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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6961665 No.6961665[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know the drill. What are your upcoming cosplay plans?


>> No.6961768

Just Dirk Strider for now. I got a nice wig to start off with, so that needs to be styled, and I need to get my glasses somehow. And, I'm getting a Derse Dreamer outfit commissioned. Meanwhile, I could probably whip up his regular outfit fairly easily for other cons or meets. Thankfully he's got a simple prop, that is, a katana.

>> No.6961792

Not sure if I'm going to be doing any homestuck for a while, but I have a few unfinished cosplays that I kinda want to start back up on again.

>> No.6961805

I've been doing the same old human-ish spades slick for like 3-4 cons and I want to make a robo-arm, spice it up a little. But I am honestly scared to try that hard a prop.

>> No.6961810

If you're too scared to try making something like a robo arm, you shouldn't be cosplaying.

>> No.6961813

That is a good point. It's a good thing that's pretty much the only cosplaying i've done then.

Time to quit forever.

But no, seriously. Gonna make me a robo arm.

>> No.6961974

Why don't we start addressing our threads as MSPA General instead? I think it'd encourage more cosplay, and possibly less of /just/ HS with the casual PS. I know HS is the most popular MSPA comic, but there are still many cosplays of the others and I think it'd be cool to see more of them. And if for some reason your answer to that is it's "implied" to be MSPA, not just HS, then why can't we name it MSPA anyway?
Just a thought, I think it'd be a good idea.

>> No.6961980

frankly i think a lot of people just don't care about problem sleuth or the other comics. homestuck is the biggest attraction for them. i've read PS and i enjoyed it, but as far as cosplay goes, it doesn't really interest me.

>> No.6962018

im assembling a squiddles group

>> No.6962031

It probably wouldn't be a bad idea, especially with HS likely coming to an end in the near future.

But, like the other anon said, Homestuck is the one with the biggest draw.

I know I've seen the /co/ general talk about calling it "Hussie Stuff" general after Homestuck ends, so maybe something like that could happen?

>> No.6962040

I'm also planning on cosplaying Slick with a robo arm later this year. I haven't started it yet but I don't think it looks that hard, it just requires more time and effort. Look up some tutorials for automail arms and the like, or even general armor ones, and you'll get a lot of good ideas to get started with.

>> No.6962176

Eridan, Dreamer!Dave, and God Tier!Dirk.

Hoping to at least have Dirk done for AWA for a group with friends.

>> No.6962217
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loud sigh

>> No.6962300

jade, and it's probably going to be my last homestuck cosplay for a few cons, sadly. i need a little break, haha.

>> No.6962325
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>> No.6962331

After how impossible it was to deal with the Homestuck gathering at Acen I'm pondering giving up on HS cosplay. It was ridiculously crowded :(

>> No.6962333
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>> No.6962342
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>> No.6962347

Why do people make animal ears with the fur pointing towards the head, have you never touched a dog before ):

>> No.6962348
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>> No.6962355
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>> No.6962363
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>> No.6962440

that is not flattering in any way

>> No.6962481

So what's up with this Homestuck Hunters thing?

>> No.6962506
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neither is anything posted this thread other than the OP.

>> No.6962525

IF the sleeves were hemmed, that'd automatically be 1000% better

>> No.6962584
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>> No.6962589

Davesprite, Trickster Roxy, and god tier Roxy right now.

Also doing a fem Dirk with a full alpha group, where we're ACTUALLY buying new clothes and not just doing the exact same with boobs.

>> No.6962594
File: 193 KB, 500x736, tumblr_ma6ymrUGf21qbcfv3o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell did she do to this dress?

>> No.6962599

god, i fucking hate it when jade cosplayers use rhapsody wigs for jade

>> No.6962601

this could potentially be promising? my kingdom for a good sufferer cosplay.

>> No.6962619

Normally I'd agree with you because curly hair in general for Jade makes no goddamn sense but I believe grimbark Jade's hair is shown to be fuller/messier

>> No.6962621

I personally like it, but then again I'm a cosplay pleb. WHat's wrong with it?

>> No.6962628

... the dress is butchered? way too short and the green parts look atrocious

>> No.6962630
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>> No.6962639


Dude, what the fuck? Agehachou is usually so much better than this. I'm really disappointed in her right now.

>> No.6962648

What is the preferred sealer to use when cosplaying homestuck?
I'm trying not to get shit everywhere

>> No.6962652

Ben Nye seems to be the preferred sealer though honestly if you dust liberal amounts of baby powder itll be just fine.

>> No.6962653

ben nye. get both the powder and the final seal.

>> No.6962673

I've recently acquired a black rhapsody wig and am thinking of reusing it for a future Aradia cosplay, since her hair is so wild. Thoughts, anyone?

Means I'll have to center part the damn bangs, though.

>> No.6962679

Final Seal's never worked for me for some reason. Did I just get ripped off with some undrying mint-scented knockoff?

>> No.6962690

oh christ
Yeah, I see the problem now

>> No.6962691

Final seal has never worked for me either. Hmm. Baby powder gets the job done though.

>> No.6962708


By not working did it just smudge everywhere?
Eh, baby powder is cheaper anyways.

>> No.6962711

Honestly the only character who could probably work with a rhapsody wig is the Disciple. Aradia's hair seems to be more wavy than anything

>> No.6962718

There was some thread where some anon mentioned something you spray on before you put on Ben Nye. I thought shit, are my problems caused by me doing it wrong? Checked the label, nope I got Final Seal and it goes on second. It just fails to do much of anything.

Kryolan Fixing Spray, now, I swear by that shit.

>> No.6962723

Aradia's hair is wavy but not the curly most cosplayers go for. Actually, since she's supposed to be based on Japanese horror films, "stringy-haired" seems apt for her. A rhapsody could work if chopped and styled enough.

>> No.6962737

It depends on the makeup. I've tried it with different kinds in the desperate hope that I hadn't wasted my money.
Ben Nye creme based: smears off almost immediately, barely seems more effective than not using anything at all
Kryolan water based: worked, but I felt like a sticky mess and was afraid to touch anything

>> No.6962740

And by worked I mean the color didn't melt off or anything.

>> No.6962747

If someone actually went for stringy hair we'd all be mocking their shitty stringy wig and we all know it

>> No.6962790


It's just super fickle. You have to basically spray it into the air and walk into it in hopes that enough got enough on, but not too much that it smudges the make up.
Final seal is mentioned a lot for their cream colors, but it's actually meant more for their magicolor aqua paints.

>> No.6962833

Going as kururu for otakon. Going to repaint my pair of senns for the occasion. It is an easy cosplay but I am going to try to add a bit of flair, like his bag or some shit.

>> No.6962852

Just a bunch of edgy faggots.

>> No.6962890
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So does anyone have any pics of Hussie or cosplayers with Hussie? And yes, the more embarrassing/cringeworthy the better.

>> No.6962892

>the comments

this is why homestuck has a bad reputation in the cosplay scene.

>> No.6962897
File: 169 KB, 700x800, 1368769901268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So at what point is it acceptable to buy parts of clothing instead of making them? I'd personally say suits (assuming you tailored them/had them tailored for you), very basic t-shirts, and other really simple common items.

