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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6954279

Does anyone know where I can find a similar pair to Innocent World's Greta Boots?

Don't judge me, I've spent ages looking for a real pair and I've have no luck.

>> No.6954277

It's not really because of VIP that TBR won't buy it. It's probably because the item is out of stock. If you look through each option, there's a large amount of stock for every size so it's probably just a placeholder listing.

>> No.6954451


Might be nice if you added a fucking picture.

>> No.6954458
File: 129 KB, 600x425, pen-blsk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually had a really difficult time trying to find a picture with the lolibrary down. Here's a coordinate set for the Mawaru Penguindrum collab set that includes them.

>> No.6954468

Is Krad Lanrete a kinda slow shop? The SS placed my order about two weeks ago, and I'm still waiting on a headbow that said it was in stock with 10+ pieces.... Everything else arrived at the SS in that time, including some blouses that were being custom made.

I wanted to make sure before bugging my SS.

>> No.6954486

Re-posting hoping for more answers. There's just so many listings that are like this from so many stores.

Please help. So my order mostly finally went through Taobaoring (and go fucking figure, a bunch of shit is now sold out), but items like this: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15330796978
that are VIP they said are out of stock even when they aren't. Can I get VIP items through an SS? Most of my items are just that so it's pretty detrimental to my cart.

>> No.6954491

Lolibrary is back up now.

>> No.6954564

Is there a way I can look for a wig with no bangs? Like the front's left the same length or just a bit shorter from the rest of the wig? I've found shorter wigs but I need a long wig like mid back or longer length.

>> No.6954577

Uh, just look? Arda alone carries a bunch: Buttercup, Le Tigre, Galadriel, Luthien...

>> No.6954637

I know Arda has them, I'm looking for them on Taobao. Like is there a chinese search term for longer bangs or no bangs or whatever it may be called? Are they that uncommon?

>> No.6954664

holy shit link to the zeon gundam backpack/purse thing?

>> No.6954689

> kinda slow

Hahahaha... yeah, more like very slow.

>> No.6954692

Hey seagulls, could someone explain to me the tracking (for SAL)? It says collection right now, what does that mean?

> Sorry for the retarded question

>> No.6954772

Anyone have any idea what's going on with the Captain Mia preorder? If I remember right Anon was saying that it's being delayed until the 20th and they're tweaking the design. Anyone have any news/pics on what's going on?

>> No.6954779

Here ya go

>> No.6954793


Why do all these links only go to the Dictionary spreadsheet? Can we get the rest of them, please?

>> No.6954798

Is BuyChina any good?

>> No.6954810

They don't, something is wrong with you.

>> No.6954813

For those that have used Yoybuy, what do you think? I got an account and the "add money" thing concerns me. If I add too much or if there's a remainder after an order, do I get it back? Want to take advantage of the 5% fee, but not sure it's worth it now.

>> No.6954818

BuyChina is basically just a shopping service, but (supposedly?) the shops you can buy from via it are all "trusted" or verified.

>> No.6954865

It gets refunded to your Paypal after the order ships

>> No.6954868


Did you buy just the headbow? I know at least one person here had a problem with that - KL actually forgot that they even ordered the headbow. So you might want to bug your SS to bug KL about it then.

But given that it's KL, two weeks is nothing, my dear anon. Nothing at all.

>> No.6954873

Don't do it. They are permabanned from spamming advertisements here and for sketchy behavior

>> No.6955083

Your Internet browser or something. You need to clear your cache/cookies or change browsers.

>> No.6955092

I was wondering, how did you disinfect that properly? Would just alcohol do the trick?

>> No.6955108

Yeah, just the headbow. I already have the JSK that matches.

UGH. really? Even though it's not a reservation? I thought that they might have some premade in stock, since each color had 10+ next to the order button.

Man. If I knew how slow they were, I would have made a larger order...

>> No.6955136

not OP, but because it's pleather you can use an alcohol spray or gently handwash with soap and water. (I wouldn't run it through the wash because of the quality of chinese pleather)

Another option- they sell body-safe toy and rope cleaners at most good sex shops. (and almost always on the online ones)

>> No.6955261

an add-on is what causes it, can't remember which one though (maybe ad-block)

>> No.6955263

more like forever slow! Still waiting on my Phantom of the Opera skirt....

>> No.6955269

I have Adblock Plus for Chrome and the links are fine for me, so it's not that.

>> No.6955353

For the hard core mori girl.


>> No.6955382

It's one of the 4chan ones. 4chan plus I think, always happening to me.

If you turn it off temp and refresh the page the links will be fine.

>> No.6955742

who knew grandmas were mori

>> No.6955825

Did the anon from the last thread find any Animal Crossing stuff? 动物之森 just brings up the game and generic animal toys, plus what looks like a Japanese game guide.

