down a bit (the thing is it's pretty stiff, these are some white Nikes I found at Goodwill) and double up on socks or something?

It's for a gijinka so the shape of the shoes themselves doesn't really matter in the long run since I've got long pants.

>> No.6990438

Hey guys, I could not get my cosplay done this time around, however, I will be wearing some rave gear to the con, just look for one of the guys in phatt pants. I'm sure not too many people will be wearing them, but if you see me come up and say hi. It's always nice to meet another 4chaner. Also, is there going to be any CGL meet up or anything?

>> No.6990499

I don't think we've decided upon anything for the meetup yet..

>> No.6990549

I might have to join with you guys since my best friend is away ;_;
I-I hope it will go well..

>> No.6990976

Doubling up on socks isn't bad; I've also worn (good) bandages on my heels too if not visible.

>> No.6991304

As i stated here >>6987302
Ill have a time and place posted here unless some wants to make facebook group or something.

>> No.6992261
File: 28 KB, 320x213, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we meet up at 8pm, the right side balcony pocket, we all pitch in $ and the person with a car makes a run to hungry howies

Meanwhile you all bring board games and we play until the pizza comes \o/

>> No.6992276

FOR FRIDAY I'm p busy saturday

>> No.6992296
File: 25 KB, 500x394, 1337583931789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>board games
Time for rp DnD?

>> No.6992299

>Hungry Howies

That's legit the shittiest pizza in Tampa

>> No.6992306

Yea i'm going to have to agree.. Most of the bigger chains also will deliver to a set address or location on convention grounds.

>> No.6992316
File: 87 KB, 500x374, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just being cheap I'm gomen

>> No.6992325

Even little caeser's is better

>> No.6992335

Where do you guys WANNA order from? Pizza Hut? Papa johns? ¿¿¿

>> No.6992339

i will probably be eating at the chinese restaurant downtown with my bros.

>> No.6992404

Why not make a decision when you get the people there? I doubt money for pizza will be an issue, unless you guys can't keep your money away from whatever you're going to buy in the dealers room.

>> No.6992411


>> No.6992774


The convention center has a sort of attached garage. It's expensive and fills up quickly but is one of the easiest options. You just drive up, take a ticket, park, and then pay through the machines inside when you actually want to leave. There are similar garages by the Forum and further up Florida Avenue like the Fort Brooke, but the walk sucks, especially when the weather goes sour.

Also, there are parking options associated with hotels like the Embassy Suites, but even for guests it's not very economical. Basically, it's going to be expensive.

>> No.6992826

Never going to another FL con ever again

People in Florida are fucking crazy

>> No.6992870

Five Star is shittier, guaranteed. Went to so many drunken parties fueled with Five Star.

>> No.6993279

Is there a Little Italy's nearby?

>> No.6993420

I made a facebook group if anyone wants to use it I find it easier to organize.search for /cgl/ meetup group

>> No.6993585

Why use facebook?

>> No.6993590

no one wants to use facebook you titwhore!

>> No.6993753

Just a suggestion no need to get buttmad

>> No.6993822

Not >>6993420, but I can sort of understand why. It's not a bad resource for planning events, even if it sucks ass in every other way.

>> No.6994850

Well as of right now, it's Thursday, meaning the con is tomorrow. I hope to meet some of the people from /cgl/ there and also hope that everyone has a great time. Though it would have been nice if there was an official meet up, I'm going to try and see if I can be here

Bring it's the only place that has been suggested.

>> No.6994939

Is this going to be on the first day/ Friday?

>> No.6995190

Should I consider staying for the rave they always have? Never really crossed my mind about that.

>> No.6995212

It's so close I can't bear it!

>> No.6995214


>> No.6995316

If you can stay for the rave go for it. Metrocon is the place to do it, they have the best con rave in Florida.

>> No.6995340
File: 82 KB, 600x903, c1359420703007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met some hot chicks at the last meetup - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQaGVbDPj3Y

>> No.6995359

Man im so down right now i just got a message today telling my my commissioner dropped out on me and now im out a cosplay on saturday and this sucks major nuts

>> No.6995362

This is probably the weirdest spam ive seen in a while..

>> No.6995363

Alright, last day of work for me, then it's con time. Can't wait!
I hope it goes well [spoiler] with the cgl meet up and such

>> No.6995374

So whats going on with the meet up? Are we going to go with this idea? It's not a bad one in my opinion. If we are going with this plan is it going to be on Friday?

