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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6980910 No.6980910 [Reply] [Original]

(Pic unrelated because I'm lazy to look up a Ita pic)

Heard that there's so much that happened between Lolita communities, anyone got some?

>> No.6980913

For real OP? A shitty Nicki Minaj parody?

Get real summerfag

>> No.6980932

It's from last week's BtB calm down newfag

>> No.6981003

I'm a guy who browses /cgl/ maybe once a week and never goes into lolita threads and even I assumed that was from BtB.
Step it up.

>> No.6981016

^ ^ these two guys. Well said!

I heard a lot from HolleyTeaTime, Catherine(?) and Kai Narita. Am I missing out here?

>> No.6981018

Kai's friend came to GTFO to defend her and got torn apart for enabling her behavior. It was pretty awesome.

>> No.6981031

He hasn't replied, so I'm kind of disappointed. The people who did end up replying to him worded things really well, though.

>> No.6981038
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idk ill contribute my lame story i guess

>be 13, just getting in to anime
>already have an interest in drawing
>start drawing shitime
>girl in class notices that i'm drawing animu
>"hey anon, i draw anime too!!!"
>cool a friend!!!!
>she shares some drawings with me, most of them are pretty shitty looking like mine, some even look traced
>study period ended, off to my next class
>"wait anon, we could share this notebook together and draw pictures back and forth!!"
>mite b cool
>draw back and forth
>she starts drawing her in these awkward looking poses kissing boys she had crushes on
>she starts drawing naked cat girls
>starts writing god awful erotic "fanfics" of her made up anime characters with boys from our school
>she draws 2 male yu gi oh characters groping and making out in a hot tub
>tfw our math teacher found it
>tfw it was in my possession
>tfw everyone thought i drew that shit

>> No.6981042

They really did. I kinda want to see what kind of rebuttal he has for them, but he probably doesn't have an argument that doesn't rely on "She's a good person"

>> No.6981052
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Short story

>Working hard to reach country's best college in Japanese civilisation
>First day of the semester
>Cat ears, bells collars and ita everywere
>End of the semester
>All the weebs are gone, because Japanse classes are actually hard and not "we luv nihon 4 lifu, gonna read mangaaas during classes nyan!"
>Befriend other lolita and can come in class in lolita because no more weeb
>Have my year and getting ready to go to Japan w/ lolita friend, her boyfriend and mine

>> No.6981063

More confusing than anything
>go to con with bf
>bf is in cosplay but since I ran out of time I just go wearing normal clothes
>bf goes off to a photo shoot and I wander around
>find a lolita group, in to lolita myself so I chat with a couple of girls
>suddenly two girls come up to me
>one in hot topic stuff with a black tutu and the other wearing a horrifying black and white lace monster
>start telling me off that my outfit is soooo not lolita and acting as if I'm the dumbest cunt they've ever met
>hot topic ita goes in to rant on how I don't know anything about Japanese culture
>look at myself: liz lisa shirt and skirt I guess from far off they might be mistaken for lolita but not really
>don't really know what to say, kinda laugh it off
>the rest of the day whenever they see me they give me mean looks

The most cringe worthy thing was that the next day I was wearing lolita and they didn't recognize me and kept sucking up.

>> No.6981074

Time to share my less then satisfying tale.
>Getting into Lolita Highschool year
>Weeb who added me on facebook goes to same school
>Posts a picture of hottopic 'Lolita' asking for comments on it.
>Gives her concrit
>Tries to explain how it's fashion not cosplay.
>"But you're dressed up in alice dresses of course it's cosplay!!!11!"
>Avoids this girl after she came into school with leg avenue dress.

Upside is she was forced to change into appropriate clothing. She gave me the stink eye whenever she saw me dressed up. Thank god I graduated and never saw her again.

