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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6956719 No.6956719[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a lolita in public thread? I always find it interesting to hear people's experiences, wether they're good or bad.

>> No.6956722

I've heard a lot of negative things behind my back. Whatever.

I've only received positive comments to my face, though. And whether it's lolita, mori, otome, I get a TON of compliments from black girls. Either little old ladies but mainly black girls.

>> No.6956725

I like to pelt them with eggs and rotten tomatoes!

>> No.6956726

This is so accurate. I wear Himekaji and it's always black girls and older women. I guess with black girls they're already into different fashion so they're much more open about it.

>> No.6956744

I have a creepy one that happened recently
>Be with a friend in NYC, wearing pretty run of the mill lolita (not too casual, but not OTT either)
>Walking around Bryant Park we got a few odd looks, but mostly positive comments
>All of a sudden, see a homeless man heading on a crash course for me
>he's smiling and murmurs "sweetie pea"
>I attempt to move out of his way, but he was walking too quickly for me to escape the oncoming collision
>He winds up forcing himself up onto the side of my body, instead of hitting my front (which I think was his original aim)
>he's still smiling and looking at me
>Look to friend, she was horrified as well

It was a little delayed, but I screamed pretty loudly after that. The homeless man kinda turned back at me and frowned when he saw me making a fuss and brushing my arm/shoulder off. I felt so gross that entire day. I'm relieved I was wearing bodyline though because if that was one of my more prized dresses I would have been more upset.

>> No.6956746

My husband and I went out once, on a sort of date, he was dressed kind of dandy, and I was in lolita. We only received good comments, and this one older couple which was entering the restaurant as we were leaving told us we looking adorable. So that was nice. I haven't worn it out in public enough to gather many reactions.

>> No.6956796

I'm moving to NYC soon, how safe is it to wear lolita there? I'll be living in Greenwich and I tend to dress in dark colorway sweet lolita, for reference.
I come from LA where it's not super outrageous to, well, dress outrageously.

>> No.6956803

>that girl in the black and maxi-pad headress, no petticoat, exc..

I'm just imagining the main two lolitas in the photo whispering to eachother.
>"pink-chan, how do you think we can get rid of ita-chan?"
>"burn it."

>> No.6956816

Other than that one time, I've never had a terrible reaction to it. Just the occasional "It's not halloween" and what not. Most people (that I've encountered, anyway) just don't care. (But I have to add, when I do dress up I try to stick in safer areas)

>> No.6956892

I get a lot of people asking me where I work, because for some reason it looks like a uniform to them.

Yesterday a couple asked me to take a picture with their like, 15yo daughter, which was funny.

Mostly I just get told it looks cute, and I just ignore anyone who starts to snicker or be rude.

>> No.6956904

Yeah but that fucking mint girl's petti, goddamn that's like leg avenue length.

>> No.6956961

I had that happen to me too. After a con, a friend took me to her favorite sushi place since I was from out of town. While I was waiting in line for the bathroom, I had one of the employees ask me if my outfit was my work clothing.

Also today my husband and I went out to eat We stopped at a grocery store afterwards to picked up a few groceries since we had friends crashing at our place for AX and we let them have free access to our fridge..

It was kind of awkward shopping in a Mexican grocery store in lolita but the only issue I had was one guy that I caught staring at me while I was waiting for my husband to finish getting meat from the deli department. Otherwise nothing else happened.

>> No.6957069

>little did mint-chan know, she was next.
>pink-chan was listing all the reasons in her mind.
>"T-shirt, horrible petticoat.. yes, I'll destroy her and take her skirt and bag. Then red-flats-chan will be next."
>"I may be oldschool, but I'm the only one around here that does it right. all others.. must be executed."

>> No.6957145
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Can we get lolitas in public pictures too?
Something about it, I really like

>> No.6957155

why are all the women in this photo fat?

>> No.6957166

probably Disneyland or the midwest. Most women are fat in the midwest.

>> No.6957173
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>> No.6957191

Speak for yourself; the Midwest isn't nearly as fat as the coasts are.

>> No.6957208


It's just all of Amuurica really.

>> No.6957214
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>> No.6957217

Yes, two-thirds of Americans are overweight. That's way over half so the majority of people here are heavy. I live in NYC and I see the least amount of fat people whenever I go to Manhattan.

>> No.6957226

Had 3 little kids ask if I was a princess while out & dolled up--makes any nasty comments I've ever heard irrelivent

>> No.6957227

I'm from the midwest. I grew up on a farm.

>> No.6957234

A few years back a friend and I were at a sort of picnic social hosted by an anime club and there were a few lolitas going. It was going to rain so we decided to take a trip to a supermarket to get GOOD food. While there we were stopped by so many curious people, asking about our dresses or our wigs. Numerous employees and shoppers wanted our pictures and everything. Mind you, we were still young to the fashion so we simply thought it was the coolest thing. We still joke about it.

>> No.6957235
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>> No.6957240

Oh New York City is FULL of fun happenstances. My friend goes to the fashion institute and so I went up to visit her. We (Her, her roomate and I) decided to spend our last day out shopping in loli. We passed Bryant park and suddenly this girl comes running towards us across the street and invites us to a winter ball for international lolita day or something.
We were also called "Poptart, Bo Peep, and cupcake" by a man.

>> No.6957252

My favorite was when I was in the bathroom washing my hands when a little girl came in and said "mommy! Look! Is she a princess?"

It was so adorable. I haven't really had any rude comments to my face other the usual "are you in a play?" and catcalls from cars. Other than that, nothing really mean. Little old ladies fucking love it. I wear rather toned down loli though. I'm kind of nervous because I'm going to wear it on base for the first time soon, and 1/2 the people who live in my dorm complex are swaggots who drive cars they can't afford. But I really want to start wearing loli every day, so I'm going to give it a try when my stuff gets here.

>> No.6957281


we had some shitty crossover thread from /k/ so i'm here.

i'm an officer. i'm still in flight school (counts as tech school, i guess), so i'm really only in charge of myself, but if i'm your flt/cc one day... please don't do this with the result of making my life harder. because i guarantee i'll make your life harder too. and since we've had all this non-discrimination bullshit, i'd be tempted to just article 15 everybody.

>> No.6957285

Nothing terrible or unusual, stares and comments from people who think they're hilarious or smart.
Catcalls and such.
A few people who sort of knew the fashion and asked me to confirm it and wanted pictures.
Little girls who ask me if I'm a princess/tell me I look pretty and want pictures or to touch my dress.
Little moments like that really do make the bad ones irrelevant.

>> No.6957299

What does this have to do with this thread at all?

>> No.6957306


>I'm going to wear it on base for the first time soon

just saying don't contribute to your commanding officer's alcoholism.

>> No.6957321

Ah alright. I didn't see the 'base' part in what she said so your response seemed completely random and out of the blue.

>> No.6957349

Please go back to /k/

>> No.6957359


sure. there's really nothing for me here. best of luck wearing clothes that look like anime or princesses or whatever. don't make me have to drink more than i already do.

>> No.6957368


>> No.6957386

When I was still in my ita bodyline stage some lady came up to ask for a picture. I gave her a weird face because i wasn't used to it

>> No.6957426

we're not making you drink, faggot
fuck off

>> No.6957456

But what is making him drink is his wife being caught for shoplifting in the Exchange for the fifth time. I've heard it's almost always officer's wives.

>> No.6957487


joke's on you, i like fast cars so i'm single so i don't have somebody whining about my poor financial decisions.

in all seriousness, enjoy cosplay or lolita-play or whatever, just don't get punched because i really don't want to get a work-related phone call on my day off. this goes double if i gotta call the ADC before i figure out who i can article 15.

