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File: 230 KB, 554x800, moriloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6973070 No.6973070 [Reply] [Original]

Daily lolita thread anyone ? I'll start

I don't like the horns. At all. This outfit would have been more into the mory style with waved bob of something like that. Anyway, the coord is fine by itself, it would be less plain with a little bit more of gold accent (to go with the tassel)

>> No.6973072


>> No.6973243

Meh, looks not that bad, just a little plain for mori

>> No.6973324
File: 295 KB, 600x1058, img_1440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liked this one, but I think her former coords were better

>> No.6973343


Yeah, most of her pictures had rather bad co-ords, and you just posted the best one of the bunch.

>> No.6973538

But...I like her ! She did a quite good job with casual loli, why is she not food anymore ?

>> No.6973559
File: 85 KB, 428x750, tumblr_mjfypi7VOx1r8p3jno1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not D_L exactly, but I've seen this photo doing the rounds and the coord getting praised, but that collar just looks so awkward and out of place.

>> No.6973569

That dress is beautiful, though! Is it MM?

>> No.6973588

It is.

>> No.6973597

It's because it does have 'rare' brand. The collar is totally out of place, the make up is not really good and blue shoes or even white ones would have been better.

>> No.6973692


Her shoes are cute but the wrong color.
The collar doesn't work with this co-ord at all.
If she changed the shoes, replaced the collar with a necklace this would have been a very nice co-ord imo.
The dress itself is stunning.

>> No.6973710

Because cannibalism is illegal.

>> No.6977897

I thought it was nice, but the tassel didn't do anything for me.

>> No.6981056
File: 55 KB, 680x1024, hime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit plain but cute

>> No.6981064

I really like the op apart from the random black choker, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be mori+classic anyways and not straight mori or classic.

>> No.6981067

What's up with this chick's face?

>> No.6981071

that's the chick who runs One Day in Paradise, mariko-sempai or something

>> No.6981072

I think it's more brown than black tought

>> No.6981078

She looks just as crazy as she is

>> No.6981083

Still is out of place, pink or white lace or nothing would have been better

>> No.6981092

Her name's Marie, she's so sweet in person!

>> No.6981099

Hi Mariko

>> No.6981104

Dayum. She looks like a typical Goth trying to ease herself into something very toned down, like she can't quite grasp the overall look and is too used to her usual makeup techniques. Still, there's potential.

>> No.6981193

If yelling at volunteers at a supanova booth for something they didn't do wrong is "Sweet" I think you're mistaken.

>> No.6981213

Mori is meant to be simple...

>> No.6981218

I think anon wanted to say "plain" as "polished". Mori is wilder than lolita, and need more work to look at the same time simple but well put

>> No.6981248

Needs a bit of makeup, but I think it's cute.
Also, I love the picture on the left. Does anyone know the title or the artist?

>> No.6981277
File: 486 KB, 340x200, anguish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>into goth before lolita
>daily lolita post comments are all "tone down the make up! It's too dark for lolita!"
>trends change and suddenly comments are now "your make up is too subtle, needs more drama."

And there's a reason I stopped posting to Daily Lolita. Can't please everyone ever and I'd rather just please myself.

>> No.6981289


lolita makeup seems to be dewy, soft, etc, in a way that toned down more severe makeup isn't. this with the brown looks a little bit 90's to me - it's not bad but in comparison to other lolita makeup. basically i'm saying it's too american, i think. sounds kind of stupid but makes sense maybe?

>> No.6982106

oh god what? which supernova?

>> No.6982405
File: 70 KB, 500x667, itaqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it isn't fair for one person to be this perfect.

>> No.6982414

I make myself feel better by thinking that she looks awful without wigs. She is the perfect example of how a hairstyle can change the way someone looks.

>> No.6982422
File: 13 KB, 200x200, 1336928652122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have awful looking pollack hair
>wish I could wear wigs all the time
>get massive amounts of attention when I wear wigs
>see this post

It's true, but then again that can also be said for girls who wear makeup, shapewear, and high heels. If you dig deep enough for a flaw you'll probably get one.

