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6976832 No.6976832 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about your petticoats, newest co-ords, recent purchases etc

>> No.6976863
File: 103 KB, 573x835, T2tt63XXRbXXXXXXXX_!!199340297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys see Chess Story's new print. (Pic-related, JSK version)
It's pretty gorgeous I think.
What do you guys think about it?

>> No.6976872
File: 16 KB, 342x261, Angelic Pretty Organdy Pannier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angelic Pretty's organdy petti is magical. I have never seen a more perfect cupcake shape in my life.

>so much love

>> No.6976876

How are brand petticoats anyway? Do they hold up well over time, handle heavier materials?
Are they worth getting or should I stick to Classical Puppets pettis?

>> No.6976888
File: 48 KB, 960x720, 263312_389426347836006_216025529_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have experience with Grimoire tights? I bought 2 pairs (Lequel des deux préférez-vous? Blanc et noir & Twin Angels) from someone in NWOT condition, and I think they might have sent me replicas because of the way the print ran as soon as I put them in cold water.

Are they supposed to do this? I didn't use soap or anything, but I know my water is really hard.

>> No.6976891

the stock pictures worry me because the fabric looks a little shiny

>> No.6976896

I have several pettis and I can say my AP one (which was in the special set for Dream Fantasy and should be the same one in that picture) is lighter and doesn't hold up as well as my CP bell. The AP one is really lovely, but I wouldn't spend over 100usd on it just by itself, especially since you're still going to have to layer it to get the perfect AP stock shape. I have another AP one that is just for layering, that I use with dream sky that gives it a perfect shape for an empire/babydoll dress so I love that one to pieces. And I have an IW layering pannier that I use over all my other pettis for layering that I like a lot.

If you're going to shell out money for the AP one brand new, I think I can safely say you're spending money on the brand name only, because it doesn't hold up heavier fabrics or have as much as a poof by itself as my CP bell one.

>> No.6976900

You got scammed.

>> No.6976907

I don't think that's too much of a problem. Shiny is only really bad when it's cheap satin shiny. A delicate sheen is usually fine, especially since the rest of this specifically has metallics in it.

>> No.6976909

I'm always saving up for my next brand piece, so my petticoats are:
- 1 goodwill scavenged, layering only
- 1 poofy organdy one from american apparel
- 1 leg avenue one that is scratchy as a bitch but gives amazing poof
Mix and match depending on the dress.
I love my pettis but damn if I can't wait to trade up to an all-in-one like CP. Still, they get the job done while I build up the rest of my wardrobe.

>> No.6976913
File: 36 KB, 250x333, ap_op_sailorlongsleeve_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be okay to wear to the Angelic Pretty AnimeRevo tea party?

>> No.6976916

How do CP's pettis hold up over time?
I've been using ones from VictorianGirlDress on ebay, but I need one with a more bell/cupcake shape.

>> No.6976919

if you coordinate it really well, why not? it's a little casual for tea but if you dress it up... i mean it's a convention tea party, it's not like you'd be the worst dressed anyhow

>> No.6976927

I wouldn't, but like >>6976919 said, there will be itas in lace monsters and cat ears there. You'll look fine in comparison.

>> No.6976936

Generally I use a CP a-line petti with a CP cupcake petti layered over it for the perfect bell shape.

I've had mine for 3 months now and keep them smooshed in a box while not in use, every time they come back out with huge poof. They have a whole lotta life in em. And I've never heard any negative reviews on the CP pettis either.

>> No.6976941

Do you think that the number of notes, particularly reblogs, on tumblr is an indicator of how good your outfit is? I thought that my outfits were just as good, if not more, than some outfits who have many reblogs and notes. I thought that at least fyeahclassiclolita would reblog my outfits but they never do.

>> No.6976947

How do you wash them? My petticoats are dead and I need new ones that can handle being squished and washed in the washing machine. I heard good things about CP petticoats so I am thinking about getting one. Which one would you recommend for a classic and gothic lolita? And did you buy from taobao via SS or via Clobbao?

>> No.6976948

Post pictures and we will let you know how good your coords are.

>> No.6976949


>> No.6976955

Ha, I figured someone would say that. Not going to post on cgl but I promise I am not a major ita.

>> No.6976961

How do you like your petti from VictorianGirlDress? Is it soft? I mean, is the material scratchy or comfortable? Do you have to layer it? That seems like a really good price.

>> No.6976965

A lot of it is chance, because it also depends who reblogs it. Stuff gets popular because popular blogs reblog it, so notes aren't always indicative of quality. I see stupid text one-liners like "I wish I was a mermaid" with like 30,000 notes.

>> No.6976969

I actually haven't washed them yet, they don't come into contact with my skin as the waistband sits over my blouse thats tucked into my skirt. I've been super busy lately and only worn lolita out 3 times since I got them.
I didn't get them through a SS or Clobbao. I have a friend in China so I shipped it to them and then they shipped it to me.

>> No.6976970

Dawh, you can even block out your face though! Do it Anon! If you're not an ita then what are you scared of?

>> No.6976971

I'd go through Celestial Delinquent if you need something from CP. I asked the Taobao thread awhile back and she seems to be the only SS that can make CP hop to it. Clobba is nice too, but the markups can be a bit extreme.

>> No.6976974

I don't have a problem with it scratching andI don't layer it, but I don't usually like massive poofs. You'd probably have to layer it to get a bell shape.

I think it's really good for the price!

>> No.6976976

The thing is that your main piece has to be AP, so I figured there wouldn't be as many itas there.
Thanks for the input, though.

>> No.6976979
File: 532 KB, 631x567, petti2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CP bell has held up great considering I bought it secondhand. my DC pettis not to much they have deflated over the course of two years (which may be a good lifespan though?) and just aren't poofy enough anymore without layering, I'd say I'm worried about my AP one deflating since it is SO light compared to my others, but it seems to be keeping up fine.

>> No.6976982

Mine don't bleed even when I wash them in warm water. I'm 99% sure you got scammed. Who was the seller?

>> No.6976985

durp, here's a picture of four of the pettis I use the most these days. Sorry they are kind of blurry/old outfits (i'm still learning how to coord)

>> No.6976986

Oh, I forgot to mention, when I ordered the pettis, my friends received them in less than a week! I was really surprised because everyone complains about how slow CP is.

>> No.6976988

It's super poofy, too much poof for daily wear for me, but I'm hoping it will flatten out some as it's still fairly new.

>> No.6976989

Thanks! I know what I'm getting the next time I visit China.

>> No.6976992

I think this would look really cute with a beret, and having a hat of some sort would make it look a little dressier than just a headbow.

>> No.6976994

I agree with this. I have this stupid outfit with a pastel wig I posted pictures of for fun several ago. My socks don't even match very well and I'm wearing goofy looking lolita clownshoes and it got like 400 notes on it, but I'm lucky to get more than 50 on other outfits, even if I do tag the shit out of them. It's so bizarre since I've improved a lot since then and have a nicer matching wardrobe.

>> No.6977001

CP has about 2 dozen different pettis on their Taobao shop. Are the organza ones better or are the cotton ones? Are there any significant differences between the different organza ones?

>> No.6977002

Thanks, anon! I don't usually have problems with the bell shape and have other pettis available for layering, but I thought I could use a new one.

Do they rest on your waist or hips? I'm trying to pick what size to get. My waist is 24" so I was thinking about either the L or XL. I thought the XL might help me feel more comfortable.

>> No.6977003

agreed, I have outfits I've posted that I spent lots of time on with less than 50 notes, and then a couple I threw together walking out the door with tons more (that I don't like half as much as the ones I spent time putting together), it just depends on who reblogs it really

>> No.6977004


I'm not sure if the Dream Fantasy one is the same one that's currently in stock at AP-USA that I have, but I think it's really similar.

Either way, BTSSB's pettis are a nightmare and deflate over time, but my AP one feels nicer when compared to its dear celine counterpart. It's also able to left up heavier fabrics, so I guess I'm in love with it. I've never achieved a more perfect bell-shape.

