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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 55 KB, 640x960, 1057980_10151769743484747_660571665_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6973010 No.6973010 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished Infinite. Omg.
What are you playing/watching?

>> No.6973016

boku no pico

>> No.6973025
File: 261 KB, 1200x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*le edgy nerd

>> No.6973035

The only good thing about Bioshock Infinite Is Lizzy porn.

I'm not even trying to be edgy, the porn is really amazing. The game is ultimately boring shit that won't be remembered in the 20s at all.

>> No.6973040

I don't understand why women bother to cosplay Elizabeth. It's utterly pointless. They will never be as good as that Russian cosplayer. OP's doesn't even look like the character. Looks like just some man who's undergoing mtf transformation in her dress & wig.

>> No.6973048
File: 1.77 MB, 3072x4608, 1365586477904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the end of result in the game looks much like the Russian face model. I happened to enjoy the game, it's not 10/10 or GOTY but worth the time to play.

But wait this is the internet and your opinion is law.

Getting some cosplay up in this thread.

>> No.6973049

seconding this. flipped a shit at the raffle part

>> No.6973057
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>> No.6973065
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>> No.6973066
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>> No.6973067
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>> No.6973081
File: 1.10 MB, 1840x3264, IMG_20130517_123029_427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a pretty good game. not 10/10 for sure but I enjoyed playing it. Kinda agree with that the Russian girl kinda trumps all other Elizabeth's so far. But I'm still waiting to see a good songbird cosplay. You know with the BioShock fandom someone is gunna make a god tier songbird

>> No.6973087

I really wish Daisy had been Irish instead of African American, because then there would be no racism issue.

>> No.6973088

Threads like these remind me what I hate about cosplay.

>> No.6973090

what racism issue?

>> No.6973096

People were pretty upset about Daisy involvement in the story and how she was "demonized" to be nothing but a villain but I just feel like if she had been white no one would care. Still, at best she's a token minority character.

>> No.6973104
File: 231 KB, 500x557, tumblr_mloni25T2Y1qcnceyo6_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i like daisy, evil and all
black people can be evil too goddamnit

>> No.6973111

Tell that to the SJWs on Tumblr...

>> No.6973118

What I dislike about the fandom the most is how fucking hypocritical it is. The same people who bitch about "institutionalized misogyny" and Like every video FeministFrequency does are now fucking overjoyed by this piece of crap. Everyone just *loooooooves* Elizabeth for being such "interesting, unique, amazing, strong, deep, well-written" character when she's nothing but a shallow Damsel-in-Distress with a bit of Mysterious Waif & Pixie Dream Girl thrown into it. The gameplay ain't no different from the original BioShock neither. And the overall plot is about as deep as a Shyalaman movie.

I'd be alright with it if people were honest about why they like it. It's all because it brought the moeblob cancer into Western video games, that's why. Males love it because it's once again a simple good ol' "manly hero who saves cute chick" game and then, being forever alone, they get emotionally engaged with Elizabeth, and to protect their emotional engagement from reality (her being a horrible MPDG whose character bends down in every possible way for the male audience -- as the writers themselves admitted, mind you) they pretend the entire game is good, not just the polygons that make up her character model. And the females who like it do so to get on the male bandwagon. There is absolutely nothing about it that would appeal to any self-respecting female who plays games. Just "girl gamers" is all.

The fact that she's cosplayed so much only makes things worse. I wish we would be capable to reject this pitiful character, boycott such one-dimensional representations of women until we finally a get a good, strong female char., but no, it's popular so it *has* to be embraced. Even though it's, as you said, utterly pointless to cosplay, because everything looks mediocre compared to the Russian girl's cosplay. So all that's left there is another bandwagon. Gotta jump on it as soon as possible, because the males dicks will get sore from all the masturbating eventually.

>> No.6973130

I like how your post can be redirected to both r9k and Tumblr depending on who's gotten butthurt
5 stars

>> No.6973150


So no one should ever cosplay any anime/JRPG female character ever, is essentially what you're saying. Because how dare they support the masturbating patriarchy even if they just really like the show.

>> No.6973160

Her point was that there's nothing to be liked about BI. As a professional video game reviewer myself, I wholeheartedly agree. Game is no different from your average Call of Dooty clone. They sent our studio over at gamespot a the usual sack filled with wads of cash to get at least a 9, so we had Kevin write up some sweet silver tongued bullshit about it.