>> No.6982458

her natural hair is fine, which can make it look a bit thin, but i don't think there's anything particularly wrong with it
>comparing wigs with crazy volume with real hair
>expecting them to look the same
>just wants to find flaw with someone

>> No.6982464

I think long hair suits her better than her weird stiff looking short hair.

>> No.6982479
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 934657_10151504359907423_1380448773_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao my natural hair isn't short, are you thinking of katzixx?
this photo is from may so it's actually a decent amount longer now

>> No.6982485

your natural hair is rather boring. it's just straight and normal. :C

>> No.6982490

lol well yeah, but it isn't short
i'm awful with styling actual hair

>> No.6982492

Oh. Maybe you had your hair tied. I saw a picture of you where it looked like you had short bobbed hair that was straightened and styled with gel. I like you with long hair and it suits you well.

>> No.6982493

It is a hime cut and many Japanese lolitas have it like Misako.

>> No.6982498

Your face confuses me. When you wear the big Antoinette like wigs, you look feminine and elegant but when you use your real hair, you look plain and masculine. I am confounded.

>> No.6982513

>It is a hime cut and many Japanese lolitas have it like Misako.

no shit sherlock. i've been to Japan before and know hairstyles. i think hime would do well with casual lolita for her, but definitely not classic or gothic.

>> No.6982521

i bounce around a lot with how i do my makeup and my bangs were way overgrown in that picture
in the photo with the white wig i did very girly/pink makeup, while in the second i did something more like my day to day look with stronger lipstick and eyeliner
i'm a very normal looking person who likes to play with my face is all haha

>> No.6982549

I think it's because the hime cut hides her cheekbones, which are very high and feminine.

>> No.6982595

Got it. I love the girlier look on you, personally. That is pretty cool that you can change your look that much.

>> No.6982596

get your hair out of your eyes

>> No.6982609

I have a hime cut but I put decorative braids in it or wear a more ornate headdress to dress it up.

>> No.6982613

I agree that your hair is a bit plain. I'd suggest braiding or styling part of it or something to dress it up a bit.

>> No.6982636

I like itaqueen's hairdo the way it is. It looks good with gothic lolita.

>> No.6982694

I'm in the same boat anon. My usual makeup is too dark for lolita, but I just look weird in natural makeup. Oh well, as long as I keep away from the black lipstick it's passable.

>> No.6982751

Daily Lolita seems so dead. Do you think it is because of Tumblr? Do you guys prefer DL or Tumblr?

>> No.6982759

there is not only one type of lolita and hairdo. I think she looks ok in both pics; really, can't imagine what are you all thinking when you tell someone that the only acceptable hair with volume.

>> No.6982772

I posted in one of the other threads, but the big reason why I don't post in DL is because I feel that if you post anything there, it is like immediately putting yourself up for discussion, scrutiny and critique by the community at large. For someone who doesn't like to draw too much undue attention to myself, I ironically find tumblr to be a more comfortable format. A lot of stuff gets lost on tumblr easily, whereas on something less posted to, like DL, it's a bit more "LOOK AT ME" since it stays up longer. Most of my stuff gets a handful of reblogs (unless it's wardrobe additions) and I'm fine with that.

A lot of times when I post my coords to my tumblr, I look at them for personal reference on what didn't work, what did work, different poses that work and look terrible, areas where I need to improve and expand my wardrobe. There are certain things I can't do much about, for example, being busty with a wide rib cage. Losing weight has helped, but I won't ever have a tiny waiflike frame. I don't have a perfect face, but I'm confident enough in what I have. I just don't need people to tell me here or on BTB that I'm a landwhale (after losing a ton of weight and being so close to my goals), or that my face is too mature for sweet, or nit picking little things here and there which I'm probably aware of. I do have an additude of IDGAF, but I'm not really up for sticking my neck out in that sort of way. Maybe this will change in the future, but I'm not feeling it now.