>> No.6958184

For me it's also the usual staring and snickering, tourists who want me to pose with their kids etc...

I had one strange experience though:
> wearing casual lolita in public
> In the distance, I see a businessman and a well-dressed lady talking to each other.
> They catch sight of me as I'm nearing
> Suddenly the woman starts yelling: "Oh no, they are here again!"
> They both run away from me as fast as they can.

I'm still not quite sure what happened there...

>> No.6958190

I never see fat people and I'm from CA. I don't know what you're talking about. usually the fats are people from the midwest or the south who are visiting or moved here. Native Cali people are rarely MASSIVE, you might get a curvy or chubby girl that takes care of themselves but rarely an obese person. Disney doesn't even count since it's mostly tourists.

>> No.6958195

It's mostly the south, by a lot. Look at any map of the states by obesity; could be a map of the confederacy.

>> No.6958200

You guys are lucky. I always get giggles and gossip behind my back from black girls. Maybe it's because I'm actually black. This tends to happen with anything I wear really because it's not "normal" black girl style.
It also doesn't help that I live in the south I guess.

>> No.6958201

Lolita probably looks like a turned down Quincinera dress from their perspective.

>> No.6958204

I don't know about you guys, but I try not to wear lolita alone because strength in numbers, right? You gotta get a stock phrase to give to people when they ask politely, "Why are you guys dressed up?" I haven't had a lot of bad experiences in lolita, but it was unfortunate that there was a violation meetup for a Photoshop on the same day as ILD.

>> No.6958210

I feel like I get the best responses around other stylish but not lolita friends. It makes it look more 'this is a fashion statement' than 'we're a victorian sheepherder reenactment club'

>> No.6958213

damn you autocorrect!!!

>> No.6958214

Also just noticed this but

>> No.6958217

Shoulda chased em and found out.

>> No.6958241

I think I've had so much negative with a handful of positive moments that I can't even separate them out in my mind anymore.
I think it's better than when I was a decora kid, even though I'm old enough to look like I should know better now.

The time I always do remember was being in a museum for a meet up, though, and people started taking photos of our whole comm so we all stood together and smiles. We wanted to move and go look at the exhibits but more and more old folk and parents with kids kept pulling out cameras whenever we tried to move.
It probably only lasted a little over five minutes and wasn't many people at all, but it felt like an eternity of weirdness to me. Where do these photos even go?

>> No.6958251

a fat black woman at my local dentist yelled "You look like a lil' baby doll!!" when i came in for my appointment wearing sweet and made a big deal and informed all the other receptionist staff it was really funny and sweet.

>> No.6958270

Why did you wear lolita to the dentist? That sounds messy and uncomfortable.

>> No.6958275

its actually an orthodontist im just ashamed of having braces at 19
its just invisalign pls dont take my lunch money ;m ;

>> No.6958278

Same anon here. Girl, I have braces at 22 so don't even sweat it. I have real braces, tho. I'm jealous of your invisalign. Still, I would think that'd be a lot of drool/uncomfy but good on you for being way more dedicated to this fashion than me ;-;

>> No.6958291

Don't be too nervous. I actually live on an Army base and have worn lolita on both Army and Airforce bases. I've never had a problem. Matter of fact I have gotten the most positive comments on base. Then again, most of the people that I'm around are Medical so they're a little less prone to freaking out at new and strange things. I haven't really had any problems with the general on post populace though.

>> No.6958781


I'm actually getting braces at the age of 29.
Had braces before but because I never had my jaw realigned, I need to have them done again as my front teeth (the whole row actually) has moved forward and now I have a giant 9mm overjet.
So I'm going to have to get my jaw broken, which sucks.
Aww well, pain from broken jaw is still better than looking like mr Ed.
Also, my insurance will only pay for the jaw surgery (thankfully as that alone costs like 30,000!!) and I have to shell out 2000+ euro's for the braces.
Can you imagine how much brand you can get for 2000+ euro's :/

>> No.6958855

When in groups we ALWAYS get asked if it's a hen do. Which I always found pretty odd.

Other than that, the general stuff I guess. I love when people who know the fashion come to have a chat, which happens more often than I thought it would.

>> No.6958866

Sounds like me, except I'm younger and have an under- rather than an overbite. Nothing crazy, but my upper and lower teeth don't fit together properly and my profile is rather more Habsburg-y than I'd like it to be. I still need to make an appointment with my orthodontist, but don't have time in the foreseeable future for surgery like this. Recovery takes pretty long, right?

You're all invited to my lolitas-with-messed-up-teeth party! We can all feel sorry for ourselves while snarfing down the kawaiiest puddings and painkillers.

>> No.6959065

I'm from the midwest, moved to the coast, visited the other coast. The midwest is full of giant fatties, and usually it takes me a trip home to remember that. What's considered thin there is actually considered a little plump here.

>> No.6962090


How bad are your over/underbites? I'm 26 here with braces (thankfully coming off in a few months!), and they wanted to break my jaw too. But my ortho has been able to fix my bite without it no problem.

On the bright side... think of all the brand you can fit after being unable to eat solids for a while?

>> No.6962114

$38,000 for dental surgery are you fucking kidding me. That's like, a fully paid off new car.
where do you live...?

>> No.6962137
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I had braces for a long time in highschool.
Before I got the braces, I had to have an expander, which is basically a medieval torutre device disguised as dental-work. They attach it you the molars on each side of your mouth, then you crank it every other day so it forces your mouth to be wider.
Then braces, then they wanted to break my jaw too. I didn't go for it, because I got a really bad infection when I had my wisdom teeth out, and I didn't want to risk getting really infected again.
So I have about a 5mm overbite, and a chin like the pic

>> No.6962159

Oh see, I'm Patient Admin, (Army MOS would be 68G I think.) so I live in a medical dorm. Glad to know!

>> No.6962170
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>Be out shopping with mom.
>Be wearing sailor lolita.
>Pass by boy in aisle.
>"Nice dress."
>I smile and say thanks.
>"Is that cosplay?"
>"No, actually it's lolita!"
>"Same thing."

>> No.6962175

this pisses me off so much

>> No.6962183

Yeah, normies. It happens.

>> No.6962226

I think I have told this story before, but here we go.
Work in Sausalito, CA (right outside of San Fransisco, I have moved away since then.)
It was my last couple days, so my boss decided it was ok to let me wear my lolita to work.
>So, working in OTT sweet lolita.
>Greet lots of foreign customers, lots asks for photos
>The usual questions and compliments, no bad comments somehow
>Older neckbeard comes in and starts to praise me like I am some goddess reincarnated
>Asks for picture "O-okay!"
>Tells other customer to take picture so he can get next to me, little creeped out.
>Thanks me then leaves, "Boy that will be the last of him!"
>Other customers give me a sympathetic look.
I was thinking, whatever. Nothing bad can come of this.
>Lunch break, go outside and get a slice of pizza
>Walking back to work, same neckbeard spots me. He is sitting outside the cafe next to my work.
>"Sweet-chan, can I get a couple more pictures?"
>"No, I am heading back to work." And start to turn.
>He whine/yells at me, "Please! Only take a second!"
>It was SUPER crowded, so nothing bad could happen with that many people around. "ok! But quickly!"
>Make pose real quick, he takes two pictures I think, and I start to walk off.
>All of a sudden hear, "Oh thank you so much, you're so pretty! I am going to make a calender and put you in it!"

I... I still wonder wtf happened to my picture.

This gets me every time.