If you're on the fence, there's one from mbok right now with a BIN of 8000.

>> No.6977008

Mine rests a little below my natrual waist.
I would just go with the XL (age 12-16) because it's the longest. They don't quite reach my knees, so the extra inch or so between the sizes helps!

>> No.6977012

yeah I tried to figure it out back at the beginning of the year, and the stock numbers on the tags match up though (Supposedly, someone with the one straight from the store told me the numbers match with mine at least)

>> No.6977014

The organza ones are the actual petticoats, the cotton ones are more like underskirts.

>> No.6977017

Because you can reverse search the picture and come across my Tumblr.

I thought that too. I wish a popular blog spots me. I am such a famewhore lulz

>> No.6977019

not at home but I'll toss out the tag number tomorrow if I see this thread and you can let me know if it's the same as yours

>> No.6977025

That's still 15 choices, and they range from under 100 yuan to almost 300 yuan.

What's the most popular choice among most lolis?

Sorry about the noob questions.

>> No.6977029

How tall are you? I'm 5'3". I'll take your advice though. You can always roll up a longer petti, but you can't lengthen a short one!

Thanks again, anon!

>> No.6977031

I jus received a petticoat from victoriangirldress, and it has nice poof, and I can get a good bell shape layering it with a tutu/petti I made myself. However, I just got it today and I noticed the material was pretty delicate, and it came to me with some snags in it. Not sure if this is a huge deal, or just something that happens with the fabric while they make it, but it is bothersome.

My biggest concern right now though with it is that one of the interlocked seams on the second layer has not caught the entire fabric, so basically there's a hole in it. I contacted them, so hopefully we can work something out, like a partial refund or something. I like it, but I'd rather have taken the money I spent on it and put it towards a petti when I make my taobao order in a couple of months. We'll see what happens though...

>> No.6977033

Ilu anon because I wondered the same thing.

>> No.6977038

5'2. It's long enough for AP, but if the dress reaches past my knees (like some older Baby dresses I have), it looks a little awkward.

>> No.6977042

Nah, you're good. The most popular ones (As far as I know) are the CP bell shape http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-302901031.8.AZPNkF&id=3486735318

and the Daily A line.

Plenty of people also like the poofy-er A lines, but I think these two are the most popular. It depends on your style I think.

>> No.6977044

What are some other shops besides Bodyline that are machine washable? I know this sounds silly, but I live in a dorm and am planning on wearing toned-down lolita on a daily basis and I can't be dry cleaning everything.

>> No.6977046
File: 41 KB, 312x358, 96443_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the bell one everyone loves http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-302901031.10.EnDA7y&id=3486735318

I would stay away from the a-lines, I ordered the medium a-line and it came to me 4cm shorter than the measurements, full of holes, and the fabric will not relax, so it is lumpy and wrinkly (completly different material than the bell)

I do have the SUPER huge a-line (http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-189500549.61.AAGhxZ&id=9259665184)) but I haven't worn it yet because it is a damn monster. Pic on my dummy of it. You can just imagine adding actual legs/bloomers underneath how big it would be.

>> No.6977047

God that first one is a monster. I wonder if my Juliette et Justine chiffon dresses can even accommodate that much poof.

>> No.6977048

Vouching, these are the two I own.

>> No.6977050


Thank you!

>> No.6977061

Would a CP petticoat be too much for MM and VM dresses? I want the shape that their stock photos have and don't know if I should get the bell or a-line from CP.
help would be appreciated.

>> No.6977068

I believe a poofy A line would be best. See >>6977046 for an example, at least for MM

>> No.6977073
File: 2.93 MB, 1663x718, coord1and2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for some suggestions to spice up my coords (if I need to). I'm pretty new to lolita still, so I'm recycling some of my accessories and my shoes. These are my first two coords ever, so I hope they're okay. I feel like they need a little extra... oomph, but I don't want to go OTT.


ps sorry for the lighting in the right pic, it was night time

>> No.6977077

you'll have to show us pictures of the dresses in question. Both brands do a-line (mostly) with some bell shape.

If you're looking at their a-lines, remember that the pettis they use for stock are probably layered to make up for the fact that there are no legs/hips underneath to fill it out. I mean if you look at my picture >>6977046 this is pretty close to a lot of classic a-line stock photos, but when I actually wear that petti with a dress it's comical how god damn big the poof is with a person adding their shape underneath it.

I'd say if you stay away from the 'super explosive' a-line you'd be right on track with their photos. But I've had bad experience with the med/daily a-line from cp, so I wouldn't recommend it, but other people probably have better experiences to share. The a-lines from uh, rinrinhime? Look like they might be good too for those brands, but all depends on which dresses you mean.

>> No.6977087

that seems like too much flaring at the bottom for my taste.

>> No.6977090

my most popular outfit is only popular because some homosuck reblogged it
i mad, but at least it's one of my favorite outfits and they were nice

>> No.6977094

They have less poofy A-lines as well, Clobba has good english translations, explanations and examples of the main petticoats on his site (Clobbaonline.com)

>> No.6977097

Thanks! I will look into that.

>> No.6977100

yeah, you can see why I haven't actually worn it out!

>> No.6977114

Yes but somehow the itas squeak by anyway. I've been to two brand parties at conventions where the dress code specified a main piece by the brand, where there were 2-3 girls at each party getting by with like... a cutsew or a skirt in a terribly coordinated/otherwise non-brand outfit. Also I'm too lazy to look up that one Moitie ita but it's possible to be in head-to-toe brand and look like shit.

But yeah, if you have a good coordinate for it a casual or atypical main piece is not going to be horrible at a brand party.

(Sorry for email in field before - leftover from B/S/T post)

>> No.6977115

i'm not so sure about it. the material for the skirt is listed as something satin, but i'm unsure if it means the fabric has a satin effect, or if it is actually satin itself. and even so, you don't know how shiny it is until you see it IRL. also, the iron on print looks like tin foil...

i handwash my petti in cold water, hang my petticoat on a metal rack to drip, and sun it till it dries. no noticeable amount of difference in poofiness.

I think classical puppets has a physical store somewhere!

looks fine you're good to go anon

>> No.6977119

Those both look pretty good to me especially if you're new. What brand are the shoes on the right?

>> No.6977125

Speaking of the Moitie ita >>6973076

>> No.6977147

they're actually the same shoes haha the lighting is just THAT bad.
They're Meta but I have no idea what they're actually called. I guess just pink mary janes? I asked the seller I bought them from but haven't got an answer yet.

>> No.6977159

I always get really pissed off when people can't tell the difference between a bell-shapped petti. and an A-line, they suggest the wrong shape for someone to wear and say something like you can use an A-line if you roll the top up. The way a bell shaped petti looks under a A-line skirt is fucking stupid as hell.

>> No.6977167

Ok, this made me feel much better. Thank you!

>> No.6977188

Any tips on posing? I can't pose to save my life and look dumb when I try to imitate the popular lolitas.

>> No.6977213

You can wear a bell shaped skirt with an A line petti but NOT vice versa, I have no idea where people get "roll up the waistband from" - you CAN make an A line petti more bell shaped, but it works best with square dancing style pettis that don't have a yoke at the top (i.e. not the VGD ones...) and you have to fold and pin a layer (usually people do this to the top layer) to give it more volume at the top, like a bell shaped petti.

>> No.6977225

That used to be the in thing to do, back in the day that Malco Modes petticoats were considered the best.

>> No.6977242

And when the only bell shaped pettis available were handmade, ITS, or brand ones. Taobao kinda revolutionised petticoats.

>> No.6977277

Oh man, I remember how everyone raved about the ITS petticoats!

Thank the loli gods for Classical Puppets.

>> No.6977285

>but I don't want to go OTT.
Trust me, you're never going to accidentally go OTT.

>> No.6977330
File: 119 KB, 523x800, 2080384_111_副本.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i put a bunch of plush toys in my hair like this

>> No.6977341

I'm sorry if this was asked in the thread, but could you please tell me the name of the dress in OP's pic?