>> No.6962900

Holy shit
I'm new to cosplay in general but that made me legitimately angry

>> No.6962906


>Wait wtf is wrong with movie 3d glasses?? Im not gonna fuckin buy some glasses online and pop the damn lenses out and all that shit. 3d movie glasses are fine!! Nobody cares if you buy this stuff at the dollar store!!! Talk about stuckup gosh. This has good tips but jesus half of them are rude as fuck

oh my fucking god

>> No.6962915

>Just because someone choses a cheaper route doesnt mean their cosplay will look cheap.this turorial is pretty much for the stuck ups who think it has to be high priced to look good.it doesnt matter how muh money is spent on the cosplay only the amount of effort.3d movie glasses are fine, painting a shirt is fine, party wigs are fine.as long as you putthe amount of effort into somethingto get it the way you like it then its good.not everyones capable of buying every little detail themselves.
What, you can't afford a 15-20 dollar wig? Seriously?

>erm okay not to be rude but this is for my followers to know, and im not saying these are bad suggestions these are great if you have the money for it! You canuse party wigs for your cosplay, I use party wigs for both my John and Dave cosplays! If you want to paint your shirts go for it! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH BEING CHEAP WITH YOUR COSPLAY IT ALL EPENDS ON HOW MUCH YOU PUT INTO IT!! IF YOUR COSPLAY IS CHEAP IT WILL NOT LOOK CHEAP!! I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT COSPLAYING ON A BUDGET WILL NOT HURT YOUR COSPLAY AS LONG AS YOU PUT EFFORT INTO IT!! IF YOU CANT AFFORD TO BUY SOMETHING, AND YOU HAVE THE ABILITY AND TIME TO MAKE IT DO SO! TAKE YOUR TIME AND MAKE SURE IT COMES OUT THE WAY YOU WANT IT TO!!

And she's just desperately on damage control like there's no tomorrow even though she's the correct one
why this

>> No.6962940

>3d movie glasses are fine!! Nobody cares if you buy this stuff at the dollar store!!!
You can literally BUY DOLLAR STORE GLASSES. Why do people think 3D movie glasses are cheap, anyway? Do they sneak into the theater just to fish glasses out of the cardboard bins?

>> No.6962942

how come none of these people can tell the difference between "cheap" and "inexpensive" I swear to god

>> No.6962962

My god, I feel bad for the OP of that cosplay slideshow.

Also, next HS-related cosplay will be Maid Dave. Because why not?

>Just thought it would be boring to be a normal Dave

>> No.6962976

I'll admit to having drawn rule 63 Dave with an ironic hime cut, come to think of it.

>> No.6963002
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>> No.6963027


I'm wondering if I should go with it being as funny as possible, and doing something weird like wearing red converse instead of cutesy shoes and like. Not having my legs. Not sure how weird I want to go though.

>> No.6963029


>> No.6963031

Don't make it too red or people will whine "but he's the kniiiiight!" That's my only advice.

>> No.6963057
File: 236 KB, 640x480, doki doki meido kun blah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hrm. I was thinking of getting a red Bodyline maid outfit for it (as pictured).

>> No.6963071

I thought that buying outfits was looked down upon

>> No.6963078

buying outfits is looked down upon if you lie and said you made it. there's nothing wrong with buying a cosplay.

>> No.6963087

I don't particularly see the harm in it. I've tried sewing a few times, but it's just not for me.

I kind of want to put the time aspect gear on it, but I'm not sure if that would look silly, or if people might be annoyed because that goes more with Aradia's Maid of Time better.

>> No.6963095

tbh i'm really surprised hsg hasn't sharked you yet for putting dave in a dress

>> No.6963089

Oh, really?
Ya learn something new every day

>> No.6963091

Do the broken record so there's no ambiguity?

>> No.6963108

>Tfw above shit tier, but below pretty tier
>Tfw all my cosplay friends create a hugbox and are hardly fantastic themsleves so they never offer good critique and say that everything is "great" as to not hurt feelings
>Tfw my stuff is also too bad to stuff here to get critique without getting laughed out the fucking door

Are there any good pattern design tutorials online

>> No.6963110

I have the pink one in M for non-homestuck reasons and it's cute as shit but I'm 5'3" and if I wear a petticoat with it it goes WAY above my knees. Basically mid thigh. But if you're cool with that or don't plan on wearing a petti then it's no problem.

>> No.6963115

By that I mean: Are there any guides out there on how to start designing your own patterns instead of using other people's

>> No.6963113

I was thinking I may need to do that! I probably will, thanks.

>> No.6963120

Same height, and I was thinking of a petti under it... I don't think it will bother me, and if it does, I can go pettiless. But I always wear something under my skirts and dresses and whatever, do I doubt there will be any problems with it. But thanks!!!

>> No.6963126

Dave would do shit for irony anyway, so what can ya do. Plus cosplay is still fun, shits and giggles, at least until someone does something unseamed with hot glue.

>> No.6963130
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CGL what the hell happened
Why are you not being catty bitches all of the sudden
Did you become ill

>> No.6963137

Vendettachans gotta sleep too.

>> No.6963138

Ahhh, I meant it was mid thigh without a petti and even shorter with one. I'm bad with phrasing things, sorry.

>> No.6963144

am i on the right board right now

>> No.6963146


>> No.6963149

It's not even vendettas though

stuff like this

and the dave skirt guy going unlynched (I don't personally think he SHOULD be lynched, but that's what would normally happen)

>> No.6963150

Oh dang. I guess we'll see when I get it. I think I like the overall look of it too much to not get it, heh.

The irony was the main reason I thought it would be cool for Dave. I also haven't really seen any maid Daves?? Maybe it's just me that likes the idea of it enough to cosplay it, heh.

>> No.6963151

I guess I got lucky timing on when to ask and not be lynched? In which case, sweet.

>> No.6963156

I guess 2 AM EST is the sweet spot.

>> No.6963157

Good it's so cute.
Be sure to change the currency to yen when you buy. It saves you like $10.

>> No.6963163

>haven't really seen any maid Daves
shit man you must either not be looking very hard or live in the middle of nowhere.
i'm personally sick of striders in skirts/dresses/meido/loli *~*~for the ironies~*~* but hey it's not my cosplay, do what you like dude. i'm just surprised by the lack of blowback like >>6963149 is.

>> No.6963165

Oh, I know!!! I love the yen trick. It kind of sucks that Bodyline likes to randomly raise prices on USD/etc, but oh well.

>> No.6963167

I see a lot of Lolita Daves (heavenly god no; I like the maid idea, but do not mix Lolita and cosplay), but not much else.

>> No.6963171

I don't think you know what irony means.

>> No.6963176

You say that like the Striders do.

>> No.6963181

They do. That's their entire character trope. Nice try, but you'll have to find something else if you're looking for an excuse that will justify your kawaii crossdressing boys.

>> No.6963198

I was wondering when cgl was going to start acting like cgl again

>> No.6963215

I feel like I did a good thing and a bad thing here.

Though, I honestly do feel like Dave isn't as good at the irony thing as we play him up to be.

And, while dresses aren't something they would probably do, I did see a Dave in a Nun's habit once that felt sort of fitting.