>> No.6981087

I feel you ! Some years ago at con, an ita fairy/ott loli runned into my group of lolita friends, and start praysing how cute all the sweet looked. Then she turned at me a started to laught at my outfit, because it was "not kawaii and not loli at all", I was "not even wearing pink". Then she proceed to explain to me how I was not a lolita. I said that I was in classic lolita, and she went all "but it don't even exist".
Oh god, it was awfull and all the other girls were laughting behind their ponytails wigs. At least we have a great laught each time we meet now.

>> No.6981119

>"but it don't even exist"
LOL. WHAT AN ITA HOE!!! She should be the laughing weeaboo stock lol

>> No.6981121

She was like "we have horror, gothic, sweet and kimono lolita for main style". God, kimonolita...

>> No.6981123

Jesus fucking christ I lost it at horror. I'm assuming she meant guro

>> No.6981131

Yes, but she did say "horror". She was a train wreck, and really loud. She also said that my dress was too long (classic brand dress on 5"2 midget -> way under the knee). She stuck with us quiet a long time, so she made a lot of crits on my outfit.

>> No.6981134

Gurl shoulda slapped her with yo hair.

>> No.6981138

I was about to hit her with my parasol when she suddenly get bored and leave. We still don't why

>> No.6981139


>> No.6981142

>"But you're dressed up in alice dresses of course it's cosplay!!!11!"

motherfucker what.

>> No.6981327

I can't find that comment. What's his username?

>> No.6981486

rcdeschene I think?

>> No.6981502

Huh, I can't see anything by that user. Weird.

>> No.6981565

That's his LJ, and idk if he has any other usernames either :/

>> No.6981611

Huh, I don't think I see any of his comments because I don't see anything that at all matches what's being described in the thread.

Oh well. Guess I just wasn't meant to read it.

>> No.6981621
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Shitty short story ahoy~!

>me and best friend both 12 in middle school gym class
>we find another girl who likes anime too, we decide to be friends
>after a few days we realize what a giant mistake we made
>the weeb talks about nothing but anime, relates every single conversation we have to anime
>she spits when she talks and she talked a lot. she had to have special speech class for the way she talked
>she talks about her fanfictions with Yu Yu Hakusho characters. literally repeats the exact same story every single day in gym. we even nicely tell her she told us but it's as if she doesn't remember. continues this.
>best friend gives girl her number because she doesnt want to be mean
>after a week, my bbf tells me away from the weeb "Anon... she has been calling every day. Yesterday she called the house 47 times. My mom had to tell her to not call ever again."
>girl tells us about her "dark side" named Raven. one day her speech teacher comes to get her for extra speech help and is being polite. weeb screams as loud as she can "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SPEECH" with her arms up in the air like the hulk
>teacher tries to calm her down, weeb kicks and yells
>never see her in class again
>later find out the weeb lives on my street as I saw her getting on the bus as i pass by her in car on the way to school

Thankfully I managed to avoid her and now she is only a fond memory.

>> No.6981739


>Dressing up as a little girl in public.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.6981760
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>your opinion

>> No.6981788

I kind of agree, lolitas are only a little bit better than weeaboos. But they're still better.

>> No.6981816

As long as they're not being obnoxious like a weeb, there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.6981837

Mana probably also dresses like a little girl according t you.

>> No.6981901

I'm a nerd!!!! Tumblr <3

>> No.6982005

Like damn, he got chewed up BAD. I was laughing so hard at his random post like HOLY SHIT! Anyone got updates?

>> No.6982028
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>walking around the mall in my new Baby dress
>girl runs up to me, "OH MY GOD IT'S A LOLITA"
>nice enough, but just
>the aura of ultra noob is about her
>like I'm 90% sure she was wearing arm warmers
>introduces herself, "I've been into lolita for years!"
>"Is that Alice and The Pirates?"
>asks her about local community, "there is one?"
>asks her what dresses she owns, "Oh I've loved lolita for years but I can't afford it. I just stak it on the internet haha! I'm going to start sewing my own!"
>o (◡‿◡;;;✿)
>give her my email so I can give her the patterns I used when I was first starting out 6 years ago
>we part and I feel as if I met my 14 year old ghost, both a little happy and afflicted with secondhand embarrassment

I really should check to see if she wrote me...

