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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 11 KB, 356x119, otakonLogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6972412 No.6972412 [Reply] [Original]

Less than a month away.

Who's going? What are you cosplaying? What panels/events/meet-ups are you excited for?

>> No.6972458
File: 23 KB, 184x314, ChubbyCherry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going as this character from the Studio Killers band as well as a Sploicer. Looking forward to everything, I've been busting my ass this past year and finally got promoted, so I just want some time to relax and enjoy some of the more well-done cosplay. Honestly, the shopping has me psyched, since I have a bit more cash to burn this year.

>> No.6972465


I hope they are cute pointy boobs.
Honestly, cause Cherry is cute with them.

>> No.6972468

What's the usual temperature/humidity for Baltimore? Because I'm worried I might get heatstroke or some shit.
I'm scared about hearing how rough Baltimore is too. I'm guessing it's best to stick in groups and go to where you need to get ASAP and as direct as possible? Maybe a taxi would be a safer option?

>> No.6972474

Ugh, that part's giving me so much shit, you don't even know. I decided on her because she was more my body type (read: fat), but she has smaller breasts and I don't know how the fuck to keep mine that pointy. Someone suggested a bullet bra but I can't find any that aren't expensive and they don't look like they'd help much.

I guess the other problem is her drippy make up. Last year I eyeshadowed it on and it looked...sub-par. How do I get the drippage?

>> No.6972476

use liquid liner, they have a lot that are really extreme colors. Also, chubby girl with size B boobs with big puffy nipples I am cosplaying the fuck out of cherry.

>> No.6972478


You need something more liquidy or creamy at least.

I can't offer a solid solution but I know you can mix eyeshadow with moisturizer to make a cream. Maybe you can devise a solution now that you know that.

>> No.6972480

Last year it was hot as tits. Ironically, my area's been drenched with rain recently, but I know we won't get any come Otakon. This could be good or bad, depending on how far you have to walk and how heavy/thick/delicate your potential cosplay is. How far away is your hotel from the BCC?

>> No.6972484


Thanks for the tips! I'll try both and see what works better. I'm sure with either I'll need to seal it somehow, since it'll be hot and humid, more then likely.

Darling, we need to meet up at some point. Which version are you planning on doing? At some point I want to do her Eros and Apollo look where she's got the black hands for clothing/accessories. I have a plan for some kind of flowy, long skirted dress, but that'll be a long way off.

>> No.6972489

It's a 10-15 min walk north of the convention centre, and I have to wear heavy clothing for at least one or two of those days. Not really heavy or delicate, just thick.

>> No.6972495

Is there any way you can just wear some of the costume, maybe some of the lower layers? You'd have to carry the rest, but carrying it probably would feel much better then wearing it, even if it's only that short of a distance.

>> No.6972501

Yeah, I could manage that. The rest of my worries are just concerning safety and such.

>> No.6972511

I can't offer any advice, I'm probably in the same position. Walk in a group, probably.

>> No.6972550
File: 125 KB, 325x500, batwoman-13-final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing
Diana -League
Yuri Zahard - Tower of God

I would love to meet up with some other ToG cosplayers. My friend is doing Androssi so there will be at least two of us.

Also, where we meeting up at for drinks? My suggestion would be Pickles Pub as it is huge and has lots of space as long as there's no Orioles game going on. I've been checking /cgl/ every couple weeks and haven't seen an Ota thread as of yet.

This is my 12th Otakon, I am hype as fuck.

>> No.6972555

If you go, look for a Karkat, ahahahahahaaaa a No Face, a Dipper Pines, among other things.

>> No.6972562

For safety: I'd suggest avoiding Lexington Market like the plague. I don't like going there and I LIVE there.

Act like you know where you're going and try to have the confidence of someone who lives here. Giving off a tourist vibe makes you an easier target for unsavory types.

Other than that: basic common sense. Don't walk down seedy-looking alleys or stray out of unpopulated areas (which is pretty hard to do downtown in the summer.) If a hobo asks for money: just lie and say you don't have any.

Don't stray further west than MLK Blvd and don't go farther east than Little Italy (unless you want to go to Fells Point, 'cause they have a good night life scene. But you can take 3 different buses to get there.)

>> No.6972784

Beware of Micnax!
The public enemy of cosplaying #1
He is the main responsible for...

Sexually assaulting his little sister
Fucking Eva Braun in a bathtub
Making Liam Spooner attend the cgl MCM meet in may
Ruining Eva's weekend at MCM may
Selfposting Nik Naks in order to try and gain popularity
Going to canada to meet up with homestucks
Taking upskirt shots of female cosplayers
Demanding sex in return for favours
Being so obnoxious that no one trips in the britfag threads

>> No.6972864

Oh lordy, this is my first time back to /cgl/ in a while. How long has this been going on?

>> No.6972875

top kek

>> No.6972887

This is definitely a modified copypasta from /a/. (I know because it was originally titled for Diaz from Unlimited Translation Works.)

>> No.6972888

Congrats, you understood the joke.

>> No.6972952

i'm doing teruteru from sdr2 and wearing a horse mask and fancy clothes on sunday.
it's usually hot as shit (i cosplayed denmark and kaito once and nearly had a heat stroke), but w/e.
i never plan well and end up wearing clothes that will make me hot.
as long as you don't spend too much time outside, you'll be fine. the convention center always stays really cool.

>> No.6972970

What is?

>> No.6972987


It's a british cosplay photography website.

>> No.6973015

Last year, I was pretty much in the same situation. I walked with a group when it was still light out (through the most touristy areas) and took cabs when we went back and forth in the dark. Chances are, you will usually bump into some cosplayers that you can walk with on the way.
Regarding the thick costume, I think changing in the BCC would be your best bet, despite the fact that you'd have to carry around a bag holding your normal clothes. Last year, I insisted on walking back and forth in costume, and I ended up just having to ditch it halfway through Saturday because it was just so fucking unbearable. Not to mention nonstop tourist attention.

>> No.6973055

im gonna be there cosplaying as zibarro
i dont know what panels are going on but i might go to a few
i dont think ive been in /cgl/ long enough to go to a meetup and ill be there with my brother and possibly one of my friends anyways

>> No.6973062

Making progress on fixing up my costumes. Really pleased to have a new wig for speedball, but I'm now trying to look for binding that won't show under the suit -- at Katsucon my wraparound binder was definitely visible.

Hey, if you're concerned about safety or the heat, check out the circulator's purple line route on the Otakon map otakon . com/images_content/location_map.pdf to see if it goes by or very close to your hotel. The Circulator is free and runs from 9 AM-midnight on Fridays and Saturdays. It probably will be very, very hot, this being Baltimore in August.