>> No.6955833

Has anyone bought Re-Ment from taobao? Was it legit? If it was bootleg, did it look bad?

>> No.6955858

I found figures by searching the Japanese name (in kanji).

>> No.6955859
File: 325 KB, 750x449, T2Kq_WXkJXXXXXXXXX_!!93746821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked Celestial Delinquent about the Captain Mia stuff.

first email
>Hi, if she's on schedule, it's supposed to be ready by mid July. I'll check with her and let you know.

second email:
>Oh she just replied to say she'll be asking for the remainder payment around 15 July and will despatch the order after payment has been made. Would you like to make the payment first, so that I can pay it once she asks for it?

And from yetanotherjfashionblog on tumblr:
>About Captain Mia, my SS told me that they are having production problems (the first batch of dresses came out looking horrible, so the shop owner decided to redo them, I think). Therefore, the release of the completed version will be somewhere between 20th of July to the end of the month.
>Also, there are changes to the designs, pintucks on the front of the bodice will be modified on the OP and JSK. The shoulder straps of the JSK will also be modified. OP will have a layer of pearly chiffon (?)
>That’s all I know for the moment. More info:http://weibo.com/2697368173/zBJ4LEhDG

>> No.6955864

Glorious. Thanks Anon, I was asking further upthread what was going on. I only ordered the skirt so it doesn't seem like I'll be affected by the changes in design, so hopefully it'll be out soon!

I think for my next order I'll try out Celestial Delinquent, especially since I'm planning on ordering from CP. Does anyone know if she gets a VIP discount and passes it along?

>> No.6955874

I'm the same anon as the one you replied to. She does get VIP for CP but she is in one of the lower tiers so it isn't that much discount.

>> No.6955893

Still better than the other SS, I don't think any of them pass along their VIP, plus CP is a notorious pain in the ass to get anywhere with.

>> No.6955907

For sure. The petticoat I got from CP using CD got to the warehouse before two weeks past since my order.

>> No.6956174

Huh! I was thinking about ordering a CP petti from Clobba as I heard he's pretty good at getting a fire lit under CP's ass compared to other SS. I honestly don't mind waiting but sometimes too long is too long.

>> No.6956186

Hot damn she must jump on their asses. I remember one anon who ordered through TBS and waited so long they finally just asked for a refund.

Clobba tends to have ready stock of some petticoats (usually in black and white) so if you're willing to deal with the markup he's usually good. Basically if you need a petti ASAP and he has it in stock it might be worth it, but if you can wait a bit you might be better off with CD since I think she's cheaper.

>> No.6956343
File: 209 KB, 1280x671, rgfq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find the mail thread where anon asked me to do a review of RainCos wigs I ordered so I'm just going to leave it here.

I ordered RainCos's Junko, Nagito, and Nanami wig from Dangan Ronpa along with a Nai from Karneval wig and a random brown wig thru TaobaoNow. Raincos took longer then with other wig sellers to ship out their wigs, not sure why? But thats just generally how they roll from previous experience with them.

Junko and Nanami are really nice the color is decent. I'm not sure how Junko's pig tails are because I didn't want to take it out of the hair net since it's not mine. Nagito and Nai are a mess and Nai needs a lot of styling and cutting but are really good quality none the less. Not sure wtf happened to the brown wig? I'm guessing it was one of their older wigs.

>> No.6956428

Clobba is fine to get it through but just as other anon said, it is marked up.

Looking at my emails with CD, I sent my order 5/9/13 and all items minus the Captain Mia JSK got to the warehouse by 5/17/13.
So that's a week and a day to get CP's petti to the warehouse. I do remember during this time period other anons in these threads were talking about how CP would take up to two months sometimes with other SS.

>> No.6956477

Thank you so much! Good to know the colours are pretty spot-on for Nanami and Junko. How are they for thickness and shine?

>> No.6956567

So I'm having an issue with getting money on to Yoybuy. I have a Visa debt card I'm trying to pay with, but it keeps saying they can't verify the card wit the bank. All I can think of is my middle initial is suppose to go someplace and I don't know where. Anyone else have this issue? I can't really do the other payment options.

>> No.6956583

Contact your bank about it. This problem has happened to a lot of anons.

>> No.6956868
File: 45 KB, 388x582, btssb_style_heart_shaped_bag_-_brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know who makes these bags? I found these on clobba, but I don't want to deal with their overpricing.

>> No.6957116

Anyone know how to find something like this, or has seen it before?


I tried searching a variety of keywords but I'm just not getting the results I want.

>> No.6957122

Here's another link that might help you anon:

I tried various keywords but just get generic sailor stuff not specifically that one.

>> No.6957133


>> No.6957732
File: 12 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find something like this, but in pink? It's just a sailor hat.
Nothing I'm searching is giving me any luck.

>> No.6957773
File: 67 KB, 440x575, 6cdfc29agw1dgoctctp4ej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bag a replica of anything?