>> No.6982041
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>> No.6982052

I... I have a confession to make, guys. I think I might have been that annoying weeb childhood friend ;_; When I was 13 I was super big into Jrock, and I made my first close friends that year too when I moved schools. They liked some anime and vidya like me, and one of the girls had briefly heard of Jrock. We became really close, and I was really really excited to always talk to her about Mana and Gackt and Dir en grey and other bands she absolutely didn't care about. I just didn't have anybody else to talk about that stuff with, so I kind of tortured her with endless one-sided conversations about why Kyo is so cool. I stopped after a year, and we stayed friends, so I think she didn't hate me, but I feel so bad now that I think back upon it and realize she must have been bored to death but too polite to say anything.

I even convinced her to help me make a cake to celebrate Gackt's birthday. At least it was delicious ;_;

>> No.6982059
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:) It's okay. I cried because my mom wouldn't let me see Dir En Grey at 13. I cried when I saw Rentrer en Soi. I think we all have that dark weab past hahaha, just some of us dont like to mention it.

P.S. - Mars is still a good album.

>> No.6982067

What I'm about to say is rather biased because I've been on her side of the fence before so please forgive me if I say anything bossy or rude.

She's probably really excited and might feel really embarrassed after spazzing like that. Just try to get her to calm down a little. Joke around with her a bit, even. Be all like "it's okay, breathe, it's just a floofy dress, you'll be fine." The best way to get rid of a weeaboo is to teach them how to not be one. Act like a big lolita sister and show her the ropes. You'd be doing a young girl a huge favor and will forever be a hero in her eyes.

If you have the time anyways. Then it's okay to say "I'd love to talk but I'm busy. " whatever you choose to do, make sure to try not to make her feel bad. Know when to draw the line, but also put yourself in her shoes.

I'm on my phone so I apologize in advance for any typos. Best of luck with your weeaboo. Jesus christ I sound like a soccer mom's blog.

>> No.6982069

I still kind of like some Jrock, it's my shameful secret ;_; I often listen to Malice Mizer still...
Haha, I cried so hard when I was 14 and got to see Miyavi live.

>> No.6982112

Local ita makes her own group on Fb:

> Posts pictures of slutty alice gets angry when people say its not lolita
> Claims to be the victim of bullying when everyone stays away from her cause shes crazy
> Gets mad butt mad when people disagree that lolita isn't cosplay. Throws toys admits to liking ageplay.

Apparently a lolita expert, she has been mentioned around cgl before. Wish she didn't live in my city.

>> No.6982277

sauce plz?!

>> No.6982435

Just a single story from high school.

>Friend introduces me to one of his anime friends.
>Decide "Hey, could be pretty cool"
>We're associated
>Next year, actually have classes with him
>Talks ONLY about anime and video games
>Keeps starting conversations even when dropping hints
>Smells fucking rank
>Realize he wasn't liked by many other people either. The type where opponent's team captain will ask to have him join your team.
>Continue to watch as he hits on my friend in a relationship and desperately attempt to get him to fuck off.

>> No.6982624

As a musician , I don't think you have to be ashamed of the music you like and listen to.
It goes with your personality.
As long as you enjoy it , it's alright

>> No.6982799

lol I'm seeing Dir en grey in November

>> No.6982803

What sauce you want anon?

>> No.6982832


DEG is touring the US now. You can go and make your past self happy!

>> No.6982836


Me too! VIPs for ATL, excited as fuck.

>> No.6982838

>she draws 2 male yu gi oh characters groping and making out in a hot tub
Which ones?

>> No.6982843

We don't have spoilers here.
Welcome to /cgl/

>> No.6982846

Makes sense now that I think of it
thanks anyway

>> No.6982855

The saddest part is that I've been here on and off for a year. I'll get really into a comic and post exclusively on /co/ for a couple weeks and forget that boards that don't have spoilers exist.

