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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 368 KB, 2048x1250, 330830_282742981747223_181144498573739_1042554_862913452_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6955925 No.6955925[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Sexy MLP cosplay

Pic related, dem Applejack thighs

>> No.6955930
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>> No.6955939 [DELETED] 
File: 1.86 MB, 4288x3216, 127228__UNOPT__rarity_cosplay_badonkadonk_bewbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6955942
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>> No.6955964
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>> No.6956345


>> No.6958135
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pinup rarity

>> No.6958179

Anymore of that Rainbow Dash?

>you're not allowed to post cosplay pictures on a cosplay board.

>> No.6958473

Any Equestria Girls cosplay?

>> No.6958580
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>> No.6958589
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>> No.6958602
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>> No.6958611
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>> No.6958620
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>> No.6958632

Disgusting pedo.

>> No.6958635
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>> No.6958654

no, its cosplay, it belongs on /cgl/ the same way cosplay of touhou isn't banned to /jp/ or adventure time to /co/

>> No.6958660

Go back to reddit

>> No.6958717
File: 63 KB, 720x960, oh_look__it__s_rarity_again_by_devoidofsarcasm-d4pm9yw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot already said mlp cosplay was ok on /cgl/

>> No.6958732
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>> No.6958744
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>mfw opening every picture

>> No.6958943
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>> No.6958968
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>> No.6958985

How come girls at cons are okay kissing each other but not okay kissing guys?

>> No.6958997

Don't you start with your bullshit.

You are allowed. I don't want to see anyone kissing at all, but you're allowed.

>> No.6959002

Because you guys smell like desperation and frequent masturbation.

>> No.6959006
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i think they are a couple irl

>> No.6959010
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>> No.6959015

dat twilight

>> No.6959020

What do you mean "you are allowed". Is there some kind of feminist council that mandates your personal behavior?

Why are you so afraid of men?

>> No.6959019
File: 10 KB, 386x378, amputated-octopus-goes-on-e-harmony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat Rainbow Dash.

>> No.6959029

This is the dumbest post on 4chan I've ever seen. Look at the question. You're either brain dead or a troll.

>> No.6959031

Obviously these two posters are women, since you hand-picked the ugliest ones.

>> No.6959032

>Why are you so afraid of men?
Because men are disgusting. Every man that hasn't lost his virginity by the age of 18 should be either lined up and shot or put to use in slavery.

>> No.6959037

Lol, so true. I was at first like - naah that can't be true -- but you're 100% correct.

>> No.6959038

If it's so dumb then how come you can't think up a valid reply to it?

You insult me, you insult men, but you can't defend yourself.

>> No.6959039

>Why women afraid of men?
Are you seriously asking this question? Do you ever watch the news? Talk to people at parties? Go outisde?

Fucking bronies.

>> No.6959042

athens >>>/r9k/ >>>/a/ misogynsit virgin

>> No.6959043

>I'm only pretending to be retarded.
Epic trolling bro.

>> No.6959044
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>the chin on that pinkiepie

>> No.6959045
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>> No.6959048

What about this is supposed to be rarity?

>> No.6959056

So... you insult men, call men pathetic virgins,... and then accuse them of misogyny against you.

Do you always have this kind of hypocrisy?

Also, why do women always insult men by attacking the frequency in which they have sexual intercourse? Is fucking as much as possible really that much of your life's goal?

>> No.6959057
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>> No.6959063

>I'm afraid of men because all men are rapists. I WATCH THE NEWS DONT LIE TO ME.

>> No.6959066 [DELETED] 

>as much as possible
>frequency in which they have sexual intercourse?
Virgin is a binary status. If you're going to troll at least make some sort of sense.

>> No.6959072
File: 462 KB, 700x394, 7a82b097a7ad8e77da2712e744a6ca8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do Rarity cosplayers always have huge tits?

>> No.6959073

>as much as possible
>frequency in which they have sexual intercourse?
You're either a virgin or not. If you're going to troll at least make some sort of sense.

>> No.6959076
File: 380 KB, 650x460, 1356246878496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just like that cosplay isn't sexy anymore when I realize even these girls are just cold bitches. Damn, that post made me lose more faith in women than SRS.

