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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 485 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mjw0ylrA001qbh83no6_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6955952 No.6955952 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread is on autosage.

Let's go.

>> No.6955967

How was AX for the rest of you HSGers? I didn't really see anything remarkable - there was a cute fancytier John on Friday but I didn't really see anyone else worth chasing down.

Lots of kids dressed up as homestucks this year too, what was that? Like 9-12 year olds abounding, parents in tow.

>> No.6955988

when will you people learn to link the old thread

>> No.6956190
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>> No.6956202
File: 93 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mpg66g1rLr1qd76y8o3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> humanstuck meenah
> +7,000 notes
> "OMG HEADCANON!!!!111!11"


>> No.6956223

tumblr loves its brown cosplayers, didnt you know? no one wants to say it's shit because then they'd get labeled a racist.

>> No.6956232

I actually didn't see as many Homestuck cosplays as I thought I would, and when I did they were terrible.

>> No.6956237

That's how Colossalcon was for me. There was an incredibly low amount of quality Homestuck cosplayers. Like, astonishingly low.

>> No.6956240

Were you cosplaying Homestuck there?

>> No.6956243

What numbers count as low?
Signed eurofag.

>> No.6956282

Like, if you were looking into a crowd of Homestuck cosplayers, only three of four catch your eye.

>> No.6956290
File: 516 KB, 1224x1632, 1366166079133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three of four doesn't seem too bad?

>> No.6956295

In a crowd of a couple hundred people? I meant three or four seem decent.

>> No.6956422
File: 566 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mpir8y035M1qg6d2qo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6956425

tumblr's boner for POC cosplayers no matter how bad the cosplay is will never cease to amaze me

>> No.6956431

That Aranea is cute but who the fuck is that on her right?

>> No.6956432
File: 434 KB, 350x648, tumblr_mpkob5KLNs1r7kfz2o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going tag surfing.
i like this aranea's shirt, the detail work looks clean.

>> No.6956433
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>> No.6956434
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>> No.6956437
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>> No.6956440
File: 88 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mpk4s3aLWV1s1qn1go1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats adorable.

>> No.6956445
File: 196 KB, 1092x1092, 1369872812185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, oh then I get it.
You made me confused, dude.

Question, I am going to make a widows peak for my wig, the standard would be to weft it but when I've searched around it seems the more standard technique (what many black women use) is to simply cut away at the lace so I'm a bit at loss about which route I should take. Opinions?

>> No.6956446
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>> No.6956444
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>> No.6956447
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>> No.6956455

That john looks 40, I can't stop laughing.
The rest of the group looks good though.

>> No.6956458
File: 74 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mpjs1jERnL1rzjbhoo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

& done.

>> No.6956466

i wish she'd repaint though

>> No.6956487

I'm not entirely sold on the wig and pleated skirt, but damn that is some amazingly clean fabric painting. Horns are pretty nice too.

>> No.6956553
File: 314 KB, 500x660, tumblr_mpla8lzG161qe3hsio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6956561

Wow I hate tumblr. Does anyone have any actual good humanstucks? Because as much as I like the concept it's hard to find ones that aren't 100% shit.

>> No.6956566

Those earphones are way too big, they look ridiculous.

>> No.6956569

What even

>> No.6956574

>3D film glasses
Fuck this.

>> No.6956575

Why does everyone fuck up the wig so easily?

>> No.6956586


Someone suggested I use these for Equius a while back but I'm pretty skeptical about them. Has anyone actually used these?

>> No.6956608

on the topic of fabric painting, what are the best ways to get those clean and crisp lines with fabric paint?

>> No.6956611

Are you criticizing a child's HAIR?

>> No.6956614

If they're using their actual hair then that's even worse. At least try to style it.

>> No.6956617
File: 49 KB, 502x417, autism intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold shit it's just a kid

>> No.6956623

that kid can't be older than ten calm down

>> No.6956627
File: 299 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mpla1d7yEg1rlvv2xo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know who this Dirk is? Photo from the tag, taken at Anime Midwest. Trying to decide whether his arms are muscle or not.

Troll in the HSG dungeon, please disregard it.

>> No.6956628

holy shit too* god im mad

>> No.6956629

Why does... that matter? You like this Dirk?

>> No.6956633

Doesn't matter if it's just a kid, they're old enough to know better and not look terrible.

>> No.6956634

*blushes* N-no! Maybe I was just..... just w-wondering!!

Shitting aside, I kind of like his wig and am looking for better pictures of him.

>> No.6956637
File: 79 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mphnf794Ai1r5eygko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I really like this one, although that might just be because I like her troll Meenah normally anyway.

>> No.6956638
File: 468 KB, 1280x960, via mewbeasts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone at AX take pictures of tricksters?

>> No.6956650

I was mostly curious why you were wondering about his arms and his muscles. Wig looks... interesting, not sure if it's entirely right for Dirk, though.

>> No.6956670

>showing midriff when it's just pudge

>> No.6956732
File: 86 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mplau4E7dn1qcs6jdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potato rose posted something interesting, discuss hamsteaks?

>> No.6956738

Pic related? How is this Homestuck?

>> No.6956753

...That Dave in the upper right...

>> No.6956755

What did she post?
Honestly I'd say it wasn't that terrible, there were just a lot of 12 year olds with unsealed paint. The average crowd seemed younger than usual to me.

>> No.6956760


>> No.6956759

Some homestuck cosplayers were waiting in line to get signatures from hussie and defaced a trailer attached to a truck parked near the con

>> No.6956762

God, I saw this when I was leaving Supercon. It was a trailer covered in stupid shit like "omfg Hussie we gonna find yu X3333!!" and "hOnK :o)))"

I was so glad I didn't cosplay Homestuck for more than an hour this year. Everything at supercon was absolute shit except Hussie.

>> No.6956776

Idk, to me it just looks like the elastic snaps too tightly on those pants, not that she's pudgy.

>> No.6956820

I think he used to come by cgl and ask for advice from time to time. Maybe he'll drop in and let you know. You could also try reverse image searching.

>> No.6956876

I have seen hell and it was Supercon's photoshoot.

>> No.6956887

Let's see or hear about it, Anon.

>> No.6956909
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>> No.6956911

I use these and they're great. You're going to have to wear a pair of black or dark grey tights underneath to make it look opaque though, unless you want your skin tone showing through.