>> No.6977350

Something like "pressed dry flowers" I think. It is by Baroque.

>> No.6977351

Pearl Drops on the Dry Flower by Baroque.

>> No.6977355

they sprout out atop your head if you eat the original animals
(e.g if you want a rabbit plush on your hair, you have to eat rabbit meat)
if you want pastel animal toys to grow on your hair, you have to barbeque it over a rainbow. for those keen in guro creepy-cute soft toys, marinate live cats and bears in soya sauce and black sesame before cooking. if you want the soft toys to be guro but not creepy cute, do the same as above while playing mana's music in the background. if you're going for the gothic plushies route, avoid garlic in your diet.

if you want them soft and fluffy, you gotta smear butter and cream all over before cooking. if you prefer resin and plastic animals, knead your livestock into meatballs (preferably the size of usakumya's head or larger)

do this once a week and you should see results within 3 months. don't rush it, or the results will look like derpy-faced replicas. for best results, soak your hair in a marshmallow bath before a Kawaii Meal (this ensures your plushies will grow in rich colour, and not faded out)

>> No.6977358

Hello, I've been interested in lolita for quite some time now, but I honestly have no idea where to start. And tips for newbies here? I appreciate all the help.

>> No.6977360


>> No.6977362

It is posts like this that makes me love cgl.

>> No.6977363


thank you

>> No.6977366

Thank you so much! I've been picking an interest in the fashion for a while but haven't found any dresses that really catch my attention. Seems I've found the one.

>> No.6977368


buy a dress

>> No.6977372

Happy hunting then Anon! It might take awhile to find so be patient.

General advice? Get a petticoat (Shape will depend on your style) Basic blouses, and a dress.

Are you into gothic, classic, sweet? We could give better advice if we knew where you wanted to end up.

>> No.6977373

There are lots of different kind of lolita though, I'm wanting to make sure that I get the general idea right before splurging..

What's the difference between classic and sweet? Actually, I'd like to ease myself in before going all out with the poofs and frills. IS there like a transition style?

>> No.6977374

Otome is similar to lolita, so maybe look into that?

Sweet is usually bright pastels, and the like while classic is much more Victorian inspired and mature. The Lolita Handbook has decent explanations of the different styles of lolita I believe.

>> No.6977376

There is a handbook?! I will look into that, thank you for your help!

One last question, Otome, will that be in the handbook?

>> No.6977377

No, otome is newer than the handbook (The handbook is from 2006, so it's a bi outdated.) However there's usually an otome thread on here, or you can start one yourself.

Here's the handbook http://lolita-handbook.livejournal.com/

>> No.6977381

How do noobs find cgl but not the other important sites? And what is the point of the sticky if no one reads it? I hate noobs.

>> No.6977383

Forgot to mention that hellolace also has some style guides, and it's a little bit newer than the Handboo. Here's the one for Sweet http://hellolace.net/styles/ama

>> No.6977384

I'm sorry, but it's easier to get actual response from actual people who are part of lolita communities here than in other websites. I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you.

Thank you so much

>> No.6977390

Read the sticky. All those sites will answer your questions. Why do you need everything spoon fed to you?

>> No.6977391

I was politely asking for help. I have read the stickies and I apologize if I had other questions after reading it.You're the one who decided to be rude and bad mouth those who would like to be a part of the community in the future. How much more passive aggressive can you get?

>> No.6977392

I just got the super poofy petti from Snowfield in the mail today. It is a very extreme a line. I bought it in hopes of it working with my IW long length dresses and it seems like it will be just the petti for the job.

>> No.6977394

All newbies who ask stupid questions that are easily answered by some independent research are treated like the lazy brats they are.
Come back when you have researched and lurked enough to know how shit is run here.

>> No.6977396

How am I being passive aggressive? I am being pissed at you and being forward about it. And all the questions you asked can be found on the websites linked on the sticky and can be answered by yourself. How can we know what kind of styles you like? You can easily choose something that you fancy by browsing through pictures on Hellolace or Lolibrary. You can visit tumblrs of good lolitas and get coordination ideas. I don't see why you need to be so lazy and ask for help when you can easily find the answers.

>> No.6977397

Do you know how much is it by any chance? I saw it's in two other colorways but the pink one is the one I like the most.

>> No.6977398

Not a problem, we were all new once. EGL on Livejournal is generally a good resource, so if you have questions try browsing the tags and see what's been posted. EGL has been around for more than a decade so they've probably answered everything before. Seeing repeated questions tends to annoy people a bit.

Lurk the otome threads to see if that style will appeal to you as well, and if it appeals browse the tumblr tags.

>> No.6977400

>says that they read sticky
>doesn't know what the difference between sweet and classic lolita is

Confirmed idiot

>> No.6977402

I haven't seen the pink on comm_sales that I can remember, so I'm afraid I don't know. If you google "egl comm sales Pearl Drops on the Dry Flower" you might come up with some results.

It was an indie print from a few years back, so it might take some hunting.

>> No.6977406

>Come back when you have researched and lurked enough to know how shit is run here.
Oh there you go! Something helpful to contribute for once. Thanks for that little tidbit of information, all-knowing one.

>I don't see why you need to be so lazy and ask for help when you can easily find the answers.
Another all knowing one.
Interesting how the "sweet" and "cute" nature of lolita is the exact opposite of how you've been treating a newbie.

>> No.6977410

Aw, no worries! Seems like I've found a price. I'll keep an eye on it to see if something comes up. Again, thank you.

>> No.6977411


here we fucking go again

>> No.6977412
File: 120 KB, 1520x1080, 1357802512931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because you dress a certain way you must act a certain way
fuck you

>> No.6977413

>Interesting how the "sweet" and "cute" nature of lolita
>sweet and cute nature of lolita
>nature of lolita

there's no 'nature of lolita' we're just people, in clothes, with opinions.

>> No.6977416

Does that mean goth lolis need to be brooding and dark?

>> No.6977419

And this is why I fucking hate stupid newbies. They are all the same.

>> No.6977422


You do realize that by being catty bitches instead of going straight to the question and leaving it at that only creates an unnecessary amount of replies that have nothing to do with the thread?

Jesus fucking Christ you dipshits.

>> No.6977426

If idiot newb didn't ask a question, those replies wouldn't have happened in the first place, duh.

>> No.6977428

Commit suicide while wearing Iron Gate. That is what ultimate gothic lolitas do.

>> No.6977430

you left out "while playing mana-sama's music in the background"

>> No.6977433

It's a common misconception that lolitas are all nice and sweet and lovely. Lolita's come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and personalities, and we all just happen to like dressing like a cupcake.

>> No.6977436

I'm a petti addict, can you show us pictures of the shape under the iw dress please?

>> No.6977442

So, when you say "interested for quite some time now", you mean "interested for about 10 minutes" right? The best advice I can give to you is to lurk moar. Seriously, do lots of research, keep yourself updates on places to buy things, make lists of dream dresses, save pictures of coords that you like, and after you know what style you want to go for, and the general look you want to achieve, start buying. I mean, obviously you should get basics first, like a petticoat, shoes, socks, etc, but do lots of research before buying anything big! And don't expect people to do the work for you.

>> No.6977443

You do realize they're asking those questions because they're newbies, right?

If you wanted to be oh so straight to the point you could've left all the swearing and be "you should read the Sticky. There's a lot of information for you to read and it might be of more help than us".

Just because you're people with opinions doesn't mean you should act like fucking retards. And this has nothing to do with the fashion. It's simple courtesy.

>inb4 ur a whitenight or samefag

No, it's just that this attitude about bitching about newbies instead of going straight to the point and answering to their question is stupid.

Again, sage for no contribution.

>> No.6977446

I am thinking about doing a review with pics, but it will take a couple of days.

