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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 43 KB, 300x298, weeaboo-advice-inu-i-know-three-japanese-words-kah-why-bah-kah-and-deh-soo-300x298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6959649 No.6959649 [Reply] [Original]

I think it's time for a weeby video thread.

Bonus points for uncomfortable yaoi/yuri videos.

I'll get us started.

>cgl fan favorite

>bro in his natural habitat

>L's dream

>> No.6959897


>> No.6959935


>> No.6959954


>> No.6959977

But at least they tried, right?

>> No.6959978


>> No.6959984

Fuck I love the Avril one, it's so weeby but they are so into it it's adorable.

>> No.6959989

I thought they were at a con at first and was like, "Aw they're just really excited; they're cosplays are pretty cute." Then I saw that JC Penny. To be completely 100% honest, I'm a little jealous I never went through a big weeaboo phase. Yeah these kids look like complete fucking idoits but they look like they're having a lot of fun. It'll be an embarrasingly cute video to look back on.

Because I'm more of an awkward weaboo fan:

>> No.6959990

>I had nothin else XDDD
It's weird seeing that used non-ironically.

>> No.6960021

I love the look on weebs' faces when they dance. It's like they're concentrating so hard but never follow through with the moves well.

>> No.6960025

Honestly, being a weeaboo was fucking awesome. I was sad about being fat and white, but otherwise I had a grand old time yelling in broken Japanese and fantasizing with my friends about being a mangaka in glorious Nippon. In truth, my weeb phase was the happiest time of my life.
Anyway, you don't get to see any weebs in the flesh, but this video is pretty fucking amazing:

>> No.6960028

I know that feel

>> No.6960142


>> No.6960184
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>about being white

>> No.6960198

The subject manner is not weebish but it's from the year 2004 at the start of my weeaboo stage. I fall of a cliff and die.


>> No.6960211
File: 12 KB, 225x250, d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was a weeaboo
>the whole idea of a weeaboo is that they like anime so much they want to be Japanese
Where have you been, child?

>> No.6960232

Don't fedora on me, b

>> No.6960240


Not sure if weeby, but....

>> No.6960373
File: 89 KB, 720x540, hetalia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same ppl, whyyyy

>> No.6960391


>Brony orders 100 apple pies for Princess Luna
He literally went to McDonald's and bought 100 apple pies for his stuffed Luna.

>> No.6960412 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 170x236, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so mad right now

>> No.6960419

Wait, $89? They're like 2 for $1.39. Could of had dem pies for $20 cheaper.

>> No.6960446

>cgl fan favorite
God, this is kind of terrifying. I still feel uncomfortable no matter how many times i watch this

>> No.6960460

t-that looks kind of fun

>> No.6960469


I'm pretty sure it's not a thread until this gets posted.

>> No.6960743

You can't forget this one, Anon.

>> No.6960776

Oh fuck that's so weeby but so cute! Now I miss my weeb days, so embarrassing but I didn't care

>> No.6960780

yeah that was pretty rough

>> No.6960795

more furries

>> No.6960843

This is so cute honestly. I says in the description that they just went from a library con to the mall. Haha no fear. They're harmless and don't seem to be bothering anyone.
I actually like the part when they start dancing at like 1:45 cause they're both totally in sync. It's cool.

>> No.6960869

Every time I see this video I cringe.
Girl, you can barely breathe while you're talking.

>> No.6961058

Can't forget this.

>> No.6961150

Bahahahaha I was about to post this. This girl's in my comm and ugh she's so gross.

>> No.6961159

>she has to sew 2 skirts together because she's not a japanese medium
in other words, she has to sew them together because she's a damn hamplanet

>> No.6961235


Lolita Fashion Show

>> No.6961471

does this count?

>> No.6961511


>> No.6961583

Holy crap! Bwhahaha I was NOT expecting that.

Although, she does look like she would be really cute without that raccoon makeup.

>> No.6961613

jesus fucking christ. I stopped after the second ita when i saw she was wearing fucking leggings and open-toed sandals that look like she ought them from payless or something. and the first one. that. damn. spiderman. skirt.

>> No.6961650
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>> No.6961684

>made from bedsheet from the late 90s
> replicas oojia is a seamstress.....who's dresses go for 300$
>narrator has no idea what nerdy lolita is....
how the fuck did a whole comm look so horrid?

>> No.6961714

I'm sorry if this has already been posted; I've not made it through all of the videos yet.


>> No.6961724

I hope this was an ita fashion show.
>First fucking girl is wearing a spiderman bedsheet skirt
>2nd grill isn't any better

>> No.6961794

Yeah..This was so cute. I enjoyed the dancing

>> No.6961856
File: 460 KB, 1008x720, 1357450661576w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when I was 8 and I loved this movie, I would still find this incredibly gay.
My fucking sides

>> No.6961903

Why the fuck did I find this amusing.

>> No.6961985


>> No.6962201

shes in your comm you say
post pics of the sewn skirt

>> No.6962264

anyone know what song she's trying to sing? I'm kinda fascinated and wondering what it sounds like done... "properly"

>> No.6962281

He's just a kid wearing a long sleeve white shirt. I... Fuck.. God damn it..