>> No.6962246

I'm a lone lolita due to work schedule, but I went to the mall the first time in lolita (I don't do a whole lot of mall shopping anymore) and was actually expecting MUCH more flack from the teenagers (who i feel always laugh the loudest in public at me) but was pleasantly surprised I wasn't harassed.

I was in dream sky with just minimal accessories since I hadn't had a lot of time to really put anything together. But I did get a costume comment from the makeup counter I was at haha. I mean, I never get mad, people really don't know or get it, I'd rather get 'hey, cute costume!' then 'hey look at that idiot!' lol

>> No.6962285

english isn't my first language

>be at sewing convention thing with mother and grandmother
>wear toned down classic
>family heads for Pfaff booth to buy a serger
>employees there are massive bitches, openly point and laugh at me and call me a rich spoiled brat when there were plenty of other strangely dressed "designer" people around
>people on opposite booth are super excited and drown me in compliments
>mother buys serger from them
>Pfaff's employees faces when they lost a $2000 purchase due to acting like monkeys

>> No.6962295

I met an full bodyline ita in public a few years ago.

I was just happy to randomly see a girl in lolita. She looked happy too.

>> No.6962298

what's the point of ridiculing strangers in public because you don't like the way they dress
like, on a psychological level
what's the point?

I never acted like that, not even when I was a dumb teenage brat, so this behaviour never ceases to amaze me

>> No.6962317

I don't think it's too much of a point rather than being shocked and unable to respond in a civil manner to something they've never seen before, something completely different from what they're used to.
It happens all the time.

>> No.6962318

it's just how people act sometimes. It probably stems from some insecurity? Don't know, some people just tend to meet strange things with mockery because they don't understand it, so it must be worthy of teasing? I mean, i've never really sat around and wondered why, I've just accepted it. The meanest people in my experience (I wear lolita out 1-2 a week by myself) are younger/teenage girls. And the most polite/nicest have always been (once again, my experience, and I live in a densely populated city) mid 20s black men.

>run up my apartment stairs in the rain, bemoaning forgetting umbrella, wearing simply metal pintuck jsk in lav, just a nice classic outfit
>one of my neighbors I've never seen, mid 20s, black guy with no shirt smoking a cigarette watching me
>'Girl you look cute, keep it up'

>> No.6962321


>META pintuck jsk

>> No.6962334

greentext story thread or not?

>wait for train, casual loli + old bodyline boots
>couple walks by
>guy says "cool shoes!"
>girlfriend stops, slaps him HARD and stares at me like I'm the devil
>he apologizes, they both switch to russian (?)
>she makes a huge scene and screams at him for several minutes while pointing at me

>"fuck off Gucci bitch"
>lolita picknick, suddenly there's a woman screaming "a cult! a sect! look out, it's a sect!!", then she bursts into tears (?!)
>"it's not halloween" it was halloween

normal people, I swear

>> No.6962340

>mid twenties black men
Because they wanna fuck you and they think they've got a chance if they're nice.
Protip: they do this to every young looking girl that's remotely cute and dressed up, bonus if you're white

>> No.6962346

summer on 4chan, yay!

>> No.6962353

>that one fag that's gotta scream summer all the fucking time
Oh yeah, it's summer alright.

>> No.6962354

Wow, how insecure does a woman have to be to do this...
I never understand this type of behavior.

>> No.6962358

you don't even know what it means, do you

>> No.6962366

Picking up your trip or do you just generally not see how obnoxious that is? Oh wait, you're the queen of obnoxiousness, nvm.

>> No.6962377

lol I really don't think so, but thanks for the head's up

>> No.6962381


ignore the troll

commence stories

>> No.6962389

>telling women that the attention they're getting is sexually motivated and not because they're special
>expecting them not to be mad about it
>in a lolita thread
u dun goofd

>> No.6962395

Hmmm ok let's see... I go to reptile shows about once every other month and I always wear lolita (well I wear lolita whenever I go out anywhere)

>always run into those old ladies delighted in your dress, they tell you about the old days when they used to wear crinolines and go one for like 20 mins
>had a girl run up to me at a show (she was wearing a really basic attempt at... ouiji I think?) and rattle off about my outfit and asked if I went to any conventions
>Reptile shows full of a lot of 'red-necks' but they always just stare and kind of shrug it off
>the one raver/goth chick who always gives me the stink eye because her boyfriend points me out whenever he sees me 'She's showing you up, she looks weirder than you!'

She actually doesn't really give me the stink eye, we always joke about it and make fun of her bf together. She sells hedgehogs, they are super cute.

>> No.6962406

>loli friend is looking for guitar lessons, finds a guy in her street
>after first lesson he sends her a message on facebook a few days later
>"I'm sorry but I told my girlfriend about our lessons and she demanded to see your facebook [which is full of professional shots of her wearing classic], and now she decided that I can't teach you any more, I'm sorry"
>"she's seen your photos and she said that you are way too attractive and rich to need guitar lessons so you must have something else on your mind"
>he de-friends her and never responds again

>> No.6962411

Nice generalization. Can't a guy just be nice? No the mandingo must want to get it in cuz dat white gurl so fine.
Remind me to never show kindness or compliment a white woman. Might catch a rape charge. Damn.

>> No.6962413

people approach me and ask for directions more when I'm wearing lolita. I don't know why. maybe because it makes my 5' stature even less intimidating?

usually I get compliments, I only ever get weird or funny comments (like little bo peep, alice in wonderland themed) shit when I'm downtown and its tourist season. in my 'hood though, it's pretty diverse for style already, lots of goth and alternative clothing shops, so long time residents don't give two fucks and think its cute, but the yuppies that moved in recently think its weird but don't say anything because it's a "weird neighborhood."

>> No.6962430

Okay Nia you can calm the fuck down now and stop dropping trip since it's so absurd to begin with, right?

>> No.6962426

o-oh god, you must have posted this to rustle my jimmies, ma'am.
and your story has.

No extra money coming in because of petty jealousy.

>> No.6962434

I'm the one who told that story, and don't worry, I in no way believe he was trying to 'fuck me' by being nice, lol

>> No.6962437

what the fuck
his girlfriend be crazy. probably dodged a bullet, even if it sucks.

>> No.6962452

OMG This!
I live in the southern border
One day upon crossing the bride to Mexico we were stopped by customs for a standard trunk inspection.
I was going to a con so I had my dress in the trunk.
One of the soldiers opens it and sees my Melty Chocolate and asks "Is this your quinceanera dress?" and I;m like "suuure.."

>> No.6962453
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>> No.6962454

Your swinging in the dark here. Same race, wrong gender.

I realized that but it irks me when some people take being kind or just common decency as misogyny for no reason.

>> No.6962508


>> No.6962510
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>> No.6962531


>> No.6962539
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>> No.6962542

Is she buying a flat of RedBull?

>> No.6962549

I went grocery shopping this morning, and I felt really brave today so I wore something a bit more fancy than my usual simple lolita outfits. Not necessarily OTT, but it was definitely outside of my comfort level when going out alone.

I ended up being stuck behind a train walking to the grocery store, so I was pretty much exposed to a good 20-30 vehicles full of people to look at me for 10 minutes or so. This left me really self-conscious, so I went to the self-checkout when I went to pay at the grocery.

When I was standing there, I had a woman in her early 40s run to me (quite literally) and shouted that I was wearing lolita. I was really shocked at first, since I live in a semi-rural town of only 15,000 people, I never expected someone to actually know the fashion. She explained to me her daughter was actually in Japan right now, living there for a few months, and visiting the lolita stores. She asked me how many pieces I own, and what brand I was wearing. She was really sweet about it. It made me really happy.

>> No.6962558

wings are crazy loli.