Plus I ordered mine from Amazon, but I'm 99% sure they're both the same product.

>> No.6956919

Either way it doesn't look good unless you've got a decent stomach to show.

>> No.6956934

>>6956608 I find cutting a stencil out of clear adhesive book covering or some other kind of sticker paper (masking tape for straight lines) works best, also applique is pretty neat.

>> No.6956929

How do you think they'd fit on a man? I'm 5'9 for reference.

>> No.6956947

I use disposable palette paper with an iron and it works surprisingly well

>> No.6956950

First off, it was nearly impossible to find it they apparently changed the time and location for it? The only reason I was able to find it was because I just saw a giant clusterfuck of unsealed grey paint and horns. I should have known it was going to be terrible because while I was approaching it there was an angry guy walking away yelling about how unorganized and disrespectful everyone was. So the people trying to do the shoot couldn't really call for people because they couldn't get everyone to calm down which is somewhat reasonable because there were way too many people. So you just have a bunch of people trying to get order, people getting in the way of the door, people who won't sit down and shut up, one girl who isn't even cosplaying is running around screaming and I think she was trying to do a Nepeta voice? I felt legitimately bad for the people trying to organize everything, they were trying so hard.

The convention was just complete shit. Never going back to Supercon unless they fix everything.

However, there was a guy giving free drinks to the people waiting outside in the line to meet Hussie. That was pretty much the nicest thing I've ever seen anybody do at a convention.

>> No.6956969

Dang... that bites, then. Sounded like utter chaos.

As for that last part, I don't know, hearing someone giving free drinks sounds kind of sketchy, maybe that's just me being paranoid, but if it's something like water bottles or something, then that's pretty considerate of them.

Either way, sorry you had a bad time. You said the con itself was bad, though. Did anything else go wrong aside from the HS photoshoot?

>> No.6956981

That con was a clusterfuck. Saturday and Sunday, you basically couldn't get in unless you were willing to park a mile away or shell out five bucks to park in their overflow rape alley and walk to the con in 90 degree heat.

>> No.6956983

Dude, stop white knighting, the girl is fat.

>> No.6956991

She probably is that anon, trying to defend herself.

>> No.6956995

Actually, she's not fat? She's mostly muscle and it's also a really bad angle?

>> No.6956993

I nearly questioned your logic but then I remembered I'm on cgl.

>> No.6957012

Stop white knighting.

>> No.6957019
File: 22 KB, 250x334, tumblr_mplferNtLC1r5eygko3_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fat.

>> No.6957015
File: 69 KB, 451x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the person who usually runs the shoots stopped getting involved in anything during cons.

>> No.6957034

I think he was working for whatpumpkin or something he had a crate of water bottles and coke.

The parking was chaos. My friends and I got there at 11am and we were in traffic for an hour and a half. By the time we got to the front the guy told us they were full and gave us these vague directions to an overflow parking that was miles away at the airport. When we got there they weren't letting people into the garage and we wasted another 20 minutes there before we gave up because we realized by the time we'd get situated it'd be too late for my friend to enjoy herself before work so I had to take her back to her job when I got back the parking was finally open again but they were charging $11 (which was funny because when I originally got there the guy told me it was $9, but the sign said it was $2 an hour) for parking, the shuttle bus took another twenty minutes to arrive, the driver of the bus was on the phone the entire time and she was driving recklessly. When we finally got there everything was hot and crowded. They had no room for Hussie's line so they made everyone stand outside. IT'S MIAMI SO IT WAS A DAMN INFERNO. It was not worth the $30. The center was absolutely disgusting and now a lot of people are now on the page complaining about it with similar experiences.

>> No.6957036
File: 125 KB, 960x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /cgl/ think of these guys? They're my friends, I myself don't cosplay from Homestuck.

>> No.6957040
File: 342 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this too

>> No.6957046

friends don't post friends on /cgl/. But they look pretty mediocre.

>> No.6957050

>John and Dave making out at the back
>Jade with fucking Goddamn 3D film glasses
>wigless / terrible wigs all around

Do you... hate your friends...?

>> No.6957058

Fine, but her face and expressions are terrible for Meenah nonetheless.

>> No.6957068

post a pic of that nepeta in da back

>> No.6957065
File: 83 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mplegurHTC1r3r8ggo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6957071

Why do you post this photo every few threads?

>> No.6957072

Whoa now son, the girl ain't fat and I'm the one who brought it up.

This is definitely a better angle, wouldlickmaplesyrupoff/10.

>> No.6957080

Jesus. Sounds like you spent a few hours just trying to park, and then lining up for Hussie would have probably taken at least another one or two.

>> No.6957084
File: 279 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.6957089

I like it she's not fat and she looks fine i think

>> No.6957086

What you just said is laughable. He looks like a skinny 20-year-old kid. Just how underrage are you?

>> No.6957105

Got there 11am, finally parked at 3pm, got inside to see my friends at 4pm, got in line with them at 5pm, saw Hussie at almost 6pm, left at 7pm because there was nothing left.

Supercon might actually be the manifestation of Con Hell.

>> No.6957114
File: 2.65 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, quick question while I'm painting my Roxy shirt. Should I go for the black outline or no?

>> No.6957127

If this isn't vendetta idk what is.

>> No.6957130
File: 95 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mpldjcEpNc1s5jemgo5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No outline, personally.

>> No.6957131

Not at all underage. I just thought it was funny that he looked pretty old in that picture - I saw him at AX and he looked way younger than that, probably just the lighting of the picture. No need to get angry over your own fading youth, anon.

>> No.6957136
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>> No.6957138
File: 106 KB, 453x612, tumblr_mplbe07Ni21qe8uxoo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really know what to say. I'm nor angry, "anon", or older than 26.

>> No.6957142
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>> No.6957144
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>> No.6957152
File: 241 KB, 1280x960, Picture 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome for the water and soda o: they were for the photoshoot but when that was clearly not going to happen i said forget it and handed them out then

as for the photoshoots i have nothing to say other than we did our best, there is nothing wrong with turning away

con staff spat in my face when i told them that we need space for 400+ people the day before saturday, when originally they said they'd make it happen

with the big guests takei + jason david smith + hussie, i think things got way too intense, way too overcrowded. im glad the con's getting bigger, but MACC just straight up sucks dick. the hotel, the con center, the shitty miami mart, the parking, it all sucks.

>> No.6957165

Oh my god that Gamzee is terrifying.