>> No.6973167

IGN here, we've had the same thing.

>> No.6973170
File: 78 KB, 637x960, 984219_10152872561800613_1617531090_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Songbird, eh

>> No.6973181

So what is a "good" game? Honestly looking for recommendations here.

>> No.6973246
File: 121 KB, 800x1200, bioshock_infinite__elizabeth_by_vera_chimera-d69d5yz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this one comes close to that Russian version

>> No.6973273

Not even close. Looks too Arabic or Indian (as in, from India).

>> No.6973501
File: 404 KB, 510x770, 1364846192748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Russian.

>> No.6973512

Watching Bob's Burgers.

About to go play Steel Battalion.

>> No.6973993

Luteces were the only good part.

>> No.6974002

She's got the Slav-jaw, alright.

>> No.6975086

Your selfpost is almost too obvious.
You don't suit the character at all, and it would probably be best if you didn't try to shoot it properly.

>> No.6975105


>> No.6975120

The ending really made the story worth it. Dat redemption.
The gameplay was pretty average and the last battle was complete ass. There were a lot of cool elements but a lot of it also seemed really half baked considering how long the games been in production.

>> No.6975269

Vendetta is strong with this one
Everyone knows this photo went really well for a reason

>> No.6975272

Who cares. You see Elizabeth cosplay every fucking where. They all look the same to me at this point.

>> No.6975276

If it "went" why did it come back?

Probably the 4th worst Elizabeth cosplay I've seen.

>> No.6975279


>> No.6975294

i liked the ranma's there too, the banter between them is golden...

Lavine has admitted that the vanilla cover art is aimed to the frathouse demographic that would skip over it next to other shooters, and by extension, the fps mechanics make sense;
they're trying to get this out there to as many ppl that games can still be a mature medium of art, not just pew pew races...
it's all about finding a good balance, and this was more of a step in the right direction than backwards...

>> No.6975299


>> No.6975311

Serious question.
Is this a male?

>> No.6975318
File: 23 KB, 500x375, dog mirror wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just watched steins;gate and [ C ] the money of soul and possibility control, just 1.1K'd the og bioshock, and about to start injustice so i can finish it all on my own account (kept having to help friends beat parts of it 'cuz most of them aren't great at fighters);
listening to daft punk's random access memories and lit's a place in the sun...
i could go on, but won't until you're ready to take the next step...

>> No.6975322

Women like manly men and men like to protect women and feel strong.

Deal with it bitch. If this weren't the base you'd all be dating betafags from r9gay who can barely string two words together without hyperventilating.

I hate /cgl/ and I hate cosplayers.

>> No.6975323

>implying men only enjoy things for masturbatory reasons
>literally the only reason women are part of anime fandom is to attend cons, get drunk/high, and hook up with the odd hot guy there

you're the sex obsessed ones.

>> No.6975324

>There is absolutely nothing about it that would appeal to any self-respecting female who plays games.

No self-respecting female would go on a SlutWalk.

>> No.6975327

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.6975347

What fucking balance? It is nothing but a frathouse demographic game. There's no depth to it at all. Just another fantasy for the average male gamer.

>Women like manly men
No. All kinds of men.
>and men like to protect women and feel strong.
Well, that's what what they're brought up to believe. That's patriarchy for you.
>Deal with it bitch. If this weren't the base you'd all be dating betafags from r9gay who can barely string two words together without hyperventilating.
Sorry, but you're not my type. A little bit too angry, a little bit too bitter.

I've seen a Bioshock Infinite thread once, on /vg/ or /v/. All they talked about was about how they would let Elizabeth sit / fart on their face, et cetera. I kid you not, almost every single post was about her.

I'm not saying that men can only like things if they can masturbate to it. But you only like Bioshock Infinite because you masturbate to Elizabeth. There's nothing else left to like, unless you're dumb.

The girls who cosplay this crap are just as dumb for supporting all of this just so that they may get on the attention bandwagon.

See, I despise both genders.

>> No.6975357

>ignores gay people
>people which may cosplay risque cosplays or cosplay from male dominated fandoms because they like a character or something
You're really bad at social justice.

>> No.6975359

He's right, though.