>> No.6962567

I've only had the cajones to wear it out twice in public. First it was to my college campus for a class counseling session. Got a lot of double takes but that was about it.

Second time went to sprouts to buy veggies for dinner, girls at the checkout "ooh" and "ahh", tell me I remind them of Alice in Wonderland and asked why I was wearing it. Just shrugged and said "I-I just like to dress this way sometimes", like an alpha loli.

>> No.6962579
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That's so nice!

>> No.6962588

This is so awful but I'm laughing so hard. What a psycho cunt.

>> No.6962616
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>Just shrugged and said "I-I just like to dress this way sometimes", like an alpha loli.
This is what I always say too, stutter included, hah

>> No.6962633

I hate my town, I hate my town.
For some reason, men think it is perfectly OK to stop there car and harass any girl they see.
It fucking happens regardless of if I am in lolita or not, though it happens more in lolita.
I don't understand why they think it is ok.
The last time I was in a full tea-length black skirt and a black blazer with dress shoes for work, and some dick pulled over and screamed "HAY SEXY"
what the, I don't even.
In lolita it is always "Where is the party? Where are you going? Why are you dressed up?" And some cat calls.

I don't know, I probably stand out because I'm tall thin and pail as fuck, at least this is what I tell myself.

When I get to NYC I no one bats an eye, except for the occasional homeless man or tourist. But walking from my apartment to the train station in my home town is hell.

>> No.6962647
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Pail as fuck.

>> No.6962662
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>> No.6962661

Oh greenwich, as in greenwich CT? Greenwich tends to be full of organic hipsters expect them to be assholes because you are more edgy than them. I am a sweet lolita living in stamford CT if that is the case, and would love to reach out to you!
Through away e-mail in the field.
All the CT lolitas are so far away from me, and I only go into NYC so often....

>> No.6962667



>> No.6962678

I couldn't help it.

>> No.6962688
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>> No.6962694
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>> No.6962719
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>> No.6962809
File: 188 KB, 900x603, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet justice.

>> No.6962820

Walking down the street, and behind us, some middle aged man goes, in a super jovial, indulging voice goes, "Soooo? What are you guys dressed up foor?" And the girl next to me just says in the most deadpan voice, "We're not."

She's had some secrets about her being bitchy, but at the time I was like, Good on you, girl!

>> No.6962823

The best part is when you explain it to them and then they ask.
"Ok but what's the play?"

>> No.6962847

Well that's the first Mexican lolita who happens to look decent.

>> No.6962863

i have this coat! haha

>> No.6962870

It looks like eggs to me.

>> No.6962876

One time I was in a group of lolis shopping and a dude invited us to dance at a bachelor party... We had some girls with us that were 15ish and didn't get what he was asking and I had to firmly tell him to go away because 'No thanks' wasn't direct enough for him to leave us alone. Like wtf?

>> No.6963196

Aww this is so sweet

>> No.6963214


>> No.6963227

>In lolita it is always "Where is the party? Where are you going? Why are you dressed up?" And some cat calls.

you are dressed up. and they think you are cute. I am a male and i dont understand what the problem is

>> No.6963253

It is creepy and makes me uncomfortable when people stop there car and roll down there windows just to shout questions at a stranger.
>Stranger danger mode activated

>> No.6963249

A friend and I were walking around downtown in the college town I live in and a middle-aged woman asked what sorority we were pledging for. We just smiled and told her we /like/ to dress like this. I think that was the closest I've ever gotten to a negative comment...the woman was pretty embarrassed though.

I think one of my favorite comments was when I was on my college's campus the Friday of a con - we were leaving ASAP, so I just wore my outfit to class, even though it was pretty OTT.
I was walking through the middle of campus, and some black dude came up to me and said something, but I had my headphones in...I took them out and he repeated: "GURL, THAT OUTFIT IS *TIGHT*!!!"

>> No.6963255

I don't get this either. I love it when men cat call me. It's a way of them calling me attractive. Half the time I don't even see them so I don't even get disgusted with how gross they are! <3

I honestly love getting positive attention, and it baffles me that some women don't. If you don't want positive attention, why do you put on makeup? Why do you dress up? Why do you do anything?

>> No.6963259

Catcalls and wolf whistles are fucking rude. Girls are not animals, do not treat us like them. I have no problem with honest inquires about how I'm dressed, but you clearly have no idea about the leering, I-want-in-your-pants subtext, that most these comments actually have. A simple (and honest) "Your outfit is really unique/cute!" will tell us the same thing without making us worry you have a more sinister purpose.

>> No.6963262

>dat bait

>> No.6963260


>> No.6963261
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>> No.6963267

sinister? rude? they arent fucking raping you they are just attracted to you. for fucks sake they are trying to make you feel sexy like they think you are

>> No.6963268

I agree.

You can take it as a positive, but it's still kind of weird and rude?? I like being told I look cute or hot or whatever, but when you get creepy with it, you can fuck off. We don't need more creepy people being creepy.

>> No.6963269

lewd and creepy comments don't make me feel sexy, dumbass

idk if we are just misunderstanding what cat calls and comments are like or what, but the ones ive gotten were disgusting

>> No.6963270

>What is she doing with so many
>Easter coord
That makes more sense!

>> No.6963271

Homeless people always ask me for money more when I'm in lolita as opposed to when I'm just dressed normally. Why.

>> No.6963273

We're dressed like rich princesses to them, maybe??

>> No.6963278

Then learn what makes a woman feel sexy
Protip: It's not asking her where she's going

>> No.6963283

What? How will that make your life harder?

>> No.6963286

I suppose they would think that if you have extra money for weird clothes, you would have extra money to give away

>> No.6963295

Seconded. You'd think this shit would be common sense, but this is 4chan...

>> No.6963297

I've had a girl ask me if I was a princess once, a little girl screaming ''mommy i like her dress'', and some old ladies telling me that i look like a sweetheart. Once a little old lady started to make a conversation with me and asked me if I was wearing a petticoat. I replied with ''Yes'' and she got all excited that back in her day she always wore petticoats. Only negative things i've ever gotten was some ''gangster'' boys starting to laugh and point and some really angry looks from the heavily religious people. (The kind wear woman are only allowed to wear long skirts, don't use condoms so they have 7 children and every clothing item has to be very bland and sober, so it is always grey, white, black or brown.)

>> No.6963299

Girrrl no shame in that. I got my braces off at nearly 20! Good for you being proactive and getting things sorted for yourself.

>> No.6963302

The worst is dealing with swag fags oh my god

>> No.6963312

+1, I fucking hate this. It make me feel in danger, especially at night. Plus I don't understand how people can think it actually work.

>> No.6963330

I'm from really far south and there probably are some black girls who comment behind my back. I've just noticed they are the main demographic that will stop me out in public to compliment what I'm wearing or want a picture with me are black.

I'm not black, though, so that could have something to do with it, maybe?

>> No.6963423
File: 612 KB, 245x159, knees.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these so much too, they're my fave loli pictures besides gifs/videos of lolis in action, there should be a thread for it

>> No.6963427

>Where do these photos even go?
I wonder this every time.

The only story I got so far is from my first meetup a lil while ago (my town didnt have lolitas as far as I knew until discovered recently). We were at the park at sundown so nearly nobody was left except for these couple of fit guys jogging the field. When they finally went by us they asked "Lolitas?". Yep! They seemed accepting I guess? It was weird, they seemed the last kind of people to know about it! They were like late 20s, early 30s. I still wonder till this day..

>> No.6963585

I agree with >>6963259 , but also, it's a sad reminder to me that the general state of fashion where I am is gym clothes for nearly ANY occasion so its a sad reminder that wearing anything besides that is odd around here.

