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6983421 No.6983421[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Chokelate logic

>> No.6983423

So what she's saying is that once the tights are gone, they're gone. So you have to buy them from the replica places. Um. Ok.

>> No.6983424

So why is she punishing people by not making tights, because of actions of the Chinese factory she used to print her tights. I don't know, this looks like a very bad business move. I'd understand if she'd postpone to make it that she'd find a company from her area that would do printing for her and increase price accordingly.

But we all know that's not going to happen because you can make more money by getting things in bulk from China.

>> No.6983426

The person who made knockoffs of the original Ueno Koh tights (which are hand made) is complaining about knockoffs, even though there were already BJD tights being sold on Taobao. Okay...

>> No.6983427

It just seems to me that the cost of making/selling the product is not worthwile if other people are ripping them off? Maybe that's what she's getting at, not worth doing it if it's not an exclusive product... But I don't see how you can avoid that in the current alternative fashion scenes, especially anything to do with lolita. Knock offs EVERYWHERE.

>> No.6983428

She sells wigs.
Why doesn't she stop selling wigs when there's places like MintyMix and GLW?


>> No.6983434

Actually, she isn't being stupid. She's trying to get people to buy the rest of her stock by announcing she's discontinuing them. Some of her customers are surely going to fall for it. The tights don't sell well on a regular basis, plus she can't compete with the lower prices. There's really no profit for it at this point.

>> No.6983435

Well technically the Lockshop tights are knock-offs, so I don't know why she's complaining.

>> No.6983437

She's fucking stupid. She's using backwards logic to justify why she's not restocking her tights because they probably aren't selling well. Why aren't they selling well? They were knock-offs in the first place! Choke wasn't the first person to make and distribute BJD tights.

But that's okay. She angered more of her customers than she recieved support from. They're upset because they feel they aren't being listened to. She shot herself and her business in the foot, and I really don't care. I'm hoping it fails anyway.

>> No.6983439

Aspie logic

>> No.6983440

People would've bought the plus-size ones though

>> No.6983444

What(if any) shops even carry plus size ball joint tights? I hate having to shop queen/tall as it is. Patterns always end up warped.

Also I can understand warning people about jacking your photos, but just cancelling your product all together? Seems kind of senseless to me unless she just doesn't want to carry them anymore and it's just one of the reasons.

>> No.6983453

I went to go look at the comments, it's gone. I wonder if her fit is done?

>> No.6983461

Wait, so to combat people selling knock-offs, she's going to stop selling the "real" ones?
How will that help things? If anything, now more people will opt for the "fakes" because she's refusing to restock.
It's not any sort of punishment, it's just retarded.

>> No.6983464

Some people really shouldn't be running businesses

>> No.6983468

Things like this make me lose faith in Lockshop.

>> No.6983472

Wait a sec, so someone does a knock off of her tights, uses her pics to sell them, and she stops stocking them. But there are tons of knock offs of her wigs, using her pics to sell them, and she's still selling those.

>> No.6983476
File: 26 KB, 635x195, Lockshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was the first release of tights a 'big risk' when they were done through pre-orders and weren't being made until she got a certain number of pre-orders through? You've already sold them before you've spent the money in making them!

Secondly, it's fine you don't want to support poor working conditions, but you're just giving your business to those factories now. People can't buy the originals, they'll buy the knock-offs. I don't really understand how buying your own products through a factory that has good working conditions supports other factories that have poor working conditions though, although I'm sure some anon will inform me of how that works.

>> No.6983477

How does she even know the working conditions? She didn't go there herself

>> No.6983481

anyone got a source on the "other supplier" taobao i assume ?

>> No.6983482


>> No.6983485

>we're not selling them any more
>but only buy them from us!


>> No.6983496

i think its orphanim's bjd tights

>> No.6983501

What are other places that sell decent BJD tights? I was going to grab a pair from Lockshop, but this just sounds sketchy now.

>> No.6983507

lol she wasn't the first to make them. she knocked them off from a one woman artist in japan who was also knocked off by other companies that choke probably knocked off from. waaaah waaaaah someone is making copies of my copies. yawn.

>> No.6983655

With her crazy shipping prices I'd be buying elsewhere too. I understand why she needs everything tracked, but jesus, it should be up to the buyer to take responsibility if they go with untracked shipping.