>> No.6959077
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>> No.6959079
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>> No.6959080

Nonetheless, you're putting a strange amount of importance on someone's sex life. As though to imply a person's quality as a human being is doctrined by their sexual experience.

Just out of curiosity, if misognists all need to be funneled to /r9k/, where should bigoted misandrists go?

>> No.6959083
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>> No.6959091

>non stem major spotted
No one cares.

>> No.6959104
File: 1.05 MB, 1500x2000, af0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what you are saying, could you clear it up for me? Do you mean that unless a person is a STEM major, there is no interest? And do you mean if a guy has a stem major, or if a girl has a stem major? I don't even see the connection to the previous comment to understand what you meant.

>> No.6959108

Applejack's freckles look like poop splats

>> No.6959127

Nope. RD looks pretty fit, would bang unless there's a horrible gut hiding under that dress.

>> No.6959129 [DELETED] 
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thread is kill

>> No.6959151
File: 596 KB, 245x245, tumblr_mnj1qyNByy1qzwmuro1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these Rarities
I just... When will I see a good Rarity cosplay.
Most of them are fat and all of them are vulgar. Jesus Christ.

>> No.6959156

men are the number 2 killer to women.

>> No.6959159

obviously everyone is only attracted to one kind of women and perception doesn't exist

>> No.6959165


>> No.6959180
File: 104 KB, 900x579, pinkie_pie_cosplay_by_tenori_tiger-d4ficqc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6959186

If we kill off all the bigoted feminists such as yourself the world will be a better place.

>> No.6959187

More like stupid women shouldn't be trying to judge how attractive a woman is because they have no fucking clue.

And don't try to pretend you're a lesbian because that shtick is dumb.

>> No.6959190
File: 93 KB, 720x960, 1352998222324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6959194

shit, she's tall

>> No.6959195

If you stop replying to the dull verbose person, he'll stop posting.

>> No.6959201
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>> No.6959210

>they have no fucking clue

Lel sure m8

Not that anon but you don't need to pretend you're a lesbian to have your own perception of beauty. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else has to see shit like you.

2/10 made me reply.
Now fuck off.

>> No.6959214
File: 542 KB, 800x1067, tumblr_mc07m0prpT1rc49f2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6959218

Your "perception of beauty" is dumb and has nothing to do with sexuality.

When a woman is hot, a man will tell you. Not the other way around. Until then stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6959229

Yes that is a stupid baseless assertion but tell us how you really feel.

>> No.6959271

Men are the ones who are attracted to women. Not you. This is not "baseless", this is simple biology.

And don't even try the "OH YEAH WELL WHAT IF IM A LESBIAN HUH" routine because even if that was true (it isn't) women still don't have the same kind of hormones. The "attraction" is mostly emotional, not physical.

>> No.6959304

Well most people who aren't brain dead or pretending to be stupid know that people can tell if a person is attractive even if they're the same sex.

>> No.6959318
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>> No.6959321
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>> No.6959325
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>> No.6959327
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>> No.6959346

Is that JNig as Fluttershy?

>> No.6959353

can someone tell me a little about Jnig? I can't find info on her anywhere.

>> No.6959374

1/10, too obvious

>> No.6959381 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 531x900, tumblr_m63cj4e4KG1ql5ffro4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica Nigri is currently America's most popular cosplayer with several hundred thousand fans. She was discovered at Comic-Con 2009 as a sexy pikachu gijinka and proclaimed "Comic-Con's hottest cosplayer." Since then she's done dozens of sexy-themed costumes and established herself a huge following.

She was eventually brought on as the official face of Juliet for promotion of the video game Lollipop Chainsaw and has become synonymous with the character. Suda 51, the developer of the game, regularly asks her to model for other games and promotions as well.

>> No.6959382 [DELETED] 

no, I literally know nothing about her, besides the fact that she's one of the "big 4" of shitty cosplayers(?) I know about Pixyteri, and oh god, peacockfeathers, but have only seen jnig's name sprinkled around.