>> No.6957780

does anyone knows where to buy lavender/purple lolita blouses, custom size?
thanks in advance

>> No.6957794

yes amoxAP moon bag
but it does have enough differences that it wouldn't be considered copyright violation. Also, that bad has been out of circulation for over 3 years now.

>> No.6957795

It is, but I don't know the exact name.

>> No.6957927

Nanami is pretty good thickness and its not that shiny but the color doesn't look that good in low light. Junko isn't shiny and its less thick on the sides then Nanami but you do have they pigtails that go there.

All round they're pretty good.

>> No.6957943


Strawberry witch does some, but that's all I can think off the top of my head. Others also have lavender shirts from time to time (Dear Celine comes to mind) but they go out of stock really fast and I'm not sure if they do custom sizing. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

>> No.6958127
File: 10 KB, 582x205, error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was going to order a bag that I've wanted for months. I just checked the link and it leads me to pic related. I wonder if they just changed the link or they no longer sell it. Who should I contact?

>> No.6958155

The store is probably long gone if you see that message. You can't contact anyone, they wouldn't know anything.

>> No.6958173

Just a question to everyone that has bought clothes from TaoBao: Are the clothes all made of thin material?

>> No.6958178

Yes. Just like everything you buy from different eBay stores is always the same material.

... seriously, anon?

>> No.6958185

水手帽 sailor beret
粉红 pink

probably lace story or something like that - they stopped selling to normal people 2 years ago. around that time i THINK they started selling exclusively to clobba/qutie...so i forgot who they were.

i can vouch for this, CP's petticoats reach your SS in two weeks through celestial delinquent. I know, I always use her as my ss...but i only buy lolita from taobao, so.

1. just because an item listing states there is "x" number in stock does not mean it is actually in stock
2. krad lanrete is fucking slow now. my phantom of opera is so delayed. when i bought that holy queen-replica-ish skirt from them they were bloody quick

buychina spams on 4chan, and sent me an email saying if i refer them customers i get a commission. lol. they just wrote some script to translate whatever items you're looking at when you use buychina's website. they're not "official english taobao" like they pretend to be

>> No.6958196

does anybody have any binder shops to suggest?

>> No.6958240

Ah, forgot to mention but the store is still there. I'm also using yoybuy. Thanks for your reply, though.

>> No.6958299

We get at least one dumb generalization question like this in every single thread. Use your brains, people. IT'S NOT ONE BIG STORE.

>> No.6958328
File: 91 KB, 280x373, pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a blouse on taobao similar to this?

>> No.6958724

Not directly related but I wanted to note that Weibo is finally avaiable in english for all countries now.

>> No.6958948

Argh. After Taobaoring took too damn long, I decided to put my order in to Yoybuy and try them. I go to put money in to my account but my card won't verify. I contact my bank by suggestion of an anon here and they say the issue must be with Alipay. So I just can't pay Yoybuy and have to re-enter my (very large) order with yet another shopping service.

>> No.6959085

thanks anon!

>> No.6959231
File: 81 KB, 720x960, babydoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recognise this babydoll? I want to find it on taobao but don't even know if I could.

>> No.6959452

I have not used yoybuy before. When I put an item in the cart it puts it at the most expensive when I want the cheaper options on the listing. I've put what I want in the comments but do they change the price to be more accurate or do they charge you the most expensive price or what? I'm a little confused.

>> No.6959464

I believe they charge you the most expensive price (or whatever price it comes up as in your cart), but they will refund for the difference once the items are purchased.

>> No.6959634

It's by a gyaru brand. I don't remember the exact brand but you won't find it on taobao unless someone replicates it. I believe it retailed for $60-80.

>> No.6959666

This is Tutuha/Glavil's babydoll.

>> No.6959730

What's up with Yoybuy? I see bad things about it on the internet, but I'm tempted by their 5% agent fee. Looks like lots of you use em anyway? Have they gotten better, or...?

Also, would you go with taobaonow or taobaospree for larger orders? I've used and liked both.

>> No.6959880

Quick question. I know that it's basically impossible to order liquid products from taobao, but how about resin powder? Has anyone tried it before?

>> No.6959914

I wonder why so many people always complain about having to wait long at taobaoring, I just set an order a hour ago and already got the order confirmed and paid, just like always but then again I always only order from 1-2 shops.

>> No.6959947
File: 65 KB, 600x799, T2zDfQXdhbXXXXXXXX_!!498587313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, is this supposed to be the melty moon knockoff?

>> No.6959956

please no

>> No.6959967


>> No.6959979
File: 258 KB, 750x750, arpakasso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god, does anyone know where to get cute arpakasso replicas for cheap without getting screwed on shipping? call me a cheapskate, but my family goes to hong kong every couple of years and i usually get my pakas for dirt cheap and just as nice as the real thing, but mine have been squirreled away by my many asian cousins. the pakas on amazon are the ugly replicas and if i order from taobao normally the shipping would be so ridiculous that i may as well order one from japan.

is there even a way to get these things for cheap, or am i just going to have to suppress my asian upbringing and splurge?