>> No.6973101
File: 7 KB, 183x275, imgres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going as isabelle from animal crossing this year... but I can't for my life find the right fabric for her vest so i'll be wearing her summer solstice outfit. Look for a person with a giant isabelle head going around lol

>> No.6973102

I'm excited for Otakon, it'll be my first time going out of my own state for a convention.

>> No.6973318

>12th Otakon

Man, so you've seen it all, haven't you? I only started going about seven or eight years or so ago.

I'm down for a drink or two, though. How expensive is Pickles Pub?

>> No.6973353


Same here. I'm a bit frightened that it's in Baltimore, but it's really exciting!

>> No.6973362

>I'm a bit frightened that it's in Baltimore
Britfag here. Is that bad?

>> No.6973384

Shit, mang. You gonna get Balti-murdered
no no jkjkjkjkjk Don't worry. Just stay within con center distance and you'll be fine. The "bad parts" is like 7-10 block radius or something

>> No.6973415

Baltimore isn't even that bad, I live really close and am there pretty frequently. Just travelin a pair and/or with pepper spray, same as with any other city.

Oh, and don't drive if you can help it, driving in Baltimore is fucking stupid.

>> No.6973576

Irrelevant from topic, but how'd you do his wig? I wanna get him done by next AB and I'm throwing around some ideas in my head.

>> No.6973874

going as terra from teen titans and maybe a silent hill nurse again. though i like being able to see, the nurse mask is awful for that. sad they took away the jampspace, i played it every year until now 8/

>> No.6973894

anyone planning a /cgl/ meet-up aside from the bar one?

>> No.6974126
File: 518 KB, 572x576, otakoncosplay2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otakonnn lineupppp. Hopefully I'll see some of you guys there.

>> No.6974222
File: 236 KB, 1607x891, ivrongeisbeinglazy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope so. Otherwise we can't take an excess of Star Driver photos.

>> No.6974306

i'm having some trouble with the wig myself. what i'm planning on doing is combining two wigs together. i'm going to take progress photos, which will probably end up in the work in progress thread. the second wig will be here in a few days, so look for them if you want ;q;
http://fuckyeahjjba.tumblr.com/post/53105970339/how-i-made-my-wig-for-josuke-pompadour-wig-tutorial has helped me a lot!!

>> No.6974332

awwwyeah, that would be rad

>> No.6974385
File: 211 KB, 1152x1080, James_Kirk,_2266[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going as Kirk. For the green chicks.

>> No.6974448
File: 578 KB, 1496x2000, 1312331199458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there as Chris-Chan again this year. I don't really have anything else cosplay-wise planned like I normally do.

I want to see Yoko Kanno. Other than that, I'll probably wander into panels and events at random.

>> No.6974462

hahaha holy shit
10/10 cosplay

>> No.6974476

Who's your Jaguar?

>> No.6974484

Just wondering, how often do people actually realise who you're meant to be?

>> No.6974488

Your sonichu pendant is of even higher quality than Chris-chan's actual pendant.

>> No.6974494

I remember you from 2011! Me and my boyfriend stopped you and asked for your photo haha. i'll be on the lookout for you again!

>> No.6974510
File: 111 KB, 636x599, 1318863564999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fucking lot of people, actually. I think having Sonichu and the pendant helps. Although I still got a lot of people (especially on friday last year and the year before) what my "pika-sonic" was from.

Thanks, I tried really hard to be as autistically accurate as possible.

Thanks! I shaved my head the other day so I'll be a very short-haired chris this year, just so you know.

>> No.6974515

If I come up to you drunk and just start screaming JULLAYYY would you know what I was talking about?

>> No.6974524

Absolutely. Furthermore, I can do a near-perfect impression of him so playing along is pretty fun.

>> No.6974531
File: 12 KB, 230x209, jessica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going as Jessica Rabbit for all days. Predicting it to be too hot for me to wear any of my other costumes. Friend will be with me as a Homestuck character.

>> No.6974533

I'm cosplaying Kiki's Delivery Service with my bf. Originally had more plans but things sort of fell apart ha.

Also working in the maid cafe, and I am pretty excited about that!

Otherwise looking forward to AA and maybe hit up some panels, amazing women in anime and rpg panel sound cool :3

>> No.6974535

I'm going as Haman Karn and my boyfriend is going as Char Aznable. My one friend is going as Hulk Hogan and I think my other friends are throwing together Hotline Miami costumes.

What money I'm not spending on Gunpla, I'm spending on booze.

>> No.6974539

My friend's going to be Yamada from Dangan Ronpa for Otakon, I don't know about myself just yet.

>> No.6974551

>people actually cosplaying as Gundam characters that aren't robots
Yes please

>> No.6974561

If all goes as planned...

Diego Brando from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

And Alibaba from Magi

>> No.6974575

Super excited for Otakon even though I'm less-than-pleased about the fact that I still need to buy a super expensive badge and my hotel is nowhere near as cheap as I'd like it to be (the Royal Sonesta). Only know for sure that Im re-debuting my fixed Sumia (Fire Emblem) cosplay, hoping to make either Madoka or Nayru, if not I'll bring Lilith (Borderlands) something older.

>> No.6974662

Adding onto this, if anyone thats doenst look like they are going to the convention approaches you with a sob story to get money out of you, dont fall for it, typically they are scammers, the will move from one person to the next lying to get money outta you.

>> No.6974664

You wouldn't happen to know if there will be a Fire Emblem meetup would you? My friend and I are going as Awakening Ephraim and Great Lord Lucina and think it will be fun to have one.

>> No.6974666

Kapp'n from Animal Crossing, and bringing my suit with me to wander around as Spades Slick from homestuck, mostly because it's more conversation-provoking than plainclothes.

Still trying to figure out how to get the white flowers on my blue shirt for Kapp'n though. Got some iron on transfers, problem is getting the image right. Taken some photoshopping.

>> No.6974680

on coscom they have it listed as Friday from 5-6 behind the fountains (I'm assuming that means behind the indoor fountains).

Of course, I'll only be wearing sumia on Saturday most likely, so wah. Looking to forward to seeing your costumes! If you'll be around on Saturday we can try to put together a separate shoot and invite others, especially other Awakening cosplayers.

>> No.6974710

That sounds awesome. Can't wait to see you there. Otakon can't come soon enough but it can wait until I finish my costume. You wouldn't happen to be the NFG Sumia?

>> No.6974831

I'm planning to cosplay as a Gijinka Hypno during the convention, the same costume from Katsucon 19 and AUSA 2012. I still haven't packed up yet, but will in the next few days.

>> No.6974856

Are you going to be at the Aspergers & Fandom panel?

>> No.6974897
File: 9 KB, 512x458, portrait_cat_zach_by_daswiener-d654em8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be going all by myself, hopefully I'll make some friends or whatnot.
I'll be cosplaying Deadpool, and maybe Zacharie from Off.
Its gonna be my first time, so some guidance would be great. Unless someone else new wants get lost together haha, I suppose that would be more fun.