>> No.6957171

I'm surprised seerofsarcasm wasn't running the shoots, doesn't she normally run all the big shoots at Florida cons? Or are you talking about someone else. I don't actually know, i'm from Alabama I just go to Metro and Mega.

>> No.6957175

I think she was out of town for Supercon.

>> No.6957185

If I'm right that's inspector redwood.

>> No.6957187

Yeah I follow her, she turned 21 and went to Vegas instead. But I don't think she's ever gone to Supercon anyway, ive never seen her south of Tampa.

>> No.6957194


i used to think dei-sandvich was pretty cool but then i realized she and her friends are the worst type of shitty, shitty nerds

>> No.6957230
File: 81 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mp63x8kESv1s4qwpfo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deets? I mean you're on a cosplay board for fuck's sake. If "nerd" is the best insult you can come up with, you're probably in the wrong place.

>> No.6957238

What the fuck even is that wig and facial hair

Well, that wig looks... interesting, at least.

>> No.6957261

Once again thank you soooo much! YOU WERE SO GREAT!!!

I'm sorry that happened. Supercon seriously needs to get their shit together because that's messed up that they did that to you.

>> No.6957406

Going to take a wild guess and say this has hundreds of notes on tumblr despite being shit.

>> No.6957413

Probably especially because they're black.

>> No.6957472
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>> No.6957495
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>> No.6957519

did anyone get a picture of the friday's gathering at AX? specifically the jades?

>> No.6957521

Dumb question, but I hope it doesn't hurt to ask:

Dirk's golden belt is basically a Batman belt, right? So I could just look for that?

>> No.6957529
File: 210 KB, 625x416, ax2013_1_20130705_1619105868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6957535

i will never understand these cosplays

literally nobody would know what this was from unless you told them, or if they frequent tumblr enough to know it's from fanart.

>> No.6957578

or if you like, aren't blind and can obviously see grey makeup and tell a character by their horn type or hair.

(aka it's not that fucking hard)

>> No.6957592


or you can not cosplay fanart like a reasonable person

>> No.6957593

I think they were just referring to DynastyStuck and other AU stuff, not so much the character.

And I do agree there, the AU stuff is really numerous and it's hard to keep track of it all. Though, I guessed that those were dynastystuck through sheer luck when I first saw the design.

>> No.6957636
File: 84 KB, 897x960, 545175_3586628467999_1238131835_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dem Jugs

>> No.6957742

the next time i see a homestuck cosplayer in a fetish collar im going to go apeshit

>> No.6957903
File: 151 KB, 500x650, tumblr_mplqrmomjr1qg2sdwo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6957999

holy shit, i actually really like this. the costume looks fantastic and she has the motherly face for dolorosa

>> No.6958147

That wig's quite nice.

>> No.6958266

oh my god she is gorgeous and the wig is perfect. i wish the horns were a little thinner towards the top? but that's just preference. her contouring is fantastic too.

>> No.6958383

Dang, I like the photography and setting but wish the outfit was cool enough to keep pace with them.

>> No.6958388

can someone post the follow list again? the one with the god-tier, pretty-tier, mid-tier, etc?

>> No.6958399
File: 203 KB, 900x1340, HSwhoToFollow_June2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the latest one I think

>> No.6958412
File: 818 KB, 1000x667, tumblr_mpm6tuLjMc1qgotqjo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6958422

Cifera is great, and thank you for helping me find more Homestuck cosplayers!

>> No.6958435

cifera isnt even homestuck anymore

>> No.6958482

Shooshtab's tumblr no longer exists and DerseDreamer is now just davesprite.com

>> No.6958502

shooshstab is now theclownstar, i believe?

>> No.6958503 [DELETED] 

What happened Shooshstab? Why'd he delete his blog, did he say?

>> No.6958505 [DELETED] 

he didn't delete. see >>6958502

>> No.6958591
File: 150 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mo555zCQ9T1qa3lhio1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, I see.

>> No.6958639

I think the fabric on the bottom is too shiny but the rest of the costume actually looks really good.

>> No.6958701

>dat everything

>> No.6958775
File: 152 KB, 600x874, are_you_next____o__by_darkheartache-d52evwb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes you irrational angry HSG? Stronger than a pet peeve. Bonus if it isn't unsealed makeup or shitty horns.

>> No.6958787

Eridan and Cronus cosplayers with a straight hairline.

>> No.6958825

-3d glasses (especially for vriska)
-rectangular and/or red jane glasses
-meenah braids shorter than waist length
-those fucking party city horns for aradia

>> No.6958829

People getting the symbol wrong. I mean, COME ON. There are loads of templates online, you can make a freaking stencil- it's SO EASY.

>> No.6958846

Oh, thank you, I am soooooooo tired of those stupid horns on otherwise good Aradias.

It just ruins it for me.

>> No.6958848

visible bobbypins in wigs
completely unstyled bangs
unstyled bangs completely swept to the side
side bangs on a character that doesn't fucking have side bangs
bag wigs in general

>> No.6958850

When troll cosplayers have grey lips instead of black or (for vriska, etc.) colored.

Feferi's that don't have her crown.
Also when they bring a trident for her instead of a 2x3dent.

When people have the horns flopped for Vriska, Equius, etc.

Batterwitch cosplayers that don't have any jewlery on.

>> No.6958854
File: 559 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mpk1g4RLyz1rtarhoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colours that are way off and horns that look unnatural to the point where it just looks ridiculous.
Case in point: Meulin as well as Cronus' horns.

>> No.6958858

Or rather: terribly placed horns.
Like (as is my problem with most Peixes) ON TOP OF THE FUCKING HEAD.

>> No.6958878

You hid your vendetta well. But still, no one cares.

>> No.6958909


most people who cosplay dave. eridan cosplayers who don't mount their horns at the temple/side of head.

>> No.6958911
File: 26 KB, 650x800, 04635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's where they go? Peixes shoot straight up. It bothers me when they're angled out sideways like a fucking V.

>> No.6958914

Sorry, badly worded. I mean when they are so close together they are literally on top of your scalp, though for other trolls on top of the head in general is pretty bad as well.

>> No.6958917

god tier daves who still use timetables as props.

>> No.6958923
File: 177 KB, 500x700, tumblr_mpmwcwSYgv1r99r2mo7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going through some of the AX tags, but. What the fuck is this?