>> No.6977451

The thing is a lot of basic questions can be answered with just a few minutes of lurking or like, one search term on Google. Questions are acceptable, but when it's stuff like "what's the difference between classic and sweet" (coming from something who claims to have like the fashion for a long time, no less), it's exasperating because this is extremely common knowledge that should be known by someone who is trying to attempt the fashion. If they're so new that they don't know these things, why should we waste time attempting to educate someone who won't put effort into educating themselves?

>> No.6977454

Yes, because I am going to spend several minutes typing out the definition and giving examples of otome when mlle. noob can just go "I don't know what this otome thing is. I should put that word in google and see what it means"

In here we are generally helpful with specific questions from noobs, but shit you should just google is noob being rude and stupid. She will be treated thusly.

>> No.6977468
File: 213 KB, 480x726, airy_emily bodyline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, stop arguing and have some hoverlolis.

>> No.6977471
File: 319 KB, 480x640, hover_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6977488

I'm really hyped about that sale Innocent World has been doing. I just got one of my dream prints from there. Has anyone else gotten anything from it?

>> No.6977493

You reminded me I need that stupid birdcage neck corset. I love that thing so so much.

>> No.6977497

Yes! I got a dress that I have been in love with for the past 6 months. I finally have the money to spend on it, and it comes up in the sale!

This is why I love you, IW.

>> No.6977504

What did yo guys get?

>> No.6977505

I bought a few pairs of socks, a bag and the Bambi skirt! Unfortunately, Lidie OP sold out before they got to my order. I'm tempted to get some other OPs/JSKs to use as wardrobe fillers.
IW's customers service is so sweet!
Also, does anyone know how long it'll take IW to ship out items during sales?

>> No.6977510

That birdcage corset is so cute, but it's definitely not something I can coord with my closet. What kind of coord are you going to do with it?

That's such a good feeling! I'm just really really happy right now and I can't express it very well. I've always bought secondhand or indie brands, so to finally get a dress I love and to be the first owner is truly a great feeling. The only problem is now I know I'm going to be that crazy woman who sits by her door and anxiously waits for the mailman every day.

>> No.6977516

I got The Story of Queen and Angels OP in beige, the matching headbow, the twin ribbon bag in black, and the ivy logo kneesocks in black/gray and beige/black. Oh my god I've never spent that much at once but auugh I know once I have them, Im just going to wear them all the time. <3

>> No.6977526

I got the Rose and Playing Cards Ladder Lace Jumperskirt in green. When I was in Tokyo at the start of the year we went to the IW store and I was tossing up between that and Dollhouse Square Neck Jumperskirt (also in green). I went with Dollhouse and have been saving up for Rose and Playing Cards since.

I do know that feeling! All but 2 of my dresses are Bodyline or Taobao. I don't really like buying things secondhand anymore. I've had hand-me-downs and second hand items growing up, so now I like to save up and treat myself to something that is brand-new, all mine.

>> No.6977532

Nice choice! I think that OP is beautiful.

>> No.6977537

These look great, what are you doing for your hair?

>> No.6977538

I'm getting the bordeaux and black version because I have a lot of both of those colors in my closet. I tend to only buy solid pieces and use flashier accessories, so I think this is going to match everything else I have perfectly.

Part of me also wants the beige and black version but I'd need it to be stark white for what I have. Oh well.

>> No.6977549

I looked but didn't see anything I was really IN LOVE with enough to bother spending the money, even at the sale prices. I was really looking forward to Meta's summer sale but they didn't really have anything I was interested in either. I'm too fat for MM/VM/MMM and AP has rarely interested me, so now I'm just hoping for some neat taobao releases. I've got money to burn for the first time in a while and I want some new lolita stuff dammit!

>> No.6977566

Please get the new Infanta Odetta Mansion series. For me.

>> No.6977569

I was pretty close to ordering that JSK as well, since I'm kind of big and the measurements seem promising, but I remember seeing it come up on the sales comm and the seller said that despite the measurements the dress runs smaller than listed.... But the green color is really pretty! Although, I'm not used to seeing green and I'd have a hard time doing a coord with it since my wardrobe is mostly black or white.

Ahh I see. I would have never thought about doing something like that. I hope I see coord photos when you do it though. It would be interesting to see and I can only dream of wearing all white. I'm pretty clumsy so wearing light colors can spell out trouble for me.

>> No.6977573

I want the fucking rose cameo bolo tie. A mother fucking loli bolo tie. Fuck!

>> No.6977575

You mean R-Series? I dunno, I've heard mixed reviews about their fit, especially with that series.

>> No.6977584

Not trying to turn this thread into the taobao thread but....
Have you looked at the new print from Ista Mori? I'm going to try to nab it after the reservations are over, and it seems to accomodate a lot more sizes than other taobao stores. Just a suggestion though!

>> No.6977585
File: 25 KB, 225x300, 7671_300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I have some washing advice please? I recently spilled some water on my ETC Strawberry Polkadot JSK and the colour has run a little bit, not very noticeably. However I now need to clean it, should I handwash it first with water and vinegar or send it straight to the dry cleaner? Any advice appreciated.

>> No.6977588

Oh yes, Captain Mia? I pre-ordered that when it first appeared, waiting for it to ship this week with my old order. I'm just already compiling a new one, heh. I'm bad :(

>> No.6977607
File: 252 KB, 717x960, derpderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably throwing myself to the wolves for this but.

I'm trying to figure out if I should try to do a country coord with this dress. I believe it's a vintage country swing dance dress. I like the dress, but I just don't know if it'll work since I don't have much experience doing coords and very few lolita pieces as it is. Yes I know I'm a fatass.

>> No.6977610

for the candy fun fair jsk, I'm planning to use the kc and the hair combs simultaniously. Just bangs with pigtails, maybe have the ends curled. I actually did a test run with this tonight and really liked the way it came out (wayyy to shy to post the pics here tho lol)

for the whipped shirring I figured I'd do a really big sock bun and tease my hair as I go. I made a hair elastic out of pearls and stretchy stuff and hand crocheted some lace to go around it so it'll kinda look like a doily around the bun. The white bow is kinda big so I didn't want to do anything crazy.

speaking of bows, does anyone know a good way to liven up a sad/crushed bow?

>> No.6977614

I don't like the neckline, but otherwise that dress should be ok for a newbie. And stop fishing for compliments.

>> No.6977630

it's not really lolita but it's a regular-okay dress. you could pair it with white heels and bracelets.

>> No.6977635

Vintage or not, I think the dress is weird. Personally I dont like the neckline. It kind of eats away your upper body and makes you look overwhelmed. I also think country wouldn't be that busy, but what do I know. I'm not into that style. The color looks strange and I would imagine that finding accessories that are the same shade would be difficult.

Also dont call yourself fat. Not all of us are crazy and will rip you to shreds for weighing over 100 pounds. And it's depressing for those of us who weigh over 140....

>> No.6977665

Nah, go straight up vintage with it. It'll lend itself better to a country vintage look rather than having you try to pigeonhole it into lolita, imo.

>> No.6977685

I didn't order this and I regret it. Would it be worth opening another order for it? Haven't even got any word on my first order yet.

>> No.6977689

I'm new to Lolita, so I just received my first petticoat, and I have my first dress on the way... It's Bodyline because that's all I can afford at the moment, but I thought I made a rather good purchase. I hope, at least. I'm not going to be doing too much with this coord because I don't want to overdue it and risk running along the line of "ita" for my first co-ord, so I'm going to keep it relatively clean and simple. Fortunately, I already had a pair of shoes that will work perfectly with my co-ord. I can't get a wig, but my hair is nice enough to use naturally, so I'm not too worried.

I'm hoping to be able to buy brand items once I save the money, though.

>> No.6977690

Dry cleaner, if water makes it run...

>> No.6977696

I just placed an order with Bodyline tonight. I got two shoes as well as that JSK with the strawberries. Honestly I think some of their clothing/shoes aren't bad. I think it boils down to what you choose, and as for brand, secondhand is what I turned to when I first started. It helped me find what I was comfortable wearing.

>> No.6977719
File: 172 KB, 520x800, P1014524-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the price of the item, it's how you wear it. Example: this picture.