>> No.6974923

Yes. Why do you ask?

>> No.6975004

'Tis me. Do I know you, perchance? I actually have a lot left to do on the costume, mostly redoing the belts and actually styling the wig and fixing some REALLY bad top stitching on her dress. And my lance is already crumbling apart, so I might try to redo that alltogether. Or at least take it to a belt sander and repaint it. Why does FE cosplay need to be so difficult?

>> No.6975014

I'm at the Quality Inn on St. Paul's street. How fucked am I?

>> No.6975253

it's .6 miles from the con center according to google maps. not too bad, if you don't mind walking.

>> No.6975421


I have a picture with you from like 2 years ago aha

>> No.6975572

I meant more like "Is it in the ghetto?".
But yeah, I don't mind the walk.

>> No.6975604

So is there going to be a meetup?

>> No.6975621
File: 838 KB, 1145x475, Otaplans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep changing my mind on my cosplays but this looks like it might be a finalized list, though I keep flip flopping on wearing yoko because thats VERY little to be wearing anywhere... I will admit I bought yozora, and Most of yoko was store bought then altered.
Is there gonna be a meetup/ what times and days work for everyone for a meet up? I would love to be able to meet some seagulls again!

>> No.6975625

no, not that i know of. a TON of cosplayers and con-attendees are in that area, so i think you're safe.

>> No.6975665

It's not the ghetto by any means, but you should be aware of your surroundings and vigilant when walking to and from the hotel, especially if it's dark and ESPECIALLY if you're alone. There are a lot of creeps and assholes in Baltimore, and the streets clear out of con-goers pretty quickly at Ota for some reason. I've stayed at the area before and had some bad/scary experiences with locals and homeless.

>> No.6975723

Are you male or female? Cause it can be different experiences for both sides.

>> No.6975727

Yo I'm going to be Johnny Joestar and my friend will be Gyro Zepelli. Not sure if we're doing this on Friday or Saturday though.

>> No.6975736

Female with two male roommates.

>> No.6975742

Once again for the second con in a row I'm going to be the only girl in my room again. Luckily I'm rooming with all trustworthy people, and I know for sure my friend will be by my side the whole con. I'm not too concerned for my safety, because he's really big and intimidating looking. Really sweet guy though.

>> No.6975775

I'm a girl, but have had bad experience and NEVER walk alone. The worst have been when I was only walking with 1-2 other girls though. All of my guy-friends from cons don't look particularly intimidating so they don't do much to defer assholes from harassing our group.

>> No.6975835
File: 195 KB, 1024x768, oeMgSuO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be cosplaying Domon Kasshu for most of the con, change to Ralf Jones for fightan games gatherings and KoF tourney.
I'm pretty excited to see the Oreimo finale and witness the waifu wars that will flare around it.
I may try to bring my laptop and have a small setup for tetris and 2hus.

>> No.6975925

KoF tourney? wheres that

>> No.6975928

does anyone have any suggestions for photoshoot places near the con? i mean, other than the outdoor fountain and the inner harbor shipping dock place.

>> No.6975932

if you dont mind traveling a little bit, fells point is a nice historic district of the city

>> No.6975948

The game room holds tourneys for most of their fighters they bring during the con. I just hope it doesn't overlap anything I have planned.

>> No.6975950

one more thing, you may encouter a bit more homeless and or obnoxious drunks there than at inner harbor so just be careful
other than that its nice

>> No.6975955

alright, ill probably end up going there

>> No.6975963

I had some pretty bad experiences safety-wise when I went to Otakon. In 2011 a group of melanin-enriched gentlemen was eyeing my group of ladyfriends that I was escorting to their hotel, but they bolted when a police van stopped right in front of them. In 2012, I was attacked by a group of drunk slavs on the way to the rave but they backed off when I pulled out the knife from my multitool.

>> No.6976063

Did you post this on another thread? I could've sworn I saw this exact same story phrased the exact same where somewhere else. That all sucks though.

>> No.6976101

>cosplaying Ralf Jones
That's it, I'm bringing Hinako again this year. Don't even care if it's too hot for a tight dress. Hope I run into you!

>> No.6976115

alright, i'll check it out. thanks!

>> No.6976398
File: 132 KB, 600x450, otaindoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10PM Indoor Fountains Friday and Saturday OK? Any specified area? Would a event page be better?

>> No.6976409

An event page would be cool
I can't remember the specific areas in that area, but maybe somewhere around the middle of the wall of fountains?

>> No.6976456

on fb the events is 570789402964968

I cant post link for whatever reason

>> No.6976466
File: 149 KB, 1366x768, CB Shaft Brother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to cosplay this barely known character from the not-so-barely-know Cowboy Bebop. Don't know if I'll be successful but hey, it's worth a shot.

>> No.6976532
File: 1.00 MB, 1546x710, 2013Otakon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad to see there are people planning Fire Emblem cosplays! I'll be bringing Lucina myself.

>> No.6977193

wow nice, i was thinking of bringing back my old kyo outfit maybe, are there going to be a good amount of kof cosplayers?

>> No.6977208

Might be going, big work project might be falling on that weekend though. If I do go, it'll probably be just to take a few pictures then head home(will try to stay for a meetup though).

>> No.6977819

I have no idea, but I hope so! Last year there was only 4 including myself (at least at the fighting games photoshoot)

>> No.6977890

I'll look for you and say hey, at least

>> No.6977957

>I'm pretty excited to see the Oreimo finale
I'm originally going 'cuz my gf wants to to see TM Revolution (me too, but not as much as she does). But the showing of the Oreimo finale seals the deal for me.

>> No.6977963

>I tried really hard to be as autistically accurate as possible
Are you even wearing women's underwear?

>> No.6978294

you should do pamperchu sometime

>> No.6978401

which 4?

>> No.6978456

how do i find you guys? first timer here

>> No.6978477

Look out for people that look like seagulls

>> No.6978595
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, Zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be cosplaying as Zero, first time going to otakon though, any thing I should know?

>> No.6978646

Be careful if you go to bars in costume, my friend always gets shit spilled on him when he cosplays as Zero for some reason

>> No.6978650

Hrmm If you are "attending' the FB event, we'll update it when we're there or who to look out for. If not, I think we might make a sign or something. Not sure yet

>> No.6978653

What's the FB page?

>> No.6978658


>> No.6978687

Are your tits big enough for that?

>> No.6978702

<3 thanks!

>> No.6978861
File: 308 KB, 400x225, 1190584783850.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only autistic on the outside. I'm not going to be wearing any panties or shit myself unfortunately.