>> No.6982821
File: 135 KB, 500x707, tumblr_mq5gmj1a2Q1rmdiumo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6982851

where the blouse at?
>dat filename tho

>> No.6982856

I like to cross post using 1-2 apps like Instagram for a coord pic, which can easily cross post to Tumblr. Or I just post on Tumblr if I want to keep the 3:4 cellphone pic ratio.

>> No.6982863

> not knowing ita queen
> 2013

Welcome to /cgl/, also.

>> No.6982869

uhhhh it was more like the irony of the whole 'no blouse = ita' mentality that floats around

>thx 4 comin out tho

>> No.6982871

Fuck blouses.

>> No.6982872

they're not 100% mandatory for every jsk ever
(ps: it was LA in July and I'm from Canada and not into heat stroke)

>> No.6982875

You don't get it do you? The girl in the photo is the one who trips here as itaqueen.


>> No.6982880


sage cos you're an idiot lmao

>> No.6982887
File: 64 KB, 600x456, 15379_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mydarlinglessie's post was good. I enjoyed all of her outfits and she suits classic lolita.

I'm not a fan of leopard either but I liked her other coordinates.

>> No.6982892

This is exactly how I feel too. We also share the same body type, and I've just lost a lot of weight.

>Were we separated at birth?

>> No.6982893

Did jahr lose weight? She still isn't skinny but I remember her looking more chubby.

>> No.6982898

That's weird that you prefer Tumblr. I'm scared of Tumblr because my images will stay there forever even if I delete my account. At least with LJ, I can delete my posts any time.

>> No.6982900

>the hat
>the leopard print
>the little tiny table


>> No.6982904

it looks nice, and the hat is great, but the outfit seems too classy to wear with oxfords. nice heels or heeled boots would look nicer. regardless it's nice to see a classic coordinate with a hat that goes perfectly with the dress!

>> No.6982913

I can see what you mean. I actually liked the oxfords a lot because it gave it a casual flair to the outfit. I would have never though about wearing oxfords, specifically non-heeled ones, with that outfit but she made it work for me.
Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.6982921
File: 143 KB, 325x800, red_zpsfc113bab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl's outfits were cute but her face is so unfortunate. It looks like someone squashed down on it.

>> No.6982923

What? I think her face looks fine.

>> No.6982924

it's just babby fat

>> No.6982927
File: 82 KB, 399x600, 6j7eg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least with LJ, I can delete my posts any time.
Assuming some fucker didn't save your photos to re-post 5 years later on /cgl/...

>> No.6982931
File: 376 KB, 600x931, tumblr_mpzytctOc51rmdiumo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got that she was trying something different but it didn't work for me at all and she's one of my favorite Lolitas. Tsk tsk tsk Jahrhundert. But this coord and her Royal Chocolate coord were flawless.

Classic lolita queen. Loved her post. It was nice seeing older people back on Daily Lolita again.

>> No.6982934

She has nice legs and arms but her head does seem a little weird as if her neck is too long and her head is the same length as her neck. She has a cute face though so I don't know what you're picking on anon.

>> No.6982937

i hate this 2 faces actually, the first one looks like a goblin and the second one like a bad witch. The coords are ok, but i don't like the ankle socks and oxfords in the second one, and the first one almost always coord the same colors (red X something else)

>> No.6982940
File: 261 KB, 426x640, 8847060854_bf7c750145_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that outfit was weird but i thought this was good. fuck, anything compared to hildekitten or w/e her name is is better.

>> No.6982941
File: 38 KB, 320x480, 789622_DSCI0515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you calling this girl classic queen? I smell samefag or friend.

>> No.6982942

me >>6982940 again but shit, i haven't been on daily lolita in over a year. thanks for bringing back memories cgl.

>> No.6982945

What I meant was that her classic lolita coordinates that she posted on Daily Lolita were good.

>> No.6982951

>bad witch


>> No.6982964

Love most of jahr's coords (though I agree the leopard print one is pretty rough), love her wardrobe- but goddamn, she always looks SO stiff and uncomfortable in her pictures that it makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.6982989

Where can I get that shirt?