>> No.6959483

I've never seen a good Rarity either. All of the ones I've seen wear things that I just cannot see Rarity wearing. Are there any good ones out there?

>> No.6959508


I'd plant my flag on her summit

>> No.6959521


I don't even know which one to pick.

Where does this thing happen hot girls cosplaying in groups?

>> No.6959525


A bunch of them ITT, just look at dem titties

>> No.6959540 [DELETED] 

wouldn't touch her with your dick

>> No.6959564

Don't lose hope, Anon! Not everyone is a judgmental not so nice young lady! There are good ladies out there yet.

>> No.6959760


Ew, Rarity would NEVER wear that bra with that outfit, and holy crap would never let it slip out like that.

Every Rarity cosplayer I see is always fat and always has bad/tacky choices for support and undergarments. Which is totally against the character. I've only ever seen good gender-swapped Rarities. How is it that guys can do better and classier Rarity costumes than girls?

My other peeve in this thread: all these bitches wearing heels that are too big for them, so their feet are jammed up in the toes of the shoes, leaving a big old gap between ankle and shoe in the back. Buy some damn heels that fit for fuck's sake!

>> No.6959890

She's cute. Stop having standards, neckbeard.

>> No.6959905 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute =/= hot
and cute is codeword for ugly

>> No.6959910

You got that mixed up a bit. Cute is superior to hot.

>> No.6959918


>> No.6959924 [DELETED] 

That only works in 2D
IRL hot girls are usually qt

>> No.6959929

dem teeth

>> No.6959930

Let's all just agree that neckbeards on 4chan shouldn't even be rating chicks.

>> No.6959944
File: 219 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 7, can't have a beard.
Also, although beauty is kind of subjective, there're consensus on wether someone is hot or not

Have a picture of brodog because reasons

>> No.6960046

For non-gown cosplays, I think it goes a little something like this:
>Almost impossible to screw up tier
Applejack and Rainbow Dash
>Could go either way, but probably decent tier
Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle
>Most likely to be cosplayed by someone who doesn't know shit about fashion tier
>Boring as hell, everyone wears a yellow dress with 60% chance of cardigan tier

>> No.6960057

>Boring as hell, everyone wears a yellow dress
lol dude that's like saying, "I'm sick of Rainbow Dash cosplayers wearing rainbow wigs!" Yellow is her colour, m8

>> No.6960061

Yeah that's not enough for a Rarity cosplay m8

>> No.6960102

If you're going to pick up on the least important part of that sentence, sure. They could wear pants or shorts, or a pink skirt with a yellow top or some shit. Instead it's all the same goddamn outfit. At least Applejacks wear anything from cutoffs to overalls.

>> No.6960125

Gawd I love her panty line

>> No.6960179


I suppose we will have to agree to disagree

>> No.6960200

Probably because its you.

>> No.6960205

More like women on 4chan shouldn't be rating chicks. If you had it your way all the "cute girls" would be chubby women and uglies that you feel sorry for.

And if you don't like "neckbeards" get off 4chan and go somewhere else. Nobody told you drama-filled cunts to migrate here in the first place.

>> No.6960442

summerfag detected

>> No.6960612

Those fucking shoes Pinkie Pie has.

>> No.6960636

To /cgl/??

>> No.6960664
File: 27 KB, 357x306, 1367509078370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's mad.

>> No.6960842
File: 48 KB, 720x478, PinkiePieCosplay6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6960853

ima go out on a limb here and guess because they blow spagetti everywhere

>> No.6960861

Not on the topic of sexy, but what I wouldn't give to see more Pinkie Pie cosplayers in decora.

>> No.6960956

>More like women on 4chan shouldn't be rating chicks. If you had it your way all the "cute girls" would be chubby women and uglies that you feel sorry for.
This is wrong, right now all threads like this are straight women judging other women on appearance and the exact opposite of this is what happens. If you posted >>6955964 >>6958580 >>6958717 and >>6959006 on any generally male populated board (assuming no one goes autistic over the fact that it's MLP) it would be met with overwhelmingly positive feedback. Here, on one of the only female populated boards, it's met with >>6958620 >>6958744 and >>6958968.