>> No.6983731

I never expected people to make a big deal out of it as they did and I guess it was a big mistake to not explain. I simply wanted to inform them that we won't be restocking the items and that the planned addition won't happen, plus that they should watch out with buying BJD printed tights that use my images but are on a different website than my own or Rococo Daze, because they won't be the exact same tights as pictured.

Ueno Koh isn't the only one to do those tights either, and I never made replicas of her design.

Wigs are completely different from getting tights produced.
The quantity is a lot smaller for wigs than for tights, hence the financial risk is a lot smaller too.

If you have questions, feel free to ask.

>> No.6983759

untracked shipping, unfortunately puts the seller at risk because the buyer can claim they never received it and demand a refund. At least this is what I learned from ebay, and no longer sell with untracked shipping personally

>> No.6983787

But the buyer doesn't always do that. There are lots of assholes out there, and even bigger assholes who pick untracked shipping intentionally.

>> No.6983800

Your tights suck anyways they're way too dark and make everyone look like shit. As soon as taobao put them up in good colors I started buying from them.

Plus, it's not a new concept, you're not special.

You should go work on making better rules for your contest so people can't submit old as fuck photoshoots.

>> No.6983809

I feel like the shipping prices are what stop soo many people from getting the wigs. Why not partner with someone in the US to act as a distributor?

>> No.6983811

>they won't be the exact same tights as pictured
You know, somehow I don't think that will be a major issue. Good luck selling those overpriced wigs though and that lasercut jewelry nobody buys.

>> No.6983815

She doesn't know how to run a business. Sure, it's not her fault Sweden's shipping is super high. But it's clear from this post that she has no clue what she is doing. Getting stuff made for you is easy, but being a good business takes something that she just doesn't have.

Honestly though, I'm not against buying things from China, sure the working conditions may be bad(the same with the conditions in foreign brand factories like Nike) but me not buying isn't going to get the workers treated better, and if I do buy then they atleast get some kind of pay for their work.

>> No.6983833


>> No.6983855

I don't think the problem is the concept, but the fact that they are using her pictures. It's like how Milanoo uses Mary Magdalene's stock photos.

>> No.6983877

It still doesn't make sense why she's getting rid of plus size tights just because there's knockoffs being made. Unless they're making plus sizes too, then there's no justification behind it other than they just don't want to go through the hassle of putting them into production which is their fault and nobody else's.

She also better be making a sincere apology to the people that she has ripped the BJD designs from as the logic stands to reason that they have been compromised financially too and have probably lost business.

TL;DR Choke found out the factory is selling those tights to others and rather than facing her hypocrisy she's disbanding the idea altogether.

>> No.6983879

BJD are ugly as hell and make it look like you have badly bruised legs anyways.

>> No.6983884

She's dutch, are you a retard

>> No.6983919

UGH Choke should just go away. She's such a bad business woman who re-sells Taobao wigs and now she complains about knock offs? Sorry but her tights are already knock offs to begin with. I see no sense in this girl. Someone needs to tell her to stop trying so hard.

>> No.6983926

I recently started shipping through Germany, instead of €20+ it's €8,75 for worldwide shipping with tracking for one item. I did give getting a distributor in the US some thought, but I don't think Lockshop is big enough for that yet and shipping is a lot more reasonable now! :)

I've heard this reasoning before, but I stand by my choice of not working with factories that have bad working conditions. I know it won't change anything for the people already in those conditions, but it's a moral choice I guess.
I'm not from Sweden by the way.

>TL;DR Choke found out the factory is selling those tights to others and rather than facing her hypocrisy she's disbanding the idea altogether.
I'm not sure what hypocrisy you're talking about? My factory didn't sell the design to other people, what happened is that the person that I worked with in a different factory, got fired and took the design with him to his new workplace. The design is just a prototype and not the full design, but it's my design nonetheless. The concept isn't the issue here, I wasn't the first to do it and I won't be the last and I never claimed to be the inventor of it. It's simply that (the unfinished and badly printed version of) my design is out there, and keeping up production in the quantities that I have to get made with the new one is too big of a risk to take.