>> No.6982991

I find her face cute in an odd way.

>> No.6982999

Agreed, I recognise her from the lolita Hadouken pictures that circulated on tumblr, and I thought she was cute even in that.

Different strokes different folks.

>> No.6983000

Same here. She's been posting outfits for a long time so you'd think she would have gotten the hang of it by now. I want to tell her to loosen up and help her with her posing.

>> No.6983002

Granny's couch turned into a lolita dress?

>> No.6983007

yup, and it's fabulous
welcome to classic lolita

>> No.6983027
File: 345 KB, 555x893, tumblr_mpu9t0twbq1rmdiumo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PRINTED TIGHTS DONE RIGHT. Anyone else think that printed tights don't work with outfits at times? I haven't liked some of Herajika's outfits with printed tights and Infiniteneeya is guilty of overdoing them too.

>> No.6983033
File: 134 KB, 499x750, tumblr_mhamuhOOBz1qjq0qyo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of herajika's outfits that came to mind where the tights don't work with the overall coordinate.

>> No.6983035

They almost never look right. I have a couple pairs of them but I just cannot figure out what to do with them ever.

I think this works better because the print is a little overwhelmed by the tights color, which is opposite of how the print on the dress pops on the stark white.

>> No.6983045

the purse doesn't go with it either.

>> No.6983049

I think the outfit would have looked better if her shrug was lavender but fuck, what was herajika thinking in that picture you posted? Those Grimoire tights need to go.

>> No.6983050

I like printed tights when they are paired with a plain/non-printed jsk/skirt. Otherwise it looks too busy to me.

>> No.6983055

A LOT of things look off in that picture. Whatever, herajika is still God.

>> No.6983077

Love the outfit but pic is ruined with that lens smudge.

>> No.6983093

her post mentioned it's a lens scratch, but yeah

>> No.6983100

She mentioned the smudge on her Tumblr and all I could think was "INVEST IN A NEW CAMERA INSTEAD OF GETTING A NEW DRESS"

>> No.6983123

god its so tumblr it burns

>> No.6983126

Shit, I'd rather have a new dress.

But I don't have a wardrobe like jahr...

>> No.6983156

when i saw that jahr is going to coordinate everything she owns
>my body is ready
wardrobe post part ii fyeah!

>> No.6983158

Me too. Isn't jahr a collector anyway? I'd think that she'd be more interested in getting another dress than a camera.

>> No.6983159

i must be blind because i have no idea what youre talking about, i dont see any scratch/smudge

>> No.6983162

This, plus lenses, depending on what you're getting, can be in the couple thousands- not a quick investment compared to 2-300 $ range dresses.

Yeah, basically seems like a head-start (or late) wardrobe post?

It's sort of in the center-left, you can see the light spot over the left side of her bodice (see how the black is very noticeable lighter on that side).

>> No.6983170

You've got cheap starter range lenses around the $100 mark.

>> No.6983172

Why is everyone into jahrhundert's wardrobe? It's not that impressive.

>> No.6983177

I fucking love it. She looks badass in it.

I think Lessie is gorgeous. I don't see the "witch" in her.

>> No.6983187
File: 110 KB, 302x450, Troll-Doll-troll-dolls-1353646-302-450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks like a troll

>> No.6983520

She probably looks better at another angle.
Either way not seeing what's so unfortunate about her face

>> No.6983571
File: 56 KB, 540x720, 998525_10151717838029445_1711894763_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flower crown did well, do like.

>> No.6983588


I like long straight hair, no fuss kinda hair.
Absolutely hate those stupid ott wigs, would much rather see hair like yours.

>> No.6983591

i love your hair don't ever change it!!!

>> No.6983654

Jane slimmed down a long time ago. I think she lost her baby fat in her cheeks recently though. She looks more sleek and mature now.
I am glad to see her posting again. Sometimes she has a total miss, but they are offset by the fact that she has some amazing coords. I also love seeing lolis who really do wear their shit as real clothes and not just to cons and meets.