>> No.6959998


Loris made it...maybe this is their original take on it and they'll make the real one too, yeah.

>> No.6960002
File: 296 KB, 440x2064, 6a551163tw1e6dgiz4rsfj20dw1t612s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chess Story..please,my wallet wasn't ready for that.

>> No.6960003

Shipping will be a bitch based off weight because that's how it always is (or volumetric weight). Either way, it's always gonna get your ass.

>> No.6960153

Does anyone know a good place to buy gothic/classic bags? I already have a MASK bag, and wanted something less sweet than the loris bags tend to be.

>> No.6960214

Whoa what, where are these from?
Can't see them on their taobao store.

>> No.6960241

Does anyone have some good shops for cheap little nick nacks? Not sweet mimi though.

>> No.6960244


>> No.6960278

Does anyone have the link to the fake thigh highs people wear saying were very big awhile ago? i am about to make an order and now i cannot find the link i saved because of all my rearranging trying to get my order in order. I'm looking through the archive but i can't find them.

>> No.6960289
File: 467 KB, 1210x696, replacement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you say seifuku in moonspeak/a language taobao understands?
I looked through the dictionaries, tried "student dress" and stuff.
Google translate gave me "减少" and that got me lotion or something. Pic sadly related.

>> No.6960292

I'm not sure what you put in, because that says "Reduce."

>> No.6960295


I put in せいふく and translated from Japanese to Simplified Chinese

>> No.6960308

I have fat thighs and I bought a pair from this link:

Pics of me with them on here:

Honestly, you probably can buy them anywhere since the link I provided is out of stock.

>> No.6960317

ah thanks, but i have heard a lot of them rum very small so i am a bit worried.

>> No.6960324

If you can't find any from the link I provided, I know that the plus size taobao tumblr posted some...somewhere:

>> No.6960341
File: 71 KB, 286x583, wohoohoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with the outfits from the SNSD World Tour photoshoot. Has anyone seen any airplane hostess styled clothes in their search for fashion?

More of what I'm looking for here: http://minus.com/mG5GdixPL3gBn

>> No.6960399

How about this, anon?
#it's got a sort of nursey-hostess feel.


>> No.6960484

I can't find their weibo, when will this be released?

>> No.6960548

noooo just search school uniform in chinese
filter it to japanese style

>> No.6960550

You know, I've bought two pairs (different brands). One pair was really nice and roomy and one pair was tight as fuck. I think it's a luck of the draw kind of thing.

>> No.6960553

actually, I was searching for uniforms and air-hostess stuff was everywhere! so search uniforms probably

>> No.6960574

It was posted on the 6th of July and google translate says the release is probably next week.

Their weibo is here: http://www.weibo.com/unebanane

The blog post is here:

>> No.6960603
File: 13 KB, 267x400, nos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a word for the peekaboo/keyhole dress that's popular now? I keep coming up with words that might be associated with it in Chinese, but I've got nothing.

>> No.6960654
File: 15 KB, 361x547, T2omLEXhlaXXXXXXXX_!!345667325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think this will be sturdy?
I need a new one and this is very pretty and I like that it has arms

>> No.6960655


No, but maybe you can get it commissioned??

>> No.6960657


Jesus fuck that is gorgeous.

>> No.6960666

next week on sunday to be exact

>> No.6960668

Three-footed mannequins are usually pretty sturdy. Shipping might be a bitch though. If you do get it, would you mind telling us how it goes?

>> No.6960730


Hmm, shipping kills it.
With sal it's like $84 just for the shipping cause it's 8 kilo's.

>> No.6960740

Goddammit, I had to wait for a custom made sailor ish dress for 10 days already, now my SS tells me the seller has made it out of the wrong material so I have to wait for days again to have it redone. Why doesn't this person check before making something, arg.

>> No.6960920

10 days isn't so bad

>> No.6960942


10 days is nothing. Try ordering from Krad Lanrete or Classical Puppet.

>> No.6961005

I know Krad Lankrete is longer. Just kinda pisses me off that the day the order would have completly arrived at my SS, they inform me the seller has to remake the item and it won't be there for another while, because I kinda hoped I would get my order before my trip to Glasgow so I had more summer clothes to take with me.

>> No.6961014

How long does Classical Puppets usually take? I ordered an A line petti from them and it was at my SS in five days.

>> No.6961091


My A-line took like five weeks...

>> No.6961120
File: 40 KB, 644x181, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon again, If anyone else has this happen beware, the tracking number has suddenly disappeared from the system. My Agency called and China Post says that the tracking number never existed, despite proof it did. Waiting to hear how this is going to end now.

