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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 12 KB, 240x200, asian_girls_before_and_after_makeup_12_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6954978 No.6954978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a complete makeover thread?

Ive been feeling super down in the dumps about my looks lately. I had lost a lot of weight, had a little bit of confidence for a while, things were going well. Decided to dress weird but the way I like.

Then one thing kept happening after another, gained some weight back, my mother got bad news from the doctor, stress has been making break out, etc. I feel ugly and like shit. I want to just undo everything I did to myself. nothing feels right on me, no style feels natural.

Anyway im too much of a pussy to post my picture right away.

So general makeover thread? or even cosplay and lolita make overs? or just some cool transformations in general? your own personal makeovers?

>> No.6954995
File: 195 KB, 536x2761, holy shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my best one. It's amazing how she changes how she looks so much every day!

>> No.6955002
File: 626 KB, 625x4653, oh wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one but with all different people.

>> No.6955005

Holy cow! I wonder if she never removed the mole because she still wants to be recognizable in some odd way.

>> No.6955011

I hate this make-up style and think every single one of them looks better without it.

>> No.6955009

When I put on makeup I look like myself but slightly better, I wanna look like a completely different person like that dope211 girl on YouTube. She's a makeup wizard.

>> No.6955016
File: 1.14 MB, 800x4050, 6bc621fcgw1dow3zxtf67j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Japanese girl's volleyball team's makeup transformation via Popteen.

also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DaXJmo9cro

>> No.6955017
File: 19 KB, 309x282, Feels goat man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My body was not ready for that.

>> No.6955019

holy cow. Some of the makeup on the first few girls was unnecessarily drag queenish. (I mean some did look good with it, but those were really only the ones who already had good features)

>> No.6955022

Yeah.. That one I don't like quite as much as the first one I posted because all those girls are wearing tons of really obvious pornstar makeup, but it went with the thread's theme so I decided to post it anyways.

>> No.6955025

are they all butch girls or is that a japan things to make sure they look like guys?

>> No.6955026

pretty sure they're all butch and "what is the makeup"

>> No.6955029
File: 16 KB, 480x330, smile-guy-feature1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have guessed they were males.

>> No.6955030

I did too until I saw the skirts in one of the shots.

>> No.6955032

I think most of them look better with the make-up, but not because they are wearing make-up. Simply because they all have so many blemishes. If they were to take better care of their skin, then yes I would agree, they pretty much all would look better without make-up

>> No.6955037

Is there a youtube clip of this?

>> No.6955065
File: 285 KB, 557x384, ebf547252aa7414f85d2526915b48a64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't seem to find it for the life of me! Only some links to articles.

>> No.6955067

>tfw you'll never be good enough at makeup to do this sort of thing.

>> No.6955068

Dang. Thanks for trying though!

>> No.6955073
File: 23 KB, 560x369, s5v39y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're not trying hard enough

>> No.6955085


Dem nose contouring skills!

>> No.6955096
File: 220 KB, 1729x918, 477fe0dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6955100

White girl here. If I use eyelid tape, will it make my eyes look bigger and rounder?

>> No.6955109


found this skip to 0:34

>> No.6955112
File: 402 KB, 320x5000, amazingmakeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6955110

No, it will make you look bug-eyed and make it hard to blink. Also being white doesn't mean you don't have monolids.

>> No.6955116

Thank you!

>Those pushups

>> No.6955127


It depends on what kind of eyelids you have. You have to practice with it but it can look good without looking bug-eyed, but yeah, it will be a bit hard to blink if you use too much glue (if you use glue).

>> No.6955147
File: 154 KB, 1181x441, tumblr_m68ve38Vnd1rnrg62o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question about applying eye shadow/liner:
how should I apply it?
my eyelids are really mobile and deep set. :/ I've had friends try to apply stuff, but they always have issues.

>> No.6955158
File: 37 KB, 484x287, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are my eyes (Yeah, I know, one of 'em turns in and they're squinty and derpy.) and I'd really like to make them look bigger. I usually wear circle lenses and stuff but I figured the tape might help?

>> No.6955163
File: 2.06 MB, 437x2330, pstartransformation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

porn star transformations. more at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/11/porn-stars-without-makeup_n_2853817.html

and at the artists instagram idk its watermarked on there

>> No.6955174

oops sorry about the name, came from an AC:NL thread

>> No.6955173

I love your freckles (had to get that out of the way, sorry)!

For eyeliner, try pulling near the outer corner of your eye with your finger outwards to stretch the lid and make it taut, which will make applying eyeliner easier and less messy.
I don't generally use eyeshadow but I imagine the same method would work?

>> No.6955282

Bampu for more transformation pics.

>> No.6955304
File: 57 KB, 579x308, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll post mine

>> No.6955305

Always this one

>> No.6955306

You already look cute in the first one, though?

>> No.6955327

I like how she looks in the red hair before picture
why so dramatic/dark? They would look pretty good somewhere in between, IMO. The second one looks so trashy afterward, and older. And the one with the blonde highlights. I hope this was made in the 90's
Actually, they all look really old afterward...

>> No.6955339

I don't think it will really help. You already have fairly large eyes, and parallel eyelids. I have one tapered eyelid and one parallel lid and I only use it on the tapered one, if you use it on parallel lids it just ends up looking... weird and bug eyed. I wouldn't recommend it, you should be fine with some basic eye-enlarging makeup.

>> No.6955347


Ugh, please teach me how to do eye makeup. I have the same eyelids as you and nothing I do makes me look cute ;-;

>> No.6955346

left looks better

>> No.6955357


Ah, okay, thank you anon. I just figured I'd ask before I throw away money on a package of the stuff and wind up not being able to use it.

>> No.6955358

you look really cute in both pics!

>> No.6955366
File: 1.53 MB, 240x176, ubaIf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? I'm not wearing make up on the left.

I guess it's kinda of hard to teach over the computer...but I guess my advice would be just to practice applying and testing out different styles. I'm still experimenting with different looks. As for false eyelashes that took me forever to get the hang of; I eventually found out a gum massager is really helpful at applying false eyelashes. I also found buying pre made palettes of make up like ones for making a smokey eye can help you get an idea how to highlight and shadow. Also don't forget eyeshadow primer, especially if you have loose skin on your eyelids.