>> No.6983668

Gorgeous! I love flowers in people's hair.

>> No.6983670


The pearls are a bit kooky, but it matches the outfit's weirdness. Do like.

>> No.6983678

I don't think she lost weight but is using photoshop to make herself look smaller. Her body looks the same but her face looks smaller and she did admit to shooping.

>> No.6983680

I think it would have looked better if the pearls were placed a bit higher but yeah, she looks good.

>> No.6983683

>baby fat
you mean fat

>> No.6983706

What is wrong with wearing Lolita at cons and meets only?

>> No.6983712

Then it's a costume, not clothes.

>> No.6983720

I agree with this anon's >>6983712 sentiment. If you wear it only at cons an meets, what is the difference between that and a costume? I think con lolitas give lolitas a bad name since it perpetuates the idea that it is a costume.

>> No.6983737

Absolutely nothing. Just another excuse for people to point the finger and cry about how this is why people consider lolita a costume.
Correlation does not equal causation.
People consider lolita a costume far beyond the reason that people only wear it every so often. It's ridiculous.

>> No.6983742

A lot of people can't wear it every day though due to their job or other reasons, or maybe are too uncomfortable to go out in it alone and prefer to be with a group.
Just because you save an outfit for a special occasion doesn't make it a costume. Do you consider formal gowns and tuxedos costumes too? You probably wouldn't wear either of those on a daily basis or to work but nobody considers them costumes.

>> No.6983747

I would wear a tuxedo everyday if I had that many tuxedos or at least 14 of them.

>> No.6983754
File: 54 KB, 333x493, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6983760

She looks young. How old is she and how does she afford all that brand? I searched for her wardrobe post and she has two Iron Gates. If she had multiple Puppet Circuses, I would have busted a gut.

>> No.6983767

Old enough to have a job.

What kind of answers do people like you expect? Fucking stupid.

>> No.6983771

Don't hate on fedoras. Humphrey Bogart rocked those bitches.

>> No.6983775

People don't wear fedoras the same way anymore. They have to be worn with formal wear, but people always want to dress them down and then they look stupid.

>> No.6983785

Sugar daddy
Sugar mommy
Rich parents
Selling your body

Not that any of these methods are bad but they appear to be the answers people want to hear.

>> No.6983789

Lolita fashion is formal wear. She's right to wear a fedora like that.

>> No.6983798

Because people half expect to hear answers like (>>6983785) and furthermore want to feel validated for also wanting the same for themselves.
How often do you hear girls say
>oh I want to go to uni for years and work my ass off in the career ladder so I can get a decent job to pay for brand
as opposed to
>ugh fuck I wish I had a sugar daddy or rich parents QQ
Yeah, you hear the latter way more often. People secretly want it for themselves and feel better for thinking that way if others have it too.

>> No.6983823

That is an interesting answer. I thought that people expect those answers because they wanted to make themselves feel better by saying "I worked hard for my brand and didn't have it handed to me."
I didn't realize until you pointed it out that there are many more sugar daddy threads than threads about dream jobs or current occupation. I agree with >>6983785 that none of those situations are bad and it is pathetic that people want to make themselves feel better by looking down on others. Who cares if someone worked hard for their brand or had rich parents who supported their hobby? Do they want a gold star for having a job?

>> No.6983836

I must have really missed something, is there a picture of a lolita with a fedora in this thread or something?

>> No.6984265

But hime cuts look great in both classic and gothic.

>> No.6984282

Cute as a button.

>> No.6984298

But I had baby fat in my face until I was 19, so it's not too farfetched. A few people mentioned it looked like I'd last weight after I graduated high school, when really I haven't fluctuated from the 110-115 range since I was 12.

>> No.6984371

Since when is a fedora a formal hat? Fedoras are casual hats.
It is a top hat that needs a tux. I have never seen a tux worn with a fedora.