Pamperchu doesn't have that fictional character charm about him. Even if he did though, no fucking way.

>> No.6978881

do people hook up at the cgl meetups?

>> No.6978883


>> No.6978982
File: 22 KB, 248x338, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anybody know what this is if I wore it?

>> No.6979019

are anons welcomed or is it a giant trip circlejerk?

>> No.6979027

Only if you had a Frolock or a redexercise ball.

>> No.6979035

what kind of fucking austic question is this

>> No.6979357

Hinako (me), Todoh & his wife, and I vaguely recall seeing a Mai.

>> No.6979476

You don't possibly know if they're planing on wearing it on Saturday morning, do you? I'm part of a huge Dr and DR2 group and we have a majority of the characters, but we need a Yamada.

>> No.6979518
File: 36 KB, 640x360, snapshot20090711123908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less than a month away

why'd you have to remind me i'm not ready fuck

>> No.6979770

to get you ready of course

>> No.6979783

Same haha. I have to get my ass in gear because I think I'm still doing a group cosplay and I don't want to not have my shit in order for them. We can do it anon!!!

>> No.6979818
File: 35 KB, 1050x588, Terrifyed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap I didnt notice it was that close. I really gotta kick my butt into gear and work work work! I havent even finished making my gun or styling wigs!
thank you for the wakeup call...

>> No.6979920

Hey I have like two rooms at the Holiday Inn.

Anyone want em?

>> No.6980147

I need to check with a couple people, but I'd be interested in taking one off your hands if their original plans fell through.

>> No.6980245
File: 109 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My clicker mask for this years costume. I actually haven't looked at the schedule yet (is it up?) but I usually enjoy the art auction and AMV contest the most

>> No.6980250

very nice

>> No.6980251

it looks like you ate out goldeen and the tail got stuck to you
not bad

>> No.6980260


Thanks, I'm pretty much done my costume, just have to rough up some old clothes now.

This is the first time I'm not working on my costume right up to the week of the con. Have a lot if work to do on my entries for the auction though.

>> No.6980273

How much a night?

>> No.6980297

I'm also interested.

>> No.6980310


I was also worried about the baltimore area so I invited a couple of fat friends to come as well. This way if we get mugged I can just run away.

>> No.6980379


$130 a night.

Either going to cancel them on the 22nd or pass them off.

>> No.6980457

how close it is to the con?

>> No.6980472

How can I can't act you/ transfer the room to my name?

>> No.6980484

*how can I contact you

>> No.6980672

It's like right across the street. You can see it from the con.

uhh I dunno lol

>> No.6980715

You don't know me but I've seen you posted in FE threads and I just threw out a wild guess since I've only seen two Sumia cosplays.

Don't worry. At least you have your suit already built. I had the brilliant idea of making my entire suit in a month. I commissioned a friend to do any sewing for me so that takes a load off.

So you're going as a bride class? That's hilarious. I'm glad others are venturing away from their common outfits as well.

>> No.6981638

I would be interested in taking one off your hands, what room size did you book?

>> No.6981679

Both are rooms with two queen sized beds for maximum room stuffing. The standard.

>> No.6981687

you can contact me through email if youd like, 135 a night, 9th - 11th?

>> No.6982125

Soo we should have a meet up!

>> No.6982199

FB: events/570789402964968/

>> No.6982247

Interest here, too. Email me if a room is still available

>> No.6982488
File: 25 KB, 624x352, chex rowboat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I completely forgot to put my Sex Robot suit together.

I'm probably going to have to get a shitload of cardboard and spraypaint this weekend.

>> No.6982515

My friend and I were going, but he backed out because of work, so now I'll probably go alone.
Anyone interested in showing me around when I get there?

>> No.6982550

Are you female? Stat yourself out of 10 or post pics.

>> No.6982555

I've got my room booked and 3/4 people who owed me money have given it to me. I'm waiting on one person now. She has until next Friday and something tells me that she's going to end up backing out... and I get the feeling she will. I really need to set up a policy where if you're in my room you have to have your stuff together by March and if you decide to not go after that too bad *sigh*.

I'm not cosplaying or anything due to the fact I had a medical emergency that cost me most of my savings in April.

>> No.6982620


fucking autist

I absolutely hate cgl now after all the aspie betas from r9k and /fit/ invaded.

>> No.6982665

I also am going as Isabelle!! I cant wait to see your costume!!

>> No.6982672
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Here is my line up!! I'm a local.. and this will be my 11th year!

>> No.6982674
File: 39 KB, 640x480, skip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be doing traflagar law timeskip. Gotta finish the hat and sword

>> No.6982687

I'm a guy btw

>> No.6982696
File: 60 KB, 480x280, tumblr_inline_mi27ro2sup1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully my Fukawa will be done in time. I'm looking forward to seeing some other Dangans this year.

>> No.6982702


I'll be Komaeda on Friday.

>> No.6982705

Then who the fuck wants to hang out with you, asshole

>> No.6982706

Going to go there as Naked Snake. Anyone know if there's going to be a Metal Gear Solid photo shoot?

>> No.6982712

you seem upset

>> No.6982714

Any hot girls wanna room with a bunch of fun party people???????????

srs q

>> No.6982719

I'll chill with ya man!

>> No.6982813


you seem aspie as fuck

>> No.6982837

i hope ice cold water guy will still be there

>> No.6982849

Care to elaborate?

>> No.6982883

This is Baltimore. As someone from the area, let me tell you: the ice cold water guy is always there. He is always everywhere. Especially in your heart.

>> No.6983214


This. I went last year and he was the first thing I saw when I got there, aside from really shitty cosplayers and staffers who had no clue what the fuck they were doing.

>> No.6983531

I seem to see him whenever I am in the inner harbor. Even in like January. Then there is the homeless by on Layfayette that looks like he's from Street Fighter.

>> No.6983710
File: 516 KB, 1200x795, 1365714131492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time Otakon goer. I've been to NYCC before and they had moth manga and comics in their vendor areas.

Does anyone know if Otakon has American comics being sold there? Also for someone who's never been to Maryland and wants to get out besides their hotel and the convention: What is there to do in the area and what are some good places to eat? Is it usually hot in that area this time of year? How is the hotel experience when it comes to conventions?

Pic related, it's most of my Dirk Strider cosplay I plan on going with.

>> No.6983733

I have been going to otakon for a few years and also live in the city, so any info needed ask me and I will do my best to tell you what I can.

Oh and this year I'm looking to step my photography game up so looking to do photo sets with/of people.

>> No.6983746
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>Does anyone know if Otakon has American comics being sold there?

>> No.6983751

Maryland is trash. It will be humid and 90+ degrees and the building won't be adequately air conditioned.