>> No.6955372

oh god I just dropped the wrong image

>> No.6955384

i remember seeing that clip on my local news station. other people fell down too, like a guy on a bike and another runner
10/10 would lol again

>> No.6955386
File: 28 KB, 300x300, uba1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if you go to the dental section in a drug store or supermarket and see one of these things, get it because it makes pressing false eyelashes onto my lash line so much easier. And it's cheap and fits in a make up bag. Just be careful not to poke yourself in the eye with it.

>> No.6955400

okay I have one of these in my dental kit but forgive me if I' missing the obvious but how exactly would I use it.Just push the rubber nib between lashes or what? Cause I usually just use tweezers or the eyelash clp.

>> No.6955415

Yeah...what is that? You know they make special eyelash applying tweezers right?

>> No.6955421

She's really cute even without makeup, she just needs to stop hiding her eyebrows and take better care of her skin.

>> No.6955424

>take better care of her skin.
man, her skin looks great to me...

>> No.6955427

Christ was it a requirement for Japanese female sports players to shave their heads too?

>> No.6955430
File: 104 KB, 944x513, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite. My eyebrows suck without being filled lol

>> No.6955435

left photo looks like present lindsay lohan
right photo looks like 6 years ago lindsay lohan

good job!

>> No.6955437

I had similar/the same type of eyes. Buy eyeliner that's just really creamy so it's easier to apply in the first place. Personally, I use liquid liner as I think it looks better on my top lid then pencil. Gel liner is cool too. Both of these you'll need to practice putting on and just try out to find which you like best. I think that liquid liner is a breezer once you get the hang of it. If you have/feel like you have smaller lid space like I do, I know that sometimes applying eyeshadow a certain way can come out funny. It might not be much help, but I'd really recommend just watching YT videos for simple eyeshadow looks (like, 1 color on lid, 1 color in crease, blend) and just practicing. Try not to just end the shadow right on your eyeball because it'll look weird - definitely blend outwards and use a highlight color to help with blending out around the side and on the brow. I found that with the way my eyes were set, when I did the makeup with closed eyes and followed with a tutorial they looked ok but when I opened them the shadow kinda...disappeared, until I figured to blend a little bit further than where I was going. Not sure if that was just me being stupid/not knowing how to apply makeup correctly or my eyes but yeah. I hope I was at least a little bit of a help - what really helped me was just trying shit out and practicing and experimenting to see what looked good and what didn't. YT makeup tutorials helped me a lot. I recommend xsparkage. She has some eccentric looks but you can find some more toned down/simpler ones. NicolaFoti also has some nice, simple ones as well.

>> No.6955441

lol pretty much, I look really bland without makeup but my eyes are a pretty color when I feel like dressing up

>> No.6955445

oh god, me too.
you ethnically irish? german?

>> No.6955448

Norwegian, my hair is naturally more of a light ash blonde. It's bothersome cause in high school I was scared of having too thin of brows so I didn't shape them at all, now at least I learned how to get a nice arch even if I have to wear makeup to look awake

>> No.6955454

One of my eye lids droop a wee bit more than the other and sometimes it makes it look like i have a lazy eye, is there anyway to make it less obvious via makeup?

>> No.6955461

Play with eyeliner and shading on the outside of your eye, that can help a lot with unevenness sometimes

>> No.6955464
File: 53 KB, 800x532, ethiopian_girlw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any advice for people such as myself with hereditary eyebags?

I have no problem covering my under eye dark circles it's just the eyebags that really piss me off and make me so self conscious, and being ethiopian it sticks out a lot.

pic related, my eyes look somewhat like this

>> No.6955477

Mine show up like that too when I smile a certain way, best I can see is cold compresses the night before you have to go out somewhere special, that and primer can lighten the area

>> No.6955475

Holy crap. One, why in the world did they cut their hair like a boys. They look terrible like that. And two, fuck they look so much better after their makeovers. These are some great results.

>> No.6955584

Christy Mack looks better without makeup.

>> No.6955595

youre both dumbasses.
They are obviously guys. They just got transformed for "shits and giggles". Ive seen a couple of these sketches on (japanese )tv. Another popular one is when they dress little boys like girls and mix them up and then X person has to guess if its a real girl or a boy

>> No.6955610

Why would they be wearing girls' uniforms in the before, then?

>> No.6955621

Shouldn't they have darker voices then?

>> No.6958209

You're the only dumbass here

>> No.6958238

Why are Asians so ugly?

>> No.6958243

Don't you hate when boys have girl's names, anon?

>> No.6958445
File: 11 KB, 313x116, ughwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like you might have eye hollows, which I have as well.
The skin under your eye is quite thin and there's no fat, correct? Just skin pressing against bone?

The reason you have dark circles might not because you're tired or anything, but rather because the fat under your eye is not there so it's just dark blood vessels showing through the thin skin.

I have the same thing, it sucks. even if I cover it there's still (excuse my weeb but this best describes it) "Itachi" lines under my eyes. And they're so dark that they still stand out somewhat. Also the skin under my eye is very fine so my makeup creases.

Anyway I can't give much advice beyond the fact that if you do have eye hollows, the only way to make them go away is to get an injection or a fat transfer.

Pic related is mine, even with makeup, coverup and a bit of photo editing.

>> No.6958579

do you have a tumblr by chance?

>> No.6958588

Yeah honestly, this is one of those shows.

>> No.6958946
File: 38 KB, 540x405, e68761d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyways, I'm guessing it was an interview for this article (which is not guessing, since it's an actual article) for Popteen about a group of high school girls who got makeovers. I have a picture somewhere of the article that some other person took of it. I'll post it later.

There's also a video in this thread.

>> No.6958955


Lol, I remember that article from the Daily mail....they were all porn stars.

>> No.6959014
File: 732 KB, 774x409, beforeafter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting mine, 'cause makeup is fun!

>> No.6959171

My green moldy shit looks cuter than you.

>> No.6959232

You should really do something about those teeth.

>> No.6959246

oh man, I love this one

>> No.6959284

What's wrong with her teeth? They fit her face/smile and I don't see an excess amount of gums or misalignment or staining. fffffffffffffff CGL needs something new to pick on they are getting lame

>> No.6959302

dude, her teeth are fine, they are neither crooked nor yellow, so they are already better than most of the populace

>> No.6959316

I'm suprised no one has posted people doing their makeup to look like another race.

Let's get some of those in here!

>> No.6959342

There is nothing wrong with her teeth, asshole.

>> No.6959593

Don't be so hard on yourself. I wouldn't have noticed anything if you hadn't said it. Even then, it took me a moment to even figure out what you meant.