>> No.6963236

I'm not sure that it even matters if the maid Dave is ironic or not. If it's a maid Dave, it's a maid Dave. It's kind of like one of those comedic, for shits and giggles kind of cosplays, imo.

>> No.6963247

I have used some Ben Nye cream based makeup, and I used both sealing powder and the final sealing spray and it was still susceptible to smudging, although fairly slightly and it would only really come off if I really rubbed my hands against something. Unfortunately by the end of the day I was worried my grey kind of spread onto other things and people at the convention which isn't a good sign, but by the end of the day most of the grey on my hands was still quite in tact so if it did rub off it probably wouldn't have been too much, but it would have been some amount. Also, my face was fine, although it came off my lips pretty easily...

Thing is, I sealed myself at least a few times, more than five times, and yet I still felt like it was susceptible to being rubbed off. What do? Also notable is that I have only greyed up that one time, and all I used was just Ben Nye cream liner in Cadaver Grey, although I made sure I had the right amount of sealing tools (sealing powder, final sealing spray) but I was still worried about how sealed I really was. Did I do something wrong here?

>> No.6963265

Basically, yes. For the kids outfits, some of them have clothes you can just buy. A pair of jeans for Dave or Dirk, a pair of shorts for Jake, and so on. Their shirts are simple too, since the most important part is getting the symbol on somehow.

I'd say maybe with a GT or two you can also buy something, like for Heirs you could buy a shirt with the symbol and the right (or in the case of Breath, closest) colours, and scrubs. Scrubs was suggested to me, anyway. The hood however you cannot purchase and will have to make, but everything else could be purchased. And, I'm pretty sure you'll have to be buying shoes for all of the cosplays, I can't really think of any where you'd have to make the shoes yourself.

>> No.6963274

>You can buy a shirt for heirs

>> No.6963280

The stuff Kumashiro outlines in the post are the basics of what threads like this cover, I think. And that's all fine and good, their suggestions are in fact good and run down the basics: using homestuckcosplayhelp as a resource, avoiding party wigs and 3D glasses...

...so it's no wonder people bitch about it. To the point Kumashiro had to outright say that there are bad cosplays, not to say there are bad cosplayers (well, that's a different story) but that there are cosplays that can look cheap, and cheap and inexpensive are two completely different things. You can find wigs for $15.00 or so, for example (my Dave Strider wig is such a wig), makeup costs at least $10.00 - $13.00 or so, then an extra $10.00 or so for sealing. You're going to be cosplaying. You're going to cons, most likely. You'll have to spend. On top of that, Kumashiro's outlining that those things they recommended against (note they didn't even say you're not allowed to do this, just something you should avoid), they have done before in the past. I'll even admit I used 3D glasses for my first day as John, but I found some decent rectangular lens glasses not too long afterward.

It's all about progress and improvement, which I don't fucking understand why those idiots going "hurf but cosplay is about fun dont tell me what to do", because yes, cosplay is about fun, but simply giving ADVICE and SUGGESTIONS is in no way elitist (as many people in that post have bitched about) and taking away anyone's fun.

Pardon for going on about this, it's late but it's something I really wanted to express (again, since like Kumashiro, I have also made some of these mistakes but I have improved upon them, and it's because of threads like this and resources like the ones Kumashiro pointed out)

>> No.6963281

Striders in dresses have a deep stigma in these threads. I'd suggest against it.

>> No.6963293

As in, their shirt just looks like a regular shirt, so you could buy a regular shirt then get the symbol put on it somehow.

Unless I'm doing that wrong, and admittedly when I said Heir the only one I had in mind is the Heir of Breath, so John. Heir outfits look simple anyway, in comparison to the other GTs at least.

>> No.6963300

What happened that killed this, might I ask?

>> No.6963301

There are actually slits in the sides of the Heir shirt.

They aren't in every panel, but they are there.

>> No.6963304

I'm not sure, honestly... admittedly when I made that response I haven't read the rest of the responses yet, but now that I have, it seems that most of the people who would lynch Striders in dresses are asleep or something. I myself just woke up in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep, so.

This too. There were like one or two panels that had them, but for the most part were unable to be seen. Either way they're small slits on the sides, but details.

>> No.6963308

Offtopic, but I like nice HS general. This is fun.

>> No.6963311

It's... weird...

But hey, like mentioned, everyone's probably just asleep right now. And who knows, by the time people are awake we would have moved to a different topic.

>> No.6963334

hi hsg, does anyone still have that image list of good fabrics to use or just good materials to use in general w/ sewing cosplays. i'm pretty sure it was made around middle of last year or early this year....

>> No.6963339
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>> No.6963373

ok this is for maid!Dave anon.
I personally hate the Striders in dresses trope for three reasons:

if you're a girl crossplaying, the dress will make your body look more womanly and that means shitty crossplay. If it's r63 or if you're a guy then ignore this. or if you're enough of a seamstress that you can modify the waist/bustline of the dress to disguise your curves, but this I've never seen anyone pull off.
binding your boobs=/=good crossplay

another thing is that most dress striders treat the dress as a get out of jail free card for shitty wigs. The more noncanon your outfit is the BETTER and more accurate your wig needs to be. Wearing a Panty wig for Dave in a dress just screams "I MISSED THE POINT ENTIRELY"

Striders in dresses always seem to act ridiculously ooc. The thing with Striders and irony is that they might do weird shit but it's always deadpan. So you might be in a dress but you're still a boy and a Strider so act like it.

>> No.6963384

If I stepped up my wig game, do you think this maid Dave could be forgiven? I don't know about binding, I would have to see about it once I get the costume, but it might not be too hard because I'm terribly flat chested.

Also, I don't larp much while cosplaying unless prompted, but I can assure you that I would be deadpan if it happened at all. Otherwise, though, I'm just me.

Thank you for the critique/advice though. u//v//u I like nice HSG too.

I think, as someone mentioned earlier that they often see maid Daves, the reason I don't see them often is that I only go to like... One or two small cons a year in the St. Louis area. And our cons are pretty small compared to like. ACEN or something.

>> No.6963405

well it's not just your boobs, you need to hide your feminine waist. You need to look extra straight up and down to make up for the fact that your in a dress. The easiest way to do this is to make sure the waistline of the dress sits lower than the smallest point of your waist. Like the dropped waistline of flapper dresses etc and you need to avoid having your hands on your hips because that emphasizes the curves, especially for pictures.

Even if you have small breasts you need to bind, because the boobs will show in certain positions unless you're completely flat. Also if the dress has tailoring on the chest you need to undo it because even empty space where tits would be will looks like boobs.

I didn't mean larping as such, i meant like posing for pictures and stuff. none of those shitty yaoi swoon poses or legs crossed or the above mentioned hands on hips.

But yeah the wig is the most important thing. No Bieber bangs, no uglyass side bits pretending to be sideburns etc etc.

My point is that you CAN make a Dave in a dress work but you have to make an effort. That's the only way to not be grouped with those who, well, didn't make an effort.