>> No.6977748

That hair is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6977789

Does anyone have a recommendation for a place to get long petticoats? I just ordered the maxi skirt from IW's sale and need a petti for it.

>> No.6977794


Black girls in Bodyline will get notes in the thousands. If you're white, don't expect anything over about 200.

>> No.6977796


Most AP nowadays is washable.

>> No.6977822

The Snow Field her A type petticoats are 56cm long. She sells them on Storenvy.

>> No.6977830

I don't think thats long enough. The skirt I got is ankle length, having the poof stop halfway migt be awkward

>> No.6977847

Different anon. Do you think her maximum puff petti would be too much for IW's short Pompadour JSK or AatP's corset skirts?

>> No.6977867

My blanc et noir actually ran pretty badly, but I accidentally put it in warm water. Not sure if you got a dupe or not. Where did you get them

>> No.6977878

I am anon who just got the Snowfield petti. For AATP corset skirts you would have to either roll up the hem or hike up the waistband because the petti is longer than the skirt. I know Snowfield made a short version but since I didn't buy one I cannot say if it would work but I am guessing yes

>> No.6977882

If you have t been invoiced yet (and they are running waaaay behind on invoicing) just order it and ask them to combine the 2 orders. IW is awesome and will do that for you.

>> No.6977892

I just made my first purchase from AP, and I'm curious how the status updates work. After paying the shipping and goods fees, I got email confirmations from PayPal for both, as well as the auto reply from the website for my order.

When I logged in to check the status, it listed the shipping as having been confirmed for payment, but the goods payment was still processing. Both amounts have been subtracted from my bank account. Is this normal? I just want to make sure I have my dress secured.

>> No.6977908

Did anyone else learn about lolita on their own, by doing research and lurking here and other places?

Seriously I've never asked a newb question before in my life because all the information you could ever want is at your fingertips

>> No.6977911

Yeah, but honestly, I feel like that was the majority of well-established lolitas. The stupid newbies are louder and therefore seem more abundant, but there are plenty of girls who figure this shit out on their own, for better or worse.

>> No.6977914

Thanks, anon. I was looking at the shorter version but was worried about it being too much poof. From what you say, it wounds like it'll be ok. I just want a comfy petti with some poof that I won't need a Shopping Service to buy!

>> No.6977918

Nope you're the only one ever. Congratulations

>> No.6977919

Well that's a disturbing trend. Especially since there's now more information and resources than there ever have been before for lolita.

>> No.6977920

It's obviously a figure if speech you ray of sunshine

>> No.6977925

For someone who claims to have never asked a newb question it was pretty newb-y, is all

>> No.6977938

What can you do though? The average internet user is much younger than they used to be, so we end up with a lot of resources but a shorter attention span/no desire to go out and find things for themselves. Which leads to shit like noobs buying DoL because it's the first pretty dress they see, no questions asked, and then throwing some wrinkly, saggy ass 'my lolita' on tumblr as soon as they yank it out of the mail.

>> No.6977958

All of my loli friends learned about lolita on our own. Two through an interest in Japanese culture and trips to Japan, one through simple interest in poofy dresses on the internet, and two from being Mana fans. But we're all oldfags and GLBs and shit were the best we had back then. I think most girls nowadays see it an anime conventions and take an interest, like how new people get into cosplay.

>> No.6977971
File: 321 KB, 1600x900, partners pleaasse naavy organdyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can be a huge problem for me since a tea length dress hits me right at or right above my knees. I haven't tried layering a cupcake over an a-line yet, But I think I'll get one now. I was wondering, since my legs are so long if a petti like this one would be good proportionately.

>> No.6977975

Why do people think otome is newer than lolita? Just like lolita, the major brands have been around since the 70s/80s. Just because it's more popular now and more well known in the west doesn't make it a new style...

For ankle length skirts, look for a "prairie slip" in a place that sells square dancing petticoats. Malco Modes makes one. They work similarly to the ones that people use for lolita - you may have to roll it or pin up the top tier depending on your height/the dress length.

>> No.6978035

Everyone i know learned about it alone. I found out about lolita through shitty ebay 'punk' stuff 7 years ago.

The buttmad is strong with this one.

>> No.6978068

I did the research on my own too. Got copies of GLB and looked at outfits of my favorite lolitas on daily-lolita. After that, I tried to emulate the things I liked.

However, if someone falls in love with an ita outfit or cosplay lolita, well, guess we can't do much.

>> No.6978078

how would one "re-poof" a petti? Mine's starting to deflate and I can't buy another for a while.

>> No.6978090
File: 27 KB, 500x281, 1370466658087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god the boobloaf.

>> No.6978156
File: 49 KB, 250x333, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get paid on thursday, don't you leave me Sugar Cake!

>> No.6978166

Starch it and hang it upside down, however this doesn't work for all of them.

>> No.6978168

Turn it inside out and steam it. You can also spray a little bit of starch on it while it's inside out if you want.

>> No.6978232


Mine are from, like, 2009 or 2009 or whenever taobao first became popular, so if they're still making the pettis the same, this should give everyone a view on how well they hold up over time.

I wear it out maybe once every two or three months, then I throw it in the washing machine. I dry it flat by spreading it out across my drying rack. For storage, I just leave it flat on a shelf. The inner skirt gets really wrinkled and is the only part I used to iron (I say used to because it gets wrinkled when I wear i anyways so lately I haven't bothered.)

It's still really poofy, enough that I had to buy seperate, less poofy pettis for daily wear. I *think* it has deflated a little bit over time, as I now layer my DC petti over my CP ones to get that perfect AP poof, but to be honest I never really tried for AP poof until recently.

tl;dr, yes, it's a good quality petti that you can throw in the washing machine and it'll hold up over the years.

>> No.6978237

I so upset, I've wanted the birdcage skirt but they only have he jsks

>> No.6978278

Anyone know what happened to Malco modes? All their pettis used to have Numbers, but now they have names.

I have always wanted 565, but I don't know what they renamed that one.

>> No.6978280
File: 176 KB, 800x800, 6_002001000002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, have any of you guys already bought something fom ETC's webshop?
I always loved ETC and I was waiting for this day since forever. I feel that there aren't many options, though, which disappoints me.
I'm only getting this dress and a couple of cutsews for now.

>> No.6978315

Celestial Delinquent's fees seem so high compared to other places though.

Arg. CP, why do you take so long to make your items.

>> No.6978317

I'm disappointed too. I'm actually too large for their dresses but was hoping to get some accessories, and the only things they have that I like are out of stock. I hope they restock/renew soon and regularly.

>> No.6978539

No. Because I've seen some amazing outfits with only 50 notes while other "e famous" girls get that in 2 minutes. You can have an amazing outfit and no notes especially if you have few followers v and the photo quality isn't that good. Youll also get more notes if you are wearing a print.

>> No.6978543

How much and when did you get your AP light petti? I love babydolls.

>> No.6978546

There's a bunch of "genuine" ETC and Jane Marple on taobao but it seems overpriced. I only really like otome, therefore I'm feeling down.

>> No.6978550

Wear white t-strap mary janes with heels and add a boating hat

>> No.6978603
File: 6 KB, 800x64, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone? I'm not familiar with their system, and would like to know I'm getting my dress(considering the money is out of my account). It says I paid for shipping, but not the goods, even though I got a confirmation from paypal for both. Pic related.

>> No.6978637
File: 182 KB, 573x831, so shiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a closer look at the other pictures and I it is quite shiny, you can see it a lot on the wine version. What a shame...
I really wanted this dress.

>> No.6978672

Bridal petticoats on eBay. Giant marshmallow wedding dresses don't poof themselves

>> No.6978758

AP will send you an email once your payment is confirmed.

>> No.6978787


The status thingy sometimes takes a day or two to update, if you've got the paypal confirmation, just give it a day or two and it should clear itself right up.

(Mine usually happens to the shipping, although lately it's been spot-on accurate though. I'm not sure exactly why it sometimes glitches that way.)