>> No.6983937

>oh, then I better get myself a pair now that when they're gone, they're gone
>open lockshop
>20 euro, which is about 60 in my local currency
>remember why I never fucking bought those thighs in the first place

>> No.6983942

>took the design with him to his new workplace
Yeah, so he's taking your 'prototype' to another factory and they will be selling your 'design.'
And if by -your- design you mean a recolor of the tights that you've ripped off then fine.
>implying you care about the quality of the knockoff tights and that you're not just pissed off that someone made off with them
You shouldn't try so hard to act selfless, because it really doesn't work for you. It's very obvious you're just trying to blast whatever company repackages the tights and sells them as their own as 'bad' as your personal vengeance for what some factory worker did to you. As an added bonus (and a popular trick to sell product) you tote yourself as being the 'legit' company that sells better products. All the while more attention is being drawn to you, through good or bad means, which implicates an increase in product sales. And I'm sure your blind fans are sopping up this bullshit too.

I highly doubt the quality of the tights this person will be selling will be all that different from yours. In fact, I'm going to be buying them. And if I see them and I will be doing a nice little review compared to your batch. Sound good? That way you won't have to bleed your heart for your defenseless, stupid customer base who might buy the 'bad' tights. M'kay?

>> No.6983945

Anon, why would you want to spend money on tights that makes you look like you have bruised knees? Why? Why anon why??

>> No.6983953

Because... I think they look cute? Especially with a sheer white one on top. I never really understood the "making your knees look dirty/bruised", to me they just look BJD-like.

>> No.6983961

I don't think you understand what she meant. It's not her CONCEPT but it is her DESIGN. As in, the image to be printed was probably made by her.

You don't just think "oh, I'm copying those bjd tights!" and the image to be printed used by the person you based yours off just pops up in your hands. You have to make/draw it.

>> No.6983962

The owner of Rococo Daze is such a flakey drop out, literally a drop out I don't feel safe buying from them. aaaannddd her eyes bugs me >my two cents

>> No.6983964

go to the bjd thread and say that. the coloring on them is the worst of the worst.

>> No.6983970

>implying the design is that difficult to make yourself

It's literally just
?look at bjd
>know how to graphic design
>take tights template
>airbrush, airbrush everywhere
>bitch about how hard it is to design things without them being stolen.

it's like if I took a simple a-line lolita dress, added a ruffle at the bottom and then bitched about someone else doin the same thing.

>> No.6983975

I'm not pretending to not be pissed off about it, I found out about it a while ago and back then I was pissed off what had happened, especially since I never even expected it to happen. However I have made my peace with it, I'm not able to change anything about it, except that I can warn people about what has happened so they won't expect the product they see on the images, and inform them that the announced decisions regarding the print have been changed.

I honestly don't know the quality of the fabric that they used, but the printing isn't as good (it doesn't line up but overlaps) and looks less crisp. I recently found that one of the resellers has started to put own pictures up and it looks like they simply stretched the front part of the design and kept the back exactly the same. That, or they might have added part of Koh's design to the front. Either way, you'll see what I'm talking about if you go through with the comparison, they're definitely not the same and it's completely up to you which one you prefer :)

>> No.6983977

You're like, so desperate. It's pretty pathetic. Just do us all a favor and turn off your computer and hang yourself with the power cord.

>> No.6983998

You're like like like totally like. stfu

>> No.6984017

>I don't like what you're saying
Choke's fanbase in a nutshell. Lel. And now you all know why Choke doesn't have to try particularly hard.

>> No.6984026
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well there's your problem right there

>> No.6984030

She tries very hard, just fails a lot. lulz

>> No.6984033

See >>6983975 and every person who's ever made a printed tight ever. It's not that simple and comparing it to a A-line lolita dress with a ruffle on the bottom is simply ridiculous.

>> No.6984035

Hahaha oh gosh, I remember that fiasco. Those good old days when she'd trip here often, make threads, and then delete them after they got turned into a train of oncoming fail.

>> No.6984037

is that kikikikik? or whatever her name was

>> No.6984048

What? No, it's Chokelate. The person that runs Lockshop.

>> No.6984053

I'm going to be honest, I bought your bjd tights for 30 plus shipping, they cost me $50 in total. I wore them once and they ran. I was incredibly unimpressed with the low quality of your tights, I'd rather buy them for half the price with equal or greater quality.