>> No.6958926
File: 465 KB, 1040x1600, 1364348784849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attempted spidermom?

>> No.6958929
File: 667 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mn6l7kKTNR1r0dmxco2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah definitely. I really don't get how people can look in the mirror with their horns 2 inches apart and go "YEP PERFECT."

Heinoustuck at a guess? It's definitely heinous no matter what it's from.

>> No.6958931
File: 229 KB, 650x450, 1330213956502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to AX
>It was literally an open-air market for hooking up and fucking
>Half the people I knew went back to someone's room at least once by the fourth day

>> No.6958952
File: 121 KB, 720x960, 1360315695500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only two slicks walking around
>One of them was awful, the other was decent
Was anyone else disappointed by this

>> No.6958971


See, all I wanted to do was find a Roxy or Terezi but everyone was underage and/or totally disgusting so fuck that.

>> No.6958974

requesting we add miwafwakes to pretty tier. check her cosplay page out if u need proof

>> No.6958978
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>> No.6958982
File: 371 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mpk387AlTA1s9ns72o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6958986

fucking disgusting

>> No.6958988

I saw them as well, the decent one was actually surprisingly not that bad, when I tried talking to him he seemed like a pretty cool guy
the other one was a total sperg, though. Tragic, really.
They also apparently got into a scuffle with each other at one point, anyone see either of them?

>> No.6958990
File: 545 KB, 500x1000, satanstuck_vriska_by_felliss_chan-d5a56wf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's supposed to be satanstuck!Vriska. Satanstuck was basically a bunch of creepy/body horror sprite edits which got really popular on Tumblr around last summer. They also spawned a bunch of other sprite edit AUs like Heinousstuck and Whatthefuckstuck.

>> No.6958991

Did anyone see the adorable mute PM walking around
>those eyes

>> No.6959000

I saw pictures of a cute PM but I didn't see her in person. On the whole I was really unimpressed with the quality of Homestuck cosplays at AX.

>> No.6959018
File: 64 KB, 576x768, tumblr_m6ju7k24eM1qf5trno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6959025

it looks like she's wearing gloves and has tied strings tightly around her fingertips so they fell off and bled all over the place but are still inside the gloves and it's freaking me out

>> No.6959036


>> No.6959051


She was cool. Handed me a letter.

>> No.6959058

Inaccurate or non-matching colors. Especially Eridans with both cold and warm purples.

horns floating on top of the hair.


All of the above just negate any good bits that the cosplay might have because they're just stupidity, laziness and lack of effort. Like seriously, I cannot get over how many people don't seem to understand that horns grow out of the skull, they're not godamn hair accessories.

>> No.6959067
File: 48 KB, 458x394, 1370764805385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I was actually walking around with her in a group for a lot of it
Then some guy I know whisked her away before I could get her contact info
The only problem is, I actually know this guy- he's a creep, and will attempt to fuck anything with a pulse- I saw him making out with someone who was like 13-14 before, and he's like 20
He was the one cosplaying the "Scottish jake"

>> No.6959078

she was a friend of a friend and i know her name, she came up and chilled with my friend a bit and gave another friend a soda. shes rlly cool

>> No.6959098

Oh god what else does this guy cosplay, I think I may know who you're talking about

>> No.6959102

She and the Aradia she was with both have the benefit of being really pretty, but my problem with their outfits is that they're constructed the way Mookie draws her "fancy" designs -- the two "fancy" god tier outfits are basically a bunch of textures and nice fabrics mashed together with little regard for silhouette or construction.

>> No.6959103

Oh man, that guy
the one with the "accidental" kilt slips

I think he's done jake before, I know him from the few local meetups I've been to
I'm not even pissed he took her away before I had the chance to get her contact info (okay, maybe a little), but because he's legitimately a nasty dude
I'll try to get his tumblr if I can, but it might take a bit

>> No.6959111

Is he on the heavy side, and what ethnicity is he? I'm pretty sure the guy I know has done Jake, he's local to LA and he's an older male known for making out with young girls.... I'm curious if it's the same one.

>> No.6959117


I wonder if this is all the same guy or if there are a lot of really creepy older Jakes out there.

>> No.6959123

He's a bit stocky, and he's either caucasian or slightly something else
I was wearing a morphsuit, so my quality of colors was a bit fucked

>> No.6959130

Actually in retrospect he was a bit more than "stocky"
Not obese, but he was definitely a big guy

>> No.6959146

Oh hey, I was actually one of those- the other one was pretty shitty, and had faded incorrectly shaped eyes
he kept joking about how we were "rivals", the scuffle was probably when he yelled out "YOU" and began charging me with a knife, at which point I pulled out a revolver and he hit the deck like a sack of shit

The reason mine wasn't fantastic was because I didn't even KNOW I was going to AX until the day before, I had never been to a con before then, but my friends dragged me along

>> No.6959148

Too big, unsanded horns.
Symbols that are too big or too low.
People who wear converse for Terezi insanely piss me off like come on I know you stole that from your Vriska or Dave cosplay.

>> No.6959152

To be fair, I'd imagine she'd wear those

>> No.6959153


>cosplaying AUs
>cosplaying fanart

>> No.6959237


Yeah. What shoes would you have Terezi wear? Keds? Some huge sneakers? Converse are essentially what Terezi wears.

>> No.6959256
File: 130 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mcm7hbQezn1rf3copo1_500 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I can't find his tumblr. I know he follows me, though.
Also, I feel it's important to mention that this one was NOT the one I'm talking about.
The one I'm talking about had a beige kilt, with a plaid symbol. Not a poorly constructed cosplay, but the person himself.. jesus
Also, did anyone get that PM's tumblr, or any other contact info?
I really would like to get back into contact with her, everyone in the group we were in exchanged contact info so we could meet up again next con but the only one that got hers is a bit of a douche and wasn't willing to give it up because he thought that I was going to try and "steal her" or some other stupid shit because they went to the rave together

>> No.6959303

Not the anon you're replying to, but converse are definitely not what Terezi wears. You'd be better off buying those plain white canvas shoes people use for God Tier John and just painting them fully red instead of yellow and blue.