>> No.6983753
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>> No.6983819

How's everyone's costumes going? I am going nuts over finding decent boots to wear for Speedball, having absurdly long and skinny feet. At least I have most everything for Fef and Faustina all done.

As >>6983751
pointed out, Maryland in August is actually part of Hell, I'm pretty sure(right now it's about 100-odd degrees in my part of the state). It's hot, and it's super humid, talking 95% humidity.

You might find some American comics merch, but not comics, just statues and stuff like that.

There's actually some pretty awesome stuff in the Inner Harbor area to do. There's a new Ripley's museum, and if you're into comics and pop culture I love Geppi's Entertainment Museum(I know a girl who works there, it's awesome). There's some other cool museums, especially the B&O museum, Visionary Art museum and the Walters, those are a bit of a walk. The Aquarium is huge and interesting, and the USS Constellation is a neat visit, though it'll be swamped with cosplayers. I mean, I'm a bit of a general nerd so maybe museums aren't your thing, but the scene in Baltimore is really unique.

As for food, it's everywhere. I'm partial to J.Pauls in the light street pavilion for a nicer dinner, Royal Farms for a quick and cheap bite(good fried chicken there), and if I have time, a walk over to Little Italy has nice stuff. Just avoid the fast-casual places near the con center during the peak eating hours. The place inside the East building of the con center used to be adequate but got crappier in the past few years.

Which hotel are you at? The quality varies a lot, but unless it's the Hilton, it's likely I've stayed in it.

>> No.6983827

i have all the pieces but i need to cut em up n sew some shit for it to be done

>> No.6983848

>it's about 100-odd degrees in my part of the state
>It's hot, and it's super humid, talking 95% humidity.
I'm going to die

>> No.6983882
File: 228 KB, 583x456, otacos2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I SHOULD have Sena and Mikan for sure by Otakon. Mami is if I don't fuck her up and Holo is a maybe if I have enough monies


>> No.6983989

Question: Did you get the room? If so, do you need a roomie?

>> No.6983990

Yeah, a lot of people feel that way about Otakon. I remember two years ago I wore a costume with four layers. It was the dumbest decision of my life up to that point.

Honestly, the AC in the BCC isn't as bad as people say, but you need to avoid being in crowds too that warms you up like a microwave. And water. There's always the Ice Cold Water dude.

>> No.6984092 [DELETED] 

I never got contact

>> No.6984095

I never got contacted

>> No.6984106

Damn, hopefully something will turn up.

>> No.6984114

look up coscom's otakon thread i see lots of vacancies

>> No.6984126

I'll prob just book at another hotel just as close, at the moment i have 3 friends joining me, one of them doesnt know if he is coming til wednesday though

>> No.6984132

Lets all pray for another cold front to come through.. there is one coming tomorrow that will bring the state down to the mid 80s and no humidity. But by tuesday its gonna be fucking hot again..

Oh and keep in mind also that not only do you have to worry about the ungodly humidity, the innerharbor is notorious for its air quality warnings.. so if you have asthma make sure you have your inhalers.

>> No.6984182

Going. No fucking idea why; I'm not excited about anything this year, and I'm not sure I'll have time to make a copslay. Especially since there are so few sexy bearded characters in animus.

Guess I'll just hang with friends and shit.

>> No.6984188

If anyone has a room available or has room for 3 people please contact me asap.

>> No.6984599

Are you three hot chicks?

>> No.6984664

No but my dick is 3 hot chicks

>> No.6984674


I don't even...who the fuck goes to an anime convention to buy American comics?

>> No.6984861
File: 126 KB, 273x270, 1374250324754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just experienced Toronto heatwave
>friend says it'll be like that but 20% worse
someone bring a mop to clean up my melted corpse, please

>> No.6984934
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I'm not going for it, simply inquiring if I could purchase some while there.

How is the night life there? I don't even know what hotel I have I just know it's something between literally across the street from the convention centre and relatively close to it. My co-worker booked it and I'm going to be with him, his girlfriend and a third friend. There may be another 1 or 2 people.

I will use the nights to venture the streets if I get too bored. Any good pubs or social spots you recommend?

>> No.6984955

>toronto heatwave
hahahaha motherfucker i'm a houstonion
and wore lolita out today despite the heat
step it up, faggot

>> No.6984972

not that anon but

>tfw wear full ega in 100F with high as shit humidity

feels boss doesn't it, sis?

>> No.6985046

A word of caution: You have to be really careful wandering around Baltimore at night, because there's a widely disparate difference in what the neighborhood is like from street to street, even -- you can be in a nice shopping and tourist part, be one street over, and you're in one of the more dangerous ghettos. frankly, you're probably a little safer just walking than I can be since, well, you're not a wussy-armed white girl, but you still want to be careful. I can't stress that enough. Baltimore is a weird city.

There's some pretty good pubs that are good for hanging around in both day and night that I like, though. There's gonna be O's games all weekend, so, it'll be a bitch and a half to get into some of the closest, but you can try. Pratt St. Ale House is close and good, Pickles Pub across from the stadium is a classic, but I wouldn't even bother on a weekend when the O's are playing all three days. If you walk south on Charles St, there's a whole neighborhood with a great variety of pubs, and most of them have a good selection of beer and decent food -- if you want a lot of types of beers to choose from, Max's in Fells Point is the best bet, they have like 50 on tap or so.

>> No.6985048

There's a ton of nightclubs and lounges, but the only ones I have any useful knowledge of right now are --
Grand Central, which is a gay and lesbian one so not sure if it's your sort of place, but they have a great space and good food. That's on Charles St.
There are two great hookah bars on Light St., Zeeba Lounge and Arabian Nights, the former of which is like two doors down from Alliance Comics. They're kinda a novelty, you know, belly dancers and all that, but they're fun.
The last one is a secondhand rec, I've not been there, but a male friend highly recommends The Goddess on Eutaw St., a small space but a really great gentlemen's club with, apparently, a great bartender.

Google a little to get some more info on B-more clubs -- the Baltimore Sun and Baltimore City Paper are worth a shitload more than most papers for good recommendations. I live closer to DC, which means I go there more regularly, which means my mental map is less spotty. The only way I can remember the hookah joints is because of their proximity to the comic shop, haha.

>> No.6985051

Shoot, while typing that up I completely forgot about Power Plant Live, which is i sort of appalling. Big complex, pretty fun, definitely crowded and touristy, though. It's like 4 am, so I'll just leave the link to their webpage for you to check out.


>> No.6985057

Toronto eh? How are you getting down? I may have to greyhound it afterall... But apparently flights to Washington from YYZ are cheap.

>> No.6985100

Do you recommend taking a cab at night rather than walking it?

>> No.6985104

Megabus from Toronto to Buffalo and then a flight to Baltimore vis Newark, I have to stay overnight at Buffalo to catch the flight...