>> No.6995488
File: 13 KB, 212x170, gfdgdfgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright! I have finally finished my AA table prep. I finished a freebie pin just for the seagulls. Drop by >>6984752 if you'd like one while they last.

>> No.6995551

Anyone gonna bring Smash bros/All Stars? I have a Wii and even Brawl -

>> No.6995555

What do the pins look like?
A tad curious.

>> No.6995560
File: 99 KB, 653x490, caw caw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end, I decided against using a cosplay reference.

>> No.6995564

I'll get a cgl pin :3

>> No.6995566

I will most likely get one, but won't wear it due to my power level hiding habits.

>> No.6995569
File: 18 KB, 300x381, 1372572393034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No bow
0/10. Would not wear.

>> No.6995571

It's more of a commemorative thing then. And on a side note, i'll remember my 3DS this time to streetpass people! It's been getting dusty..

>> No.6995577
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>> No.6995578
File: 72 KB, 378x363, 1310881595862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're talking!

>> No.6995579

C-could you make a-an /a/ related one?

>> No.6995586

Sure, did you have an idea for it in mind? Tbh I don't frequent it enough to know the nuances of the board.

>> No.6995589

I might have to get back to you on that when I got the time- working the day before MetroCon is suffering. ;_;

>> No.6995592

Alright! I pack up my studio at 8pm though. If I don't hear back by then i'll try to whip up something with guidance from my (ironically /a/) wow guild.

>> No.6995609

Ill post time and place here for DOA5 and TTT2

>> No.6995614

If I see this, I'm buying it.

>> No.6995616

Well shit, lol. It was doodled on the pin before pressing it. I have no way of copying it. I'm not selling the /cgl/ ones, they're free while they last. If someone wants this pin, it's whoever asks for it first.

>> No.6995738

The Embassy is doing a terrible job at getting people's rooms ready for check-in. Staff are pissed and if it's bad now, I can't imagine how bad it will be when things actually begin.

Also, tornado warning.

>> No.6995760

What day?

>> No.6995762

going on saturday, hopefully that guy who wanted to go as a shirtless magina with two friends as manta style illusions will be there, that would own

>> No.6995765
File: 87 KB, 704x704, 1374734440861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just put Accelerator on it. They love him.

>> No.6995767

I'm going all 3 days.
Will be luffy for 2.

>> No.6995768

Timeskip Luffy to be specific.

>> No.6995798

How do we identify ourselves as seagulls

>> No.6995829

"H-Hey, you're giving out /cgl/ pins, r-right?"

alternatively, >>6984790

>> No.6995841

"S-shit what does a seagull sound like FUCK"

>> No.6995927

"CAW CAW" then flap your arms

>shit thats a crow

>> No.6996023
File: 73 KB, 410x521, 1014179_10151589626092252_883611939_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last minute ideas.. Off to publix to stock up on food.

>> No.6996037
File: 50 KB, 334x594, 52774ab115ff19ecfbee344a92ef05b243a0740a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waifu-ize a pin maybe?

>> No.6996101

Shit yeah! Going on Sunday now! I've been tossing up the idea of going through the hassle of wearing Sakizou or my deer wig and making some kind of mori-ish thing to go with it. Meh.

>> No.6996114
File: 1.35 MB, 300x169, 1339476358133.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going on sunday
Heh. Have fun with all those kids. It's going to be Metrocon Flugtag 2: Electric Boogaloo.

>> No.6996147
File: 63 KB, 574x960, metrobadge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DIY free metro badge

>> No.6996154
File: 49 KB, 441x408, tumblr_lpqwk5Ftcr1qjs646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I deal with the little douchebags everyday. Won't stop me from being slightly drunk and seeing my pals.

>> No.6996163
File: 52 KB, 540x720, metro2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another free badge

>> No.6996215

Seconding this so hard. CFLS is the best. If you ever need any help or pointers they're great with advice and concrit, too!

>> No.6996525

Fuck I'm only just finding this thread tonight? Am I blind?

Anyway, I'll be cosplaying Braeburn mostly on Saturday. I'll be in casual clothing most of the time. This is my first con and I'm pretty excited.

>> No.6996543

>Being a pony
Eh, whatever your tastes are I guess.