>> No.6963608

I always wait for pictures of me to show up on places like poorly dressed. I figure they just go into people's phones and they send to a friend (hurr hurr look at this little bo peep) and delete later to save room for dick shots. They probably also get posted to facebook. I've never come across any.

>> No.6963667

Once we were heading to a friends birthday party while my bf was wearing dandy and I was wearing lolita and a fucking chav screamed to me "ALICE SHOW ME YOUR RABBIT HOLE" (Rabbit, in spanish, is a slang word for pussy". My bf tried to break his teeth.
Then when we arrived at our friends party, his mom looked at us kinda scared and said "But the party IS NOT a costume party". When we told her we weren't wearing costumes, she stared more weirdly and said "Oh, yes you are, yeeeees you aaaaare" and tried not to let us in.

>> No.6963757
File: 72 KB, 500x333, 1360280133748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive had loads of amazing experiences, and only 1 bad experience.

starting with the bad first because its actually funny.
>live close to college campus, deal with apartment complex full of college dipshits.
>get ready for a meet, walk out to car in lot
>drunk guys hanging off balcony
>spit back "twice actually"
>guys look confused. just say "oh" and walk back inside
>laughing all the way to the meet

Other good experiences include meeting a ton of people who have heard of lolita but have never seen in it person, little kids being adorable as hell, and other lolitas in the area who didnt even know there was a comm. At our last meet we had an older woman (at least 80-85) tell us how adorable we looked and didnt dress like skanks with our tits hanging out. It was pretty hilarious

>> No.6963762

>free asslicking
and you walked away?!

>> No.6963763

>victorian sheepherder reenactment club'

>> No.6963767

>walking my dog in a park
>woman shouts "animal abuse!! ANIMAL ABUSE!!!!"
>ask what is wrong
>that dog is clearly just a fashion accessory to you, you should be ashamed
>calls me "Paris Hilton" in all seriousness
>I love my dog like a child but okay
>woman continues screaming ANIMAL ABUSE at full volume

at least people didn't stare at me for once. this was after a meet-up, I don't randomly walk my dog while wearing head to toe lolita

>> No.6963780

>walking a dog
>not carrying it
People don't know what accessory dogs are anymore, sheesh.

>> No.6963805


overwhelmingly so, stranger danger isn't that much of a danger at all. it's the people you do know that are going to rape you.

faggots who catcall are just socially retarded and don't understand common courtesy. getting angry at them won't help, they are too dumb to understand, you gotta gently teach them. or not, its not like they really matter; that tea won't drink itself out of a dainty cup you know (totes kawaii if it did).

>> No.6963808

>What are you wearing?
>Oh, we're just hanging out for fun!
>You know, it's not okay to lie.

Also, at the same meet, two of the girls got asked if they were getting married. We took a wedding picture in celebration.

>> No.6963839

something about tis picture makes me want to hug her and say "there there" ;_;

>> No.6963846

the outfit makes you more naive looking to them as well

>> No.6963851

Events have dress codes. If you go to one, adhere it, it's polite.

>> No.6963960

lol, I dont think they were offering anon

>> No.6963981

>Friend and I decided to have a random loli day
>Had to go to a craft store for some random assorted things.
>A girl (maybe 5) Starts peeking at us from an aisle.
>Every time we look over she hides.
>Keeps this up wherever she goes and smiles at us.
>It's the cutest damn thing
>Hear her say "Mom there are princesses" In the next aisle
>When we go to checkout and leave, we see her waving and smiling at us.

I love kids. They're precious.

>> No.6964036

>wearing toned down classic lolita
>get on the subway
>two dudes who are friends sit near me
>dude 1: you look nice
>me: thanks
>dude 2: you can tie me up and whip me anytime baby
>me: no thanks
>dude 1: (to dude 2) lololol you dumb

there was nothing about my outfit that looked sexual so i was surprised.

>> No.6964053

I love those occasions. My friend and I went to the mall in lolita once and a group of girls were in their Disney princess costumes with a mother. They stopped to talk to us and took pictures with us. They were on their way to Disney on Ice and thought they we were princesses too.

>> No.6964054

I like this picture. All the lolitas here are not that pretty or dress like that.

>> No.6964062

I've gotten similar comments often.

I have also had mostly nice experiences in lolita and very few bad ones. I wouldn't even say the bad ones are that bad since it was only heckling and laughing. Oh, I did have several people who asked me what was under my skirt and have tried to lift up my skirt to see. That was kind of freaky. I find old ladies to be the nicest when it comes to lolita.

>> No.6964068
File: 118 KB, 424x270, mondobummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my jaw was broken. I have to get my jaw realigned as well (cross-bite) and the plan involves being in braces again (I haven't been in those in 10 years..damn, I feel old). If my jaw was broken as a result of an accident, then my medical insurance would cover it, otherwise, the procedure is considered a cosmetic one and I don't want to think about how much the cost will be.

I love the American health system.

>> No.6964074

Anon, your reply was priceless and just made my day!

>> No.6964079
File: 8 KB, 239x211, bloop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend and I walking around in LA
>get lost, end up in ghetto part
>man walks up to asks
>says we look like "precious moments"
>it was kinda cute

>> No.6964076

I feel you bro. I need to get braces again (had those motherfuckers for 5 years when I was in elementary school and middle school) and I need to get them again because my orthodontist screwed up and made my jaw shift to the left. I don't know why my mom thought my face looked fine and as for the doctor, he messed up so many people that he ran to another state.

>> No.6964090

>dat picture
I'm dying
Also I'm probably going to use anon's Victorian sheepherder reenactment club line if someone is weird or rude to me. I'm a goth loli and usually don't get many comments, happily. I've had a few "wow your skin is so perfect!" to which I reply "maybe it's maybelline!" or get asked why I'm dressed up, because all black does look quite formal. Usually ask if I'm going TO a play, not asking if I'm part of it. Once got "whoa, a goth! It ain't the 90s any more!" but I just flashed him a winning smile and laughed and he smiled back. I've notice that giving people a genuine smile reassures them and makes them more accepting, or perhaps simply more comfortable with seeing something strange. Smile and the world smiles back :) or surprise attacks you. Whichever.

>> No.6964094

I've got teeth with terribly big distances between them. Insurance won't pay anything since it's only a cosmetical problem and a guy in hs 20s with braces also looks stupid, so I guess it will never be fixed.

>> No.6964124

Fix then if you can! I was 24 when I got my braces, and I'm so glad I did. Plus, when I met my husband, he was 21 with braces. Better to have braces and smile confidently because your teeth are a work in progress than to avoid smiling because you hate your teeth. I'd much rather see that in a guy any day.

>> No.6964280

But his friend told us "Come dressed in this weird style of yours. I like it." so we thought it was OK for us to wear this weird style of ours.

>> No.6964303

>If you don't want positive attention, why do you put on makeup? Why do you dress up? Why do you do anything?
>everything you do must be for attention

I feel genuinely sad for people like you. Not being patronizing or anything, I truly do. Because if everything you do is to get attention, you are gonna get disappointed quite often because the world won't always pay attention to you.
Once you start doing things because you truly like doing them, whether they bring you positive attention or negative, or no attention at all, you will find true happiness.

>> No.6964373

So I went out in my new dream sky op with some friends thrifting. We got a bad downpour. Water came up to the doors. We had to wade out in thigh high fast moving water through the parking lot. A cart came at me with sticks. Shit! I'm ok and my dress is wet but ok. But thst was one hell of an lolita adventure.

>> No.6964385

bet you dollars to donuts they were /fit/izens who used to come here before our janitor got mean.

