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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 14 KB, 500x316, 1373219517453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6955894 No.6955894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So seriously how fat and ugly are you guys?
Bonus points for being Asian.

>> No.6955896

Very I'm too ashamed to ever post my pic on here so I make fun of others like Beckii.


>> No.6955899

Didn't you see the self post thread?

They're fucking hideous

>> No.6955903

No selfpost but I'm skinnyfat, like upper arms and legs are fat, round face, otherwise I look pretty thin european 34. I'm meh without make up (look like 12 yo) and average-pretty with make up on.

>> No.6955928

Guy with the figure of a girl. Shits good yo.

>> No.6955931
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I'm the bottom one

>> No.6955934
File: 53 KB, 640x430, The only feel was regret after wasting 2 hours of my life on such a horrible film.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian minidick detected

>> No.6955940

Not fat at all and have never been fat.
5'6 110lbs. Eat healthy, exercise all day everyday.
I don't know about ugly though I'm just pretty average/cute.

>> No.6955965

Asian starving-child skinny. It's not a good look at all.

>> No.6955972

i'm 2.10 meters and 124 kg probably a 5

>> No.6955978

my bmi is 15.5 so no, not fat haha
ugly? ehh probably to some people but i don't really care seeing as i'm in a relationship already with someone who finds me attractive.

>> No.6955980

inflammatory question is inflammatory

but if you must know I'm taller than average for a female and overweight considering my frame and build.

Can't be arsed to do anything about it right now due to personal reasons.

>> No.6955982
File: 83 KB, 558x558, 1373220349185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm skinnyfat

>> No.6955983

i'm 5'3", 110 lbs with the measurements 33.5, 26, 33.5
i used to have a huge ugly gap between my teeth but i got that fixed and i went from like a 5 to an 8.
I still kick myself for having a long-term relationship with a plain-faced borderline chubby guy though
hes a great guy but in hindsight i could have done so much better ;_;

>> No.6955986

Petite as fuck Lolita-chan here. I recently put on some weight, which has now edged me into the minimum-healthy bit of a BMI chart. (I was hospitalised for 4 months, so no exercise and lots of comfort food). It's starting to come off already, though.

5"3 and 119lb, pre-hospital 110lbs.

Beauty is a subjective thing, so harder to answer. I have small, cute facial features, but a very strong jawline. This works in my favour out of Lolita as people find it very striking/gives definition to my face, but is not "kawaii" for Lolita - too mature. I tend to use makeup to tone it down when I dress up.

>> No.6955990
File: 999 KB, 500x300, you want to ride the jetstream.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when 5'7/170cm 118lb borderline skinnyfat
>mfw lazy /vr/ trooper that just posts on /cgl/ for makeup/silly drama/weeaboo horror stories/taobao shopping/shits and giggles

I have a hideously plain face, I don't come outside unless i need to go out for groceries or hangout with my friends. I care more about video games, chemistry, and mori fashion than I do on eating food or exercising, which is nice because otherwise I'd be a bit pudgy.

>> No.6955996

>Can't be arsed to do anything about it right now due to personal reasons.


>> No.6955998

>i'm in a relationship already with someone who finds me attractive.

He's just desperate

>> No.6956005
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>> No.6956004
File: 197 KB, 512x512, 1372920019119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lolita-chan here.

>> No.6956006

Yerk, not like that. I still fit into european 14 yo clothes on bust, but my hips are wide (and totally hidden by my petti)

>> No.6956009
File: 179 KB, 500x365, 1365477123242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry

>> No.6956010

I'm really skinny (5'3" 95 lbs) but my looks are debatable.

>> No.6956012
File: 34 KB, 402x604, 1366907170377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao why
i'm classy af, b

>> No.6956013

>my looks are debatable.

What ugos say

>> No.6956020 [DELETED] 

5'6", ~130lb. 32B (???) - 25 - 35

I feel like my weight's really shifted off of my waist. I only made small changes in my diet, though.

Prom picture posted like the other anon. I cut my hair off after into a pixie.

>> No.6956022
File: 307 KB, 578x1024, P1030796 (578x1024).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'6", ~130lb. 32B-25-35

Prom picture posted like the other anon. I cut my hair off after into a pixie.

>> No.6956021

I look like Smeagol but with better hair.