Back on topic, why are all of these Fluttershys awful? I'd expect them to be great because, let's be honest, the only reason why she isn't the ultimate pure virgin waifu is because she's a horse. All of them are just really plain girls in a yellow and pink dress with an unstyled long pink wig. Basically, post some good Fluttershys.

>> No.6960976

i'd hug the shit out of that rarity like there's no tomorrow

>> No.6960987

anyone got others that arent main 6 or princesses?

>> No.6960998
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>> No.6961043

2 of those responses you quoted were from men. I was one of them.
90% of the pictures in this thread are gross.

>> No.6961308

>tripfag not using their trip
Either way, I was using those as examples of what happens every time. Generally male populated boards would have much broader definitions of attractive, here it's only the social standard of attractiveness that only women really give a shit about, just like how only guys care about penis length (up to a certain point). The people here aren't judging based off of their own attraction, they're judging based off of the standard of attractiveness they themselves are reaching for. It's absolutely retarded for people to call someone ugly or gross when they'd never be attracted to them anyway, yet here we are, and here we will be forever because this is a female dominated board.

>> No.6961314
File: 181 KB, 909x682, 1366258949271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when Strumpet posted her pics in /mlp/ they went nuts for her

>> No.6961398


Dude, that's something guys do. Lurk for ten minutes at an MRA board, subreddit, or website, and they're obsessed with talking about how much other men are having sex and being creepily angry about it. Then they talk about how much they have sex, and how much they are disgusted by women who do and don't have sex with them.

I seriously feel the entire MRA movement needs some fucking Midol and chocolate.

>> No.6961409


I want to do a Rarity costume, and I honestly see her in an expensive white pantsuit with pearl ropes, sunglasses, and one of the cigarette holders, with a long luxurious purple coat.

I just... don't know though.

I essentially see Rarity as Holly Golightly.

>> No.6961428

Past 16 no one does that.
At least not normal people

>> No.6961461

a lot of people aren't normal, then.

>> No.6961462

>normal people
Define 'normal'.
I'd be totally okay with considering all these assholes abnormal freaks of nature, but there's a frighteningly large number of them. It's not just bitter lonely nerdy guys, really. I most often hear this shit from drunken frat types and even once encountered it in an office environment. This mentality is everywhere, you just need to pay attention. It may be less obvious if you're used to it.

>> No.6961466

'white power' is so passe. MRA is the new bland hate-filled ideology that everyman americans can get behind.

>> No.6961485

There are no good Fluttershy cosplays.

>> No.6961486

>this is what MRAs actually believe

no wonder they got classified as a hate group

>> No.6961490 [DELETED] 

Don't think I can, I used to do that shit around ~15 with my friends. At that point not being a virgin was something to look forward.
But again, after 16 the vast majority of people, thus, normal, aren't virgins anymore, so the "insult" loses its purpose

>> No.6961491

No you are NOT allowed to post MLP cosplay pictures on a cosplay board.
Global rule 15 faggot. ALL pony related anything goes on >>>/mlp/

>> No.6961499

>I essentially see Rarity as Holly Golightly.

Anon are you me? I keep telling a friend to browse through Audrey Hepburn's wardrobe for Rarity ideas.

>> No.6961501

just gonna leave this here

>> No.6961506
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>> No.6961516

uh but women do have a say in what's pretty and what isn't. it's not like a straight gay can't tell when another man is good looking.
Anyways, I'm a dude, but i'm sure you won't believe that and will continue to look like a huge idiot.

>> No.6961518

way to continue making mras the dumbest white neckbeared group ever

>> No.6961528

Thanks for proving me right. Its not acceptable cosplay cause ponyfuckers are cancer.

>> No.6961543

3/10 that is the scraggliest, saddest goatee I've ever borne witness to.

>> No.6961547

Calm your tits. It's not like any of these cosplayers really have anything to do with the MLP fandom community. They're just girls who want to dress up as popular characters for attention.

It's like seeing a stripper in a sexy Spock uniform and going "omg I hate trekkies."