Also stuff that I forgot to mention:

-take out all facial piercings/wear nudes. No exceptions
-make sure the red bits are the right red
-get proper red contacts meaning not shitty flat reds

>> No.6963410

oh, and you need to get the apron, if you have one, to sit where the waistline of the dress is. Probably just sew it on the dress. If you just tie it around you waist it'll make you look like a girl. You need to think where it would sit naturally on a male body

>> No.6963424
File: 589 B, 157x63, Death idle side.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wearing my first cosplay ever at AX, as Slick
>Get a bunch of photos taken
>See one on the web
>Notice I was wearing the wrong kind of hat
I can never return to that place

>> No.6963430

Thank you!!!

>> No.6963448 [DELETED] 
File: 594 KB, 299x276, 1354428666147.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next February I'm going to my first con (animecon) and I had this great idea. Me and my 2 of my friends wanted to go as a pedobear trio. I know they're not gonna do it but I am. Does anyone have experience with the below website? And any tips for enjoying con?
The site: www.pedobearcostume.com/

>> No.6963451

How is this Homestuck...?

>> No.6963454

They also posted a thread about it, it's advertising
report and move on

>> No.6963471

I'm not advertising or spamming. I accidentally posted in here b/c I was using a chan app. So yeah piss off.

>> No.6963476

You accidentally posted, twice, in two separate threads (one of which was your own), the EXACT SAME post.

>> No.6963485

Do I gotta green text this for you?
>5 am
>decide to use chan elite app to make thread since shitty old iPod is gay
>for some reason post doesnt go thru
>need to take a shit so I put iPod in my picket without lockin the screen
>most likely clicked this gay ass thread
>think I'm making a new thread
>oh wait I'm not, oh well
>try again to make a thread
>get accused of ading a shitty Chinese company
>homeshit fags rage
>sage their shitty thread

>> No.6963486

>Gay x2
>Misspellings throughout
>Thinking sage does anything
get out holy fucking shit

>> No.6963495

It's late and I am tired you angry fuck.
Do you really have nothing better to do than whine about a mispost?

>> No.6963499

Mispost? That isn't just a mispost, you're shitting up the thread now. Leave.

>> No.6963504

>hurr you're shitting up the dead thread that averages 1 post per 20 minutes.
Also the other dag started shit posting in my thread.

>> No.6963507

We average a lot higher than that when there is actually a discussion.
Shitpost elsewhere

>> No.6963510


>> No.6963511


how are you applying it? the order is makeup, powder, then seal. if you put seal right on top of the makeup it's going to do shit all

>> No.6963515


google draft your own patterns, get a big ruler and a roll of paper. it's not hard if you're careful and take good measurements

>> No.6963532


>> No.6963564

/r/ some Horuss. I never really see too many Horuss cosplayers.

>> No.6963611
File: 1.25 MB, 777x1000, jack_noir_cosplay_by_swoz-d5lvdab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lighten up, it's just your first cosplay.
It's just their first cosplay, right? Can errors like that be ignored for newbies if they realize they fucked up?

>> No.6963622

we've all ready been there and done that

>> No.6963626

I'll bite and admit, I did maid Dave for a promstuck meet.

>> No.6963630

If it was in cali, was it the skaia ball or prom!stuck?

>> No.6963634

But everyone's saying the powder is what actually works. Does the final seal actually do anything?

>> No.6963636

Aw, it's okay. A few years ago a friend of mine wore a really great wide-brimmed fedora for Slick, but they lost it moving so they had a less accurate fedora the next time they cosplayed. I made them a better horse hitcher to make up for it.

>> No.6963637

>but by the end of the day most of the grey on my hands was still quite in tact
Is it just me, or is hand makeup always more durable than face makeup, given proper sealing? Probably body chemistry at work or some crap.

>> No.6963642


Powder seals the makeup, mattifies
Final seal seals the powder, moisturelocks

Powder+deal costs 10$ I don't understand why HSG keeps having this conversation where anon is trying to cheap out on proper procedure

>> No.6963648

powder doesn't need sealed, you raving douche.
and that rip-off spray costs 10$ alone

>> No.6963652

Yeah, this...actually sounds suspicious. Stage makeup techniques say you should powder creme makeup with no mention of "moisture locking." It can get hot as hell on stage or set due to the lights, so sweating is likely a concern. But no, just powder.

>> No.6963659

oh man are we blowing the lid off some snake oil shit here

>> No.6963662

>actually interested in the outcome of this debate
>uses kryolan makeup+spray
I have no life.

>> No.6963665

On the Internet, no one knows you know you fucked up. See all those posts by people saying, "I don't mind closet/lazy/rushed/fun/bought cosplay as long as they're not full of themselves"? The Internet has no context, so if a picture shows up on the Internet, it's taken as read that the cosplayer is an attention whore for not fleeing from photographs, and therefore are fair game for mockery. See how that works?

>> No.6963669

>it's taken as read that the cosplayer is an attention whore for not fleeing from photographs
>Not running from photographs is attention whoring

>> No.6963673

Exaggerated for effect. And god help them if they posted a photo of their own cosplay, like they're proud of it or something.

>> No.6963676

No, I didn't do that
but how is me not running away from photos attention whoring? Refusing photos would be even more rude.

>> No.6963681

i'll explain thier joke in greentext
>'i won't bash a cosplay if they're not seeking attention and asspats for it!'
>bashs any cosplay photos they see anyway
>well if a picture of it exists they must have been seeking attention for it, right????

>> No.6963688

If only it were a joke.

>> No.6963690

I don't think they were joking

>> No.6963718

are there any good caliborn cosplays yet

>> No.6963724

It wasn't in Cali, I'm east coast. It was just a shitty con promstuck that failed hard so I wound up sitting around in a short skirt with the breeze in my balls.

>> No.6963725

Anyone have the picture of the caliborn with the canonically-correct-proportioned head

>> No.6964288

I'm thinking of buying Apple logo stickers and putting them on aviator glasses to pass as iShades.

Would that be alright?

I was also wondering what colour they should be... I was thinking either white or light blue, and one possible option of glow in the dark stickers. There's one Etsy store that offers the light blue as a translucent sticker meaning light should pass through (which I take to mean I should be able to see through it and who knows it could give a glow effect), although that Etsy listing is apparently a clearance sale so I'm not sure.

To sum up, I'm thinking of how to do the iShades and I'm requesting for some insight, please.

>> No.6964313
File: 135 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mpqfjaWNuT1ql57v4o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this in the tag.
I welcome my swift demise.

That's kind of how I do it, but less methodically.

I have a duct tape bust that I do all the preliminary stuff on. My pretty haphazard and super amateur steps:
1) Figure out where I want the seams. To get an idea of how seams are laid out in clothing, look at structured clothes in stores or online (detail shots). You can also Google "types of bodice cuts" or the like.
2) Take a sheet of newspaper, hold it up to the dressform, and trace the approximate shape of the piece.
3) Trace the newspaper pattern pieces onto muslin, cut out, and sew along the seam lines.
4) Try on the mockup. Adjust as needed. Repeat ad infinitum, with many tears shed.

This takes a while, but I'm getting better and faster at it and have never needed to buy a pattern for cosplay because weird-proportioned tall person body.

>> No.6964321

They're too big, also the area of the glasses are curved and the stickers are made for non-curved things.
It would look chep.