>> No.6959331

the AU stiff is just so annoying. I mean, I like some AUs because you can really push the craftsmanship and design levels because normal Homestuck sprite costumes are very easy.
But then you have the AU's where it's obvious someone just wants to get by without actually having to work on a cosplay. AKA Humanstuck (let's not buy paint!! not take the time to make horns!! somehow still look shitty!!!!!!), Genderbends (wow I didn't feel like spending 12 dollars on a short wig, i'll just take my old Kagome wig and be Fem! John) and then there's the Male!Human!Fancy!Godtier! Jade

>> No.6959334

Genderbends can be pretty cool but I've only seen MtF ones work for carapaces

>> No.6959340

that is to say, the only good ones I've seen that aren't male characters being cosplayed by chicks are carapaces, but that's just because of the body coverings

>> No.6959352

great, another dumb homestuck AU that is only recognizable to 15 people, alright

>> No.6959361

Homestuck fandom is now so far removed from the actual comic that nothing can be done. Amputate it.

>> No.6959370

Yes, they can be cool, but usually in HS all I see is them being a scapegoat to actually having to purchase new cosplay materials.

>> No.6959371

Makes me wonder if they're really not satisfied with canon outfits... there are at least half a dozen outfits for each of the Beta Kids, and yet they want to put Striders in dresses. What?

>> No.6959379
File: 899 KB, 1277x1920, tumblr_monx5jsn5H1qhju1eo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this makes me so upset
it's funny because the comic is supposed to be a lighthearted thing aimed towards teens and ya i guess
but people try to make it such an ~adult sex filled~ thing.
poor hussie.

>> No.6959388

because it's so yaoi shonen ai kawaii moe desu xDDD

>> No.6959394

Deepest sigh.

>> No.6959406

How could you forget, above all, the most important, the shining beacon at the very core of their character

>> No.6959408

Because teens have raging hormones?

>> No.6959409


I bought a new sweater and shoes for a genderbend I did but that's probably in the minority

>> No.6959447



>> No.6959459

when lolitastucks spawn. they look like utter weeb shit 100% of the time.

>> No.6959460

Why's that?

>> No.6959462

Or just fat cosplayers in general, really.

>> No.6959469

Different person, but my guess is because she's constantly swimming.

If you think about it, Fef should probably in some of the best shape of any of the trolls. Swimming is good exercise.

>> No.6959476

Someone's cosplayed genderbend carapaces?

>> No.6959482

Hmm, that is true. On top of that, she's got the strength to carry around whales to feed to her lusus, I think.

>> No.6959484
File: 18 KB, 379x214, 1259895134731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>fat anything

>> No.6959490

Yeah, Fef is like the one character that I think would be pretty ripped just from a life style standpoint. Maybe Nepeta as well.

The rest of them seem to not be as super active. Even Equius, despite his mutant strength, seems to not do nearly as much strenuous activity.

>> No.6959495


fat people can be fit too. Also, whales are underwater and they're fat. also, they're fucking aliens.

>> No.6959498

>trying to justify anything for fat people

>> No.6959501


I like fat fefs. I don't like almost any other fat trolls.

>> No.6959505

whaled need the fat to fucking STAY ALIVE. humans don't.

>> No.6959506

That's true, fat can be fit, but swimmers seem to usually be on the leaner side.

As for whales, yes they are fat, but they are built much differently from a biological standpoint, so that doesn't reelly hold water.

Yes, but they appear to have a humanoid shape, so I think it's safe to assume that their muscular structure is comparably similar.

>> No.6959509

See, I guess it's really a matter of personal opinion.

My mind just won't let me because all I think is "shouldn't she be skinny if all she does is swim?"

>> No.6959517



>> No.6959524

I agree. Well ok I like chubby fefs but not fat. I also like chubby Aradias and chubby Janes and chubby John but sadly chubby girls never bind so I've never seen a cute chubby John cosplayer who didn't have huge boobs

>> No.6959527


See, I tend to think of royalty as kind of fat, so I disagree.

>> No.6959532

I like how fat cosplayers are frequently given Jane as a suggestion, but the moment someone fat tries to cosplay crocker!Jane they get shit on. I wonder why that is.

>> No.6959539

They're relatively common
If you see a PM that's not talking, she's probably a dude

>> No.6959543

Jane is chubby
She is not obese

>> No.6959547

I'd say it's because no costume will ever please anyone.

And the more people that get into cosplay as a hobby, the greater the number of unpleased people there is.

Honestly, I prefer thin people, so I tend to prefer thin cosplayers. However, I'm not gonna straight up bash people for being big, even if I feel that isn't correct.

>> No.6959553


Binding can only do so much, especially if you have a large chest. I'm a fat cosplayer who has cosplayed Fef, Aradia and Jane, and while there are plenty of male characters I'd like to cosplay, I would never attempt, because even if I bind, I have big hips in comparison to my waist, and it would look ridiculous.

>> No.6959556

Why wouldn't you bash people for being big? They don't look good. On top of that, you did just say you prefer thin people.

>> No.6959559


not the same anon but ummm maybe because it's rude

>> No.6959563

They're killing themselves
they're a burden on society
I'm not that anon and our definitions of "big" might be different but obese people are disgusting and need to get their shit together. Same thing with all other addicts.

>> No.6959569

It's... rude?

>> No.6959566


damn yall bitches is mean no wonder people hate homestucks

>> No.6959570

If you'd like to point anything in specific out that's wrong with my argument
be my guest

>> No.6959573

Because I just don't really like to judge people off of appearance.

I'll criticize costume construction all day, but appearances are harder to change, so I try to cut some slack there.

Just because I don't find them attractive doesn't mean I can't respect their costume.

>> No.6959575

Not that anon, but just curious. Are you implying obesity is an addiction? Or rather that obese people are unhealthy and do need to get themselves sorted out in order to still function in society?

>> No.6959576

i have a friend who's chubby/kinda fat and she only cosplays male characters. she wears like 3 binders and modifies jackets and even tshirts to make her shoulders appear wider to compensate her hips. so there are things you can do.

but people like >>6957636 I just. eww fuck eww

>> No.6959579

See, while I agree that it can be a major health concern to be over weight and that they should try to lose it, I've known some bigger people who honestly just can't get rid of it.

It's not always as easy as it may seem, you know? So, I try to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to stuff like that.

>> No.6959583


I'm not saying it can't be done. I'd just rather avoid the hate altogether. I already get enough for being a fat female cosplayer. And three binders just doesn't seem worth for me to end up looking a mediocre, not convincingly male John or something.

