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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6956573 No.6956573[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The perfect couple.

>> No.6956579

Say what you will about JNig... she has a kickass body and is fit as fuck.

>> No.6956582

I like her body makeup

>> No.6956595

I guess her costume is supposed to be.... Super Saiyan Jessica Nigri?

>> No.6956599

Which sucks because she might actually make a cute Bulma if she actually tried.

But she doesn't.

>> No.6956686

she probably doesn't even know who bulma is

>> No.6956703

Isn't that guy the shitty shirtless cosplayer who just pays everyone else to make his shit, then spends all his time promoting his ugly crooked abs?

I think he's a match made in heaven for JNigs.

>> No.6956710

vendetta much?

>> No.6956714

I followed a few cosplay groups on deviant art, all of which had an open submission policy. One day, that faggot decided to submit his terrible shitty cosplay to all of them, so my inbox was flooded with his crap.

So, yeah.. Fuck that guy.

>> No.6956724

In other words he did nothing wrong and you're just one of those cunts that wants to label any popular male cosplayer as some kind of evil douchebag because you don't like the idea of guys getting more attention than you.

Stop being an awful person.

>> No.6956734


I really only visit /cgl/ to watch ugly women be ugly on the inside.

You gals never fail me. <3

>> No.6956742

>fit as fuck
Chick is cardiobunny mode

>> No.6956749

What's wrong with that? Still nice and tight looking unlike 90% of /cgl/

>> No.6956754

cariobunnies dont have biceps.

>> No.6956765


This >>6956754
And this >>6956749

She's not a cardiobunny and cardiobunny is a good look. You're coming off as bitter as fuck.

>> No.6956767
File: 7 KB, 118x125, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurr squats and oats
am I rite? XD!!

>> No.6956775

>insults Jnig
>will never show pic of self due to lack of confidence

>> No.6956777

I highly doubt you can get definition like jnig has by cardio alone, it's pretty clear she lifts.

Say wha tyou want about her cosplay but the girl has a bangin' body the likes of which most of /cgl/ can only dream of having.

>> No.6956781

jnig definitely lifts, but I hope all this whiteknighting is samefaggotry. it's a bit embarrassing.

>> No.6956780

Better to be a bit soggy than have her face and hairline so young.

>> No.6956794
File: 496 KB, 848x1272, still_standing_by_elita_01-d5jkbx5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wrong that I think this girl did FemGoku better?

>> No.6956810


Keep telling yourself that, friend. I'm sure it'll make the cupcakes go down with minimal self loathing.


I don't like her as a person or her cosplay, but you can't deny that the girl's body is phenomenal.

>> No.6956841

JNig being un/fit/ and funneh.

>> No.6956853

All chicks do nothing but cardio from running on the treadmill to kickboxing. I rarely see girls do benches and curls at the gym.

>> No.6956875

>oh joe you've got a sticky belly!

>> No.6956878

>girl's body is phenomenal.

She looks nice. Phenomenal is a stretch

>> No.6956882

Hey there, guy in the picture

>> No.6956895

Except he's not popular, but he desperately tries to be.

Honestly.. Do you know who he is? Can you think of any other costume you know this guy has worn?

He's a nobody who wants to be JNig and he's not any good at it.

>JNig is so perfect!
>She's not that great

Every fucking thread...

>> No.6956891

>implying you ever went to the gym

>> No.6956900
File: 148 KB, 800x1131, 1364206319926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a bit scrawny and the battle damage makeup is really overdone, but it's a good effort.

>> No.6956908

>spouts nothing but jealousy and hate

>> No.6956918

>Except he's not popular, but he desperately tries to be.

He's got over 100k likes on facebook. How many do you have?

>> No.6956922

Is this that guy with the crooked abs?

If so, requesting pics of his crooked abs.

>> No.6956927

Read the thread again. Really fucking read it.
>JNig is fit as fuck
>she's really not that fit
>She's prettier than the rest of /cgl/! (which is bullshit. Go check a progress thread)
>claims other poster is insulting jnig and that they must be ugly if they insult precious Jnig
>She totally lifts! And the majority of /cgl/ can't even dream of having her body!

>> No.6956937

Yeah, and the Tea Party has 1.7 million. What's your point?

>> No.6956940

>Say that to my facebook page fucker not on 4chan and see what happens

>> No.6956953

You aren't proving anything with your green text. You're just highlighting further how continually stupid and jealous you look for actually trying to claim JNig doesn't have a great body. Any retard can look at her pics and see she does. There's no way you can make yourself look justified or logical.

Someone doesn't stop being popular just because you find another facebook with more likes. Not many cosplayers can hope to ever get 100k likes. You're not making any sort of valid argument.

>> No.6956958

I miss Kipi spam.

>> No.6956964


>Jnig has a nice body
>Doing cardio is good and she also lifts

>> No.6956971

Saysing she's not fit is not the same as saying she's a fugly hambeast with rotting flesh like a bloated corpse. She's okay. She's just not great. No one has said otherwise, and the fact that you keep jumping to that conclusion is pretty much the big problem here.

maybe people are just sick of the fucking hourly Nigri threads. Ever consider that? Maybe they wouldn't have a problem with this is her little sycophantic army of white knights weren't constantly spamming her shit and pissing and moaning at anyone who shows even the remotest dislike of her.

>> No.6956975

>I don't like something so it can't be popular
You can't into logic can you?