>> No.6983186
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>> No.6983201

Well I think it makes perfect sense to be ashamed of music you like for the exact reason you stated. People will make assumptions on your personality based off of what kind of music you like. And if you don't like the kind of assumption that brings, it'd make sense to hide the fact you like that music.

>> No.6983216

What is this? Explain?

>> No.6983223

I'm seeing them in california so much excite.co.jp I can't handle it

>> No.6983236

User was gtfo'd for issuing chargebacks and being an ita. Thread grows as more of her annoying antic (creepy portfolios 20 images long captioned with the story of her lolita characters, inviting random lolitas to come to her birthday party at a food court and asking them for the food and entertainment, on top of begging for presents). She finds the thread, tells her random-ass friend, and he tries to defend her using the "she's a nice person" and "you don't know her like I do" argument. He gets schooled by people who reply to him, saying that no, she has no right to keep items she didn't pay for, and keeping the items is theft.

>> No.6983239

Whoa, that shit is crazy. Is this on gtfo egl?

>> No.6983241

Yes, third entry down.

>> No.6983247

Thank you!

>> No.6985528

Yo! btB got more secrets!

>> No.6985617
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>> No.6987967

Seems dangerous to me to trash talk her mother on a public forum, anyone else getting that? If her mother really is such a terrible woman, and she saw this? Wouldn't that make home life.... tense?

>> No.6987985

I'm not defending that girl but not everyone is on good grounds with their folks, at all. I could 'get along' with my mother when I still lived at home but our relationship was tense as shit and we both had contemptuous opinions about each other, and it really didn't get better between us until I moved out.

>> No.6988118

Yeah, but I figure you did your best to spend the least time with your mom while you were under her roof? She's trying to run a business with her mom.
Though it might just be my non-confrontational nature. Even if my mom and I aren't on great grounds, it would really make it worse and become a fight if I tried to talk about it on facebook. I'll say whatever I want to my friends, and I'll fight with my mom when the time arises, but I'm not going to advertise it to give her more evidence to my being a terrible daughter.

>> No.6989017

Not her but I'll do my best to remember that when I finally start buying stuff.

>> No.6989044
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I messaged her, and told her if she has any questions to feel free to talk to me. I got a quick reply on how she's working on costumes with her friends but would love to chat sometime. Hopefully with patience I can mentor the ita out of her. :3

>> No.6990170

Kai deleted her comment?

Oh, you're on the internet now, huh? Bitch....

>> No.6991077

Oh wow, I wouldn't be surprised though.
Dis bitch.lol. Anyone saw her at the cosplay picnic last weekend?

>> No.6994440

>Used to like Homestuck a while back
>Make tumblr, join local Homestuck cosplay group
>Go to meetup with older friends
>everyone there is like 12
>I avoided them, and they managed to get kicked out the arcade
>we met up outside for a photoshoot
> they ran around with a horn and bucket
>I asked my friends if we could leave
>they drove me home
>we later see on fb that they did yaoi photos in Kohl's on the display beds with their shitty cardboard horns and taped on zodiac signs
>never touched mspa's website since

>> No.6994698

>go to first homestuck meet
>a lot of people come
>two 13 year olds are there
>everyone else ranges from 15-26
>everyone is pretty chill and well behaved including the 13 year olds
>hangout all day
>in the evening there are about 12 of us left
>decide to get dinner together
>everyone is well behaved in the restaurant and removes any horns/body paint/weird makeup before we go in
>had a wonderful day
>"i don't get why people say such bad things about homestucks?"

but then i learned...

>a few months later
>go to homestuck meet in different city
>first meet was at a small park that not a lot of people went to anyway
>this one was at a zoo, in a large city, on a free family day
>friends and i get there last
>meet everyone at the gate entrance
>they come running towards us to hug us
>they're pretty loud
>assume they're young and just excited to meet other homestucks
>later introductions are made and realize a third of them are adults
>day goes on
>quite a few of them are talking as loud as possible
>they're vocabulary happens to include a lot of swear words
>i love swearing, but even i know that sometimes that shit just isn't appropriate
>friends and i ask them to tone down the swearing because it's a family day at the zoo and there are a million kids everywhere
>they laugh it off
>they continue to be obnoxious throughout the day

and sadly the most obnoxious one in the group was also the oldest one. they weren't all bad though, there were two girls there who were absolute sweethearts. anyway, my friends and i will never go to another homestuck meet with strangers, it's much too likely to end in horrible second hand embarrassment. now the only homestucks we hangout with are a handful from that original meet.