If it doesn't, use the contact board to contact the shop (not the shipping centre) with your paypal transaction ID. Hopefully it clears up for your though, AP International is kind of slow at responses.

>> No.6978803

What do you guys think of independent designs? Or, making your own dress? has anyone attempted it here? How'd it turn out?

>> No.6978885

CD's fees are about the same as TBS's I believe, and she has really cheap shipping options that make up for it.

>> No.6978886

Have any of you had shipping problems with IW before? I got a skirt from their last sale through an SS since the sale was only in Japanese at the time but it failed to be delivered or redelivered. It's been 1 month too and the SS contacted them 2 weeks ago. They seem to be busy with the sale going on I guess. I'm just wondering if IW will likely refund me if the item fails to be delivered or how their policy is with that.

>> No.6978892
File: 143 KB, 800x800, 1_002002000004[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm more surprised they had anything on there that would fit me at all. I'm not a landwhale but i'm thicker round the waist (80 cm) and i was surprised they had shirred pieces available at all. cute as fuck too

>> No.6978918

Thanks! I dug around their website and saw that it was written in their domestic shopping guide that I could do this, so went ahead and did so. Also got an alecon jsk, because why the hell not?

>> No.6978940

Question about meet ups:
Do you talk about each others' coords (give compliments, ask about items, etc.) at them? I recently went to my first meet up and asked about an accessory, and the girl was kind of weird about it. I'm not the most socially gifted person in the world, but I didn't think I was being weird or anything.

>> No.6978966

I do, at least. It's a good way to get into a conversation with people, just ask about their dress/accessories/whatever else and go from there. You were probably just being paranoid or the girl was nervous or something.

>> No.6978994

The last time I asked for a quote from her the fees were pretty high so I ended up going elsewhere

Also SAL is cheap with every SS

>> No.6979056

Yes, always, that's typically a good icebreaker. Although there was this one girl who came to a meet once and flat out refused to talk to people, if you tried or asked her about anything she'd give you a one word response (like "thanks") and just stare at you until you left. I'm not the most socially apt person myself but I tried to engage her for a while thinking she was just shy and needed me to carry the conversation and my efforts were completely in vain.

>> No.6979106

I try to at least compliment everybody on their outfit or strike a conversation about their accessories at a meet. Most people I've talked to usually have some kind of story about what they are wearing and it's interesting to hear how they got the item (fierce battle on mbok, searching for months on end, got it for a discount, etc.) or why they like it so much (dream dress, collector of ___ print, little details of the dress, etc.).

>> No.6979165

More or less, it's more about picking something that you like. Look at pictures, sites like hello-lace and lolibrary, as well as brand sites and figure out what tickles your fancy, then go from there. When I started, I made a folder of dresses I really liked. I found when I started that I was super-attracted to bright rainbow colored sweet things. While I still like those sorts of prints, I'm taking a liking to more mature and toned down prints as well. There's no reason why you can't dabble in all styles you like. The only difficulty will be cost, since it's hard to build up a decent wardrobe to begin with and then adding separate styles on top of that. Not impossible though. I've only been into the fashion for a year and I have a good sized sweet wardrobe with a bit of classic and gothic.

My tip for this would be to pad your wardrobe with some bodyline, as well as hit up thrift stores for blouses, cardigans and shoes.

>> No.6979181

I'm always asking about what print and brand is that because I fail at recognizing this kind of stuff and it gets people excited or talking about how they acquired it in an auction, website, etc.

>> No.6979222

I've never used japonica to bid and I sent them an emergency payment for an auction. I payed them my max bid and then they went and bid my max, raising the auction by like 50 bucks and someones outbid me now.
Do they like bid your max bid, am I just being stupid? Wouldn't they do it by the increments?

>> No.6979230

>Do they like bid your max bid, am I just being stupid? Wouldn't they do it by the increments?
All services do this unless you use one that has a real-time bidding script. They don't have the staff to devote the time to increasing the bid by 500yen every time you get outbid, so they put your max in and let the site's automation take over from there.

>> No.6979235

Have you never used an auction site like eBay before? Why would they not put in your max bid? Do you know what a pain in the ass it would be to for them to increase the bid all the time? When the max bid is put in, the auction site will automatically bid for you up until the point your max bid is reached.
Mamma teach.
For example, the auction is currently at 100. Your max bid is 200. If the bidder at 100 has a max bid of 195, and the service places your bid, it will push the auction up to 196. You are the current winning bidder. If somebody else bid 201, the auction goes up to 201, and you are no longer winning.
Does that make sense at all?

>> No.6979242

Except, I'm bidding on two things. One they put my max, and another they put 500 yen less than my max. Which is why I was wondering.

Yes, I understand how bidding works. Thanks for taking the time to type that out though, Mama.

>> No.6979245

How do you know they bid less than your max bid?
Did you bid 150, and they only bid 145 so the auction is being won by another bidder at 146?

>> No.6979269

I paid x for one bid, they bid on item my full x amount. Someone outbids my x amount.
I paid y for another bid, they bid on the item less than my full y amount. Currently winning this bid.

>> No.6979272

wuick question, is wearing a long sleeve blouse with crew socks contradictory?
I'm trying to make a coord but for some reason I think it doesn't make sense to wear long sleeves with crew socks.
>looking for confirmation or rebuttal

>> No.6979274

They put in Y, then, but since you're winning, no one has forced the bid to your max yet. Using the other anon's example:

Your max is 150. Someone else bid 144. This pushes the auction to 145. Until someone bids 149 or higher, the bid will not touch your max.

>> No.6979296

herp derp ac name from /vg/

hi, I bought it second hand for like 15usd I think? Sorry I can't tell you more, I can look at the tag when I get home if you like? it's it really soft tulle with lace detail on the hem and it's black, I'll try lolibrary to find it for you too

>> No.6979297

I don't think it's weird. But then, if it's summer I guess even it were a long sleeve blouse, it'd be chiffon or a lighter fabric.

>> No.6979303

I Believe it is this one http://lolibrary.org/apparel/pannier-22s-1018 though mine is used, so it is much more uh... I don't want to say 'limp' but these stock pictures give the impresison of the slightest cupcake shape up top, but mine is def a-line though it is very light obviously, but I think it's this model! hope that helps! I will check the tag later :)

>> No.6979306

Oh okay, that makes sense. Thanks!

>> No.6979310

Nah, I think it's fine.
There are days when it's cool enough to wear long sleeves but not actually cold so having bare legs wouldn't seem weird.

>> No.6979311

Who else cant stand crew socks? Sometimes I like the tights that brands release, but even then i wouldnt wear it with the print, I think it makes everything too busy.

>> No.6979319

I personally don't like socks in general. I love tights though. I always feel like tights tend to flatter everybody in general while socks only work certain people.

>> No.6979343

Same here. I've got stumpy legs and fat calves so OTKs and such do me no favors. Tights are awesome, I just need to find a good source for printed or oddly patterned ones that'll fit my fat legs.

>> No.6979612

I've got like...cyclist's legs (I do triathlon/karate), so fairly small ankles and then muscle the whole way up...I find tights or OTKs are best for me since the way under-knee socks cut me off draws attention to how big my legs/calves are.

>> No.6979625

I've never had a problem with Innocent World, sometimes their items show up to my house in less than a week. I'm sure they're busy, but they will probably refund you if the item was lost or damaged.

>> No.6979664
File: 406 KB, 500x635, tumblr_m8nvnesdTz1qgxki3o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is this cat dress from? I need it in my life and I can't seem to find it anywhere.

>> No.6979674

Etsy is spam, but search search something like "Lolita Kitties and Bows", you should find it. I forgot it existed, it's really cute!

>> No.6979690
File: 111 KB, 570x860, il_570xN.337246383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this on etsy, surely it's not the same one?
>dat construction

>> No.6979698

After I made that comment, I looked further, it's just Japanese fabric, so you could probably find that + a good seamstress.

>> No.6979702

Ah only saw that now! I just assumed it was an actual dress from an actual brand since I've seen a few that have the same hem and general look as the two in that picture.