>> No.6956980

I've been awol from this board for a while, why isn't this shit bannable anymore?

>> No.6956988

Quantify a facebook like for me, then. This guy has 100k likes, which means.. At least 100k people clicked a button in favor of him. More than I have, sure, but what does that mean? Does that mean he 'wins' cosplay? Does that mean he's somehow more skilled and more masterful at the numerous cosplay arts than anyone with less likes?

No. It doesn't mean shit. It means some people like looking at shirtless dudes.
Facebook is practically built on a foundation of easily accessible softcore porn, anyways.

>> No.6956998

Mods got lazy, or people prefer trolling than reporting. Both sides are retarded as fuck.

>> No.6957003

When a girl is obviously fit and you try to say she's not fit then you're being just as stupid and obviously jealous.

>maybe people are just sick of the fucking hourly Nigri threads

Jessica Nigri is currently one of the most popular cosplayers in the US, does a lot of costumes, and is active in a lot of cons. So you should get used to seeing her and try looking at her as a source of inspiration rather than feeling bitter and jealous. Stop being such a fucking baby.

>> No.6957007

Sup Jessica.

>> No.6957010

The janitors used to try remove any thread that mentioned a cosplayer by name due to misinterpreting the "singling out" rule. Moot set them straight and now it's only removable if the thread is intended to troll them, like it was always supposed to be.

>> No.6957018

Yeah.. /cgl/ isn't your fucking blog feed. It's not a place to post updates on individuals cosplayers. It never has been. It never will be. /cgl/ has been slapped around several times because they obsessed over and made constant threads for specific cosplayers.

Also, seeing as she's a professional and cosplay is her fucking business, may as well report this shit as commercial advertising, since she's getting additional exposure off moot's site, because of faggots like you.

>> No.6957022

It means he has achieved a certain amount of mainstream popularity for his cosplays. The other anon tried to claim he was a "nobody" and not popular.

Try following an argument before you lash out with your petty hatred.

>> No.6957024

>/cgl/ has been slapped around several times because they obsessed over and made constant threads for specific cosplayers.
To be fair, most of the times /cgl/ has been slapped around it's for obsessing over and making constant threads for people who have no or only tangential relation to cosplay (Dakota, PT, etc.)

>> No.6957026

>clothes and body have the shit beaten out of them
>hair is still immaculate

yep, it's DBZ all right

>> No.6957030

/cgl/ is a board about cosplay. It IS a place to post and talk about cosplayers. You don't get to mandate what types of cosplay threads people post just because you don't like it.

>may as well report this shit as commercial advertising

Go ahead. Enjoy your ban for misusing the report feature.

>> No.6957035

That was mostly because Denmark didn't know how to handle her newfound janitor privileges.

>> No.6957039

It's because of all that ki running through it!

>> No.6957042

Uhm.. dude?
Rule 2 for /cgl/
>Don't bring community drama into this board. Singling out individual cosplayers and trolling them will not be tolerated.

At this point, bringing up JNig is pretty much a guaranteed troll thread.

>> No.6957048

It's not a place to have threads based on cosplayers' personal lives or bodies, which is what this -- and every -- JNig thread is about (because if anyone actually tries to make it about cosplay we're told we're fat jelly bitches).

>> No.6957053

You're the one attacking and belittling Jessica Nigri, so by your own evidence you should be the one who is banned. "Mentioning her name is drama cuz youre provoking my jealousy!" is not a valid argument.

>> No.6957059
File: 3 KB, 184x172, 1368998087931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just wish she'd share her fitness routine
partially out of curiosity, partially because i'm jealous of her arms. i know she lifts but i'd like some deets

>> No.6957063

lol so now you don't want anyone talking about anyone's body. Sorry, but fuck you.

Keep trying to spin-lawyer in some way to try to get Jessica's name censored from /cgl/.

>> No.6957061

As a cosplayer, I think she's unremarkable and I don't think she's a gorgeous, 10/10 beauty who deserves all the boners the internet has to offer. So sue me.


>> No.6957067

Threads also get removed here quite a bit because of subject matter. People report posts and cry troll in a legitimate thread. It's basically biased censorship.

>> No.6957066

Congratulations on having an opinion. Not everyone in the world shares your opinion. Try being mature enough to accept that.

>> No.6957073

it wouldn't help
routines change as you progress
it'd be pointless to take up her routine if you don't the core foundation for it

>> No.6957077

Run 5 miles a day
bicep curls
Throw up your meals

>> No.6957078

Same goes for you.
Now copy and paste this exact discussion into every fucking JNig thread, because the people who defend her are just as bad for engaging in the same fucking argument every time it comes up.

Some people don't like her. Some do. Don't be surprised when someone tells you otherwise.

>> No.6957081

Who is "you"? Are you trying to paint me as someone who hates JNig? Because let me tell you, most of these threads are about ripping on her body and face, and that's not any more board relevant. And no, discussing people's bodies isn't /cgl/ relevant and moot has said so repeatedly. If you want to talk about how nice her arms are (quite nice), go to /fit/. Also, it's 'spin doctor.'

>> No.6957082


you think it's something secret? prolly the first google link

>> No.6957083

Careful, the mods might get wind of this and try and filter her name.

>> No.6957093
File: 267 KB, 458x673, U24sd-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6957098

Muscle definition on girls looks like shit. Eat right and do cardio and you'll look perfect.