>> No.6961551
File: 25 KB, 1448x416, moot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6961751

I'm not that guy (he's a certified moron) but he does kinda have a point in there somewhere. When people judge a sex they aren't attracted to, they're not judging by their own sexual preference, they're judging by a social standard of attractiveness. This is why on a male centric board you'll see people lusting over a lot of conventionally unattractive women, but here the only ones that get positive reception are the ones that fit the social standard of beauty.

Basically, while you can have your opinion, your influences aren't sexual or romantic so you really can't properly judge how those people fare in those categories.

>> No.6961909

I agree, all MRAs should die because blabbering about mens' rights is misogyny at the core.

>> No.6962314


I would love to see this, because Rarity is not supposed to be a trashy vulgar whore, she's supposed to be stylish and classy. And no one ever cosplays her this way!

Also, I agree that Fluttershy cosplayers are all pretty lackluster.

>> No.6962375
File: 24 KB, 200x200, 33kes20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one seems to have grasped a them for Fluttershy yet. Not going to lie it is tough.

I would honestly see her entire wardrobe being a mixture of gardening cloths and what a pentecostal women going to church would wear.

>> No.6962498
File: 63 KB, 292x512, GREAT FLUTTERSHY GOWN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this one?
I feel like a lot of Fluttershys are bad because they put no effort into it.

>> No.6962504
File: 403 KB, 1024x963, Good Attempt at Rarity's Gala Dresses- Particularly Fluttershy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempt #2 at finding a good Fluttershy

>> No.6962538
File: 456 KB, 1743x1743, lck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all MRAs should die because blabbering about mens' rights is misogyny at the core

>> No.6962551

That Fluttershy only looks good in comparison to the rest of the group.

>> No.6962556

nah fuck of dude, burloire is pretty cute

>> No.6962705

The gowns aren't really the problem, it's the casual wardrobe.

I've been half-talked into cosplaying Fluttershy someday because I've argued she should dress like a zookeeper.

>> No.6962893
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>dat Princess Celestia

>> No.6962912
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>> No.6963056
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another of OP girls in gala dresses

>> No.6963068

This is the first Galajack I've ever liked.

>> No.6963086
File: 272 KB, 486x315, 1372763921703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone else mad about Pinky Pie's Mary Sue recolor Tinkerbelle tattoo

because I am

>> No.6964542


But the thing is, they don't actually talk about issues like men's issues at all--they fling around terms like Cock Carousel and Alpha and Mangina, and then are angry at women for having sex/not having sex. I've seen several feminist essays that don't mention men *at all*, and are instead entirely directed at women and the behavior of women towards other women. Hell, *The Feminine Mystique* only mentions men as a side-note, focusing mainly on women. MRAs don't focus on men, they talk endlessly about women.

They spend zero time exploring issues that affect men in any meaningful way. I would donate $20 to a MRA cause of your choice if you could point me to an MRA essay written about why men are more likely to kill, be killed, and commit suicide that *doesn't* blame women.

Most third-wave feminists are harshly critical of the whole "be a man" "man up" real men don't cry" culture, because the truth is if we gave guys better coping skills, more ways to express their feelings, and less pressure to perform, a lot of that shit would stop immediately.

Alpha male culture is what kills men. And going on a cosplay board and insulting women and feminists is just playing into the idea that men are constantly angry and can't communicate.

>> No.6965096

Sounds like you're just a butthurt feminist creating your own convenient generalizations so you can denounce whatever you want to denounce

>feminists don't mention men

Dohoho. My sides.

>> No.6965171
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> Men are too manly. They should act like women.

Cept nobody (except /lgbt/) likes effete faggot men. Especially not women.

The creep bittergirls in this thread makin me lol.

>> No.6965189

>thinking anyone actually likes so called "alphas"

Alpha=dark triad traits.
Machiavellian, narcissistic, and psychopathic personality traits arent things to idealise

>> No.6965219

That's not alpha, that's being a douche. Confidence isn't narcissism, emotional stability isn't psychopathy, and being a good speaker isn't Machiavellianism. The sooner people realize this the sooner the nice guy/PUA shit will end.

>> No.6965218

Women are attracted to men with alpha male traits on an instinctual level. This is simple biological fact. You might not always LIKE their attitudes or whatever, but it's what makes you moist and glued to them.