>> No.6975364

I agree the Russian girl has the best default (her body is perfect for it and her face is almost a perfect match) but the hair is very lacking still, could be easily outdone. I didn't care for her school clothes version though honestly; she did the makeup differently and it didn't look as good. Still the best I've seen, but I really think someone could do a better job on that version.

>> No.6975366

You're cherry picking without even reading my posts. I said there's nothing to be liked about Elizabeth, if you're female. Every argument I've heard in her favor was just pitiful rationalizing & empty words. She is a dehumanizing stereotype of women without any redeeming qualities. As I said, 10 years later, no one will brag about cosplaying her or even being 'part of the fandom'.

>> No.6975387

>No. All kinds of men.

Yeah, sexual selection and mendelian inheritance don't exist. Derp.


>> No.6975388

>wahh, girls, you're supporting the patriarchy! listen to your fymynyst systers!


>> No.6975390

>Well, that's what what they're brought up to believe. That's patriarchy for you.

Environment isn't the only determinant of behavior.

Patriarchy is not a bad thing by default, it's not a dirty word. It's up to you to demonstrate your own ideas are more functional productive etc, in material terms.

>Sorry, but you're not my type. A little bit too angry, a little bit too bitter.

That's not what I'm like. My point is that you like alpha males, like any woman. You have very little respect for men in general, you are showing a lack of respect to me.

>> No.6975391

The "patriarchy"s a myth put forth by feminists. Usually as a means to debunk arguments they can't defend.

btw, tumblr is that way ---->

>> No.6975399
File: 228 KB, 500x471, amphibian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never have rough degrading sex with a girl who believes in "the patriarchy"

>> No.6975401

Game got me really interested at first - looked nice and had a good 'all-white christian 1912' paradise atmosphere. The ending was a cheap cop out and unoriginal
The bit at the end suggests there is a universe where you didn't sell Anna, making the whole game pointless

>> No.6975413

>The bit at the end suggests there is a universe where you didn't sell Anna, making the whole game pointless

But that doesn't make the whole game pointless at all.

>> No.6975415

>Lizzy porn
Actual cosplay porn or same old rule 34? This is important.

>> No.6975484

Please don't be so rude.

>> No.6975511
File: 98 KB, 680x486, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I thought it was a very lovely story. And they told it so well. With such enthusiasm.

>> No.6975619

Yeah... that picture... that's exactly what Infinite's fandom is all about.

>> No.6975635

>The bit at the end suggests there is a universe where you didn't sell Anna, making the whole game pointless
You created that universe. That was the whole point of the game.

>> No.6975650

I said to go back to /pol/ and take your whiny bitching with you.

>> No.6975753

Why do you have to be so fucking rude? I'd never get you pregnant.

>> No.6975865
File: 675 KB, 1960x2772, Zzzzfitsroy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but because I liked her clothing in her concept art.

>> No.6975904

I took dat photo :3

>> No.6975909

i like how his tits are cross eyed

>> No.6975919
File: 1.07 MB, 3168x4752, 1341615077183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually the gameplay is different its not as good or complex as the earlier bioshock games. only two weapons and no other way to play than to shoot everything up. you cant even permanently hack turrets anymore for christ sake, no more minigames to switch it up no more planning ahead and placing a couple of traps, fucking nothing. also i dont give a shit about your whole feminism rant

>> No.6975920

she is pretty, but doesnt look like elizabeth at all

>> No.6975921

i dont know hands aren't visible enough

>> No.6975926

>going to /v/ and /vg/ and expecting a discussion about the game
and even saying that there were loads of discussions at the time all saying how shit the game was, and the only good thing about the game was that you could actually feel a connection with elizabeth, then of course came the porn and waifu fags who took over every thread since then but that always happens when there is a likeable female character in a game.

>> No.6975929

well it sure as hell makes the ending ridiculous.

>> No.6975934

Animal Crossing: City Folk

All the New Leaf stuff got me to check if we had the game, and I've been playing it ever since. I haven't touched Animal Crossing since GameCube and I remembered how fun it was.

About to check out Organ Trail.

>> No.6975935

that's not how the parallel worlds theory works though. every universe exists at the same time, you didn't create that universe it was already there.