>> No.6959788
File: 174 KB, 464x414, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /cgl/,

How do I make myself less ugly?

>> No.6959812

nose contour
try the cat eyeliner
try smiling more and get a good foundation

>> No.6959813
File: 7 KB, 300x300, grocery-bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6959833

you look qt without the makeup already, dem eyes

>> No.6959840
File: 54 KB, 320x240, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried this but it's pretty hard to breathe and see.
I have huge buck teeth which is probably why I refrain from smiling so much. I'll try to do it more, here's a picture where I'm actually smiling, albeit with my mouth shut.

What do you mean by fringe? Just get my bangs cut more choppy?

>> No.6959844

You're not ugly! You're cute. And I'm sure you'd be super adorable with the right stuff.
I'd say cut your hair a couple inches above shoulder length with some layers, wear mascara and slightly brancing off eyeliner, smile, wear lip gloss to make your lips more pink, and some blush would really brighten up your face.

>> No.6959852
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 541910_408218125914219_1999308262_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mean it in an offensive or derogatory way ( because I know a few people on cgl don't like her)
but I think Abiipop(sp?) kinda does her eye makeup in a way to imitate asian eyes, or she squints a lot idk.

>> No.6959857

I have a really long face and what I feel is a manly jaw, so I tend to stray away from shorter cuts, but if it's pretty layered then it may look nice. I'm still pretty new to all of this stuff so I don't really know what works and what doesn't.

>> No.6959861

You're the female version of Damian Lewis.

>> No.6959871

Maybe I could cut my hair and be his stunt double. I'd have to wear stilts, though. There goes that job prospect.

>> No.6959893

That's Abipop? Holy shit she looks different even with that pound of make-up on. Is there any real life photos of her without all the shoops?

>> No.6959898

I by no means think you are ugly

but some basic tips that help are maybe:

*Get a more flattering hair cut, maybe one that follows around your jaw line to round out your face.

*cat eyeliner does always look nice on girls and ill accentuate the shape of your eyes which are already pretty almond shaped.

* learn to highlight your cheeks,chin etc to help bring out certain features and receed others.

I definitely think a cute haircut would do wonders for you, I'll try looking up some picture of what I think might look nice

>> No.6959900

yeah I think so,the one I saw with less makeup was actually kinda unflattering I dun like her teeth

>> No.6959904

That would be amazing. I honestly don't know the first thing about flattering haircuts. Or makeup, really but there are so many tutorials here that I'm pretty sure I can learn without too many issues.

You guys are so nice thank you so much, I'm sorry I'm majorly bad at this stuff.

>> No.6959921

actually it was the beginningof this video, she might still have a bit of makeup on but she looks a bit different


>> No.6959934
File: 34 KB, 311x424, 73605775130432019_s9Skwb3a_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind do something that YOU like as well, don't just take any suggestion because it just may not be your style, but I think having layers side that curl inwards towards your face may give it a rounder look. I'm sure others may have some good suggestions as well.

I just learned a little about it because I feel I was almost born into horse head territory and I hade to find something to make me look better. ;_;

>> No.6959936

That's actually super cute! I'll definitely try something like that. Thank you so much

>> No.6959940
File: 26 KB, 400x400, best-hairstyle-best-round.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hairstyle may be a bit overdone but it's flattering!

>> No.6959945

I have a really long face and whenever i layer my hair inward toward my face like that it seems to kind of emphasize it... I don't really understand how that is supposed to make a face look rounder

>> No.6959948

would blunt bangs look ok on me? I have really thick hair and kind of a cowlick on the right side of my head, and a short forehead. They're really cute though I'd like to try it but I'm so nervous

>> No.6959950
File: 5 KB, 160x192, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no prob! Long as you do what makes you comfortable, a bad haircut can really fuck up a look

>> No.6959955

I think that if the inward parts fall right under your jaw but I have more of a heart shaped face with an unfortunate chin thta my haircut disguises.

blunt bangs aren't for everyone. I'm not exactly sure what advice I could give you on them. sorry

>> No.6959958

ugh I realized how bad I typed that, I mean if the inwards parts fall right at your jawline it covers that hard angle

>> No.6959961

some tips I read:

-oval faces should go for curved bangs inseat of blunt across it creates a rounder look.

- volume draws out the cheek bones

- layers frame

- volume at the top of the head balances out a heavy bottomed face

- ends should look thicker around the jawline to fill in the space of a thinner chin

hope that helps a bit

>> No.6959974
File: 66 KB, 598x413, 320f2403926f0e3cf266419a076319ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a ton of these :3

>> No.6959976
File: 29 KB, 371x254, 849d5dea9149318567bc8d08b99966471288508861_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6959982
File: 70 KB, 618x376, ayumi_now_then-618x376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6960004

I have a very weak jaw, cgl. I love my face when looking at it head on but I absolutely despise my profile. What can I do to minimize/hide it as far as makeup goes?

>> No.6960006
File: 227 KB, 665x925, 未命名_meitu_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6960015
File: 62 KB, 622x422, oblong-face-contouring3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makeup wise, contour and highlight

this site has a bunch of large images for different face types. i recommend peeking at it

>> No.6960020
File: 67 KB, 357x750, 1350452052457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't use makeup to reorder your facial features. You can use it to enhance what you've got and/or take the focus away from a feature you don't like by accentuating one you do.

It's been said a billion times but it really is beneficial to shift the focus from your appearance sometimes.

>> No.6960033

can you post the website link
I need the round face one like a burning

>> No.6960034
File: 22 KB, 641x345, 264957-promise-tamang-phan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know how dope111(promise phan) changes her whole face with makeup? do you guys know any makeup gurus on youtube who do the same thing/are similar to her? also are there any videos of asian girls basically doing irl photoshop on their face with makeup besides that chinese diamond show?

>> No.6960044

I like how asian girls do it better, they change theyre whole face but it doesnt even look like theyre whering that much makeup

>> No.6960050
File: 14 KB, 199x226, Angled-Layered-Bob-Hairstyles1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong jaw with a giant square male elf face here.

You know what hairstyles make me look most like a dude?

The bob. Which is sad because I thought it was the perfect hairstyle in high school and spent years being fugly.