>> No.6964480

I have a ton of weird lolita stories. You never realize how crazy people are until you dress different. I'll say the most recent ones.

>waiting for bus with friend, I'm wearing lolita, she's in punk-ish boy clothes.
>Old lady approaches us, smiles and compliments me.
>Old lady then says "So he's the boy and you're supposed to be the girl? "
>Both me and my friend freeze, she leaves.
>she stands at the corner of the street watching me and my friend until the bus comes
>we're dying of laughter

>On the bus, 2 months ago, friend gets off
>Gangster moves to sit beside me, asks generic questions "did you make that dress, explain to me what this is"
>He gives me his number, tells me he's into the whole 'ageplay' scene
>I never stop cringing until I die

And recently
>Girl asks me "what the hell i'm doing"
>I don't say anything
>"Do you know english?"
>I still don't say anything
>"God, what a stupid bitch, who goes out in public like that, she doesn't even know english, get out of our country"
>She and her friend walk away
>Confidence destroyed

Usually something weird happens to me at least once a week, I don't notice much anymore.

>> No.6964524

Right after she called you a bitch is when I would have interrupted her and told her something along the lines of: "Shut up, fuck off. I don't have to answer you and I don't want to."
I hate it when people get all pissy because they feel entitled to have your attention/get answers from you just because you're dressed differently or just looks different in any way.

>> No.6964544

>"S-s-shut up...! I d-don't have to answer you and... and... I *DON'T WANT TO*!!"

That would be so adorable.

Though very much less so once a video of a girl in a pretty dress getting torn apart by a pack of wildcats goes up on Liveleak.

>> No.6964545

Are either of you girls involved (or have been) with the community (CT on the Frills or whatever)?
I want to get involved but I'm not sure if people are nice or if there are people who should be avoided, etc.
I'm the only lolita (that I know of) in the CT Valley area so many of the meet ups are kind of a hike for me and would like to know if going to meets is even worth it.

>> No.6964553

W-why'd you leave the cursing out? I curse, Anon-chan.

>> No.6964575

Lolitas shouldn't swear. It ruins the look. Also too beta.

>> No.6964584

To curse...? Wait, what?

>> No.6964588

imagine how cute and awesome that would be
a cute shy lolita, standing there and just being all cute. Some girls giggling behind her and she tells them right in their face "just fuck of you ugly cunts"

>> No.6964591

you can't hug yourself and you know it

>> No.6964592 [DELETED] 

and please lrn2 engrish if you already go around samefaggin

>> No.6964594

At someone else, that is.

>> No.6964599

No, no; being ladylike is all fine, but when you have to, you put on your big girl bloomers and you tell people to fuck off.

>> No.6964608

I really wish I had said something, but it was late and was tired. plus I'm a bit of a coward. her language and behavior was really unacceptable. But it's too late now, I think she was drunk anyways and I could have gotten myself hurt.
i agree, so many people act entitled around me, like I need to answer questions because I'm lower than them. It's really annoying, especially since most of the people who act like that are adults.

Honestly that's probably how I'd sound. I 'told someone off' once, and I felt proud but it was pretty much
>"Please leave me alone, i'm sorry!"

That would be beautiful.

>> No.6964609

I live in Cleveland and have yet to be graced to find a lolita in public. Just ghetto trash everywhere you look. ;-;

>> No.6964646

I've had so many things happen to me in loli.

One of my best experiences was when two policemen came up to me. I was worried because I thought something might've happened in the neighbourhood.

>Excuse me, little girl?
Yes sir?
>Are you a ballerina perhaps?
No, haha, sorry I'm not!
>Then may I ask what you are?
I'mmmm... just me!
>That's a lovely awnser, have a good evening.
Thank you, you too!

I would've loved to explain the fashion too but they left pretty quickly.

>> No.6964655 [DELETED] 

Come down to Akron, there's like 5-6 of us down here. I just never venture up to Cleveland unless it's for something special, much less in frills.

>> No.6964678


I have seen this story so many times, always changed ever so slightly. Last time I saw it it was a policeman pulling up in his car.

>> No.6964695

this happened to me at Anime Boston a few months ago.

>Day 0 of con, came straight from a wedding where i was wearing OTT Lolita (the bride is a lolita and encouraged her friends to wear it, i wore OTT because it's her favorite style)
>super hungry, walk over to Pinkberry that is in a food court attached to the con center
>standing alone in line, 3 foreign guys speaking in broken English are next to me
>they start pointing and laughing and trying to get my attention while i'm trying to order my fruit cup
>"Do you know Goku?? Can you Japanese?"
>they also start trying to speak fake Japanese
>up to this point i had been ignoring them, just talking to the nice guy at the counter
>after the fake Japanese i lose my shit, turn around and say, loudly, "do you think you're being funny? you're not. you can stop talking to me right now"
>after this, the nice guy waiting on me says to me, "miss, there's some other fruit choices on this side of the counter" and moves me to the other side
>i look down at the case, it's all the same fruit choices
>realize he just wanted to get me away from the douchebags
>quietly tell him thank you and how kind he was
>come back to Pinkberry later that day with a few snacks and a drink from Starbucks for him as a thank you

>> No.6964750

Yeah, that's true though. It was two policemen in their car. I just didn't want to make it too long considering I'm sleepy. The fact that it might've changed a bit from time to time is because English isn't my native language and I have to translate it again and again.

My apologies for any confusion.

>captcha: tedious all

>> No.6964780
File: 5 KB, 293x172, ohyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god

>> No.6964798

That's sweet. Did he ask you out?

>> No.6964885

Maybe he was just being nice to her, don't necessarily implies some kind of romantic interest.

...But I would date the shit out of this guy.

>> No.6964974


I did wonder, ta for the explanation.

>> No.6964987

It is 1 hour for me to get into nyc and 3 for me to get upstate where most of them happen so I have never been.

>> No.6965139
File: 633 KB, 1200x1600, Lolita on streets of Japan Pink Suitcase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get excited when I see 'lolitas in public thread!' because I think it's an image dump thread.
I usually just make it an image dump thread hahaha

>> No.6965184
File: 114 KB, 960x640, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not who you are quoting but....no.

>> No.6965188

jesus christ.

>> No.6965193

I think those girls are cute. Plus itas can be nice friends too. I really don't think a photo can say much about a con, unless it was a photo of them beating someone to death or something

>> No.6965198


>> No.6965254

obligatory "I-WANT-THAT-GUYS-JACKET" comment

>> No.6965278

Marry me please.

>> No.6965329

I know it's kind of ageist, but I swear the elderly are either the nicest bunch of people or the most entitled assholes to deal with. Like somehow the fact that they're so old grants them permission to do and say whatever the fuck they want without consequence.

>> No.6965388
File: 42 KB, 428x640, Lolita waiting for the train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6965390

Calm down Dr. Phil

>> No.6965398
File: 140 KB, 467x700, 1347383070230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's because the older people get, the more their personalities shine through, so if they're nice people, they get nicer. If they're assholes... well, they just become meaner.

>> No.6965408


paperwork and having to deal with the loss of people from my shop and having my commanders wonder wtf's going on in my shop that one person gets jumped and other shit. then i gotta be a dick and institute alcohol-in-the-dorms policies and room inspections and other pointless BS so it at least looks like i'm doing something.

>> No.6965420

Guuurl, you on the wrong side of that line!