>> No.6996866
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 41Lr5IbvMlL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't fend off the urge to buy a case of these fuckers, so I'll probably be giving them away on Sunday.
You don't have to squawk at me to get them, but it would make my day if you did

>> No.6997009

Oh Karasawa, cool. I enjoyed nichibros immensely. I wouldn't worry about painting your face or anything for the shadow, just keep that hat low. You could do the scar though with make up.

>> No.6997023
File: 651 KB, 1600x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwww shit an /a/ pin? I was fine with /cgl/ but I'd pay good money for a cute /a/ pin. Maybe just the quote "shit taste" with /a/ real big. I like the name Anime Man too. I sold a picture of anime man for $20 at Supercon.

>> No.6997054

A-ah, thanks. I wasn't thinking of doing the scar unfortunately. I will be bringing some small candy to toss to bitches and the like.

>> No.6997078


>> No.6997125

There won't be any sexual tricks or anything r-right?

>> No.6997477

If anyone sees an Oliver with a handmade Drippy doll feel free to say hi
I love meeting people from this board

>> No.6997856

Thanks for the /cgl/ pin!

I feel so handsome :3

>> No.6997859

Also adding my thanks for the cgl pin added to my lanyard

>> No.6997875

We've got tekken oit right now hilton hotel room 841

>> No.6997877

Scratch that 843

>> No.6997909

Are we still o for that meet-up? If so, where?

>> No.6997923

Thanks for the pin, currently @ starbucks with the wifi since no wifi in hotel.
Even thought it isn't the most /a/ related thing, it was the best thing for the moment!

>> No.6997937

Yeah this hotel charges like 12 bucks for internet. Fucking westin man.

So is there a meetup?

>> No.6997942

Exhausted anon staff here. Today was awesome. We broke our record for hall entries. Shit was awesome.

>> No.6997947

Attendance number so far, out of curiosity?

>> No.6998095

Attendance looks bad...

>> No.6998110

Overall, or cosplay specific?

>> No.6998124

The Hilton? That's so far away. Sucks, I would have been up for that.

>> No.6998133


didn't look that bad as the above post implied

fuarkin crowded

unless they mean the CGL thing I didn't go to because nobody really confirmed

>> No.6998168

I'm going to be driving in from Orlando tomorrow morning, around 9-9:30. How bad do you think the line for day passes will be?

>> No.6998189

Most likely not as bad as today was, saw the line going into the main hall around 2ish today thank god I got mine on Thursday
>mfw I have to post this on the side of the Hilton hotel

>> No.6998347

My friend was stuck in the badge line for an hour and then they gave her shit when she finally got there. fuck that

I walked right into the dealers room without a badge and artist alley and the halls we're hangin in are free. It shouldn't be too hard to sneak into the rave but I probably won't bother since it sounds like shit music from out here.

>> No.6998352

I went to the meetup at 8 and noone really stood out for cgl so i awkwardly left ;;

>> No.6998378

/k/omrade here
I'm going to be wearing a ghillie suit and a shemagh tomorrow
Might go to Castle after if it's late enough

>> No.6998391

Looking forward to tomorrow.
I want to get there early (...not that I know what's considered early?) so I don't have to wait forever for my badge, since I'm one day only there.

I'm really nervous actually--first big con where I've gone in something other than casual clothing. Fretting

>> No.6998400

I think they start registration at 10am
I'm not certain, but that sounds about right

>> No.6998412

Tampa person. The castle's alright, but unless you go with people, you'll probably be by yourself.

>> No.6998417

You're goddamn right I'm going by myself
The girl that I'm going to MetroCon with is staying at a hotel with some of her coworkers
But she's heard me and my friends talk about Castle and we told her that we'd take her, but we never have
She seemed a bit agitated when I told her that I'm thinking about going

They're having some burlesque show or something tomorrow night

>> No.6998448
File: 49 KB, 540x720, 1005113_10100533995745503_1602644727_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally bought, but still awesome.

Overall Friday was alright, the registration line was hella-long, but costumes were good. I loved the BlazBlue crew that showed up, sporting a Kokonoe.

>> No.6998458

You're all welcome for the /cgl/ pins! It was nice seeing the population of the board. I'm delirious from packing and driving back to Orlando for the night, just to do it all over again 2 more days!

For the record, only one person made seagull noises.

>> No.6998466

/cgl/ pins?
Is that anything like the /k/ morale patch?

>> No.6998476

see >>6995560

>> No.6998485

Damn, that's funny
I'm ashamed that it took me a second to get it
Well, I decided to add my Bad Dragon pin to my ghillie suit and shemagh

So the deal is make seagull noises and get a pin?