>> No.6961119

Seems dependent on the SS. CD took roughly a week (posted somewhere in this thread about it).

>> No.6961123

Was this SAL? It may have gotten lost or something.

Check your federal postal site.

>> No.6961126

Nope, it was sent via regular air mail, and my countries tracking system tracked it fine up until it said NULL, then suddenly it disappeared from the system as well.

>> No.6961134

Damn. Hope it works out for you anon.

>> No.6961149

Me too I had a really nice dress I was going to wear to a benefit concert in the package too, I need it before the 26th, and I sincerely doubt I'm going to get it on time now.

>> No.6961163

Related to Taobao though for not international services. Just an interesting read:

>> No.6961294


My A-line took 5 weeks and it was custom.

>> No.6961705
File: 64 KB, 250x334, ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody knows where I can find this bag? It's from someone's taobao haul from tumblr

>> No.6961730

ask them

>> No.6961760

yeah I would ask them, I'm not having much luck, found some sugar skull bags though


>> No.6961769


herp derp, dumb ac name from /vg/

I saw the word 'grimace' pop up a lot, maybe try 'Grimace purse' or something?

>> No.6961780

Ask them. Or buy from JP - the ghost bag is a trademark character from World Wide Love.

>> No.6961793

Thank you, I just found out because someone asked before me:

>> No.6961796
File: 72 KB, 296x300, grimace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grimace purse

>> No.6962235

is there a good taobao shop for replica bags?

>> No.6962368

bump for this

>> No.6962831


>> No.6963105

I placed my first order last year and the problem I had is that they added lots of fees and my money kept disappearing. I'll use it until I find something better, though.

>> No.6963112


>> No.6963594
File: 780 KB, 1320x1936, taobao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I've posted this order on here before, but I added a bunch of stuff. Some lolita basics, trying out a bunch of bras and panties, and a ton of lace and flowers for making accessories.

Tracking says out for delivery, so it should be here today! I'm happy to do reviews once it arrives.

>> No.6963597

where? i can't find the option to switch to english anywhere

>> No.6963607

please review the stick on nubra things. have been on the fence about them and their durability. like, i had a pair that tore after i wore them out 3 times

>> No.6963910 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 256x145, okaytaobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a search term for lots of reduced clothing:

>> No.6963917
File: 5 KB, 256x145, craaawling_in_my_skiiiin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a search term for lots of reduced clothing:

>> No.6963974

Could you please post links to the three blouses in the second row?

>> No.6964499

Here you go:

The navy blouse is much more of a bright royal blue, though.

>> No.6964537
File: 48 KB, 805x446, REPLACEMENT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

水手服 gets you seifuku. If someone could add it to the spreadsheet?

Also, what does the symbol in the top, far right column mean? I got the rest, it's just that one I can't figure out.

>> No.6964552

I would love to hear about those bras when you get them. I have been meaning to try those sticky ones.

>> No.6964569

It's height, I think

>> No.6964586

Thank you!

I hate to be a pain, but does anyone know where I can get a lavender seifuku that comes in large sizes? I found one seifuku that comes in a larger range of sizes, and it says "custom made," but IDK if they can make it lavender.

>> No.6964628

are basic translations like what height bust, waist in chinese on the spreadsheets

>> No.6964641

Yeah but sometimes the font that sellers use make it difficult to differentiate between each.

>> No.6964645

As others said, I'd love to know how the sticky bras are. I'd also like to know how the keys and straw hat are.

>> No.6964725

how do you search for those pearl cat ears? and hollytea type tights and the works. Like the same kawaii type thngs she does

>> No.6964738

Just search for "Spank!" for kawaii shit.

>> No.6964753

猫发箍 turns up a lot of different cat ear headband styles, including the popular pearl ones

>> No.6964765


>> No.6965103

There should be some of those here, dear anon http://queenlive.taobao.com/

>> No.6965342

Not the anon you replied to but this method is a little wonky.

It pulls up porn and whatever this shirt is supposed to be, is there a better search term?

>> No.6965347

is it bad that I want this shirt now

>> No.6965360
File: 430 KB, 865x604, order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my current super small order. I'm likely going to add some more to it.

>> No.6965362

Oh thank you kindly, anon!

>> No.6965419

Try "spank amo" for generic spank!-type stuff, spank打底裤 specifically for leggings/tights (Chinese search term is leggings, check the dictionaries in OP)

>> No.6965489


>> No.6966009

No nononononoooo!
I bought that EXACT same mannequinn and it cannot hold a lolita (heaviesh?) dress. I also ordered a dress rack and the thing fell down by the weight of just 3 dresses.

>> No.6966010

How long does CLassical puppets take to send out to an SS? Not custom made, in-stock.