>> No.6965481
File: 56 KB, 458x343, 1364624246_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6965485
File: 165 KB, 700x464, 20130414-113320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6965534

>Walking to a friend's hotel that was a good distance away from the con
>I know I'm walking in the right direction
>Sketchy guy pulls up in yellow sports car, asking if I need a ride
>Say my hotel is one block away
>Guy insists its in the other direction and too far to walk
>I ignore him and keep walking
>Guy follows me and becoming pushy
>"So.... I really like your style. I'm into the lolita thing."
>I start noping the nope out
>Guy is getting out of his car
>Screaming in my head,"I'm going to die. I'm going to die."
>A truck pulls over and a black woman yells at the guy to get the fuck out and stop creeping on the princess
>In a flash, creep is in his car and bolts out of there
>Woman asks me if I'm alright
>Thank her for saving my life

Shit got real that day.

>> No.6965546


Holy shit.

>> No.6965570

i dressed in a costume, went out in public, and got attention for it.
aren't people awful?

>> No.6965578

Oh my god, your knight in sassy armor

>> No.6965586


>> No.6965581

Attention is one thing.
Assault, property damage, and harassment is quite another.
2/10 for getting me to respond.

>> No.6965588
File: 154 KB, 401x600, 20110801032207e03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6965594

you are correct.
i am not referring to the people who were harassed or assaulted or made to feel threatened in any way.

>> No.6965635

Some people can't take a compliment. My friend wears low cut tops that show off her assets and then she goes complaining to us about people catcalling her when she walks through the streets. Let's be honest, you will have to acknowledge that what you wear can be provoking to people, especially the kind with issues.

I've been dressing up for myself because it makes me feel pretty. Although it may attract needless attention, you'd be glad too when you get a compliment since normalfags don't have the courage to dress extravagantly outside the norms of what is expected of you in society.

>> No.6965649

Since then, every other reactions I've experienced in lolita seem so petty or tame.

>> No.6965673

if you didn't want to deal with people then don't put yourself into a position where you have to. Normally dressed people in the military go out and do stupid things all the damn time and realistically you can't blame a frilly dress for causing any more shit than drunken lads off base on the weekend.

>> No.6965674


as sad as it's gonna seem, at least a bunch of idiots getting in a bar fight's normal vs somebody getting jumped for wearing this stuff. i dunno, maybe my commanders would think "at least it's not another DUI/incident with the locals"

>> No.6965682

Ive been a lolita for years and have never gotten into a fight over my clothes: it sounds like you are making way too much fuss over something that 1: isn't happening to you and 2: is a fairly minor thing.

I have a buddy who is a corporal and the amount of spousal abuse cases, drunken bar fights/ stabbings, and violence between men on base are far more of an issue than what people wear outside uniform.

>> No.6965688


that's good, keep it up.

i'm just saying that the original person i was responding to should just be careful, and that my perspective as someone who might be in charge of her one day is that getting in trouble over something as outside the mainstream as this is going to potentially cause a lot of shit to roll down their way.

>> No.6965736

ITT: People who challenge social conventions by dressing quite differently from everyone else and then get upset because other people don't know how to react to them

>> No.6965745

lol, I don't know what kind of dumb ass lolita goes outside dressed up and thinks she's not going to get made fun of, that's idiotic.

I dress up every time I go out and I expect to get stares/laughs/mockery. I don't get people who would get upset about that. I mean, we look like fucking retards to normies.

Now if you're saying people shouldn't get upset if someone tries to rip their clothing or something, then that's a little silly. Even if you see a weirdo out, I don't think that gives you the freedom to try and destroy their outfit simply because you don't like it

>> No.6965770

I think that even open mockery is inappropriate. I don't get overtly upset because I have a thick skin, but I understand people who so. I mean, don't people have better things to do than point at someone who's different?

> Stares, that I think everyone understands though

>> No.6965781

ew, no. why can't i just go out dressed lolita and have the creeps ignore me and only the cute guys look? i think that's my right, considering all the effort i put into my appearance.

>> No.6965792

yeah no... I expect to get mocked, it's just how some people deal with seeing things outside of the norm. Is it polite/right/whatever? of course not, but it's just how some people are and how some people react. I always expect it and I am always surprised I don't get harassed as often as I expect to when I go out, so I guess that's the upside lol, people aren't actually as terrible as I am preparing for? haha

>> No.6965832

I'm actually surpised that most of the reactions I get are positive. Every time I head out the door, I'm fully prepared to get overwhelming negative reactions, but it's never been the case. Just stares and once in a rare while, someone will act an idiot and overreact in a negative way, which is amusing. But otherwise? Yeah.

I'm not ever upset. I'm just more upset that I don't have opportunities to wear my stuff out more often.

>> No.6965840
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>> No.6965887

Yesterday was the first time I wore sweet lolita, and the best thing ever happened. A little girl, about 5 or 6 literally ran up to me with her mother while I was waiting for the train. Her mom said "She wants to know if you're Cinderella, but she asked me to ask you since she's shy." I got the most fluffy warm feeling when she said that, so I bent down and told her "No I'm not Cinderella, but she's my favorite princess." then I noticed she had a shirt that said "little princess" on it. Then i reached into my purse and pulled out a piece of Japanese flower candy with really pretty and cute wrapping, and told her that it was princess candy that I could only share with other princesses. She smiled so wide and gave me a hug. Then the train came and her and her mother went back to where her father was standing and she waved at me before she got on the train.

>> No.6965888
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A friend of mine and I were harassed by a couple guys smoking behind this Japanese restaurant. My 11 year old sister was scared out of her mind. They kept asking "Where's the party?!?" and when we ignored them, they got closer and said " Why go out like that if you're not gonna enjoy some attention?" It was sickening, really.

>> No.6965889

Who cares? I wanna hear more stories!

>> No.6965893

I am happy for your sake that you didn't have to see the mother throw the candy away that an unhinged stranger handed to her daughter.

>> No.6965942

What can girls do to guys that is the equivalent of cat calling? I want to do that to guys to degrade them. When guys catcall, I retort, "Hey dickhead. You are ugly so shut the fuck up."

Yeah I am a man hater.

>> No.6965946

but i'm a guy and i'm nice to everyone equally and find it repulsive that anybody would expect something in return for being nice. would you yell that at me?

>> No.6965950

If they say, "hey wanna suck my cock", the correct answer is "sorry, I'm afraid of needles"

>> No.6965953

HA! Good one. Will keep that in my books. Thanks anon.

>> No.6965954

Compliment clothes or taste, not the body. Simple enough

>> No.6965958

When someone asks me if i'm in a play, I look them dead in the eye and tell them "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players." god im a faggot
I should really learn the whole monologue though in case one of them finally asks for a further explanation one of these days

>> No.6965960

Don't feed troll

>> No.6965965


I like 'white boy.' It's really easy to say with a lot of malice.
But of course, I need teaching in this area, too. I get so frustrated, because no matter what I seem to say, men never find it threatening or anything other than laughable and I hate it. I can't curse a man out for hours and he'll just laugh

>> No.6965970

oh that's it? ok good. i don't even look at women in public for fear of making them uncomfortable. and i wouldn't dream of talking to someone about his or her body.
don't assume troll

>> No.6966021


You don't have to curse to elicit the same reaction. My usual tactic to deflate loud assholes is to put on my happiest most gorgeous smile and then gently flip them off.

>> No.6966024

That they would harass you when you had a young girl with you is really scary.

>> No.6966028

Guess it just happens to a lot of lolis. I once had a policecar pull up when I was waiting at the bus stop, and they just rolled down the window, told me they like my platform shoes and drove away. So bizarre.

>> No.6966036

I got a free bomber jacket like that, but it's lined with a map of Northern France. Shit's cool, real leather and suede.

>> No.6966043

Another one -- less witty, but can be used more generally: "Act like a man." This one is particularly popular in Egypt, as it directly challenges the masculinity of the perpetrator, and states that "real men" do not need to catcall.