>> No.6994824


Gonna go see dir en grey this year and live out the weeaboo fantasies I never got to have.

>> No.6994833


OK stupid as fuck question. Did you just buy a regular ticket and then upgrade to VIP? I can't for the life of me figure out how to get VIP tickets.

>> No.6995757
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>pic related, she calls this Lolita. LOL

Also, You spelled her name wrong, it's Celestine.

>> No.6995838

...Is she wearing a basket as a hat on her head?

>> No.6995902

who is that, she looks like the 45-year-old chinese woman who runs the chinese take-out place next to my house


>> No.6996017
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Here's my story 8 D

>leading lecture about lolita fashion for beginners (talking about garments, brands, petticoats and so on)
>two itas appeared
>1st ita is wearing black replica of milky-chan, wristcuffs on her forearms (like right below her elbows) rainbow wig with lots of colourfull shits clipped in
>2nd ita-chan is wearing green bodyline dress, withe x sax striped socks and nerd glasses (like she does for every convention from 2 years I think)
>I start to talk about replicas in general
>replicas are just fakes of expensive brand named clothing
>first ita leaves room
>okay, lets go on
>start to talk about ott sweet
>it's kinda difficult style because of composing all these accesories and ott sweets co-ordinates usually looks bad
>second ita leaves
>after lecture I go to our room, 1st its is here, talking with my friend
>ignore her because I can
>back from convention
>second ita wrote on her blog I was HATING SWEET LOLITA

There's no hope for them.

>> No.6996018

>dat cheap hard candy gift bucket like your great auntie has at Christmas

>> No.6996031

She's that crazy Socal ita that got banned from a bunch of coms for harrassing members, even bugging people she hardly knows and trying to scam the fairytale boutique.

Dear god I didn't realize how old looking/she is but that's seriously her profile picture.

>> No.6996043

>Be me, be about 14
>Found two nice girls on dA, decided to visit them for a few days and clebrate new year's eve together
>One of them becomes my "girlfriend" and second one is friends of ours
>Spend time together suddenly my >gf< tells us she is possessed by Mukuro from KHR
>But she says it's serious
>Okay, so be possessed
>Later same night they decided to show me this animu called KHR (I didn't see it before)
>Bitch hears Mukuro's voice
>Rofl again
>She takes knife
>I don't know what's going on
>She cut my arm, so our friend tries to cover me
>Tries to stab me and my friend
>Suddenly her mother walks in
>Oh hey mom! how are you? we're just ROLEPLAYING
>Leave her house next day, never talk to her again

>> No.6996251

Oh god, is that really her?! Jesus christ, she some how manages to look increasingly terrifying with every passing meet. I thought that messy mint lacemonster she wore was bad...

>> No.6996262

Yeah, I hadn't had a chance to meet her in person, and joined the com just as shit went down and she got booted shortly after. I remember people saying she went to a meet or so with her dad, so I thought she was maybe a teen or early 20's, then I saw that picture and my god now I'm horrified that a woman that's probably in her late 30's/40's is acting that bad.

>> No.6996304

> At the mall during meetup, walking around Claire's for some godawful reason
> Some young girl, clear in here weeb stage walks up.
> Say thank you, then politely explain that's it's actually a fashion. I don't care if people call lolita cosplay, how are they supposed to know?
> Obviously bullshit.

>> No.6996313

Hey anon just wondering, do u know how can I join the SoCal Lolita com if there's one?