>> No.6960068

oops sorry

>> No.6960077

haha these are the kind of tutorials I'm looking for, whether it's to hide how hideous I am or just for fun

>> No.6960084
File: 50 KB, 467x702, 2691__468x_1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of the really OTT types of eyeshadow myself but I think the white girls look so much more "natural" than bug-eyes chan. The colors they use really bring out their eye colors and I personally find the way the did the eyemakeup more attractive.

>> No.6960087
File: 31 KB, 300x400, cos-01-Lily-Aldrige-soho-fashions-night-out-mdn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a lot of models with square faces go for wavy or tousled hairstyles, I'm not sure exactly how to help for that face but I'm guessing it kinda breaks up the shape

>> No.6960090
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kate middleton

dis chick man...

>> No.6960097
File: 32 KB, 414x261, amazingcoolawesomePromisePhanmakeupskillsimitationphotospictures6_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6960104

She's a fucking wizard. Her videos are so entertaining.

>> No.6960099
File: 29 KB, 300x446, 1331384862583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a grip, people. I don't understand why these threads always turn into self loathing central. Then again, you'd have to be pretty damn insecure to be as horrible and disparaging towards other people as some of you are.

>> No.6960109
File: 22 KB, 628x316, 2C504A4211ECEAA3E10F33DD8E87F_h316_w628_m5_cNUvMzySw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a promise phan thread
>Jaessica alba

>> No.6960116
File: 80 KB, 547x480, hair_meitu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /cgl/! I'm going to be getting my bangs recut soon, and I was thinking of also getting my tips dyed/possibly streaks/maybe also my bangs?

What color should I go for, and where would look the best, do you think? I'm open for any color, but I'm leaning towards something in the blueish or pinkish/purpleish range.
(As an added bonus if anyone has any suggestions for how to get my bangs cut, although I'm not as conflicted over that part.)

Pic related is my hair, as you can see it's mousy and curly. I'm trying to grow it out and be nicer to it.

>> No.6960117
File: 34 KB, 600x401, promise-tamang-phan-18962462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is she the best makeup guru on youtube? cant seem to think of anyone better

>> No.6960120
File: 6 KB, 270x187, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6960121 [DELETED] 

I don't think I mean to anyone on /cgl/ I've been helpgn this whole thread.plus I'm interested because it would make me feel better personally. Everyone has flaws and some people or more conscious about them than others. I have a boyfriend so I'm not trying to trick anyone. It's just make me feel better about myself.

some people are self loathing as well because they were bullied. I'm not saying it's an excuse to dislike yourself but I think that it's hard to feel confident sometimes if you've grown up with people tearing you down.

also cgl is a cruel place sometimes, is it really that absurd to see a thread like this for people who want to improve?

>> No.6960129

I'm interested because it would make me feel better personally. Everyone has flaws and some people or more conscious about them than others.

some people are self loathing as well because they were bullied. I'm not saying it's an excuse to dislike yourself but I think that it's hard to feel confident sometimes if you've grown up with people tearing you down.

also cgl is a cruel place sometimes, is it really that absurd to see a thread like this for people who want to improve?

>> No.6960172
File: 59 KB, 464x320, 549263_600272300000078_682841769_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine

>> No.6960197

> absurd to see a thread like this for people who want to improve

These threads are some of the only ones I contribute towards because before I saw what people looked like without makeup/shoop/surgery, I assumed they were just as good looking without it and that no matter what kind of makeup I used It wouldn't make a difference.

Showing that even the famous/ people we think of as attractive have" flaws " whether major or minor helps with one's own self esteem.

What we're told to see as desirable (airbrushed, poreless skin, unnaturally slim limbs) don't exist and constantly shoving those kind of things on our faces is problematic. My goal is not to point fingers at people who aren't as pixel perfect as they're made out to be and jeer. It's to show that you can't be flawless if you're human. It's hard to embrace your flaws if all you're seeing is people with caked on makeup and shoop. It's not fair to compare yourself to something that isn't real/achievable.

> grown up with people tearing you down

I've known people who have been bullied and was bullied myself for a time when I was young. Once I left that kind of toxic enviroment I realized what complete idiots those people were and how they weren't even worth my time .

People who are petty enough to be a bully probably doesn't even realize why they do it.

>> No.6960229

Holy crap your contouring is so great and subtle I would never notice it unless I saw it next to each other like this

>> No.6960235
File: 61 KB, 361x480, blogger-image--1040559133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6960236
File: 1.88 MB, 432x240, friday-damn-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a second there, I thought that this was Amanda Lepore.

>> No.6960243

I'm sorry, but I hate the contacts. They look terrible. Stick with your natural color, if that's you.

>> No.6960254

That's not me but I think the contacts look nice.

>> No.6960720

Sorry, the comment was completely random and could easily have been taken the wrong way. That was just my immediate reaction when seeing your picture. You said your teeth were bad? Well fixing them so you can actually smile would go a long way.

>> No.6960750

Some people have naturally shitty teeth, though, and "fixing them" would be expensive. I don't hold not smiling or closed-mouth smiles against anyone.

>> No.6960799

I'm not holding it against them. Just pointing out how much smiling can make a difference.

>> No.6960807


Not that anon, but I can't smile either. My upper lips comes up too high and shows a lot of gum so I look like a horse. Plastic surgery is expensive.

>> No.6960840

I just meant me in general, maybe the term was imprecise.

>> No.6960862

Get a better phone and better haircut that isn't incredibly side swept to one side?

>> No.6960883

In all likilihood, they were required to keep their hair short for volleyball, either as a team thing or a sports thing.

>> No.6960897

Top right- is that Jessica?

>> No.6960898

>Michelle will always be more popular and well-regarded than her

>> No.6960980


I think your hair color is really nice for your skintone. Maybe you should try a bob; it would really emphasize your pretty face.

You're definitely not ugly. Try some color on your lips, concealer under your eyes, and mascara. A bit of makeup would really do wonders for you.

>> No.6960984

Ya, I think you're right. The boys are required to shave their heads for high school baseball so I suspect the girls were required to as well to stay in the team.

>> No.6960988


It looks like your hair is very dry. I think some deep conditioning treatments would be beneficial.

Maybe you should do an all-over color that would bring out your hair color? I have a very mousey blonde color; when I got highlights, it really made my hair look so much better.

In terms of styling, try to curl some sections to really bring out that shape. It looks quite nice naturally, though!

>> No.6960991


I love your contouring! It's so natural, especially on the nose. Maybe you could use a little more blush? It would really bring out those lovely cheeks.