>> No.6966063

>yfw she opened it up for her

stay jelly

>> No.6966066

The fashion police

>> No.6966151

Second and last time I left the house in lolita was when I wore a casual bittersweet coord to college. My college is pretty open minded and my friends know I can be a bit crazy so I figured they wouldn't mind 'crazy clothes'.

Turns out it was my friends that gave me the most shit that day, followed by the lecturers who were also giving snide remarks. The people I actually thought would laugh were the people that didn't.

It's really knocked my confidence.

>> No.6966180

Sounds like you need better friends.

>> No.6966210


>> No.6966348

It happens quite a lot. I was at a lolita picnic and someone called the police on us.

>> No.6966541

I really hate it when people say this. Just because your friends don't like lolita, doesn't mean you need to get new friends.

>> No.6966570

True, but if your friends can't support you with your interests and make you feel so shit that it actually knocks your confidence, then you need new friends.

>> No.6966616

>All the world's a stage, and all the men and women are merely players
i'm laughing so hard

>> No.6966624

oh fuck that's cute

>> No.6966631

You're right. But there's a large difference between being uncomfortable with something and just plain making fun of it. I'm the Himekaji anon from >>6956726 and there have been times where my friends make a joke or two but it's never anything rude or nasty, just lighthearted. But if any of my friends made fun of me to the point where I feel upset, I'd let them know and if it continued I just wouldn't keep in contact with them anymore. I understand that some people don't like their friends to dress too different since they might be shy or not like the attention; that's a totally different concept. But their is no excuse to insult someone for the way they dress, friend or not.

>> No.6966671

this happened to me, I was at a park with my friends and an older couple gave us the obligatory "are you guys in a play, what is this etc." speech. everyone was really open and friendly and explained lolita to them, and that we're no actresses and there will be now show or anything. apparently the couple thought we were making fun of them because they called the police and the park staff/security (?) on us... we all had a good laugh and took silly pictures with policemen

>> No.6967456

can we have more pictures?

>> No.6967490

uh, if you have friends that make fun of you for the things you like (and we're talking actually mocking you/making you feel bad about yourself) then yes, you do need new friends, and it has nothing to do with lolita at all. It has to do with respecting the ones you care about and supporting them in their endeavors (just like they would support you) even if you maybe don't like or care about that thing. I'm not saying 'oh geez my friend is a lolita and I will have to go to all of her meets to support her, ugh' I mean 'man my friend dresses weird, I've told her I'm not a huge fan, but it's her life/money/decision and I'm happy that she's doing something that makes her happy, let's go to the mall bitch'

>> No.6967820

Oddly enough it's cops who are nicest to me when I'm in lolita. Several times I've had cops approach me to tell me how nice my outfit was and how they wished their young daughter could see it, etc.
Another time I was on my way to a large anime con and the security guard on the subway got all excited and told me how he and his brother (also a cop) are big comic/game fans and he had fun working security at the con the previous year and so on.

>> No.6968249

>be from a ~17,000 town
>get more hassle at home than in the city during college/meets

I literally love the capital, myself and the girls tend to be lucky in that for every time we run into someone creepy or horrible, we seem to meet about three lovely people.
I remember once we were leaving a store as a group during a meet and a woman was just in absolute awe of us, asked us if there was something special on, and when we told her that we just dress like this a lot, her face lit up and she kept saying "Don't ever stop dressing like that, your style is wonderful"

I remember once I was waiting for the bus into town on Valentine's day this year to meet my boyfriend, was in Lolita, an elderly lady asked me if I was meeting my boyfriend with the day that's in it, I said yes, she goes "Well isn't he the lucky lad, I bet he'll fall for you all over again with you dressed so lovely."

I just love meeting sweet people, literally makes my day.

>> No.6968312
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What is a group of lolitas called? A gaggle? A giggle? A gossip?
A gossip of lolitas?

>> No.6968318

A poof of lolitas.

>> No.6968329


I like frill. A frill of lolitas

>> No.6968353

Poof is better.

>> No.6968365
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A flock.

>> No.6968373
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If it's gothic lolitas, a murder.

>> No.6968388

Can I just say how much I respect every single one of you who chooses to adopt lolita on a day to day basis. Not even the fact that you probably get lots of rude remarks and mean people, bu the fact that you assume your own self and personality completely i find wonderful.

How was it like the first time you opted to go out in full lolita in public ?

I wish i had the confidence, but mostly budget to do so. Being a poor student having to prioritize my expenses on essentials I can't spend too much.

>> No.6968460

well the first time was in high school with a cheapo bodyline coord with a full petti
walking out the door was like
so confident!!
and then as we pulled up to the school i suddenly turned to my dad "...what have i DONE"
and he cooly replied "well darlin' you put on a big-ass dress"
nobody made fun of me though so ouob

>> No.6968462

Your dad's great.

>> No.6968534

It was fine, since there's a lot of "alternative" fashions here - although I got mistaken for a high-schooler, which made me less than impressed given that I was in my fourth year of university at the time.

>> No.6968639

nope, i think he was just being nice to be nice! i just wanted to pay it forward a bit, and the look on his and his coworkers was priceless when i came back with the snacks for him.

>> No.6968651

Tacos has the cutest face.

>> No.6968655

Me too anon. My first time out in full lolita I stopped by a cafe near Little Tokyo. Everyone I passed on the street was really nice, all smiles and catcalls. Two Japanese guys were chatting in the cafe and I got a "sugoi!" Gave me a case of the warm fuzzies. I just hope it was a good one.

>> No.6968788

>heading into city in casual IW outfit with Meta emblem bag (not too recognizable as lolita clothing unless you knew the brands)
>getting ready to get off
>Japanese tourists next to me (pretty sure they were tourists because they had maps, big cameras and large bags which is what most tourists wear around here)
>one sees me and looks me up and down
>make eye contact
>she nods and gives me a big smile

I have a feeling that she may have been surprised that I was wearing what I was? Idk though, she probs just thought I was batshit crazy.

>> No.6968859

I think the reason I am able to wear lolita with confidence is because of my first time.

When I wore my first lolita dress in public, I was a bit scared but after walking a couple of blocks, a woman stopped me to say that she loved my outfit.
After that, I felt more confident and knew that even if I got nasty remarks, there would still be people who liked it. I finally got over being scared of others judging me and started to wear even more elaborate outfits.

>> No.6968965


Oh god, the first time was very, very stressful. I have problems with phobias of crowds and open spaces and I'm also being extremely paranoid ("oh my god everyone here are staring at me, they want to get me, I'm going to die", etc). I obsessively think about every meet up and possible dangers I can encounter on my way to it. And every time I leave my house all dolled up I am scared and pumped with adrenaline, expecting lots of stares, ready to punch potential attackers... And nothing ever happens. No one even looks in my direction. The only thing I get is compliments. Occasionally someone (mostly foreigners or old ladies) stops me to ask about the fashion. There was also this one time when one of my neighbours (a woman in her mid 40s) started gushing over my outfit. She actually knew about Lolita from some TV show and was so excited to see it.

>> No.6969002

The little old ladies are the best. I live next to an elderly care center (sorry if it's not the right term, english is not my first language), and the other day I went out with my boyfriend. We came across them and they said how cute I was. When we came back they were still sitting on the same bench and asked me if my boyfriend finally asked if I would marry him? So cute. Didn't want to burst their bubble and say bf is already married and in the process of a divorce though. And that I hope we never get married.

The other day I stepped out wearing a simple outfit for my friend's bachelorette party and a lady stopped me to say I was cute and she saw me before in lolita.

I rarely get mean comments but I don't care anyway. I don't even notice the stares.