>> No.6964330
File: 502 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mpqfjaWNuT1ql57v4o8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fancy trickster dreamers
I'll go with you.

People generally paint on the logo and add a "glow" with light blue paint.

>> No.6964338

is this like dynastystuck?

>> No.6964383

God help me, I actually really like that outfit. Reminds me of The Little Prince for no particular reason.

>> No.6964392

what the actual fuck is that wig?

>> No.6964398

This looks tacky as hell.

>> No.6964502
File: 1.25 MB, 548x972, tumblr_mpnemk5Mg51rnj3aro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son, that is not an arm gesture you make in public

Looks like a "fancy" mashup of dreamer and god-tier.

I think I'd like that outfit better if it didn't have the random blue sash, and maybe if I could see the construction details better.

>> No.6964519
File: 602 KB, 1272x1920, tumblr_mpoyftRypg1sn19sgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6964580

Hmm, alright. So I should just try to paint on the symbol then? How would I ensure that the lines are perfect since it's a curved surface? Just... do it well?

>> No.6964593

I would say get a stencil, cut into it a bit so you can get it to lie decently against the glass and use glass colour.

>> No.6964716
File: 50 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mpn435sLGx1qcltrio1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6964785

So many hoop skirts....

Got any better pictures of that Mindfang?

>> No.6964872

The crocker tier jane would be infinitely better if not for those stray threads
how do those even happen

>> No.6964869
File: 68 KB, 395x522, 1357883183476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a stencil out of freezer paper, iron it on plastic-side down on the highest setting your fabric will allow, then paint inward from the edges. Give it at least three, well-spread coats (don't leave blots anywhere) and it will look fantastic.

>> No.6964939

It's Vriska

>> No.6964944

That Jade didn't even hem her skirt, darken her eyebrows, nor paint her hands, not to mention the troll-grey paint... And you bring up Jane's 1 or 2 loose threads?

>> No.6964950

Is it possible in any universe to wear black facepaint without someone going "RACIZM!!!"?
I want to do a WV cosplay with a small section of my actual face being visible, and I planned to wear a morphsuit for the body, but leave a bit of my eyes and the top of my nose visible. For the face I was going to do typical body paint shit, with possible whiteout contacts, but then someone pointed out to me the regularly.. negative connotation of blackface.
what do

>> No.6964958

Contrary to popular belief black people are not actually the color black. If it's just a section of your face you should be fine.

>> No.6964959

Do it anyway. Who would really give a fuck? Just make it look good.

>> No.6964961

>Why criticize first world living conditions when places like uganda exist

And to be fair, I think that unhemmed skirt was actually on purpose, due to the more feral nature of grimbark. Dunno why she didn't paint her hands, though

>> No.6964966

Well yes actual black people are not "black", but neither is blackface

>> No.6964979

She hardly looks Grimbark or feral at all, just a lame GT Jade with troll Grey makeup and black ears.

To be more fair, neither of them are any good. For one, Jane's hair looks too long, and it looks like she's wearing jeans, when she should be wearing tights.

>> No.6964982
File: 226 KB, 457x640, 'sexy' jane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just saw this browsing through my tumblr....
And I dont even follow any homestuck blogs on there.

>> No.6964983

Jane's hair looks too long because she isn't wearing a wig. They're both bad.

>> No.6964986

If only they'd shooped out their tats.

>> No.6964994

>neither of them are any good
While I don't like them personally, saying that they aren't ANY good might be a bit of a stretch

>> No.6965012

Blackface is used to make someone look like a mockery or caricature of a stereotypical black person. Painting your face black, literally black, is not fucking blackface.

>> No.6965018

They're no good, and all of the reasons were pointed out why. Jane's got no wig, loose threads, and jeans on. Jade's got the wrong grey makeup, an unhemmed skirt, invisible eyebrows, and her wig's very unimpressive as well, hardly looking feral and Grimbark like she was probably trying to go for, but rather a lame GT Jade with Troll grey makeup. Neither of these are good at all.

>> No.6965028

I think they already heard your points, but they don't agree with your final verdict

>> No.6965155

Doesn't Davesprite have white glasses?

Why do Davesprite cosplayers use black?

>> No.6965200

I prefer Davesprite cosplayers with black glasses for aesthetic purposes, personally. I've never seen "white lensed" glasses (I assume that would just be clear), so I know some people default to orange lenses instead, but lighter lenses allow your eyes to show through. I think black makes for a better look.

>> No.6965225
File: 92 KB, 500x406, tumblr_ml27bwg2wA1rwt3qeo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cascade artwork shows him with dark glasses.

>> No.6965538
File: 44 KB, 800x533, tumblr_mlji94nov41s0f8g1o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what exactly separates "good" cosplayers from "bad" ones?
I'm going to my first con in a bit and I'm just trying to understand how to fall on the right side of the (incredibly distant appearing) line
I know about getting wigs, styling them, how to seal any gray I might be wearing, and I know sewing basics. I know that character designs should either be 100% canon or should be reasonable modifications, and that everything should be hemmed. Painted on symbols without a stencil are a no-go, and your shoes, an often neglected detail, must match the character's. A good attitude is important, and don't get a fat head from compliments.
Finally, only cosplay characters whose bodytypes you at least vaguely match
am I missing anything

>> No.6965552


what the fuck is that picture

>> No.6965559

What the FUCK is that picture

>> No.6965560
File: 58 KB, 800x494, tumblr_mlji94nov41s0f8g1o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why does the human body scare you

>> No.6965566


what the fuck?????

>> No.6965585

Oh my god I think it's an actual piece of cut off flesh.

>> No.6965587

Actually, as far as I know, the first one is a picture of an art piece some guy did to put the human form in weird shapes, making it more realistic with the addition of body hair and painted moles. I'd venture to say the second image is something along those same lines. So don't worry, they aren't pictures of anything human at all. It just looks that way.

>> No.6965609

Ha, I knew it. Nice try anon but your avant-garde art can't scare me. Here's the post if anyone wants to see. http://likeafieldmouse.com/post/54462593508/felix-deac-deacs-mostly-nondescript-sculptures

>> No.6965607
File: 50 KB, 800x533, tumblr_mlji94nov41s0f8g1o5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you scared?
Why are you scared
It's the body that harbors you
It's up to it whether this happens or not and you have no right to complain

>> No.6965613

Okay, but what do these have to do with Homestuck cosplay again?

>> No.6965614

Except it's not up to it at all. You've had your trolling run and now it's over, time to let it go.

>> No.6965622


i love this thread so much

>> No.6965623
File: 273 KB, 1210x1034, 1370562090462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have absolutely no idea
I posted the first picture then someone kept posting them

but really, am I missing something from


>> No.6965624

>calling that trolling

>> No.6965631


Nah, it's just a disturbingly realistic sculpture. I've seen it going around Tumblr in a photoset. I don't recall the artist's name, unfortunately. (first name is Felix, I think? I could be thinking of someone else altogether, though)

>> No.6965639

someone already posted it now lets get the thread back on topic

>> No.6965652

Alright, to get this thread back on topic... I've got two questions, one general, one specific.