>> No.6960994


I think your contouring is a bit overdone. Embrace your beautiful features! I also agree with >>6960243 about the contacts.

Finally, your eyeliner is very dark, especially under your eyes. It's not attractive.

>> No.6961002

cgl what contouring works to help round up under my cheek bones?

i do lolita/dolly kei with a gaunt face which evidently, isnt cute.

i kinda wish i was like venus angelic and have that cute rounded face even after losing weight

>> No.6961011

personally i really like the contacts, its not so contrastive and really softens your face!

>> No.6961013

Holy shicaisson that lisha!? I've never seen her without all her makeup

>> No.6961017

Wow mobile autocorrect is dumb. I means *is that

>> No.6961030

This was a response to >>6960099 I just forgot to link it. And I agree with everything >>6960197 you just said it better I hope you didn't think I was insulting the thread, I was replying to another poster.

>> No.6961118

this is my problem also. I haven't found any techniques that help besides photoshop.

>> No.6961247

yeah, thats exactly what ive had to use to counter it :/

>> No.6962043

Wouldn't you just highlight areas you would normally contour, since normal contouring is designed to make the bones of a face look more prominent and the face look slimmer?

Try highlighting the area under your cheekbones, just under either side of your chin (like the reverse of contouring a double chin) and on the sides of the apples of your cheeks maybe?

>> No.6962063

Naomi Cambell is such a cunt but damn she looks great even without makeup.

>> No.6962343

The last one is perfect xD

>> No.6962535

Try a pink sort of highlighter on the apples of your cheeks? One of those ones that's sort of in between highlighter and blush. It works for me a little bit.

>> No.6962593

Okay guys I'm feeling very ugly lately too, so hit me with your best advice.

I'm too self-conscious to post a picture, but I'm a white girl who suffers from fat face syndrome. While I'm somewhat good at concealing it with makeup, I still have no idea what to do with my hair, how to carry myself, or if there is a way (aside from liposuction) to make my face thinner.

While I'm working on losing weight (because even if I'm not overweight, I suppose it can't hurt) and using a face roller... do any of you guys have any tips?

>> No.6962677

Could be your diet. Not even your weight but excess sodium or carbs can bloat you like crazy. Either that or maybe puberty isn't completely done with you. I didn't lose my facial fat till I was around 22

>> No.6962760

you could try those Japanese face shaper things

>> No.6962763
File: 55 KB, 400x438, Facial-Slimming-Massage-Face-Roller-Skin-Care-Massager_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped my pic

>> No.6962775

I'll have to go with this as well, eating a lot of salt can cause water retention and create a pufyf bloated face.

But only you know how much your sodium intake is so do you think it's a possibility, or maybe it's just genetics?

>> No.6962802

Just being bloated in general can do this too. I stopped eating shut and in the first week noticed a difference because I wasn't bloated.

>> No.6962822

Yeah, come to think of it I'm pretty sure that there is a genetic component but I suppose cutting carbs won't hurt while I wait it out.


Lol that is the exact one that I use! Not sure if it's making me slim and gorgeous, but it does feel relaxing :)

>> No.6962836

I can't wait 'til these women get married and one day their husband will wake up next to her and look at her face and scream like a small girl.

>> No.6962868

I'm sure you don't look as bad as you think you do <3
I love rounder cheeks/pixie faces on girls

>> No.6962888
File: 618 KB, 839x590, 2893uerjrndw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I'm in the same boat. Pic related is my fat face. I don't know what to do but my fat face and chronic dark/sunken in eyes piss me off. Benefit's Bo-ing concealer does me pretty good for the second one, though.

>> No.6962894

Omg you're adorable with those great cheeks... I see no 'fat-face' at all!

>> No.6962908

Because until the day after man and woman are married they have never seen each other except when they're both at their peak of physical grooming


not even once

>> No.6962918
File: 348 KB, 600x387, mine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure i'll try

my "before" is from right now, my "after" is from a few months ago... i've never gotten my hair to look that good since

>> No.6963127

your face isn't 'fat' in the slightest, you just have a really pronounced chin/jaw and cheeks due to underlying bone structure

>> No.6963160
File: 461 KB, 612x612, wwweelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyebrows, skin makeup, eyeliner and we're good to go.

>> No.6963173

did u know korean girls are my fetish

>> No.6963179

wow lewd.
it's okay ur my fetish too

>> No.6963177
File: 29 KB, 540x720, wwwelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6963187

Yeah, and the part of yoru face right under the apple of your cheeks is really thin, and your jaw narrows your face.
Not fat at all. You can't even say that you have a wide or a round face. You have the opposite.

>> No.6963197
File: 87 KB, 467x400, ellen-degeneres-without-makeup-467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6963204


>> No.6963210



>> No.6963360
File: 1.17 MB, 1134x431, makeups.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a makeup noob with a wonky eye

>> No.6963374
File: 315 KB, 1476x1444, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse my shitty diagram. There wasn't a makeup help thread so I thought this would be the best place to ask. This is one of my favorite cosplayers because her makeup is always superb. How do I recreate this look? Any tutorials would be fantastic.

>> No.6963372


I also have a wonky eye. My sympathies.

>> No.6963377

Your eyebrows are perfect.

>> No.6963380

whoa thanks stranger!!

wonky eye buddies unite. sometimes i wake up and that eyelid just doesn't wanna open.

>> No.6963390

>putting liquid/cream over powder
oh shit nigger what are you doing

>> No.6963398

alright! thanks everyone, i'll give this a go and maybe post a before/after pic

>> No.6963403

this has to be fake...

>> No.6963404


>> No.6963401

with longer eyebrows i reckon your face would frame better
but unfortunately knowing eyebrows, what grows is what grows :( you still look cute though

>> No.6963402

awks, i have the same problem and i'm irish, german, and scandinavian. unite.

>> No.6963411

you're cute as fuck in both pics I ain't even a yellowfeverfag

>> No.6963413

anyone have any MtF before and after make up pics?

>> No.6963440

Its called photoshop
But srsly, her makeup on the pic of the right looks TERRIBLE

>> No.6963474

Heaven forbid I have to play in the sun or blush. Either or I look like a tomato, otherwise everyone loves my pale skin.
No joke every male German exchange student at my college (all 6 of them) have said outright they had crushes on me. I'm not even that cute come on.

>> No.6963581

This thread has proven to me that I like girls without makeup more.