>> No.6966014

Someone asked this already. In my personal experience, it took 2-3 months. I should have kicked their asses into gear sooner...

>> No.6966016

link to the sailor tops?

>> No.6966026
File: 549 KB, 616x660, replacement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm planning my first order, even though I have no money...
I just can't decide between the fuzzy bondage set, or the leather one with the 4-way tie

>> No.6966038

link to sailor shirts?
aaand link to bondage set?


>> No.6966040

Has anyone else used buychina to order stuff from taobao?
I just got a huge order and it ended up being pretty cheap compared to some of the shopping services i've used before, and way easier. I just thought it was kind of weird that its never really been mentioned here or really anywhere else before

>> No.6966061

Keys: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=17238554921
I really like these, they look just like the picture and have a nice weight to them. I think I'm going to hang one on a chain and use it as a necklace.

Hat: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=23381788531
It got crushed at the bottom of my package and is kind of misshapen, but I think it shouldn't be too hard to straighten out. The ribbon is hot-glued to the hat but not particularly well, some trailing threads on the serged edges. It's a little more flexible than it looks in the stock photos. I like it, it's cute and fits my head well.

>> No.6966057

I got two kinds of sticky bras. For reference, I usually wear a 32A or 34A bra, so I don't know how well these would work it you have a larger chest.

Gel/silicone: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16986479192
I got these in all three thicknesses that they come in, just to try. The thin one is about the same thickness as a regular bra and molds really well to my boobs. I wore it out all day today and didn't have any problems with it unsticking. Admittedly I didn't do anything that caused me to sweat, but it felt pretty well stuck even at the end of the day and came off with no residue.

After some experimenting with all three, I've concluded that they push together much better than they push up, even on my small chest. If you're looking for support, I don't think these will help much. In particular, the thicker ones seem like they might weigh your boobs down. They seem pretty sturdy, including the clasp, though I can imagine that if you made a small tear in one it would quickly get bigger. I really like the texture of the silicone, it's not quite the same squishiness as flesh, but it feels more natural to me than typical bra padding. Given that, I think the thick ones would be really good for wearing under a larger bra to make it look "natural". The thin one I'm fine wearing alone.

One final note--the packaging is large and the thick ones in particular were heavier than I expected, so it might be worth buying them off of ebay instead of taobao to save on the shipping.

Sticky push-up: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=22700220327
I don't really like this, there's a small not-sticky part that's presumably for your nipple, but it causes a weird indentation on the other side. It seems not as sticky as the other kind, a little stiffer, and generally less comfortable to wear. It does seem to work better at pushing up, though, and packaging was nice and light.

>> No.6966058

Do the fuzzy, another anon confirmed that the cuffs are switchable, so you can do arm with leg on one side.

>> No.6966075

I'm confused. I don't know what this means? I can attach a wrist cuff to an ankle cuff, or?


Idk where the other anons are getting theirs from, but this shop as 2 silver crowns and the item has pretty great ratings, so...

>> No.6966161

Link to the white blouse in the middle, please?
Can't quite make out the watermark

>> No.6966219

Hi Buychina. How do I know? Because you are mentioned here OFTEN as a terrible place to use.

>> No.6966259

I've had this happen before to me too, minus the whole "tracking number never existing" thing.

It's actually a pretty common problem, if google is anything to go by. Just search "tracking null pvg".

>> No.6966267

Yeah but now when you search it, it says the tracking number doesn't exist. The agency basically said I have to sit around with my fingers crossed until the 20 days from shipment is up before anything can be done.

>> No.6966281

Looks like http://shop33886139.taobao.com/ to me.

>> No.6966323
File: 53 KB, 841x569, aaa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I 'm looking for these tights ( see picture ) The watermark looks familiar but I cant seem to find it. Anyone know whose selling them?
I know Pumkin Cat is selling the jsk and salopette with the same print but their page is failing to load.

>> No.6966353

any more stores like bonbon21 ?

>> No.6966623

I just placed a reservation on those.

>> No.6966632

wow that was fast! Thanks!

>> No.6966700

My bell shaped petti took 3 days.

>> No.6966715

don't diss kobito dukan

>> No.6966728
File: 382 KB, 647x384, hey hey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone give me search terms or links for hats like these? or at least classic lolita-ish brown and black hats.

>> No.6966730

Ooo, super seconding this request! I've searched and found nothing myself...

>> No.6966840

Thankyou both of you, even if I'll never get it I'm glad to know where it came from now.

>> No.6966860



I have it in long sleeves already and love it. It comes in three sizes.

>> No.6966900

Here's a replica of it:
Not the best looking but maybe you can add some more lace to it?

>> No.6966905

Wow, sorry I was looking at that cloudy moon mess bag. Here's the link:

>> No.6967039

What is a good term to use when searching for shirts with three quarter length sleeves?
I've tried
三季度 - three quarter
四分之三 - three fourths

>> No.6967078

Try 七分袖

>> No.6967082

What's Celestial Delinquent's service charge? I can't seem to find it on her website.