>> No.6959584

hahaha lol no I like smoking and im never going to quit. But I'm not fat so no one judges me. hee hee hoo hoo

>> No.6959588

>>6959563 >>6959584

lol I'm fucking thin as hell but I cut and I smoke pot all the time but no one says anything because I'm thin
fat people have the misfortune of having to wear their issues out in public

>> No.6959598

I'm sorry to hear about the cutting, I used to self harm a lot and I know what a horrible burden that is. I hope things work out for anon.

Cigs and pot though, I don't see them as issues. They're things I enjoy and i don't really care if people lable me a slacker or addict or whatever. I dont care if fat people are fat because they like food or if its genetics. its still fucking no one elses business, just like my smoking is no one elses business.

thank god i'm skinny, i don't think i could deal with random strangers guilt tripping me over ever goddamn cigarette.

>> No.6959601

A question about the Hero of Time colours. Are they really red + orange, or are they more maroon? I know Dave's got some maroon colours with him, so should I avoid any bright red or orange, or if I have to, go for darker shades?

>> No.6959603


thanks man. sad thing is, i never exercise and i eat worse than some of my fat friends do, but once again, no one ever says anything to me because i'm blessed with good genes

>> No.6959604

>cutting yourself
Why would you even

>> No.6959606

>implying it's just hsg and not all of cgl is bitchy

>> No.6959613

I think it's all different shades of red. The symbol is kind of odd, but I think orange would be too, well orange. I think it only looks orange because it's a light red on a dark red.

I remember seeing a hex value chart for all the colors at some point, but I can't remember where. If possible, you might want to try and see if you can find something like that and see if you can get fabric with those color values.

Though, I guess the sane thing to do would just be to approximate.

>> No.6959620
File: 20 KB, 601x540, gtdavecolors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His cape is the top dark red/maroon color. It seems that his pants and shirt are a slightly different shade of red, but I think you could get away with it if you didn't want to buy another fabric or don't really care. The sleeves and symbol are just a very bright red, no orange here!

>> No.6959623

Look at the fucking sprite.

>> No.6959648

heaven is yattemittai now

>> No.6959650
File: 570 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mpn29gThz01rslem8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna post some stuff from FSC.

>> No.6959653

What is up with all the trolls in HSG lately?

>> No.6959655
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>> No.6959658
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>> No.6959660

Wow, I think this is now my favorite Aranea. I love the coloring on the horns and it looks like she hemmed the bottom of her dress!

>> No.6959665
File: 51 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mp27a02qfK1qfci54o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know if she has a Tumblr?

>> No.6959668

Cosplaying from fanart

>> No.6959681
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>> No.6959686
File: 460 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mpjk4w2kKK1rbd0nao9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6959689

Although it might seem "in character", she doesn't wear them. Her shoes are all red, while Vriska and Dave have the iconic white of typical converse.

>> No.6959699
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>> No.6959701
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>> No.6959702
File: 489 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mpjk4w2kKK1rbd0nao2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6959714

Huh, okay... so they're all different shades of red then, huh? My Hero of Time shirt is bright red with an orange symbol, but I guess I better fix that. So I should look for a darker red shirt, with... a bright red symbol? Aside from that, it looks like the sleeves are the same shade as the symbol. And finally, his pants look maroon as well, although I'm guessing it's just a dark shade of red. So in order from lightest to darkest shades of red, it should go symbol and sleeves, then shirt, then pants, then cape?

Well, pardon. I wanted some insight and clarification, is all.

>> No.6959716


>> No.6959719

Tatum isn't even cosplaying Homestuck anymore. She also doesn't really even post her cosplays? Only instagram shots and selfies of her painted face.

>> No.6959726


>> No.6959732

If you paint your symbol, I suggest using a bit of orange paint with red to get it that bright colour, but don't actually make it noticeably orange.

You've got the order of colours for clothing right, yes. In some sprites the sleeves seem to match the cape, but I think the sleeves matching the symbol are better.

>> No.6959733

Ahah, I like this a lot. I just wish they'd painted their face a dark color or something just so their skin color wouldn't show through.

>> No.6959736

They're still dersedreamer, it's just that davesprite.com redirects to their blog. It shows up as dersedreamer in your following.

>> No.6959744

Why is gemiblu shit tier? Reason/story time?

>> No.6959752

not frequently doing hs but she still is. she just cosplayed roxy at fsc on saturday and was going to do meulin

>> No.6959758

honestly, i don't think tatum should be on the list anymore either. what's the point in following someone for cosplay if they only post rarely a webcam pic or an istagram pic?

>> No.6959762

I can think of one story, basically one person shopped a cosplay image of gemiblu's or added some caption or whatever, for the sake of silliness, but gemiblu blew it up and was furious because it made them look silly and it was also done without permission. I'd understand getting a but miffed or annoyed, but I think gemiblu started a firestorm over it.

>> No.6959822
File: 144 KB, 461x692, tumblr_mnolezVCQo1r79np8o5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest yonejiro (pic related).
I'm surprised drunkroxy isn't in shit tier.

>> No.6959830
File: 62 KB, 500x373, tavroshasmeasles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General opinion question for freckles in HS cosplay, since you brought it up.

I don't like when people put on splotchy fake-ass freckles (especially for trolls) for their cosplays either. But what's your opinions on naturally very freckle-y people who cosplay the kids? Like, borderline gingers. Cover the freckles or not?

Some people have liked mine, but they tend to make me feel OOC.

>> No.6959831

A bit off topic, but I've heard about her on here and all I can think is, she can't really go by drunkroxy right?

I mean, why would you want to call attention to your blatant alcoholism?

>> No.6959838

its psychedelicpaprika

>> No.6959841

I'd say it's up to you. I like freckle-y cosplayers, personally.

>> No.6959842

That's just what people on here call her. And even if she does behave this way in public, I don't see why she has to be on shit-tier. Her costumes aren't terrible and everyone targets her drunkenness, never mentioning anything about a mean or nasty attitude.

>> No.6959847

its mostly because she associates with gemiblu

>> No.6959849

drunkroxy, urchintier, gemiblu, and heaven walk into a cosplay deathmatch arena. what happens?

>> No.6959859

Heaven suggests they cosplay an elaborate AU and swindles them all into comissioning her to make the designs.

>> No.6959867

gemiblu and drunkroxy throw a bitch fit
drunkroxy breaks a beer bottle and stabs heaven

>> No.6959877


>> No.6959884
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x960, tumblr_mc7gbrrTLE1qhrmsao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure it's been pointed out a few times how embarrassing she acts at meets, probably as a result of her drunkenness. Gemiblu's entire cosplay group is one big circle of butthumping.