>> No.6975967

Point of game is that you stop the loop that is happening with the parallel worlds, which only can happen because of the tech of Columbia. By killing him at that point, he will never BE Comstock, and so the tech will never be created as well as Columbia itself. Without interference from other worlds, a lone world where Elizabeth is never taken and can keep her pinky can exist, which could not be a world that happened with the current set up of stealing babies.

>> No.6975985

Diff anon, but explain how Justin Bieber and 1Direction got so popular if women like manly men. Too many guys just think your either a d- bag manly man or a neckbeard.

>> No.6977455

Killing Booker presents a false choice so that the only universe that exists is the universe where he rejects the Baptism

>> No.6977462


Because only care about one type of woman, and that is the woman that will not have sex with them.

>> No.6977466


>Because they only


>> No.6977527

The fact that I have yet to see Lutece cosplayers get the hair right makes my jimmies want to jump off a cliff.

Most cosplays I've seen of them are 7/10 at best because people can't be bothered to get matching wigs and fabric and tend to cake on too much makeup.

>> No.6977581
File: 1.69 MB, 1024x1013, it_will_all_end_in_tears_by_tnbc_fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, right?
it's almost like they'd have to be a real couple that really cared for and got along well enough with each other in order to do so...
but they're DA BESS, i'm good with just decent fanart of them...

exactly, you make a variable (baptism) a constant by removing one of the choices
(glorifying your past fuck ups like wounded knee and the pinkerton oppressor bits which lead book into rejecting himself and becoming a born-again dictator who fancies himself the next savior of mankind named Comstock)

the ginger version of daisy i'm digging more than the final form, but that could just be my weakness for fair skinned redheads with a braided pigtail acting up again...

>implying you'd suppress your delusions long enough to lower your standards to accept a 3D girl into your life
good luck with that, kid, you'll need it for the next time you get here

oftentimes when the path isn't clear, it's the journey, not the destination, that you remember, and what really counts...

remember the bit about her wishful thinking?
if all possibilities exist, then what a power it would be to have the world you could only dream about being possible at your fingertips because you can dream about it, making it a possibility, and as effectively making dreams a reality...

sadly, such is their conditioning, and those that don't learn from their past are doomed to repeat it...

>> No.6977708

More like because it is illegal to have sex with those who love JB and 1D, in most countries that matter on 4chan (USA).

>> No.6977745
File: 96 KB, 960x639, 941214_595897927107186_1114897545_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whilst the previous argument about elizabeth cosplayers...i found the best people ever. female booker and elizabeth

>> No.6977769

oh yes thats tigerlily and choupet. met these two lovely girls at London film and comic con and they were so nice

>> No.6977792

Their cosplay sucks, tho.

>> No.6977858
File: 26 KB, 422x237, 20110729123130!IsaacMiria05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the game.

Call me crazy but I got some serious Issac and Miria vibes from the Leduc's.

>> No.6978336
File: 70 KB, 366x488, twins-lettuce-label-watsonville-ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend and I just bought material and wigs for the Luteces. We'll match!

>> No.6978597
File: 191 KB, 1024x841, lutece_portal_by_chiacheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just reminded me that i need to watch baccano...
but also, i got the lt. schrodinger from ultimate hellsing vibe, which is precisely what they are, after the "accident" that fink arranged, which was supposed to kill them, ended up scattering them to the dimensions of all possibilities, effectively rendering them into demi-gods, as they can't directly affect much themselves, but can guide others (like booker) to correct what they started...

good on you, a bit of effort is all it takes to make it work, and attention to detail...

call me weird, but if we're stepping into a r63 universe, the elizabeth would have to be a dood, otherwise it'd just seem off to me, like if fitzroy decided she needed liz on her side instead of a real booker, gnome saiyan?

>> No.6979891

who the fuck are you and why are you here?

>> No.6979979
File: 1.99 MB, 372x323, 1373654099788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6979985

It doesn't necessarily need to be a rule 63 universe, though, since there are multiple dimensions, it could just be one where just Booker's gender is different. That being said, there are also an infinite number of universes where there might be male Elizabeths, or a rule 63 universe, or whatever.

>> No.6980001
File: 65 KB, 500x450, Stunned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Those are some crazy long fingers.