>> No.6998513

>Bad dragon pin
Fucking just laughed with coke in my throat, now it's in my sinuses. Yes, seagull noises, or in this board's case, "s-seagull n-noises"

>> No.6998541
File: 2.50 MB, 2448x3264, 20130726_233056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6998549

hey thanks for the info!


also dang going back and forth must be rough. we're driving from orlando as well, but just for tomorrow. good luck this weekend and be sure to take it easy!

>> No.6998592


>> No.6998601
File: 6 KB, 390x470, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get that for ordering from them anon? Be honest. Time to sleep though, 6am and an hour of horrible i-4 traffic awaits us.

>> No.6998611

I paid $1 when I ordered a dragon vagina for my friend's wife

I'm turning in too, waking up at 7

>> No.6998614

Dragon.. vagina. For a wife.

Yep i'm done. I'm so done. I dont even. Nope.

>> No.6998621


>> No.6998945

Anyone at the rave?
It was kinda awkward the whole time since only a few people were willing to dance with other solos
Had the ika shirt with the red/blue tie on my head if anyone saw me solo jumping

>> No.6999003

There was a guy outside on Franklin St. with a megaphone telling everyone they were sinners and going to hell and stuff like that. I threw on a horsehead mask and gave him a sexy dance.

I hope one of y'all mother lovers got a picture of that, cause I'd love to have it.

>> No.6999254

Asked around. About 6000 overall so far.

>> No.6999260

Saw that guy, I liked it. Way too many people skipped out on doing the maneuver gear.

>> No.6999297

Hahaha he was there some other year. Was it the last one or the year before that? Some Rorschach stood next to him with his doom signs. It was brilliant.

>> No.6999444

Oh shit I saw that. Didn't manage to get a picture of it, but was pretty funny. God damn though that guy stayed there tell like 10pm

>> No.6999561
File: 245 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6999659

*** PSA PSA PSA ***

If you see a maggie cosplayer (avas demon plant girl with long curly green ponytailed wig.. ASK HER if she forgot a supernatural print. TELL HER she left it at art table B22 (her guy friend bought buttons there)


>> No.6999665
File: 70 KB, 577x600, 1932863_1502112_lz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maggie is this.

>> No.7000525
File: 550 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20130727_195608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK which one of you faggots broke rules 1 and 2?

>> No.7000540

I hope you still have inventory tomorrow, I'm coming for ya

>> No.7000572

I'm leaving tomorrow morning. What are some other good Florida cons? I heard Shadocon and Megacon are good.

>> No.7000579

I heard Tampa Bay Comic-con was getting Arya from Game of Thrones

>> No.7000586


Yeah, but that's a bit short notice. I'm talking next year. I might do Metrocon again, but my room mates were... eh....

>> No.7000590

Alright, rave time, ika shirt again.
Dance with me /cgl/!

>> No.7000888
File: 214 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go horseman GO!
You loveable bastard.
Night everyone

>> No.7001172

Guess who slept through their alarms!!!! Fuuuuuck we are driving there now. Will get there by 10:30!

>> No.7001230

no way!! I did too! black guy in the Dave tux here.

>> No.7001552

Hah, that guy. Friends and I called him Father Comstock because he sounded a lot like him. G;ad to see a bunch of Homestucks around him on Saturday afternoon.

Friday was amazing. Not too crowded but still very active; friends and I went to a few panels that night (I helped host the 11PM Persona 4 panel, I was the Naoto).

We only really stuck around the convention center on Saturday noonish because it was so fucking crowded plus there weren't any panels besides the AMV contest (which was REALLY lame this year) that day.

Today we dicked around in the morning a bit and then headed home. Had a fun weekend. Took about a dozen photos and will dump them tomorrow/if we have a photo thread.

>> No.7001605


I managed to get a couple videos of the protester. He changed his story a lot. "Cosplay is evil! The flames of hell await you!" and then "Metrocon is good! Cosplaying is good! ...but there's that emptiness inside you that can't be filled with anime."

>> No.7001837
File: 177 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear I will get a passable score on exetreme on that last song Miku!

>> No.7001859
File: 210 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting cosplay with little mirrors go?