>> No.6996321

Oh what the fucking shit xD jeez, ya gotta love these people *sarcasm*

>> No.6996324

Unrelated, but now that I'm getting more and more into the creativity of makeup, I can't help but love Nicki's pink double winged eyeliner

>> No.6996326

I met her in person and stayed away from her since I was at the meet with my own friend group. She was repeatedly bugging other members, though, and her dad was awkwardly lurking - he didn't explain who he was so most of us thought there was just an old man hanging around the group! Definitely unsettling, I'm glad she's gotten booted from most events, hopefully she'll get a clue.

>> No.6996343
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It is fucking weird, isn't it?
I'm glad I've always lived in places where lolita doesn't happen. I'd probably stare too hard and end up in a story on /cgl/

>I was walking in public in lolita
>This girl looked at me
>Uhg what a raging bitch people just don't understand

>> No.6996345

Speaking of Celestine...

>has heard of this Ita because of Lolita buddies
>never gone to any com because of this.
>decides to go to Anime Expo all 4 days
>It's day 2 and decide to go to the Exhibit Hall
>and I see her in HOT MESS OF WTF'ry
>Holy shit thank god we never spoke to each other.

>> No.6996359

>using **

-You- are 'those people', anon.

>> No.6996361

Oh come on, stop bitching about that.

>> No.6996363

not a single person was upset about being stared at though..

>> No.6996364

Oh boy here we go

>Be 11-12
>BFF introduces me to a friend of hers, 13
>"Oh Anon, you like drawing, right? Let me show you my art!!"
>Takes out this bigass binder filled with those plastic sheet protecters
>Traced drawings EVERYWHERE (Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, YGO etc)
>SHE TRACED THE COVER OF THE FIRST VOLUME OF YGO, says it was "her best work yet"
>Brags about how she is so much better at drawing than I am
>Shows off porn she drew, really shitty
>Jesus christ why
>Says that because she is Asian (Chinese), she has a natural gift in the animus and the mangos

>Told a really elaborate tale about how she hacked Gaia Online's admin and he messaged her and told her to fuck off and that he was going to take all of her gold and items and that they argued "for hours" via PM
>Ask her if she still had the messages
>"Oh he deleted them"
>Said she could "hack the whole White House" in "six hours"

>One time we were at her house on GAIA ONLINE and showed us a bunch of pornography
>Friend was visibly uncomfortable
>She just keeps showing us poorly drawn Inuyasha and YGO pornography
>Her dad came home soon after that and she stopped

>Says she is married to Sesshomaru from Inuyasha
>Says she is going to have his twins
>Says she is cheating on Sesshomaru with Yami Yugi and some dude from Yu Yu Hakusho

>I get into DN Angel
>Really like it, think Dark is ~suteki~ because he makes my 12-year-old heart flutter
>She gets into it
>Says I don't deserve to own the manga and says that Dark will never love me because I'm white piggu

>> No.6996372

Different anon, and everything about >>6996321 annoys me. I actually think I might hate the "*sarcasm*" more than the "xD". It makes you sound like the filthy underager you are.

>> No.6996386


Anon, that might be my favourtie thing. I'm going to start saying that.

>> No.6996400

Oh god I remember when I tried explaining to this girl I used to know about why ott sweet is difficult and they just flipped out on me stating "WELL AT LEAST IT ISN'T AS EASY AS STUPID GOTHIC OR CLASSICAL"

>> No.6996404
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>> No.6996405

OP POST. Now I don't agree with the emoticons and asterisks either.

But everyone please keep your tits calm and move forward! That anon might be newfag, so keep the posts going guys! Thanks!