>> No.6985149


News flash; the heatwave in baltimore today made the inner harbor change colors and kill hundreds of fish

>> No.6985157

I hope you are ready, because there's gonna be more people wearing attack on titan jackets than in the fucking show itself.

There are already 2 people confirmed as going as WALL MARIA.

That's how many cosplayers there are.

>> No.6985171


>> No.6985286
File: 42 KB, 640x480, lupin_jigen040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering doing Jigen. Y/N?

>> No.6985300

only if you're willing to wear a suit in 90+ weather! it could be very bad for your health if you don't sweat that much, or don't hydrate at all.

if you choose to cosplay as jigen, please remember to drink lots of water!

>> No.6985356

Depends on how many blocks you need to go. A good alternative to trying to catch a cab, though, is the Charm City Circulator. It's a free bus service that runs from 9 AM to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays and the two lines that stop at near the con center are the north-south Purple Line and the east-west Orange line. Here's the website. http://www.charmcitycirculator.com/

Jigen is awesome, just drink water and don't wear the suit jacket when walking outside, just carry it.

Oh, God. I scheduled the Marvel shoot to the one completely open spot on Saturday, 12 noon, right after an Attack on Titan shoot in the same place. Should I be worried about them turning Homestuck-level messy?

>> No.6985388

Yeah I saw the spreadsheet. I'm sure it'll be OK. Most shoots don't last that long. I think the space thing will be an issue though since I think a lot of line ups might start at that time. If anything, push the gathering to the other side where the wall is and not the actual fountains.That way you guys won't be in trouble if there's too much people and block the escalator

>> No.6985420
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My suggestion would be to just wait like 3 weeks and go to Baltimore Comicon which has a crazy sweet guest list (Mignola, Starlin, Conner, Cho, Waid, etc).
Otakon is one of the conventions that's taken a really hard line on Western stuff. Overall, there's no western stuff allowed in paneling and events.
Artists Alley always has a bunch of fanart though, particularly if you want, you know, like cute art and buttons with comic characters.
Also there's usually some of the Marvel Shunya Yamashita statues and stuff like that in the dealers room.

As for bars, Pickles is my favorite since it's huge and laid back. Sports bar, yeah, but a chill place. Because of the game though it's gonna be FULL of tanked O's fans. The clubs are all over near Ramshead or even further away in Fells Point. There's also a buttload of cool music venues there, particularly the Ottobar.
Stop by the /cgl/ meet up at Waterstreet Tavern for sure though. There'll be at least one /co/mrade there.

Fuck yea

>> No.6985433
File: 604 KB, 1000x1211, Mituna.Captor.full.1278872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going as mituna from home stuck, its my first year actually putting a shit ton of effort into a cosplay so im hoping people will like it. I just need to find gloves in the right color that aren't fucking rubber. Ive also been wondering if ill see any other prescratch trolls at otakon, *cough* latula. anyway there is also i slight chance i might do corvo on the last day as i do have his robes and mask.

>> No.6985476

How much total?

>> No.6985698

I paid for it in a bundle so it's hard to judge the individual price, but I know the Megabus was about $17/pp. Try checking with a flight site?

>> No.6985707
File: 44 KB, 480x640, alibared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really Excited to see all Y'all this year. My First con with No Rider cosplay! So weird.
But hey I can help Promote Akibaranger!

Soooooo. Who wants to get alcohol poisoning with me?

>> No.6985717

My hotel is just one block south of West Mulberry Street so... about 7 blocks away? The bus service looiks good though, I'll look into that.

Do it!

>> No.6986157

I'm probably going since it's only an hour away.

Anyone want to work with a newish photog sometime during the weekend?

>> No.6986167

Are you a hot chick?

>> No.6986174
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>> No.6986188

So why the fuck do you think we'd want to work with you, asshole. Quit wasting our fucking time.

>> No.6986195
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Oh you

>> No.6986212

Just curious... Who's the hottest girl going to the meetup?

>> No.6986237

Sure, I'd like to get some photos of our cosplay group. You have any photos yet?

>> No.6986238

Probably an Anon.

>> No.6986239
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>> No.6986257
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I have a few, but nothing edited yet or stuff I'm really fond of. I've improved a lot in the last week or so after classes and shadowing, so all my stuff before that looks kinda bad to me.

There's a Piano festival in DC I'm going to that runs for a week starting next Sunday, so I'll have some good stuff to show during that period.

>> No.6986271

hey awesome! :) hope we run into each other

>> No.6986397


>> No.6986427


>> No.6986436


>> No.6986491
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>> No.6986512

Going as rule 63 Caitlyn with a friend who's going as rule 63 Miss Fortune.

>> No.6986859

Me and a friend might wanna grab some pictures on saturday, and unfortunately a lot of my photog friends are giving the camera a rest this weekend. If it works out that we could grab a couple from you, that'd be splendid.

>> No.6987006

I am just sitting here hoping for a break in a heat wave for Otakon, because the one we "got" yesterday did jack shit it still feels like Satan's asshole out.

Me. With my shaved head and sucant fat rolls you'll have a hard time not creaming you pants.

>> No.6987117

So much shit to still make....bc I can't say no to some people.
taking Sonia Nevermind, Seako, Nadeshiko Kinomoto,and Malshina. maybe Diaya dunno yet.
Gunna be weird being by myself for this con.

>> No.6987388

Cool, are you going to be at the /cgl/ meetup on Friday? We could set it up then.

>> No.6988043

Ah, possibly? I may not be able to stay long enough to properly congregate over to the pub. Things are really weird on Friday.

Actually, with no idea what's going on with the Asscreed shoot, I'm wondering about just skipping Faustina and going to Speedball for the second half of Friday as well as Saturday. Lemme get back to you on that.

>> No.6988124

Going as Fem!Duke Nukem. Excited for most of the 18+ panels and a few others scattered here and there.

Also the rave... even though every breath of air is a new journey of smell.

>> No.6988197
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There's a rave? Also found out I'm at the holiday inn across the street from the convention so fantastic for convenience. Can't wait for this all to go down.

>> No.6988215

First year?

The rave is actually pretty decent as far as con raves go. Also, y'get a big ol' confidence boost from some of the people you see going.

Also, if you're looking for an easy lay... uh... well there y'go.

>> No.6988227

What's going on with the Assassin's Creed group? Decided on a time or something?

>> No.6988243
File: 67 KB, 1100x400, otaplans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I'm bringing a lot of stuff this year! I hope I can meet up with a lot of you guys~

>> No.6988771

I think the time may be settled, but I didn't see it on the Official Time Schedule when last I checked so I think I have to venture onto my facebook. It's still kinda an maybe-i-won't thing, cos the group seems smaller this year and since my big AC cosplay is a multiplayer character it's kinda weird when everyone else is assassins.