>> No.7001866
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>> No.7001867
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>> No.7001872
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Posting with my phone, sorry about image quality

>> No.7001910

>Rhythm games
>On a projector

>> No.7001960

Yay for enjoyable con. I'll upload the terribly amateur pictures I took to here: http://patchoulihou-knowledge.tumblr.com/

I only just started uploading them, but yeah.

I was happy to see the few Touhou characters I did :3

And thanks again for the CGL pin Febronia

>> No.7002002

Was she cuter than your phone made her out to be? I really want to see a cute Rikka.

>> No.7002006

Whats wrong with a projector?
There shouldn't be any lag if that's what you were implying.

>> No.7002008

She was kinda cute as far as 3D goes.
Not as cute as Chen was though.

>> No.7002079

The con was pretty great, I had a great time and its made a good impression. Though it was hotter than hell dressed as Sheik all weekend. Won part of the drawing contest and got a Yotsuba comic for if. I didn't get anything at the costume contest but it was my first big contest anyway. The winners were pretty cool. Some guy gave me a dollar and a hug this morning for being "the best cosplay he's seen all morning" which made today awesome no matter what happened.

>> No.7002199

I would love to see pictures of you/from the contest if anyone has them? Who won? Im so sad I missed it this year!

>> No.7002340

Which drawing were you?
I tried my hand, but I most likely drew stuff that the judges had no idea about. I doubt not many normal people share the love for Sunbro and NichiBros YuruYuri shipping.

>> No.7002397
File: 60 KB, 485x387, alg-wheelchair-subway-station-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is it always at that fucking center?
Because this was pretty much my entire weekend

>> No.7002496

I think I embarrassed myself at your stand... I look back and cringe

>> No.7002520

Nah it's all good! We're all a little awkward. I really loved seeing who was who. I'm still a bit confused about getting a handshake and salute from one of ya though :v

I'll be lurking the Mythicon thread (if any) next since it's my next show.

>> No.7002583
File: 1.24 MB, 1520x2688, 2013-07-28 11.06.45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was part of the group running the retro game/import booth in the dealer's room, which was an interesting experience.

On a more relevant note, does anyone know who this Totori group was? I thought they were really great, really enjoyable to see this series cosplayed, and so well too. Made my weekend.

>> No.7002623

Metrocon just announced on Facebook that it's going to be a 4-day con starting in 2015. Thoughts?

>> No.7002631

Hold on what?

>> No.7002634

Unnecessary. Also, why 2015 and not '14?

>> No.7002638

Do they even have enough content to be a four day con? I mean it was my first year there but I know it's a much younger and smaller con than any that might run for four days.

>> No.7002686

I did the Harry/Ron/Hermione one in round 2. I did really poorly on my other two pictures and I did a relatively obscure manga, Holyland, for round three because its my favorite manga but I don't have a favorite character. It was crazy to win. There were so many awesome artists there.

I don't have any photos on hand right now but Ill talk to my friends who were in the crowd to get all their pictures and do a dump later if anyone wants that

>> No.7002867

Haha that was me and my friend that did the seagull noises! That's so great

>> No.7002868
File: 507 KB, 1024x678, 9388835895_fe4770e8d5_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My photos from this weekend. Not used to my new 50mm. Normally use a 35mm at these things so I had some framing problems I had to get a handle of.

>> No.7003148

dr zed?

And yeah it's always at that convention center.

I dug your outfits yo.

>> No.7003176

if only those faun ones didn't have that background ;__;

>> No.7003219

Ahhh I was stuck in the vendor's room all day and couldn't get out in time to get a seagull pin ;_;

O-oh well, I hope you had a good time!

>> No.7003220

Explain to me what is going on in this picture.

>> No.7003221

Black Butler-themed fireshow?

>> No.7003297

Ahhhh, but they turned out wicked awesome. It was great getting to hang out with you for a bit.

I had a pretty rad time walking around and just meeting people. This was the first year I haven't gone all weekend, and I really don't feel like I missed too much.

>> No.7003302

*cries* there was a cgl meetup and cool cgl peeps and I missed out on them.

I was a fabulous water pokemon that acted obnoxious since I was on drugs, so if you saw me... yeah ;_;

water gun, water gun~

>> No.7003318

Sorry, we were just chit-chatting late Sunday and I was on my way out and wanted to get a couple pictures before I left. Didn't really have time to plan anything.

Definitely! We'll see you again in a few weeks

>> No.7003329
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 1329449051927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was walking around the upper area looking for anyone /cgl/-like. I had no idea where the "right side" was. I ended up giving up after 20 minutes of walking around in circles.