>> No.6996409

>not sure if trolling or just white knighting

>> No.6996465

I didn't necessarily mean this thread

>> No.6996484 [DELETED] 

>Said she could "hack the whole White House" in "six hours"
to be fair, anyone could hack the white house in six hours

>> No.6996529

>Be out to dinner with the drama club.
>Generally being shy, not old enough to drive places by myself yet.
>My ride cannot take me home for some godawful reason.
>Chubby weeb girl is the only person left that I could realistically get a ride home from.
>She's been sitting there all night, rubbing my friend's thighs and making her, and everyone else at the table severely uncomfortable.
>o god i'm going to get molested
>She's all super nice to me, I hope she's gotten all of the perving out of her system as I jump in her car.
>Thank her over and over again because I know my house is out of the way.
>"No problem, Anon. Just tell me where to turn."
>She turns on the radio.
>Turns out this lady cannot drive well.
>She's flipping people off out the window and yelling half-japanese mangled insults at pedestrians.
>We are literally driving on the edge of the road.
>I can hear the gravel beneath the tires.
>i am going to die listening to animu. o god.
>She tells me she wants to perform a song for the talent show.
>It turns out to be some Emilie Autumn bullshit, which she sings along to.
>Tell her frantically when to turn.
>She nearly runs us into a ditch, refuses to put her brights on even though it's darker than hell.
>Shaking when I get out of the car.
>Thought I was going to die.
>Nearly pissed myself.
>Thank her and book it into my house.

The same girl also wore cat ears, and had a bell collar she wanted to lend me for the play we were in. Both were hugely too big, and felt sweaty. SWEATY CAT EARS HOW EVEN

>> No.6996557

Search on FB. Most comms are private and can be found on Facebook.

>> No.6996562

>I'm glad I've always lived in places where lolita doesn't happen
Yeah, 'cause its such a big trend everywhere else.

>> No.6996573

There's a few actually. Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego all have one.

fb.com/groups/119248288125243/ Los Angeles Lolita Fashion Club
fb.com/groups/OCLolitas/ OC Lolitas
fb.com/SanDiegoLolitas San Diego Lolitas

Really, all you have to do is search county name lolita and you should be able to find something.

Also if you're interested, Orange County Lolitas are having a gathering on August 7th at the Orange County fair. I'm planning to go, but it looks like I'll have to make do with what lolita pieces I have even though the gathering is Country themed.

>> No.6996717

this isn't funnyjunk

>> No.6996736
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>Never see lolita in Missouri, upstate New york, or Afghanistan


>> No.6997201

>At local comic con the weekend before the big local con
>Only there because I know the con chair and he'd probably be upset if I didn't show up
>Not much to do other than the speed dating event when I show up
>Decide to try it since I'm bored and painfully single
>Yes it's the same one from those Geek Love videos
>Guy running it asks me two questions: "Single? Over 18?"
>Guys are supposed to just find a seat, don't know where to sit down
>"Oh hey that girl's got a hello kitty backpack and looks around my age. Might be nice."
>She seems a little off but likes a lot of the same stuff as me
>She keeps glancing at me throughout the event
>Other girls enjoy my boyish charm, just think I'm too young for them (I was just a month away from 19 at the time)
>Eventually speed date that one girl's mom who's wearing a really short skirt and crossing her legs
>At the end you write down your contact info on the sheets of people you're interested in
>"Huh, that one girl didn't give me anything"
>Afterwards she hunts me down, asks me for my phone number & email, I give them to her
>"My mom wouldn't let me write down my info and she tore up my sheet"
>"Ok odd" I think

>> No.6997210

Why the fuck would you take your mum speed dating with you?

>> No.6997212

>Go about the con gaming, buying comics, ect
>Later that night I get a facebook request from the girl
>"Huh, I don't remember if I told her my last name or anything" (to be fair I might have said that my email is basically my name)
>Add her, see she has a boyfriend and is underage, weirded out
>She hits on me over the next few weeks, breaks up with her boyfriend and starts hitting on me more
>Keeps telling me about her relationship problems and general self-esteem issues
>Gets clingy as fuck, keeps talking like a twelve year old by doing that shit with asterix like *glomps u*
>She eventually gets into homestuck and keeps bugging me to read it
>Eventually gets to the point where she's offering me sex if I read homestuck, never stops quoting it and talks about her history of self-harming
>"This bitch is crazy", get afraid of blocking her because she might do something stupid and blame me for it
>Decide to try acting annoying as possible to make her leave me alone, not trying to keep conversations going, ect
>she adds my brother on facebook to find more info about me, can't block her now because he'll just take her side due to him being an idiot and assuming I'm an immoral jackass
>Keep annoying her away, it mostly works until my next con where she wants to follow me around and give me raver kandi she made for me
>regularly pretend to mistake it for "candy", start eating it the second she gives them to me
>She takes a hint, leaves me alone for the rest of the con
>Later starts being all "OH MY GOD ANON WHY DO YOU HATE ME IM SORRY WHAT DID I DO" and makes me feel bad for being like this
>Act as if I was just busy
>she turns right around and reminds me of why I do this shit
>turns out she scared my brother too by asking him for advice on how to "unclog a shower drain that [she] clogged with vomit"