>> No.6956028

> post hot looking girl w/ timestamp
> half thread cusses out for being hideous or unkawaii anyway
you know this threads only destination

>> No.6956031
File: 8 KB, 267x189, nerd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom thinks i'm cool

>> No.6956036
File: 96 KB, 642x890, Mbhz11x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly thinfags?

>> No.6956038
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>> No.6956037

Are you like a 40 year old mother of 2?

>> No.6956039

6ft, 130lbs, skinnyfat.
I'm quite self consious of how I look, and think I look somewhat androgynous.
I have been scouted by modeling agencies multiple times if that counts for anything.

>> No.6956040

Well she's obviously going to die soon being that unhealthy. She's probably wealthy.

>> No.6956041
File: 13 KB, 158x151, 1371475503495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lying on the internet

>> No.6956042


Well, height usually factors into an "androgynous" look. One exception is that one female singer that always wears a suit.

Why are you self-conscious? Embrace that awesome height!

>> No.6956043

>I still kick myself for having a long-term relationship with a plain-faced borderline chubby guy though
>hes a great guy but in hindsight i could have done so much better ;_;
I hate people like you. You'd rather have a hot guy that treats you like shit and cheats on you than an average, overweight one that is a decent guy? The vain can choke on a dick.

>> No.6956050

fedora fag nice guy detected

because every hot guy is a dick

>> No.6956048

I'd hit it just for the experience of fucking a beluga. Would probably feel amazing then afterwards want to go somewhere and hide from the world.

>6ft, 130lbs, skinnyfat.
How is this possible. You must have zero muscle definition to be that tall and only 130.

Or /fit/bro was a fat fetish.

>> No.6956052

No but girls allow them to be dicks. A neckbeard has no such luxury. Women are vain and petty. This is a fact.

And I've never worn a fedora in my life. Shit is dumb.

>> No.6956061

5'7", 39-27-38, not sure what I weigh, but I eat well and workout every day for at least an hour. Aside from wanting to slim down a little more, I think I'm a little boring/funny-looking, but lots of people tell me I'm beautiful, and I get asked about my make-up a lot when I'm not wearing any, which is almost always. Feels okay?

>> No.6956066

Also, 110 at your height isn't below the "healthy" cut on a bmi chart, especially if you're "petite as fuck." 100 lbs would be more like boderline "underweight" at that height.

Finally, why do you keep capitalizing lolita?

>> No.6956072

Anon, learn to read properly. She's 119 lbs.

>> No.6956073

omg are you 12? that woman doesn't look anywhere near 40.

>> No.6956075

1.78m, and 111 lbs.

>> No.6956079

5'3 217 pound fatsterrace reporting in.
Oh and
>lel fat=auto uggo
Meh. I consider myself attractive though and so have a lot of people. I'm not a shapeless lard as cgl would assume from that number. My current boyfriend is in the same boat as me except I've played sports all my life and he doesn't dig physical activity. I've been losing a bit of weight (245 a couple months ago) but it's really hard dating someone that enables my overeating.

Oh well. Hope that adequately answers your pointless thread OP.

>> No.6956081

No, just no.
Also, I know women around the age of 40 who look younger than her.

>> No.6956080
File: 67 KB, 569x567, 1329680741903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat acceptance movement

>> No.6956082
File: 107 KB, 640x480, HNI_0053_MPO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just been bullied a lot on the way I look when I was younger-people always mistook my gender(some still do, esp on 4chan with all these traps and such-could understand the confusion)
I've actually had people march up to me when I was wearing lolita and asked me If I was a tranny-multiple times! (my small bust, height, and the fact that I'm wearing a wig.. but still wtf)
people have told me (boyfriend included) that I have an androgynous face.
feels bad man

here, have a shitty faceless photo.

>> No.6956087
File: 66 KB, 659x609, so good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a fit, tall, acne-less 18 year old male.

>> No.6956084

Irony doesn't transmit well in text form. Apologies.

>> No.6956085
File: 724 KB, 1200x1200, 1370217014006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You beat me too it.
has to be a jelly fat.
is a very average type of pretty, like girl next door. look to be at least 20 in this picture. I would like to see the picture of her with the pixie cut.

>> No.6956089

5' 3"

Ever since I got out of highschool I started gaining weight...
I used to be 100, 110 at most.

>> No.6956090

lmao no. Just no.

>> No.6956092

>someone selfposts
>automatically jumps on their case to be an asshole
wow, you must have a lot of friiends, huh

>> No.6956094

Nia I think you are responding to the wrong poster. I think you intended to reply to >>6956037