>> No.6980508
File: 565 KB, 700x1182, schroedinger rosalind lutece.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right, the maze of doors scenario, speaks of constants and variables, themes that are constants in this series are the strength of a daddy/daughter relationship, a megalomaniac who founds a city based on his ideals, and the impending shitstorm that follows when the delusion falls apart...
the lighthouse is just the portal that takes you to the origin...

the more delicious question is why does it bother you?
(tho i shouldn't have to justify myself, i cosplay, albeit i can't sew for shit, so it's mostly modifications and i go to cons and chill with cool peeps)
it's just wisdom being tossed around, and i'm not obnoxious like some of the newer trips...

i see you looked up the leadbelly OG lyrics...
if it's any comfort to you, at least you're not a male praying mantis...

>> No.6980557

>the more delicious question is why does it bother you?
Every new tripfag on /cgl/ is growing cancer. ESPECIALLY if you're a male neckbeard virgin.

>> No.6980811

i'm none of what your sentence describes, apart from a dood;
been here since this board was red, just didn't bother to break out of anon until 4 years back or so, but if any trip gets too grating for you, hide them with the extensions, that's what they're for...
also, we're all mad here, Alice, so why does a bit of accountability gotta get your knickers in a twist?

>> No.6980822

So virgin neckbeard then. /thread

>> No.6981090
File: 84 KB, 612x612, 945703_620766277934437_1445948372_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so cool! It looks like it would have taken a while to make!

Bioshock infinite is my top game of the year, loved the ending, it really stayed with me.

>> No.6981143
File: 127 KB, 600x823, lutece_illusion_test_by_madhatters_wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired, kiddo...
troll elsewhere if you need to get your fix, i'm sure a "tactical gear cosplay" thread will pop up if you stick around long enough...
as much of a kick as i get talking about duality, it's not the polarizing black & white world out there you perceive in that basement of yours...

>> No.6981507
File: 348 KB, 449x401, girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical virgin neckbeard gets mad when I call him out on being a virgin.

>> No.6982391
File: 633 KB, 1459x820, laughing girls deluxe premiun ultimate survival rapture edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nig nog plz/10
the sad part here is that you are far more emotionally invested in this;
even if i was a neckbear virgo, it not the defining moment of a man, and i don't have to prove myself to you, there's more to life than just getting laid, and that goes for both genders;
and if you're going to troll, boyo, go hard or go home, pic related...
(oh wait, you've already been)

>> No.6984124

>virgin thinks I'm actually reading his posts
lul! I've shown this thread to all my girl friends and they laughed at you too

>> No.6984199

I love the background setting because it really feels like the game, and that vigor! It did have a cool bottle but admittedly I never used it, nor the bronco one.

Also anon have you played The Last of Us? I predict that one will get the game of the year, though I prefer Infinite myself just ever so slightly because of the thought it provoked. Anyway I really recommend the other game too.

>> No.6984213

Nobody likes virgin guys, get out.

>> No.6984215

>Bitch about feminism
>Demonize males
>Not realizing it's a bad game because the game part is bad.

Holy shit you're so insecure.

>> No.6985117

To be fair, Rosalind's hairdo is really, really complex and would be a pain to get spot on. Anyone still have that screenshot of how her hair looks from behind?

>> No.6986660
File: 1007 KB, 1072x680, rosalind's funky hairdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

undertow? yeah, you get that more than halfway thru, and has very limited usage aside from punking peeps off ledges;
bronco is a cost-effective crowd control effect, and combo's well with devil's kiss and charge,

(also to >>6984215) lately, it seems that any dev that wants to tell a good story has to turn their game into some kind of shooter to appeal to the masses and express that narrative...
and btw, i tested TLOU and saw the twists & turns coming hours before they went down, while the story in infinite i felt was left a bit more (purposefully) vague if you didn't grab all the voxphone's; as the most spoilerific ones are off the beaten path, and in the end, the closing of the loop was more haunting and introspective...

here ya' go, her hairdo is pretty bananas, the kind that only looks right if that's your actual hair, but you know how much the peeps here feel about wigs vs real hair, no?

as an aside, if you're responding to my posts w/o reading them first, that speaks volumes about yourself, not to mention your lack of reading comprehension...
c'mon, baiting that obvious?
this ain't my first rodeo...

>> No.6987034

I'll be using a lacefront wig for Rosalind, that should at least make the hairline correct.