>> No.6997216

I have no idea, especially because her mom is married too. The girl makes it sound like her mom is really over-protective to the point of stalking and that they were just there "for fun."

Anyways, continuing with >>6997212
>She eventually starts bragging about getting "pee-pee touch" at the con's rave, gets upset when I point out that groping someone at raves isn't a hard thing to do
>Regularly tries to make me jealous by talking about how she makes out with a bunch of guys and girls all the time
>"Didn't you tell me that you're a virgin?"
>Eventually find her tumblr and see all the stuff she's writing about me like "OH MY GOD YOU'RE SUCH AN ARROGANT ASSHOLE BUT YOU'RE SO FUCKING CUTE" and "LOL THIS GIRL IS UGLY. OK FINE IM JUST JEALOUS SHES CUTE" after I talk about a girl I've been dating
>that previously mentioned girl was actually worried about dating me because she thinks the crazy girl might try to attack her if we dated
>Eventually get her to leave me alone

Don't take this as "EW SPEED DATING IS FULL OF WEIRDOS" since it wasn't really. Just this girl who's fucking crazy.

>> No.6997219
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I'd like to see whoever's in that picture do Celes

>> No.6997227


Was she cute at least?

>> No.6997226

Its Mana.

>> No.6997229


>> No.6997232

I have a friend who's in love with Ichigo from bleach. She believes she's summoned him and he is real, being her irl lover and also her God. She's apparently pregnant with his spirit baby. He also gives her presents all the time.

>> No.6997239

She was pretty average. Just how fucking crazy she was scared me. Some other tidbits I left out include:

>Telling me in great detail about "engravings" she has on her genital region
>Telling me she was thinking about me while using "Buzz-Buzz"
>"Well you know I could tell someone if you were assaulting me, right?"
>Regularly quoted homestuck out of nowhere and occasionally sent me homestuck gay porn then got upset when I was uncomfortable
>Tried to talk me into dropping out of my university to go to community college with her
>Kept bugging me to sleep with her
>"Ok well come on over then"
>"Didn't you say your parents put up security cameras?"

There's probably a few other things I'm forgetting. I'll admit it was always fun to troll the hell out of her, especially when I took what she said to me, went on vocaroo and read it in an annoying shrill of a voice like this: http://vocaroo.com/i/s10p5WsLoPIB

>> No.6997246

>all the other girls were laughting behind their ponytails wigs.
This is probably the most lolita thing ever.

>> No.6997261

This is exactly why this board is shit. Seagulls are vicious towards each other, but don't say anything to the underage young feathers at all.

>> No.6997272
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>weeb story

>> No.6997324

but there's totally an upstate lolita comm.

>> No.6997401

I legitimately laughed at this story

>> No.6997473
File: 39 KB, 182x201, 1361400036357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these threads are exactly like /co/'s "casual" story threads

the ones where the comic book guy themselves are idiots for expecting every and anyone who even moderately enjoys something Marvel related, like one movieverse, should be able to list the entire rogues gallery and family of an f-list hero

and only a handful of (exaggerated) posts about actual obnoxious imbeciles

>> No.6997617

And that is why they are fun to read, now run along.
It's not like you've just uncovered some grand conspiracy that no one knows about.