>> No.6979731
File: 222 KB, 440x634, rococo soul 8jul-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know when they're actually going to start selling it, but here you go

>> No.6979975

Is this the one with the kitty bows on the waist ties or was that another Taobao brand? Because that shit was the fucking cutest.

>> No.6979977

*kitty paws

>> No.6979983

Wow awesome! I saw a dress with this print in the comm sales, and fell in love, so glad that they making pretty dresses from it. Is it recent? i can't find anything about it on their website :(

>> No.6980002
File: 108 KB, 300x670, kitty ties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, it was Infanta. Check these sweet ass waist ties.

>> No.6980010
File: 124 KB, 640x428, DSC_1779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought this off the comm from a wonderful lady in Australia. I thought for a long while I was losing my love for lolita fashion... until I saw it. I'm in love again. c:

It's definitely my favorite thing in my wardrobe right now.

>> No.6980012

That's great! Congratulations, it's an adorable dress.

>> No.6980025

Tips for a beginner to build up a wardrobe?

>> No.6980027

kitty paws dress from infanta, what is this dress called?/ more pics where can i buy it?

>> No.6980032


Check the taobao thread.

>> No.6980044

Every single Tumblr post ever.

>> No.6980089

>buy good shit, invest in it
>buy shit that goes with it
>buy other shit that goes with the second shit
>keep doing this shit until youve got a shitload
>refine your shit
>repeat all the above shit

>> No.6980327

> Get one main piece (skirt/dress)
> Make two co-ords with that piece (blouse, shoes, tights, etc)
> Get one main piece that goes with each of those co-ords
> Make new co-ord with each of the new main pieces
> Rinse and repeat

Also don't buy a whole bunch of secondhand shit because it's cheap. I did that and now I've got to try and fob off an IW replica and a bad lace cat dress on to some noobs or something. (I still have the first dresses I bought, though).

>> No.6980346


Thank you, I did indeed get my confirmation from them last night!

>> No.6980417

For the Angelic Pretty tea party at AR it says that the main piece needs to be AP. If I wore an AP skirt with a non-AP blouse would it be ok?

>> No.6980420

Yeah, I think so. It wouldn't be okay the other way around, but I think a blouse is usually considered a secondary item, in comparison to skirts and dresses.

>> No.6980450

I think so, and if you have a majority of AP accessories along with it will probably help.

>> No.6980498


Absolutely not. If you're fat and/or black you're automatically going to get 3oo+ notes, regardless if your outfit is shit or not.

>> No.6980567

Really? When I bid last time using Japonica, they bid incrementally. Was the auction on Y!J or Mbok?

>> No.6980588

It was on Mbok
I lost both auctions ;_;

>> No.6980590

Oh mine was on Mbok too, how weird. And I'm sorry to hear that! :(
I lost like 3 of my first auctions before I won anything (all dream items too ugh). But don't lose hope yet! good luck!

>> No.6980600

Sorry to hear you lost Anon. I lost my first auction on a dream item, but I won my second and got really lucky! (Would've been more lucky if someone hadn't tried to snipe me)

The auctions are pretty fun though. I was hoping to win a wishlist print since I got a wishlist solid, but so far no dice and the month Japonica will hold things is coming to an end.

>> No.6980613

That's odd. I thought they just placed your max and called it a day. The site displays bids in increments as other bidders bid against you, but Japonica isn't placing a bid each of those times. Whenever I've lost an auction, it's because my max was lower than the closing price of the auction.

>> No.6980616
File: 40 KB, 250x333, melty jsk pink white_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a quick outfit question. I have pic related, and I recently found a nice long sleeved chiffon blouse in vertical pink and white strips. Weirdly enough, the stripes are the exact same size and shade as the stripes on the dress, so I bought because shit like that is never going to happen again. I was just curious though if it might be too visually overwhelming to wear the blouse and the dress together?

>> No.6980620

if the blouse is a sheer chiffon I think it should be fine, since you would only get a hint of the stripes, but you would def still be able to tell they were there. If it's dark and obviously striped, I probably wouldn't do it, until you have something to really balance out the bottom

>> No.6980662

Damn, those are sweet!

>> No.6980674

a pic would be good if you want us to give some legit concrit

>> No.6980705
File: 373 KB, 518x778, IMG_1815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic as suggested. pardon the yellow lighting.

i think they're pretty subdued. i think pastels being in right now was a small blessing.

>> No.6980711

dat ugly detailess un-loli blouse

please don't wear glorious melty choco with that

>> No.6980714

I do think it looks overwhelming. Like its a whole dress with the stripes sort of completing eachother.
When I look at it, I just wonder: "why didn't she just get the OP?"

>> No.6980718

perhaps the op didn't fit her across the shoulders

>> No.6980720

going to have to agree, the stripes and color match are nice but the plain details are really blah to me

>> No.6980721

I think it's cute as an outfit, but not so much as a lolita coord, since I feel that the blouse detracts from the overall lolita look.

>> No.6980727

picture request anon here
I think if you can sew, loli up the blouse a little. Even if you make a detatchable lace jabot or peter pan collar or something to cover up the normal straight line collar.

If you're feeling particularly adventurous, pop the buttons off the wrists and replace them with some nice gold ones, you could also add nice white or brown cotton lace around the wrist cuffs too.

tl;dr - don't wear it as is, make it more loli-able if you're good with sewing.

>> No.6980735

sounds cute.

iron it maybe? if it's iron-able material. just go slowly and use the lowest setting.

>> No.6980861

i've tried that because that was the first thing to come to mind. I even tried to spray starch it a little from far away and it's still kinda droopy :( it's the waist bow in >>6977073 (the right dress). You can kinda see how it kind looks wonky

>> No.6980975

I find starting with a basic white blouse (or cream if you are going classic, black for gothic) a good start. Sockdreams is good for cheaper legwear to start with. I thrifted and went through bodyline for a lot of my first blouses. Then start adding in more colors that will work with what you have. I like to pick a color that appears in the prints that I own and works universally between them. I wear a lot of sweet, so I started with white -> pink -> lavender -> mint. I'm currently working on building up a classic/gothic wardrobe as well, so now I'm adding cream/ivory and black into the mix which will also work with some of my sweet items as well.

Shoes can be tricky. Bodyline and Dreamv is a decent go-to for the price, but I've been investing in more tea parties for the sake of having basic comfortable shoes that coordinate with things. With classic and gothic, it's easier to find nice pumps in thrift shops or regular stores.

>> No.6980999

God no, I wouldn't wear this by itself. I was thinking of layering one of my short sleeved peter pan collared blouses underneath it, since the collar sits right on top of it and covers the neckline completely. I don't normally like my blouses to have a lot of detail anyway, since it doesn't look that great on me.

Hm, I thought so. Somehow it looked better in my head, but this is what second opinions are for.
I don't do well with OP's because yeah, shoulders. I'm basically built like a shapeless upside down triangle, so OP's don't do much to flatter that aspect.

Actually just mentioned above that I was going to layer one of my peter pan collared blouses underneath it, so the collar lays on top to cover the neckline. I'll keep an eye out for some lace and nicer buttons though.

Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.6981000

My mom always washes my grimoire tights much to my annoyance and they've never ran. I think you got screwed over, too.

>> No.6981013

Oh man I know this fee and I don't even live with my mum.
She comes over and sticks all the tattoo tights I usually handwash in a massive load and they come out a plain tights.
Go away, mum!

>> No.6981081
File: 84 KB, 1039x681, img_3191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have any recommendations for petticoats from Japanese websites? I've found a few recommendations for cheap ones by searching in Japanese, just wondering if anyone has any experience. I need it within the next couple weeks so CP and Victoriangirldress aren't really options. Any Japanese source would be okay since my SS can get it to me pretty quickly. Or any other recommendations for something that will get to me quickly would be awesome too (looking for mildly poofy a-line). Thanks in advance.

>> No.6981082

Maxicimam petticoats are supposed to be pretty okay? Dunno about price points, though.