>> No.6959887

it's up to you but personally I don't see what the big deal is. I think freckles are cute

>> No.6959894

Yeah, sure, but is that even on the same level as Heaven who definitely deserves a spot in shittier? Embarrassing =/= bitch.

>> No.6959901

I heard their Jane is quite normal.

>> No.6959908

Can we please take cod-tier off shit tier? Her cosplays aren't even that bad and she's a really nice girl.

>> No.6959909

Why is elaroh shit tier? Their cosplays look really good.

>> No.6959912
File: 499 KB, 1280x1920, drunkyroxyandgemiblu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's one of the nastiest people I've ever met. On tumblr she seems like any annoying fanbrat but on her twitter and in person she's an elitist bitch. I went to smoke with some friends after a meet and she somehow tagged along, and all she did for an hour was just rag on how she hated everyone at the meet and how she was the best Roxy there. Can any Bostonstucks or northeast congoers on here share their own experiences with her?

>> No.6959915

And the whiteknights emerge en masse.

>> No.6959919

gemiblu and drunkroxy sloppily make out and take pictures and heaven commissions urchintier to make her a shitty and revealing cosplay complete with random lace, feathers, glitter, and beading but never pays for it

>> No.6959920

God I fucking hate her derse Roxy. The derse Dirk she made for Lindzar isn't half bad but the derse Roxy is just so wrong is so many ways.

I heard Cifera dislikes her too.

>> No.6959925

eh, maybe the cod tier anon was whiteknighting but i have to agree that i don't get why elaroh is shit tier. are they dramu?

>> No.6959953

>"Someone isn't absolutely shit"
>God damn why are these whiteknights ruining everything
Saying that someone is "not the worst" doesn't mean they're good

>> No.6959959

Actually I was just looking for drama reduction but upon further review her stuff is pretty non-fantastic

>> No.6959965
File: 253 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_mnydu4U5641r0a2yxo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God don't even get me started about how much she shit talks people and spreads rumors behind their backs. She's the worst kind of elitist highschooler.

She also has a tendency to hang all over people if she detects any sort of fame or quality. It's really embarrassing to watch at a con.

>> No.6959985


she's really two faced and will act totally super nice to you if you're a bnf or locally popular

>> No.6959988

>When troll cosplayers have grey lips instead of black or (for vriska, etc.) colored.
I'm okay with dark grey lips on male trolls, defined lips are just too feminine for my taste even though it's by human~ standards.

>> No.6959992


agree, black is too feminine for guy trolls, especially since they're female cosplayers 90% of the time. dark grey is the best compromise.

>> No.6959995
File: 32 KB, 650x450, 03614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty new to cosplaying and I checked the list to see where I'd land on it myself, but I'm confused about a few of the rankings;
I looked at a few from both lists, and I was wondering why blackbanshee was lower than pyopi, with that really well-made derse dress, while pyopi does what appear to be cosplays made mainly from preexisting clothing, obviously excluding their awesome genderbent terezi cosplay that probably had tons of effort put into it.
Would it just be their general attitudes, was there drama, or something else?

or do I just have shit taste in cosplays

>> No.6959997


>implying those two are the worst bostonstuck
>implying there's anyone of any quality in bostonstuck

>> No.6960005
File: 200 KB, 533x800, tumblr_mpc5wcNSCc1r35os0o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pyropi has made a good number of her costumes

>> No.6960008
File: 44 KB, 250x375, tumblr_mob8e961yj1qhc1x7o3_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6960009

If I remember /cgl/'s discussion about blackbanshee's fancy dreamer dress, it had a lot of construction slops.

>> No.6960010
File: 325 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mjgp7fyk3E1qhc1x7o3_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6960012

Well one aspect of the list is how many different characters the cosplayer has done. Blackbanshee has pretty much only done fancy dreamer Roxy and normal Roxy whereas pyropi has done several different homestuck characters.

>> No.6960038

I'm not saying they don't make any of them, I'm saying that they appear to have at least parts that were premade, modified, or otherwise
I think they're both great, but I'm wondering why they're on different levels- I'm trying to avoid whatever it may have been that she did to get on the shitlist (Shit tier doesn't count towards that, because they obviously don't put any effort in at all)

Also, are there any common pitfalls that many new cosplayers end up falling into? I know that wigs are always a must, paint must be sealed, No part of a costume should be store-bought unless it's a common piece of clothing like a suit or t-shirt, but is there really anything else?
I'm pretty far from fantastic as far as sewing ability goes in that I probably wouldn't currently be able to make my own patterns completely by myself, so I'm really nervous that I'm going to fuck up if I actually sew something myself
tl;dr what do you hate seeing that newbies do

>> No.6960040

It's a combination of quality of costumes, difficulty of costumes, and number of costumes. Blackbanshee has nice work but only something like 2 homestuck costumes total. Gomugomugodhead has a ton of clean costumes but they're all really basic.

It's the same for god tier and mid tier. I think tutorials and community participation are taken into account too.

>> No.6960049

....Pretty tier isn't the shit list? Shit tier is the shitlist, obviously. The other three tiers are varying levels of who-to-follow quality HS cosplayers.

>> No.6960054

I think the biggest mistake is probably biting off more than you can chew. If you're completely new to sewing, do a variety of simple outfits and work your way up. Don't start off trying to do a ballgown or something.

>> No.6960055


I hate seeing newbies try and skip all the "boring" outfits that would teach them how to sew and use fabric and jump straight into fancy lace monsters so they can be "cosplay famous"

pay your dues early and be rewarded with skills in the future

>> No.6960063
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Let's continue with the HSG party games. Assemble your dream cosplay group with any characters, any cosplayers. Bonus points for using at least one BNF from all four tiers from >>6958399

>> No.6960069

pyropi is solid mid-tier between her Mindfang and various Terezi/Latula cosplays, plus she has done several tutorials (she did a very helpful one on PAX) and is also very popular for running meetups and creating cosplay AUs like Potterstuck.