This is why women always appear to like guys who treat them like crap. Deep down every woman needs a man who is so confident, social and resourceful that he doesn't seem to need her.

>> No.6965220


>> No.6965232

Why would I need to see that post? That doesn't change the truth of anything I've said.

>> No.6965241

It does, you're confusing alpha and dark triad, which is the problem with your argument.

>> No.6965244

I'm not "confusing" anything. You're just trying to denounce anything you don't want to hear by throwing it into some other convenient category.

>> No.6965250

No, you're just stubbornly denying that alpha means anything but dark triad (or "being a jerk" because you're scared of categorization). Women are attracted to confidence, not being a jerk.

>> No.6965285

Any style of exuding confidence can be construed as being a "jerk" or "narcissistic" by a woman. Again, you're trying to toss alpha qualities into another convenient terminology so you don't have to accept them. Feminists love to invent new terms for exactly this reason.

>> No.6965789

I thought the apples on her jeans were period stains...

>> No.6965814


Go back to r9k or an MRA website please.

>> No.6965852

So someone has to go to another board because they mention the topic of alpha males or male rights? What kind of feminist totalitarian bullshit is that.

How about if you don't like dealing with men or see misogyny in everything then get off 4chan and go back to tumblr.

>> No.6965984

/fit/ lurking here.

This person is an idiot.

>> No.6966072


try harder

>> No.6966076

the worst pony cosplays i see are always rainbow dash and fluttershy

rarity cosplayer are usually cleaned up at least

>> No.6966079


what the fuck is this RD outfit it is atrocious

and I think that celestia is a man

>> No.6966080

Except Rarity cosplayers are always fat.

>> No.6966085

I'm not seeing how this has anything to do with craftsmanship and being faithful to the source (none of them are even human, anyway).

>> No.6966086

but god forbid if any of these cosplayers were black

>> No.6966094

Obviously black Rarity, Fluttershy, or Celestia would be blatantly OOC but everyone else would be fine.

>> No.6966102

She's covered up... I am suprised.
that.. pornstar-like makeup doesn't suit fluttershy.
THIS on the otherhand..>>6958943
yes, I like this more, she looks cute here. not sure if shooped but frankly I do not care.

>> No.6966108

>I don't see how you look has anything to do with cosplay!

Women are so funny.

>> No.6966116

I'm a guy but that really shouldn't make a difference. Either way, there was no official human form when those were taken, it was all artistic interpretation.

>> No.6966120

its a skintone, not a way of life.
so no, not really seeing how the color of someone's skin affects a cosplay of a pony with no assigned race.

>> No.6966123

Because they have very light fur colors that transition well into lighter skin tones.

>> No.6966127

its a pony.

>> No.6966136

>There was no official human form, therefore its okay to be fat and ugly

Sorry, but you're stupid.

>> No.6966137

>strawman fallacy
Sorry, but you're stupid.

>> No.6966139

Nothing you have said has anything to do with any point you are arguing against. So I'd say you're the one making strawmen.

>> No.6966142

All you do is just take what I said and say "LOL DEY R FAT AND UGLY LOLOLOLOL", and imply that that was my point. You're trolling.

>> No.6966144

No, I stated calmly and definitively that Rarity cosplayers are almost always fat. Which is true. If you think being fat or ugly qualifies as looking good in cosplay then you are a moron.

>> No.6966152

I personally admire the effort put into cosplay. looks are a plus, as always, but lets get real here.
I want to admire the construction

>> No.6966155

>if you do not conform to my personal tastes you are a moron
Also, no, you did not just state that. You were saying that being fat is bad and you're automatically ugly and your cosplay would be bad because of it. Don't try to act cool when you were just throwing a tantrum and calling people morons for disagreeing with you.

>> No.6966160

Then stick to progress threads.

Yes, being fat is bad and your cosplay looks like shit because of it. Nobody wants to look at fat people. You're obviously a fat person too since you feel especially sensitive to these common criticisms.

>> No.6966164

Nobody wants to look at you or the dumb shit you write either, yet you are still here.

>> No.6966234


The tits.