>> No.6963894

i wish :(

i overplucked them a bit when i was younger, because the center most part of my eyebrows were very long and awkwardly pointed hairs (i used to call them my devil brows haha) so now i'm kind of stuck :p but i'm generally happy with my appearance so yay

>> No.6963931

Not the anons you were replying to, but I hate having such pale skin. Everyone makes shitty comments at me about being a vampire (i have dark brown hair and light brown almost yellow eyes) and I've tried to tan but I just get really really sunburnt and then stay yellowy for about a week once the burned skin flakes off, and then return to my normal color. I tried spray tanning my whole body but it looks gross and orange so that option is out. I can't even find a white enough foundation at the department stores, so just buy the lightest Lancôme one and mix it with pure white from Ben Nye.
Being this white sucks. Don't even know how I got this way. Both my parents are English/Scottish mutts with normal ruddy complexions.

>> No.6964353
File: 536 KB, 1300x1200, 1329308215571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh I have a couple I can dump. I've been struggling with acne since the 5th grade so looking at these help me to know there's hope.

>> No.6964355
File: 46 KB, 700x467, 1323039681133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6964358
File: 264 KB, 606x530, 1329322525976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6964365
File: 36 KB, 973x360, lisaeldridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6964363

Building coverage, I think?
My friend also used this method to reduce oil, but she was usually a complete cakeface.

>> No.6964367
File: 25 KB, 638x348, lisaeldridge1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6964370
File: 22 KB, 638x349, lisaeldridge2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6964399

This doesn't exactly fit into this thread, but does anyone else have a really crooked face or facial features? I look really weird, especially if I see a video of myself.

>> No.6964405
File: 205 KB, 720x473, Screen shot 2013-07-10 at 2.16.12 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, I'll bite.
left is plainface, right is warpaint.
it was kind of surprisingly difficult to find a photo of myself in full makeup.

I've been thinking I need to get my eyebrows shaped up (they're even fuzzier right now than in these photos) but I never know what to ask for when I go to a salon.
tips would be appreciated.

>> No.6964431

sorry, no tips

>dem green eyes
best eye color

>> No.6964432

Ugh sorry, this is not a tip but is that your real hair in your war paint picture? I ask because it looks so soft and smooth and I'm wondering what you did.

>> No.6964463

thanks! I probably should have specified earlier, but they're circle lenses.
(EOS Ice Greens from pinkyparadise)

it is, but I'm not sure what advice I can offer. I used to get pretty regular chem treatments back when my hair was still suffering from having the shit bleached out of it in order to be pink. Other than that, though, my routine is super basic. Braiding probably makes it look better, too.

>> No.6964526

ugh she's perfect

>> No.6964790
File: 30 KB, 371x600, phpH47WOlPM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly self-post here to remind you that you don't actually have to be pretty to look pretty.

The right amount of lighting, angles, makeup magic and maybe a bit of instagram can make you look like an entirely different person.

Also, ignore how stupid my makeup and poses and shit are in the 'good' ones, I have been goofing off majorly in my new wigs lately.

And also, I do not use photoshop, the only thing I have used is an instagram photo filter on each one. So there is a bit of lighting alteration going on, but no bone structure changing going on or anything.

I guess if you have questions or want to make fun of me, just let me know!

>> No.6964803

My face is super uneven- one eye/eyelid/eyebrow is lower than the other, and my smile is crooked. I hate it because there's not much I can do.

Is there any type of exercise or anything that can help raise my saggy eyelid?

>> No.6964808

wow, you are fantastic.

>> No.6964812
File: 345 KB, 446x445, omgyay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! here's a photo of me pretending that I have jaw definition.

>> No.6964813


>> No.6964816

youre pretty already though. . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .ok

>> No.6964822
File: 45 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130710_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youre pretty already though


>> No.6964818

Oh man, that's awesome. You're quite cute without the makeup too though!

>> No.6964827

what are some basic tips you recommend. I know learning about flattering angles in a huge help, but it also seems like having your hair done is also an essential part of a look.

You are already pretty like a lot of others said but how do you go about slimming you face so well?

>> No.6964829
File: 12 KB, 246x250, ohu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man, I appreciate it!

Here's me working a different look being goth as shit for no reason.

And also, inb4 attention whore, I just want to show off my makeup and deception skills.

>> No.6964831

I lol'd dude youre awesome

>> No.6964837
File: 24 KB, 631x345, nomakeup_vs_makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6964838

Me... My jaw is slightly crooked, which is weird because I even had braces/jaw alignment.
It's still better than my horseface from before I guess (I mean I'm still quite ugly but.. you know..).

>> No.6964842

too sleepy to properly comment but this is great and you seem chill as fuck

>> No.6964844

Well basically, you need to learn what your face looks most flattering in. Some people look better with frontal lighting (with the light source right in front of your face) because for me, any kind of shadow lets on to how huge of a landwhale I am in real life. Some people tend to get moonface with that lighting though, so maybe you'll want to keep your lightsource to the side or even cock your face to the side a bit to get a little profile action going on.

Also, don't be afraid to contour the shit outta your face. What looks like a drag queen in real life looks like megan fox in a photograph. And remember, angles are crucial. You want them up and pointing down at your face, not right in front.

Just experiment with makeup and angles and lighting until you get some images you like. Find out what you like most about those pictures. Emulate that in your future pictures. Also find out your good parts. I am told I have lovely eyes, so I play those up big time. I hate my jaw (or lack there-of) so I try and hide it with my hair, hands, or contouring.

Almost always, you will get a better picture in natural sunlight than artificial. Using the light from a window is much better than your bathroom light fixture. 100% of the time.

>> No.6964847

You're awesome!

Hey man, that's cool as fuck to hear, thank you.

>> No.6964861

I hope you don't mind my saving this photo for posterity. I've been having issues with friends falling (stupidly) for women using these exact tricks (and more) on OKC, POF, et c.

I don't understand how people don't understand how makeup, angles, and lighting work.. Photoshop I can sometimes understand.. even for me it's hard to tell at times. But generally.... people lower their standards and whip out garbage edits of themselves in the vain hope that somebody will actually find them attractive.

Then again, maybe I'm only so keen on it because of my sisters and the majority of my friends growing up being women. They all use the same bullshit tricks.

>> No.6964881

You're more than welcome to keep it and share it, I'd be flattered!