I am bad at schedules. I know I have Fef in the morning that day, but I don't really know when I'm doing the photoshoot with a friend, and I'm gonna have to gray up in the bathroom since my hotel doesn't let us into until three.

It's a pretty good rave, I think there's one both nights? Good job on being in the Holiday Inn, too.

You are going to be so adorable in all those costumes, I swear to god.

>> No.6988824

I'm Rainie on coscom doing the gathering thing. There was dispute on time and inside or outside the lobby so i haven't seen any updates from them yet. Just feel bad for taking them off their slots

>> No.6988841

I know Cat E., who's run the shoots for a few years, currently the Facebook page has them at 8 PM on Friday and 6 PM on Saturday. I don't know whether location is settled, either.

>> No.6988851

I don't know why they can't just meet in the middle and go in between times because i understand one of the person who submitted a time had a permit for a few hours or something for weapon props but he can wait an hour and the others can go in one hour earlier for still light.

Idk. People are dumb.

>> No.6988865

That's cool, just let me know what's up by posting in here.

>> No.6988883

I wanted to go as the Postman from LOZ but I blew all my money on other things so I may not be able to get the materials in time.

That being said, I'm probably going to reuse my Jaden Yuki cosplay. However I wanted to spice it up and make it more comedic. Maybe slap on some gold chains and aviators. Do you guys have any thoughts?

Also is there going to be a cgl meet up?

>> No.6988889

Yes, it's at 10PM at the indoor fountains, then at 11 we're heading over to Water Street Tavern. Here's the facebook event page:

>> No.6988890

sorry, i forgot to specify the day! it's on Friday.

>> No.6988896

Cool! Thank you

>> No.6988903

Friday AND Saturday


>> No.6989312

Local /a/non here.
Hope to see you all there!
I'll be across the street if you need anything.

>> No.6989369

so tsun

>> No.6989383

I'd go but tickets are expensive, no one to go with, work those days, and more going on.

>> No.6989409

So excited! Hotel is booked, badge is payed for, cosplays... Not even close. lol
Cosplaying as a fanart version of Alois from Black Butler, Pirate Spain from Hetalia, and Heather from Silent Hill 3 (I'm just wearing the default outfit this year because I remade a lot of crap so it looks WAY better now...)

If I don't get done, I guess I'll bring Selphie or Meguca Moetron.

>> No.6989433

So I'd like to go to this, but I only know one seagull, and we're on horribly catastrophic terms.

No idea if they'll be there, but I don't want to accidentally start a shitstorm. What do?

>> No.6989458

i'm in the same situation
just go and have fun, don't let them get in the way of your plans

>> No.6989469

Welp, here's to hoping you aren't them.

>> No.6989512

well if you only know one seagull from here, you're not them

>> No.6989518
File: 91 KB, 650x650, 1334469824659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck drama. Get drunk.

>> No.6989537

Already there mang.

>> No.6989577

>Friend and I are both crushing on same girl
>We're all going to Otakon in a cosplay group
>Theire characters are a popular pairing and they'll be posing together a lot
Wat do

>> No.6989587

You dun goofed mate.

>> No.6989727

you fucked up

i think we were already planning that well ahead

>> No.6989846
File: 206 KB, 309x366, did i just go slow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 1 year too young to drink with you guys

>> No.6989860

baltimore doesn't do ID checks

>> No.6989861

>tfw since this is an anonymous message board I will recommend getting drunk anyway. Get a friend who will buy you booze, or get some of those mini bottles of booze. Just be smart and don't drink in front of bartenders, bouncers, or cops.

Find another girl to crush on. Then instead of crushing on her "Show her ya moves."

>> No.6989864
File: 571 KB, 777x981, cc__mr__and_mrs__rabbit_by_mistytang-d588y5p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted in this thread a while ago and I'm surprised to see that it's still here! The shell of my Jessica Rabbit dress just needs to be sewn together and I'll be styling my wig within the days before the con. My friends and I will be staying at the Hilton Homewood Suites. Anyone else going to be in that hotel or in the area? My friend is going to be a Homestuck character.

>> No.6989890


I was drinking at bars during Otakon when I was 16, they really don't give a shit. Not even the restaurants.

>> No.6989930

Is there an event page for the meetup?

>> No.6989949


>> No.6989971 [DELETED] 

>Oreimo finale at the same time Friday Fighting games gathering.

Fug, I hate missing out on gatherings but its for her.

>> No.6989976
File: 219 KB, 1024x768, HgBvfGi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oreimo finale at the same time Friday Fighting games gathering.

Fug, I hate missing out on gatherings but its for her.

>> No.6989977

on fb: events/570789402964968/

>> No.6989982

Is the second season worth it? Because I watched the first season and I was underwhelmed.

Except I'd totally start a bromance with Sorry Vagina.

>> No.6990012 [DELETED] 

It's at the same time as the meet?

>> No.6990113

That's surprisingly fast.

Yeah, I will almost certainly make it to the Friday meetup so we can figure out some saturday shots then. i may be able to drag along my buddy. I'll either be the Thief from ACB multiplayer or Speedball in his Academy outfit, so watch out for me!

A flask, dude, a flask. It's a wonderful thing for cons. And yeah, like >>6989860
says, ID checks are actually fairly lax compared to most cities. Dunno how it is at Waterfront tavern, though -- I think I've been there once in my life?

>> No.6990155

>tfw when I turn 21 on the Sunday of Otakon.

>> No.6990161

That sounds like a kick-ass birthday. Just be sure you're not dead from heat exhaustion and con-plague by then.

>> No.6990348

The schedule just went down...

>> No.6990364

Is the Green Roof usually open during the con?

It'd be fantastic for photoshoots and hangouts.

>> No.6990379

>Hey guys. Just popping in here for a moment with news.

>For Yoko Kanno and TMR, autograph opportunities will be EXTREMELY limited, and because of the expected high demand and limited session time for both of these guests, we will probably have to choose names by random lottery. So youll know before you go whether you will be able to get that guest's autograph at all.

>Nearly all of our other guests are medium to high demand, but will be managed the usual way. Please understand also that some of these guests have extremely limited time for appearances (Seki in particular is taking some pretty brutal flights to come see us), and others ask to be scheduled around their friends (so I've got to figure something out for Maruyama, Watanabe, and Kanno as they may pop into each others' sessions).

Why tease us with the opportunity to see these guests if we might not even get permission to line up in the first place?

>> No.6990397


This kind of bullshit is why I hate Otakon. I'd rather just fly to Japan and see them in concert or some shit. At least I have a better chance of meeting them or getting an autograph

>> No.6990436

are you fucking kidding me? have you even been to a concert in japan? protip: you dont get autographs after a concert

>> No.6990469


It's possible to go to Japan for a signing event though, but that'd take a lot of research.