>> No.6960070

Already doing this, did a relatively simple slick cosplay that only required me to make an armsock, modify an existing suit + dress shirt, and a few other things involving fabric paint.. Could have been a lot worse, but also could have definitely been better, as I had to re-do the glove my hand the night before because my dog ruined it, and my sewing machine had broken

>> No.6960078


then you're in good shape


gabby and any of the costumes natalie cribbed directly off of her, jenni and urchintier for proof of how being hot saves a construction nightmare

>> No.6960083


>> No.6960086

Alright, good to hear
I'm doing a doc scratch for the next thing I go to, but there (unfortunately) is far from a ton of sewing that would go into that.

>> No.6960088


>construction a step up from urchintiers hotglue

>> No.6960100
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All of the god tier BNFs together in one ancestor group.

>> No.6960106

anyone got the updated list?

>> No.6960107

Does anyone have any suggestions on what kind of shoes Aradia normally wears? I guess white-laced black sneakers will do, but my headcanon is wide open. I'm considering anything from rugged archaeologist boots to school uniform loafers.

>> No.6960108

I'd say boots

>> No.6960113
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they're either black sneakers with white laces or possibly mary janes

>> No.6960123

Yeah, the sporty look of her socks is steering me toward sneakers, though it occurs to me I've got some decent black shoes from an old cosplay that might do the trick.

>> No.6960195

Speaking of Aradia and Terezi's shoes, how stickler are we on the number of eyelets?

>> No.6960217
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and the tag continues to be filled with crap

>> No.6960218

I've seen worse.
Which tag exactly are you looking at?

>> No.6960219


that dolorosa's decent at best, but the rest though? homestuck cosplay

>> No.6960220
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>> No.6960222

I personally like the dolorosa, but that's just me
The others aren't great by far, but I guess I've become anti-jaded due to all the shit I saw there

>> No.6960223

Those fucking pieces of trash sitting on GHB's head, what the fuck.

>> No.6960225

Not feeling the wig but those glasses sure are nice. I don't think they're Akujins either, I wonder where they got them.

>> No.6960230

Is there any good way to sew ribbon on pants without rippling? Smaller stitches and no satin, obviously, but the stripes I'm working on for my gf's cosplay still look a bit wiggly.

>> No.6960266

Iron everything. Iron the trim, iron the fabric you're sewing it onto, iron it afterward. Thicker trims work better, too, for more stability.

>> No.6960274
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>> No.6960276

In defense though, she is a deep sea dwelling creature and would need blubber to keep warm in the cold depths. She can still have muscle under the fat to be able to pull shit around.

>> No.6960277
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>> No.6960280
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>> No.6960351
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>creams self
>cries because that'll never happen with Hanyaan and Gabby cooling down in the HS scene and with the geographic distribution of the god-tier column

What I think >>6960078 meant was that Jenni's hotness would balance out urchintier's daunting lace explosions.

>> No.6960358
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In which a Maryam has her life force drained by a fashion disaster.

>> No.6960364

lmao oh my god anon

>> No.6960403

They're sprites so the eyelets probably are decreased. I don't think anyone would even bother counting them.

>> No.6960626

Oh hey 4chan is back

>> No.6960628 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 793x465, Diagram 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got most of the parts in for my scratch cosplay, smoke unit is almost done except for air pump, still need to program the arduino and add in the superLEDs, and do the soft circuit for activating things in the glove, but I'm happy with what I have so far
Do you think that harness would be enough for a 16-18 inch acrylic globe? I'm a little worried that it might not be.

>> No.6960630

>Smoke unit
>Voice detection
>Soft circuits
I'm not sure what this is but I love it
what is it

>> No.6960632

Doc scratch cosplay I'm working on. Globe will be filled with smoke and will be transparent, underneath I'll be wearing a white morphmask and a breathing mask
Globe can go from completely clear to zero visibility in under a second currently, and I'm going to add a voice detector with an arduino so it'll light up greener the louder I'm talking - and seeing how well smoke disperses light, it'll light up uniformly.
It's going to be difficult as fuck but I already got most of the hardest part down.

>> No.6960694

It does sound difficult but it sounds like it'd be worth it, best of luck to you Anon.

>> No.6960696
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>> No.6960698
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Goddammit anons now I'm mad that this will never happen.

>> No.6960699

If I can get it working the way I envision it, I don't see how i'll ever top it
My only issue now is finding a way to make an airtight seal between the globe and my neck so I'm not leaking shit everywhere

>add in a beat detection microphone, hook it up to the same arduino
>Head pulses with the beat at the rave
hell yes

>> No.6960702

oh definitely ok! natural frekcles are the cutest thing and I adore freckly jades and daves especially.

That was only about painted on freckles. Especially on trolls, because their skin doesn't have melanin since they're nocturnal so how the fuck would they have freckles? like, where would they come from? and even better, why the fuck would they be blood colored?

>> No.6960811

So what's going on with that harness?

>> No.6960858

I always thought of higher blooded trolls being cold blooded though.

>> No.6961018

That'd be your headcanon then. But cold blooded animals usually need outside heat to not die... Unless you are a fish, but then we'd have to completely dispel that she's also a mammal.

Then again, they're also fucking aliens, the entire race could be fat because aliens.

>> No.6961032


Actually it's canonical that highbloods are cooler -- Kankri discusses castes in terms of warm/cool instead of the Alternian low/high

No opinion on how that affects body fat or cosplay but there you go

>> No.6961051
File: 131 KB, 484x750, tumblr_mnud9vCMRc1ra4vepo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Doc Scratch" cosplay
>Full of gas that can escape out into the con, LEDs, pulsing lights

How is this Doc Scratch again and not just an attempt to dazzle us with your cosplay epeen every other thread? Posting progress is fine but if you're going to talk about your amuurzzinngg cosplay so much at least upload a picture of it for fuck's sake.

>> No.6961078

I don't understand then - are you annoyed at Dynastystuck AU? Because that's definitely NOT one of the AUs you can just pull out of your closet out of sheer laziness.

>> No.6961147

she's not a mammal though. trolls are closest to insects based on what we know about their reproduction. They have vestigial nipples and female trolls have breasts for some reason but they are not mammals

>> No.6961173
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/why/ is it always Striders?

>> No.6961276

the ultimate stridercest animu magical sailor crossover au
boku no ironic gal

>> No.6961537

Sorry, that wasn't what I was attempting at all. I was thinking of a way to attach the helmet without having it rip off so I was asking if that harness with the three clasps at A B and C would have worked, or if you guys would think I'd need more

>> No.6961652

are we sageing?

>> No.6961666

new thread