>> No.7003389

i walked around with my cgl pin, but didn't meet a single seagull apart from Febronia, who I only mumbled to "could i have a cgl pin".



>> No.7003406

After tallying the pins made, there were a total of 67 /cgl/ers at metrocon who picked up a pin.

In other news, the 'PSA' couple who had lost a print at my booth came back to pick it up that same day! :>

>> No.7003411

Yo im pretty sure i was standing right next to you if you were the one that took that picture, I was suck volunteering all weekend.

>> No.7003474

Word is metro brought in roughly 10,000 attendees this year

>> No.7003502


>> No.7003529
File: 339 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mqpgjtkT4Y1rlosqyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite groups to run into.

Just because.

>> No.7003537
File: 112 KB, 576x768, Photo0405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a picture of the Connie anon.

>> No.7003623

Holy shit wat.

>> No.7003688

Oh hey, I wonder where your gear was during this pic lol

>> No.7003870

Since when are costumes of non-Japanese origin allowed to enter the Sunday costume contest?

>> No.7003872

since east vs west

>> No.7003879

Since they let korean songs into the "anime idol" singing contest.

>> No.7003891

Has Metro ever had that rule? http://animebelle.com/galleries/v/abcosplay/classic/album82/album91/PICT0030.jpg.html

>> No.7003925

Korea is Japan's Mexico, it gets a pass

>> No.7004011

Metro has never had that rule. They're an anime-oriented con sure, but they've always let non-japanese subjects into their panels and contests. There's been Homestuck panels there for two years and steampunk panels for more.

Speaking of though, what did everyone think of the winners?

>> No.7004062
File: 82 KB, 704x960, smoker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real party floated around the con all you had to do was follow your nose and find us

>> No.7004212

Im right here. Dont worry.

>> No.7004215

I took it off because everyone else's was much much more detailed then mine. Felt like I was being judged

>> No.7004227

I had science class with this fag last year

>> No.7004236

I wonder who you might be...

>> No.7004269

It looked fine, albeit rushed. Next year hopefully i'll be able to get a table against the railing so there's more space behind it.

>> No.7004279

What the fuck is with the flower crowns

>> No.7004281

It was my first con and cosplay.

>> No.7004299

Oh awesome! My first cosplay was really awkward looking back on it. I miss doing it though.

>> No.7004301

I thought it was fine. I respect anyone who can make that shit themselves.

>> No.7004302
File: 143 KB, 500x321, tumblr_mqpusuH6EA1rv8hz9o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea.

>> No.7004326
File: 349 KB, 1280x956, Metrocon 2013 AOT11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7004334

Soooo much Attack on Titan and Homestuck. Holy shit. And flower crowns. What the shit is with the flowers?

>> No.7004336

No idea on the flowers. I dug the AoT but the Homestuck is always disgusting.

>> No.7004350

I dont even. I asked and still didn't get and answer...

>> No.7004370

I overheard someone talking about the flower crowns. Apparently it's a Tumblr thing to signify that the character you're currently cosplaying is your favorite character.

Correct me if I'm wrong. Just what I overheard.

>> No.7004575

I thought there was a pretty modest amount of AoT, but I felt like Homestuck and Supernatural and OFF were everywhere. Maybe I'm a bit biased because I'm happy to see Japanese things back in fashion as cosplay (not to mention the TONS of Dangan Ronpa I saw over the weekend)

>> No.7004584

Ah, maybe I just wasn't expecting to see so much AoT that it just kind of threw me off? And, oh god, I totally forgot about all of the Supernatural. It's been awhile since I've seen that many drawn on beards.

>> No.7004587

Any one get any pictures of the guy in armor with the purple feathers and hair?

>> No.7004594

Well the person who won best in show also won the hall contest, I believe, so hard to argue with that one. It was pretty good up close, though I think that the Nightingale Armor deserved more attention than it got. Maybe just not enough hard core Skyrim players at this con...

>> No.7004613

I am probably just clueless but where would I find pictures of these? I was in the dealer's room all weekend.

>> No.7004694
File: 176 KB, 250x388, tumblr_mqmgyw1GUy1rpswjso4_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7004701
File: 273 KB, 492x537, cosplaycontest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It felt so awesome on stage.

>> No.7004731

That really does look good. Would be nice to see the finer details.