And as far as fatgirl photo trickery goes, I'm obviously a fan of it, but it seems silly to me when people try to keep the facade of it up when in reality, they're landwhales, like me. I think it's so fun to make myself up and see the finished product. Like taking a shitty beat up car and restoring it like "hell yeah, look what I did!" But the whole fun in it is showing what it looked like before it. I am a 2/10 at best irl. But in pictures, I can exceed 8-9/10 for some people. And that is fun to me! But to surround yourself in lies and pretending that it's the real you is just unproductive, especially on dating sites.

So yes, teach your friends of the Photography Black Magic and Angle Voodoo. It's out there, and it's very real.

>> No.6964887
File: 21 KB, 267x200, lies?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a bitch too caught up in how other people present themselves.
How does any of this affect you and what good is showing them a picture of makeup "tricks" going to accomplish?

>> No.6964890

I actually think she looks better without makeup.

Come at me.

>> No.6964893

so do I

she's only like 19 too, make up makes her look old as fuck

>> No.6964927

I know, jesus. I love that she posts here all the time because I just want to gobble up all the pictures of her
Once my harddrive is filled to a certain percentage with her face, it'll burst into a supernova and I will become her

I just hope I get her wardrobe too while I'm at it

>> No.6964936
File: 205 KB, 912x621, blah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone looks so beautiful here ;u; with or without make up...

not sure if this would be the right board, but i would really appreciate any advice on how2makeup or atleast improve my looks. at most, i just wear eyeliner. my friend tells me that i should wear more make up (i don't take this offensively) or at least try something new.

>> No.6964951

That shoop on some of them though.

>> No.6964998
File: 23 KB, 302x269, fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nose is crooked, it looks like a different nose from one side or the other. It annoys me to no end but people don't really notice unless they are looking for it.
This is me you can kind of see it in this picture. Best I can do is try to fake a straighter nose and do lighting to wash it out :(

>> No.6965001

You are so cute thoughhh. Maybe some green eyeshadow to make your eyes pop a bit more? And a bit more contouring on the chin but that's just me. I kind of like it simple on you.

>> No.6965008

It's kind of annoying but I luckily live in the area Twilight is set in. No joke it's foggy here or rainy most of the year, so I only have about 10 days I could potentially burn at all in a year.
But I do make Vampire jokes because stupid tourists from California will believe anything.
I'm not white enough to have to mix my foundation, but I am pushing it with the lightest ones they have. With a pinkish undertone I can fake it a bit with slightly darker makeups.

>> No.6965011

Jawesome, yo. You're a good personality. I like you.
Okay, I'll bite. You're welcome to your opinion. However I think you misunderstand my intentions. The point of showing my friends examples of makeup "tricks" is so they have a better idea of what they will be getting themselves into. No more talking with a 10/10 and then meeting up with a 3/10@115kg wearing a corset with a face caked with makeup. Hopefully. If not, whatever. I can try to help, but I can't make them wise up.

I have no problem with women using makeup (trust, if it weren't for makeup I wouldn't have slept with half the women I have). However, improving your appearance with makeup in real-life is an entirely different game than using makeup and other tricks to form the illusion that you are something you are not. Nobody is perfect and I dislike the growing trend for people to do whatever they can to make it seem as if they are. The internet makes this far too easy and not enough people are properly educated to notice said tricks. (and don't think my opinion is limited to women only. I know men who pull the same shit.)

I respect the art. But only if it is just that. It isn't right to play games with people (or yourself), convincing them (or yourself) you are something you are not (even if it is pathetically easy to fall into such traps). Especially considering that your charade will come to a grinding halt once you are away from the convenience of security that the internet can offer.
It does nothing but harm the people you trick. Expecting/Wanting one thing and receiving something entirely different. It does nothing but harm your ability to trust.

But what do I know? I'm just some guy that is probably taking his own shallow desires and insecurities out on those around him.

>> No.6965015

You're wearing a fedora right now arent you

>> No.6965024

You're not alone! I had a straight nose until I was hit in the face with a mallet accidentally (last time I help with flooring)

It's pretty easy to hide if you've got the poses down and a bit of contouring skills, but candid shots are the worst!

>> No.6965022

And a trench coat. I am also smoking a blu ecig and drinking a glass of scotch on the rocks. I also have a handlebar mustache and a soul patch.

You think I'm kidding..

>> No.6965023
File: 1.06 MB, 1270x3336, 1373503003465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound sad, here's a funny image I found on /v/ to cheer you up bro.
The women on here are fucking terrible, you should leave your house more.

>> No.6965032

Lose that eyeliner. It doesn't do you any good with your eyes. Try some mascara/eyelash curler and look up tutorials for controuring and eyeshadow for your face shape/eye shape.

>> No.6965038

>ecig and scotch
my nig

>> No.6965046

Can both of you go back to reddit or r9k something

This thread is not for you to bitch about how much you hate women

>> No.6965052

thanks for the suggestion/compliment!

is there a reason as to why it doesn't go quite well with my eyes? eyeliner was what i stuck with forever :s but it is getting boring.

and if it isn't too much of a problem, are there any specific colors? i believe my skin color is olive or something, and obvious enough, my face is round. i'll do some research though on what would best match me, though.

>> No.6965053

>men hating women
>women hating women
> sentient beings hating women
Sounds accurate.

>> No.6965055

Well I am still super new to posing but I'm working on it. Confidence helps a great deal with it I guess, fake it till you make it.

>> No.6965195

any one know this girls blog/tumblr?

>> No.6965361

I'm in the same boat as you. People would say I looked like a ghost. Or they thought I was wearing makeup to look that pale.

>> No.6965397


Loving your face. Shout out to Bo-ing concealer for being awesome!

>> No.6965569 [DELETED] 
File: 599 KB, 598x359, blech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left is no make up
right is made up

I have clear skin but a crooked nose, small/light eyebrows, tiny lips, and a morgan man jaw thing going on. I'd love to learn how to pose/do make up to hide all of that, if possible

>> No.6966044

>I am a 2/10 at best irl
if the pictures of you with no make up are any indication, then no, you are not

>> No.6966049

I don't think that eyeliner is really working for you. You already had a great eye shape, eyeliner kinda ruined it

>> No.6966070
File: 59 KB, 357x402, 1355463774029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No more talking with a 10/10 and then meeting up with a 3/10@115kg wearing a corset with a face caked with makeup.
Well first of all this is their business and not yours. Secondly, who at least doesn't video chat once before meeting up? You're seriously blaming strangers for how your friends idealize someone and put them up on pedestals but then turn out to be disappointed? Nobody's fault but their own.