>> No.6990520


Go eat dicks nigger, mine is still the more sensible way. Maybe when Otakon stops sucking dick at this kind of thing I'll change my mind.

>> No.6990529

Oh, good thing they're two guests I dont give a fuck about.

>> No.6990564


I normally don't give a fuck about any of it, especially the guests. Yoko Kanno is the only guest I kinda-sorta wanna see this time around, yet I still can't completely bring myself to give a shit...Oh well.

>> No.6990842

I want to cosplay Mr. Rogers.

>> No.6990868
File: 375 KB, 668x685, 1363660628538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8:30 PM Saturday
Kamen Rider: Celebrating Over 40 Years of Justice!

Come Learn you some bugmans. also showing a lil bit of Other Rider Related/Influenced Stuff.

>> No.6990870


>> No.6990919

I'll be there early!

>> No.6991322

Hello cgl, I've never been to Otakon before, so I have a quick question. I plan on bringing a small luggage with me into the convention center so that I can change when I need to ( I don't have a hotel anywhere nearby). Do you think I'd get into any trouble for this, or that the convention staff would ask to search it? Once again sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm not familiar with the rules or anything really about Otakon.

>> No.6991345

>Yeah, I will almost certainly make it to the Friday meetup so we can figure out some saturday shots then. i may be able to drag along my buddy. I'll either be the Thief from ACB multiplayer or Speedball in his Academy outfit, so watch out for me!
Sweet, looking forward to it!

>> No.6991685 [DELETED] 

sack up and make a move before your friend, my cousin brought a girl to the last con we went to, i was fucking her in the hotel that night infront of everyone while he as sad and drunk... sucks for him

>> No.6991689

sack up and make a move before your friend, my cousin brought a girl to the last con we went to, i was fucking her in the hotel that night infront of everyone while he as sad and drunk... sucks for him

>> No.6991749

Hopefully this year will be a little better for me, last year it was just awful for multiple reasons
>came too late on Thursday so I had too sit outside in the sun waiting in a mile long line for preorders
>when I finally get to the front I find out they gave my pass to someone else, and I had to go all the way back to my hotel room to get a photo ID and wait in that hell AGAIN
>then later my friend ditches me for some guy and makes me walk like six blocks back to our hotel alone at two am
>I end up getting lost and it takes me like an hour to get back

>> No.6992066
File: 532 KB, 1300x861, ZLR_4961 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's my first year but my second Con. I did Spider-Man at NYCC last year.

Is the rave in the convention or is it near it?

>> No.6992079

inside. It's fun, as long as you're not using it as an excuse to pick up chicks.

>> No.6992130

p l s

the rave is a great place to get laid

>> No.6992240
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1345383304094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Otakon is one of the longest-running Anime conventions in the United States, and the second largest, averaging over 22,000 paid attendees since 2005.

>Even so, the convention has expanded since then, with attendance above 26,000 in both 2008 and 2009 attendance surpassing 29,000 in 2010 and attendance officially surpassing the 30,000 mark in 2012.

Holy shit I did not know this, I'm so fucking hyped.

>> No.6992255

>I'm assuming you're from the UK?
Otakon is great!. It's got the energy of MCM in London if you've ever been but with a lot more shit to do and places to go. Also the hours are all day and night.

>> No.6992307

I just found out my pre-reg payment didn't clear.

Am I going to be fucked trying to reg at-con?

>> No.6992323

>I'm a regular at NYCC
try again, mate.

>> No.6992322

I'm going alone this year since my friend flaked out on me after I had already bought my ticket.

>> No.6992340

Welp, now I feel dumb.

You can still preregister up until the day before the con.

>> No.6992347

Nah, it's ok, I just wish someone made an American version of that image.

Aren't the at the door prices 80? Any prereg had it at 70 so all you really lost is 10 dollars and time in a queue I guess.

>> No.6992406
File: 10 KB, 289x175, aquarium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you ever done a photo shoot at the Aquarium in the harbor? My girlfriend and I are cosplaying Tsumiki and Kuranosuke and I figure it'd be pretty cool to take some pics there.

Any idea how the lighting is on the inside for pics?

>> No.6992426

lighting is all over the place, in that pic its a bit darker than by the windowed areas
and the rainforest is overcast looking most of the time

>> No.6992456

If I remember correctly, its pretty dark in the jellyfish room...

Any experienced photographer able to provide some advice on taking good pictures in there? I'm just a novice and i'm not sure if just using a flash would work out well. Would it reflect off the tanks and make it hard to see the animals as well?

>> No.6992563

you're a fucking moron and quite possibly the stupidest person on cgl.

>> No.6992591

>Pay 80 dollars + Hotel/Transport/Food costs to bein random drawing to get signature
>Pay loads of yen +several days' more hotel/transport/food cost, not counting airfaire and a lack of Japanese knowledge in order to try to corner artist on the way to their limo/car for an autograph

You...also do realize it's uncommon for Japanese musical artists to do autographs even in Japan right?

I agree this could be better handled, but if it's the only way it's the only way.

>> No.6992779

Teach me, Onii-san.

>> No.6992796


But I can soak up all of Japan while I'm there!

I agree but I feel like its still all a wash...

>> No.6992799


Yah plz

>> No.6993432

So are people still going to Otakon this year?

Looking to seeing photos of Homebutt and Brony cosplayers. How is that even Anime related?

>> No.6993557

It seems like lately both the Pony fandom and HS fandom are dissolving and/or moving to other fandoms

>> No.6993567

Considering that Otakon is one of the few anime conventions that has never faltered on keeping their programming completely anime-based, rather than expanding it to include other media and fandoms, I don't see how this could possibly be a criticism of Otakon. No con can police cosplay and if one tried to it would probably a horrific piece of shit.

>> No.6993653

Most of us Bronies are kinda put off with the whole Alicorn Twilight and Equestria Girls things. So you may see less than last year. And Homestuck is probably getting old by now, isn't it?

My guess is 1000000 Attack on Titan cosplayers.

>> No.6993812

There will be Attack on Titan cosplayers EVERYWHERE

>> No.6993813

You just find a girl, dance, then go back to your room

It's the easiest way to get laid I've ever seen

>> No.6993855

But what about roommates? And how do I be sure the girls I'm dancing with aren't 13?

>> No.6993878

How many people are you rooming with? Usually no one gives a shit if you just do it in the bathroom

You don't have to worry about the age thing much at Otakon, especially since you're safe if you go for girls that look 20+, but if you're paranoid just as to see her ID before you ask her back to the room(I do it sometimes, they don't care)

>> No.6994851


Fuck yes

>> No.6995547

Is it worth it to stay for the rave? The place I'm living at is far away and I"m worried I won't be able to find a bus/metro at that time