The first is, should every character have a prop or is it simply recommended because A: it's easier to pose with, B: it adds to the character, and C: it's just plain cool?

Second is, there are two upcoming conventions nearly a week apart and I don't have too many cosplays, I'm still stuck with Dave and John until I can figure out how to get my wig for Dirk styled. Is it ever okay to reuse a cosplay, even within a week of use?

>> No.6965654

Props are a must for photos, unless you're doing someone like PM in which case you can just strike a looking off into the distance pose or something

> Is it ever okay to reuse a cosplay, even within a week of use?
I'd say yeah as long as you're not touting it as hot shit

>> No.6965866

We're particularly dead right now

>> No.6965874
File: 298 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_mpl7r9lrID1rhw63do2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use contact paper to make a stencil. It's easily removed from glass surfaces and leaves little to no residue.
Just dart it so it lies flat against the surface of your glasses and you'll be fine!

Mainly A and B. Props are the cherry on top,and add to poses, especially to beginners or people who don't know how to pose, as they require you to pose with them, instead of just standing limp without one.

I'll try tag surfing, but the connection I'm on is slow as molasses so I don't know how long I can stare at loading images until I give up.

>> No.6965891
File: 331 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mpk5iajosp1s9ns72o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6965963
File: 618 KB, 611x612, don't browse instagram it's rarely worth it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6966092

That was the PM that was handing out letters at AX!
She was absolutely fantastic, It's a shame that she forgot to apply makeup to her neck for some shots like that

>> No.6966147
File: 144 KB, 800x534, 1363802115049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go more grey than black in that case. Blackface also has a lot to do with how you do your lips and other make up.

>> No.6966195

Avoiding the accidental-blackface look is mostly about how well you contour it, and how well you keep it from wearing off around your lips. Don't go monochrome black under any circumstances - mottling dark grey on your cheeks or contouring with a matte grey eyeshadow is an extremely good idea. And take extra, extra, extra care to seal every inch of that shit.

>> No.6966350
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x1868, tumblr_mqmax787JA1qflzf7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does this have 11k notes?

>> No.6966352

jesus that dress is disgusting.

>> No.6966363
File: 41 KB, 800x950, EROiqT9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys please I don't want to fuck this up
I don't want to end up in this thread as one of those "Lol look at this faggot" photographs

Also that applies to cosplay in general as well, what are some other pitfalls

>> No.6966383

Suddenly MF's looks decent

>> No.6966425

MF derse?

>> No.6966437

Anyone have any styling tips for an Eridan wig? Having a hard time imagining what it should look like in 3 dimensions on a normal head.

/r/ nicely shaped Eridan wigs

>> No.6966539
File: 690 KB, 800x1447, tumblr_mo8zjuDn1V1qe3hsio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory dei.

>> No.6966544

i like yonejiro's wig as well.
can't remember any other eridans i like so i'm going to tagdive and see if there's anything not god awful maybe.

>> No.6966545
File: 134 KB, 720x720, tumblr_mpj95xmKcb1r79np8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand of course i drop my photo

>> No.6966563
File: 99 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mns0ph4Gcs1rf1lrco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6966567

yes. finally someone who understands that Eridan's horns go upward, not slanted to the back of his head..

>> No.6966580
File: 637 KB, 800x1067, tumblr_mmox7uyxm91s3xs20o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6966593
File: 307 KB, 608x900, tumblr_mkmwwbEeU31qaqrgoo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6966595
File: 62 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mjkm1zJIOV1qb4sieo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow ok basically the only thing good in this tag is dei's eridan so i'm going to stop.

>> No.6966615

that wig is horrible though. the hair looks nothing like eridan's and what the hell is that glitter spray? what's with the long sideburns?

>and dem non matching purples

shitty eridan is shitty

>> No.6966736

no facepaint or proper attire?
Not to mention them shit horns
overall no

>> No.6966744

I want to do a Homestuck cosplay, I was thinking of Dave or Eridan, any tips?

>> No.6966761

I feel like we get asked about Dave like every single thread can we please just have a "How to Dave Strider" pic to quickllink these newfags?

Basically, make sure your wig is styled. Think gomugomugodhead. Don't get flat red contacts, I recommend EOS Dolly Red. Don't wear skinny jeans. Consider making one of his less-cosplayed outfits (like the felt suit) and/or making one of his swords (like the ribbitar, try to stay away from timetables but if you must just don't have them with his god tier). If you buy the shirt, make sure it at least fits you. Take out all piercings or at least wear a retainer. Try to stay away from drawing on freckles unless you really know your way with makeup. Contour if you're female.

I recall someone recently giving advice on how to cosplay Eridan well, does anyone happen to have that saved/screencapped?

>> No.6966770

get proper wigs. see above for more tips on eridan's

for eridan:

matching purples. they don't have to be the exact shade of his blood in the comic but they need to match. wig, symbol and hair need to be the same shade.

Make sure you know what you're doing with the fins. they need to blend in properly with your skin. Don't try to hide the line with hair, his hair is not like that.

Make sure you know how to make the collar of the cape. it's standing up but it's not a huge cardboard collar.

don't free hand the stripes on his pants

Do not do not DO NOT attach horn on a headband and then wear it over the wig.

Contour your face and make sure your eyebrows are dark. Also wear makeup but not girly make up. This means no black lips and no fucking cat eye eyeliner.

Don't act like an idiot, don't throw buckets, don't yell WEHHHH and don't touch people you don't know.

For Dave.

Make sure you have decent contact. Flat red cheapass lenses are not acceptable.


Double check your wig.

Triple check your wig.

Do not wear girls' skinny jeans

Check your wig one more time.

Do not bite your lip or grip one handle of shades with thumb and forefinger for pics because it looks fucking idiotic.

>> No.6966775

handle of shades= arm of shades wtf am i doing

>> No.6966783

I wanted to make God tier Dave with the Royal Deringer, I know that it's really common but here there aren't homestuck cosplayers.

I don't know about the contacts, I was thinking to just never remove my shades.
I don't have piercings.

And for Eridan: how can I put on the horns?

>> No.6966792

I think it's ok if you don't take your shades off. better actually, he doesn't really take them off and yet all the cosplayers always do.

For his gt just make sure the reds are correct, there was a guide in the last thread, maybe whoever had it could post it again.

for troll horns, attach them on a headband and then wear the band under the wig so that the horns go through the wig and fix hair around horns.

>> No.6966801
File: 575 KB, 749x490, 786c57d2f1bcd4f7c87d125147fc3839-d5ec7tw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg, yes, I'm so sick of people saying that male characters don't need make-up. They do - just not feminine make-up. For male troll lips, a friend of mine dabs on a sheer layer of black lipstick with her finger so it looks more dark grey. Also, can we amend "don't throw buckets" to "don't HAVE buckets" ? I have to wonder if the fans who carry around buckets even read the comic. The trolls obviously see them as lewd and wouldn't be carrying them around, ugh.

>> No.6966808

hahaha who the fuck would think that male trolls don't need make up? even in that pic you posted it annoys me how unnaturally even their skin tone looks. skin is not the exact same shade everywhere ffs, I hate it when troll cosplayers don't contour.