>> No.6967093


Alright, using Taobaoring, made 3 orders, asked for all to be combined.

ISSUE: I got refunded about $50 USD for shipping, so they're shipping the first order that got everything in already!

I Emailed them URGENT PLEASE DON'T SHIP MY ORDER but the status on my Taobao order is "Await shipping", I don't want to pay for shipping twice, fuck I didn't even PAY second payment but I got a receipt saying I did, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! How can I get in contact with them?!?!?

>> No.6967097

Sorry for the caps abuse! I always use Taobaoring and never once have I had a problem with them. I know they use refunded money for shipping but I didn't ASK them to ship this order by itself, I wanted them all combined! Like what the fuck holy shit -_- they're shipping without my permission and wasting my money on EMS shipping... I always use SAL it gets to me in two weeks and EMS is like 4x the price.

>> No.6967103

If that garbage is melty moon replica I'll flip my shit

>> No.6967111

Does anyone know how to use Sydney and James MSN service? What do I need? My Email address is a Yahoo! one and I'm not even familiar with Yahoo! IM. I know they're offline right now but I need to know how to so I can contact them ASAP!

>> No.6967161

It's a formula:

>> No.6967167

Ah, got it. Thanks!

>> No.6967258

In the top right image, is that for the lacy stocking/garter/wahtever or for those shorts? If it's for the shorts I'd like the link.

>> No.6967264

Anyone help?

>> No.6967268

Really? I just used them and it was super easy which is why I brought it up. I guess I don't lurk these threads very often, so that's probably why I didn't see it, my mistake.
What have they done exactly? I was thinking about making a second order but I'm kind of skeptical now after seeing that...

>> No.6967274

Spammed the shit out of cgl and emails (and now tumblr I've noticed), and there's a ton of stories of scamming. Like, moreso than a lot of the other SS.

They're basically the Milanoo of SS (if you can say that, since milanoo is also sort of an SS now).

>> No.6967282

Wow, I had no idea... guess I got lucky?
Scamming as in not delivering items or...?

>> No.6967287

I believe so. Or inserting fees that weren't previously mentioned.

This is just what I grasped from various scammer watch websites I read back when they started to pop up again and I looked into it, but I know the spamming here is documented and I've seen it on tumblr.

>> No.6967289

I'm not sure about scamming, but they used to spam here on /cgl/. Also, they sent out a lot of emails to people telling them that they hadn't payed for their order, when they never even ordered anything. I guess that would be scamming if someone was stupid enough to pay. Basically they are really shady.

>> No.6967292

Read the SS spreadsheet.

>> No.6967293

Curious, what scammer watch sites did you find that stuff on?

Not anon that you replied to.

>> No.6967298

I don't remember, it was awhile ago and just stuff I picked off from google... If you google 'buychina scam' you should find the same ones?

I just went and looked again and there's a lot more, recent results now it looks like that are from tumblrfashion kinds of people asking about it and giving better reviews, which I guess is from the resurgence? Maybe they're trying to clean up their act? I don't know.

>> No.6967335


>> No.6967474

Thanks anon!

>> No.6967508

Hey guys! My best friends birthday is in a few months and she really really really likes cat. So if you guys know where to get any cute cat tshirts/notebooks/etc that'd be great! Also I'm wondering where you guys get those really cute bras? I saw them in previous threads and someone told me before but I lost the link..
allllllso does anyone know where to get those navy blue japanese school swimsuits? I'm not up for paying the price JLIST has it for.
Thanks in advance!

>> No.6967524

Try using the spreadsheet in OP's post to find cat stuff. People here generally aren't interested in being your personal shopper.
Since I already had the page open, here's a good place for bras. http://pinkyqueen.taobao.com/

>> No.6967533

Order her a cat from taobao.

>> No.6967542
File: 126 KB, 500x375, T2t9grXcNXXXXXXXXX_!!59459605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I went ahead and impulse bought these blouses in sax and lav after someone posted the link here without even reading the measurements, The bust says 85 whilst I am 89, but goddamn I'm still gonna try and fit into them.
They're were sold out when I first ordered but Pruany said they were restocking and apparently they now have.

>> No.6967563
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And make sure it's a burando cat.

>> No.6967564

They say the material is a bit stretchy, if it's only a few cm difference, you should be ok!

>> No.6967579


Oh, are there replicas of those already? AP only released them a few weeks ago?

>> No.6967581

The annoying part is I probably couldn't lose any weight to help, I'm pretty thin/normal A cup but fuck my ribs are massive.

>> No.6967587

Good classic loli bouses that accommodate larger busts? I'm literally right on the 95cm average I keep seeing for most of the sellers, feels bad.