>> No.6981085


what shape are you looking for?

malcomodes will get you a cupcake
f+f might be a good option for aline?

>> No.6981089

After refreshing the page for this dress every 5 minutes since the shop went up, I today decided that I will treat myself with the mint version. It's a little gift for myself, because I'm just writing my bachelor thesis and me and my friends got a good deal for a project after university just yesterday...so I celebrate that with my first brand that is not second hand (and my favorite brand, too). I'm so excited and happy!

>> No.6981109
File: 53 KB, 675x646, cp_petti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have time after the event, the CP one works great for the eternal A-line poof

>> No.6981114

Where is the best place to buy some blouses to fill out my wardrobe? I struggle with picking out blouses, the only time I found ones I liked were the Krad Lanrete Phantom Opera blouses.

>> No.6981126

Anyone here know a good place to get a custom-colour headbow?

>> No.6981137

Seconding this. I've had trouble justifying buying brand headbows new lately. It just seems so strange to pay so much for such little fabric and and something so easily made. I just hate not having matching bows.

>> No.6981150


>> No.6981151

69th department? They do direct email order as well

>> No.6981155

their sizes were really off the last time i ordered from them. i bought an XL, which was supposed to be at least 104cm in the bust, and when it arrived it measured 94cm around. but they have nice customer service, and relatively good english.

>> No.6981250

Hey, I'm >>6981089 and I'm stuck in the checkout process. I think their guide is not the best, for example I didn't know I had to write my name also in katakana? I couldn't even read the error message, so I was just lucky that the girl that sits next to me at university could read it. Now I want't to pay via Paypal, but there is no option for it? Were you able to pay via paypal?

Any help would be really appreciated!

>> No.6981415

Anyone know a place to buy cute (but affordable) sailor hats?

>> No.6981446

If you type your name into google translate and translate to Japanese, it'll put it in katakana for you (as long as your name isn't also a noun or something).

>> No.6981454

Thank you, but the girl actually also wrote it for me :) I guess I did everything right, but I just don't know why I can't pay with paypal. I don't know why they opened a shop saying "It's also for our international customers!" but do not even bother to translate the checkout form. I just hope I can find someone who already ordered something, or maybe is willing to just try to order something and see if the paypal option is available.

>> No.6981461

Scroll down

>> No.6981463

To the contact mail address? It's not like I didn't read the whole page before.

>> No.6981596


Can somebody translate this? Is it like they want to put customers' cat pics on dresses?

>> No.6981604

Just a question out of curiosity.

Which lolita came first: the book or the style?

>> No.6981606

The book, obviously.

>> No.6981612

Attention cat lovers! Your cat may have a chance to appear on a future print from Juliette et Justine. They are accepting photos of cats and the requirements are as followed:
- No eating/drinking photos
- No blurry photos
- No glowing eyes
- No acrobatic poses
- About 2MB per photo
- Resolution of 1500x1000 pixels or higher
- If you are sending more than one photos please compress them into 1 .zip file
E-mail your photos to juliette_et_justine_cat (AT) yahoo.co.jp with the following information:
- Your name and contact information
- Your cat's name and gender
The deadline is Friday, July 26th at 10:30 AM (Japan time)
JetJ owns the right to use the photos you submit. They will only contact the person whose photos are chosen.
If any part of my translation is wrong please correct me :)
Original information is here http://juliette-et-justine.com/user_data/plan_cat.php

>> No.6981626
File: 733 KB, 397x298, 2oF2Pz8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd submit but I have a feeling they won't be looking for a black and white cat

>> No.6981644

Aw man, I have a really cute cat but for some reason she doesn't photograph well. I think it's just my camera though, the colours don't come out right and make her look all ginger instead of silvery peachy.

>> No.6981652

My cat is an average shorthair american cat, but a friend of mine has two gorgeous persians. Do you think they'd get fussy if you submitted pictures of a cat that isn't yours? I mean I see the cats every other week, I love them to bits and pieces. Sob.

>> No.6981656
File: 44 KB, 320x240, Chi YAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man

oh man

crazy cat lady mode engage

>> No.6981662

Man. I wonder if my sphynxes stand any chance at all..

>> No.6981681

I don't think it matters - it's not like they're going to interview the cat. I'm going to send photos of my former cat that died because she was so photogenic.

>> No.6981702

I'm going to my first meetup on Sunday, very excited. Do you guys have any advice for a new lolita though?

>> No.6981728

So taking part! Finally my derpy-ass yet majestic looking mainecoon found his place to shine! Now if only I could get him to stop chewing up sunglasses long enough to make a cute pose.

>> No.6982044
File: 995 KB, 500x263, 309rqjo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw egyptian print with sphinx cats

>> No.6982331

oh god that would be amazing, throw a few ankhs in there. hnnnghhh

>> No.6982614

I just joined the FB sales. I'm so used to the comm sales from my years of buying on there. Is there anything I should know about LSE? It seems more disorganized, what with bumping posts and linking wherever the fuck you want with no real descriptions of items sometimes. Should I just stick to LJ and Mbok/Y!J?

>> No.6982747

You can find some good deals, but it's disorganized as fuck. It's also slow moving. If you want something big sold immediately, I'd recommend the comm sales for more attention. But if you scroll for awhile, and check various albums, you can find some decent stuff. Always check feedback as scamming is a lot more common there and harder to track.

>> No.6983165
File: 154 KB, 800x600, 1349437381599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the release
Lolitas clawing at each other for dresses: Crazy cat ladies edition.

>> No.6983168

I wonder if you get a free item for having your cat on it?

Also in b4 someone with a stolen photo wins it, buttmad ensues
calling it now

>> No.6983273

I doubt it. At best they might give you a 5% discount but I even doubt that.

>> No.6983361
File: 261 KB, 450x600, tumblr_mpvjv20Sg41s8dlnko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this on tumblr. Sorry it's from one of those confessions things.

How true is this? It seems like a sound idea (I haven't noticed the 'wrinkled' effect due to my skirts/dresses being heavy) but I've never heard of this advice before. And if it is truly helpful, how would I go about getting an underskirt like this, short of making one? I have a chiffon skirt from taobao (little dipper), but I'm pretty sure that if anything, it'd make the problem worse.

Also yes, I'm a newbie. I just never heard this before.

>> No.6983411

no. every underskirt is not cut the right way for every petti or jumperskirt/skirt you will wear. the underskirt will just weigh down your petti and make your legs hotter. it will also stick out from under your skirt/jsk and look weird. if the skirt is well-lined, and you have adequate poof. you should be fine.

>> No.6983529

Thanks. I might not even mess with it, since you confirmed my thoughts of how much of a hassle it is. It definitely seems easier to stalk and sell on LJ still.

>> No.6983701

Agreed. I don't know what the secret maker was thinking. That is why Baby's dresses are at least lined in the skirt but not the bodice. What I like so much about AP is the built in petticoat because it helps a lot in regards to smoothing things down.

>> No.6984100

Does anybody happen to have pictures of Holy Angel worn?

>> No.6984619
File: 286 KB, 500x336, tumblr_ma80pskYSQ1rwfpzco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi Related, but Does anyone have any reccomendations for some cute loli music? I need a lovely bland soundtrack for my time when I work in the craft shop. All my music is too intrusive(capsule, ) or too shite(Baroque orchestrals). I sort of want some cute piano songs that are a bit upbeat and I know shit about contemporary classical.

>> No.6984894

I have an IW OP that does this, so irritating

>> No.6985061

Is it just me or is Angelic Pretty's english site down? I went to see if the Victoria dress is available but can't seem to get into the shop from the splash page, and then when I loaded the online shop from cache, I can't click on any of the categories.

And then when I loaded the jsk page from cache as well all the categories are empty...

>> No.6985063
File: 21 KB, 253x210, down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's down!
Related to AP, did anyone else see their new British College (?) Series on their Japanese page? It's adorable.

>> No.6985355

I haven't seen it yet. I'll have to go look.