>> No.7004750
File: 126 KB, 960x720, 1005655_689930924353652_15930364_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my cosplay Saturday morning, and all day Saturday.

>> No.7004752
File: 73 KB, 1000x669, 1091195_486058891479837_456641503_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another

>> No.7004756
File: 116 KB, 720x960, 59530_218891501593634_308274990_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only other one I have, sorry

>> No.7004769
File: 102 KB, 720x960, 539571_10100107101744288_330343175_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saturday evening's cosplay

>> No.7004791

Those are really huge wings.
Weren't those a problem with the staff?

>> No.7004833
File: 387 KB, 678x1024, 9391607082_0345ffac15_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one of you

>> No.7004985
File: 64 KB, 540x720, 557872_10151498183856086_295745082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had staff talk to me once, they said they were keeping an eye on me but I wasn't doing anything wrong and I was ok unless I started blocking traffic flow. The wings expand and contract. Here's a pic with my wings closed.

>> No.7005046

It's a tumblr thing. Photoshopping flower crowns onto characters is big right now since flower crowns became a hipster fashion staple on tumblr.

>> No.7005857

I am glad she got nothing because she has won several awards at different Florida cons with the same costume. Do something else or go out of state. Touring a cosplay isn't allowed nor fair, everyone who competes knows that.

>> No.7006313

who are you talking about, the princess vanellope who won best in show?

>> No.7006536

Jesus christ why would you even bring that?

>> No.7006548

Man I'm so sad I didn't get to see you. Me and my friend left the dealer's room immediately after it closed and looked for you on Staurday. I guess you'd left by then. ;_; I was just too busy all weekend and I had a new guy working with me, so I could barely leave.

>> No.7006666
File: 2.92 MB, 3264x2448, 20130727_212655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah hell. I was just autobanned for linking a helpful supplier site in a crafts thread. 4chan scripts a shit. We were there saturday until 11:30pm. Just on the far side of the AA across from a leather goods booth. Next to the end. Pic related. Tired as shit BF ready to pass out.

>> No.7006680

Get 2hu buttons next year!
I want my Cirno 9 button!

>> No.7006690

Oh my gosh, I think you guys gave free starburst to us (Sheik, Malon, and a friend) on Sunday! Was that you? I can't believe I didn't ask for a pin, ugh

>> No.7006715
File: 1.15 MB, 3264x2448, 20130728_134258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes! The starburst experiment. Red won. We will be at mythicon with.. perhaps a new cgl pin. ;D

I will be doing a few 2hoe prints for sure.

.... And then there was this guy with the mangled japanese oniichan shirt.

>> No.7006720

>Starburst experiment
Wait what?

>> No.7006727

.... my phone is rusing me.. shows the pic upright... links it fking sideways. Gdi

>> No.7006737

Seeing which was the 'favorite flavor'. We were bored. ... OH. no we didnt spike them! Hahaha

>> No.7006751

Oh, that's kind of cool. We just got called over by character name and given yellow starburst. I guess the experiment must have been over by then, hah

>> No.7006756

That was his bitchass trying to force a lemon win. :|

>> No.7006772

Lemon is actually my favorite so tell him good job <3
I'm actually a little surprised at a red win, most people I know really love pink.

>> No.7006779
File: 117 KB, 500x500, 1344140006773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you guys just gave me a red one. How did the experiment go? You should have had like a bowl of starburst and had customers take one for each dollar of merch they bought.

>> No.7006796
File: 2.37 MB, 3264x2448, 20130728_111626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think the AA fineprint forbid candy bowls. Red did legit win though. Most amount of picks. We had a redic amount of candy intake that weekend. Couldnt even bring ourselves to eat the starbursts we'd bought. And we just gave them away to kids and cosplayers/customers. Fyi... beef jerky does something horrible when eaten with junk foods. Never again. And pic taken on way to con. Im so mature.

>> No.7006805

>forbid candy bowls
Ah, I guess Metro had it's reasons.

>> No.7008051

Well MetroCon was fun, it seems like this thread is pretty dead right now.
I was surrounded by /cgl/ without even knowing it I guess. I kinda hoped to see you guys.
Will most certainty be going next year, might even go to asylum or shadocon as well.
I hope I can meet you guys next year.

>> No.7008151

I em here, i just am quiet ;__;

>> No.7008694

Kinda glad I couldn't make it to this one.

>> No.7008700


>> No.7008711

Someone had a bad con.