>> No.6966813
File: 151 KB, 500x500, davesgdsleeves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the gt reds guide other anon was talking about, but here's a quick reference and also a various selection of sleeve colors to choose from.

For GT, don't forget to make the cowl fitting + the little rounded point at the back of the head. His GT isn't called "condom head" for no reason. Also, for his shoes, it'd be great to paint the grey part instead of just getting black and white converses. I personally think the shirt from whatpumpkin is fine as well. And someone mentioned that the Knight class outfits have slits in the sides of their shirts? But I've yet to see evidence.

>> No.6966816
File: 694 KB, 1275x1920, tumblr_mihc2slbjE1qiboe8o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6966820


I love the contouring! Iffy on the bush but it's Tavros so it works. I wish his wig was accurate but other than that, awesome

>> No.6966821

>various selection of sleeve colors
Fuck Hussie and his inconsistency.

>> No.6966824
File: 132 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mdfcyyJRZM1qb6azuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more of a general opinion I get from this board. The cosplay pet peeves thread mentioned "makeup for male cosplayers" and I just disagree so much. Contouring, brows, and giving some definition to the eyes is important for anyone cosplaying dudes.

>> No.6966825

*blush not bush eep

>> No.6966846

Does he still use the iShades or they blew up in the sun?

>> No.6966873

it is possible that the Ahab's Crosshairs is 150 cm long?

>> No.6966877

yeah, except for the upward horns look stupid as hell compared to the slanted ones.

>> No.6966878

has he actually used anything since we got the gift of gab and speakercrab

>> No.6966884

well, if you can actually pose with a weapon that big. It's seriously not as easy as it looks at if you don't know how to do it you'll look really stupid. Eridan is a master with his gun, you need to have the poses down to a t.

>> No.6966902
File: 79 KB, 650x650, 02407.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this cool fucker.

>> No.6966927

i didn't say he was cool, i said he knows how to handle a gun. you can see that in the angel scene.

The cosplayer will look like an idiot for not knowing how to handle a gun when the character clearly does. she fucking shoots things off of the sky while on horseback. he knows guns.

>> No.6966930

she=he ffs fucking phone anyway you got my point

>> No.6966985
File: 59 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mpf1usKIlX1rcruf7o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a big Ahab someone made.

>> No.6967041

I've actually never seen anyone with a bucket. Do cosplayers do that or is it just a horrible rumor?

>> No.6967046

I think it's a little exaggerated, but there have been people who actually do this.

I know there's at least one video out there of a bunch of troll cosplayers sitting in a restaurant spitting into a buck.

>> No.6967060

You mean this one.

>> No.6967062

The video that people use to slander the Homestuck fandom, when in really just shows the fandumb.

Some people do carry around buckets though... just for carrying purposes. It is a bit strange, but hey, as long as it's not being spit in, then by all means.

>> No.6967063

Yeah, that one.

>> No.6967070

This will be a legitimate, but dumb question, but what's exactly wrong with skinny jeans? I'm guessing you mean the really tight ones that make your legs look like you're a skeleton, right?

What if you wear skinny jeans but they don't look that skinny on you? As in, they look like regular jeans, just a bit tighter? I wear skinny jeans, but I didn't really consider the size, so I kind of got one that has a waist that's a bit bigger than mine, so I need to wear a belt to keep it up. It's still a bit tight, but not ridiculously so. To me it just looks and feels like a regular pair of jeans that are just a bit tighter.

...Have I done fucked up?

>> No.6967074

It's mostly just when girls trying to crossplay wear super tight skinny jeans...

>> No.6967075

He died wearing them, so he took over his dream self after which just has his regular shades.

>> No.6967084
File: 382 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_static_tumblr_mpjplw6nht1rooz38o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're crossplaying, you should be wearing men's jeans. Women's jeans, especially women's skinny jeans, will accentuate your hips. You won't get a real masculine silhouette with that.

>> No.6967092

what >>6967084 said. It's p much impossible to hide the fact that you're a girl if you're in skinnies.

Oh, and if you still decide to wear them, for the love of god don't stick a dildo down your pants like some of the idiots we've seen here did.

>> No.6967095

Wow, I know most people make Ahab's Crosshairs way too /wide and it looks dumb as shit as a result, but that is a special level of awkward. How is she even supposed to hold that?

>> No.6967102

I'm a guy, though. Thankfully these jeans don't really accentuate my hips, at least, not that I'm aware of. Since again, I need to wear a belt just to keep them up to begin with.

Who the fuck would even...

>> No.6967117

Oh, haha. Sorry. I just assumed you were a girl, my mistake. In that case, if you're in good shape and skinny jeans wouldn't make your legs look like toothpicks that could be snapped in half by the breeze, you should be fine.

>> No.6967211

I remember seeing two different cosplayers with dildos stashed horizontally across their crotches. One of them even came here claiming to be a guy. It was retarded-

>> No.6967215

Ugh, that's so ratchet. Why do that when you could just wear a packer?

>> No.6967272

I know! And the bitch actually threw a fit when everyone here told her that dicks don't work like that.

>> No.6967340
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posting dreamers

>> No.6967344
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>> No.6967348
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>> No.6967351
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>> No.6967355
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>> No.6967357
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>> No.6967359

this is actually pretty cute, but the tights and ballet flats throw me off.

>> No.6967360
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>> No.6967361
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>> No.6967364
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>> No.6967365
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>> No.6967368
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>> No.6967369
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>> No.6967373
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>> No.6967379
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>> No.6967386
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>> No.6967495

This wig is just plain sad

>> No.6967525
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Backwards slant?

>> No.6967529
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Flipped around completely?

>> No.6967584
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is it just me or has the general quality of the phillystuck group gone down? its definitely not bostonstuck bad yet but it looks pretty weebish as of late.
pic unrelated- i believe its peacockfeather as kanaya?

>> No.6967591

on the topics of groups, I am commuting distance from NYC and Boston. Who are the best/worst from the groups? Who should I avoid, who is worth befriending?

>> No.6967600
File: 20 KB, 106x101, tumblr_inline_mpkwz0X0o91qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of black lipstick should I use?
I'm stuck picking from all the brands..

>> No.6967601
File: 107 KB, 384x504, eridaaaan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In defense.. that one is technically fanart since Hussie didn't draw it and so they portrayed him with the fandoms interpretation of the horns.

Looking at all of Hussie's pics, it's safe to assume this is the most canon position.

>> No.6967602

From what I see/hear... NYC would be the better option. Bostonstuck is full of kids and drama cows.

>> No.6967623

NYC is actually easier for me to get to. any heads up on people I should run from? also in turn are there any cool kids/bnfs/other not horrible folks?

>> No.6967626

It has indeed gone down in quality, and I'm afraid that that was a design flaw from the start. When we started the group back in 2011, there was only about 30 of us, most of which were in college or older. There was an official founder of the group, but no actual leader- meets were decided by group vote. We would shuffle through a few suggestions, and then vote on whichever day and meeting place worked best for everyone. However, as time's passed, two things have happened: the group has gotten much, MUCH bigger, and the average age has gone down to about 16. Somewhere around last October's Halloweenstuck was, I feel, the turning point at which the number of kids running around was deemed to be Too Much. Everything's gone downhill since then, and without any sort of leadership system, there is no one to reign things in. As a result many of the original members- myself included- have cut ties with the group.