>using makeup and other tricks to form the illusion that you are something you are not.
That's what makeup -is- for you dingus.
Nobody that wears it to begin with has baby-smooth skin without any imperfections or perfectly lined eyes with the darkest black lashes.
And unless they do something like photoshop themselves to make their noses look completely different, enlarge their eyes to planet proportions, or to drop 100 pounds from their image then nothing about wearing makeup and taking a picture at an angle is "unreal." If the person wore the same makeup and another person saw them at that exact angle irl they'd look the same. Nothing illusionary about that, it's not "art."

Also, wearing makeup and using photoshop filters does not imply anyone thinks they're "perfect" and have a desire to tell others that they are. They just want to look nice for a photo and idg why that bothers you so. You just sound like a whiney twat and your friends probably think so too.

>> No.6966082

whoa okay anon you win for being super nice. Thank youu. I really do feel like at least a little eyeliner never hurt anyone though.

>> No.6966156


will you make yourself up like the top left pic and let me nut allover you lips?

>> No.6966170

Uh I'm pretty sure a lot of those were from this 'porn stars without makeup' series. Explains the heavy makeup.

>> No.6966182

Oh, didn't expect to see myself posted in this thread. The first picture is so bad oh god. I used to wear those kind of socks in different colors every day haha.

>> No.6966184

You're absolutely stunning even without makeup.

If you want to get your eyebrows done, you might just want to go to a local salon and set up your first appointment. Even though most of the technicians at my place have those super-dramatic eyebrows, the lady who worked on me held back, I got the feeling, because it was my first time, and I was really pleased with the result in a way I might not have been if I'd demanded something super specific. The people who work there know their stuff.

>> No.6966197

To me, the eyeliner itself isn't the problem, it's the thick wind you're drawing. Eyeliner's primary purpose is to make your lashes look thicker, so a thin line would suffice. I don't know why, but your picture gives me a 'teenager trying out eyeliner for the first time' vibe. I think it's because the rest of your face is quite bare, that style of eyeliner usually looks good only when the rest of your face is made up too.

As for colours, you have brown eyes so blues go best. Navy eyeliner is good if you want to be a bit more subtle, as blue eyeshadow can quickly venture into looking like a drag queen. I also quite like green and purple with brown eyes. Again, eyeliner in dark green or plum would be a great alternative. You also look like you would suite warm neutral colours.

>> No.6966199

*thick wing

>> No.6966218

I'm really interested in the fake eyebag trick I'm seeing in a lot of asian girl's tutorials.

Anyone tried it? It looks cute but is it one of those things that just looks stupid on Caucasian eyes?

I'd go try it out but I just showered.

>> No.6966222
File: 1.52 MB, 2250x1500, aegyo-sal-ulzzang-makeup-31[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you mean aegyo sal?

If you already have eyebags i wouldn't suggest since it would only make your eyes appear more zombie-like and tired, but most of the western girls i've seen it on look fine!

I think this look would look best on people with eyes like pic related, or you could play around with makeup to give it this eye shape, though it could definitely work on "regular" shaped eyes as long as you don't overdo it

>> No.6966223

Yeah that thing, I also want to look like Bodyline chan..
I don't know how I'd describe my eyes. I have partially hooded lids so I thought it'd look cuter and take away from the fact that I don't have much lid space.

>> No.6966356

thanks for the compliment on my eye shape :)

i see, thanks for your input! i do agree that eyeliner makes me feel like a teenager; i'd really want to look my age instead of a 15 year old (i'm 22 ._.). luckily, i received a naked 2 palette on xmas, so looks like i'll be hitting up the tutorials for a new look. thanks again on the suggestion!

>> No.6966360

you look so gorgeous even without makeup!

>> No.6966361

ok I love you

>> No.6966427
File: 54 KB, 291x91, HOW DO MAKEUP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tips n tricks plz

I know my eyes look wonky; I wasn't wearing my glasses, and I think that one eye is legitimately wider than the other.

>> No.6967730

My god, you are so gorgeous. Do you have a youtube or anything? I would love to know how to make-up like this.

>> No.6967770

They really don't look that wonky to me. And if they are, no one will notice, people usually don't focus on one aspect of a face, they look at faces holistically. Makeup-wise, I think you would benefit from either a good lengthening and volumising mascara, or false eyelashes. You look like you have small lids, and you wear glasses, so anything more than a bit of liner and mascara would probably be hidden.

>> No.6967782

there is no hope for you, bad skin tone + beady eyes

>> No.6967896

Doesn't Michelle phan have an aegyo sal tutorial? I'm pretty sure she does

>> No.6967903

I actually have aegyo sal

>> No.6967933

Good for you! I and millions of others also have aegyo sal. Aren't we just special snowflakes lawl

>> No.6967957

How do I eyebrows? Mine are really thick and bushy and I get a bit of a unibrow. I normally go to a salon to get them waxed, but I'd like to learn how to care for them myself.

>> No.6967981
File: 51 KB, 648x395, Eyebrow_Scissors_w_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A while after your salon visit, you can maintain the shape by plucking out the extra hair. I use these scissors to trim my bushy eyebrows.

>> No.6968005

Damn girl, you're angry.

Also, I didn't realize it cut off half of my text because I'm on my phone.

*I actually have aegyo sal and it doesn't do anything for caucasian eyes

>> No.6968029

...really, two times in a row? ffs

It doesn't do anything for caucasian eyes except make your face look chubby.

sage for fuck my phone.

>> No.6968034

Your post wasn't helpful when the girl was asking for help. You fucked up, deal with it.

>> No.6968041

>It looks cute but is it one of those things that just looks stupid on Caucasian eyes?

not that anon, but I think she answered her question.

it does look stupid on white girls. the point is that it makes asian eyes look bigger.

>> No.6968043

Maybe if you already have a chubby face. I have them too (and i usually enhance it with makeup) and it doesn't make my face look chubby. But then I have a very thin (pretty much horse) face

>> No.6968049

How do you make your face look thinner? Like, I see it all the time, it looks so natural, and I just.. how?

My face is round and a little squarish. Outright misshapen, imo. Some of these images, the difference in face shape is just whoa. Is it actually makeup doing that or is it just 'shopping?

>> No.6968053

Well my face isn't chubby, it's pretty round shaped though.

>> No.6968069
File: 113 KB, 750x1024, contouring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contour your cheeks