>> No.6967599

Yo, has anyone ever bought wigs from http://wige.taobao.com ? They're all dirt cheap and I'm considering buying a shitton; just wondering what the catch is.

>> No.6967609
File: 92 KB, 701x701, 676562554_169_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where I can find more t-shirts from this brand? I searched around, but I've only found shorts and button up shirts.
I see a lot of them on store envy, but I can't see buying these shirts for $18+ if I can find them on taobao.

>> No.6967621

I don't think you need to lose any tbh. My bust is 90cm, and yet I can still fit into clothes recommended for 85cm bust. I think any higher would just make the buttons pop.

>> No.6967641

Stick "panda ice cream" into Google Translate, get the Chinese search terms, and stick that into Taobao. Look around, more than a few places sell that shirt and similar styles

>> No.6967645

That's made me very hopefull, well I'll review them when I get them I guess anyway.

>> No.6967662

Oh my god I'm so stupid, I didn't even think of that. Thank you for the help!

>> No.6967801
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, cya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know people have asked it a million times, but did anyone ever find the heart-shaped O-rings creepyeha uses? I stopped checking these threads for a couple months.

>> No.6967808

one of the knock off shops now uses them instead of the old flat style with the 'keyring' part on it. At least they posted samples of the new solid rings last month or so, don't remember which shop, whichever the better one is

>> No.6967819

Link please??

>> No.6967842

Yup. You can do it with ankle/wrist.

>> No.6967890

The url of the shop is on that picture.

>> No.6968001

Oh my God I am so stupid. Thank you.

>> No.6968003
File: 156 KB, 500x402, galaxy fuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm late to the game here, but does any one know which shops carry the Galaxy Fuku? I'm just now getting into Taobao (the op to all of these threads has been really helpful so thanks to all for that) and its one of the things I've been wanting to buy for a while.

>> No.6968006

Not really sure if this is a Taobao question or more of a 4chan question, but I've been far behind with Taobao threads. The archive I normally use is rebeccablacktech, but I can't find it. Can anyone link me to the last thread's archive? Thank you.

>> No.6968010

What the fuck happened to rebecca archives? I can't find them either!

>> No.6968019


>> No.6968050
File: 88 KB, 640x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought the see through dresses from taobao and got something good? Which shops do you recommend?
I read before, I think from here, that someone got a crappy piece.

>> No.6968051

Does anyone know where to get nice floral studded headbands on taobao? I'd love to get one from creepyyeha but she doesn' seem to do them much anymore, and any links I had saved are all sold out.

>> No.6968072

Search 星空水手服

Try searching 铆钉花发箍, you'll have to sift through a bunch of regular studded/floral headbands, but there are some that have both in the results

>> No.6968075

Thank you so much!

>> No.6968279

Welp, I'm pretty sure I just found the greatest website for Taobao browsing.


It has price comparisons, god damn.

>> No.6968286


It seems they are sold out of that top, though. If anyone has any links to it somewhere else, that would be great!

>> No.6968630

Huh? It says they have 47 pieces in stock, I just ordered some...

>> No.6968631


Ah sorry, I didn't see it. The first image doesn't look very sheer when I was looking for it.


>> No.6968693
File: 53 KB, 500x513, WAAANNNNNTTTTT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god.

Never in my life have I wished so hard that it was fashionable to wear whatever the fuck from whatever culture as much as I do now.

I want to get married and divorced 20 times so I can wear every dress here. It's cheesy and crazy and elaborate and I love it.


>> No.6968695

Just get your husband to do tons of wedding photoshoots with you. I'm sure he would love you enough to do it.

>> No.6968699


Those tuxedos my god.

>> No.6968704
File: 175 KB, 950x629, pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the first time I've seen men's fashion that was actually kind of interesting.

>> No.6968707
File: 147 KB, 950x634, T2eVD7Xf8XXXXXXXXX_!!627988447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


god damnit why is this image so funny to me

>> No.6968710
File: 150 KB, 600x950, T2V_2lXj4aXXXXXXXX_!!627988447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't dress like this every single day

Somebody help me, I turning back into the weeaboo I was in high school. I want to wear all of the kimonos and asian shit they have.

>> No.6968713

-That goatee is clearly fake
-He reminds you of an Asian RDJ
-That 1000 yard dead eye stare into the abyss
-"Honey I love- honey? Hello? Are you listening to me? Baby what are you staring at?"

>> No.6968716

>I don't even know this girl

>> No.6968717
File: 244 KB, 950x633, T2n8mTXahaXXXXXXXX_!!627988447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hnnngh this is adorable

>> No.6968720

Fuck. I need this with my SO.

>> No.6968723
File: 85 KB, 600x900, T2FUEiXgVXXXXXXXXX_!!627988447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahah this image

>> No.6968726

i miss the burando cats discussion
it was hilarious

>> No.6968732

Ah thanks a million!