>> No.6967643

Does anyone know how SouthflordiaStuck is
and a group or something for when meet ups are :??

>> No.6967649

I personally like Manic Panic's black lipstick the best. I use it all the time in or out of cosplay

>> No.6967653
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>> No.6967654

Ha, no, that's fair enough-- there's a lot of detail interpretation in that flash I don't agree with myself, but there are people who say "it appears in the flash it is now a canon alternative" so I just thought I'd point it out too.
Personally I prefer angles somewhere between the "out to the side and up" and "straight backwards" but I'm personally not gonna discount the other angles as long as it looks alright and not awkward or lopsided.

>> No.6967655
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>> No.6967657

Weird. I think this looks really good. It looks natural and the gradient on the horns is amazing. (This also looks like a WIP, are you stupid?) I fail to see what's so wrong with it. Or are you just one of those pretentious nitpicker anons going too far?

>> No.6967668

Yea, fairly agreed- Like, I think my biggest issue is when they're on the SIDE of the head. That just looks bad for anyone who isn't Tavros.

>> No.6967670

Okay, enough of the fancy dreamers. They all look fucking awkward and stupid.

>> No.6967674

Looks like coiled up shit on her head.

>> No.6967702

I have one of the tubes from portland black lipstick co and it's nice. you have to use a brush to apply it though (or line your lips) which kind of sucks

>> No.6967708
File: 129 KB, 900x1347, male_rose_cosplay_2_by_sofiamidori-d5fjh6t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this request since I'm in the NE area too. Any quality new englanders I should be following? (Preferably ones who are actually friendly)

>> No.6967715
File: 1.13 MB, 320x240, tumblr_mpsw0sHicf1rle3epo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my.

>> No.6967720

oh /no/.

>> No.6967723
File: 183 KB, 1024x877, tumblr_mncjroClqm1rxi1e8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different anon, but OP of the request was asking just for the wigs, so I fail to see how nitpicking about lack of paint etc is relevant?
Sometimes I don't know where the "shitty" bar stands with seadwellers if people are calling >>6966593 shitty when stuff like pic related exist. I'm not saying the former is amazing or anything, but is your bar really that high to the point you're calling average cosplays shitty?

>> No.6967726
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>> No.6967736

>>6966593 is shitty because of all of the fucking glitter and mismatched purples.

>> No.6967757

i could live in those chins

>> No.6967826

I think you replied to the wrong anon. The one you replied to is the one you agree with.

>> No.6967841


all the quality NE people quit the local scenes but there's some

you going to CTcon this weekend?

>> No.6967844

It's probably because people here like to play the "there's no good Eridans and Feferis" game. Admittedly the seadwellers do have more details ripe for the picking apart, but it gets old after a while seeing as there's plenty of good and even more average cosplays of them.

>> No.6967846

Actually yeah. Anyone I should look out for?

>> No.6967855
File: 307 KB, 960x1280, 1373525235555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that makeup missing on the neck
>dat foldy morphsuit
What if I just

Also, how do you avoid morphsuit folds and the like?

>> No.6967866

Is that a blueberry icepop

>> No.6967867

You could take it in carefully, but avoiding all folds and wrinkles when you move just isn't going to happen. They're hidden more in black morph suits though.

>> No.6967893
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>> No.6967986

Admittedly I don't like the bejewelled horns myself but honestly, how many Eridans with matching purples have you actually seen. Even Dei's Eridan doesn't have perfectly matching purples, though it's close (as opposed to >>6966593 's mismatching warm/cold purples)-- I really wouldn't say it automatically drops a cosplay into the "shit-tier" category, but it would definitely drop someone from "amazing" to "good, or "good" to "average", dpending on how bad the mismatch is.

Ah, my bad, I meant to link to >>6966736 as well. I must be tired.

>> No.6967995

Sometimes purples photograph very differently from what they look like irl, so they might match in person but look different in photos.
It sucks.

>> No.6968017

Yeah. Though, I do have yet to see a Feferi whom I really like. Though, there are a few other characters I could name that don't really have "perfect" cosplayers either.

>> No.6968026

Purple is on terms with pink in "shit that gets fucked on film"

>> No.6968032

So is this also why Derse Dreamer outfits are difficult too?

>> No.6968037

Sometimes; if you look at purples in photos they can be way more blue from the next just from what the lighting is/angle of the camera/whatever colour is next to it

>> No.6968042

The only people that can make a "correct" outfit with both purple and pink would be if they were female, and had the color blindness gene to give them an extra eye cone

>> No.6968104

What the heck would being a female have to do with this

>> No.6968112

If you read on in the sentence you'd see:
> and had the color blindness gene

>> No.6968151

The color blindness gene removes a cone from males but it gives more cones to women
Regular people can see about ten billion colors
"colorblind" females can see something like 21 trillion, because the number of colors you can see exponentially multiplies by the number of cones you have in your head

>> No.6968351

Well, see I can call shit shit and I can call a bad steak shit. Just because that monstrosity exists it doesn't make that glitter eridan with completely inaccurate wig any better. That was posted as an example of good Eridan wigs. It's got nothing to do with his hair except the stripe and even that is the wrong color.

>> No.6968355

Are there any good sfl stucks I should be following? Like ones that are actually approachable and not rude?

>> No.6968568

Portland black lipstick co. Best lipstick I've owned.

>> No.6968597

are you me anon? I meant to rec this last night before I fell asleep but never got around to it. I like them a lot too, and they have other stuff that is good for cosplay. Also, awesome customer service and they almost always give samples with their orders. Totally recommend them.

>> No.6968648

As long as you avoid Miamistucks and that autismal facebook group, sflstuck is nice. You missed the dramawar from last fall/this spring, so everything's quiet again.
Most of the "chill" ones that I know of are drifting away from HS now.

>> No.6968654

run away. run far away and don't look back.

>> No.6968680

For Boston, I can say to avoid capfin and gemiblu's groups.

>> No.6968694


Uh, why don't more people do Eridan's hair like this? I'm tired of the whole "look at how i obviously added purple wefts to this wig myself" look.

>> No.6968697
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>> No.6968698
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>> No.6968700
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>> No.6968702


>> No.6968722


>> No.6968745
File: 52 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mi81p5U2lP1rtcfaqo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6968755

Who's capfin?

>> No.6968802

Capfin is hexiium's new tumblr name aka the person who ran the really shitty anime boston photoshoots and flipped out when people critiqued her trickster jane cosplay. I'm sure she's done other things but that's what I remember her from.

>> No.6968807
File: 58 KB, 461x523, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-how could you do this to us, anon...I thought we had something special...

>> No.6968815


Second, both of those circles are full of immature dramatards

>> No.6968836

Sorry to bring this up again, but anymore about NYCstucks? There is a meet this weekend and one in August while everyone else is at Otakon, and I'm considering going.

>> No.6968911

That wig looks shitty and stupid as hell. Sure, they spent the time to dye it, which is nice, but I'd still rather see a well ventilated lace front over whatever is going on with that wig.