>> No.6962289

my favorite

>> No.6962311

Have you people seriously NOT posted this yet? Come on guys, step up your game.


Seriously guys.

>> No.6962327

That's confirmed to be a troll video, though.

>> No.6962338

Confirmed when and how?

>> No.6962352

She posted a video on her channel about how it's fake. It's even obvious it's not real from watching the video.

>> No.6962369

are you really

Not that anon, btw.

>> No.6962371



Not seeing an "lol i toled u alll itzz fake" video here.

>> No.6962376

I want to laugh, but it's hard when you think about the fact that this girl is in the hospital (Or was she released already?)

>> No.6962385

Look harder, then.

>> No.6962382 [DELETED] 


>> No.6962402
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 1356817986610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny, I just skimmed through that video and missed the one line I needed to hear.

Well... all right then.

>> No.6962428

Wish I could. We're not friends on Facebook so I can only see a few of her pictures but they are incredible and weeby and gold.

>> No.6962502

My god. This was actually pretty entertaining

>> No.6962507

This one just makes me sad. She's no more stupid than any young weeb and she obviously cared a lot and put a lot of effort into her singing. She can't help not being talented. Poor thing.

>> No.6962523

I'd be with you if she hadn't been 24 at the time.

>> No.6962563


>> No.6963035
File: 74 KB, 648x548, screen-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I treat every audition as if my life depended on it, because... it does.

>> No.6964422
File: 409 KB, 637x1012, tumblr_mnvgpbiRrS1qanmogo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not >>6961150 but I also happen to be in the same comm as that girl. I found her tumblr a while back so here's a picture of her wearing the skirt, I guess for what it's worth she seems to have sewn it together pretty well.

>> No.6964438

actually now that I look at it I realize it's a different skirt than in the video, but it's still Bodyline so close enough.

>> No.6964492

Yeah, I miss being a weeb. Being confident in my ita-ness, having lots of friends. I envy my old self, and being honest I'd go back to it if I could. It was the best time of my life.

>> No.6964650

I still can't figure out what everyone's problem with her is, other than she's fat. Her outfits are decent...

>> No.6964656

I'd talk to her. It's not like she looks filthy or greasy or anything.
Ragging on her just because she's fat would be like me negging someone because I don't like their nose and "huehuehue only pretty people can wear lolita not flattie uggos xD"

>> No.6964897

I thought it was this at first.
Giving it a few listens I wasn't for sure, though. It did sound kinda' like she said 'Candy Spooky Theater' at the end, though.

>> No.6964947

You'd get it if you watch her videos. She's like 25 but acts like a 14-year-old autist weeaboo pretending to have a lolrandumb sugar high.

I'm in her comm and can confirm slight fish smell.

Trust us, it's not because she's fat. Also, she and a couple other token itas shit up the facebook group like nothing else.

>> No.6964949

Actually I really like how poofy the skirt looks on her. If she tucked her blouse in, wore tights and poofed up her hair a bit, she'd look pretty okay.

>captcha: century tacotop

>> No.6967441


This just makes me uncomfortable. I don't even know.

>> No.6967576

>we are a real couple
>in fact we're engaged

oh god

>> No.6967582

Agreed, at least I had friends then. Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.6967737


There's a goldmine of videos on her other youtube accounts. Thank you skype group for unleashing horrors to me.

>> No.6967875

How come me and my friends weren't this cute when we were in that "hahaha let's wear out cosplay to the mall!" phase?

>> No.6969701

There's another girl like her on this comm too but she doesn't make videos. I'm torn between wishing she did and thanking the lord she doesn't.

>> No.6969789

god i hope those shoes arent genuine VW

>> No.6973921


>> No.6973951

I'm playing shitty weaboo videos here guys:

>> No.6974158

this video makes me fucking ill

>> No.6974383

Oh god I met Wolfy Blackheart at a con

>> No.6974417

do go on, anon

>> No.6974456


>I love all kinds of Japan

>> No.6974466


>>made it to the first four seconds

I am choking on tears and laughter and quesadilla

well played cgl

well played

>> No.6974571

We smoked weed out of an aluminum can and she smelled like body odor but was also hot at the same time so yeah

>> No.6974854

Here ya go. Their songs are... quite interesting.


>> No.6975759


Oh god I remember her. She hasn't changed one bit and is now an even more *~special snowflake~* now that she got a tumblr

http://www.youtube.com /watch?v=UwzjqBJMy6g&feature=share&list=UUqwHcW96FMPByy1WXttEM5w

>> No.6976273
File: 193 KB, 640x960, 1352665009971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Niggas, step your game up

>> No.6976389
File: 263 KB, 653x403, 13545631256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The making-of video for this is my favorite thing on the internet.


>> No.6977764

I actually sort of love this person. I never want to meet them but (s/he????) just seems like a cartoon character.

>> No.6977960

jesus, it's hard to look at her because she's white as fuck and bright as the fucking sun

>> No.6977961

Does anyone have the video of the weeaboo who drew a shota picture of her Korean classmate getting it on with his brother. Extra points if you can also find the video where she rants about getting in trouble with the police for stalking the classmate.